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Conversion to greater freedom? : women, church and social change in North-Western Tanzania under colonial ruleLeave the NDL website. Negotiating international package deals : Swedish firms and developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Differential equations : proceedings from the Uppsala 1977 International Conference on Differential Equations held at Uppsala, Sweden, April 18-23, 1977Leave the NDL website. Litteraturhistorikern Schück : vetenskapssyn och historieuppfattning i Henrik Schücks tidigare produktionLeave the NDL website. Towards a theory of aspect, tense and actionality in SlavicLeave the NDL website. Legislating death : socio-legal studies of the brain death controversy in SwedenLeave the NDL website. Makt och mening : förutsättningar för en innehållsfokuserad pedagogisk forskningLeave the NDL website. Gnostica, Mandaica, liturgica : opera eius ipsius selecta & collecta septuagenario Erico Segelberg oblataLeave the NDL website. Die Überlieferung der lateinischen IrenaeusübersetzungLeave the NDL website. Agents secrets : le public dans la construction interactive de la représentation théâtraleLeave the NDL website. Labraunda and Karia : proceedings of the international symposium commemorating sixty years of Swedish archaeological work in Labraunda : the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm, November 20-21, 2008Leave the NDL website. Zur Grundlagenforschung der geschriebenen SpracheLeave the NDL website. Bildning och nöje : bidrag till studiet av de civila svenska blåsmusikkårerna under 1800-talets senare hälft = Education and entertainment : a study of the civilian Swedish wind bands during the latter part of the 19th centuryLeave the NDL website. Mittelalterliche Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek Uppsala : Katalog über die C-SammlungLeave the NDL website. Commodity futures trading and international market stabilizationLeave the NDL website. “Being religious and living through the eyes" : studies in religious iconography and iconology : a celebratory publication in honour of Professor Jan BergmanLeave the NDL website. Kyrkan i sockenstämman : uppvidinge härad/kontrakt ca 1820 till 1860Leave the NDL website. De lʾiqtaʾ étatique à lʾiqtaʾ militaire : transition économique et changement sociaux à Baghdad, 247-447 de l'Hégire/861-1055 ap. J.Leave the NDL website. Mobilising the novel : the literature of imperialism and the First World WarLeave the NDL website. The non-contractual and contractual liability of the European communitiesLeave the NDL website. Coordination of relative clauses in sixteenth century EnglishLeave the NDL website. The lichen genus collema with special reference to the extra-European speciesLeave the NDL website. Adeln och bondejordenLeave the NDL website. Hat das uralische Verwandte? : eine sprachvergleichende UntersuchungLeave the NDL website. Population perspectives on organizationsLeave the NDL website. Standardization and orthography in the Balochi languageLeave the NDL website. Butler and Hume on religion : a comparative analysisLeave the NDL website. Tolerans och bekännelsetvång : studier i den svenska swedenborgianismen, 1765-1795Leave the NDL website. Folklore and W.B. Yeats : the function of folklore elements in three early playsLeave the NDL website. Statsmakt och bondemotstånd : allmoge och överhet under stora nordiska krigetLeave the NDL website. Agrarsamhällets förändring och landskommunal organisation : en konturteckning av 1800-talets nordenLeave the NDL website. Faith in the world of work : on the theology of work as lived by the French worker-priests and British industrial missionLeave the NDL website. The ubiquitous signal processing : applications to communications, spectral analysis and array processingLeave the NDL website. Tense and aspect in Caesar's narrativeLeave the NDL website. The genus Aeollanthus S. Lat. (Labiatae)Leave the NDL website. Window of opportunity : Dutch and Swedish security ideas and strategies 1942-1948Leave the NDL website. Flexible grouping of pupils and team-work between teachersLeave the NDL website. On passiv imperatives in LatinLeave the NDL website. Samiska ord för ord : att mäta lexikalt avstånd mellan språkLeave the NDL website. Das jüdisch-christliche Problem : Randglossen zu einer ForschungsepocheLeave the NDL website. A Buddhist woman's path to enlightenment : proceedings of a Workshop on the Tamil Narrative Maṇimēkalai, Uppsala University, May 25-29, 1995Leave the NDL website. Two studies of the galactic chemical evolutionLeave the NDL website. The temporal horizon : a study of the theme of time in Anne Tyler's major novelsLeave the NDL website. Christ as example : the imitatio christi motive in Biblical and Christian ethicsLeave the NDL website. Homer in der zweiten Sophistik : Studien zu der Homerlektüre und dem Homerbild bei Dion von Prusa, Maximos von Tyros und Ailios AristeidesLeave the NDL website. A late Middle English version of the Gospel of Nicodemus, edited from British Museum Ms. Harley 149Leave the NDL website. The voice of the poet : aspects of style in the poetry of Emily DickinsonLeave the NDL website. Ich bin Isis : Studien zum memphitischen Hintergrund der griechischen IsisaretalogienLeave the NDL website. Culture history and African anthropology : a century of research in Germany and AustriaLeave the NDL website. O języku polskiej propagandy politycznej lat siedemdziesiątych = On the language of Polish political propaganda of the 1970sLeave the NDL website. Kriterien christlicher Glaubenslehre : eine prinzipielle Untersuchung heutiger protestantischer Dogmatik im deutschen SprachbereichLeave the NDL website. The life of St Irene abbess of Chrysobalanton : a critical edition with introduction, translation, notes and indicesLeave the NDL website. The end of drum-time : religious change among the Lule Saami, 1670's-1740'sLeave the NDL website. Faculty of Science : earth and life sciencesLeave the NDL website. Kristidsekonomi och företagsutveckling : industrin i Uppsala län 1939-49Leave the NDL website. Romanens väg till poesin : en linje i klassicistisk, romantisk och postromantisk romanteoriLeave the NDL website. Tilltalsordet ni : dess semantik och användning i historiskt perspektiv = The Swedish form of address ni : its semantics and use in historical perspectiveLeave the NDL website. A study of nominal sentences in the oldest UpaniṣadsLeave the NDL website. Himmelrikets nycklar och kyrklig bot i Luthers teologi 1517-1537Leave the NDL website. Theology and integration : four essays in philosophical theologyLeave the NDL website. Human rights, justification, and christian ethicsLeave the NDL website. L'inversion dans la subordonnée en français contemporainLeave the NDL website. Wargus, vargr, Verbrecher, Wolf : eine Sprach- und rechtsgeschichtl. UntersuchungLeave the NDL website. Out of minimalism : the referential cube : contextualising sculptures by Antony Gormley, Anish Kapoor and Rachel WhitereadLeave the NDL website. Christian spiritual healing : a psychological study : ideology and experience in the British healing movementLeave the NDL website. Idéologie et cérémonial dans l'épistolographie byzantine :textes du X[e] siècle analysés et commentésLeave the NDL website. Tjuvmjölkande väsenLeave the NDL website. Turning to Europe : a new Swedish industrial relations regime in the 1990sLeave the NDL website. Människan i världen : om filosofi, teologi och etik i våra världsbilderLeave the NDL website. Fünf Egerer Kabinettschränke des 17. [i.e. siebzehnten] Jahrhunderts in schwedischem BesitzLeave the NDL website. Arbetets mening : en analys av sex teorier om arbetets syfte och värdeLeave the NDL website. Det röda Dalarna : socialdemokrater, anarkosyndikalister och kommunister inom Dalarnas Arbetarrörelse 1906-1937 = Dalarna became red : Social Democrats, Anscho- [i.e. Anarcho-] Syndicalists, and Communists of the labour movement in Dalarna 1906-1937 : summaryLeave the NDL website. The theory of the growth of the firm twenty-five years afterLeave the NDL website. Främmande studenter vid Uppsala universitet före andra världskriget : en studie i studentmigrationLeave the NDL website. Lexicon errorum interpretum LatinorumLeave the NDL website. Education as an academic disciplineLeave the NDL website. Radioactive and hazardous waste management in Sweden : movements, politics and scienceLeave the NDL website. Derrière la vitrine du développement : aménagement forestier et pouvoir local au Burkina FasoLeave the NDL website. Essays on expectations in economic theoryLeave the NDL website. An introduction to Lucy Maud Montgomery : Anne ShirleyLeave the NDL website. O jezyku Wspomnień dzieciństwa Franciszka MickiewiczaLeave the NDL website. The transformation of firms and markets : a network approach to economic transformation processes in East GermanyLeave the NDL website. A Middle English version of the Gesta Romanorum edited from Gloucester cathedral MS 22Leave the NDL website. Archives and libraries in the City of Assur : a survey of the material from the German excavationsLeave the NDL website. Studies in the Book of JonahLeave the NDL website. Karaktär och perspektiv : att tolka litterära gestalter i det mimetiska språkspeletLeave the NDL website. Ty som ingenting angelägnare är än mina bönders conservation ... : godsekonomi i östra Mellansverige vid mitten av 1700-taletLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Third Symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica held in Oslo 1-2 November 1991Leave the NDL website. The aesthetics of play : a didactic study of play and culture in preschoolsLeave the NDL website. Wells, meres, and pools : hydronymic terms in the Anglo-Saxon landscapeLeave the NDL website. Anna Ahlström, vår första kvinnliga doktor i romanska språk år 1899 : symposieföredrag den 9 december 1999Leave the NDL website. Just labor : labor ethic in a post-Soviet reindeer herding communityLeave the NDL website. The Melusina saga : the text in UUB Slav 34 and a study in 17th century literary language in RussiaLeave the NDL website. Religion in Asien? : Studien zur Anwendbarkeit des ReligionsbegriffsLeave the NDL website. A war of words : from Lod to Twin Towers defining terrorism in Arab and Israeli newspapers 1972-1996(2001) : a study in propaganda, semantics and pragmaticsLeave the NDL website. Bonds and boundaries in northern Ghana and southern Burkina FasoLeave the NDL website. Étude sur quelques liaisons facultatives dans le français de conversation radiophonique : fréquences et facteursLeave the NDL website. Altruism, society, health careLeave the NDL website. Studien zu dem ungarischen Potentialsuffix hat/hetLeave the NDL website. Samhällsförändring och sammanslutningsformer : det frivilliga föreningsväsendets uppkomst och spridning i Husby-Rekarne från omkring 1850 till 1930Leave the NDL website. Studien zur schwedischen VolksmusikLeave the NDL website. Studies in Swedish generative phonologyLeave the NDL website. Guds ord som krav eller gåva : en explorativ religionspsykologisk undersökning av upplevelsen av predikan som lag och evangelium = The word of God : a gift or a demand? : an explorative study in the psychology of religion of the experience of sermons as law and gospelLeave the NDL website. Erzä-mordwinische rituelle KlagegesängeLeave the NDL website. Zur Gestaltung von Entfremdung bei Wolfgang HildesheimerLeave the NDL website. Internationalization, relationships and networksLeave the NDL website. Unifying strategies in Virginia Woolf's experimental fictionLeave the NDL website. The modern Kurdish short storyLeave the NDL website. Värjostånd och lärostånd : religion och politik i meningsutbytet mellan kungamakt och prästerskap i Sverige 1593-1608 = Wehrstand und Lehrsrand : Religion und Politik in den Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Königtum und Geistlichkeit in Schweden von 1593 bis 1608Leave the NDL website. La préposition chiés en ancien français : étude diachronique et synchronique basée sur un corpus de textes littéraires datant des Xe, XIe, XIIe et XIIIe sièclesLeave the NDL website. Husbands, lovers, and dreamlovers : masculinity and female desire in women's novels of the 1970sLeave the NDL website. Actes du 6e Congrès des romanistes scandinaves : Upsal, 11-15 août 1975Leave the NDL website. The Creative communion : African folk models of fertility and the regeneration of lifeLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Second Scandinavian Symposium on AspectologyLeave the NDL website. Focal point of the sacred space : the boundary between chancel and nave in Swedish rural churches : from Romanesque to Neo-GothicLeave the NDL website. Enköping under frihetstiden : social struktur och lokal politikLeave the NDL website. Medusas huvud : dekadensens tematik i svensk sekelskiftesprosaLeave the NDL website. Småstäder, småborgare och stora samhällsförändringar : borgarnas sociala struktur i Arboga, Enköping och Västervik under perioden efter 1680Leave the NDL website. Die "Internationale Gruppe demokratischer Sozialisten" in Stockholm : 1942 - 1945 ; zur sozialistischen Friedensdiskussion während des zweitn WeltkriegesLeave the NDL website. The manuscripts of parts 1 and 2 of Shans al-'ulūm by Nashwā̃n al-Ḩimyari︠ : a study of their relationshipLeave the NDL website. Das sogenannte kai adversativum : zur Semantik einer griechischen PartikelLeave the NDL website. On the meaning of death : essays on mortuary rituals and eschatological beliefsLeave the NDL website. Alexis de Tocqueville : the sociological aestheticianLeave the NDL website. Kampen om feodalräntan : reduktionen och domänpolitiken i Estland 1655-1710Leave the NDL website. Gustav III : en upplysningskonungs tro och kyrkosynLeave the NDL website. Ser y estar con atributos adjetivales : anotaciones sobre el empleo de la cópula en catalán y en castellanoLeave the NDL website. Borgaren blir företagare : studier kring ekonomiska, sociala och politiska förhållanden i förändringens Örebro under 1800-taletLeave the NDL website. Scandinavian values : religion and morality in the Nordic countriesLeave the NDL website. Religion im Spiegelkabinett : Asiatische Religionsgeschichte im Spannungsfeld zwischen Orientalismus und OkzidentalismusLeave the NDL website. The importance of storytelling : a study based on field work in northern AlaskaLeave the NDL website. Visions of Apostolic mission : Scandinavian Pentecostal mission to 1935Leave the NDL website. Rimlista till Konung Alexander = Reimwörterbuch zu Konung Alexander : Zusammenfassung der EinleitungLeave the NDL website. The effects of monetary and fiscal policy : a contribution to pure theoryLeave the NDL website. Case marking of subject phrases in modern standard EstonianLeave the NDL website. Wargus, vorgr 'Verbrecher' 'Wolf' : eine sprach- und rechtsgeschichtliche UntersuchungLeave the NDL website. Economics at Uppsala University : the department and its professors since 1741Leave the NDL website. The nation conceived : learning, education, and nationhood in American historical novels of the 1820sLeave the NDL website. Bible reading in Sweden : studies related to the translation of the New Testament 1981Leave the NDL website. Sir William Davenant, the siege of Rhodes : a critical editionLeave the NDL website. The theory of the multinational enterpriseLeave the NDL website. Poul Bjerres människouppfattning och hans syn på religionenLeave the NDL website. The vice of wedlock : the theme of marriage in George Gissing's novelsLeave the NDL website. Savoir et économie dans l'œuvre de MolièreLeave the NDL website. Upper secondary school in retrospect : the view of former studentsLeave the NDL website. Das Bild des Jugendlichen in der deutschsprachigen erzählliteratur der Zeit zwischen dem ersten Weltkrieg(1918) und der Diktatur(1933) : Studien zu H. Hesses 'Demian', J. Wassermanns 'Christian Wahnschaffe', F. Werfels 'Nicht der Mörder, der ermordete ist schuldig', J. Roths 'Zipper und sein Vater', 'Rechts und links', 'Radetzkymarsch' und H. Brochs '1888, Pasenow oder die Romantik'Leave the NDL website. Les pays du Nord et Byzance (Scandinavie et Byzance) : actes du colloque nordique et international de byzantinologie, tenu à Upsal 20-22 avril 1979Leave the NDL website. Compounds in contact : a study in compound words with special reference to the Old Slavonic translation of Flavius Josephus' Περιτου 'Ιουδαιχου πολεμουLeave the NDL website. The adventurous Muse : theories of originality in English poetics, 1650-1760Leave the NDL website. The old world journey : national identity in four American novels from 1960 to 1973Leave the NDL website. Networked organization : a resource based perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Individual consequences of plant closuresLeave the NDL website. Nicolaus Cusanus als Wegbereiter auch der heutigen ÖkumeneLeave the NDL website. Kvällsvaka : en isländsk kulturtradition belyst genom studier i bondebefolkningens vardagsliv och miljö under senare hälften av 1800-talet och början av 1900-taletLeave the NDL website. The Hellenistic polis of Kos : state, economy and culture : proceedings of an international seminar organized by the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University, 11-13 May, 2000Leave the NDL website. Idea and form : studies in the history of artLeave the NDL website. En romantikens kyrkoman Frans Michael Franzén och den andliga förnyelsen i Sverige under förra delen av 1800-taletLeave the NDL website. Appropriating King Arthur : the Arthurian legend in English drama and entertainments 1485-1625Leave the NDL website. Application of decision models to some problems in image analysisLeave the NDL website. Om böjningen av icke-neutrala substantiv i Eskilstunaspråket : inom- och utomspråkligt betingad variation = On the inflexion of non-neuter nouns in the language of Eskilstuna : linguistic and extra-linguistic variationLeave the NDL website. Econometric investment functions and an attempt to evaluate the investment policy in Sweden 1960-1973Leave the NDL website. The songs of Robert Burns : a study of the unity of poetry and musicLeave the NDL website. "On va à la Mouff'?" : étude sur la syntaxe des noms de rues en français contemporainLeave the NDL website. Folkskolans sekularisering 1895-1909 : upplösning av det administrativa sambandet mellan folkskola och kyrka i SverigeLeave the NDL website. The "Enabling of judgement" : Sir Philip Sidney and the education of the readerLeave the NDL website. FAL : Fortbildning i Administration för Läkare : studie av ett personalutvecklingsprojektLeave the NDL website. The underside of the weave: some stylistic devices used by Vladimir NabokovLeave the NDL website. Skola i dialektal miljö : språkanvändning och språkliga attityder i övre DalarnaLeave the NDL website. Yttrandefrihet i radio och skydd för enskilda intressenLeave the NDL website. The dual nature of man : a study in the theological anthropology of Gregory of NazianzusLeave the NDL website. The slaughtered camel : coping with fictitious descent among the Hubeer of Southern SomaliaLeave the NDL website. On passive imperatives in LatinLeave the NDL website. Från utbildningsplanering till kursplaner : den isländska grundskolereformen 1974Leave the NDL website. Camena BoreaLeave the NDL website. Turkisms : in Ivo Andrić's Na Drini ćuprija : Examined from the points of view of literary style and cultural historyLeave the NDL website. An old order and a new : the split world of Liam O'Flaherty's novelsLeave the NDL website. Nadine Gordimer's one story of a state apartLeave the NDL website. Från mekanisk verkstad till internationell industrikoncern : Scania Vabis 1939-1960Leave the NDL website. The making of the Miskitu people of Nicaragua : the social construction of ethnic identityLeave the NDL website. Unemployment in Karnataka South IndiaLeave the NDL website. Högstadieelevers attityd till kristen tro : en religionspsykologisk studie i Åk 9 = High school students' attitude towards Christian faith : a study in the psychology of religion of students in the ninth gradeLeave the NDL website. Photios als Vermittler antiker Literatur : Untersuchungen zur Technik des Referierens und Exzerpierens in der BibliothekeLeave the NDL website. Images of a forest people : Punan Malinau -- identity, sociality, and encapsulation in BorneoLeave the NDL website. Fädernas kyrka : en idéhistorisk studie i folkkyrkotanken hos J.A. Eklund mot bakgrund av sekelskiftets kulturdebattLeave the NDL website. Nordic Junipericolous AscomycetesLeave the NDL website. Dolssor conina : lust, the bawdy, and obscenity in medieval Occitan and Galician-Portuguese troubadour poetry and Latin secular love songLeave the NDL website. Die Distribution der urindogermanischen sogenannten GutturaleLeave the NDL website. Living with bad surroundings : war and existential uncertainty in Acholiland, Northern UgandaLeave the NDL website. English place-names in-steadLeave the NDL website. Martial, book IX : a commentaryLeave the NDL website. Akh - une notion religieuse dans l'Égypte pharaoniqueLeave the NDL website. Die liturgischen Hymnen in SchwedenLeave the NDL website. Conjunction-headed abbreviated clauses in EnglishLeave the NDL website. Productivity and employee ownership : the case of SwedenLeave the NDL website. Staten, ordningen och friheten : en studie av den styrande elitens syn på statens roll mellan stormaktstiden och 1800-taletLeave the NDL website. Die Dryoper : eine Untersuchung der ÜberlieferungLeave the NDL website. Die Gottebenbildlichkeit in der Theologie Helmut Thielickes : Untersuchung eines Beispiels der personalistisch-existentiellen Konzeption der theologischen AnthropologieLeave the NDL website. Distance education at Swedish universities : an evaluation of the experimental programme and a follow-up studyLeave the NDL website. The Peshitta and the versions : a study of the Peshitta variants in Joshua 1-5 in relation to their equivalents in the ancient versionsLeave the NDL website. On political socialization and education : investigations into an argumentation for a good political belief systemLeave the NDL website. Willa Cather's childrenLeave the NDL website. The Aramaic portions of the Pesiqta de Rab Kahana, according to MS Marshall Or.24 : the oldest known manuscript of the Pesiqta de Rab Kahana : with English translation, commentary and introductionLeave the NDL website. Den heliga Birgitta och den helige Petrus av Skänninge Officium parvum beate Marie Virginis : vår Frus tidegärdLeave the NDL website. Religion and personality integrationLeave the NDL website. Arabic borrowings in Şūrayt/Ṭūrōyo within the framework of phonological correspondences in comparison with other Semitic languagesLeave the NDL website. The Pahlavi translation technique as illustrated Hộm yaštLeave the NDL website. Borgare, smeder och änkor : ekonomi och befolkning i Eskilstuna gamla stad och fristad 1750-1850Leave the NDL website. Morfologiska tendenser vid språklig interferens med estniska som bas = [Morphologische Tendenzen bei sprachlicher Interferenz mit Estnisch als Grundsprache]Leave the NDL website. Good or bad Scots? : attitudes to optional lexical and grammatical usages in EdinburghLeave the NDL website. New universities and regional context : papers from an International Seminar held at Sundsvall,Sweden 14-18 June, 1992Leave the NDL website. Food and culture among Bolivian Aymara : symbolic expressions of social relationsLeave the NDL website. Stora nordiska kriget förklarat : Karl XII och det ideologiska tilltaletLeave the NDL website. The Multiparadigmatic trend in sociologyLeave the NDL website. Industrialisering och beskattning i Sverige 1861-1914Leave the NDL website. "In a common rejoicing" : liturgical communion with angels in QumranLeave the NDL website. Dialektal väderleksterminologi : ordfältsstudier i Närpes-dialektenLeave the NDL website. Jules Lefèvre-Deumier (1797-1857) et le mythe romantique du génieLeave the NDL website. The significance of Congreve's IncognitaLeave the NDL website. Bysans och Norden : Akta för Nordiska forskarkursen i bysantinsk konstvetenskap 1986Leave the NDL website. David Nyvall and the shape of an immigrant church : ethnic, denominational, and educational priorities among Swedes in AmericaLeave the NDL website. "Hundred flowers bloom" : essays in honour of Bo GustafssonLeave the NDL website. L'inversion dans la principale non-interrogative en français contemporainLeave the NDL website. Co-ordination, Co-operation, and Competition : the creation of common institutions for telecommunicationsLeave the NDL website. Utbildningshistorisk forskning : problem, källmaterial, metodikLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the fifith symposium of Societas Celtologica NordicaLeave the NDL website. Adam Bremensis and Sueonia : a fresh look at Gesta hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificumLeave the NDL website. From Sweden to America : a history of the migration : a collective work of the Uppsala Migration Research ProjectLeave the NDL website. La place de l'adjectif épithète en français contemporain : étude quantitative et sémantiqueLeave the NDL website. Linguistic images of emotions in translation from Polish into Swedish : Henryk Sienkiewicz as a case in pointLeave the NDL website. Semantische Strukturen der Satzgefüge im kausalen und konditionalen BereichLeave the NDL website. La correspondance littéraire 1er janvier-15 juin 1761Leave the NDL website. Vikings in the East : essays on contacts along the road to Byzantium (800-1100)Leave the NDL website. Byråkratisering eller avbyråkratisering : administrativ och samhällsorganisatorisk strukturomvandling inom svenskt vägväsende 1885-1985Leave the NDL website. Lawyers in Gold Coast politics c. 1900-1945 : from Mensah Sarbah to J.B. DanquahLeave the NDL website. Festschrift in honour of Lennart Carleson and Yngve Domar : proceedings of a conference at the Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University, May 1993Leave the NDL website. Det svenska väldet : ett konglomerat av uttrycksformer och begrepp från Vasa till BernadotteLeave the NDL website. Grammar and the advanced learner : on learning and teaching a second languageLeave the NDL website. Ownership reform and corporate governance : the Slovak privatisation process in 1990-1996Leave the NDL website. Rysk civilrättsterminologi i Sovjetunionen : With an English summary : Russian civil law terminology in the Soviet UnionLeave the NDL website. Södermannalagens B-handskrift : textens historia och språkLeave the NDL website. Envisioning American women : the roads to communal identity in novels by women of colorLeave the NDL website. The retention of religious experiencesLeave the NDL website. Le î prosthétique du roumain . Über den griechischen Einfluss auf die arabische NationalgrammatikLeave the NDL website. Networks of Americanization : aspects of the American influence in SwedenLeave the NDL website. Norrbottnisk sågverksindustri 1900-1925 : AB Ytterstfors-Munksund och dess föregångareLeave the NDL website. Sweden and European drama, 1772-1796 : a study of translations and adaptationsLeave the NDL website. The dynamic detective : special interest and seriality in contemporary detective seriesLeave the NDL website. Uppror eller resningar? : samhällsorganisation och konflikt i senmedeltidens SverigeLeave the NDL website. Science,ethics, sustainability : the responsibility of science in attaining sustainable developmentLeave the NDL website. Gregory Bar-Hebraeus's commentary on the book of kings from his storehouse of mysteries : a critical edition with an English translation, introduction and notesLeave the NDL website. Noam Chomsky und die generative Grammatik : eine kritische BetrachtungLeave the NDL website. Form and philosophy in Sándor Weöres' poetryLeave the NDL website. Mentalités, idéologie et comportement politique dans le Chili de Salvador Allende : étude de cas d'un quartier de SantiagoLeave the NDL website. Étude sur l'emploi des temps dans les propositions introduites par quand et lorsque et dann les propositions qui les complètent en français contemporainLeave the NDL website. The children of Maria : adolescent substance abusers, their families and schoolingLeave the NDL website. Animation and reification in Dickens's vision of the life-denying societyLeave the NDL website. Imagines Medievales : studier i medeltida ikonografi, arkitektur, skulptur, måleri och konsthantverkLeave the NDL website. Baudelaire et HoffmannLeave the NDL website. Det vedervärdiga videovåldet : att återupprätta moralisk ordningLeave the NDL website. Das Substantiv und das Adjektiv, das Zahlwort und der bestimmte ArtikelLeave the NDL website. The female reader at the round table : religion and women in three contemporary Arthurian textsLeave the NDL website. The structuralist theory of inflation and structural inflation in Chile, 1950-1972 : the lagging food supply hypothesis revisitedLeave the NDL website. Generators in certain function algebrasLeave the NDL website. Studies on a convolution inequalityLeave the NDL website. De sørgende og begravelsesriten : en religionspsykologisk studieLeave the NDL website. Luther on predestination : the antinomy and the unity between love and wrath in Luther's concept of GodLeave the NDL website. Reflective assent in basic care : a study in nursing ethicsLeave the NDL website. Sefer ʾEmeq ha-bakha = The vale of tears : with the chronicle of the anonymous CorrectorLeave the NDL website. Heterological ethnicity : conceptualizing identities in ancient GreeceLeave the NDL website. The probe of doubt : scepticism and illusion in Shakespeare's playsLeave the NDL website. The River-lake Nilotes : politics of an African tribal groupLeave the NDL website. Franskt i svensk musik 1880-1920 : stilpåverkan hos parisstuderande tonsättare och särskilt hos Emil SjögrenLeave the NDL website. The lichen genus physcia and allied genera in fennoscandiaLeave the NDL website. The problem of nonsense linguisticsLeave the NDL website. The dialect of Dentdale in the West Riding of YorkshireLeave the NDL website. Economics of cult in the ancient Greek world : proceedings of the Uppsala symposium 1990Leave the NDL website. Micro-level analyses of QurʾānLeave the NDL website. The natural sciences and the arts : aspects of interaction from the Renaissance to the 20th century : an international symposiumLeave the NDL website. English nominalizations in -ing : Synchronic and diachronic aspectsLeave the NDL website. Origenes om grunderna och målet : introduktion, översättning, kommentarLeave the NDL website. Escaping the castle of patriarchy : patterns of development in the novels of Gail GodwinLeave the NDL website. Workers and post-secondary education : a cross-polity perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Kings at Karnak : a study of the treatment of the monuments of royal predecessors in the early New KingdomLeave the NDL website. Den poetiska världen : strukturanalytiska studier i den unge Gunnar Ekelöfs lyrikLeave the NDL website. L'emploi des modes dans les propositions complétives étudié dans des textes français de la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècleLeave the NDL website. Temporal clauses in EnglishLeave the NDL website. Similarkomparative Konstruktionen im Finnischen und Estnischen, insbesondere in der modernen Schriftsprache : syntaktischstilistische UntersuchungenLeave the NDL website. Vermeintliche Glosseme in den TusculanenLeave the NDL website. Scandinavian themes in English poetry, 1760-1800Leave the NDL website. Bion of Borysthenes : a collection of the fragments with introduction and commentaryLeave the NDL website. Tomboys, belles, and other ladies : the female body-subject in selected works by Katherine Anne Porter and Carson McCullersLeave the NDL website. Building the nation back up : the politics of identity on the Pine Ridge Indian ReservationLeave the NDL website. Swedish school leavers' oral proficiency in English : grading of production and analysis of performanceLeave the NDL website. Implicit and explicit norm in contemporary Russian verbal stressLeave the NDL website. Stil und Abweichungen : einige syntaktisch-stilistische Merkmale in den Dichtungen D. v. Liliencrons, G. Trakls und Ingeborg BachmansLeave the NDL website. "Walk this way" : verbs of motion in three Finno-Ugric languagesLeave the NDL website. Polyederns gåta : en introduktion till Gunnar Ekelöfs FärjesångLeave the NDL website. Estimation using low rank signal modelsLeave the NDL website. Zwischen Säkularismus und Hierokratie : Studien zum Verhältnis von Religion und Staat in Süd- und OstasienLeave the NDL website. Le parler de Senneville-sur-FécampLeave the NDL website. Body and space : symbolic models of unity and division in African cosmology and experienceLeave the NDL website. Reforming higher education and external studies in Sweden and AustraliaLeave the NDL website. Materialbeskrivning och analys på språkdragsnivåLeave the NDL website. Öststatsforskning en tvärvetenskaplig disciplinLeave the NDL website. Kyrkan och nazismen : ekumeniska aktioner mot nazismen, 1933-1934 = Kirche und Nationalsozialismus : ökumenische Aktionen gegen den Nationalsozialismus, 1933-1934Leave the NDL website. Die Überlieferung der lateinischen BasiliusregelLeave the NDL website. Frihandelns dilemma : aktörer och intressen i den offentliga politiken kring textil- och konfektionsindustrierna under åren 1970-1983Leave the NDL website. The Orphic voice : T.S. Eliot and the Mallarmean quest for meaningLeave the NDL website. Les origines du structuralismeLeave the NDL website. Gods och gård 1650-1680 : Magnus Gabriel De la Gardies godsbildning och godsdrift i VästergötlandLeave the NDL website. Li ver del juïse : sermon en vers du XIIe siècleLeave the NDL website. Dziesięć lat językoznawstwa polskiego, 1956-1965 : Próba bibliografiiLeave the NDL website. Paths to power and patterns of influence : the Dravidian parties in South Indian politicsLeave the NDL website. Language in society : eight sociolinguistic essays on BalochiLeave the NDL website. Human rights in the U.N. declarationLeave the NDL website. Étude sur la concurrence entre les groupes du type les côtes de France--les côtes de la France--les côtes françaises en français contemporainLeave the NDL website. The use of 11[C]-labelled malonic esters in rapid-labelling synthesisLeave the NDL website. Organization of manpower training in international package deals : temporary organizations for transfer of technologyLeave the NDL website. Kapitalbildning i Sverige 1750-1860 : godsenLeave the NDL website. Русские деривационные суффиксыLeave the NDL website. Passage to a new wor(l)d : exile and restoration in Mahmoud Darwish's writings 1960-1995Leave the NDL website. Explaining coalitions : evidence and lessons from studying coalition formation in Swedish local governmentLeave the NDL website. Dygd idag? : Erik H. Eriksons teori om att mogna som människaLeave the NDL website. Uppsala general catalogue of galaxies : data for 12,921 galaxies north of [Greek small letter delta] =-2[0]30ʹLeave the NDL website. Near Eastern destruction datings as sources for Greek and Near Eastern Iron Age chronology : archaeological and historical studies : the cases of Samaria (722 B.C.) and Tarsus (696 B.C.)Leave the NDL website. Spectral theory for pairs of differential operatorsLeave the NDL website. Trois fonctions de l'exil dans les œuvres de fiction d'Albert Camus : initiation, révolte, conflit d'identitéLeave the NDL website. Habitat dioramas : illusions of wilderness in museum of natural historyLeave the NDL website. Etik och biståndspolitik : en konstruktion av bedömningsgrund för inriktningen av svensk bidtåndspolitikLeave the NDL website. Utbildningsexpansion : en studie över den högre utbildningens expansion och ekonomins strukturella omvandling i Sverige under efterkrigstidenLeave the NDL website. Politik, nykterhet och reformer : en studie i folkrörelsernas politiska verksamhet 1900-1920Leave the NDL website. Identification of stochastic continuous-time systems : algorithms, irregular samplimg and cramér-rao boundsLeave the NDL website. Geschichten und Geschichte : Historiographie und Hagiographie in der asiatischen ReligionsgeschichteLeave the NDL website. Middle English nicknames in the Lay Subsidy Rolls for WarwickshireLeave the NDL website. Some and any in spoken and written EnglishLeave the NDL website. Ovids Metamorphosen und die Politik des KaisersLeave the NDL website. On the chemical fate of nascent [11]C atoms induced by irradiation of water and aqueous solutions with 185 MeV protonsLeave the NDL website. Recent Finnish loanwords in Jukkasjärvi LappishLeave the NDL website. Toward a world Lutheran communion : Developments in Lutheran cooperation up to 1929Leave the NDL website. Carolina Rediviva : byggnadens historia från 1810-talet till 1980-taletLeave the NDL website. The formation of abstract nouns in the Uralic languagesLeave the NDL website. Doktoranders studiesituation : en undersökning vid Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Uppsala universitetLeave the NDL website. English in speech and writing : a symposiumLeave the NDL website. Makuna social organization : a study in descent, alliance, and the formation of corporate groups in the north-western AmazonLeave the NDL website. Från konfrontation till institution : Ungkyrkorörelsen, 1912-1917Leave the NDL website. Four Irish legendary figures in At Swim-Two-Birds : a study of Flann O'Brien's use of Finn, Suibhne, the Pooka, and the Good FairyLeave the NDL website. Rektorsfunktionen i grundskolan : vision-verklighetLeave the NDL website. The stylistic evaluation of Aeschines in antiquityLeave the NDL website. Livstolkning i den obligatoriska skolans urval av psalmer och religiösa sånger 1889-1980 : Attitudes to life in the selections of hymns and religious songs used in the Swedish compulsory school 1889-1980Leave the NDL website. Guds ledning : en explorativ religionspsykologisk studie av fromheten hos ett antal västerbottniska åldringar, med särskild hänsyn tagen till upplevelsen av Guds ledningLeave the NDL website. La coordination des propositions conditionnelles en français contemporainLeave the NDL website. Gerechtigkeitsethos und rhetorische Kunst in Grillparzers Ein Bruderzwist in HabsburgLeave the NDL website. Between peace and justice : dispute settlement between Karaboro agriculturalists and Fulbe agro-pastoralists in Burkina FasoLeave the NDL website. Giacomo Torelli and Baroque stage designLeave the NDL website. How the basic human needs of patients are met ; Analysis, testing and application of Maslow's motivation theory for patient careLeave the NDL website. De stora krigens tid : om Sverige som militärstat och bondesamhälle = The era of the Great Wars : Sweden as a military state and its agrarian societyLeave the NDL website. Den Offentliga sektorns expansion : teori- och metodproblem : bidrag från ett tvärvetenskapligt symposium i Uppsala 9-12 mars 1976 anordnat med stöd av Statens råd för samhällsforskningLeave the NDL website. Den svenska inkomstfördelningens utvecklingLeave the NDL website. From the Gustavianum collections in Uppsala, 1974Leave the NDL website. Utopias of nation : local mass killing in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1941-42Leave the NDL website. The Tractarian understanding of the EucharistLeave the NDL website. The inevitable equation : the antithetic pattern of Theodore Dreiser's thought and artLeave the NDL website. Expressions of future in present-day English : a corpus-based approachLeave the NDL website. Prolegomena till en textkritisk edition av magister Mathias' Homo conditusLeave the NDL website. The genus Maytenus (Celastraceae) in NE tropical Africa and tropical ArabiaLeave the NDL website. Stirring life : women's paths and places among the Kasena of Northern GhanaLeave the NDL website. Subjective vision and human relationships in the novels of Rosamond LehmannLeave the NDL website. Contraction in British newspapers in the late 20th centuryLeave the NDL website. The capital crisis and labour : perspectives on the dynamics of working-class consciousness in CanadaLeave the NDL website. Markets, politics, and globalizationLeave the NDL website. From ethnic response to clan identity : a study of state penetration among the Somali nomadic pastoral society of northeastern KenyaLeave the NDL website. Exzipierend-einschränkende Ausdrucksweisen untersucht besonders auf Grund hochdeutscher Bibelübersetzungen bis zum Aufang des 16. JahrhundertsLeave the NDL website. Lönearbete eller egen jord? : den svenska lantarbetarrörelsen och jordfrågan 1908-1936Leave the NDL website. Constructing a post-Soviet international political reality : Russian foreign policy towards the Newly Independent States, 1990-95Leave the NDL website. К проблеме использования печатных изданий греческих текстов при исследовании древних спавянских переводов : на примере славянского перевода Паренесиса Ефрема Сирина = On the problem of using printed editions of Greek texts for studying old Slavonic translations : with the example of the Slavonic translation of Ephrem the Syrian's ParaenesisLeave the NDL website. Verben mit der Bedeutung "Benutzen" im Russischen : Untersuchung einer lexikalisch-semantischen GruppeLeave the NDL website. Biblicism, apokalyptik, utopi : Adventismens historiska utformning i USA samt dess svenska utveckling till o. 1939Leave the NDL website. Faktoranalys av ordinala variablerLeave the NDL website. The use of personal designations and their interpretationLeave the NDL website. Regional identitet och förändring i den regionala samverkans samhälle : föredrag och diskussioner vid Kulturgeografiska institutionens vid Upppsala universitet symposium 1-3 december 1977Leave the NDL website. The end of a legend : Ellen Glasgow's history of Southern womenLeave the NDL website. Mensurens betydelse i öppna labialpipor : studier av resonansegenskaper, insvängningsförlopp och stationärt spektrum = The significance of the scaling in open flue organ pipes : investigations od resonance properties, starting transient and stationary spectrumLeave the NDL website. L'homme est le bourgeois, le prolétaire, c'est la femme : un examen des phrases d'identité de forme A est B et A, c'est BLeave the NDL website. Folk i rörelse : samhällsutveckling, flyttningsmönster och folkrörelser i Eskilstuna 1870-1900Leave the NDL website. Emancipation's dead-end roads? : studies in the formation and development of the Hungarian model for agriculture and gender (1956-1989)Leave the NDL website. The persisitence of Christian realism : a study of the social ethics of Ronald H. PrestonLeave the NDL website. Den stora ölkartellen : branschorganisering och kartellbildning i bryggeriindustrin 1885-1914Leave the NDL website. Crime and social control in medieval and early modern Swedish townsLeave the NDL website. Risker och människolivets värde : en etisk analysLeave the NDL website. India, Pakistan or Pakhtunistan? : the nationalist movements in the North-West Frontier Province, 1937-47Leave the NDL website. Företagets anpassning till förändringar i omgivande system : en studie av massa- och pappersindustrinLeave the NDL website. Archaic economy and modern society : on the archaic mode of being and production with a perspective on the gift as a factor of underdevelopment, and selected fieldnotes concerning the Sinhalese system of castes, kinship, and propertyLeave the NDL website. Regionutvecklings- och lokaliseringsprocesser : beslut och handling i kommunal näringspolitik och industriell lokaliseringLeave the NDL website. Religion och tryckfrihet i Sverige 1809-1840 = Religion and freedom of the press in Sweden 1809-1840Leave the NDL website. Det Moderna Skandinaviens framväxt : bidrag till de nordiska ländernas moderna historia = Aspects of the rise of modern ScandinaviaLeave the NDL website. Reversing language shift in the far north linguistic : revitalization in Northern Scandinavia and FinlandLeave the NDL website. Specimens of American Finnish : a field study of linguistic behaviorLeave the NDL website. Folkmakt, folkfront, folkdemokrati : de svenska kommunisterna och demokratifrågan 1943-1977Leave the NDL website. Studien zur Syntax und Bemerkungen zum Text der Vita Theodori SyceotaeLeave the NDL website. Goya, Saturn and melancholy : studies in the art of GoyaLeave the NDL website. The book of hours of Johannete Ravenelle and the Parisian book illumination around 1400Leave the NDL website. The function of the sentence particles in old and middle HittiteLeave the NDL website. Swinburne's flowers of evil : Baudelaire's influence on Poems and ballads, first seriesLeave the NDL website. Democracy, legitimacy, and the European UnionLeave the NDL website. Swedish "travellers" and their ancestry : a social isolate or an ethnic minority?Leave the NDL website. Malcolm Lowry's infernal paradiseLeave the NDL website. Ismael i öknen : Strindberg som mystikerLeave the NDL website. Fysikämnet i svensk realskola och grundskola : kartläggning och alternativ ur fysikdidaktisk synvinkelLeave the NDL website. The merchant houses of Stockholm, c. 1640-1800 : a comparative study of early-modern entrepreneurial behaviourLeave the NDL website. Études sur Léontios de NéapolisLeave the NDL website. Studien zur Ideengeschichte der GesetzgebungLeave the NDL website. Parasites as plant taxonomists : proceedings of a symposium held in Uppsala, August 25-27 1978, in commemoration of Carolus Linnaeus, Carl Peter Thunberg, Elias FriesLeave the NDL website. Diplomati och industriellt genombrott : svenska exportsträvanden på Kina 1906-1916Leave the NDL website. Zum Konjunktiv im Deutschen um 1800Leave the NDL website. Om Filostratos och hans Apollonios-biografiLeave the NDL website. Velazquez' Las Hilanderas : an explication of a picture regarding structure and associationsLeave the NDL website. Ionians in Pasargadae : studies in old Persian architectureLeave the NDL website. Studies in Swedish post-war industrial investmentsLeave the NDL website. Intertextualität und Phraseologie in den drei Versionen der Panne von Friedrich Dürrenmatt : Aspekte von Groteske und IronieLeave the NDL website. Deciphering the meaning of revealed law : the Surūshian paradigm in Shiʾi epistemologyLeave the NDL website. Les karaïtes d'EuropeLeave the NDL website. Stephen Crane : uncollected writingsLeave the NDL website. Zur Distribution und Leistung des Pronominaladverbs : das Pronominaladverb als Bezugselement eines das Verb ergänzenden Nebensatzes/InfinitivsLeave the NDL website. The Caliciales of boreal North America : taxonomy, ecological and distributional comparisons with Europe, and ultrastructural investigations in some speciesLeave the NDL website. Lexical characteristics in Swedish EstonianLeave the NDL website. Control and influence relationships in multinational corporations: The subsidiary's viewpoint : Application of the resource dependence perspective for studying power relationships in multinational corporationsLeave the NDL website. Territory, pastoralists, and livestock : resource control among the Kisongo MaasaiLeave the NDL website. Gotland i blickpunkten : en kritisk överblick över nyare litteratur om gotländska ortnamnLeave the NDL website. Disciplin, kritikrätt och rättssäkerhet : studier kring militieombudsmannaämbetets (MO) doktrin- och tillkomsthistoria 1901-1915Leave the NDL website. Anglo-Irish and Irish literature : aspects of language and culture : proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of the International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature, held at Uppsala University, 4-7 August, 1986Leave the NDL website. The relative merits of goodness and originality : the ethics of storytelling in Peter Carey's novelsLeave the NDL website. Vad är idrottandets mening? : en kunskapssociologisk granskning av idrottens utveckling och läromedel samt en organisationsdidaktisk kompetensanalysLeave the NDL website. On system identification and acoustic echo cancellationLeave the NDL website. The effects of capital taxation : an equilibrium asset market approachLeave the NDL website. The lichen genus Chaenotheca in the northern hemisphereLeave the NDL website. In the first person and in the house : the house chronotope in four works by American women writersLeave the NDL website. Freyr's offspring : rulers and religion in ancient Svea societyLeave the NDL website. Sprachverwandtschaft und Wahrscheinlichkeit : Ausgewählte Schriften neu veröffentlicht zum 70. Geburtstag des Verfassers 22. Juli 1964Leave the NDL website. Translation as linear transduction : models and algorithms for efficient learning in statistical machine translationLeave the NDL website. Patterns of societal development in IcelandLeave the NDL website. Väckelse och kyrkans reform : från religiös sällskapsbildning i Stockholm till inre mission och samfund 1771-1858Leave the NDL website. A phonological study of Korean : with a historical analysisLeave the NDL website. Les problèmes des couples mariés dans La Comédie humaine d'Honoré de BalzacLeave the NDL website. Korpusanalyse mit einem Exkurs über Aktionalität im deutschen VerbalformsystemLeave the NDL website. Baroque dreams : art and vision in Sweden in the era of greatnessLeave the NDL website. Researching the languages of IrelandLeave the NDL website. Om ogift samboende i Sverige : med tonvikt på samtida förhållandenLeave the NDL website. The Mataco of the Gran Chaco ; An ethnographic account of change and continuity in Mataco Socio-Economic organizationLeave the NDL website. Le retentissement de la poésie de Hâfez en France : réception et traductionLeave the NDL website. Reindeer-herd management in transition : the case of Tuorpon Saameby in Northern SwedenLeave the NDL website. Ethnic minority problems in Nigerian politics : 1960-1965Leave the NDL website. Studien zum ostfriesischen MittelniederdeutschLeave the NDL website. The Religion of the ancient Egyptians : cognitive structures and popular expressions : proceedings of symposia in Uppsala and Bergen, 1987 and 1988Leave the NDL website. Ingrian Finnish : dialect preservation and changeLeave the NDL website. Niederdeutsch auf friesischem Substrat : die Mundart von Westerhever in Eiderstedt (Schleswig-Holstein) : die Starktonigen Vokale und die DiphthongeLeave the NDL website. The two wings of wisdom : mysticism and philosophy in the Risâlat uṭ-ṭair of Ibn SinaLeave the NDL website. The giant race before the flood : Pre-Restoration drama on the stage and in the criticism of the RestorationLeave the NDL website. Folkvisans upptäckare : receptionsstudier från Montaigne och Schefferus till HerderLeave the NDL website. Religion and politics in Chile : an analysis of religious modelsLeave the NDL website. The Shakespearean ideal : Shakespeare production and the modern theatre in BritainLeave the NDL website. Особенности развития русской лексики в новейший период : (на материале газет) = Some distinctive features of the development of russian vocabulary following perestroika : (based on newspaper language)Leave the NDL website. The soul under stress : a study of the poetics of John Berryman's Dream songsLeave the NDL website. Essays on social action and social structureLeave the NDL website. Allmosa eller socialförsäkring : en socialrättslig skissLeave the NDL website. Staten, samhället och superiet : samhällsorganisatoriska principer och organisatorisk praktik kring dryckenskapsprolemet och nykterhetssträvandena i stat, borgerlig offentlighet och associationsväsende c:a 1770-1900Leave the NDL website. Buddhism among Tamils in Tamil̲akam and Īl̲amLeave the NDL website. Livlands kyrkostyrelse, 1622-1695 : reformsträvanden, åsiktsbrytningar och kompetenstvister i teori och praxisLeave the NDL website. Bridewealth, women and land : social change among the Gusii of KenyaLeave the NDL website. Accounting for overheads : critique and reformsLeave the NDL website. The element -stōw in the history of the EnglishLeave the NDL website. Högerns kvinnor : problem och resurs för Allmänna valmansförbundet perioden 1900-1936/1937Leave the NDL website. Minority languages in Scandinavia, Britain and IrelandLeave the NDL website. Orientering mot ledarskap : analys av en chefsutbildning för läkareLeave the NDL website. Face to face with the absent Buddha : the formation of buddhist aniconic artLeave the NDL website. Augustinian perspectives in the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. Transgena organismer i naturen : ekologiska och etiska perspektivLeave the NDL website. Вариативное глагольное управление в русском языке первой трети XIX века = Variations in Russian verbal government 1800-1840Leave the NDL website. Limit theorems for sums of random raviablesLeave the NDL website. Выражение направления при приставочных глаголах перемещения в современном русском языке : к вопросу префиксально-предложного детерминизмаLeave the NDL website. Etiska argument i den svenska freds- och försvarsdebatten under åren 1957-1970Leave the NDL website. Livsåskådnings-forskning : föreläsningar hållna vid nordiskt symposium anordnat av teologiska fakulteten vid Uppsala universitet 7-10 januari 1977Leave the NDL website. De aktuella Kyrkobegreppen i Sverige : en undersökning med särskild hänsyn till problemet kyrka och statLeave the NDL website. Johan Hinric Lidén : lärd och resenär = J. H. Lidén, Gelehrter und BildungsreisenderLeave the NDL website. Från fädernejorden till förfäders land : Estlandssvenskt bondfolks rymningar till Stockholm 1811-1834 : motiv, frekvens, personliga konsekvenserLeave the NDL website. Theodore Roethke, William Stafford, and Gary Snyder : the ecological metaphor as transformed regionalismLeave the NDL website. Rubrik pråket på Dagens Nyhters förstasidor I-II : Zusammenfassung : Die Sprache der Überschriften in der Zeitung Dagens NyheterLeave the NDL website. La sintassi dei pronomi relativi in italiano moderno : con particolare riguardo alla concorrenza tra CHE e PREP. + CUI/IL QUALE nella proposizione relativa ad antecedente temporaleLeave the NDL website. Why do countries break up? : the case of YugoslaviaLeave the NDL website. Dark matter in open clustersLeave the NDL website. Sami language at home and at school : a fieldwork perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Personalutveckling i arbetslivet och återkommande utbildning : några problem och utvecklingsmöjligheterLeave the NDL website. Kvinnliga konstnärer i Sverige : en undersökning av elever vid Konstakademin, inskrivna 1864-1924, deras rekrytering, utbildning och verksamhetLeave the NDL website. God as a remover of obstacles : a study of Caiva soteriology among Īḻam Tamiḻ refugees in Stockholm, SwedenLeave the NDL website. Women and economic justice : ethics in feminist liberation theology and feminist economicsLeave the NDL website. Borgerskap och burskap : om näringsprivilegier och borgerskapets institutioner i Stockholm 1820-1846Leave the NDL website. Aspects of multilingualism : proceedings from the fourth Nordic Symposium on Bilingualism, 1984Leave the NDL website. Linodlare, väverskor och köpmän : linne som handelsvara och försörjningsmöjlighet i det tidiga 1800-talets HälsinglandLeave the NDL website. Fornvästnordiska förleder i omljudsperspektiv : with a summary : first elements of compounds in Old West Scandinavian from the viewpoint of mutationLeave the NDL website. Josuaboken : en programskrift för davidisk restaurationLeave the NDL website. Greule Golch und Geigerich : die Nabelschnur zur Sprach-Wirklichkeit in der grotesken Lyrik von Christian MorgensternLeave the NDL website. La correspondance littéraire, 1er janvier-15 juin 1760Leave the NDL website. Ekonomisk tillväxt och social differentiering 1680-1860 : bondeklassen i By socken, Kopparbergs länLeave the NDL website. Rättvisans och allmogens beskyddare : den absoluta staten, kommissionerna och tjänstemännen, ca 1680-1730Leave the NDL website. Geraldine Jewsbury's Athenaeum reviews : a mirror of mid-Victorian attitudes to fictionLeave the NDL website. Literatur und Revolution : Untersuchungen zur Frage des literarischen Engagements in Zeiten des politischen UmbruchsLeave the NDL website. Die himmlische Götterfamilie der alten LettenLeave the NDL website. I am Tsunki : gender and shamanism among the Shuar of western AmazoniaLeave the NDL website. The Duke of Alba's Castilian Bible : a study of the rabbinical features of the miniaturesLeave the NDL website. Från fred till krig : de finansiella problemen kring krigsutbrottet år 1700Leave the NDL website. G.E. Moore's analyses of beauty : an impasse and a way outLeave the NDL website. Berliner Leihgabe griechischer PapyriLeave the NDL website. Le médecin et la médecine dans le théâtre comique français du XVIIe siècleLeave the NDL website. Finska participattribut i svensk översättningLeave the NDL website. Hur orkar man i det svaraste? : copingprocesser hos sjukhussjälavardare i möte med existentiell problematik : en religionspsykologisk studieLeave the NDL website. Three Baltic loanwords in Fennic . On adversative coordination in ancient Greek and as a universal linguistic phenomenonLeave the NDL website. Inheriting the 1990s : the Baltic countriesLeave the NDL website. Essais sur la création littéraire de George Sand d'après un roman remanié : LéliaLeave the NDL website. I väntan på uppbrott? : Bondeförbundet/Centerpartiet i regeringskoalitionens slutskede 1956-1957Leave the NDL website. Teresa från Avila och religionspsykologienLeave the NDL website. Prästeståndet och religionsdebatten, 1786-1800 = Geistlicher Stand und Religionsdebatte, 1786-1800Leave the NDL website. Heymericus de Campo : Dyalogus super Reuelacionibus beate Birgitte : a critical edition with an introductionLeave the NDL website. Composition de l'ouvrage textes et traductionsLeave the NDL website. Le type avoir besoin : étude sur la coalescence verbo-nominale en françaisLeave the NDL website. Tungotal och andedop : en religionspsykologisk undersökning av glossolali hos finlandssvenska pingstvännerLeave the NDL website. Studien zur Erzähltechnik in den Novellen V. M. GaršinsLeave the NDL website. Psychopathy : a history of the concepts : analysis of the origin and development of a family of concepts in psychopathologyLeave the NDL website. A prison-house of myth? : symptomal readings in Virgin land, The madwoman in the attic, and The political unconsciousLeave the NDL website. Designing space-time codes using orthogonal designsLeave the NDL website. Crediting marvels in Seamus Heaney's Seeing ThingsLeave the NDL website. Ljusets riddarvakt : 1800-talets studentsång utövad som offentlig samhällskonstLeave the NDL website. Hjalmar Gullberg och beredskapslitteraturen : studier i svensk dikt och politisk debatt 1933-1942Leave the NDL website. Le Pourquoi du récit : Étude d'un roman inachevé de Balzac, Les PaysansLeave the NDL website. Den medeltida fakulteten och dess historiska bakgrundLeave the NDL website. The abhorrence of love : studies in rituals and mystic aspects in Catullus' poem of AttisLeave the NDL website. Fonetiska kännetecken på lånord i nysvenska riksspråket : Facsimiletryck av 1887 års upplagaLeave the NDL website. Family and household in Iceland 1801-1930 : studies in the relationship between demographic and socio-economic development, social legislation and family and household structuresLeave the NDL website. The myth of paradigm-shift, or, How to lie with methodologyLeave the NDL website. Jaget och världen : Kosmiska analogier i svensk 1900-talslyrikLeave the NDL website. Existentialismen i Sverige : mottagande och inflytande 1900-1950Leave the NDL website. Les troupes françaises à Stockholm, 1699-1792 : listes de répertoireLeave the NDL website. Le temps futur en français moderneLeave the NDL website. Den ofullkomliga traditionen : bilden av Ingermanlands kvinnliga runotraditionLeave the NDL website. Islamic art and culture in sub-Saharan AfricaLeave the NDL website. Social policy and health insurance in South Korea and Taiwan : a comparative hisorical approachLeave the NDL website. Kyrkoförvaltningsproblem i Estland, 1561-1700Leave the NDL website. Two models of welfare : the origins and development of the welfare state in Sweden and New Zealand, 1888-1988Leave the NDL website. The seduction theoryLeave the NDL website. The ordeal of Richard Feverel and the traditions of realismLeave the NDL website. "Wir graben den Schacht von Babel" oder Kafkas "Urteil" : Versuch einer semasiologisch-textlinguistischen AnalyseLeave the NDL website. From colonial expression to export commodity : English-Canadian literature in Canada and Sweden 1945-1999Leave the NDL website. Meaning by metaphor : an exploration of metaphor with a metaphoric reading of two short stories by Stephen CraneLeave the NDL website. The life of St Philaretos the Merciful written by his grandson Niketas : a critical edition with introduction, translation, notes, and indicesLeave the NDL website. On religious experience : a psychological studyLeave the NDL website. I idéernas värld : en analys av omvårdnad som vetenskap och grund för en professionell utbildningLeave the NDL website. Integrated morphemics : a short outline of a theory of morphemicsLeave the NDL website. Zum bestimmten Artikel in den inselnordfriesischen Mundarten von Föhr und AmrumLeave the NDL website. Davenant's adaptations of ShakespeareLeave the NDL website. Giacomo Torelli and Baroque stage designLeave the NDL website. Лексика русских старообрядческих говоров : (на материале, собранном в латгалии и на житомирщине) = The lexicon of russian old-belivers : (based on material from latgale and the žitomir area)Leave the NDL website. Swedish contribution to the Polish resistance movement during World War Two (1939-1942)Leave the NDL website. Rättsvetenskapliga studier ägnade minnet av Phillips Hult = Stdies in law dedicated to the memory of Phillips HultLeave the NDL website. A history of Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Relative infinitives in EnglishLeave the NDL website. Centralmakt och domsmakt : studier kring den högsta rättskipningen i kung Magnus Erikssons länder 1319-1355Leave the NDL website. Semantic relations in Swedish children's early sentencesLeave the NDL website. Repetition in EnglishLeave the NDL website. Notes on general and Russian morphologyLeave the NDL website. An ultra-thin-walled superconducting solenoid for Meson-decay physicsLeave the NDL website. Dreiser looks at ScandinaviaLeave the NDL website. Interprétation des textesLeave the NDL website. Pokolenie 68 : studium o poezji polskiej lat siedemdziesiątych = Generation 68 : studies in Polish poetry of the '70sLeave the NDL website. Kommunism på svenska? : SKP/VPK:s idéutveckling efter KominternLeave the NDL website. Persian writing on music : a study of Persian musical literature from 1000 to 1500 ADLeave the NDL website. Kortstavighet och stavelseförlängning : hur några av de gamla kortstaviga orden erhållit sin form i svenskt riksspråkLeave the NDL website. Non-linear structural equation models : simulation studies of the Kenny-Judd modelLeave the NDL website. Towards an understanding of the nature and processes of management accounting changeLeave the NDL website. Red--white--black as a mode of thought : a study of triadic classification by colours in the ritual symbolism and cognitive thought of the peoples of the Lower CongoLeave the NDL website. Ecofeminism and environmental ethics : an analysis of ecofeminist ethical theoryLeave the NDL website. Uppsala contributions to business researchLeave the NDL website. "Frightened by a word" : Shirley Jackson and lesbian gothicLeave the NDL website. Stadsplanering som professionellt verksamhetsfålt : En studie av yrkesgrupper och deras arbeteLeave the NDL website. Tres problemas de concordancia verbal en el español modernoLeave the NDL website. Stories of old : the imagined West and the crisis of historical symbology in the 1970sLeave the NDL website. Church and society in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. The economic growth in Iceland, 1910-1980 : a productivity studyLeave the NDL website. English in the elementary school : theoretical and empirical aspects of the early teaching of English as a foreign languageLeave the NDL website. Aristotle in the Greek gnomological traditionLeave the NDL website. Sculpture and society : a study of the connection between the free-standing sculpture and society on Kos in the Hellenistic and Augustan periodsLeave the NDL website. "There's a bad time coming" : ecological vision in the fiction of D.H. LawrenceLeave the NDL website. Kyrklig dogmatik : den kristna trosåskådhningen med särskild hänsyn till det eskatologiska motivet och den frälsningshistoriska grundsynenLeave the NDL website. The verbs varda and bliva in Scandinavian : With special emphasis on SwedishLeave the NDL website. Female corporeal performances : reading the body in Byzantine passions and lives of holy womenLeave the NDL website. Studia slavica Gunnaro Gunnarsson sexagenario dedicataLeave the NDL website. Les phrases qui contiennent une complétive : ébauche d'un systèmeLeave the NDL website. A modular tool architecture for worst-case execution time analysisLeave the NDL website. Executive behaviourLeave the NDL website. Domestic disharmony and industrialization in D.H. Lawrence's early fictionLeave the NDL website. Religion, democratic values and political conflict : Festschrift in honor of Thorleif PetterssonLeave the NDL website. Inbjudan till de offentliga högtidligheter vid vilka professorn i tyska språket Lars Hermodsson, professorni nordiska språket Lennart Moberg, professorn i obstetrik och gynekologi Carl Gemzell, installeras i sina åmbetenLeave the NDL website. The adventures of Harry Richmond : the unpublished partsLeave the NDL website. The heart and soul of the party : candidate selection in Ghana and AfricaLeave the NDL website. Life-giving blessing : an inquiry into the eucharistic doctrine of Cyril of AlexandriaLeave the NDL website. The unwomanly woman in Bernard Shaw's drama and her social and political backgroundLeave the NDL website. On transient release of electromagnetic energyLeave the NDL website. La concurrence entre l'infinitif et la subordonnée complétive introduite par que en français contemporainLeave the NDL website. Albert Schweitzers etisk-religiösaideal : Zusammenfassung : Das ethischrekigiöse Ideal Albert SchweitzersLeave the NDL website. In the pathless forest : John Gardner's literary projectLeave the NDL website. Rättsutvecklingen och de juridiska yrkesrollerna : föredrag och diskussioner vid juridiska fakultetens vid Uppsala universitet symposium 2-4 februari 1977Leave the NDL website. Fachprosa, vermeintliche Volkssprache und Neues Testament : Zur Beurteilung der sprachlichen Niveauunterschiede im nachklassischen GriechischLeave the NDL website. De svenska legationspredikanterna i KonstantinopelLeave the NDL website. An odyssey to freedom : four themes in Colin Wilson's novelsLeave the NDL website. Mål och mening i samhällets : Funktionalistiska program i samhälletsvetenskapenLeave the NDL website. Interfirm linkages in a developing economy : the case of Swedish firms in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Avskrifter och skrivare : studier i fornsvenska lagtexterLeave the NDL website. Solidaritet och partitaktik : den svenska arbetarrörelsen och spanska inbördeskriget 1936-1939Leave the NDL website. A revolution in biologyLeave the NDL website. Liberty, equality, and fraternity in Wordsworth, 1791-1800Leave the NDL website. Nominalavledningar på ahka i lulesamiskanLeave the NDL website. Profession or occupational culture? : an ethnological study of the textile conservators' working conditions at the museumsLeave the NDL website. Ösels kyrkoforvaltning, 1645-1710;kompetenstvister och meningsmotsattningar rörande funktionssättetLeave the NDL website. Krig och kön : feministisk etik och den moraliska bedömningen av militärt våld = War and gender : feminist ethics and the moral judgement of military violenceLeave the NDL website. Un miroir aux alouettes? : stratégies pour la traduction des métaphoresLeave the NDL website. Une "histoire secrète" à matière nordique : Gustave Vasa, histoire de Suède (1697) : roman attribué à Charlotte-Rose de Caumont La Force (vers 1650-1724)Leave the NDL website. Nechet und Nil : ein ägyptischer Frauensarg des Mittleren Reiches aus religionsökologischer SichtLeave the NDL website. En teori om staten och de offentliga utgifternaLeave the NDL website. William Hogarth's portrait of Captain Coram : studies on Hogarth's outlook around 1740Leave the NDL website. Aspects of ancient Egyptian curses and blessings : conceptual background and transmissionLeave the NDL website. Sven Lidman om människan och Gud : en innehållsanalytisk undersökningLeave the NDL website. Dödsteman : läsningar av Rilke Edfelt LindegrenLeave the NDL website. Finnish loanwords in Jukkasjärvi Lappish classified according to their meaning : Supplement to Recent Finnish loanwords in Jukkasjärvi LappishLeave the NDL website. Verbs and War Scroll : studies in the Hebrew verbal system and the Qumran War ScrollLeave the NDL website. Analysis of some methods for identifying dynamic errors-in-variables systemsLeave the NDL website. Kyrkans enhet och papalismen. Zusammenfassung : Die Einheit der Kirche und der PapalesmusLeave the NDL website. Rural labor and population change : social and demographic developments in East-central Sweden during the nineteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Problems of religious experienceLeave the NDL website. A world made safe : values in American best sellers, 1895-1920Leave the NDL website. Studies in the prevalence of religious beliefs and religious practice in contemporary SwedenLeave the NDL website. Approaching the culture of toys in Swedish child care : a literature survey and a toy inventoryLeave the NDL website. Gyllensten i hjärtats öken : strövtåg i lars gyllenstens författarskap, särskilt grottan i öknenLeave the NDL website. Sven Lidmans omvändelse : frälsningsupplevelse och omvändelseprocess 1915-1921 : en religionspsykologisk studieLeave the NDL website. Ludus Heliconius and other Latin poemsLeave the NDL website. Reflections and elaborations upon Kantian aestheticsLeave the NDL website. Some aspects of control in international businessLeave the NDL website. On the brink : English novels of 1866Leave the NDL website. Instruction and the development of moral judgmentLeave the NDL website. Kitāb al-ʾaxlāq Wa-s-siyar, ou, Risāla fī mudāwāt an-nufūs wa-tahḏīb al-ʾaxlāq wa-z-zuhd fī r-raḏāʾilLeave the NDL website. The life of St Andrew the FoolLeave the NDL website. Stadsflyttare : industrialisering, migration och social mobilitet med utgångspunkt från Halmstad, 1870-1910Leave the NDL website. Les mots et le corps : étude des procés d'écriture dans l'œuvre de Tahar Ben JellounLeave the NDL website. Taking a step back : assessments of the psychology of religionLeave the NDL website. Rape and religion in English Renaissance literature : a topical study of four texts by Shakespeare, Drayton, and MiddletonLeave the NDL website. Day care and children's development : the relations among direct teaching, communicative speech, cognitive performance, and social participationLeave the NDL website. Gender-related terms in English depositions, examinations and journals, 1670-1720Leave the NDL website. L'emploi des modes dans la subordonnée relative en français moderneLeave the NDL website. On Corinthian iconography : the bridled winged horse and the helmeted female head in the sixth century BCLeave the NDL website. Guide to A corpus of English dialogues, 1560-1760Leave the NDL website. Understanding an act of God : an essay in philosophical theologyLeave the NDL website. Socialhjälpstagande : utveckling och orsaker 1945-1965 : med en intensivundersökning av hjälptagandet i UppsalaLeave the NDL website. Uncertainty and economic distance : Studies in international businessLeave the NDL website. Trade and dependency : studies in the expansion of EuropeLeave the NDL website. Johan Ihre on the origins and history of the Runes : three latin dissertations from the mid 18th centuryLeave the NDL website. Ideologie und Macht : eine Analyse von Antonio Gramscis QuaderniLeave the NDL website. Punishment as a crime? : perspectives on prison experience in Russian cultureLeave the NDL website. Den himmelska föräldern : ett studium av kvinnans betydelse i och för Lars Levi Laestadius' teologi och förkunnelseLeave the NDL website. Wolffianismens genombrott i Uppsala : Frihetstida universitetsfilosofi till 1700-talets mittLeave the NDL website. Verbvalenz : Untersuchungen am Beispiel des deutschen Verbs mit einer kontrastiven Analyse Deutsch-SchwedischLeave the NDL website. Religion och metafysik : Axel Hägerströms och Anders Nygrens religionsteorier och dessas inflytande i svensk religionsdebattLeave the NDL website. Stenåker och ängsmark : erotiska motiv och homosexuella skildringar i Tove Janssons senare litteraturLeave the NDL website. Place de l'adverbe déterminant un infinitif dans la prose du français contemporainLeave the NDL website. Från adlig uppfostran till borgerlig utbildning : Kungl. krigsakademien mellan åren 1792 och 1866Leave the NDL website. John Wesley and the Bible : a psychological studyLeave the NDL website. Das Leben des heiligen Narren SymeonLeave the NDL website. Anatomy and taxonomy in Polygonaceae subfam. Polygonoideae Meisn. emend. JaretzkyLeave the NDL website. Vepsän suffiksoituneet postpositiot : kieliopillisiin sijoihin liittyvä suffiksoituminenLeave the NDL website. Medeltida UppsalabibliotekLeave the NDL website. Shakespeare's early comedies : myth, metamorphosis, mannerismLeave the NDL website. Eros, logos, and (fictional) masculinityLeave the NDL website. Греческо-старославянский конкорданс к дребнейшим спискам славянского перевода eвангелий = Greek-Old Church Slavic concordance to the oldest versions of the translation of the gospel texts : (codices Marianus, Zographensis, Assemanianus, Ostromiri)Leave the NDL website. Under två kulturers ok Allmogeskildringar i den polska och svenska 1800- och 1900- talslitteraturenLeave the NDL website. Studien über J. S. Bachs Sonaten für ein Melodieinstrument und obligates CembaloLeave the NDL website. Den Kristna människosynenLeave the NDL website. Psychological studies on religious man : [to the honour of Hjalmar Sundén 28th of November, 1978]Leave the NDL website. Sprachwechselprozeß in der Niederlausitz : soziolinguistische Fallstudie der deutsch-sorbischen Gemeinde Drachhausen/HochozaLeave the NDL website. Öländskt och uppsvenskt : en ordoch ortnamnsgeografisk studie över uppsvenska dragpå Öland ochlängs Götalands östkustLeave the NDL website. Lapponica et Uralica : 100 Jahre finnisch-ugrischer Unterricht an der Universität Uppsala ; Vorträge am Jubiläumssymposium 20.-23. April 1994Leave the NDL website. Economic doctrines of David DavidsonLeave the NDL website. Studies in the Syriac prefaceLeave the NDL website. Five plays about King JohnLeave the NDL website. Schnitzler in Schweden : zur Rezeption seiner WerkeLeave the NDL website. L'emploi des formes fortes des pronoms personnels pour désigner des choses en français moderneLeave the NDL website. The periphrastic, completive and finite use of the present participle in Latin : With special regard to translations of Christian texts in Greek up to 600 A.DLeave the NDL website. Die Gottesgestalt der lettischen VolksreligionLeave the NDL website. Stig Larssons idé- och romanvärld : with a summary in EnglishLeave the NDL website. Från tillväxt till trygghet : tio års debatt om strukturpolitikens mål och medelLeave the NDL website. Phonology, morphology, word-formationLeave the NDL website. Det traditionella och det "andra" universitetet : en början till samspel?Leave the NDL website. Aspects of structure, technique and quest in Aldous Huxley's major novelsLeave the NDL website. Samvetets politik : Natanael Beskow och hans omvärld intill 1921Leave the NDL website. Zur Textkritik der TusculanenLeave the NDL website. Religions in transition : mobility, merging and globalization in contemporary religious adhesionsLeave the NDL website. On the function of abstract nouns in LatinLeave the NDL website. Mellan krona och marknad : utländska och svenska entreprenörer inom svensk järnhantering från ca 1580 till 1700Leave the NDL website. Berzelius och den kemiska atomteorin = Berzelius and the chemical atomic theoryLeave the NDL website. The Frontiers of human knowledge : lectures held at the quincentenary celebrations of Uppsala University, 1977Leave the NDL website. La construction li filz le rei et les constructions concurrentes avec a et de étudiées dans des œuvres littéraires de la seconde moitié du XIIe siècle et du premier quart du XIIIe siècleLeave the NDL website. The genesis of the modern Bulgarian literary languageLeave the NDL website. Processor pipelines and static worst-case execution time analysisLeave the NDL website. Die Kategorien Aspekt und Aktionsart im Russischen und im DeutschenLeave the NDL website. Le groupe substantif + préposition + substantif en français contemporain : étude sémantique et syntaxiqueLeave the NDL website. Polygyny : a cross-cultural studyLeave the NDL website. From institutional life to community participation : ideas and realities concerning support to persons with intellectual disabilityLeave the NDL website. The anti-representational response : Gertrude Stein's Lucy Church amiablyLeave the NDL website. Könshierarkier i gungning : kvinnor i kunskapsföretagLeave the NDL website. A Khamsa of Nizami of 1439 : origin of the miniatures- a presentation and analysisLeave the NDL website. Teknologins nytta : motiveringar för det svenska tekniska utbildningsväsendets framväxt framförda av riksdagsmän och utbildningsadministratörer, 1810-1870Leave the NDL website. Architecture and society in Hecatomnid Caria : proceedings of the Uppsala symposium, 1987Leave the NDL website. Svensk lutherdom i österled : relationer till ryska och baltiska diasporaförsamlingar och minoritetskyrkor 1883-1941 = Schwedisches Luthertum im OstenLeave the NDL website. Management studies in an academic contextLeave the NDL website. Gifts to the gods : proceedings of the Uppsala symposium 1985Leave the NDL website. Officerarna och det svenska samhället 1650-1700Leave the NDL website. Karl Heim on philosophy, science, and the transcendence of GodLeave the NDL website. Press mot friheten : opinionsbildning i de svenska tidningarna och åsiktsbrytningar om minoriteter 1772-1786Leave the NDL website. Strejkbryteriet och arbetets frihet : en studie av svensk arbetsmarknad fram till 1938 = [Strike-breaking and the freedom of labour : a study of the Swedish labour market up to 1938]Leave the NDL website. A Middle Helladic village : Asine in the ArgolidLeave the NDL website. Värdeförandring och kontinuitet i tre generationerLeave the NDL website. From the Gustavianum collections in Uppsala, 2, 1978 : the collection of classical antiquities : history and studies of selected objectsLeave the NDL website. System and repertoire in Sakata medicine : Democratic Republic of CongoLeave the NDL website. Att förändras av utbildning : om stabilitet och utveckling vid religionsvetenskaplig linjeLeave the NDL website. The China cantos of Ezra PoundLeave the NDL website. Spätlese : germanistische AufsätzeLeave the NDL website. Persian orthography : modification or changeover? (1850-2000)Leave the NDL website. The "structuring forces" of detection : the cases of C.P. Snow and John FowlesLeave the NDL website. Kazak refugees in Turkey : a study of cultural persistence and social changeLeave the NDL website. Political posters in Ethiopia and Mozambique : visual imagery in a revolutionary contextLeave the NDL website. Preterite and past participle forms in English 1680-1790 : standardisation processes in public and private writingLeave the NDL website. L'emploi temporel dans la complétive au subjonctif introduite par un temps du passé en français contemporainLeave the NDL website. Vägen till makten : SAP:s organisation och dess betydelse för den politiska verksamheten 1900-1933Leave the NDL website. Sammanhangets mening : en empirisk studie av livsåskådningar i föreställningar om genteknik och i berättelser om barnlöshet, assisterad befruktning och adoptionLeave the NDL website. Från kyrko- och hovmusik till offentlig konsertLeave the NDL website. L'histoire de la littérature néogrecque : la période jusqu'en 1821Leave the NDL website. African art : an aesthetic inquiryLeave the NDL website. Frihet, jämlikhet, egendom och Bentham : utvecklingslinjer i svensk folkundervisning mellan feodalism och kapitalism, 1809-1860Leave the NDL website. Über Sprache und Stil des Periegeten PausaniasLeave the NDL website. A mode of melancholy : a study of William Styron's novelsLeave the NDL website. Den effektiva arbetstiden : verkstäderna och arbetsintensitetens problem 1900-1920Leave the NDL website. Mobilising the novel : the literature of imperialism and the First World WarLeave the NDL website. Eigentumsrecht, ein Recht oder ein Unrecht? : eine kritische Beurteilung der ethischen Argumente für das Privateigentum bei Aristoteles, Thomas von Aquino, Grotius, Locke, Hegel, Marx und in den modernen katholischen SozialenzyklikenLeave the NDL website. Jesuitische Anthropologie und Erziehungslehre in der Frühzeit des Ordens (ca. 1540-ca. 1650)Leave the NDL website. The genus Wahlenbergia S. Lat. (Campanulaceae) in tropical Africa and MadagascarLeave the NDL website. Comparative etymological studies in the Western Neo-Syriac (Ṭūrōyo) lexicon : with special reference to homonyms, related words and borrowings with cultural significationLeave the NDL website. Lost illusions : Russian policies towards Bulgaria in 1877-1887Leave the NDL website. Kleine Beiträge zur Germanistik : Festschrift für John Evert HärdLeave the NDL website. International transfers of managers in multinational corporationsLeave the NDL website. SKP och Komintern 1921-1924 : motsättningarna inom Sveriges Kommunistiska parti och dess relationer till den Kommunistiska internationalenLeave the NDL website. Clocks, DBMs and states in timed systemsLeave the NDL website. Allmänna kyrkliga mötet 1908-1973 : målsättning och funktion = The general assembly of the Church of Sweden 1908-1973 : purpose and functionLeave the NDL website. Gnomica BasileensiaLeave the NDL website. Употребление краткой формы страдательного причастия прошедшего времени в современном русском языкеLeave the NDL website. A prosopographical catalogue of individuals and groups ; The use of personal designations and their interpretationLeave the NDL website. The reception of religious television : social semeiology applied to an empirical case studyLeave the NDL website. Festivus applausus in Caroli XII in Pomeraniam suam adventumLeave the NDL website. Officium parvum beate Marie Virginis : Vår Frus tidegärd utgiven med inledning och översättning av Tryggve LundénLeave the NDL website. SyntaxLeave the NDL website. A prosopographical catalogue of individuals and groupsLeave the NDL website. En industri kommer till stan : Hudiksvall och trävaruindustrin 1855-1876Leave the NDL website. Nominalpräpositionen untersucht besonders an Hand deutscher und niederländischer Urkunden 1250-1550Leave the NDL website. Modalité, cognition et polysémie : sémantique du verbe modal "devoir"Leave the NDL website. Das Persische im Codex CumanicusLeave the NDL website. Socialisation och mening : no-utbildning som politiskt och miljömoraliskt problemLeave the NDL website. Estructura informativa en español : estudio sintáctico y entonativoLeave the NDL website. Ideologi och socialpolitik i 1800-talets Sverige : fyra studier = [Ideology and social policy]Leave the NDL website. Vadstena klosters bibliotek : ny katalog och nya forskningsmöjligheter = The Monastic library of medieval Vadstena : a new catalogue and new potentials for researchLeave the NDL website. The exchange of cotton : Ugandan peasants, colonial market regulations and the organisation of international cotton trade, 1904-1918Leave the NDL website. Das ideale Dasein bei Tibull und die Goldzeitkonzeption VergilsLeave the NDL website. Applied LogicLeave the NDL website. Legal science today : proceedings from the Uppsala 1977 International Conference on Legal Science Today : five lectures on the present and future situation of legal science, held at the Uppsala Faculty of Law on Sept. 27 and 28, 1977, in connection with the quincentenary of Uppsala UniversityLeave the NDL website. In the shoes of a soldier : communication in Tim O'Brien's Vietnam narrativesLeave the NDL website. Tornedalsfinska ord ur dialektgeografisk synvinkelLeave the NDL website. The saving passion : incarnational and soteriological thought in Cyril of Alexandria's Commentary on the Gospel according to St. JohnLeave the NDL website. Boken i skolan : en analys med särskild inriktning på bibliotekets funktion i grundskolanLeave the NDL website. The musical-poetic method of Carl Michael BellmanLeave the NDL website. Standing and running riggingLeave the NDL website. Performance and perception of notational variants : a study of rhythmic patterning in musicLeave the NDL website. A method for measuring perceptual distances between different vowel qualities : some identification tests using Russian /e/ variants and Swedish subjectsLeave the NDL website. Im Dickicht der Gebote : Studien zur Dialektik von Norm und Praxis in der Buddhismusgeschichte AsiensLeave the NDL website. The Marxist theory of ideology : a conceptual analysisLeave the NDL website. Studien über die Sprache der langobardischen Gesetze : Beiträge zur frühmittelalterlichen LatinitätLeave the NDL website. Introduction to a theory of language planningLeave the NDL website. The collection of classical antiquities (Antiksamlingen) : studies of selected objectsLeave the NDL website. Bibeln i kristen etik : en analys av olika uppfattningar om relationen mellan Bibeln och kristen etikLeave the NDL website. Hermann Brochs Der Tod des Vergil : studier i romanens källor, struktur och idéinnehållLeave the NDL website. Beloved communities : solidarity and difference in fiction by Michael Ondaatje, Toni Morrison, and Joy KogawaLeave the NDL website. Kingship in the early Mesopotamian onomasticon 2800-2200 BCELeave the NDL website. Irrigation water management : a performance study of the Rahad Scheme in Sudan, 1977-1996Leave the NDL website. Miscellanea Celtica in memoriam Heinrich WagnerLeave the NDL website. The Quaternary history of the North SeaLeave the NDL website. Λειμων : studies presented to Lennart Rydén on his sixty-fifth birthdayLeave the NDL website. Presbyterian reunion in Scotland, 1907-1921 : its background and developmentLeave the NDL website. Curriculum as a political problem : changing educational conceptions, with special reference to citizenship educationLeave the NDL website. A metaphysics for theology : a study of some problems in the later philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead and its application to issues in contemporary theologyLeave the NDL website. Knowledge interplay : user-oriented research dissemination through synthesis pedagogicsLeave the NDL website. A bridge of words : a term list based on the study and classification of compounding operations in Avot Yeshurun's later poetry (1974-1992) concerning the notion of בית (home/house)Leave the NDL website. The story of progressLeave the NDL website. Tanzania's financial experience in the post-war periodLeave the NDL website. Frikyrkorna, arbetarfrågan och klasskampen : frikyrkorörelsens hållning till arbetarnas fackliga och politiska kamp åren kring sekelskiftetLeave the NDL website. Att förstå livsåskådningar : en metateoretisk analys av teologisk livsåskådningsforskning med anknytning till Anders Jeffners ansatserLeave the NDL website. The rural poor : agrarian changes and survival strategies in Chile, 1973-1989Leave the NDL website. Firms in networks : a new perspective on competitive powerLeave the NDL website. Unio mystica : Probleme der Erfahrung bei Johannes TaulerLeave the NDL website. Analyses of consciousness as well as observation, volition and valuationLeave the NDL website. Svensk krigsfinansiering 1630-1631Leave the NDL website. Consuls, corsairs, and commerce : the Swedish consular service and long-distance shipping, 1720-1815Leave the NDL website. Studies in Dravidian phonology and vocabularyLeave the NDL website. La constellation de Thespis : présence du théâtre et dimension métathéâtrale dans l'œuvre dramatique de Victor HugoLeave the NDL website. Bemerkungen zum Leben des heiligen Narren Symeon von Leontios von NeapolisLeave the NDL website. Silence or suppression : attitudes towards women in the Old TestamentLeave the NDL website. Partipolitik och regionala intressen 1775-1776 : studier kring det bottniska handelstvångets hävandeLeave the NDL website. Att få andas och kunna möta : förutsättningar för målorientering inom öppen barn- och ungdomspsykiatrisk verksamhetLeave the NDL website. Der Begriff des Lebens im "Timaios" Platons unter Berücksichtigung seiner früheren PhilosophieLeave the NDL website. The orphan : tragic form in Thomas OtwayLeave the NDL website. Från prästtionden till reglerad lön : Pastoraliekonventionerna i Uppsala ärkestift 1810-1862Leave the NDL website. Swedish firms and management contractsLeave the NDL website. Idrottens väg till folkrörelse : studier i svensk idrottsrörelse till 1915Leave the NDL website. Паренесис Ефрема Сирина : к истории славянского перевода = Ephrem the Syrian's Paraenesis : a contribution to the history of the Slavic translationLeave the NDL website. Studien zum Partitivgebrauch in den ostseefinnischen SprachenLeave the NDL website. An aesthetics of the popular arts : an approach to the popular arts from the aesthetic point of viewLeave the NDL website. Grappling with patriarchies : narrative strategies of resistance in Miriam Tlali's writingsLeave the NDL website. Contamination and interpolation : a study of the 15th century Columella manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. Uso e non-uso dell'articolo davanti a nomi di Stati di Continenti nell'italiano contemporaneoLeave the NDL website. Att förklara det oförklarliga : en livsåskådningsstudie om människors tolkningar av paranormala fenomen i en vetenskaplig tidsålderLeave the NDL website. Theory and taste : four studies in aestheticsLeave the NDL website. Die beiden edelmetalle Gold und SilberLeave the NDL website. More children of better quality? : aspects on Swedish population policy in the 1930'sLeave the NDL website. Svenska personnamnsstudierLeave the NDL website. Identity : personal and socio-cultural : a symposiumLeave the NDL website. Kyrkosynen i Einar Billings teologi : Zusammenfassung, die Kirchenauffassung Einar Billings im Rahmen seiner TheologieLeave the NDL website. Den lokala scenen : Torstuna härad som lokalsamhälle under 1600-taletLeave the NDL website. Der Kodex Trier 810/1338 : Studien zur einer Eifler Plenarhandschrift aus dem Jahre 1464Leave the NDL website. Församlingstanken i Svenska missionsförbundet : en studie i den nyevangeliska rörelsens sprängning och Svenska missionförbundets utveckling till o. 1890Leave the NDL website. Samtal med den värdefulla naturen : ett studium av miljöetiken hos Knud Løgstrup, Holmes Rolston III och Hans JonasLeave the NDL website. Skirting the subject : pursuing language in the works of Adrienne Rich, Susan Griffin, and Beverly DahlenLeave the NDL website. The scope and limits of John Macquarrie's existential theologyLeave the NDL website. Fröknar, mamseller, jungfrur och pigor : ogifta kvinnor i det svenska ståndssamhälletLeave the NDL website. Alain Robbe-Grillet, les sables mouvants du texteLeave the NDL website. La conception du temps dans deux romans de Claude SimonLeave the NDL website. Simultan tvåspråkighet i svensk-finsk kontextLeave the NDL website. The emerging theory of the firmLeave the NDL website. Romans interpreted : a comparative analysis of the commentaries of Barth, Nygren, Cranfield and Wilckens on Paul's Epistle to the RomansLeave the NDL website. Schöpfung, Vernunft und Gesetz in Luthers TheologieLeave the NDL website. Venerabilis & adorabilis eucharistia : en studie i den lutherska nattvardsläran under 1500-taletLeave the NDL website. Four eighteenth-century medical dissertations under the presidency of Nils RosénLeave the NDL website. Under the cloak : [the acceptance of Christianity in Iceland with particular reference to the religious attitudes prevailing at the time]Leave the NDL website. Reformulation et conversation : de la sémantique du topos aux fonctions interactionnellesLeave the NDL website. Fattighushjonets värld i 1800-talets StockholmLeave the NDL website. Scandinavian social democracy : its strength and weaknessLeave the NDL website. A drama of souls : studies in O'Neill's super-naturalistic techniqueLeave the NDL website. Praefatio in HomerumLeave the NDL website. Ungkyrkomännen, arbetarfrågan och nationalismen, 1901-1911Leave the NDL website. Studies in verbal aspect and narrative technique in biblical Hebrew proseLeave the NDL website. A monograph of the genus Microcoelia (Orchidaceae)Leave the NDL website. Neo-Latin literature in Sweden in the period 1620-1720 : stylistics, vocabulary and characteristic ideasLeave the NDL website. Farbbezeichnungen in deutschen Modetexten : eine morphologisch-semantische UntersuchungLeave the NDL website. Almost homogeneous functions : a theoretical and empirical analysis with special emphasis on labour input : the case of Swedish manufacturing industriesLeave the NDL website. Bodily practices and medical identities in Southern ThailandLeave the NDL website. Zur Substantivflexion im Thüringischen des 14. und 15. JahrhundertsLeave the NDL website. Livsvillkor, livsformer, utbildning : en kommunstudie i pedagogisk perspektivLeave the NDL website. Die Gliederung des Konjunktivs in Grammatiken der deutschen SpracheLeave the NDL website. De fyra elementen : studier i Johannes Edfelts diktning från Högmässa till Bråddjupt eko = [Die vier Elemente] : [Studien zur Dichtung Johannes Edfelts]Leave the NDL website. Socialité, sexualité et les impasses de l'histoire : l'évolution de la thématique sandienne d'Indiana (1832) à Mauprat (1837)Leave the NDL website. Hieronymus BoschLeave the NDL website. Imām Rūḥullāh Khumainī, Šāh Muḥammad Riẓā Pahlavī and the religious traditions of IranLeave the NDL website. Nordic Sordariaceae s. latLeave the NDL website. Le poète masqué et démasqué : étude sur la mise en valeur du poète sincère dans la poétique du classicisme et du préromantismeLeave the NDL website. Cataclysm as catalyst : the theme of war in William Faulkner's fictionLeave the NDL website. Skinnare i Malung : från hemarbete till fabriksindustriLeave the NDL website. Culture, experience and pluralism : essays on African ideas of illness and healingLeave the NDL website. Inspiration and katharsis : the interpretation of Aristotle's The poetics VI, 1449 b 26Leave the NDL website. Swenske songer 1536 : vår första bevarade evangeliska psalmbokLeave the NDL website. A catalogue and its users : a symposium on the Uppsala C Collection of medieval manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. Die Zeit als strukturelles Element im literarischen WerkLeave the NDL website. Trois sakkoi byzantins : analyse iconographiqueLeave the NDL website. Nation and novel : a study of persian and Kurdish narrative discourseLeave the NDL website. Prédication, assertion, information : actes du colloque d'Uppsala en linguistique française, 6-9 juin 1996Leave the NDL website. Die umgekehrte Perspektive und die Fluchtachsenperspektive : eine Untersuchung der Zeichen für Raum und Körper in Kinderzeichnungen und anderen BildernLeave the NDL website. Byzantine 12th century frescoes in Kastoria : Agioi Anargyroi and Agios Nikolas tou KasnitziLeave the NDL website. Aspectos estructurales de El Moro expósito del duque de RivasLeave the NDL website. "Ungerska för rötternas skull" : språkval och identitet bland andragenerationens ungrare i Sverige och FinlandLeave the NDL website. Analytica : studies in the description and analysis of musicLeave the NDL website. On stress assignment and vowel reduction in contemporary standard RussianLeave the NDL website. The genus Bidens (Compositae) in NE tropical AfricaLeave the NDL website. Stökiga studenter : social kontroll och identifikation vid universiteten i Uppsala, Dorpat och Åbo under 1600-taletLeave the NDL website. Societas Celtologica Nordica : proceedings of inaugural meeting and first symposium, 26 May 1990 at Uppsala UniversityLeave the NDL website. Distance education and the training of primary school teachers in TanzaniaLeave the NDL website. Intransitivizations in LatinLeave the NDL website. Teoretiska utgångspunkter och analys på språkartsnivåLeave the NDL website. Relative constructions in early sixteenth century English : with special reference to Sir Thomas ElyotLeave the NDL website. Verbe et adverbe : étude sur le système verbal indicatif et sur le système de certains adverbes de temps à la lumière des relations verbo-adverbiales dans la prose du français contemporainLeave the NDL website. Breast-feeding and reproduction : studies in marital fertility and infant mortality in 19th century Finland and SwedenLeave the NDL website. Homage to Ireland : aspects of culture, literature and languageLeave the NDL website. Företaget, kommunen och individen : en studie i relationerna mellan Söderfors bruk AB och Söderfors kommun och dess invånare 1895-1925Leave the NDL website. Peacock's progress : aspects of artistic development in the novels of Thomas Love PeacockLeave the NDL website. Svenskan i latinska originaldiplom 1300-1325 : en studie i medeltida skrivvanorLeave the NDL website. The cultural context of business : a study of firms in northern Nigerian societyLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie zur Geschichte des MusikdrucksLeave the NDL website. Die Wirtschaftliche Aufbau-Vereinigung (WAV) 1945-53 : Entwicklung und Politik einer undoktrinären politischen Partei in der Bundesrepublik in der ersten NachkriegszeitLeave the NDL website. Disciplinära strategier : en historiesociologisk studie av det professionella militärdisciplinära tänkesättet, 1901-1978Leave the NDL website. Gunnar Ekelöf's open-form poem, A Mölna elegy : problems of genesis, structure and influenceLeave the NDL website. Structure and dynamics in chemistry : proceedings from symposium held at Uppsala, Sweden, 22-27.9.1977Leave the NDL website. Problems of an empirical sociology of knowledgeLeave the NDL website. Die Vermittlungstheologie : ihre theologischen Grundbegriffe, kritisch UntersuchtLeave the NDL website. International industrial purchasing : channels, interaction, and governance structuresLeave the NDL website. Anacharsis : the legend and the apophthegmataLeave the NDL website. Cultural exchange between European nations during the Renaissance : proceedings of the Symposium arranged in Uppsala by the Forum for Renaissance Studies of the English Department of Uppsala University, 5-7 June 1993Leave the NDL website. Swedish lichenology : dedicated to Roland MobergLeave the NDL website. Arbetets mål och värde : en analys av ideologiska uppfattningar hos LO, TCO och SAF i 1970-talets debatt om arbetsorganisation och datoriseringLeave the NDL website. Les valets de chambre nouvellistes : comédie inédite en cinq actes et en prose, écrite à Stockholm vers 1701Leave the NDL website. Det saliga bytet : frälsningsschema och frälsarbild i teologihistorienLeave the NDL website. The Quaternary history of the BalticLeave the NDL website. W poszukiwaniu utraconej ojczyzny : obraz Litwy i Bialorusi w twórczości wybranych polskich pisarzy emigracyjnych : Florian Czarnyszewicz, Michal Kryspin Pawlikowski, Maria Czapska, Czeslaw Milosz, Józef MackiewiczLeave the NDL website. General Introduction (Inga and Robin Hägg), Bibliography (Robin Hägg), Geological Background (Dieter Bannert) and a Report on the Field-work in the Levendis Sector, 1970-72 (Inga Hägg)Leave the NDL website. Reading and writing Krio : proceedings of a workshop held at the Institute of Public Administration and Management, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, 29-31 January, 1990Leave the NDL website. Inventions, innovations and economic growth in Sweden : an appraisal of the Schumpeterian theoryLeave the NDL website. Protestant work ethics : a study of work ethical theories in contemporary Protestant theologyLeave the NDL website. Lässvårigheter och emotionell störningLeave the NDL website. Trésors de la tradition orale Sakata : proverbes, mythes, légendes, fables, chansons et devinettes de SakataLeave the NDL website. Estetik i förvandling : estetik och litteraturhistoria i Uppsala från P.D.A. Atterbom till B.E. MalmströmLeave the NDL website. The reputation of John Donne, 1779-1873Leave the NDL website. Résonances de la recherche : festskrift till Sigbrit SwahnLeave the NDL website. Studies in the language of Qoheleth : with special emphasis on the verbal systemLeave the NDL website. Mummeries of resurrection : the cycle of Osiris in Finnegans WakeLeave the NDL website. Elizabeth Gaskell's Mary Barton and Ruth : a challenge to Christian EnglandLeave the NDL website. Las construcciones condicionales en castellano contemporáneoLeave the NDL website. The place-name, Lewes : a study of its early spelling and etymologyLeave the NDL website. The pillars of apartheid : land tenure, rural planning and the chieftancyLeave the NDL website. Social differentiering och kommunalpolitik : Enköping 1863-1919Leave the NDL website. Döden och den svarta oxen : symbolspråk och värderingarLeave the NDL website. Pirottaea (Discomycetes inoperculati) : a critical reviewLeave the NDL website. Greek gods and figurines : aspects of the anthropomorphic dedicationsLeave the NDL website. Langage et référence : mélanges offerts à Kerstin Jonasson à l'occasion de ses soixante ansLeave the NDL website. Personhood and Agency : the experience of self and other in African cultures : papers presented at a Symposium on African Folk Models and Their Application, held at Uppsala University, August 23-30, 1987Leave the NDL website. Dichtung und Wissenschaft : Studien zu Robert Musils Romanen "Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törless" und "Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften"Leave the NDL website. Dualism and Hierarchy in Lowland South AmericaLeave the NDL website. Marknadens väv : svenska mekaniserade bomullsväverier i distribution och försäljning 1850-75Leave the NDL website. Aspects of macro-sociological methodologyLeave the NDL website. The pyramids : between life and death : proceedings of the workshop held at Uppsala University, Uppsala, May 31-June 1, 2012Leave the NDL website. Verbalrektion in den "Vest-Kuranty" (1600-1660) : eine historisch-philologische Untersuchung zur mittelrussischen SyntaxLeave the NDL website. Stochastic resonance and noise-assisted signal transfer : on coupling-effects of stochastic resonators and spectral optimization of fluctuations in random network switchesLeave the NDL website. In pursuit of ethnic politics : voters, parties and policies in Kenya and ZambiaLeave the NDL website. Dietrich Buxtehudes geistliche Vokalwerke : Texte, Formen, GattungenLeave the NDL website. Delen och helheten : företags- och industrihistorisk forskning under fyra årtiondenLeave the NDL website. The revolution in the North : Soviet ethnography and nationality policyLeave the NDL website. Att studera i ett främmande land : en studie av motiv och studiesituation bland utländska studerande vid svenska högskolorLeave the NDL website. Fautes de français : fautes commises à l'écrit par des apprenants suédois au niveau universitaire : analyse quantitative, qualitative et corrélationnelleLeave the NDL website. "Oppressive narrowness" : a study of the female community in George Eliot's early writingsLeave the NDL website. Die visio intellectualis als Erkenntnisweg und -ziel des Nicolaus CusanusLeave the NDL website. Monumentvårdens begynnelse : restaurering och friläggning av antika monument i Rom 1800-1830Leave the NDL website. Towards a theory of verb stem formation and conjugation in modern Russian : with an excursus on so-called e-o alternations and mobile vowelsLeave the NDL website. Finds from the Levendis Sector, 1970-72Leave the NDL website. The Vikings : proceedings of the symposium of the Faculty of Arts of Uppsala University, June 6-9, 1977Leave the NDL website. Adel i förvandling : adliga strategier och identiteter i 1800-talets borgerliga samhälleLeave the NDL website. Epic tradition and innovation in James Macpherson's FingalLeave the NDL website. Mutual aid in the arts from the Second empire to Fin de siècleLeave the NDL website. The state of state : an inquiry concerning the role of invisible hands in politics and civil societyLeave the NDL website. Kamelaukion et mitra : insignes byzantins impériaux et ecclésiastiquesLeave the NDL website. Herakles on Thasos : the archaeological, literary and epigraphic evidence for his sanctuary, status and cult reconsideredLeave the NDL website. Evocatio deorum : historical and mythical interpretations of ritualised conquests in the expansion of ancient RomeLeave the NDL website. Anaphylactic shock : pathophysiology of aggregate and cytotropic anaphylaxis in the monkeyLeave the NDL website. Präpositionale und kasuelle Zeitangaben auf die Frage`wann' im gegenwärtigen DeutschLeave the NDL website. Christian social ethics in a revolutionary age : an analysis of the social ethics of John C. Bennett, Heinz-Dietrich Wendland and Richard ShaullLeave the NDL website. Balthasar Hubmaier : seine Stellung zu Reformation und Täufertum, 1521-1528Leave the NDL website. Vill du frihet eller tvång? : svensk försäkringspolitik 1935-1945Leave the NDL website. Kamares : a study of the character of palatial Middle Minoan potteryLeave the NDL website. Gene therapy and ethicsLeave the NDL website. Facets of power and its limitations : political culture in Southeast AsiaLeave the NDL website. The mandative subjunctive in American and British English in the 20th centuryLeave the NDL website. Recent research on the internationalization of business : proceedings from the annual meeting of the European international business association, Uppsala, Sweden, December 14-17, 1977Leave the NDL website. Föräldraperspektiv på skolan : en analys från två hållLeave the NDL website. The object in pre-predicative position in SwedishLeave the NDL website. Aufhebung zur Eigentlichkeit : zur problematik kosmologischer eschatologiin der Theologie Karl RahnersLeave the NDL website. Patterns of queenship in ancient Egyptian myth and historyLeave the NDL website. Mind and meaning : towards a theory of the human mind considered as a system of meaning structuresLeave the NDL website. Studies on absolutely comvergent fourier seriesLeave the NDL website. Chapungu : the bird that never drops a feather : male and female identities in an African societyLeave the NDL website. Studier i änglabildens utformning och funktion under den kristna kyrkans första årtusendeLeave the NDL website. The Slavonic translation of the Apocryphal Infancy Gospel of ThomasLeave the NDL website. Pięć lat językoznawstwa polskiego, 1966-1970 : próba bibliografii = Five years of Polish linguistics, 1966-1970 : a bibliographyLeave the NDL website. Wolfgang Koeppen als zeitkritischer ErzählerLeave the NDL website. Carpathian UstilaginalesLeave the NDL website. Felix Gattel's early Freudian cases, and the astrological origin of the anal theoryLeave the NDL website. In search of the state : an ethnography of public service provision in urban NigerLeave the NDL website. Andreas Stobaeus : two panegyrics in verseLeave the NDL website. The Global ArtWorld inc. : on the globalization of contemporary artLeave the NDL website. Se oli kurja käya koulusa : bruket av inre och yttre lokalkasus i sverigefinska skolbarns språkLeave the NDL website. Belonging to others : cultural construction of womanhood among Muslims in a village in BangladeshLeave the NDL website. Modes of construction and their change through validation and invalidationLeave the NDL website. Two kinds of syntactic-semantic value-loading in EnglishLeave the NDL website. Från etableringsfas till konsolidering : Svensk akademisk litteraturundervisning 1890-1946Leave the NDL website. Makro-ekonomisk planering : orsaker och utvecklingLeave the NDL website. 1844 and the Shut door problemLeave the NDL website. Die Grundschrift der Testamente der zwölf Patriarchen : eine Untersuchung zu Umfang, Inhalt und Eigenart der ursprünglichen SchriftLeave the NDL website. "--Nápred i názad se ogledát" Razgówori ob wladátelystwu (1663-1666) Juraja Križanicia i ich spójność tematyczno-argumentacyjnaLeave the NDL website. Lage und Form der GräberLeave the NDL website. De finska sjönamnen i Korpilombolo sockenLeave the NDL website. Buddhism among Tamils in pre-colonial Tamil̲akam and Īl̲amLeave the NDL website. The intellectual development of Henry David ThoreauLeave the NDL website. Veils of irony : the development of narrative technique in women's novels of the 1790sLeave the NDL website. Sågarnas ö : Alnö och industrialiseringen 1860-1910Leave the NDL website. A catalogue of photoelectric magnitudes and colours of visual double and multiple systems : presented to the Royal Society of Sciences of Uppsala September 18th, 1981Leave the NDL website. Emotional and electrodermal reactions to the suffering of another : vicarious instigation and vicarious classical conditioningLeave the NDL website. Lexical characteristics of the Estonian North Eastern coastal dialectLeave the NDL website. Ethnographic practice and public aid : methods and meanings in development cooperationLeave the NDL website. Erotic pathos, rhetorical pleasure : narrative technique and mimesis in Eumathios Makrembolites' Hysmine & HysminiasLeave the NDL website. Images of regeneration : a study of Shakespeare's The tempest and its cultural backgroundLeave the NDL website. Huomioita Suomen mainoskielestäLeave the NDL website. Ögonblicket-det förvandlande : en religionspsykologisk studie av en livsavgörande gudsupplevelse i Gunnar Edmans livLeave the NDL website. Jorden är mörk och svart : vad som rör pastorer inom Svenska Missionsförbundet när de ska predika om samhälletLeave the NDL website. The dramatic works of Lillian Hellman : doctoral dissertationLeave the NDL website. Violence, power, and justice : a feminist contribution to Christian sexual ethicsLeave the NDL website. The relevance of theology : Nathan Söderblom and the development of an academic discipline : Proceedings from a conference held in Uppsala, April 14-16 2002Leave the NDL website. The tragedy of liberty : civic concern and disillusionment in James Thomson's tragic dramasLeave the NDL website. La défense organisée de la langue française : étude sur l'activité de quelques organismes qui depuis 1937 ont pris pour tâche de veiller à la correction et à la pureté de la langue françaiseLeave the NDL website. Makten, moralen och människan : en analys av värdekonflikter i debatten om medbestämmande och löntagarstyreLeave the NDL website. Christus redemptor et consummator : a study in the theology of B.F. WestcottLeave the NDL website. Managing diversity : the anthologization of "American Literature"Leave the NDL website. The mighty maze : a study of Pope's An essay on manLeave the NDL website. Towards an ergonomic theory of text design and compositionLeave the NDL website. The social origins of Afrikaner fascism and its Apartheid policyLeave the NDL website. Hans Henrik von Essen och den nyevangeliska kolportörsverksamheten : till frågan om högreståndsväckelsen och friförsamlingsrörelsen. Baron Hans Henrik von Essen and colporteur evangelism, upper-class revivalism and free-church movementLeave the NDL website. The use of English in three large Swedish companiesLeave the NDL website. Étude sur la vitalité de la formation diminutive française au XXe siècleLeave the NDL website. "Das Häuschen in Kolomna" in der poetischen Erbschaft A.S. Puškins : Text, Interpretation und Literatur-historischer KommentarLeave the NDL website. On the use of two-phase sampling in estimation of parameters in domains where data contain misclassification and measurement errorsLeave the NDL website. Systems in contact, system in motion : the assimilation of Russian verbs in the Baltic Finnic languages of RussiaLeave the NDL website. Anthracoidea (Ustilaginales) on nordic Cyperaceae-Caricoideae : a concluding synopsisLeave the NDL website. Łacińska końcówka w polskim systemie fleksyjnym : przyczynek do zagadnienia interferencji językowejLeave the NDL website. Zum Hölderlinbild in der Bundesrepublik und der DDR : anhand ausgewählter Beispiele der produktiven Hölderlin-RezeptionLeave the NDL website. Index to the Uppsala edition of ColumellaLeave the NDL website. Etik och verklighetstolkning : en jämförande analys av Kund E. Løgstrups, Reinhold Niebuhrs och Keith Wards etiska äskadningarLeave the NDL website. Visual paraphrases : studies in mass media imageryLeave the NDL website. Man's ontological predicament : a detailed analysis of Søren Kierkegaard's concept of sin with special reference to The concept of dreadLeave the NDL website. Faculty of law at Uppsala UniversityLeave the NDL website. Erneuerung des Verbalaspekts im Semitischen : funktionell-diachronische Studien zur semitischen VerblehreLeave the NDL website. Läras för skolan eller skolas att lära : tankemodeller i lärarutbildningLeave the NDL website. Hustru och man i Birgittas uppenbarelserLeave the NDL website. La correspondance littéraire, 1er janvier-15 juin 1763Leave the NDL website. Human dignity and animal well-being : a Kantian contribution to biomedical ethicsLeave the NDL website. Levels of unreality : studies in structure and construction in Italian mural painting during the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. Imaging and quantification of brain serotonergic activity using PETLeave the NDL website. Частотный словарь современного русского языкаLeave the NDL website. Från tjänstehjon till hembiträde : en kvinnlig låglönegrupp i den fackliga kampen 1903-1946 = [From household drudge to domestic servant; the struggles of a group of poorly-paid women tradeunionists, 1903-46]Leave the NDL website. Counterpoint and partimento : methods of teaching composition in late eighteenth-century NaplesLeave the NDL website. An index to Dio ChrysostomusLeave the NDL website. Stephanites und Ichnelates : Überlieferungsgeschichte und TextLeave the NDL website. Samfund och samhälle : Svenska Missionsförbundet : dess medlemsutveckling, inre miljö och socio-kulturella kontextLeave the NDL website. The relativizers whose and of which in present-day English : description and theoryLeave the NDL website. Production under risk : a theoretical studyLeave the NDL website. La tradition de la Bible chez la femme de la CEZ : influence de l'ancienne culture et de la pensée biblique dans le maintien d'une certaine conception de la femme au sein de la Communauté évangélique du ZaïreLeave the NDL website. Conquête, survie et disparition : italien, français et francoprovençal en Vallée d'AosteLeave the NDL website. To make do in the city : social identities and cultural transformations among urban Aymara speakers in La PazLeave the NDL website. Teknikerna, vetenskapen och kulturen : ingenjörsundervisning och ingenjörsorganisationer i 1870-talets SverigeLeave the NDL website. Feminist ethics : perspectives, problems and possibilitiesLeave the NDL website. Studier rörande partshandlingar : zusammenfassung studien über parteibandlungenLeave the NDL website. Le costume officiel des dignitaires byzantins à l'époque paléologueLeave the NDL website. Arbetarförsäkringsfrågan i svensk politik 1884-1901Leave the NDL website. Det förklarade ögonblicket : studier i västerländsk idyll från Theokritos till Strindberg = [The transfigured moment : studies in European idyll from Theocritus to Strindberg]Leave the NDL website. Mänsklighetstanken i äldre och nyare teologiLeave the NDL website. Coping under recession : workers in a Nigerian factoryLeave the NDL website. Konserverade änkor och kvinnor på undantag : prästänkornas villkor i Uppsala stift 1720-1920 : från änkehjälp till familjepensionLeave the NDL website. Die Geschichte Zarēr'sLeave the NDL website. Neuer Buddhismus als gesellschaftlicher Entwurf : zur Identitätskonstruktion der Dalits in Kanpur, IndienLeave the NDL website. Exobasidium, a taxonomic reassessment applied to the European speciesLeave the NDL website. Rallareliv : arbete, familjemönster och levnadsförhållanden för järnvägsarbetare på banbyggena i Jämtland-Härjedalen, 1912-1928Leave the NDL website. Der hibernolateinische Grammatiker MalsachanusLeave the NDL website. Книга Есфирь : к истории первого славянского перевода = The Book of Esther : a contribution to the history of the first Slavonic translationLeave the NDL website. The stress system of EnglishLeave the NDL website. Från lögnsaga till paradisLeave the NDL website. Olavus Petris reformatoriska åskådning, Zusammenfassung : die reformatorische theologie des Olavus PetriLeave the NDL website. The effects of planned change on Estonian morphologyLeave the NDL website. Sundries in honour of Torgny Säve-SöderberghLeave the NDL website. Biosystematics in the Nordic flora : proceedings of a symposium held at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on the occasion of the centenary of Bergius Botanic Garden, Stockholm University, August 27-29, 1985Leave the NDL website. Studier i den svenska livsmedelskonsumtionens historia : hospitalhjonens livsmedelskonsumtion 1621-1872Leave the NDL website. Konventikel- och sakramentsbestämmelsernas tillämpning i Sverige, 1809-1900 : Summary : the conventicle and sacramental acts and their application in Sweden 1809-1900Leave the NDL website. Biomedical research and research policy in SwedenLeave the NDL website. The Hellenistic Nekropolis and later structures on the middle slopes, 1973-77Leave the NDL website. Från präs̈töverflöd till prästbrist : prästrekryteringen i Uppsala ärkestift, 1786-1965Leave the NDL website. Stat och kyrka enligt gällande svensk rättLeave the NDL website. Le degré de cohésion des groupes subst. + de + subst. en français contemporain : Étudié d'après la place accordée à l'adjectif épithète, avec examen comparatif des groupes correspondants de l'italien et de l'espagnolLeave the NDL website. Class and social organisation in Finland, Sweden and NorwayLeave the NDL website. Revolutionsuppfattningens anatomi : 1848 års revolutioner i svensk debattLeave the NDL website. Italian colonialism in Eritrea, 1882-1941 : policies, praxis and impactLeave the NDL website. Temples and cult places in PalestineLeave the NDL website. Essays on wage formation, employment, and unemploymentLeave the NDL website. Commitment as art : a marxist critique of a selection of Alan Sillitoe's political fictionLeave the NDL website. Rädda familjen : kristen opinionsbildning i befolkningspolitiska och sexualetiska frågor under 1930-taletLeave the NDL website. Frid och fredlöshet : sociala band och utanförskap på Island under äldre medeltidLeave the NDL website. L'incroyable, romanesque, picaresque épisode barbaresque : étude sur le suffixe français -esque et sur ses équivalents en espagnol, italien et roumainLeave the NDL website. The world's a garden : garden poetry of the English RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. Isis-Seele und Osiris-Ei : zwei ägyptologische Studien zu Diodorus Siculus I 27, 4-5Leave the NDL website. Det historiska fältet : svensk historievetenskap från 1920-tal till 1957Leave the NDL website. The Syriac chronicle of Pseudo-Dionysius of Tel-Maḥrē : a study in the history of historiographyLeave the NDL website. Le type, c'est le meilleur livre qu'il ait jamais écrit, en espagnol, en italien et en françaisLeave the NDL website. Spirits from the Margin : Umbanda in São Paulo : a study in popular religion and social experienceLeave the NDL website. Religion and power in the ancient Greek world : proceedings of the Uppsala Symposium 1993Leave the NDL website. Svensk segregations- och konversionspolitik i Ingermanland, 1617-1704 : zusammenfassung : Schwedische Segregations- und Konversionspolitik in Ingermanland, 1617-1704Leave the NDL website. Bekenntnis und KirchenrechtLeave the NDL website. Changes of lakes in Uppland central Sweden during 40 yearsLeave the NDL website. Etik och jämställdhet = Equal rights for women and men--an ethical studyLeave the NDL website. Industrierealismus : zum Problem der Stilbetrachtung auf dem Bereich der KulturindustriewarenproduktionLeave the NDL website. Aspekt im Türkischen : Vorstudien zu einer Beschreibung des türkeitürkischen AdpektsystemsLeave the NDL website. The function of myth in Akan healing experience : a psychological inquiry into two traditional Akan healing communitiesLeave the NDL website. Relations internationales et sous-développement : la Tunisie 1857-1864Leave the NDL website. International business and political crisis : Swedish MNCs in a turbulent marketLeave the NDL website. Structure and change : power in the transnational enterpriseLeave the NDL website. The collocation of adverbs of degree in EnglishLeave the NDL website. La grant cronica de Espanya, libros 1-IILeave the NDL website. The male woman : a feminine ideal in the early churchLeave the NDL website. Kommunerna och det pedagogiska utvecklingsarbetet inom barnomsorgen : omfattning, inriktning och villkorLeave the NDL website. Verbal reports about strategies in probabilistic inference learning tasksLeave the NDL website. Le "Don sombre" : le thème de la mort dans quatre romans de Marguerite YourcenarLeave the NDL website. Actes du sixième congrès international d'esthétique, Uppsala 1968Leave the NDL website. On the edge : the concept of progress in Bukhara during the rule of the Later ManghitsLeave the NDL website. "... till vinnande af ett redigt storskifte ..." : en komparativ studie av storskiftet i fem häraderLeave the NDL website. Categories of content and form in language : a study of the personal and impersonal constructions in RussianLeave the NDL website. Uppsalaskolan - och efteråt : rättsfilosofiskt symposium, Uppsala 23-26 maj 1977Leave the NDL website. Hushållningssällskapen och agrarsamhällets förändring : utveckling och verksamhet under 1800-talets första hälftLeave the NDL website. The performance of tradition : an ethnography of Hira Gasy popular theatre in MadagascarLeave the NDL website. The Kamares style : overall effectsLeave the NDL website. Landborna i Norden under äldre medeltidLeave the NDL website. Censur och propaganda : svensk informationspolitik under 1900-talets första decennierLeave the NDL website. The links in the chain : isolation and interdependence in Nathaniel Hawthorne's fictional charactersLeave the NDL website. Paths to adulthood : freedom, belonging, and temporalities in Mbunda biographies from Western ZambiaLeave the NDL website. The happening of tradition : Vallabha on Anumāna in NyāyalīlāvatīLeave the NDL website. Tatar and Chuvash code-copies in MariLeave the NDL website. The noun victoria as subjectLeave the NDL website. Medicine for uncertain futures : a Nigerian city in the wake of a crisisLeave the NDL website. Människan i själavården : en teologisk analys av människosynen i själavårdslitteratur från 1945 till 1984Leave the NDL website. Förening och politik : folkrörelsernas politiska aktivitet i Gävle under 1880-taletLeave the NDL website. Contributions to the history and theory of artLeave the NDL website. Sysselsättning och arbetslöshet : en ekonometrisk analys av den svenska arbetsmarknadens funktionssätt 1964-1977Leave the NDL website. Cantus sororum : musik- und liturgiegeschichtliche Studien zu den Antiphonen des birgittinischen Eigenrepertoires : nebst 91 TranskriptionenLeave the NDL website. Frihet, jämlikhet, demokrati : etik och människosyn inom liberal och socialistisk traditionLeave the NDL website. "Honourable" or "highly-sexed" : adjectival descriptions of male and female characters in Victorian and contemporary children's fictionLeave the NDL website. Arbete och lön vid Bredsjö bruk : en studie av löneprinciper och lönenivåer för olika yrkeskategorier vid Bredsjö bruk 1828-1905Leave the NDL website. The Kazaks of China : essays on an ethnic minorityLeave the NDL website. L'identification automatique des lexèmes du français contemporainLeave the NDL website. Dextran - 30 yearsLeave the NDL website. Cooking, care, and domestication : a culinary ethnography of the Tai Yong, Northern ThailandLeave the NDL website. From interaction to grammar : Estonian finite verb forms in conversationLeave the NDL website. Innanför eller utanför : en socialpsykologisk undersökning av ifragasättandet av religiös tradition och grupptillhörighetLeave the NDL website. Kitāb al-lumaʿ fi-n-naḥw (manuel de grammaire arabe)Leave the NDL website. Identification of viscoelastic materials and continuous-time stochastic systemsLeave the NDL website. Radikal 30-tals humanism : en studie över Per Meurlings tidiga kultur- och litteraturkritik med tonvikt på åren 1933-36Leave the NDL website. Acht Reden in der AeneisLeave the NDL website. The Auxerre reliefs : a harbinger of the Renaissance in France during the reign of Philip le BelLeave the NDL website. Anaphylactic shock in the monkey : early circulatory and respiratory response in aggregate anaphylaxisLeave the NDL website. Das Pronomen, das Adverb, Präpositionen, Konjunktionen und das VerbrumLeave the NDL website. The hagiographic dossier of St Eugenios of Trebizond in Codex Athous Dionysiou 154 : a critical edition with introduction, translation, commentary and indexesLeave the NDL website. Water drop initiated discharges in airLeave the NDL website. Zur Vorgeschichte des Livländischen Krieges : die Beziehungen zwischen Moskau und Litauen 1549-1562Leave the NDL website. Ancient ports : the geography of connections : proceedings of an international conference at the department of archaeology and ancient history, Uppsala University, 23-25 September 2010Leave the NDL website. Sir Samuel Hoare och Etiopienkonflikten 1935Leave the NDL website. Bad guys, good life : an ethnography of morality and change in Kisekka Market (Kampala, Uganda)Leave the NDL website. The challenge of religion : colloquium on interdisciplinary research programmes, 3-5 February 2010, Uppsala UniversityLeave the NDL website. Dark matter in southern open clustersLeave the NDL website. Tekniskt bistånd och social struktur : några problemställningarLeave the NDL website.

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Appropriating King Arthur : the Arthurian legend in English drama and entertainments 1485-1625
Application of decision models to some problems in image analysis
Om böjningen av icke-neutrala substantiv i Eskilstunaspråket : inom- och utomspråkligt betingad variation = On the inflexion of non-neuter nouns in the language of Eskilstuna : linguistic and extra-linguistic variation
Econometric investment functions and an attempt to evaluate the investment policy in Sweden 1960-1973
The songs of Robert Burns : a study of the unity of poetry and music
"On va à la Mouff'?" : étude sur la syntaxe des noms de rues en français contemporain
Folkskolans sekularisering 1895-1909 : upplösning av det administrativa sambandet mellan folkskola och kyrka i Sverige
The "Enabling of judgement" : Sir Philip Sidney and the education of the reader
FAL : Fortbildning i Administration för Läkare : studie av ett personalutvecklingsprojekt
The underside of the weave: some stylistic devices used by Vladimir Nabokov
Skola i dialektal miljö : språkanvändning och språkliga attityder i övre Dalarna
Yttrandefrihet i radio och skydd för enskilda intressen
The dual nature of man : a study in the theological anthropology of Gregory of Nazianzus
The slaughtered camel : coping with fictitious descent among the Hubeer of Southern Somalia
On passive imperatives in Latin
Från utbildningsplanering till kursplaner : den isländska grundskolereformen 1974
Camena Borea
Turkisms : in Ivo Andrić's Na Drini ćuprija : Examined from the points of view of literary style and cultural history
An old order and a new : the split world of Liam O'Flaherty's novels
Nadine Gordimer's one story of a state apart
Från mekanisk verkstad till internationell industrikoncern : Scania Vabis 1939-1960
The making of the Miskitu people of Nicaragua : the social construction of ethnic identity
Unemployment in Karnataka South India
Högstadieelevers attityd till kristen tro : en religionspsykologisk studie i Åk 9 = High school students' attitude towards Christian faith : a study in the psychology of religion of students in the ninth grade
Photios als Vermittler antiker Literatur : Untersuchungen zur Technik des Referierens und Exzerpierens in der Bibliotheke
Images of a forest people : Punan Malinau -- identity, sociality, and encapsulation in Borneo
Fädernas kyrka : en idéhistorisk studie i folkkyrkotanken hos J.A. Eklund mot bakgrund av sekelskiftets kulturdebatt
Nordic Junipericolous Ascomycetes
Dolssor conina : lust, the bawdy, and obscenity in medieval Occitan and Galician-Portuguese troubadour poetry and Latin secular love song
Die Distribution der urindogermanischen sogenannten Gutturale
Living with bad surroundings : war and existential uncertainty in Acholiland, Northern Uganda
English place-names in-stead
Martial, book IX : a commentary
Akh - une notion religieuse dans l'Égypte pharaonique
Die liturgischen Hymnen in Schweden
Conjunction-headed abbreviated clauses in English
Productivity and employee ownership : the case of Sweden
Staten, ordningen och friheten : en studie av den styrande elitens syn på statens roll mellan stormaktstiden och 1800-talet
Die Dryoper : eine Untersuchung der Überlieferung
Die Gottebenbildlichkeit in der Theologie Helmut Thielickes : Untersuchung eines Beispiels der personalistisch-existentiellen Konzeption der theologischen Anthropologie
Distance education at Swedish universities : an evaluation of the experimental programme and a follow-up study
The Peshitta and the versions : a study of the Peshitta variants in Joshua 1-5 in relation to their equivalents in the ancient versions
On political socialization and education : investigations into an argumentation for a good political belief system
Willa Cather's children
The Aramaic portions of the Pesiqta de Rab Kahana, according to MS Marshall Or.24 : the oldest known manuscript of the Pesiqta de Rab Kahana : with English translation, commentary and introduction
Den heliga Birgitta och den helige Petrus av Skänninge Officium parvum beate Marie Virginis : vår Frus tidegärd
Religion and personality integration
Arabic borrowings in Şūrayt/Ṭūrōyo within the framework of phonological correspondences in comparison with other Semitic languages
The Pahlavi translation technique as illustrated Hộm yašt
Borgare, smeder och änkor : ekonomi och befolkning i Eskilstuna gamla stad och fristad 1750-1850
Morfologiska tendenser vid språklig interferens med estniska som bas = [Morphologische Tendenzen bei sprachlicher Interferenz mit Estnisch als Grundsprache]
Good or bad Scots? : attitudes to optional lexical and grammatical usages in Edinburgh
New universities and regional context : papers from an International Seminar held at Sundsvall,Sweden 14-18 June, 1992
Food and culture among Bolivian Aymara : symbolic expressions of social relations
Stora nordiska kriget förklarat : Karl XII och det ideologiska tilltalet
The Multiparadigmatic trend in sociology
Industrialisering och beskattning i Sverige 1861-1914
"In a common rejoicing" : liturgical communion with angels in Qumran
Dialektal väderleksterminologi : ordfältsstudier i Närpes-dialekten
Jules Lefèvre-Deumier (1797-1857) et le mythe romantique du génie
The significance of Congreve's Incognita
Bysans och Norden : Akta för Nordiska forskarkursen i bysantinsk konstvetenskap 1986
David Nyvall and the shape of an immigrant church : ethnic, denominational, and educational priorities among Swedes in America
"Hundred flowers bloom" : essays in honour of Bo Gustafsson
L'inversion dans la principale non-interrogative en français contemporain
Co-ordination, Co-operation, and Competition : the creation of common institutions for telecommunications
Utbildningshistorisk forskning : problem, källmaterial, metodik
Proceedings of the fifith symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica
Adam Bremensis and Sueonia : a fresh look at Gesta hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum
From Sweden to America : a history of the migration : a collective work of the Uppsala Migration Research Project
La place de l'adjectif épithète en français contemporain : étude quantitative et sémantique
Linguistic images of emotions in translation from Polish into Swedish : Henryk Sienkiewicz as a case in point
Semantische Strukturen der Satzgefüge im kausalen und konditionalen Bereich
La correspondance littéraire 1er janvier-15 juin 1761
Vikings in the East : essays on contacts along the road to Byzantium (800-1100)
Byråkratisering eller avbyråkratisering : administrativ och samhällsorganisatorisk strukturomvandling inom svenskt vägväsende 1885-1985
Lawyers in Gold Coast politics c. 1900-1945 : from Mensah Sarbah to J.B. Danquah
Festschrift in honour of Lennart Carleson and Yngve Domar : proceedings of a conference at the Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University, May 1993
Det svenska väldet : ett konglomerat av uttrycksformer och begrepp från Vasa till Bernadotte
Grammar and the advanced learner : on learning and teaching a second language
Ownership reform and corporate governance : the Slovak privatisation process in 1990-1996
Rysk civilrättsterminologi i Sovjetunionen : With an English summary : Russian civil law terminology in the Soviet Union
Södermannalagens B-handskrift : textens historia och språk
Envisioning American women : the roads to communal identity in novels by women of color
The retention of religious experiences
Le î prosthétique du roumain . Über den griechischen Einfluss auf die arabische Nationalgrammatik
Networks of Americanization : aspects of the American influence in Sweden
Norrbottnisk sågverksindustri 1900-1925 : AB Ytterstfors-Munksund och dess föregångare
Sweden and European drama, 1772-1796 : a study of translations and adaptations
The dynamic detective : special interest and seriality in contemporary detective series
Uppror eller resningar? : samhällsorganisation och konflikt i senmedeltidens Sverige
Science,ethics, sustainability : the responsibility of science in attaining sustainable development
Gregory Bar-Hebraeus's commentary on the book of kings from his storehouse of mysteries : a critical edition with an English translation, introduction and notes
Noam Chomsky und die generative Grammatik : eine kritische Betrachtung
Form and philosophy in Sándor Weöres' poetry
Mentalités, idéologie et comportement politique dans le Chili de Salvador Allende : étude de cas d'un quartier de Santiago
Étude sur l'emploi des temps dans les propositions introduites par quand et lorsque et dann les propositions qui les complètent en français contemporain
The children of Maria : adolescent substance abusers, their families and schooling
Animation and reification in Dickens's vision of the life-denying society
Imagines Medievales : studier i medeltida ikonografi, arkitektur, skulptur, måleri och konsthantverk
Baudelaire et Hoffmann
Det vedervärdiga videovåldet : att återupprätta moralisk ordning
Das Substantiv und das Adjektiv, das Zahlwort und der bestimmte Artikel
The female reader at the round table : religion and women in three contemporary Arthurian texts
The structuralist theory of inflation and structural inflation in Chile, 1950-1972 : the lagging food supply hypothesis revisited
Generators in certain function algebras
Studies on a convolution inequality
De sørgende og begravelsesriten : en religionspsykologisk studie
Luther on predestination : the antinomy and the unity between love and wrath in Luther's concept of God
Reflective assent in basic care : a study in nursing ethics
Sefer ʾEmeq ha-bakha = The vale of tears : with the chronicle of the anonymous Corrector
Heterological ethnicity : conceptualizing identities in ancient Greece
The probe of doubt : scepticism and illusion in Shakespeare's plays
The River-lake Nilotes : politics of an African tribal group
Franskt i svensk musik 1880-1920 : stilpåverkan hos parisstuderande tonsättare och särskilt hos Emil Sjögren
The lichen genus physcia and allied genera in fennoscandia
The problem of nonsense linguistics
The dialect of Dentdale in the West Riding of Yorkshire
Economics of cult in the ancient Greek world : proceedings of the Uppsala symposium 1990
Micro-level analyses of Qurʾān
The natural sciences and the arts : aspects of interaction from the Renaissance to the 20th century : an international symposium
English nominalizations in -ing : Synchronic and diachronic aspects
Origenes om grunderna och målet : introduktion, översättning, kommentar
Escaping the castle of patriarchy : patterns of development in the novels of Gail Godwin
Workers and post-secondary education : a cross-polity perspective
Kings at Karnak : a study of the treatment of the monuments of royal predecessors in the early New Kingdom
Den poetiska världen : strukturanalytiska studier i den unge Gunnar Ekelöfs lyrik
L'emploi des modes dans les propositions complétives étudié dans des textes français de la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle
Temporal clauses in English
Similarkomparative Konstruktionen im Finnischen und Estnischen, insbesondere in der modernen Schriftsprache : syntaktischstilistische Untersuchungen
Vermeintliche Glosseme in den Tusculanen
Scandinavian themes in English poetry, 1760-1800
Bion of Borysthenes : a collection of the fragments with introduction and commentary
Tomboys, belles, and other ladies : the female body-subject in selected works by Katherine Anne Porter and Carson McCullers
Building the nation back up : the politics of identity on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
Swedish school leavers' oral proficiency in English : grading of production and analysis of performance
Implicit and explicit norm in contemporary Russian verbal stress
Stil und Abweichungen : einige syntaktisch-stilistische Merkmale in den Dichtungen D. v. Liliencrons, G. Trakls und Ingeborg Bachmans
"Walk this way" : verbs of motion in three Finno-Ugric languages
Polyederns gåta : en introduktion till Gunnar Ekelöfs Färjesång
Estimation using low rank signal models
Zwischen Säkularismus und Hierokratie : Studien zum Verhältnis von Religion und Staat in Süd- und Ostasien
Le parler de Senneville-sur-Fécamp
Body and space : symbolic models of unity and division in African cosmology and experience
Reforming higher education and external studies in Sweden and Australia
Materialbeskrivning och analys på språkdragsnivå
Öststatsforskning en tvärvetenskaplig disciplin
Kyrkan och nazismen : ekumeniska aktioner mot nazismen, 1933-1934 = Kirche und Nationalsozialismus : ökumenische Aktionen gegen den Nationalsozialismus, 1933-1934
Die Überlieferung der lateinischen Basiliusregel
Frihandelns dilemma : aktörer och intressen i den offentliga politiken kring textil- och konfektionsindustrierna under åren 1970-1983
The Orphic voice : T.S. Eliot and the Mallarmean quest for meaning
Les origines du structuralisme
Gods och gård 1650-1680 : Magnus Gabriel De la Gardies godsbildning och godsdrift i Västergötland
Li ver del juïse : sermon en vers du XIIe siècle
Dziesięć lat językoznawstwa polskiego, 1956-1965 : Próba bibliografii
Paths to power and patterns of influence : the Dravidian parties in South Indian politics
Language in society : eight sociolinguistic essays on Balochi
Human rights in the U.N. declaration
Étude sur la concurrence entre les groupes du type les côtes de France--les côtes de la France--les côtes françaises en français contemporain
The use of 11[C]-labelled malonic esters in rapid-labelling synthesis
Organization of manpower training in international package deals : temporary organizations for transfer of technology
Kapitalbildning i Sverige 1750-1860 : godsen
Русские деривационные суффиксы
Passage to a new wor(l)d : exile and restoration in Mahmoud Darwish's writings 1960-1995
Explaining coalitions : evidence and lessons from studying coalition formation in Swedish local government
Dygd idag? : Erik H. Eriksons teori om att mogna som människa
Uppsala general catalogue of galaxies : data for 12,921 galaxies north of [Greek small letter delta] =-2[0]30ʹ
Near Eastern destruction datings as sources for Greek and Near Eastern Iron Age chronology : archaeological and historical studies : the cases of Samaria (722 B.C.) and Tarsus (696 B.C.)
Spectral theory for pairs of differential operators
Trois fonctions de l'exil dans les œuvres de fiction d'Albert Camus : initiation, révolte, conflit d'identité
Habitat dioramas : illusions of wilderness in museum of natural history
Etik och biståndspolitik : en konstruktion av bedömningsgrund för inriktningen av svensk bidtåndspolitik
Utbildningsexpansion : en studie över den högre utbildningens expansion och ekonomins strukturella omvandling i Sverige under efterkrigstiden
Politik, nykterhet och reformer : en studie i folkrörelsernas politiska verksamhet 1900-1920
Identification of stochastic continuous-time systems : algorithms, irregular samplimg and cramér-rao bounds
Geschichten und Geschichte : Historiographie und Hagiographie in der asiatischen Religionsgeschichte
Middle English nicknames in the Lay Subsidy Rolls for Warwickshire
Some and any in spoken and written English
Ovids Metamorphosen und die Politik des Kaisers
On the chemical fate of nascent [11]C atoms induced by irradiation of water and aqueous solutions with 185 MeV protons
Recent Finnish loanwords in Jukkasjärvi Lappish
Toward a world Lutheran communion : Developments in Lutheran cooperation up to 1929
Carolina Rediviva : byggnadens historia från 1810-talet till 1980-talet
The formation of abstract nouns in the Uralic languages
Doktoranders studiesituation : en undersökning vid Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Uppsala universitet
English in speech and writing : a symposium
Makuna social organization : a study in descent, alliance, and the formation of corporate groups in the north-western Amazon
Från konfrontation till institution : Ungkyrkorörelsen, 1912-1917
Four Irish legendary figures in At Swim-Two-Birds : a study of Flann O'Brien's use of Finn, Suibhne, the Pooka, and the Good Fairy
Rektorsfunktionen i grundskolan : vision-verklighet
The stylistic evaluation of Aeschines in antiquity
Livstolkning i den obligatoriska skolans urval av psalmer och religiösa sånger 1889-1980 : Attitudes to life in the selections of hymns and religious songs used in the Swedish compulsory school 1889-1980
Guds ledning : en explorativ religionspsykologisk studie av fromheten hos ett antal västerbottniska åldringar, med särskild hänsyn tagen till upplevelsen av Guds ledning
La coordination des propositions conditionnelles en français contemporain
Gerechtigkeitsethos und rhetorische Kunst in Grillparzers Ein Bruderzwist in Habsburg
Between peace and justice : dispute settlement between Karaboro agriculturalists and Fulbe agro-pastoralists in Burkina Faso
Giacomo Torelli and Baroque stage design
How the basic human needs of patients are met ; Analysis, testing and application of Maslow's motivation theory for patient care
De stora krigens tid : om Sverige som militärstat och bondesamhälle = The era of the Great Wars : Sweden as a military state and its agrarian society
Den Offentliga sektorns expansion : teori- och metodproblem : bidrag från ett tvärvetenskapligt symposium i Uppsala 9-12 mars 1976 anordnat med stöd av Statens råd för samhällsforskning
Den svenska inkomstfördelningens utveckling
From the Gustavianum collections in Uppsala, 1974
Utopias of nation : local mass killing in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1941-42
The Tractarian understanding of the Eucharist
The inevitable equation : the antithetic pattern of Theodore Dreiser's thought and art
Expressions of future in present-day English : a corpus-based approach
Prolegomena till en textkritisk edition av magister Mathias' Homo conditus
The genus Maytenus (Celastraceae) in NE tropical Africa and tropical Arabia
Stirring life : women's paths and places among the Kasena of Northern Ghana
Subjective vision and human relationships in the novels of Rosamond Lehmann
Contraction in British newspapers in the late 20th century
The capital crisis and labour : perspectives on the dynamics of working-class consciousness in Canada
Markets, politics, and globalization
From ethnic response to clan identity : a study of state penetration among the Somali nomadic pastoral society of northeastern Kenya
Exzipierend-einschränkende Ausdrucksweisen untersucht besonders auf Grund hochdeutscher Bibelübersetzungen bis zum Aufang des 16. Jahrhunderts
Lönearbete eller egen jord? : den svenska lantarbetarrörelsen och jordfrågan 1908-1936
Constructing a post-Soviet international political reality : Russian foreign policy towards the Newly Independent States, 1990-95
К проблеме использования печатных изданий греческих текстов при исследовании древних спавянских переводов : на примере славянского перевода Паренесиса Ефрема Сирина = On the problem of using printed editions of Greek texts for studying old Slavonic translations : with the example of the Slavonic translation of Ephrem the Syrian's Paraenesis
Verben mit der Bedeutung "Benutzen" im Russischen : Untersuchung einer lexikalisch-semantischen Gruppe
Biblicism, apokalyptik, utopi : Adventismens historiska utformning i USA samt dess svenska utveckling till o. 1939
Faktoranalys av ordinala variabler
The use of personal designations and their interpretation
Regional identitet och förändring i den regionala samverkans samhälle : föredrag och diskussioner vid Kulturgeografiska institutionens vid Upppsala universitet symposium 1-3 december 1977
The end of a legend : Ellen Glasgow's history of Southern women
Mensurens betydelse i öppna labialpipor : studier av resonansegenskaper, insvängningsförlopp och stationärt spektrum = The significance of the scaling in open flue organ pipes : investigations od resonance properties, starting transient and stationary spectrum
L'homme est le bourgeois, le prolétaire, c'est la femme : un examen des phrases d'identité de forme A est B et A, c'est B
Folk i rörelse : samhällsutveckling, flyttningsmönster och folkrörelser i Eskilstuna 1870-1900
Emancipation's dead-end roads? : studies in the formation and development of the Hungarian model for agriculture and gender (1956-1989)
The persisitence of Christian realism : a study of the social ethics of Ronald H. Preston
Den stora ölkartellen : branschorganisering och kartellbildning i bryggeriindustrin 1885-1914
Crime and social control in medieval and early modern Swedish towns
Risker och människolivets värde : en etisk analys
India, Pakistan or Pakhtunistan? : the nationalist movements in the North-West Frontier Province, 1937-47
Företagets anpassning till förändringar i omgivande system : en studie av massa- och pappersindustrin
Archaic economy and modern society : on the archaic mode of being and production with a perspective on the gift as a factor of underdevelopment, and selected fieldnotes concerning the Sinhalese system of castes, kinship, and property
Regionutvecklings- och lokaliseringsprocesser : beslut och handling i kommunal näringspolitik och industriell lokalisering
Religion och tryckfrihet i Sverige 1809-1840 = Religion and freedom of the press in Sweden 1809-1840
Det Moderna Skandinaviens framväxt : bidrag till de nordiska ländernas moderna historia = Aspects of the rise of modern Scandinavia
Reversing language shift in the far north linguistic : revitalization in Northern Scandinavia and Finland
Specimens of American Finnish : a field study of linguistic behavior
Folkmakt, folkfront, folkdemokrati : de svenska kommunisterna och demokratifrågan 1943-1977
Studien zur Syntax und Bemerkungen zum Text der Vita Theodori Syceotae
Goya, Saturn and melancholy : studies in the art of Goya
The book of hours of Johannete Ravenelle and the Parisian book illumination around 1400
The function of the sentence particles in old and middle Hittite
Swinburne's flowers of evil : Baudelaire's influence on Poems and ballads, first series
Democracy, legitimacy, and the European Union
Swedish "travellers" and their ancestry : a social isolate or an ethnic minority?
Malcolm Lowry's infernal paradise
Ismael i öknen : Strindberg som mystiker
Fysikämnet i svensk realskola och grundskola : kartläggning och alternativ ur fysikdidaktisk synvinkel
The merchant houses of Stockholm, c. 1640-1800 : a comparative study of early-modern entrepreneurial behaviour
Études sur Léontios de Néapolis
Studien zur Ideengeschichte der Gesetzgebung
Parasites as plant taxonomists : proceedings of a symposium held in Uppsala, August 25-27 1978, in commemoration of Carolus Linnaeus, Carl Peter Thunberg, Elias Fries
Diplomati och industriellt genombrott : svenska exportsträvanden på Kina 1906-1916
Zum Konjunktiv im Deutschen um 1800
Om Filostratos och hans Apollonios-biografi
Velazquez' Las Hilanderas : an explication of a picture regarding structure and associations
Ionians in Pasargadae : studies in old Persian architecture
Studies in Swedish post-war industrial investments
Intertextualität und Phraseologie in den drei Versionen der Panne von Friedrich Dürrenmatt : Aspekte von Groteske und Ironie
Deciphering the meaning of revealed law : the Surūshian paradigm in Shiʾi epistemology
Les karaïtes d'Europe
Stephen Crane : uncollected writings
Zur Distribution und Leistung des Pronominaladverbs : das Pronominaladverb als Bezugselement eines das Verb ergänzenden Nebensatzes/Infinitivs
The Caliciales of boreal North America : taxonomy, ecological and distributional comparisons with Europe, and ultrastructural investigations in some species
Lexical characteristics in Swedish Estonian
Control and influence relationships in multinational corporations: The subsidiary's viewpoint : Application of the resource dependence perspective for studying power relationships in multinational corporations
Territory, pastoralists, and livestock : resource control among the Kisongo Maasai
Gotland i blickpunkten : en kritisk överblick över nyare litteratur om gotländska ortnamn
Disciplin, kritikrätt och rättssäkerhet : studier kring militieombudsmannaämbetets (MO) doktrin- och tillkomsthistoria 1901-1915
Anglo-Irish and Irish literature : aspects of language and culture : proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of the International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature, held at Uppsala University, 4-7 August, 1986
The relative merits of goodness and originality : the ethics of storytelling in Peter Carey's novels
Vad är idrottandets mening? : en kunskapssociologisk granskning av idrottens utveckling och läromedel samt en organisationsdidaktisk kompetensanalys
On system identification and acoustic echo cancellation
The effects of capital taxation : an equilibrium asset market approach
The lichen genus Chaenotheca in the northern hemisphere
In the first person and in the house : the house chronotope in four works by American women writers
Freyr's offspring : rulers and religion in ancient Svea society
Sprachverwandtschaft und Wahrscheinlichkeit : Ausgewählte Schriften neu veröffentlicht zum 70. Geburtstag des Verfassers 22. Juli 1964
Translation as linear transduction : models and algorithms for efficient learning in statistical machine translation
Patterns of societal development in Iceland
Väckelse och kyrkans reform : från religiös sällskapsbildning i Stockholm till inre mission och samfund 1771-1858
A phonological study of Korean : with a historical analysis
Les problèmes des couples mariés dans La Comédie humaine d'Honoré de Balzac
Korpusanalyse mit einem Exkurs über Aktionalität im deutschen Verbalformsystem
Baroque dreams : art and vision in Sweden in the era of greatness
Researching the languages of Ireland
Om ogift samboende i Sverige : med tonvikt på samtida förhållanden
The Mataco of the Gran Chaco ; An ethnographic account of change and continuity in Mataco Socio-Economic organization
Le retentissement de la poésie de Hâfez en France : réception et traduction
Reindeer-herd management in transition : the case of Tuorpon Saameby in Northern Sweden
Ethnic minority problems in Nigerian politics : 1960-1965
Studien zum ostfriesischen Mittelniederdeutsch
The Religion of the ancient Egyptians : cognitive structures and popular expressions : proceedings of symposia in Uppsala and Bergen, 1987 and 1988
Ingrian Finnish : dialect preservation and change
Niederdeutsch auf friesischem Substrat : die Mundart von Westerhever in Eiderstedt (Schleswig-Holstein) : die Starktonigen Vokale und die Diphthonge
The two wings of wisdom : mysticism and philosophy in the Risâlat uṭ-ṭair of Ibn Sina
The giant race before the flood : Pre-Restoration drama on the stage and in the criticism of the Restoration
Folkvisans upptäckare : receptionsstudier från Montaigne och Schefferus till Herder
Religion and politics in Chile : an analysis of religious models
The Shakespearean ideal : Shakespeare production and the modern theatre in Britain
Особенности развития русской лексики в новейший период : (на материале газет) = Some distinctive features of the development of russian vocabulary following perestroika : (based on newspaper language)
The soul under stress : a study of the poetics of John Berryman's Dream songs
Essays on social action and social structure
Allmosa eller socialförsäkring : en socialrättslig skiss
Staten, samhället och superiet : samhällsorganisatoriska principer och organisatorisk praktik kring dryckenskapsprolemet och nykterhetssträvandena i stat, borgerlig offentlighet och associationsväsende c:a 1770-1900
Buddhism among Tamils in Tamil̲akam and Īl̲am
Livlands kyrkostyrelse, 1622-1695 : reformsträvanden, åsiktsbrytningar och kompetenstvister i teori och praxis
Bridewealth, women and land : social change among the Gusii of Kenya
Accounting for overheads : critique and reforms
The element -stōw in the history of the English
Högerns kvinnor : problem och resurs för Allmänna valmansförbundet perioden 1900-1936/1937
Minority languages in Scandinavia, Britain and Ireland
Orientering mot ledarskap : analys av en chefsutbildning för läkare
Face to face with the absent Buddha : the formation of buddhist aniconic art
Augustinian perspectives in the Renaissance
Transgena organismer i naturen : ekologiska och etiska perspektiv
Вариативное глагольное управление в русском языке первой трети XIX века = Variations in Russian verbal government 1800-1840
Limit theorems for sums of random raviables
Выражение направления при приставочных глаголах перемещения в современном русском языке : к вопросу префиксально-предложного детерминизма
Etiska argument i den svenska freds- och försvarsdebatten under åren 1957-1970
Livsåskådnings-forskning : föreläsningar hållna vid nordiskt symposium anordnat av teologiska fakulteten vid Uppsala universitet 7-10 januari 1977
De aktuella Kyrkobegreppen i Sverige : en undersökning med särskild hänsyn till problemet kyrka och stat
Johan Hinric Lidén : lärd och resenär = J. H. Lidén, Gelehrter und Bildungsreisender
Från fädernejorden till förfäders land : Estlandssvenskt bondfolks rymningar till Stockholm 1811-1834 : motiv, frekvens, personliga konsekvenser
Theodore Roethke, William Stafford, and Gary Snyder : the ecological metaphor as transformed regionalism
Rubrik pråket på Dagens Nyhters förstasidor I-II : Zusammenfassung : Die Sprache der Überschriften in der Zeitung Dagens Nyheter
La sintassi dei pronomi relativi in italiano moderno : con particolare riguardo alla concorrenza tra CHE e PREP. + CUI/IL QUALE nella proposizione relativa ad antecedente temporale
Why do countries break up? : the case of Yugoslavia
Dark matter in open clusters
Sami language at home and at school : a fieldwork perspective
Personalutveckling i arbetslivet och återkommande utbildning : några problem och utvecklingsmöjligheter
Kvinnliga konstnärer i Sverige : en undersökning av elever vid Konstakademin, inskrivna 1864-1924, deras rekrytering, utbildning och verksamhet
God as a remover of obstacles : a study of Caiva soteriology among Īḻam Tamiḻ refugees in Stockholm, Sweden
Women and economic justice : ethics in feminist liberation theology and feminist economics
Borgerskap och burskap : om näringsprivilegier och borgerskapets institutioner i Stockholm 1820-1846
Aspects of multilingualism : proceedings from the fourth Nordic Symposium on Bilingualism, 1984
Linodlare, väverskor och köpmän : linne som handelsvara och försörjningsmöjlighet i det tidiga 1800-talets Hälsingland
Fornvästnordiska förleder i omljudsperspektiv : with a summary : first elements of compounds in Old West Scandinavian from the viewpoint of mutation
Josuaboken : en programskrift för davidisk restauration
Greule Golch und Geigerich : die Nabelschnur zur Sprach-Wirklichkeit in der grotesken Lyrik von Christian Morgenstern
La correspondance littéraire, 1er janvier-15 juin 1760
Ekonomisk tillväxt och social differentiering 1680-1860 : bondeklassen i By socken, Kopparbergs län
Rättvisans och allmogens beskyddare : den absoluta staten, kommissionerna och tjänstemännen, ca 1680-1730
Geraldine Jewsbury's Athenaeum reviews : a mirror of mid-Victorian attitudes to fiction
Literatur und Revolution : Untersuchungen zur Frage des literarischen Engagements in Zeiten des politischen Umbruchs
Die himmlische Götterfamilie der alten Letten
I am Tsunki : gender and shamanism among the Shuar of western Amazonia
The Duke of Alba's Castilian Bible : a study of the rabbinical features of the miniatures
Från fred till krig : de finansiella problemen kring krigsutbrottet år 1700
G.E. Moore's analyses of beauty : an impasse and a way out
Berliner Leihgabe griechischer Papyri
Le médecin et la médecine dans le théâtre comique français du XVIIe siècle
Finska participattribut i svensk översättning
Hur orkar man i det svaraste? : copingprocesser hos sjukhussjälavardare i möte med existentiell problematik : en religionspsykologisk studie
Three Baltic loanwords in Fennic . On adversative coordination in ancient Greek and as a universal linguistic phenomenon
Inheriting the 1990s : the Baltic countries
Essais sur la création littéraire de George Sand d'après un roman remanié : Lélia
I väntan på uppbrott? : Bondeförbundet/Centerpartiet i regeringskoalitionens slutskede 1956-1957
Teresa från Avila och religionspsykologien
Prästeståndet och religionsdebatten, 1786-1800 = Geistlicher Stand und Religionsdebatte, 1786-1800
Heymericus de Campo : Dyalogus super Reuelacionibus beate Birgitte : a critical edition with an introduction
Composition de l'ouvrage textes et traductions
Le type avoir besoin : étude sur la coalescence verbo-nominale en français
Tungotal och andedop : en religionspsykologisk undersökning av glossolali hos finlandssvenska pingstvänner
Studien zur Erzähltechnik in den Novellen V. M. Garšins
Psychopathy : a history of the concepts : analysis of the origin and development of a family of concepts in psychopathology
A prison-house of myth? : symptomal readings in Virgin land, The madwoman in the attic, and The political unconscious
Designing space-time codes using orthogonal designs
Crediting marvels in Seamus Heaney's Seeing Things
Ljusets riddarvakt : 1800-talets studentsång utövad som offentlig samhällskonst
Hjalmar Gullberg och beredskapslitteraturen : studier i svensk dikt och politisk debatt 1933-1942
Le Pourquoi du récit : Étude d'un roman inachevé de Balzac, Les Paysans
Den medeltida fakulteten och dess historiska bakgrund
The abhorrence of love : studies in rituals and mystic aspects in Catullus' poem of Attis
Fonetiska kännetecken på lånord i nysvenska riksspråket : Facsimiletryck av 1887 års upplaga
Family and household in Iceland 1801-1930 : studies in the relationship between demographic and socio-economic development, social legislation and family and household structures
The myth of paradigm-shift, or, How to lie with methodology
Jaget och världen : Kosmiska analogier i svensk 1900-talslyrik
Existentialismen i Sverige : mottagande och inflytande 1900-1950
Les troupes françaises à Stockholm, 1699-1792 : listes de répertoire
Le temps futur en français moderne
Den ofullkomliga traditionen : bilden av Ingermanlands kvinnliga runotradition
Islamic art and culture in sub-Saharan Africa
Social policy and health insurance in South Korea and Taiwan : a comparative hisorical approach
Kyrkoförvaltningsproblem i Estland, 1561-1700
Two models of welfare : the origins and development of the welfare state in Sweden and New Zealand, 1888-1988
The seduction theory
The ordeal of Richard Feverel and the traditions of realism
"Wir graben den Schacht von Babel" oder Kafkas "Urteil" : Versuch einer semasiologisch-textlinguistischen Analyse
From colonial expression to export commodity : English-Canadian literature in Canada and Sweden 1945-1999
Meaning by metaphor : an exploration of metaphor with a metaphoric reading of two short stories by Stephen Crane
The life of St Philaretos the Merciful written by his grandson Niketas : a critical edition with introduction, translation, notes, and indices
On religious experience : a psychological study
I idéernas värld : en analys av omvårdnad som vetenskap och grund för en professionell utbildning
Integrated morphemics : a short outline of a theory of morphemics
Zum bestimmten Artikel in den inselnordfriesischen Mundarten von Föhr und Amrum
Davenant's adaptations of Shakespeare
Giacomo Torelli and Baroque stage design
Лексика русских старообрядческих говоров : (на материале, собранном в латгалии и на житомирщине) = The lexicon of russian old-belivers : (based on material from latgale and the žitomir area)
Swedish contribution to the Polish resistance movement during World War Two (1939-1942)
Rättsvetenskapliga studier ägnade minnet av Phillips Hult = Stdies in law dedicated to the memory of Phillips Hult
A history of Latin America
Relative infinitives in English
Centralmakt och domsmakt : studier kring den högsta rättskipningen i kung Magnus Erikssons länder 1319-1355
Semantic relations in Swedish children's early sentences
Repetition in English
Notes on general and Russian morphology
An ultra-thin-walled superconducting solenoid for Meson-decay physics
Dreiser looks at Scandinavia
Interprétation des textes
Pokolenie 68 : studium o poezji polskiej lat siedemdziesiątych = Generation 68 : studies in Polish poetry of the '70s
Kommunism på svenska? : SKP/VPK:s idéutveckling efter Komintern
Persian writing on music : a study of Persian musical literature from 1000 to 1500 AD
Kortstavighet och stavelseförlängning : hur några av de gamla kortstaviga orden erhållit sin form i svenskt riksspråk
Non-linear structural equation models : simulation studies of the Kenny-Judd model
Towards an understanding of the nature and processes of management accounting change
Red--white--black as a mode of thought : a study of triadic classification by colours in the ritual symbolism and cognitive thought of the peoples of the Lower Congo
Ecofeminism and environmental ethics : an analysis of ecofeminist ethical theory
Uppsala contributions to business research
"Frightened by a word" : Shirley Jackson and lesbian gothic
Stadsplanering som professionellt verksamhetsfålt : En studie av yrkesgrupper och deras arbete
Tres problemas de concordancia verbal en el español moderno
Stories of old : the imagined West and the crisis of historical symbology in the 1970s
Church and society in the modern age
The economic growth in Iceland, 1910-1980 : a productivity study
English in the elementary school : theoretical and empirical aspects of the early teaching of English as a foreign language
Aristotle in the Greek gnomological tradition
Sculpture and society : a study of the connection between the free-standing sculpture and society on Kos in the Hellenistic and Augustan periods
"There's a bad time coming" : ecological vision in the fiction of D.H. Lawrence
Kyrklig dogmatik : den kristna trosåskådhningen med särskild hänsyn till det eskatologiska motivet och den frälsningshistoriska grundsynen
The verbs varda and bliva in Scandinavian : With special emphasis on Swedish
Female corporeal performances : reading the body in Byzantine passions and lives of holy women
Studia slavica Gunnaro Gunnarsson sexagenario dedicata
Les phrases qui contiennent une complétive : ébauche d'un système
A modular tool architecture for worst-case execution time analysis
Executive behaviour
Domestic disharmony and industrialization in D.H. Lawrence's early fiction
Religion, democratic values and political conflict : Festschrift in honor of Thorleif Pettersson
Inbjudan till de offentliga högtidligheter vid vilka professorn i tyska språket Lars Hermodsson, professorni nordiska språket Lennart Moberg, professorn i obstetrik och gynekologi Carl Gemzell, installeras i sina åmbeten
The adventures of Harry Richmond : the unpublished parts
The heart and soul of the party : candidate selection in Ghana and Africa
Life-giving blessing : an inquiry into the eucharistic doctrine of Cyril of Alexandria
The unwomanly woman in Bernard Shaw's drama and her social and political background
On transient release of electromagnetic energy
La concurrence entre l'infinitif et la subordonnée complétive introduite par que en français contemporain
Albert Schweitzers etisk-religiösaideal : Zusammenfassung : Das ethischrekigiöse Ideal Albert Schweitzers
In the pathless forest : John Gardner's literary project
Rättsutvecklingen och de juridiska yrkesrollerna : föredrag och diskussioner vid juridiska fakultetens vid Uppsala universitet symposium 2-4 februari 1977
Fachprosa, vermeintliche Volkssprache und Neues Testament : Zur Beurteilung der sprachlichen Niveauunterschiede im nachklassischen Griechisch
De svenska legationspredikanterna i Konstantinopel
An odyssey to freedom : four themes in Colin Wilson's novels
Mål och mening i samhällets : Funktionalistiska program i samhälletsvetenskapen
Interfirm linkages in a developing economy : the case of Swedish firms in India
Avskrifter och skrivare : studier i fornsvenska lagtexter
Solidaritet och partitaktik : den svenska arbetarrörelsen och spanska inbördeskriget 1936-1939
A revolution in biology
Liberty, equality, and fraternity in Wordsworth, 1791-1800
Nominalavledningar på ahka i lulesamiskan
Profession or occupational culture? : an ethnological study of the textile conservators' working conditions at the museums
Ösels kyrkoforvaltning, 1645-1710;kompetenstvister och meningsmotsattningar rörande funktionssättet
Krig och kön : feministisk etik och den moraliska bedömningen av militärt våld = War and gender : feminist ethics and the moral judgement of military violence
Un miroir aux alouettes? : stratégies pour la traduction des métaphores
Une "histoire secrète" à matière nordique : Gustave Vasa, histoire de Suède (1697) : roman attribué à Charlotte-Rose de Caumont La Force (vers 1650-1724)
Nechet und Nil : ein ägyptischer Frauensarg des Mittleren Reiches aus religionsökologischer Sicht
En teori om staten och de offentliga utgifterna
William Hogarth's portrait of Captain Coram : studies on Hogarth's outlook around 1740
Aspects of ancient Egyptian curses and blessings : conceptual background and transmission
Sven Lidman om människan och Gud : en innehållsanalytisk undersökning
Dödsteman : läsningar av Rilke Edfelt Lindegren
Finnish loanwords in Jukkasjärvi Lappish classified according to their meaning : Supplement to Recent Finnish loanwords in Jukkasjärvi Lappish
Verbs and War Scroll : studies in the Hebrew verbal system and the Qumran War Scroll
Analysis of some methods for identifying dynamic errors-in-variables systems
Kyrkans enhet och papalismen. Zusammenfassung : Die Einheit der Kirche und der Papalesmus
Rural labor and population change : social and demographic developments in East-central Sweden during the nineteenth century
Problems of religious experience
A world made safe : values in American best sellers, 1895-1920
Studies in the prevalence of religious beliefs and religious practice in contemporary Sweden
Approaching the culture of toys in Swedish child care : a literature survey and a toy inventory
Gyllensten i hjärtats öken : strövtåg i lars gyllenstens författarskap, särskilt grottan i öknen
Sven Lidmans omvändelse : frälsningsupplevelse och omvändelseprocess 1915-1921 : en religionspsykologisk studie
Ludus Heliconius and other Latin poems
Reflections and elaborations upon Kantian aesthetics
Some aspects of control in international business
On the brink : English novels of 1866
Instruction and the development of moral judgment
Kitāb al-ʾaxlāq Wa-s-siyar, ou, Risāla fī mudāwāt an-nufūs wa-tahḏīb al-ʾaxlāq wa-z-zuhd fī r-raḏāʾil
The life of St Andrew the Fool
Stadsflyttare : industrialisering, migration och social mobilitet med utgångspunkt från Halmstad, 1870-1910
Les mots et le corps : étude des procés d'écriture dans l'œuvre de Tahar Ben Jelloun
Taking a step back : assessments of the psychology of religion
Rape and religion in English Renaissance literature : a topical study of four texts by Shakespeare, Drayton, and Middleton
Day care and children's development : the relations among direct teaching, communicative speech, cognitive performance, and social participation
Gender-related terms in English depositions, examinations and journals, 1670-1720
L'emploi des modes dans la subordonnée relative en français moderne
On Corinthian iconography : the bridled winged horse and the helmeted female head in the sixth century BC
Guide to A corpus of English dialogues, 1560-1760
Understanding an act of God : an essay in philosophical theology
Socialhjälpstagande : utveckling och orsaker 1945-1965 : med en intensivundersökning av hjälptagandet i Uppsala
Uncertainty and economic distance : Studies in international business
Trade and dependency : studies in the expansion of Europe
Johan Ihre on the origins and history of the Runes : three latin dissertations from the mid 18th century
Ideologie und Macht : eine Analyse von Antonio Gramscis Quaderni
Punishment as a crime? : perspectives on prison experience in Russian culture
Den himmelska föräldern : ett studium av kvinnans betydelse i och för Lars Levi Laestadius' teologi och förkunnelse
Wolffianismens genombrott i Uppsala : Frihetstida universitetsfilosofi till 1700-talets mitt
Verbvalenz : Untersuchungen am Beispiel des deutschen Verbs mit einer kontrastiven Analyse Deutsch-Schwedisch
Religion och metafysik : Axel Hägerströms och Anders Nygrens religionsteorier och dessas inflytande i svensk religionsdebatt
Stenåker och ängsmark : erotiska motiv och homosexuella skildringar i Tove Janssons senare litteratur
Place de l'adverbe déterminant un infinitif dans la prose du français contemporain
Från adlig uppfostran till borgerlig utbildning : Kungl. krigsakademien mellan åren 1792 och 1866
John Wesley and the Bible : a psychological study
Das Leben des heiligen Narren Symeon
Anatomy and taxonomy in Polygonaceae subfam. Polygonoideae Meisn. emend. Jaretzky
Vepsän suffiksoituneet postpositiot : kieliopillisiin sijoihin liittyvä suffiksoituminen
Medeltida Uppsalabibliotek
Shakespeare's early comedies : myth, metamorphosis, mannerism
Eros, logos, and (fictional) masculinity
Греческо-старославянский конкорданс к дребнейшим спискам славянского перевода eвангелий = Greek-Old Church Slavic concordance to the oldest versions of the translation of the gospel texts : (codices Marianus, Zographensis, Assemanianus, Ostromiri)
Under två kulturers ok Allmogeskildringar i den polska och svenska 1800- och 1900- talslitteraturen
Studien über J. S. Bachs Sonaten für ein Melodieinstrument und obligates Cembalo
Den Kristna människosynen
Psychological studies on religious man : [to the honour of Hjalmar Sundén 28th of November, 1978]
Sprachwechselprozeß in der Niederlausitz : soziolinguistische Fallstudie der deutsch-sorbischen Gemeinde Drachhausen/Hochoza
Öländskt och uppsvenskt : en ordoch ortnamnsgeografisk studie över uppsvenska dragpå Öland ochlängs Götalands östkust
Lapponica et Uralica : 100 Jahre finnisch-ugrischer Unterricht an der Universität Uppsala ; Vorträge am Jubiläumssymposium 20.-23. April 1994
Economic doctrines of David Davidson
Studies in the Syriac preface
Five plays about King John
Schnitzler in Schweden : zur Rezeption seiner Werke
L'emploi des formes fortes des pronoms personnels pour désigner des choses en français moderne
The periphrastic, completive and finite use of the present participle in Latin : With special regard to translations of Christian texts in Greek up to 600 A.D
Die Gottesgestalt der lettischen Volksreligion
Stig Larssons idé- och romanvärld : with a summary in English
Från tillväxt till trygghet : tio års debatt om strukturpolitikens mål och medel
Phonology, morphology, word-formation
Det traditionella och det "andra" universitetet : en början till samspel?
Aspects of structure, technique and quest in Aldous Huxley's major novels
Samvetets politik : Natanael Beskow och hans omvärld intill 1921
Zur Textkritik der Tusculanen
Religions in transition : mobility, merging and globalization in contemporary religious adhesions
On the function of abstract nouns in Latin
Mellan krona och marknad : utländska och svenska entreprenörer inom svensk järnhantering från ca 1580 till 1700
Berzelius och den kemiska atomteorin = Berzelius and the chemical atomic theory
The Frontiers of human knowledge : lectures held at the quincentenary celebrations of Uppsala University, 1977
La construction li filz le rei et les constructions concurrentes avec a et de étudiées dans des œuvres littéraires de la seconde moitié du XIIe siècle et du premier quart du XIIIe siècle
The genesis of the modern Bulgarian literary language
Processor pipelines and static worst-case execution time analysis
Die Kategorien Aspekt und Aktionsart im Russischen und im Deutschen
Le groupe substantif + préposition + substantif en français contemporain : étude sémantique et syntaxique
Polygyny : a cross-cultural study
From institutional life to community participation : ideas and realities concerning support to persons with intellectual disability
The anti-representational response : Gertrude Stein's Lucy Church amiably
Könshierarkier i gungning : kvinnor i kunskapsföretag
A Khamsa of Nizami of 1439 : origin of the miniatures- a presentation and analysis
Teknologins nytta : motiveringar för det svenska tekniska utbildningsväsendets framväxt framförda av riksdagsmän och utbildningsadministratörer, 1810-1870
Architecture and society in Hecatomnid Caria : proceedings of the Uppsala symposium, 1987
Svensk lutherdom i österled : relationer till ryska och baltiska diasporaförsamlingar och minoritetskyrkor 1883-1941 = Schwedisches Luthertum im Osten
Management studies in an academic context
Gifts to the gods : proceedings of the Uppsala symposium 1985
Officerarna och det svenska samhället 1650-1700
Karl Heim on philosophy, science, and the transcendence of God
Press mot friheten : opinionsbildning i de svenska tidningarna och åsiktsbrytningar om minoriteter 1772-1786
Strejkbryteriet och arbetets frihet : en studie av svensk arbetsmarknad fram till 1938 = [Strike-breaking and the freedom of labour : a study of the Swedish labour market up to 1938]
A Middle Helladic village : Asine in the Argolid
Värdeförandring och kontinuitet i tre generationer
From the Gustavianum collections in Uppsala, 2, 1978 : the collection of classical antiquities : history and studies of selected objects
System and repertoire in Sakata medicine : Democratic Republic of Congo
Att förändras av utbildning : om stabilitet och utveckling vid religionsvetenskaplig linje
The China cantos of Ezra Pound
Spätlese : germanistische Aufsätze
Persian orthography : modification or changeover? (1850-2000)
The "structuring forces" of detection : the cases of C.P. Snow and John Fowles
Kazak refugees in Turkey : a study of cultural persistence and social change
Political posters in Ethiopia and Mozambique : visual imagery in a revolutionary context
Preterite and past participle forms in English 1680-1790 : standardisation processes in public and private writing
L'emploi temporel dans la complétive au subjonctif introduite par un temps du passé en français contemporain
Vägen till makten : SAP:s organisation och dess betydelse för den politiska verksamheten 1900-1933
Sammanhangets mening : en empirisk studie av livsåskådningar i föreställningar om genteknik och i berättelser om barnlöshet, assisterad befruktning och adoption
Från kyrko- och hovmusik till offentlig konsert
L'histoire de la littérature néogrecque : la période jusqu'en 1821
African art : an aesthetic inquiry
Frihet, jämlikhet, egendom och Bentham : utvecklingslinjer i svensk folkundervisning mellan feodalism och kapitalism, 1809-1860
Über Sprache und Stil des Periegeten Pausanias
A mode of melancholy : a study of William Styron's novels
Den effektiva arbetstiden : verkstäderna och arbetsintensitetens problem 1900-1920
Mobilising the novel : the literature of imperialism and the First World War
Eigentumsrecht, ein Recht oder ein Unrecht? : eine kritische Beurteilung der ethischen Argumente für das Privateigentum bei Aristoteles, Thomas von Aquino, Grotius, Locke, Hegel, Marx und in den modernen katholischen Sozialenzykliken
Jesuitische Anthropologie und Erziehungslehre in der Frühzeit des Ordens (ca. 1540-ca. 1650)
The genus Wahlenbergia S. Lat. (Campanulaceae) in tropical Africa and Madagascar
Comparative etymological studies in the Western Neo-Syriac (Ṭūrōyo) lexicon : with special reference to homonyms, related words and borrowings with cultural signification
Lost illusions : Russian policies towards Bulgaria in 1877-1887
Kleine Beiträge zur Germanistik : Festschrift für John Evert Härd
International transfers of managers in multinational corporations
SKP och Komintern 1921-1924 : motsättningarna inom Sveriges Kommunistiska parti och dess relationer till den Kommunistiska internationalen
Clocks, DBMs and states in timed systems
Allmänna kyrkliga mötet 1908-1973 : målsättning och funktion = The general assembly of the Church of Sweden 1908-1973 : purpose and function
Gnomica Basileensia
Употребление краткой формы страдательного причастия прошедшего времени в современном русском языке
A prosopographical catalogue of individuals and groups ; The use of personal designations and their interpretation
The reception of religious television : social semeiology applied to an empirical case study
Festivus applausus in Caroli XII in Pomeraniam suam adventum
Officium parvum beate Marie Virginis : Vår Frus tidegärd utgiven med inledning och översättning av Tryggve Lundén
A prosopographical catalogue of individuals and groups
En industri kommer till stan : Hudiksvall och trävaruindustrin 1855-1876
Nominalpräpositionen untersucht besonders an Hand deutscher und niederländischer Urkunden 1250-1550
Modalité, cognition et polysémie : sémantique du verbe modal "devoir"
Das Persische im Codex Cumanicus
Socialisation och mening : no-utbildning som politiskt och miljömoraliskt problem
Estructura informativa en español : estudio sintáctico y entonativo
Ideologi och socialpolitik i 1800-talets Sverige : fyra studier = [Ideology and social policy]
Vadstena klosters bibliotek : ny katalog och nya forskningsmöjligheter = The Monastic library of medieval Vadstena : a new catalogue and new potentials for research
The exchange of cotton : Ugandan peasants, colonial market regulations and the organisation of international cotton trade, 1904-1918
Das ideale Dasein bei Tibull und die Goldzeitkonzeption Vergils
Applied Logic
Legal science today : proceedings from the Uppsala 1977 International Conference on Legal Science Today : five lectures on the present and future situation of legal science, held at the Uppsala Faculty of Law on Sept. 27 and 28, 1977, in connection with the quincentenary of Uppsala University
In the shoes of a soldier : communication in Tim O'Brien's Vietnam narratives
Tornedalsfinska ord ur dialektgeografisk synvinkel
The saving passion : incarnational and soteriological thought in Cyril of Alexandria's Commentary on the Gospel according to St. John
Boken i skolan : en analys med särskild inriktning på bibliotekets funktion i grundskolan
The musical-poetic method of Carl Michael Bellman
Standing and running rigging
Performance and perception of notational variants : a study of rhythmic patterning in music
A method for measuring perceptual distances between different vowel qualities : some identification tests using Russian /e/ variants and Swedish subjects
Im Dickicht der Gebote : Studien zur Dialektik von Norm und Praxis in der Buddhismusgeschichte Asiens
The Marxist theory of ideology : a conceptual analysis
Studien über die Sprache der langobardischen Gesetze : Beiträge zur frühmittelalterlichen Latinität
Introduction to a theory of language planning
The collection of classical antiquities (Antiksamlingen) : studies of selected objects
Bibeln i kristen etik : en analys av olika uppfattningar om relationen mellan Bibeln och kristen etik
Hermann Brochs Der Tod des Vergil : studier i romanens källor, struktur och idéinnehåll
Beloved communities : solidarity and difference in fiction by Michael Ondaatje, Toni Morrison, and Joy Kogawa
Kingship in the early Mesopotamian onomasticon 2800-2200 BCE
Irrigation water management : a performance study of the Rahad Scheme in Sudan, 1977-1996
Miscellanea Celtica in memoriam Heinrich Wagner
The Quaternary history of the North Sea
Λειμων : studies presented to Lennart Rydén on his sixty-fifth birthday
Presbyterian reunion in Scotland, 1907-1921 : its background and development
Curriculum as a political problem : changing educational conceptions, with special reference to citizenship education
A metaphysics for theology : a study of some problems in the later philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead and its application to issues in contemporary theology
Knowledge interplay : user-oriented research dissemination through synthesis pedagogics
A bridge of words : a term list based on the study and classification of compounding operations in Avot Yeshurun's later poetry (1974-1992) concerning the notion of בית (home/house)
The story of progress
Tanzania's financial experience in the post-war period
Frikyrkorna, arbetarfrågan och klasskampen : frikyrkorörelsens hållning till arbetarnas fackliga och politiska kamp åren kring sekelskiftet
Att förstå livsåskådningar : en metateoretisk analys av teologisk livsåskådningsforskning med anknytning till Anders Jeffners ansatser
The rural poor : agrarian changes and survival strategies in Chile, 1973-1989
Firms in networks : a new perspective on competitive power
Unio mystica : Probleme der Erfahrung bei Johannes Tauler
Analyses of consciousness as well as observation, volition and valuation
Svensk krigsfinansiering 1630-1631
Consuls, corsairs, and commerce : the Swedish consular service and long-distance shipping, 1720-1815
Studies in Dravidian phonology and vocabulary
La constellation de Thespis : présence du théâtre et dimension métathéâtrale dans l'œuvre dramatique de Victor Hugo
Bemerkungen zum Leben des heiligen Narren Symeon von Leontios von Neapolis
Silence or suppression : attitudes towards women in the Old Testament
Partipolitik och regionala intressen 1775-1776 : studier kring det bottniska handelstvångets hävande
Att få andas och kunna möta : förutsättningar för målorientering inom öppen barn- och ungdomspsykiatrisk verksamhet
Der Begriff des Lebens im "Timaios" Platons unter Berücksichtigung seiner früheren Philosophie
The orphan : tragic form in Thomas Otway
Från prästtionden till reglerad lön : Pastoraliekonventionerna i Uppsala ärkestift 1810-1862
Swedish firms and management contracts
Idrottens väg till folkrörelse : studier i svensk idrottsrörelse till 1915
Паренесис Ефрема Сирина : к истории славянского перевода = Ephrem the Syrian's Paraenesis : a contribution to the history of the Slavic translation
Studien zum Partitivgebrauch in den ostseefinnischen Sprachen
An aesthetics of the popular arts : an approach to the popular arts from the aesthetic point of view
Grappling with patriarchies : narrative strategies of resistance in Miriam Tlali's writings
Contamination and interpolation : a study of the 15th century Columella manuscripts
Uso e non-uso dell'articolo davanti a nomi di Stati di Continenti nell'italiano contemporaneo
Att förklara det oförklarliga : en livsåskådningsstudie om människors tolkningar av paranormala fenomen i en vetenskaplig tidsålder
Theory and taste : four studies in aesthetics
Die beiden edelmetalle Gold und Silber
More children of better quality? : aspects on Swedish population policy in the 1930's
Svenska personnamnsstudier
Identity : personal and socio-cultural : a symposium
Kyrkosynen i Einar Billings teologi : Zusammenfassung, die Kirchenauffassung Einar Billings im Rahmen seiner Theologie
Den lokala scenen : Torstuna härad som lokalsamhälle under 1600-talet
Der Kodex Trier 810/1338 : Studien zur einer Eifler Plenarhandschrift aus dem Jahre 1464
Församlingstanken i Svenska missionsförbundet : en studie i den nyevangeliska rörelsens sprängning och Svenska missionförbundets utveckling till o. 1890
Samtal med den värdefulla naturen : ett studium av miljöetiken hos Knud Løgstrup, Holmes Rolston III och Hans Jonas
Skirting the subject : pursuing language in the works of Adrienne Rich, Susan Griffin, and Beverly Dahlen
The scope and limits of John Macquarrie's existential theology
Fröknar, mamseller, jungfrur och pigor : ogifta kvinnor i det svenska ståndssamhället
Alain Robbe-Grillet, les sables mouvants du texte
La conception du temps dans deux romans de Claude Simon
Simultan tvåspråkighet i svensk-finsk kontext
The emerging theory of the firm
Romans interpreted : a comparative analysis of the commentaries of Barth, Nygren, Cranfield and Wilckens on Paul's Epistle to the Romans
Schöpfung, Vernunft und Gesetz in Luthers Theologie
Venerabilis & adorabilis eucharistia : en studie i den lutherska nattvardsläran under 1500-talet
Four eighteenth-century medical dissertations under the presidency of Nils Rosén
Under the cloak : [the acceptance of Christianity in Iceland with particular reference to the religious attitudes prevailing at the time]
Reformulation et conversation : de la sémantique du topos aux fonctions interactionnelles
Fattighushjonets värld i 1800-talets Stockholm
Scandinavian social democracy : its strength and weakness
A drama of souls : studies in O'Neill's super-naturalistic technique
Praefatio in Homerum
Ungkyrkomännen, arbetarfrågan och nationalismen, 1901-1911
Studies in verbal aspect and narrative technique in biblical Hebrew prose
A monograph of the genus Microcoelia (Orchidaceae)
Neo-Latin literature in Sweden in the period 1620-1720 : stylistics, vocabulary and characteristic ideas
Farbbezeichnungen in deutschen Modetexten : eine morphologisch-semantische Untersuchung
Almost homogeneous functions : a theoretical and empirical analysis with special emphasis on labour input : the case of Swedish manufacturing industries
Bodily practices and medical identities in Southern Thailand
Zur Substantivflexion im Thüringischen des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
Livsvillkor, livsformer, utbildning : en kommunstudie i pedagogisk perspektiv
Die Gliederung des Konjunktivs in Grammatiken der deutschen Sprache
De fyra elementen : studier i Johannes Edfelts diktning från Högmässa till Bråddjupt eko = [Die vier Elemente] : [Studien zur Dichtung Johannes Edfelts]
Socialité, sexualité et les impasses de l'histoire : l'évolution de la thématique sandienne d'Indiana (1832) à Mauprat (1837)
Hieronymus Bosch
Imām Rūḥullāh Khumainī, Šāh Muḥammad Riẓā Pahlavī and the religious traditions of Iran
Nordic Sordariaceae s. lat
Le poète masqué et démasqué : étude sur la mise en valeur du poète sincère dans la poétique du classicisme et du préromantisme
Cataclysm as catalyst : the theme of war in William Faulkner's fiction
Skinnare i Malung : från hemarbete till fabriksindustri
Culture, experience and pluralism : essays on African ideas of illness and healing
Inspiration and katharsis : the interpretation of Aristotle's The poetics VI, 1449 b 26
Swenske songer 1536 : vår första bevarade evangeliska psalmbok
A catalogue and its users : a symposium on the Uppsala C Collection of medieval manuscripts
Die Zeit als strukturelles Element im literarischen Werk
Trois sakkoi byzantins : analyse iconographique
Nation and novel : a study of persian and Kurdish narrative discourse
Prédication, assertion, information : actes du colloque d'Uppsala en linguistique française, 6-9 juin 1996
Die umgekehrte Perspektive und die Fluchtachsenperspektive : eine Untersuchung der Zeichen für Raum und Körper in Kinderzeichnungen und anderen Bildern
Byzantine 12th century frescoes in Kastoria : Agioi Anargyroi and Agios Nikolas tou Kasnitzi
Aspectos estructurales de El Moro expósito del duque de Rivas
"Ungerska för rötternas skull" : språkval och identitet bland andragenerationens ungrare i Sverige och Finland
Analytica : studies in the description and analysis of music
On stress assignment and vowel reduction in contemporary standard Russian
The genus Bidens (Compositae) in NE tropical Africa
Stökiga studenter : social kontroll och identifikation vid universiteten i Uppsala, Dorpat och Åbo under 1600-talet
Societas Celtologica Nordica : proceedings of inaugural meeting and first symposium, 26 May 1990 at Uppsala University
Distance education and the training of primary school teachers in Tanzania
Intransitivizations in Latin
Teoretiska utgångspunkter och analys på språkartsnivå
Relative constructions in early sixteenth century English : with special reference to Sir Thomas Elyot
Verbe et adverbe : étude sur le système verbal indicatif et sur le système de certains adverbes de temps à la lumière des relations verbo-adverbiales dans la prose du français contemporain
Breast-feeding and reproduction : studies in marital fertility and infant mortality in 19th century Finland and Sweden
Homage to Ireland : aspects of culture, literature and language
Företaget, kommunen och individen : en studie i relationerna mellan Söderfors bruk AB och Söderfors kommun och dess invånare 1895-1925
Peacock's progress : aspects of artistic development in the novels of Thomas Love Peacock
Svenskan i latinska originaldiplom 1300-1325 : en studie i medeltida skrivvanor
The cultural context of business : a study of firms in northern Nigerian society
Bibliographie zur Geschichte des Musikdrucks
Die Wirtschaftliche Aufbau-Vereinigung (WAV) 1945-53 : Entwicklung und Politik einer undoktrinären politischen Partei in der Bundesrepublik in der ersten Nachkriegszeit
Disciplinära strategier : en historiesociologisk studie av det professionella militärdisciplinära tänkesättet, 1901-1978
Gunnar Ekelöf's open-form poem, A Mölna elegy : problems of genesis, structure and influence
Structure and dynamics in chemistry : proceedings from symposium held at Uppsala, Sweden, 22-27.9.1977
Problems of an empirical sociology of knowledge
Die Vermittlungstheologie : ihre theologischen Grundbegriffe, kritisch Untersucht
International industrial purchasing : channels, interaction, and governance structures
Anacharsis : the legend and the apophthegmata
Cultural exchange between European nations during the Renaissance : proceedings of the Symposium arranged in Uppsala by the Forum for Renaissance Studies of the English Department of Uppsala University, 5-7 June 1993
Swedish lichenology : dedicated to Roland Moberg
Arbetets mål och värde : en analys av ideologiska uppfattningar hos LO, TCO och SAF i 1970-talets debatt om arbetsorganisation och datorisering
Les valets de chambre nouvellistes : comédie inédite en cinq actes et en prose, écrite à Stockholm vers 1701
Det saliga bytet : frälsningsschema och frälsarbild i teologihistorien
The Quaternary history of the Baltic
W poszukiwaniu utraconej ojczyzny : obraz Litwy i Bialorusi w twórczości wybranych polskich pisarzy emigracyjnych : Florian Czarnyszewicz, Michal Kryspin Pawlikowski, Maria Czapska, Czeslaw Milosz, Józef Mackiewicz
General Introduction (Inga and Robin Hägg), Bibliography (Robin Hägg), Geological Background (Dieter Bannert) and a Report on the Field-work in the Levendis Sector, 1970-72 (Inga Hägg)
Reading and writing Krio : proceedings of a workshop held at the Institute of Public Administration and Management, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, 29-31 January, 1990
Inventions, innovations and economic growth in Sweden : an appraisal of the Schumpeterian theory
Protestant work ethics : a study of work ethical theories in contemporary Protestant theology
Lässvårigheter och emotionell störning
Trésors de la tradition orale Sakata : proverbes, mythes, légendes, fables, chansons et devinettes de Sakata
Estetik i förvandling : estetik och litteraturhistoria i Uppsala från P.D.A. Atterbom till B.E. Malmström
The reputation of John Donne, 1779-1873
Résonances de la recherche : festskrift till Sigbrit Swahn
Studies in the language of Qoheleth : with special emphasis on the verbal system
Mummeries of resurrection : the cycle of Osiris in Finnegans Wake
Elizabeth Gaskell's Mary Barton and Ruth : a challenge to Christian England
Las construcciones condicionales en castellano contemporáneo
The place-name, Lewes : a study of its early spelling and etymology
The pillars of apartheid : land tenure, rural planning and the chieftancy
Social differentiering och kommunalpolitik : Enköping 1863-1919
Döden och den svarta oxen : symbolspråk och värderingar
Pirottaea (Discomycetes inoperculati) : a critical review
Greek gods and figurines : aspects of the anthropomorphic dedications
Langage et référence : mélanges offerts à Kerstin Jonasson à l'occasion de ses soixante ans
Personhood and Agency : the experience of self and other in African cultures : papers presented at a Symposium on African Folk Models and Their Application, held at Uppsala University, August 23-30, 1987
Dichtung und Wissenschaft : Studien zu Robert Musils Romanen "Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törless" und "Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften"
Dualism and Hierarchy in Lowland South America
Marknadens väv : svenska mekaniserade bomullsväverier i distribution och försäljning 1850-75
Aspects of macro-sociological methodology
The pyramids : between life and death : proceedings of the workshop held at Uppsala University, Uppsala, May 31-June 1, 2012
Verbalrektion in den "Vest-Kuranty" (1600-1660) : eine historisch-philologische Untersuchung zur mittelrussischen Syntax
Stochastic resonance and noise-assisted signal transfer : on coupling-effects of stochastic resonators and spectral optimization of fluctuations in random network switches
In pursuit of ethnic politics : voters, parties and policies in Kenya and Zambia
Dietrich Buxtehudes geistliche Vokalwerke : Texte, Formen, Gattungen
Delen och helheten : företags- och industrihistorisk forskning under fyra årtionden
The revolution in the North : Soviet ethnography and nationality policy
Att studera i ett främmande land : en studie av motiv och studiesituation bland utländska studerande vid svenska högskolor
Fautes de français : fautes commises à l'écrit par des apprenants suédois au niveau universitaire : analyse quantitative, qualitative et corrélationnelle
"Oppressive narrowness" : a study of the female community in George Eliot's early writings
Die visio intellectualis als Erkenntnisweg und -ziel des Nicolaus Cusanus
Monumentvårdens begynnelse : restaurering och friläggning av antika monument i Rom 1800-1830
Towards a theory of verb stem formation and conjugation in modern Russian : with an excursus on so-called e-o alternations and mobile vowels
Finds from the Levendis Sector, 1970-72
The Vikings : proceedings of the symposium of the Faculty of Arts of Uppsala University, June 6-9, 1977
Adel i förvandling : adliga strategier och identiteter i 1800-talets borgerliga samhälle
Epic tradition and innovation in James Macpherson's Fingal
Mutual aid in the arts from the Second empire to Fin de siècle
The state of state : an inquiry concerning the role of invisible hands in politics and civil society
Kamelaukion et mitra : insignes byzantins impériaux et ecclésiastiques
Herakles on Thasos : the archaeological, literary and epigraphic evidence for his sanctuary, status and cult reconsidered
Evocatio deorum : historical and mythical interpretations of ritualised conquests in the expansion of ancient Rome
Anaphylactic shock : pathophysiology of aggregate and cytotropic anaphylaxis in the monkey
Präpositionale und kasuelle Zeitangaben auf die Frage`wann' im gegenwärtigen Deutsch
Christian social ethics in a revolutionary age : an analysis of the social ethics of John C. Bennett, Heinz-Dietrich Wendland and Richard Shaull
Balthasar Hubmaier : seine Stellung zu Reformation und Täufertum, 1521-1528
Vill du frihet eller tvång? : svensk försäkringspolitik 1935-1945
Kamares : a study of the character of palatial Middle Minoan pottery
Gene therapy and ethics
Facets of power and its limitations : political culture in Southeast Asia
The mandative subjunctive in American and British English in the 20th century
Recent research on the internationalization of business : proceedings from the annual meeting of the European international business association, Uppsala, Sweden, December 14-17, 1977
Föräldraperspektiv på skolan : en analys från två håll
The object in pre-predicative position in Swedish
Aufhebung zur Eigentlichkeit : zur problematik kosmologischer eschatologiin der Theologie Karl Rahners
Patterns of queenship in ancient Egyptian myth and history
Mind and meaning : towards a theory of the human mind considered as a system of meaning structures
Studies on absolutely comvergent fourier series
Chapungu : the bird that never drops a feather : male and female identities in an African society
Studier i änglabildens utformning och funktion under den kristna kyrkans första årtusende
The Slavonic translation of the Apocryphal Infancy Gospel of Thomas
Pięć lat językoznawstwa polskiego, 1966-1970 : próba bibliografii = Five years of Polish linguistics, 1966-1970 : a bibliography
Wolfgang Koeppen als zeitkritischer Erzähler
Carpathian Ustilaginales
Felix Gattel's early Freudian cases, and the astrological origin of the anal theory
In search of the state : an ethnography of public service provision in urban Niger
Andreas Stobaeus : two panegyrics in verse
The Global ArtWorld inc. : on the globalization of contemporary art
Se oli kurja käya koulusa : bruket av inre och yttre lokalkasus i sverigefinska skolbarns språk
Belonging to others : cultural construction of womanhood among Muslims in a village in Bangladesh
Modes of construction and their change through validation and invalidation
Two kinds of syntactic-semantic value-loading in English
Från etableringsfas till konsolidering : Svensk akademisk litteraturundervisning 1890-1946
Makro-ekonomisk planering : orsaker och utveckling
1844 and the Shut door problem
Die Grundschrift der Testamente der zwölf Patriarchen : eine Untersuchung zu Umfang, Inhalt und Eigenart der ursprünglichen Schrift
"--Nápred i názad se ogledát" Razgówori ob wladátelystwu (1663-1666) Juraja Križanicia i ich spójność tematyczno-argumentacyjna
Lage und Form der Gräber
De finska sjönamnen i Korpilombolo socken
Buddhism among Tamils in pre-colonial Tamil̲akam and Īl̲am
The intellectual development of Henry David Thoreau
Veils of irony : the development of narrative technique in women's novels of the 1790s
Sågarnas ö : Alnö och industrialiseringen 1860-1910
A catalogue of photoelectric magnitudes and colours of visual double and multiple systems : presented to the Royal Society of Sciences of Uppsala September 18th, 1981
Emotional and electrodermal reactions to the suffering of another : vicarious instigation and vicarious classical conditioning
Lexical characteristics of the Estonian North Eastern coastal dialect
Ethnographic practice and public aid : methods and meanings in development cooperation
Erotic pathos, rhetorical pleasure : narrative technique and mimesis in Eumathios Makrembolites' Hysmine & Hysminias
Images of regeneration : a study of Shakespeare's The tempest and its cultural background
Huomioita Suomen mainoskielestä
Ögonblicket-det förvandlande : en religionspsykologisk studie av en livsavgörande gudsupplevelse i Gunnar Edmans liv
Jorden är mörk och svart : vad som rör pastorer inom Svenska Missionsförbundet när de ska predika om samhället
The dramatic works of Lillian Hellman : doctoral dissertation
Violence, power, and justice : a feminist contribution to Christian sexual ethics
The relevance of theology : Nathan Söderblom and the development of an academic discipline : Proceedings from a conference held in Uppsala, April 14-16 2002
The tragedy of liberty : civic concern and disillusionment in James Thomson's tragic dramas
La défense organisée de la langue française : étude sur l'activité de quelques organismes qui depuis 1937 ont pris pour tâche de veiller à la correction et à la pureté de la langue française
Makten, moralen och människan : en analys av värdekonflikter i debatten om medbestämmande och löntagarstyre
Christus redemptor et consummator : a study in the theology of B.F. Westcott
Managing diversity : the anthologization of "American Literature"
The mighty maze : a study of Pope's An essay on man
Towards an ergonomic theory of text design and composition
The social origins of Afrikaner fascism and its Apartheid policy
Hans Henrik von Essen och den nyevangeliska kolportörsverksamheten : till frågan om högreståndsväckelsen och friförsamlingsrörelsen. Baron Hans Henrik von Essen and colporteur evangelism, upper-class revivalism and free-church movement
The use of English in three large Swedish companies
Étude sur la vitalité de la formation diminutive française au XXe siècle
"Das Häuschen in Kolomna" in der poetischen Erbschaft A.S. Puškins : Text, Interpretation und Literatur-historischer Kommentar
On the use of two-phase sampling in estimation of parameters in domains where data contain misclassification and measurement errors
Systems in contact, system in motion : the assimilation of Russian verbs in the Baltic Finnic languages of Russia
Anthracoidea (Ustilaginales) on nordic Cyperaceae-Caricoideae : a concluding synopsis
Łacińska końcówka w polskim systemie fleksyjnym : przyczynek do zagadnienia interferencji językowej
Zum Hölderlinbild in der Bundesrepublik und der DDR : anhand ausgewählter Beispiele der produktiven Hölderlin-Rezeption
Index to the Uppsala edition of Columella
Etik och verklighetstolkning : en jämförande analys av Kund E. Løgstrups, Reinhold Niebuhrs och Keith Wards etiska äskadningar
Visual paraphrases : studies in mass media imagery
Man's ontological predicament : a detailed analysis of Søren Kierkegaard's concept of sin with special reference to The concept of dread
Faculty of law at Uppsala University
Erneuerung des Verbalaspekts im Semitischen : funktionell-diachronische Studien zur semitischen Verblehre
Läras för skolan eller skolas att lära : tankemodeller i lärarutbildning
Hustru och man i Birgittas uppenbarelser
La correspondance littéraire, 1er janvier-15 juin 1763
Human dignity and animal well-being : a Kantian contribution to biomedical ethics
Levels of unreality : studies in structure and construction in Italian mural painting during the Renaissance
Imaging and quantification of brain serotonergic activity using PET
Частотный словарь современного русского языка
Från tjänstehjon till hembiträde : en kvinnlig låglönegrupp i den fackliga kampen 1903-1946 = [From household drudge to domestic servant; the struggles of a group of poorly-paid women tradeunionists, 1903-46]
Counterpoint and partimento : methods of teaching composition in late eighteenth-century Naples
An index to Dio Chrysostomus
Stephanites und Ichnelates : Überlieferungsgeschichte und Text
Samfund och samhälle : Svenska Missionsförbundet : dess medlemsutveckling, inre miljö och socio-kulturella kontext
The relativizers whose and of which in present-day English : description and theory
Production under risk : a theoretical study
La tradition de la Bible chez la femme de la CEZ : influence de l'ancienne culture et de la pensée biblique dans le maintien d'une certaine conception de la femme au sein de la Communauté évangélique du Zaïre
Conquête, survie et disparition : italien, français et francoprovençal en Vallée d'Aoste
To make do in the city : social identities and cultural transformations among urban Aymara speakers in La Paz
Teknikerna, vetenskapen och kulturen : ingenjörsundervisning och ingenjörsorganisationer i 1870-talets Sverige
Feminist ethics : perspectives, problems and possibilities
Studier rörande partshandlingar : zusammenfassung studien über parteibandlungen
Le costume officiel des dignitaires byzantins à l'époque paléologue
Arbetarförsäkringsfrågan i svensk politik 1884-1901
Det förklarade ögonblicket : studier i västerländsk idyll från Theokritos till Strindberg = [The transfigured moment : studies in European idyll from Theocritus to Strindberg]
Mänsklighetstanken i äldre och nyare teologi
Coping under recession : workers in a Nigerian factory
Konserverade änkor och kvinnor på undantag : prästänkornas villkor i Uppsala stift 1720-1920 : från änkehjälp till familjepension
Die Geschichte Zarēr's
Neuer Buddhismus als gesellschaftlicher Entwurf : zur Identitätskonstruktion der Dalits in Kanpur, Indien
Exobasidium, a taxonomic reassessment applied to the European species
Rallareliv : arbete, familjemönster och levnadsförhållanden för järnvägsarbetare på banbyggena i Jämtland-Härjedalen, 1912-1928
Der hibernolateinische Grammatiker Malsachanus
Книга Есфирь : к истории первого славянского перевода = The Book of Esther : a contribution to the history of the first Slavonic translation
The stress system of English
Från lögnsaga till paradis
Olavus Petris reformatoriska åskådning, Zusammenfassung : die reformatorische theologie des Olavus Petri
The effects of planned change on Estonian morphology
Sundries in honour of Torgny Säve-Söderbergh
Biosystematics in the Nordic flora : proceedings of a symposium held at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on the occasion of the centenary of Bergius Botanic Garden, Stockholm University, August 27-29, 1985
Studier i den svenska livsmedelskonsumtionens historia : hospitalhjonens livsmedelskonsumtion 1621-1872
Konventikel- och sakramentsbestämmelsernas tillämpning i Sverige, 1809-1900 : Summary : the conventicle and sacramental acts and their application in Sweden 1809-1900
Biomedical research and research policy in Sweden
The Hellenistic Nekropolis and later structures on the middle slopes, 1973-77
Från präs̈töverflöd till prästbrist : prästrekryteringen i Uppsala ärkestift, 1786-1965
Stat och kyrka enligt gällande svensk rätt
Le degré de cohésion des groupes subst. + de + subst. en français contemporain : Étudié d'après la place accordée à l'adjectif épithète, avec examen comparatif des groupes correspondants de l'italien et de l'espagnol
Class and social organisation in Finland, Sweden and Norway
Revolutionsuppfattningens anatomi : 1848 års revolutioner i svensk debatt
Italian colonialism in Eritrea, 1882-1941 : policies, praxis and impact
Temples and cult places in Palestine
Essays on wage formation, employment, and unemployment
Commitment as art : a marxist critique of a selection of Alan Sillitoe's political fiction
Rädda familjen : kristen opinionsbildning i befolkningspolitiska och sexualetiska frågor under 1930-talet
Frid och fredlöshet : sociala band och utanförskap på Island under äldre medeltid
L'incroyable, romanesque, picaresque épisode barbaresque : étude sur le suffixe français -esque et sur ses équivalents en espagnol, italien et roumain
The world's a garden : garden poetry of the English Renaissance
Isis-Seele und Osiris-Ei : zwei ägyptologische Studien zu Diodorus Siculus I 27, 4-5
Det historiska fältet : svensk historievetenskap från 1920-tal till 1957
The Syriac chronicle of Pseudo-Dionysius of Tel-Maḥrē : a study in the history of historiography
Le type, c'est le meilleur livre qu'il ait jamais écrit, en espagnol, en italien et en français
Spirits from the Margin : Umbanda in São Paulo : a study in popular religion and social experience
Religion and power in the ancient Greek world : proceedings of the Uppsala Symposium 1993
Svensk segregations- och konversionspolitik i Ingermanland, 1617-1704 : zusammenfassung : Schwedische Segregations- und Konversionspolitik in Ingermanland, 1617-1704
Bekenntnis und Kirchenrecht
Changes of lakes in Uppland central Sweden during 40 years
Etik och jämställdhet = Equal rights for women and men--an ethical study
Industrierealismus : zum Problem der Stilbetrachtung auf dem Bereich der Kulturindustriewarenproduktion
Aspekt im Türkischen : Vorstudien zu einer Beschreibung des türkeitürkischen Adpektsystems
The function of myth in Akan healing experience : a psychological inquiry into two traditional Akan healing communities
Relations internationales et sous-développement : la Tunisie 1857-1864
International business and political crisis : Swedish MNCs in a turbulent market
Structure and change : power in the transnational enterprise
The collocation of adverbs of degree in English
La grant cronica de Espanya, libros 1-II
The male woman : a feminine ideal in the early church
Kommunerna och det pedagogiska utvecklingsarbetet inom barnomsorgen : omfattning, inriktning och villkor
Verbal reports about strategies in probabilistic inference learning tasks
Le "Don sombre" : le thème de la mort dans quatre romans de Marguerite Yourcenar
Actes du sixième congrès international d'esthétique, Uppsala 1968
On the edge : the concept of progress in Bukhara during the rule of the Later Manghits
"... till vinnande af ett redigt storskifte ..." : en komparativ studie av storskiftet i fem härader
Categories of content and form in language : a study of the personal and impersonal constructions in Russian
Uppsalaskolan - och efteråt : rättsfilosofiskt symposium, Uppsala 23-26 maj 1977
Hushållningssällskapen och agrarsamhällets förändring : utveckling och verksamhet under 1800-talets första hälft
The performance of tradition : an ethnography of Hira Gasy popular theatre in Madagascar
The Kamares style : overall effects
Landborna i Norden under äldre medeltid
Censur och propaganda : svensk informationspolitik under 1900-talets första decennier
The links in the chain : isolation and interdependence in Nathaniel Hawthorne's fictional characters
Paths to adulthood : freedom, belonging, and temporalities in Mbunda biographies from Western Zambia
The happening of tradition : Vallabha on Anumāna in Nyāyalīlāvatī
Tatar and Chuvash code-copies in Mari
The noun victoria as subject
Medicine for uncertain futures : a Nigerian city in the wake of a crisis
Människan i själavården : en teologisk analys av människosynen i själavårdslitteratur från 1945 till 1984
Förening och politik : folkrörelsernas politiska aktivitet i Gävle under 1880-talet
Contributions to the history and theory of art
Sysselsättning och arbetslöshet : en ekonometrisk analys av den svenska arbetsmarknadens funktionssätt 1964-1977
Cantus sororum : musik- und liturgiegeschichtliche Studien zu den Antiphonen des birgittinischen Eigenrepertoires : nebst 91 Transkriptionen
Frihet, jämlikhet, demokrati : etik och människosyn inom liberal och socialistisk tradition
"Honourable" or "highly-sexed" : adjectival descriptions of male and female characters in Victorian and contemporary children's fiction
Arbete och lön vid Bredsjö bruk : en studie av löneprinciper och lönenivåer för olika yrkeskategorier vid Bredsjö bruk 1828-1905
The Kazaks of China : essays on an ethnic minority
L'identification automatique des lexèmes du français contemporain
Dextran - 30 years
Cooking, care, and domestication : a culinary ethnography of the Tai Yong, Northern Thailand
From interaction to grammar : Estonian finite verb forms in conversation
Innanför eller utanför : en socialpsykologisk undersökning av ifragasättandet av religiös tradition och grupptillhörighet
Kitāb al-lumaʿ fi-n-naḥw (manuel de grammaire arabe)
Identification of viscoelastic materials and continuous-time stochastic systems
Radikal 30-tals humanism : en studie över Per Meurlings tidiga kultur- och litteraturkritik med tonvikt på åren 1933-36
Acht Reden in der Aeneis
The Auxerre reliefs : a harbinger of the Renaissance in France during the reign of Philip le Bel
Anaphylactic shock in the monkey : early circulatory and respiratory response in aggregate anaphylaxis
Das Pronomen, das Adverb, Präpositionen, Konjunktionen und das Verbrum
The hagiographic dossier of St Eugenios of Trebizond in Codex Athous Dionysiou 154 : a critical edition with introduction, translation, commentary and indexes
Water drop initiated discharges in air
Zur Vorgeschichte des Livländischen Krieges : die Beziehungen zwischen Moskau und Litauen 1549-1562
Ancient ports : the geography of connections : proceedings of an international conference at the department of archaeology and ancient history, Uppsala University, 23-25 September 2010
Sir Samuel Hoare och Etiopienkonflikten 1935
Bad guys, good life : an ethnography of morality and change in Kisekka Market (Kampala, Uganda)
The challenge of religion : colloquium on interdisciplinary research programmes, 3-5 February 2010, Uppsala University
Dark matter in southern open clusters
Tekniskt bistånd och social struktur : några problemställningar
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research