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Hänssler edition Bachakademie

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Hänssler edition Bachakademie

Material type
Bach, Johann Sebastian
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4 3/4 in.
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Compact discs

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Six partitas = Sechs Partiten = Seis partitas, BWV 825-830Leave the NDL website. Late works from the Leipzig period = Leipziger Spätwerke = Dernières œuvres, époque de Leipzig = Obras tardías de LeipzigLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 169-171Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 195-197Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 7-9Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 27-29Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 172-175Leave the NDL website. Original & transcription = Original und Bearbeitung = Original et transcription = Original y transcripciónLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 54-57Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 119-121Leave the NDL website. Orchestral suites = Orchestersuiten = Suites pour orchestre = Suites para orquestaLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 62-64Leave the NDL website. Harpsichord music by the young J.S. Bach = Cembalomusik des jungen J.S. Bach = La musique pour clavecin du jeune J.S. Bach = Música para clave compuesta por J.S. Bach en su juventudLeave the NDL website. Motets = Motetten = MotetesLeave the NDL website. Mass in B minor BWV 232 = H-Moll-Messe = Messe en si mineur = Misa en si menorLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 198-200Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 87-90Leave the NDL website. Heyday in Weimar = Blütezeit in Weimar = Apogée à Weimar = Epaco dorado en WeimarLeave the NDL website. Violin concertos BWV 1041-1043Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 30-31Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 46-48Leave the NDL website. Goldberg variations = Goldberg-Variationen = Variations Goldberg = Variaciones Goldberg : BWV 988Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 68-70Leave the NDL website. Leipzig chorales : BWV 651-667Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 165-168Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 38-40Leave the NDL website. Clavier-Büchlein for Anna Magdalena Bach 1725Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 103-105Leave the NDL website. Six sonatas BWV 525-530Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 71-74Leave the NDL website. English suites = Englische Suiten = Suites anglaises = Suites inglesas : BWV 806-811Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 188, 190-192Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 112-114Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 10, 12, 13Leave the NDL website. Harpsichord concertos BWV 1060-1062Leave the NDL website. Sonatas for viola da gamba & harpsichord BWV 1027-1029 = Sonaten für Viola da Gamba & Cembalo = Sonates pour viole de gambe & clavecin = Sonatas para viola de gamba y cémbaloLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 179-181Leave the NDL website. The art of fugue = Die Kunst der Fuge = L'art de la fugue = El arte de la fuga : BWV 1080Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 21, 22Leave the NDL website. Organ chorales from the Neumeister collection = Orgelchoräle der Neumeister-Sammlung = Les chorals pour orgue du recueil de Neumeister = Los corales para órgano de la colección NeumeisterLeave the NDL website. Secular cantatas BWV 206, 207a, 207Leave the NDL website. Clavier-Büchlein for Anna Magdalena Bach 1722Leave the NDL website. New ideas in Weimar = Neue Ideen in Weimar = Nouvelles idées à Weimar = Nuevas ideas en WeimarLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 19, 20Leave the NDL website. Kleinere Feste, Psalmlieder = Incidental festivities, Psalms = Petites fêtes, Psaumes = Pequeñas fiestas, Conciones de salmosLeave the NDL website. Bach as teacher : keyboard works from the Cöthen period = Bach als Lehrer : Werke für Tasteninstrumente aus den Köthener Jahren = Bach pédagogue : les œuvres pour instrument à clavier de la période Cöthen = Bach como maestro : obras para teclado del período de CöthenLeave the NDL website. Chamber music for the flute = Kammermusik für Flöte = Musique de chambre pour flûte = Musica de cámera para flautaLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 136-139Leave the NDL website. Concerto, fantasia & fugueLeave the NDL website. Concerti BWV 972-987Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 106-108Leave the NDL website. Influences of cantata, concerto & chamber music = Einflüsse aus Cantata, Concerto & Kammermusik = Influences de la cantata, concerto & de la musique chambre = Influencias de la cantata, concierto y la musica de cámaraLeave the NDL website. French overture & Italian concerto : BWV 831, 971 ; Chromatic Fantasia & fugue BWV 903Leave the NDL website. Von Gottvertrauen, Kreuz & Trost, Von Rechtfertigung & Buße, Von Sterben, Tod & Ewigkeit, Am Abend = Trust in God, cross & consolation, Justification & penance, Dying, death & eternity, In the evening = Sur la confiance en dieu, le tourment & le réconfort, Sur la justification & la pénitence, Sur le trépas, la mort & l'eternité, Le soir = De la confianca en dios, la cruz y el consuelo, De la justificación y la penitencia, Del morir, la muerte y la eternidad, Par la tardeLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 83-86Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 176-178Leave the NDL website. Sacred vocal works = Geistliche Vokalwerke = Œuvres vocales sacrées = Obras vocales sacrasLeave the NDL website. Von Geduld & Gelassenheit, Jesuslieder = Patience & Serenity, Jesus hymns = De la patience et de sérénité, Cantiques pour Jesus = De la pacienca y la serenidad, Canticos a JesúsLeave the NDL website. Secular cantatas BWV 214, 215Leave the NDL website. Suites for solo cello = Suiten für Violoncello solo = Suites pour violoncelle seul = Suites para violoncelo solo, BWV 1007-1012Leave the NDL website. Johann Sebastian BachLeave the NDL website. Christmas oratorio : BWV 248 = Weihnachts-Oratorium = Oratorio de noël = Oratorio de navidadLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 148-151Leave the NDL website. Weimar, Köthen & LeipzigLeave the NDL website. Secular cantatas BWV 208, 209Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 4-6Leave the NDL website. Advent and Christmas = Advent und Weihnachten = Avent et noël = Adviento y navidadLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 32-34Leave the NDL website. Johann Sebastian Bach : the millennium edition : edition BachakademieLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 156-159Leave the NDL website. The young Bach : a virtuoso = Der Junge Bach : ein Virtuose = Le jeune Bach : un virtuose = El joven Bach : un virtuosoLeave the NDL website. Concertos for three & four harpsichords BWV 1063-1065 ; Concerti BWV 1044, 1050aLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 146-147Leave the NDL website. Secular cantatas BWV 210, 211Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 43-45Leave the NDL website. The well-tempered clavier = Das wohltemperierte Klavier = Le clavier bien tempéré = El clave bien temperadoLeave the NDL website. Secular cantatas BWV 212, 213Leave the NDL website. Arrangements for lute = Bearbeitungen für Laute = Arrangements pour le luth = Adapciones para el laúdLeave the NDL website. Reconstructed violin concertos = Wiedergewonnene Violinkonzerte = Concertos reconstitués pour violon = Conciertos para violín rescatadosLeave the NDL website. Transkriptions : concerti & trios by Vivaldi, Johann Ernst, Telemann, Fasch, CouperinLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 97-99Leave the NDL website. Clavier Übung, dritter TheilLeave the NDL website. Ohrdruf, Lüneburg & ArnstadtLeave the NDL website. Brandenburg concertos = Brandenburgische Konzerte = Concertos Brandebourgeois = Conciertos de BrandemburgoLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 152-155Leave the NDL website. Restored oboe concerti = Wiedergewonnene Oboekonzerte = Concertos reconstitues pour hautbois = conciertos para oboe rescatadosLeave the NDL website. Inventions & sinfonias 772-801Leave the NDL website. Secular cantatas BWV 202-204Leave the NDL website. Ostern, Himmelfahrt, Pfingsten, Trinitatis = Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity = Pâques, Ascension, Pentecôte, Trinité = Pascuas, Ascensión, Pentecostés, TrinidadLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 185-187Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 80-82Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 41, 42Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 94-96Leave the NDL website. Am Morgen, Von Lob & Dank, Vom Christlichen Leben = Morning, Thanks & Praise, Christian life = Le matin, De la louange et de la Grâce, De la vie Chrétienne = Par la mañana, De la alabanza y las gracias, De la vida CristianaLeave the NDL website. Klavierbüchlein for Wilhelm Friedemann BachLeave the NDL website. Congratulatory and homage cantatas = Huldiguns-und Glückwunschkantaten = Cantates d'hommage et de vœux = Cantatas de homenaje y de felicitaciónLeave the NDL website. Works for violin & basso continuo BWV 1021, 1023, 1025, 1026, 1019aLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 14, 16-18Leave the NDL website. The contest between Phoebus & Pan : BWV 201Leave the NDL website. Easter oratorio : BWV 249 = Oster-Oratorium = Oratorio de pâques = Oratorio de pascua ; Ascension oratorio : BWV 11 = Himmelfahrts-Oratorium = Oratorio de l'ascension = El oratorio de la ascensiónLeave the NDL website. Deutsche Messe = German mass = Messe allemande = Missa alemanasLeave the NDL website. St. Matthew passion : BWV 244 = Matthäus-Passion = La passion selon St. Matthieu = La pasión según San MateoLeave the NDL website. Toccatas BWV 910-916Leave the NDL website. Der Zufriedengestellte Aeolus : BWV 205 ; Quodlibet : BWV 524Leave the NDL website. Influences of Böhm & Buxtehude = Einflüsse durch Böhm & Buxtehude = Influences de Böhm & Buxtehude = Influencias de Böhm & BuxtehudeLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 130-132Leave the NDL website. Works for lute-harpsichord = Musik für das Lautenklavier = Œuvres pour luth-clavecin = Obras para clave-laúdLeave the NDL website. Sonatas for violin & harpsichord = Sonaten für Violine & Cembalo = Sonates pour violon & clavecin = Sonatas para violín & cémbalo, BWV 1014-1019Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 109-111Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 23-26Leave the NDL website. Scales from Weimar = Eine Weimarer Tonleiter = Une gamme musicale de Weimar = Una escala musical de WeimarLeave the NDL website. Sonatas & partitas for solo violin = Sonaten & Partiten für Violine solo = Sonates & partitas pour violon seul = Sonatas & partitas para violín solo, BWV 1001-1006Leave the NDL website. Masterpieces from the Weimar period = Meisterwerke der Weimarer Zeit = Œuvres de l'époque de Weimar = Obras maestras de la época WeimarLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 49-52Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 100-102Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 91-93Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 193, 194Leave the NDL website. Ein Choralbuch für Johann Sebastian = A book of chorale-settings for Johann Sebastian = Livre de chorals pour Johann Sebastian = Un Libro de corales para Johann SebastianLeave the NDL website. Sacred music in Latin = Lateinische Kirchenmusik = Musique d'église en Latin = Música sacra en LatínLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 115-117Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 182-184Leave the NDL website. Passion = PasiónLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 122-125Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 65-67Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 1-3Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 77-79Leave the NDL website. Harpsichord concertos BWV 1052-1054Leave the NDL website. Magnificat BWV 243 ; Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden : BWV 1083Leave the NDL website. Musical offering = Musikalisches Opfer = Offrandes musicale = Ofrenda musical : BWV 1079 ; Canons = Kanons : BWV 1072-1078, 1086, 1087Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 161-164Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 126-129Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 35-37Leave the NDL website. Orgelbüchlein BWV 599-644Leave the NDL website. French suites = Französische Suiten = Suites françaises = Suites francesas : BWV 812-817Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 75, 76Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 133-135Leave the NDL website. St. John passion : BWV 245Leave the NDL website. Harpsichord concertos BWV 1055-1058Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 140, 143-145Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 58-61Leave the NDL website.

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4 3/4 in.
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Note (General)
Compact discs
Related Material
Six partitas = Sechs Partiten = Seis partitas, BWV 825-830
Late works from the Leipzig period = Leipziger Spätwerke = Dernières œuvres, époque de Leipzig = Obras tardías de Leipzig
Cantatas BWV 169-171
Cantatas BWV 195-197
Cantatas BWV 7-9
Cantatas BWV 27-29
Cantatas BWV 172-175
Original & transcription = Original und Bearbeitung = Original et transcription = Original y transcripción
Cantatas BWV 54-57
Cantatas BWV 119-121
Orchestral suites = Orchestersuiten = Suites pour orchestre = Suites para orquesta
Cantatas BWV 62-64
Harpsichord music by the young J.S. Bach = Cembalomusik des jungen J.S. Bach = La musique pour clavecin du jeune J.S. Bach = Música para clave compuesta por J.S. Bach en su juventud
Motets = Motetten = Motetes
Mass in B minor BWV 232 = H-Moll-Messe = Messe en si mineur = Misa en si menor
Cantatas BWV 198-200
Cantatas BWV 87-90
Heyday in Weimar = Blütezeit in Weimar = Apogée à Weimar = Epaco dorado en Weimar
Violin concertos BWV 1041-1043
Cantatas BWV 30-31
Cantatas BWV 46-48
Goldberg variations = Goldberg-Variationen = Variations Goldberg = Variaciones Goldberg : BWV 988
Cantatas BWV 68-70
Leipzig chorales : BWV 651-667
Cantatas BWV 165-168
Cantatas BWV 38-40
Clavier-Büchlein for Anna Magdalena Bach 1725
Cantatas BWV 103-105
Six sonatas BWV 525-530
Cantatas BWV 71-74
English suites = Englische Suiten = Suites anglaises = Suites inglesas : BWV 806-811
Cantatas BWV 188, 190-192
Cantatas BWV 112-114
Cantatas BWV 10, 12, 13
Harpsichord concertos BWV 1060-1062
Sonatas for viola da gamba & harpsichord BWV 1027-1029 = Sonaten für Viola da Gamba & Cembalo = Sonates pour viole de gambe & clavecin = Sonatas para viola de gamba y cémbalo
Cantatas BWV 179-181
The art of fugue = Die Kunst der Fuge = L'art de la fugue = El arte de la fuga : BWV 1080
Cantatas BWV 21, 22
Organ chorales from the Neumeister collection = Orgelchoräle der Neumeister-Sammlung = Les chorals pour orgue du recueil de Neumeister = Los corales para órgano de la colección Neumeister
Secular cantatas BWV 206, 207a, 207
Clavier-Büchlein for Anna Magdalena Bach 1722
New ideas in Weimar = Neue Ideen in Weimar = Nouvelles idées à Weimar = Nuevas ideas en Weimar
Cantatas BWV 19, 20
Kleinere Feste, Psalmlieder = Incidental festivities, Psalms = Petites fêtes, Psaumes = Pequeñas fiestas, Conciones de salmos
Bach as teacher : keyboard works from the Cöthen period = Bach als Lehrer : Werke für Tasteninstrumente aus den Köthener Jahren = Bach pédagogue : les œuvres pour instrument à clavier de la période Cöthen = Bach como maestro : obras para teclado del período de Cöthen
Chamber music for the flute = Kammermusik für Flöte = Musique de chambre pour flûte = Musica de cámera para flauta
Cantatas BWV 136-139
Concerto, fantasia & fugue
Concerti BWV 972-987
Cantatas BWV 106-108
Influences of cantata, concerto & chamber music = Einflüsse aus Cantata, Concerto & Kammermusik = Influences de la cantata, concerto & de la musique chambre = Influencias de la cantata, concierto y la musica de cámara
French overture & Italian concerto : BWV 831, 971 ; Chromatic Fantasia & fugue BWV 903
Von Gottvertrauen, Kreuz & Trost, Von Rechtfertigung & Buße, Von Sterben, Tod & Ewigkeit, Am Abend = Trust in God, cross & consolation, Justification & penance, Dying, death & eternity, In the evening = Sur la confiance en dieu, le tourment & le réconfort, Sur la justification & la pénitence, Sur le trépas, la mort & l'eternité, Le soir = De la confianca en dios, la cruz y el consuelo, De la justificación y la penitencia, Del morir, la muerte y la eternidad, Par la tarde
Cantatas BWV 83-86
Cantatas BWV 176-178
Sacred vocal works = Geistliche Vokalwerke = Œuvres vocales sacrées = Obras vocales sacras
Von Geduld & Gelassenheit, Jesuslieder = Patience & Serenity, Jesus hymns = De la patience et de sérénité, Cantiques pour Jesus = De la pacienca y la serenidad, Canticos a Jesús
Secular cantatas BWV 214, 215
Suites for solo cello = Suiten für Violoncello solo = Suites pour violoncelle seul = Suites para violoncelo solo, BWV 1007-1012
Johann Sebastian Bach
Christmas oratorio : BWV 248 = Weihnachts-Oratorium = Oratorio de noël = Oratorio de navidad
Cantatas BWV 148-151
Weimar, Köthen & Leipzig
Secular cantatas BWV 208, 209
Cantatas BWV 4-6
Advent and Christmas = Advent und Weihnachten = Avent et noël = Adviento y navidad
Cantatas BWV 32-34
Johann Sebastian Bach : the millennium edition : edition Bachakademie
Cantatas BWV 156-159
The young Bach : a virtuoso = Der Junge Bach : ein Virtuose = Le jeune Bach : un virtuose = El joven Bach : un virtuoso
Concertos for three & four harpsichords BWV 1063-1065 ; Concerti BWV 1044, 1050a
Cantatas BWV 146-147
Secular cantatas BWV 210, 211
Cantatas BWV 43-45
The well-tempered clavier = Das wohltemperierte Klavier = Le clavier bien tempéré = El clave bien temperado
Secular cantatas BWV 212, 213
Arrangements for lute = Bearbeitungen für Laute = Arrangements pour le luth = Adapciones para el laúd
Reconstructed violin concertos = Wiedergewonnene Violinkonzerte = Concertos reconstitués pour violon = Conciertos para violín rescatados
Transkriptions : concerti & trios by Vivaldi, Johann Ernst, Telemann, Fasch, Couperin
Cantatas BWV 97-99
Clavier Übung, dritter Theil
Ohrdruf, Lüneburg & Arnstadt
Brandenburg concertos = Brandenburgische Konzerte = Concertos Brandebourgeois = Conciertos de Brandemburgo
Cantatas BWV 152-155
Restored oboe concerti = Wiedergewonnene Oboekonzerte = Concertos reconstitues pour hautbois = conciertos para oboe rescatados
Inventions & sinfonias 772-801
Secular cantatas BWV 202-204
Ostern, Himmelfahrt, Pfingsten, Trinitatis = Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity = Pâques, Ascension, Pentecôte, Trinité = Pascuas, Ascensión, Pentecostés, Trinidad
Cantatas BWV 185-187
Cantatas BWV 80-82
Cantatas BWV 41, 42
Cantatas BWV 94-96
Am Morgen, Von Lob & Dank, Vom Christlichen Leben = Morning, Thanks & Praise, Christian life = Le matin, De la louange et de la Grâce, De la vie Chrétienne = Par la mañana, De la alabanza y las gracias, De la vida Cristiana
Klavierbüchlein for Wilhelm Friedemann Bach
Congratulatory and homage cantatas = Huldiguns-und Glückwunschkantaten = Cantates d'hommage et de vœux = Cantatas de homenaje y de felicitación
Works for violin & basso continuo BWV 1021, 1023, 1025, 1026, 1019a
Cantatas BWV 14, 16-18
The contest between Phoebus & Pan : BWV 201
Easter oratorio : BWV 249 = Oster-Oratorium = Oratorio de pâques = Oratorio de pascua ; Ascension oratorio : BWV 11 = Himmelfahrts-Oratorium = Oratorio de l'ascension = El oratorio de la ascensión
Deutsche Messe = German mass = Messe allemande = Missa alemanas
St. Matthew passion : BWV 244 = Matthäus-Passion = La passion selon St. Matthieu = La pasión según San Mateo
Toccatas BWV 910-916
Der Zufriedengestellte Aeolus : BWV 205 ; Quodlibet : BWV 524
Influences of Böhm & Buxtehude = Einflüsse durch Böhm & Buxtehude = Influences de Böhm & Buxtehude = Influencias de Böhm & Buxtehude
Cantatas BWV 130-132
Works for lute-harpsichord = Musik für das Lautenklavier = Œuvres pour luth-clavecin = Obras para clave-laúd
Sonatas for violin & harpsichord = Sonaten für Violine & Cembalo = Sonates pour violon & clavecin = Sonatas para violín & cémbalo, BWV 1014-1019
Cantatas BWV 109-111
Cantatas BWV 23-26
Scales from Weimar = Eine Weimarer Tonleiter = Une gamme musicale de Weimar = Una escala musical de Weimar
Sonatas & partitas for solo violin = Sonaten & Partiten für Violine solo = Sonates & partitas pour violon seul = Sonatas & partitas para violín solo, BWV 1001-1006
Masterpieces from the Weimar period = Meisterwerke der Weimarer Zeit = Œuvres de l'époque de Weimar = Obras maestras de la época Weimar
Cantatas BWV 49-52
Cantatas BWV 100-102
Cantatas BWV 91-93
Cantatas BWV 193, 194
Ein Choralbuch für Johann Sebastian = A book of chorale-settings for Johann Sebastian = Livre de chorals pour Johann Sebastian = Un Libro de corales para Johann Sebastian
Sacred music in Latin = Lateinische Kirchenmusik = Musique d'église en Latin = Música sacra en Latín
Cantatas BWV 115-117
Cantatas BWV 182-184
Passion = Pasión
Cantatas BWV 122-125
Cantatas BWV 65-67
Cantatas BWV 1-3
Cantatas BWV 77-79
Harpsichord concertos BWV 1052-1054
Magnificat BWV 243 ; Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden : BWV 1083
Musical offering = Musikalisches Opfer = Offrandes musicale = Ofrenda musical : BWV 1079 ; Canons = Kanons : BWV 1072-1078, 1086, 1087
Cantatas BWV 161-164
Cantatas BWV 126-129
Cantatas BWV 35-37
Orgelbüchlein BWV 599-644
French suites = Französische Suiten = Suites françaises = Suites francesas : BWV 812-817
Cantatas BWV 75, 76
Cantatas BWV 133-135
St. John passion : BWV 245
Harpsichord concertos BWV 1055-1058
Cantatas BWV 140, 143-145
Cantatas BWV 58-61