
大中华文库 : 汉英对照 = Library of Chinese classics : Chinese-English

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大中华文库 : 汉英对照 = Library of Chinese classics : Chinese-English

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Note (General):

その他の出版者: 中华书局, 岳麓书社, 军事科学出版社, 外文出版社, 广西师范大学出版社, 译林出版社, 湖南人民出版社日本総発売元: 大空社

Related materials as well as pre- and post-revision versions

邯郸记 = The Handan dreamLeave the NDL website. 六韬 = Six strategiesLeave the NDL website. 金匮要略 = Synopsis of prescriptions of the golden chamber : jingui yaolueLeave the NDL website. 茶经 . 续茶经 = The classic of tea . The sequel to the classic of teaLeave the NDL website. 梦溪笔谈 = Brush talks from dream brookLeave the NDL website. 史记选 = Selections from records of the historianLeave the NDL website. 搜神记 = Anecdotes about spirits and immortalsLeave the NDL website. 吕氏春秋 = The Spring and Autumn of Lu BuweiLeave the NDL website. 元曲三百首 = 300 Yuan songsLeave the NDL website. 李白诗选 = Selected poems of Li BaiLeave the NDL website. 列子 = LieziLeave the NDL website. 关汉卿杂剧选 = Selected plays of Guan HanqingLeave the NDL website. 长生殿 = The palace of eternal youthLeave the NDL website. 伤寒论 = Treatise on febrile disease caused by cold (Shanghan lun)Leave the NDL website. 拍案惊奇 = Amazing talesLeave the NDL website. 庄子 = ZhuangziLeave the NDL website. 汉魏六朝诗三百首 = 300 early Chinese poems : (206 BC-618 AD)Leave the NDL website. 水浒传 = Outlaws of the MarshLeave the NDL website. 颜氏家训Leave the NDL website. 三国演义 = Three kingdomsLeave the NDL website. 人物志 = The classified characters and political abilitiesLeave the NDL website. 黄石公三略 ; 唐太宗李卫公问对 = the three strategies of Huang Shigong. ; questions and replies between Tang Taizong and Li WeigongLeave the NDL website. 警世通言 = Stories to caution the worldLeave the NDL website. 管子 = GuanziLeave the NDL website. 二刻拍案惊奇 = Amazing tales : second seriesLeave the NDL website. 醒世恒言 = Stories to awaken the worldLeave the NDL website. 陶渊明集 = The complete works of Tao YuanmingLeave the NDL website. 商君书 = The book of Lord ShangLeave the NDL website. 世说新语 = A new account of tales of the worldLeave the NDL website. 杜甫诗选 = The selected poems of Du FuLeave the NDL website. 孙子兵法 ; 孙膑兵法 = Sunzi : the art of war ; Sun Bin : the art of warLeave the NDL website. 桃花扇 = The peach blossom fanLeave the NDL website. 红楼梦 = A dream of red mansionsLeave the NDL website. 吴子 ; 司马法 ; 尉缭子 = Wu zi ; The methods of the Sima ; Wei Liao ziLeave the NDL website. 太白阴经 = taibai yinjingLeave the NDL website. 四元玉鉴 = Jade mirror of the four unknownsLeave the NDL website. 儒林外史 = The scholarsLeave the NDL website. 徐霞客游记 = The travel diaries of Xu XiakeLeave the NDL website. 汉魏六朝小说选 = Selected tales of the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties periodsLeave the NDL website. 墨子 = MoziLeave the NDL website. 喩世明言 = Stories old and newLeave the NDL website. 金瓶梅 = The golden lotusLeave the NDL website. 浮生六记 = Six records of a floating lifeLeave the NDL website. 南柯记 = A dream under the southern boughLeave the NDL website. 荀子 = XunziLeave the NDL website. 老残游记 = The travels of Lao Ts'anLeave the NDL website. 洛阳伽蓝记 = A record of Buddhist monasteries in Luo-yangLeave the NDL website. 中国古代寓言选 = Ancient Chinese fablesLeave the NDL website. 诗经 = The book of poetryLeave the NDL website. 镜花缘 = Flowers in the mirrorLeave the NDL website. 黄帝内经 : 灵枢 = Yellow Emperor's canon of medicine : spiritual pivotLeave the NDL website. 黄帝四经 = The Yellow Emperor's four canonsLeave the NDL website. 战国策 = Records on the warring states periodLeave the NDL website. 封神演义 = Creation of the GodsLeave the NDL website. 夷坚志选 = selections from record of the listenerLeave the NDL website. 老子 = LaoziLeave the NDL website. 西廂记 = Romance of the western bowerLeave the NDL website. 阮籍诗选 = The poems of Ruan JiLeave the NDL website. 宋明评话选 = Selected Chinese stories of the Song and Ming dynastiesLeave the NDL website. 西游记 = Journey to the WestLeave the NDL website. 太平广记选 = Anthology of tales from records of the Taiping eraLeave the NDL website. 新编千家诗 = Gems of classical Chinese poetryLeave the NDL website. 楚辞 = The verse of ChuLeave the NDL website. 周易 = The Zhou book of changeLeave the NDL website. 论语 = The AnalectsLeave the NDL website. 儿女英雄传 = The tale of heroic sons and daughtersLeave the NDL website. 唐代传奇选 = Selected Tang dynasty storiesLeave the NDL website. 黄帝内经 : 素问 = Yellow Emperor's canon of medicine : plain conversationLeave the NDL website. 山海经 = The classic of mountains and seasLeave the NDL website. 聊斋志异选 = Selections from strange tales from the Liaozhai studioLeave the NDL website. 苏轼诗词选Leave the NDL website. 孟子 = MenciusLeave the NDL website.

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Material Type
Title Transcription
ダイチュウカ ブンコ : カンエイ タイショウ
Publication, Distribution, etc.
Alternative Title
大中華文庫 : 漢英対照 = Library of Chinese classics : Chinese-English
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Note (General)
その他の出版者: 中华书局, 岳麓书社, 军事科学出版社, 外文出版社, 广西师范大学出版社, 译林出版社, 湖南人民出版社
日本総発売元: 大空社
Related Material
邯郸记 = The Handan dream
六韬 = Six strategies
金匮要略 = Synopsis of prescriptions of the golden chamber : jingui yaolue
茶经 . 续茶经 = The classic of tea . The sequel to the classic of tea
梦溪笔谈 = Brush talks from dream brook
史记选 = Selections from records of the historian
搜神记 = Anecdotes about spirits and immortals
吕氏春秋 = The Spring and Autumn of Lu Buwei
元曲三百首 = 300 Yuan songs
李白诗选 = Selected poems of Li Bai
列子 = Liezi
关汉卿杂剧选 = Selected plays of Guan Hanqing
长生殿 = The palace of eternal youth
伤寒论 = Treatise on febrile disease caused by cold (Shanghan lun)
拍案惊奇 = Amazing tales
庄子 = Zhuangzi
汉魏六朝诗三百首 = 300 early Chinese poems : (206 BC-618 AD)
水浒传 = Outlaws of the Marsh
三国演义 = Three kingdoms
人物志 = The classified characters and political abilities
黄石公三略 ; 唐太宗李卫公问对 = the three strategies of Huang Shigong. ; questions and replies between Tang Taizong and Li Weigong
警世通言 = Stories to caution the world
管子 = Guanzi
二刻拍案惊奇 = Amazing tales : second series
醒世恒言 = Stories to awaken the world
陶渊明集 = The complete works of Tao Yuanming
商君书 = The book of Lord Shang
世说新语 = A new account of tales of the world
杜甫诗选 = The selected poems of Du Fu
孙子兵法 ; 孙膑兵法 = Sunzi : the art of war ; Sun Bin : the art of war
桃花扇 = The peach blossom fan
红楼梦 = A dream of red mansions
吴子 ; 司马法 ; 尉缭子 = Wu zi ; The methods of the Sima ; Wei Liao zi
太白阴经 = taibai yinjing
四元玉鉴 = Jade mirror of the four unknowns
儒林外史 = The scholars
徐霞客游记 = The travel diaries of Xu Xiake
汉魏六朝小说选 = Selected tales of the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties periods
墨子 = Mozi
喩世明言 = Stories old and new
金瓶梅 = The golden lotus
浮生六记 = Six records of a floating life
南柯记 = A dream under the southern bough
荀子 = Xunzi
老残游记 = The travels of Lao Ts'an
洛阳伽蓝记 = A record of Buddhist monasteries in Luo-yang
中国古代寓言选 = Ancient Chinese fables
诗经 = The book of poetry
镜花缘 = Flowers in the mirror
黄帝内经 : 灵枢 = Yellow Emperor's canon of medicine : spiritual pivot
黄帝四经 = The Yellow Emperor's four canons
战国策 = Records on the warring states period
封神演义 = Creation of the Gods
夷坚志选 = selections from record of the listener
老子 = Laozi
西廂记 = Romance of the western bower
阮籍诗选 = The poems of Ruan Ji
宋明评话选 = Selected Chinese stories of the Song and Ming dynasties
西游记 = Journey to the West
太平广记选 = Anthology of tales from records of the Taiping era
新编千家诗 = Gems of classical Chinese poetry
楚辞 = The verse of Chu
周易 = The Zhou book of change
论语 = The Analects
儿女英雄传 = The tale of heroic sons and daughters
唐代传奇选 = Selected Tang dynasty stories
黄帝内经 : 素问 = Yellow Emperor's canon of medicine : plain conversation
山海经 = The classic of mountains and seas
聊斋志异选 = Selections from strange tales from the Liaozhai studio
孟子 = Mencius