
Perspectives on rethinking and reforming education

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Perspectives on rethinking and reforming education

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series editors, Zhongying Shi, Shengquan Yu
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Table of Contents

  • Knowledge building and regulation in computer-supported collaborative learning

  • Shaping future schools with digital technology : an international handbook

  • Comprehensive global competence for world-class universities in China : context, concept, model and evaluation

  • Portraits of Chinese schools

  • Technology, research and professional learning : constructing intellectual exchange in the rise of network society

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Material Type
series editors, Zhongying Shi, Shengquan Yu
Author Heading
石, 中英 セキ, チュウエイ
余, 胜泉 ヨ, シュウセン
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Related Material
Knowledge building and regulation in computer-supported collaborative learning
Shaping future schools with digital technology : an international handbook
Comprehensive global competence for world-class universities in China : context, concept, model and evaluation
Portraits of Chinese schools
Technology, research and professional learning : constructing intellectual exchange in the rise of network society
Conceptualizing soft power of higher education : globalization and universities in China and the world
Global higher education shared communities : efforts and concerns from key universities in China
Education policies and the restructuring of the educational profession : global and comparative perspectives
Global higher education shared communities : efforts and concerns from key universities in China
Conceptualizing and contextualizing higher education with Chinese characteristics : ontological and epistemological dimensions
Innovating world-class technology-oriented higher education in China : ideas, strategies, and practices
Vocational education and training in ASEAN member states : current status and future development
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research