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National Sample Survey Organisation, Dept. of Statistics, Ministry of Planning & Programme Implementation, Govt. of India
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Publisher varies: Issues for [20--]- : National Sample Survey Office, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govt. of India

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Unemployed in India, 1993-94 : salient featuresLeave the NDL website. Key results on household consumer expenditure, 1993-94 : NSS fiftieth roundLeave the NDL website. Morbidity, health care and the condition of the aged : NSS 60th round (January-June 2004)Leave the NDL website. Household consumer expenditure in India : key resultsLeave the NDL website. Report on village facilitiesLeave the NDL website. Livestock and agricultural implements in household operational holdings, 1991-92Leave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment situation among religious groups in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Livestock ownership across operational land holding classes in India, 2002-03Leave the NDL website. भारत में घरेलू मचदूर : एन. एस. एस. ६६वां दौर (जुलाई २००९ -जून २०१०) = Home-based workers in India : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010)Leave the NDL website. Non-agricultural workers in informal sector based on employment-unemployment survey, 1999-2000Leave the NDL website. Consumption of tobacco in India, 1993-94 : 5th quinquennial survey of consumer expenditureLeave the NDL website. Slums in India = Bhārataṃ meṃ gandī bastiyāṃLeave the NDL website. Operational land holdings in India, 1991-92 : salient featuresLeave the NDL website. Service sector in India (2006-07) : operational characteristics of enterprises : NSS 63rd round (July 2006-June 2007)Leave the NDL website. Drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Choice of reference period for consumption dataLeave the NDL website. Household consumer expenditure across socio-economic groups : NSS 66th round (July 2009 -June 2010)Leave the NDL website. Service sector in India (2006-07) : economic characteristics of enterprises : NSS 63rd round, July 2006-June 2007Leave the NDL website. Household consumer expenditure and employment-unemployment situation in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Some aspects of farmingLeave the NDL website. Household assets and liabilities : NSS 70th round (January-December, 2013)Leave the NDL website. Some characteristics of urban slums 2008-09 : NSS 65th round (July 2008-June 2009)Leave the NDL website. Status of education and vocational training in India, 2004-2005 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)Leave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment situation in cities and towns in India : NSS 68th round, July 2011-June 2012Leave the NDL website. Report on village facilitiesLeave the NDL website. Cultivation practices in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Public distribution system and other sources of household consumption : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010)Leave the NDL website. Morbidity and treatment of ailmentsLeave the NDL website. Status of education and vocational training in India : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010) = भारत में शिक्षा और व्यावसायिक प्रशिक्षण की स्थिति : एन. एस. एस. ६६वां दौर (जुलाई २००९ -जून २०१०)Leave the NDL website. Unorganised manufacturing sector in India, 2000-2001 : characteristics of enterprises = Bhārata meṃ asaṅgaṭhita vinirmāṇa kshetra, 2000-2001 : udhyamoṃ kī viśeshtāyeṃLeave the NDL website. Economic characteristics of unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction) in India : NSS 67th round (July 2010-June 2011)Leave the NDL website. Unorganised manufacturing sector in India : its size, employment, and some key estimatesLeave the NDL website. Unorganised manufacturing sector in India : input, output and value added : NSS 62nd round (July 2005-June 2006)Leave the NDL website. Household consumer expenditure in India, 2007-08 : NSS 64th round (July 2007 -June 2008)Leave the NDL website. Household consumption of various goods and services in India, 2004-05 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)Leave the NDL website. Households assets and liabilities in India : as on 30.06.2002Leave the NDL website. Household consumer expenditure across socio-economic groups, 2011-12 : NSS 68th round (July 2011 -June 2012)Leave the NDL website. Domestic tourism in India 2008-09 : NSS 65th round (July 2008-June 2009)Leave the NDL website. Household consumption of various goods and services in India 2011-12 : NSS 68th round (July 2011-June 2012)Leave the NDL website. Access to modern technology for farmingLeave the NDL website. Consumption of some important commodities in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Operational characteristics of unorganised manufacturing enterprises in India : NSS 62nd round (July 2005-June 2006)Leave the NDL website. Informal sector in India, 1999-2000 : salient featuresLeave the NDL website. Household borrowings and repayments during 1.7.91 to 30.6.92 : debt and investment surveyLeave the NDL website. Seasonal variation in the operation of land holdings in India, 1991-92 = Bhārata meṃ jota kshetra ke sañcālana ke mausamī parivartana, 1991-92Leave the NDL website. Non-agricultural enterprises in the informal sector in India, 1999-2000 : key resultsLeave the NDL website. Household consumer expenditure in India, 2005-06 : NSS 62nd round (July 2005-June 2006)Leave the NDL website. Use of durable goods by Indian households, 1993-94 : 5th quinquennial survey of consumer expenditureLeave the NDL website. Level and pattern of consumer expenditure : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010) = उपभोकता व्यय का स्तर एवं स्वरूप : रा. प्र. सर्वे. 66वाँ दौर (जुलाई 2009 - जून 2010)Leave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment situation in India : NSS 68th round (July 2011-June 2012) = भारत में रोजगार एवं बेरोजगारी की स्थिति : रा. प्र. सर्वे. 68वां दौर (जुलाई 2011-जून 2012)Leave the NDL website. Housing condition in India : housing stock and constructionsLeave the NDL website. Level and pattern of consumer expenditure, 2004-05 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)Leave the NDL website. Indebtedness of farmer householdsLeave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment in India, 1993-94 : fifth quinquennial survey : NSS fiftieth round, July 1993-June 1994Leave the NDL website. State level results on small trading units in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Participation of women in specified activities along with domestic duties, 2004-2005 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)Leave the NDL website. Household assets holding, indebtedness, current borrowings and repayments of social groups in India (as on 30.06.2002) : all-India debt and investment survey : NSS 59th round (January-December 2003)Leave the NDL website. Migration in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Indebtedness of rural households as on 30.6.1991 : debt and investment surveyLeave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment situation in India, 2005-06 : NSS 62nd round (July 2005-June 2006)Leave the NDL website. Choice of reference period for consumption dataLeave the NDL website. Household borrowings and repayments in India during 1.7.2002 to 30.6.2003 : all India debt and investment survey : NSS 59th round, January-December 2003Leave the NDL website. Household consumer expenditure in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Household ownership holdings in India, 2003 : NSS 59th round (January-December 2003)Leave the NDL website. Unorganised service sector in India : salient featuresLeave the NDL website. Income, expenditure, productive assets and indebtedness of agricultural households in India : NSS 70th round (January-December 2013)Leave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment situation in cities and towns in India, 2004-2005 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)Leave the NDL website. Consumption of some important commodities in India, 1999-2000Leave the NDL website. Unorganised manufacturing sector in India, 2000-2001 : input, output and value addedLeave the NDL website. IRDP assistance and participation in public worksLeave the NDL website. Assets and borrowings of the unorganised manufacturing enterprises in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Informal sector and conditions of employment in India, 2004-05 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)Leave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment situation in India, 2009-10 : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010)Leave the NDL website. Sources of household income in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Non-agricultural enterprises in the informal sector in India : key resultsLeave the NDL website. Energy used by Indian householdsLeave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment situation in cities and towns, 1993-94Leave the NDL website. Sources of household consumption in India 1999-2000Leave the NDL website. Public distribution system and other sources of household consumption, 2011-12 : NSS 68th round (July 2011-June 2012)Leave the NDL website. भारतिय परिवारों में खाद्य उपभोग की अनुभूत पर्याप्तता : एन. एस. एस. ६६वां दौर (जुलाई २००९ -जून २०१०) = Perceived adequacy of food consumption in Indian households : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010)Leave the NDL website. Participation of women in specified activities along with domestic duties : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010) = घरेलू कार्यों के साथ-साथ विशिष्ट कार्यकलापों में महिलाओं की भागीदारी : एन. एस. एस. ६६वां दौर (जुलाई २००९ -जून २०१०)Leave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment situation among major religious groups in India, 2004-2005 : NSS 61st round, July 2004-June 2005Leave the NDL website. Results of a pilot survey on suitability of different reference periods for measuring household consumption, January-June 2000Leave the NDL website. Household consumer expenditure in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Operational characteristics of unorganised manufacturing enterprises in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Unorganised service sector in India : characteristics of enterprisesLeave the NDL website. Level and pattern of consumer expenditure : 5th quinquennial survey, 1993-94 : NSS fiftieth round, July 1993-June 1994Leave the NDL website. Level and pattern of consumer expenditure 2011-12 : NSS 68th round, July 2011-June 2012 = उपभोक्ता व्यय का स्तर एवं पैटर्न 2011-12 : एनएसएस 68वां दौर, जुलाई 2011-जून 2012Leave the NDL website. Reported adequacy of food intake in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Domestic tourism in India : NSS 72nd round (July 2014-June 2015)Leave the NDL website. Household ownership and operational holdings in India : NSS 70th round (January-December, 2013)Leave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment situation in India, January-June, 2004Leave the NDL website. Informal sector and conditions of employment in India : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010)Leave the NDL website. Drinking water, sanitation, hygiene and housing condition in India : NSS 69th round (July 2012-December 2012)Leave the NDL website. Household capital expenditure in India during 1.7.2002 to 30.6.2003 : all-India debt and investment survey : NSS 59th round, January - December 2003Leave the NDL website. Energy sources of Indian households for cooking and lighting : NSS 68th round (July 2011-June 2012) = Bhāratīya parivāroṃ ke lie rasoī evaṃ prakāśa ke ūrjā śrota : Ena. Esa. Esa. 68vā ṃ daura (Julāī 2011-Jūna 2012)Leave the NDL website. Informal sector and conditions of employment in India : NSS 68th round (July 2011-June 2012)Leave the NDL website. Dwellings in India : fifth quinquennial survey on consumer expenditureLeave the NDL website. Urban slums in India : NSS 69th round (July 2012-December 2012)Leave the NDL website. Attending an educational institution in India : its level, nature, and cost : NSS fifty-second round, July 1995-June 1996Leave the NDL website. Household consumer expenditure among socio-economic groups, 2004-2005 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)Leave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment situation in India, 1999-2000 = Bhārata meṃ rozagāra aura berozagārī kī sthitiLeave the NDL website. Travel and use of mass media and financial services by Indian householdsLeave the NDL website. भारत में असमाविष्ट गैर-कृषि उघमों (निर्माण को छोड़कर) की प्रचालनात्मक विशेषताएं : एन. एस. एस. ६७वां दौर (जुलाई २०१० -जून २०११) = Operational characteristics of unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction) in India : NSS 67th round (July 2010-June 2011)Leave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment situation among social groups in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Income, expenditure and productive assets of farmer householdsLeave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment situation among major religious groups in India : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010)Leave the NDL website. Household assets and indebtedness among social groups : NSS 70th round (January-December, 2013)Leave the NDL website. Household consumer expenditure and employment situation in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Consumption expenditure of farmer householdsLeave the NDL website. Debt and investment survey : household assets and liabilities as on 30.6.1991Leave the NDL website. Household consumer expenditure in India, 2006-07 : NSS 63rd round (July 2006 -June 2007)Leave the NDL website. Sources of household consumption in India, 1999-2000Leave the NDL website. Public distribution system and other sources of household consumption, 2004-05 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)Leave the NDL website. The aged in India : a socio-economic profileLeave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment situation among major religious groups in India : NSS 68th round (July 2011-June 2012)Leave the NDL website. Maternal and child health care in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Unorganised service sector in India, 2001-02 : characteristics of enterprisesLeave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment situation in cities and towns in India : NSS 66th round, July 2009-June 2010Leave the NDL website. Unorganised manufacturing sector in India, 2000-2001 : key results = Bhārata meṃ asaṅgaṭhita vinirmāṇa kshetra, 2000-2001 : mukhya pariṇāmaLeave the NDL website. Energy sources of Indian households for cooking and lighting : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010) = Bhāratīya parivāroṃ ke lie rasoī evaṃ prakāśa ke ūrjā śrota : Ena. Esa. Esa. 66vā ṃ daura (Julāī 2009-Jūna 2010)Leave the NDL website. Some aspects of farmingLeave the NDL website. Ownership of livestock, cultivation of selected crops and consumption levels : 5th quinquennial survey of consumer expenditureLeave the NDL website. Housing condition in India : housing stock and constructionsLeave the NDL website. Small trading units in India and their basic characteristics, 1997Leave the NDL website. Education in India : 2007-08 : participation and expenditure : NSS 64th round (July 2007-June 2008)Leave the NDL website. Public distribution system and other sources of household consumption, 2004-05Leave the NDL website. Some aspects of farming in India : NSS 70th round (January-December, 2013)Leave the NDL website. Unorganised manufacturing sector in India : employment, assets and borrowings : NSS 62nd Round (July 2005-June 2006)Leave the NDL website. Household indebtedness in India as on 30.06.2002 : all India debt and investment surveyLeave the NDL website. Household indebtedness India : NSS 70th round (January-December, 2013)Leave the NDL website. Unorganised manufacturing sector in India, 2000-2001 : employment, assets and borrowingsLeave the NDL website. Household assets and indebtedness of social groups as on 30.6.91 : debt and investment surveyLeave the NDL website. Economic activities and school attendance by children of India : fifth quinquennial survey, NSS 50th round, 1993-94Leave the NDL website. Participation of Indian women in household work and specified activitiesLeave the NDL website. Key results on employment and unemploymentLeave the NDL website. Household assets and liabilities in India as on 30.06.2002Leave the NDL website. Unorganised manufacturing sector in India : input, output and value addedLeave the NDL website. Literacy and levels of education in India, 1999-2000Leave the NDL website. Disabled persons in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Participation of women in specified activities along with domestic duties : NSS 68th round (July 2011-June 2012) = घरेलू कार्यों के साथ-साथ विनिर्दिष्ट क्रियाकलापों में महिलाओं की भागीदारी : रा. प्र. सर्वे. 68वां दौर (जुलाई 2011 -जून 2012)Leave the NDL website. Some characteristics of agricultural households in India : NSS 70th round (January-December, 2013)Leave the NDL website. Household consumer expenditure in India, July-December 1999 : key resultsLeave the NDL website. Condition of urban slums : salient featuresLeave the NDL website. Unorganised manufacturing enterprises in India : salient featuresLeave the NDL website. Household indebtedness in India as on 30.06.2002 : all India debt and investment surveyLeave the NDL website. Indebtedness of urban households as on 30.6.1991 : debt and investment surveyLeave the NDL website. Housing conditions in India, January-June 1993Leave the NDL website. Level and pattern of consumer expenditure in India 1999-2000Leave the NDL website. Status of education and vocational training in India : NSS 68th round (July 2011-June 2012) = भारत में शिक्षा एवं व्यावसायिक प्रशिक्षण की स्थिति : एन. एस. एस. 68वँ दौर (जुलाई 2011 -जून 2012)Leave the NDL website. Energy sources of Indian households for cooking and lighting, 2004-05 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)Leave the NDL website. Some aspects of operational land holdings in India, 2002-03 : NSS 59th round, January-December 2003Leave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment situation in cities and towns in India, 1999-2000Leave the NDL website. Literacy and levels of education in India, 1999-2000Leave the NDL website. Household capital expenditure during 1.7.91 to 30.6.92 : debt and investment surveyLeave the NDL website. Seasonal variation in the operational land holdings in India, 2002-03 : 59th round (January - December 2003)Leave the NDL website. Participation of Indian women in household work and specified activities, 1999-2000Leave the NDL website. Household consumption of various goods and services in India : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010)Leave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment situation in India, 2004-05 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)Leave the NDL website. Livestock ownership in India : NSS 70th round (January-December, 2013)Leave the NDL website. Nutritional intake in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Employment and unemployment in India : key resultsLeave the NDL website. Household assets and liabilities as on 30.6.1991Leave the NDL website. Health in India : NSS 71st round (January-June 2014)Leave the NDL website. Common property resources in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Wages in kind, exchange of gifts and expenditure on ceremonies & insurance in India, 1993-94 : 5th quinquennial survey of consumer expenditureLeave the NDL website. Unorganised service sector in India, 2001-02 : salient featuresLeave the NDL website. Differences in level of consumption among socio-economic groupsLeave the NDL website. Condition of urban slums, 2002 : salient featuresLeave the NDL website. Perceived adequacy of food consumption in Indian households, 2004-2005 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)Leave the NDL website.

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NSS report
Place of Publication (Country Code)
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Note (General)
Publisher varies: Issues for [20--]- : National Sample Survey Office, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govt. of India
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Report on village facilities
Livestock and agricultural implements in household operational holdings, 1991-92
Employment and unemployment situation among religious groups in India
Livestock ownership across operational land holding classes in India, 2002-03
भारत में घरेलू मचदूर : एन. एस. एस. ६६वां दौर (जुलाई २००९ -जून २०१०) = Home-based workers in India : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010)
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Household borrowings and repayments during 1.7.91 to 30.6.92 : debt and investment survey
Seasonal variation in the operation of land holdings in India, 1991-92 = Bhārata meṃ jota kshetra ke sañcālana ke mausamī parivartana, 1991-92
Non-agricultural enterprises in the informal sector in India, 1999-2000 : key results
Household consumer expenditure in India, 2005-06 : NSS 62nd round (July 2005-June 2006)
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Level and pattern of consumer expenditure, 2004-05 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)
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State level results on small trading units in India
Participation of women in specified activities along with domestic duties, 2004-2005 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)
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Employment and unemployment situation in India, 2005-06 : NSS 62nd round (July 2005-June 2006)
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Employment and unemployment situation in cities and towns, 1993-94
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भारतिय परिवारों में खाद्य उपभोग की अनुभूत पर्याप्तता : एन. एस. एस. ६६वां दौर (जुलाई २००९ -जून २०१०) = Perceived adequacy of food consumption in Indian households : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010)
Participation of women in specified activities along with domestic duties : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010) = घरेलू कार्यों के साथ-साथ विशिष्ट कार्यकलापों में महिलाओं की भागीदारी : एन. एस. एस. ६६वां दौर (जुलाई २००९ -जून २०१०)
Employment and unemployment situation among major religious groups in India, 2004-2005 : NSS 61st round, July 2004-June 2005
Results of a pilot survey on suitability of different reference periods for measuring household consumption, January-June 2000
Household consumer expenditure in India
Operational characteristics of unorganised manufacturing enterprises in India
Unorganised service sector in India : characteristics of enterprises
Level and pattern of consumer expenditure : 5th quinquennial survey, 1993-94 : NSS fiftieth round, July 1993-June 1994
Level and pattern of consumer expenditure 2011-12 : NSS 68th round, July 2011-June 2012 = उपभोक्ता व्यय का स्तर एवं पैटर्न 2011-12 : एनएसएस 68वां दौर, जुलाई 2011-जून 2012
Reported adequacy of food intake in India
Domestic tourism in India : NSS 72nd round (July 2014-June 2015)
Household ownership and operational holdings in India : NSS 70th round (January-December, 2013)
Employment and unemployment situation in India, January-June, 2004
Informal sector and conditions of employment in India : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010)
Drinking water, sanitation, hygiene and housing condition in India : NSS 69th round (July 2012-December 2012)
Household capital expenditure in India during 1.7.2002 to 30.6.2003 : all-India debt and investment survey : NSS 59th round, January - December 2003
Energy sources of Indian households for cooking and lighting : NSS 68th round (July 2011-June 2012) = Bhāratīya parivāroṃ ke lie rasoī evaṃ prakāśa ke ūrjā śrota : Ena. Esa. Esa. 68vā ṃ daura (Julāī 2011-Jūna 2012)
Informal sector and conditions of employment in India : NSS 68th round (July 2011-June 2012)
Dwellings in India : fifth quinquennial survey on consumer expenditure
Urban slums in India : NSS 69th round (July 2012-December 2012)
Attending an educational institution in India : its level, nature, and cost : NSS fifty-second round, July 1995-June 1996
Household consumer expenditure among socio-economic groups, 2004-2005 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)
Employment and unemployment situation in India, 1999-2000 = Bhārata meṃ rozagāra aura berozagārī kī sthiti
Travel and use of mass media and financial services by Indian households
भारत में असमाविष्ट गैर-कृषि उघमों (निर्माण को छोड़कर) की प्रचालनात्मक विशेषताएं : एन. एस. एस. ६७वां दौर (जुलाई २०१० -जून २०११) = Operational characteristics of unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction) in India : NSS 67th round (July 2010-June 2011)
Employment and unemployment situation among social groups in India
Income, expenditure and productive assets of farmer households
Employment and unemployment situation among major religious groups in India : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010)
Household assets and indebtedness among social groups : NSS 70th round (January-December, 2013)
Household consumer expenditure and employment situation in India
Consumption expenditure of farmer households
Debt and investment survey : household assets and liabilities as on 30.6.1991
Household consumer expenditure in India, 2006-07 : NSS 63rd round (July 2006 -June 2007)
Sources of household consumption in India, 1999-2000
Public distribution system and other sources of household consumption, 2004-05 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)
The aged in India : a socio-economic profile
Employment and unemployment situation among major religious groups in India : NSS 68th round (July 2011-June 2012)
Maternal and child health care in India
Unorganised service sector in India, 2001-02 : characteristics of enterprises
Employment and unemployment situation in cities and towns in India : NSS 66th round, July 2009-June 2010
Unorganised manufacturing sector in India, 2000-2001 : key results = Bhārata meṃ asaṅgaṭhita vinirmāṇa kshetra, 2000-2001 : mukhya pariṇāma
Energy sources of Indian households for cooking and lighting : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010) = Bhāratīya parivāroṃ ke lie rasoī evaṃ prakāśa ke ūrjā śrota : Ena. Esa. Esa. 66vā ṃ daura (Julāī 2009-Jūna 2010)
Some aspects of farming
Ownership of livestock, cultivation of selected crops and consumption levels : 5th quinquennial survey of consumer expenditure
Housing condition in India : housing stock and constructions
Small trading units in India and their basic characteristics, 1997
Education in India : 2007-08 : participation and expenditure : NSS 64th round (July 2007-June 2008)
Public distribution system and other sources of household consumption, 2004-05
Some aspects of farming in India : NSS 70th round (January-December, 2013)
Unorganised manufacturing sector in India : employment, assets and borrowings : NSS 62nd Round (July 2005-June 2006)
Household indebtedness in India as on 30.06.2002 : all India debt and investment survey
Household indebtedness India : NSS 70th round (January-December, 2013)
Unorganised manufacturing sector in India, 2000-2001 : employment, assets and borrowings
Household assets and indebtedness of social groups as on 30.6.91 : debt and investment survey
Economic activities and school attendance by children of India : fifth quinquennial survey, NSS 50th round, 1993-94
Participation of Indian women in household work and specified activities
Key results on employment and unemployment
Household assets and liabilities in India as on 30.06.2002
Unorganised manufacturing sector in India : input, output and value added
Literacy and levels of education in India, 1999-2000
Disabled persons in India
Participation of women in specified activities along with domestic duties : NSS 68th round (July 2011-June 2012) = घरेलू कार्यों के साथ-साथ विनिर्दिष्ट क्रियाकलापों में महिलाओं की भागीदारी : रा. प्र. सर्वे. 68वां दौर (जुलाई 2011 -जून 2012)
Some characteristics of agricultural households in India : NSS 70th round (January-December, 2013)
Household consumer expenditure in India, July-December 1999 : key results
Condition of urban slums : salient features
Unorganised manufacturing enterprises in India : salient features
Household indebtedness in India as on 30.06.2002 : all India debt and investment survey
Indebtedness of urban households as on 30.6.1991 : debt and investment survey
Housing conditions in India, January-June 1993
Level and pattern of consumer expenditure in India 1999-2000
Status of education and vocational training in India : NSS 68th round (July 2011-June 2012) = भारत में शिक्षा एवं व्यावसायिक प्रशिक्षण की स्थिति : एन. एस. एस. 68वँ दौर (जुलाई 2011 -जून 2012)
Energy sources of Indian households for cooking and lighting, 2004-05 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)
Some aspects of operational land holdings in India, 2002-03 : NSS 59th round, January-December 2003
Employment and unemployment situation in cities and towns in India, 1999-2000
Literacy and levels of education in India, 1999-2000
Household capital expenditure during 1.7.91 to 30.6.92 : debt and investment survey
Seasonal variation in the operational land holdings in India, 2002-03 : 59th round (January - December 2003)
Participation of Indian women in household work and specified activities, 1999-2000
Household consumption of various goods and services in India : NSS 66th round (July 2009-June 2010)
Employment and unemployment situation in India, 2004-05 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)
Livestock ownership in India : NSS 70th round (January-December, 2013)
Nutritional intake in India
Employment and unemployment in India : key results
Household assets and liabilities as on 30.6.1991
Health in India : NSS 71st round (January-June 2014)
Common property resources in India
Wages in kind, exchange of gifts and expenditure on ceremonies & insurance in India, 1993-94 : 5th quinquennial survey of consumer expenditure
Unorganised service sector in India, 2001-02 : salient features
Differences in level of consumption among socio-economic groups
Condition of urban slums, 2002 : salient features
Perceived adequacy of food consumption in Indian households, 2004-2005 : NSS 61st round (July 2004-June 2005)