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Arthur Pigou (1877-1959)Leave the NDL website. Microstructure : the organization of trading and short term price behaviorLeave the NDL website. Regulation and deregulation : industries and issuesLeave the NDL website. Antitrust and regulationLeave the NDL website. Modern approaches to regulatory economicsLeave the NDL website. The economic development of Northeast AsiaLeave the NDL website. The history of economic thoughtLeave the NDL website. Urban and regional economicsLeave the NDL website. International financial integrationLeave the NDL website. New developments in environmental sociologyLeave the NDL website. JapanLeave the NDL website. PatentsLeave the NDL website. The theory of inflationLeave the NDL website. Reforms and opening up since 1979Leave the NDL website. Forecasting financial marketsLeave the NDL website. Economic sociologyLeave the NDL website. Experimental law and economicsLeave the NDL website. The Economics of institutionsLeave the NDL website. Trade in the pre-modern era, 1400-1700Leave the NDL website. Macroeconometric modellingLeave the NDL website. StakeholdersLeave the NDL website. Social norms, nonlegal sanctions, and the lawLeave the NDL website. The economics of the hidden economyLeave the NDL website. A taste for the presentLeave the NDL website. Income shares and policyLeave the NDL website. Environmental policyLeave the NDL website. The economic development of modern Japan, 1868-1945 : from the Meiji Restoration to the Second World WarLeave the NDL website. Global financial centres : London, New York, TokyoLeave the NDL website. Irving Fisher (1867-1947), Arthur Hadley (1856-1930), Ragnar Frisch (1895-1973), Friedrich von Hayek (1899-1992), Allyn Young (1876-1929), Ugo Mazzola (1863-1899)Leave the NDL website. The WTO's core rules and disciplinesLeave the NDL website. Ethnomethodological sociologyLeave the NDL website. Stock market forecastingLeave the NDL website. The economics of deflationLeave the NDL website. The WTO and labor and employmentLeave the NDL website. Development, growth and income distributionLeave the NDL website. The economics of association footballLeave the NDL website. Recent developments in ecological economicsLeave the NDL website. The foundations of business cycle theoryLeave the NDL website. The Reconstruction of the international economy, 1945-1960Leave the NDL website. OilLeave the NDL website. The economics of science and innovationLeave the NDL website. International capital marketsLeave the NDL website. Long term trends and business cyclesLeave the NDL website. The economics of business strategyLeave the NDL website. The foundations of the welfare stateLeave the NDL website. TheoryLeave the NDL website. International accounting : general issues and classificationLeave the NDL website. Migration and social cohesionLeave the NDL website. Organizational capability and competitive advantage : debates, dynamics and policyLeave the NDL website. Environmental ethics and philosophyLeave the NDL website. Recent developments in behavioral economicsLeave the NDL website. The sociology of race and ethnicityLeave the NDL website. Production structure, trade and growthLeave the NDL website. The globalization of financial servicesLeave the NDL website. The WTO and international trade law/dispute settlementLeave the NDL website. International harmonization of accountingLeave the NDL website. AquinasLeave the NDL website. Urban planning and managementLeave the NDL website. Foreign exchange marketsLeave the NDL website. GrotiusLeave the NDL website. David Hume (1711-1776) and James Steuart (1712-1780)Leave the NDL website. Richard Cantillon (1680-1734) and Jacques Turgot (1727-1781)Leave the NDL website. The theory of the firmLeave the NDL website. Economic regulationLeave the NDL website. Econometric exploration and diagnosisLeave the NDL website. Exchange rate economicsLeave the NDL website. Wassily W. Leontief, Leonid V. 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International marketing : modern and classic papersLeave the NDL website. The economics of public utilitiesLeave the NDL website. The WTO and anti-dumpingLeave the NDL website. The politics of migrationLeave the NDL website. The economics of natural hazardsLeave the NDL website. The International Monetary Fund and the world economyLeave the NDL website. The political economy of the mediaLeave the NDL website. Location theoryLeave the NDL website. The growth of citiesLeave the NDL website. Constitutional governmentLeave the NDL website. Constitutional political economyLeave the NDL website. Regional dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Economics and discriminationLeave the NDL website. The rise and fall of mass productionLeave the NDL website. Symbolic interactionismLeave the NDL website. Privatization and globalization : the changing role of the state in businessLeave the NDL website. International financial centres of Europe, North America and AsiaLeave the NDL website. The WTO, intellectual property rights and the knowledge economyLeave the NDL website. Financing industrializationLeave the NDL website. TheoryLeave the NDL website. The WTO, intellectual property, e-commerce and the internetLeave the NDL website. The economics of transportLeave the NDL website. Environmental risk planning and managementLeave the NDL website. Gustav Schmoller (1838-1917) and Werner Sombart (1863-1941)Leave the NDL website. The economics of commodity marketsLeave the NDL website. The economics of price discriminationLeave the NDL website. The methodology of econometricsLeave the NDL website. The sociology of developmentLeave the NDL website. Description, measurement, shape, dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Political ideologies and movementsLeave the NDL website. Analytic approaches to the IPE of the environmentLeave the NDL website. The theory of probability and the law of errorLeave the NDL website. NetworksLeave the NDL website. Ramsay McCulloch (1789-1864), Nassau Senior (1790-1864), Robert Torrens (1780-1864)Leave the NDL website. Privatisation in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Major inflations in historyLeave the NDL website. Industrial organizationLeave the NDL website. The political economy of regulationLeave the NDL website. Family businessLeave the NDL website. Empirical patternsLeave the NDL website. Equilibrium growth theoriesLeave the NDL website. Functionalist sociologyLeave the NDL website. Transaction cost economicsLeave the NDL website. The Disintegration of the world economy between the World WarsLeave the NDL website. The new classical macroeconomicsLeave the NDL website. St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)Leave the NDL website. Cost-benefit analysisLeave the NDL website. The economic development of the EECLeave the NDL website. The economics of energyLeave the NDL website. Public debt and classical political economyLeave the NDL website. The role of the stateLeave the NDL website. The automobileLeave the NDL website. The money supply in the economic process : a post keynesian perspectiveLeave the NDL website. International conflict and the global economyLeave the NDL website. Economic growth in the long run : a history of empirical evidenceLeave the NDL website. Managing tourism destinationsLeave the NDL website. Microeconomics : theoretical and appliedLeave the NDL website. The sociology of migrationLeave the NDL website. The philosophy and methodology of economicsLeave the NDL website. Infinite horizon economiesLeave the NDL website. The economics of unemploymentLeave the NDL website. Statistical models of asset returnsLeave the NDL website. Criminal justice policyLeave the NDL website. The foundations of public financeLeave the NDL website. The WTO and technical barriers to tradeLeave the NDL website. Historical foundations of globalizationLeave the NDL website. The sociology of genderLeave the NDL website. Economic developmentLeave the NDL website. Capitalist models : divergence and convergenceLeave the NDL website. Economic behaviourLeave the NDL website. China, Korea and TaiwanLeave the NDL website. Interest rates, exchange rates and volatilityLeave the NDL website. The legacy of Ronald Coase in economic analysisLeave the NDL website. Responses to governance issuesLeave the NDL website. Positivist sociology and its criticsLeave the NDL website. Other areas of private and public lawLeave the NDL website. The economics of productivityLeave the NDL website. Economic performanceLeave the NDL website. Mainstream theories of justiceLeave the NDL website. Structural change, industrial location and competitivenessLeave the NDL website. Trade preferences and differential treatment of developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Governing the global environmentLeave the NDL website. Transaction costs, property rights and the entrepreneurLeave the NDL website. Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923)Leave the NDL website. The road to economic freedomLeave the NDL website. The life cycle of corporate governanceLeave the NDL website. Human resources and the firm in international perspectiveLeave the NDL website. The sociology of religionLeave the NDL website. Ergonomics and human factorsLeave the NDL website. Service theories and service employmentLeave the NDL website. Recent trends in the economics of copyrightLeave the NDL website. Foundations of analytical MarxismLeave the NDL website. Aristotle (384-322 BC)Leave the NDL website. The foundations of the new institutional economicsLeave the NDL website. Recent developments in macroeconomicsLeave the NDL website. Governance and expropriationLeave the NDL website. Multinationals and public policyLeave the NDL website. Governance mechanismsLeave the NDL website. Comparative law and economicsLeave the NDL website. Water resources and climate changeLeave the NDL website. MoreLeave the NDL website. Economic integration and international tradeLeave the NDL website. Equity options markets : foundations and pricingLeave the NDL website. The psychology of world equity marketsLeave the NDL website. The foundations of long wave theory : models and methodologyLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear modelsLeave the NDL website. Benefits in kindLeave the NDL website. Women and entrepreneurship : contemporary classicsLeave the NDL website. Economics and psychologyLeave the NDL website. The probability approach to simultaneous equationsLeave the NDL website. The economics of languageLeave the NDL website. Environment, land use and urban policyLeave the NDL website. The political economy of monetary unionLeave the NDL website. The legacy of Joseph A. SchumpeterLeave the NDL website. International economic relationsLeave the NDL website. Urban-economic models, evolutionary economics and ecologic-economic systemsLeave the NDL website. Women in businessLeave the NDL website. Industrial policyLeave the NDL website. PlatoLeave the NDL website. New perspectives on leadershipLeave the NDL website. Industrial research and innovation in businessLeave the NDL website. Learning by organizationsLeave the NDL website. The foundations of monetary economicsLeave the NDL website. Utilitarian and contractarian goalsLeave the NDL website. Entrepreneurship and global capitalismLeave the NDL website. Managing tourism firmsLeave the NDL website. Institutional dimensions of the modern corporationLeave the NDL website. Frank Knight (1885-1972), Henry Simons (1899-1946), Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950)Leave the NDL website. Landmark papers in economic fluctuations, economic policy and related subjectsLeave the NDL website. The economics of sportLeave the NDL website. Contracts in the new institutional economicsLeave the NDL website. Paradoxes, ambiguity and rationalityLeave the NDL website. Assimilation of migrantsLeave the NDL website. Spatial microeconomicsLeave the NDL website. The International political economy of tradeLeave the NDL website. New developments in exchange rate economicsLeave the NDL website. Governance : an international perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Discrete and continuous systems, cointegration and chaosLeave the NDL website. Prewar economic developmentLeave the NDL website. Feminist cultural studiesLeave the NDL website. The International political economy and the developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Policy evaluation : linking theory to practiceLeave the NDL website. Competing capitalisms : institutions and economiesLeave the NDL website. Social justice and classical liberal goalsLeave the NDL website. Learning by populations of organizationsLeave the NDL website. The legacy of Michal KaleckiLeave the NDL website. The economics of poverty and inequalityLeave the NDL website. The economics of population : key modern writingsLeave the NDL website. Non-linear dynamics in economic theoryLeave the NDL website. Market process theoriesLeave the NDL website. Managing cultural differencesLeave the NDL website. Air transportLeave the NDL website. TrustLeave the NDL website. Economic demographyLeave the NDL website. Entrepreneurship and the growth of firmsLeave the NDL website. Education policyLeave the NDL website. SMEs in the age of globalizationLeave the NDL website. Recent developments in the economics of educationLeave the NDL website. Joan Robinson (1903-1983) and George Shackle (1903-1992)Leave the NDL website. Quality and behavior of migrantsLeave the NDL website. The sociology of urban communitiesLeave the NDL website. Henry George (1839-1897)Leave the NDL website. A taste for fairnessLeave the NDL website. RiskLeave the NDL website. The economics of biotechnologyLeave the NDL website. Simultaneous equations estimationLeave the NDL website. Economic forecastingLeave the NDL website. Recent developments in monopoly and competition policyLeave the NDL website. Islamic financeLeave the NDL website. Statistical methods and non-standard financeLeave the NDL website. The economics of networksLeave the NDL website. Landmark papers in macroeconomicsLeave the NDL website. Mergers and corporate governanceLeave the NDL website. John Law (1671-1729) and Bernard Mandeville (1660-1733)Leave the NDL website. Entrepreneurship educationLeave the NDL website. Fiscal and monetary policyLeave the NDL website. The aggregation of preferencesLeave the NDL website. Developments in international accounting : general issues and classificationLeave the NDL website. Mathematical economicsLeave the NDL website. The economics of higher educationLeave the NDL website. Applied benefit-cost analysisLeave the NDL website. ApplicationsLeave the NDL website. The economics of labor unionsLeave the NDL website. The economics of the mass mediaLeave the NDL website. RoutinesLeave the NDL website. Entrepreneurial teams and new business creationLeave the NDL website. Spatial economicsLeave the NDL website. Theories of technological changeLeave the NDL website. Landmark papers in general equilibrium theory, social choice and welfareLeave the NDL website. Darwinism and economicsLeave the NDL website. Governance and ownershipLeave the NDL website. The economics of productivityLeave the NDL website. Strategic managementLeave the NDL website. What are the channels of transmission?Leave the NDL website. The economic development of South AsiaLeave the NDL website. Transport and land useLeave the NDL website. Bertil Ohlin (1899-1979)Leave the NDL website. CartelsLeave the NDL website. Foreign aid in the new global economyLeave the NDL website. Family businessLeave the NDL website. Environmental economics and developmentLeave the NDL website. Economic analysis of regional trading arrangementsLeave the NDL website. Income transfersLeave the NDL website. Economic growth in theory and practice : a Kaldorian perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Monetary regime transformationsLeave the NDL website. The Later mercantilists : Josiah Child (1603 [i.e. 1630]-1699) and John Locke (1632-1704)Leave the NDL website. New directionsLeave the NDL website. Contracts, torts and criminal lawLeave the NDL website. The economics of affirmative actionLeave the NDL website. The economics of budget deficitsLeave the NDL website. The State and its criticsLeave the NDL website. The international political economy and international institutionsLeave the NDL website. Economic games, bargaining and solutionsLeave the NDL website. Economics of criminal lawLeave the NDL website. The economics of technology transferLeave the NDL website. Small firms and economic growthLeave the NDL website. Trade and the environment : economic, legal and policy perspectivesLeave the NDL website. War in the twentieth centuryLeave the NDL website. Direct and group participationLeave the NDL website. Global supply chain managementLeave the NDL website. Economic growth : theory and evidenceLeave the NDL website. Economics and biologyLeave the NDL website. Foundations of law and economicsLeave the NDL website. Pierre le Pesant Boisguilbert (1645-1714), George Berkeley (1685-1753), Baron de Montesquieu (1689-1755), Ferdinando Galiani (1727-1787), James Anderson (1739-1808), Dugald Stewart (1753-1828)Leave the NDL website. The ascendancy of liberal capitalismLeave the NDL website. Deposit insuranceLeave the NDL website. Critical sociologyLeave the NDL website. Financial markets and the real economyLeave the NDL website. Traditional classics on leadershipLeave the NDL website. Financing entrepreneurshipLeave the NDL website. Industrial and organizational psychologyLeave the NDL website. Growth, cycles and technological change : structural approachesLeave the NDL website. The economics of hazardous waste and contaminated landLeave the NDL website. The Rise of big businessLeave the NDL website. Tourism in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Incentives and controlLeave the NDL website. Empirical corporate financeLeave the NDL website. The political economy of environmental regulationLeave the NDL website. Antitrust and competition policyLeave the NDL website. The economics of corruptionLeave the NDL website. The economics of nonprofit enterprisesLeave the NDL website. Leon Walras (1834-1910)Leave the NDL website. Welfare states : construction, deconstruction, reconstructionLeave the NDL website. Labor market segmentation : 1970 to 2000Leave the NDL website. Foundations of social capitalLeave the NDL website. Memory processesLeave the NDL website. George Scrope (1797-1876), Thomas Attwood (1783-1856), Edwin Chadwick (1800-1890), John Cairnes (1823-1875)Leave the NDL website. Price controlsLeave the NDL website. Developments and extensionsLeave the NDL website. Political business cyclesLeave the NDL website. Tastes for endowment, identity and the emotionsLeave the NDL website. Microeconomic theories of imperfect competition : old problems and new perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Static asset-pricing modelsLeave the NDL website. The WTO and the political economy of trade policyLeave the NDL website. Imperfect competition, nonclearing markets and business cyclesLeave the NDL website. Efficiency, competition and policyLeave the NDL website. Landmark papers in economics, politics and lawLeave the NDL website. The foundations of pension financeLeave the NDL website. The theory of corporate financeLeave the NDL website. Recent developments in evolutionary economicsLeave the NDL website. Rural planning and managementLeave the NDL website. Competition and international tradeLeave the NDL website. Price theory and its applicationsLeave the NDL website. Migration and the nativesLeave the NDL website. The economics of industrial water useLeave the NDL website. Markets and socialismLeave the NDL website. TerrorismLeave the NDL website. Environmental instruments and institutionsLeave the NDL website. The economic development of modern Japan, 1945-1995 : from occupation to the bubble economyLeave the NDL website. Venture capitalLeave the NDL website. The evolution of efficient common lawLeave the NDL website. Individual rightsLeave the NDL website. Modern public financeLeave the NDL website. Recent developments in the theory of trainingLeave the NDL website. Coalitions and collaboration in international businessLeave the NDL website. Income maintenance policyLeave the NDL website. John C. Harsanyi, John F. Nash, Jr., Reinhard Selten, Robert J. Aumann and Thomas C. SchellingLeave the NDL website. Agglomeration and clustersLeave the NDL website. Post Keynesian theory of growth and distributionLeave the NDL website. Environmental planningLeave the NDL website. New economic geographyLeave the NDL website. The globalization of business firms from emerging economiesLeave the NDL website. The patent system and the measurement of inventionLeave the NDL website. Innovation and entrepreneurshipLeave the NDL website. The economics of healthLeave the NDL website. General-to-specific modellingLeave the NDL website. Henry Thornton (1760-1815), Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), James Lauderdale (1759-1839), Simonde de Sismondi (1773-1842)Leave the NDL website. Equilibrium in traditional modelsLeave the NDL website. The economics of advertisingLeave the NDL website. Economics of property lawLeave the NDL website. Key concepts in international political economyLeave the NDL website. Americas and the Far EastLeave the NDL website. Macroeconomics and imperfect competitionLeave the NDL website. Welfare and trade policyLeave the NDL website. The political economy of genetically modified foodsLeave the NDL website. James Mill (1773-1836), John Rae (1796-1872), Edward West (1782-1828), Thomas Joplin (1790-1847)Leave the NDL website. The political economy of entrepreneurshipLeave the NDL website. New developments in experimental economicsLeave the NDL website. Globalization and economic and financial instabilityLeave the NDL website. Empirical evidence, trade secrets and trademarksLeave the NDL website. Psychoanalytic sociologyLeave the NDL website. Law and economicsLeave the NDL website. The legacy of Robert Lucas, Jr.Leave the NDL website. The legacy of Herbert Simon in economic analysisLeave the NDL website. Input-output analysisLeave the NDL website. Regulation and efficiency in bankingLeave the NDL website. Economics of antitrust lawLeave the NDL website. The Integration of the world economy, 1850-1914Leave the NDL website. Capitalist models under challengeLeave the NDL website. Descriptive growth theoriesLeave the NDL website. Globalization and free tradeLeave the NDL website. Optimal growth theoriesLeave the NDL website. Empirical industrial organizationLeave the NDL website. Harry Johnson (1923-1977)Leave the NDL website. FeminismLeave the NDL website. Central bank functionsLeave the NDL website. The economic development of Germany since 1870Leave the NDL website. Cognitive scienceLeave the NDL website. The legacy of Friedrich von HayekLeave the NDL website. Negotiation, decision making and conflict managementLeave the NDL website. Constitutionalism and democracy : contemporary challengesLeave the NDL website. Methods and anomaliesLeave the NDL website. The economics of global warmingLeave the NDL website. Benefit-cost analysisLeave the NDL website. Wesley Mitchell (1874-1948), John Commons (1862-1945), Clarence Ayres (1891-1972)Leave the NDL website. Recent developments in corporate financeLeave the NDL website. Global aspects of the environmentLeave the NDL website. Applied welfare economicsLeave the NDL website. Ecosystems and nature : economics, science and policyLeave the NDL website. The economic development of Sweden since 1870Leave the NDL website. Karl Marx (1818-1883)Leave the NDL website. Multinational corporationsLeave the NDL website. Gender and migrationLeave the NDL website. Hegemony and cooperation in the international economyLeave the NDL website. Entrepreneurship in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Conflict prevention and resolution in water systemsLeave the NDL website. Finite horizon economiesLeave the NDL website. The International political economy of direct foreign investmentLeave the NDL website. Foundations of innovation policyLeave the NDL website. Recent developments in monetary policyLeave the NDL website. International entrepreneurshipLeave the NDL website. The characteristics of political equilibriumLeave the NDL website. The economics of entrepreneurshipLeave the NDL website. Law and migrationLeave the NDL website. Interest-rate derivatives, exotics, real options and empirical evidenceLeave the NDL website. Classics in risk managementLeave the NDL website. Bayesian inferenceLeave the NDL website. Trade and investment policyLeave the NDL website. Employment, wages and educationLeave the NDL website. The management of innovationLeave the NDL website. Planning modelsLeave the NDL website. HumeLeave the NDL website. Michal Kalecki (1899-1970)Leave the NDL website. Financial reporting by multinationalsLeave the NDL website. Macroeconomics, financial markets and international economicsLeave the NDL website. The economics of exhaustible resourcesLeave the NDL website. The globalization of retailingLeave the NDL website. Commons and anticommonsLeave the NDL website. The economic development of Belgium since 1870Leave the NDL website. Economics of water resourcesLeave the NDL website. Testing, portfolio management and special effectsLeave the NDL website. Macroeconomics and the environmentLeave the NDL website. Protectionism in the world economyLeave the NDL website. The Sociology of the environmentLeave the NDL website. Methodology, interacting agents and microeconomic modelsLeave the NDL website. Discretion and autonomyLeave the NDL website. International financial centres : concepts, development, and dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Thomas Tooke (1774-1858), Mountifort Longfield (1802-1884), Richard Jones (1790-1855)Leave the NDL website. Resources and sectors in developmentLeave the NDL website. The economics of leisureLeave the NDL website. Economic justiceLeave the NDL website. Migration and public policyLeave the NDL website. Recent developments in transport economicsLeave the NDL website. The political economy of financial crisesLeave the NDL website. Economics of administrative lawLeave the NDL website. The psychology of attentionLeave the NDL website. Instruments and targetsLeave the NDL website. Budgeting and the management of public spendingLeave the NDL website. The political economy of science, technology and innovationLeave the NDL website. Globalization and the location of firmsLeave the NDL website. Monetary theoryLeave the NDL website. Real options and international investmentLeave the NDL website. Critical perspectives on globalizationLeave the NDL website. Intellectual property and businessLeave the NDL website. The economic development of the United Kingdom since 1870Leave the NDL website. Technology transfer and business enterpriseLeave the NDL website. Transport infrastructureLeave the NDL website. Comparative politics and the international political economyLeave the NDL website. Transport and information systemsLeave the NDL website. The economic development of Southeast AsiaLeave the NDL website. Explaining corruptionLeave the NDL website. Inequality and economic development : the modern perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk (1851-1914) and Friedrich von Wieser (1851-1926)Leave the NDL website. Concepts of money : interdisciplinary perspectives from economics, sociology and political scienceLeave the NDL website. Corporate entrepreneurship and growthLeave the NDL website. Economic anthropologyLeave the NDL website. ComputingLeave the NDL website. Regional policy and regional integrationLeave the NDL website. Classics in management thoughtLeave the NDL website. Cultural economics : the arts, the heritage, and the media industriesLeave the NDL website. Transportation planningLeave the NDL website. Long wave theoryLeave the NDL website. Migration in European historyLeave the NDL website. Speculation and financial marketsLeave the NDL website. Behavioral law and economicsLeave the NDL website. Probability concepts, dialogue and beliefsLeave the NDL website. Location theoryLeave the NDL website. The political economy of privatization and deregulationLeave the NDL website. Multinational and international bankingLeave the NDL website. The economics of product differentiationLeave the NDL website. David Ricardo (1772-1823)Leave the NDL website. Carl Menger (1840-1921)Leave the NDL website. International taxationLeave the NDL website. The economic theory of auctionsLeave the NDL website. Landmark papers on trustLeave the NDL website. Recent developments in law and economicsLeave the NDL website. Recent developments in cultural economicsLeave the NDL website. Piero Sraffa (1898-1983)Leave the NDL website. Corporate risk managementLeave the NDL website. Uncertainty and dynamicsLeave the NDL website. The economics of public private partnershipsLeave the NDL website. Offshore financial centresLeave the NDL website. Open economy macroeconomicsLeave the NDL website. Economic and political liberalisationLeave the NDL website. AristotleLeave the NDL website. Innovation policies and social impactLeave the NDL website. Dynamic labor demand and adjustment costsLeave the NDL website. The Economics of informationLeave the NDL website. American options, numerical methods and risk managementLeave the NDL website. The mandate for industrial policyLeave the NDL website. Rational choice theoryLeave the NDL website. Multinational enterprises and host economiesLeave the NDL website. Mergers and acquisitionsLeave the NDL website. Theory and measurementLeave the NDL website. Post-structuralist and post-modernist sociologyLeave the NDL website. Land use planningLeave the NDL website. International debtLeave the NDL website. Financial accounting and investment managementLeave the NDL website. The environment and transportLeave the NDL website. Modern classics in the economics of educationLeave the NDL website. The Economic development of Spain since 1870Leave the NDL website. Islamic economicsLeave the NDL website. Strategic alliancesLeave the NDL website. Theories of migrationLeave the NDL website. Monopoly and competition policyLeave the NDL website. Ethics and economicsLeave the NDL website. Governance and the public sectorLeave the NDL website. Ownership and scopeLeave the NDL website. Alternative theories of the firmLeave the NDL website. Privatization and public policyLeave the NDL website. Evidence about the effects of trainingLeave the NDL website. The economics of increasing returnsLeave the NDL website. Law and economic developmentLeave the NDL website. Urban transportLeave the NDL website. Economic policyLeave the NDL website. Recent developments in experimental economicsLeave the NDL website. Developments in financial reporting by multinationalsLeave the NDL website. The economics of technical changeLeave the NDL website. State structures and strategiesLeave the NDL website. The theory of statisticsLeave the NDL website. James Wilson (1805-1860), Issac Butt (1813-1879), T. E. Cliffe Leslie (1827-1882)Leave the NDL website. Nineteenth century thoughtLeave the NDL website. Game theory and the lawLeave the NDL website. The sociology of the militaryLeave the NDL website. Labor markets, distribution and growthLeave the NDL website. International monetary relations in the new global economyLeave the NDL website. Innovation and economic developmentLeave the NDL website. Harold Hotelling (1895-1973), Lionel Robbins (1898-1984), Clark Warburton (1896-1979), John Bates Clark (1847-1938), Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973)Leave the NDL website. Regulationist perspectives on Fordism and Post-FordismLeave the NDL website. Knowledge and learning in organizationsLeave the NDL website. MarketsLeave the NDL website. Gender and economicsLeave the NDL website. Tax policyLeave the NDL website. The International political economy of monetary relationsLeave the NDL website. The theory of trade policy reformLeave the NDL website. International management of research and developmentLeave the NDL website. LockeLeave the NDL website. The origins and development of regulatory economicsLeave the NDL website. Introduction to equilibrium in economicsLeave the NDL website. Women in the labor marketLeave the NDL website. Forms of politicsLeave the NDL website. The economics of contractsLeave the NDL website. Joint production of commoditiesLeave the NDL website. The history of econometricsLeave the NDL website. The Economic analysis of rent seekingLeave the NDL website. Welfare economicsLeave the NDL website. Charles Davenant (1656-1714) and William Petty (1623-1687)Leave the NDL website. Innovation, evolution of industry and economic growthLeave the NDL website. Chaos theory in economics : methods, models and evidenceLeave the NDL website. Knut Wicksell (1851-1926)Leave the NDL website. Independent central banks and economic performanceLeave the NDL website. Technological entrepreneurshipLeave the NDL website. Waste management and planningLeave the NDL website. Recent developments in environmental economicsLeave the NDL website. Behavioral financeLeave the NDL website. Urban planningLeave the NDL website. Transport logisticsLeave the NDL website. Recent developments in international trade theoryLeave the NDL website. Trade and the Industrial Revolution, 1700-1850Leave the NDL website. Fixed income instrumentsLeave the NDL website. The economics of innovationLeave the NDL website. Transforming international organizationsLeave the NDL website. Social stratificationLeave the NDL website. The reappraisal of econometricsLeave the NDL website. Theoretical foundationsLeave the NDL website. Labor market discrimination, labor mobility and compensating wage differentialsLeave the NDL website. The historiography of economicsLeave the NDL website. Governance, directors and boardsLeave the NDL website. Globalization and productivityLeave the NDL website. Conceptual issuesLeave the NDL website. Agricultural economicsLeave the NDL website. New developments in the economics of population ageingLeave the NDL website. Dissenters : Charles Fourier (1772-1837), Henri de St Simon (1760-1825), Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865), John A. Hobson (1858-1940)Leave the NDL website. The structural constitutionLeave the NDL website. Water resources and coastal managementLeave the NDL website. Multi-attribute programmes, validity, allocation issues and case studiesLeave the NDL website. Market efficiency : stock market behaviour in theory and practiceLeave the NDL website. Expected utility, fair gambles, and rational choiceLeave the NDL website. Government and businessLeave the NDL website. The sociology of the sciencesLeave the NDL website. The political economy of institutionsLeave the NDL website. International institutions in the new global economyLeave the NDL website. Development economicsLeave the NDL website. Time seriesLeave the NDL website. Unemployment, trade unions, and dispute resolutionLeave the NDL website. Agricultural policyLeave the NDL website. Theories of migrationLeave the NDL website. The economics of executive compensationLeave the NDL website. New developments in economic sociologyLeave the NDL website. The migration decision and immigration policyLeave the NDL website. Recent developments in game theoryLeave the NDL website. Economics of commercial arbitration and dispute resolutionLeave the NDL website. Privatisation and corporate performanceLeave the NDL website. Socialist modernization, 1949-78Leave the NDL website. Planning history and methodologyLeave the NDL website. Social psychologyLeave the NDL website. Critical perspectivesLeave the NDL website. The study of elitesLeave the NDL website. Health policyLeave the NDL website. Pricing tactics, strategies, and outcomesLeave the NDL website. EuropeLeave the NDL website. Geography and migrationLeave the NDL website. Public facilities planningLeave the NDL website. 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Table of Contents

  • Arthur Pigou (1877-1959)

  • Microstructure : the organization of trading and short term price behavior

  • Regulation and deregulation : industries and issues

  • Antitrust and regulation

  • Modern approaches to regulatory economics

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Elgar reference collection
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Publishing place varies: Cheltenham
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Urban and regional economics
International financial integration
New developments in environmental sociology
The theory of inflation
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Economic sociology
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The Economics of institutions
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The Reconstruction of the international economy, 1945-1960
The economics of science and innovation
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The economics of business strategy
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Governing the global environment
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Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923)
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The life cycle of corporate governance
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The sociology of religion
Ergonomics and human factors
Service theories and service employment
Recent trends in the economics of copyright
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Aristotle (384-322 BC)
The foundations of the new institutional economics
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Governance and expropriation
Multinationals and public policy
Governance mechanisms
Comparative law and economics
Water resources and climate change
Economic integration and international trade
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Islamic finance
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John Law (1671-1729) and Bernard Mandeville (1660-1733)
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The aggregation of preferences
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The economics of higher education
Applied benefit-cost analysis
The economics of labor unions
The economics of the mass media
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Spatial economics
Theories of technological change
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The economics of nonprofit enterprises
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Developments and extensions
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Tastes for endowment, identity and the emotions
Microeconomic theories of imperfect competition : old problems and new perspectives
Static asset-pricing models
The WTO and the political economy of trade policy
Imperfect competition, nonclearing markets and business cycles
Efficiency, competition and policy
Landmark papers in economics, politics and law
The foundations of pension finance
The theory of corporate finance
Recent developments in evolutionary economics
Rural planning and management
Competition and international trade
Price theory and its applications
Migration and the natives
The economics of industrial water use
Markets and socialism
Environmental instruments and institutions
The economic development of modern Japan, 1945-1995 : from occupation to the bubble economy
Venture capital
The evolution of efficient common law
Individual rights
Modern public finance
Recent developments in the theory of training
Coalitions and collaboration in international business
Income maintenance policy
John C. Harsanyi, John F. Nash, Jr., Reinhard Selten, Robert J. Aumann and Thomas C. Schelling
Agglomeration and clusters
Post Keynesian theory of growth and distribution
Environmental planning
New economic geography
The globalization of business firms from emerging economies
The patent system and the measurement of invention
Innovation and entrepreneurship
The economics of health
General-to-specific modelling
Henry Thornton (1760-1815), Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), James Lauderdale (1759-1839), Simonde de Sismondi (1773-1842)
Equilibrium in traditional models
The economics of advertising
Economics of property law
Key concepts in international political economy
Americas and the Far East
Macroeconomics and imperfect competition
Welfare and trade policy
The political economy of genetically modified foods
James Mill (1773-1836), John Rae (1796-1872), Edward West (1782-1828), Thomas Joplin (1790-1847)
The political economy of entrepreneurship
New developments in experimental economics
Globalization and economic and financial instability
Empirical evidence, trade secrets and trademarks
Psychoanalytic sociology
Law and economics
The legacy of Robert Lucas, Jr.
The legacy of Herbert Simon in economic analysis
Input-output analysis
Regulation and efficiency in banking
Economics of antitrust law
The Integration of the world economy, 1850-1914
Capitalist models under challenge
Descriptive growth theories
Globalization and free trade
Optimal growth theories
Empirical industrial organization
Harry Johnson (1923-1977)
Central bank functions
The economic development of Germany since 1870
Cognitive science
The legacy of Friedrich von Hayek
Negotiation, decision making and conflict management
Constitutionalism and democracy : contemporary challenges
Methods and anomalies
The economics of global warming
Benefit-cost analysis
Wesley Mitchell (1874-1948), John Commons (1862-1945), Clarence Ayres (1891-1972)
Recent developments in corporate finance
Global aspects of the environment
Applied welfare economics
Ecosystems and nature : economics, science and policy
The economic development of Sweden since 1870
Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Multinational corporations
Gender and migration
Hegemony and cooperation in the international economy
Entrepreneurship in developing countries
Conflict prevention and resolution in water systems
Finite horizon economies
The International political economy of direct foreign investment
Foundations of innovation policy
Recent developments in monetary policy
International entrepreneurship
The characteristics of political equilibrium
The economics of entrepreneurship
Law and migration
Interest-rate derivatives, exotics, real options and empirical evidence
Classics in risk management
Bayesian inference
Trade and investment policy
Employment, wages and education
The management of innovation
Planning models
Michal Kalecki (1899-1970)
Financial reporting by multinationals
Macroeconomics, financial markets and international economics
The economics of exhaustible resources
The globalization of retailing
Commons and anticommons
The economic development of Belgium since 1870
Economics of water resources
Testing, portfolio management and special effects
Macroeconomics and the environment
Protectionism in the world economy
The Sociology of the environment
Methodology, interacting agents and microeconomic models
Discretion and autonomy
International financial centres : concepts, development, and dynamics
Thomas Tooke (1774-1858), Mountifort Longfield (1802-1884), Richard Jones (1790-1855)
Resources and sectors in development
The economics of leisure
Economic justice
Migration and public policy
Recent developments in transport economics
The political economy of financial crises
Economics of administrative law
The psychology of attention
Instruments and targets
Budgeting and the management of public spending
The political economy of science, technology and innovation
Globalization and the location of firms
Monetary theory
Real options and international investment
Critical perspectives on globalization
Intellectual property and business
The economic development of the United Kingdom since 1870
Technology transfer and business enterprise
Transport infrastructure
Comparative politics and the international political economy
Transport and information systems
The economic development of Southeast Asia
Explaining corruption
Inequality and economic development : the modern perspective
Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk (1851-1914) and Friedrich von Wieser (1851-1926)
Concepts of money : interdisciplinary perspectives from economics, sociology and political science
Corporate entrepreneurship and growth
Economic anthropology
Regional policy and regional integration
Classics in management thought
Cultural economics : the arts, the heritage, and the media industries
Transportation planning
Long wave theory
Migration in European history
Speculation and financial markets
Behavioral law and economics
Probability concepts, dialogue and beliefs
Location theory
The political economy of privatization and deregulation
Multinational and international banking
The economics of product differentiation
David Ricardo (1772-1823)
Carl Menger (1840-1921)
International taxation
The economic theory of auctions
Landmark papers on trust
Recent developments in law and economics
Recent developments in cultural economics
Piero Sraffa (1898-1983)
Corporate risk management
Uncertainty and dynamics
The economics of public private partnerships
Offshore financial centres
Open economy macroeconomics
Economic and political liberalisation
Innovation policies and social impact
Dynamic labor demand and adjustment costs
The Economics of information
American options, numerical methods and risk management
The mandate for industrial policy
Rational choice theory
Multinational enterprises and host economies
Mergers and acquisitions
Theory and measurement
Post-structuralist and post-modernist sociology
Land use planning
International debt
Financial accounting and investment management
The environment and transport
Modern classics in the economics of education
The Economic development of Spain since 1870
Islamic economics
Strategic alliances
Theories of migration
Monopoly and competition policy
Ethics and economics
Governance and the public sector
Ownership and scope
Alternative theories of the firm
Privatization and public policy
Evidence about the effects of training
The economics of increasing returns
Law and economic development
Urban transport
Economic policy
Recent developments in experimental economics
Developments in financial reporting by multinationals
The economics of technical change
State structures and strategies
The theory of statistics
James Wilson (1805-1860), Issac Butt (1813-1879), T. E. Cliffe Leslie (1827-1882)
Nineteenth century thought
Game theory and the law
The sociology of the military
Labor markets, distribution and growth
International monetary relations in the new global economy
Innovation and economic development
Harold Hotelling (1895-1973), Lionel Robbins (1898-1984), Clark Warburton (1896-1979), John Bates Clark (1847-1938), Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973)
Regulationist perspectives on Fordism and Post-Fordism
Knowledge and learning in organizations
Gender and economics
Tax policy
The International political economy of monetary relations
The theory of trade policy reform
International management of research and development
The origins and development of regulatory economics
Introduction to equilibrium in economics
Women in the labor market
Forms of politics
The economics of contracts
Joint production of commodities
The history of econometrics
The Economic analysis of rent seeking
Welfare economics
Charles Davenant (1656-1714) and William Petty (1623-1687)
Innovation, evolution of industry and economic growth
Chaos theory in economics : methods, models and evidence
Knut Wicksell (1851-1926)
Independent central banks and economic performance
Technological entrepreneurship
Waste management and planning
Recent developments in environmental economics
Behavioral finance
Urban planning
Transport logistics
Recent developments in international trade theory
Trade and the Industrial Revolution, 1700-1850
Fixed income instruments
The economics of innovation
Transforming international organizations
Social stratification
The reappraisal of econometrics
Theoretical foundations
Labor market discrimination, labor mobility and compensating wage differentials
The historiography of economics
Governance, directors and boards
Globalization and productivity
Conceptual issues
Agricultural economics
New developments in the economics of population ageing
Dissenters : Charles Fourier (1772-1837), Henri de St Simon (1760-1825), Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865), John A. Hobson (1858-1940)
The structural constitution
Water resources and coastal management
Multi-attribute programmes, validity, allocation issues and case studies
Market efficiency : stock market behaviour in theory and practice
Expected utility, fair gambles, and rational choice
Government and business
The sociology of the sciences
The political economy of institutions
International institutions in the new global economy
Development economics
Time series
Unemployment, trade unions, and dispute resolution
Agricultural policy
Theories of migration
The economics of executive compensation
New developments in economic sociology
The migration decision and immigration policy
Recent developments in game theory
Economics of commercial arbitration and dispute resolution
Privatisation and corporate performance
Socialist modernization, 1949-78
Planning history and methodology
Social psychology
Critical perspectives
The study of elites
Health policy
Pricing tactics, strategies, and outcomes
Geography and migration
Public facilities planning
The open economy and the state in development
Systems of innovation : growth, competitiveness and employment
Regions and regionalism in Europe
Financial crises
Urban and regional policy
The foundations of credit risk analysis
The economics of tourism
Developments in the international harmonization of accounting
New international financial architecture
The economics of marketing
Labor supply and labor demand
The WTO and agriculture
Property rights and economic performance
Game theory in economics
Valuation : the general theory
Debt neutrality and the theory of fiscal policy 1970s to 1990s
The international political economy of natural resources
Critiques and alternatives
Economics and religion
Time series models, causality and exogeneity
Homo economicus in the political market place
Thorstein Veblen (1857-1929)
Franchise contracting and organization
Power and the state
Developments in the economics of privatization and regulation
The economics of regional policy
Social planning
The legacy of Milton Friedman as teacher
Corruption in the developing world
Water resources and economic development
The economics of crime
Corporate governance: political and legal perspectives
Aspects of corporate governance
Trygve Haavelmo, James J. Heckman, Daniel L. McFadden, Robert F. Engle and Clive W.J. Granger
The foundations of bureaucracy in economic and social thought
Theoretical and methodological foundations
The fundamentals of embodied cognition
Economic developments : patterns and empirics
Classics in corporate law and economics
Capital theory
Country studies in international accounting, Americas and the Far East
Recent developments in economic methodology
The distribution of tax burdens
Some recent types of equilibrium models
European and American perspectives on regulation
Johann von Thünen (1783-1850), Augustin Cournot (1801-1877), Jules Dupuit (1804-1866)
Economics of intellectual property law
Alfred Marshall (1842-1924) and Francis Edgeworth (1845-1926)
The economics of conflict
Regional planning
The economic theory of invention and innovation
Financial intermediaries
Central topics
Financial crises
Comparative science and technology policy
Managing learning and knowledge
The development of ecological economics
The WTO, trade and the environment
War in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
The foundations of entrepreneurship
Issues and applications
Implicit contract theory
International finance
Economics of family law
Cultural, legal and philosophical issues
Introduction and copyright
Current trends and disciplinary reflection
The Politics of the environment
Foreign exchange intervention : objectives and effectiveness
Country studies in international accounting, Europe
Continuous-time methods and market microstructure
Technology creation and its economic impact
Irrigated agriculture and the environment
Recent developments in time series
The economics of illegal activities
Advances in entrepreneurship
Policy responses
The legacy of Piero Sraffa
Space and value
Deficit finance, the new economics and the dissenters
Purchasing power parity
Economic foundations of injury and death damages
The economics of altruism
Business elites
The WTO and government procurement
The economics of illegal markets and organized crime
The economic value of education : studies in the economics of education
The WTO and reciprocal preferential trading agreements
Industry and country studies
Edward Chamberlin (1899-1967)
Controlling corruption
The WTO and poverty and inequality
What has happened?
Landmark papers in economic growth
Economic structure and change : concepts and theories
Big business in mining and petroleum
Economics of conflict of laws
Economics of contract law
Recent developments in urban and regional economics
Corporate restructuring
New firm startups
Transport policy
The economics of ageing
Memory structure
Cognitive economics
General equilibrium theory
Transaction costs and property rights
Statistical foundations for econometrics
Economics of tort law
Speech and elections
Applications of probability and statistical theory
Legal institutions and economic development
Corporate patenting
The sociology of medicine
François Quesnay (1694-1774)
The economics of the family
The economics of housing
Producer cooperatives and labor-managed systems
The sociology of rural communities
Economics of European Union law
The WTO, safeguards, and temporary protection from imports
Recent developments in labor economics
Dynamic asset-pricing models
The economics of famine
Analytical urban economics
Regulation, economics and the law
John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946)
The legacy of Ludwig von Mises
Interlocking directorships and corporate networks
Gender and migration
The theory of culture
Entrepreneurship and technology policy
Personnel economics
William Whewell (1794-1866), Dionysius Lardner (1793-1859), Charles Babbage (1792-1871)
The Growth of multinationals
Controversies and challenges in the new institutional economics
Intra-industry trade
Business cycle theory
Flexibility, monopsony and the new labor market segmentation
Public procurement
Asset pricing theory and tests
The principal agent model : the economic theory of incentives
Country studies
The economics of health behaviours
Formal sociology : the sociology of Georg Simmel
The regulation of bank capital
Time in economic theory
Sources of differences
Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834) and John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)
The economics of defence
Public choice theory
Globalization and labour markets
Gender and development : theoretical, empirical and practical approaches
Economics of comparative law
The WTO, economic interdependence, and conflict
The Early mercantilists : Thomas Mun (1571-1641), Edward Misselden (1608-1634), Gerard de Malynes (1586-1623)
Futures markets
The historical evolution of the international political economy
Recent developments in the econometrics of panel data
Migration, diasporas and transnationalism
The separation of powers and constitutional political economy
The econometrics of panel data
International investment
The WTO and accession countries
Harry M. Markowitz, Merton H. Miller, William F. Sharpe, Robert C. Merton and Myron S. Scholes
The foundations of evolutionary economics, 1890-1973
Empirical international trade
Milton Friedman, Robert E. Lucas, Jr. and Edmund S. Phelps
Economics of evidence, procedure and litigation
The foundations of game theory
The economics of communication and information
Regional housing and labour markets
Financial market integration and international capital flows
Happiness in economics
International securities
Patterns of work in the post-Fordist era : Fordism and post-Fordism
The Parisian regulation school
The Fordism of Ford and modern management : Fordism and post-Fordism
Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines and Thailand
Services, globalization and economic development
The economics of the environment
Commodity monies
Corruption in the developed world
Neofunctionalist sociology
The economics of politics
Knowledge and learning
War from antiquity to artillery
Economic welfare : concepts and measurement
Behavioural economics
Leadership development
The Psychology of Gender
Economic welfare
Developing and newly industrializing countries
Emerging markets
Economics of labor and employment law
The case for and against banking regulation
Modern classics on leadership
Adam Smith (1723-1790)
Governance and auditing
Jean-Baptiste Say (1776-1832)
The legacy of Léon Walras
Recent developments in institutional economics
Data Provider (Database)
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