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- Quantum dynamics and laser control for photochemistryHeteronuclear Efimov scenario in ultracold quantum gases : universality in systems with large mass imbalanceComplexity in financial markets : modeling psychological behavior in agent-based models and order book modelsActive tectonics of the hellenic subduction zoneNew Organocatalytic Strategies for the Selective Synthesis of Centrally and Axially Chiral MoleculesPredicting flow-induced acoustics at near-stall conditions in an automotive turbocharger compressor : a numerical approachDesign, construction and research application of a differential electrochemical mass spectrometer (DEMS)Interplay of quantum and statistical fluctuations in critical quantum matterNoncovalent functionalization of carbon nanotubes : fundamental aspects of dispersion and separation in waterRadial-velocity searches for planets around active starsFrom atom optics to quantum simulation : interacting bosons and fermions in three-dimensional optical lattice potentialsIron-catalysed hydrofunctionalisation of alkenes and alkynesAdvanced statistical methods for astrophysical probes of cosmologyTopological states on interfaces protected by symmetryMany-body Schrödinger dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensatesQuantum microscopy of biological systemsCritical phenomena in loop modelsQuantum-dot-based semiconductor optical amplifiers for O-band optical communicationFerroelectric domain walls : statics, dynamics, and functionalities revealed by atomic force microscopyProbing galaxy evolution by unveiling the structure of massive galaxies across cosmic time and in diverse environmentsMuonium-antimuonium oscillations in an extended minimal supersymmetric standard modelCarbon nanotubes as platforms for biosensors with electrochemical and electronic transductionPrecision interferometry in a new shape : higher-order Laguerre-Gauss modes for gravitational wave detectionEvolution of black holes in anti-de Sitter spacetime and the firewall controversyObservation of superconductivity in epitaxially grown atomic layers : in situ electrical transport measurementsHigh-resolution experiments on strong-field ionization of atoms and molecules : test of tunneling theory, the role of doubly excited states, and channel-selective electron spectraThermodynamics of information processing in small systemsSpin squeezing and non-linear atom interferometry with Bose-Einstein condensatesClassical statistical mechanics with nested samplingClassical and quantum aspects of gravity in relation to emergent paradigmIon Correlations at Electrified Soft Matter InterfacesPolarization and CP violation measurements : angular analysis of B → ΦK* decays and search for CP violation at the Belle experimentA Bayesian analysis of QCD sum rulesSimulations of dark energy cosmologiesSystem theory in geomorphology : challenges, epistemological consequences and practical implicationsStudies of nanoconstrictions, nanowires and Fe3O4 thin films : electrical conduction and magnetic properties ; fabrication by foucused electron/ion beamNonlinear and nonequilibrium dynamics of quantum-dot optoelectronic devicesTackling the inverse problem for non-autonomous systems : application to the life sciencesInvestigating the A-type stars using Kepler dataPreparation, characterisation and reactivity of low oxidation state d-block metal complexes stabilised by extremely bulky amide ligandsDijet angular distributions in proton-proton collisions : at √s = 7 TeV and √s = 14 TeVSpace-time foliation in quantum gravityAgent-based simulation of vulnerability dynamics : a case study of the German North Sea CoastChiral and topological nature of magnetic skyrmionsThermal transport in semiconductors : first principles and phonon hydrodynamicsCoarse-grained modelling of DNA and DNA self-assemblySoft and hard probes of QCD topological structures in relativistic heavy-ion collisionsThe nature of dusty star-forming galaxiesCharge and heat transport phenomena in 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density functionalsSearch for new physics in mono-jet final states in pp collisions : at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS Experiment at the LHCRheological and seismic properties of solid-melt systems : a mechanical spectroscopy studyFormulation of statistical mechanics based on thermal pure quantum statesHiggs potential and naturalness after the Higgs discoveryMolecular electronic control over tunneling charge transfer plasmons modesMulti-species systems in optical lattices : from orbital physics in excited bands to effects of disorderLepton flavor violation from low scale seesaw neutrinos with masses reachable at the LHCMeasurements of spin-orbit angles for transiting systems : toward an understanding of the migration history of exoplanetsGravitational wave astrophysics with pulsar timing arraysSearch for charginos nearly mass-degenerate with the lightest neutralino : based on a disappearing-track signature in pp collisions at [√s] = 8 TeVElectron-phonon interaction in conventional and 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in quantum gravityEmergent superconductivity in low dimensionsDevelopment of a sub-glacial radio telescope for the detection of GZK neutrinosControl of complex nonlinear systems with delayMorphology, kinematics and star formation across the hubble sequence of galaxiesStudy on fabrication and performance of metal-supported solid oxide fuel ceellsMagnetism and transport phenomena in spin-charge coupled systems on frustrated latticesFluid distribution along the Nankai-Trough megathrust fault off the Kii peninsula : inferred from receiver function analysisA defeasible logic programming-based framework to support argumentation in semantic web applicationsOn gauge fixing aspects of the infrared behavior of Yang-Mills green functionsLow threshold organic semiconductor lasers : hybrid optoelectronjics and applications as explosive sensorsHeavy WIMP effective theory : formalism and applications for scattering on nucleon targetsFormulation of uncertainty relation between error and disturbance in quantum measurement by using quantum estimation theoryFast spectral variability in the x-ray emission of accreting black holesThe transits of extrasolar planets with moonsVisualization of hydrogen-bond dynamics : water-based model systems on a Cu(110) surfaceEntanglement between noncomplementary parts of many-body systemsFrom classical to quantum plasmonics in three and two dimensionsDynamics and characterization of composite quantum systemsApplying machine learning for automated classification of biomedical data in subject-independent settings : doctoral thesis accepted by the University of Sydney, AustraliaDelay-coupled complex systems : and applications to lasersSecular evolution of self-gravitating systems over cosmic ageAerosol-cloud interactions from urban, regional, to global scalesCharge multiplicity asymmetry correlation study searching for local parity violation at RHIC for STAR collaborationStochastic dynamics of crystal defectsDynamics of the milky way : tidal streams and 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in silicon from dynamic luminescenceEquilibrium and nonequilibrium aspects of phase transitions in quantum physicsEvolutionary games in complex topologies : interplay between structure and dynamicsHeavy quarkonium production phenomenology and automation of one-loop scattering amplitude computationsStudy on Climate Change in Southwestern ChinaUniaxial stress technique and investigations of correlated electron systemsTowards robust algebraic multigrid methods for nonsymmetric problemsBeyond standard model collider phenomenology of Higgs physics and supersymmetryInformation thermodynamics on causal networks and its application to biochemical signal transductionGeneralized perturbations in modified gravity and dark energyQuantum phase transitions in cold atoms and low temperature solidsExploring the architecture of transiting exoplanetary systems with high-precision photometryThe black hole-neutron star binary merger in full general relativity : dependence on neutron star equations of stateDecoding complexity : uncovering patterns in economic networksLayered two-dimensional heterostructures and their tunneling characteristicsNumerical methods for time-resolved quantum nanoelectonicsPhysics of turbulent jet ignition : mechanisms and dynamics of ultra-lean combustionOptical properties of bismuth-based topological insulators : doctoral thesis accepted by the Technical University "Sapienza" of Rome, ItalyTheoretical study on correlation effects in topological matterDevelopment of a new heterocycle-forming reaction and kinetic resolution with N-Heterocyclic carbenesA statistical and multi-wavelength study of star formation in galaxiesAdvances in K-means clustering : a data mining thinkingTests of Lorentz invariance with an optical ring cavityApplications of the gauge/gravity dualityMathematical modeling through topological surgery and applicationsProduct of random stochastic matrices and distributed averagingMolecular spintronics : from organic semiconductors to self-assembled monolayersCharge dynamics in 122 iron-based superconductorsOptimised projections for the ab initio simulation of large and strongly correlated systemsThe B-L phase transition : implications for cosmology and neutrinosSymmetries of Maldacena-Wilson loops from integrable string theoryStudy of quark gluon plasma by particle correlations in heavy ion collisionsEnergy level alignment and electron transport through metal/organic contacts : from interfaces to molecular electronicsSelf-assembly of flat organic molecules on metal surfaces : a theoretical characterisationBiodiversity and evolutionary ecology of extinct organismsInSAR observations of ground deformation : application to the Cascades Volcanic ArcAngle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on high-temperature superconductors : studies of Bi2212 and single-layer FeSe film grown on SrTiO3 substratePhotoemission spectroscopy on high temperature superconductor : a study of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 by laser-based angle-resolved photoemissionUtilization of renormalized mean-field theory upon novel quantum materialsNon-equilibrium energy transformation processes : theoretical description at the level of molecular structuresCarbohydrate-based interactions at the molecular and the cellular level : doctoral thesis accepted by the University of Bristol, UKNonequilibrium dynamics of collective excitations in quantum materialsNon-universal superconducting gap structure in iron-pnictides revealed by magnetic penetration depth measurementsBaryonic processes in the large-scale structuring of the universeSymmetries and dynamics of star clustersLate transition metal-carboryne complexes : synthesis, structure, bonding, and reaction with alkenes and alkynesLow frequency radio observations of galaxy clusters and groupsStereoselective desymmetrization methods in the assembly of complex natural moleculesMeasurements of the X[c] and X[b] quarkonium states in pp collisions with the ATLAS experimentAdvanced theory of fractional-slot concentrated-wound permanent magnet synchronous machinesNanoscale AFM and TEM observations of elementary dislocation mechanismsFiber solar cells : materials, processing and devicesClassical pendulum feels quantum back-actionNew gold-catalyzed reactions and applications for the synthesis of alkaloidsGrating-based x-ray phase-contrast mammographyDark energy and the formation of the large scale structure of the universeMagnetic Field Effects in Low-Dimensional Quantum MagnetsStatistical physics of wave interactions : a unified approach to mode-locking and random lasersPhase transitions in two-dimensional complex plasmasA theoretical study of Pd-catalyzed C-C cross-coupling reactionsConstraining supersymmetric models : using Higgs physics, precision observables and direct searchesIncreasing perceptual skills of robots through proximal force/torque sensors : a study for the implementation of active compliance on the iCub humanoid robotMeasurement of the pep and CNO solar neutrino interaction rates in Borexino : doctoral thesis accepted by the University of Genoa, Italy/ Stefano DaviniCoherent control of nuclei and X-raysFunctional renormalization and ultracold quantum gasesArtificial gauge fields with ultracold atoms in optical latticesDiversity, biomineralization and rock magnetism of magnetotactic bacteriaThe tidal disruption of stars by supermassive black holes: an analytic approachAnalysis of the electric dipole moment in the R-parity violating supersymmetric standard modelAnalysis and design of power converter topologies for application in future more electric aircraftCharacterizing entanglement and quantum correlations constrained by symmetryDynamics of complex autonomous boolean networksDirect measurement of the hyperfine structure interval of positronium using high-power millimeter wave technologyProbing the early universe with the CMB scalar, vector and tensor bispectrum : doctoral thesis accepted by Nagoya University, Nagoya, Aichi, JapanPhenomenological structure for the large deviation principle in time-series statistics : a method to control the rare events in non-equilibrium systemsOptical cooling using the dipole forceThermospheric density and wind determination from satellite dynamicsGravitational wave detection and data analysis for pulsar timing arraysFree boundary problems and asymptotic behavior of singularly perturbed partial differential equationsQuantum entanglement of complex structures of photons : doctoral thesis accepted by the University of Vienna, AustriaScattering amplitudes and Wilson loops in twistor spaceControlled synthesis of Pt-Ni bimetallic catalysts and study of their catalytic propertiesOptimized dark matter searches in deep observations of Segue 1 with MAGICSubmillimetre studies of prestellar and starless cores in the ophiuchus, taurus and cepheus molecular cloudsTowards solid-state quantum repeaters : ultrafast, coherent optical control and spin-photon entanglement in charged InAs quantum dotsDualities, helicity amplitudes, and little conformal symmetryDifferential rotation in sun-like stars from surface variability and asteroseismologyDirac spectra in dense QCDRaman spectroscopy of conformational rearrangements at low temperatures : folding and stretching of alkanes in supersonic jetsX-ray studies of the central engine in active galactic nuclei with suzakuPoints, lines, and surfaces at criticalityDesign, synthesis and characterization of new supramolecular architecturesTheory of bilayer graphene spectroscopyPerturbative and non-perturbative approaches to string sigma-models in AdS/CFTFundamentals of phase separation in polymer blend thin filmsStudying atomic dynamics with coherent X-raysA global kinetic model for electron radiation belt formation and evolutionEntropies of condensed phases and complex systems : a first principles approachCoupled dynamics in soil : experimental and numerical studies of energy, momentum and mass transferSpectroscopic study on charge-spin-orbital coupled phenomena in Mott-transition oxidesGeomechanics, fluid dynamics and well testing, applied to naturally fractured carbonate reservoirs : extreme naturally fractured reservoirsSpin and charge ordering in the quantum Hall regimeA network-based approach to cell metabolism : from structure to flux balancesStability to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equationsRelativistic dissipative hydrodynamic description of the quark-gluon plasmaMagnetoelectric response in low-dimensional frustrated spin systemsHiggs, supersymmetry and dark matter after run I of the LHCImproving infrared-based precipitation retrieval algorithms using multi-spectral satellite imageryDesign and impact of water treaties : managing climate changeSelf-organized arrays of gold nanoparticles : morphology and plasmonic propertiesHigh-precision studies of compact variable starsIrreversibility and dissipation in microscopic systemsSynthesis and original reactivity of copper and gold complexes : σ-bond coordination, oxidative addition, migratory insertionHadronic transport coefficients from effective field theoriesMulticomponent Interfacial Transport : described by the square gradient model during evaporation and condensationKey technologies of magnetically coupled resonant wireless power transferFractional-order modeling and control of dynamic systemsMillimeter and submillimeter studies on the active trinity of gas, stars, and black holes in Seyfert galaxiesEnergy transfer and dissipation in plasma turbulence : from compressible MHD to collisionless plasmaExploring macroscopic quantum mechanics in optomechanical devicesSearch for the pentaquark Θ[+] via the π[-]p → K[-]X Reaction at J-PARCNon-minimal Higgs inflation and frame dependence in cosmologyCopper-catalyzed electrophilic amination of sp[2] and sp[3] C-H bondsSynthesis, characterization and reactivity of Ylidyne and μ-Ylido complexes supported by scorpionato ligandsLand rights and expropriation in EthiopiaSearch for dark matter with ATLAS : using events with a highly energetic jet and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeVInvestigation into high efficiency visible light photocatalysts for water reduction and oxidationHigh-resolution spin-resolved photoemission spectrometer and the Rashba effect in bismuth thin filmsThermal quantum field theory and perturbative non-equilibrium dynamicsFinite sample analysis in quantum estimationA Search for Muon Neutrino to Electron Neutrino Oscillations in the MINOS ExperimentJet quenching in relativistic heavy ion collisions at the LHCCondensed matter applications of AdS/CFT : focusing on strange metalsStatistical mechanics for athermal fluctuation : non-Gaussian noise in physicsEpoxidations and hydroperoxidations of α, β-unsaturated ketones : an approach through asymmetric organocatalysisBounds on the effective theory of gravity in models of particle physics and cosmologyTopics in theoretical and computational nanoscience : from controlling light at the nanoscale to calculating quantum effects with classical electrodynamicsAdvances in gain-scheduling and fault tolerant control techniquesThermal convection, magnetic field, and differential rotation in solar-type starsImpacts of selenium on the biogeochemical cycles of mercury in terrestrial ecosystems in mercury mining areasScanning SQUID microscope for studying vortex matter in type-II superconductors : doctoral thesis accepted by the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IsraelHow do spores select where to settle? : a holographic motility analysis of Ulva zoospores on different surfacesOrbital dynamics in the gravitational field of small bodiesZ Boson transverse momentum distribution, and ZZ and WZ production : measurements using 7.3-8.6 fb[-1] of pp̄ collisions at [√s] = 1.96 TeVMeasurement of the top quark mass in the dilepton final state using the matrix element methodA study of the isoscalar giant monopole resonance : the role of symmetry energy in nuclear incompressibility in the open-shell nucleiTopological orders with spins and fermions : quantum phases and computationSuperconductivity in graphene and carbon nanotubes : proximity effect and nonlocal transportExplosive percolation in random networksThe universal coefficient theorem and quantum field theory : a topological guide for the duality seekerThe influence of demographic stochasticity on population dynamics : a mathematical study of noise-induced bistable states and stochastic patternsTheoretical and experimental approaches to dark energy and the cosmological constant problemShort-channel organic thin-film transistors : fabrication, characterization, modeling and circuit demonstrationDiffractive optics for thin-film silicon solar cellsGeometrically constructed Markov chain Monte Carlo study of quantum spin-phonon complex systemsAnalysis of quantised vortex tangleA far-infrared spectro-spatial space interferometer : instrument simulator and testbed implementationCommunity structure of complex networksGraphs in perturbation theory : algebraic structure and asymptoticsCorrelation force spectroscopy for single molecule measurementsTop-quark pair production cross sections and calibration of the top-quark Monte-Carlo mass : measurements performed with the CMS detector using LHC run I Proton-Proton collision dataThermodynamics and synchronization in open quantum systemsHigh-and low-valent tris-N-heterocyclic carbene iron complexes : a study of molecular and electronic structureSources and transport of inorganic carbon in the unsaturated zone of KarstRare earth elements : a new approach to the nexus of supply, demand and use : exemplified along the use of neodymium in permanent magnetsNanoscale imaging and characterisation of amyloid-βMeasurement of the inclusive jet cross section with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron ColliderThe physics of galaxy formation : doctoral thesis accepted by the Durham University, United KingdomFermi surface and quantum critical phenomena in high-temperature superconductorsWeak-coupling theory of topological superconductivity : the case of strontium ruthenateSix-dimensional superconformal field theories and their torus compactificationsSecond-generation high-temperature superconducting coils and their applications for energy storageGamma-ray and neutrino signatures of Galactic cosmic-ray acceleratorsNon-perturbative renormalization group approach to some out-of-equilibrium systems : diffusive epidemic process and fully developed turbulenceControlling collective electronic states in cuprates and nickelates : a resonant x-ray scattering studyThermally-driven mesoscale flows and their Interaction with atmospheric boundary layer turbulenceOptical cavities for optical atomic clocks, atom interferometry and gravitational-wave detectionStudy of second generation high temperature superconductors : electromagnetic characteristics and AC loss analysisThe accretion and obscured growth of supermassive black holes : first constraints on the local heavily obscured AGN fraction with NuSTARObservational studies of photonuclear reactions triggered by lightning dischargesA digital signal processor for particle detectors : design, verification and testingPatterns of synchrony in complex networks of adaptively coupled oscillatorsTheory of multipole fluctuation mediated superconductivity and multipole phase : important roles of many body effects and strong spin-orbit couplingSpin dynamics in two-dimensional quantum materials : a theoretical studyDissipation and control in microscopic nonequilibrium systemsATLAS measurements of the Higgs boson coupling to the top quark in the Higgs to diphoton decay channelVulnerability and adaptation to climate change in Bangladesh : processes, assessment and effectsTimeless quantum mechanics and the early universeLasso-MPC -- predictive control with L1-regularised Least squaresMass term effect on fractional quantum hall states of Dirac particlesApplication of FPGA to real-time machine learning : hardware reservoir computers and software image processingSpectroscopic investigations of hydrogen bond network structures in water clustersLarge-scale structure of the universe : cosmological simulations and machine learningAnalytic solutions for flows through cascadesQuantum thermodynamics and optomechanicsResearch on the key technologies in narrowband interference and impulsive noise mitigation and cancellationDelay controlled partial synchronization in complex networksGamma rays in the 100 TeV region from potential galactic PeVatron candidates : observation with the Tibet air shower array and the muon detector arrayElectronic band structure engineering and ultrafast dynamics of dirac semimetalsJamming and glass transitions : in mean-field theories and beyondDoes digital transformation of government lead to enhanced citizens' trust and confidence in government?Water snowline in protoplanetary disksPolaritonic Chemistry : manipulating molecular structure through strong light-matter couplingStudies of proton driven plasma wakefield accelerationStatistical mechanics of Hamiltonian systems with bounded kinetic terms : an insight into negative temperatureThermal stability of metastable magnetic skyrmionsGeometric control of fracture and topological metamaterialsQuantum many-body physics in open systems : measurement and strong correlationsHiggs boson decays into a pair of bottom quarks: observation with the ATLAS detector and machine learning applicationsEffects of non-locality in gravity and quantum theoryDistribution of energy momentum tensor around static charges in lattice simulations and an effective modelOn generalised statistical equilibrium and discrete quantum gravityTesting quantum theory with higher-order interference in many-particle correlationsTheoretical study on graphite and lithium metal as anode materials for next-generation rechargeable batteriesOrder and fluctuations in collective dynamics of swimming bacteria : experimental exploration of active matter physicsIn situ transmission electron microscopy studies of carbon nanotube nucleation mechanism and carbon nanotube-clamped metal atomic chainsTsunami data assimilation for early warningDesigning topological phase of bismuth halides and controlling rashba effect in films studied by ARPESDigital quantum information processing with continuous-variable systems[15]N tracing of microbial assimilation, partitioning and transport of fertilisers in grassland soilsModelling and intelligent optimisation of production scheduling in VCIM systemsAb initio theory of magnetic ordering electronic origin of pair- and multi-spin interactionsCongestion control for 6LoWPAN wireless sensor networks : toward the internet of thingsAdS[3]/CFT[2] and holographic entanglement entropyElectronic States of Narrow-Gap Semiconductors Under Multi-Extreme ConditionsDevice-independent quantum information processing : a simplified analysisThermal quantum field theory and perturbative non-equilibrium dynamicsMagnetic dynamics in antiferromagnetically-coupled ferrimagnets : the role of angular momentumStrange and non-strange D-meson production in pp, p-Pb, and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHCFast solar wind driven by parametric decay instability and Alfvén wave turbulenceOn the nature of charge density waves, superconductivity and their interplay in 1T-TiSe〓Towards infrared finite S-matrix in quantum field theoryGeometric approaches to quantum field theoryVisualising the charge and Cooper-pair density waves in cupratesInfrared photodetectors based on low-dimensional materialsDesign of experiments for reinforcement learningFirst measurement of the running of the top quark massDust-gas instabilities in protoplanetary disks : toward understanding planetesimal formationLife cycle assessment (LCA) of light-weight eco-compositesFluctuations and non-equilibrium phenomena in strongly-correlated ultracold atomsHelium nano-bubble formation in tungsten : measurement with grazing-incidence small angle x-ray scatteringReliability-based optimization of floating wind turbine support structuresImaging light with photoelectrons on the nano-femto scaleSeaching for squarks : in compressed states and states with jets from charm quarks with the Atlas detectorPredicting the T2K neutrino flux and measuring oscillation parametersMetamaterial surface plasmon-based transmission lines and antennasTransport and turbulence in quasi-uniform and versatile Bose-Einstein condensatesDynamics of non-spherical particles in turbulenceSearches for supersymmetric particles in final states with multiple top and bottom quarks with the Atlas detectorDiscrimination of mobile supramolecular chirality : acylative molecular transformations by organocatalysisIron-catalyzed C-H/C-H coupling for synthesis of functional small molecules and polymersDouble-gyroid-structured functional materials : synthesis and applicationsExcursions in ill-condensed quantum matter : from amorphous topological insulators to fractional spinsTransient dynamics of concentrated particulate suspensions under shearNovel luminescent crystalline materials of gold(I) complexes with stimuli-responsive propertiesOrder and fluctuations in collective dynamics of swimming bacteria : experimental exploration of active matter physicsAspects of scattering amplitudes and moduli space localizationModelling non-Markovian quantum systems using tensor networksEmergent transport properties of magnetic topological insulator heterostructures : Doctoral thesis accepted by The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanGold(I,III) complexes designed for selective targeting and Inhibition of zinc finger proteinsTheory of thermodynamic measurements of quantum systems far from equilibrium
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