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fiction creation and his influence in ChinaLeave the NDL website. 唐宋词的定量分析 = Quantitative analysis of ci in Tang and Song dynastiesLeave the NDL website. 汉语否定表达的认知研究和逻辑分析 = A cognitive study and logic analysis of the negative expressions in Mandarin ChineseLeave the NDL website. 商周之邢綜合研究Leave the NDL website. 万历书坛 : 邢侗个案研究 = Calligraphy circles during the reign of Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty : a case study of XingtongLeave the NDL website. 突厥汗国与欧亚文化交流的考古学研究 = Archaeology of Turkic Qaghanids and cultural interflow of EurasianLeave the NDL website. 商代地理环境研究Leave the NDL website. 贵州侗族民间信仰调查研究Leave the NDL website. 朱熹《诗经》解释学研究Leave the NDL website. 北山録校注Leave the NDL website. 中国的货币金融体系(1600~1949) : 基于经济运行与近代化的研究 = Monetary and financial systems of China from 1600 to 1949 : a study on economic performance and modernizationLeave the NDL website. 晚清华洋商事纠纷研究Leave the NDL website. 生平事迹年表・交往人物索引・主要亲属一览Leave the NDL website. 夏鼐日记Leave the NDL website. 巴黎和会与北京政府的内外博弈 : 1919年中国的外交争执与政派利益Leave the NDL website. 青史(足本)Leave the NDL website. 中国当代股市小说史Leave the NDL website. 汉字结构演变史Leave the NDL website. 中国文学中的印度形象研究 = The image of India in Chinese literatureLeave the NDL website. 危机下的转机 : 国民政府时期的西北经济开发研究Leave the NDL website. 论语歧解辑录Leave the NDL website. 语法化的世界词库Leave the NDL website. 竹書紀年考Leave the NDL website. 赋比兴研究史Leave the NDL website. 居延漢簡虚詞通釋Leave the NDL website. 晚清人才地理分布研究(1840-1912)Leave the NDL website. 元代文献探研 = Research on the texts in Yuan DynastyLeave the NDL website. 马一浮六艺论新诠Leave the NDL website. 训诂方法新探Leave the NDL website. 现代汉语自主状语研究Leave the NDL website. 侗族习惯法研究 = Studies on the Dong nationality customary lawLeave the NDL website. 清代科举考试的考务管理制度研究Leave the NDL website. 两晋宗室制度研究Leave the NDL website. 楚简新出字研究 = A study on the new characters of Chu bamboo slipsLeave the NDL website. 陕甘宁边区的县政与县长研究Leave the NDL website. 唐代京兆韦氏家族与文学研究 = Research on the Wei clan from Jingzhao area and their literary achievements in Tang dynastyLeave the NDL website. 中外旧约章补编(清朝) = The supplementation of the old treaties and agreements between China and foreign powers (qing dynasty)Leave the NDL website. 《逸周书》新研Leave the NDL website. 政府综合财务报告制度研究 = Research on government system of comparehensive financial reportingLeave the NDL website. 中国博弈文化史Leave the NDL website. 五四时期社会改造思潮研究 = An investigation of ideologies of social transformation during the May Fourth periodLeave the NDL website. 汉藏语系核心词Leave the NDL website. 中国基本养老保险的制度构建与政策研究Leave the NDL website. 秦簡詞彙初探Leave the NDL website. 城市化改造传统农民Leave the NDL website. 教育与两汉社会的整合研究 = Study on the integration of the education and Han societyLeave the NDL website. 谶纬与汉代文学 = Chen wei and the literature of Han dynastyLeave the NDL website. 元朝進士集證Leave the NDL website. 翻译的"政治" : 现代文坛的翻译论争与文学、文化论争 = Politics of translation : literature, culture, and translation in modern ChinaLeave the NDL website. 中国藏学史 : 1950-2005 = History of China Tibetology : 1950-2005Leave the NDL website. 新中国睦邻外交的典范 : 中巴关系研究1951-1965 = An excellent model of Chinese good neighbor diplomacy : the study on China-Pakistan relations 1951-1965Leave the NDL website. "十七年文学" (1949-1966) 的身体阐释 = Body expatiation on seventeen years (1949-1966) literatureLeave the NDL website. 中国古代民间故事长编Leave the NDL website. 清代学政规制与皇权体制Leave the NDL website. 中国刑事审判制度的近代嬗变 : 基于南京国民政府时期的考察Leave the NDL website. 汉语历层研究纲要Leave the NDL website. 甘州回鹘史Leave the NDL website. 新出楚簡«容成氏»研究Leave the NDL website. 民国时期中国农业合作金融研究 (1923-1949)Leave the NDL website. 广州鲁迅Leave the NDL website. 《胡风家书》疏证 = Textual research on the letters Hufeng wrote to his wifeLeave the NDL website. 中国古代俗文学文体形态研究 = A study on the literary style of ancient Chinese popular literatureLeave the NDL website. 百年来甲骨文天文历法研究Leave the NDL website. 辽宁工业经济史 = Industrial economy history of Liaoning provinceLeave the NDL website. 中国古代声乐腔词关系史论稿 = Draft of criticism on history of relationship between lyrics and tune of Chinese ancient vocal musicLeave the NDL website. 汉语儿童早期语言的发展 = Chinese-speaking children's early language developmentLeave the NDL website. 新版《李大钊全集》疏证Leave the NDL website. 新中国成立初期中国共产党执政实践研究 (1949~1956)Leave the NDL website. 夏商西周中原的北方系青铜器研究 = A study on northern bronze in the Central Plain during the period of Xia, Shang, and Western Zhou dynastiesLeave the NDL website. 族谱所见文学批评资料整理研究Leave the NDL website. 明代北京社会经济史研究 = The research on the social and economic history of Beijing in the Ming DynastyLeave the NDL website. 慕容鲜卑与五燕国史研究Leave the NDL website. 国民党结构史论(1905-1949) = Study on Kuomintang's structure (1905-1949)Leave the NDL website. 欧阳予倩与中国现代戏剧Leave the NDL website. 桐城派编年Leave the NDL website. 宋代律赋与科举 : 一种文学体式的制度浮沉Leave the NDL website. 匈奴文化与诺彦乌拉巨冢 = Huns culture and the large tomb of NuoyanwulaLeave the NDL website. 商代青銅兵器研究Leave the NDL website. 中古太原士族群体研究Leave the NDL website. 明弘治正徳时期首辅刘健研究 = A study on the chief cabinet minister Liu Jian during Hong Zhi and Zheng De periods in the Ming dynastyLeave the NDL website. 汉代死刑制度研究 = The death penalty system of Han dynastyLeave the NDL website. 守本纳新 : 辽金赦宥制度研究 = Innovation withing the tradition : a study on the pardon systems of Liao and Jin DynastiesLeave the NDL website. 民国时期法律解释的理论与实践Leave the NDL website. 西周金文礼制研究Leave the NDL website. 20世纪前期中国文学史写作编年研究 = A chronological study on the writing of Chinese literary history in the early 20th centuryLeave the NDL website. 元代馆阁文人活动系年Leave the NDL website. 探寻“诗心" : 《野草》整体研究 = Inquire the heart of poetry : research on Lu Xun's Wild grass as a wholeLeave the NDL website. 近代中国的工业发展 : 与日本比较 = Industrial development in modern China : comparison with JapanLeave the NDL website. 奎章阁文人群体与元代中期文学研究Leave the NDL website. 三国兵争要地与攻守战略研究 = Reserach on the defensive and offensive strategy for military places of the three kingdomsLeave the NDL website. 现代性在中国的建构与反思 : 晚清天朝观念的消解和主权观念的确立Leave the NDL website. 性別诉求的多重表达 : 中国当代文学的女性话语研究Leave the NDL website. 明代宦官制度研究 = A study of the eunuch system of the Ming dynastyLeave the NDL website. 先秦儒墨关系研究Leave the NDL website. 生成语法框架下关系结构的句法与一语习得研究Leave the NDL website. 城市化进程中上海市外来人口管理的历史演进 : 1840-2000Leave the NDL website. 乾嘉经学家文学思想研究Leave the NDL website. 朱熹《中庸》学阐释Leave the NDL website. 文镜秘府论研究Leave the NDL website. 近代中国的不吸纸烟运动研究Leave the NDL website. 明清时期西方传教士中国儒道释典籍之翻译与诠释Leave the NDL website. 明清江南的州县行政与地方社会研究Leave the NDL website. 中国史前玉器的考古学探索 = Archaeological exploration of prehistoric jade in ChinaLeave the NDL website. “人之子"的绝叫 : 《野草》与鲁迅意识特征研究Leave the NDL website. 传统的幻象 : 跨文化语境中的王国维诗学 = The fantasy of tradition : Wang Guowei's poetics in the cross-cultural contextLeave the NDL website. 地理语言学和衡山南岳方言地理研究Leave the NDL website. 徐鉉集校注 = The collation and annotation of Xu Xuan's complete worksLeave the NDL website. 论语校释辨正Leave the NDL website. 乐府歌辞述论 = A comprehensive survey of the Yuefu lyrics/ 崔炼农著Leave the NDL website. 纠纷解决与机制选择 : 民国时期民事纠纷解决机制研究Leave the NDL website. 道教炼丹术与中外文化交流 = Daoist waidan and Sino-foreign cultural exchangesLeave the NDL website. 官话方言变韵研究Leave the NDL website. 张家口晋语语法研究 = Grammar of the Zhangjiakou Jin dialectLeave the NDL website. 谷腾堡在上海 : 中国印刷资本业的发展(1876-1937)Leave the NDL website. 非国际性武装冲突的国际人道法适用问题Leave the NDL website. 反垄断法价值问题研究Leave the NDL website. 唐代中书舍人与文学Leave the NDL website. 東漢碑刻異體字研究 = A study on the variant characters of East Han Daynasty inscriptionsLeave the NDL website. 合同法分则研究Leave the NDL website. 科举会社、州县官绅与区域社会 : 清代民国江西宾兴会的社会史研究Leave the NDL website. 中国话剧艺术史 = A history of Chinese dramaLeave the NDL website. 牛河梁遗址红山文化晚期社会的构成Leave the NDL website. 地域与使命 : 民国时期东北大学的创办与流亡 = Regional commitments : establishment and exile of Northeast University in republican ChinaLeave the NDL website. 中国现代作家佚文佚简考释Leave the NDL website. 清朝职官制中的满汉异同研究Leave the NDL website. 明清江南文士治生研究Leave the NDL website. 民国时期广东学人与中国西南研究Leave the NDL website. 魏晋"诗经"学与四言诗研究 = A study on scholarship of the book of songs and siyan poems in the Wen-Jin dynastiesLeave the NDL website. 反思与重诠 : 嵇康玄理的哲学精神 = Reflection and reinterpretation : the philosophical spirit of Ji Kang's thoughtsLeave the NDL website. 中国境内内爆音的语音学研究 = A phonetic study on implosives in ChinaLeave the NDL website. 江西省湖口方言研究 = Research on the dialect of Hukou in JiangxiLeave the NDL website. "合道而行" : 明遗民的人生定位与价值追寻Leave the NDL website. 元明嬗代之际中朝政治关系变迁研究Leave the NDL website. 互联网竞争逻辑与反垄断政策 : 纷争与出路Leave the NDL website. 荊公新学及其兴替Leave the NDL website. 宋代地方的官民信息沟通与治理秩序Leave the NDL website. 明前期政治生态与士大夫主体意识研究Leave the NDL website. 历代宋诗总集研究 = The study on poetry collections of Song dynastyLeave the NDL website. 龙泉司法档案职权主义民事诉讼文书研究 = The writing of the civil litigation in inquisitorial mode in Longquan judicial archivesLeave the NDL website. 民族史观与中国古代民族文化认同Leave the NDL website. 新出简牍与秦汉赋役制度研究Leave the NDL website. "重写电影史"视野下的张石川研究 = Zhang Shichuan and his filmmaking : perspectives on re-writing film historyLeave the NDL website. 漢唐論語學史 = History of the analects of confucius in the Han and Tang dynastiesLeave the NDL website. 唐宋时期家学传承研究Leave the NDL website. "六经"文学论Leave the NDL website. 身份, 记忆, 反事实书写 : 隋唐时期幽州墓志研究Leave the NDL website. 谭延闿年谱长编Leave the NDL website. 明代翰林馆课研究Leave the NDL website. 阮刻《毛诗注疏》研究Leave the NDL website. 技术进歩与版权制度变迁Leave the NDL website. 明清传奇叙事艺术研究Leave the NDL website. 高麗朝鮮時代杜甫評論資料彙編Leave the NDL website. 象牙塔与摩登都市 : 近代天津的大学成长与城市发展Leave the NDL website. 汉代壁画的艺术考古研究 = A research of Han Dynasty's mural on artistic archaeologyLeave the NDL website. 溥天王土 : 宋代榜文与社会控制研究Leave the NDL website. 完结义副词共时变异与历时演变多维研究 = A multidimensional study on the synchronic variation and diachronic change of the telic adverbsLeave the NDL website. 近世中国租佃制度 : 地权逻辑下的博弈与制衡 = Tenancy system in modern China : game and balance under the logic of land rightLeave the NDL website. 唐代皇帝行幸礼仪制度研究Leave the NDL website. 清代武科考试研究 = Imperial military examinations in the Qing dynastyLeave the NDL website. 明末清初女性文学空间研究 = The study of female literature space in late Ming and early Qing DynastiesLeave the NDL website. 颜延之生平与著述考论Leave the NDL website. 《红楼梦》文本图像渊源考论Leave the NDL website. 民法社会化的中国图景(1927-1949)=China's prospect of civil law socialization from 1927 to 1949Leave the NDL website. 明清白话小说字词考释Leave the NDL website. 路史校注Leave the NDL website. 路史校注Leave the NDL website. 班馬異同評Leave the NDL website. 《孙子兵法》新研究 : 以银雀山竹简本为中心 = A new research into the art of war : centering on the version from Yinque Mountain bamboo slipsLeave the NDL website. 清宫武戏研究 = Research on Qing court martial dramaLeave the NDL website. 《水浒传》成书时间研究 : 以《水浒传》早期传播史料为中心 = The research on the formation time of the Water MarginLeave the NDL website. 章太炎庄学思想研究Leave the NDL website. 宋代宰相制度研究Leave the NDL website. 经学与文学交互视野下的蔡邕著述研究Leave the NDL website. 六朝佛教灵验类小说研究 = Research on buddhist miracle novels of the early medieval ChinaLeave the NDL website. 抉择与书写: 抗战时期的中国史家群体研究(1937~1945) = Choice and Writing : A Study on the Group of Chinese Historians During the War of Resistance(1937~1945)Leave the NDL website. 台湾藏稀见明別集总目提要 = Summary of the rare collection of Ming dynasty literati works in TaiwanLeave the NDL website. 《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》研究Leave the NDL website. 杜预「春秋经传集解」研究Leave the NDL website. 基于简牍的经济、管理史料比较研究 : 商业经济、兵物管理、赋税、统计、审计、会计方面Leave the NDL website. 阳明学发展的困境及出路 = A Critical Summary of the Development of Yangming SchoolLeave the NDL website. 中国现代修辞学的建立 : 以陈望道《修辞学发凡》考释为中心Leave the NDL website. 严复《政治讲义》研究 = Studies in Yan Fu's lectures on PoliticsLeave the NDL website. 宋赋研究 : 权力与形式Leave the NDL website. 天理教事件与清中叶的政治、学术与社会Leave the NDL website. 明清文化传播与商业互动研究 : 以徽州出版与徽商为中心Leave the NDL website. 《广雅疏证》词汇研究 = A lexical study of "Guang ya shu zheng"Leave the NDL website. 汉唐乐府中的民俗因素解析Leave the NDL website. 龍筋鳳髓判箋注Leave the NDL website. 元代多族士人圈的文学活动与元诗风貌Leave the NDL website. 论语学史Leave the NDL website. 魏晋南北朝论说文研究Leave the NDL website. 汉代豪族地域性研究Leave the NDL website. 汉画像石与汉代民间丧葬观念Leave the NDL website. 当代人口较少民族文学的审美观照 = The contemporary literature aesthetics about ethnic groups with small populationsLeave the NDL website. 社会的平民化变迁与儒学变化 : 对汉初儒学的一种审视Leave the NDL website. 《國語》韋昭注辨正Leave the NDL website. 马克思主义中国化时代化大众化的理论与历史研究 = Studies on the theory and history of the sinicization, modernization and popularization of MarxismLeave the NDL website. 水浒学史 = Academic history of the outlaws of marshLeave the NDL website. 性別视角下的译者规范 : 20世纪初叶中国首个本土女性译者群体研究 = Translator's norms from gender perspective : A study on the first indigenous women translators in early twentieth-century ChinaLeave the NDL website. 朝鲜王朝礼制研究Leave the NDL website. 中國上古的帝繋構造Leave the NDL website. 高长虹年谱Leave the NDL website. 唐宋《春秋》佚著研究Leave the NDL website. 明代山东海防研究 = The research on the coast defense of shan dong in Ming dynastyLeave the NDL website. 汉墓壁画的宗教信仰与图像表现Leave the NDL website. 近代浙江地方银行研究Leave the NDL website. 北京幡会研究Leave the NDL website. 民族主义与近代中国博览会事业 : 1851〜1937Leave the NDL website. 《殷虚书契后编》 考释Leave the NDL website. 清季民初的学制, 学堂与经学 = The school system, school and confucian classical studies in the late qing dynasty and early years of the republic of ChinaLeave the NDL website. 上古-中古汉语颜色词研究 = The study of chinese color terms from ancient to mid-ancient timesLeave the NDL website. 西游记整理校注本Leave the NDL website. «晏子春秋»研究史Leave the NDL website. 北方地区汉墓的考古学研究Leave the NDL website. 民国初期上海戏曲研究Leave the NDL website. 古文異體關係整理與研究Leave the NDL website. 中原先秦城市防御文化研究Leave the NDL website. 刘大年年谱 = A chronology of Liu Danian's lifeLeave the NDL website. 晉銅器銘文研究Leave the NDL website. 清初小说与士人文化心态 = The novels and the cultural mentalities of the intellectuals in the early Qing dynastyLeave the NDL website. 周密研究 = Study on Zhou MiLeave the NDL website. 汉代河西经略史Leave the NDL website. 韩国坛君神话研究 = Korean Tangun Mythology studyLeave the NDL website. 中国近代小说流派研究 = Studies on the genres of the modern Chinese fictionsLeave the NDL website. 20世纪中国文学原理关键词研究 = Research on the keywords of Chinese literary theory in 20th centuryLeave the NDL website. 忠恕而仁 : 儒家尽己推己、将心比心的态度、观念与实践 = Achieving humanity through loyalty and consideratenessLeave the NDL website. 明代词史Leave the NDL website. 从波斯到中国 : 摩尼教在中亚和中国的传播 = From Persia to China : the spread of Manichaeism in Central Asia and ChinaLeave the NDL website. 吕留良詩箋釋Leave the NDL website. 最后的天子门生 : 晚清进士馆及其进士群体研究Leave the NDL website. 高郎桥纪事 : 近代上海一个棉纺织工业区的兴起与终结(1700〜2000)Leave the NDL website. 张家山汉简《二年律令》与汉代社会研究Leave the NDL website. 清末民初大学内部职权研究Leave the NDL website. 《周易》的观念形态论Leave the NDL website. 明代福建文学結聚与文化研究Leave the NDL website. 荀子"分"思想研究Leave the NDL website. 胡安国「春秋传」校释与研究Leave the NDL website. 江西道教史Leave the NDL website. 宋代《周礼》学史 = Studying history of the Rites of Zhou in Song dynastyLeave the NDL website. 江西吴城方言词典Leave the NDL website. 中晚明士人的讲学活动与学派建构 : 以李材(1529-1607)为中心的研究Leave the NDL website. 唐代碑志文研究Leave the NDL website. 陈维崧年谱Leave the NDL website. 中国宪法权利体系的完善 : 以国际人权公约为参照 = The improvement of right system in Chinese constitution : taking international convention on human rights as referenceLeave the NDL website. 国难中的学术与政治 : 中国经济学界的争鸣 : 1932-1937 = The academics and politics in the national calamity : contention among the Chinese economists, 1932-1937Leave the NDL website. 文献家朱熹:朱熹著述活动及其著作版本考察 = A Philologist Zhu Xi : Research into Compiling Activities and Scholarly Works of Zhu XiLeave the NDL website. 芦花湄集校注Leave the NDL website. 关系契约视野下的劳动关系研究Leave the NDL website. 政府情报与近代日本对华经济扩张 = Government intelligence & Japanese economic expansion to China in modern timesLeave the NDL website. 浙江道教史 = The History of Zhejiang TaoismLeave the NDL website. 五四儿童文学的中国想象研究Leave the NDL website. 六朝文明Leave the NDL website. 高速铁路与经济社会发展新格局 = High speed rails and new structure of socio-economic developmentLeave the NDL website. 中国图书馆史Leave the NDL website. 王鵬運詞集校箋Leave the NDL website. 清江流域土家族始祖信仰现代表述研究Leave the NDL website. 王融與永明時代 : 南朝貴族及貴族文學的個案研究 = Wang Rong and the age of Yong-Ming : a study of aristocracy and aristocratic literature of the Southern dynastiesLeave the NDL website. 自贡盐业契约语汇辑释Leave the NDL website. 《近思录》集校集注集评Leave the NDL website. 中国近代辞书指要 = A summary of lexicographical works in modern ChinaLeave the NDL website. 清末民初政党思想研究 = The thoughts of the political parties during the end of Qing dynasty and the early republic of ChinaLeave the NDL website. 关于"子孙违犯教令"的历史考察 : 一个微观法史学的尝试 = The historical development of the law of `disobeident deccendents' in traditional China from the perspective of micro-legal historyLeave the NDL website. 唐代家庭与社会Leave the NDL website. 上海地区方言调查研究 = A linguistic survey of Shanghai dialectsLeave the NDL website. 文明以止 : 上古的天文、思想与制度Leave the NDL website. 浙江近代图书出版史研究Leave the NDL website. 鲁迅《中国小说史略》研究 : 以中国小说史学为视野Leave the NDL website. 两宋生态环境变迁史Leave the NDL website. 域外汉学与中国现代史学 = Sinology and modern historiography in ChinaLeave the NDL website. 《水浒传》考论 = The studies of "The water margin"Leave the NDL website. 钱锺书文学思想研究 = The Study on Qian Zhongshu's literary thoughtLeave the NDL website. 百年杜甫研究之平议与反思 = Review and reflection on studies of Du Fu since 1912Leave the NDL website. 汉代小说文献与汉代文化研究 = Study on the novels documents and culture in Han dynastyLeave the NDL website. 中國佛教藝術史Leave the NDL website. 周作人文学翻译研究Leave the NDL website. 族群的共生属性及其逻辑结构 : 一项超越二元对立的族群人类学研究 = Symbiotic nature and logical structure of ethnic groupsLeave the NDL website. 穆旦诗编年汇校Leave the NDL website. 中国经济发展"新常态"初探Leave the NDL website. 清末民国中学文学教育研究Leave the NDL website. 鲁迅 : 从越文化视野透视 = Lu Xun : a perspective from the vision of yue cultureLeave the NDL website. 花東子卜辭與殷禮研究Leave the NDL website. 北宋晩期的政治体制与政治文化 = The political structure and political culture in late Northern Song,1085-1125Leave the NDL website. 出土法律文献丛考Leave the NDL website. 从官办到官商合办再到商办 : 浙江实业银行及其前身的历史变迁(1908-1937)Leave the NDL website. 汉代郡国分治的考古学观察 : 以关东地区汉代墓葬为中心Leave the NDL website. 二里头文化时期的中国Leave the NDL website. 宋刑統校證Leave the NDL website. 宋代南渡诗歌研究 = A study on poetry in the early southern song dynastyLeave the NDL website. 《金瓶梅词话》《醒世姻缘传》《聊斋俚曲集》语言词典Leave the NDL website. 先秦文艺思想史Leave the NDL website. 秦至汉初历法研究Leave the NDL website. 春秋辞令文体研究Leave the NDL 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"多元变革时代"中国小说研究1937-1949 = Contending for the Chinese modern : the writing of fiction in the great transformative epoch of modern China, 1937-1949Leave the NDL website. 南朝陈代文学研究Leave the NDL website. 明代国家礼制与社会生活Leave the NDL website. 從《切韻》到《廣韻》Leave the NDL website. 五七干校研究Leave the NDL website. 汲古閣匯紀Leave the NDL website. 北宋时期自然灾害与政府管理体系研究Leave the NDL website. 面向语言信息处理的现代汉语并列结构研究Leave the NDL website. 性別失衡的社会风险研究 : 基于社会转型背景 = The social risk research of gender imbanlance[i.e imbalance] : based on social transition context of ChinaLeave the NDL website. 贵州苗族侗族女性传统服饰传承研究Leave the NDL website. 理想、尊严与生存挣扎 : 元代江南士人与社会综合研究Leave the NDL website. 明代九边史地研究 = Research on history and geography of the nine border defense areas in Ming dynastyLeave the NDL website. "低工资陷阱"与中国经济转型 = The trap of low compensation and China's economic transitionLeave the NDL website. 金朝"异代"文士的民族认同之路Leave the NDL website. 移民、国家与地方权势 : 以清代巴县为例Leave the NDL website. 清代贡物制度研究Leave the NDL website. 经学文献的衍生和通俗化 : 以近古时代的传刻为中心 = Derivation and popularization of confucian classics document : centred around circulation and block printing in late antiquityLeave the NDL website. 侵权过错认定法律问题研究 = Study on the judgment of fault in tort lawLeave the NDL website. 明清徽州典商研究Leave the NDL website. 治水政治 : 清代国家与钱塘江海塘工程研究Leave the NDL website. 吴语婺州方言研究 = A study on the Wuzhou Wu dialectLeave the NDL website. 中罗文学关系史探Leave the NDL website. 敦煌社會經濟文獻詞語論考Leave the NDL website. 东汉佛道文献词汇新质研究 = A study on the neologisms of the buddhist and taoist scriptures in Eastern Han dynastyLeave the NDL website. 三国时期的科学技术Leave the NDL website. 中国收入差距的实证分析 = Empirical analysis on income inequality in ChinaLeave the NDL website. 北宋书法教育研究Leave the NDL website. 秦汉政区与边界地理研究Leave the NDL website. 元曲与民俗Leave the NDL website. 中国小说戏曲的发现Leave the NDL website. 袁凱集編年校注 = Chronological order, collation and annotations on poetry anthology of YuanKaiLeave the NDL website. 羅隱集繋年校箋Leave the NDL website. 先秦巡狩研究Leave the NDL website. 当代中国简帛学研究 = Contemporary studies on bamboo and silk manuscripts in ChinaLeave the NDL website. 「非科学」的中国传统舆图 : 中国传统舆图绘制研究Leave the NDL website. 二战后期美国马特霍恩计划研究Leave the NDL website. 左傳集評Leave the NDL website. 蘇轍詩編年箋注 = The collation, annotation and chronology of Su Zhe's poemsLeave the NDL website. 中国的家庭、私有制、文明、国家和城市起源Leave the NDL website. 李紳及其詩歌研究Leave the NDL website. 北宋中后期贬谪与文学 = Relegation and Literature in the Middle and Late Northern Song DynastyLeave the NDL website. 形體特點對古文字考釋重要性研究 = A study on the importance of writing characteristics to textual research of Pre-Qin Chinese charactersLeave the NDL website. 宋代内藏财政研究Leave the NDL website. 山东解放区新闻史(1937-1949) = A history of journalism in the Shandong liberated area : 1937-1949Leave the NDL website. 辽东半岛新石器至青铜时代考古学文化研究Leave the NDL website. 岷江流域方音字汇 : 20世纪四川方音大系之一 = Minjiang river basin dialect syllabary : 20th century Sichuan dialect phonologies, volume 1Leave the NDL website. 班固集校注 = Collation and annotation of Ban Gu's worksLeave the NDL website. 西周伦理思想研究 : 多维视野下的中国古代伦理思想溯源 = A study of the ethical criticism of the Western Zhou dynasty : tracing the origin of ancient Chinese ethical criticism from a multi-dimensional perspectiveLeave the NDL website. 古代文体与文体学史论Leave the NDL website. 敦煌針灸文獻研究Leave the NDL website. 近世以来世界茶叶市场与中国茶业Leave the NDL website. 中国古代民间故事长编Leave the NDL website. 中国古代民间故事长编Leave the NDL website. 中小学校历史教育百年简史 = Centenary development of history education in elementary and secondary schoolsLeave the NDL website. 江西省湖口方言研究 = Research on the dialect of Hukou in JiangxiLeave the NDL website. 戰國文字形體研究Leave the NDL website. 杨慎文学评点研究 = Research on Yang Shen's literary commentsLeave the NDL website. 中国古代石刻法律文献叙录Leave the NDL website. 现代汉语形义错配研究 = Syntax-semantics mismatches in Mandarin ChineseLeave the NDL website. 中国古代祈雨史 = A history of ancient China's rain-prayingLeave the NDL website. 《文章流別集》 与魏晋学术新变Leave the NDL website. 佛典汉译评论与佛学中国化Leave the NDL website. 南部吴语韵母读音层次比较研究Leave the NDL website. 欧洲满文文献总目提要 = A descriptive catalogue of Manchu collections in European countriesLeave the NDL website. 明末朝鲜使臣笔下的山东研究Leave the NDL website. 屈原精神传承接受史论Leave the NDL website. 祭如在 : 明清之际西学观照下的儒家丧葬礼 = Sacrifice as if they were present : confucian funeral and sacrifice contrasted from the perspective of West learningLeave the NDL website. 王船山遵礼之道研究 = The study on Wang Chuanshan's ritual-systemLeave the NDL website. 唐代秘书省研究Leave the NDL website. 有教无类 : 中晚明士人教化宦官行动研究 = Moral education without prejudice : a study on the actions of enlightening the eunuch by scholar-officials in the mid-late Ming dynastyLeave the NDL website. 诚与真 : 陶渊明考论 = Sincerity and authenticity : textual researches and comments on Tao YuanmingLeave the NDL website. 谭延闿年谱长编Leave the NDL website. 鄂尓浑文回鹘碑铭研究Leave the NDL website. 北宋诗学思想史论 = The discussion on the history of poetic thoughts in the Nothern Song DynastyLeave the NDL website. 近代天津典当研究Leave the NDL website. 遼代墓誌校注 = Collation and annotation of epitaphs in the Liao DynastyLeave the NDL website. 近代史学转型视野下的民国清史学 : 1912-1949Leave the NDL website. 宋代民众文化水平研究Leave the NDL website. "违法"与合理 : 清末暂行内阁研究Leave the NDL website. 宋前道經疑難字詞考釋 = Explanations on the knotty words in Taoist scriptures before the Song dynastyLeave the NDL website. 王陽明軍事著作校注Leave the NDL website. 近代天津民间借贷研究 (1900-1949) = A study on the civile debit of modern Tianjin (1900-1949)Leave the NDL website. 民法典体系下的动产所有权变动 : 占有取得与所有权让与Leave the NDL website. 晋语语音研究 = Research on the phonology of Jin dialectsLeave the NDL website. 近代汉语词汇理据研究Leave the NDL website. 清末民初《说部丛书》叙录Leave the NDL website. 徙封 : 西周封国政治地理的结构- -过程 = Relocating fiefdoms : the structuring of political geography in the Western Zhou dynastyLeave the NDL website. 隋唐五代僧人塔铭研究Leave the NDL website. 路史校注Leave the NDL website. 路史校注Leave the NDL website. 出土文獻《詩論》《五行》與先秦學術思想史的重構 = The reconstruction of Pre-Qin intellectual history based on unearthed documents "Shi lun" and "Wu xing"Leave the NDL website. 《诗经》学在元代的经学转向研究Leave the NDL website. 尉繚子校注Leave the NDL website. 拉卜楞寺建筑历史及文化艺术研究Leave the NDL website. 江藩集校注 = Collation and annotation of Jiang Fan's collected worksLeave the NDL website. 古意 : 隋唐铜镜艺术风格渊源的美术考古学研究Leave the NDL website. 中国古代碑刻纹样研究Leave the NDL website. 朱熹《论语》诠释学研究Leave the NDL website. 朝野僉載校證Leave the NDL website. 詩賦興替與六朝文學的演進 = Between poetry and rhapsody: the evolution of literature in early medieval ChinaLeave the NDL website. 艺术、考古与文字起源 : 前文字研究Leave the NDL website. 铁路与郑州城市化进程研究 : (1905-1954) = Research on the railway and the urbanization process of Zhengzhou : 1905-1954Leave the NDL website. 陶渊明哲学思想研究 = A study of tao yuanming's philosophy and thoughtLeave the NDL website. 贸易与移民 : 清代中国人移民泰国历史研究Leave the NDL website. 唐代送別诗研究 = A study of farewell poems in Tang dynastyLeave the NDL website. 宗法制度与周代国家结构研究Leave the NDL website. 禮記鄭注彙校Leave the NDL website. 唐代佛教官寺制度研究Leave the NDL website. 中国现代传记文学编年史 = Chronicle of modern Chinese biographical literatureLeave the NDL website. 中国古代民间故事长编Leave the NDL website. 中国古代民间故事长编Leave the NDL website. 明代军政考选制度研究 = A study on the system of evaluating and selecting military officers during the Ming periodLeave the NDL website. 戰國文字形體研究Leave the NDL website. 赫徳与晚清外交Leave the NDL website. 毛奇龄年谱 = A Chronicle of Mao Qiling's LifeLeave the NDL website. 早期中国电影史再研究 (1905-1925) = A restudy on the history of early Chinese film (1905-1925)Leave the NDL website. 佛典汉译评论与佛学中国化Leave the NDL website. 从诸子之学到官方经学 : 儒学由先秦至汉的转变研究Leave the NDL website. 民国杭州商业与商人研究 : 1912-1937 = A study of business and merchants in Hangzhou in the Republic of China : 1912-1937Leave the NDL website. 楚简诗类文献与诗经学要论丛考Leave the NDL website. 横连与纵合 : 近代民族企业战略研究Leave the NDL website. 宋代方志考证与研究Leave the NDL website. 刘锦棠集辑校 = Compilation and proofreading of Liu Jintang's anthologyLeave the NDL website. 顔延之集编年笺注Leave the NDL website. 清代地方档案中的政治、法律与社会 = Politics, law, and society in local archives in the Qing dynastyLeave the NDL website. 魏晋南北朝十二家「论语」注研究Leave the NDL website. 清末日文科学文献在中国的翻译与传播 = Translation and dissemination of Japanese scientific literature in China in Late Qing dynastyLeave the NDL website. 明代唐诗选本与诗歌批评Leave the NDL website. 清代翰林院庶吉士制度研究 = The research on the system of Hanlinyuan Shujishi in the Qing dynastyLeave the NDL website. 清末变法修律与中国刑法近代化研究Leave the NDL website. 中国日语学习者动机和行为研究Leave the NDL website. 遼代墓誌校注 = Collation and annotation of epitaphs in the Liao DynastyLeave the NDL website. 宋代县级行政与地方社会研究Leave the NDL website. 先秦老学史Leave the NDL website. 魏晋南朝官品与官资制度秩序研究 = Research on the system rules of official ranks and qualifications in the Wei, Jin and Southern dynastiesLeave the NDL website. 明代中国白银货币化研究 : 中国早期近代化历史进程新论 = Research on the monetization of silver in China in the Ming dynasty : a new discussion on the historical process of China's early modernizationLeave the NDL website. 明代中国白银货币化研究 : 中国早期近代化历史进程新论 = Research on the monetization of silver in China in the Ming dynasty : a new discussion on the historical process of China's early modernizationLeave the NDL website. 晚清新闻思想研究Leave the NDL website. 晚明佛教考 : 从僧俗互动的视野展开Leave the NDL website. 中国文化在徳国 : 从莱布尼茨时代到布莱希特时代Leave the NDL website. 蘋洲漁笛譜箋疏Leave the NDL website. 汉语方言可能式研究Leave the NDL website. 明清以来关帝信仰在西南少数民族地区的传播 = The Transmission of Guan's FAITH in the Southwest Minority AREAS since Ming and Qing DynastiesLeave the NDL website. 大同立教 : 康有为政教思想研究Leave the NDL website. 《水浒传》版本研究Leave the NDL website. 汉晋女徳建构Leave the NDL website. 国家与建设 : 南京国民政府建设委员会研究(1928-1938) = State and construction : the construction committee of Nanjing national government, 1928-1938Leave the NDL website. 实用主义的儒化 : 现代新儒学与杜威Leave the NDL website. 儒道融合视域中的阳明心学建构Leave the NDL website. 巴蜀符号集成Leave the NDL website. 《玉臺新詠校正》 整理與研究 = Re-organization and Study of Correction of Yu Tai Xin YongLeave the NDL website. 进化、革命与复仇 : "政治鲁迅"的诞生Leave the NDL website. 美国儒学史 = A history of American confucianismLeave the NDL website. 秩序之间 : 唐宋法典与制度研究Leave the NDL website. 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"诗言志"新辨 = A new argument on the theory that poems express the inclination with strong emotionsLeave the NDL website. 墨经公孙龙子译注Leave the NDL website. 中国"类"范畴思想研究 = Research on the Thought of Chinese "lei" CategoryLeave the NDL website. 国民塑造与社会建设 : 1896~1949年中国社会教育研究 = National shaping and social construction : a research of social education in China from 1896 to 1949Leave the NDL website. 汉魏"服制制罪"及其社会治理范式研究 = A study on "the incrimination by mouring apparels" and its social governance paradigm in Han and Wei dynastiesLeave the NDL website. 隋代三省制及相关问题研究 = Research on the system of three departments and related issues in the Sui dynastyLeave the NDL website. 唐朝域外朝贡制度研究Leave the NDL website. 先秦因循哲学论Leave the NDL website. 朱熹、陆九渊与王守仁理学思想比较 : 以理、性、心、知四个范畴为中心 = A comparative study of Zhu Xi, Lu Jiuyuan and Wang Shouren's Neo-Confucianism : centered on four categories of reason, nature, mind and knowledgeLeave the NDL website. 《尚书》 新研Leave the NDL website. 明清通州范氏家族文学与文化研究 = Research on literature and culture of the Fan family in Tongzhou during the Ming and Qing dyastiesLeave the NDL website. 宋元明清易学史视野下的先天学研究Leave the NDL website. 历代名画记注译与评介 = Annotations and reviews on famous paintings through centuriesLeave the NDL website. 《漢書》 音義研究 = Research on the pronunciation and meaning of HanshuLeave the NDL website. 王安石诗歌研究史稿(两宋时期) = The research of history draft on Wang Anshi's poetry during the Song dynastiesLeave the NDL website. 地域性与南朝政局 : 围绕政权基础与军镇的考察Leave the NDL website. 刘锦棠集辑校 = Compilation and proofreading of Liu Jintang's anthologyLeave the NDL website. 刘锦棠集辑校 = Compilation and proofreading of Liu Jintang's anthologyLeave the NDL website. 王世贞诗文论资料补辑与新论Leave the NDL website. 朝鲜柳梦寅散文与中国文化Leave the NDL website. 清代刻工与版刻字体Leave the NDL website. 高麗朝鮮時代杜甫評論資料彙編Leave the NDL website. 黼黻之美 : 宋代骈文的应用场域与书写方式Leave the NDL website. 从汉魏到齐梁 : 中古五言诗的经典化研究Leave the NDL website. 我国证券市场虚假陈述民事责任理论与实践的新发展Leave the NDL website. 权力与正统 : 五代政治史论稿Leave the NDL website. 人际交往与社会交往 : 戊戌时期的士林与维新报刊Leave the NDL website. 王陽明軍事著作校注Leave the NDL website. 汉魏六朝实用文体互渗研究Leave the NDL website. 隋唐五代辞赋研究Leave the NDL website. 李渔编剧艺术研究Leave the NDL website. 股权众筹监管基础理论研究Leave the NDL website. 中古京兆韦氏的变迁Leave the NDL website. 清代说唱文学子弟书研究Leave the NDL website. 西南联大与现代中国(1937~1946)Leave the NDL website. 西南联大与现代中国(1937~1946)Leave the NDL website. 明代文官考察制度及其运行机制研究 = Study on the evaluation system of civil servants and its operating mechanism in the Ming dynastyLeave the NDL website. 《陳氏禮記集説補正》整理與研究Leave the NDL website. 福建海丝文献整理与开发研究Leave the NDL website. 观风察政 : 汉代歌谣与政治的互动研究 = Guan feng cha zheng : a study on the interaction between folk songs and politics in the han dynastyLeave the NDL website. 唐代乐府诗体研究 = Research on the poetic styles of Yue-fu songs in Tang DynastyLeave the NDL website. 光宅法云佛学思想研究Leave the NDL website. 路史校注Leave the NDL website. 汉魏六朝文人身份的变迁与文学演进Leave the NDL website. 路史校注Leave the NDL website. 出土文獻《詩論》《五行》與先秦學術思想史的重構 = The reconstruction of Pre-Qin intellectual history based on unearthed documents "Shi lun" and "Wu xing"Leave the NDL website. 河南滑县方言研究Leave the NDL website. 官文書與唐代政務運行研究Leave the NDL website. 信仰、礼仪与生活 : 以朱熹祭孔为中心 = Faith, ritual and life : focusing on Zhu Xi's sacrificial practices to confuciusLeave the NDL website. 清物十志 : 文人之物的意义世界Leave the NDL website. 宋明儒学之重构 : 王船山哲学文本的诠释 = Reconstruction of Song-Ming neo-Confucianism : interpretation of Wang Chuan-shan's philosophical textsLeave the NDL website. 宋明儒学之重构 : 王船山哲学文本的诠释 = Reconstruction of Song-Ming neo-Confucianism : interpretation of Wang Chuan-shan's philosophical textsLeave the NDL website. 中国文学研究著作图文互文现象刍论Leave the NDL website. 明代勋臣制度研究Leave the NDL website. 郭象《庄子注》对先秦儒家思想的吸纳与转化Leave the NDL website. 元明清三代刻帖研究 = Research on engraving model calligraphy of Yuan, Ming and Qing dynastiesLeave the NDL website. 西魏書校注 = The proofreading of Xie Qi-kun's XiweishuLeave the NDL website. 汉赋篇名分歧考辨Leave the NDL website. 《水浒传》版本研究Leave the NDL website. 禮記鄭注彙校Leave the NDL website. 汉代宫廷居住研究 = Study on the residence of the court in the Han dynastyLeave the NDL website. 宋元断例輯考Leave the NDL website. 古代五岳祭祀演变考论Leave the NDL website. 清代手写文献之俗字研究 = A study on popular form of characters in the handwritten documents of the Qing dynastyLeave the NDL website. 近代汉语复杂"被"字句研究 = Research on the complex patterns of bei-sentences in pre-modern ChineseLeave the NDL website. 20世纪青岛日常生活史=Daily life experience in the 20th century's QingdaoLeave the NDL website.

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  • 中国著作权法 : 判例综述与规范解释 = The Chinese copyright law : case studies and normative analysis

  • 曹禺年谱长编

  • 从仪式到狂欢 : 20世纪少儿文学作家作品研究 = From rite to revelry : a study into the writers and works of children literature of the twentieth century

  • 中华民国外交史新著

  • 春秋易学研究 : 以「周易」卦爻辞的卦象解说方法为中心

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阳明学发展的困境及出路 = A Critical Summary of the Development of Yangming School
中国现代修辞学的建立 : 以陈望道《修辞学发凡》考释为中心
严复《政治讲义》研究 = Studies in Yan Fu's lectures on Politics
宋赋研究 : 权力与形式
明清文化传播与商业互动研究 : 以徽州出版与徽商为中心
《广雅疏证》词汇研究 = A lexical study of "Guang ya shu zheng"
当代人口较少民族文学的审美观照 = The contemporary literature aesthetics about ethnic groups with small populations
社会的平民化变迁与儒学变化 : 对汉初儒学的一种审视
马克思主义中国化时代化大众化的理论与历史研究 = Studies on the theory and history of the sinicization, modernization and popularization of Marxism
水浒学史 = Academic history of the outlaws of marsh
性別视角下的译者规范 : 20世纪初叶中国首个本土女性译者群体研究 = Translator's norms from gender perspective : A study on the first indigenous women translators in early twentieth-century China
明代山东海防研究 = The research on the coast defense of shan dong in Ming dynasty
民族主义与近代中国博览会事业 : 1851〜1937
《殷虚书契后编》 考释
清季民初的学制, 学堂与经学 = The school system, school and confucian classical studies in the late qing dynasty and early years of the republic of China
上古-中古汉语颜色词研究 = The study of chinese color terms from ancient to mid-ancient times
刘大年年谱 = A chronology of Liu Danian's life
清初小说与士人文化心态 = The novels and the cultural mentalities of the intellectuals in the early Qing dynasty
周密研究 = Study on Zhou Mi
韩国坛君神话研究 = Korean Tangun Mythology study
中国近代小说流派研究 = Studies on the genres of the modern Chinese fictions
20世纪中国文学原理关键词研究 = Research on the keywords of Chinese literary theory in 20th century
忠恕而仁 : 儒家尽己推己、将心比心的态度、观念与实践 = Achieving humanity through loyalty and considerateness
从波斯到中国 : 摩尼教在中亚和中国的传播 = From Persia to China : the spread of Manichaeism in Central Asia and China
最后的天子门生 : 晚清进士馆及其进士群体研究
高郎桥纪事 : 近代上海一个棉纺织工业区的兴起与终结(1700〜2000)
宋代《周礼》学史 = Studying history of the Rites of Zhou in Song dynasty
中晚明士人的讲学活动与学派建构 : 以李材(1529-1607)为中心的研究
中国宪法权利体系的完善 : 以国际人权公约为参照 = The improvement of right system in Chinese constitution : taking international convention on human rights as reference
国难中的学术与政治 : 中国经济学界的争鸣 : 1932-1937 = The academics and politics in the national calamity : contention among the Chinese economists, 1932-1937
文献家朱熹:朱熹著述活动及其著作版本考察 = A Philologist Zhu Xi : Research into Compiling Activities and Scholarly Works of Zhu Xi
政府情报与近代日本对华经济扩张 = Government intelligence & Japanese economic expansion to China in modern times
浙江道教史 = The History of Zhejiang Taoism
高速铁路与经济社会发展新格局 = High speed rails and new structure of socio-economic development
王融與永明時代 : 南朝貴族及貴族文學的個案研究 = Wang Rong and the age of Yong-Ming : a study of aristocracy and aristocratic literature of the Southern dynasties
中国近代辞书指要 = A summary of lexicographical works in modern China
清末民初政党思想研究 = The thoughts of the political parties during the end of Qing dynasty and the early republic of China
关于"子孙违犯教令"的历史考察 : 一个微观法史学的尝试 = The historical development of the law of `disobeident deccendents' in traditional China from the perspective of micro-legal history
上海地区方言调查研究 = A linguistic survey of Shanghai dialects
文明以止 : 上古的天文、思想与制度
鲁迅《中国小说史略》研究 : 以中国小说史学为视野
域外汉学与中国现代史学 = Sinology and modern historiography in China
《水浒传》考论 = The studies of "The water margin"
钱锺书文学思想研究 = The Study on Qian Zhongshu's literary thought
百年杜甫研究之平议与反思 = Review and reflection on studies of Du Fu since 1912
汉代小说文献与汉代文化研究 = Study on the novels documents and culture in Han dynasty
族群的共生属性及其逻辑结构 : 一项超越二元对立的族群人类学研究 = Symbiotic nature and logical structure of ethnic groups
鲁迅 : 从越文化视野透视 = Lu Xun : a perspective from the vision of yue culture
北宋晩期的政治体制与政治文化 = The political structure and political culture in late Northern Song,1085-1125
从官办到官商合办再到商办 : 浙江实业银行及其前身的历史变迁(1908-1937)
汉代郡国分治的考古学观察 : 以关东地区汉代墓葬为中心
宋代南渡诗歌研究 = A study on poetry in the early southern song dynasty
吐蕃至归义军时期敦煌佛教经济研究 = A study on buddhism economy in Dunhuang from the Tibetan occupation to the return-to-allegiance army period
黄土与红旗 : 延安时期中国共产党与传统文化研究 = Loess and the red banner : study on communist party of China and traditional culture during Yanan period
清末预备立宪研究 = A study on the preparations for constitutionalism in Late Qing
罗马尼亚语汉语大词典 = Marele dicţionar Român-Chinez
秦汉家庭法研究 : 以出土简牍为中心
《三国演义》诠释史研究 = The study of hermeneutic history of Romance of three kingdoms
清代杜集序跋汇录 = The collections of preface and postscript to different editions of Dufu's works in Qing dynasty
追寻中国的"现代" : "多元变革时代"中国小说研究1937-1949 = Contending for the Chinese modern : the writing of fiction in the great transformative epoch of modern China, 1937-1949
性別失衡的社会风险研究 : 基于社会转型背景 = The social risk research of gender imbanlance[i.e imbalance] : based on social transition context of China
理想、尊严与生存挣扎 : 元代江南士人与社会综合研究
明代九边史地研究 = Research on history and geography of the nine border defense areas in Ming dynasty
"低工资陷阱"与中国经济转型 = The trap of low compensation and China's economic transition
移民、国家与地方权势 : 以清代巴县为例
经学文献的衍生和通俗化 : 以近古时代的传刻为中心 = Derivation and popularization of confucian classics document : centred around circulation and block printing in late antiquity
侵权过错认定法律问题研究 = Study on the judgment of fault in tort law
治水政治 : 清代国家与钱塘江海塘工程研究
吴语婺州方言研究 = A study on the Wuzhou Wu dialect
东汉佛道文献词汇新质研究 = A study on the neologisms of the buddhist and taoist scriptures in Eastern Han dynasty
中国收入差距的实证分析 = Empirical analysis on income inequality in China
袁凱集編年校注 = Chronological order, collation and annotations on poetry anthology of YuanKai
当代中国简帛学研究 = Contemporary studies on bamboo and silk manuscripts in China
「非科学」的中国传统舆图 : 中国传统舆图绘制研究
蘇轍詩編年箋注 = The collation, annotation and chronology of Su Zhe's poems
北宋中后期贬谪与文学 = Relegation and Literature in the Middle and Late Northern Song Dynasty
形體特點對古文字考釋重要性研究 = A study on the importance of writing characteristics to textual research of Pre-Qin Chinese characters
山东解放区新闻史(1937-1949) = A history of journalism in the Shandong liberated area : 1937-1949
岷江流域方音字汇 : 20世纪四川方音大系之一 = Minjiang river basin dialect syllabary : 20th century Sichuan dialect phonologies, volume 1
班固集校注 = Collation and annotation of Ban Gu's works
西周伦理思想研究 : 多维视野下的中国古代伦理思想溯源 = A study of the ethical criticism of the Western Zhou dynasty : tracing the origin of ancient Chinese ethical criticism from a multi-dimensional perspective
中小学校历史教育百年简史 = Centenary development of history education in elementary and secondary schools
江西省湖口方言研究 = Research on the dialect of Hukou in Jiangxi
杨慎文学评点研究 = Research on Yang Shen's literary comments
现代汉语形义错配研究 = Syntax-semantics mismatches in Mandarin Chinese
中国古代祈雨史 = A history of ancient China's rain-praying
《文章流別集》 与魏晋学术新变
欧洲满文文献总目提要 = A descriptive catalogue of Manchu collections in European countries
祭如在 : 明清之际西学观照下的儒家丧葬礼 = Sacrifice as if they were present : confucian funeral and sacrifice contrasted from the perspective of West learning
王船山遵礼之道研究 = The study on Wang Chuanshan's ritual-system
有教无类 : 中晚明士人教化宦官行动研究 = Moral education without prejudice : a study on the actions of enlightening the eunuch by scholar-officials in the mid-late Ming dynasty
诚与真 : 陶渊明考论 = Sincerity and authenticity : textual researches and comments on Tao Yuanming
北宋诗学思想史论 = The discussion on the history of poetic thoughts in the Nothern Song Dynasty
遼代墓誌校注 = Collation and annotation of epitaphs in the Liao Dynasty
近代史学转型视野下的民国清史学 : 1912-1949
"违法"与合理 : 清末暂行内阁研究
宋前道經疑難字詞考釋 = Explanations on the knotty words in Taoist scriptures before the Song dynasty
近代天津民间借贷研究 (1900-1949) = A study on the civile debit of modern Tianjin (1900-1949)
民法典体系下的动产所有权变动 : 占有取得与所有权让与
晋语语音研究 = Research on the phonology of Jin dialects
徙封 : 西周封国政治地理的结构- -过程 = Relocating fiefdoms : the structuring of political geography in the Western Zhou dynasty
出土文獻《詩論》《五行》與先秦學術思想史的重構 = The reconstruction of Pre-Qin intellectual history based on unearthed documents "Shi lun" and "Wu xing"
江藩集校注 = Collation and annotation of Jiang Fan's collected works
古意 : 隋唐铜镜艺术风格渊源的美术考古学研究
詩賦興替與六朝文學的演進 = Between poetry and rhapsody: the evolution of literature in early medieval China
艺术、考古与文字起源 : 前文字研究
铁路与郑州城市化进程研究 : (1905-1954) = Research on the railway and the urbanization process of Zhengzhou : 1905-1954
陶渊明哲学思想研究 = A study of tao yuanming's philosophy and thought
贸易与移民 : 清代中国人移民泰国历史研究
唐代送別诗研究 = A study of farewell poems in Tang dynasty
中国现代传记文学编年史 = Chronicle of modern Chinese biographical literature
明代军政考选制度研究 = A study on the system of evaluating and selecting military officers during the Ming period
毛奇龄年谱 = A Chronicle of Mao Qiling's Life
早期中国电影史再研究 (1905-1925) = A restudy on the history of early Chinese film (1905-1925)
从诸子之学到官方经学 : 儒学由先秦至汉的转变研究
民国杭州商业与商人研究 : 1912-1937 = A study of business and merchants in Hangzhou in the Republic of China : 1912-1937
横连与纵合 : 近代民族企业战略研究
刘锦棠集辑校 = Compilation and proofreading of Liu Jintang's anthology
清代地方档案中的政治、法律与社会 = Politics, law, and society in local archives in the Qing dynasty
清末日文科学文献在中国的翻译与传播 = Translation and dissemination of Japanese scientific literature in China in Late Qing dynasty
清代翰林院庶吉士制度研究 = The research on the system of Hanlinyuan Shujishi in the Qing dynasty
遼代墓誌校注 = Collation and annotation of epitaphs in the Liao Dynasty
魏晋南朝官品与官资制度秩序研究 = Research on the system rules of official ranks and qualifications in the Wei, Jin and Southern dynasties
明代中国白银货币化研究 : 中国早期近代化历史进程新论 = Research on the monetization of silver in China in the Ming dynasty : a new discussion on the historical process of China's early modernization
明代中国白银货币化研究 : 中国早期近代化历史进程新论 = Research on the monetization of silver in China in the Ming dynasty : a new discussion on the historical process of China's early modernization
晚明佛教考 : 从僧俗互动的视野展开
中国文化在徳国 : 从莱布尼茨时代到布莱希特时代
明清以来关帝信仰在西南少数民族地区的传播 = The Transmission of Guan's FAITH in the Southwest Minority AREAS since Ming and Qing Dynasties
大同立教 : 康有为政教思想研究
国家与建设 : 南京国民政府建设委员会研究(1928-1938) = State and construction : the construction committee of Nanjing national government, 1928-1938
实用主义的儒化 : 现代新儒学与杜威
《玉臺新詠校正》 整理與研究 = Re-organization and Study of Correction of Yu Tai Xin Yong
进化、革命与复仇 : "政治鲁迅"的诞生
美国儒学史 = A history of American confucianism
秩序之间 : 唐宋法典与制度研究
中国现代传记文学编年史 = Chronicle of modern Chinese biographical literature
民国大学教职员工生活水平与社会结构研究 :以清华为中心 = An investigation of living standards and social structure of university faculty and staff during the Republic of China based on Tsinghua University
蜀志類纂考釋 = A comparative study on the ancient sichuan chorographies
"诗言志"新辨 = A new argument on the theory that poems express the inclination with strong emotions
中国"类"范畴思想研究 = Research on the Thought of Chinese "lei" Category
国民塑造与社会建设 : 1896~1949年中国社会教育研究 = National shaping and social construction : a research of social education in China from 1896 to 1949
汉魏"服制制罪"及其社会治理范式研究 = A study on "the incrimination by mouring apparels" and its social governance paradigm in Han and Wei dynasties
隋代三省制及相关问题研究 = Research on the system of three departments and related issues in the Sui dynasty
朱熹、陆九渊与王守仁理学思想比较 : 以理、性、心、知四个范畴为中心 = A comparative study of Zhu Xi, Lu Jiuyuan and Wang Shouren's Neo-Confucianism : centered on four categories of reason, nature, mind and knowledge
《尚书》 新研
明清通州范氏家族文学与文化研究 = Research on literature and culture of the Fan family in Tongzhou during the Ming and Qing dyasties
历代名画记注译与评介 = Annotations and reviews on famous paintings through centuries
《漢書》 音義研究 = Research on the pronunciation and meaning of Hanshu
王安石诗歌研究史稿(两宋时期) = The research of history draft on Wang Anshi's poetry during the Song dynasties
地域性与南朝政局 : 围绕政权基础与军镇的考察
刘锦棠集辑校 = Compilation and proofreading of Liu Jintang's anthology
刘锦棠集辑校 = Compilation and proofreading of Liu Jintang's anthology
黼黻之美 : 宋代骈文的应用场域与书写方式
从汉魏到齐梁 : 中古五言诗的经典化研究
权力与正统 : 五代政治史论稿
人际交往与社会交往 : 戊戌时期的士林与维新报刊
明代文官考察制度及其运行机制研究 = Study on the evaluation system of civil servants and its operating mechanism in the Ming dynasty
观风察政 : 汉代歌谣与政治的互动研究 = Guan feng cha zheng : a study on the interaction between folk songs and politics in the han dynasty
唐代乐府诗体研究 = Research on the poetic styles of Yue-fu songs in Tang Dynasty
出土文獻《詩論》《五行》與先秦學術思想史的重構 = The reconstruction of Pre-Qin intellectual history based on unearthed documents "Shi lun" and "Wu xing"
信仰、礼仪与生活 : 以朱熹祭孔为中心 = Faith, ritual and life : focusing on Zhu Xi's sacrificial practices to confucius
清物十志 : 文人之物的意义世界
宋明儒学之重构 : 王船山哲学文本的诠释 = Reconstruction of Song-Ming neo-Confucianism : interpretation of Wang Chuan-shan's philosophical texts
宋明儒学之重构 : 王船山哲学文本的诠释 = Reconstruction of Song-Ming neo-Confucianism : interpretation of Wang Chuan-shan's philosophical texts
元明清三代刻帖研究 = Research on engraving model calligraphy of Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties
西魏書校注 = The proofreading of Xie Qi-kun's Xiweishu
汉代宫廷居住研究 = Study on the residence of the court in the Han dynasty
清代手写文献之俗字研究 = A study on popular form of characters in the handwritten documents of the Qing dynasty
近代汉语复杂"被"字句研究 = Research on the complex patterns of bei-sentences in pre-modern Chinese
20世纪青岛日常生活史=Daily life experience in the 20th century's Qingdao