
Tibetan translation series

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Tibetan translation series

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Mother of knowledge : the enlightenment of Ye-shes mTsho-rgyalLeave the NDL website. Meditation = bSam-gtan ngal-gsoLeave the NDL website. Leaves of the heaven tree : the great compassion of BuddhaLeave the NDL website. The fortunate aeon : how the thousand Buddhas become enlightenedLeave the NDL website. Golden zephyrLeave the NDL website. Wonderment = sGyu-ma ngal-gsoLeave the NDL website. The marvelous companion : life stories of the BuddhaLeave the NDL website. Master of wisdom : writings of the Buddhist Master NāgārjunaLeave the NDL website. The life and liberation of Padmasambhava : Padma bKa'i ThangLeave the NDL website. The life and liberation of Padmasambhava : Padma bKa'i ThangLeave the NDL website. Calm and clearLeave the NDL website. Mind = Sems-nyid ngal-gsoLeave the NDL website. Invitation to enlightenment : letter to the great king Kaniṣka . Letter to a discipleLeave the NDL website. The voice of the Buddha, the beauty of compassionLeave the NDL website. Master of wisdom : writings of the Buddhist Master NāgārjunaLeave the NDL website. The staff of wisdom = Lugs kyi bstan-bcos shes-rab sdong-po . A precious treasury of elegant sayings = Legs-bshad rin-po-che'i gterLeave the NDL website. Mind in Buddhist psychology : a translation of Ye-shes rgyal-mtshan's "The necklace of clear understanding"Leave the NDL website. Buddha's lions = Caturaśīti-siddha-pravṛtti : the lives of the eighty-four siddhasLeave the NDL website. Chos kyi tshigs su bcad pa = DhammapadaLeave the NDL website. Gathering the meanings : the compendium of categories : the ArthaviniŚcaya sūtra and its commentary, nibandhanaLeave the NDL website. Path of heroes : birth of enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. The legend of the Great Stupa = mChod-rten-po-bya-rung-kha-sor-gyi-lo-rgyus-thos-pas-grol-ba ; The life story of the Lotus Born Guru = Zab-pa-skor-bdon-las-O-rgyen-rnam-thar-dpag-bsan-lyong-singLeave the NDL website. Wisdom of Buddha : the Saṁdhinirmocana sūtraLeave the NDL website. Joy for the world : a Buddhist playLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Mother of knowledge : the enlightenment of Ye-shes mTsho-rgyal

  • Meditation = bSam-gtan ngal-gso

  • Leaves of the heaven tree : the great compassion of Buddha

  • The fortunate aeon : how the thousand Buddhas become enlightened

  • Golden zephyr

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Mother of knowledge : the enlightenment of Ye-shes mTsho-rgyal
Meditation = bSam-gtan ngal-gso
Leaves of the heaven tree : the great compassion of Buddha
The fortunate aeon : how the thousand Buddhas become enlightened
Golden zephyr
Wonderment = sGyu-ma ngal-gso
The marvelous companion : life stories of the Buddha
Master of wisdom : writings of the Buddhist Master Nāgārjuna
The life and liberation of Padmasambhava : Padma bKa'i Thang
The life and liberation of Padmasambhava : Padma bKa'i Thang
Calm and clear
Mind = Sems-nyid ngal-gso
Invitation to enlightenment : letter to the great king Kaniṣka . Letter to a disciple
The voice of the Buddha, the beauty of compassion
Master of wisdom : writings of the Buddhist Master Nāgārjuna
The staff of wisdom = Lugs kyi bstan-bcos shes-rab sdong-po . A precious treasury of elegant sayings = Legs-bshad rin-po-che'i gter
Mind in Buddhist psychology : a translation of Ye-shes rgyal-mtshan's "The necklace of clear understanding"
Buddha's lions = Caturaśīti-siddha-pravṛtti : the lives of the eighty-four siddhas
Chos kyi tshigs su bcad pa = Dhammapada
Gathering the meanings : the compendium of categories : the ArthaviniŚcaya sūtra and its commentary, nibandhana
Path of heroes : birth of enlightenment
The legend of the Great Stupa = mChod-rten-po-bya-rung-kha-sor-gyi-lo-rgyus-thos-pas-grol-ba ; The life story of the Lotus Born Guru = Zab-pa-skor-bdon-las-O-rgyen-rnam-thar-dpag-bsan-lyong-sing
Wisdom of Buddha : the Saṁdhinirmocana sūtra
Joy for the world : a Buddhist play
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA01171691 : BA01171691