
The Garland library of Latin poetry

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The Garland library of Latin poetry

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Garland Pub
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Poetae Latini minoresLeave the NDL website. The vocabulary of intrigue in Roman comedy . Studies in the songs of Plautine comedyLeave the NDL website. Lucilius und KallimachosLeave the NDL website. The pattern of sound in LucretiusLeave the NDL website. Latin hexameter verseLeave the NDL website. Post-Augustan poetryLeave the NDL website. The epyllion from Theocritus to OvidLeave the NDL website. The Roman elegists' attitude to womenLeave the NDL website. Die Elegien des Sextus PropertiusLeave the NDL website. Studien zum Verständnis der römischen LiteraturLeave the NDL website. Seneca's ApocolocyntosisLeave the NDL website. T. Lucreti Cari De rerum natura libri sexLeave the NDL website. Res metricaLeave the NDL website. Ad Propertii Carmina commentarius criticusLeave the NDL website. Ad topica carminum amatoriorum symbolae . Studies in the diction of the sermo amatorius in Roman comedy . Militat omnis amansLeave the NDL website. Half-lines and repetitions in VirgilLeave the NDL website. L'art de la composition chez Catulle . Meter and diction in Catullus' hendecasyllabicsLeave the NDL website. The divinity of the Roman emperorLeave the NDL website. A concordance of LucretiusLeave the NDL website. Horace, odes and epodesLeave the NDL website. Q. Horatius Flaccus : ex recensione et cum notisLeave the NDL website. Studies in Roman literature, culture, and religionLeave the NDL website. Études sur la poésie latine : nature et mission du poèteLeave the NDL website. Poetical theory in republican RomeLeave the NDL website. A commentary on CatullusLeave the NDL website. L'elegia di ProperzioLeave the NDL website. The poems of CiceroLeave the NDL website. Virgil's "Gathering of the clans" ; Aeneas at the site of Rome ; The death of TurnusLeave the NDL website. Caroli Lachmanni in T. Lucretii Cari De rerum natura libros commentarius iterum editusLeave the NDL website. Maphaeus Vegius and his thirteenth book of the AeneidLeave the NDL website. Accentual symmetry in VergilLeave the NDL website. The allegory of the AeneidLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Poetae Latini minores

  • The vocabulary of intrigue in Roman comedy . Studies in the songs of Plautine comedy

  • Lucilius und Kallimachos

  • The pattern of sound in Lucretius

  • Latin hexameter verse

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Poetae Latini minores
The vocabulary of intrigue in Roman comedy . Studies in the songs of Plautine comedy
Lucilius und Kallimachos
The pattern of sound in Lucretius
Latin hexameter verse
Post-Augustan poetry
The epyllion from Theocritus to Ovid
The Roman elegists' attitude to women
Die Elegien des Sextus Propertius
Studien zum Verständnis der römischen Literatur
Seneca's Apocolocyntosis
T. Lucreti Cari De rerum natura libri sex
Res metrica
Ad Propertii Carmina commentarius criticus
Ad topica carminum amatoriorum symbolae . Studies in the diction of the sermo amatorius in Roman comedy . Militat omnis amans
Half-lines and repetitions in Virgil
L'art de la composition chez Catulle . Meter and diction in Catullus' hendecasyllabics
The divinity of the Roman emperor
A concordance of Lucretius
Horace, odes and epodes
Q. Horatius Flaccus : ex recensione et cum notis
Studies in Roman literature, culture, and religion
Études sur la poésie latine : nature et mission du poète
Poetical theory in republican Rome
A commentary on Catullus
L'elegia di Properzio
The poems of Cicero
Virgil's "Gathering of the clans" ; Aeneas at the site of Rome ; The death of Turnus
Caroli Lachmanni in T. Lucretii Cari De rerum natura libros commentarius iterum editus
Maphaeus Vegius and his thirteenth book of the Aeneid
Accentual symmetry in Vergil
The allegory of the Aeneid
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