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Monograph series

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Society for New Testament Studies
Cambridge University Press
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The New Testament concept of witnessLeave the NDL website. The Book of Revelation and early Jewish textual cultureLeave the NDL website. Hebrews and hermeneutics : the Epistle to the Hebrews as a New Testament example of biblical interpretationLeave the NDL website. Philo and Paul among the SophistsLeave the NDL website. Kerygma and didache : the articulation and structure of the earliest Christian messageLeave the NDL website. Corinthian wisdom, stoic philosophy, and the ancient economyLeave the NDL website. The Zion traditions and the aims of JesusLeave the NDL website. St. Paul's theology of proclamation : 1 Corinthians 1-4 and Greco-Roman rhetoricLeave the NDL website. The temple and the community in Qumran and the New Testament : a comparative study in the temple symbolism of the qumran texts and the new testamentLeave the NDL website. Romans and the apologetic tradition : the purpose, genre and audience of Paul's letterLeave the NDL website. 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The politics of inheritance in RomansLeave the NDL website. The role of Jewish feasts in John's GospelLeave the NDL website. Matthew and Paul : a comparison of ethical perspectivesLeave the NDL website. The bridegroom Messiah and the people of God : marriage in the Fourth GospelLeave the NDL website. Jesus and the forgiveness of sins : an aspect of his prophetic missionLeave the NDL website. Josephus' description of the Essenes illustrated by the Dead Sea scrollsLeave the NDL website. Faith and the faithfulness of Jesus in HebrewsLeave the NDL website. Jesus and the temple : the crucifixion in its Jewish contextLeave the NDL website. The plan of God in Luke-ActsLeave the NDL website. What are the Gospels? : a comparison with Graeco-Roman biographyLeave the NDL website. Medicine, miracle, and magic in New Testament timesLeave the NDL website. Sōma in biblical theology : with emphasis on Pauline anthropologyLeave the NDL website. Women in the ministry of Jesus : a study of Jesus' attitudes to women and their roles as reflected in his earthly lifeLeave the NDL website. Pontius Pilate in history and interpretationLeave the NDL website. Paul : crisis in Galatia : a study in early Christian theologyLeave the NDL website. The torn veil : Matthew's exposition of the death of JesusLeave the NDL website. Paul and the anatomy of apostolic authorityLeave the NDL website. Enigmes de la deuxième épître de Paul aux Corinthiens : étude exégétique de 2 Cor. 2:14-7:4Leave the NDL website. The spirit-paraclete in the Gospel of JohnLeave the NDL website. Pre-existence, wisdom, and the son of man : a study of the idea of pre-existence in the New TestamentLeave the NDL website. Isaiah's Christ in Matthew's GospelLeave the NDL website. The Melchizedek tradition : a critical examination of the sources to the fifth century A.D. and in the Epistle to the HebrewsLeave the NDL website. The eschatology of 1 Peter : considering the influence of Zechariah 9-14Leave the NDL website. Geography and the Ascension narrative in ActsLeave the NDL website. Luke and the lawLeave the NDL website. Power through weakness : Paul's understanding of the Christian ministry in 2 CorinthiansLeave the NDL website. Discerning the spirits : theological and ethical hermeneutics in PaulLeave the NDL website. Consolation in Philippians : philosophical sources and rhetorical strategyLeave the NDL website. Covenant renewal and the consecration of the gentiles in RomansLeave the NDL website. The Judaean poor and the fourth GospelLeave the NDL website. On the independence of Matthew and MarkLeave the NDL website. Theological hermeneutics and 1 ThessaloniansLeave the NDL website. Cosmology and eschatology in Hebrews : the settings of the sacrificeLeave the NDL website. The past of Jesus in the gospelsLeave the NDL website. Paul's intercessory prayers : the significance of the intercessory prayer passages in the letters of St PaulLeave the NDL website. God and history in the Book of Revelation : New Testament studies in dialogue with Pannenberg and MoltmannLeave the NDL website. The purpose of the Biblical genealogies : with special reference to the setting of the genealogies of JesusLeave the NDL website. The purpose of the Biblical genealogies : with special reference to the setting of the genealogies of JesusLeave the NDL website. `And so we came to Rome' : the political perspective of St. LukeLeave the NDL website. Endurance in suffering : Hebrews 12:1-13 in its rhetorical, religious, and philosophical contextLeave the NDL website. Rhetoric and Galatians : assessing an approach to Paul's epistleLeave the NDL website. The last twelve verses of MarkLeave the NDL website. Paul's gift from Philippi : conventions of gift-exchange and Christian givingLeave the NDL website. The Old Testament pseudepigrapha and the New Testament : prolegomena for the study of Christian originsLeave the NDL website. Jesus Christ as the son of David in the Gospel of MarkLeave the NDL website. "And the two shall become one flesh" : a study of traditions in Ephesians 5:21-33Leave the NDL website. Pontius Pilate in history and interpretationLeave the NDL website. Paul, Judaism, and judgment according to deedsLeave the NDL website. Paul and the language of Scripture : citation technique in the Pauline epistles and contemporary literatureLeave the NDL website. Affirming the resurrection of the incarnate Christ : a reading of 1 JohnLeave the NDL website. Johannine Christology and the early ChurchLeave the NDL website. Authority in Paul and Peter : the identification of a pastoral stratum in the Pauline corpus and 1 PeterLeave the NDL website. Wrestling with rationality in Paul : Romans 1-8 in a new perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Ecclesiology and theosis in the Gospel of JohnLeave the NDL website. The myth of a Gentile GalileeLeave the NDL website. Community and gospel in Luke-Acts : the social and political motivations of Lucan theologyLeave the NDL website. Studies on the Testament of JobLeave the NDL website. Paul and the rhetoric of reversal in 1 Corinthians : the impact of Paul's Gospel on his macro-rhetoricLeave the NDL website. Divine discourse in the Epistle to the Hebrews : the recontextualization of spoken quotations in scriptureLeave the NDL website. The Gospel of John and the future of IsraelLeave the NDL website. An apostolic gospel : the 'Epistula apostolorum' in literary contextLeave the NDL website. Narrative and drama in the Book of Revelation : a literary approachLeave the NDL website. The revelation of the Messiah : the Christological mystery of Luke 1-2 and its unveiling in Luke-ActsLeave the NDL website. The people of God in the Apocalypse : discourse, structure, and exegesisLeave the NDL website. Israel in the apostolic ChurchLeave the NDL website. Leadership and lifestyle : the portrait of Paul in the Miletus speech and 1 ThessaloniansLeave the NDL website. Paul, the Stoics, and the body of ChristLeave the NDL website. Paul and the rhetoric of reversal in 1 Corinthians : the impact of Paul's Gospel on his macro-rhetoricLeave the NDL website. From hope to despair in Thessalonica : situating 1 and 2 ThessaloniansLeave the NDL website. John as storyteller : narrative criticism and the fourth GospelLeave the NDL website. The theological tendency of Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis in ActsLeave the NDL website. Paul's political strategy in 1 Corinthians 1-4 : constitution and covenantLeave the NDL website. The assumed authorial unity of Luke and Acts : a reassessment of the evidenceLeave the NDL website. The Passion narrative of St Luke : a critical and historical investigationLeave the NDL website. Jesus' defeat of death : persuading Mark's early readersLeave the NDL website. The first Christian historian : writing the 'Act of the apostles'Leave the NDL website. Covenant and sacrifice in the Letter to the HebrewsLeave the NDL website. Righteousness in Matthew and his world of thoughtLeave the NDL website. The Pauline church and the Corinthian Ekklēsia : Greco-Roman associations in comparative contextLeave the NDL website. The paradox of salvation : Luke's theology of the crossLeave the NDL website. Ephesians, power and magic : the concept of power in Ephesians in light of its historical settingLeave the NDL website. Paul : crisis in Galatia : a study in early Christian theologyLeave the NDL website. John as storyteller : narrative criticism and the fourth GospelLeave the NDL website. John's apologetic christology : legitimation and development in Johannine christologyLeave the NDL website. The problem of the text of ActsLeave the NDL website. The doctrine of salvation in the first letter of PeterLeave the NDL website. Der Markus-Stoff Bei Lukas : eine literarkritische und redaktionsgeschichtliche UntersuchungLeave the NDL website. The Son of Man debate : a history and evaluationLeave the NDL website. Paul : crisis in Galatia : a study in early Christian theologyLeave the NDL website. The role of emotion in 1 PeterLeave the NDL website. Belly and body in the Pauline epistlesLeave the NDL website. Riches, poverty, and the faithful : perspectives on wealth in the Second Temple period and the Apocalypse of JohnLeave the NDL website. Apocalyptic eschatology in the gospel of MatthewLeave the NDL website. The meaning of righteousness in Paul : a linguistic and theological enquiryLeave the NDL website. The heavenly counsellor in Isaiah xl 13-14 : a study of the sources of the theology of Deutero-IsaiahLeave the NDL website. "Love your enemies" : Jesus' love command in the Synoptic Gospels and in the early Christian paraenesis : a history of the tradition and interpretation of its usesLeave the NDL website. The sheep of the fold : the audience and origin of the Gospel of JohnLeave the NDL website. The Temptation and the Passion : the Markan soteriologyLeave the NDL website. Paul and the crucified Christ in Antioch : Maccabean martyrdom and Galatians 1 and 2Leave the NDL website. Sayings of the risen Jesus : Christian prophecy in the synoptic traditionLeave the NDL website. Women in the earliest churchesLeave the NDL website. Narrative and drama in the Book of Revelation : a literary approachLeave the NDL website. Paul, Judaism, and the Gentiles : a sociological approachLeave the NDL website. The genre of Acts and collected biographyLeave the NDL website. Feasting and social rhetoric in Luke 14Leave the NDL website. Jesus and Israel's traditions of judgement and restorationLeave the NDL website. Women in the earliest churchesLeave the NDL website. Purpose and cause in Pauline exegesis : Romans 1.16-4.25 and a new approach to the lettersLeave the NDL website. Jesus' death and heavenly offering in HebrewsLeave the NDL website. The origin of divine ChristologyLeave the NDL website. New creation in Paul's letters and thoughtLeave the NDL website. Les récits de résurrection des morts dans le Nouveau TestamentLeave the NDL website. Christology and the Synoptic problem : an argument for Markan priorityLeave the NDL website. Ancient rhetoric and Paul's apology : the compositional unity of 2 CorinthiansLeave the NDL website. The Zion traditions and the aims of JesusLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of Greek New Testament manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. The Pauline churches : a socio-historical study of institutionalization in the Pauline and Deutero-Pauline writingsLeave the NDL website. Angels and principalities : the background, meaning, and development of the Pauline phrase hai archai kai hai exousiaiLeave the NDL website. Wisdom in the Q-tradition : the aphoristic teaching of JesusLeave the NDL website. Aramaic sources of Mark's GospelLeave the NDL website. Discipleship and family ties in Mark and MatthewLeave the NDL website. Eschatology and the saviour : the Gospel of Mary among early Christian dialogue gospelsLeave the NDL website. Philippians : from people to letterLeave the NDL website. Geography in early Judaism and Christianity : the book of JubileesLeave the NDL website. The Psalms of lament in Mark's passion : Jesus' Davidic sufferingLeave the NDL website. Jesus of Nazareth in New Testament preachingLeave the NDL website. Paul on marriage and celibacy : the Hellenistic background of 1 Corinthians 7Leave the NDL website. Faith as a theme in Mark's narrativeLeave the NDL website. The trial of the Gospel : an apologetic reading of Luke's trial narrativesLeave the NDL website. Herod AntipasLeave the NDL website. Apocalyptic eschatology in the Gospel of MatthewLeave the NDL website. The gospel of signs : a reconstruction of the narrative source underlying the fourth GospelLeave the NDL website. The composition of the Gospel of Thomas : original language and influencesLeave the NDL website. Faith and the faithfulness of Jesus in HebrewsLeave the NDL website. The Ituraeans and the Roman Near East : reassessing the sourcesLeave the NDL website. Redactional style in the Marcan Gospel : a study of syntax and vocabulary as guides to redaction in MarkLeave the NDL website. The Epistle to the Hebrews : its background of thoughtLeave the NDL website. Paul as an administrator of God in 1 CorinthiansLeave the NDL website. The tendencies of the synoptic traditionLeave the NDL website. Luke's portrait of PaulLeave the NDL website. The New Testament Christological hymns : their historical religious backgroundLeave the NDL website. Jesus and the temple : the crucifixion in its Jewish contextLeave the NDL website. Inventing Hebrews : design and purpose in ancient rhetoricLeave the NDL website. The meaning of righteousness in Paul : a linguistic and theological enquiryLeave the NDL website. Reconstructing honor in Roman Philippi : Carmen Christi as cursus pudorumLeave the NDL website. The theme of Jewish persecution of christians in the gospel according to St MatthewLeave the NDL website. The Gentiles and the Gentile mission in Luke-ActsLeave the NDL website. John the Baptist in the gospel traditionLeave the NDL website. The revival of the Griesbach hypothesis : an analysis and appraisalLeave the NDL website. The Exorcism stories in Luke-Acts : a sociostylistic readingLeave the NDL website. Christology and discipleship in the Gospel of MarkLeave the NDL website. The death of Jesus in Matthew : innocent blood and the end of exileLeave the NDL website. The theme of Jewish persecution of christians in the gospel according to St MatthewLeave the NDL website. "And so we came to Rome" : the political perspective of St. LukeLeave the NDL website. An aramaic approach to Q : sources for the gospels of Matthew and LukeLeave the NDL website. The Shepherd Discourse of John 10 and its context : studiesLeave the NDL website. The Son of Man in the teaching of JesusLeave the NDL website. Paradise now and not yet : Studies in the role of the heavenly dimension in Paul's thought with special reference to his eschatologyLeave the NDL website. Romans 7 and Christian identity : a study of the 'I' in its literary contextLeave the NDL website. The origin of divine ChristologyLeave the NDL website. Hebrews and perfection : an examination of the concept of perfection in the "Epistle to the Hebrews"Leave the NDL website. The speeches of outsiders in Acts : poetics, theology and historiographyLeave the NDL website. Irony in Mark's Gospel : text and subtextLeave the NDL website. Wisdom in the Q-tradition : the aphoristic teaching of JesusLeave the NDL website. The hermeneutics of christological psalmody in Paul : an intertextual enquiryLeave the NDL website. The voice of Jesus in the social rhetoric of JamesLeave the NDL website. Greek words and Hebrew meanings : studies in the semantics of soteriological termsLeave the NDL website. Jews, Gentiles, and ethnic reconciliation : Paul's Jewish identity and EphesiansLeave the NDL website. Jesus and the law in the synoptic traditionLeave the NDL website. Jewish communities in Asia MinorLeave the NDL website. Matthew's Emmanuel : divine presence and God's people in the first GospelLeave the NDL website. The Apocalypse and Semitic syntaxLeave the NDL website. Greco-Roman culture and the Galilee of JesusLeave the NDL website. The genre of Acts and collected biographyLeave the NDL website. Sarcasm in Paul's lettersLeave the NDL website. The suffering son of David in Matthew's passion narrativeLeave the NDL website. Divine regeneration and ethnic identity in 1 Peter : mapping metaphors of family, race, and nationLeave the NDL website. Paul and secular singleness in 1 Corinthians 7Leave the NDL website.

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Society for New Testament Studies
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Society for New Testament Studies monograph series
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Kerygma and didache : the articulation and structure of the earliest Christian message
Corinthian wisdom, stoic philosophy, and the ancient economy
The Zion traditions and the aims of Jesus
St. Paul's theology of proclamation : 1 Corinthians 1-4 and Greco-Roman rhetoric
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The purpose of the Biblical genealogies : with special reference to the setting of the genealogies of Jesus
`And so we came to Rome' : the political perspective of St. Luke
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Rhetoric and Galatians : assessing an approach to Paul's epistle
The last twelve verses of Mark
Paul's gift from Philippi : conventions of gift-exchange and Christian giving
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Paul and the language of Scripture : citation technique in the Pauline epistles and contemporary literature
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Narrative and drama in the Book of Revelation : a literary approach
The revelation of the Messiah : the Christological mystery of Luke 1-2 and its unveiling in Luke-Acts
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The meaning of righteousness in Paul : a linguistic and theological enquiry
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The sheep of the fold : the audience and origin of the Gospel of John
The Temptation and the Passion : the Markan soteriology
Paul and the crucified Christ in Antioch : Maccabean martyrdom and Galatians 1 and 2
Sayings of the risen Jesus : Christian prophecy in the synoptic tradition
Women in the earliest churches
Narrative and drama in the Book of Revelation : a literary approach
Paul, Judaism, and the Gentiles : a sociological approach
The genre of Acts and collected biography
Feasting and social rhetoric in Luke 14
Jesus and Israel's traditions of judgement and restoration
Women in the earliest churches
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Jesus' death and heavenly offering in Hebrews
The origin of divine Christology
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Les récits de résurrection des morts dans le Nouveau Testament
Christology and the Synoptic problem : an argument for Markan priority
Ancient rhetoric and Paul's apology : the compositional unity of 2 Corinthians
The Zion traditions and the aims of Jesus
A bibliography of Greek New Testament manuscripts
The Pauline churches : a socio-historical study of institutionalization in the Pauline and Deutero-Pauline writings
Angels and principalities : the background, meaning, and development of the Pauline phrase hai archai kai hai exousiai
Wisdom in the Q-tradition : the aphoristic teaching of Jesus
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Eschatology and the saviour : the Gospel of Mary among early Christian dialogue gospels
Philippians : from people to letter
Geography in early Judaism and Christianity : the book of Jubilees
The Psalms of lament in Mark's passion : Jesus' Davidic suffering
Jesus of Nazareth in New Testament preaching
Paul on marriage and celibacy : the Hellenistic background of 1 Corinthians 7
Faith as a theme in Mark's narrative
The trial of the Gospel : an apologetic reading of Luke's trial narratives
Herod Antipas
Apocalyptic eschatology in the Gospel of Matthew
The gospel of signs : a reconstruction of the narrative source underlying the fourth Gospel
The composition of the Gospel of Thomas : original language and influences
Faith and the faithfulness of Jesus in Hebrews
The Ituraeans and the Roman Near East : reassessing the sources
Redactional style in the Marcan Gospel : a study of syntax and vocabulary as guides to redaction in Mark
The Epistle to the Hebrews : its background of thought
Paul as an administrator of God in 1 Corinthians
The tendencies of the synoptic tradition
Luke's portrait of Paul
The New Testament Christological hymns : their historical religious background
Jesus and the temple : the crucifixion in its Jewish context
Inventing Hebrews : design and purpose in ancient rhetoric
The meaning of righteousness in Paul : a linguistic and theological enquiry
Reconstructing honor in Roman Philippi : Carmen Christi as cursus pudorum
The theme of Jewish persecution of christians in the gospel according to St Matthew
The Gentiles and the Gentile mission in Luke-Acts
John the Baptist in the gospel tradition
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The Exorcism stories in Luke-Acts : a sociostylistic reading
Christology and discipleship in the Gospel of Mark
The death of Jesus in Matthew : innocent blood and the end of exile
The theme of Jewish persecution of christians in the gospel according to St Matthew
"And so we came to Rome" : the political perspective of St. Luke
An aramaic approach to Q : sources for the gospels of Matthew and Luke
The Shepherd Discourse of John 10 and its context : studies
The Son of Man in the teaching of Jesus
Paradise now and not yet : Studies in the role of the heavenly dimension in Paul's thought with special reference to his eschatology
Romans 7 and Christian identity : a study of the 'I' in its literary context
The origin of divine Christology
Hebrews and perfection : an examination of the concept of perfection in the "Epistle to the Hebrews"
The speeches of outsiders in Acts : poetics, theology and historiography
Irony in Mark's Gospel : text and subtext
Wisdom in the Q-tradition : the aphoristic teaching of Jesus
The hermeneutics of christological psalmody in Paul : an intertextual enquiry
The voice of Jesus in the social rhetoric of James
Greek words and Hebrew meanings : studies in the semantics of soteriological terms
Jews, Gentiles, and ethnic reconciliation : Paul's Jewish identity and Ephesians
Jesus and the law in the synoptic tradition
Jewish communities in Asia Minor
Matthew's Emmanuel : divine presence and God's people in the first Gospel
The Apocalypse and Semitic syntax
Greco-Roman culture and the Galilee of Jesus
The genre of Acts and collected biography
Sarcasm in Paul's letters
The suffering son of David in Matthew's passion narrative
Divine regeneration and ethnic identity in 1 Peter : mapping metaphors of family, race, and nation
Paul and secular singleness in 1 Corinthians 7