
Soviet and post-Soviet politics and society

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Soviet and post-Soviet politics and society

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Umland, Andreas
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General editor: Andreas Umland

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Das russische Verfassungsrecht auf dem Weg zum Föderalismus und zurück : zum Konflikt von Rechtsnormen und -wirklichkeit in der Russländischen Föderation von 1991 bis 2009Leave the NDL website. After empire : nationalist imagination and symbolic politics in Russia and Eurasia in the twentieth and twenty-first centuryLeave the NDL website. Foreign assistance and civic action in the 2004 Ukrainian presidential electionsLeave the NDL website. The Euromaidan's effect on civil society : why and how Ukrainian social capital increased after the revolution of dignityLeave the NDL website. The february 2015 assassination of Boris Nemtsov and the flawed trial of his alleged killers : an exploration of Russia's “crime of the 21st century"Leave the NDL website. Russian studies of international relations : from the Soviet past to the Post-Cold-War presentLeave the NDL website. Nation, region and history in post-communist transitions : identity politics in Ukraine, 1991-2006Leave the NDL website. Помнить нельзя забыть : антропология депортационной травмы калмыков = Pomnitʹ nelʹzia zabytʹ : antropologiia deportatsionnoi travmy kalmykovLeave the NDL website. The role of the European Union in Moldova's Transnistria conflictLeave the NDL website. Cleft countries : regional political divisions and cultures in post-Soviet Ukraine and MoldovaLeave the NDL website. Народы стран Балтии в условиях сталинизма : 1940-е--1950-е годы = Narody stran Baltii v usloviiakh stalinizma : 1940-e-1950-e gody : dokumentirovannaia istoriiaLeave the NDL website. Russia and the EU in a multipolar world : discourses, identities, normsLeave the NDL website. Language policy and the discourse on languages in Ukraine under president Viktor Yanukovych (25 February 2010-28 October 2012)Leave the NDL website. Nation-building and minority politics in post-socialist states : interests, influence and identities in Estonia and LatviaLeave the NDL website. Conflict resolution beyond the international relations paradigm : evolving designs as a transformative practice in Nagorno-Karabakh and SyriaLeave the NDL website. Explaining Russian foreign policy behavior : theory and practiceLeave the NDL website. The Georgian regime crisis of 2003-2004 : a case study in post-Soviet media representation of politics, crime and corruptionLeave the NDL website. Institutional observation reports on the 2004 Ukrainian presidential electionsLeave the NDL website. Mass media in the post-Soviet world : market forces, state actors, and political manipulation in the informational environment after communismLeave the NDL website. Wer sind die Moldawier? : Rumänismus versus Moldowanismus in Historiographie und Schulbüchern der Republik Moldova, 1991-2006Leave the NDL website. Postsowjetische Feiern : das georgische Bankett im WandelLeave the NDL website. Democratization and elections in post-communist UkraineLeave the NDL website. Пределы падения - варианты украинского будущего : аналитико-прогностические исследованияLeave the NDL website. Transregional versus national perspectives on contemporary central European history : studies on the building of Nation-States and their cooperation in the 20th and 21st centuryLeave the NDL website. Essays on Chechnya and the Baltic statesLeave the NDL website. History as therapy : alternative history and nationalist imaginings in Russia, 1991-2014Leave the NDL website. Cultural politics of ethnicity : discourses on Roma in Communist CzechoslovakiaLeave the NDL website. Preparing liberty in Central Europe : political texts from the spring of nations 1848 to the spring of Prague 1968Leave the NDL website. Ukraine--Crimea--Russia : triangle of conflictLeave the NDL website. Borderlands into bordered lands : geopolitics of identity in post-Soviet UkraineLeave the NDL website. Theoretical and comparative perspectives on nationalism : new directions in cross-cultural and post-communist studiesLeave the NDL website. Setting signs for Europe : why diacritics matter for European integrationLeave the NDL website. Assisting reform in post-communist Ukraine 2000–2012 : the illusions of donors and the disillusion of beneficiariesLeave the NDL website. The EU's impact on identity formation in East-Central Europe between 2004 and 2013 : perceptions of the nation and Europe in political parties of the Czech Republic, Poland, and SlovakiaLeave the NDL website. Language conflicts in contemporary Estonia, Latvia, and Ukraine : a comparative exploration of discourses in post-Soviet Russian-language digital mediaLeave the NDL website. Informal healthcare in contemporary Russia : sociographic essays on the post-Soviet infrastructure for alternative healing practicesLeave the NDL website. Geopolitical imagination : ideology and utopia in post-Soviet RussiaLeave the NDL website. Revolution and war in contemporary Ukraine : the challenge of changeLeave the NDL website. Romania's strategic culture, 1990-2014 : continuity and change in a post-communist country's evolution of national interests and security policiesLeave the NDL website. Archival records and historical sources on the 1990 Revolution on GraniteLeave the NDL website. Public policy and politics in Georgia : lessons from post-Soviet transitionLeave the NDL website. Urban Protest : a spatial perspective on Kyiv, Minsk, and MoscowLeave the NDL website. The context and dynamics of the 2004 Ukrainian presidential electionsLeave the NDL website. Ukraine's Euromaidan : analyses of a civil revolutionLeave the NDL website. A fateful triangle : essays on contemporary Russian, German and Polish historyLeave the NDL website. Russian nationalism, foreign policy, and identity debates in Putin's Russia : new ideological patterns after the Orange RevolutionLeave the NDL website. Socio-economic foundations of the Russian post-Soviet regime : the resource-based economy and estate-based social structure of contemporary RussiaLeave the NDL website. Development and Dystopia : studies in Post-Soviet Ukraine and Eastern EuropeLeave the NDL website. Tatarstan in der Transformation : nationaler Diskurs und politische Praxis 1988-1994Leave the NDL website. The imposition of a fake political settlement in the Northern Caucasus : the 2003 Chechen presidential electionLeave the NDL website. Essays on Ukraine, intervention, and non-proliferationLeave the NDL website. The politicization of Russian orthodoxy : actors and ideasLeave the NDL website. Information and manipulation strategies in the 2004 Ukrainian presidential electionsLeave the NDL website. Building Ukraine from within : a sociological, institutional, and economic analysis of a nation-state in the makingLeave the NDL website. Zivilgesellschaftliche Einflüsse auf die Orange Revolution : die gewaltlose Massenbewegung und die ukrainische Wahlkrise 2004Leave the NDL website. Joining a prestigious club : cooperation with Europarties and its impact on party development in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine 2004–2015Leave the NDL website. Wandering workers : mores, behavior, way of life, and political status of domestic Russian labor migrantsLeave the NDL website. The new third Rome : readings of a Russian nationalist mythLeave the NDL website. Civil society in post-Euromaidan Ukraine : from revolution to consolidationLeave the NDL website. The European Union's democracy promotion in Central Asia : a study of political interests, influence, and development in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in 2007-2013Leave the NDL website. Russia in the Arctic : hard or soft power?Leave the NDL website. Towards a new Russian work culture : can western companies and expatriates change Russian society?Leave the NDL website. Latvia - a work in progress? : 100 years of state- and nation-buildingLeave the NDL website. Limits of a post-Soviet state : how informality replaces, renegotiates, and reshapes governance in contemporary UkraineLeave the NDL website. Changing images of the left in Bulgaria : the challenge of post-communism in the early 21st centuryLeave the NDL website. Ethnic entrepreneurs unmasked : political institutions and ethnic conflicts in contemporary BulgariaLeave the NDL website. Fascism past and present, west and east : an international debate on concepts and cases in the comparative study of the extreme rightLeave the NDL website. Migration as a (geo-)political challenge in the Post-Soviet space : border regimes, policy choices, visa agendasLeave the NDL website. The Russian path : ideas, interests, institutions, illusionsLeave the NDL website. Power and identity in the post-Soviet realm : geographies of ethnicity and nationality after 1991Leave the NDL website. An unsettled nation : Moldova in the geopolitics of Russia, Romania, and UkraineLeave the NDL website. The EU and the South Caucasus : European neighborhood policies between eclecticism and pragmatism, 1991-2021Leave the NDL website. When the future came : the collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of national memory in post-Soviet history textbooksLeave the NDL website. The Search for Distinctive Conformism in the Political Communication of Nashi, 2005-2009Leave the NDL website. Civil war? Interstate war? Hybrid war? : dimensions and interpretations of the Donbas Conflict in 2014-2020Leave the NDL website. Decentralization and multilevel elections in Ukraine : reform dynamics and party politics in 2010-2021Leave the NDL website. Helsinki revisited : a key U.S. negotiator's memoirs on the development of the CSCE into the OSCELeave the NDL website. NATO's enlargement and Russia : a strategic challenge in the past and futureLeave the NDL website. Ukraine in Central and Eastern Europe : Kyiv's foreign affairs and the international relations of the post-Communist regionLeave the NDL website. The annexation of Crimea and the war in DonbasLeave the NDL website. The popular uprising in winter 2013/2014Leave the NDL website. Post-Soviet secessionism : nation-building and state-failure after communismLeave the NDL website. An oral history of the Revolution on Granite, Orange Revolution, and Revolution of DignityLeave the NDL website. Theoretical aspects and analyses on religion, memory, and identityLeave the NDL website. National questions: theoretical reflections on nations and nationalism in Eastern EuropeLeave the NDL website. Transforming the administrative matryoshka : the reform of autonomous Okrugs in the Russian Federation, 2003-2008Leave the NDL website. Post-Euromaidan Ukraine : domestic power struggles and war of national survival in 2014-2022Leave the NDL website. Religion and magic in socialist and post-socialist contexts : historic and ethnographic case studies of orthodoxy, heterodoxy, and alternative spiritualityLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Das russische Verfassungsrecht auf dem Weg zum Föderalismus und zurück : zum Konflikt von Rechtsnormen und -wirklichkeit in der Russländischen Föderation von 1991 bis 2009

  • After empire : nationalist imagination and symbolic politics in Russia and Eurasia in the twentieth and twenty-first century

  • Foreign assistance and civic action in the 2004 Ukrainian presidential elections

  • The Euromaidan's effect on civil society : why and how Ukrainian social capital increased after the revolution of dignity

  • The february 2015 assassination of Boris Nemtsov and the flawed trial of his alleged killers : an exploration of Russia's “crime of the 21st century"

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Note (General)
General editor: Andreas Umland
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Das russische Verfassungsrecht auf dem Weg zum Föderalismus und zurück : zum Konflikt von Rechtsnormen und -wirklichkeit in der Russländischen Föderation von 1991 bis 2009
After empire : nationalist imagination and symbolic politics in Russia and Eurasia in the twentieth and twenty-first century
Foreign assistance and civic action in the 2004 Ukrainian presidential elections
The Euromaidan's effect on civil society : why and how Ukrainian social capital increased after the revolution of dignity
The february 2015 assassination of Boris Nemtsov and the flawed trial of his alleged killers : an exploration of Russia's “crime of the 21st century"
Russian studies of international relations : from the Soviet past to the Post-Cold-War present
Nation, region and history in post-communist transitions : identity politics in Ukraine, 1991-2006
Помнить нельзя забыть : антропология депортационной травмы калмыков = Pomnitʹ nelʹzia zabytʹ : antropologiia deportatsionnoi travmy kalmykov
The role of the European Union in Moldova's Transnistria conflict
Cleft countries : regional political divisions and cultures in post-Soviet Ukraine and Moldova
Народы стран Балтии в условиях сталинизма : 1940-е--1950-е годы = Narody stran Baltii v usloviiakh stalinizma : 1940-e-1950-e gody : dokumentirovannaia istoriia
Russia and the EU in a multipolar world : discourses, identities, norms
Language policy and the discourse on languages in Ukraine under president Viktor Yanukovych (25 February 2010-28 October 2012)
Nation-building and minority politics in post-socialist states : interests, influence and identities in Estonia and Latvia
Conflict resolution beyond the international relations paradigm : evolving designs as a transformative practice in Nagorno-Karabakh and Syria
Explaining Russian foreign policy behavior : theory and practice
The Georgian regime crisis of 2003-2004 : a case study in post-Soviet media representation of politics, crime and corruption
Institutional observation reports on the 2004 Ukrainian presidential elections
Mass media in the post-Soviet world : market forces, state actors, and political manipulation in the informational environment after communism
Wer sind die Moldawier? : Rumänismus versus Moldowanismus in Historiographie und Schulbüchern der Republik Moldova, 1991-2006
Postsowjetische Feiern : das georgische Bankett im Wandel
Democratization and elections in post-communist Ukraine
Пределы падения - варианты украинского будущего : аналитико-прогностические исследования
Transregional versus national perspectives on contemporary central European history : studies on the building of Nation-States and their cooperation in the 20th and 21st century
Essays on Chechnya and the Baltic states
History as therapy : alternative history and nationalist imaginings in Russia, 1991-2014
Cultural politics of ethnicity : discourses on Roma in Communist Czechoslovakia
Preparing liberty in Central Europe : political texts from the spring of nations 1848 to the spring of Prague 1968
Ukraine--Crimea--Russia : triangle of conflict
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Theoretical and comparative perspectives on nationalism : new directions in cross-cultural and post-communist studies
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Assisting reform in post-communist Ukraine 2000–2012 : the illusions of donors and the disillusion of beneficiaries
The EU's impact on identity formation in East-Central Europe between 2004 and 2013 : perceptions of the nation and Europe in political parties of the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia
Language conflicts in contemporary Estonia, Latvia, and Ukraine : a comparative exploration of discourses in post-Soviet Russian-language digital media
Informal healthcare in contemporary Russia : sociographic essays on the post-Soviet infrastructure for alternative healing practices
Geopolitical imagination : ideology and utopia in post-Soviet Russia
Revolution and war in contemporary Ukraine : the challenge of change
Romania's strategic culture, 1990-2014 : continuity and change in a post-communist country's evolution of national interests and security policies
Archival records and historical sources on the 1990 Revolution on Granite
Public policy and politics in Georgia : lessons from post-Soviet transition
Urban Protest : a spatial perspective on Kyiv, Minsk, and Moscow
The context and dynamics of the 2004 Ukrainian presidential elections
Ukraine's Euromaidan : analyses of a civil revolution
A fateful triangle : essays on contemporary Russian, German and Polish history
Russian nationalism, foreign policy, and identity debates in Putin's Russia : new ideological patterns after the Orange Revolution
Socio-economic foundations of the Russian post-Soviet regime : the resource-based economy and estate-based social structure of contemporary Russia
Development and Dystopia : studies in Post-Soviet Ukraine and Eastern Europe
Tatarstan in der Transformation : nationaler Diskurs und politische Praxis 1988-1994
The imposition of a fake political settlement in the Northern Caucasus : the 2003 Chechen presidential election
Essays on Ukraine, intervention, and non-proliferation
The politicization of Russian orthodoxy : actors and ideas
Information and manipulation strategies in the 2004 Ukrainian presidential elections
Building Ukraine from within : a sociological, institutional, and economic analysis of a nation-state in the making
Zivilgesellschaftliche Einflüsse auf die Orange Revolution : die gewaltlose Massenbewegung und die ukrainische Wahlkrise 2004
Joining a prestigious club : cooperation with Europarties and its impact on party development in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine 2004–2015
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The new third Rome : readings of a Russian nationalist myth
Civil society in post-Euromaidan Ukraine : from revolution to consolidation
The European Union's democracy promotion in Central Asia : a study of political interests, influence, and development in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in 2007-2013
Russia in the Arctic : hard or soft power?
Towards a new Russian work culture : can western companies and expatriates change Russian society?
Latvia - a work in progress? : 100 years of state- and nation-building
Limits of a post-Soviet state : how informality replaces, renegotiates, and reshapes governance in contemporary Ukraine
Changing images of the left in Bulgaria : the challenge of post-communism in the early 21st century
Ethnic entrepreneurs unmasked : political institutions and ethnic conflicts in contemporary Bulgaria
Fascism past and present, west and east : an international debate on concepts and cases in the comparative study of the extreme right
Migration as a (geo-)political challenge in the Post-Soviet space : border regimes, policy choices, visa agendas
The Russian path : ideas, interests, institutions, illusions
Power and identity in the post-Soviet realm : geographies of ethnicity and nationality after 1991
An unsettled nation : Moldova in the geopolitics of Russia, Romania, and Ukraine
The EU and the South Caucasus : European neighborhood policies between eclecticism and pragmatism, 1991-2021
When the future came : the collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of national memory in post-Soviet history textbooks
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Civil war? Interstate war? Hybrid war? : dimensions and interpretations of the Donbas Conflict in 2014-2020
Decentralization and multilevel elections in Ukraine : reform dynamics and party politics in 2010-2021
Helsinki revisited : a key U.S. negotiator's memoirs on the development of the CSCE into the OSCE
NATO's enlargement and Russia : a strategic challenge in the past and future
Ukraine in Central and Eastern Europe : Kyiv's foreign affairs and the international relations of the post-Communist region
The annexation of Crimea and the war in Donbas
The popular uprising in winter 2013/2014
Post-Soviet secessionism : nation-building and state-failure after communism
An oral history of the Revolution on Granite, Orange Revolution, and Revolution of Dignity
Theoretical aspects and analyses on religion, memory, and identity
National questions: theoretical reflections on nations and nationalism in Eastern Europe
Transforming the administrative matryoshka : the reform of autonomous Okrugs in the Russian Federation, 2003-2008
Post-Euromaidan Ukraine : domestic power struggles and war of national survival in 2014-2022
Religion and magic in socialist and post-socialist contexts : historic and ethnographic case studies of orthodoxy, heterodoxy, and alternative spirituality