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Landmarks of science

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ed. by Harold Hartley, Duane H. D. Roller
Readex Microprint
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Neue Beiträge zur Geschichte der rheinischen Vulkane : ein Bericht an die Gesellschaft nüsslicher Forschungen zu Trier für 1820Leave the NDL website. The motion of fluids, natural and artificial : in particular that of the air and water, ... : with plain draughts of such experiments and machines, whichines, which by description only, might not readily be comprehendedLeave the NDL website. OpereLeave the NDL website. Versuch einer Geschichte der PflanzenweltLeave the NDL website. Les oeuvres mathematiques : ou sont inserées les memoires mathematiques ...Leave the NDL website. Newton's laws of motionLeave the NDL website. Geologische FragenLeave the NDL website. Untersuchungen über thierische ElektricitätLeave the NDL website. Élements d'astronomieLeave the NDL website. Lettres sur les roches du jura et leur distribution géographique dans les deux hémisphèresLeave the NDL website. The anatomy and philosophy of expressionLeave the NDL website. A treatise upon artificial electricity ...Leave the NDL website. Recherches sur l'élasticité : ... de l'équilibre et du mouvement des milieux vitreux. Les milieux vitreux peu déformés. La stabilité des milieux élastiques. Propriétés générales des ondes dans les milieux visqueux et non visqueuxLeave the NDL website. Memoir, containing an abridged treatise on the cultivation and manufacture of indigo. ...Leave the NDL website. L'art de faire, gouverner, et perfectionner les vinsLeave the NDL website. Ursprung der Bergwerke in Sachsen, aus der Geschichte mittler Zeiten untersuchetLeave the NDL website. AutobiographyLeave the NDL website. Traité de la cause et des phenomenes de l'électricitéLeave the NDL website. Traité des fougeres de l'AmeriqueLeave the NDL website. More worlds than one : the creed of the philosopher and the hope of the ChristianLeave the NDL website. Histoire des progrès de la géologie de 1834 à 1845Leave the NDL website. Sammlungen zur Physik und Naturgeschichte von einigen Liebhabern dieser WissenschaftenLeave the NDL website. Introduction a l'étude de la chimie des anciens et du moyen ageLeave the NDL website. Les origines de la statiqueLeave the NDL website. The foot-prints of the creator : or, The asterolepis of stromnessLeave the NDL website. Essai de cristallographie, ou description des figures géométriques, propres à différens corps du regne minéral, connus vulgairement sous le nom de cristaux, avec figures et développemensLeave the NDL website. Osservazioni intorno alle vipere ...Leave the NDL website. The curious distillatory : or, The art of distilling coloured liquors, spirits, oyls, &c. from vegitables, animals, minerals, and metals. A thing hitherto known by few. Containing many experiments easy to perform, yet curious, surprizing, and useful: relating to the production of colours, consistence, and heat, in divers bodies which are colourless, fluid, and cold. Together with several experiments upon the blood (and its serum) of diseased persons, with divers other collateral experimentsLeave the NDL website. The history and present state of discoveries relating to vision, light, and coloursLeave the NDL website. Technica curiosa, sive mirabilia artis, libris XII. comprehensa ...Leave the NDL website. A description of active and extinct volcanoes : with remarks on their origin, ... with much additional matterLeave the NDL website. Opere scelte di Amedeo AvogadroLeave the NDL website. Physik des aethers auf elektromagnetischer GrundlageLeave the NDL website. Historia insectorum generalis, of te algemeene verhandeling van de bloedeloose dierkens ...Leave the NDL website. De materia medica lib. V. versibvs conscripti. Per Ianum Cornarium medicum physicum emendati ac annotati, & nunquam antea ex toto editi. Contenta singvlis libris. I. & II. De herbis ac plantis uulgarib. III. De plantis peregrinis. IIII. De quibusdam plantis, itemq́ɜ animaliū partibus, ac terrae speciebus. V. De lapidibus ac gemmisLeave the NDL website. A general view of the natural history of the atmosphere, and of its connection with the sciences of medicine and agriculture : including an essay on the causes of epidemical diseasesLeave the NDL website. Essays in historical chemistryLeave the NDL website. The natural history of Cornwall : the air, climate, waters, rivers, lakes, sea and tides ... of the inhabitants, their manners, customs, plays or interludes, exercises, and festivals; the Cornish language, trade, tenures, and arts ...Leave the NDL website. Speculum lapidum clarissimi artium et medicine doctoris Camilli Leonardi pisaurensis ...Leave the NDL website. Ephemerides annorum L, iuxta Tychonis hypotheses, et accum tè e coelo deductas obseruationis : ab anno 1630 ad annvm 1680Leave the NDL website. On the origin of speciesLeave the NDL website. Opuscula nova anatomica, de lacteis thoracicis et lymphaticis vasis, uno volumine comprehensaLeave the NDL website. Versuch einer vollständigen ThierseelenkundeLeave the NDL website. Storia del metodo sperimentale in Italia. ...Leave the NDL website. Lettres philosophiques sur la formation des sels et des crystaux et sur la génération & le mechanisme organique des plantes et des animaux : a l'occasion de la pierre belemnite et de la pierre lenticulaire. Avec un memoire sur la theorie de la terreLeave the NDL website. Perspectiva : in qua, qvae ab aliis fvse traduntur, succincte, neruose & ita pertractantur, vt omnium intellectui facile pateantLeave the NDL website. Briefwechsel zwischen Carl Friedrich Gauss und Wolfgang BolyaiLeave the NDL website. Geological and mineralogical researches, during a period of more than fifty years, in England, Scotland, Ireland, Switzerland, Holland, France, Flanders, and Spain : wherein the effects of the deluge are traced, and the veracity of the Mosaic account is establishedLeave the NDL website. The universe : or, The infinitely great and the infinitely littleLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire raisonné, étymologique, synonymique et polyglotte, des termes usités dans les sciences naturelles, ...Leave the NDL website. Plant-breeding : comments on the experiments of Nilsson and BurbankLeave the NDL website. Nova scientia inventa da Nicolo TartaleaLeave the NDL website. The gold-seeker's manualLeave the NDL website. Otia botanica quibvs in vsvm praelectionvm academicarvm definitionibvs et observationibvs illvstratvm reddidit prodromvm florae Leydensis Adriani van Royen ... qvi plantas terra mariqve crescentes methodo natvrali digessitLeave the NDL website. Essais sur l'hygrométrie. 1er. Essai. Description d'un nouvel hygrometre comparable. II. Essai. Théorie de l'hygrométrie. III. Essai. Théorie de l'évaporation. IV. Essai. Application des théories précédentes à quelques phénomenes de la météorologieLeave the NDL website. Les tourbillons de Descartes et la science moderneLeave the NDL website. Tractatus de materia medica, sive, De medicamentorum simplicium historia, virtute, delectu, & usuLeave the NDL website. Dix années dans l'histoire d'une théorieLeave the NDL website. The molecular tactics of a crystal : being the second Robert Boyle lecture delivered before the Oxford University junior Scientific Club on Tuesday, May 16, 1893 : with twenty illustrationsLeave the NDL website. Traité théorique et pratique de l'art de calciner la pierre calcaire, et de fabriquer toutes sortes de mortiers, cimens, bétons, etc., soit a bras d'hommes, soit a l'aide de machinesLeave the NDL website. Die Wunder der Erdrinde, oder Gemeinfassliche Darstellung der Mineralogie und Geologie, mit besonderer Berückstichtigung ihrer Anwendung auf Künste und GewerbeLeave the NDL website. De vi lvminis borealis in commovenda acv magnetica disserit. Et pro celebranda in avditorio philosophico memoria henriciana, rideliana et seyfertiana ad D. XIX. Martii MDCCLXVIII. Tres orationes ...Leave the NDL website. Chemical reports and memoirs, on atomic volume : isomorphism; endosmosis; the simultaneous contrast of colours; the latent heat of steam at different pressures; the artificial formation of alkaloids; and volcanic phenomenaLeave the NDL website. Begin. [fol. 1 verso:] Petrus de Alyaco vir inter omnes eui sui ... doctissim[us] ... Tractatus de ymagine mundi. Epilogus mappe mundi. Tractatus de legibus [et] sectis. Tractatus de correctione kalendarii. Tractatus de vero ciclo lunari. Cosmographie tractatus duo. Vigintiloquium de concordantia astronomice veritatis cū theologia. Tractatus de [con]cordia astronomice veritatis [et] narrationis hystorice. Tractat[us] elucidarius astronomice concordie cū theologia [et] cum hystorica narratione. Apologetica defensio astronomice veritatis. Alia secunda apologetica defensio eiusdem. Tractatus de cōcordia discordantium astronomorum [...]Leave the NDL website. The botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M. discovery-ships Erebus and Terror, in the years 1839-1843 : under the command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross, ...Leave the NDL website. Nützliches Allerley aus der Natur und dem gemeinen Leben für allerley Leser ...Leave the NDL website. Lexicon scientiarum : a dictionary of terms used in the various branches of anatomy, astronomy, botany, chemistry, geology, geometry, hygiene, mineralogy, nat. philosophy, physiology, zoology, etc. for the use of all who read or study, in college, school, or private lifeLeave the NDL website. Histoire des insectes : nuisibles a l'homme, aux bestiaux, a l'agriculture et au jardinage; ...Leave the NDL website. Notizie degli aggrandimenti delle scienze fisiche accaduti in Toscana nel corso di anni LX. del secolo XVIILeave the NDL website. Histoire des sciences. La chimie au moyen âgeLeave the NDL website. Geometrical lectures : explaining the generation, nature and properties of curve linesLeave the NDL website. De gnomone meridiano bononiensi ad divi petronii deque observationibus astronomicis eo instrumento ab ejus constructione ad hoc tempus peractisLeave the NDL website. Zur FarbenlehreLeave the NDL website. Minvs cognitarvm stirpivm aliqvot, ac etiam rariorvm nostro coelo orientivm έκφρασί ʗ ... item, de aquatilibus, alijsq́; animalibus quisbusdam paucis libellus ... omnia fideliter ad viuum delineata, aereisq́; typis expressa ...Leave the NDL website. Dvbitationi d'avtore incerto contra il modo del dividere l'allvvioni trovato da Carlo Carrazzi ... et riposte fatte da lui, con vn discorso contra il modo accettato da vn dottore ParmeggianoLeave the NDL website. Report of a geological reconnoissance made in 1835, from the seat of government, by the way of Green Bay and the Wisconsin Territory, to the Coteau de Prairie, an elevated ridge dividing the Missouri from the St. Peter's RiverLeave the NDL website. Histoire de la chimieLeave the NDL website. I. Réapparition du genre Arethusina Barr ... II. Faune silurienne des environs de Hof, en BavièreLeave the NDL website. L'architecture du monde des atomes, dévoilant la structure des composés chimiques et leur cristallogénieLeave the NDL website. Geologische Briefe aus den AlpenLeave the NDL website. Bernardi Siegfried Albini ... Explicatio tabularum anatomicarum Bartholomaei Eustachii, anatomici summi. Accedit tabularum editio novaLeave the NDL website. The correlation of physical forces : with other contributions to scienceLeave the NDL website. La figure de la terre, determinée par les observations de Messieurs de Maupertuis, Clairaut, Camus, Le Monnier & de M. l'abbé Outhier, accompagnés de M. Celsius, faites par ordre du roy au cercle polaireLeave the NDL website. Vsvs astronomicvs planisphaerii stellati, seu vice-globi coelestis in plano delineati compendiaria introdvctio ... Cui adjectae sunt tabvlae aliquot astronomicae novâ & compendiosâ ad faciliorem usum methodo supputatae ...Leave the NDL website. Nouvelles lettres et opusculesLeave the NDL website. Elémens d'algèbreLeave the NDL website. L'art de jetter les bombesLeave the NDL website. The gases of the atmosphere : the history of their discoveryLeave the NDL website. Leçons de physique experimentaleLeave the NDL website. Mechanica hydraulico-pnevmatica, qua praeterquàm quòd aquei elementi natura ... Opus bipartitum ... Accessit experimentum novum Magdeburgicum, quo vacuum alij stabilire, alij evertere conanturLeave the NDL website. Meteorologia', cioè discorso de le impressioni humide & seche generate tanto ne l'aria, quãto ne le cauerne de la terra, non per uia di tradottione, ma di sceltaLeave the NDL website. Tentamina electrica in academiis regiis Londinensi et Parisina : primvm habita omni stvdio repetita qvae novis aliqvot accessionibvsLeave the NDL website. The fifty years' work of the Royal Geographical SocietyLeave the NDL website. Ueber den Bau Der Erde in dem Alpen-Gebirge zwischen 12 Längen- und 2-4 Breitengraden nebest [i.e. nebst] einigen Betrachtungen über die Gebirge und den Bau der Erde überhaupt ...Leave the NDL website. Ou, de la philosophie moderne relativement aux sciences physiquesLeave the NDL website. Elements of electro-metallurgy; or, The art of working in metals by the galvanic fluid : containing the laws regulating the reduction of the metals ...Leave the NDL website. The celestial worlds discover'd : or, Conjectures concerning the inhabitants, plants and productions of the worlds in the planetsLeave the NDL website. Evidence as to man's place in natureLeave the NDL website. Fvndamentvm historiae natvralis mvscorvm frondosorvm concernens eorvm flores, fructvs, seminalem propagationem adiecta genervm dispositione methodica, iconibvs illvstratisLeave the NDL website. A treatise on crystallographyLeave the NDL website. Jahres-Bericht über die Fortschritte der Chemie und Mineralogie. Eingereicht an die Schwedische Akademie der WissenschaftenLeave the NDL website. Zoologiae danicae prodromus : seu animalium daniae et norvegae indigenarum characteres, nomina, et synonyma imprimis populariumLeave the NDL website. A geological nomenclature for North America : founded upon geological surveys, taken under the direction of the hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer, prepared for Rensselaerean SchoolsLeave the NDL website. Die Kennzeichen der Insekten, nach Anleitung des Königl. Schwed. Ritters und leibarzts Karl Linnaeus, durch XXIV. Kupfertafeln erläutert und mit derselben Natürlichen Geschichte begleitet ...Leave the NDL website. The ornithology of Francis Willughby : ... in three books : wherein all the birds hitherto known ... are accurately described : the descriptions illustrated by ... LXXVIII copper plates : translated into English, and enlarged with many additions throughout the whole work : to which are added, three considerable discourses, I. Of the art of fowling: With a description of several nets in two large copper plates. II. Of the ordering of singing birds. III. Of falconryLeave the NDL website. Phoronomia, sive de viribus et motibus corporum solidorum et fluidorum libri duoLeave the NDL website. Abregé des elemens de botanique; ou, Methode pour connoitre les plantesLeave the NDL website. Tracts on the nature of animals and vegetablesLeave the NDL website. Elettricismo atmosferico. Lettere di Giambattista Beccaria ...Leave the NDL website. Descriptio et advmbratio microscopico-analytica mvscorvm frondosorvm nec non aliorvm vegetantivm et classe cryptogamica Linnaei novorvm dvbissqve vexatorvmLeave the NDL website. Kurzer Entwurf einer Naturlehre, worinnen alles aus dem einzigen Begriffe, dass Kraft nichts anders als Druck sey, erwiesen ist : zum Gebrauche seiner zuhörer bestimmtLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, servant de suite à la théorie de la terre, & d'introduction à l'histoire des minérauxLeave the NDL website. The new law of fluids : or, A discourse concerning the ascent of liquors, in exact geometrical figures, between two nearly contiguous surfaces. To which is added the true state of the case about matter's thinking : wherein it is shewn, how very near that controversy now is, to a full and compleat decisionLeave the NDL website. Discours d'ouverture et de clôture du cours d'histoire naturelle, donné dans le Muséum national d'histoire naturelle l'an VIII ...Leave the NDL website. Vermivm terrestrium et fluviatilium, seu, animalium infusoriorum, helminthicorum, et testaceorum, non marinorum succincta historiaLeave the NDL website. An essay to shew the cause of electricity; and why some things are non-electricable : in a letter to Mr. William Watson, F.R.S.Leave the NDL website. Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales, with an introductory compendium of the general principles of that science, and comparative views of the structure of foreign counties : illustrated by a clouded map and selections. &c.Leave the NDL website. Discours sur la parallaxe de la lune, pour perfectionner la theorie de la lune et celle de la terre ...Leave the NDL website. Traité de la construction et des principaux usages des instrumens de mathématique ...Leave the NDL website. Traité d'optiqueLeave the NDL website. Notizie istoriche intorno l'origine e progressi, del vajuolo, e della inoculazione con un ragionamento sopra i vantaggi, che ne ridondarebbero dalla pratica dell' inoculazione nella prima infanzia, ...Leave the NDL website. Key to the geology of the globe : an essay, designed to show that the present geographical, hydrographical, and geological structures, observed on the earth's crust, were the result of forces acting according to fixed, demonstrable laws, analogous to those governing the development of organic bodiesLeave the NDL website. De quamplurimis phosphoris nunc primum detectis commentariusLeave the NDL website. Elements of catoptrics and dioptrics. ... With an introduction shewing the discoveries made by catoptrics and dioptricsLeave the NDL website. Kosmos : Entwurf einer physichen [i.e. physischen] WeltbeschreibungLeave the NDL website. Tractatus breuis ... venerabilis Episcopi Petri Cameracensis Nos nedum vehens in cognitionem eoru[m] : que in Prima Secunda atqɜ Tercia regionibus aeris fiunt sicuti sūt Sidera Cadencia Stelle comate ... correctus [et] emendatus in lipczensi studio. [fol. 2 recto:] De impressionibus aeris ... Petri de Eliaco ... Libell[us] sup[er] libros Metheororū Arestotelis Incipit feliciterLeave the NDL website. Handbuch der bestimmenden Mineralogie, enthaltend die Terminologie, Systematik, Nomenklatur und Charakteristik der Naturgeschichte des MineralreichesLeave the NDL website. Briefe von Alexander von Humboldt an Christian Carl Josias Freiherr von BunsenLeave the NDL website. An inquiry into the original state and formation of the earth : deduced from facts and the laws of nature : to which is added an appendix, containing some general observations on the strata in Derbyshire : with sections of them, representing their arrangement, affinities, and the mutations they have suffered at different periods of time : intended to illustrate the preceding inquiries, and as a specimen of subterraneous geographyLeave the NDL website. The silurian system, founded on geological researches in the counties of Salop ... with descriptions of the Coal-fields and overlying formationsLeave the NDL website. General principles of the philosophy of nature : with an outline of some of its recent developments among the Germans, embracing the philosophical systems of Schelling and Hegel, and Oken's system of natureLeave the NDL website. Della torba e del carbon-fossileLeave the NDL website. On the connexion of geology with terrestrial magnetism : showing the general polarity of matter, the meridional structure of the crystalline rocks, their transitions, movements and dislocations, including the sedimentary rocks, the laws regulating the distribution of metalliferous deposits, and other magnetic phenomenaLeave the NDL website. A statement of the claims of Charles T. Jackson ... to the discovery of the applicability of sulphuric ether to the prevention of pain in surgical operationsLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie entomologique, comprenant l'indication par ordre alphabéthique de noms d'auteurs : ... accompagnée de notices sur les ourvages périodiques, les dictionnaires et les mémoires des sociétés savantes : suivie d'une table méthodique et chronologique des matièresLeave the NDL website. Philosophiae naturalis Principia MathematicaLeave the NDL website. The meeting-place of geology and historyLeave the NDL website. Tractado de las drogas, y medicinas de las Indias orientales, con sus plantas ...Leave the NDL website. Meteorologia, oder, Der rechte Weg vorher zu wissen, zu beurtheilen die Veränderung der Lufft und Abwechselung des Wetters in verschiedenen Landern ... Ein nützlich Werck für Schiffer, Gärtner, Landleute, Reisende, wie auch alle curiöse Untersucher der Natur ... Aus der engl. Sprach ins Teutsche übersetztLeave the NDL website. Chemie der Benzolderivate oder der aromatischen SubstanzenLeave the NDL website. Fundamenta astronomiae pro anno MDCCLV, deducta ex observationibus viri incomparabilis James Bradley, in Specula astronomica Grenovicensi per annos 1750-1762 institutisLeave the NDL website. Über den Jura in DeutschlandLeave the NDL website. Botanische BriefeLeave the NDL website. The elements of natural philosophy : illustrated throughout by experiments which may be performed without regular apparatusLeave the NDL website. Practical and experimental chemistry, adapted to arts and manufacturesLeave the NDL website. Observations on the zoonomia of Erasmus Darwin, M.D.Leave the NDL website. Mathematical tracts on physical astronomy, the figure of the earth, precession and nutation, and the calculus of variations : designed for the use of students in the universityLeave the NDL website. Elements of galvanism, in theory and practice : with a comprehensive view of its history, from the first experiments of Galvani to the present time : containing also, practical directions for constructing the Galvanic apparatus, and plain systematic instructions for performing all the various experiments ...Leave the NDL website. Tables in illustration of the theory of definite proportionals : shewing the prime equivalent numbers of the elementary substances, and the volume and weights in which they combineLeave the NDL website. Versuche über Pflanzenhybriden : zwei abhandlungen (1865 und 1869)Leave the NDL website. Die Alchemie in älterer und neuerer Zeit : ein Beitrag zur CulturgeschichteLeave the NDL website. Sir Isaac Newton's account of the aether, with some additions by way of appendix by B.R.M.D.Leave the NDL website. Les poissons synonymie--description--moeurs--frai--pêche--iconographie, des espèces composant plus particulièrement la faune FrançaiseLeave the NDL website. Nova et accurata astrolabii geometrici structura, ubi gradus, horumque singula minuta prima, nec non, quadrantis astronomici azimuthalis, quo non solum prima, sed & singula minuta secunda distinctè observari possunt ...Leave the NDL website. Geognostische Beschreibung des Herzogthums Nassau, in besonderer Beziehung auf die Mineralquellen dieses Landes. ...Leave the NDL website. Electro-magnetism. History of Davenport's invention of the application of electro-magnetism to machinery : with remarks on the same from the American Journal of Science and Arts, by Professor Silliman. Also extracts from other public journals, and information on electricity, galvanism, electro-magnetism, &c. by Mrs. SomervilleLeave the NDL website. Succini Prussici physica & civilis historia, cum demonstratione ex autopsia & intimiori rerum experientia deductaLeave the NDL website. Sketch-book of popular geology : being a series of lectures delivered before the philosophical institution of EdinburghLeave the NDL website. Reise im RiesengebirgeLeave the NDL website. Central-Asien : Untersuchungen über die Gebirgsketten und die vergleichende KlimatologieLeave the NDL website. Les méthodes nouvelles de la mécanique célesteLeave the NDL website. Lettere scientifiche, ed erudite ...Leave the NDL website. De l'origine des fontainesLeave the NDL website. Mineralogische Beobachtungen über einige Basalte am Rhein : mit vorangeschickten, zerstreuten Bemerkungen über den Basalt der ältern und neuern SchriftstellerLeave the NDL website. ... Magia universalis naturae et artis, sive Recondita naturalium & artificialium rerum scientia, cujus ope per variam applicationem activorum cum passivis, admirandorum efectuum spectacula, abditarumq́ɜ inventionum miracula, ad varios humanae vitae usus, eruuntur. Opus quadripartitum ...Leave the NDL website. Untersuchungen über das Sonnenspectrum und die Spectren der chemischen ElementeLeave the NDL website. Lettres sur l'électricité ...Leave the NDL website. Le Livre de l'ascension de l'esprit sur la forme du ciel et de la terre : cours d'astronomie rédigé en 1279 par Grégoire Aboulfaradj, dit Bar Hebraeus, publié pour la première fois d'après les manuscrits de Paris, d'Oxford et de Cambridge, par F. Nau ...Leave the NDL website. Elements of electro-biology, or, The voltaic mechanism of man : of electro-pathology, especially of the nervous system; and of electro-therapeuticsLeave the NDL website. Descriptiones tubulorum marinorum, in qvorum censum relati lapides Caudae Cancri, Gesneri, & his fimiles [i.e. similes] : belemnitae; eorumqve alveoli. Secundum dispositionem musei Kleiniani. Addita est dissertatio epistolaris de Pilis MarinisLeave the NDL website. The collected mathematical papersLeave the NDL website. An essay on light and vision; with directions for the proper application of glasses to defective sights : to which are added, some original remarks and experiments on the magnetic phenomena, intimately connected with practical navigationLeave the NDL website. Fratris Basilii Valentini ... Chymische Schriften alle : so viel derer verhanden : anitzo zum dritten mahl zusammen gedruckt : aus vielen so wol geschriebenen als gedruckten Exemplaren vermehret und verbessert : und in zwey Theile verfassetLeave the NDL website. Anatome plantarumLeave the NDL website. De antiqvis avri, argenti, stanni, aeris, ferri plvmbiqve fodinis, Blasii Caryophili opvscvlvmLeave the NDL website. Théorie des machines simples, en ayant égard au frottement de leurs parties et a la roideur des cordagesLeave the NDL website. Versuche über das Verhalten des Phosphorus in verschiedenen GasartenLeave the NDL website. Istoria delle piante che nascono ne' lidi intorno a VeneziaLeave the NDL website. A flora of North America : illustrated by coloured figures, drawn from natureLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der chemie von den ältesten zeiten bis zur gegenwart : zugleich einführung in das studium der chemieLeave the NDL website. Traités sur l'histoire naturelle et la minéralogieLeave the NDL website. Θεοφραστου του Ερεσιου Περι των λιθων βιβλιον. Theophrastus's history of stones : with an English version; and critical and philosophical notes, including the modern history of the gems, &c. described by that author, and of many other of the native fossilsLeave the NDL website. A new system of geology, in which the great revolutions of the earth and animated nature, are reconciled at once to modern science and sacred historyLeave the NDL website. Hortus Kewensis; or, A catalogue of the plants cultivated in the Royal Botanic Garden at KewLeave the NDL website. Elementa chemiae, quae anniversario labore docuit, in publicis, privatisque, scholis, ...Leave the NDL website. Essais : ou, Recueil de mémoires sur plusieurs points de minéralogie, avec la description des pièces déposées chez le Roi, la figure, & l'analyse chimique de celles qui sont les plus intéressantes, & la topographie de Moscow : après un voyage fait au Nord par ordre du gouvernementLeave the NDL website. Tabulae Rudolphinae. Or The Rudolphine tables, supputated to the meridian of Uraniburge, first, by John Kepler, from the observations of the tres noble Ticho Brahe, afterwards digested into a most accurate, and easie compendium, by the famous Johannes Baptista Morinvs, ... and printed for him at Paris, Anno Dom. 1650Leave the NDL website. Die Naturanschauung von Darwin, Goethe und Lamarck : Vortrag in der ersten öffentlichen Sitzung der fünfundfünfzigsten Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte zu Eisenach am 18. September 1882Leave the NDL website. Geschichte der Physik. Erste Abteilung : von den ältesten Zeiten bis zum Ausgange des achtzehnten JahrhundertsLeave the NDL website. A history of the fossil insects in the secondary rocks of England : accompanied by a particular account of the strata in which they occur, and of the circumstances connected with their preservationLeave the NDL website. Mechanisch-physiologische Theorie der Abstammungslehre. ...Leave the NDL website. Letters of Asa GrayLeave the NDL website. The distribution of heat over the surface of the globe, illustrated by isothermal, thermic isabnormal, and other curves of temperatureLeave the NDL website. On the genesis of speciesLeave the NDL website. A new light of alchymie : taken out of the fountaine of nature, and manuall experience : to which is added a treatise Of svlphvr . Also nine books of the nature of things . Also a chymicall dictionary explaining hard places and words met withall in the writings of Paracelsus, and other obscure authorsLeave the NDL website. Sermo academicvs de similitvdine vis electricae atqve magneticae in solenni conventv Academiae Imperialis Scientiarvm A.O.R. MDCCLVIII. die VII. Septembris ...Leave the NDL website. Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematicaLeave the NDL website. Protheoria mathematica, in qva non solvm disciplinae mathematicae omnes, ordine conuenienti enumerantur: verùm etiam uniuersalia mathematica praecepta, explicantur. Breuis quoqɜ corporis mathematici, in tria volumina, institvtionvm dvo, et pandectarvm vnvm distincti, descriptoLeave the NDL website. Experiments, notes, &c. about the mechanical origine or production of divers particular qualities : among which is inserted a discourse of the imperfection of the chymist's doctrine of qualities; together with some reflections upon the hypothesis of alcali and acidumLeave the NDL website. Anzeige von einer auf der Königlichen Universitäts-Sternwarte zu Bonn unternommenen Durchmusterung des nördlichen Himmels als Grundlage neuer HimmelschartenLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der organischen Naturwissenschaften im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. ...Leave the NDL website. Scientific writings of Joseph HenryLeave the NDL website. Recherches sur les graines fossiles silicifiéesLeave the NDL website. Naturlaerens mechaniske DeelLeave the NDL website. Projet d'une nouvelle méchanique avec un examen de l'opinion de m. Borelli, sur les propriétez des poids suspendus par des cordesLeave the NDL website. Mélanges d'histoire naturelleLeave the NDL website. Epistolarvm astronomicarvm libriLeave the NDL website. Dissertation third: exhibiting a general view of the progress of chemical philosophy, from the early ages to the end of the eighteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Researches about atmospheric phaenomena : together with meteorological journals, etcLeave the NDL website. Modern theories of chemistryLeave the NDL website. Prospectvs pharmacevticvs, svb qvo antidotarivm Mediolanense spectandvm proponitvr excellmi. senatvs ivssv, ac ven. collegii nob. physicor-vm dictae ciuitatis ordine demandatum loanni Honorato Castillioneo a Montervtio comiti palatino ... Opvs medicis, medicinae studiosis, chyrurgiae professoribus, & pharmacopolis perquam vtile, & necessarium, et in qvo plurium medicamentorum, tùm simplicium, tùm compositorum descriptiones ... exponuntur. Additis pariter singulorum facultatibus, dosi, duratione ac distincta componendi methodo. Qvibvs accessere tractatvs de extractis, salibus, spiritibus, fucis, ac de metallorum mineralium, gemmarum, lapidum, nonnullorumuè aromatum, & simplicium origine, natura, & cognitioneLeave the NDL website. De genvinis rervm coelestivm, terrestrivm et inferarvm proprietatibus, libri XVIII., opvs incomparabile theologis, ivreconsvltis, medicis, omniumque disciplinarum & artium alumnis, vtilissimum futurum. Cvi accessit liber XIX. De variarum rerum accidentibus. Iam nunc noua specie, nouaque plane forma renatum, & ab immundis mendis ad amussim repurgatum, adiuncto indice rerum & verborum locupletissimoLeave the NDL website. A system of mineralogy, formed chiefly on the plan of CronstedtLeave the NDL website. Memoria epistolare sopra varie produzioni vulcaniche, minerali e fossiliLeave the NDL website. An introduction to the atomic theory, comprising a sketch of the opinions entertained by the most distinguished ancient and modern philosophers with respect to the constitution of matterLeave the NDL website. Systematical, stratigraphical, and alphabetical indexes to the first six volumes ...Leave the NDL website. Miscellanea zoologica quibus novae imprimis atque obscurae animalium species describuntur et observationibus iconibusque illustrantur ...Leave the NDL website. Démonstration des causes des phénomènes électriques, ou, Théorie de l'électricité prouvée par l'expérienceLeave the NDL website. A view of the progress and present state of animal chemistryLeave the NDL website. Des dents des mammifères, considérées comme caractères zoologiquesLeave the NDL website. Theoriae phaenomenorvm electricorvm qvae sev electricitatis ex redvndante corpore in deficiens traiectv, sev sola atmosphaerae electricae actione gignvntvrLeave the NDL website. Lehrbuch der MeteorologieLeave the NDL website. Voyage au montamiata et dans le siennois, contenant des observations nouvelles sur la formation des volcans, l'histoire géologique, minéralogique et botanique de cette partie de l'ItalieLeave the NDL website. Lessons in electricity at the Royal Institution 1875-6Leave the NDL website. Examen impartial des Epoques de la nature de Mr. le comte de BuffonLeave the NDL website. Recherches sur les eaux publiques, de Paris, les distributions successives qui en ont été faites et les divers projets qui ont été proposés pour en augmenter le volumeLeave the NDL website. Traité des arbres fruitiers : contenant leur figure, leur description, leur culture, &c.Leave the NDL website. Commentariorvm Collegii conimbricensis societatis lesv, in octo libros physicorum Aristotelis StagiritaeLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle de l'air et des météoresLeave the NDL website. The collected scientific papers ...Leave the NDL website. Two lectures on comets, read in the chapel of Harvard-College, in Cambridge, New England, in April 1759 : on occasion of the comet which appear'd in that month : with an appendix, concerning the revolutions of that comet, and of some othersLeave the NDL website. Tyrocinivm chymicvm Ioannis BegviniLeave the NDL website. The chemistry of wineLeave the NDL website. Madeira meteorologic : being a paper on the above subject read before the Royal Society, Edinburgh, on the 1st of May 1882Leave the NDL website. In sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Bosco commentarivsLeave the NDL website. Das RelativitätsprinzipLeave the NDL website. Die Naturgeschichte des Erdkörpers in ihren ersten GrundzügenLeave the NDL website. Quadrans astronomicus novus, descriptus et examinatus in specula uranica IngolstadiensiLeave the NDL website. Observations topographical, moral, & physiological : made in a journey through part of the low-countries, Germany, Italy, and France : with a catalogue of plants not native of England, found spontaneously growing in those parts, and their virtues. ... Whereunto is added a brief account of Francis Willughby, Esq; his voyage through a good part of SpainLeave the NDL website. Zoologie der alten Griechen und Römer, deutsch in auszügen aus deren Schriften nebst AnmerkungenLeave the NDL website. Essays on evolution, 1889-1907Leave the NDL website. A century of the names and scantlings of such inventions, as at present I can call to mind to have tried and perfected, which (my former notes being lost) I have, at the instance of a powerful friend, endeavoured now, in the year 1655, to set these down in such a way as may sufficiently instruct me to put any of them in practiceLeave the NDL website. Opuscula postuma, quae continent Dioptricam. Commentarios de vitris figurandis. Dissertationem de corona & parheliis. Tractatum De motu. De vi centrifuga. Descriptionem automati planetariiLeave the NDL website. Ovarium Britannicum : being a correct delineation of the eggs of such birds as are natives of, or domesticated in, Great BritainLeave the NDL website. Allgemeine Betrachtungen über das WeltgebäudeLeave the NDL website. [Anothomia]Leave the NDL website. Gesammelte werke von Alexander von HumboldtLeave the NDL website. Directions for impregnating water with fixed air : in order to communicate to it the peculiar spirit and virtues of pyrmont water, and other mineral waters of a similar natureLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der elementar-mathematik in systematischer darstellungLeave the NDL website. Apollonii Pergaei Conicorvm libri qvattvorLeave the NDL website. Beitrag zu einer Monographie des bunten Sandsteins, Muschelkalks und Keupers, und die Verbindung dieser Gebilde zu einer FormationLeave the NDL website. The hand : its mechanism and vital endowments as evincing designLeave the NDL website. Elements of chemistry, including the applications of the science in the artsLeave the NDL website. Digressions académiques; òu, Essais sur quelques sujets de physique, de chymie & d'histoire naturelleLeave the NDL website. Della tramvtatione metallica sogni tre ... con un copioso indice per ciascum sogno degl' auttori, & opre c'hanno sopra cio trattatoLeave the NDL website. A practical treatise on locomotive engines upon railroads [i.e. railways]Leave the NDL website. Cyclopaedia : or, An universal dictionary of arts and sciences : containing the definitions of the terms, and accounts of the things signify'd thereby, in the several arts, both liberal and mechanical, and the several sciences, human and divine : the figures, kinds, properties, productions, preparations, and uses, of things natural and artificial : the rise, progress, and state of things ecclesiastical, civil, military, and commercial : with the several systems, sects, opinions, &c. among philosophers, divines, mathematicians, physicians, antiquaries, criticks, & c. The whole intended as a course of antient and modern learning. Compiled from the best authors, dictionaries, journals, memoirs, transactions, ephemerides, &c. in several languagesLeave the NDL website. Essai météorologique sur la véritable influence des astres, des saisons et changemens de tems, fondé sur de longues observations, & appliqué aux usages de l'agriculture, de la médécine, de la navigation, &c.Leave the NDL website. Études sur les glaciersLeave the NDL website. An essay towards a natural history of Westmorland and Cumberland : wherein an account is given of their several mineral and surface productions, with some directions how to discover minerals by the external and adjacent strata and upper covers, &c. : to which is annexed, a vindication of the philosophical and theological paraphrase of the mosaick system of the creation, &c.Leave the NDL website. Vivae imagines partium corporis humani aeneis formis expressae, & ex theatro anatomico ...Leave the NDL website. Les secrets du coup d'ailes : essai de construction d'une machine aérienneLeave the NDL website. Cursus mathematicus, sive, Absoluta omnium mathematicarum disciplinarum encyclopaedia, in libros XXVIII. digesta, eoque ordine disposita, ut quivis, vel mediocri praeditus ingenio, totam mathesin à primis fundamentis proprio Marte addiscere possit Opus desideratum diu, promissum à multis, à non paucis tentatum, à nullo numeris omnibus absolutum. Accesserunt in fine theoreses mechanicae novaeLeave the NDL website. Des manuscrits de buffon avec des fac-simile de buffon et de ses collaborateursLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle appliquée a la chimie, aux arts, aux différents genres de l'industrie, et aux besoins personnels de la vieLeave the NDL website. A short comment on Sir I. Newton's Principia : containing notes upon some difficult places of that excellent bookLeave the NDL website. Letters addressed to H.R.H. the Grand Duke of Saxe Coburg and Gotha, on the theory of probabilities, as applied to the moral and political sciencesLeave the NDL website. The stereoscope : its history, theory, and construction, with its application to the fine and useful arts and to educationLeave the NDL website. Einleitung zu der kräuterkenntnissLeave the NDL website. L'attraction des montagnes, et ses effets sur les fils a plomb ou sur les niveaux des instrumens d'astronomie, constatés et déterminés par des observations astronomiques et géodésiques, faites, en 1810, a l'ermitage de notre-dame des anges, sur le mont de Mimet, et au fanal de l'isle de Planier près de Marseille; suivis de la description géométrique de la ville de Marseille et de son territoireLeave the NDL website. Conjectures upon the nature and motion of meteors, which are above the atmosphereLeave the NDL website. Beschreibung einer sammlung von meist vulcanisirten Fossilien, die Deodat-Dolomieu im Jahre 1791 von Maltha aus nach Augsburg und Berlin versandte : mit verschiedenen dadurch veranlassten AufsätzenLeave the NDL website. Report on the geological and agricultural survey of the State of Rhode-Island, made under a resolve of legislature in the year 1839Leave the NDL website. An essay on the medicinal properties of factitious airs : with an appendix on the nature of bloodLeave the NDL website. [Expositio magistri Petri Tatareti super textu logices Aristotelis]Leave the NDL website. Précis de l'histoire de l'astronomieLeave the NDL website. Jahres-Bericht über die Fortschritte der Chemie. Eingereicht an die Schwedische Akademie der WissenschaftenLeave the NDL website. Système analytique des connaissances positives de l'homme, restreintes a celles qui proviennent directement ou indirectement de l'observationLeave the NDL website. Mémoire sur les étoiles filantes ainsi que sur les météores en général, par rapport a leurs causes déterminantesLeave the NDL website. Mémoire sur les équivalents des corps simplesLeave the NDL website. Recherches sur l'influence de la lumiere solaire pour métamorphoser l'air fixe en air pur par la végétation : avec des expériences & des considérations propres à faire connoître la nature des substances aëriformesLeave the NDL website. The system of the worldLeave the NDL website. Géognosie des terrains tertiaires; ou, Tableau des principaux animaux invertébrés des terrains marins tertiaires, du midi de la FranceLeave the NDL website. Lithophylacii britannici ichnographia : sive lapidum aliorumque fossilium britannicorum singulari figura insignium, quotquot hactenus vel ipse invenit vel ab amicis accepit, distributio classica : scrinii sui lapidarii repertorium cum locis singulorum natalibus exhibens : additis rariorum aliquot figuris aere incisis; cum epistolis ad clarissimos viros de quibusdam circa marina fossilia & stirpes minerales praefertim notandisLeave the NDL website. Florae columbianae prodromus, exhibens enumerationem plantarum, quae hactenus exploratae sunt: or, A prodromus of the Flora columbiana exhibiting a list of all the plants which have as yet been collectedLeave the NDL website. Methodus inveniendi lineas curvas maximi minimive proprietate gaudentes, sive solutio problematis isoperimetrici latissimo sensu acceptiLeave the NDL website. British mineralogy : or, Coloured figures intended to elucidate the mineralogy of Great BritainLeave the NDL website. Elementos de chimica, offerecidos a sociedade litteraria do Rio de Janeiro para o uso do seu curso de chimicaLeave the NDL website. Du calorique rayonnantLeave the NDL website. Philosophiae naturalis theoria redacta ad unicam legem virium in natura existentiumLeave the NDL website. Modo del dividere l'alluvioni da qvello di Bartolo, et de gli agrimensori diverso. Mostrato con ragioni mathematiche, & con pratica ...Leave the NDL website. Les meteorites et la constitution du globe terrestreLeave the NDL website. On the discovery of the periodic law, and on relations among the atomic weightsLeave the NDL website. An introduction to the study of chemical philosophy : being a preparatory view of the forces which concur to the production of chemical phenomenaLeave the NDL website. Den danske flora, eller naturlige afbildninger af danske planter. Indeholdende en samling af de almindeligste markblomster som vore vildt i Egnen omkring KjøbenhavnLeave the NDL website. Metallurgische Reise durch einem Theil von Baiern und durch die süddeutschen Provinzen OesterreichsLeave the NDL website. Admirandvm illvd geometricvm problema tredecim modis demonstratvm, quod docet duas lineas in eodem plano designare, quae nunquam inuicem coincidant, etiam si in infinitum protrahantur : & quantò longiùs producuntur, tantò sibiinuicem propiores euadantLeave the NDL website. Nueva teórica y práctica del beneficio de los metales de oro y plata por fundicion y amalgamacion, que de órden del rey nuestro señor Don Carlos QuartoLeave the NDL website. The British desmidieaeLeave the NDL website. Beobachtungen über die Verwandtschaften des Magnets. Aus dem Lateinischen übersetzt und mit einigen Anmerkungen vermehrt von M. Christian Gotthold EschenbachLeave the NDL website. Minas históricas de la República Mexicana ...Leave the NDL website. Vacvvm proscriptvm. Dispvtatio physica ... in aqâ nvllvm esse in rervm natvra vacuum ostenditur; & potissimum examinatur, an ab argento vivo descendente in fistulâ supernè clausâ vacuum relinquatur, huiusque experimenti symptomata explicanturLeave the NDL website. Philosophical letters between the late learned Mr. Ray and several of his ingenious correspondents, natives and foreigners : to which are added those of Francis Willughby Esq; the whole consisting of many curious discoveries and improvements in the history of quadrupeds, birds, fishes, insects, plants, fossiles, fountains, &cLeave the NDL website. Grundzüge der mechanischen Wärmetheorie : mit besonderer Rücksicht auf das verhalten des WasserdampfesLeave the NDL website. L'identita' del fluido elettrico col cosi' detto fluido Galvanico ...Leave the NDL website. Essai sur la théorie des torrens et des riviéres, contenant les moyens les plus den empêcher les ravages, d'en rétrécir le lit d'en faciliter la novigation, le hallage & la flottaison. Accompagné d'une discussion sur la navigation intérieure de la France; re terminé par le projet de rendre Paris, port maritime, en faisant remonter à la voile, par la Seine, les navires qui s'arrêtent à Rouen. Ouvrage mis à la portée de tout le monde. A l'usage des ingénieurs & des élèves des ponts & chausséesLeave the NDL website. Fossil men and their modern representatives : an attempt to illustrate the characters and condition of prehistoric men in Europe, by those of the American racesLeave the NDL website. Georgii Agricolae De ortu & causis subterraneorum lib. V. De natura eorum quae effluunt ex terra lib. IIII. De natura fossilium lib. X. De ueteribus & nouis metallis lib. II. Bermannus, siue De re metallica dialogus. Interpretatio germanica uocum rei metallicae, addito indice foecundissimoLeave the NDL website. Nomenclator botanicus : enumerans ordine alphabetico nomina atque synonyma tum generica tum specifica et a Linnaeo et recentioribus de re botanica scriptoribus plantis phanerogamis impositaLeave the NDL website. [Ornithologia, ...] Supplementum ornithologiae, sive citationes, descriptionesque antea omissae, & species de novo adjectae, ad suaquaque genera redactae. Supplément d'ornithologie, ou, citations et descriptions précédemment omises, auxquelles on a joint les especes nouvellement découvertes, rapportées chacune à leur genreLeave the NDL website. Grundlehren der Hydrostatik oder desjenigen Theiles der Mechanik welcher vom Gleichgewichte des Wassers, der Luft, und überhaupt aller flüssigen Materien, wie auch von den auf diesem Gleichgewichte gegründeten Maschinen handeltLeave the NDL website. The herball or generall historie of plantesLeave the NDL website. Nova demonstratio immobilitatis terrae petita ex virtvte magnetica. Et quaedam alia ad effectus & leges magneticas, vsumque longitudinum & vniversam geographiam spectantia, de nouo inuentaLeave the NDL website. Birdflight as the basis of aviation : a contribution towards a system of aviationLeave the NDL website. De circuli magnitudine inventa. Accedvnt eivsdem problematum quorundam illustrium constructionesLeave the NDL website. Letters on modern agricultureLeave the NDL website. Refractiones. Coelestes, sive solis elliptici phaenomenon illvstratvm : in qvo variae atqve antiqvae astronomorvm circa hanc materiam difficultates enodantur, dubia multiplicia dissoluuntur, via ad multa recondita eruenda sternitur : opusculum tam astronomis quàm physicis per quam vtile, perq́ɜ necessariumLeave the NDL website. The philosophical basis of evolutionLeave the NDL website. Epitome natvralis scientiae : adjiciuntur duo indices, qui non antehac extiterunt, tam medicis quàm morbosis accommodatissimi: 1. Plantarum &c. 2. Morborum &c. : annectitur etiam auctarium epitomes physicesLeave the NDL website. Instauratio magnaLeave the NDL website. L'agriculture et maison rustique, ... revûë, corrigée, augmentée, et mise dans un meilleur langage. Avec un traité des chasses du cerf du sanglier, du liévre, du renard, du blereau, du lapin, du loup, des oyseaux, de la fauconnerie. Et de la fabrique & usage de la jauge, ou diaepason, ... Augumentée d'une instruction pour sçcavoir en quel tems, mois & saison on doit semer & replenter selon le païs froid ou chaud, pour faire avancer & retarder les semences, & toutes sortes de grainesLeave the NDL website. Der Vogelflug als Grundlage der Fliegekunst : ein Beitrag zur Systematik der FlugtechnikLeave the NDL website. The discharge of electricity through gases : lectures delivered on the occasion of the sesquicentennial celebration of Princeton UniversityLeave the NDL website. Biographia philosophica : being an account of the lives, writings, and inventions, of the most eminent philosophers and mathematicians who have flourished from the earliest ages of the world to the present timeLeave the NDL website. Élémens de chymie, théorique et pratique, rédigés dans un nouvel ordre, d'après les découvertes modernes, pour servir aux cours publics de l'Académie de DijonLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der elektrizitätLeave the NDL website. The natural history of Iceland : containing a particular and accurate account of the different soils, burning mountains, minerals, vegetables, metals, stones, beasts, birds, and fishes : together with the disposition, customs, and manner of living of the inhabitants. Interspersed with an account of the island, by Mr. Anderson ... to which is added, a meteorological table ...Leave the NDL website. Gesammelte Schriften. Im auftrage der mathematisch-physikalischen classe der Königlich bayerischen Akademie der WissenschaftenLeave the NDL website. Memoir of Sir Andrew Crombie RamsayLeave the NDL website. An epitome of the elementary principles of natural and experimental philosophy : part the first, comprehending the general properties of matter; ... and a copious account of the invention, progress, and present state of the steam engine ...Leave the NDL website. [Bemerkungen auf einer Reise in die südlichen Statthalterschaften des Russischen Reichs in den Jahren 1793 und 1794.] Kupfer zu P. S. Pallas neuen Reisen in die südlichen Statthalterschaften des Russisches Reichs ...Leave the NDL website. Meteorologische UntersuchungenLeave the NDL website. De arboribvs coniferis, resiniferis, aliis quoque nonnullis sempiterna fronde virentibus, cum earundem iconibus ad viuum expressis : item de melle cedrino, cedria, agarico, resinis, & iis quae ex coniferis proficiscunturLeave the NDL website. Chemistry in its application to agriculture and physiologyLeave the NDL website. On the theory of light and coloursLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle de l'homme, ... Précédée de son éloge historique, par M. le baron G. CuvierLeave the NDL website. Physica electrica, o Compendio en que se explican los maravillosos phenomenos de la virtud electricaLeave the NDL website. Meccanica sublime, dimostrata coll'algebraLeave the NDL website. Versuch einer Geschichte von Flötz-Gebürgen, betreffend deren Entstehung, Lage, darinne befindliche Metallen, Mineralien und Fossilien, gröstentheils aus eigenen Wahrnehmungen, chymischen und physicalischen Versuchen, und aus denen Grundsätzen der Natur-Lehre hergeleitet, und mit nöthigen Kupfern versehenLeave the NDL website. De raris et admirandis herbis, qvae sive qvod noctv luceant, siue alias ob causas, lunariae nominantur, commentariolus: & obiter de alijs etiam rebus quae in tenebris lucent. ... Eivsdem descriptio montis Fracti, siue montis Pilati, iuxta Lucernam in Heluetia. His accedvnt Io. Dv Chovl ... Pilati montis in Gallia descriptio; Io. Rhellicani Stockhornias, qua Stockhornus mons altissimus in Bernensium Heluetiorum agro, versibus heroicis describiturLeave the NDL website. Dissertation sur la glace, ou Explication physique de la formation de la glace, & de ses divers phénomènesLeave the NDL website. Die neuern Fortschritte im Gebiete der gesammten Hüttenkunde in nachträgen zum Grundrisse der allgemeinen HüttenkundeLeave the NDL website. De vera mensvrarvm pondervmqve ratione opvsLeave the NDL website. My air-shipsLeave the NDL website. A practical treatise on the use of the blowpipe, in chemical and mineral analysis : including a systematic arrangement of simple minerals, adapted to aid the student in his progress in mineralogy, by facilitating the discovery of the names of speciesLeave the NDL website. Tractatus quinque medico-physici. Quorum primus agit de sal-nitro, et spiritu nitro-aereo. Secundus de respiratione. Tertius de respiratione foetus in utero, et ovo. Quartus de motu musculari, et spiritibus animalibus. Ultimus de rhachitideLeave the NDL website. In G. Rondelletii ... methodicam pharmaceuticam officinam animadversiones, quibus deprauata & mutilata ex authoris mente corriguntur & restaurantur : accesserunt auctaria, in antidotaria vulgata censvrae beneuolae, & Dilucidae simplicium medicamentorum explicationes, adversariorvmqve volumen, eorumq́ɜ pars altera & illustramenta, quibus ambigua enodantur : cum Lvdovici Myrei ... paragraphis vtilissLeave the NDL website. Traité des fonctions elliptiques et des intégrales Eulériennes, avec des tables pour en faciliter le cacul numériqueLeave the NDL website. Prodromo : ouero, saggio di alcune inuentioni nuoue premesso all'arte maestra opera che prepara ... Per mostrare li piu reconditi principij della naturale filosofia, ... & altre nuoue dell'autore medesimoLeave the NDL website. Horologiorvm nova descriptioLeave the NDL website. Icones insectorvm circa Ratisbonam indigenorvm coloribvs natvram referentibvs expressae ...Leave the NDL website. Aether and gravitationLeave the NDL website. Recherches sur la construction la plus avantageuse des digues : ouvrage qui a remporté le prix quadruple proposé par l'Académie royale des sciences, inscriptions & belles-lettres de Toulouse, pour l'année 1762Leave the NDL website. Das werden der organismen : eine widerlegung von Darwin's zufalls-theorieLeave the NDL website. Principles of natural philosophy : or, A new theory of physics, founded on gravitation, and applied in explaining the general properties of matter, the phenomena of chemistry, electricity, galvanism, magnetism, & electro-magnetismLeave the NDL website. The philosophy of earthquakes, natural and religious; or, An inquiry into their cause, and their purposeLeave the NDL website. Lightning conductors, their history, nature and mode of applicationLeave the NDL website. Modern telegraphy : some errors of dates of events and of statement in the history of telegraphy exposed and rectified ...Leave the NDL website. Théorie élémentaire de la botanique, ou, exposition des principes de la classification naturelle et de l'art de décrire et d'étudier les végétauxLeave the NDL website. Orographische Briefe über das Siebengebirge und die benachbarten zum Theil vulkanischen Gegenden beyder ufer des Nieder-Rheins an herrn Joseph Paul Edeln von CobresLeave the NDL website. Elenchi fvngorvm continvatio secvnda describens XLIX. species et varietates, totidem iconibvs CLXXXIV-CCXXXII. repraesentatasLeave the NDL website. Philosophical collections, ...Leave the NDL website. Mechanica seu brevis tractatus de motu, et aequilibrio commoda methodo conscriptus ...Leave the NDL website. Alfontij regis Castelle illustrissimi celestiū motuū tabule : nec nō stella[rum] fixarū lōgitudines ac latitudines alfontij t[empor]e ad motus veritatē ... reducte. At [pri]mo Ioānis [Danck] saxoniēsis in tabulas alfontij canōes ordinati incipiūt faustissimeLeave the NDL website. A natural history of fishes, and of reptiles, insects, waters, earth, fossils, minerals, and vegetables, compiled from the best authorities, and illustrated by a great variety of copper plates, comprising near one hundred figures ...Leave the NDL website. The mechanical theory of heat, with its applications to the steam-engine and to the physical properties of bodiesLeave the NDL website. A long life's work : an autobiographyLeave the NDL website. Opere postumeLeave the NDL website. Eléméns d'algebreLeave the NDL website. Six discourses delivered before the Royal Society at their anniversary meetings, on the award of the Royal and Copley medals : preceded by an address to the Society, on the progress and prospects of scienceLeave the NDL website. Geognostische VersucheLeave the NDL website. DarwinianaLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der Erfindungen in allen Theilen der Wissenschafte'n und Künste von der ältesten bis auf die gegenwärtige Zeit. In alphabetischer ordnungLeave the NDL website. Sound : a course of eight lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great BritainLeave the NDL website. De venarum metallicarum excoctioneLeave the NDL website. The scientific papers of James Clerk Maxwell ...Leave the NDL website. Tractatus physicus de petrificatis, in duas partes distinctus, ...Leave the NDL website. Les origines de l'alchimieLeave the NDL website. Die Lehre von der Cohäsion umfassend die Elasticität der Gase, die Elasticität und Cohärenz der flüssigen und festen Körper, und die Krystallkunde, nebst vielen neuen Tabellen über alle Theile der Cohäsionslehre, in's besondere über die Clasticität [i.e. Elasticität] und die FestigkeitLeave the NDL website. A history of the Royal Society, with memories of the presidents : compiled from authentic documentsLeave the NDL website. Recueil de procédés et d'expériences sur les teintures solides que nos végétaux indigenes communiquent aux laines & aux lainagesLeave the NDL website. An essay towards an explication of the phaenomena of electricity, deduced from the aether of Sir Isaac Newton, contained in three papers which were read before the Royal SocietyLeave the NDL website. Disquisitiones physico-mathematicae, nunc primum editaeLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres du comte de Lacépède, comprenant l'histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes ovipares, des serpents, des poissons et des cétacés; ...Leave the NDL website. Grundriss der Naturlehre zum Gebrauch akademischer VorlesungenLeave the NDL website. The correspondence of John Ray : consisting of selections from the philosophical lettersLeave the NDL website. Physikalisch-metallurgische Abhandlungen über die Gebirge und Bergwerke in UngarnLeave the NDL website. Vorlesungen über Geschichte der MathematikLeave the NDL website. Repertorium der physik : enthaltend eine vollständige Zusammenstellung der neuern Forstchritte dieser WissenschaftLeave the NDL website. De sphaera qvae movetvr liber, & Theodosii Tripolitae De habitationibvs liber : omnia scholijs antiquis, & figuris illustrata : de Vaticana bibliotheca deprompta : & nunc primum in lucem edita ...Leave the NDL website. Mineralogie microgaphique roches éruptives FrançaisesLeave the NDL website. Scritti di Leonardo Pisano ...Leave the NDL website. Caroli A. Linne Prælectiones in ordines naturales plantarum : accessit uberior palmarum et scitaminum expositio præter plurium novorum generum reductiones cum mappa geographico-genealogica affinitatum ordinum, et aliquot fructuum palmarum figuræLeave the NDL website. Ergebnisse und Probleme der Elektronentheorie. Vortrag gehalten am 20. Dezember 1904 im Elektrotechnischen Verein zu BerlinLeave the NDL website. Considerations sur la théorie mathématique du jeuLeave the NDL website. The ancient volcanoes of Great BritainLeave the NDL website. Méthode analytique des fossiles, fondée sur leurs caracteres extérieursLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres de d'AlembertLeave the NDL website. Memoire sur les tremblemens de terre de la Calabre pendant l'année 1783Leave the NDL website. Doctissimi viri et mathematicarum disciplinarum eximn̈ professoris Ioannis de Regio Monte de triangvlis omnimodis libri qvinqve : quibus explicantur res necessariae cognitu, uolentibus ad scientiarum astronomicarum perfectionem deuenire : quae cum nusquã alibi hoc tempore expositae habeantur, frustra sine harum instructione ad illam quisquam aspirarit : accesserunt huc in calce pleraqɜ D. Nicolai Cusani de quadratura circuli, de'qɜ recti ac curui commensuratione: item'qɜ Io. de Monte Regio eadem de re έλεγμζηα`, hactenus à nemine publicataLeave the NDL website. On the practical prevention of dry rot in timber; being the substance of a lecture delivered ... at the Royal Institution, February 22, 1833. With observations, &c.Leave the NDL website. MechanicsLeave the NDL website. A narrative of travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro, with an account of the native tribes, and observations on the climate, geology, and natural history of the Amazon ValleyLeave the NDL website. Chemistry in space ...Leave the NDL website. System der Metallurgie geschichtlich, statistisch, theoretisch und technischLeave the NDL website. Recherches arithmétiquesLeave the NDL website. Élémens de minéralogie appliquée aux sciences chimiques ouvrage basé sur la méthode de M. Berzélius ... suivi d'un précis élémentaire de géognosieLeave the NDL website. Elementi di fisica matematica ... firenzeLeave the NDL website. [A comparative estimate of the mineral and Mosaical geologies ...] Supplement to the comparative estimate of the mineral and Mosaical geologies : relating chiefly to the geological indications of the phenomena of the cave at KirkdaleLeave the NDL website. Heronis Mechanici liber de machinis bellicis, necnon liber de geodaesiaLeave the NDL website. Προδρομος theatri botanici ... in qvo plantae svpra sexcentae ab ipso primum descriptae cum plurimis figuris proponunturLeave the NDL website. Mineralogische geographie der chursächsischen landeLeave the NDL website. Considerations on a book, entituled The theory of the earth. Publisht some years since by the learned Dr. BurnetLeave the NDL website. Il Newtonianismo per le dame, ovvero dialoghi sopra la luce, i colori, e l'attarazioneLeave the NDL website. Die Grundlagen der Einsteinschen Gravitationstheorie ... mit einem Vorwort von Albert EinsteinLeave the NDL website. Mémoire sur l'acier, dans lequel on traite des différentes qualités de ce métal, de la forge, du bon emploi & de la trempe : ouvrage couronné par la Société des arts de Geneve, Le 19 Décembre 1777Leave the NDL website. Die Spectralanalyse der GestirneLeave the NDL website. De iis qvae vehvntvr in aqva libri dvoLeave the NDL website. Mémoire sur la diffraction de la lumière, où l'on examine particulièrement le phénomènes des franges colorées que présentent les ombres des corps éclairés par un point lumineuxLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der griechischen Astronomie bis auf EratosthenesLeave the NDL website. An introduction to the atomic theoryLeave the NDL website. Le système du monde : histoire des doctrines cosmologiques de Platon a CopernicLeave the NDL website. A Dissertation on elective attractionsLeave the NDL website. Dissertatio cum nvncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso à Galilae'o Galilaeo ...Leave the NDL website. Die Dissoziierung und Umwandlung chemischer AtomeLeave the NDL website. Apollonii Pergaei quae graece exstant cum commentariis antiquisLeave the NDL website. Cerebri anatome : cui accessit nervorum descripto et ususLeave the NDL website. Elemens de chymie-pratique, contenant la description des opérations fondamentales de la chymie, avec des explications & des remarques sur chaque opérationLeave the NDL website. Handbuch der OryktognosieLeave the NDL website. Aristotelem Graeca, Commentaria inLeave the NDL website. Dissertations relative to the natural history of animals and vegetables ... : to which are added two letters from Mr. Bonnet to the author. ...Leave the NDL website. Specimen lithographiae Helveticae curiosae, quo lapides ex figuratis Helveticis selectissimi aeri incisi sistuntur & describunturLeave the NDL website. Darwinism to-day : a discussion of present-day scientific criticism of the darwinian selection theories, together with a brief account of the principal other proposed auxilary and alternative theories of species-formingLeave the NDL website. Foraminifères fossiles du bassin tertiaire de Vienne (Autriche), découverts par son excellence le Chevalier Joseph de Hauer, ...Leave the NDL website. The naturalist on the River Amazons, a record of adventures, habits of animals, sketches of Brazilian and Indian life, and aspects of nature under the equator, during eleven years of travelLeave the NDL website. Traité expérimental de l'électricité et du magnétisme, et de leurs rapports avec les phénomènes naturelsLeave the NDL website. Statical essays : containing haemastaticks; or, An account of some hydraulick and hydrostatical experiments made on the blood and blood-vessels of animals. ... With an index to both volumesLeave the NDL website. Aristotelis Stagiritae. De historia animalivm. lib. IX. De partibvs animalivm, et earvm cavsis libri IIII. De generatione animalivm libri VLeave the NDL website. A treatise of the mechanical powers, wherein the laws of motion, and the properties of those powers are explained and demonstrated in an easie and familiar method : being the substance of certain discourses delivered at the geometry-lecture at Gresham-CollegeLeave the NDL website. Descriptiones animalium avium, amphibiorum, piscium, insectorum, vermium : quae in itinere orientali observavit ...Leave the NDL website. Abhandlung von dem Magnetismus der naturlichen ElectricitätLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der physikLeave the NDL website. A short system of comparative anatomyLeave the NDL website. Die meteorologischen Theorien des griechischen Altertums ... Von der Königlich bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften mit dem Zographospreise gekrönt. Mit 12 Figuren im TextLeave the NDL website. A dissertation on the antiquity of the earth, read at the Royal Society, 12th May, 1785Leave the NDL website. Geognostische Beschreibung des Siebengebirges am Rhein. Zur Erläuterung der im Königlichen Lithographischen Institute zu Berlin herausgegebenen geognostischen Karte desselbenLeave the NDL website. Die Energetik nach ihrer geschichtlichen EntwickelungLeave the NDL website. Geschichte des Galvanismus, oder der galvanischen Elektricität, vorzüglich in chemischer HinsichtLeave the NDL website. Ueber die physikalische und philosophische AtomenlehreLeave the NDL website. Le Opere di Galileo GalileiLeave the NDL website. The history of the Royal Society of London ....Leave the NDL website. Geognostische Umrisse von Frankreich, Grossbrittannien, einem Theile Teutschlands und ItaliensLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der wissenschaftlichen Erdkunde der GriechenLeave the NDL website. River terraces : letters on geological and other subjectsLeave the NDL website. Della sfera mondiale ... libri qvattro : ne' quali compendiosamente si mostra quanto è necessario a generale intelligenza di sfera: con alcune cose curiose a tal materia appartentiLeave the NDL website. Institutiones philosophicae de corporum communibus attributis ad mentem Cl. Rogerii Boschovichii e S. J. Presbyteri ad unicam virium legem redactaeLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres complètes d'Ambroise Paré revues et collationnées sur toutes les éditions, avec les variantes; ornées de 217 planches et du portrait de l'auteur; accompagnées de notes historiques et critiques, et précédées d'une introduction sur l'origine et les progrès de la chirurgie en occident du sixième au seizième siècle, et sur la vie et les ouvrages d'Ambroise Paré, par J.-F. MalgaigneLeave the NDL website. A select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1897, first supplementLeave the NDL website. Recherches chimiques sur les corps gras d'origine animaleLeave the NDL website. Astronomie nautique: ou, Élémens d'astronomie, tant pour un observatoire fixe, que pour un observatoire mobileLeave the NDL website. Etudes de dynamique chimiqueLeave the NDL website. Flora BritannicaLeave the NDL website. Die anwendung des Elektromagnetismus mit besonderer berücksichtigung der TelegraphieLeave the NDL website. Opera omnia medico-physica, tractatibus quinque comprehensa. Quorum catalogum pagina post epistolam dedicatoriam exhibetLeave the NDL website. Sammlung von Merckwürdigkeiten der Natur und Alterthümern des Erdbodens, welche petrificirte Cörper enthältLeave the NDL website. Voyage métallurgique en Angleterre : ou, Recueil de mémoires sur le gisement, ... dans la Grande-BretagneLeave the NDL website. Elements of chemistry : being the annual lectures of Herman Boerhaave ...Leave the NDL website. Nuova raccolta d'autori che trattano del moto dell'acqueLeave the NDL website. Das Protistenreich : eine populäre Uebersicht über das Formengebiet der niedersten Lebewesen : mit einem wissenschaftlichen Anhange : System der ProtistenLeave the NDL website. A series of engravings, explaining the course of the nervesLeave the NDL website. A treatise on the external characters of mineralsLeave the NDL website. De elemento aeris tractatus physico-experimentalis in quo natura, proprietates, & effectus eiusdem elementi rationum, & experimentorum serie demonstrantur, luci publiae propositus ...Leave the NDL website. De cometis anni MDCLXIV. & MDCLXV. opusculum ex observationibus Hauniae habitis adornatumLeave the NDL website. Elements of physiophilosophyLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle, générale et particuliére, avec la description du cabinet du roiLeave the NDL website. The principles of geology explained, and viewed in their relations to revealed and natural religionLeave the NDL website. The dictionary of the arts, sciences, and manufacturesLeave the NDL website. Erstere und fernere Versuche mit Schnecken, nebst einem NachtrageLeave the NDL website. My life : a record of events and opinionsLeave the NDL website. De inerrantium stellarum viribus, & excellentia secundum quatuor positus earum insignes ... Earumque significationibus obseruatis tam à priscis astronomis ... quàm à modernis circa elementorum, & postissimum Aëris, & Oceani commotiones, Ventos, Pluuias ... Vnà cum tabula locupletissima declinationum ... Et cum duplici tabula nouissima; prima signorum, graduum, & minutorum Zodiaci, ... Secunda ortuum, & occasuum stellarum fixarum illustriorum, [etc.]Leave the NDL website. Extrait de quelques articles du nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle édition (an 1818) de Déterville : précédés de considérations préliminaires, données comme bases de connoissances qui sont le plus dans l'intérêt de l'hommeLeave the NDL website. Natural inheritanceLeave the NDL website. Die Strahlen der positiven ElektrizitätLeave the NDL website. A catalogue of the Portsmouth collection of books and papers written by or belonging to Sir Isaac Newton : the scientific portion of which has been presented by the Earl of Portsmouth to the University of Cambridge. Drawn up by the syndicate appointed the 6th November 1872Leave the NDL website. Fundamenta chymiae dogmaticae & experimentalis, & quidem tum communioris physicae mechanicae pharmaceuticae ac medicae tum sublimioris sic dictae hermeticae atque alchymicae ... Annexus est ad coronidis confirmationem tractatus Isaaci Hollandi de salibus & Oleis metallorumLeave the NDL website. Die Lebenswunder : gemeinverständliche Studien über biologische Philosophie : Ergänzungsband zu dem Buche über die WelträthselLeave the NDL website. Opuscules chimiquesLeave the NDL website. Die Analyse der Empfindungen und das Verhältniss des Physischen zum PsychischenLeave the NDL website. Ichthyologia : sive, opera omnia de piscibus ...Leave the NDL website. Aristotelicum, SupplementumLeave the NDL website. De l'industrie FrançoiseLeave the NDL website. Der Geist in der NaturLeave the NDL website. Das schicksal der PlanetenLeave the NDL website. The aerial noctiluca: or, Some new phoenomena, and a process of a factitious self-shining substance. Imparted in a letter to a friend, living in the countryLeave the NDL website. Allgemeine Grundsätze von Gleichgewicht und BewegungLeave the NDL website. I fenomeni elettrici con i corollarj de lor dedotti e con i fonti di ciò che rende malagevole la ricerca del principio elettricoLeave the NDL website. The works of the Honourable Robert Boyle in five volumesLeave the NDL website. Extrait de la flore françaiseLeave the NDL website. Suite du memoire sur l'electricitéLeave the NDL website. The laws of chance : or, A mathematical investigation of the probabilities arising from any proposed circumstance of play : applied to the solution of a great variety of problems relating to cards, bowls, dice, lotteries, & c.Leave the NDL website. Méthodes analytiques pour la détermination d'un arc du méridienLeave the NDL website. Certain physiological essays and other tracts : written at distant times, and on several occasions : wherein some of the tracts are enlarged by experiments, and the work increased by the addition of a discourse about the absolute rest in bodiesLeave the NDL website. Elettricismo artificialeLeave the NDL website. Catalogus plantarum circa Gissam sponte nascentium : cum observationibus botanicis, synonymiis necessariis, tempore & locis, in quibus plantae reperiuntur. Praemittitur praefatio et dissertatio brevis de variis plantarum methodis, ad calcem vero adjicitur fungorum et muscorum methodica recensio hactenus desiderataLeave the NDL website. Die Bedeutung der sexuellen Fortpflanzung für die Selektions-TheorieLeave the NDL website. Institvtionvm calcvli integralisLeave the NDL website. On the variation of species, with especial reference to the insecta : followed by an inquiry into the nature of generaLeave the NDL website. Principles of scientific botany; or, Botany as an inductive scienceLeave the NDL website. Legatio batavica ad magnum Tartariae chamum sungteium, modernum sinae imperatorem. Historiarum narratione, quae legatis in provinciis Quantung, Kiangsi, Nanking, Xantung, Peking, & Aula imperatoriâ ab anno 1665 ad annum 1657 obtigerunt, ut & ardua sinensium in bello Tartarico fortunâ, provinciarum accurata geographia, urbium delineatione, nec non artis & naturae miraculis ex animalium, vegetabilium, mineralium genere per centum & quinquaginta aeneas figuras passim illustrata & conscripta vernacule ... Latinitate donata per ... Georgium Hornium ...Leave the NDL website. Methodus nova & facilis testacea marina pleraque, quae huc usque nobis nota sunt, in suas debitas & distinctas classes, genera, & species distribuendi, nominibusque suis propriis structural potissumùm accommodatis nuncupandi, ... Multùm insuper conducet ad lapides figuratos marina repraesentantes rite distinguendos, ad quem finem praecipuè contexta estLeave the NDL website. Leçons sur les hypothèses cosmogoniques professées a la SorbonneLeave the NDL website. Opera Archimedis Syracvsani philosophie et mathematici ingeniosissimiLeave the NDL website. Chimia in artis formam redacta ... post obitum autoris, consilio Werneri Rolfinck ...Leave the NDL website. Dissertatio philosophica: De praecipvis discendae physicae svbsidiisLeave the NDL website. The mathematical theory of electricity and magnetismLeave the NDL website. Saggio di fenomeni antropologici relativi al tremuoto ovvero riflessioni sopra alcune oppinioni pregiudiziali alla pubblica o privata felicità fatte per occasion de' tremuoti avvenuti nelle Calabrie l'anno 1783. e seguentiLeave the NDL website. Die Chemie der austrocknenden Oele ihre Bereitung und ihre technische Anwendung in Künsten und GewerbenLeave the NDL website. Outlines of a system of mechanical philosophy : being a research into the laws of forceLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle des minérauxLeave the NDL website. A discourse, introductory to a course of lectures on chemistry : delivered in the theatre of the Royal Institution on the 21st of January, 1802Leave the NDL website. De historia animalivm libri XVII. Quos ex integro ac veteri exemplari Graeco, Petrus Gillius vertit. Vnà cum noua elephantorum descriptione. Item Demetrii de cvra accipitrum, & de cura & medicina canum, eodem Petro Gillio interpreteLeave the NDL website. Histoire de l'astronomie du moyen ageLeave the NDL website. Dei conduttori per preservare gli edifizj da' fulmini; memorie ...Leave the NDL website. Institution astronomique de l'vsage des globes et spheres celestes & terrestres, comprise en deux parties, l'une, suivant l'hypothese de Ptolemee, qui veut que la terre soit immobile; l'autre, selon l'intention de N. Copernicus, qui tient que la terre est mobileLeave the NDL website. Reflexions sur la premotion physiqueLeave the NDL website. An essay on the variation of the compass, shewing how far it is influenced by a change in the direction of the ship's head, with an exposition of the dangers arising to navigators from not allowing for this change of variation : interspersed with practical observations and remarksLeave the NDL website. Theorie der elasticität fester körperLeave the NDL website. Experimental researches in electricityLeave the NDL website. Des semis et plantations des arbres, et de leur culture : ou méthodes pour multiplier et élever les arbres, ... faisant partie du traité complet des bois & des forêtsLeave the NDL website. British zoology ...Leave the NDL website. Briefwechsel zwischen Franz Unger und Stephan EndlicherLeave the NDL website. An oration, delivered before the Cincinnati astronomical society, on the occasion of laying the corner stone of an astronomical observatory, on the 10th of November, 1843Leave the NDL website. Universal arithmetick : or, A treatise of arithmetical composition and resolution : to which is added, Dr. Halley's method of finding the roots of aequations arithmeticallyLeave the NDL website. Sur la théorie de Franklin, suivant lequel les phénomènes électriques sont expliqués par un seul fluideLeave the NDL website. Storia del mare, e confutazione della favola, dove scopronsi insigni errori di vari scrittori e specialmente del signor de BuffonLeave the NDL website. Recueil de plusieurs machines, de nouvelle invention : ouvrage posthumeLeave the NDL website. A journey through England and Scotland to the Hebrides in 1784Leave the NDL website. Diversarvm specvlationvm mathematicarum, & physicarum liberLeave the NDL website. Essay about the origine & virtves of gems : wherein are propos'd and historically illustrated some conjectures about the consistence of the matter of precious stones, and the subjects wherein their chiefest virtues resideLeave the NDL website. Synopsis methodica animalium quadrupedum et serpentini generis : vulgarium notas characteristicas, rariorum descriptiones integras exhibens : cum historiis & observationibus anatomicis perquam curiosis : praemittuntur nonnulla de animalium in genere, sensu, generatione, divisione, &c.Leave the NDL website. Mécanique célesteLeave the NDL website. Die Lehre von den Flötzformationen ...Leave the NDL website. Théorie complete de la construction et de la manoeuvre des vaisseaux, mise a la portée de ceux qui s'appliquent a la navigationLeave the NDL website. A short treatise of the general laws of motion and centripetal forces : wherein, by the by, Mr. Gordon's remarks on the Newtonian philosophy are, in a few corollaries and scholies, clearly confutedLeave the NDL website. Der Kampf um den Entwickelungs-Gedanken : drei Vorträge, gehalten am 14., 16. und 19. April 1905 im Saale der Sing-Akademie zu BerlinLeave the NDL website. Relation d'un voyage en Allemagne, qui comprend les opérations relatives à la figure de la terre & à la géographie particulière du Palatinat, du Duché de Wurtemberg, du Cercle de Souabe, de la Bavière & de l'Autriche. Fait par ordre du roi. Suivie de la description des conquêtes de Louis XV, depuis 1745 jusqu'en 1748Leave the NDL website. De lvmbricis alvvm occvpantibus, ac de ratione curandi eos, qui ab illis infestantur, commentarivs, ...Leave the NDL website. Sylua. Frutetum collisLeave the NDL website. Principes sur le mouvement et l'équilibre, pour servir d'introduction aux mécaniques & à la physiqueLeave the NDL website. De arte atqve ratione navigandi libri dvo. Eivsdem in theoricas planetarum Georgij Purbachij annotationes, & in problema mechanicum Aristotelis de motu nauigij ex remis annotatio vna. Eivsdem de erratis Orontij Finoei liber vnus. Eivsdem de crepusculis lib. I. cum libello allacen de causis crepusculorumLeave the NDL website. The history of the Royal-Society of London, for the improving of natural knowledgeLeave the NDL website. Traité d'optique sur la gradation de la lumiere : ouvrage posthume ... et publié par M. l'Abbé de la Caille ... pour servir de suite aux Memoires de l'Académie royale des sciencesLeave the NDL website. Études et lectures sur les sciences d'observation et leurs applications pratiquesLeave the NDL website. Opuscula omnia, quae hactenus in lucem prodierunt. Ea quidem prius sparsim edita, nunc vero in unum collecta atque digesta. Horum catalogus sequente paginâ exhibeturLeave the NDL website. Kort beskrifning, om eld- och luft-machin mid Dannemora grufwor ...Leave the NDL website. Microscopical researches into the accordance in the structure and growth of animals and plantsLeave the NDL website. Memoria sulla fabbricazione e raffinazione de' nitri diretta al cittadino Gregorio FontanaLeave the NDL website. Ueber die Verhältnisse der organischen Kräfte unter einander in der Reihe der verschiedenen Organisationen, die Geseze und Folgen dieser VerhältnisseLeave the NDL website. Instructions for the chemical analysis of organic bodiesLeave the NDL website. Elogium planetarum coelestium et terrestrium, macrocosmi & microcosmi, ob inusitatam rerum varietatem lectu non indignumLeave the NDL website. Dell'elettricismo : o sia delle forze elettriche de' corpi. Svelate dalla fisica sperimentale, con un' ampia dichiarazione della luce elettrica, sua natura, e maravigliose proprietà : aggiuntevi due dissertazioni attinenti all'uso medico di tali forzeLeave the NDL website. Galileo; his life and workLeave the NDL website. Vita e commercio letterario di Galileo Galilei nobile e patrizio fiorentino, mattematico e filosofo sopraordinario de' gran duchi di Toscana Cosimo e Ferdinando IILeave the NDL website. Observations on lakes, being an attempt to explain the laws of nature regarding them; the cause of their formation and gradual diminution; the different phenomena they exhibit, &c. : with a view to the advancement of useful scienceLeave the NDL website. Elements of botanyLeave the NDL website. Beiträge zur chemischen Kenntniss der MineralkörperLeave the NDL website. Die Naturgeschichte der Versteinerungen zur Erläuterung der Knorrischen Sammlung von Merkwürdigkeiten der NaturLeave the NDL website. Chemisch-mineralogische BeobachtungLeave the NDL website. Systême des connaissances chimiques, et de leurs applications aux phénomènes de la nature et de l'artLeave the NDL website. Sectiones conicae in novem libros distribvtae, in quibus quidquid hactenus observatione dignum cùm à veteribus, tùm à recentioribus geometris traditum est, novis contractisque demonstrationibus explicatur; ...Leave the NDL website. Text-book of geologyLeave the NDL website. An historical, geological, and descriptive view of the coal trade of the north of England : ... and also a general description of the coal mines of Belgium, drawn up from actual inspectionLeave the NDL website. Du mouvement dans les fonctions de la vie leçons faites au collége de FranceLeave the NDL website. Théorie de la surface actuelle de la terre, ou plutôt, recherches impartiales sur le temps et l'agent de l'arrangement actuel de la surface de la terre fondées, uniquement, sur les faits, sans systême et sans hypothèseLeave the NDL website. Vera circvli et hyperbolae qvadratvra, in propria sua proportionis specie, inuenta, & demonstrataLeave the NDL website. Recueil de noms par ordre alphabetique apropriés en mineralogie aux terres et pierres, aux métaux et demi métaux et aux bitumes : avec un précis de leurs histoire-naturelle et leurs synonymies en allemand, latin et anglois suivi d'un tableau lithologique tracé d'apres les analyses chimiquesLeave the NDL website. Sphaera mvndi, sev cosmographia, demonstratiua, ac facili methodo tradita: In qva totivs mvndi fabrica, vná cvm novis, Tychonis, Kepleri, Galilaei, aliorumq; astronomorum adinuentis continetur. Accessere: I. Breuis introductio ad geographiam. II. Apparatus ad mathematicarum studium. III. Echometria, id est geometrica traditio de echoLeave the NDL website. Discovrs admirables, de la natvre des eavx et fonteines, tant natvrelles qv'artificielles, des metaux, des sels & salines, des pierres, des terres, du feu & des emaux. Avec plvsieurs avtres excellens secrets des choses naturelles. Plvs un traité de la marne, fort vtile & necessaire, pour ceux qui se mellent de l'agriculture. Le tovt dressé par dialogves, esquels sont introduits la theorique & la practiqueLeave the NDL website. Heat considered as a mode of motion : being a course of twelve lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in the season of 1862Leave the NDL website. Lehrbuch der ElektrochemieLeave the NDL website. Systema fossilium analysibus chemicis examinatorum secundum partium constitutivarum rationes ordinatorumLeave the NDL website. Vorlesungen über mathematische OptikLeave the NDL website. Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire naturelle des provinces de Lyonnois, Forez, et BeaujoloisLeave the NDL website. Réflexions sur les comètes qui peuvent approcher de la terreLeave the NDL website. Ueber die Entwickelung der exakten Naturwissenschaften im 19. Jahrhundert und die Betheiligung der deutschen Gelehrten an dieser EntwickelungLeave the NDL website. Chemical observations and experiments on air and fireLeave the NDL website. Traité sur le vénin de la vipere sur les poisons americains sur le laurier-cerise et sur quelques autres poisons végetaux. ... et la description d'un nouveau canal de l'oeilLeave the NDL website. Κοσμοθεωρος; sive, De terris coelestibus, earumque ornatu, conjecturaeLeave the NDL website. Leçons sur l'électricité et le magnétismeLeave the NDL website. Découvertes ... sur la lumière : constatées par une suite d'expériences nouvelles qui ont été faites un très-grand nombre de fois sous les yeux de MM. les Commissaires de l'Académie des sciencesLeave the NDL website. Tabulae astronomicae. Verarum mediarumqɜ coniunctionũ & oppositionum solis & lunae exactissima supputatio pro omni tempore. Et toti propemo dum Europae accommoda. Cyclorum patrum antiquorum de coniunctionũ & oppositionũ reditu imperfectio & fere redargutio. Eclipsium luminarium praedictio ...Leave the NDL website. De motu animaliumLeave the NDL website. Discours d'ouverture et de clôture du cours d'histoire naturelle des animaux vertébrés et a sang rouge ...Leave the NDL website. Briefe von Alexander von Humboldt an Varnhagen von Ense aus den Jahren 1827 bis 1858. Nebst Auszügen aus Varnhagen's Tagebüchern, und Briefen von Varnhagen und andern an HumboldtLeave the NDL website. The miscellaneous botanical works of Robert BrownLeave the NDL website. Darwiniana: Essays and reviews pertaining to DarwinismLeave the NDL website. Theory of the motion of the heavenly bodies moving about the sun in conic sectionsLeave the NDL website. Aanden i naturenLeave the NDL website. A system of physiological botanyLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres de LagrangeLeave the NDL website. Physiologie du mouvement. Le vol des oiseauxLeave the NDL website. A history of mathematicsLeave the NDL website. Institutions de physiqueLeave the NDL website. Studien zur Descendenz-TheorieLeave the NDL website. Our waterways : a history of inland navigation considered as a branch of water conservancyLeave the NDL website. Is Mars habitable? : a critical examination of Professor Percival Lowell's book "Mars and its canals," with an alternative explanationLeave the NDL website. Die Elemente der Mechanik des Himmels, auf neuem Wege ohne hülfe höherer Rechnungsarten ...Leave the NDL website. Harmonie des deux spheres celeste et terrestre; ou, L'art de connoître, la situation, la route, & la distance de toutes les parties de la terre par le soleil & par les etoiles ...Leave the NDL website. Mineralogical travels through the Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland Islands, and mainland of Scotland, with dissertations upon peat and kelpLeave the NDL website. Histoire des mathématiques depuis leurs origines jusqu'au commencement du dix-neuvième siècleLeave the NDL website. Histoire des sciences naturelles au moyen age : ou, Albert le Grand et son époque considérés comme point de départ de l'école expérimentaleLeave the NDL website. Physical science in the time of Nero : being a translation of the Quaestiones naturales of SenecaLeave the NDL website. Histoire critique du magnétisme animalLeave the NDL website. De insectis, in methodum redactus : cum notularum additione. Operâ M. Lister, ... Item Appendicis ad Historiam animalium Angliae, ejusdem M. Lister, altera editio hic quoque exhibetur. Unà cum scarabaeorum anglicanorum quibusdam tabulis mutisLeave the NDL website. The crayfish, an introduction to the study of zoologyLeave the NDL website. The anatomy of vegetables begunLeave the NDL website. On molecular and microscopic scienceLeave the NDL website. A treatise of algebra, both historical and practical : shewing the original, progress, and advancement thereof, from time to time : and by what steps it hath attained to the heighth at which it now is. With some additional treatises, I. Of the Cono-cuneus ... II. Of angular sections; and other things relating thereunto, and to trigonometry. III. Of the angle of contact ... IV. Of combinations, alternations, and aliquot partsLeave the NDL website. Plantes de la France décrites et peintes d'après natureLeave the NDL website. Cosmographia in qvatvor libros distribvta ... cum praefatione eiusdem autoris ... praecesserunt etiam quaedam communia mathematica, [etc.]Leave the NDL website. Bibliographie générale de l'astronomieLeave the NDL website. A dissertation upon the philosophy of light, heat, and fire. In seven partsLeave the NDL website. An history of the earth, and animated natureLeave the NDL website. A continuation of new experiments physico-mechanical, touching the spring and weight of the air, and their effectsLeave the NDL website. Ευκλειδου δεδομενα ... Evclidis data ... Clavdivs Hardy ... Graecʹe nunc primùm edidit, latinè vertit scholijsq; illustrauit. Adjectus est ex eadem Bibliothecâ Marini philosophi commentarius Graecè & Latinè quo, dati natura datoruʹmque Euclideorum vtilitates explicanturLeave the NDL website. A popular treatise on voltaic electricity and electromagnetism : illustrated by numerous interesting experiments, with the mode of performing the sameLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der Chemie : kurzgefasste DarstellungLeave the NDL website. The letters of Faraday and Schoenbein, 1836-1862, with notes, comments and references to contemporary lettersLeave the NDL website. Cosmography and geography, in two parts : the first, containing the general and absolute part of cosmography and geography; being a translation from ... Varenius ... : to which is added the much wanted schemes, omitted by the author : the second part, being a Geographical description of all the world, taken from the notes and works of ... Monsieur Sanson ... : to which are added about an hundred ... tables ...Leave the NDL website. Outlines of astronomyLeave the NDL website. Della gravita' dell' aria, e flvidi, esercitata principalmente nelli loro homogenei. Dialogi primo, e secondo [-quinto] fisico-matematiciLeave the NDL website. Nouvelles expériences sur la résistance des fluides, par MM. d'Alembert, le Marquis de Condorcet & ... l'abbé Bossut ...Leave the NDL website. Opera omnia. Nempe commentarii novem de Febribus : de purgantibus in secunda variolarum confluentium febre epistola : praelectiones chymicae : emmenologia. Nunc primum in unum collectaLeave the NDL website. Traité de chimie générale et expérimentale, avec les applications aux arts, a la medecine et a la pharmacieLeave the NDL website. Observations upon lightning, and the methods of securing buildings from its effects, in a letter to Sir Charles Frederick, &c. &c. &c.Leave the NDL website. [De rerum natura]Leave the NDL website. Mémoire sur les polypiers de merLeave the NDL website. AlgebraLeave the NDL website. Lettres, journal et documents pour servir a l'histoire du canal de Suez. (1854-1855-1856)Leave the NDL website. Observations on Mount Vesuvius, Mount Etna, and other volcanos : in a series of letters, addressed to the Royal Society, ... to which are added, explanatory notes by the author, hitherto unpublishedLeave the NDL website. Prodromus dissertationvm cosmographicarvm, continens mysterivm cosmographicvm, de admirabili proportione orbivm coelestivm, de qve cavsis coelorum numeri, magnitudinis, motuumq́ue periodicorum genuinis & proprijs, demonstratvm per qvinqve regularia corpora geometrica. ... Addita est erudita narratio M. Georgii Ioachimi Rhetici, de libris revolutionum, atqɜ admirandis de numero, ordine, & distantijs sphaerarum mundi hypothesibus, excellentissimi mathematici, totiusq́ɜ astronomia restauratoris D. Nicolai CoperniciLeave the NDL website. L'histoire des elephantsLeave the NDL website. The history and present state of electricity, with original experimentsLeave the NDL website. Traité des propriétés projectives des figures : ouvrage utile a ceux qui s'occupent des applications de la géométrie descriptive et d'opérations géométriques sur le terrainLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres de Mr. Mariotte de l'Académie Royale des sciencesLeave the NDL website. L'art de tourner, ou de faire en perfection toutes sortes d'ouvrages au tour. Dans lequel, ... Composé en François & en Latin ...Leave the NDL website. Untersuchungen über den Flug der VögelLeave the NDL website. Letters on natural magic : addressed to Sir Walter Scott, bartLeave the NDL website. Gesammelte Abhandlungen ...Leave the NDL website. The mutation theory : experiments and observations on the origin of species in the vegetable kingdomLeave the NDL website. A treatise upon analytical mechanics : being the first book of the mecanique celeste ...Leave the NDL website. La description des expériences aérostatiques de MM. Montgolfier, et de celles auxquelles cette découverte a donné lieuLeave the NDL website. Het leven der bloemLeave the NDL website. Osservazioni intorno all'uso dell' elettricita' celeste e sopra l'origine del fiume Timavo riportate in due lettereLeave the NDL website. Institvtionvm astronomicarum libri dvo : quibus etiam continentur geographiae principia, nec non pleraque ad artem navigandi facientiaLeave the NDL website. Nautical and hydraulic experiments : with numerous scientific miscellaniesLeave the NDL website. Recherches physiques sur le feuLeave the NDL website. Mikroskopische Anatomie; oder, Gewebelehre des MenschenLeave the NDL website. Anleitung zum Schürfen : aus [i.e. auf] Befehl der k. k. hohen Hofkammer in Münz- und BergwesenLeave the NDL website. Vom Gegenbuche : ein Beytrag zur sächsischen [i.e. sächischen] BergwerksgeschichteLeave the NDL website. Lehrbuch der ChemieLeave the NDL website. Cronica de matematici overo epitome dell' istoria delle vite loroLeave the NDL website. Ueber den innern Bau der See-und einiger ausländischen Erd-und Flusschnecken. Ein VersuchLeave the NDL website. Vorlesungen über Geschichte der TrigonometrieLeave the NDL website. Essai, sur la constitution géognostique des PyrénéesLeave the NDL website. A history of inland transport and communication in EnglandLeave the NDL website. De objectivi micrometriusu in planetarum diametris metiendis : exercitatio optico-astronomicaLeave the NDL website. On the electricity excited by the mere contact of conducting substances of different kindsLeave the NDL website. De neglecta stirpium cultura, atque earum cognitione libellus : edocens qua ratione siluestres arbores cicurari & mitescere queant : Carolvs Clvsivs Atrebas è gallico latinum faciebatLeave the NDL website. Reprint of two tracts : 1. An essay on gleets. 2. An enquiry into the nature, cause, and cure of a singular disease of the eyesLeave the NDL website. Tracts: containing: I. Mechanics, or, The doctrine of motion. II. The projection of the sphere. III. The laws of centripetal and centrifugal force. To which is prefixed, some account of the life and writings of the author, by the Rev. W. Bowe, ...Leave the NDL website. A true and particular relation of the dreadful earthquake which happen'd at Lima, the capital of Peru, and the neighbouring port of Callao, on the 28th of October, 1746 : with an account likewise of every thing material that passed there afterwards to the end of November following ...Leave the NDL website. Essai philosophique sur les probabilitésLeave the NDL website. Recherches analytiques sur la nature de l'air inflammableLeave the NDL website. OpereLeave the NDL website. Sylva subterranea; oder, Vortreffliche nutzbarkeit des unterirdischen Waldes der Stein-Kohlen, wie die selben von Gott denen Menschen zu gut, an denenjenigen orthen, wo nicht viel holtz wächset, aus gnaden verliehen und mitgetheilet worden, auf hoher patoronen befeyl und curiosität entworfen und zum druck bofördert ...Leave the NDL website. Sammlung naturhistorischer Aufsätze, mit vorzüglichen Hinsicht auf die mineralgeschichte BöhmensLeave the NDL website. Secretioris natura secretorum scrutinium chymicum, per oculis et intellectui accuratè accommodata, figuris cupro appositissimè incisa, ingeniosissima emblemata, hisque confines, & ad rem egregiè facientes sententias, doctissimaque item epigrammata, illustratum. ... Iterata vice ... depromtumLeave the NDL website. Lexicon technicumLeave the NDL website. Essays on several curious and useful subjects, in speculative and mix'd mathematics : illustrated by a variety of examplesLeave the NDL website. Introductio in analysin infinitorumLeave the NDL website. Vindiciae geologicae : or, The connexion of geology with religion explained ...Leave the NDL website. Die AkustikLeave the NDL website. Voyage aux iles de Lipari, fait en 1781; ou, Notices sur les Iles Aeoliennes, pour servir a l'histoire des volcans : suivi d'un mémoire sur une espèce de volcan d'air, & d'un autre sur la température du climat de Malthe, & sur la différence de la chaleur réelle & de la chaleur sensibleLeave the NDL website. Chemische Untersuchungen einiger niederrheinischen Fossilien eines Vesuvians und des Wassers im BasaltLeave the NDL website. Nouvelles études et expériences sur les glaciers actuels leur structure, leur progression et leur action physique sur le solLeave the NDL website. Experimental researches concerning the philosophy of permanent colours : and the best means of producing them by dying, calico printing, &c.Leave the NDL website. Essai de mécanique chimique fondée sur la thermochimieLeave the NDL website. New flora and botany of North America : being a supplemental flora, ... containing ... new species, illustrated by figures in Autikon BotanikonLeave the NDL website. Handbook of climatologyLeave the NDL website. La théorie physique son objet et sa structureLeave the NDL website. Theoria philosophiae naturalis redacta ad unicam legem virium in natura existentiumLeave the NDL website. How to invent machineryLeave the NDL website. Opera omnia mathematica, hydraulica, medica, et physicaLeave the NDL website. Lehrbuch der allgemeinen und medicinischen Chymie. Zum Gebrauche seiner VorlesungenLeave the NDL website. The scenery of Scotland, viewed in connexion with its physical geology : with a geological map by Sir Roderick I. Murchison, ... and Archibald GeikieLeave the NDL website. Institutes of natural philosophy, theoretical and experimental ...Leave the NDL website. Miscellaneous scientific papers : ...from the transactions and proceedings of the Royal and other scientific and philosophical societies, and the scientific journalsLeave the NDL website. Gasometry, comprising the leading physical and chemical properties of gasesLeave the NDL website. Tyrocinivm chymicvm e natvrae fonte et manali experientia depromptum : autore eo qui se suáque Deo ter opt. max. libat deuouetqueLeave the NDL website. Tabvlae Rudolphinae, qvibvs astronomicae scientiae, temporum longinquitate collapsae restauratio continetur; a ... Tychone, ex illustri ... Braheorum ... familiâ oriundo ... primum animo concepta et destinata anno Christi MDLXIV: exinde observationibus siderum ... seriò affectata ... Tabulas ipsas ... morte authoris sui anno MDCI desertas, ... perfecit, absolvit; adq́ɜ causarum & calculi perennis formulam traduxit. Ioannes Keplerus, ...Leave the NDL website. The pressure of lightLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle des rainettes, des grenouilles et des crapaudsLeave the NDL website. Ricerche fisiche sopra l'aria fissaLeave the NDL website. Regni vegetabilis systema naturale, sive Ordines, genera et species plantarum secundum methodi naturalis normas digestarum et descriptarumLeave the NDL website. Entwickelung einer Theorie der KrystallstrukturLeave the NDL website. Essays and observations on natural history, anatomy, physiology, psychology, and geology. ... Being his posthumous papers on those subjects, arranged and revised, with notes : to which are added, the introductory lectures on the Hunterian collection of fossil remains, delivered in the Theatre of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, March 8th, 10th, and 12th, 1855Leave the NDL website. Account of the qualities and uses of coal tar and coal varnish. With certificates from shipmasters and othersLeave the NDL website. Magnes siue De arte magnetica opvs tripartitvm quo praeterqvam qvod vniuersa magnetis natura, eiusque in omnibus artibus & scientijs vsus noua methodo explicetur, è viribus quoque & prodigiosis effectibus magneticarum, aliarumque abditarum naturae motionum in elementis, lapidibus, plantis & animalibus elucescentium, multa hucusque incognita naturae arcana per physica, medica, chymica, & mathematica omnis generis experimenta recludunturLeave the NDL website. Histoire de la botanique genevoise, discours prononcé a la cérémonie académique des promotions, le 14 juin 1830Leave the NDL website. Vorlesungen über Maxwells Theorie der Elektricität und des LichtesLeave the NDL website. Über die Natur und Bildung der Coralleninseln und Corallenbänke im rothen MeereLeave the NDL website. Report on the geology of Cornwall, Devon and west SomersetLeave the NDL website. Galileo Galilei and the Roman curiaLeave the NDL website. Histoire de la zoologie depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'a nos joursLeave the NDL website. De ivre et praestantia chymicorvm medicamentorvm dialogus apologeticus: ...Leave the NDL website. Georgii Agricolae De re metallica libri XII : qvibus officia, instrumenta, machinae, ac omnia deniqɜ ad metallicam spectantia, non modo luculentissimè describuntur, sed & per effigies, suis locis insertas, adiunctis latinis, germanicisq́[ue] appellationibus ita ob oculos ponuntur, ut clarius tradi non possint. Eivsdem De animantibvs svbterraneis liber, ab autore recognitus: cum indicibus diuersis, quicquid in opere tractatum est, pulchrè demonstrantibusLeave the NDL website. A history of wireless telegraphy, 1838-1899, including some bare-wire proposals for subaqueous telegraphsLeave the NDL website. Mathematical elements of natural philosophy confirm'd by experiments, or, An introduction to Sir Isaac Newton's philosophyLeave the NDL website. Traité des forces mouvantes, pour la pratique des arts et métiers, avec une explication de vingt machines nouvelles & utilesLeave the NDL website. A manual of electro dynamics, chiefly translated from the Manuel d'électricite dynamique, or, Treatise on the mutual action of electric conductors and magnets, ... with notes and additions comprehending the latest discoveries and improvementsLeave the NDL website. Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne, depuis son origine jusqu' a l'établissement de l'Ecole d'AlexandrieLeave the NDL website. An essay towards a history of the principal comets that have appeared since the year 1742 : ... with remarks and reflections upon the present comet : to which is prefixed, by way of introduction, a letter upon comets : addressed to a lady, by the late M. de Maupertuis. written in the year 1742Leave the NDL website. De homine figvris, et latinitate donatus a Florentio Schuyl ...Leave the NDL website. Essays of the strange subtilty, determinate nature, great efficacy of effluviums : to which are annext new experiments to make fire and flame ponderable. Together with a discovery of the perviousness of glass. Also an essay, about the origine and virtues of gems. ... To which is added the prodromvs to a dissertation concerning solids naturally contained within solids giving an account of the earth, and its productions. by Nicholas Steno. Englished by H.OLeave the NDL website. La théorie électromagnétique de Maxwell et son application aux corps mouvantsLeave the NDL website. De historia plantarvm libri decem, graecè & latinè : in quibus textum graecum variis lectionibus, emendationibus, hiulcorum supplementis : latinam Gazae versionem nova interpretatione ad margines : totum opus absolutissimis cum notis tum commentariis : item rariorum plantarum iconibus illustravit Ioannes Bodaevs à Stapel, ... Accesserunt Ivlii Caesaris Scaligeri in eosdem libros animadversiones: et Roberti Constantini annotationes ...Leave the NDL website. The economy of nature explained and illustrated on the principles of modern philosophyLeave the NDL website. Beginsels der natuurkunde, beschreeven ten dienste der landgenooten ... Waar by gevoegd is eene beschryving der nieuwe en onlangs uitgevonden luchtpompen, met haar gebruik tot veele proefnemingen ...Leave the NDL website. On the nature of thunderstorms, and on the means of protecting buildings and shipping against the destructive effects of lightningLeave the NDL website. Berzelius und Liebig, ihre Briefe von 1831-1845 mit erläuternden Einschaltungen aus gleichzeitigen Briefen von Liebig und Wöhler sowie Wissenschaftlichen NachweisenLeave the NDL website. Mémoires et souvenirsLeave the NDL website. Colour vision : being the Tyndall lectures delivered in 1894 at the Royal InstitutionLeave the NDL website. Breve instrvttione sopra l'apparenze, et mirabili effetti dello specchio concauo sfericoLeave the NDL website. Sol elliptic : hoc est, nouum & perpetuum solis contra hisoliti phaenomenon, quodnouiter inuentum strenae loco ...Leave the NDL website. The elements of geometrie of the most auncient philosopher euclide of megara. Faithfully (now first) translated into the englishe toung, by H. Billingsley, ... whereunto are annexed certaine scholies, annotations, and inventions, of the best mathematiciens, with a ... praeface made by M.I. Dee, specifying the chief mathematicall sciêces, what they are, and whereunto commodious : where, also are disclosed certaine new secrets mathematicall, and mechanicall, vntill these our daies, greatly missedLeave the NDL website. Essai d'une nouvelle theorie de la résistance des fluidesLeave the NDL website. Essai sur l'histoire naturelle des roches, précédé d'un exposé systématique des terres et des pierresLeave the NDL website. Ueber Massen und Steine die aus dem Monde auf die Erde gefallen sindLeave the NDL website. Observations made during a voyage round the world, on physical geography, natural history, and ethic philosophy ...Leave the NDL website. An historical and philosophical account of the barometer, or weather-glass : wherein the reason and use of that instrument, the theory of the atmosphere, the causes of its different gravitation are assign'd and explain'd : and a modest attempt from thence made towards a rational account and probable judgment of the weatherLeave the NDL website. De reliquis animalibusLeave the NDL website. L'ozone; ou, Recherches chimiques, météorologiques physiologiques et médicales sur l'oxygène électriséLeave the NDL website. Conjectures concerning the cause, and observations upon the phaenomena, of earthquakes : particularly of that great earthquake of the first of November 1755, which proved so fatal to the city of Lisbon, and whose effects were felt as far as Africa, and more or less throughout almost all EuropeLeave the NDL website. The elements of hydrostatics and hydrodynamicsLeave the NDL website. De starre-kunst : ... Leerende de hoedanigheden der beweginge van alle zichtbare hemelsche lighamen, en't berekenen haarder zichtbare plaatzen. Mitsgaders, de hoedanigheden der verduistering van zon en maan, en de berekeninge van dienLeave the NDL website. A treatise on dynamics : containing a considerable collection of mechanical problemsLeave the NDL website. Géographie-physique. [Encyclopédie méthodique]Leave the NDL website. Théorie du potential Newtonien : leçons professées a la Sorbonne pendant le premier semestre, 1894-1895Leave the NDL website. Lehrbuch der ChemieLeave the NDL website. 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Rapport sur les progrès de la stratigraphieLeave the NDL website. Recherches sur les causes des principaux faits physiques, ...Leave the NDL website. Traité théorique et pratique des machines locomotivesLeave the NDL website. The universal herbal; or, Botanical, medical, and agricultural dictionary. Containing an account of all the known plants in the world, arranged according to the Linnean system ... with the best methods of propagation, and the most recent agricultural improvements ...Leave the NDL website. Organographie végétale, ou description raisonnée de organes des plantes, ...Leave the NDL website. La fisica de' peripatetici, cartesiani ed atomisti al paragone della vera fisica d'AristoteleLeave the NDL website. Travels in England, Scotland, and the Hebrides : undertaken for the purpose of examining the state of the arts, the sciences, natural history and manners, in great britain : containing mineralogical descriptions of the country round newcastle; ... and the cave of fingalLeave the NDL website. Fragmens de géologie et de climatologie asiatiquesLeave the NDL website. Operum mathematico-physicorum ...Leave the NDL website. Petrifactions and their teachings : or, A hand-book to the gallery of organic remains of the British MuseumLeave the NDL website. Incendio del monte Vesvvio. ... Nel quale si tratta di tutti gli luoghi ardenti, delle differenze delli fuoghi, loro segni, cagioni, prognostici, e rimedij, con Metodo distinto, historico, e Filosofico. Con la giunta d'alcuni quesiti circa lo stato presente del Vesuuio, e le loro esplicationi, & annotationiLeave the NDL website. Prager Tychoniana zur bevorstehenden Säcularfeier der Erinnerung an das vor 300 Jahren erfolgte ableben des reformators der beobachtenden Astronomie Tÿcho Brahe ...Leave the NDL website. Examen desinteressé des differens ouvrages qui ont été faits pour déterminer la figure de la terre ...Leave the NDL website. OpusculorumLeave the NDL website. Mémoires géologiques et paléontologiquesLeave the NDL website. Mahometis Albatenii De scientia stellarvm liber : cum aliquot additionibus Ioannis Regiomontani : ex bibliotheca Vaticana transcriptusLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire raisonne de physiqueLeave the NDL website. Qvadrvpedvm dispositio brevisqve historia natvralisLeave the NDL website. De lapidibus pretiosis enchiridion, cum scholijs pictoris villingensis. Eivsdem pictorii de lapide molari carmen. ...Leave the NDL website. The expression of the emotions in man and animalsLeave the NDL website. 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A systematic catalogue of British insects : being an attempt to arrange all the hitherto discovered indigenous insects in accordance with their natural affinities : containing also the references to every English writer on entomology, and to the principal foreign authors : with all the published British genera to the present timeLeave the NDL website. Origine et propagation de la forceLeave the NDL website. Vogelflug und Flugmaschinen. Darstellung und Kritik der Erfindung des Kraftfluges durch Natur und TechnikLeave the NDL website. A history of the mathematical theories of attraction and the figure of the earth, from the time of Newton to that of LaplaceLeave the NDL website. Travels in the Two Sicilies, and some parts of the ApenninesLeave the NDL website. Histoire des végétaux fossiles, ou recherches botaniques et geologiques sur les végétaux renfermés dans les diverses couches du globeLeave the NDL website. Novarvm observationvm physico-mathematicarvm ...Tomvs III. Qvibvs accessit aristarchvs samivs de mvndi systemateLeave the NDL website. Leçons de mécanique analytique, données a l'École impériale polytechnique. ...Leave the NDL website. A synopsis of the flora of the western statesLeave the NDL website. Ueber die Gebirgs- und Steinarten des chursächsischen Hennebergs : nebst einer allgemeinen Uebersicht aller bis jetzo bekannten Mineralien dieses Landes, und einem Anhange vom Schneekopf und RupbergLeave the NDL website. Chemistry as applied to the fine artsLeave the NDL website. Anleitung zu der Kunst wollene, seidene, baumwollene und leinene Zeuge ächt und dauerhaft selbst zu färben : desgleichen Leinewand und baumwollene Zeuge ... Zum wirthschaftlichen Gebrauche ...Leave the NDL website. Essai sur la théorie des satellites de Jupiter : suivi des tables de leurs mouvemens, déduits du principe de la gravitation universelleLeave the NDL website. Aussführlicher vnd gründtlicher Bericht von der allgemainen, vnd nunmehr bey sechtzehen hundert Jaren ...Leave the NDL website. An experimental inquiry into the figure and composition of the red particles of the blood commonly called the red globules : being a copy of a paper lately read before the Royal SocietyLeave the NDL website. Gesammelte mathematische und astronomische AbhándlungenLeave the NDL website. Della elettricità terrestre atmosferica a cielo serenoLeave the NDL website. Practical electricity, and galvanism, containing a series of experiments. Calculated for the use of those who are desirous of becoming acquainted with that branch of scienceLeave the NDL website. Le Newtonianisme pour les dames, ou, Entretiens sur la lumiere, sur les couleurs, et sur l'attractionLeave the NDL website. The genuine works of Hippocrates : translated from the Greek, with a preliminary discourse and annotations, ...Leave the NDL website. De meteoris et fossilibvs libri duo. In priore libro mixta imperfecta, quaeque in sublimi aëre vel gignuntur, vel apparent, fusè pertractantur. Posterior liber mixta perfecta complectitur : vbi salium bituminum, lapidum, gemmarum, & metallorum naturae, causae, & vsus inquirunturLeave the NDL website. HeatLeave the NDL website. Ãγαντα τα` τουˆ Γλάτωνος : Omnia Platonis operaLeave the NDL website. Opera philosophica et mineralia : tres tomiLeave the NDL website. Ιππαρχου Βιθυνου Των Αρατου και Ευδοξου φαινομενων εξηγησεων βιβλια γ. Του αντυ άςορισμοι. Αχιλλεως Στατιου προλεγο. μενα είς τα Αράτου φαινόυενα. Αρατου βιος και σχολια γαλαιων τινων είς το αντου ποίημα. Hipparchi bithyni in arati et Evdoxi phaenomena libri III. Eiusdem liber afterismorum. Achillis statii in arati phaenomena. Arati vita & tragmenta aliorum veterum in eius poema. Cvm licentia svperiorvmLeave the NDL website. Trattato del legno fossile minerale nvovamente scoperto nel qvale brevemente si accenna la varia, & mutabil natura di detto legno, rappresetatoui con alcune figure, che mostrano il luogo doue nasce, la diuersità dell'onde, che in esso si vedono, e le sue cosi varie, e marauigliose formeLeave the NDL website. Die Grundlagen der Gaussischen Theorie und die Erscheinungen des Erdmagnetismus im Jahre 1829 : mit Berücksichtigung der Säcularvariationen aus allen vorliegenden Beobachtungen, ...Leave the NDL website. Aristotelis et Theophrasti historiae, cùm de natura animalium, tum de plantis & earum causis ... nunc iam suo restitutae nitori, & mendis omnibus, quoad fieri potuit, repurgatae. Cvm indice copiosissimo : ex quo superfluum quod erat, decerpsimus : quod uerò necessarium nobis uisum est, superaddidimusLeave the NDL website. Theorie de la figure de la terre, tirée des principes, de l'hydrostatiqueLeave the NDL website. Dialogo del flvsso e reflvsso del mare, d'Alseforo Talascopio [pseud., e d'Nozzolino]. Con vn ragionamento di Telifilo Filogenio [pseud.] della perfettione delle donne ...Leave the NDL website. Essai sur l'origine des corps organisés et inorganisés, et sur quelques phénomènes de physiologie animale et végétaleLeave the NDL website. Pesanteur spécifique des corps. Ouvrage utile à l'histoire naturelle, à la physique, aux arts & au commerceLeave the NDL website. The tides and kindred phenomena in the solar system : the substance of lectures delivered in 1897 at the Lowell Institute, Boston, MassachusettsLeave the NDL website. Il Newtonianismo per le dame, ovvero, dialoghi sopra la luce e i coloriLeave the NDL website. New experiments physico-mechanical, touching the air : whereunto is added a defence of the authors explication of the experiments, against the objections of Franciscus Linus, and Thomas HobbesLeave the NDL website. Some salient points in the science of the earthLeave the NDL website. Landscape in history and other essaysLeave the NDL website. Animal chemistry; or, Organic chemistry in its application to physiology and pathologyLeave the NDL website. A compendious system of astronomy : in a course of familiar lectures; ... Also trigonometrical and celestial problems, with a key to the ephemeris, and a vocabulary of the terms of science used in the lectures, ...Leave the NDL website. Briefe über verschiedene Gegenstände aus der NaturlehreLeave the NDL website. Les lois expérimentales de l'aviationLeave the NDL website. Mantissa botanica sistens generum plantarum. Supplementum tertiumLeave the NDL website. Uiber die Gebirgsformationen in den dermaligen Churpfalzbaier. StaateLeave the NDL website. Trattato della rvota planetaria perpetva e dell'vso di qvella ...Leave the NDL website. Oeuvres : contenant 1. Les elemens de geometrie. 2. Un discours du mouvement local. 3. 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Lithologisches Real-und Verballexikon, in welchem nicht nur die Synonymien der deutschen, lateinischen, französischen und holländischen Sprachen angeführt und erläutert, sondern auch alle Steine und Versteinerungen ausführlich beschrieben werdenLeave the NDL website. Matériaux pour servir à l'histoire comparée des sciences mathématiques chez les Grecs et les OrientauxLeave the NDL website. Encyclopédie méthodique. BotaniqueLeave the NDL website. Wellenlehre auf Experimente gegründet; oder, über die Wellen tropfbarer Flüssigkeiten mit Anwendung auf die Schall- und LichtwellenLeave the NDL website. Uiber di [i.e. die] Aechtheit der KristalleLeave the NDL website. New experiments and observations touching cold, or, An experimental history of cold, begun : to which are added an examen of antiperistasis, and an examen of Mr. Hobs's doctrine about cold. ... Whereunto is annexed An account of freezing, brought in to the Royal Society, by the learned Dr. C. Merret, a fellow of it ...Leave the NDL website. A selection of the geological memoirs contained in the annales des mines : together with a synoptical table of equivalent formations, and M. Brongniart's table of the classification of mixed rocksLeave the NDL website. The physical papers of Henry Augustus Rowland ... Johns Hopkins university, 1876-1901 : collected for publication by a committee of the faculty of the universityLeave the NDL website. Della storia naturale marina dell'AdriaticoLeave the NDL website. Ueber den Materialismus der neueren deutschen Naturwissenschaft, sein Wesen und seine GeschichteLeave the NDL website. Letters of Alexander von Humboldt, written between the years 1827 and 1858, to Varnhagen von Ense : together with extracts from Varnhagen's diaries, and letters from Varnhagen and others to HumboldtLeave the NDL website. Vehicles of the air : a popular exposition of modern aeronautics with working drawingsLeave the NDL website. 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Den Liebhabern der Wahrheit mitgetheilet, aus der lateinischen in die deutsche Sprache übersetzet, und mit dienlichen Beysätzen vermehret, auch mit nöthigen Registern versehenLeave the NDL website. The antiquity of man in Europe, being the Munro lectures, 1913Leave the NDL website. An introduction to the true astronomy; or, Astronomical lectures, read in the astronomical school of the University of OxfordLeave the NDL website. Die elektrizität in GasenLeave the NDL website. A survey of experimental philosophy, considered in its present state of improvementLeave the NDL website. The present state of the manufacture of salt explained : and a new mode suggested of refining British salt, so as to render it equal, or superior to the finest foreign salt. To which is subjoined, a plan for abolishing the present duties and restriction [i.e. restrictions] on the manufacture of salt, ...Leave the NDL website. Geschichte der Botanik in BöhmenLeave the NDL website. Theatrvm mvndi, et temporis, in quo non solvm precipvae horvm partes describuntur, & ratio metiendi eas traditur, sed accomodatissimis figuris sub oculos legentium facilè ponuntur. Vbi astrologiae principia cernvntvr ad medicinam accomodata, geographica ad nauigationem, singule stellae cum suis imaginibus, item ad medicinam, & Dei opera cognoscenda, & contemplanda, kalendarium Gregorianum ad diuina officia, diesque festos celebrandos, et alia mvlta, qvae stvdiosvs lector facile in legendo cognoscet, ex quo fit, vt theologis, philosophis, medicis, astrologis, nauigantibus, agricolis, & ceteris bonarum artium, & scientiarum professoribus sit opus vtilissimum; nunc primum in lucem editumLeave the NDL website. Miscellanea analytica de seriebus et quadraturis. ...Leave the NDL website. A short history of the progress of scientific chemistry in our own timesLeave the NDL website. [Naturalis historia]Leave the NDL website. The prodromus to a dissertation concerning solids naturally contained within solids : laying a foundation for the rendering a rational accompt both of the frame and the several changes of the masse of the earth, as also of the various productions in the sameLeave the NDL website. Man's place in nature and other anthropological essaysLeave the NDL website. Traité élémentaire de physique, ...Leave the NDL website. Iovrnal des voyages ... où les sçauants trouueront vn nombre infini de nouueautez, en machines de mathematique, ... Outre la description de diuers animaux & plantes rares, ...Leave the NDL website. Nouvelle theorie des mouvemens de la terre et de la lune : dans laquelle l'auteur établit selon les loix de la méchanique, un nouveau mouvement de la terre : d'où il tire d'une maeniere claire & démonstative la cause physique du flux & reflux de la mer ...Leave the NDL website. Mémoire instructif sur la maniere de rassembler, de preparer, de conserver, et d'envoyer les diverses curiosités d'histoire naturelle : auquel on a joint un mémoire intitulé : avis pour le transport par mer, des arbres, des plantes vivaces, des semences, & de diverses autres curiosités d'histoire naturelleLeave the NDL website. Nouvelle méchanique des mouvements de l'homme et des animauxLeave the NDL website. Die principien der Wärmelehre : historisch-kritisch EntwickeltLeave the NDL website. Lectures on natural and experimental philosophyLeave the NDL website. Certain physiological essays : written at distant times, and on several occasionsLeave the NDL website. Essai d'une théorie sur la structure des crystaux, appliquée a plusieur generes de substances crystalliséesLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften im Mittelalter : im Grundriss dargestelltLeave the NDL website. The seven books of Paulus Aegineta : translated from the Greek : with a commentary embracing a complete view of the knowledge possessed by the Greeks, Romans, and Arabians on all subjects connected with medicine and surgeryLeave the NDL website. A discourse of gravity and gravitation, grounded on experimental observations : presented to the Royal Society, November 12. 1674Leave the NDL website. Vorlesungen über deszendenztheorien mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der botanischen Seite der Frage gehalten an der Reichsuniversität zu LeidenLeave the NDL website. Tracts on mathematical and philosophical subjects : comprising, among numerous important articles, the theory of bridges, with several plans of recent improvement. Also the results of numerous experiments on the force of gunpowder, with applications to the modern practice of artilleryLeave the NDL website. Physique du monde, dédiée au roiLeave the NDL website. 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Entomologia britannica, sistens insecta Britanniae indigena, secundum methodum Linnaeanam dispositaLeave the NDL website. Favna groenlandica, systematice sistens animalia groenlandiae occidentalis hactenvs indagata, ... maximaqve parte secvndvm proprias observationes ...Leave the NDL website. Excursions et séjours dans les glaciers et les hautes régions des Alpes, de M. Agassiz et ses compagnons de voyageLeave the NDL website. De natvra aqvatilivm carmen in vniuersam Gvlielmi Rondeletii ... quam de piscibus marinis scripsit historiam: Cum viuis eorum imaginibus ...Leave the NDL website. Études sur le vin, ses maladies, causes qui les provoquent procédés nouveaux pour le conserver et pour le viellir. Études couronnées par le comité central agricole de SologneLeave the NDL website. Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematicaLeave the NDL website. Elémens de la philosophie de Neuton, mis à la portée de tout le mondeLeave the NDL website. Astronomie théorique et pratiqueLeave the NDL website. On the sensations of tone as a physiological basis for the theory of musicLeave the NDL website. Experiences de physiqueLeave the NDL website. Confutatio diatribae Ios. Scaligeri De aequinoctiorum praecessione. In qua noua quaedam dogmata Scaligeri de stella polari, & mutatione aequinoctiorum, & stellarum fixarum immobilitate, ac varijs alijs rebus astronomicis impugnanturLeave the NDL website. Anatome animalium, terrestrium variorum, volatilium, aquatilium, serpentum, insectorum, ovorumque, structuram naturalem ex veterum, recentiorum, propriisque observationibus proponens ...Leave the NDL website. Commentationes in motvm terrae diurnum, & annuum : et in vervm ad spectabilis caeli typvm. In quibus έπισημουικώζ ostenditur, diurnum, annuumque motum, qui apparet in sole, & caelo, non deberi soli, aut caelo, sed soli terrae : simulque adspectabilis primi caeli typus, ad vivum exprimitur. Ex belgico sermone in latinum versae, à Martino Hortensio Delfensi : vnà cum ipsius praefatione, in quâ astronomie Braheane fundamenta exmaminantur : & cum Lansbergianâ astronomiae restitutione conferunturLeave the NDL website. De motu marium et ventorum. LiberLeave the NDL website. Observations mathématiques, astronomiques; geographiques, chronoloques, et physiques, tirées des anciens livres chinois : ou faites nouvellement aux indes et à la chine, par les pères de la compangnie de JésusLeave the NDL website. Icones plantarum Helvetiae, ex ipsius historia stirpium Helveticarum denuo recusae, cum descriptionibus clarissimi auctoris, ejusque praefatione de rebus historiam naturalem Alpium Helveticarum illustrantibusLeave the NDL website. The characters of the classes, orders, genera, and species : or, The characteristic of the natural history system of mineralogy : intended to enable students to discriminate minerals on principles similar to those of botany and zoologyLeave the NDL website. Esperienze intorno alla generazione degl'insettiLeave the NDL website. Bemerkungen auf einer Reise in die südlichen Statthalterschaften des Russischen Reichs in den Jahren 1793-1794Leave the NDL website. Physique sociale; ou, Essai sur le développement des facultés de l'hommeLeave the NDL website. Historia natvral y moral de las Indias, en qve se tratan las cosas notables del cielo, y elementos, metales, plantas, y animales dellas, y los ritos, y ceremonias, leyes, y gouierno, y guerras de los IndiosLeave the NDL website. Opera omnia. ...Leave the NDL website. A history of physics in its elementary branches, including the evolution of physical laboratoriesLeave the NDL website. Kurze Klassifikation und Beschreibung der verschiedenen GebürgsartenLeave the NDL website. Histoire de l'observatoire de Paris de sa fondation à 1793Leave the NDL website. De centro gravitatis. Dissertatio publice propugnata in Collegio Romano Soc. Jesu ... Edito altera. Accedit disqvisitio in centrum magnitudinis qua quaedam in ea dissertatione proposita, atque alia iis affinia demonstranturLeave the NDL website. Rays of positive electricity and their application to chemical analysesLeave the NDL website. De ossibus corporis humani ad auditores suosLeave the NDL website. Of the plurality of worlds : an essay ...Leave the NDL website. Mechanische und hydrodinamische Untersuchungen nebst vollständiger Anwendung auf das Maschinenwesen bei SalzwerkenLeave the NDL website. The history of four-footed beasts and serpents . Whereunto is now added, the theater of insectsLeave the NDL website. Theoria systematis plantarum : accedit familiarum phanerogamarum in series naturales dispositio, secundum structurae normas et evolutionis gradus institutaLeave the NDL website. Les sciences de la nature en France, au XVIIIe siècle. Un chapitre de l'histoire des idéesLeave the NDL website. Descrizione geologica della provincia di MilanoLeave the NDL website. Essai géologique et minéralogique sur les environs d'Issoire, Departement du Puy-de-Dome, et principalement sur la Montagne de Boulade, avec la description et les figures lithographiées des ossemens fossiles qui y ont eté recueillisLeave the NDL website. Lives of the engineers, with an account of their principal works : comprising also a history of inland communication in BritainLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire raisonné universel des arts et metiers, contenant l'histoire, la description, la police des fabriques et manufactures de France & des pays etrangers : ouvrage utile a tous les citoyensLeave the NDL website. Briefwechsel zwischen W. Olbers und F.W. BesselLeave the NDL website. The chemical works ... : abridged and methodized : with large additions, containing the later discoveries and improvements made in chemistry and the arts depending thereonLeave the NDL website. Mémoires de physique et de chimie de la Société d'ArcueilLeave the NDL website. Sarepta oder, Bergpostill, sampt der Jochimssthalischen kurtzen chronikenLeave the NDL website. Vollständiges Handbuch der OryktognosieLeave the NDL website. Mémoire sur les basaltes de la SaxeLeave the NDL website. Mémoires de mathématiques concernant la navigation, l'astronomie physique, l'histoire, etc., etcLeave the NDL website. Méthode de nomenclature chimique, proposée par mm. de Morveau, Lavoisier, Bertholet, & de Fourcroy. On y a joint un nouveau systême de caractères chimiques, adaptés à cette nomenclature, par mm. Hassenfratz & AdetLeave the NDL website. Mineralogische Geographie von BöhmenLeave the NDL website. Analyse des équations déterminéesLeave the NDL website. Methodvs sev ratio compendiaria perueniendi ad culmen medicinae, nunc denuo omni cura recognitaLeave the NDL website. Histoire des arbres forestiers de l'amérique septentrionale, considérés principalement sous les rapports de leur usage dans les arts et de leur introduction dans le commerce, ainsi que d'après les avantages qu'ils peuvent offrir aux gouvernemens en Europe et aux personnes qui veulent former de grandes plantationsLeave the NDL website. Versuch einer mineralogischen Beschreibung von LandeckLeave the NDL website. Exposition des opérations faites en lapponie, pour la détermination d'un arc du méridien, en 1801, 1802 et 1803; par Messieurs O̊fverbom, Svanberg, Holmquist et PalanderLeave the NDL website. An examination of Dr. Woodward's account of the deluge, &c : with a comparison between Steno's philosophy and the Doctor's, in the case of marine bodies dug out of the earth ... : with A letter to the author concerning an abstract of Agostino Scilla's book on the same subject, printed in the Philosophical transactionsLeave the NDL website. Science et philosophieLeave the NDL website. A dissertation concerning electricity ... to which is annex'd a letter from President BarbotLeave the NDL website. Prinzipien der AtomdynamikLeave the NDL website. Protogaea sive de prima facie tellvris et antiqvissimae historiae vestigiis in ipsiś natvrae monvmentis dissertatio ...Leave the NDL website. Du calcul de l'effet des machines, ou, considérations sur l'emploi des moteurs et sur leur évaluation, pour servir d'introduction a l'étude spéciale des machinesLeave the NDL website. Oevvres ... : contenant: Le systeme du monde selon l'ecriture sainte : La sape de la philosophie des Cartesiens : Le secret du flux et reflux de la mer & celuy des longitudes : Le canon de mer suspendu, ou le moyen tres-facile pour bien tirer l'artillerie navale : Avis sur la ionction des deux mers, et sur les autres travaux que l'on peut faire en languedoc pour la navigation : Autre avis sur les mines metalliques de la FranceLeave the NDL website. Kant's cosmogony as in his essay on the retardation of the rotation of the earth and his natural history and theory of the heavens : with introduction, appendices, and a portrait of Thomas Wright of DurhamLeave the NDL website. Essay on the formation of rocks : or, An inquiry into the probable origin of their present form and structureLeave the NDL website. Opticæ dissertationes, in quibus plura physicè explicantur de visibilibus, de visione, de apparentiis visusLeave the NDL website. Traité pratique de l'analyse des gazLeave the NDL website. The doctrine of permutations and combinations, being an essential and fundamental part of the doctrine of chances : as it is delivered by Mr. James Bernoulli, and by the celebrated Dr. John Wallis, ... : together with some other useful mathematical tractsLeave the NDL website. Genera plantarum secundum ordines naturales dispositaLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres posthumesLeave the NDL website. Mémoire sur les terrains de sédiment ...Leave the NDL website. New theory of the formation of veins : with its application to the art of working minesLeave the NDL website. Grundlagen der chemieLeave the NDL website. Gesamme lte [i.e. Gesammelte] AbhandlungenLeave the NDL website. Méchanique analitiqueLeave the NDL website. An essay on such physical considerations as are connected with man's ultimate destination, the essential constitution of superior beings, and the presumptive unity of natureLeave the NDL website. The American electro magnetic telegraph : with the reports of Congress, and a description of all telegraphs known, employing electricity or galvanism : illustrated by eighty-one wood engravingsLeave the NDL website. Discorso ... della grandezza dell'acqva & della terra : contra l'opinione dil S. Alessandro PiccolominiLeave the NDL website. A system of mineralogy : including an extended treatise on crystallography : with an appendix, containing the application of mathematics to crystallographic investigation and a mineralogical bibliography ...Leave the NDL website. Lapis animalis microcosmicus : oder, Die höchste Artzney, aus der kleinen Welt des menschlichen Leibs. Sampt einem Tractätlein vom Vrin oder Harn des MenschenLeave the NDL website. Species muscorum frondosorum descriptae et tabulis aeneis LXXVII coloratis illustratae. Opus posthumumLeave the NDL website. Illustrations of the Huttonian theory of the earthLeave the NDL website. Journal des observations physiques, mathematiques et botaniques, faites par l'ordre du roy sur les côtes orientales de l'amerique meridionale, & dans les Indes Occidentales, depuis l'année 1707. jusques en 1712Leave the NDL website. The resistance of the air and aviation : experiments conducted at the Champ-de-Mars laboratoryLeave the NDL website. Müller-Pouillet's Lehrbuch der Physik und MeteorologieLeave the NDL website. The natural history of the earth, illustrated, inlarged, and defended : written originally in Latin : and now first made English by Benj. Holloway, ... to which are added, physical proofs of the existence of God, his actual incessant concurrence to the support of the universe, and of all organical bodyes; vegetables, and animals, particularly man; with several other papers, on different subjects, never before printedLeave the NDL website. Dendrographias; sive, Historiae naturalis de arboribus et fructibus tam nostri qvam peregrini orbis libri decemLeave the NDL website. Historical and biographical sketches of the progress of botany in England, from its origin to the introduction of the Linnaean systemLeave the NDL website. FluggeschwindigkeitLeave the NDL website. Reise durch Norwegen und LapplandLeave the NDL website. Telliamed : or, Discourses between an Indian philosopher and a French missionary, on the diminution of the sea, the formation of the earth, the origin of men and animals, and other curious subjects, relating to natural history and philosophy. ...Leave the NDL website. Traité d'électricité théorique et appliquéeLeave the NDL website. Considerations on volcanos : the probable causes of their phenomena, the laws which determine their march, the disposition of their products, and their connexion with the present state and past history of the globe : leading to the establishment of a new theory of the earthLeave the NDL website. Memoirs of the life, writings, and discoveries of Sir Isaac NewtonLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire universel de mathematique et de physique, où l'on traite de l'origine, du progrès de ces deux sciences & des arts qui en dépendent, & des diverses révolutions qui leur sont arrivées jusqu'à notre tems : avec l'exposition de leurs principes, & l'analyse des sentimens des plus célèbres auteurs sur chaque matiereLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der ChemieLeave the NDL website. Supplementary chapter to 'Finger prints's decipherment of blurred finger printsLeave the NDL website. Speculum metallurgiae politissimum. Oder: Hell-Polierter Berg-Bau-Spiegel ...Leave the NDL website. Dictionnaire de chimie, contenant la théorie et la pratique de cette science, son application a l'histoire naturelle et aux artsLeave the NDL website. Notice historique sur Lavoisier ... lue dans la séance publique annuelle de l'Académie des sciences du 30 décembre 1889Leave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, supplémentLeave the NDL website. Traité des petrificationsLeave the NDL website. Dissertazione italiana e francese sopra la produzione de' coralli e riflessioni critiche dell'abate ... Sopra i polipi creduti costruttori dei medesimi coralli ...Leave the NDL website. Lectures on quaternions : containing a systematic statement of a new mathematical method : ... with numerous illustrative diagrams, and with some geometrical and physical applicationsLeave the NDL website. Lectures on the atomic theory and essays scientific and literaryLeave the NDL website. Science papers, chiefly pharmacological and botanicalLeave the NDL website. The general laws of nature and motion : with their application to mechanicks. Also the doctrine of centripetal forces and velocities of bodies describing any of the conick sections. Being a part of the great Mr. Newton's principlesLeave the NDL website. Aritmetica prattica ...Leave the NDL website. The natural history of Norway : containing, a particular and accurate account of the temperature of the air, the different soils, waters, vegetables, metals, minerals, stones, beasts, birds, and fishes : together with the dispositions, customs, and manner of living of the inhabitants: interspersed with physiological notes from eminent writers, and transactions of academiesLeave the NDL website. Metallographia : or, An history of metals : wherein is declared the signs of ores and minerals both before and after digging, the causes and manner of their generations, their kinds, sorts, and differences : with the description of sundry new metals, or semi-metals, and many other things pertaining to mineral knowledge : as of the philosophers gold, their mercury, the liquor alkahest, aurum potabile, and such like : gathered forth of the most approved authors that have written in Greek, Latine, or High-Dutch; with some observations and discoveries of the author himselfLeave the NDL website. De motv natvrali gravivm solidorvmLeave the NDL website. Exposition du systême du mondeLeave the NDL website. The testimony of the rocks : or, Geology in its bearings on the two theologies, natural and revealedLeave the NDL website. Nouveaux mémoires sur l'etat présent de la ChineLeave the NDL website. Treatise on light : in which are explained the causes of that which occurs in reflexion, & in refraction and particularly in the strange refraction of Iceland crystalLeave the NDL website. Questiones subtilissime Alberti de saxonia in libros de celo [et] mundo. End. [fol. 51 recto:] Expliciūt questiones ... alberti de saxonia su[per] q̃ttuor libros d' celo [et] mūdo Ari. diligētissime emēdate [per] ... hieronymū Surianū ...Leave the NDL website. Observations sur les nouvelles découvertes aërostatiques, et sur la probabilité de pouvoir diriger les ballons. ... Pour servir de supplément à son dictionnaire raisonné de physiqueLeave the NDL website. New fragmentsLeave the NDL website. Essai sur l'art d'observer et de faire des expériencesLeave the NDL website. Dissertations sur l'incompatibilité de l'attraction et de ses différentes loix, avec les phenoménes; et sur les tuyaux capillairesLeave the NDL website. Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematicaLeave the NDL website. Miscellaneous tracts on some curious, and very interesting subjects in mechanics, physical-astonomy, and speculative mathematics : wherein, the precession of the equinox, the nutation of the earth's axis, and, the motion of the moon in her orbit, are determinedLeave the NDL website. De monade nvmero et figura liber consequens quinque de minimo magno & mensura. Item de innvmerabilibvs, immenso, & infigurabili; seu de vniuerso & mundis libri octo. Ad illvstrissimvm et reuerendiss. Principem Henricvm Ivlivm Brunsuicensium & Luneburgensium ducem, Halberstadensium Episcopum, &c.Leave the NDL website. Grund-Riss der MineralogieLeave the NDL website. De weeghdaetLeave the NDL website. Outlines of an attempt to establish a knowledge of extraneous fossils, on scientific principlesLeave the NDL website. Essai sur la vie et les ouvrages de L.-A.-J. QueteletLeave the NDL website. Mineralogy of the Scottish isles : with mineralogical observations made in a tour through different parts of the mainland of Scotland, and dissertations upon peat and kelpLeave the NDL website. Physiologie der GewächseLeave the NDL website. Rapport sur la fabrication des savons, sur leurs différentes espèces, suivant la nature des huiles et des alkalis qu'on emploie pour les fabriquer : et sur les moyens d'en préparer par-tout, avec les diverses matières huileuses et alkalines, que la nature présente, suivant les localitésLeave the NDL website. Charakteristik der FelsartenLeave the NDL website. The steam engine and its inventors : a historical sketchLeave the NDL website. I fenomeni elettro-magnetici a due leggi ridotti con la loro cagione tolta dall' opinione symmerianaLeave the NDL website. De caloris fontium medicatorum causa, eorúmque temperatione, libri dvo, et philosophis et medicis perutilesLeave the NDL website. Remarks on the winds, tides, and currents of the ocean with other phenomena ... under the sanction of the ... Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty ...Leave the NDL website. Lettere scientifiche sopra vari dilettevoli argomenti di fisica ... ascritto alla Societá regia d'Inghilterra, all' Accademia delle scienze e belle arti di Parigi ... ecLeave the NDL website. Discours sur les differentes figures des astres : d'ou l'on tire des conjectures sur les e'toiles qui paroissent changer de grandeur; & sur l'anneau de Saturne. Avec une exposition abbrégée des systemes de M. Descartes & de M. NewtonLeave the NDL website. On aniline and its derivatives : a treatise upon the manufacture of aniline and aniline colours, ... to which is added, in an appendix, "The report on the colouring matters derived from coal tar, shown at the French exhibition, 1867."Leave the NDL website. On the power, wisdom and goodness of God, as manifested in the creation of animals, and in their history, habits and instinctsLeave the NDL website. Manuel de chymie, ou exposé des opérations et des produits d'un cours de chymie : ouvrage utile aux personnes qui veulent suivre un cours de cette science, ou qui ont dessein de se former un cabinet de chymieLeave the NDL website. Die Kosmographie des Istrier Aithikos im lateinischen Auszuge des Hieronymus aus einer Leipziger Handschrift zum erstenmale besondersLeave the NDL website. Continuatio arcanorum naturae detectorum, qua continetur quicquid hactenus ab auctore lingua vernacula editum, & in linguam latinam transfusum non fuitLeave the NDL website. Flora Americae Septentrionalis; or, A systematic arrangement and description of the plants of North America : containing, besides what have been described by preceeding authors, many new and rare species, collected during twelve years travels and residence in that countryLeave the NDL website. Oryctographie de Bruxelles; ou, Description des fossiles ...Leave the NDL website. De cometis: or, A discourse of the natures and effects of comets, as they are philosophically, historically, & astrologically considered : with a brief (yet full) account of the III late comets, or blazing stars, visible to all Europe : and what (in a natural way of judicature) they portend : together with some obsevations on the nativity of the Grand SeigniorLeave the NDL website. Enumerationis fossilium, quae in onmibus [i.e. omnibus] Galliae provinciis reperiuntur, tentaminaLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der Technologie seit der Mitte des achtzehnten jahrhundertsLeave the NDL website. An account of the Revd. John Flamsteed, the first astronomer-royal : compiled from his own manuscripts, and other authentic documents, never before published to which is added, his British catalogue of stars, corrected and enlargedLeave the NDL website. Outlines of a course of lectures on chemical philosophyLeave the NDL website. De plantis a' divis sanctis've nomen habentibvs : capvt ex magno volumine de consensu & dissensu authorum circa stirpes, desumptumLeave the NDL website. Opera omnia. Anatomica & physiologica, hactenus variis locis ac formis edita; nunc verò certo ordine digesta, & in unum volumen redacta. accessit index rerum ac verborum locupletissimus una cum praefationeLeave the NDL website. Deutschlands Boden, sein geologischer Bau und dessen Einwirkung auf das Leben der MenschenLeave the NDL website. Essais sur l'art d'imiter les eaux minérales; ou, De la connoissance des eaux minérales & de la manière de se les procurer, en les composant soi-même, dans tous les tems & dans tous les lieuxLeave the NDL website. Geological sketchesLeave the NDL website. Οʹγτικα` και` κατοπτρικαʹ. Euclidis Optica & catoptrica ...Leave the NDL website. Galilée : les droits de la science et la méthode des sciences physiquesLeave the NDL website. An history of animals : containing descriptions of the birds, beasts, fishes, and insects, of the several parts of the world : illustrated with figuresLeave the NDL website. Academiae Casareo [i.e. Caesareo] Leopold. N. C. Hectoris II. Rudolphi Jacobi Camerarii, ... ad Thessalum, D. Mich. Bernardum Valetini, ... de sexu plantarum epistolaLeave the NDL website. Historia plantarum ...Leave the NDL website. Sequit' tabula istius libelli. Incipit prologus Adelardi Bathoniensis in suas questiones naturales perdifficiles. Expliciunt questiones naturales Adelardi Bachoniensis ...Leave the NDL website. Die Naturwissenschaften in ihrer Entwicklung in ihrem ZusammenhangeLeave the NDL website. Historia plantarvm. Earum imagines, nomenclaturae qualitates, & natale solum. Quibus accessêre simplicium medicamentorũ facultates, secundum locos & genera, ex DioscorideLeave the NDL website. Method of chemical [i.e. chymical] nomenclature, proposed by Messrs. De Morveau, Lavoisier, Bertholet, and De FourcroyLeave the NDL website. [Sphaera mundi. -- Gerardi Cremonensis Theorica planetarum]Leave the NDL website. The scientific papersLeave the NDL website. Light waves and their usesLeave the NDL website. Opuscoli filosoficiLeave the NDL website. An account of the galvanic experiments performed by John Aldini, ... on the body of a malefactor executed at Newgate, Jan. 17, 1803 : with a short view of some experiments which will be described in the author's new work now in the pressLeave the NDL website. Théorie positive de l'ovulation spontanée et de la fécondation des mammifères et de l'espèce humaine, basée sur l'observation de toute la série animale ...Leave the NDL website. The destinies of the starsLeave the NDL website. Über die Prinzipien der Mechanik : zwei akademische AntrittsredenLeave the NDL website. Élémens de physique théorique et expérimentale, pour servir de suite à la description & usage d'un cabinet de physique expérimentale, ...Leave the NDL website. Elements of chemical philosophyLeave the NDL website. Leçons sur la théorie mathématique de la lumière, professées pendant le premier semestre 1887-1888Leave the NDL website. Ivstingensis mathematici ervditissimi, faciléque omnium principis, in Procli Diadochi, authoris gravissimi Sphaeram mundi, omnibus numeris longé absolutissimus commentarius. Ante hac nunquam typis excusus ...Leave the NDL website. Planisphaeriorvm vniversalium theoricaLeave the NDL website. Almagestvm novvm astronomiam veterem novamqve complectens observationibvs aliorvm, et propriis nouisque theorematibus, problematibus, ac tabulis promotam, in tres tomos distribvtam qvorvm argvmentvm sequens pagina explicabitLeave the NDL website. Apollonii Pergaei conicorum libri octo, et Sereni Antissensis de sectione cylindri & coni libri duoLeave the NDL website. The theory of opticsLeave the NDL website. Ueber die Flötzgebirge im südlichen Polen, besonders in Hinsicht auf Steinsalz und SooleLeave the NDL website. De piscinis et pisciū qui in eis aluntur naturis libri quinque, vt doctissmi itá ad rem familiarem augendam utilissimi, ad illustrem uirum Antonium Fuggerum. Item Xenocratis De alimento ex aquatilibus graecè & latinè nunc primùm aeditus : cum scholijs Conradi GesneriLeave the NDL website. Opus astronomicumLeave the NDL website. A system of crystallography, with its application to mineralogyLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres philosophiques et mathématiquesLeave the NDL website. Beyträge zur Geschichte der ErfindungenLeave the NDL website. Mechanicorum, libri octo, in quibus uno eodemque principio vectis vires physicè explicantur & geometricè demonstrantur, atque machinarum omnis generis componendarum methodus proponiturLeave the NDL website. Dell'elettricismo artificiale, e naturale libri due ...Leave the NDL website. Die Bildung der europäischen, libyschen und arabischen Freidenfelsen [i.e. Kreidenfelsen] und des Kreidmergels [i.e. Kreidemergels] aus mikroskopischen Organismen, dargestellt und physiologisch erläutertLeave the NDL website. Ocvlvs; hoc est : fvndamentvm opticvm, in quo ex accvrata ocvli anatome, abstrvsarvm experientiarvm sedvla pervestigatione, ex inuisis specierum visibilium tam euerso quam erecto situ spectaculis, necnon solidis rationum momentis radivs visvalis ervitvr; sva visioni in ocvlo sedes decernitvr; angvli visorii ingenivm aperitvr; difficvltates veteres, novae, innvmerae expediuntur, ...Leave the NDL website. Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of the New continent, during the years 1799-1804, by Alexander de Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland ; with maps, plans ...Leave the NDL website. Cours de physique experimentale et mathematiqueLeave the NDL website. Apologia adversvs Amathvm Lvsitanvm, cum censura in eiusdem enarrationesLeave the NDL website. Collezione dell' opere del cavaliere Conte Alessandro VoltaLeave the NDL website. Sur la force de la poudre et des matières explosivesLeave the NDL website. Observations on some interesting phenomena in animal physiology, exhibited by several species of planariaeLeave the NDL website. Mineralogische und chemische Beobachtungen und ErfahrungenLeave the NDL website. Opuscules mathématiques : ou, mémoires sur différens sujets de Geómétrie, de Méchanique, d'Optique, d'Astronomie, &cLeave the NDL website. L'électricitéLeave the NDL website. Commentaires de M.P. André Matthiolvs, medecin senois, svr les six livres de Pedacius Dioscoride, Anazarbeen de la matiere medicinale: ...Leave the NDL website. De astrologica ratione, ac vsu dierum criticorum, seu decretoriorum : ... opus duobus libris distinctum. Quorum primus complectitur commentarium in Claudij Galeni librum tertium de diebus decretorijs ...Leave the NDL website. Tracts and observations in natural history and physiologyLeave the NDL website. Introduction au magnétisme, examen de son existence depuis les Indiens jusqu'à l'époque actuelle, sa théorie, sa pratique, ses avantages, ses dangers, et la nécessité de son concours avec la médicineLeave the NDL website. De alchimia. Libri tresLeave the NDL website. Mémoires, pour servir à l'histoire d'un genre de polypes d'eau douce, à bras en forme de cornesLeave the NDL website. A natural history of fossilsLeave the NDL website. Historia animalium in quâ plerorumq; animalium praecipuae proprietates in gratiam studiosorum theologiae & ministrorum verbi ad usum εικονολογικον breviter accommodantur : in Academia VVittebergensi ante plures annos dictata à VVolfgango Franzio ... Jam denuò emendatiùs & correctiùs edita, atq; praeter indicem quintuplicem (quo proxima ab hac editio instructa erat) jam locupletatiorem, novo etiam nominum propriorum indiculo adaucta ... Bp. Authoris & Augusti Buchneri praefationeLeave the NDL website. Studies in radioactivityLeave the NDL website. An epitome of chymical philosophy : being an extended syllabus of the lectures on that subject, delivered at Dartmough College; and intended as a text-book for studentsLeave the NDL website. Spectrum analysis in its application to terrestrial substances, and the physical constitution of the heavenly bodies ...Leave the NDL website. De natvra rervm et temporvm ratione libri dvo : Nunc recens inuenti, & in lucem editi : Gvstvm qvendam, hvmanissime lector, habes operum Bedae, eorum quae antea non extabant, quem si probabis, efficies ut primum tomum desideratum hactenus : ànobis uero nuper è situ prolatum, simusquaqɜ prima occasione edituriLeave the NDL website. A natural history: containing many not common observations : extracted out of the best modern writersLeave the NDL website. Philosophia botanica in qva explicantur fundamenta botanica cum definitionibus partium exemplis terminorum, observationibus rariorum, adjectis figuris aeneisLeave the NDL website. An introduction to electricity, in six sectionsLeave the NDL website. Recueil d'observations électro-dynamiques : contentant ...Leave the NDL website. Della fluidita de' corpiLeave the NDL website. The movements and habits of climbing plantsLeave the NDL website. Meteorologicorvm libri sexLeave the NDL website. Opera mathematicaLeave the NDL website. Progymnasmatum mathematicorum enchiridion continens I. Primi elementi euclidei apospasmation, graec. & lat. II. Praecepta sphaerica. III. Globi coelestis et terrestris explicationem & usum. IV. Geographiae rudimenta, seu tabularum geographicarum descriptionem atq́ usum. V. Computi ecclesiastici epitomen ...Leave the NDL website. Tabulae anatomicae clarissimi Viri ... praefatione, notisque illustravit ... Jo. Maria Lancisius ...Leave the NDL website. Specimen experimentorum naturaliumLeave the NDL website. Beiträge zur wissenschaftlichen BotanikLeave the NDL website. Études sur l'aérostationLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der Mathematik im XVI. und XVII. jahrhundertLeave the NDL website. Consolations in travel, or, The last days of a philosopherLeave the NDL website. Mathematical and physical papers : collected from different scientific periodicals from May, 1841, to the present timeLeave the NDL website. Organic evolution as the result of the inheritance of acquired characters according to the laws of organic growthLeave the NDL website. The doctrine of the sphere, grounded on the motion of the earth, and the antient Pythagorean or Copernican system of the world : in two partsLeave the NDL website. Traité de physique considérée dans ses rapports avec la chimie et les sciences naturellesLeave the NDL website. Πεζί αίσθησεως καί αίσθητών Libellvs physicvs, continens doctrinā de natura, & differentijs colorum, sonorum, odorum saporum, & qualitatum tangibilium, & recitans rationem, qua res eaedem à sensibus comprehenduntur, & iudicanturLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire minéralogique et hydrologique de la France, ...Leave the NDL website. The scientific papers of Sir William Huggins, ...Leave the NDL website. De motv divrno terrae, dissertatioLeave the NDL website. Lettres minéralogiques et géologiques sur les volcans de l'Auvergne, écrites dans un voyage fait en 1804Leave the NDL website. Révolutions de la merLeave the NDL website. An elementary treatise on astronomy, adapted to the present improved state of the science, being the fourth part of a course of natural philosophy, compiled for the use of the students of the University at Cambridge, New EnglandLeave the NDL website. Chilias logarithmorum ad totidem numeros rotundos, praemissâ demonstratione legitima ortus logarithmorum eorumqɜ usus quibus nova traditur arithmetica, seu compendium, quo post numerorum notitiam nullum nec admirabilius, nec utilius solvendi pleraq; problemata calculatoria, praesertim in doctrina triangulorum, citra multiplicationis, divisionis, radicumq́; extractionis, in numeris prolixis, labores molestissimos ...Leave the NDL website. Miscellaneous works and correspondenceLeave the NDL website. Historia naturae, variis experimentis & ratiociniis elucidata. Secundum principia stabilita in institutione philosophiaeLeave the NDL website. The distance of the sun from the earth determined by the theory of gravity : together with several other things relative to the same subjectLeave the NDL website. Elements of chemistry and natural history : to which is prefixed, the philosophy of chemistryLeave the NDL website. Traité de chimieLeave the NDL website. Πανορυκτολογια Sive, Pammineralogicon. or, An universal history of mineralls ...Leave the NDL website. The entomologist's text book : an introduction to the natural history, structure, physiology, and classification of insects, including the crustacea and arachnidaLeave the NDL website. Thavmatvrgvs mathematicvs, id est, Admirabilivm effectorvm e mathematicarvm disciplinarvm fontibvs proflventivm syllogeLeave the NDL website. Magnetologia : in qva exponitvr nova de magneticis philosophiaLeave the NDL website. Essais de zoologie générale, ou, mémoires et notices sur la zoologie générale, l'anthropologie, et l'histoire de la scienceLeave the NDL website. Flora Parisiensis, ou Descriptions et figures des plantes qui croissent aux environs de Paris ... rangés suivant la méthode sexuelle de M. Linné; leurs ... propriétés, vertus et doses d'usage en médecine, suivant les demonstrations de Botanique qui se sont au Jardin du RoyLeave the NDL website. La physique expérimentale et raisonnée, qui contient en abrégé ce que cette science a de plus intéressant. Par l'auteur de la Clef des sciences & des beaux-artsLeave the NDL website. Opera graeceLeave the NDL website. De ponderibvs propositiones XIII. & earundem demonstrationes, multarumqɜ rerum rationes sanè pulcherrimas complectens, nunc in lucem editusLeave the NDL website. Fauna svecica sistens animalia sveciae regni : qvadrupedia, aves, amphibia, pisces, insecta, vermes, distributa per classes & ordines, genera & species : cum differentiis specierum, synonymis autorum, nominibus incolarum, locis habitationum, descriptionibus insectorumLeave the NDL website. Descriptio cometae anno ... M. DC. LVX. exorti, cum genuinis observationibus ... habitis Gedani. Cui addita est mantissa prodromi cometici, observationes omnes prioris cometae M DC LXIV ... exhibensLeave the NDL website. A selection of the correspondence of Linnaeus, and other naturalists : from the original manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. Untersuchungen über die kohligen Substanzen des Mineralreichs überhaupt, und über die Zusammensetzung der in der preussischen Monarchie verkommenden Steinkohlen insbesondereLeave the NDL website. Facts and arguments for DarwinLeave the NDL website. Gesammelte abhandlungenLeave the NDL website. Ars conjectandi, opus posthumum. Accedit tractatus de seriebus infinitis, et epistola gallicè scripta de ludo pilae reticularisLeave the NDL website. The divine pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus in XVII. booksLeave the NDL website. Die Grundsätze der Agricultur-Chemie mit Rücksicht auf die in England angestellten UntersuchungenLeave the NDL website. The animal kingdomLeave the NDL website. Apiarivm ex frontispiciis natvralis theatri principis Federici Caesii Lyncei S. Angeli et S. Poli Princ. I. march. M. Caelii II. &c. baron. rom. depromptvm, qvo vniversa mellificvm familia ab svis prae-generibvs derivata in suas species, ac differentias distributa, in physicum conspectum adduciturLeave the NDL website. Elementa physices, methodo mathematica in vsvm avditorii conscripta, cvm figvris aeneis atqve indiceLeave the NDL website. Geologia: or, A discourse concerning the earth before the deluge : wherein the form and properties ascribed to it, in a book intituled the theory of the earth, are excepted against : and it is made appear, that the dissolution of that earth was not the cause of the universal flood : also a new explication of that flood is attemptedLeave the NDL website. Systematisch-tabellarische Ubersicht und Charakteristik der Mineralkörper. In oryktognostischer und orologischer Hinsicht ...Leave the NDL website. Bibliographia zoologiae et geologiaeLeave the NDL website. The age of the earth and other geological studiesLeave the NDL website. Handbuch der Geognosie und BergbaukundeLeave the NDL website. Manuel de l'électricité, comprenant les principes élémentaires, l'exposition des systêmes, la description et l'usage des différens appareils électriques, un exposé des méthodes employées dans l'électricité médicale : avec treize plances; suivi d'une table chronologique de tous les ouvrage relatifs à l'électricitéLeave the NDL website. Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles de quadrupèdesLeave the NDL website. Opera omnia medico-chemico-chirvrgica, ...Leave the NDL website. La mechanique génerale, contenant la statique, l'airometrie, l'hydrostatique, et l'hydraulique, pour servir d'introduction aux sciences physico-mathematiquesLeave the NDL website. Natural history of the Azores or Western IslandsLeave the NDL website. The works of John Whitehurst, F.R.S. : with memoirs of his life and writingsLeave the NDL website. Appendix ad Historiam lapidum figuratorum helvetiae, ejusque viciniae, de miro quodam achate qui coloribus suis imaginem Christi in cruce, morientis repraesentat, cujus occasione quoque de aliis mirabilibus, tam achatum, quàm aliorum lapidum figuris breviter agitur, quae quidquam de passione domini coloribus suis exhibent, cum exactâ descriptione lapidis cruciferi, seu cruciati ejusque virium, & icone praedicti miri achatisLeave the NDL website. Artificial and natural flightLeave the NDL website. Astronomie solaire d'Hipparque, soumise a une critique rigoureuse, et ensuite rendue a sa vérité primordialeLeave the NDL website. The meteoritic hypothesis : a statement of the results of a spectroscopic inquiry into the origin of cosmical systemsLeave the NDL website. Traité de télégraphie électrique, renfermant son histoire, sa théorie et la description des appareils, avec les deux mémoires de M. Wheatstone sur la vitesse et la détermination des courants de l'éctricité, et un mémoire inédit d'ampère sur la théorie élctro-chimique; ...Leave the NDL website. Treatise on natural philosophyLeave the NDL website. Spatogenesia : the origin and nature of spar; its qualities and uses : with a description and history of eighty-nine species : ... a specimen of a general distribution of fossilsLeave the NDL website. Lapis mineralis; oder, Die höchste Artzney, auss denen Metallen und Mineralien, absonderlich dem VitrioloLeave the NDL website. Lehrbuch der MeteorologieLeave the NDL website. Physiological researches upon life and deathLeave the NDL website. Geological sketches at home and abroadLeave the NDL website. Die Charaktere der Klassen, Ordnungen, Geschlechter und Arten; oder, Die Charakteristik des naturhistorischen Mineral-SystemesLeave the NDL website. Ueber die Elektricität der galvanischen KetteLeave the NDL website. The plant; a biography : in a series of popular lecturesLeave the NDL website. Rabdologiae, sev nvmerationis per virgulas libri dvoLeave the NDL website. Chimie appliquée a l'agricultureLeave the NDL website. Memoire sur l'action d'un feu egal, violent, et continué pendant plusieurs jours sur un grand nombre de terres, de pierres & de chaux métalliques essayées pour la plupart telles qu'elles sortent du sein de la terre. Lu à l'Académie royale des sciences les 16 & 28 Mai 1766Leave the NDL website. A syllabus of a course of lectures in chemistry, read at the museum, OxfordLeave the NDL website. Experimental magnetism, or, The truth of Mr. Mason's discoveries, in that branch of natural philosophy, that there can be no such thing in nature, as an internal central loadstone, proved and ascertainedLeave the NDL website. Minéralogie Sicilienne docimastique et métallurgique, ou Connaissance de tous les minéraux que produit l'ile de Sicile ... suivie de La minérhydrologie Sicilienne, ou La description de toutes les eaux minérales de la SicileLeave the NDL website. Begin. [fol. 1 recto:] [F] Ernādi cordubēsis beatissimi domini nrī Sixti quarti sancteqɜ sedis aplice subdiaconi artiū liberaliū et sacre theologie in orbe famosissimi magistri in de animalibus alberti libro [p]facio incipit foeliciter. [fol. 10 recto:] Incipit liber animalium primus ...Leave the NDL website. Collection des anciens alchimistes grecs; ...Leave the NDL website. Introduzione alla geologiaLeave the NDL website. The true atomic weights of the chemical elements and the unity of matterLeave the NDL website. Lezioni accademicheLeave the NDL website. Traité de minéralogieLeave the NDL website. The magnetism of ships, and the mariner's compass : being a rudimentary exposition of the induced magnetism of iron in sea-going vessels, and its action on the compass, in different latitudes, and under diversified circumstancesLeave the NDL website. A history of the mathematical theory of probability from the time of Pascal to that of LaplaceLeave the NDL website. Travels through Norway and Lapland, during the years 1806, 1807, and 1808 : ... with notes and illustrations, chiefly mineralogical, and some account of the autherLeave the NDL website. Puissance de l'électricité animale, ou, Du magnétisme vital et de ses rapports avec la physique, la physiologie et la médecine ...Leave the NDL website. Report on the variations of the magnetic intensity observed at different points of the earth's surfaceLeave the NDL website. The law of storms considered in connection with the ordinary movements of the atmosphereLeave the NDL website. Opvscvla analytica ...Leave the NDL website. Abhandlung über die leichteste und bequemste Methode die Bahn eines Cometen aus einigen Beobachtungen zu berechnenLeave the NDL website. Essay on the theory of the earthLeave the NDL website. Opera philosophica, quae Latinè scripsit, omnia. Antè quidem per partes, nunc autem, post cognitas omnium objectiones, conjunctim & accuratiùs editaLeave the NDL website. A naturalist's calendar, with observations in various branches of natural history : extracted from the papers of the late Rev. Gilbert White, ... never before publishedLeave the NDL website. Essays, on the effects produced by various processes on atmospheric air : with a particular view to an investigation of the constitution of the acidsLeave the NDL website. Faraday as a discovererLeave the NDL website. Lectures on the history of physiology during the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuriesLeave the NDL website. Treatise on mineralogyLeave the NDL website. De maximis, et minimis geometrica divinatio in qvintvm conicorvm apollonii pergaei adhvc desideratvm ...Leave the NDL website. A general dictionary of arts and sciences : or, A complete system of litterature ...Leave the NDL website. Oeuvres scientifiquesLeave the NDL website. On the algebraical and numerical theory of errors of observations and the combinations of observationsLeave the NDL website. Glossaire de botanique; ou, Dictionnaire étymologique de tous les noms et termes relatifs a cette scienceLeave the NDL website. Mémoires et observations de chimie : pour servir de suite aux Elémens de chimie, publiés en 1782, par l'auteurLeave the NDL website. Theory of the earth, with proofs and illustrations. In four partsLeave the NDL website. A new digester or engine for softning bones, containing the description of its make and use in these particulars : viz, cookery, voyages at sea, confectionary, making of drinks, chymistry, and drying : with an account of the price a good big engine will cost, and of the profit it will affordLeave the NDL website. Introductio ad veram physicam. Seu lectiones physicae. Habitae in schola naturalis philosophiae academiae Oxoniensis, quibus accedunt Christiani Hugenii theoremata de vi centrifuga & motu circulari demonstrata ...Leave the NDL website. The roll of the Royal College of Physicians of London : comprising biographical sketches of all the eminent physicians whose names are recorded in the annals from the foundation of the college in 1518 to its removal in 1825, from Warwick Lane to Pall Mall EastLeave the NDL website. Anleitung zur Kenntniss des grossen Weltbaues für Frauenzimmer in freundschaftlichen BriefenLeave the NDL website. Synopsis algarum Scandinaviae adjecta dispositione universali algarumLeave the NDL website. Theorie der binären algebraischen FormenLeave the NDL website. Beiträge zur kenntniss wirbelloser Thiere, mit besonderer berücksichtigung der Fauna des norddeutschen MeeresLeave the NDL website. Géométrie descriptive. Leçons données aux écoles normales, l'an 3 de la RépubliqueLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der ChemieLeave the NDL website. Documents pour l'histoire des terrains tertiaresLeave the NDL website. Luftwiderstand und Flugfrage. Experimental-VortragLeave the NDL website. Opuscula mathematica hactenus ineditaLeave the NDL website. Dendrologiae natvralis scilicet a[r]borvm historiaeLeave the NDL website. Les théorie [i.e. théories] électriques de J. Clerk Maxwell : étude historique et critiqueLeave the NDL website. Ευκλειδου στοιχειων βιβλ> ιε> εκ των θεωνος συν, ουσιων. ... Adiecta praefatiuncula in qua de disciplinis mathematicis nonnihilLeave the NDL website. A philosophical discourse of earth, relating to the culture and improvement of it for vegetation, and the propagation of plants, &c. as it was presented to the Royal SocietyLeave the NDL website. Crystallographia Hungarica : Pars I. ex hibens crystallos indolis terrae cum figuris rariorumLeave the NDL website. Ueber die Gesetze und Modificationen des WärmestoffsLeave the NDL website. A system of aeronautics, comprehending its earliest investigations, and modern practice and art : designed as a history for the common reader, and guide to the student of the art : in three parts : containing an account of the various attempts in the art of flying by artificial means, from the earliest period down to the discovery of the aeronautic machine by the Montgolfiers, in 1782, and to a later period : with a brief history of the author's fifteen years' experience in aerial voyages : also, full instructions in the art of making balloons ...Leave the NDL website. Discorso ... intorno alle cose, che stanno in sù l'acqua, ò che in quella si muouonoLeave the NDL website. A mathematical and philosophical dictionary : containing an explanation of the terms, and an account of the several subjects, comprized under the heads mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy both natural and experimental : with an historical account of the rise, progress, and present state of these sciences : also memoirs of the lives and writings of the most eminent authors, both ancient and modern, who by their discoveries or improvements have contributed to the advancement of themLeave the NDL website. Traité de cristallographie, suivi d'une application des principes de cette science a la détermination des espèces minérals, et d'une nouvelle méthode pour mettre les formes cristallines en projectionLeave the NDL website. Travels through the southern provinces of the Russian empire, in the years 1793-1794Leave the NDL website. Astronomiae reformatae tomi duo, quorum prior obseruationes, hypotheses, et fundamenta tabularum, posterior praecepta pro vsu tabularum astronomicarum, et ipsas tabulas astronomicas CII. continet. ...Leave the NDL website. Memoires historiques et physiques sur les tremblemens de terreLeave the NDL website. Observationes botanicae in floram HalensemLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie aéronautique : catalogue de livres d'histoire, de science de voyages et de fantaisie, traitant de la navigation aérienne ou des aérostatsLeave the NDL website. Dissertatio philosophica: De physica ad maiorem simplicitatem redvcendaLeave the NDL website. Recherches physiques sur l'électricitéLeave the NDL website. Buffon. Histoire de ses travaux et de ses idéesLeave the NDL website. Die Kreidebildungen von Texas und ihre organischen EinschlüsseLeave the NDL website. Nouvelle anatomie raisonnée; ou, L'on explique les usages de la structure du corps de l'homme, et de quelques autres animaux, suivant les loix des mecaniquesLeave the NDL website. History and progress of the steam engine : with a practical investigation of its structure and applicationLeave the NDL website. De rerum varietate libri XVII. Adiectus est capitum, rerum & sententiarum notatu dignissimarum indexLeave the NDL website. Collezione di alcune memorie e lettereLeave the NDL website. Della grandezza della terra et dell'acqva ...Leave the NDL website. Instruction sur l'établissement des nitrières et sur la fabrication du salpêtre, publiée par ordre du roi. Par les régisseurs généraux des poudres & salpêtresLeave the NDL website. Cogitata physico mathematica : in quibustam naturae quàm artis effectus admirandi certissimis demonstrationibus explicanturLeave the NDL website. Astro-theology : or, A demonstration of the being and attributes of God, from a survey of the heavensLeave the NDL website. Practica arithmetice, & mensurandi singularis ...Leave the NDL website. Description des coquilles fossiles des environs de ParisLeave the NDL website. An explanation of the Newtonian philosophy, in lectures read to the youth of the University of LeydenLeave the NDL website. Einführung in die experimentelle Entwickelungsgeschichte (Entwickelungsmechanik)Leave the NDL website. Du transport, de la conservation et de la force des bois : ou l'on trouvera des moyens d'attendrir les bois, ... faisant la conclusion du traité complet des bois et des foretsLeave the NDL website. New experiments and observations on electricity : made at Philadelphia in America ... and communicated in several letters to Peter Collinson, Esq; of London, F.R.S. ...Leave the NDL website. Josiah Wedgwood, F.R.S., his personal historyLeave the NDL website. Theories of chemistry : being lectures delivered at the University of California, in BerkeleyLeave the NDL website. Outlines of geology : being the substance of a course of lectures delivered in the Theatre of the Royal Institution in the year 1816Leave the NDL website. Leçons élémentaires d'histoire naturelle et de chimie : pour servir de résumé à un cours complet sur ces deux sciencesLeave the NDL website. Hortus Elthamensis, seu plantarum rariorum quas in horto suo Elthami in Cantio coluit ... delineationes et descriptionesLeave the NDL website. Risposta alle opposizioni del s. Lodivico delle Colombe, e del s. Vincenzio di Grazia, contro al trattato del sig. Galileo Galilei, delle cose che stanno su I'acquo, ò che quella si muouono. AI I'illvstriss. Sig. Ened Piccolomini Arahona, signore di Sticciano, & c. Nella quale si contengono molte considerazioni filosofiche remote dalle vulgate opinioni ...Leave the NDL website. Abrégé d'astronomieLeave the NDL website. Darwinism : an exposition of the theory of natural selection with some of its applicationsLeave the NDL website. Methods of study in natural historyLeave the NDL website. Lehrbuch der OptikLeave the NDL website. Discovrs svr les cavses dv desbordement dv Nil. [with "La descovverte des sovrces dv Nil faite en 1618 par le R. P. Pays lesuite." extracted from G. Schott's "Livre des fontaines," and the author's "Discovrs de la matere divine. Selon la philosophie platonique."]Leave the NDL website. De ovi mammalium et hominis genesi : epistolam ad Academiam Imperialem Scientiarum PetropolitanamLeave the NDL website. A dictionary of chemistry, on the basis of Mr. Nicholson's : in which the principles of the science are investigated anew, and its applications to the phenomena of nature, medicine, mineralogy, agriculture, and manufactures, detailed ... : with an introductory dissertation; ...Leave the NDL website. Opera quae extant omnia : hoc est, Commentarij in VI. libros Pedacij Dioscoridis Anazarbei de medica materia : adiectis in margine variis Graeci textus lectionibus, ex antiquissimis codicibus desumptis, qui Dioscoridis deprauatam lectionem restituunt: nunc à Casparo Bavhino ... post diuersarum editionum collationem infinitis locis aucti: synonymiis qvoqve plantarvm et notis illvstrati: adiectis plantarvm iconibvs, svpra priores editiones plus quàm trecentis ... ad viuum delinatis. ... apologia in Amatvm Lusitanvm, cvm censura in eiusdem enarrationes. Epistolarvm medicinalivm libri qvinqve. Dialogvs de morbo gallico. Cvm locvpletissimis indicibvs, tvm ad rem herbariam, tum medicamentariam pertintibus. ...Leave the NDL website. A general view of the writings of LinnaeusLeave the NDL website. Anfangsgründe der physikalischen AstronomieLeave the NDL website. Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doctrine of evolution with criticisms on the positive philosophyLeave the NDL website. Description des terrains volcaniques de la France centraleLeave the NDL website. Nicolai Copernici Torinensis de revolutionibvs orbium coelestium, libri VILeave the NDL website. De lateribvs et angvlis triangulorum, tum planorum rectilineorum, tum sphaericorum, libellus eruditissimus & utilissimus, cum ad plerasque Ptolemaei demonstrationes intelligendas, tum uero ad alia multa, scriptus à clarissimo & doctissimo uiro D. Nicolao Copernico Toronensi. Additus est canon semissium subtensarum rectarum linearum in circuloLeave the NDL website. A general history and collection of voyages and travels, arranged in systematic order : forming a complete history of the origin and progress of navigation, discovery, and commerce, by sea and land, from the earliest ages to the present timeLeave the NDL website. On the correlation of physical forces : being the substance of a course of lectures delivered in the London Institution, in the year 1843. ... Printed by order of the managers of the London Institution at the request of the proprietorsLeave the NDL website. Orographie des Nordwestlichen Mittelgebirges in Böhmen : ein Beitrag zur Beantwortung der Frage: Ist der Basalt vulkanische, oder nicht?Leave the NDL website. A literal translation of the astronomy and meteorology of Aratus : with some bibliographical remarksLeave the NDL website. Anatome corporis humani : plurimis novis inventis instructa, uariisque observationibus, & paradoxis, cùm medicis, tum physiologicis adornataLeave the NDL website. Études synthétiques de géologie expérimentaleLeave the NDL website. James Clerk Maxwell and modern physicsLeave the NDL website. Lo specchio vstorio; overo, Trattato delle settioni coniche, et alcvni loro mirabili effetti intorno al lume, caldo, freddo, suono, e moto ancoraLeave the NDL website. Historische Untersuchungen über die astronomischen Beobachtungen der AltenLeave the NDL website. Dendrologia, of Beschryving der plantagiegewassen, die men in de tuinen cultiveert, zo wel om te dienen tot cieraad ... als tot huishoudelyk gebruik, te planten. Waar by derzelver differente benamingen, groei-plaatzen, aankweeking, en verdere onderhouding ... beschreeven en aangewezen worden ...Leave the NDL website. Lectures upon natural history, geology, chemistry, the application of steam, and interesting discoveries in the artsLeave the NDL website. The navigators supply : conteining many things of principall importance belonging to nauigation, with the description & vse of diuerse instruments framed chiefly for that purpose : but seruing also for sundry other of cosmography in generall : the particular instruments are specified on the next pageLeave the NDL website. Geological observations on the volcanic islands, visited during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, together with some brief notices on the geology of Australia and the Cape of Good Hope. Being the second part of the geology of the voyage of the Beagle, under the command of Capt. Fitzroy, R. N. during the years 1832 to 1836Leave the NDL website. The anatomy of the earthLeave the NDL website. Coleccion general de maquinas, escogidas entre todas las que hasta hoy se han dado á luz en Inglaterra, Francia, Italia, y otros reynos : y en que se comprehenden los utensilios y demás maquinas que se han inventado en ellos para facilitar las operaciones de los artes, y oficios, segun los publica la Real Academia de las Ciencias de Paris ...Leave the NDL website. Théorie du mouvement et de la figure elliptique des planetesLeave the NDL website. Georgii Agricolae De animantibvs subterraneis liberLeave the NDL website. Principia mineralogiae systematicae et practicae succincte exhibentia structuram telluris, systemata mineralogica, lapidum classes, genera, species, cum praecipuis varietatibus, eorumque characteribus, synonymis, analysi et jusu, nec non regulis nonnullis generalibus, ad docimasiam et pyrotechniam mettallurgicam pertinentibusLeave the NDL website. Historia, et meteorologia incendii Aetnaei anni 1669 ... Accessit. Responsio ad censuras Rev. P. Honorati Fabri contra librum auctoris de vi percussionisLeave the NDL website. Pflanzenverzeichniss zum nutzen und vergnügen der Lust- und Baumgärtner und aller Liebhaber, von fremden und einheimischen Bäumen Sträuchern und Staudengewächsen ...Leave the NDL website. Stellar evolution and its relations to geological timeLeave the NDL website. Erfahrvngen vom innern der Gebirge, nach Beobachtungen gesammelt und herausgegeben von Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich von Trebra, ...Leave the NDL website. A manual of mineralogyLeave the NDL website. An account of the discovery of two satellites revolving round the Georgian planetLeave the NDL website. Plantae frémontianae; or, Descriptions of plants collected by Col. J.C. Frémont in CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. A practical essay on the analysis of minerals, exemplifying the best methods of analysing ores, earths, stones, inflammable fossils, and mineral substances in generalLeave the NDL website. Ornithological biography, or, An account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America : accompanied by descriptions of the objects represented in the work entitled the Birds of America and interspersed with delineations of American scenery and mannersLeave the NDL website. Some considerations on the causes of earthquakes : which were read before the Royal Society, April 5, 1750Leave the NDL website. Recollections of forty yearsLeave the NDL website. Metallurgic chymistry : being a system of mineralogy in general, and of all the arts arising from this science : to the great improvement of manufactures, and the most capital branches of trade and commerce : theoretical and practical : in two partsLeave the NDL website. A dictionary of the mathematical and physical sciences, according to the latest improvements and discoveriesLeave the NDL website. The analogy of revelation and science established in a series of lectures delivered before the University of Oxford, in the year MDCCCXXXIIILeave the NDL website. Bibliotheca botanica, sive, Catalogus auctorum et librorum omnium qui de re botanica, de medicamentis ex vegetabilibus paratis, de re rustica, & de horticultura tractantLeave the NDL website. Opuscoli scientificiLeave the NDL website. For private distribution. The following pages contain extracts from letters addressed to Professor Henslow by C. Darwin Esq. They are printed for distribution among the Members of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, in consequence of the interest which has been excited by some of the geological notices which they contain ...Leave the NDL website. Principia philosophiaeLeave the NDL website. Neuere Erfolge und Probleme der Chemie experimentalvortrag gehalten in Anwesenheit S.M. des Kaisers aus Anlass der Konstituierung der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften am 11. Januar 1911 im Kultusministerium zu BerlinLeave the NDL website. A treatise on astronomical spectroscopy : being a translation of Die spectralanalyse der gestirneLeave the NDL website. L'histoire de la natvre des oyseavx, avec levrs descriptions, & naifs portraicts retirez dv natvrel : escrite en sept livres, ...Leave the NDL website. Historia insectorum. ... Opus posthumum jussu regiae societatis Londinensis editum. Cui subjungitur appendix de Scarabaeis Britannicis, autore M. Lister S.R.S. ex MSS. Musaei AshmolaeaniLeave the NDL website. A treatise on the nature and properties of air, and other permanently elastic fluids : to which is prefixed, an introduction to chymistryLeave the NDL website. Researches on light : an examination of all the phenomena connected with the chemical and molecular changes produced by the influence of the solar rays : embracing all the known photographic processes, and new discoveries in the artLeave the NDL website. L'homme: ... et, la formation du foetus, avec les remarques de Lovis de la Forge. A quoy l'on a ajouté Le monde ov traité de la lvmiere du mesme autheurLeave the NDL website. Elements of theoretical mechanics : being the substance of a course of lectures on statics and dynamicsLeave the NDL website. An essay on electricityLeave the NDL website. Traité des eaux minerales, avec plusieurs mémoires de chymie relatifs a cet objetLeave the NDL website. Elements of natural philosophyLeave the NDL website. Entwurf einer Pflanzenphysiologie, auf die neuem Theorien der Physik und Chemie gegründet : mit vielen Zusätzen und Veränderungen des VerfassersLeave the NDL website. Beytrag zur geognostischen Kenntnis des Riesengebirges, schlesischen AntheilsLeave the NDL website. Vorläufige Nachricht von einigen das Geschlecht der Pflanzen betreffenden Versuchen und BeobachtungenLeave the NDL website. L'histoire naturelle des estranges poissons marins, avec la vraie peinctvre & description du daulphin, & de plusieurs autres de son espece, ...Leave the NDL website. The new American practical navigator : being an epitome of navigationLeave the NDL website. Experiments and observations made with the view of improving the art of composing and applying calcareous cements and of preparing quick-lime : theory of these arts; and specifications of the author's cheap and durable cement, for building, incrustation or stuccoing, and artificial stoneLeave the NDL website. Mémoire physique et médicinal, montrant des rapports évidens entre les phénomenes de la baguettte divinatoire, du magnétisme et de l'électricité : avec des éclaircissemens sur d'autres objets non moins importans, qui y sont relatifsLeave the NDL website. Isaaci Newtoni opera quae exstant omniaLeave the NDL website. Memorials of the lineage, early life, education, and development of the genius of James WattLeave the NDL website. Grundriss der Naturlehre in seinem mathematischen und chemischen TheileLeave the NDL website. Éléments d'électro-chimie appliquée aux sciences naturelles et aux artsLeave the NDL website. Principles of agricultural chemistry, with special reference to the late researches made in EnglandLeave the NDL website. Die Entwickelung der Chemie in der neueren ZeitLeave the NDL website. Theatrum cometicum, duabus partibus constans ... altera continet historiam CCCCXV. cometarum ... et theatri cometici exitus, sive de significatione cometarum, ac justa Rautensteiniana cum imagine ejusdem ...Leave the NDL website. Der Bericht des Simplicius über die Quadraturen des Antiphon und des HippokratesLeave the NDL website. Remarks concerning stones said to have fallen from the clouds, both in these days, and in antient timesLeave the NDL website. The vegetable kingdom; or, The structure, classification, and uses of plants, illustrated upon the natural systemLeave the NDL website. Tetragonismus id est circuli quadratura per cãpanũ, Archimedẽ Syracusanũ atque Boetium mathematicae perspicacissimos adinuentaLeave the NDL website. La psychologie comme science naturelle son présent et son avenir ... application de la méthode expérimentale aux phénomènes de l'ameLeave the NDL website. Dell' historia natvrale ... libri XXVIII. Nella qvale ordinatamente si tratta della diuersa condition di minere, e pietre. Con alcune historie di piante, & animali; sin' hora non date in luceLeave the NDL website. Théorie analytique de la propagation de la chaleur : leçons professées pendant le premier semestre, 1893-1894Leave the NDL website. Die galvanische Kette, mathematisch bearbeitetLeave the NDL website. Geological text-book, prepared for popular lectures on North American geology; with applications to agriculture and the artsLeave the NDL website. Le potentiel thermodynamique et ses applications a la mécanique chimique et a l'étude des phénomènes électriquesLeave the NDL website. Optice : sive de reflexionibus, refractionibus, inflexionibus & coloribus lucis, libri tresLeave the NDL website. Die erloschenen Vulkane in der Eifel und am Niederrheine : ein Bericht an die Gesellschaft nüsslicher Forschungen zu TrierLeave the NDL website. Elements of fossilogy* : or, An arrangement of fossils, into classes, orders, genera, and species; with their charactersLeave the NDL website. Florula bostoniensis : a collection of plants of Boston and its environs, with their generic and specific characters, synonyms, descriptions, places of growth, and time of flowering, and occasional remarksLeave the NDL website. Minéralogie appliquée. Description des minéraux employés dans les industries métallurgiques et manufacturières dans les constructions et dans l'ornementLeave the NDL website. The structure and physiology of fishes explained, and compared with those of man and other animals ...Leave the NDL website. A lapidary : or, The history of pretious stones : with cautions for the undeceiving of all those that deal with pretious stonesLeave the NDL website. An historical view of the progress of the physical and mathematical sciences, from the earliest ages to the present timesLeave the NDL website. Phytologia britannica, natales exhibens indigenarum stirpium sponte emergentium ...Leave the NDL website. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or, The preservation of favoured races in the struggle for lifeLeave the NDL website. Delphinatis, liberalivm disciplinarvm professoris regii, Protomathesis: opus uarium, ac scitu non minus utile quàm iucundum, nunc primùm in lucem foeliciter emissum. Cuius index uniuersalis, in uersa pagina contineturLeave the NDL website. Allgemeines Polyglotten-Lexicon der Naturgeschichte mit erklaerenden AnmerkungenLeave the NDL website. The book of nature; or, The history of insects : reduced to distinct classes, confirmed by particular instances, displayed in the anatomical analysis of many species, and illustrated with copper-plates ...Leave the NDL website. The collected papers of Joseph, Baron ListerLeave the NDL website. Exercitationes geometricaeLeave the NDL website. Physiological disquisitions; or, Discourses on the natural philosophy of the elements. ...Leave the NDL website. Dictionnaire raisonné des termes de botanique, et des familles naturelles, contenant l'étymologie et la description détaillér de tous les organes, leur synonymie, et la définition des adjectifs qui servent a les décrire : suivi d'un vocabulaire des termes grecs et latins les plus généralement employés dans la glossologie botaniqueLeave the NDL website. Chaleur animale; principes chimiques de la production de la chaleur chez les étres vivantsLeave the NDL website. Die Beugungserscheinungen aus den Fundamentalgesetzen der Undulationstheorie analytisch Entwickelt und in Bildern dargestellt ...Leave the NDL website. Oeuvres philosophiques latines & françoises ... tirées de ses manuscrits qui se conservent dans la Bibliotheque royale a Hanovre ...Leave the NDL website. Untersuchungen über Niedere Pilze aus dem Pflanzenphysiologischen Institut in MünchenLeave the NDL website. A physical essay on the sensesLeave the NDL website. De influxu electricitatis atmosphaericae in vegetantia dissertatio ab Academia Lugdunensi praemio donata an. MDCCLXXXIILeave the NDL website. Abhandlung von der Natur, und Einrichtung einer BergbelehnungLeave the NDL website. An introduction to astronomy and geography, being a plain and easie treatise of the globes. In VII parts. Containing I. The definitions ... VI. & VII. The explanation and uses of the terrestrial globe, with a brief geographical and hydrographical description of the earth and waterLeave the NDL website. Memoirs of the life of Sir Humphry Davy, ...Leave the NDL website. The genera of North American plants, and a catalogue of the species, to the year 1817Leave the NDL website. A complete treatise of electricity in theory and practice : with original experimentsLeave the NDL website. A philosophical essay on probabilitiesLeave the NDL website. American entomology; or, Descriptions of the insects of North America : illustrated by coloured figures from original drawings executed from natureLeave the NDL website. The principles of mechanics : explaining and demonstrating the general laws of motion, the laws of gravity, motion of descending bodies, projectiles, mechanic powers, pendulums, centers of gravity, &c., strength and stress of timber, hydrostatics, and construction of machines. A work very necessary to be known by all gentlemen, and others, that desire to have an insight into the works of nature and art, and extremely useful to all sorts of artificers; particularly to architects, engineers, shipwrights, millwrights, watchmakers, &c., or any that work in a mechanical wayLeave the NDL website. Application de l'algèbre a la géométrie, ... Traité des surfaces du second degré; ...Leave the NDL website. Histoire des plantes de l'Europe, et des plus usite'es qui viennent d'Asie, d'Afrique, & d'Amerique. Où l'on voit leurs figures, leurs noms, en quel temps elles fleurissent, & le lieu où elles croissent. Avec un abregé de leurs qualitez, & de leurs vertus specifiques. Divisée en deux tomes, & rangée suivant l'ordre du Pinax de Gaspard BauhinLeave the NDL website. Analysis of a course of lectures, on mechanics, hydrostatics, pneumatics, and astronomyLeave the NDL website. Discourses : biological & geologicalLeave the NDL website. Traité de géodésie, ou, exposition des méthodes astronomiques et trigonométriques, appliquées soit à la mesure de la terre, soit à la confection du canevas des cartes et des plansLeave the NDL website. Grundriss des gesamten mineralreiches, worinnen alle Fossilien in einem, ihren wesentlichen Beschaffenheiten gemässen, Zusammenhange, vorgestellt und beschreiben werdenLeave the NDL website. Popular lectures on zoonomia; or, The laws of animal life, in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur la structure intime des animaux et des végétaux, et sur leur motilitéLeave the NDL website. Essai sur les phénomènes électriques des animauxLeave the NDL website. Evolution & ethics and other essaysLeave the NDL website. A voyage to California, to observe the transit of Venus. ... : with an historical description of the author's route through Mexico, and the natural history of that province : also, a voyage to Newfoundland and Sallee, to make experiments on Mr. Le Roy's time keepers. By Monsieur de CassiniLeave the NDL website. Grundlehren der Chemie in technischer Beziehung, für Kammeralisten, Oekonomen, Techniker und FabrikantenLeave the NDL website. Leçons sur l'histoire naturelle des mammifèresLeave the NDL website. Lectures in natural philosophy, designed, to be a foundation, for reasoning pertinently, upon the petrifications, gems, crystals, and sanative quality of Lough Neagh in Ireland : and intended to be an introduction, to the natural history of several counties contiguous to that lake, particularly the county of ArdmaghLeave the NDL website. Rapport des commissaires chargés par le roi, de l'examen du magnétisme animalLeave the NDL website. The life of the beeLeave the NDL website. A breife discovery of the idle animadversions of Marke Ridley, doctor in phisicke, vpon a treatise entituled, Magneticall aduertisementsLeave the NDL website. [De architectura]Leave the NDL website. Preclarissimus liber elementorum Euclidis perspicacissimi : in artem geometrie incipit quã foelicissime ...Leave the NDL website. De observationibus pro figura telluris determinanda in Gallia habitis, disquisitioLeave the NDL website. Géologie appliquée aux arts et a l'agriculture, comprenant l'ensemble des révolutions du globe ...Leave the NDL website. Della natura de' fiumi, trattato fisico-matematicoLeave the NDL website. Handbuch der physiologischen optik. Vol. IX of Allgemeine Encyklopadie der PhysikLeave the NDL website. Traité de la chymie, enseignant par vne briève & facile methode toutes ses plus necessaires preparations ...Leave the NDL website. Flora: seu, de florum cultura, or, A complete florilege, furnished with all requisites belonging to a florist : in III. booksLeave the NDL website. Tiphys batavvs, sive Histiodromice, de navium cursibus, et re navaliLeave the NDL website. Entomostraca seu insecta testacea, quae in aquis Daniae et Norvegiae reperit, descripsit et iconibus illustravitLeave the NDL website. Observations on the nature and theory of vision : with an inquiry into the cause of the single appearance of objects seen by both eyesLeave the NDL website. An address on the botany of the United States, delivered before the Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts, at the capitol, in the city of Albany, on the 9th day of February, 1814. To which is added A catalogue of plants indigenous to the state of New YorkLeave the NDL website. Continentur in hoc libro. Rvdimenta astronomica Alfragrani. Item Albategnivs astronomvs peritissimvs de motv stellarvm, ex obseruationibus tum proprijs, tum Ptolemaei, omnia cu[m] demonstratio[n]ibus geometricis & additionibus Ioannis de Regiomonte. Item, Oratio introductoria omnes scientias mathematicas Ioannis de Regiomonte, Patauij habita, cum Alfraganum publice praelegeret. Eivsdem utilissima introductio in elementa Euclidis. Item, Epistola Philippi Melanthonis nuncupatoria, ad Senatum NoribergensemLeave the NDL website. A history of the study of mathematics at CambridgeLeave the NDL website. De l'influence des agens physiques sur la vieLeave the NDL website. Repertorium der Experimentalphysik, enthaltend eine vollständige Zusammenstellung der neuern Fortschritte dieser Wissenschaft. Als Supplement zu neuern Lehr- und Wörterbüchern der Physik ...Leave the NDL website. A system of natural philosophy : being a course of lectures in mechanics, optics, hydrostatics, and astronomy : which are read in St Johns College Cambridge ...Leave the NDL website. Addition a l'essai sur les probabilités de la durée de la vie humaine ...Leave the NDL website. A demonstration of some of the principal sections of Sir Isaac Newton's Principles of natural philosophy : in which his peculiar method of treating that useful subject, is explained, and applied to some of the chief phænomena of the system of the worldLeave the NDL website. Nouveau mécanisme de l'électricité, fondé sur les lois de l'équilibre & du mouvement, démontré par des expériences qui renversent le systême de l'électricité positive & négative; & qui établissent ses rapports avec le mécanisme caché de l'aimant, dont il explique les principaux phénomènes : et l'heureuse influence du fluide électrique dans le traitement des maladies nerveusesLeave the NDL website. Gasometrische Methoden ...Leave the NDL website. An inquiry into the causes and effects of the variolae vaccinae, a disease discovered in some of the western counties of England, particularly Gloucestershire, and known by the name of the cow poxLeave the NDL website. A dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines : containing a clear exposition of their principles and practiceLeave the NDL website. The elements of opticsLeave the NDL website. Lectures on theoretical and physical chemistryLeave the NDL website. Opera OmniaLeave the NDL website. Discours de la methode pour bien conduire sa raison, & chercher la varité dans les sciences, plus la dioptrique, les meteores, et la geometrie, qui sont des essais de cete [i.e. cette] methodeLeave the NDL website. Lettre adressée à M. Delamétherie, rédacteur du journal de physiqueLeave the NDL website. Untersuchungen über die Ursprünglichkeit und Alterthümlichkeit der Sternkunde unter den Chinesen und Indiern und über den Einfluss der Griechen auf den Gang ihrer AusbildungLeave the NDL website. An idea of a phytological history propounded : together with a continuation of the anatomy of vegetables, particularly prosecuted upon roots : and an account of the vegetation of roots grounded chiefly thereuponLeave the NDL website. Scientific papersLeave the NDL website. Physico-mechanical experiments on various subjects. Containing an account of several surprizing phenomena touching light and electricity, producible on the attrition of bodies. With many other remarkable appearances, not before observ'd. Together with the explanations of all the machines, (the figures of which are curiously engrav'd on copper) and other apparatus us'd in making the experimentsLeave the NDL website. Elements of agricultural chemistry, in a course of lectures for the Board of AgricultureLeave the NDL website. Passat-Staub und Blut-Regen ein grosses organisches unsichtbares Wirken und Leben in der AtmosphäreLeave the NDL website. Arte de los metales en qve se enseña el verdadero beneficio de los de oro, y plata por açoque : el modo de fvndirlos todos, y como se han de refinar, y apartar vnos de otrosLeave the NDL website. The Andes and the Amazon; or, Across the continent of South AmericaLeave the NDL website. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of LondonLeave the NDL website. A dynamical theory of the electromagneticLeave the NDL website. A new theory of galvanism, supported by some experiments and observations made by means of the calorimotor, a new galvanic instrument. Also, a new mode of decomposing potash extemporaneously. Read before the Academy of Natural Sciences, PhiladelphiaLeave the NDL website. Recueil de memoires et d'observations sur la formation & sur la fabrication du salpêtreLeave the NDL website. 4000 [i.e. Vier tausend] Jahre Pionier-Arbeit in den [i.e. dem] exakten WissenschaftenLeave the NDL website. Orbis eruditi judicium de Caroli Linnaei M.D. scriptis ...Leave the NDL website. Geologie der westlichen Schweizer-Alpen : ein VersuchLeave the NDL website. Conicorvm lib. V, VI, VII, paraphraste Abalphato Asphahanensi nunc primum editi. Additvs in calce Archimedis assvmptorvm liber, ex codicibvs arabicis m.ss ...Leave the NDL website. [A Dictionary of chemistry and mineralogy], an account of the most important recent discoveries and improvements in chemistry to the present time : being an appendix to their dictionary of chemistry and mineralogyLeave the NDL website. L'origine ancienne de la physique nouvelle, où l'on voit dans des entretiens par lettres. ...Leave the NDL website. Histoire de l'astronomie moderneLeave the NDL website. Memorie sulli cannocchiali diottriciLeave the NDL website. Essai sur le perfectionnement des arts chimiques en FranceLeave the NDL website. Gesammelte Schriften ... Zum ehrenden Andenken herausgegeben von dem Central-Verwaltungs-Ausschusse des polytechnischen vereins für das Königreich Bayern. Redigirt und mit einem Nekrologe versehen von seinem Schüler und vormaligen Assistenten an der Universität Landshut, dem königl. bahr. ordentl. Universitäts-Professor Dr. Cajetan Georg Kaiser. (Mit dem Bildnisse sammt Fac Simile und einer Abbildung des Geburtshauses der Verewigten)Leave the NDL website. Tracts relating to natural historyLeave the NDL website. Physico-mechanical experiments on various subjects. Containing an account of several surprizing phaenomena touching light and electricity, producible on the attrition of bodies. ... Together with the explanations of all the machines, ... and other apparatus us'd in making the experiments. To which is added, a supplement, containing several new experiments not in the former editionLeave the NDL website. Trattato dell'vso et della fabbrica dell'astrolabio ... con l'aggivnta del planisferio del Roias ...Leave the NDL website. Carte corografiche e memorie riguardanti le pietre, le miniere, e i fossili per servire alla storia naturale delle provincie del patrimonio, sabina, lazio, marittima, campagna, e dell' agro romano ...Leave the NDL website. Lectures on natural philosophyLeave the NDL website. Begin. [fol. 1 recto:] Incipit liber de generatione [et] corruptioneLeave the NDL website. Essai sur les probabilités de la durée de la vie humaine : d'où l'on déduit la maniere de déterminer les rentes viageres, tant simples qu'en tontines : précédé d'une courte explication sur les rentes à terme, ou annuités : et accompagné d'un grand nombre de tablesLeave the NDL website. Mundus subterraneus, in XII libros digestus : qvo divinum subterrestris mundi opificium, mira ergasteriorum naturae in eo distributio, verbo παντάμορφου protei regnum, universae denique naturae majestas & divitiae summa rerum varietate exponuntur. Abditorum effectuum causae acri indagine inquisitae demonstrantur : cognitae per artis & naturae conjugium ad humanae vitae necessarium usum vario experimentorum apparatu, necnon novo modo, & ratione applicanturLeave the NDL website. Die Geologie der Gegenwart dargestellt und beleuchtetLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der WissenschaftenLeave the NDL website. Traité de chimie élémentaire, théorique et pratiqueLeave the NDL website. Plantarvm sev stirpivm historia, ... cui annexum est adversariorvm volvmenLeave the NDL website. Memoire [i.e. Memorie] sulla elettricità animale ... Aggiunte alcune elettriche esperienze di Gio. Aldini ...Leave the NDL website. La flore des insectophiles : précédée d'un discours sur l'utilite des insectes et de létude de l'insectologieLeave the NDL website. Die Mutationen und die Mutationsperioden bei der Entstehung der Arten : Vortrag, gehalten in der allgemeinen Sitzung der Naturwissenschaftlichen Hauptgruppe der Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte in Hamburg am 26. September 1901Leave the NDL website. Théorie du mouvement de mercureLeave the NDL website. The usefulness of mathematical learning explained and demonstrated : being mathematical lectures read in the publick schools at the University of CambridgeLeave the NDL website. Experiments on the transverse strength and other properties of malleable iron, with reference to its uses for railway bars : and a report founded on the same, addressed to the directors of the London and Birmingham Railway CompanyLeave the NDL website. Manual of mineralogy : containing an account of simple minerals, and also a description and arrangment of mountain rocksLeave the NDL website. The different forms of flowers on plants of the same speciesLeave the NDL website. L'homme machine. ...Leave the NDL website. Trigonometria : hoc est, Modus computandi triangulorum latera & angulos, ex canone mathematico traditus & demonstratus : ... unâ cum tabulis sinuum, tangent: & secant, &c.Leave the NDL website. Institutiones chimicae prodromae i. e. ... Oedipus chimicus obscuriorum terminorum & principiorum chimicorum, mysteria aperiens & resolvens. Opusculum, omnibus medicinae & chimiae studiosis, lectu perquàm utile & necessariumLeave the NDL website. Ausführlichere Abhandlung von Anlegung, Verbeserung und zweckmäsiger [sic] Verwaltung derer Salzwerke, nebst einem Anhang von denen Rechten und Befugnissen eines Landesherrn auf Salzquellen und auf den Alleinhandel des SalzesLeave the NDL website. Grundriss der unorganischen ChemieLeave the NDL website. A review of the works of the Royal Society of London : containing animadversions on such of the papers as deserve particular observation. In eight parts : under the several heads of arts, antiquities, medicine, miracles. Zoophytes, animals, vegetables, mineralsLeave the NDL website. De lunae atmosphaera dissertatioLeave the NDL website. Method and resultsLeave the NDL website. Opera omniaLeave the NDL website. [Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire naturelle des Pyrénées, et des pays adjacents.] Supplément aux mémoires pour servir a l'histoire naturelle des Pyrénées, et des pays adjacens : suivis de recherches relatives aux anciens camps de la novempopulanieLeave the NDL website. Essai sur l'electricité des corpsLeave the NDL website. Concerning the earths in our solar system, which are called planets : and concerning the earths in the starry heaven : together with an account of their inhabitants, and also of the spirits and angels there : from what hath been seen and heardLeave the NDL website. A natural history of English insects : illustrated with a hundred copper plates, Curiously Engraven from the Life: and (for those who desire it) exactly coloured by the author ...Leave the NDL website. Die Entwicklung der Dampfmaschine : eine Geschichte der ortsfesten Dampfmaschine und der Lokomobile, der Schiffsmaschine und Lokomotive. ...Leave the NDL website. Catalogue of the periodical publications in the library of the Royal Society of LondonLeave the NDL website. Principles of geology, being an attempt to explain the former changes of the earth's surface, by reference to causes now in operationLeave the NDL website. Mineralogy and chemistry : original researchesLeave the NDL website. Memoir and scientific correspondence of the late Sir George Gabriel Stokes, ...Leave the NDL website. Esperienze intorno a diverse cose natvrali, e particolarmente a qvelle, che ci son portate dall'Indie ... scritte in vna lettera al reverendissimo padre Atanasio ChircherLeave the NDL website. Mathematical institutions : in three parts. I. clavis, II. janua, III. ancilla, the key, gate, hand-maid, to the mathematical sciences ...Leave the NDL website. Popular lectures on scientific subjectsLeave the NDL website. Novvelles pensees svr les cavses de la lvmiere, dv desbordement dv Nil, et de l'amovr d'inclinationLeave the NDL website. Beytrag zur StatikLeave the NDL website. Les entretiens physiques d'Ariste et d'Eudoxe, ou, Physique nouvelle en dialogues, qui renferme précisément ce qui s'est découvert de plus curieux & de plus utile dans la natureLeave the NDL website. Vlyssis Aldrovandi ... De qvadrvpedib' digitatis viviparis libri tres, et de qvadrvpedib' digitatis oviparis libri dvoLeave the NDL website. Museum diluvianum quod possidet Joh. Jacobus ScheuchzerLeave the NDL website. Grundriss der Naturlehre, oder, Darstellung der undulation als wesentliche Grundlage der gesammten Naturkunde, und als Schlüssel zu vielen Geheimnissen der Natur ...Leave the NDL website. Von der anwendung des Löthrohrs in der Chemie und MineralogieLeave the NDL website. Traité sommaire des coquilles, tant fluviatiles que terrestres, qui se trouvent aux environs de ParisLeave the NDL website. A treatise of the animal oeconomyLeave the NDL website. The kinetic theory of gases : elementary treatise with mathematical appendices ...Leave the NDL website. Experiments and observations made with a view to point out the errors of the present received theory of electricity : and which tend in their progress to establish a new system, on principles more conformable to the simple operations of natureLeave the NDL website. Traité analytique des mouvemens apparens des corps célestesLeave the NDL website. Die Pflanze und ihr Leben. Populäre VorträgeLeave the NDL website. Similitvdinvm ac parabolarvm qvae in bibliis ex herbis atqve arboribus desumuntur, dilucida explicatio : In qua narratione singula loca explanantur, qu[i]bus propheta, obseruata stirpium natura, conciones suas illustrant, divinaqɜ oracula fulciunt : auctore Levino Lemnio. Seorsvm accesservnt De gemmis aliqvot, iis praesertim qvarvm D. Ioannes apostolus in sua Apocalypsi meminit : de aliis quoque, quarum vsus hoc aeui apud omnes percrebuit, libri II, auctore Francisco Rveo ... Item Levini Lemnii De astrologia lib. ILeave the NDL website. Wöhler's outlines of organic chemistryLeave the NDL website. Synopsis mathematica universalisLeave the NDL website. Il tesoro delle gioie, trattato marauiglioso, intorno alle vertvti, e proprieta piu rare di tutte le gioie, perle, gemme, auori, vnicorni, bezaari, balsami, cocco, e malacca : e di tutte l'altre pietre piu famose, e pregiate da diligentissimi scrittori, antichi, e moderni, arabi, greci, latini, ed italiani, sagri, e mondani pienamente lodate, stimate, e conosciute saluteuoli, e medicinali : delle quali anche spesso sene accenna nelle diuine carte; & insimem si discorre del pregio, e valore dell'eccellentiss. lettevario del giacintoLeave the NDL website. Dialogo di M. Iacomo Cabriele, nel qvale de la sphera, et de gli orti et occasi de le stelle, minvtamente si ragiona ...Leave the NDL website. AstronomieLeave the NDL website. The depths of the sea : an account of the general results of the dredging cruises of H.M. SS. 'Porcupine' and 'Lightning' during the summers of 1868, 1869, and 1870, under the scientific direction of Dr. Carpenter, F.R.S., J. Gwyn Jeffreys, F.R.S., and Dr. Wyville Thomson, F.R.S.Leave the NDL website. Ligno Gvayaco, Wunderbawn, Res noua genandt, von der China, ex Occidentali India, von der Sarssa parilla, von dem Frantzosenholtz Sassafras, vnd von dem Griessholtz, so man Lignum nephriticum nennet, etc. Welche alle zum Theil wieder die flechtende indianische Seuche, zum Theil für die Flüsse, Zipperle, Wassersucht vnd reissenden Stein, sampt andren eingewurtzelten Kranckheiten ... vnd wie dieselben ... zubereitet vnd gebraucht werden ... Jetzo ... zusammen gezogen, durch lohannem Wittichium ...Leave the NDL website. La chymie naturelle; ou, L'explication chymique et mechanique de la nourriture de l'animalLeave the NDL website. Account of a cometLeave the NDL website. Popular instructions on the calculation of probabilitiesLeave the NDL website. The philosophy of chemistry, or, Fundamental truths of modern chemical science, arranged in a new orderLeave the NDL website. Dioptricae ...Leave the NDL website. Tilforladelige efterretninger om Island med et nyt Landkort og 2 Aars Meteorologiske observationerLeave the NDL website. [Decem tractatus astronomiae]Leave the NDL website. Traité d'hydraulique, a l'usage des ingénieursLeave the NDL website. Philosophia pyrotechnica ...Leave the NDL website. Darstellung der Farbenlehre und optische Studien ... mit zwei lithographirten TafelnLeave the NDL website. Scientific papersLeave the NDL website. Souvenirs de quarante ans, dédiés à mes enfantsLeave the NDL website. Traité de la percussion ou chocq des corps. Dans lequel les principales regles du mouvement, contraires à celles que Mr. Descartes, & quelques autres modernes ont voulu establir, sont demonstrées par leurs veritables causesLeave the NDL website. Opuscula aliquot elegantissima: nempe, Erratvm, siue ύπέζ πταίσματος. Aeolia, hoc est, de ventis. Phaenomena, siderum & stellarum historia. Prognostica. planetae ac menses dupulices. Disticha. Quaedam multo quàm antè accuratius, quaedam nunc primum typis excusaLeave the NDL website. Histoire des plantes qui naissent aux environs de Paris, avec leur usage dans la medecineLeave the NDL website. The general history of the air, designed and begunLeave the NDL website. Selenotopographische Fragmente zur genauern Kenntniss der Mondfläche, ihrer erlittenen Veränderungen und Atmosphäre, sammt den dazu gehörigen Specialcharten und ZeichnungenLeave the NDL website. Recherches expérimentales sur un nouveau mode de l'action électriqueLeave the NDL website. Tractatvs physicvs de motv locali, in qvo effectvs omnes qvi ad impetvm, motum naturalem, violentum & mixtum pertinent, explicantur & ex principiis physicis demonstrantur. Auctore Petro Movsnerio [pseud. for Honré Fabri] ...Leave the NDL website. Prodrome d'une histoire des végétaux fossilesLeave the NDL website. De l'aluminium. Ses propiétés, sa fabrication et ses applicationsLeave the NDL website. Ptolemaevs parvvs, in genethliacis ivnctvs arabibvs : Nvnc postremvm avctvs indice rervmLeave the NDL website. Mémoire sur les roues hydrauliques a aubes courbes, mues par-dessous, suivi d'expériences sur les effets mécaniques de ces roues ...Leave the NDL website. Obseruatio & demonstratio dometae [i.e. cometae] aetherei, qvi anno 1577. et 1578. eonstitvtvs [i.e. constitvtvs] in sphaera veneris, apparvit, cvm admirandis eius passionibus, varietate scilicet motus, loco orbe ...Leave the NDL website. Anatomia chirvrgica, cioè, istoria anatomica dell'ossa, e mvscoli del corpo vmano, con la descrizzione de' vasi, che scorrono per le parti esterne, & in particolare per gl'articoli, & vn breue tratato della circolazione del sangue in questa nuoua impressione riformata, & accresciuta di molte riflessioni pathologiche chirurgiche ...Leave the NDL website. Essai de statique électrique d'après un nouveau point de vue sur l'electricité, ou l'on ne considère qu' une seule électricité, et de laquelle on déduit l'affinité chimique et la cohésionLeave the NDL website. The Mediterranean : a memoir, physical, historical, and nauticalLeave the NDL website. The mineral conchology of Great Britain : or, Coloured figures and descriptions of those remains of testaceous animals or shells, which have been preserved at various times and depths in the earthLeave the NDL website. Apologia, pro commentationibus Philippi Lansbergii in motum terrae diurnum & annuum : adversvs libertvm fromondvm theologum Iovaniensem : & Joan. Baptistam Morinvm, Doct. Med. & Parisiis Mathematum Professorem RegiumLeave the NDL website. The foundations of the origin of species : two essays written in 1842-1844Leave the NDL website. Allgemeine chemische Bibliothek des neunzehnten JahrhundertsLeave the NDL website. On coral reefs and islandsLeave the NDL website. Figures and descriptions of the Palaeozoic fossils of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset : observed in the course of the Ordnance Geological Survey of that districtLeave the NDL website. Introduction to meteorologyLeave the NDL website. Lachesis lapponica, or, A tour in LaplandLeave the NDL website. Reports of the late John Smeaton, F.R.S. Made on various occasions, in the course of his employment as a civil engineerLeave the NDL website. [Etymologiae]Leave the NDL website. Verzeichniss der Elemente der bisher berechneten Cometenbahnen nebst Anmerkungen und Literatur-Nachweisen neu bearbeitet, ergänzt und fortgesetzt bis zum Jahre 1894 ...Leave the NDL website. Elements of conchology: or, An introduction to the knowledge of shellsLeave the NDL website. Novae coelestivm orbivm theoricae congruentes cum obseruationibus N. CoperniciLeave the NDL website. Recherches chimiques sur l'étain, faites et publiées par ordre du gouvernement : ou réponse a cette question : Peut-on sans aucun danger employer les vaisseaux d'étain dans l'usage économique?Leave the NDL website. Recherches scientifiques et publications diversesLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle des oiseauxLeave the NDL website. Essai sur différentes especes d'air qu'on désigne sous le nom d'air fixe, pour servir de suite & de supplément aux élémens de physique du même auteurLeave the NDL website. A treatise on magnetism : designed for the use of students in the universityLeave the NDL website. EpicvreaLeave the NDL website. De solido intra solidvm natvraliter contento dissertationis prodromusLeave the NDL website. Geologie oder Naturgeschichte der Erde auf allgemein fassliche Weise abgehandeltLeave the NDL website. Theoricae mediceorvm planetarvm ex cavsis physicis dedvctaeLeave the NDL website. Nouvelles expériences et observations sur divers objets de physiqueLeave the NDL website. Pyrometrie, oder, vom Maasse des Feuers und der WärmeLeave the NDL website. Rudera diluvii testes, i.e. Zeichen und Zeugen der Sündfluth, in Ansehung des itzigen Zustandes unserer Erd-und Wasser-Kugel insonderheit der darinnen vielfälting auch zeither in Querfurthischen Revier unterschiedlich angetroffenen, ehemals verschwemten Thiere und Gewächse ...Leave the NDL website. Esperienze intorno alla resistenza dello sfregamemto del legno e de' metalli, ed a guella prodotta dalla durezza, e ruvidita' delle cordeLeave the NDL website. Geschichte des Erd-Cörpers, aus seinen äusserlichen und unterirdischen Beschaffenheiten hergeleitet und erwiesenLeave the NDL website. Astronomy and general physics considered with reference to natural theologyLeave the NDL website. Geschichte und Litteratur der Geognosie, ein VersuchLeave the NDL website. Justus von Liebig und Christian Friedrich Schönbein. Briefwechsel 1853-1868Leave the NDL website. De animalibvs insectis libri septem cvm singvlorum inconibvs ad viuum expressisLeave the NDL website. Traite physique et historique de l'aurore boréaleLeave the NDL website. De vi percvssionis liberLeave the NDL website. De re nvmmaria liber singularisLeave the NDL website. A complete collection of the medical and philosophical works of John Fothergill, ... with an account of his life; and occasional notesLeave the NDL website. A summary view of the spontaneous electricity of the earth and atmosphere : wherein the causes of lightning and thunder, as well as the constant electrification of the clouds and vapours, suspended in the air, are explained. with some new experiments and observations, tending to illustrate the subjects of atmospherical electricity : to which is subjoined the atmospherico-electrical journal, kept during two years, as presented to and published by the Royal Society of LondonLeave the NDL website. Études sur Léonard de Vinci. Ceux qu'il a lus et ceux qui l'ont lu. La plupart de ces études ont paru ... dans le Bulletin ItalienLeave the NDL website. Synthese der Zellbausteine in Pflanze und Tier : Lösung des Problems der künstlichen Darstellung der NahrungsstoffeLeave the NDL website. A general introduction to the natural history of mammiferous animals, with a particular view of the physical history of man, and the more closely allied genera of the order quadrumana, or monkeys ...Leave the NDL website. Handbuch der allgemeinen HüttenkundeLeave the NDL website. Du magnétisme animal en France, et des jugements qu'en ont portés les sociétés savantes, ... suivi de considérations sur l' apparition de l'extase, dans les traitements magnétiquesLeave the NDL website. Democritvs reviviscens, sive de atomis ... addita est Democriti vita cum indicibus necessarijsLeave the NDL website. Principles of geology : or, The modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants considered as illustrative of geologyLeave the NDL website. Opera omniaLeave the NDL website. Astronomica veterum scripta isagogica Graeca & LatinaLeave the NDL website. Exercitatio anatomica de motv cordis et sangvinis in animalibvsLeave the NDL website. Electrical researches of the Honourable Henry Cavendish, F.R.S., written between 1771 and 1781Leave the NDL website. Norway and its glaciers visited in 1851 : followed by journals of excursions in the high Alps of Dauphiné, Berne and SavoyLeave the NDL website. De natvra primo-movente libri dvo : in quibus ex Aristotelis doctrina diligenter ostenditur primimouentis nomen & rationem proprie conuenire finali caussae generatim, coelo seu mundo, intelligentiae cuique coelo assistenti, ac summo Deo : Singulumque horum esse vere, dicique proprie naturamLeave the NDL website. Rudimentary magnetism : being a concise exposition of the general principles of magnetical science and the purposes to which it has been appliedLeave the NDL website. Two treatises. In the one of which, the natvre of bodies : in the other, the natvre of mans sovle : is looked into : in way of discovery, of the immortality of reasonable sovlesLeave the NDL website. Le mouvement des corps celestes, ou Premiers principes d'astronomieLeave the NDL website. Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie : ... Deutsche originalausgabe vom Verfasser besorgt ...Leave the NDL website. Theoria motvs corporvm solidorvm sev rigidorvm ex primis nostrae cognitionis principiis stabilita et ad omnes motvs, qvi in hvismodi corpora cadere possvnt, accommodataLeave the NDL website. Versuch einer systematischen vollständigen Terminologie für das Thierreich und PflanzenreichLeave the NDL website. De natvrae philosophia : seu, De Platonis, & Aristotelis consensione, libri V. Nunc denuò recogniti, & à mēdis, quibus anteà scatebant, sedulò repurgatiLeave the NDL website. Travels in Hungary, in 1818Leave the NDL website. Traité de l'électricité : dans lequel on expose, & on démontre par expérience, toutes les découvertes électriques, faites jusqu'à ce jour, pour servir de suite aux leçons de physique du même auteurLeave the NDL website. Geologische BilderLeave the NDL website. Allgemeine Naturgeschichte; oder, Andeutungen zur Geschichte und Physiognomik der NaturLeave the NDL website. Correspondance et souvenirs (de 1805 à 1864)Leave the NDL website. Favna insectorvm fridrichsdalina, sive methodica descriptio insectorvm agri fridrichsdalensis, cvm characteribvs genericis et specificis, nominbvs trivialibus, locis natalibvs, iconibvs allegatis, novisqve plvribvs speciebvs additisLeave the NDL website. Mechanicorvm liberLeave the NDL website. Elasticity and heat : being articles contributed to the Encyclopedia BritannicaLeave the NDL website. Del modo di regulare i fumi, e i torrenti, principalmente del Bolognese, e della Romagna, libri treLeave the NDL website. A history of the precious metals from the earliest times to the presentLeave the NDL website. The fossils of the South Downs : or, Illustrations of the geology of SussexLeave the NDL website. Elementa botanicaeLeave the NDL website. The English flora : or, A catalogue of trees, shrubs, plants and fruits, natives as well as exotics, cultivated, for use or ornament, in the English nurseries, greenhouses and stoves, arranged according to the Linnaean system : with the Latin trivial, and common English names, and an English index referring to the Latin names : also a general catalogue of seeds ...Leave the NDL website. The complete dictionary of arts and sciences ...Leave the NDL website. Le Journal des scavansLeave the NDL website. Canon. and De viribus cordisLeave the NDL website. Introductio ad veram astronomiam, seu, lectiones astronomicae habitae in schola astronomica academiae OxoniensisLeave the NDL website. Dissertation sur la figure de la terre, ou L'on tache de prouver par des arguments simples & concluants, & d'après les expériences mêmes faites au Perou & au Cercle Polaire, que cette planete est allongée par les polesLeave the NDL website. Colloquies on the simples & drugs of IndiaLeave the NDL website. Grundzüge der wissenschaftlichen Botanik nebst einer methodologischen Einleitung als Anleitung zum Studium der PflanzeLeave the NDL website. [Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire naturelle des Pyrénées, et des pays adjacents.] Suite des mémoires pour servir a l'histoire naturelle des Pyrénées, et des pays adjacensLeave the NDL website. De secretis libri XVII. Ex varijs authoribus collecti, methodiceq́ue digesti, & tertiùm iam aucti ...Leave the NDL website. De memoralibvs mvndiLeave the NDL website. Minéralogie des volcans, ou description de toutes les substances produites ou rejetées par les feux souterrainsLeave the NDL website. Die Entstehung der Arten auf Grund von Vererben erworbener Eigenschaften nach den Gesetzen organischen Wachsens. Ein Beitrag zur einheitlichen auffassung der LebeweltLeave the NDL website. Notizie istoriche dei mattematici e filosofi del regno di NapoliLeave the NDL website. Systematic mineralogy based on a natural classification : with a general introductionLeave the NDL website. Théorie de la terreLeave the NDL website. Lectures on the elements of comparative anatomy. ... On the classification of animals and of the vertebrate skullLeave the NDL website. Théorie analytique de la chaleurLeave the NDL website. An attempt to prove the motion of the earth from observationsLeave the NDL website. Traité d'anatomie et de physiologie végétales, suivi de la nomenclature méthodique ou raisonnée des parties extérieures des plantes, et un exposé succinct des systêmes de botanique les plus généralement adoptés. Ouvrage servant d'introduction a l'étude de la botanique ...Leave the NDL website. Beobachtungen über die Lagerstätte der Erze hauptsächlich aus den sachsischen Gebirgen : ein Beytrag zur GeognosieLeave the NDL website. On the classification and geographical distribution of the mammalia, being the lecture on Sir Robert Reade's foundation, delivered before the University of Cambridge, in the Senate-House, May 10, 1859 : to which is added an appendix "on the gorilla," and "on the extinction and transmutation of species"Leave the NDL website. L'empire de l'air : essai d'ornithologie appliquée a l'aviationLeave the NDL website. A flora of the State of New York, comprising full descriptions of all the indigenous and naturalized plants hitherto discovered in the state; with remarks on their economical and medicinal propertiesLeave the NDL website. Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae usitatâ formâ quaestionum & responsionum conscripta, inq; VII. libros digesta, quorum tres hi priores sunt de doctrina sphaericâLeave the NDL website. A system of mechanics, being the substance of lectures upon that branch of natural philosophyLeave the NDL website. Traité de chimie appliquée aux artsLeave the NDL website. The dawn of life : being the history of the oldest known fossil remains, and their relations to geological time and to the development of the animal kingdomLeave the NDL website. Πανσεληνος ... Id est, dissertatio astronomica quae occasione ultimi lunaris anni 1638 deliquii. Manuductio sit ad cognoscendum: I. Statum astronomiae, praaesertim Lansbergianae. II. Novorum phenomenωn exortũ & interitumLeave the NDL website. Gradus TaurinensisLeave the NDL website. Hydrodynamique élasticité, acoustique, cours professé en 1890-1891Leave the NDL website. Magisterivm natvrae, et artis, opvs physico-mathematicvm ...Leave the NDL website. Herbarvm vivae eiconeb [i.e. eicones]Leave the NDL website. La lumière, ses causes et ses effetsLeave the NDL website. Iconographie du règne animal de G. Cuvier : ou, Représentation d'après nature de l'une des espèces les plus remarquables et souvent non encore figurées, de chaque genre d'animaux : avec un texte descriptif mis au courant de la science : ouvrage pouvant servir d'atlas a tous les traités de zoologieLeave the NDL website. Description d'un appareil électro-dynamiqueLeave the NDL website. Recueil de plusieurs pieces de physique, où l'on fait principalement voir l'invalidité du système de Mr. Newton. Et où se trouve, entre autres, une dissertation sur la peste & sur les moyens de s'en garentirLeave the NDL website. The principles of physical optics : an historical and philosophical treatmentLeave the NDL website. Essai sur les usages des montagnes, avec une lettre sur le NilLeave the NDL website. A compleat theory of the construction and properties of vessels with practical conclusions for the management of ships made easy to navigatorsLeave the NDL website. Delle uova e dei nidi degli ucelli. Libro primo ... Aggiunte in fine alcuni osservazione, con una dissertazione sopra varie spezie di cavaletteLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres mathématiques d'Évariste GaloisLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der Chemie seit dem Wiederaufleben der Wissenschaften bis an das Ende des achtzehnden JahrhundertsLeave the NDL website. Contributions to the natural history of the United States of AmericaLeave the NDL website. Analysis per quantitatum series, fluxiones, ac differentias : cum enumeratione linearum tertii ordinisLeave the NDL website. Begin. [fol. 2 recto:] Prima pars libri huius ca. i. [fol. 4 recto:] Incipit liber phisionomiae: quem compilauit magister Michael Scotus ad preces. D. Federici romanorum imperatoris ...Leave the NDL website. Joannis Kepleri astronomi opera omniaLeave the NDL website. Institutiones physicae in usum nobilissimorum suorum auditorum adornatae, quibus ceu subsidium praemittuntur institutiones mathematicae ...Leave the NDL website. The life of James Dwight Dana, scientific explorer, mineralogist, geologist, zoologist, professor in Yale UniversityLeave the NDL website. Dissertationes quinque ad dioptricam pertinentesLeave the NDL website. De gnomonvm vm brarvmq. solarivm vsv liberLeave the NDL website. Chemical lectures, publickly read at London, in the years 1731 and 1732 : and since at Scarborough, in 1733 : for the improvement of arts, trades, and natural philosophyLeave the NDL website. Elementa chymiae dogmatico-experimentalis in vsvm academicvm conscriptaLeave the NDL website. De regvlari motv minimaqve parallaxi cometarvm caelestivm ...Leave the NDL website. Cenni storici sull'aeronautica fino alle recenti ascensioni fatte dal sig. Green e compagni da Londra e da Parigi. Con appendice fino agli ultimi voli e tentativi per la direzione degli aerostatiLeave the NDL website. Aspects of nature, in different lands and different climates : with scientific elucidationsLeave the NDL website. Traité analytique de la résistance des solides, et des solides d'égale résistance. Auquel on a joint une suite de nouvelles expériences sur la force, et l'élasticité spécifiques des bois de chêne et de SapinLeave the NDL website. Dissertatio physica et mathematica qva cavssae motvs planetarvm explicantvr qvam amplissimo philosophorvm ordine consentiente d. XXVIIII. IVL. MDCCLXVIIIILeave the NDL website. Dissertations physiques et mathematiquesLeave the NDL website. Considérations sur le magnétisme animal : ou, Sur la théorie du monde et des êtres organisés : d'après les principes de M. MesmerLeave the NDL website. The combustion of coal and the prevention of smoke chemically and practically consideredLeave the NDL website. The history and development of steam locomotion on common roadsLeave the NDL website. Nomenclator zoologicus, continens nomina systematica generum animalium tam viventium quam fossilium, secundum ordinem alphabeticum disposita, adjectis auctoribus, libris, in quibus reperiuntur, anno editionis, etymologia et familiis, ad quas pertinent, in singulis classibusLeave the NDL website. Horologivm oscillatorivm sive de motv pendvlorvm ad horologia aptato demonstrationes geometricaeLeave the NDL website. A course of physico-theological lectures upon the state of the world, from the creation to the delugeLeave the NDL website. A treatise on electricity and magnetismLeave the NDL website. De la sfera del mondo. Libri qvattro in lingva Toscana: i qvali non per via di traduttione, nè à qual si voglia particolare scrittore obligati: ma parte da i migliori raccogliendo; e parte di nuouo producendo; contengano in se tutto quel ch' intorno à tal materia si possa desiderare; ridotti à tãta ageuolezza, & à cosi facil modo di dimostrare che qual si voglia poco essercitato negli studij di matemmatica potrà ageuolissimamente & con prestezza intenderne il tutto. Dele stelle fisse. Libro vno con le sve figvre, e con le sve tauole: doue cõ marauigliosa ageuolezza potrà ciascheduno conoscere qualunque stella dele XLVIII immagini del cielo stellato, e le fauole loro integramente: & sapere in ogni tempo del' anno, à qual si voglia hora di notte, in che parte del cielo si truouino, non solo le dette immagini, ma qualunqɜ stella di quelleLeave the NDL website. Histoire de l'astronomie moderne depuis la fondation de l'Ecole d'Alexandrie, jusqu' a l'époque de M. D. CC. XXXLeave the NDL website. [A treatise concerning] motion of the seas and windsLeave the NDL website. The collected mathematical papers of James Joseph SylvesterLeave the NDL website. On the archetype and homologies of the vertebrate skeletonLeave the NDL website. Opera omnia : a Collegio Medicorvm Londinensi editaLeave the NDL website. Περι κινουμενης σφαιρας και Περι επιτολων και δυσεων : De sphaera qvae movetvr et De ortv et occasv libriLeave the NDL website. An investigation of the laws of thought : on which are founded the mathematical theories of logic and probabilitiesLeave the NDL website. The geological evidences of the antiquity of man, with remarks on theories of the origin of species by variationLeave the NDL website. Exercitatio de stellarum natura, affectionibus et effectionibusLeave the NDL website. Teneriffe, an astronomer's experiment : or, Specialities of a residence above the cloudsLeave the NDL website. Hydrostatical and pneumatical lecturesLeave the NDL website. The elements of experimental chemistry : with a supplement, ... Together with an account of Dr. Woolaston's scale of chemical equivalents : also a substitute for Woulfe's or Nooth's apparatus, and a theory of galvanismLeave the NDL website. The botanical works of the Late George Engelmann, collected for Henry Shaw, EsqLeave the NDL website. A manual of scientific enquiry : prepared for the use of Her Majesty's Navy : and adapted for travellers in generalLeave the NDL website. Entdeckungen uber die Theorie des KlangesLeave the NDL website. Kurzgefasste Erläuterung der Sternkunde und den dazu gehörigen WissenschaftenLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres complètes d'Augustin FresnelLeave the NDL website. Über contact Electricität. Schreiben an Herrn Alexander von HumboldtLeave the NDL website. Homocentrica. Eivsdem De cavsis criticorvm diervm per ea qvae in nobis svntLeave the NDL website. La palingénésie philosophique; ou Idées sur l'état passé et sur l'état futur des êtres vivans : ouvrage destiné à servir de supplément aux derniers écrits de l'auteur, et qui contient principalement le précis de ses recherches sur le ChristianismeLeave the NDL website. Cosmologische Briefe über die Einrichtung des WeltbauesLeave the NDL website. Journal du voyage ... sur la Frégate l'Aurore, pour essayer par ordre de l'Académie, plusieurs instrumens relatifs à la longitudeLeave the NDL website. Occasional papers on the theory of glaciers now first collected and chronologically arranged : with a prefatory note on the recent progress and present aspect of the theoryLeave the NDL website. Elementos de orictognosia, ó, del conocimiento de los fósiles dispuestos, segun los principios de A.G. Wérner, para el uso del Real seminario de minería de MéxicoLeave the NDL website. New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air, and its effects, (made, for the most part, in a new pneumatical engine) written by way of letter to the Right Honorable Charles Lord Vicount of Dungarvan, eldest son to the Earl of CorkeLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres complètes ...Leave the NDL website. Professor Schleiden und der MondLeave the NDL website. Trattato del modo brevissimo di trouare la radice quadra delli numeri, et regole da approssimarsi di coninuo al vero nelle radici de' numeri non quadrati, con le cause, & inuentioni loro, et anco il modo di pigliarne la radice cuba, applicando il tutto alle operationi militari, & altreLeave the NDL website. Flora boreali-Americana : or, The botany of the northern parts of British America : compiled principally from the plants collected by Dr. Richardson and Mr. Drummond on the late northern expeditions, under command of Captain Sir J. Franklin, R.N. : to which are added ... those of Mr. Douglas, from north-west America and of other naturalistsLeave the NDL website. Philosophical essays on the following subjects : I. On the principles of mechanics. II. On the ascent of vapours, ... III. Observations and conjectures on the nature of the Aurora Borealis, and the tails of cometsLeave the NDL website. Grundlehren der mechanischen Wissenschaften welche die Statik und Mechanik, die Hydrostatik, Aerometrie, Hydraulik und die Maschinenlehre enthalten. Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Physiker und PraktikerLeave the NDL website. Traité du flux et reflux de la mer, oú l'on explique d'une maniere nouvelle & simple, la nature, les causes, & les particularitez de ce phénoméne : & qui a remporté le prix au jugement de l'Académie de Bourdeaux, le premier May 1726Leave the NDL website. Oeuvres de Fontenelle, précédées d'une notice sur sa vie et ses ouvragesLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres de Desargues : réunies et analysées par M. Poudra ... précédées d'une nouvelle biographie de Desargues, suivies de l'analyse des ouvrages de BosseLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire de chimie pure et appliquée comprenant : la chimie organique et inorganique, la chimie appliquée a l'industrie, a l'agriculture et aux arts, la chimie analytique, la chimie physique et la minéralogieLeave the NDL website. Aphorismen aus der chemischen Physiologie der PflanzenLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire raisonné universel d'histoire naturelle ...Leave the NDL website. [Opere]Leave the NDL website. The sources of physical science : being an introduction to the study of physiology through physics ...Leave the NDL website. The philosophy of natural historyLeave the NDL website. Vues physiologiques sur l'organisation animale et végétaleLeave the NDL website. A general and elementary view of the undulatory theory, as applied to the dispersion of light, and some other subjects : including the subtance of several papers, printed in the philosophical transactions and other journalsLeave the NDL website. Thesaurus Devonico-Carboniferus. The flora and fauna of the Devonian and Carboniferous periods. The genera and species arranged in tabular form, showing their horizons, recurrences, localities, and other facts. With large addendaLeave the NDL website. The explanation of Albinus's anatomical figures of the human skeleton and musclesLeave the NDL website. General view of the agriculture of the county of Norfolk : with observations for the means of its improvement. Drawn up, for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement, ... with additional remarks from several respectable gentlemen and farmentLeave the NDL website. De vera anni forma, siue de recta eius emendatione ...Leave the NDL website. Untersuchungen über die galvanische leitfähigkeit der ElektrolyteLeave the NDL website. Scientific papers of Asa GrayLeave the NDL website. An embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham Emperour of China, delivered by their excellcies Peter de Goyer, and Jacob de Keyzer, at his imperial city of Peking ... : with an appendix of several remarks taken out of Father Athanasivs KircherLeave the NDL website. The theory of comets, illustrated ... : the whole adapted to, and exemplified in the orbit of the comet of the year 1682, whose return is now near at handLeave the NDL website. La Mineralogia; ... diuisa in quattro libri, nella quale vien descritto l'vso di cauar le miniere, purificarle, & separarle per ridurle in perfetto metalloLeave the NDL website. De re hortêsi libellvs, vvlgaria herbarum, florum, ac fruticum, qui in hortis conseri solent nomina latinis vocibus effere docens ex probatis autoribuse. In puerorum gratiam atq; vtilitatemLeave the NDL website. Mvsaevm metallicvm in libros IIII distribvtvm Bartholomaevs Ambrosinvs ...Leave the NDL website. Ornithologia, sive synopsis methodica sistens avium divisionem in ordines, sectiones, genera, species, ipsarumque varietatesLeave the NDL website. De radiis visvs et lvcis in vitris perspectivis et iride tractatusLeave the NDL website. Solo introdvttore delle scientie mathematice : diligentemente reassettato, et alla integrita ridotto per il degno professore di tal scientie Nicolo Tartalea, Brisciano, secondo le due tradottioni : ... con vna ampla espositione dello istesso tradottore di novo aggionta : talmente chiara, che ogni mediocre ingegno, senza la notitia, over suffragio di alcun' altra scientia con facilita, sera capace a' poterlo intendreLeave the NDL website. De magnete libri quatuor : in duos tomas distributiLeave the NDL website. The complete works of Count RumfordLeave the NDL website. Anatomia physico-hydrostatica fontium ac fluminum, libris VI. explicata ... accedit in fine appendix de vera origine NiliLeave the NDL website. Account of observations of the transits of Venus, 1874, December 8, made under the authority of the British government : and of the reduction of the observationsLeave the NDL website. Ζητηματα Αλεξανδρου του. Αφροδισιεως Φυσικα ... : Qvaestiones Alexandri Aphrodisiensis natvrales. De anima, Morales ...Leave the NDL website. Die Gebirge des Königreichs Würtemberg, in besonderer Beziehung auf HalurgieLeave the NDL website. L'agent immédiat du mouvement vital dévoilé dans sa nature et dans son mode d'action, chez les vegétaux et chez les animauxLeave the NDL website. Synopsis of quadrupedsLeave the NDL website. Mantissa prima florae Halensis, addita novarum plantarum centuriaLeave the NDL website. Nouveaux elemens des sections coniques, les lieux geometriques, la construction, ou effection des equationsLeave the NDL website. Tropical nature, and other essaysLeave the NDL website. [Géographie-physique.] Atlas encyclopédique contenant les cartes et les planches relatives à la géographie physiqueLeave the NDL website. Lectiones opticae & geometricae : in quibus phaenomenon opticorum genuinae rationes investigantur, ac exponuntur : et generalia curvarum linearum symptomata declaranturLeave the NDL website. Traité élémentaire de zoologie : ou, Histoire naturelle du règne animalLeave the NDL website. Commentatio de tvbo ferrvminatorio, eivsdemqve vsv in explorandis corporibvs praesertim mineralibvsLeave the NDL website. Des théoremes mécaniques, ou, de la méthode (ephodiques)Leave the NDL website. Mars and its canalsLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire de physique dédié a Monseigneur le Duc de BerryLeave the NDL website. Astronomiae physicae & geometricae elementaLeave the NDL website. The analytical theory of heatLeave the NDL website. Traité de la couleur de la peau humaine en général, de celle des nègres en particulier et de la métamorphose d'une de ces couleurs en l'autre, soit de naissance, soit accidentellementLeave the NDL website. Mémoires de chimieLeave the NDL website. Tabvlae ambianenses, sev theoriae planetarvm, tam in formâ Tychonicâ quam Copernicanâ, per vnicam cujusque eclipsim ex proprio centro descriptam, plano-geometrica delineatio. Accessit facillima et brevissima methodus eclipses luminarium certò praecognoscendi cum explicatione & vsu cuiusdam quadrantis astrophilis pernecessarijLeave the NDL website. Cours de physique céleste; ou, Leçons sur l'exposition du systême du monde, données a l'École Polytechnique, en l'an dixLeave the NDL website. The grasses of Tennessee : including cereals and forage plantsLeave the NDL website. Geological observations on South America : being the third part of the geology of the voyage of the Beagle, under the command of Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. during the years 1832 to 1836Leave the NDL website. Elemens de chymie theoriqueLeave the NDL website. Coralliographia subterranea. Seu differtatio de coralliis fossilibus, in specie de lapide corneo, Horn-oder gemeinem Feuer-Stein Com tabulis aeneisLeave the NDL website. Astronomia philolaica. Opvs novvm, in quo motus planetarum per nouam ac veram hypothesim demonstrantur ... Superque illa hypothesi tabvlae constructae omnium, quotquot hactenus editae sunt, facillimae. Addita est nova methodvs cvivs ope eclipses solares ... expeditissimè computantur ...Leave the NDL website. De l'électricité des météoresLeave the NDL website. De voeding der plantenLeave the NDL website. Traité d'électricité statiqueLeave the NDL website. Die Erhaltung der Energie als Grundlage der neueren PhysikLeave the NDL website. Epitome cosmografica, o compendiosa introduttione all' astronomia, geografia, & idrografia, per l'uso, dilucidatione, e fabbrica delle sfere, globi, planisferj, astrolabj, e tavole geografiche, e particolarmente degli stampati, e spiegatti nelle publiche lettioni ...Leave the NDL website. Explication physique des sens, des idées, et des mouvemens, tant volontaires qu'involontairesLeave the NDL website. An essay on the natural history of Guiana, in South America : containing a description of many curious productions in the animal and vegetable systems of that country, together with an account of the religion, manners, and customs of several tribes of its Indian inhabitants ...Leave the NDL website. The forms of water in clouds & rivers, ice & glaciersLeave the NDL website. Basilica chymica continens philosophicam propriâ laborum experientiâ confirmatam descriptionem et usum remediorum chymicorum selectissimorum é lumine gratiae et naturae desumptorum. In fine libri additus est autoris ejusdem tractatus nouus de signaturis rerum internis ...Leave the NDL website. Introduction philosophique a l'étude de la géologieLeave the NDL website. American medical botany, being a collection of the native medicinal plants of the United States, containing their botanical history and chemical analysis, and properties and uses in medicine, diet and the artsLeave the NDL website. De la pirotechniaLeave the NDL website. L'harmonie celeste, decouvrant les diverses dispositions de la nature, ouvrage physique et matematique, necessaire a toutes sortes de gens. Pour discerner les erreurs de Mr. Descartes: ...Leave the NDL website. Beschreibung eines mineralogischen taschenlaboratoriums und insbesondere des Nutzens des Blaserohrs in der Mineralogie Aus dem Schwedischen übersetzt und mit anmerkungen versehen ...Leave the NDL website. Essays in natural history and philosophy : containing a series of discoveries, by the assistance of microscopesLeave the NDL website. Elements of the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetismLeave the NDL website. Pour l'histoire de la science Hellène ... De Thalès a EmpédocleLeave the NDL website. Experimental philosophy, in three books : containing new experiments microscopical, mercurial, magnetical : with some deductions, and probable hypotheses, raised from them, in avouchment and illustration of the now famous atomical hypothesisLeave the NDL website. A compleat course of chymistry : containing near three hundred operations; several of which have not been publish'd before : also, the structure of several furnaces, with near three hundred characters, which are dispers'd in chymical authors; and such instruments and vessels as are necessary in a compleat elaboratoryLeave the NDL website. The riddle of the universe at the close of the nineteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Topographische Mineralogie der Gegend um Halle in Sachsen; oder, Beschreibung der sich um Halle findenden Mineralien und Fossilien, nebst genauer Anzeige der OrteLeave the NDL website. Memorials, journal and botanical correspondenceLeave the NDL website. A continuation of the new digester of bones : its improvements and new uses it hath been applyed to, both for sea and land : together with some improvements and new uses of the air-pump, tryed both in England and in ItalyLeave the NDL website. Opuscoli di fisica animale, e vegetabile ... Aggiuntevi alcune lettere relative ad essi opuscoli dal celebre Signor Bonnet di Ginevra, e da altri scritte all' autoreLeave the NDL website. The geographical distribution of animals, with a study of the relations of living and extinct faunas as elucidating the past changes of the earth's surfaceLeave the NDL website. Icones anatomicae quibus praecipuae aliquae partes corporis humani delineatae proponuntur & arteriarum potissimum historia contineturLeave the NDL website. Poeticon astronomiconLeave the NDL website. Versuch einer Lithurgik oder ökonomischen MineralogieLeave the NDL website. Første Indledning til den almindelige naturlaere, et indbydelsesskrivt til forelaesninger ober denne VidenskabLeave the NDL website. Conduction of electricity through gasesLeave the NDL website. Observations géologiques sur les différentes formations qui, dans le système des Vosges, séparent la formation houillère de celle du liasLeave the NDL website. Del moto che nei mobili si rifonde per impulso esteriore trattato fisico-matematicoLeave the NDL website. Contributions of the Maclurian Lyceum to the arts and sciencesLeave the NDL website. An introduction to systematic and physiological botanyLeave the NDL website. Mental evolution in animals . With a posthumous essay on instinctLeave the NDL website. Del ghiaccio e della coagvlationeLeave the NDL website. Elektrochemie ihre Geschichte und LehreLeave the NDL website. Vade-mecum botanicum, oder, Beyträgliches Kräuter-Büchlein, darinnen der vornehmsten und in der Artzney-Kunst gebräuchlichsten Kräuter und Bewächse, Abbildungen und Beschreibung ... vorgestellt werden ... zum andern Mahle gedruckt ... Deme beygefügt der curiöse Medicus und ChirurgusLeave the NDL website. Aristarchos über die Grössen und Entfernungen der Sonne und des MondesLeave the NDL website. Sir Isaac Newton's chronology, abridged by himself : to which are added, some observations on the chronology of Sir Isaac NewtonLeave the NDL website. Grundriss der MinerognosieLeave the NDL website. Einleitung in die ChemieLeave the NDL website. Die Lehre von den ErzlagerstättenLeave the NDL website. Helvetiae historia naturalis, oder Natür-Historie des Schweitzerlandes ...Leave the NDL website. Philosophical remarks on the theory of comets : to which is subjoined, a dissertation on the nature and properties of lightLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle des poissonsLeave the NDL website. Tychonis Brahei, eqvitis dani, astronomorum coryphaei, vita ... Accessit Nicolai Copernici, Georgii Pevrbachii, & Ioannis Regiomontani, Astronomorum celebrium, vitaLeave the NDL website. Commentarii, et animadversiones, in sex libros de cavsis plantarvm Theophrasti. Exquisitam rerum ac dictionum penitus abstrusarum Graecae Latinaeq́ɜ linguae explicationem in his commentariis reipsa comperient lectores : & ipse index operi additus commonstrabitLeave the NDL website. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locisLeave the NDL website. Beiträge zur Geognosie und BergbaukundeLeave the NDL website. Miscellaneous discourses concerning the dissolution and changes of the world : wherein the primitive chaos and creation, the general deluge, fountains, formed stones, sea-shells found in the earth, subterraneous trees, mountains, earthquakes, vulcanoes, the universal conflagration and future state, are largely discussed and examinedLeave the NDL website. Conversations on geology : comprising a familiar explanation of the Huttonian and Wenerian systems : the Mosaic geology, as explained by Mr. Granville Penn; and the late discoveries of Professor Buckland, Humboldt, Dr. Macculloch, and othersLeave the NDL website. Esperienze ed osservazioni intorno alla pressione delle terre, ed alla resistenza de' muri, che le medesime terre sostengono, la di loro composizione naturale impedendoLeave the NDL website. Photometrische Untersuchung über die Deutlichkeit mit welcher wir entfernte Gegenstände vermittelst dioptrischer Fernröhre beobachten können, in Anwendung dieser Theorie auf die Zuverlässigkeit, mit welcher vermittelst ... dieses Instruments, und einem neu erfundenen Chronometer von Thomas Mudge oder Josiah Emery die geographische Länge eines Orts bestimmt werden kann ...Leave the NDL website. Traitez de l'eqvilibre des liqvevrs, et de la pesantevr de la masse de l'airLeave the NDL website. Select methods in chemical analysis. (chiefly inorganic)Leave the NDL website. Mineralogia, sive, natvralis philosophiae thesavri, in qvibus metallicae concretionis medicatorúmque fossilium miracula, terrarum pretium, colorum & pigmentorum apparatus, concretorum succorum virtus, lapidum atque gemmarum dignitas continentur. ...Leave the NDL website. A geological inquiry respecting the water-bearing strata of the country around London, with reference especially to the water-supply of the metropolis; and including some remarks on springsLeave the NDL website. Botanical and physiological memoirs, consisting of I.-The phenomenon of rejuvenescence in nature, especially in the life and development of plants. II.-On the animal nature of the diatomeae, with an organographical revision of the genera established by Kützing. III.-An abstract of the natural history of Protococcus pluvialisLeave the NDL website. Critique de la Lettre sur la comète : ou Lettre d'un philosophe à une demoiselle âgée de 9. ansLeave the NDL website. Aerodynamics, constituting the first volume of a complete work on aerial flight : with appendices on the velocity and momentum of sound waves, on the theory of soaring flight, etcLeave the NDL website. Della storia naturale delle gemme, delle pietre, e di tutti i minerali, ovvero, della fisica sotterranea ...Leave the NDL website. Opticks : or, A treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflections, and colours of lightLeave the NDL website. Experiences sur l'electricité, avec quelques conjectures sur la cause de ses effetsLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire raisonné et universel des animaux : ou, Le regne animalLeave the NDL website. Magnetical and meteorological observations, made at Washington under orders of the Hon. Secretary of the Navy, dated August 13, 1838Leave the NDL website. Vollständige auf Versuche und Vernunftschlüsse gegründete Theorie der Elektricität für Aerzte, Chymiker und Freunde der NaturkundeLeave the NDL website. LightLeave the NDL website. A new system of chemical philosophyLeave the NDL website. An account of a useful discovery to distill double the usual quantity of sea water, by blowing showers of air up through the distilling liquor; ...Leave the NDL website. The absolute atomic weights of the chemical elements established upon the analyses of the chemists of the nineteenth century and demonstrating the unity of matter : presented in simple language to the general scientific publicLeave the NDL website. De eclipsi solari anno M. DC. LIV. die XII. Augusti, in Europa, a pluribus spectata tvbo opticoLeave the NDL website. Mathematical elements of physicks, prov'd by experiments : being an introduction to Sir Isaac Newton's philosophyLeave the NDL website. Kurtze Betrachtung derer versteinerten Höltzer, worinnen diese natürlichen Cörper sowohl nach ihrem Ursprunge, als auch nach ihrem eigenthümlichen Unterschiede und übrigen Eigenschafften in Erwegung gezogen werdenLeave the NDL website. Medical and physical researches : or, Original memoirs in medicine, surgery, physiology, geology, zoology, and comparative anatomyLeave the NDL website. Progress in flying machinesLeave the NDL website. The doctrine of phlogiston established, and that of the composition of water refutedLeave the NDL website. Recueil de divers traités sur l'histoire naturelle de la terre et des fossilesLeave the NDL website. The method of fluxions and infinite series : with its application to the geometry of curve-lines : ... to which is subjoin'd, a perpetual comment upon the whole work, consisting of annotations, illustrations, and supplements in order to make this treatise a compleat institution for the use of learners. by John ColsonLeave the NDL website. Opera omnia medica ... VenetiisLeave the NDL website. Lithotheologie, das ist: Natürliche Historie und geistliche Betrachtung derer Steine, also abgefasst, dass daraus die Allmacht, Weissheit, Güte und Gerechtigkeit des grossen Schöpffers gezeuget wird, an bey viel Sprüche der Heiligen Schrifft erklähret, und die Menschen allesamt zur Bewunderung, Lobe und Dienste des grossen Gottes ermuntert werden. Zum druck befordert und mit einer Vorrede begleitet von Johann. Alberto FabricioLeave the NDL website. Ueber die pacinischen Körperchen an den Nerven des Menschen und der SäugethiereLeave the NDL website. Observations générales sur la théorie de la vie : ou, appendix des leçons de physiologie, dictées dans l'Université Royale des Études de Naples, en 1804Leave the NDL website. De lapidis Bezaar orient. et occident. Cervini item et germanici ortv, natvra, differentiis, veroque vsu ex veterum & recentiorum placitis liber hactenus non editusLeave the NDL website. Monographies d'échinodermes, vivans et fossilesLeave the NDL website. Amoenitatum exoticarum politico-physico-medicarum fasciculi V, quibus continentur variae relationes, observationes & descriptiones rerum persicarum & ulterioris Asiae, multâ attentione, in peregrinationibus per universum orientem, collectae ...Leave the NDL website. Life and letters of Thomas Henry HuxleyLeave the NDL website. Tableau comparatif des résultats de la cristallographie et de l'analyse chimique, relativement a la classification des minérauxLeave the NDL website. Commentatio perbrevis & perspicua in apertorium Raimundi Lullii, verorum philosophorum facilè principis. De lapide philosophorum. Cum adjectâ interpretatione testamenti novissimi, Arnoldo de Villà Novâ, attributi. De eodem lapideLeave the NDL website. Versuch einer mineralogischen Geographie von SchwedenLeave the NDL website. Astronomical lectures, read in the publick schools of CambridgeLeave the NDL website. Φυτοβασανος sive, Plantarvm aliqvot historia ... Accessit etiam piscivm aliqvot, plantarúmque nouarum historia ...Leave the NDL website. L'électricité soumise a un nouvel examen, dans différentes lettres addressées à M. l'Abbé Nollet, et dans quelques questions de physique, présentées sous la forme scholastique : le tout, selon une théorie nouvelle, appuyée sur les expériences les plus incontestablesLeave the NDL website. A collection of scarce and valuable treatises upon metals, mines and minerals : in four partsLeave the NDL website. Essays and observations on the construction and graduation of thermometers, and on the heating and cooling of bodiesLeave the NDL website. Ad vitellionem paralipomena, quibus astronomiae pars optica traditvr; potissimùm de artificiosa observatione et aestimatione diametrorvm deliquiorumq́; solis & lunaeLeave the NDL website. The figure of the earth, determined from observations made by order of the French King, at the polar circle: by Messrs. De Maupertuis, Camus, Clairaut, Le Monnier ..., the Abbé Outhier ... and Mr. Celsius ...Leave the NDL website. Nouvelle mechanique ou statique, dont le projet fut donné en M.DC. LXXXVIILeave the NDL website. A system of pyrotechny, comprehending the theory and practice, with the application of chemistry : ... adapted to the military and naval officer, the man of science, and artificerLeave the NDL website. Mémoire sur le phénomène des grandes pierres primitives alpines, distribuées par groupes dans le bassin du lac de Genève et dans les vallées de l'ArveLeave the NDL website. Éléments de physique expérimentale et de météorologieLeave the NDL website. Curiosus rerum abditarum naturaeq; arcanorum perscrutator. Sive, compendium rerum jucundarum, & memorabilium, in quo naturae arcana, multae rerum sympathiae & antipathiae, & auctoris observationes reserantur. Cum indice locupletissimeLeave the NDL website. Treatise on iron ship building : its history and progress as comprised in a series of experimentral researches on the laws of strain : ... including the experimental results on the resisting powers of armour plates and shot at high velocitiesLeave the NDL website. Comparative morphology and biology of the fungi, mycetozoa, and bacteriaLeave the NDL website. Opticks : or, A treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflections and colours of lightLeave the NDL website. Betrachtung der versteinerten Seesterne und ihren TheileLeave the NDL website. Études sur la bière, ses maladies, causes qui les provoquent, procédé pour la rendre inaltérable : avec une théorie nouvelle de la fermentationLeave the NDL website. Thavmatographia natvralis, in decem classes distincta, in quibus admiranda: I. Coeli, II. Elementorvm; III. Meteororvm; IV. Fossilivm; V. Plantarvm; VI. Avivm; VII. Qvadrvpedvm; VIII. Exangvivm; IX. Piscivm; X. HominisLeave the NDL website. Saggio di cosmogonia e cosmologia ovvero dell' origine ed organizzazione de' sistemi mondaniLeave the NDL website. Traité de physiqueLeave the NDL website. Mineraliencabinett gesammlet und beschrieben von dem Verfasser der Erfahrungen vom Innern der GebirgeLeave the NDL website. Rapport annuel sur les progrès de la chimie. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien, StockholmLeave the NDL website. Histoire de la physique et de la chimie depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'a nos joursLeave the NDL website. Iter palaestinum eller Resa til Heliga Landet, förrättad ifrån år 1749 til 1752, med beskrifningar, rön, anmårkingar, öfver de märkvärdigaste naturalier, på Hennes Kongl. Maj : ts befallning, utgifven af Carl LinnaeusLeave the NDL website. Traité de radioactivitéLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle de la montagne de Saint-Pierre de MaestrichtLeave the NDL website. Ars magna lvcis et vmbrae in decem libros digesta. Qvibvs admirandae lvcis et vmbrae in mundo ...Leave the NDL website. Bibliotheca Historico-naturalis. Verzeichniss der Bücher über Naturgeschichte, welche in Deutschland, Scandinavien, Holland, England, Frankreich, Italien und Spanien in den jahren 1700-1846 erschienen sindLeave the NDL website. An essay on the first principles of natural philosophy : wherein the use of natural means, or second causes, in the oeconomy of the material world is demonstrated from reason, experiments of various kinds, and the testimony of antiquity : in four books. ...Leave the NDL website. Notizie della vita e delle opere di pier' Antonio Micheli botanico fiorentinoLeave the NDL website. Elements of physics; or, Natural philosophy, general and medical : explained independently of technical mathematicsLeave the NDL website. Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo matematico sopraordinario dello stvdio di Pisa ... sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo tolemaico, e copernicano ...Leave the NDL website. Die organische Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf Physiologie und PathologieLeave the NDL website. De progressv et lampade venatoria logicorumLeave the NDL website. Facts and observations towards forming a new theory of the earthLeave the NDL website. Heron mechanicus : seu de mechanicis artibus, atqɜ disciplinis. Eiusdem horologii astronomici, argentoratiin summo templo erecti, descriptioLeave the NDL website. Histoire des monocles qui se trouvent aux environs de GenèveLeave the NDL website. Astronomical tables and formulae together with a variety of problems explanatory of their use and application : to which are prefixed the Elements of the solar systemLeave the NDL website. Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire naturelle des Pyrénées, et des pays adjacentsLeave the NDL website. Institvtiones astronomiae selectis observationvm et calcvlorvm exemplis illvstratae : cvm figvris aeneisLeave the NDL website. La foudre, l'électricité et le magnétisme chez les anciensLeave the NDL website. Die Paragenesis der Mineralien : mineralogisch, geognostisch und chemisch beleuchtet, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf BergbauLeave the NDL website. An introduction to natural philosophy : illustrated with copper platesLeave the NDL website. Intellectual physicks : an essay concerning the nature of being, and the progression of existenceLeave the NDL website. The principia; or, The first principles of natural things, to which are added, the minor principia and summary of the PrincipiaLeave the NDL website. De aquatilibus, libri duo cum eiconibus ad viuam ipsorum effigiem, quoad eius fieri potuit, expressisLeave the NDL website. Some considerations touching the vsefvlnesse of experimental natural philosophy, propos'd in familiar discourses to a friend, by way of invitation to the study of itLeave the NDL website. Instruction abrégée sur les mesures déduites de la grandeur de la terre, uniformes pour toute la République, et sur les calculs relatifs à leur division décimale; par la Commission temporaire des poids & mesures républicaines, en exécution des décrets de la convention nationaleLeave the NDL website. Théorie des attractions des sphéroïdes et de la figure des planètesLeave the NDL website. Théorie des effets optiques que présentent les étoffes de soieLeave the NDL website. Mvseo di fisica e di esperienze variato, e decorato di osservazioni natvrali, note medicinali, e ragionamenti secondo i principij de' moderniLeave the NDL website. Traité de la mécanique des corps solides et du calcul de l'effet des machinesjLeave the NDL website. An historical and descriptive account of the various processes of the daguerréotype and the dioramaLeave the NDL website. Stirpivm AvstriacarvmLeave the NDL website. Remarks on the present system of road making ...Leave the NDL website. A select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1892Leave the NDL website. Die Lehre vom Lichte nach dem neuesten Zustande der Wissenschaft zunächst für das Bedürfniss gebildeter StändeLeave the NDL website. Mathematiske og physiske betaenkninger over, de forunderlige og sielden synlige stierner, som man kalder cometerLeave the NDL website. A treatise of artificial magnets : in which is shewn an easy and expeditious method of making them, superior to the best natural ones : and also, a way of improving the natural ones, and of changing or converting their poles. Directions are likewise given for making the mariner's needles in the best form, and for touching them most advantageously, &cLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, servant de suite à l'histoire des animaux quadrupèdesLeave the NDL website. Lettres à une princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de physique & de philosophieLeave the NDL website. The chemistry of the sunLeave the NDL website. Chemical manipulation and analysis, qualitative and quantativeLeave the NDL website. Apologia pro Aristotele & Evclide contra Petrvm Ramvm, & alios : additae sunt dvae disceptationes de nvmeris perfectisLeave the NDL website. Analytical essays towards promoting the chemical knowledge of mineral substancesLeave the NDL website. Dionysii Afri de situ orbis opus ... idem in latinitate[m] a Rhemnio grãmatico traslatũ [i.e. translatũ] ... in idem annotamenta graecorũ more latine scripta, in quibus aliquot autorum castigationes continentur. Coelii Calcagnini annotatio super Anchiale, et Rhemniãi carminis pe[n]sitatioLeave the NDL website. Evolution of mammalian molar teeth to and from the triangular type including collected and revised researches on trituberculy and new sections on the forms and homologies of the molar teeth in the different orders of mammalsLeave the NDL website. Du calcul des dérivationsLeave the NDL website. In libros de plantis Aristoteli inscriptos, commentarii : abstrusiore tum Graecorum, tum Latinorum scriptorum doctrina, quod & index ad calcem additus, commõstrat, refertiLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire des sciences mathématiques pures et appliquées, par une société d'anciens élèves de l'école polytechnique, sous la direction de A.-S. de Montferrier ...Leave the NDL website. Traité de l'exploitation des mines ... Avec un traité particulier sur la préparation et le lavage des minesLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der ErdkundeLeave the NDL website. Bibliotheca mathematica. Verzeichniss der Bücher über die gesammten Zweige der Mathematik, als Arithmetik, höhere Analysis, construirende und analytische Geometrie, Mechanik, Astronomie und Geodäsie, welche in Deutschland und dem Auslande vom Jahre 1830 bis Mitte des Jahres 1854 erschienen sind. Hrsg. von L.A. Sohncke ... Mit einem vollständigen materienregisterLeave the NDL website. A system of theoretical and practical chemistryLeave the NDL website. Memorials of John RayLeave the NDL website. A short account of experiments and instruments, depending on the relations of air to heat and moistureLeave the NDL website. Studien. Populäre VorträgeLeave the NDL website. A discourse concerning the origine and properties of wind. With an historicall account of hurricanes, and other tempstuous windsLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres complètes de Niels Henrik AbelLeave the NDL website. Traité de magnétisme terrestreLeave the NDL website. Description géologique des environs de ParisLeave the NDL website. Geognostische Karten unseres JahrhundertsLeave the NDL website. Recherches physico-mathématiques sur la théorie des eaux courantesLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der Elektricität mit Berücksichtigung ihrer AnwendungenLeave the NDL website. The structure and distribution of coral reefs. Being the first part of the geology of the voyage of the Beagle, under the command of Capt. Fitzroy, R. N. during the years 1832 to 1836Leave the NDL website. Recherches sur les météores et sur les lois qui les régissentLeave the NDL website. The elements of experimental chemistry : to which are added, notes on various subjects; ...Leave the NDL website. Institvtio astronomica iuxta hypotheseis tam vetervm, qvam Copernici, et Tychonis ... Eivsdem oratio inauguralis iteratò editaLeave the NDL website. Nachricht von dem Anquicken der gold-und silberhaltigen Erze, Kupfersteine und Speisen in Ungarn und Böhmen nach eigenen Bemerkungen daselbst im Jahr 1786 entworfenLeave the NDL website. An essay on the theory and practice of medical electricityLeave the NDL website. Fragmentary remains, literary and scientific of Sir Humphry Davy, bart., ... with a sketch of his life and selections from his correspondenceLeave the NDL website. Experiments and observations on animal heat, and the inflammation of combustible bodies. Being an attempt to resolve these phaenomena into a general law of natureLeave the NDL website. A comparative estimate of the mineral and Mosaical geologies ...Leave the NDL website. An essay on comets, in two parts. Part I. Containing an attempt to explain the phaenomena of the tails of comets, and to account for their perpetual opposition to the sun, upon philosophical principles. Part II. Pointing out some important ends for which these tails were probably designed : wherein it is shewn, that, ... comets may be inhabited worlds, ... : the whole interspersed with observations and reflections on the sun and primary planetsLeave the NDL website. Les genres des insectes de Linné : constatés par divers échantillons d'insectes d'Angleterre, copiés d'après natureLeave the NDL website. Ungerns Mineralreich orycto-geognostisch und topographischLeave the NDL website. Dé couverte de deux nouvelles planetes autour de SaturneLeave the NDL website. Il saggiatore nel quale con bilancia esquisita e guista siponderano le cose contenute nella libra astronomica e filosofica di Lotario Sarsi Sigensano [pseud.] scritto in forma di lettera all'ill.mo et reuer.mo mons.re d. Virginio Cesarini ...Leave the NDL website. Edison and his inventions including the many incidents, anecdotes, and interesting particulars connected with the life of the great inventor : also, full explanations of the telephone, phonograph, tasimeter, electric light, and all his principal discoveries, with copious illustrationsLeave the NDL website. Archéologie et histoire des sciences. ... Avec publication nouvelle du papyrus grec chimique de Leyde et impression originale du Liber de septuaginta de GeberLeave the NDL website. Sopra alcune proprietà del fosforo esperienze ed osservazioniLeave the NDL website. Kurt Sprengels Geschichte der BotanikLeave the NDL website. Philosophical conversations: or, A new system of physics, by way of dialogue. ...Leave the NDL website. De conchis minvs notis liber. Cvi accessit specimen aestvs reciproci Maris Svperi ad littvs portvmqve AriminiLeave the NDL website. Elementorum libri XV. Vnà cum scholijs antiquis. À Federico Commandino Vrbinate nuper in latinvm conuersi, commentarijsq'ue quibusdam illustratiLeave the NDL website. Ricerche fisiche intorno alla salubrita dell'aria. Occultares est salubritas presertim perfectior aeris et potius experimentis quam discursu et conjectura elicitur Bacon. Hist. vit. et. mortisLeave the NDL website. Geological view and section of NorfolkLeave the NDL website. L'art de naviger perfectionné par la cognoissance de la variation de l'aimant. Ov, Traicté de la variation de l'aiguille aimantee. Ov sont dedvits cinq moyens de trovver de combien et de qvel coste le compas manqve en certains lieux à monstrer les veritables parties du monde. Et nommement celuy de trouver cette variation à toute heure du lour [i.e. jour] & de la nuict par l'azimuthLeave the NDL website. Chemical and geological essaysLeave the NDL website. Essai sur les attractions moléculaires ...Leave the NDL website. A practical treatise on gas-lightLeave the NDL website. Opera omnia, seu arcana naturae, ope exactissimorum microscopiorum detecta, experimentis variis comprobata, epistolis, ad varios illustres virosLeave the NDL website. Critik der reinen VernunftLeave the NDL website. Discovrs des cavses et effects admirables des tremblemens de terre : contenant plusieurs raisons & opinions des philosophes : auec vn brief recueil des plus remarquables tremblemens depuis la creation du móde iusques à present : extraict des plus signalez historiensLeave the NDL website. On the economy of machinery and manufacturesLeave the NDL website. Elements of natural philosophy : explaining the laws and principle's of attraction, gravitation, mechanics, pneumatics, hydrostatics, hydraulics, electricity, and optics : with a general view of the solar system : adapted to public and private instructionLeave the NDL website. An analysis of a course of lectures on the principles of natural philosophy : read in the University of CambridgeLeave the NDL website. La cosmogonie et la géologie, basées sur les faits physiques, astronomiques et géologiques qui ont été constatés ou admis par les savants du dix-neuvième siècle, et leur comparaison avec la formation des cieux et de la terre selon la Genèse ...Leave the NDL website. Electricity, or ethereal fire, considered : 1st. naturally, as the agent of animal and vegetable life : 2d. astronomically, or as the agent of gravitation and motion : 3d. medically, or its artificial use in diseases : comprehending both the theory and practice of medical electricity : and demonstrated to be an infallible cure of fever, inflammation, and many other diseases : constituting the best family physician ever extantLeave the NDL website. Expositio characteristica structurae florum qui dicuntur compositiLeave the NDL website. A history of the New York Academy of Sciences, formely the Lyceum of Natural History : ... Read, in abstract, before the society, may 10, 1886Leave the NDL website. Radio-activityLeave the NDL website. A system of familiar philosophy : in twelve lectures; being the course usually read by Mr. A. Walker : containing the elements and the practical uses to be drawn from the chemical properties of matter; the principles and application of mechanics; of hydrostatics; of hydraulics; of pneumatics; of magnetism; of electricity; of opitcs; and of astronomy : including every material modern discovery and improvement to the present timeLeave the NDL website. De montibvs planetarvm septem seu metallorum : tractatus tam utilis, quàm perspicuus, quo, ut indice mercuriali in triviis, vel Ariadnêo filo in labyrintho, seu cynosurâ in oceano chymicorum errorum immenso, quilibet rationalis, veritatis amans, ad illum, qui inmontibus sese abdidit de rubea-petra Alexicacum, omnibus medicis desideratum, investigandum, uti poteritLeave the NDL website. Illustrationes et observationes botanicae, ad specierum historiam facientes. Seu rariorum plantarum indigenarum, pyrenaicarum, exoticarum, adumbrationes, synonymorum reformationes, descriptionum castigationes, varietatum ad species genuinas redactarum determinationes. Cum iconibus ex naturae typo et magnitudine naturali ab auctore delineatisLeave the NDL website. Optice : sive de reflexionibus, refractionibus, inflexionibus & coloribus lucis libri tresLeave the NDL website. Handbuch der IchthyologieLeave the NDL website. Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen und der höheren ThiereLeave the NDL website. The variation of animals and plants under domesticationLeave the NDL website. Flora Virginica exhibens plantas quas v. c. Johannes Clayton in Virginia observavit atque collegit. Easdem methodo sexuali disposuit, ad genera propria retulit, nominibus specificis insignivit, & minus cognitas descripsitLeave the NDL website. Miroir vniversel des arts et sciences, ... diuisé en trois liures. 1. Traitant de tous les arts liberaux & mecaniques, & des secrets les plus importans d'iceux. 2. De diuerses sciences, histoires & belles contemplations des anciens philosophes. 3. De plusieurs secrets & inuentions a sçauoir: mis en françois par Gab. ChappuysLeave the NDL website. Mémoires physico-chymiques, sur l'influence de la lumière solaire pour modifier les êtres des trois règnes de la nature, & sur-tout ceux du règne végétalLeave the NDL website. Descendenzlehre und DarwinismusLeave the NDL website. A geological classification of rocks, with descriptive synopses of the species and varieties, comprising the elements of practical geologyLeave the NDL website. The grammar of scienceLeave the NDL website. Recueil des travaux scientifiquesLeave the NDL website. Vniversae geometriae, mixtaeqve mathematicae synopsis, et bini refractionvm demonstratarvm tractatvsLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der MathematikLeave the NDL website. An introduction to the modern classification of insects : founded on the natural habits and corresponding organisation of the different familiesLeave the NDL website. Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu et sur les machines propres à développer cette puissanceLeave the NDL website. The Analysis of Inorganic BodiesLeave the NDL website. Essai de géologie, ou, mémoires pour servir a l'histoire naturelle du globeLeave the NDL website. A treatise on adulterations of food, and culinary poisonsLeave the NDL website. Notice des insectes de la France, réputés venimeux, tirée des ecrits des naturalistes, des médecins, & de l'observationLeave the NDL website. Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's principles, and made easy to those who have not studied mathematicsLeave the NDL website. Selectarum stirpium Americanarum historia, in qua ad Linnaeanum systema determinatae ... adjectis iconibus in solo natali delineatisLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire raisonné-universel de matiere médicale, concernant les végétaux, les animaux & les minéraux qui sont d'usage en médecine; leurs descriptions, leurs analyses, leurs vertus, leurs propriétes, &c. recueillis de manuscrits originaux, & des meilleurs auteurs anciens & modernes, tant étrangers que de notre pays : avec une table, raisonnée de tous les noms que chaque pays a donnés aux mêmes végétaux, animaux & minérauxLeave the NDL website. Meteorological observations and essaysLeave the NDL website. Allgemeine naturgeschichte für alle StandeLeave the NDL website. Geological travelsLeave the NDL website. Ornothologiae libri tres : in quibus aves omnes hactenus cognitae in methodum naturis suis convenientem redactae accuratè describuntur, descriptiones iconibus elegantissimis & vivarum avium simillimis, aeri incisis illustranturLeave the NDL website. A new and compendious system of optics : in three parts, viz. Part I. Catoptrics, ... Part II. Dioptrics, ... Part III. A practical description ... : the whole explained, exemplified, and illustrated by a great variety of copper-plate figures, as big as the lifeLeave the NDL website. The history of chemistryLeave the NDL website. Philosophie der Geologie und mikroskopische GesteinsstudienLeave the NDL website. Traité des animaux, où après avoir fait des observations critiques sur le sentiment de Descartes & sur celui de M. de Buffon, on entreprend d'expliquer leurs principales facultés. On a joint à cet ouvrage un extrait raisonné du traité des sensationsLeave the NDL website. [De medicinali materia]Leave the NDL website. Essai sur la physiognomonie des corps vivans considérée depuis l'homme jusqu'a la plante. Ouvrage où l'on traite principalement de la nécessité de cette étude dans les arts d'imitation, des véritables règles de la Beauté et des Graces, des proportions du corps humain, de l'expression, des passions, etc.Leave the NDL website. Traité de météorologie, ...Leave the NDL website. The Canadian ice age : being notes on the pleistocene geology of Canada, with especial reference to the life of the period and its climatal conditionsLeave the NDL website. Beiträge zu den neuesten astronomischen EntdeckungenLeave the NDL website. Animalcula infusoria fluviatilia et marina, quae detexit, systematice descripsit et ad vivum delineari curavit ...Leave the NDL website. Electric lamps and electric lighting : a course of four lectures on electric illumination delivered at the Royal Institution of Great BritainLeave the NDL website. Principles of electricity, containing divers new theorems and experiments, together with an analysis of the superior advantages of high and pointed conductorsLeave the NDL website. Le règne animal distribué d'aprés son organisation, pour servir de base a l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction a l'anatomie comparéeLeave the NDL website. Κομητογραφια. or, A discourse concerning comets : wherein the nature of blazing stars is enquired into : with an historical account of all comets which have appeared from the beginning of the world unto this present year, M. DC. LXXXIII : expressing the place in the heavens, where they were seen, their motion, forms, duration, and the remarkable events which have followed in the world, so far as they have been by men observed : as also two sermons occasioned by the late blazing starsLeave the NDL website. De rervm fossilivm, lapidvm et gemmarvm maximè, figuris & similitudinibus liber: non solùm medicis, sed omnibus rerum naturae ac philologiae studiosis, vtilis & iucundus futurus ...Leave the NDL website. Strena seu de niue sexangulaLeave the NDL website. Elements of the theory and practice of chymistryLeave the NDL website. Science and literature in the middle ages and at the period of the renaissanceLeave the NDL website. Relics of primeval lifeLeave the NDL website. A treatise of the system of the worldLeave the NDL website. The effects of cross and self fertilisation in the vegetable kingdomLeave the NDL website. A course of six lectures on the chemical history of a candle : to which is added a lecture on platinum. ... Delivered before a juvenile auditory at the Royal Institution of Great Britain during the Christmas holidays of 1860-1Leave the NDL website. A disquisition about the final causes of natvral things : wherein it is inquir'd, whether, and (if at all) with what cautions, a naturalist should admit them? ... to which are subjoyn'd, by way of appendix, Some uncommon observations about vitiated sightLeave the NDL website. Vollständige Charakteristik des Mineral-SystemsLeave the NDL website. The mirror of stones : in which the nature, generation, properties, virtues and various species of more than 200 different jewels, precious and rare stones, are distinctly described : also certain and infallible rules to know the good from the bad, how to prove their genuineness, and to distinguish the real from counterfeits : extracted from the works of Aristotle, Pliny, Isiodorus, Dionysius Alexandrinus, Albertus Magnus, &c. ...Leave the NDL website. Description méthodique d'une collection de minéraux, du cabinet de M.D.R.D.L. Ouvrage où l'on donne de nouvelles idées sur la formation & la décomposition des mines, avec un court exposé des sentimens des minéralogistes les plus connus, sur la nature de chaque espèce, le minéralisateur qui s'y recontre, & la quantité de métal qu'elle produitLeave the NDL website. A general history of mathematics from the earliest times to the middle of the eighteenth century ... to which is affixed, a chronological table of the most eminent mathematiciansLeave the NDL website. Tableaux synoptiques de chimie, pour servir de résumé aux leçons données sur cette science dans les écoles de ParisLeave the NDL website. Genera of birdsLeave the NDL website. Essays on the anatomy of expression in paintingLeave the NDL website. La sfera del mondoLeave the NDL website. Essai sur l'influence des comètes sur les phénomènes de la terreLeave the NDL website. On the germination, development, and fructification of the higher Cryptogamia and on the fructification of the ConiferaeLeave the NDL website. Elementorvm myologiae specimen, sev Musculi descriptio geometrica. Cvi accedvnt canis carchariae dissectvm capvt, et dissectvs piscis ex canvm genereLeave the NDL website. Elements of chemistryLeave the NDL website. Natural history, general and particularLeave the NDL website. Recherches expérimentales sur la résistance de l'air exécutées a la tour EiffelLeave the NDL website. Triumph-Wagen antimonii ,fratris Basilii Valentini ... an Tag geben durch Johann Thölden ... mit einer vorrede Doctoris Joachimi Tanckij ...Leave the NDL website. De gli avtomati, ouero machine se moventi, libri due, tradotti dal greco da Bernardino Baldi ...Leave the NDL website. SkrifterLeave the NDL website. Tableau des corps organisés fossiles, précédé de remarques sur leur pétrificationLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, servant de suite à l'histoire naturelle de l'hommeLeave the NDL website. Observations on different kinds of airLeave the NDL website. A plain and familiar introduction to the Newtonian philosophy, in six sections ... : designed for the use of such gentlemen and ladies as would acquire a competent knowledge of this science, without mathematical learning ...Leave the NDL website. Traité de physique expérimentale et mathématiqueLeave the NDL website. Opere ... diuise in cinque parti : arimetica, geometria, cosmografia, & oriuoli, tradotte da Cosimo Bartoli ... et gli specchi, tradotti del caualier E. Bottrigaro ...Leave the NDL website. De re vehiculari veterum libri duoLeave the NDL website. An essay towards a system of mineralogy ... to which is added, a treatise on the pocket-laboratory ...Leave the NDL website. Défense de la chronologie fondée sur les monumens de l'histoire ancienne, contre le systême chronologique de. M. NewtonLeave the NDL website. Qvadrvpedvm omniv[m] bisvlcorv[m] historiaLeave the NDL website. Pyrologia topographica, id est, De igne dissertatio juxta loca cum eorum descriptionibusLeave the NDL website. Neue Theorie von der Entstehung der Gänge, mit Anwendung auf den Bergbau, besonders den freibergischenLeave the NDL website. De mundo nostro sublunari philosophia nova. Opus posthumum, ab authoris fratre collectum pridem & dispositum, nvnc ex duobus mss. codicibus editum. Ex museio viri perillustris Gvilielmi Boswelli ...Leave the NDL website. Lettres physiques et morales sur l'histoire de la terre et de l'homme : adressees a la Reine de la Grande BretagneLeave the NDL website. A choice collection of rare chymical secrets and experiments in philosophy : as also rare and unheard-of medicines, menstruums, and alkahests : with the true secret of volatilizing the fixt salt of tartarLeave the NDL website. A course of chymistry : containing the easiest manner of performing those operations that are in use in physick : illustrated with many curious remarks and useful discourses upon each operationLeave the NDL website. Traité de l'équilibre et du mouvement des fluides, pour servir de suite au traité de dynamiqueLeave the NDL website. De invloed der temperatuur op de levensverschijnselen der plantenLeave the NDL website. Some account of the discovery, made by the late Mr. John Dollond, F.R.S. which led to the grand improvement of refracting telescopes, ... with an attempt to account for the mistake in an experiment made by Sir Isaac Newton; on which experiment, the improvement of the refracting telescope entirely dependedLeave the NDL website. Operum : tomus primus algebram et geometriam analyticam continensLeave the NDL website. Siderevs nvncivs magna ...Leave the NDL website. Botanicon gallicum seu synopsis plantarum in flora gallica descriptarumLeave the NDL website. Electricity and matterLeave the NDL website. The applications of physical forcesLeave the NDL website. Beiträge zur Geschichte der ChemieLeave the NDL website. Philosophie chimique, ou vérités fondamentales de la chimie moderne, disposées dans un nouvel ordreLeave the NDL website. Vorlesungen über GastheorieLeave the NDL website. A treatise on ore depositsLeave the NDL website. Tracts written by the Honourable Robert Boyle. About: the cosmicall qualities of things. Cosmicall suspitions. The temperature of the subterraneall regions. The temperature of the submarine regions. The bottom of the sea. To which is praefixt, an introduction to the history of particular qualitiesLeave the NDL website. Ιστοριωι βιβλια τινα τά έυρισκόμενα ... Historiarvm libri aliqvot, qvi extant, opera & studio Vincentii Obsopoei in lucem editiLeave the NDL website. Considérations générales sur la classe des crustacés, et description des espèces de ces animaux, qui vivent dans la mer, sur les côtes, ou dans les eaux douces de la FranceLeave the NDL website. An elementary treatise on mineralogy and geology : being an introduction to the study of these sciences, and designed for the use of pupils, --for persons attending lectures on these subjects, --and as a companion for travellers in the United States of America : illustrated by six platesLeave the NDL website. An essay on the central influence of magnetismLeave the NDL website. Man's place in the universe : a study of the results of scientific research in relation to the unity or plurality of worldsLeave the NDL website. Obituary notices of astronomers fellows and associates of the Royal Astronomical Society written chiefly for the annual reports of the councilLeave the NDL website. Narrative of the surveying voyages of his Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle, between the years 1826 and 1836, describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagle's circumnavigation of the globeLeave the NDL website. De plantis zoophytis et lithophytis in Mari Mediterraneo viventibusLeave the NDL website. Quantitative laws in biological chemistryLeave the NDL website. History of botany, (1530-1860)Leave the NDL website. Epistola, rationem modumq́ɜ propinandi radicis chynae decocti, quo nuper inuictissimus Carolvs V. imperator usus est, pertractans: & praeter alia quaedam, epistolae cuiusdam ad Iacobum Syluium sententiam recensens, ueritatis ac potissimum humanae fabricae studiosis perutilem : quum quî hactenus in illa nimium Galeno creditum sit, facile commonstret : Accessit quoqɜ locuples rerum & uerborumin hac ipsa epistola memorabilium, indexLeave the NDL website. Considerazioni di M. Vincenzio di Grazia. Sopra'l Discorso di Galileo Galilei Intorno alle cose che stanno su l'acqua, e che in quella si muouonoLeave the NDL website. An experimental inquiry into the nature, and propagation of heatLeave the NDL website. Wissenschaftliche abhandlungenLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der Geologie und Paläontologie bis Ende des 19. JahrhundertsLeave the NDL website. Anfangsgründe der Physik, als Vorbereitung zum Studium der ChemieLeave the NDL website. Dissertations on different subjects in natural philosophyLeave the NDL website. Flora Boreali-Americana, sistens caracteres plantarum quas in America septentrionali collegit et detexit ...Leave the NDL website. Lampas : or, Descriptions of some mechanical improvements of lamps & waterpoises : together with some other physical and mechanical discoveriesLeave the NDL website. Beytrag zur Mineralgeschichte von SiebenbürgenLeave the NDL website. De gemmis et lapidibus pretiosis, eorumq́; viribus & vsu tractatus, italica lingua conscriptus: nvnc vero non solvm in latinum sermonem conuersus, verum etiam vtilissimis annotationibus & obseruationibus auctior redditus. A Wolfgango Gabelchavero ... Cui accessit disputatio, de generatione auri in locu subterraneis, illiusqɜ temperamentoLeave the NDL website. Strata identified by organized fossils, containing prints on colored paper of the most characteristic specimens in each stratumLeave the NDL website. Ueber wirkungen aus der ferne : eine an [i.e. am] 1. März im vereine für wissenschaftliche vorträge gehaltene vorlesungLeave the NDL website. Synopsis methodica lichenum, sistens omnes hujus ordinis naturalis detectas plantas, quas, secundum genera, species et varietates disposuit characteribus et differentiis emendatis definivit, nec non synonymis et observationibus selectis illustravitLeave the NDL website. Lehrbuch der Mineralogie nach des Herrn D.L.G. Karsten mineralogischen TabellenLeave the NDL website. The applications of geology to the arts and manufactures : being six lectures on practical geology, delivered before the Society of Arts, as part of the 'Cantor' series of lectures for 1865Leave the NDL website. Traité singulier de métallique, contenant divers secrets touchant la connoissance de toutes sortes de métaux & minéraux ... et plusieurs autres secrets concernant les métaux ...Leave the NDL website. Mineralogical nomenclature, alphabetically arranged : with synoptic tables of the chemical analyses of mineralsLeave the NDL website. Systematischer Grundriss der AtmosphärologieLeave the NDL website. The life of Edward Jenner ... : with illustrations of his doctrines, and selections from his correspondenceLeave the NDL website. Mathematical papers of the late George GreenLeave the NDL website. Astronomia nova aitiologetos, sev physica coelestis tradita commentariis de motibvs stellae Martis, ex observationibus G. V. Tychonis BraheLeave the NDL website. Numerical lunar theoryLeave the NDL website. Opuscoli matematiciLeave the NDL website. Traite de la lvmiere, où sont expliquées les causes de ce qui luy arrive dans la reflection [i.e. reflexion], & dans la refraction ...Leave the NDL website. Ichthyologia ohiensis, or, Natural history of the fishes inhabiting the river Ohio and its tributary streams, preceded by a physical description of the Ohio and its branchesLeave the NDL website. Historia universal dos terremotos, que tem havido no mundo, de que ha noticia, desde a sua creaçaõ até o seculo presente. Com huma narraçam individual do terremoto do primeiro de Novembro de 1755., e noticia verdadeira dos seus effeitos em Lisboa, todo Portugal, Algarves, e mais partes da Europa, Africa, e América, aonde se estendeu : e huma dissertaçaõ phisica sobre as causas geraes dos terremotos, seus effeitos, differenças e prognosticos : e as particulares do ultimoLeave the NDL website. An inquiry into the probable parallax, and magnitude of the fixed stars, from the quantity of light which they afford us, and the particular circumstances of their situationLeave the NDL website. Neues und curieuses Bergwercks-Lexicon, worinnen nicht nur alle und iede beym Bergwerck, Schmeltz-hütten, Brenn-hause, Saiger-hütten, Blau-farben, mühlen, hammerwercken, &c. vorkommende benennungen, sondern auch derer materien, gefässe, Instrumenten und Arbeitsarten Beschreibung enthalten ...Leave the NDL website. L'arithmetique raisonnée et demontréeLeave the NDL website. De speciervm scrvtinio et lampade combinatoria Raymvndi Lvllii ...Leave the NDL website. Traité élémentaire sur le fluide électrico-galvaniqueLeave the NDL website. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sexLeave the NDL website. Dioptrische UntersuchungenLeave the NDL website. Dissertations philosophiques, dont la premiere roule sur la nature du feu; et la seconde sur les differentes parties de la philosophie, et des mathematiquesLeave the NDL website. Handbuch der mathematischen und technischen ChronologieLeave the NDL website. Animadversions on the first part of the Machina coelestis of ... Johannes Hevelius ... with an explication of some instrumentsLeave the NDL website. Stonehenge and other British stone monuments astronomically consideredLeave the NDL website. Zoonomia : or, The laws of organic lifeLeave the NDL website. Synoptic tables of chemistry, intended to serve as a summary of the lectures delivered on that science, in the public schools at ParisLeave the NDL website. Vom Schneckensteine oder dem sächsischen TopasfelsenLeave the NDL website. Finger printsLeave the NDL website. Il processo originale di Galileo Galilei, pubblicato per la piavolta da Domenico BertiLeave the NDL website. Photometria sive de mensvra et gradibvs lvminis, colorvm et vmbraeLeave the NDL website. Opera ...Leave the NDL website. Researches on diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action, including the question of diamagnetic polarityLeave the NDL website. Essays biographical and chemicalLeave the NDL website. Li livres dou Tresor ...Leave the NDL website. Physiologie des Stoffwechsels in Pflanzen und Thieren : ein Handbuch für Naturforscher, Landwirthe und AerzteLeave the NDL website. Mineral lands of the United States : message from the President of the United States, in reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 6th of February last, [1839] concerning the mineral lands of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Prodromvs vniversae astronomiae restitvtae de anni solaris, & siderei, ac dierum magnitudine in omni aeuo, & de reliquis periodis, motibus, & circulationibus solaribus admirandis, adhuc incognitis, ac etiam sidereis, ab authore exploratis, & inuentis, ac plenè dilucidatis per demonstrationes arithmeticas, aliasque plures probationes ...Leave the NDL website. A plan of a course of chemical lecturesLeave the NDL website. Untersuchungen über die electrische Erregung der Nerven und MuskelnLeave the NDL website. Raccolta di memorie chimico-mineralogiche, metallurgiche, e orittograficheLeave the NDL website. Principes fondamentaux de l'équilibre et du mouvementLeave the NDL website. The Taconic system : based on Observations in New-York, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont and Rhode-IslandLeave the NDL website. Miscellaneous observations, together with a collection of experiments on electricity : with the manner of performing them : designed to explain the nature and cause of the most remarkable phaenomena there of: with some remarks on a pamphlet, intituled, a sequel to the experiments and observations tending to illustrate the nature and properties of electricity : to which is annexed, a letter, written by the author to the Academy of Sciences at Bordeaux, relative to the similarity of electricity to lightening and thunderLeave the NDL website. Hydrostaticae dissertationesLeave the NDL website. The corpuscular theory of matterLeave the NDL website. Tractatus de corde, item de motu et colore sanguinis, et chyli in eum transituLeave the NDL website. Théorie analytique du système du mondeLeave the NDL website. Traité de la méchaniqve, composé par monsievr Descartes. De plvs l'abregé de mvsiqve dv mesme autheur mis en françois. Avec les éclaircissemens necessaires. Par N. P. ...Leave the NDL website. New experiments, and observations, made upon the icy noctiluca : imparted in a letter to a friend living in the country : to which is annexed A chymical paradoxLeave the NDL website. Lectures de potentia restitutiva; or, Of spring, explaining the power of springing bodies : to which are added some collections : viz. a description of Dr. Pappin's wind-fountain and force-pump. Mr. Young's observation concerning natural fountains ...Leave the NDL website. The posthumous works of Robert Hooke ... : containing his Cutlerian lectures, and other discourses, read at the meetings of the illustrious Royal Society : ... illustrated with sculptures : to these discourses is prefixt the author's life, giving an account of his studies and employments ...Leave the NDL website. Histoire celeste, ou, Recueil de toutes les observations astronomiques faites par ordre du roy ...Leave the NDL website. A sequel to "Vestiges of the natural history of creation"Leave the NDL website. The chronology of ancient kingdoms amended : to which is prefix'd, a short chronicle from the first memory of things in Europe, to the conquest of Persia by Alexander the GreatLeave the NDL website. A treatise on the steam engine, historical, practical, and descriptiveLeave the NDL website. Sciences mathématiques et physiques chez les Belges, au commencement du XIXe siècleLeave the NDL website. Traité des petits tourbillons de la matiere subtile. Où l'on fait voir par les seuls effets du choc, que l'univers est rempli d'une matiere très-fluide, trèsagitee, & composée d'une infinité de tourbillons de figure spherique, qui produisent tous les ressorts de la nature. Pour servir d'introduction à une nouvelle physique, & d'eclaircissement à la piece qui a remporté le prix de l'academie royale des sciences en 1726. Par un prêtre de l'oratoireLeave the NDL website. A dictionary of mechanical science, arts, manufactures, and miscellaneous knowledge ...Leave the NDL website. An experimental inquiry into the properties of the blood : with remarks on some of its morbid appearances : and an appendix relating to the discovery of the lymphatic system in birds, fish, and the animals called amphibiousLeave the NDL website. Scientific papers and addresses ...Leave the NDL website. Cours élémentaire de chimie théorique et pratique, d'après les théories modernes : ouvrage dans lequel on a rassemblé la plupart des procédés utiles et agréables qui dérivent de cette science ...Leave the NDL website. Lettres américaines d'Alexandre de Humboldt (1798-1807) précédées d'une notice de J.-C. Delamétherie et suivies d'un choix de documents en partie inéditsLeave the NDL website. De via curva mercvrii svb sole in rectam convertenda exemplo transitvs mercvrii per solem D.V. Novembris A. 1743 illvstrata commentatioLeave the NDL website. Hoc in libro ... haec insunt. Κλαυδιου Πτολεμαιου πηλουσιεωζ τετρα βιβλοζ συύταξιζ ... του αυτου καρπόζ ... Claudij Ptolemaei Pelusiensis libri quatuor ... Eiusdem fructus librorum suorum, siue centum dicta ... Traductio in linguã Latinã librorũ Ptolemaei duum priorum ... Ioachimi Camerarij ... Conuersio centum dictorum Ptolemaei in Iatinum Iouiani Pontani. Annotatiunculae eiusdem Ioachimi ad libros priores duos iudiciorum Ptol. Matthaei Guarimberti ... opusculum de radijs & aspectibus planetarum. Aphorismi astrologici Ludouici de Rigijs ...Leave the NDL website. Allgemeine Geschichte der thierischen und mineralischen Gifte ... Mit einer vorrede von Johann Friedrich Blumenbach ...Leave the NDL website. Opera mechanica, geometrica, astronomica et miscellanea, quatuor voluminibus contexta : quae collegit, disposuit, ex schedis authoris emendavit, ordinavit, auxit atque illustravit Guilielmus Jacobus's GravesandeLeave the NDL website. The origin of life : being an account of experiments with certain superheated saline solutions in hermetically sealed vesselsLeave the NDL website. Account of a series of experiments, shewing the effects of compression in modifying the action of heat. Read in the Royal Society of Edinburgh, June 3, 1805Leave the NDL website. Théorie de l'univers, ou de la cause primitive du mouvement, et de ses principaux effetsLeave the NDL website. Experimenta, observationes, animadversiones, CCC numero, chymicae et physicae ...Leave the NDL website. Mémoires sur la famille des LégumineusesLeave the NDL website. The mechanics of the earth's atmosphere : a collection of translations : [second collection]Leave the NDL website. Opera qvae svpersvnt omniaLeave the NDL website. Outline of the course of the geological lectures given in Yale CollegeLeave the NDL website. The natural history of volcanoes : including submarine volcanoes, and other analogous phenomenaLeave the NDL website. Dioptrica nova : a treatise of dioptricks, in two parts : wherein the various effects and appearances of spherick glasses, both convex and concave, single and combined, in telescopes and microscopes, together with their usefulness in many concerns of humane life, are explainedLeave the NDL website. Olivetvm, das ist, Kunstbuch, darinnen gründtlicher und aussführlicher Bericht gezeigt wird, wie man auss allen Erdtgewächsen, Metallen und andern natürlichen Dingen, die zwey edelstenstück in der Artzney, als Oel und Salz, nach alchymistischer arth extrahiren und machen könne: ...Leave the NDL website. De igne svbterraneo physica prolvsioLeave the NDL website. Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale (le Brésil, la République Orientale de l'Uruguay, la République Argentine, la Patagonie, la République du Chili, la République de Bolivia, la République du Pérou), exécuté pendant les années 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, et 1833Leave the NDL website. Aether and matter : a development of the dynamical relations of the aether to material systems on the basis of the atomic constitution of matter including a discussion of the influence of the earth's motion on optical phenomena being an Adams prize essay in the University of CambridgeLeave the NDL website. La figure de la terre, déterminée par les observations faites au PérouLeave the NDL website. A history of chemistryLeave the NDL website. Mathematical physics; or, The mathematical principles of natural philosophy : with a development of the causes of heat, gaseous elasticity, gravitation, and other great phenomena of natureLeave the NDL website. Die astronomische strahlenbrechung in ihrer historischen entwickelung ... Eine gekrönte preisschriftLeave the NDL website. Vertical section of strata in Surry dipping northward ...Leave the NDL website. The internal structure of fossil vegetables found in the carboniferous and oolitic deposits of Great Britain, described and illustratedLeave the NDL website. Lettre sur la comèteLeave the NDL website. Électricité et optique : cours de physique mathématiqueLeave the NDL website. De lvcidis in svblimi ingenvarvm exercitationvm liber : in quo disseritur de radiis solis directis nullam attritionem, nullamque caliditatem in aere producentibus, ad reflexorum refractorumque discrimen : ...Leave the NDL website. Institv[t]ions anatomiquesLeave the NDL website. A treatise on ventilators : wherein an account is given of the happy effects of the several trials that have been made of them, in different ways and for different purposes : which has occasioned their being received with general approbation and applause, on account of their utility for the great benefit of mankind. ... Part secondLeave the NDL website. Della pietra fosforica bologneseLeave the NDL website. A description of new philosophical furnaces, or, A new art of distilling, divided into five parts. Whereunto is added a description of the tincture of gold, or the true aurum potabile : also the first part of the mineral work : set forth and published for the sakes of them that are studious of the truthLeave the NDL website. Le systeme du monde, selon les trois hypotheses, où conformement aux loix de la mechanique l'on explique dans la supposition du mouvement de la terre : les apparences des astres, la fabrique du monde, la formation des planetes, la lumiere, la pesanteur, &c., et cela par de nouvelles demonstrationsLeave the NDL website. Remarks upon alchemy and the alchemists, indicating a method of discovering the true nature of hermetic philosophy : and showing that the search after the philosopher's stone had not for its object the discovery of an agent for the transmutation of metals : being also an attempt to rescue from undeserved opprobrium the reputation of a class of extraordinary thinkers in past agesLeave the NDL website. Flora Carpatorum principalium exhibens plantas montibus carpaticis inter flumina Waagum et Dunajetz eorumque ramos Arvam et Popradum crescentes, cui praemittitur Tractatus de altitudine, vegetatione, temperatura et meteoris horum montium in genere ...Leave the NDL website. Tractatvs astrologicvs in quo agitur de praetertis multorum hominum accidentibus per proprias eorum genituras ad unguem examinatis. Quorum exemplis consimilibus vnusquisqɜ de medio genethliacus vaticinari poterit de futuris, quippe qui per uarios casus artem experientia fecit, exemplo monstrante uiam ...Leave the NDL website. Discours d'ouverture et de clôture du cours d'histoire naturelle ... et tableaux méthodiques des mammifères et des oiseauxLeave the NDL website. Osservazioni di Francesco Redi ... intorno agli animali viventi che si trovano negli animali viventiLeave the NDL website. Outlines of natural philosophy, being heads of lectures delivered in the University of EdinburghLeave the NDL website. Argon, a new constituent of the atmosphereLeave the NDL website. Further observations on the variolae vaccinae, or cow poxLeave the NDL website. Le vol sans battement. Ouvrage posthume inédit ...Leave the NDL website. A dissertation on the power of the intercepted pressure of the atmosphere : with an appendix on subjects analogousLeave the NDL website. Lectiones opticae, annis MDCLXIX, MDCLXX & MDCLXXI. In scholis publicis habitae : et nunc primum ex MSS. in lucem editaeLeave the NDL website. Darwin and modern science : essays in commemoration of the centenary of the birth of Charles Darwin and of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of the Origin of speciesLeave the NDL website. Τα σωζόμενα άγαντα. ... Opera qvae extant omnia. Ex noua interpretatione Jani-Antonii Saraceni Lugdunaei, medici. Addita sunt ad calcem eiusdem interpretis scholia, in quibus variae codicum variorum lectiones examinantur, diuersae de medica materia, seu priscorum, seu etiam recentiorum sententiae proponuntur, ac interdum conciliantur : ipsius deniqɜ autoris corruptiora, obscuriora, difficilioraqɜ loca restituuntur, illustrantur, & explicanturLeave the NDL website. The natural history and antiquities of Selborne, in the county of Southampton : with engravings, and an appendixLeave the NDL website. Méthode pour déterminer la longueur exacte du quart du méridien, d'après les observations faites pour la mesure de l'arc compris entre Dunkerque et BarcelonneLeave the NDL website. A treatise on electricityLeave the NDL website. Astronomical dialogues between a gentleman and a lady : wherein the doctrine of the sphere, uses of the globes, and the elements of astronomy and geography are explain'd, ... with a description of the famous instrument, called the orreryLeave the NDL website. Histoire du ciel considéré selon les idées des poëtes, des philosophes, et de Moïse. Où l'on fait voir: 1°. L'origine du ciel poëtique. 2°. La méprise des philosophes sur la fabrique du ciel & de la terre. 3°. La conformité de l'expérience avec la seule physique de MoïseLeave the NDL website. Physiologie végétale, contenant une description des organes des plantes, & une exposition des phénomènes produits par leur organisationLeave the NDL website. An essay concerning the effects of air on human bodiesLeave the NDL website. Commercium philosophico-technicum; or, The philosophical commerce of arts : designed as an attempt to improve arts, trades, and manufacturesLeave the NDL website. The private life of Galileo : compiled principally from his correspondence and that of his eldest daughter, Sister Maria Celeste ...Leave the NDL website. Index palaeontologicus : oder, Übersicht der bis jetzt bekannten fossilen OrganismenLeave the NDL website. De solis ac lunae defectibus libri V ... Ibidem autem et astronomiae synopsis, et theoria lvminis Newtoniana, et alia multa ad physicam pertinentia, versibus pertractantur, cum ejusdem auctoris adnotationibus. Editio Veneta prima ex exemplari editionis Londinensis anni 1760. Correcto, et perpolito ab ipso auctoreLeave the NDL website. A short account of the history of mathematicsLeave the NDL website. A journal of travels into the Arkansas territory, during the year 1819 : with occasional observations on the manners of the aborigines : illustrated by a map and other engravingsLeave the NDL website. Trattato mineralogico e chimico sulle miniere di ferro ...Leave the NDL website. Ornithologiae hoc est de avibvs historiae libri XIILeave the NDL website. Nouvelles méthodes pour la détermination des orbites des comètesLeave the NDL website. Théorie de la machine a vapeur : ouvrage destiné à prouver l'inexactitude des méthodes en usage pour évaluer les effets ou les proportions des machines à vapeur ... suivi d'un appendice contenant de courtes notions destinées aux personnes peu familiarisées avec les signes algébriques ...Leave the NDL website. Essay de dioptriqueLeave the NDL website. Mathematik und Astronomie im klassischen AltertumLeave the NDL website. Bericht von den wunderbaren bezoardischen Steinen, so wieder allerley Gifft krefftiglich dienen ... so wol auch von andern Steinen, so ... vnerhörte vnd vngleubliche Wirckung vorrichten : deszgleichen von den fürnembsten edlen Gesteinen, unbekandten hartzigen Dingen, und des newen armenischen Balsams, frembden wunder Kreutem, Holtz unt Wurtzeln ... endlichen auch von der newen schlesischen Terra Sigillata, Axungia solis genandt ...Leave the NDL website. Hydrodynamica, sive, de viribus et motibus fluidorum commentarii. Opus academicum ab auctore, dum Petropoli ageret, congestumLeave the NDL website. Traité ou description abrégée et méthodique des minéraux ...Leave the NDL website. An essay towards a natural history of the corallines, and other marine productions of the like kind commonly found on the coasts of Great Britain and Ireland. To which is added the description of a large marine polype taken near the North Pole, by the whale-fishers, in the summer 1753Leave the NDL website. Die Elementaroganismen und ihre Beziehungen zu den ZellenLeave the NDL website. J.C. Röhling's Deutschlands Flora ...Leave the NDL website. Mineral-SystemLeave the NDL website. A new mathematical and philosophical dictionary : comprising an explanation of the terms and principles of pure and mixed mathematics, and such branches of natural philosophy as are susceptible of mathematical investigation : with historical sketches ...Leave the NDL website. Inquiries into human faculty and its developmentLeave the NDL website. A treatise on comparative embryologyLeave the NDL website. Lettera di ... intorno alle macchie nuouamente scoperte nel mese di Luglio 1665, nel Pianeta de Gioue con suoi cannocchialiLeave the NDL website. A cycle of celestial objects, for the use of naval, military, and private astronomers. Observed, reduced, and discussedLeave the NDL website. Gesammelte populäre Vorträge aus dem Gebiete der EntwickelungslehreLeave the NDL website. The germ-plasm : a theory of heredityLeave the NDL website. Hydrachnae, qvas in aqvis Daniae palvstribvs detexit, descripsit, pingi et tabvlis xi aeneis incidi, ...Leave the NDL website. Liber de analemmate, a Federico Commandino Vrbinate instauratus, & commentariis illustratus, qui nunc primum eius opera e tenebris in lucem prodit. Eiusdem Federici Commandini liber de horologiorum descriptioneLeave the NDL website. Erleichterte ArzneykräuterwissenschaftLeave the NDL website. Die wahre und die Scheinbare Bahn des Halley'schen Kometen bei seiner Weiderkunst im Jahre 1835 anschaulich dargestellt und allgemein fastlich erklärtLeave the NDL website. Envmeratio insectorvm Avstriae indigenorum ...Leave the NDL website. La sidérotechnie, ou l'art de traiter les minérais de fer pour en obtenir de la fonte, du fer, ou de l'acier; ...Leave the NDL website. Lehrbuch der MineralogieLeave the NDL website. Enumeratio plantarum omnium hucusque cognitarum, secundum familias naturales disposita adjectis characteribus, differentiis et synonymisLeave the NDL website. Astronomia physica, sev, de lvce, natvra, et motibvs corporvm caelestivm libri dvo. In priori ... in posteriori ... accessere Petri Petiti Observationes aliquot eclipsium solis et lunae : cum dissertationibus de latitudine lutetiae, ...Leave the NDL website. 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Recherches sur les inégalités de Jupiter et de SaturneLeave the NDL website. Physicae generalis methodo mathematica tractataeLeave the NDL website. OpticsLeave the NDL website. Eclaircissemens sur l'analyse des infiniment petitsLeave the NDL website. Commentaire sur l'analyse des infiniment petitsLeave the NDL website. A pictorial atlas of fossil remains, consisting of coloured illustrations selected from Parkinson's "Organic remains of a former world," and Artis's "Antediluvian phytology." ...Leave the NDL website. Experiments on airLeave the NDL website. Opera philosophicaLeave the NDL website. Beschreibung des Quecksilber-Bergwerks zu Idria in Mittel-CräynLeave the NDL website. Principi di fisica generaleLeave the NDL website. The poetry of science, or, Studies of the physical phenomena of natureLeave the NDL website. Théorie mathématique de la chaleur : mémoire et notes formant un supplément à l'ouvrage publié sous ce titreLeave the NDL website. Nouvelles conjectures sur la pesanteurLeave the NDL website. A compleat treatise of the muscles, as they appear in humane body, and arise in dissection : with diverse anatomical observations not yet discover'd. Illustrated by near fourty copper-plates, accurately delineated and engravenLeave the NDL website. Disqvisitio de investiganda vera qvantitate parallaxeos solis, ex transitv veneris ante discvm solis anno 1769, cvi accedvnt animadversiones in tractatvm Rev. Pat. Hell De parallaxi solisLeave the NDL website. Éléments de physique terrestre et de métérologieLeave the NDL website. Cursus mathematicus : mathematical sciences : comprehending arithmetick ... geometry ... cosmography ... astronomy ... navigation ... trigonometry ... : with the description, construction, and use of geometrical and nautical instruments: and the doctrine of triangles ...Leave the NDL website. Elements of crystallographyLeave the NDL website. Chemical amusementLeave the NDL website. The theory of the steam engineLeave the NDL website. Begin. [fol. 1 recto:] Incipit liber primus (-quartus) de celo [et] mundo Alberti magni ...Leave the NDL website. Historia lapidum figuratorum Helvetiae, ejusque viciniae, in quâ non solum enarrantur omnia eorum genera, species et vires aeneisque tabulis repraesentantur, sed insuper adducuntur eorum loca nativa, in quibus reperiri solent, ut cuilibet facile sit eos colligere, modo adducta loca adire libeatLeave the NDL website. Astrolabivm tetragonvm, ein vierecketes Astrolabium, ist ein feines, nützliches Instrument, in welchen schöne astronomische Obseruationes begriffen sein, vor den gemeinen Mann, so auch zu den astronomischen Künsten, eine lust vnd liebe treget, fast lustig vnd lieblich, auff vnsers poli arctici höhe, 51. grad, 10. minut; gerichtet. Aus einem alten Exemplar, itzo gebessert vnd gemehret durch ...Leave the NDL website. Bibliographie astronomique : avec l'histoire de l'astronomie depuis 1781 jusqu'à 1802Leave the NDL website. Flora lapponica exhibens plantas per Lapponiam crescentes, secundum systema sexuale collectas in itinere impensis Soc. reg. litter. et scient. Sveciae A. CIɔ Iɔ CC XXXII. instituto : additis synonymis, & locis natalibus omnium, descriptionibus & figuris rariorum, viribus medicatis & oeconomicis plurimarumLeave the NDL website. Die Prinzipien der physikalischen Optik : historisch und erkenntnispsychologisch entwickeltLeave the NDL website. Opera variaLeave the NDL website. Traité analytique des sections coniques et de leur usage pour la resolution des equations dans les problêmes tant déterminez qu'indéterminez. Ouvrage posthumeLeave the NDL website. Description géométrique de la FranceLeave the NDL website. Geometria solidorum, sive materiae : seu de varia compositione, progressione, rationeque velocitatumLeave the NDL website. Théories des vents et des ondesLeave the NDL website. Traité des moyens de désinfecter l'air de prévenir la contagion, et d'en arrêter les progresLeave the NDL website. The dynamics of mechanical flight : lectures delivered at the Imperial College of Science and Technology, March, 1910 and 1911Leave the NDL website. An essay on the nature of heat, light, and electricityLeave the NDL website. Rosa Vrsina; sive, Sol ex admirando facvlarvm & macularum suarum phoenomeno varivs, necnon circa centrum suum & axem fixum ... ostensusLeave the NDL website. Engravings of the arteries : illustrating the second volume of The anatomy of the human body by J. Bell, surgeon : and serving as an introduction to the surgery of the arteriesLeave the NDL website. Miscellaneous papersLeave the NDL website. Les oscillations électriques : leçons professées pendant le premier trimestre, 1892-1893Leave the NDL website. Apollonii Pergaei De sectione rationis libri duo ex arabico msto. Latine versi ...Leave the NDL website. Philosophische unterredung zwischen dem fliegenden Mercurium und einem gemeinen Schmelzer, worinnen ganz vollkommen und gründlich gezeiget und gewiesen wird, das sonst noch nie entdeckte und zu der grossen Welt-Oeconomie höchst benöthigte wahre und natürliche geheime Röst-und Schmetz-Wesen, ... Nebst einem vollommenen und gründlichen Bericht der Natur und Creatur, ... Wobey auch ferner mit angeführet wird, wie itzigen Röst-und Schmeltz-Arbeiten auf denen meisten Haupt-Gebürgen Teutschlandes eingerichtet und getrieben werdenLeave the NDL website. Experiments and observations relating to acetous acid, fixable air, dense inflammable air, oils, and fuel; the matter of fire and light, metallic reduction, combustion, fermentation, putrefaction, respiration and other subjects, of chemical philosophyLeave the NDL website. An autobiographyLeave the NDL website. Des pierres tombées du ciel : ou, Lithologie atmosphérique, présentant la marche et l'etat actuel de la science, avec un essai de théorie sur la formation de ces pierresLeave the NDL website. A history of electricity (the intellectual rise in electricity) from antiquity to the days of Benjamin FranklinLeave the NDL website. Worlds in the making : the evolution of the universeLeave the NDL website. Phosphorescence : or, The emission of light by minerals, plants, and animalsLeave the NDL website. Instructions pratiques sur l'observation et la mesure des propriétés optiques appelées rotatoires, avec l'exposé succinct de leur application a la chimie médicale, scientifique et industrielleLeave the NDL website. Σωζειν τα φαινομενα : essai sur la notion de théorie physique de Platon a GaliléeLeave the NDL website. Μεγάλης συντάξεως βιβλ. ΙЃ Θεωνος Αλεξανδρέως είς τα α`υτα ύγομνηματων βιβλ. ΙĀ. ... Magnae constructionis, id est perfectae coelestium motuum pertractionis, lib. XIII. Theonis Alexandrini in eosdem commentariorum lib. XILeave the NDL website. The Natural history of animalsLeave the NDL website. De mundi systemate liberLeave the NDL website. Two lectures on combustion : supplementary to a course of lectures on chemistry : read at Nassau-Hall : containing an examination of Dr. Priestly's considerations on the doctrine of phlogiston, and the decomposition of waterLeave the NDL website. Elements of conchology, according to the Linnean system, ...Leave the NDL website. Vergleichende Anatomie der Vegetationsorgane der Phanerogamen und FarneLeave the NDL website. Fisica de' corpi ponderabili : ossia trattato della costituzione generale de' corpiLeave the NDL website. An essay on the different modes of communication by signals : containing an history of the progressive improvements in this art, from the first account of beacons to the most approved methods of telegraphic correspondenceLeave the NDL website. Etudes sur l'histoire de la terre et sur les causes des révolutions de sa surfaceLeave the NDL website. Essays on the use and limit of the imagination in scienceLeave the NDL website. The cell as the unit of life and other lectures delivered at the Royal Institution, London, 1899-1902 : an introduction to biologyLeave the NDL website. Dissertatio de maris aestuLeave the NDL website. Gedanken von der Erfindung des Bergwerkes zu FreybergLeave the NDL website. Telliamed : ou, Entretiens d'un philosophe indien avec un missionaire françois sur la diminution de la mer, la formation de la terre, l'origine de l'homme, &c. ...Leave the NDL website. Grundriss der Krystallkunde. ...Leave the NDL website. Voyages and travels in the Levant in the years 1749, 50, 51, 52. Containing observations in natural history, physick, agriculture, and commerce : particularly on the Holy Land, and the natural history of the ScripturesLeave the NDL website. Traité de mécanique célesteLeave the NDL website. X rays and crystal structureLeave the NDL website. De ratione conficiendi lapidis philosophici, liber vnus. ... Huic accesserent eiusdem Argumenti Ioan. Garlandij Angli liber vnus. Et ex speculo magno Vincentij libri duoLeave the NDL website. Le systeme dv monde : ou, Le nombre la mesvre et le poids des cieux & des elemens : selon l'ecriture sainteLeave the NDL website. Essai analytique sur l'air pur, et les différentes espèces d'airLeave the NDL website. The compleat herbal : or, The botanical institutions of Mr. TournefortLeave the NDL website. Recueil des éloges historiques lus dans les séances publiques de L'institut Royal de FranceLeave the NDL website. Théorie mécanique de la chaleurLeave the NDL website. The construction of timber, from its early growth; explained by the microscope, and proved from experiments, in a great variety of kinds: in five books : on the parts of trees; their vessels; and their encrease by growth: and on the different disposition of those parts in various kinds; and the particularities in their vessels. With figures of their various appearances; of the instrument for cutting them; and of the microscope thro' which they were viewedLeave the NDL website. Reflexões experimentaes methodico-botanicas, muito uteis, e necessarias para os professores de medicina, e enfermos ...Leave the NDL website. De principijs astronomiae & cosmographiae ...Leave the NDL website. Historiae coelestis libri duo quorum prior exhibet catalogum stellarum fixarum Britannicum ... posterior transitus syderum ... complectitur. Observante Johanne Flamsteedio ... in observatorio regio Grenovicensi continua serie ab anno 1676 ad annum 1705 completumLeave the NDL website. Beiträge zur Geschichte des MaschinenbauesLeave the NDL website. Letters on the natural history and internal resources of the state of New-YorkLeave the NDL website. Iconum botanicarum index locupletissimus. Die Abbildungen sichtbar blühender Pflanzen und Farnkräuter aus der botanischen und Gartenliteratur des XVIII. und XIX. Jahrhunderts in alphabetischer Folge zusammengestelltLeave the NDL website. L'Art des expériences; ou, Avis aux amateurs de la physique, sur le choix, la construction et l'usage des instruments : sur la préparation et l'emploi des drogues qui servent aux expériencesLeave the NDL website. Hierophyticon, sive Commentarius in loca scripturae sacrae quae plantarum faciunt mentionem distinctus in duas partes, quarum prior de arboribus, posterior de herbis dicta complectiturLeave the NDL website. Essai sur l'électricité naturelle et artificielleLeave the NDL website. Rariorum stirpium historia ex parte olim edita. Nunc centum plus tabulis ex commentariis auctoris ab ejusdem nepotibus ampliataLeave the NDL website. Chemistry applied to arts and manufacturesLeave the NDL website. The internal work of the windLeave the NDL website. Die nutzbaren Mineralien und Gebirgsarten im Deutschen Reiche, nebst einer physiographischen und geognostischen Uebersicht des GebietesLeave the NDL website. Experiments and considerations touching colours : first occasionally written among some other essays, to a friend; and now suffer'd to come abroad as the beginning of an experimental history of coloursLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der BotanikLeave the NDL website. Opera omnia anatomica & chirurgica cura Hermanni Boerhaave ... & Bernhardi Siegfried Albini ...Leave the NDL website. Die Wärmelehre des Innern unsers Erdkörpers ein Inbegriff aller mit der Wärme in Beziehung stehender Erscheinungen in und auf der Erde. Nach physikalischen, chemischen und geologischen UntersuchungenLeave the NDL website. Manuel physique, ou Maniere courte et facile d'expliquer les phénomenes de la natureLeave the NDL website. Madeira spectroscopic : being a revision of 21 places in the red half of the solar visible spectrum with a Rutherfurd diffraction grating at Madeira ... during the Summer of 1881Leave the NDL website. De nova et nvllivs aevi memoria privs visa stella, iam pridem anno à nato Christo 1572. mense Nouembrj primùm conspecta, contemplatio mathematica. Cui, praeter exactam eclipsis lvnaris, huius anni, pragmatian, et elegantem in Vraniam elegiam, epistola quo[que] dedicatoria accessit: in qua, noua & erudita conscribendi diaria metheorologica methodus, vtrius[que] astrologiae studiosis ... proponitur ...Leave the NDL website. An attempt to establish the first principles of chemistry by experimentLeave the NDL website. Saggio esperimentale sull'esterna applicazione del vapore all'acqua dei bagni e delle filande a seta con alcune osservazioni sui bagni a vapore ...Leave the NDL website. Essai sur la géographie minéralogique des environs de Paris, avec une carte géognostique, et des coupes de terrainLeave the NDL website. Astrognosia nova; oder, Ausführliche Beschreibung des ganzen Fixstern und Planeten-Himmels samt einer gründlichen ... Mit XXXV. angehängten Figuren der Stern-Bilder und einem RegisterLeave the NDL website. Vorträge über die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Chemie in den letzten hundert JahrenLeave the NDL website. Zoologie analytique, ou méthode naturelle de classification des animaux, rendue plus facile a l'aide de tableaux synoptiquesLeave the NDL website. Radiation, light and illumination : a series of engineering lectures delivered at Union CollegeLeave the NDL website. Arithmeticae theoria et praxisLeave the NDL website. L'action du feu central démontrée nulle a la surface du globe, contre les assertions de MM. le Comte de Buffon, Bailly, de Mairan, &c.Leave the NDL website. The dynamical theory of gasesLeave the NDL website. Astronomie physique, ou principes généraux de la nature, appliqués au mecanisme astronomique, et comparés aux principes de la philosophie de M. NewtonLeave the NDL website. Letters on the physical history of the earth, addressed to Professor Blumenbach : containing geological and historical proofs of the divine mission of Moses. ... Together with a vindication of the author's claims ... respecting fundamental points in geologyLeave the NDL website. A new theory of the earth, from its original, to the consummation of all things : wherein the creation of the world, in six days, the universal deluge, and the general conflagration, as laid down in the Holy Scriptures, are shewn to be perfectly agreeable to reason and philosophy : with a large introductory discourse concerning the genuine nature, stile, and extent of the Mosaick history of the creationLeave the NDL website. The propagation of electric currents in telephone and telegraph conductors : a course of post-graduate lectures delivered before the University of LondonLeave the NDL website. Recherches sur les courbes a double courbureLeave the NDL website. Select remains of the learned John Ray : with his lifeLeave the NDL website. La restitvtion de Plvton. ... Des mines & minieres de France, cachées & detenuës jusques à present au ventre de la terre ... Ensemble la raison pourquoy lesdites mines & minieres ont estè iusques à present presque inutiles & sans profitLeave the NDL website. De motv impresso a motore translato. Epistolae dvae. In qvibvs aliqvot praecipvae tum de motu universe, tum speciatim de motu terrae attributo difficultates explicanturLeave the NDL website. XVIIIme siécle; lettres, sciences et arts, France 1700-1789; ...Leave the NDL website. Dictionnaire de chimie pure et appliquée comprenant, supplément : la chimie organique et inorganique, la chimie appliquée a l'industrie, a l'agriculture et aux arts, la chimie analytique, la chimie physique et la minéralogieLeave the NDL website. Memoir on the gorilla (Troglodytes Gorilla, Savage)Leave the NDL website. Coup d'oeil sur les minesLeave the NDL website. Dialogus physicvs de natvra aeris conjecturâ sumptâ ab experimentis nuper Londini habitis in Collegio Greshamensi. Item de duplicatione cubiLeave the NDL website. The geology and fossils of the Tertiary and Cretaceous formations of SussexLeave the NDL website. Instituzioni glittografiche o sia della maniera di conoscere la qualità, e natura delle gemme incise, e di giudicare del contenuto, e del pregio delle medesimeLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle générale des régnes organiques, principalement étudiée chez l'homme et les animauxLeave the NDL website. Spiritalivm liber. A Federico Commandino Vrbinate, ex Graeco, nvper in latinvm conversvsLeave the NDL website. Flora Aegyptiaco-arabica. Sive descriptiones plantarum, quas per Aegyptum inferiorem et Arabiam felicem ...Leave the NDL website. [De medicina]Leave the NDL website. Herbarvm, arborvm, frvticvm, frvmentorvm ac le guminum, animalium praeterea terrestrium, uolatiliù & aquatilium, aliorumq́; quorum in medicinis usus est, simplicium, imagines, ad uiuum recèns depictae, vnà cum eorundem nomenclaturis uariarum linguarum usitatis, uiribus item & facultatibus peculiaribus. Kreutter, Bäume, Gestäude, vnnd Frücht, dessgleichen Gethier, zam vnnd wild, im Lufft, Wasser vnd Erdtrich lebende, mit sampt anderen Materialien vnd Simplicien, zur Artznei dienlich, recht conterfaytet, vnd mit iren Namen in mancherley Spraachen benennetLeave the NDL website. Father Malebranche's treatise concerning the search after truth : the whole work compleat : to which is added the author's treatise of nature and grace : being a consequence of the princpiples contain'd in the search : together with his answer to the animadversions upon the first volume : his defense against the accusations of Mr. De la Ville, &c., relating to the same subjectLeave the NDL website. The subject matter of a course of six lectures on the non-metallic elementsLeave the NDL website. Species genera et ordines algarum, seu descriptiones succinctae specierum, generum et ordinum, quibus algarum regnum constituiturLeave the NDL website. Flora carniolica exhibens plantas carniolae indigenas et distributas, in classes naturales cum differentiis specificis, synonymis recentiorum, locis natalibus, nominibus incolarum, observationibus selectis, viribus medicis ...Leave the NDL website. Die Mechanik der Wärme in gesammelten SchriftenLeave the NDL website. The anatomy of the brain : explained in a series of engravingsLeave the NDL website. Uber die Erhaltung der KraftLeave the NDL website. An historical disquisition on the mammoth, or, Great American incognitum, an extinct, immense, carnivorous animal, whose fossil remains have been found in North America ...Leave the NDL website. Homo versus Darwin : a judicial examination of statements recently published by Mr. Darwin regarding "The descent of man"Leave the NDL website. Discorsi intorno a diverse cose natvrali ... opera non meno cvriosa, che vtile, e necessaria à professori della natural filosofiaLeave the NDL website. Geognostische Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen vorzüglich in Hinsicht des Basaltes : nebst Angabe mehrerer Höhenbestimmungen der vorzüglichsten Orte im Eisenacher KreisLeave the NDL website. Travels through the Bannat of Temeswar, Transylvania, and Hungary, in the year 1770 ... to which is added, John James Ferber's Mineralogical history of BohemiaLeave the NDL website. Mikrogeologie. Das Erden und Felsen schaffende Wirken des unsichtbar kleinen selbständigen Lebens auf der ErdeLeave the NDL website. Thermochimie; données et lois numériquesLeave the NDL website. Opera qvae extant Graece et Latine veterum codicum collatione restituta, nouo ordine in quattuor classes digesta, interpretationis Latinae emendatione, & scholijs illustrata, à HieronLeave the NDL website. Bibliographia astronomica temporis, qvo libri, vel compositi, vel editi svnt, ordine servato, ad svpplendam et illvstrandam astronomiae historiam, digesta : accedvnt historiae astronomiae svpplementaLeave the NDL website. Grundzüge der systematik und speciellen Pflanzenmorphologie nach der vierten Auflage des Lehrbuchs der Botanik von J. Sachs, neu bearbeitet ...Leave the NDL website. The anthropological treatises ... with memoirs of him by Marx and Flourens, and an account of his anthropological museum by Professor R. Wagner, and the inaugural dissertation of John Hunter, M. D. on the varieties of manLeave the NDL website. Le XII. pietre pretiose, le qvali per ordine di dio nella santa legge, adornauano i vestimenti del sommo sacerdote. Aggivntevi il diamante, le margarite, e l'oro, poste da S. Giouanni nell'Apocalisse, in figura della celeste Gierusalemme: con vn sommario dell'altre pietre pretiose. Discorso dell'alicorno, et delle sve singolarissime virtù. Et della gran bestia detta alce da gli antichiLeave the NDL website. A dictionary of chemistry and mineralogy, with an account of the processes employed in many of the most important chemical manufactures. To which are added a description of chemical apparatus, and various useful tables of weights and measures, chemical instruments, &c. &c.Leave the NDL website. Kalendariv hebraicvm, opera Sebastiani Munsteri ex Hebraeorum penetra libus iam recēs in lucem aeditum: quod nõ tam Hebraice studiosis quàm historiographis & astronomiae paritis subseruire poteritLeave the NDL website. Theoria generationis et fructifactionis plantarvm cryptogamicarvm Linnaei, mere propriis observationibus et experimentis superstructa : dissertatio quae praemio ab Academia Imperiali Petropolitana pro anno 1783. Proposito ornata estLeave the NDL website. Familles des plantesLeave the NDL website. Del terremoto, dialogo ...Leave the NDL website. La meridienne de l'Observatoire royal de Paris verifiée dans toute l'étendue du royaume par de nouvelles observations ....Leave the NDL website. A treatise on the rectilinear motion and rotation of bodies : with a description of original experiments relative to the subjectLeave the NDL website. Facts and fancies in modern science : studies of the relations of science to prevalent speculations and religious belief. Being the lectures on the Samuel A. Crozer foundation in connection with the Crozer theological seminary, for 1881Leave the NDL website. De partium corporis humani praecipuarum fabrica et functionibus opus quinquaginta annorumLeave the NDL website. Catalogus plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium : in quo exhibentur quotquot hactenus inventae sunt, quae vel sponte proveniunt, vel in agris seruntur : unà cum synonymis selectioribus, locis natalibus & observationibus quibusdam oppidò raris. Adjiciuntur in gratiam tryonum, index anglico-latinus, index locorum, etymologia nominum, & explicatio quorundam terminorumLeave the NDL website. Dissertation sur la cause de l'élévation des liqueurs dans les tubes capillairesLeave the NDL website. The scientific papersLeave the NDL website. Travels through Italy, in the years 1771 and 1772. Described in a series of letters to Baron Born, on the natural history, particularly the mountains and volcanoes of that countryLeave the NDL website. Rain and rivers; or, Hutton and Playfair against Lyell and all comersLeave the NDL website. Epitome astronomiae, qva brevi explicatione omnia, tam ad sphaericam quàm theoricam eius partem pertinentia, ... per quaestiones traduntur, ... ab ipso autore diligenter recognitaLeave the NDL website. Kritische Geschichte der Allgemeinen Principien der MechanikLeave the NDL website. Electrical papersLeave the NDL website. Versuch einer Geschichte des Lichtes in Rücksicht seines Einflusses auf die gesammte Natur, und auf den menschlichen Körper, ausser dem Gesichte, besondersLeave the NDL website. Principes du systéme des petits tourbillons, mis a la portée de tout le monde et appliqueś aux pheńomeǹes les plus généraux : ouvrage auquel on a ajouté une dissertation posthume de M. l'Abbé de Molieres, sur l'existence de la force centrale dans un tourbillon sphériqueLeave the NDL website. An analysis of the principles of natural philosophyLeave the NDL website. Gemmarvm et lapidvm historia, qua non solum ortus, natura, vis & precium, sed etiam modus quo exiis, olea, salia, tincturae, essentiae, arcana & magisteria arte chymica confici possint, ostenditur ...Leave the NDL website. Traité du mouvement, et de la mesure des eaux coulantes et jaillissantes : avec un traité preliminaire du mouvement en generalLeave the NDL website. A compleat discovery of a method for observing the longitude at seaLeave the NDL website. Contributions to geologyLeave the NDL website. Grundzüge der BotanikLeave the NDL website. History of the Royal Society, from its institution to the end of the eighteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Recherches physico-chimiquesLeave the NDL website. Schwere, Elecktricität und magnetismus. Nach den Vorlesungen von Bernard RiemannLeave the NDL website. Vorträge über Descendeztheorie, gehalten an der Universität zu Freiburg im BreisgauLeave the NDL website. Traité de mécanique rationnelle comprenant la statique comme cas particulier de la mécaniqueLeave the NDL website. Traité théorique et expérimental d'hydrodynamiqueLeave the NDL website. Micrographia illustrata; or, The knowledge of the miroscope explain'd: Together with an account of a new invented universal, single or double, microscope, either of which is capable of being applied to an improv'd solar apparatus. ... The whole being, as it were, a natural history of a multitude of aerial, terrestrial, and aquatick animals, seeds, plants, &c. To which is added a translation of Mr. Joblott's Observations on the animalcula, that are found in many different sorts of infusions; and a very particular account of that surprising phaenomenon, the fresh water polype, translated from the French treatise of Mr. Trembley ...Leave the NDL website. Geometrical and graphical essaysLeave the NDL website. Ortus sanitatisLeave the NDL website. Charakteristik der Thierpflanzen, worin von den Gattungen derselben allgemeine entwürfe, und von denen dazugehörigen Arten kurze beschreibungen gegeben werden; nebst den vornehmsten Synonymen der SchriftstellerLeave the NDL website. An account of the history and present state of galvanismLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire universel des fossiles propres, et des fossiles accidentels contenant une description, des terres, des sables, des sels, des soufres, des bitumes; des pierres simples & composées, communes & précieuses, transparentes & opaques, amorphes &, figurées, des minéraux, des métaux, des pétrifications du regne animal, & du regne végétal &c. avec des recherches sur la formation de ces fossiles, sur leur origine, leurs usages &c.Leave the NDL website. Description de nouveaux daguerréotypes perfectionnés et portatifs, avec l'instruction de M. Daguerre, annotée, et des méthodes pour faire des portraits et pour obtenir des épreuves après quelques secondes d'exposition a la lumière, etc.Leave the NDL website. Essays from the Edinburgh and Quarterly reviews, with addresses and other piecesLeave the NDL website. Le operazioni del compasso geometrico et militare ...Leave the NDL website. Begin. [fol. 1 recto:] Alberti Magni ... de mineralibus liber primus (-quintus) incipitLeave the NDL website. Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestasLeave the NDL website. Reliquiae diluvianae; or, Observations on the organic remains contained in caves, fissures, and diluvial gravel, and on other geological phenomena, attesting the action of an universal delugeLeave the NDL website. An index to the geology of the northern states, with a transverse section from Catskill mountain to the AtlanticLeave the NDL website. Die Befruchtung der Blumen durch Insekten und die gegenseitigen anpassungen beider : ein Beitrag zur erkenntniss des ursächlichen zusammenhanges in der organischen naturLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der Physik. Vorlesungen gehalten an der Universität zu BerlinLeave the NDL website. Cométographie : ou, Traité historique et théorique des comètesLeave the NDL website. An experimental treatise on optics, comprehending the leading principles of the science, and an explanation of the more important curious optical instruments and optical phenomena, being the third part of a course of natural philosophy, compiled for the use of the students of the university at Cambridge, New EnglandLeave the NDL website. Freyentdekte Experimentalchymie, oder Versuch den grund natürlicher geheimnisse durch die anatomie und zerlegungskunst, in dem astralischen, animalischen, vegetabilischen und mineralischen Reiche. ... Also vorzustellen, das [i.e. dass] es ein jeder Naturforschender einsehen und erkennen kann; ...Leave the NDL website. Collectio epistolarvm quas ad viros illustres et clarissimos scripsit Carolus a Linné : accedunt opuscula pro et contra virum immortalem scripta, extra sueciam rarissimaLeave the NDL website. Philosophical experiments and observations of the late eminent Dr. Robert Hooke, S.R.S. and geom. Prof. Gresh., and other eminent virtuoso's in his timeLeave the NDL website. Cylindricorvm et annvlarivm libri IV. item de circvlorum volutione per planvm dissertatio physiomath:caLeave the NDL website. De plantis epitome vtilissima, ... Novis iconibvs, et descriptionibus pluribus nunc primum diligenter aucta, à d. Ioachimo Camerario ... Accessit catalogvs pranarvm, quae in hoc contpendio continentur, exactissLeave the NDL website. Instruction pratique sur le magnétisme animalLeave the NDL website. A short treatise of magneticall bodies and motionsLeave the NDL website. Recherches sur les causes particulieres des phénoménes électriques, et sur les effets nuisibles ou avantageux qu'on peut en attendreLeave the NDL website. Rudimentary treatise on galvanism, and the general principles of animal and voltaic electricity, with brief notices of the purposes to which it has been appliedLeave the NDL website. Original papersLeave the NDL website. Notice historique sur les ouvrages et la vie de M. Le B.on CuvierLeave the NDL website. Baltimore lectures on molecular dynamics and the wave theory of light. Founded on Mr. A.S. Hathaway's stenographic report of twenty lectures delivered in Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, in October 1884 : followed by twelve appendices on allied subjectsLeave the NDL website. Gesammelte Arbeiten zur ImmunitätsforschungLeave the NDL website. Élemens de la geometrie de l'infiniLeave the NDL website. Notes of lectures on molecular dynamics and the wave theory of light : delivered at the Johns Hopkins University, BaltimoreLeave the NDL website. Georgii Agricolae medici libri qvinqve de mensuris & ponderibus : in quibus pleraqɜ à bvdaeo & portio parum animaduersa diligenter excutiunturLeave the NDL website. Species not transmutable, nor the result of secondary causes : being a critical examination of Mr. Darwin's work entitled "Origin and variation of species"Leave the NDL website. A budget of paradoxesLeave the NDL website. The construction and principal uses of mathematical instruments ... to which is added a dded supplementLeave the NDL website. On radiant matter. A lecture delivered to the British Association for the advancement of science, at Sheffield, Friday, August 22, 1879Leave the NDL website. Observations sur l'origine et la formation des pierres figurées : et sur celles qui, tant extérieurement qu'intérieurement, ont une figure réguliere & déterminéeLeave the NDL website. Lecture on the pendulum-experiments at Harton Pit, delivered in the central hall, South Shields, October 24, 1854 : together with a letter containing the results of the experimentsLeave the NDL website. Electrons; or, The nature and properties of negative electricityLeave the NDL website. Practical illustrations of the necessity for ascertaining the deviations of the compass : with explanatory diagrams, and some account of the compass system now adopted in the Royal Navy; notes on magnetism, &c.Leave the NDL website. Opus de universoLeave the NDL website. Abhandlungen über die mechanische WärmetheorieLeave the NDL website. Histoire generale des insectes : ou l'on expose clairement la maniere lente & presqu' insensible de l'accroisement de leurs membres, & ou l'on decouvre evidemment l'erreur ou l'on tombe d'ordinaire au sujet de leur prétendue transformationLeave the NDL website. Memoires sur la structure interieure de la terreLeave the NDL website. Essai historique sur les services et les travaux scientifiques de Gaspard Monge, ...Leave the NDL website. Gesammelte WerkeLeave the NDL website. The physical geography of the seaLeave the NDL website. The correlation and conservation of forces : a series of expositions, by Prof. Grove, Prof. Helmholtz, Dr. Mayer, Dr. Faraday, Prof. Liebig and Dr. Carpenter ; with an introduction and brief biographical notices of the chief promoters of the new viewsLeave the NDL website. Essais sur la théorie mathématique de la lumièreLeave the NDL website. A view of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophyLeave the NDL website. A general natural history : or, New and accurate descriptions of the animals, vegetables, and minerals, of the different parts of the world : with a great number of figures, elegantly engravedLeave the NDL website. Bibliographia botanicaLeave the NDL website. Observationes circa viventia, qvae in rebvs non viventibvs reperivntvr. Cvm micrographia cvriosa siue rerum minutissimarum obseruationibus, quae ope microscopij recognitae ad viuum exprimuntur. His accesserunt aliquot animalium testaceorum icones non antea in lucem editae. Omnia curiosorum naturae exploratorum vtilitati & iucunditati expressa & oblataLeave the NDL website. De radio astronomica & geometrico liber. In quo multa quae ad geographiã, opticam, geometriam & astronomiam vtiliss. sunt, demonstrantur ...Leave the NDL website. Histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques chez les BelgesLeave the NDL website. Sull' applicazione de' principj della meccanica analitica del Lagrange ai principali problemi ...Leave the NDL website. Evolution of the electric incandescent lampLeave the NDL website. Memoires pour l'histoire naturelle de la province de Languedoc : divisés en trois partiesLeave the NDL website. Results of astronomical observations made during the years 1834, 5, 6, 7, 8, at the Cape of Good Hope : being the completion of a telescopic survey of the whole surface of the visible heavens, commenced in 1825Leave the NDL website. Theory and calculation of alternating current phenomenaLeave the NDL website. Phytologia : or, The philosophy of agriculture and gardening : with the theory of draining morasses, and with an improved construction of the drill ploughLeave the NDL website. Nuvove considerazioni sulle affinità de' corpi pel calorico calcolate per mezzo de' loro calori specifici e de' loro poteri refringenti allo stato gazosoLeave the NDL website. Sopra il turbine che la notte tra gli XI, e XII giugno del MDCCXLIX danneggió una gran parte di Roma : dissertazioneLeave the NDL website. Dissertatio epistolica de formatione pulli in ovo ...Leave the NDL website. Nov-antiqua sanctissimorum patrum, & probatorum theologorum doctrina, de sacae scripturae testimoniis, in conclusionibus mere naturalibus, quae sensatâ experientiâ, & necessariis demonstrationibus evinci possunt, temere non usurpandis : in gratiam serenissimae Christinae Lotharingae, magnae-ducis Hetruriae, privatim ante complures annos, italico idiomate conscripta à Galilaeo Galilaeo ... Nunc vero juris publici facta, cum latina versione italico textui simul adjunctaLeave the NDL website. Geometria indivisibilibvs continvorvm noua quadam ratione promota ... In hac postrema editione ab erroribus expurgataLeave the NDL website. Mendel's principles of heredity : a defenseLeave the NDL website. A course of lectures on natural philosophy and the mechanical artsLeave the NDL website. Description of the skeleton of an extinct gigantic sloth, Mylodon robustus, Owen, with observations on the osteology, natural affinities, and probable habits of the megatherioid quadrupeds in generalLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle des zoophytes. Infusoires, comprenant la physiologie et la classificatin des [i.e. de] ces animaux, et la manière de les étudier a l'aide du microscopeLeave the NDL website. De la manoeuvre des vaisseaux, ou traité de méchanique et de dynamique : dans lequel on réduit à des solutions très-simples les problêmes de marine les plus difficiles, qui ont pour objet le mouvement du navireLeave the NDL website. A course of practical chemistry : in which are contained all the operations described in Wilson's Complete course of chemistry : with many new and several uncommon processes ...Leave the NDL website. Ορυκτογραφια Hildesheimensis, sive admirandorum fossilium qvae in tractu Hildesheimensi reperiuntur, descriptio iconibus illustrata, cui addita sunt alia de calculis de fontibus, &cLeave the NDL website. Précis de l'histoire de l'astronomie aux Etats-Unis d'AmériqueLeave the NDL website. Geological view and section in Essex and Hertfordshire ...Leave the NDL website. Métrologie; ou, Tables pour servir a l'intelligence des poids et mesures des anciens, et principalement a déterminer la valeur des monnoies Grecques et Romaines, d'après rapport avec les poids, les mesures et le numéraire actuel de la FranceLeave the NDL website. Prima [-settima] risposta di Basilio Terzi ... alla lettera del signor marchese Antonio Carlo Dondi Orologio ... sopra la Memoria intorno alle produzioni fossili de'monti euganeiLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle des céctacéesLeave the NDL website. Trigonometria britannica : sive de doctrina triangulorvm libri dvo. Quorum prior continet constructionem canonis sinuum, tangentium & secantium, unà cum logarithmis sinuum & tangentium ... a ... Henrico Briggio ... paulo ante inopinatam ipsius e terris emigrationem compositus. Posterior verò usum sive applicationem canonis in resolutione triangulorum tam planorum quam sphaericorum e geometricis fundamentis ... exhibet: ab Henrico Gellibrand ... constructus ...Leave the NDL website. Mathematical collections and translations, in two parts ...Leave the NDL website. Nouvelles expériences sur la génération spontanée et la résistance vitaleLeave the NDL website. Théorie des fonctions analytiquesLeave the NDL website. Des forces physico-chimiques et de leur intervention dans la production des phénomènes naturelsLeave the NDL website. Hortvs medicvs et philosophicvs : in qvo plvrimarvm stirpivm breves descriptiones, novae icones non paucae, indicationes locorum natalium, ... nec non philologica quaedam continentur ... Item Sylva Hercynia: Sive catalogvs plantarvm sponte nascentium in montibus & locis plerisque Hercyniae Syluae ... conscriptus ... à Ioanne Thalio ... Omnia nunc primum in lucem editaLeave the NDL website. Institvtionvm mathematicarvm volvminis primi erotemata. Logisticae. Geometriae. Sphaerae. GeographiaeLeave the NDL website. Difesa di Galileo Galilei ... Lettore delle matematiche nello studio di Padoua contro alle calunnie & imposture di Baldessar Capra ...Leave the NDL website. Hortus Cliffortianus : Plantas exhibens quas in hortis tam vivis quam siccis, Hartecampi in Hollandia, coluit ... Georgius Clifford ..., reductis varietatibus ad species, speciebus ad genera, generibus ad classes, adjectis locis plantarum natalibus differentiisque specierum. Cum tabulis aeneisLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres de LavoisierLeave the NDL website. Die astronomischen Kapitel in Maimonidis Abhandlung über die Neumonscheiligun. [In Hebrew: Hala hoy Kidush hahodesh]Leave the NDL website. Illustrations of the geology of Yorkshire; or, A description of the strata and organic remains of the Yorkshire coast : accompanied by a geological map, sections, and plates of the fossil plants and animalsLeave the NDL website. Meteorological and miscellaneous tracts, applicable to navigation, gardening, and farming, with calendars of flora. For Greece, France, England, and SwedenLeave the NDL website. Ueber die Entstehung der Gebürge, und ihre gegenwärtige BeschaffenheitLeave the NDL website. The climate of Great Britain : or, Remarks on the change it has undergone, particularly within the last fifty years : accounting for the increasing humidity and consequent cloudiness and coldness of our springs and summers; with the effects such ungenial seasons have produced upon the vegetable and animal economyLeave the NDL website. Lithographia Wirceburgensis : ducentis lapidum figuratorum, a potiori, insectiformium, prodigiosis imaginibus exornataLeave the NDL website. Theorie de la lune deduite du seul principe de l'attraction reciproquement proportionelle aux quarrés des distancesLeave the NDL website. Recreatio mentis, et ocvli in obseruatione animalium testaceorum curiosis naturae inspectoribus italico sermone primùm proposita ... Nunc denuò ab eodem latinè oblata, centum additis testaceorum iconibus, circa quae varia problemata proponunturLeave the NDL website. Analogie de l'electricite, et du magnetisme, ou Recueil de memoires, couronnés par l'academie de Baviere : avec des & notes & des dissertations nouvellesLeave the NDL website. A comparative view of the Huttonian and Neptunian systems of geology : in answer to the illustrations of the Huttonian theory of the earth, by Professor PlayfairLeave the NDL website. A manual of mineralogy, comprehending the more recent discoveries in the mineral kingdomLeave the NDL website. Versuch eines Verzeichnisses der in den Dänisch-Nordischen Staaten sich Findenden einfachen Mineralien mit Tabellen der einfachen Fossilien nach ihren vorwaltenden BestandtheilenLeave the NDL website. Dissertatio de gravitate aetherisLeave the NDL website. Historiae animalium Angliae tres tractatus : unus de araneis. Alter de cochleis tum terrestribus tum fluviatilibus : tertius de cochleis marinis : quibus adjectus est quartus de lapidibus ejusdem insulae ad cochlearum quandam imaginem figuratis : memoriae & rationiLeave the NDL website. Histoire abregée des insectes qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris : dans laquelle ces animaux sont rangés suivant un ordre méthodiqueLeave the NDL website. Gravitation : an elementary explanation of the principal perturbations in the solar systemLeave the NDL website. Memoires sur différens sujets de mathematiquesLeave the NDL website. The doctrine of descent and DarwinismLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres physiologiquesLeave the NDL website. Etudes sur l'astronomie indienne et sur l'astronomie chinoiseLeave the NDL website. An elementary treatise on natural philosophyLeave the NDL website. The anatomy of plants : with an idea of a philosophical history of plants : and several other lectures, read before the Royal SocietyLeave the NDL website. Traité d'optique, où l'on donne la théorie de la lumiere dans le système Newtonien, avec de nouvelles solutions des principaux problêmes de dioptrique & de catoptriqueLeave the NDL website. Experimental researches in electricityLeave the NDL website. Die Undulations theorie [i.e. Undulationstheorie] des Lichtes : eine Beilage zu den Lehrbüchern der PhysikLeave the NDL website. An easy introduction to the theory and practice of mechanics : ... by the application of one general property of the center of gravity without having recourse to the composition and resolution of forcesLeave the NDL website. Recherches sur les modifications de l'atmosphereLeave the NDL website. The method of increments : wherein the principles are demonstrated; and the practice thereof shewn in the solution of problemsLeave the NDL website. A treatise on the science of muscular actionLeave the NDL website. The life of the honble Henry Cavendish, including abstracts of his more important scientific papers, and a critical inquiry into the claims of all the alleged discoverers of the composition of waterLeave the NDL website. Observations touching the principles of natural motions : and especially touching rarefaction & condensation : together with a reply to certain remarks touching the gravitation of fluidsLeave the NDL website. Über den zweiten Hauptsatz der mechanischen WärmetheorieLeave the NDL website. Commentaria Erasmi Osvaldi Schreckenfvchsii in sphaeram Ionnis de Sacro BustoLeave the NDL website. Histoire des doctrines chimiques depuis Lavoisier jusqu'a nos joursLeave the NDL website. Paléontologie de la FranceLeave the NDL website. A brief exposition of the science of mechanical electricity, or electricity proper : subsidiary to the course of chemical instruction in the University of Pennsylvania : with engravings and descriptions of the apparatus employedLeave the NDL website. A treatise on the nature and property of fire : in three essays ...Leave the NDL website. A lecture on the geography of plantsLeave the NDL website. A Course of six lectures on the various forces of matter and their relations to each otherLeave the NDL website. Lectures on chemistry : including its applications in the arts: and the analysis of organic and inorganic compoundsLeave the NDL website. System of mineralogy : comprehending oryctognosie, geognosie, mineralogical chemistry, mineralogical geography, and Economical [i.e. oeconomical] mineralogyLeave the NDL website. Beyträge zur OptikLeave the NDL website. Experimental researches in chemistry and physicsLeave the NDL website. Geological view and section through Dorsetshire and Somersetshire to TauntonLeave the NDL website. Kulturgeschichte des neunzehnten jahrhunderts in ihren beziehungen zu der entwickelung der naturwissenschaften geschildert von Ernst Hallier, mit 180 in den text gedruckten abbildungenLeave the NDL website. Von den bisherigen Versuchen über längere Voraussicht der WitterungLeave the NDL website. Theory of the earthLeave the NDL website. Memoria intorno all' elettricità animaleLeave the NDL website. Science & educationLeave the NDL website. Elements of the art of assaying metals ...Leave the NDL website. Matter and motion. ...Leave the NDL website. Discovrs novveav provvant la pluralité des mondes, que les astres sont des terres habitées, & la terre vne estoile, qu'elle est hors du centre du monde dans le troisieme ciel, & se tourne deuant le soleil qui est fixe, & autres choses tres-curieusesLeave the NDL website. Theoria motuum planetarum et cometarumLeave the NDL website. Istoria botanica ... Nella quale si descriuono alcune piante degl' antichi, da moderni con altri nomi proposte; e molt' altre non più osseruate, e da varie reggioni del mondo venute, con le vertù, e qualità della maggior parte di esse, & in figure al viuo rappresentate ...Leave the NDL website. An examination of Dr. Burnet's Theory of the earth : together with some remarks on Mr. Whiston's New theory of the earthLeave the NDL website. De beghinselen der weeghconstLeave the NDL website. Rapport historique sur les progrès des sciences mathématiques depuis 1789, et sur leur état actuelLeave the NDL website. Observations curieuses sur toutes les parties de la physique, extraites & recueillies des meilleurs memoiresLeave the NDL website. Elements of mechanical and chemical philosophyLeave the NDL website. Beobachtungen des grossen Cometen von 1807 : sammt einem Nachtrage zu den aphroditographischen FragmentenLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle des volcans, comprenant les volcans soumarins [sic], ceux de boue et autres phénomènes analoguesLeave the NDL website. Études sur la maladie des vers a soie, moyen pratique assuré de la combattre et d'en prévenir le retourLeave the NDL website. De' corpi marini, che su' monti si trovano : della loro origine : e dello stato del mondo avanti'l diluvio, nel diluvio, e dopo il diluvioLeave the NDL website. Flugtechnische BetrachtungenLeave the NDL website. Geology of Oxford and the valley of the ThamesLeave the NDL website. De vniversali stirpivm natvra libri duo ...Leave the NDL website. Popular lectures and addressesLeave the NDL website. A dissertation on the chymical properties and exhilarating effects of nitrous oxide gas : and its application to pneumatick medicine : submitted as an inaugural thesis for the degree of doctor of medicineLeave the NDL website. A course of chemistry, divided into twenty-four lectures, formerly given by ... Henry Pemberton ... Now first published from the author's manuscript ...Leave the NDL website. Thesaurus siluricus. The flora and fauna of the Silurian period, with addenda (from recent acquisitions)Leave the NDL website. Die Grundlage der allgemeinen RelativitätstheorieLeave the NDL website. Experiments on airLeave the NDL website. Artis analyticae praxis, ad aequationes algebraïcas nouâ, expeditâ, & generali methodo, resoluendasLeave the NDL website. Divina proportione : opera a tutti glingegni perspicaci e curiosi necessaria oue ciascun studioso di philosophia: prospectiua pictura sculptura: architectura: musica: e altre mathematice: suauissima: sottile: e admirabile doctrina consequira: e delecterassi cõ varie questione de secretissima scientiaLeave the NDL website. Memoir and correspondence ...Leave the NDL website. Der mechanische Theil der NaturlehreLeave the NDL website. Systema satvrnivm, sive De causis mirandorum Satvrni phaenomenôn, et comite ejus planeta novoLeave the NDL website. Institutiones rei herbariaeLeave the NDL website. Histoire et description du Muséum royal d'histoire naturelle, ouvrage rédigé d'après les ordres de l'administration du muséumLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu BerlinLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire des origines découvertes, inventions et établissemens : ou, Tableau historique de l'origine & des progrès de tout ce qui a rapport aux sciences & aux arts; aux modes & aux usages, anciens & modernes; aux différens etats, dignités, titres ou qualités; & généralement à tout ce qui peut étre utile, curieux & intéressant pour toutes les classes de citoyens. Par une Société de gens de lettresLeave the NDL website. Observations on fossil vegetables, accompanied by representations of their internal structure, as seen through the microscopeLeave the NDL website. Omnia quae extant opera, praeter geographiam, quam non dissimili forma nuperrimè aedidimus : summa cura & diligentia castigata ab Erasmo Osualdo Schrekhenfuchsio, & ab eodem Isagioca in Almagestum praefatione, & fidelissimis in priores libros annotationibus illustrata, quemadmodum sequens pagina catalogo indicatLeave the NDL website. Traite élémentaire de chimieLeave the NDL website. A historical view of the Hindu astronomy, from the earliest dawn of that science in India, to the present time : in two partsLeave the NDL website. Ptolemaevs parvvs in genethliacis junctus arabibusLeave the NDL website. Principles of modern chemistry, systematically arrangedLeave the NDL website. Nouvelles recherches sur l'endosmose et l'exosmose, suivies de l'application expérimentale de ces actions physiques a la solution du problême de l'irritabilité végétale, et a la détermination de la cause de l'ascension des tiges et de la descente des racinesLeave the NDL website. Miscellanea curiosa : being a collection of some of the principal phaenomena in nature, accounted for by the greatest philosophers of this ageLeave the NDL website. Discours d'ouverture et de clôture du cours de zoologie donné dans le Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, l'an IX ...Leave the NDL website. Naturwissenschaftliche AbhandlungenLeave the NDL website. Ueber die Theorien der Erde, den Amorphismus fester Körper und den gegenseitigen Einfluss der Chemie und MineralogieLeave the NDL website. Neue Beyträge zur AkustikLeave the NDL website. A history of botany 1860-1900 : being a continuation of Sachs 'History of botany, 1530-1860'Leave the NDL website. An account of the origin and formation of fossil-shells, &c. Wherein is proposed a way to reconcile the two different opinions, of those who affirm them to be the exuviae of real animals, and those who fancy them to be lusus naturaeLeave the NDL website. Popular lectures on scientific subjectsLeave the NDL website. Sur la philosophie minéralogique et sur l'espèce minéralogiqueLeave the NDL website. Histoire des poissons, contenant la déscription anatomique de leurs parties externes & internes, & le caractere des divers genres ranges par classes & par ordresLeave the NDL website. Kleinere Schriften und Briefe von Robert Mayer, nebst Mittheilungen aus seinem LebenLeave the NDL website. Elenchi fvngorvm continvatio prima describens CXXV. species et varietates totidem iconibvs LIX-CLXXXIII. repraesentatasLeave the NDL website. Organum mathematicum libris IX. explicatum à P. Gaspare Schotto ... quo per paucas ac facillimè parabiles tabellas, intra cistulam ad modum organi pnevmatici constructam reconditas, pleraeque mathematicae disciplinae, modo novo ac facili traduntur ... Opus posthumumLeave the NDL website. Vollständige Anleitung zur AlgebraLeave the NDL website. De solis parallaxi ad V. Cl. Grandjean de Fouchy ... commentarivsLeave the NDL website. Sir Isaac Newton's theory of light and colours, and his principle of attraction, made familiar to the ladies in several EntertainmentsLeave the NDL website. Le paysage morainique son origine glaciaire et ses rapports avec les formations Pliocènes d'Italie ... avec deux cartesLeave the NDL website. Mineralogie; ou, Nouvelle exposition du regne minéral : ouvrage dans lequel on a tâché de ranger dans l'ordre le plus naturel les individus de ce regne, & où l'on expose leurs propriétés & usages méchaniques : avec un dictionnaire nomenclateur et des tables synoptiquesLeave the NDL website. Pantometrum Kircherianum, hoc est, instrumentum geometricum novum, à ... P. Athanasio Kirchero ante hac inventum, nunc decem libris, universam paenè practicam geometriam complectentibus explicatum, perspicuisque demonstrationibus illustratumLeave the NDL website. Mechanica : sive, motvs scientia analytice expositaLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres de Bernard Palissy, revues sur les exemplaires de la bibliotheque du roi, avec des notesLeave the NDL website. An essay on the food of plants and the renovation of soilsLeave the NDL website. Atomistik und Kriticismus : ein Beitrag zur Erkenntnisstheoretischen Grundlegung der PhysikLeave the NDL website. Raccolta di varie osservazioni, spettanti all'istoria medica, e naturale. ...Leave the NDL website. De apparente magnitvdine solis hvmilis et svblimis. Epistolae qvatvor. In qvibvs complvra physica, opticaque problemata proponuntur, & explicanturLeave the NDL website. On our knowledge of the causes of the phenomena of organic nature : being six lectures to working men, delivered at the Museum of Practical GeologyLeave the NDL website. Handbuch der vergleichenden AnatomieLeave the NDL website. The warfare of scienceLeave the NDL website. Island life; or, The phenomena and causes of insular faunas and floras, including a revision and attempted solution of the problem of geological climatesLeave the NDL website. Institutiones calculi differentialisLeave the NDL website. Physical optics : or, The nature and properties of light : a descriptive and experimental treatiseLeave the NDL website. A history of the theories of aether and electricity from the age of Descartes to the close of the nineteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. The geological observerLeave the NDL website. The formation of vegetable mould, through the action of worms, with observations on their habitsLeave the NDL website. The origin and progress of the mechanical inventions of James Watt : illustrated by his correspondence with his friend and the specifications of his patentsLeave the NDL website. Saggio orittografico, ovvero Osservazioni sopra le terre nautilitiche ed ammonitiche della Toscana. Con appendice o indice latino ragionato de'piccoli testacei e d'altri fossili d'origin marina per schiarimento dell'operaLeave the NDL website. Du système social et des lois qui il régissentLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire universel d'agriculture et de jardinage, de fauconnerie, chasse, pêche, cuisine et manége ...Leave the NDL website. Grundzüge der Astronomie und Astrologie der Alten besonders der AegypterLeave the NDL website. Handbuch der Astronomie ihrer Geschichte und LitteraturLeave the NDL website. Restitvtvs; siue Prisca geometriae elementa, breuiùs, & faciliùs contexta, in quibus precipuè proportionvm theoriae noua, firmiorique methodo promuntur a Io. Alphonso BorellioLeave the NDL website. Catalogue of books and papers relating to electricity, magnetism, the electric telegraph, &c. : including the Ronalds Library. ... with a biographical memoirLeave the NDL website. The history and practice of aerostationLeave the NDL website. Notes by a naturalist on the "Challenger," being an account of various observations made during the voyage of H.M.S. "Challenger" round the world, in the years 1872-1876, under the commands of Capt. Sir G.S. Nares ... and Capt. F.T. Thomson ...Leave the NDL website. Disqvisitio de cavsa physica electricitatis ab Academia scientiarvm imperiali Petropolitana praemio coronata in pvblico academiae conventv die VI. septembr. CIɔ Iɔ CCLV. Vna cvm aliis dvabvs dissertationibvs de eodem argvmentoLeave the NDL website. De mineralibvs tractatus in genere ... libri quatuor; ... opus diù desideratum, ... nunc ... prima vice praelo diligenter submissum, & in lucem editum. Cum duobus indicibus, vnus titulorum, alter rerum notabiliumLeave the NDL website. Astronomia britannica : in qua per novam, concinnioremqɜ methodum, hi quinqɜ tractatus traduntur : I. Logistica astronomica, ... II. Trigonometria, ... III. Doctrina sphaerica, ... IV. Theoria planetarum, ... V. Tabulae novae astronomicae, ... Congruentes cum observationibus accuratissimis nobilis Tychonis Brahaei. Cui accessit observationum astronomicarum synopsis compendiaria, ex quâ Astronomiae britannicae certitudo affatim elucescit ... : cui additur postcriptum de refractioneLeave the NDL website. Memoir on the geology of central France : including the volcanic formations of Auvergne, the Velay, and the VivaraisLeave the NDL website. Synopsis plantarum seu enumeratio systematica plantarum plerumque adhuc cognitarum cum differentiis specificis et synonymis selectis ad modum Persoonii elaborataLeave the NDL website. Rara avis in terris : or, The compleat miner, in two books : the first containing, the liberties, laws and customs of the lead-mines, within the wapentake of Wirksworth in Derbyshire; in fifty nine articles, being all that ever was made. The second teacheth, the art of dialling and levelling grooves, a thing greatly desired by all miners; being a subject never written on before by anyLeave the NDL website. Del svono de' tremori armonici e dell' vditoLeave the NDL website. An introduction to mineralogyLeave the NDL website. Collection de mémoires pour servir a l'histoire du règne végétal, et plus spécialement pour servir de complément a quelques parties du Prodromus regni vegetabilisLeave the NDL website. On sound and atmospheric vibrations, with the mathematical elements of music : designed for the use of students of the universityLeave the NDL website. The five books of M. Manilius, containing a system of the ancient astronomy and astrology : together with the philosophy of the stoicks. ...Leave the NDL website. Anfangsgründe der PhysikLeave the NDL website. Instituzioni meccanicheLeave the NDL website. Traité pratique de calorimétrie chimiqueLeave the NDL website. Les sciences pendant la terreur d'après les documents du temps et les pièces des Archives nationalesLeave the NDL website. Cosmos : a sketch of a physical description of the universeLeave the NDL website. Dégré du méridien entre Paris et Amiens, ...Leave the NDL website. Hydrogéologie; ou, recherches sur l'influence qu'ont les eaux sur la surface du globe terrestre : sur les causes de l'existence du bassin des mers, de son déplacement et de son transport successif sur les différens points de la surface de ce globe : enfin sur les changemens que les corps vivans exercent sur la nature et l'état de cette surfaceLeave the NDL website. Von dem neu entdeckten Planeten. Wo nur Bahnen möglich waren, da rollen Weltkörper, und wo nur wesen sich glücklish fühlen konnten, da wallenwesen: der Philosoph für die WeltLeave the NDL website. Von den äusserlichen Konnzeichen der FossilienLeave the NDL website. Petrificata Derbiensia; or, Figures and descriptions of petrifactions collected in DerbyshireLeave the NDL website. Hereditary genius : an inquiry into its laws and consequencesLeave the NDL website. Researches on the motion of the juices in the animal bodyLeave the NDL website. Discourses on various subjects, including several on particular occasionsLeave the NDL website. Exposition raisonnée de la théorie de l'électricité et du magnétisme, d'après les principes de M. Aepinus ...Leave the NDL website. Grundriss einer Entwicklungsgeschichte der chemischen Atomistik, zugleich Einführung in das Studium der Geschichte der ChemieLeave the NDL website. Historiae Aegypti naturalisLeave the NDL website. Le vrai systême de physique generale de M. Isaac Newton ...Leave the NDL website. Die Radiolarien (Rhizopoda radiaria) : eine Monographie. ... Mit einem AtlasLeave the NDL website. Marcelli Malpighii philosophi & medici bononiensis, e regia societate Opera omniaLeave the NDL website. Palaeontology : or, A systematic summary of extinct animals and their geological relationsLeave the NDL website. Familiar letters on chemistry, and its relation to commerce, physiology, and agricultureLeave the NDL website. De' crostacei e degli altri marini corpi che si truovano su' monti libri due ...Leave the NDL website. Essays on the floating-matter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infectionLeave the NDL website. New experiments and observations on electricity : made at Philadelphia in America. Communicated to P. Collinson, Esq; of London, F.R.S. and read at the Royal Society June 27, and July 4, 1754 : to which is added a paper on the same subject by J. Canton, M.A.F.R.S. and read at the Royal Society Dec. 6, 1753; and another in defence of Mr. Franklin against the Abbe Nollet, by Mr. D. Colden, of New York. ...Leave the NDL website. A review of the doctrine of a vital principle, as maintained by some writerrs on physiology : with observations on the causes of physical & animal lifeLeave the NDL website. A systematic arrangement of minerals, founded on the joint consideration of their chemical, physical, and external characters : reduced to the form of tables, and exhibiting the analysis of such species as have hitherto been made the subject of experimentLeave the NDL website. The history of the heavens, considered according to the notions of the poets and philosophers, compared with the doctrines of MosesLeave the NDL website. Radioactivity and geology, an account of the influence of radioactive energy on terrestrial historyLeave the NDL website. Ioannis Fernelii ambianatis monalosphaerium, partibus constans quatuor, prima, generalis horarii & structuram & vsum, in exquisitā monalosphaerij cognitionem praemittit. Secunda, mobilium solennitatum, criticorúmqɜ dierū rationes, multabreuitate complectitur. Tertia, quascūqɜ ex motu primi mobilis deprōptas vtilitates elargitur. Quarta, geometricā praxin breuiusculis demōstrationibus dilucidat. ...Leave the NDL website. Utilissimo trattato dell'acque correnti diviso in tre libri, nel qvale si notificano le misure, ed esperienze di esse. I giuochi, e scherzi, li quali per mezzo dell'aria, e del fuoco, vengono operati dall'acqua, con diversi necessarii ammaestramenti intorno al modo di far condotti, fistole, bottini, ed altro, per condurre l'acque ne'luoghi destinati. Con una esatta notizia di tutto quello, ch'è stato operato intorno alla conduttura dell'acqua di Bracciano. II tutto con dilinza, e dato in luce con le delineazioni ...Leave the NDL website. Opera postuma mathematica et physica anno MDCCCXLIV detecta quae Academiae Scientiarum Petropolitanae obtulerunt eiusque auspiciis ediderunt ... petropoliLeave the NDL website. An essay toward a natural history of the earth : and terrestrial bodies, especially minerals : as also of the sea, rivers, and springs : with an account of the universal deluge : and of the effects that it had upon the earthLeave the NDL website. Theorica, y practica de la arte de ensayar. Oro, plata, y vellon rico. Danse reglas para ligar, religar, alear y reducir qualesquiera cantidades de oro, y plata a la ley del reyno. Corrigense las reglas, y tablas de Juan de Arphe, y aumentanse otras nuevas, para mayor claridad de los que quisieren aprender esta facultad ...Leave the NDL website. Historiae animaliumLeave the NDL website. Prodromus petromatognosiae animalium systematicae continens, Bibliographiam animalium fossiliumLeave the NDL website. De corporibus marinis lapidescentibus quae defossa reperiunturLeave the NDL website. De stella nova in pede serpentarii, et qui sub ejus exortum de novo iniit, Trigono Igneo. ... Accesserunt. 1. De stella incognita cygni: Narratio astronomica. II. De Jesv Christi servatoris vero anno natalitio, consideratio novissimae sententiae Lavrentii Svslygae Poloni, quatuor annos in usitata epocha desiderantisLeave the NDL website. Exercitationes mechanicae ...Leave the NDL website. The lives of the professors of Gresham College : to which is prefixed the life of the fovnder, Sir Thomas Gresham : with an appendix, consisting of orations, lectvres, and letters, written by the professors, with other papers serving to illustrate the livesLeave the NDL website. Institutiones astronomicae ternis libris cõtentae : quorum primus sphaerae ac mundi naturam declarat : secundus orbium : tertius circulorumLeave the NDL website. L'Optiqve, et la catoptriqve dv reverend pere Mersenne, minime : Novvellement mise en lvmiere, apres la mort de l'autheurLeave the NDL website. Les proprietés remarquables de la route de la lumière, par les airs et en general par plusieurs milieux refringens spheriques et concentriques, avec la solution des problèmes, qui y ont du rapport, comme sont les refractions astronomiques et terrestres, et ce qui en dependLeave the NDL website. Les eaux souterraines aux époques anciennes, rôle qui leur revient dans l'origine et les modifications de la substance de l'écorce terrestreLeave the NDL website. A course of mechanical, magnetical, optical, hydrostatical, and pneumatical experiments : to be perform'd by Francis Hauksbee; and the explanatory lectures readLeave the NDL website. Nuovo conduttore spirale con la sua teoria ...Leave the NDL website. Experiences physico-mechaniques sur différens sujets, et principalement sur la lumiere et l'electricité, produites par le frottement des corpsLeave the NDL website. De l'électricité du corps humain dans l'état de santé et de maladie; ouvrage couronné par l'académie de Lyon, dans lequel on traite de l'électricité de l'atmos-phere, de son influence & de ses effets sur l'économie animale. &c. &c.Leave the NDL website. Opera ... qvibvs post omnivm editiones de nouo accessit ars notoria ...Leave the NDL website. Élémens d'oryctologie; ou, Distribution méthodique des fossilesLeave the NDL website. A dictionary of science, literature, & art : comprising the history, description, and scientific principles of every branch of human knowledge : with the derivation and definition of all the terms in general useLeave the NDL website. Versuch einer mineralogischen Beschreibung des Uralischen ErzgebürgesLeave the NDL website. Chimie organique fondée sur la synthèseLeave the NDL website. Gedanken von den Eigenschaften, Wirkungen und Ursachen der Electricität, nebst einer Beschreibung zwo neuer electrischen MaschinenLeave the NDL website. The method of fluxions applied to a select number of useful problems : together with the demonstration of Mr. Cotes's forms of fluents in the second part of his Logometria : the analysis of the problems in his Scholium generale : and an explanation of the principal propositions of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophyLeave the NDL website. Elementorum libri XV. Breviter demonstrati, operâ Is. BarrowLeave the NDL website. Élémens de physiologie végétale et de botaniqueLeave the NDL website. Gesammelte mathematische Werke und wissenschaftlicher NachlassLeave the NDL website. Researches on the chemistry of foodLeave the NDL website. L'homme-planteLeave the NDL website. Illustrations of surface geologyLeave the NDL website. Life and scientific work of Peter Guthrie Tait supplementing the two volumes of scientific papers published in 1898 and 1900Leave the NDL website. Elements of technology, taken chiefly from a course of lectures delivered at Cambridge, on the application of the sciences to the useful arts, now published for the use of seminaries and studentsLeave the NDL website. A philosophical account of the works of nature ...Leave the NDL website. Bybel der natuureLeave the NDL website. A discourse on the advantages of natural philosophy and astronomy, as part of a general and professional education : being an introductory lecture delivered in the University of London, on the 28th October, 1828Leave the NDL website. Bibliotheca chemica contracta ex delectu & emendationeLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres de FourierLeave the NDL website. Précis de chimie organiqueLeave the NDL website. Die Petrefactenkunde auf ihrem jetzigen Standpunkte durch die Beschreibung seiner Sammlung versteinerter und fossiler überreste des Thierund Pflanzenreichs der Vorwelt erläutertLeave the NDL website. Dialogo sopra la generatione de Venti, Baleni, Tuoni, Fulgori, Fiumi, Laghi, Valli, MontagneLeave the NDL website. Del modo di misvrare le distantie, le superficie, i corpi, le piante, le prouincie, le prospettiue, & tutte le altre cose terrene, che possono occorrere a gli huomini, secondo le uere regole d'Euclide, & de gli altri piu lodati scrittoriLeave the NDL website. Excerpta quaedam e Newtoni Principiis philosophiae naturalis, cum notis variorumLeave the NDL website. Die ZeugungLeave the NDL website. The complete writings of Constantine Smaltz Rafineque, on recent & fossil conchologyLeave the NDL website. Memorie idrostatico-storiche delle operazioni eseguite nell'inalveazione del Reno di Bologna, e degli altri minori Torrenti per la Linea di Primaro al Mare dall'anno 1765 fino al 1772 ...Leave the NDL website. Reflexions nouvelles sur l'acide et sur l'alcali: Où apres avoir demontré que ces deux sels ne peuvent pas être les principes des mixtes, ...Leave the NDL website. Meteorological essays and observationsLeave the NDL website. Etudes critiques sur les mollusques fossilesLeave the NDL website. Traité d'énergétique ou de thermodynamique généraleLeave the NDL website. Pseudodoxia epidemica : or, Enquiries into very many received tenents, and commonly presumed truthsLeave the NDL website. The common sense of the exact sciencesLeave the NDL website. Bibliotheca technologica : or, A philological library of literary arts and sciences. Viz. I. Theology; ... XXV. Miscellanies : an account of the mathematical arts and sciencesLeave the NDL website. Tables astronomiques du soleil, de la lune, des planetes, des etoiles fixes, et des satellites de Jupiter et de Saturne; avec l'explication & l'usage de ces mêmes tablesLeave the NDL website. Arabische Korallen : ein Ausflug nach den Korallenbänken des Rothen Meeres und ein Blick in das Leben der Korallenthiere : populäre Vorlesung mit wissenschaftlichen ErlaüterungenLeave the NDL website. Mineralogy according to the natural history system, forming the article under that head in the seventh edition of the Encyclopaedia BritannicaLeave the NDL website. Science and Hebrew traditionLeave the NDL website. Text-book of electrochemistryLeave the NDL website. Materials for the study of variation treated with especial regard to discontinuity in the origin of speciesLeave the NDL website. An account of experiments to determine the figure of the earth by means of the pendulum vibrating seconds in different latitudes : as well as on various other subjects of philosophical inquiryLeave the NDL website. Der Maschinen- und Vogelflug : eine historischkritische flugtechnische Untersuchung : mit besonderer Hervorhebung der Arbeiten von Alphonse Pénaud ... Erweiterter Sonderabdruck aus der Automobil- und flugtechnischen Zeitschrift "Der Motorwagen"Leave the NDL website. A system of chemistryLeave the NDL website. De humani corporis fabrica libri septemLeave the NDL website. Essai sur l'histoire naturelle de la mer Adriatique, ... avec une lettre du Docteur Leonard Sesler, sur une nouvelle espece de plante terrestre, traduit de l'ItalienLeave the NDL website. Geological excursions round the Isle of Wight, and along the adjacent coast of Dorsetshire : illustrative of the most interesting geological phenomena, and organic remainsLeave the NDL website. A table of chemical equivalents and notationLeave the NDL website. Atombau und SpektrallinienLeave the NDL website. The Royal Society in the XIXth century : being a statistical summary of its labours during the last thirty-five years : with many original tables and official documents, (never before published) ... : to which are added, alphabetical and seniority lists of the fellows since the year 1800 ...Leave the NDL website. Theoretical chemistry from the standpoint of Avogardro's rule & thermodynamicsLeave the NDL website. Elenchvs fvngorvm : accedvnt icones LVII. fvngorvm nonnvlorvm agri jenensis, secvndvm natvram ab avtore depictae; aeri incisae et vivis coloribvs fvcatae a i. s. capievxLeave the NDL website. Breeding and the Mendelian discoveryLeave the NDL website. An essay on probabilities, and their application to life contingencies and insurance officesLeave the NDL website. An essay on the principle of population, as it affects the future improvement of society : with remarks on the speculations of Mr. Godwin, M. Condorcet, and other writersLeave the NDL website. De la résolution des équations numériques de tous les degrésLeave the NDL website. Grundsätze der technischen chemieLeave the NDL website. Zoological lectures delivered at the Royal Institution in the years 1806 and 1807Leave the NDL website. Historia matheseos universae a mundo condito ad seculum P.C.N. XVI ... Accedit recensio elementorum, compendiorum et operum mathematicorum atque historia arithmetices ad nostra temporaLeave the NDL website. Bermannvs, sive de re metallicaLeave the NDL website. Colour measurement and mixtureLeave the NDL website. Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari e loro accidenti comprese in tre lettere scritte all'illvstrissimo signor Marco Velseri ... Si aggiungono nel fine le lettere, e disquisizioni del finto apelle [Christoph Scheiner]Leave the NDL website. Philosophiae, ac mathematicae totivs institvtio, cum assertionibus disputatis, & vario genere problematum ...Leave the NDL website. Das Werden der WeltenLeave the NDL website. Sir Isaac Newton's Two treatises : of the quadrature of curves, and Analysis by equations of an infinite number of terms, explained : ... with a large commentary; ...Leave the NDL website. The geology and extinct volcanos of central FranceLeave the NDL website. Lectures on agricultural chemistry and geology : ... with an appendix containing suggestions for experiments in practical agricultureLeave the NDL website. La révolution chimique; Lavoisier; ouvrage suivi de notices et extraits des registres inédits de laboratoire de LavoisierLeave the NDL website. The laws of contrast of colour : and their application to the arts of painting, decoration of buildings, mosaic work, tapestry and carpet weaving, calico printing, dress, paper staining, printing, illumination, landscape and flower gardening, &c.Leave the NDL website. Astronomia practica, sive motvvm caelestivm praxes per astrolabia qvaedam, qvibvs sydervm loca, motvs, defectus, citò facilè pro quolibet tempore in perpetuum cognoscunturLeave the NDL website. The analysis of sensations and the relation of the physical to the psychicalLeave the NDL website. The commentaries of Proclus on the Timaeus of Plato, in five books : containing a treasury of Pythagoric and Platonic physiologyLeave the NDL website. Experimenta & observationes physicae : wherein are briefly treated of several subjects relating to natural philosophy in an experimental way : to which is added, a small collection of strange reports, in two partsLeave the NDL website. Institutions Newtoniennes; ou, Introduction a la philosophise de M. NewtonLeave the NDL website. Astronomy, in five booksLeave the NDL website. Letters on the elements of botany : addressed to a ladyLeave the NDL website. A century's progress in astronomyLeave the NDL website. Lectures on anatomy, surgery, and pathologyLeave the NDL website. De sphaera et primis astronomiae rudimentis libellus, ad vsum scholarum maximè accommodatus: accurata methodo & breuitate conscriptus, ac denuò editus ...Leave the NDL website. Physica curiosa, sive Mirabilia naturae et artis libris XII. comprehensa, quibus pleraq;, quae de angelis, daemonibus, hominibus, spectris, energumensis, monstris, portentis, animalibus, meteoris, &c. rara, arcana, curiosaq́; circumferuntur, ad veritatis trutinam expenduntur, variis ex historia ac philosophia petitis disquisitionibus, excutiuntur, & innumeris exemplis illustranturLeave the NDL website. Elogio dell'abate Ruggiero Giuseppe BoscovichLeave the NDL website. Opuscule sur l'oxide de carbone hydreux, plus connu sous le nom de camphre, et sur l'action qu'il éprouve de la part de plusieurs substancesLeave the NDL website. Life of Sir Roderick I. Murchison : based on his journals and letters; with notices of his scientific contemporaries and a sketch of the rise and growth of palaeozoic geology in BritainLeave the NDL website. Θεοφραστου Ερεσιου τα σωζομενα. Theophrasti Eresii qvae svpersvnt opera et excerpta librorvm, qvatvor tomis comprehensaLeave the NDL website. Des glaciers et des climats, ou des causes atmosphériques en géologie. Recherches sur les forces diluviennes, indépendantes de la chaleur centrale, sur les phénomènes glaciaire et erratique; ...Leave the NDL website. A lecture on the plan, which it is proposed to adopt for improving the Royal Institution, and rendering it permanent. Delivered in the Theatre of the Royal Institution, March 3d, 1810Leave the NDL website. Thaumaturgus physicus ...Leave the NDL website. Theoria motus lunae, exhibens omnes eius inaequalitates. In additamento hoc idem argumentum aliter tractatur simulque ostenditur quemadmodum motus lunae cum omnibus inaequalitatibus innumeris aliis modis repraesentari atque ad calculum reuocari possitLeave the NDL website. Erforschung der Ursachen von den electrischen WürkungenLeave the NDL website. Studies in the theory of descentLeave the NDL website. On the relative motion of the earth and the luminiferous aetherLeave the NDL website. Generelle Morphologie der Organismen : allgemeine Grundzüge der organischen Formen-Wissenschaft, mechanisch begründet durch die von C. Darwin reformirte Descendenz-TheorieLeave the NDL website. Essai sur les phénomènes relatifs aux disparitions périodiques de l'anneau de SaturneLeave the NDL website. Breue compendio de la sphera y de la arte de nauegar, con nueuos instrumentos y reglas, exemplificado con muy subtiles demonstraciones : compuesto por Martin Cortes natural de burjalaroz en el reyno de Aragon y de presente vezino de la ciudad de Cadiz ...Leave the NDL website. Histoire des sciences de l'organisation et de leurs progrès, comme base de la philosophie ...Leave the NDL website. Elementary illustrations of the celestial mechanics of Laplace : part the first, comprehending the first bookLeave the NDL website. Mineralogische, chemische und alchymistische Briefe von reisenden und andern gelehrten an den chemaligen chursachsischen Bergrath J.F. HenkelLeave the NDL website. Our debt to the past; or, Chaldean science and an essay on mathematics and the fine artsLeave the NDL website. Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire des sciences et à celle de l'observatoire royal de Paris : suivis de la vie de J.-D. Cassini, écrite par lui-même, et des éloges de plusieurs académiciens morts pendant la révolutionLeave the NDL website. Traité de la connoissance des animavx, où tout ce qui a esté dict pour, & contre le raisonnement des bestes, est examinéLeave the NDL website. An attempt to develop the law of storms by means of facts, arranged according to place and time : and hence to point out a cause for the variable winds, with the view to practical use in navigationLeave the NDL website. Physica ...Leave the NDL website. An introduction to natural philosophy; or, Philosophical lectures read in the University of Oxford, anno Dom. 1700 : to which are added, the demonstration of Monsieur Huygens's Theorems, concerning the centrifugal force and circular motionLeave the NDL website. Monvmenta rervm petrificatarvm praecipva Oryctographiae Noricae svpplementi loco ivngenda interprete filio Ferdinando Iacobo Baiero cum tabvlis aeneis qvindecimLeave the NDL website. Art de se preśerver de l'action de la flamme, appliqué aux pompiers et à la conservation des personnes exposées au feu : avec une série d'expériences faites en Italie, à Genève et à ParisLeave the NDL website. Index entomologicus : or, A complete illustrated catalogue, consisting of 1944 figures, of the lepidopterous insects of Great BritainLeave the NDL website. An entire body of philosophy, according to the principles of the famous Renate des Cartes, in three books: I. The institution, in X. parts ... II. The history of nature ... III. A dissertation of the want of sense and knowledge in brute animals, in II. parts ...Leave the NDL website. Studies on fermentation : the diseases of beer, their causes and the means of preventing themLeave the NDL website. Physikalisches Wörterbuch ...Leave the NDL website. Vollständige Nachricht von dem hollerter Zuge, einem wichtigen EisensteinwerkeLeave the NDL website. Tablas botanicas que, para el mas pronto y facil estudio de esta ciencia, dispuso ...Leave the NDL website. Von Würmern des süssen und salzigen wassers, mit KupfernLeave the NDL website. Théorie des fonctions abéliennesLeave the NDL website. L'instrvmento de la filosofiaLeave the NDL website. Le minere de' mettalli, come si generino, & si cauino dalle viscere della terra, con il modo di conoscere dette minere purificarle da ogni loro impurità, & come si deue far il saggio dell'oro, & dell'argento partirli, & separali da altri metalliLeave the NDL website. Ensayo para la materia médica MexicanaLeave the NDL website. Le spectacle du feu elementaire, ou, cours d'electricité experimentale. ...Leave the NDL website. De historia piscium libri quatuor, jussu & sumptibus Societatis regiae londinensis editi : in quibus non tantum de piscibus in genere agitur, sed & species omnes, tum ab aliis traditae, tum novae & nondum editae bene multae, naturae ductum servante methodo dispositae, accurate describuntur : earumque effigies, quotquot haberi potuere, vel ad vivum delineatae, vel ad optima exemplaria impressa; artifici manu elegantissime in aes incisae, ad descriptiones illustrandas exhibentur : cum appendice historias & observationes in supplementum operis collatas complectenteLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres complètes de LaplaceLeave the NDL website. Epistolae, partim ab auctore latino sermone conscriptae, partim ex Gallico translatae. In quibus omnis generis quaestiones philosophicae tractantur, & explicantur plurimae difficultates quae in reliquis ejus operibus occurruntLeave the NDL website. Novvs orbis, seu Descriptionis Indiae Occidentalis, libri XVIIILeave the NDL website. Die infusionsthierchen als vollkommene Organismen. Ein Blick in das tiefere organische Leben der Natur. ... Nebst einem Atlas von vierundsechszig colorirten Kupfertafeln, gezeichnet vom VerfasserLeave the NDL website. Physiologie végétale, ou Exposition des forces et des fonctions vitales des végétaux, ...Leave the NDL website. Beiträge zur triasischen Fauna und Flora der bituminösen Schiefer von Raibl, nebst Anhang über die Kurr'sche Sippe Chiropteris aus dem Lettenkohlen-SandsteineLeave the NDL website. Elenchus calendarii Gregoriani; ...Leave the NDL website. The scientific writings of the late George Francis Fitzgerald ....Leave the NDL website. Chemical manipulation : being instructions to students in chemistry, on the methods of performing experiments of demonstration or of research, with accuracy and successLeave the NDL website. Naturalisti ItalianiLeave the NDL website. Handwörterbuch der Reinen und Angewandten Chemie. In Verbindung mit mehren GelehrtenLeave the NDL website. Philosophical experiments : ... which were read before the Royal-Society, at several of their meetingsLeave the NDL website. Essai de physique ... avec une description de nouvelles sortes de machines pneumatiques, et un recueil d'expériencesLeave the NDL website. Πιναξ Theatri botanici ... sive index in Theophrasti, Dioscoridis, Plinii et botanicorvm qui à seculo scripserunt opera : plantarvm circiter sex millivm ab ipsis exhibitarvm nomina cvm earundem synonymiis & differentiis methodicè secundùm earum & genera & species proponens. Opvs XL. annorvm hactenus non editum summoperè expetitum & ad auctores intelligendos plurimùm faciens ...Leave the NDL website. Vorlesungen über Naturphilosophie gehalten im Sommer 1901 an der Universität LeipzigLeave the NDL website. Tractatus de origine lapidum figuratorum in quo diffusè disseritur, utrum nimirum sint corpora marina a diluvio ad montes translata, & tractu temporis petrificata vel an a seminio quodam e materia lapidescente intra terram generentur, quibus accedit accurata diluvii, ejusque in terra effectuum descriptio cum dissertatione de generatione viventium, testaceorum praecipuè, plurimorumq; corporum, à vi plasticâ aurae seminalis hinc inde delatae extra consuetam matricem productorumLeave the NDL website. Versuch einer Theorie der electrischen und optischen Erscheinungen in bewegten KörpernLeave the NDL website. Anatomica ex libris GaleniLeave the NDL website. Lapis vegetabilis; oder, Die höchste Artzney, auss dem Wein, auch andern Erden-Gewächsen. Sambt dem zehenden Buch der Archidoxen Philippi Theophrasti ParacelsiLeave the NDL website. Collection de mémoires relatifs a la physiqueLeave the NDL website. Geognostische Studien am MittelrheineLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres de DescartesLeave the NDL website. The use of the blowpipe in chemical analysis, and in the examination of mineralsLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der biologischen Theorien seit dem ende des siebzehnten JahrhundertsLeave the NDL website. L'vsage de la glace, de la neige et dv froidLeave the NDL website. A delineation of the strata of England and WalesLeave the NDL website. A general system of botany descriptive and analytical : in two parts. Part I.--Outlines of organography, anatomy, and physiology. Part II--Descriptions and illustrations of the orders. ...Leave the NDL website. De maculis in sole Observatis, et apparente erarum cum sole conversione, narratio cui adjecta est de modo eductionis specierum visibilium dubitatioLeave the NDL website. Handbuch des oryktognostischen Theils der MineralogieLeave the NDL website. Fasciculus dissertationum de novis quibusdam machinis atque aliis argumentis philosophicis quorum seriem versa pagina exhibetLeave the NDL website. Intensitas vis magneticae terrestris ad mensuram absolutam revocataLeave the NDL website. Regiae scientiarum academiae historia, in qua praeter ipsius academiae originem & progressus ... tum mathematica in certum ordinem digerunturLeave the NDL website. Betrachtungen über die Erscheinung der Verjüngung in der Natur, insbesondere in der Lebens- und Bildungsgeschichte der PflanzeLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle des végétaux, classés par familles, avec la citation de la classe et de l'ordre de Linné, ... et un genera complet, selon le systême de Linné, avec des renvois aux familles naturelles de A.L. de JussieuLeave the NDL website. Analyse des infiniment petits, pour l'intelligence des lignes courbesLeave the NDL website. De belemnitia [i.e. belemnitis] suevicis dissertatio. Qua imprimis in obscuri hactenus fossilis naturam inquiritur : dein et haud paucae observationes universum marionoterrestrium censum : itemque lithographiae modernae historiam spectantes exhibenturLeave the NDL website. A manual of the anatomy of invertebrated animalsLeave the NDL website. Sämmtliche Werke : systematisch geordnete, durch reiche Erläuterungen von der Hand des Verfassers bedeutend vermehrte, vollständige Ausgabe der gedruckten Schriften sammt dem Nachlasse, der Biographie und dem BriefwechselLeave the NDL website. Dissertationum variarum ...Leave the NDL website. Vues et coupes des principales formations géologiques du département du Puy-de-Dome, accompagnées de la description et des échantillons des roches qui les composentLeave the NDL website. Rocks classified and described : a treatise on lithologyLeave the NDL website. Opera. Definitionum medicarum libri XXIIII. A Ioanne Gorraeo filio ... locupletati & accessione magna adaucti. Accessio significatur his ad margines notulis Nicandri Theriaca et Alexipharmaca cvm interpretatione & scholijs eiusdem I. Gorraei Parisiensis Hippocratis libelli de genitvra, de natvra pveri, iusiurandum, de arte, de prisca medicina, de medico, eodem I. Gorraeo interprete cum annotationibus & adiectis vnicuique libello breuibus scholijs. Formvlae remediorvm quibvs vvlgo medici vtvntvr authore Petro Gorraeo BituricensiLeave the NDL website. English men of science : their nature and nurtureLeave the NDL website. Discours et mémoires, par l'auteur de l'Histoire de l'astronomieLeave the NDL website. Die vogelwarte HelgolandLeave the NDL website. La résistance de l'air et l'aviation, expériences effectuées au laboratoire du Champs-de-MarsLeave the NDL website. Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire anatomique et physiologique des végétaux et des animauxLeave the NDL website. Annvli astronomici instrvmenti, cvm certissimi tum commodissimi vsusLeave the NDL website. The classes and orders of the Linnaean system of botany : illustrated by select specimens of foreign and indigenous plantsLeave the NDL website. Phanerogamia of Pacific North AmericaLeave the NDL website. An account of some German volcanos, and their productions : with a new hypothesis of the prismatical basaltes; established upon facts : being an essay of physical geography for philosophers and minersLeave the NDL website. A new method of chemistry : including the theory and practice of that art : laid down on mechanical principles, and accommodated to the uses of life. The whole making a clear and rational system of chemical philosophy. To which is prefix'd a critical history of chemistry and chemists, from the origin of the art to the present time. ... With additional notes and sculptures. And a copious index to the wholeLeave the NDL website. Der ElektromagnetismusLeave the NDL website. Examen critique d'un écrit posthume de Claude Bernard sur la fermentationLeave the NDL website. Gesammelte Abhanglungen und VorträgeLeave the NDL website. The British flora; or, Genera and species of British plants : arranged after the reformed sexual system : and illustrated by numerous tables, and dissectionsLeave the NDL website. Experimenta, atqve observationes, quibus electricitas vindex late constitvitvr, atqve explicatvrLeave the NDL website. Vorlesungen über Pflanzen-PhysiologieLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle des crustacés fossiles, sous les rapports zoologiques et géologiques. Savoir: Les trilobitesLeave the NDL website. A geological and agricultural survey of Rensselaer County, in the state of New-York : To which is annexed, a geological profile, extending from Onondaga Salt Springs, across said county, to Williams College in MassachusettsLeave the NDL website. Essai sur la philosophie de sciences, ou exposition analytique d'une classification naturelle de toutes les connaissances humainesLeave the NDL website. A treatise on magnetism, in theory and practice, with original experimentsLeave the NDL website. The collected works of Sir Humphry DavyLeave the NDL website. Experiments and observations on the gastric juice, and the physiology of digestionLeave the NDL website. Experimenta circa effectum conflictus electrici in acum magneticamLeave the NDL website. The ore deposits of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The principles of the philosophy of the expansive and contractive forces : or, An inquiry into the principles of the modern philosophy, that is, into the several chief rational sciences, which are extant : in seven booksLeave the NDL website. Urania: or, A compleat view of the heavens : containing the antient and modern astronomy, in form of a dictionary : ... a work intended for general use, intelligible to all capacities, and calculated for entertainment as well as instructionLeave the NDL website. Commentarii, in libros sex Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbei, de medica materia : adiectis quàm plurimis plantarum & animalium imaginibus, eodem authoreLeave the NDL website. Experiments upon vegetables, discovering their great power of purifying the common air in the sun-shine, and of injuring it in the shade and at nightLeave the NDL website. Tentamina experimentorum naturalium captorum in Academia del Cimento sub auspiciis serenissimi principis Leopoldi Magni Etruriae Ducis et ab ejus academiae secretario conscriptorumLeave the NDL website. Beiträge zur Theorie der algebraischen GleichungenLeave the NDL website. Fundamenta pharmaciae chymicae manu methodoque Stahliana positaLeave the NDL website. Exercitationes, et animadversiones in librum, de motv cordis, et circvlatione sangvinis. Adversus Gvilielmvm Harvevm ...Leave the NDL website. Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de anima sue principio vitali : quam ... ex auctoritate ... d. Georgii Baird ... Academiae edinburgenae praefecti ... pro gradu doctoris ... eruditorum examini subjicit Joannes Barclay, Scotus : ad diem 24. junii [1796]Leave the NDL website. The glaciers of the Alps : being a narrative of excursions and ascents, an account of the origin and phenomena of glaciers, and an exposition of the physical principles to which they are relatedLeave the NDL website. Views of nature : or, Contemplations on the sublime phenomena of creation : with scientific illustrationsLeave the NDL website. Essai théorique et expérimental sur le galvanismeLeave the NDL website. A monograph of the Limniades and other fresh-water univalve shells of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Philosophiae Newtonianae institutiones, in usus academicosLeave the NDL website. Phonurgia nova, sive Conjugium mechanico-physicum artis & natvrae paranympha phonosophia concinnatum; quâ universa sonorum natura, proprietas, vires effectuúmqɜ prodigiosorum causae, novâ & multiplici experimentorum exhibitione enucleantur; instrumentorum acusticorum, machinarúmqɜ ad naturae prototypon adaptandarum, tum ad sonos ad remotissima spatia propagandos, tum in abditis domorum recessibus per occultioris ingenii machinamenta clam palámue sermocinandi modus & ratio traditur, tum denique in bellorum tumultibus singularis hujusmodi organorum usus, & praxis per nouam phonologiam describiturLeave the NDL website. On the scientific use of the imagination : a discourse delivered before the British Association at Liverpool on Friday evening, 16th September 1870Leave the NDL website. New process of amalgamation of gold and silver ores, and other metallic mixtures, as, by his late Imperial Majesty's commands, introduced in Hungary and Bohemia ... to which are added a supplement ... and an address to the subscribersLeave the NDL website. Dissertation physique a l'occasion du negre blancLeave the NDL website. Disquisitions relating to matter and spirit : to which is added, the history of the philosophical doctrine concerning the origin of the soul, and the nature of matter : with its influence on Christianity, especially with respect to the doctrine of the pre-existence of ChristLeave the NDL website. Illustrations of the geology of Sussex : containing a general view of the geological relations of the south-eastern part of England; with figures and descriptions of the fossils of Tilgate forestLeave the NDL website. La cosmographie de Pierre Apian ...Leave the NDL website. Observations on the geology of the United States of America : with some remarks on the effect produced on the nature and fertility of soils, by the decomposition of the different classes of rocks : and an application to the fertility of every state in the union in reference to the accompanying geological mapLeave the NDL website. A history of chemical theory from the age of Lavoisier to the present timeLeave the NDL website. Die Probirkunst mit dem Löthrohre, oder Anleitung, Mineralien, Erze, Hüttenproducte und verschiedene Metallverbindungen vor dem Löthrohre, mit theilweiser Anwendung des nassen Weges, qualitativ fast auf alle Bestandtheile, und quantitativ auf Silber, Gold, Kupfer, Blei und Zinn in kurzer Zeit zu untersuchenLeave the NDL website. Histoire générale et particuliere des anomalies de l'organisation chez l'homme et les animauxLeave the NDL website. Edinburgh and its neighbourhood geological and historical, with the geology of the Bass RockLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der mathematischen WissenschaftenLeave the NDL website. Essai d'une carte géologique du globe terrestre, présenté le 22 sep[tem]bre. 1843, a la réunion des naturalistes d'Allemagne, a Grätz, ...Leave the NDL website. Observations on the winds and monsoons : illustrated with a chart, and accompanied with notes, geographical and meteorologicalLeave the NDL website. The cell in development and inheritanceLeave the NDL website. The origine of formes and qualities, (according to the corpuscular philosophy), illustrated by considerations and experiments, (written formerly by way of notes upon an essay about nitre)Leave the NDL website. History of natural philosophy, from the earliest periods to the present timeLeave the NDL website. Histoire abrégée de l'astronomieLeave the NDL website. Éléments de l'art de la teintureLeave the NDL website. Zwei populäre Vorträge über OptikLeave the NDL website. The works of William Hewson, F.R.S.Leave the NDL website. The letters of Jöns Jakob Berzelius and Christian Friedrich Schönbein 1836-1847Leave the NDL website. Physica speciminaLeave the NDL website. Traité de minéralogieLeave the NDL website. Histoire de l'astronomie ancienneLeave the NDL website. Geological section from London to SnowdonLeave the NDL website. Essai sur la théorie des proportions chimiques et sur l'influence chimique se l'électricitéLeave the NDL website. De gravitate universali corporum, libri tresLeave the NDL website. Onomasticon zoicon, plerorumque animalium differentias & nomina propria pluribus linguis exponens. Cui accedunt mantissa anatomica; et quaedam de variis fossilivm generibusLeave the NDL website. Synopsis physica ...Leave the NDL website. Eloges des académiciens de l'académie royale des Sciences, morts dans les années 1741, 1742, & 1743Leave the NDL website. An essay on the usefulness of chemistry, and its application to the various occasions of lifeLeave the NDL website. L'optique des couleurs, fondée sur les simples observations, & tournée sur-tout à la pratique de la peinture, de la teinture & des autres arts coloristesLeave the NDL website. Rudimentary electricity : being a concise exposition of the general principles of electrical science, and the purposes to which it has been appliedLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der BotanikLeave the NDL website. Medico-physical works, being a translation of Tractatus quinque medico-physiciLeave the NDL website. Report of Dr. Benjamin Franklin and other commissioners charged by the King of France, with the examination of the animal magnetism as now practised at ParisLeave the NDL website. Geographica antiqua, hoc est: Scylacis periplus maris Mediterranei. Anonymi periplus maeotidis paludis & ponti Euxini. Agathemeri hypotyposis geographiae omnia graeco-latina. Anonymi expositio totius mundi latina. Cum notis Isaci Vossii, Jac. Palmerii, Sam. Tennulii. Edente Jacobo Gronovio, cujus accedunt emendationesLeave the NDL website. De l'exploitation des bois, ou moyens de tirer un parti avantageux des taillis, demi-futaies et hautes-futaies et d'en faire une juste estimation : avec la description des arts qui se pratiquent dans les forêts : faisant partie du Traité complet des bois & des forestsLeave the NDL website. Letters on Iceland : containing observations on the civil, literary, ecclesiastical, and natural history; antiquities, volcanos, basaltes, hot springs, customs, dress, manners of the inhabitants, &c. &c. made during a voyage undertaken in the year 1772 ...Leave the NDL website. Handwörterbuch der Chemie und PhysikLeave the NDL website. Versuch die Metamorphose der Pflanzen zu erklärenLeave the NDL website. The grete herball whiche geueth parfyt knowlege and under standyng of all maner of herbes & there gracyous vertues whiche god hath ordeyned for our prosperous welfare and helth : for they hele & cure all maner of dyseases and sekenesses that fall or mysfortune to all maner of creatoures of god created : practysed by many expert and wyse maysters, as Auicenna & other. &c. Also it geueth full parfyte understandynge of the booke lately prentyd by me (Peter Treueris) named the noble experiens of the vertuous hand warke of surgeryLeave the NDL website. Mundus Iovialis anno M. DC. IX. detectus ope perspicilli belgici, hoc est, quatuor Jovialium planetarum, cum theoria, tum tabulae, propriis observationibus maxime fundatae, ex quibus situs illorum ad Jovem, ad quodvis tempus datum promptissimè ... supputari potest, inventore & authore Simone Mario Guntzenhusano ...Leave the NDL website. Dell'utilità dei conduttori elettriciLeave the NDL website. Disqvisitiones arithmeticaeLeave the NDL website. Traité élémentaire de géologieLeave the NDL website. Theories of solutionsLeave the NDL website. Πανζωορυκτολογια Sive, Panzoologicomineralogia. or, A compleat history of animals and minerals, containing the summe of all authors, both ancient and modern, galenicall and chymicall, ... with the anatomy of man ... as also a history of minerals ... also an introduction to zoography and mineralogy. Index of Latine names, with their English names. Universali index of the use and vertuesLeave the NDL website. Nouveau traité de la pluralité des mondesLeave the NDL website. In hoc volvmine De alchemia continentur haec. Gebri Arabis ... De inuestigatiōe p[er]fectionis metallor[um]. Liber I. Summae perfectionis metallorum, siue perfecti magisterij. Libri II. ... Eiusdem De inuentione ueritatis seu perfectionis metallorum. Liber I. De fornacibus construendis. Liber I. Item. Speculū alchemiae ... Rogerij Bachonis. Correctoriū alchemiae ... Richardi Anglici. Rosarius minor, de alchemia, incerti authoris. Liber secretorū alchemiae Calidis filij Iazichi Iudaei. Tabula smaragdina de alchemia, Hermetis Trismeg. Hortulani philosophi, super tabulam smaragdinam Hermetis commentarius. Omnia collatis cxemplaribus, emēdatissima, nouoq́; modo ad mētē authorū distincta, & argumētis atq; picturis necessarijs illustrata, ita ut merito iā renata uideri queātLeave the NDL website. Aristoteles operaLeave the NDL website. The soul in nature, with supplementary contributionsLeave the NDL website. Traité de la médecine en huit livresLeave the NDL website. The works of John Caius, ...Leave the NDL website. Elementary principles in statistical mechanics developed with especial reference to the rational foundation of thermodynamicsLeave the NDL website. Outlines of mineralogyLeave the NDL website. Lettre sur le progrès des sciencesLeave the NDL website. Eclaircissemens sur les conjectures physiquesLeave the NDL website. A history of British fossil mammals, and birdsLeave the NDL website. Vegetable staticks : or, An account of some statical experiments on the SAP in vegetables ... also a specimen of an attempt to analyse the air ...Leave the NDL website. Elementorum de rervm natvralivm gravitate, pondere, impulsu, motu, loco, et motuum, et actionum caussis, rationibus, ac modisLeave the NDL website. Opuscula mathematicaLeave the NDL website. Le machineLeave the NDL website. MarsLeave the NDL website. History and pathology of vaccinationLeave the NDL website. Ueber sehr schnelle electrische SchwingungenLeave the NDL website. On the connexion of the physical sciencesLeave the NDL website. Florae Halensis, tentamen novum. Cum iconibus XIILeave the NDL website. Application de l'analyse a la géométrie, a l'usage de l'école impériale polytechniqueLeave the NDL website. An essay on dew, and several appearances connected with itLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres complètes de N.H. Abel, mathématicien, avec des hotes [i.e. notes] et développementsLeave the NDL website. Notes of a course of seven lectures on electrical phenomena and theories, delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, April 28-June 9, 1870Leave the NDL website. Oeuvres mathématiques du citoyen Carnot, ...Leave the NDL website. Oeuvres anatomiques, physiologiques et médicales de Galien traduites sur les textes imprimés et manuscrits, accompagnées de sommaires, de notes, de planches et d'une table des matières précédées d'une introduction ou étude biographique, littéraire et scientifique sur Galien par le Dr. Ch. Daremberg ...Leave the NDL website. The British ferns : or, Coloured figures and descriptions, with the needful analysis of the fructification and venation of the ferns of Great Britain and Ireland, systematically arrangedLeave the NDL website. LettereLeave the NDL website. Saggi dell' elettro-magnetico e magneto-elettricoLeave the NDL website. Specimen historiae naturalis globi terraquei, praecipue de novis e mari natis insulis, et ex his exactiùs descriptis & observatis, ulteriùs confirmandâ, Hookiana telluris hypothesi, de origine montium et corporum petrefactorumLeave the NDL website. Vermischte Schriften botanischen inhalts von Hugo von Mohl ...Leave the NDL website. Traité d'anatomie descriptiveLeave the NDL website. Vestiges of the natural history of creationLeave the NDL website. Essai sur l'histoire naturelle des roches de trapp, contenant leur analyse, & des recherches sur leurs caractères distinctifs; suivi du tableau systématique de toutes les espèces & variétés de trapps & des roches qui ont pour base cette pierreLeave the NDL website. Jan Ingen-housz; sein Leben und sein Wirken als Naturforscher und Arzt : Festgabe zum II. Internationalen botanischen Kongress in Wien 1905Leave the NDL website. A treatise on the calculus of finite differencesLeave the NDL website. La physique des arbres : où il est traité de l'anatomie des plantes et de l'économie végétale : pour servir d'introduction au traité complet des bois & des forests : avec une dissertation sur l'utilité des méthodes de botanique; & une explication des termes propres à cette science, & qui sont en usage pour l'exploitation des bois & des forêtsLeave the NDL website. Studien aus der höheren PhysikLeave the NDL website. Harmonices mvndiLeave the NDL website. The cause of an ice ageLeave the NDL website. L'art d'essayer l'or et l'argent : tableau comparé de la coupellation des substances métalliques, par le moyen du plomb ou du bismuth : procédés pour obtenir l'or plus pur que par la voie du départLeave the NDL website. Instruction sur l'essai des matières d'argent par la voie humideLeave the NDL website. Apologia pro Galileo, mathematico Florentino. Vbi disqviritvr, vtrvm ratio philosopahndi, qvam Galilevs celebrat, faueat sacris scripturis, an aduerseturLeave the NDL website. Pyritologia; or, A history of the pyrites, the principal body in the mineral kingdom : with a preface, containing an account of the advantages arising from mine-works in general, and particular from those of SaxonyLeave the NDL website. A history of inventions and discoveries : alphabetically arrangedLeave the NDL website. The North American Sylva, or, A description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia ... : to which is added a description of the most useful of the European forest trees ...Leave the NDL website. Beschreibung merkwürdiger Berge, Felsen und Vulkane : ein Beytrag zur physikalischen Geschichte der ErdeLeave the NDL website. Essai sur l'histoire génerale des mathématiquesLeave the NDL website. Traitté du mouvement local, et dv ressort. Dans lequel, leur nature, & leurs causes, sont curieusement recherchées, & ou les loix qu'ils observent dans l'acceleration & les pendules, & encore dans la percussion & la reflexion des corps, sont solidement establiesLeave the NDL website. Notes of a botanist on the Amazon & Andes : being records of travel on the Amazon and its tributaries, the trombetas, Rio Negro, Uaupés, Casiquiari, Pacimoni, Huallaga and Pastasa : as also to the cataracts of the Orinoco, along the eastern side of the Andes of Peru and Ecuador, and the shores of the Pacific, during the years 1849-1864Leave the NDL website. L'histoire naturelle eclaircie dans deux de ses parties principales. La lithologie et la conchyliologie, dont l'une traite des pierres et l'autre des coquillages, ... enrichi de figures deffinées [i.e. dessinées] d'après natureLeave the NDL website. Gesammelte Schriften : Lebensbild, Briefwechsel und AbhandlungenLeave the NDL website. An historical survey of the astronomy of the ancientsLeave the NDL website. An essay on the investigation of the first principles of nature : together with the application thereof to solve the phaenomena of the physical system ...Leave the NDL website. Exposition élémentaire des principes qui servent de base a la théorie de la chaleur rayonnante, faisant suite a l'ouvrage intitulé du calorique rayonnantLeave the NDL website. Des mines de Freibergen Saxe et de leur exploitationLeave the NDL website. Jahres-Bericht über die Fortschritte der physischen Wissenschaften. Eingereicht an die Schwedische Akademie der WissenschaftenLeave the NDL website. An exposition of fallacies in the hypothesis of Mr. DarwinLeave the NDL website. Algebre de Viete, d'vne methode novvelle, claire, et facile : par laquelle toute l'obscurité de l'inuenteur est ostee, & ses termes pour la pluspart inutiles, changez és termes ordinaires des artistsLeave the NDL website. Opus majus ad clementen quartum, Pontificem RomanumLeave the NDL website. Vorlesungen über mathematische Physik : MechanikLeave the NDL website. Traité sur les mines de fer et les forges du comté de foixLeave the NDL website. Italiens Tertiär-Gebilde und deren organische EinschlüsseLeave the NDL website. Grundriss der Geschichte der Medicin und des heilenden Standes : Mit Bildnissen in HolzschschnittLeave the NDL website. La resistance de l'air : examen des formules et des expériencesLeave the NDL website. Iter extaticum coeleste ... hac secundâ editione praelusionibus & scholiis illustratum; ac schematismis necessariis, qui deerant, exornatum; nec non à mendis, quae in primam Romanam editionem irrepserant, expurgatum, ipso auctore annuente, a P. Gaspare Schotto ... Accessit ejusdem auctoris iter exstaticum terrestre, & synopsis mundi subterraneiLeave the NDL website. Correspondirende Beobachtungen über die regelmässigen stündlichen Veränderungen und über die Perturbationen der magnetischen Abweichung im mittleren und östlichen EuropaLeave the NDL website. History of physical astronomy, from the earliest ages to the middle of the nineteenth century. Comprehending a detailed account of the establishment of the theory of gravitation by Newton, and its development by his successors; with an exposition of the progress of research on all the other subjects of celestial physicsLeave the NDL website. Théorie mécanique de la chaleurLeave the NDL website. Organic remains of a former world : an examination of the mineralized remains of the vegetable and animals of the antediluvian world : generally termed extraneous fossilsLeave the NDL website. The origin of the fittest : essays on evolutionLeave the NDL website. A new and comprehensive system of mathematical institutions, agreeable to the present state of the Newtonian mathesisLeave the NDL website. Ricreatione dell'occhio e della mente, nel'osseruation' delle chiocciole, proposta a' curiosi delle opere della natura ... Con quattrocento, e cinquanta figure di testacei diuersi, sopra cui si spiegano molti curiosi problemiLeave the NDL website. Species and varieties, their origin by mutation : lectures delivered at the University of California ...Leave the NDL website. De re metallica, hoc est, de origine, varietate, & natura corporum metallicorum, lapidum, gemmarum, atq; aliarum, quae ex fodinis eruuntur, rerum, ad medicinae usum deseruientium, libri IIILeave the NDL website. Experimental researches in electro-chemistry : including the Bakerian lectures, and memoirs read before the Royal Society, in the years 1806, 1807, and 1808, on the chemical agencies of electricity, and on the metals of the alkalies and earthsLeave the NDL website. Astronomical principles of religion, natural and reveal'd : in nine parts : ... together with a preface, of the temper of mind necessary for the discovery of divine truth, and of the degree of evidence that ought to be expected in divine mattersLeave the NDL website. Fondamenti della scienza chimico-fisica ...Leave the NDL website. Optica promota, seu Abdita radiorum reflexorum & refractorum mysteria, geometrice enucleata : cui subnectitur appendix, subtilissimorum astronomiae problematon resolutionem exhibensLeave the NDL website. Traité de géognosie, ou, Exposé des connaissances actuelles sur la constitution physique et minérale du globe terrestreLeave the NDL website. Opuscula mathematica, philosophica et philologica ...Leave the NDL website. De his quę mundo mirabiliter evenivnt : vbi de sensuum erroribus, & potentijs animę, ac de influentijs caelorum, f. Claudij Caelestini opusculum. De mirabili potestate artis et natvrae, vbi de philosophorum lipide, f. Rogerij Bachonis Anglici, libellus. Haec duo ... Orontius F. Delph. ... recognoscebat, & in suam redigebat harmoniamLeave the NDL website. The cruise of Her Majesty's ship "Challenger" : voyages over many seas, scenes in many landsLeave the NDL website. Meteorological essays, concerning the origin of springs, generation of rain, and production of wind : with a rational and historical account of the causes and course of the tide : its propagation thro' the great ocean : and its reception into the narrow seas, and channels : more especially near the coasts of Great Britain and Ireland : explicating all along its various appearances, and seeming irregularities : in two treatisesLeave the NDL website. A dictionary of chemistry, exhibiting the present state of the theory and practice of that science, its application to natural philosophy, the processes of manufactures, metallurgy, and numerous other arts dependant on the properties and habitudes of bodies, in the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms, ...Leave the NDL website. Lectures and collectionsLeave the NDL website. De immobilitate terrae tractatvsLeave the NDL website. Dissertationes de admirandis mundi cataractis supra & subterraneis, earumque principio, elementorum circulatione, ubi eadem occasione aestus maris reflui vera ac genuina causa asseritur, nec non terrestri ac primigenio paradiso locus situsque verus in Palaestina restituitur, in tabula chorographica ostenditur, & contra Utopios, Indianos, Mesopotamios, aliosque asseriturLeave the NDL website. The atomic theoryLeave the NDL website. An exposition of the natural system of the nerves of the human body : with a republication of the papers delivered to the Royal Society, on the subject of the nervesLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres de M. Mariotte de l'Academie Royale des Sciences : comprenant tous les traitez de cet auteur, tant ceux qui avoient déja paru séparément, que ceux qui n'avoient pas encore été publiés ...Leave the NDL website. The scientific papers of J. Willard GibbsLeave the NDL website. Théorie des machines mues par la force de la vapeur de l'eau. Ouvrage qui a remporté le prix proposé par l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg pour l'année 1783Leave the NDL website. History of geology and palaeontology to the end of the nineteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. De historia stirpivm commentarii insignesLeave the NDL website. Sophismata Alberti de Saxonia nu[per] [que] emēdate impressa. [fol. 92 verso:] Et sic ēfinis sophismatū Magistri Alberti de Saxonia ... Sequūntur insolubilia eiusdem. [fol. 100 recto:] Et sic est finis insolubiliū Magistri Alberti de saxonia. Se[qui][tur] tractat[us] de obligatiōib[us]Leave the NDL website. Historia astronomiae, sive de ortu et progressv astronomiae liber singvlarisLeave the NDL website. An elementary treatise on theoretical mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Mountains, their origin, growth and decayLeave the NDL website. Beschreibung der vorzüglichsten Bergwerke in Hessen, in dem Waldekkischen, an dem Haarz, in dem Mansfeldischen, in Chursachsen, und in dem SaalfeldischenLeave the NDL website. Physica moderna, experimental, systematica, donde se cintiene lo mas curioso, y util de quanto se ha descubierto en la naturalezaLeave the NDL website. Omnia, qvae extant, opera, geographia excepta ... almagesti seu magnae compositionis mathematicae opus, à G. Trapezuntio tralatum, lib. XIII. de iudicijs astrologicis ... lib. IIII. quorũ priores duo à I. Camerario latinitate donati sunt: in reliquis emendauimus multa ad ueterum exemplariũ ueritatẽ, ... centum sententiae, ... à I. Pontano uersae. Inerrantium stellarum significationes, per N. Leonicum traductae. Procli Diadochi hypotyposes astronomicarum positionum ... G. Valla ... interprete ... L. Gaurici annotationes, [etc.]Leave the NDL website. A dissertation on the sexes of plantsLeave the NDL website. Neue Theorie von der Atmosphäre und Höhenmessung mit BarometernLeave the NDL website. Science and hypothesisLeave the NDL website. A compendium of the course of chemical instruction in the medical department of the University of PennsylvaniaLeave the NDL website. History of chemistryLeave the NDL website. Man's place in nature, and other anthropological essaysLeave the NDL website. Nouveau systeme, ou nouvelle explication du mouvement des planetesLeave the NDL website. Science and Christian traditionLeave the NDL website. Lectures on electricity, delivered in the Royal Victoria Gallery, Manchester, during the session of 1841-42Leave the NDL website. Lectiones geometricae : in quibus (praefertìm [i.e. praesertìm]) generalia curvarum linearum symptomata declaranturLeave the NDL website. Physikalisch-statistische Beschreibung des Fichtelgebirges ...Leave the NDL website. A letter concerning earthquakes, written in the year 1693 ... to a gentleman then residing at Turin in Savoy, on the occasion of the destruction of Catanea, and many other cities, towns and villages, in sicily, in the year 1692Leave the NDL website. The certainties of geologyLeave the NDL website. Principes de physiqueLeave the NDL website. Essai sur la théorie des nombresLeave the NDL website. English botany : or, Coloured figures of British plants, with their essential characters, synonyms, and place of growth : to which will be added, occasional remarksLeave the NDL website. 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Lettres ... sur l'air inflammable des marais auxquelles on a ajouté trois lettres du même auteur tirées du Journal de MilanLeave the NDL website. Esperimenta [i.e. Experimenta] nova (ut vocantur) magdeburgica de vacuo spatioLeave the NDL website. Magnetical investigationsLeave the NDL website. Outlines of theoretical chemistryLeave the NDL website. The theory of the earth : containing an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo, till the consummation of all things ...Leave the NDL website. Elementi botanico-agrarij del Dottore Filippo Gallizioli ...Leave the NDL website. Allgemeine Orographie : die Lehre von den Relief-Formen der ErdoberflächeLeave the NDL website. A select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1902, second supplementLeave the NDL website. 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A practical treatise on the manufacture and distribution of coal-gas : its introduction and progressive improvement : illustrated by engravings from working drawings, with general estimatesLeave the NDL website. Hydrostatical paradoxes, made out by new experiments, (for the most part physical and easie.)Leave the NDL website. The mathematical works of Isaac Barrow, D. D.Leave the NDL website. Philosophische Versuche über die magnetische Materie, und deren Wirkung in Eisen und Magnet. Aus dem Lateinischen ... über setzt und mit Anmerkungen und Zusätzen des Herrn Verfassers vermehrtLeave the NDL website. Praktische Anweisung zur Wasserbaukunst, welche eine Anleitung zur Entwerfung, Veranschlagung und Ausführung der am gewöhnlichsten vorkommenden Wasserbaue enthält ...Leave the NDL website. [De animalibus]Leave the NDL website. Nouvelle dissertation sur l'electricité des corps, dans laquelle on develope le vrai Mechanisme des plus surprenans phénomênes, qui ont paru jusu'à present, & d'une infinité d'experiences nouvelles, de l'invention de l'autheurLeave the NDL website. Examen et réfutation des elemens de la philosophie de Neuton de M. de Voltaire : avec une dissertation sur la réflexion & la réfraction de la lumiereLeave the NDL website. Die Naturwissenschaft in ihrem Einfluss auf poesie, religion, moral und philosophieLeave the NDL website. Pflanzenbiologische SchilderungenLeave the NDL website. The historie of the world : commonly called, the natvrall historie of C. Plinius SecundusLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle des poissons d'eau douce de l'Europe centraleLeave the NDL website. Traité de dynamiqueLeave the NDL website. 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Terrestrial and cosmical magnetism : the Adams prize essay for 1865Leave the NDL website. Aus Justus Liebig's und Friedrich Wöhler's Briefwechsel in den Jahren 1829-1873Leave the NDL website. Two anatomical exercitations concerning the circulation of the blood, to John Riolan the son ...Leave the NDL website. Outlines of the mineralogy and geology of Boston and its vicinity, with a geological mapLeave the NDL website. Beobachtungen und Wahrheiten nebst einigen Lehrsätzen, die einen hohen Grad von Wahrscheinlichkeit erhalten haben : als Stoff zur künftigen Entwerfung einer Theorie der ErdeLeave the NDL website. Mélanges scientifiques et littérairesLeave the NDL website. A history of chemical theories and lawsLeave the NDL website. Mémoire ... sur le degré du méridien mesuré en piemont par le P. BeccariaLeave the NDL website. Lettres sur l'histoire physique de la terre, adressées a M. 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Kurze Darstellung der Lehre Darwin's über die Entstehung der Arten der Organismen mit lauternden [i.e. erläuternden] BemerkungenLeave the NDL website. Medical flora, or, Manual of the medical botany of the United States of North America : containing a selection of above 100 figures and descriptions of medical plants, with their names, qualities, properties, history, &c. : and notes or remarks on nearly 500 equivalent substitutesLeave the NDL website. Arcana naturae ...Leave the NDL website. The triumphant chariot of antimony : being a conscientious discovery of the many real transcendent excellencies included in that mineralLeave the NDL website. An abstract of a new theory of the formation of the earthLeave the NDL website. Electric waves : being researches on the propagation of electric action with finite velocity through spaceLeave the NDL website. Raccolta d'autori che trattano del moto dell'acqueLeave the NDL website. Enchiridion botanicum exhibens classes et ordines plantarum accedit nomenclator generum et officinalium vel usualium indicatioLeave the NDL website. Monographia apum Angliae; or, An attempt to divide into their natural genera and families, such species of the Linnean genus Apis as have been discovered in EnglandLeave the NDL website. Essays, chiefly on chemical subjectsLeave the NDL website. Reflections on the motive power of heat and on machines fitted to develop that powerLeave the NDL website. Observaciones astronomicas, y physicas; hechas de orden de S. mag. en los reynos del perù. ... de las quales se deduce la figura, y magnitude de la tierra, y se aplica a la navegacionLeave the NDL website. Untersuchungen ueber die Ausbreitung der elektrischen KraftLeave the NDL website. A catalogue of the animals of North America : containing an enumeration of the known quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fish, insects, crustaceous and testaceous animals; many of which are new, and never described before : to which are added, short directions for collecting, preserving, and transporting, all kinds of natural history curiositiesLeave the NDL website. Geschichte des Lamarckismus : als Einführung in die psycho-biologische Bewegung der GegenwartLeave the NDL website. Traite de la composition et fabrique de l'astrolabe, & de son vsage : auec les preceptes de mesures geometriquesLeave the NDL website. Expositio super libros posteriorum AristotelisLeave the NDL website. De magnete, magneticisqve corporibvs, et de magno magnete tellure : physiologia noua, plurimis & argumentis, & experimentis demonstrataLeave the NDL website. Mineralogia cornubiensis : a treatise on minerals, mines, and mining : containing the theory and natural history of strata, fissures, and lodes, with the methods of discovering and working of tin, copper, and lead mines, and of cleansing and metalizing their products; shewing each particular process for dressing, assaying, and smelting of ores : to which is added, an explanation of the terms and idioms of minersLeave the NDL website. Fossils of all kinds, digested into a method, suitable to their mutual relation and affinity : with the names by which they were known to the antients, and those by which they are at this day known : and notes conducing to the setting forth the natural history, and the main uses, of some of the most considerable of them : as also several papers tending to the further advancement of the knowledge of minerals, of the ores of metalls, and of all other subterraneous productionsLeave the NDL website. Archimedis Syracvsani philosophi ac geometrae excellentissimi opera : quae quidem extant, omnia, multis iam seculis desiderata, atque, a quam paucissimis hactenus uisa, nuncq́ue primum & graecè & latinè in lucem editaLeave the NDL website. De beghinselen des waterwichtsLeave the NDL website. Geological essays; or, An enquiry into some of the geological phenomena to be found in various parts of America, and elsewhereLeave the NDL website. On mammalian descent : the Hunterian Lectures for 1884 being nine lectures delivered in the theatre of the Royal College of Surgeons during February, 1884Leave the NDL website. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sexLeave the NDL website. Compendium der Naturwissenschaften an der Schule zu Fulda im IX. JahrhundertLeave the NDL website. Selecta genera et species piscium quos in itinere per Brasiliam annis MDCCCXVII-MDCCCXXLeave the NDL website. Allgemeine Pflanzenkunde; oder, Einleitung in die Botanik mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Physiologie, Terminologie und Systematik ...Leave the NDL website. Mikroskopische Analyse des curländischen Meteorpapiers von 1686 und Erläuterung desselben als ein Produkt jetzt lebender Conferven und InfusorienLeave the NDL website. The evolution theoryLeave the NDL website. Lake Superior : its physical character, vegetation, and animals, compared with those of other and similar regionsLeave the NDL website. The scientific papers of Bertram Hopkinson ...Leave the NDL website. Entomologia Parisiensis; sive catalogus insectorum quae in agro parisiensi reperiuntur : secundum methodum Geoffraeanam in sectiones, genera & species distributus ...Leave the NDL website. Principes de la philosophie, naturelle, dans lesquels on cherche à déterminer les degre's de certitude ou de probabilité des connoissances humainesLeave the NDL website. Opuscula posthuma, physica et mathematicaLeave the NDL website. The use of the blowpipe, in the examination of minerals, ores, furnace-products, and other metallic combinationsLeave the NDL website. Über germinal-selection eine quelle bestimmt gerichteter variationLeave the NDL website. Remarks on the mineralogy and geology of the peninsula of Nova Scotia, accompanied by a colored map illustrative of the structure of the country, and by several views of its sceneryLeave the NDL website. Outlines of mineralogyLeave the NDL website. Synopsis methodica avium & piscium : opus posthumum : quod vivus recensuit & perfecit ipse insignissimus author : in quo multas species, in ipsius ornithologiâ & ichthyologia desideratas, adjecit : methodumque suam piscium naturae magis convenientem reddit. Cum appendice, & iconibusLeave the NDL website. Ichthyologia et nomenclatvrae animalium marinorum, fluviatilium, lacustrium ... Ac plerorumq́ɜ hactenus desideratorum imagines, breves descriptiones, & explicationes ...Leave the NDL website. Tracts written by the Honourable Robert Boyle, containing new experiments, touching the relation betwixt flame and air. And about explosions. An hydrostatical discourse occasion'd by some objections of Dr. Henry More ... To which is annex't, An hydrostatical letter ... New experiments, of the positive or relative levity of bodies under water. Of the air's spring on bodies under water. About the differing pressure of heavy solids and fluidsLeave the NDL website. An elementary treatise on the lunar theory, with a brief sketch of the history of the problem up to the time of NewtonLeave the NDL website. The scientific papers of the late Thomas AndrewsLeave the NDL website. Histoire de la botanique de la minéralogie et de la géologie depuis les temps le plus reculées jusqu'a nos joursLeave the NDL website. Taboas mineralogicasLeave the NDL website. In mechanica Aristotelis problemata exercitationes : adiecta svccincta narratione de autoris vita & scriptisLeave the NDL website. Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio, eiusque usus, in utraque trigonometria; ut etiam in omni logistica mathematica, amplissimi, facillimi, & expeditissimi explicatioLeave the NDL website. Physical opticsLeave the NDL website. Aqvarvm flventivm mensvra nova methodo inqvisitaLeave the NDL website. Iter per mundum CartesiiLeave the NDL website. Sphaera. Neue grieschische [i.e. griechische] Texte und untersuchungen zur Geschichte der SternbilderLeave the NDL website. Geology : chemical, physical, and stratigraphicalLeave the NDL website. Researches in theoretical geologyLeave the NDL website. Introductio ad philosophiam naturalemLeave the NDL website. Oevres complètes de François AragoLeave the NDL website. Astronomy of the satellites of the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn : grounded upon Sir Isaac Newton's Theory of the earth's satellite : also new tables of the motions of the satellites ... by which their places and positions ... may be exactly determined at any given time ...Leave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle du Senégal : coquillages : avec la relation abrégrée d'un voyage fait en ce pays, pendant les années 1749, 50, 51, 52 & 53Leave the NDL website. Scripta clarissimi mathematici M. Ioannis Regiomontani, de Torqueto ... Ioannis Schoneri Carolostadij additionibus. Item. Obseruationes motuum solis ac stellarum tam fixarum, qɜ erraticarum. Item. Libellus M. Georgij Purbachij de quadrato geometrico ...Leave the NDL website. Traité de mécanique rationnelleLeave the NDL website. La ruota del tempo, o sieno i planeti in corso : calcolati per il polo 41. m. 50. di Roma, che possono servire per tutta l'Italia : discorso astronomico, fisico, medico, storico, critico, per l'anno 1765. : ... con un discorso tra l'astrologo, talete vecchio, ormirdo, ed agricoltore : ed in fine molte cose curiose per i dilettanti dell' agricoltura, e diverse tavole numeriche : li gradi del sole, e della luna, le lunazioni degl' ebrei, e la nascita de' prencipiLeave the NDL website. Éléments de géométrie, avec des notesLeave the NDL website. Catalogus arborum, fruticum ac plantarum tam indigenarum, quam exoticarum in horto ... nascentiumLeave the NDL website. An original theory or new hypothesis of the universe, founded upon the laws of nature, and solving by mathematical principles the general phaenomena of the visible creation; and particularly the via lactea : compris'd in nine familiar letters from the author to his friend : and illustrated with upwards of thirty graven and mezzotinto plates, by the best mastersLeave the NDL website. Contributions to molecular physics in the domain of radiant heat : a series of memoirs published in the 'Philosophical transactions' and 'Philosophical magazine,' with additionsLeave the NDL website. Lehrbuch der kosmischen PhysikLeave the NDL website. The sceptical chymistLeave the NDL website. The ninth Bridgewater treatise : a fragmentLeave the NDL website. Compendium florae philadelphicae : containing a description of the indigenous and naturalized plants found within a circuit of ten miles around PhiladelphiaLeave the NDL website. A manual of chemistry : containing the principal facts of the science, arranged in the order in which they are discussed and illustrated in the lectures at the Royal Institution of Great BritainLeave the NDL website. Les elemens de chymieLeave the NDL website. A complete course of meteorologyLeave the NDL website. Petralogy, a treatise on rocksLeave the NDL website. Fructologia, of Beschryving der vrugtbomen en vrugten die men in de hoven plant en onderhout : waar by derzelver differente benamingen, voortteeling, groei-plaatzen, cultuur, en huishoudelyk gebruik, als mede het confyten en meer andere toebereidingen der vrugten, enz., nauwkeurig aangewezen worden ...Leave the NDL website. Dioptrice sev demonstratio eorum quae visui & visibilibus propter conspicilla non ita pridem inventa accidunt. Praemissae epistolae Galilaei de ijs, quae post editionem nuncij siderij ope perspicilli, nova & admiranda in coelo deprehensa sunt. Item examen praefationis Ioannis Penae Galli in optica Euclidis, de usu optices in philosophiaLeave the NDL website. Encyclopédie méthodique. MathématiquesLeave the NDL website. Flora scotica : or, A description of Scottish plants, arranged both according to the artificial and natural methodsLeave the NDL website. Alchabitius cum commentoLeave the NDL website. Flora orientalis sive Recensio plantarum, quas botanicorum coryphaeus Leonhardus Rauwolffus, medicus augustanus, annis 1573, 1574, & 1575, in Syria, Arabia, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Assyria, Armenia & Judaea crescentes observavit, & collegit, earumdemque ducenta specimina, quae in bibliotheca publica Lugduno-Batava adservantur, nitidissime exsiccata & chartae adglutinata in volumen retulit. Has methodo sexuali disposuit, synonymis probatioribus illustravit, nominibusque specificis insignivitLeave the NDL website. Beschreibung von allerley Insecten in Teutsch-Land, nebst nützlichen anmerckungen und nöthigen Abbildungen von diesem kriechenden und fliegenden inländischen Gewürme. Zur Bestätigung und Fortsetzung der gründlichen Entdeckung, so einige von der Natur dieser Creaturen herausgegeben, und zur Ergäntzung und Verbesserung der andernLeave the NDL website. Essai géologique sur l'ÉcosseLeave the NDL website. Leçons d'anatomie comparéeLeave the NDL website. Sphaera, Thoma Linacro Britanno interpreteLeave the NDL website. De habitv et constitvtione corporis, qvam Graeci κρασιν Triuiales complexionem vocant, libri II : omnibus quibus secunda valetudo curae est, apprime necessarii: ex quibus cuiqɜ, procliue erit corporis sui conditionem, animique notus, actotius conseruandae sanitatis rationem ad amussim cognoscere ...Leave the NDL website. Geschichte der AstronomieLeave the NDL website. Entretiens sur la physique et sur l'astronomie, d'après les méthodes de Mm. Henry, Biot et Arago accompagnes du portrait de M. Biot, et de 24 planches, par Ambroise TardieuLeave the NDL website. Observations sur les plantesLeave the NDL website. Abhandlungen über theoretische PhysikLeave the NDL website. Fauna Americana : being a description of the mammiferous animals inhabiting North AmericaLeave the NDL website. A voyage into the Levant : perform'd by command of the late French king ... To which is prefix'd, the author's life, in a letter to M. Begon: ... adorn'd with an accurate map of the author's travels, not in the French edition: Done by Mr. SenexLeave the NDL website. Journal d'un voyage qui contient differentes observations mineralogiques : particulierement sur les agates, et le basalte : avec un detail sur la maniere de travailler les agatesLeave the NDL website. Schola botanica, sive catalogus plantarium quas ab aliquot annis in Horto Regio Parisiensi studiosis indigitavit ... ut et Pauli Hermanni P.P. Paradisi batavi prodromus, in quo plantae rariores omnes, in batavorum hortis hactenus cultae, & plurimam partem à nemine antea descriptae recensenturLeave the NDL website. Physicae ad lvmen divinvm reformatae synopsis, philodidactorum & theodidactorum censurae expositaLeave the NDL website. An introduction to electricity and galvanism : with cases, shewing their effects in the cure of diseases : to which is added, a description of Mr. Cuthbertson's plate electrical machineLeave the NDL website. Αγαντα : ... Opera, quaecunqɜ impressa hactenus extiterunt omnia, summa cum uigilantia excusaLeave the NDL website. Catalogue of the scientific books in the library of the Royal SocietyLeave the NDL website. De temporum emendatione opinioLeave the NDL website. A series of experiments relating to phosphori and the prismatic colours they are found to exhibit in the darkLeave the NDL website. Stemmata avivm qvadraginta tabvlis aeneis ornata; accedvnt nomenclatores: Polono-latinvs et Latino-polonvs. Geschlechtstafeln der Vögel, mit vierzig Kupfern erläutertLeave the NDL website. Influence de la pression de l'air sur la vie de l'homme climats d'altitude et climats de montagneLeave the NDL website. A treatise of mechanicsLeave the NDL website. De cometis libelli tres. I. Astronomicvs, ... II. Physicvs, ... III. Astrologicvs, ...Leave the NDL website. The geology of the South-east of EnglandLeave the NDL website. Lexicon physico-medicum : or, A new physical dictionary, explaining the difficult terms used in the several branches of the profession, and in such parts of philosophy as are introductory thereunto : to which is added, some account of the things signified by such terms : collected from the most eminent authors, and particularly those who have wrote upon mechanical principlesLeave the NDL website. De cometis, et arcenda exinde electricitate ad explicandvm systema mvndanvm a nonnvllis advocataLeave the NDL website. History and root of the principle of the conservation of energyLeave the NDL website. Astronomische untersuchungenLeave the NDL website. Experiments and observations on different kinds of air, and other branches of natural philosophy, connected with the subject : in three volumes; being the former six volumes abridged and methodized, with many additionsLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire de chymie, contenant la théorie & la pratique de cette science, son application à la physique, à l'histoire naturelle, à la médecine & à l'economie animale : avec l'explication détaillée de la vertu & de la maniere d'agir des médicamens chymiques : et les principes fondamentaux des arts, manufactures & métiers dépendans de la chymieLeave the NDL website. Bibliotheca regni animalis atque lapidei, seu recensio auctorum et librorum, qui de regno animali & lapideo methodice, physice, medice, chymice, philologice, vel theologice tractant, in usum naturalis historiae studiosorum conscripta & editaLeave the NDL website. Descriptions of an electrical telegraph, and of some other electrical apparatusLeave the NDL website. Exposition of the principles of Abbott's hydraulic engine : with tables and engravings : together with an illustration of the power of wheels, heretofore usedLeave the NDL website. Theoria philosophiae hermeticae, septem tractatibvs, quorum primus est; I. Vervs hermes. II. Porta hermeticae sapientiae. III. Silentivm hermeticvm. IV. Axiomata hermetica. V. De generatione rervm natvralivm. VI. De regeneratione rervm natvralivm, & VII. De renovatione, explicata ...Leave the NDL website. The first principles of chemistryLeave the NDL website. Metallotheca opus posthumum, auctoritate, & munificentia Clementis Undecimi Pontificis Maximi e tenebrus in lucem eductum : opera autem, & studio Joannis Mariae Lancisii ... illustratumLeave the NDL website. Histoire de l'arithmétique : I. Recherches nouvelles concernant les origines de notre systéme de numération écrite. II. Le nombre nuptial et le nombre parfait de platon explication d'une énigme mathématique qui se trouve au commencement du VIIIe livre de la républiqueLeave the NDL website. Kurzer Entwurf der astronomischen WissenschaftenLeave the NDL website. A treatise of fluxions : in two booksLeave the NDL website. Lectures on the history of the development of chemistry since the time of LavoisierLeave the NDL website. Philosophical dissertations, with proper reflections, proving 1. The non-eternity of matter; and that there is a vacuum. 2. That there must necessarily be one self-existent being ... 3. That the light and heat of the sun, dispersed into the planetary system, are purely spirituous ... 4. That the soul is immortalLeave the NDL website. Experiments upon magnesia alba, quick-lime, and other alcaline substances; ... To which is annexed, an essay on the cold produced by evaporating fluids, and of some other means of producing cold; by William Cullen, ...Leave the NDL website. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sexLeave the NDL website. Argomento fisicomattematico del Padre Gio : Battista Riccioli ... contro il moto divrno della terra ... fatte dal M.R. Fr. Stefano de gli Angeli ...Leave the NDL website. Chemische BriefeLeave the NDL website. An investigation of the principles of knowledge, and of the progress of reason, from sense to science and philosophyLeave the NDL website. A treatise on electricity, in theory and practiceLeave the NDL website. Philosophia Britannica : or, A new and comprehensive system of the Newtonian philosophy, astronomy and geography. In a course of twelve lectures ...Leave the NDL website. De animali electricitate : dissertationes duaeLeave the NDL website. La théorie atomiqueLeave the NDL website. Catalogo ragionato di una raccolta di rocce disposto con ordine geografico per servire alla geognosia dell'ItaliaLeave the NDL website. Considerations sur les corps organisés ...Leave the NDL website. Essays on the microscopeLeave the NDL website. Difficiles nugae: or, Observations touching the Torricellian experiment, and the various solutions of the same, especially touching the weight and elasticity of the airLeave the NDL website. An essay upon single vision with two eyes : together with experiments and observations on several other subjects in opticsLeave the NDL website. Le diverse et artificiose machineLeave the NDL website. Orang-outang, sive homo sylvestris: or, The anatomy of a pygmie compared with that of a monkey, an ape, and a man : to which is added, a philological essay concerning the pygmies, the cynocephali, the satyrs, and sphinges of the ancients : wherein it will appear that they are all either apes or monkeys, and not men, as formerly pretendedLeave the NDL website. Religio chemici : essaysLeave the NDL website. Mathematical papersLeave the NDL website. Lectures on the Darwinian theory delivered by the late Arthur Milnes Marshall ...Leave the NDL website. Reflections on the decline of science in England, and on some of its causesLeave the NDL website. Physica, sive de rebus corporeis, libri quinque, in quibus, praemissis potissimis coporearum naturarum phaenomenis & proprietatibus, veterum & recentiorum de eorum causis celeberrimae conjecturae traduntur ...Leave the NDL website. Lectures on some recent advances in physical scienceLeave the NDL website. RedenLeave the NDL website. Instituzioni astronomiche; opera postuma del dottore Eustachio Manfredi ...Leave the NDL website. Scenery, science and art : being extracts from the note-book of a geologist and mining engineerLeave the NDL website. Sciagraphia regni mineralis : secundum principia proxima digestiLeave the NDL website. Theses de Pingvedinis in animalibvs generatione et concretione : qvas pro virili sua, praeside D. Thoma Erasto, tutabitur M. Michael Schenckius ...Leave the NDL website. De motu permanenti eléctricitatis in corporibus homogeneis : dissertatio inauguralis quam consensu et auctoriate ... in alma litteraum universitate Friderica Guilelma pro summis in philosophia honoribus ... publice defendet auctor Elwin Bruno Christoffel ... Oppenenttibus : J. Neuhaeuser, A. De la Valette St. George ... A. Kremer ...Leave the NDL website. Lives of Boulton and Watt : principally from the original Soho mss. : comprising also a history of the invention and introduction of the steam-engineLeave the NDL website. Beschreibung und Geschichte der neuesten und vorzüglichsten Instrumente und Künstwerke für Liebhaber und Künstler in Rücksicht ihrer mechanischen Anwendung, nebst den dahin einschlagenden hülfswissenschaftenLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der Botanik vom 16. Jahrhundert bis 1860Leave the NDL website. Flora monspeliaca sistens plantas N°. 1850 ad sua genera relatas, et hybrida methodo digestas : ...Leave the NDL website. La méthode graphique dans les sciences expérimentales et principalement en physiologie et en médecineLeave the NDL website. A treatise on magnetism, forming the article under that head in the seventh edition of the Encyclopaedia BritannicaLeave the NDL website. Gothofredi Guillelmi Leibnitii, Opera omnia, nunc primum collecta, in classes distributa, praefationibus & indicibus exornata, studio Ludovici DutensLeave the NDL website. [Incipit Liber Geber]Leave the NDL website. Mémoire sur les intégrales définies, prises entre des limites imaginairesLeave the NDL website. A grammar of botany, illustrative of artificial, as well as natural, classification, with an explanation of Jussieu's systemLeave the NDL website. An inquiry into the opinions, ancient and modern, concerning life and organizationLeave the NDL website. Opera omnia, in vnum proxime post illius mortem collecta, quorum nomina sequens pagina plenius indicat. Accesservnt Andreae Navgerii, patricii Veneti, orationes duae carminaq. nonnulla, amicorum cura ob id nuper simul impressa, ut eorum scripta, qui arcta inter se uiuentes necessitudine coniuncti fuerunt, in hominum quoque manus post eorum mortem iuncta pariter peruenirent ...Leave the NDL website. An attempt towards a natural history of the fossils of England : in a catalogue of the English fossils in the collection of J. Woodward, M.D. : containing a description and historical account of each, with observations and experiments, made in order to discover, as well the origin and nature of them, as their medicinal, mechanical, and other uses ...Leave the NDL website. The weather book : a manual of practical meteorologyLeave the NDL website. Opera reliquaLeave the NDL website. A history of British fossil reptilesLeave the NDL website. Histoire des mathématiques, dans laquelle on rend compte de leurs progrès depuis leur origine jusqu'à nos jours; ... et les principaux traits de la vie des plus célèbresLeave the NDL website. A history of the warfare of science with theology in christendomLeave the NDL website. Catalogue raisonné des ouvrages qui ont été publiés sur les eaux minérales en général et sur celles de la France en particulier, avec une notice de toutes les eaux minérales de ce royaume, & un tableau des différens degrés de température de celles qui sont thermalesLeave the NDL website. Researches on the molecular asymmetry of natural organic productsLeave the NDL website. Physiologia Kircheriana experimentalis, qua summa argumentorum multitudine & varietate naturalium rerum scientia per experimenta physica, mathematica, medica, chymica, musica, magnetica, mechanica comprobatur atque stabiliturLeave the NDL website. Tre libri della sostanza et forma del mondo ... Ne quali per modo di dialogo si disputano molte acutissime questioni, & sono poi risolute con le ragioni de i piu saui philosophi, & de i piu dotti astrologi antichiLeave the NDL website. Traité de l'astronomie indienne et orientale : ouvrage qui peut fevir [i.e. servir] de suite à l'Histoire de l'astronomie ancienneLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres d'histoire naturelle et de philosophieLeave the NDL website. Opera omniaLeave the NDL website. Anfangsgründe der antiphlogistischen Chemie ...Leave the NDL website. Grundlehren der dynamik: Oder besienigen theiles der Mechanik welcher von den festen Körpern im zustande der Bewegung handeltLeave the NDL website. A second visit to the United States of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Chemistry, meteorology and the function of digestion considered with reference to natural theologyLeave the NDL website. Del terremoto dialogo ... distinto in qvattro giornateLeave the NDL website. Dialoghi, ... ne' quali, rispondendosi ad un' articolo de' signori autori degli Atti di Lipsia, s'insegna l'arte di esaminare una dimostrazione geometrica, e di dedurre dalla geometria sintetica la conoscenza del vero, e del falso; ed in conseguenza di ció si esamina l'algebra, ed i nuovi metodi de' moderniLeave the NDL website. Liber de centro gravitatis solidorvmLeave the NDL website. Die Mutationstheorie : Versuche und Beobachtungen über die Entstehung von Arten im PflanzenreichLeave the NDL website. A description of ventilators : whereby great quantities of fresh air may with ease be conveyed into mines, goals, hospitals, work-houses and ships, in exchange for their noxious air. ... Which was read before the Royal Society in May 1741Leave the NDL website. Théorie du mouvement des comètes, dans laquelle on a égard aux altérations que leurs orbites éprouvent par l'action des planètes : avec l'application de cette théorie à la cométe qui a été observée dans les annees 1531, 1607, 1682 & 1759Leave the NDL website. A geological and agricultural survey of the district adjoining the Erie Canal, in the state of New-York. ... Together with a geological profile, extending from the Atlantic to Lake ErieLeave the NDL website. Lettres physiques et morales, sur les montagnes et sur l'histoire de la terre et de l'homme ...Leave the NDL website. De mundi aetherei recentioribvs phaenomenis liber secvndvs [i.e. pt. 2 of the "Astronomiae instauratae progymnasmata"], qvi est de illvstri stella cavdata ab elapso ferè triente Nouembris anni 1577, vsq; in finem Ianuarij sequentis conspectaLeave the NDL website. Découverte et évolution cartographique de Terre-Neuve et des pays circonvoisins, 1497-1501-1769 : essais de géographie historique et documentaireLeave the NDL website. Meccanica pratica in cui si dimostra la maniera di determinare l'equilibrio delle macchine, computando le resistenze degli sfregamentiLeave the NDL website. Indagaciones sobre la amonedacion en Nueva España, sistema observado desde su establecimiento, su actual estado y productos, y auxilios que por este ramo puede prometerse la minería para su restauracion, presentadas en 10 de Agosto de 1814 al Real Tribunal general de minería de MejicoLeave the NDL website. A sketch of the botany of South-Carolina and GeorgiaLeave the NDL website. De locis solidis secunda divinatio geometrica in quinque libros iniuria temporum amissos Aristaei senioris geometrae ...Leave the NDL website. A life of travels and researches in North America and South Europe : or, Outlines of the life, travels and researches of ... Containing his travels in North America and the south of Europe; the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean, Sicily, Azores, &c. from 1802-1835--with sketches of his scientific and historical researches, &cLeave the NDL website. Chemical experiments and opinions extracted from a work published in the last centuryLeave the NDL website. Ephemerides novae et exactae Ioannis Stadii Leonnovthesii ab anno 1554. ad annum 1570 ...Leave the NDL website. Siluria : the history of the oldest known rocks containing organic remains, with a brief sketch of the distribution of gold over the earthLeave the NDL website. Recherches sur le système nerveux des poissonsLeave the NDL website. Arithmeticorvm libri sex, et De nvmeris mvltangvlis liber vnvs. Nunc primùm graecè & latinè editi, atque absolutissimis commentariis illustratiLeave the NDL website. Elemens de mathematique ...Leave the NDL website. Philosophia magnetica in qva magnetis natura penitus explicatur, et omnivm qvae hoc lapide cernuntur causae propriae afferuntur: nova etiam pyxis constrvitvr, qvae propriam poli elevationem, cum suo meridiano, ubique demonstratLeave the NDL website. An account of the late improvements in galvanismLeave the NDL website. Les eaux souterraines a l'époque actuelle leur régime, leur température, leur composition, au point de vue du rôle qui leur revient dans l'économie de l'écorce terrestreLeave the NDL website. Histoire de l'astronomie depuis ses origines jusqu'a nos joursLeave the NDL website. Tracts: containing I. Suspicions about some hidden qualities of the air; with an appendix touching celestial magnets, and some other particulars. II. Animadversions upon Mr. Hobbes's Problemata de vacuo. III. A discourse of the cause of attraction by suctionLeave the NDL website. Elements of electricity and electro-chemistryLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle des helminthes ou vers intestinauxLeave the NDL website. Geologisches repertorium : mit einem vollständigen indexLeave the NDL website. Analisi d'un nuovo fenomeno del fulmine ed osservazioni sopra gli usi medici della elettricitàLeave the NDL website. Thermometrical navigation : being a series of experiments and observations, tending to prove, that by ascertaining the relative heat of the sea-water from time to time, the passage of a ship through the Gulph Stream, and from deep water into soundings, may be discovered in time to avoid danger, although (owing to tempestuous weather,) it may be impossible to heave the lead or observe the heavenly bodies : extracted from the American philosophical transactions. Vol. 2 & 3 : with additions and improvementsLeave the NDL website. The chemical essays of Charles-William ScheeleLeave the NDL website. Physico-theology : or, A demonstration of the being and attributes of God, from his works of creation. ... With large notes, and many curious observations never before publishedLeave the NDL website. The scientific papers of James Prescott Joule, ...Leave the NDL website. Organic chemistry in its applications to agriculture and physiologyLeave the NDL website. Memoires de mathematique et de physique, ...Leave the NDL website. Nouveaux éléments de dynamique et de méchaniqueLeave the NDL website. Manual of the mineralogy of Great Britain and IrelandLeave the NDL website. Histoire philosophique des progrès de la physiqueLeave the NDL website. The early history of the Royal Society. ...Leave the NDL website. Nouveau systeme de mineralogieLeave the NDL website. Erpétologie générale : ou histoire naturelle complete des reptilesLeave the NDL website. Hume : with Helps to the study of BerkeleyLeave the NDL website. Handbuch der Mineralogischen DiagnosisLeave the NDL website. Copulata super libros De animaLeave the NDL website. Mémoire sur la vertu répulsive du feu, considérée comme agent principal de la nature, & application de ce principe à la formation des vapeurs, à leur élévation, & à quelques-uns des principaux phénomènes qui en résultentLeave the NDL website. De l'etat des sciences, dans l'entendue de la monarchie Françoise sous Charlemagne ...Leave the NDL website. Essai sur le fluide électrique, considéré comme agent universelLeave the NDL website. Briefe über Mineralogische Gegenstände auf seiner Reise durch das Temeswarer Bannat, Siebenbürgen, ober-und Nieder-Hungarn, an den Herausgeber deselben, Johann Jacob Ferber ... geschriebenLeave the NDL website. Tentamen novae theoriae mvsicae ex certissimis harmoniae principiis dilvcide expositae auctoreLeave the NDL website. Recherches sur la précession des equinoxes, et sur la nutation de l'axe de la terre, dans le systême NewtonienLeave the NDL website. Les oeuvres ... qui se rapportent au calcul des chances, à la statistique générle, à la statistique des décès et aux rentes viagères tirées des oeuvres complètes ...Leave the NDL website. Memoirs ...Leave the NDL website. An introduction to the classification of animalsLeave the NDL website. Ουρεσιφοιτης Helveticus, sive Itinera per Helvetiae Alpinas regiones facta annis MDCCII. MDCCIII. MDCCIV. MDCCV. MDCCVI. MDCCVII. MDCCIX. MDCCX. MDCCXI ... : in quatuor tomos distinctaLeave the NDL website. Die Spectralanalyse in ihrer Anwendung auf die Stoffe der Erde und die Natur der HimmelskörperLeave the NDL website. Uranoscopia : or, The contemplation of the heavens. Being a demonstration of the equation of time. With the method of observing the solar ingresses into any point of the ecliptic : and the investigation of the aphelions, and eccentricities of the planets. The determination of the greatest elongation of Venus and Mercury from the sun. Of the mean motion of the earth, her aphelion, and the recession of the equinox : the sun and moon's true and apparent places, by calculation and observation : with the true hour of the night, by the stars, perform'd by a new quadrant. Also, an explanation and demonstration of the Keplarian and Flamsteedian methods of computing the times, and principal appearances of solar eclipses to which are added, new tables of the nonagesime degree, its altitude : the moon's parallax in altitude, longitude and latitude. With many other things useful for such a workLeave the NDL website. General investigations of curved sufaces of 1827 and 1825Leave the NDL website. Versuche den Galvanismus zur Heilung einiger Krankheiten anzuwenden angestellt und beschrieben ...Leave the NDL website. De l'électricité, dans ses rapports avec la lumière, la chaleur, et la constitution des corpsLeave the NDL website. Histoire des sciences naturelles, depuis leur origine jusqu'a nos jours, chez tous les peuples connus, professée au Collége de FranceLeave the NDL website. Traité élémentaire de physique théorique et expérimentale avec les applications a la météorologie et aux arts industriels a l'usage des facultés, des établissements d'enseignement secondaire et des écoles spéciales du gouvernementLeave the NDL website. The elements of natural or experimental philosophyLeave the NDL website. An attempt to establish a pure scientific system of mineralogy, by the application of the electro-chemical theory and the chemical proportionsLeave the NDL website. Physikalisch-chymische Schriften, als eine Fortsetzung der Probier-KunstLeave the NDL website. Memoirs of Dr. Joseph Priestley, to the year 1795Leave the NDL website. Magneticall aduertisements : or, Divers pertinent obseruations, and approued experiments concerning the nature and properties of the load-stone : very pleasant for knowledge, and most needfull for practise, of trauelling, or framing of instruments fit for trauellers both by sea and landLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire de physiqueLeave the NDL website. Untersuchungen im Gebiete der Inductionselektricität. Eine in der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin gelesene AbhandlungLeave the NDL website. Elementa artis docimasticae, duobus tomis comprehensa, quorum prior theoriam, posterior praxin ...Leave the NDL website. The doctrine of fluxions : not only explaining the elements thereof, but also its application and use in the several parts of mathematics and natural philosophyLeave the NDL website. On certain phenomena belonging to the close of the last geological period and on their bearing upon the tradition of the floodLeave the NDL website. Aromatvm et simplicivm aliqvot medicamentorvm apvd indos nascentivm historia : ante biennium quidem Lusitanica lingua per dialogos conscriptaLeave the NDL website. Mineralogie; ou, description générale des substances du regne mineral : ouvrage traduit de l'AllemandLeave the NDL website. Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres, ... précédée d'une introduction ...Leave the NDL website. The elements of chemical scienceLeave the NDL website. De ortv et cavsis metallorvm contra chymicos explicationem Iosephi Qvercetani Armeniaci, D. Medici breuis responsio. Eivsdem de exqvisita mineralium, animalium, & vegetabilium medicamentorum spagyrica praeparatione & vsu perspicua tractatioLeave the NDL website. Epistolae ad viros eruditos eorundemque responsiones historiam literariam et physicam specialem explanantes curante filio Ferdinando Iacobo Baiero cum tab. aeneaLeave the NDL website. Ueber die Entstehung der Welt mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Frage : ob unserm Sonnensystem, namentlich der Erde und ihren Bewohnern, ein zeitlicher Anfang zugeschrieben werden muss Gekrönte PreisschriftLeave the NDL website. Hindu astronomyLeave the NDL website. The cruise of the Betsey, or, A summer ramble among the fossiliferous deposits of the Hebrides : with rambles of a geologist; or, Ten thousand miles over the fossiliferous deposits of ScotlandLeave the NDL website. Manuel d'électricité dynamique, ou traité sur l'action mutuelle des conducteurs électriques et des aimans, et sur la nouvelle théorie du magnétisme : pour faire suite à tous les traités de physique élémentaireLeave the NDL website. Ueber die Bemühungen der Gelehrten und Künstler, mathematische und astronomische Instrumente einzutheilen ...Leave the NDL website. Travels in North America, in the years 1841-2 : with geological observations on the United States, Canada, and Nova ScotiaLeave the NDL website. The electro-magnetic telegraph : a defence against the injurious deductions drawn from the deposition of Prof. Joseph Henry (in the several telegraph suits), with a critical review of said desposition, and an examination of Prof. Henry's alleged discoveries, bearing upon the electro-magnetic telegraphLeave the NDL website. Nova stirpivm adversaria, perfacilis vestigatio, lvcvlentaqve accessio ad priscorum, praesertim Dioscoridis, & recentiorum, materiam medicamLeave the NDL website. A treatise on frictional electricity, in theory and practiceLeave the NDL website. Telluris theoria sacra : orbis nostri originem & mutationes generales, quas aut iam subiit, aut olim subiturus est, complectens. Libri duo priores de diluvio & paradisoLeave the NDL website. Recherches sur les volcans éteints du vivarais et du Velay : avec un discours sur les volcans brûlans, des mémoires analytiques sur les schorls, la zéolite, le basalte, la pouzzolane, les laves & les différentes substances qui s'y trouvent engagées, &c. ...Leave the NDL website. [Calendarium]Leave the NDL website. An elementary treatise on geology : determining fundamental points in that science, and containing an examination of some modern geological systems, and particularly of the Huttonian theory of the earthLeave the NDL website. Researches on the solar spectrum, and the spectra of the chemical elementsLeave the NDL website. A dissertation upon the phaenomena of the harvest moon : also, the description and use of a new four-wheel'd orrery, and an essay upon the moon's turning round her own axisLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres de MaupertuisLeave the NDL website. Pomologia; dat is, Beschryvingen en afbeeldingen van de beste zoorten van appels en peeren, welke in Neder- en Hoog-Duitschland, Frankryk, Engeland en elders geagt zyn, en tot dien einde gecultiveert wordenLeave the NDL website. Relation d'un voyage du Levant, fait par ordre du roy : ... enrichie de descriptions & de figures ... et de plusieurs observations touchant l'histoire naturelleLeave the NDL website. A voyage to Senegal, the isle of Goree, and the river Gambia. ... With notes by an English gentleman, who resided some time in that countryLeave the NDL website. Chymie expérimentale et raisonnéeLeave the NDL website. An institution of fluxions : containing the first principles, the operations, with some of the uses and applications of that admirable method, according to the scheme prefix'd to his tract of quadratures, by (its first inventor) the incomparable Sir Isaac NewtonLeave the NDL website. Piscium querelae et vindiciae, expositae a Johanne Jacobo ScheuchzeroLeave the NDL website. Sylva, or, A discourse of forest-trees, and the propagation of timber in His Majesties dominions ... To which is annexed Pomona; or, An appendix concerning fruit-trees in relation to cider; the making and several ways of ordering it. ... Also Kalendarivm hortense; or, Gard'ners almanac; directing what he is to do monethly throughout the yearLeave the NDL website. Traité élémentaire de chimie organiqueLeave the NDL website. Über Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere : Beobachtung und ReflexionLeave the NDL website. Trattato di Messer Sebastiano Erizzo, dell' instrumento et via inventrice de gli antichiLeave the NDL website. Anatomia, ex Caspari Bartholini parentis institutionibus, omniumque recentiorum & propriis observationibus. Tertiùm ad sanguinis circulationem reformata. Cum iconibus novis accuratissimisLeave the NDL website. 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Opera chymica, Bücher und Schrifften, soviel deren von ihme bisshero an Tag gegeben worden. letzo von neuem mit Fleiss übersehen, auch mit etlichen neuen Tractaten vermehret, und umb mehrer Bequemlichkeit willen, in diese Form zusammen getragen, sampt ein darzu verfertigten volkommenen RegisterLeave the NDL website. The principles of harmony and contrast of colours, and their applications to the arts : ...Leave the NDL website. Practical instruction in animal magnetismLeave the NDL website. L'évolution de l'astronomie chez les GrecsLeave the NDL website. De origine fontium, tentamen philosophicum : in praelectione habita coram societate philosophica nuper Oxonii instituta ad scientiam naturalem promovendamLeave the NDL website. De armillis veterum schedion : accessit Olai Wormii De avreo cornv Danico ad Licetum responsioLeave the NDL website. Apparatvs plantarivs primvs : tributus duos libros. I. De plantis bvlbosis. II. De plantis tvberosis. 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Herbarium vivum, of Verzameling van gedroogde voorbeelden van nuttige gewassen, vooral van dezulke, die in nederland inlandsch zijn of geteeld worden, en wier kennis voor landbouw, handel en fabrijken belangrijk is, met derzelver beschrijvingLeave the NDL website. Observations pour servir a l'histoire des volcans éteints du département de l'HéraultLeave the NDL website. Matheseos universalis elementa. Cuibus accedunt, specimen commentarii in arithmeticam universalem Newtoni : ut & de determinanda forma seriei infinitae adsumtae regula novaLeave the NDL website. Historical sketch of the electric telegraph : including its rise and progress in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria, from the original GreekLeave the NDL website. Miscellanies : being a collection of memoirs and essays on scientific and literary subjects published at various timesLeave the NDL website. A history of chemistry from the earliest times till the present dayLeave the NDL website. Ausführliche Nachricht von neuentdeckten Zoolithen unbekannter vierfüsiger Tiere, und denen sie enthaltenden so wie verschiedenen andern denkwürdigen Grüften der Obergebürgischen Lande des Marggrafthums BayreuthLeave the NDL website. Observations sur l' ecrit de M. Laplace, lu le 29 mars 1820 au Bureau des Longitudes, intitulé, Sur le perfectionnement de la théorie et des tables lunairesLeave the NDL website. Notes on recent researches in electricity and magnetism : intended as a sequel to Professor Clerk-Maxwell's Treatise on electricity and magnetismLeave the NDL website. Synopsis plantarum, quas, in itinere ad plagam aequinoctialem orbis novi, collegerunt Al. de Humboldt et Am. BonplandLeave the NDL website. Traité du mouvement de l'eau dans les tuyaux de conduite, a l'usage des ingenieursLeave the NDL website. Discorso natvrale delle cavse, et effetti cavsati nell'incendio del monte Vesevo con relatione del tvtto ...Leave the NDL website. Magneticum naturae regnum, sive Disceptatio physiologica de triplici in natura rerum magnete, juxta triplicem ejusdem naturae gradum digesto inanimato animato sensitivo qua occultae prodigiosarum quarundam motionum vires & proprietates, quae in triplici naturae oeconomia nonnullis in corporibus noviter detectis observantur, in apertam lucem eruuntur, & luculentis argumentis, experientia duce, demonstrantur. Ad ... Alexandrum Fabianum novi orbis indigenamLeave the NDL website. Discours prononcé à l'ouverture des séances de la société helvétique des sciences naturelles, à Neuchâtel le 24 Juillet 1837Leave the NDL website. Remarks upon the Newtonian philosophy, as propos'd by Sir Isaac Newtion, in his Principia philosophiae naturalis : and by Dr. Gregory, in his Principia astronomiae physicae. Wherein the fallacies of the pretended mathematical demonstrations, by which those authors support that philosophy, are clearly laid open : and the philosophy itself fully proved to be false and absurd both by mathematical and physical demonstrationLeave the NDL website. An attempt to demonstrate, that all the phoenomena in nature may be explained by two simple active principles, attraction and repulsion : wherein the attractions of cohesion, gravity, and magnetism, are shewn to be one and the same; and the phoenomena of the latter are more particularly explainedLeave the NDL website. The natural history of many curious and uncommon zoophytes, collected from various parts of the globe ... systematically arranged and described by the late Daniel SolanderLeave the NDL website. Lectures on polarized light, delivered before the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; and in the Medical School of the London HospitalLeave the NDL website. Lectures on electricityLeave the NDL website. Memoir of Edward Forbes, F.R.S. ...Leave the NDL website. Observations on the geology and organic remains of the secondary, tertiary and alluvial formations of the Atlantic Coast of the United States of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Elements of natural philosophyLeave the NDL website. An outline of the mineralogy of the Shetland Islands, and of the island of Arran : ... with an appendix; containing observations on peat, kelp, and coalLeave the NDL website. British petrography : with special reference to the igneous rocksLeave the NDL website. Insigniores orbitae cometarvm proprietatesLeave the NDL website. Supplementum plantarum systematis vegetabilium editionis decimae tertiae, generum plantarum editionis sextae, et specierum plantarum, editionis secundae ...Leave the NDL website. Instituzioni di meccanica, d'idrostatica, d'idrometria e dell' architettura statica, e idraulica ad uso della regia scuola eretta in Milano per gli architetti, e per gl'ingegneri ...Leave the NDL website. Recherches sur quelques-unes des révolutions de la surface du globeLeave the NDL website. Conspectus litteraturae botanicae in suecia ab antiquissimis temporibus usque ad finem anni 1831, notis bibliographicis et biographis auctorum adjectisLeave the NDL website. Traittez des barométres, thermométres, et notiométres, ou hygrométresLeave the NDL website. Outline of the geology of the globe, and of the United States in particular : with two geological maps, and sketches of characteristic American fossilsLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der Dampfmaschine : ihre kulturelle Bedeutung, technische Entwicklung und ihre grossen MännerLeave the NDL website. Mémoires de CoulombLeave the NDL website. Elements of chemistry, in a new systematic order, containing all the modern discoveriesLeave the NDL website. Himalayan journals : or, Notes of a naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia Mountains, &c.Leave the NDL website. Meteorological essaysLeave the NDL website. An elementary investigation of the theory of numbers : with its application to the indeterminate and diophantine analysis, the analytical and geometrical division of the circle, and several other curious algebraical and arithmetical problemsLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der anorganischen Naturwissenschaften im neunzehnten JahrhundertLeave the NDL website. A course of experimental philosophyLeave the NDL website. Mineralogische Bemerkungen von den KarpathenLeave the NDL website. Observations upon the generation, composition, and decomposition of animal and vegetable svbstances : communicated in a letter to Martin Folkes Esq; ...Leave the NDL website. Vollkommene Beschreibung eines Bergbohrers, wie solcher nebst seinen darzu gehörigen Stücken gefertiget, und damit operiret werden solle; Dessgleichen wie man sich dessen zu bedienen habe auf viel tousend Schuh, sowol Ortwärts, als Sohl-und Fürstwerts durch die Damerde, Gebürge und Festgestein zu bohren; welchem noch eine sehr grose Verbesserung derer Buchwerke beygefüget istLeave the NDL website. Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire naturelle des petrifications dans les quatre parties du mondeLeave the NDL website. Petrefacta Germaniae tam ea, quae in Museo Universitatis regiae borussicae Fridericiae Wilhelmiae rhenanae servantur quam alia quaecunque in Museis Hoeninghusiano muensteriano aliisque extant, iconibus et descriptionibus illustrata. Abbildungen und beschreibungen der petrefacten Deutschlands und der angränzenden länder, unter mitwirkung des herrn grafen Georg zu Münster, hrsg. von Augest Goldfuss ...Leave the NDL website. Pioneers of evolution : from Thales to Huxley : with an intermediate chapter on the causes of arrest of the movementLeave the NDL website. The new physics and its evolutionLeave the NDL website. Die Entstehung des DieselmotorsLeave the NDL website. Giornale di un viaggio da Constantinopoli in Polonia ... con una sua relazione delle rovine di TrojaLeave the NDL website. Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels, oder, Versuch von der Verfassung und dem mechanischen Ursprunge des ganzen Weltgebäudes nach newtonischen Grundsätzen abgehandeltLeave the NDL website. A sequel to the experiments and observations tending to illustrate the nature and properties of electricity : wherein it is presumed, by a series of experiments expresly for that purpose, that the source of the electrical power, and its manner of acting are demonstrated : addressed to the Royal SocietyLeave the NDL website. Grosse MännerLeave the NDL website. Specvlvm Vranicvm in quo vera loca tum octauae sphaerae, tum septem planetarum mira facilitate ad quodlibet datum tempus ex prutenicarum ratione colliguntur, ...Leave the NDL website. Introductory lectures to a course of anatomyLeave the NDL website. A system of geology, with a theory of the earth, and an explanation of its connexion, with the sacred recordsLeave the NDL website. Radioactive transformationsLeave the NDL website. The old red sandstone, or, New walks in an old fieldLeave the NDL website. Due breui e facili trattati, il primo d'arithmetica : l'altro di geometria : ne i quali si contengono alcune cose nuoue piaceuoli è utili, si à gentilhuomini come artegiani ...Leave the NDL website. Elements of chemistry, including the recent discoveries and doctrines of the scienceLeave the NDL website. De magnis coniunctionibusLeave the NDL website. Traité de mécaniqueLeave the NDL website. 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Les ages de la nature et histoire de l'espèce humaineLeave the NDL website. Voyage minéralogique, philosophique, et historique, en ToscaneLeave the NDL website. De re metalica, en el qval se tratan mvchos y diversos secretos del conocimiento de toda suerte de minerales, de como se deuren buscar ensayer y beneficiar, con otros secretos e industrias notables, assi para los que tratan los officios de oro, plata, cobre, estaño, plomo, azero, hierro, y otros metales, como para muchas personas curiosasLeave the NDL website. Cosmologia sacra : or, A discourse of the universe as it is the creature and kingdom of GodLeave the NDL website. Briefe zwischen A. v. Humboldt und Gauss. Zum hundertjährigen Geburtstage von Gauss am 30. April 1877Leave the NDL website. A letter of Mr. Isaac Newton ... containing his new theory about light and colorsLeave the NDL website. Handbuch des natürlichen Pflanzensystems nach allen seinen Classen, Ordnungen und Familien, nebst naturgemässer Gruppirung der Gattungen, oder Stamm und Verzweigung des Gewächsreiches, enthaltend eine vollständige Charakteristik und Ausführung der natürlichen Verwandtschaften der Pflanzen in ihrer Richtung aus der Metamorphose und geographischen Verbreitung, wie die fortgebildete Zeit deren Auschauung fordertLeave the NDL website. Entomologia Parisiensis, sive, catalogus insectorum quae in Agro Parisiensi reperiuntur : secundum methodum Geoffraeanam in sectiones, genera & species distributus: cui addita sunt nomina trivalia & fere trecentae novae species ...Leave the NDL website. Essays of natural experimentsLeave the NDL website. Nouveau sisteme sur la construction et les mouvemens du monde : avec une dissertation sur la ligne de niveauLeave the NDL website. Observations astronomiques, faites a ToulouseLeave the NDL website. 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Allgemeines Repertorium der mineralogischen, Bergwerks- und salzwerkswissenschaftlichen Literatur, nebst beygefügten kritischen Bemerkungen über den Werth der einzelnen Schriften ...Leave the NDL website. Lezione accademica intorno all'origine delle fontane, colle annotazioni per chiarezza maggiore della medesima, ...Leave the NDL website. Description of the process of manufacturing coal gasLeave the NDL website. A history of inventions and discoveriesLeave the NDL website. Genera plantarumLeave the NDL website. De principiis et ratiocinatione geometrarvm, vbi ostenditur incertitudinem falsitatemque non minorem inesse scriptis eorum, quam scriptis physicorum & ethicorum, contra fastum professorum geometriaeLeave the NDL website. Opuscules physiques et chymiquesLeave the NDL website. Les applications de la physique aux sciences, a l'industrie et aux arts ... Ouvrage contenant 427 figures dessinées par B. Bonnafoux et A. Jahandier et gravées par Ch. Laplante ...Leave the NDL website. Micrographia : or, Some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses : with observations and inquiries thereuponLeave the NDL website. Life on the earth : its origin and successionLeave the NDL website. Replique a la lettre de M. de La Condamine, pav l'auteuv de la Dissertation suv la figure de la terreLeave the NDL website. Synopsis anthropologiae physicae ...Leave the NDL website. Description de coquilles caractéristiques des terrainsLeave the NDL website. Praktisches Handbuch über die Anlage von Eisenbahnen, ihre Kosten, Unterhaltung und ihren Ertrag, über die Unfertigung [i.e. Anfertigung] und Prüfung guss- und stabeiserner Schienen, und die Einrichtung der Dampf- und anderen Eisenbahnwagen. Nebst anhangsweisen Betrachtungen über die Anwendung der Dampfwagen auf gewöhnlichen Kunst-Strassen. Nach den besten deutschen, englischen und französischen HülfsmittelnLeave the NDL website. Explication du flux et reflux, ...Leave the NDL website. Trattato de'canali navigabiliLeave the NDL website. Hortus upsaliensis, exhibens plantas exoticas, horto upsaliensis academiae a sese illatas, ab anno 1742, in annum 1748, additis differentiis, synonymis, habitationibus, hospitiis, rariorumque descriptionibus, in gratiam studiose juventutisLeave the NDL website. Diui Alberti Magni phisico[rum] siue De phisico auditu libri octoLeave the NDL website. Exercitationes chymicae ... sparsim hactenus editae, jam vero collectae restitutae a mendis repurgatae, variisque notis, experimentis et discussionibus ab autore adauctae ...Leave the NDL website. L'Académie des sciences. Histoire de l'Académie-fondation de l'Institut national, Bonaparte, membre de l'Institut nationalLeave the NDL website. Experiments and considerations about the porosity of bodies, in two essaysLeave the NDL website. De differentiis animalivm libri decem ...Leave the NDL website. Chimie végétale et agricoleLeave the NDL website. 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A dictionary of science : comprising astronomy, chemistry, dynamics, electricity, heat, hydrodynamics, hydrostatics, light, magnetism, mechanics, meteorology, pneumatics, sound, and statics : preceded by an essay on the history of the physical sciencesLeave the NDL website. Flora lapponica exhibens plantas geographice et botanice consideratas, in Lapponiis svecicis scilicet umensi, pitensi, lulensi, tornensi et kemensi nec non Lapponiis norvegicis scilicet nordlandia et finmarkia utra que indigenas, et itineribus annorum 1800, 1802, 1807 et 1810 denuo investigatasLeave the NDL website. L'histoire des plantes mis en commentaries ... Et nouuellement traduict de latin en françoys, auec vraye obseruation de l'auteur, en telle diligence que pourra tesmongner ceste oeuure presenteLeave the NDL website. Aphroditographische Fragmente, zur genauern Kenntniss des Planeten Venus : sammt beygefügter Beschreibung des Lilienthalischen 27 füssigen Telescops, mit practischen Bemerkungen und Beobachtungen über die Grösse der SchöpsungLeave the NDL website. Des vice-lavmands Eggert Olafsens und des Landphysici Biarne Povelsens Reise durch Island, veranstaltet von der Königlichen Societät der Wissenschaften in Kopenhagen und beschrieben von bemeldtem Eggert Olafsen : aus dem Dänischen übersetzt : mit 25 Kupfertafeln und einer neuen charte über Island versehen ...Leave the NDL website. Principles of chemistry : embracing the most recent discoveries in the science, and the outlines of its application to agriculture and the arts. Illustrated by numerous experiments, newly adapted to the simplest apparatusLeave the NDL website. The last link : our present knowledge of the descent of manLeave the NDL website. Recherches sur plusieurs points de l'astronomie égyptienne, appliquées aux monumens astronomiques trouvés en ÉgypteLeave the NDL website. A compleat system of opticks in four books, viz. A popular, a mathematical, a mechanical, and a philosophical treatise : to which are added remarks upon the whole ...Leave the NDL website. Höchstnützliches Berg-und Schmeltz-Buch, in zwey Theile getheilet. ... Nebst einem Anhange, daraus zu sehen, die fürtreflichkeit derer in Schlesien befindlichen edlen und sehr reichen Geld-und Silber-haltigen Ertz-Gebürgen, ...Leave the NDL website. A general system of nature, through the three grand kingdoms of animals, vegetables, and minerals : systematically divided into their several classes, orders, genera, species and varieties, with their habitations, manners, economy, structure and peculiarities ...Leave the NDL website. Ausführliches System der Maschinen-Kunde mit speciellen Anwendungen bei mannichfaltigen Gegenständen der Industrie, für den praktiker BearbeitetLeave the NDL website. Varia opera mathematica ... accesserunt selectae quaedam ejusdem epistolae, vel ad ipsum à plerisque doctissimis viris gallicè, latinè, vel italicè, de rebus ad mathematicas disciplinas, aut physicam pertinentibus scriptaeLeave the NDL website. Theory of heatLeave the NDL website. An account of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophical discoveries, in four booksLeave the NDL website. La theorie des cometes, ou l'on traite du progrès de cette partie de l'astronomie : avec des tables pour calculer les mouvements des cometes, du soleil, & des principales etoiles fixesLeave the NDL website. Manuel du galvanisme, ou, Description et usage des divers appareils galvaniques employés jusqu'a ce jour, tant pour les recherches physiques et chimiques, que pour les applications médicalesLeave the NDL website. Synopsis coniferarumLeave the NDL website. L'ancienne jonction de l'Angleterre a la France, ou le Détroit de Calais sa formation par la rupture de l'isthme sa topographie et sa constitution géologique ouvrage qui a remporté le prix au concours de l'Académie d'Amiens en l'année 1751 ... avec deux cartes ...Leave the NDL website. Conjectures physiquesLeave the NDL website. Vollständige Beschreibung des Sterns der WeisenLeave the NDL website. Théorié des proportions chimiques, et table synoptique des poids atomiques des corps simples, et deleurs combinaisons les plus importantesLeave the NDL website. Anti-newtonianismi pars prima, in qua Newtoni de coloribus systema ex propriis principiis geometrice evertitur, et nova de colorivut theoria luculentissimis experimentis demonstratur opera, ac studioLeave the NDL website. Mémoires pour servir a une description géologique de la FranceLeave the NDL website. Manual of geology : practical and theoreticalLeave the NDL website. Recherches sur le mouvement des projectiles dans l'air, en ayant égard a leur figure et leur rotation, et a l'influence du mouvement diurne de la terreLeave the NDL website. Oeuvres de Blaise PascalLeave the NDL website. The Malay Archipelago : the land of the orang-utan, and the bird of paradise : a narrative of travel, with studies of man and natureLeave the NDL website. Gesammelte WerkeLeave the NDL website. Philosophisch- und physicalische Abhandlungen über verschiedene Materien aus dem Reiche der Natur. Insonderheit die durch das unterirdische Feuer verursachte Revolution der Erde betreffend. Allen Liebhabern der Naturwissenschaft zum weitern Nachdenken vorgelegtLeave the NDL website. Prodomo apologetico alli studi chircheriani. Opera di Gioseffo Petrucci romano, nella quale con un' apparato di saggi diversi, si dà prova dell' esquisito studio ha tenuto il celebratissimo padre Atanasio Chircher, circa il credere all'opinioni degli scrittori, si de' tempi andati, come de' presenti, e particolarmente intorno a quelle cose naturali dell' India, che qli furon portate, ò referte da quei, che abitarono quelle partiLeave the NDL website. Historique et description des procédés du daguerréotype et du dioramaLeave the NDL website. Rapport historique sur les progrès des sciences naturelles depuis 1789, et sur leur état actuel, ...Leave the NDL website. Science and culture, and other essaysLeave the NDL website. Anleitung zu der Bergbaukunst nach ihrer Theorie und Ausübung, nebst einer Abhandlung von den Grundsätzen der Berg-Kammeralwissenschaft, für die Kaiserl. Königl. Schemnitzer Bergakademie entworfen ...Leave the NDL website. The mathematical principles of natural philosophy ... : to which are added, the laws of the moon's motion, according to gravityLeave the NDL website. Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy explain'd for the use of the ladies : in six dialogues on light and colours : from the Italian ...Leave the NDL website. Abrégé de navigation, historique, théorique et pratique, ...Leave the NDL website. Discurso pronunciado en el Real Jardin Botánico el 2 de junioLeave the NDL website. Manual of human histologyLeave the NDL website. Memoirs of the life and writings of Mr. William Whiston : containing, memoirs of several of his friends also ...Leave the NDL website. Ioyfvll nevves ovt of the newe founde worlde, wherein is declared the rare and singuler vertues of diuerse and sundrie hearbes, trees, oyles, plantes, and stones, with their applications as well for phisicke as chirurgerie, the saied beyng well applied bryngeth suche present remedie for all diseases, as maie seme altogether incredible : notwithstandyng by practize founde out, to bee true : also the portrature of the saied hearbes, very aptly discribedLeave the NDL website. Theatrum botanicum, das ist : Vollkommenes Kräuter-Buch ... itzo auf das neue übersehen, und mit vielen Beschreibungen und figuren der Kräuter vermehret durch Friedrich Zwinger ...Leave the NDL website. Bibliotheca entomologica : die Litteratur über das ganze Gebiet der Entomologie, bis zum Jahre 1862Leave the NDL website. Geognostische Beobachtungen auf Reisen durch Deutschland und ItalienLeave the NDL website. Aula subterranea, domina dominantium subdita subditorum. Das ist: Untererdische Hofhaltung ... Bründliche Beschreibung der ienigen Sachen, so in der Tieffe der Erden wachsen ...Leave the NDL website. Nouvelle nomenclature chimique, d'après la classification adoptée par M. Thenard : ouvrage spécialement destiné aux personnes qui commencent l'étude de la chimie, et à celles qui ne sont pas au courant des nouveaux nomsLeave the NDL website. Harmonia mensurarum, sive analysis & synthesis per rationum & angulorum mensuras promotae : accedunt alia opuscula mathematicaLeave the NDL website. Reprint of papers on electrostatics and magnetismLeave the NDL website. Éléments de l'art de la teinture, avec une description du blanchîment par l'acide muriatique oxigénéLeave the NDL website. Essai sur les comètes en général, et particulierement sur celles qui peuvent approcher de l'orbite de la terreLeave the NDL website. An account of the basalts of Saxony : with observations on the origin of basalt in generalLeave the NDL website. A critical examination of the first principles of geology : in a series of essaysLeave the NDL website. Traité de physique sur la pesanteur universelle des corpsLeave the NDL website. Geognostisch-geologisch Aufsäze als Vorbereitung zu einer innern Naturgeschichte der ErdeLeave the NDL website. Introductory discourse, delivered before the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York, on the fourth of May, 1814Leave the NDL website. Histoire de la philosophie atomistiqueLeave the NDL website. De universitate, libri duo : in quibus astronomiae, doctrinaeve coelestis compendium ...Leave the NDL website. Lethaea Geognostica, oder Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der für die Gebirgs-Formationen bezeichnendsten VersteinerungenLeave the NDL website. Die niederen Pilze in ihren Beziehungen zu den Infectionskrankheiten und der GesundheitspflegeLeave the NDL website. Classification et caractères minéralogiques des roches homogènes et hétérogènesLeave the NDL website. Section of the strata through Hampshire and Wiltshire to BathLeave the NDL website. Optical lectures read in the publick schools of the University of Cambridge, anno Domini, 1669 : never before printed : translated into English out of the original LatinLeave the NDL website. Lectures on light : delivered in the United States in 1872-'73Leave the NDL website. Philosophie anatomique. Des organes respiratoires sous le rapport de la détermination et de l'identitè de leurs pièces osseusesLeave the NDL website. A fair, candid, and impartial state of the case between Sir Isaac Newton and Mr. Hutchinson. In which is shewn, how far a system of physics is capable of mathematical demonstration; how far Sir Isaac's, as such a system, has that demonstration; and consequently, what regard Mr. Hutchinson's claim may deserve to have paid itLeave the NDL website. Nomos : an attempt to demonstrate a central physical law in nature ...Leave the NDL website. Institutiones physicae conscriptae in usus academicosLeave the NDL website. Lectio reverendi et doctissimi viri D. Isaaci Barrow beatae memoriae : in qua theoremata Archimedis De sphaera & cylindro, per methodum indivisibilium investigata, ac breviter demonstrata exhibenturLeave the NDL website. Opera mathematica ...Leave the NDL website. Insectivorous plantsLeave the NDL website. Miscellaneous tracts relating to natural history, husbandry, and physick. : to which is added the calendar of floraLeave the NDL website. La synthèse chimiqueLeave the NDL website. Cavsa aestvs marisLeave the NDL website. Tract on comets : and particulary on the comet that is to intersect the earth's path in October, 1832Leave the NDL website. Versuch einer Naturgeschichte der eingeweidewümer thierischer Körper ...Leave the NDL website. An essay on the probability of sensation in vegetables : with additional observations on instinct, sensation, irritability, &c.Leave the NDL website. 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Natvralivm qvaestiunvm libri VII : Matthaei Fortunati in eosdem libros annotationesLeave the NDL website. Ueber das Anquicken der gold-und silberhältigen Erze, Rohsteine, Schwarzkupfer und HüttenspeiseLeave the NDL website. Basis astronomiae sive Astronomiae pars mechanica, in qva describuntur observatoria, atqve instrumenta astronomica Roemeriana Danica; simulqve eorundem usus, sive methodi observandi Roemerianae in usum publicum, & praesertim in gratiam unà prodeuntis valde insignis atqve usûs amplissimi, nunqvam non posteris memorandi tridui observationum Tusculanarum RoemeriLeave the NDL website. Examen des trois dissertations que Monsieur Desaguliers a publiées sur la figure de la terre, inserées dans les Transactions philosophiques de la Societé royale de Londres no. 386, 387, & 388 ...Leave the NDL website. General views on the application of galvanism to medical purposes : principally in cases of suspended animationLeave the NDL website. Elements of geologyLeave the NDL website. Die Armpolypen in den süssen Wassern um RegensburgLeave the NDL website. Recherches sur une propriété nouvelle de la matère [i.e. matière] activité radiante spontanée ou radioactivité de la matièreLeave the NDL website. Dissertatio epistolica de Bombyce, societati regiae, Londini ad scientiam naturalem promovendam institutae, dicataLeave the NDL website. Acutissimi philosophi reuerendi Magistri Iohanis Buridani subtilissime questiones super octo phisicorum libros Aristotelis diligèter recognite & reuise a magistro Iohanne dullaert de gandauo antea nusq̄ impresseLeave the NDL website. Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen als physiologische Grundlage für die Theorie der MusikLeave the NDL website. Étude du mouvement d'un aviateur-aéroplaneLeave the NDL website. Characteristics of volcanoes, with contributions of facts and principles from the Hawaiian Islands, including a historical review of Hawaiian volcanic action for the past sixty-seven years, a discussion of the relations of volcanic islands to deep-sea topography, and a chapter on volcanic-island denudationLeave the NDL website. The voyage of the 'Challenger' : the Atlantic; a preliminary account of the general results of the exploring voyage of H.M.S. 'Challenger' during the year 1873 and the early part of the year 1876Leave the NDL website. Magnetismus, seu de affinitatibus magneticis observationes academicaeLeave the NDL website. Compendiaria physicae institvtio qvam in vsvm avditorvm philosophiae elvcvbratvs est ...Leave the NDL website. Vorlesungen über allgemeine Hüttenkunde ...Leave the NDL website. Opticks : or, A treatise of the reflexions, refractions, inflexions and colours of light : also two treatises of the species and magnitude of curvilinear figuresLeave the NDL website. An essay on magnetic attractions : particularly as respects the deviation of the compass on shipboard, occasioned by the local influence of the guns, &c. : with an easy practical method of observing the same in all parts of the worldLeave the NDL website. Clarissima singularis[que] totius philosophie necnon metaphisice Aristotelis : magistri Petri Tatareti expositioLeave the NDL website. Elements of the philosophy of plants : containing the principles of scientific botany : ... with a history of the science, and practical illustrationsLeave the NDL website. Proposal of a method for measuring degrees of longitude upon parallels of the aequatorLeave the NDL website. Memoire sur l'electriciteLeave the NDL website. Neue Grundgesetze zur rationellen Physik und ChemieLeave the NDL website. The dawn of astronomy : a study of the temple-worship and mythology of the ancient EgyptiansLeave the NDL website. A system of astronomy : containing the investigation and demonstration of the elements of that scienceLeave the NDL website. Tabulae astronomicae Ludovici Magni jussu et munificentia exaratae et in lucem editae ... Adjecta svnt descriptio, constructio & vsus instrumentorum astronomiae ... Ad meridianum observatorii Regii Parisiensis in quo habitae sunt observationes ab ipsoLeave the NDL website. OpereLeave the NDL website.

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ed. by Harold Hartley, Duane H. D. Roller
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