
International and comparative social history

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International and comparative social history

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Table of Contents

  • Global labour history : a state of the art

  • Urban radicals, rural allies : social democracy and the agrarian issue, 1870-1914

  • Free and unfree labour : the debate continues

  • Migration, migration history, history : old paradigms and new perspectives

  • Social security mutualism : the comparative history of mutual benefit societies

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Related Material
Global labour history : a state of the art
Urban radicals, rural allies : social democracy and the agrarian issue, 1870-1914
Free and unfree labour : the debate continues
Migration, migration history, history : old paradigms and new perspectives
Social security mutualism : the comparative history of mutual benefit societies
The rise and development of collective labour law
Migration, migration history, history : old paradigms and new perspectives
Child labour's global past, 1650-2000
The international confederation of free trade unions
Between cross and class : comparative histories of Christian labour in Europe, 1840-2000
Migration, migration history, history : old paradigms and new perspectives
A dream deferred : new studies in Russian and Soviet labour history
ILO histories : essays on the International Labour Organization and its impact on the world during the twentieth century
Wages and currency : global comparisons from antiquity to the twentieth century
Racism and the labour market : historical studies
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA27809061 : BA27809061