
Culture and history of the ancient Near East

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Culture and history of the ancient Near East

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edited by B. Halpern ... [et al.]
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"CHAN"--Spine of v. 77

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The Royal NecropolisLeave the NDL website. Divrei Shalom : collected studies of Shalom M. Paul on the Bible and the ancient Near East, 1967-2005Leave the NDL website. Phrygian rock-cut shrines : structure, function, and cult practiceLeave the NDL website. To your tents, O Israel! : the terminology, function, form, and symbolism of tents in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near EastLeave the NDL website. The revival of the Anu cult and the nocturnal fire ceremony at late Babylonian UrukLeave the NDL website. The politics of trade : Egypt and lower Nubia in the 4th millennium BCLeave the NDL website. Concepts in middle kingdom funerary culture : proceedings of the lady wallis budge anniversary symposium held at christs college, cambridge, 22 January 2016Leave the NDL website. Luwian identities : culture, language and religion between Anatolia and the AegeanLeave the NDL website. Ancient sites in Galilee : a toponymic gazetteerLeave the NDL website. Selected writings on chariots and other early vehicles, riding and harnessLeave the NDL website. In his own image and likeness : humanity, divinity, and monotheismLeave the NDL website. Audias fabulas veteres : anatolian studies in honor of Jana Součková-SiegelováLeave the NDL website. Tradition and transformation : Egypt under Roman rule : proceedings of the international conference, Hildesheim, Roemer- and Pelizaeus-Museum, 3-6 July 2008Leave the NDL website. Auditive räume des alten Ägypten : die umgestaltung einer hörkultur in der AmarnazeitLeave the NDL website. The exegetical terminology of Akkadian commentariesLeave the NDL website. The Medinet Habu Records of the Foreign Wars of Ramesses IIILeave the NDL website. The lower stratum families in the Neo-Assyrian periodLeave the NDL website. Aramaic and Hebrew inscriptions from Mt. Gerizim and Samaria between Antiochus III and Antiochus IV EpiphanesLeave the NDL website. Les manuscrits araméens du Wadi Daliyeh et la Samarie vers 450-332 av.J.-C.Leave the NDL website. The Shechem synclineLeave the NDL website. Ancient Near Eastern art in context : studies in honor of Irene J. WinterLeave the NDL website. Following the Man of Yamhad : settlement and territory at Old Babylonian AlalahLeave the NDL website. Writing science before the Greeks : a naturalistic analysis of the Babylonian astronomical treatise MUL.APINLeave the NDL website. A journey to Palmyra : collected essays to remember Delbert R. HillersLeave the NDL website. Historical and archaeological aspects of Egyptian funerary culture : religious ideas and ritual practice in Middle Kingdom elite cemeteriesLeave the NDL website. Offerings to the discerning eye : an Egyptological medley in honor of Jack A. JosephsonLeave the NDL website. In the shadow of Bezalel : Aramaic, biblical, and ancient Near Eastern studies in honor of Bezalel PortenLeave the NDL website. Sennacherib at the gates of Jerusalem : story, history and historiographyLeave the NDL website. The tomb of the priests of Amun : burial assemblages in the Egyptian Museum of FlorenceLeave the NDL website. Egyptianization and elite emulation in Ramesside Palestine : governance and accomodation on the imperial peripheryLeave the NDL website. On art in the ancient Near EastLeave the NDL website. Abraham in Mamre : historische und exegetische Studien zur Region von Hebron und zu Genesis 11, 27 - 19, 38Leave the NDL website. Flight and freedom in the ancient Near EastLeave the NDL website. The cypro-phoenician pottery of the iron ageLeave the NDL website. Le pouvoir impérial dans les provinces syriennes : représentations et célébrations d'Auguste à Constantin (31 av. J.-C.-337 ap. J.-C.)Leave the NDL website. The double kingdom under Taharqo : studies in the history of Kush and Egypt, c. 690-664 BCLeave the NDL website. Hrozný and Hittite : the first hundred years : proceedings of the international conference held at Charles University, Prague, 11-14 November 2015Leave the NDL website. The social world of the Babylonian priestLeave the NDL website. The meaning of color in ancient MesopotamiaLeave the NDL website. Ostraca from the Temple of Millions of Years of Thutmose IIILeave the NDL website. Sons and descendants : a social history of kin groups and family names in the early neo-Babylonian period, 747-626 BCLeave the NDL website. The Saqqara necropolis through the New Kingdom : biography of an ancient Egyptian cultural landscapeLeave the NDL website. The religious aspects of war in the ancient Near East, Greece, and RomeLeave the NDL website. Semitic papyrology in context : a climate of creativity : papers from a New York University conference marking the retirement of Baruch A. LevineLeave the NDL website. From conquest to coexistence : ideology and antiquarian intent in the historiography of Israel's settlement in CanaanLeave the NDL website. The healing goddess Gula : towards an understanding of ancient Babylonian medicineLeave the NDL website. Puzzling out the past : studies in the Northwest Semitic languages and literatures in honor of Bruce ZuckermanLeave the NDL website. Das Ritual der Aštu (CTH 490) : Rekonstruktion und Tradition eines hurritisch-hethitischen Rituals aus Boğazköy/ḪattušaLeave the NDL website. The forgotten scholar : Georg Zoëga (1755-1809) : at the dawn of Egyptology and Coptic studiesLeave the NDL website. The great dedicatory inscription of Ramesses II : a Solar-Osirian Tractate at AbydosLeave the NDL website. The world's oldest literature : studies in Sumerian belles-lettresLeave the NDL website. Household archaeology in ancient Israel and beyondLeave the NDL website. Ancient Near Eastern seals from the Kist collection : three millennia of miniature reliefsLeave the NDL website. Security for debt in ancient Near Eastern lawLeave the NDL website. Prophecy in the ancient Near East : a philological and sociological comparisonLeave the NDL website. Causing his name to live : studies in Egyptian epigraphy and history in memory of William J. MurnaneLeave the NDL website. Walls of the prince : Egyptian interactions with Southwest Asia in antiquity : essays in honour of John S. Holladay, Jr.Leave the NDL website. From single sign to pseudo-script : an ancient Egyptian system of workmen's identity marksLeave the NDL website. Pottery and economy in Old Kingdom EgyptLeave the NDL website. Aššur is king! Aššur is king! : religion in the exercise of power in the Neo-Assyrian EmpireLeave the NDL website. Opening the tablet box : Near Eastern studies in honor of Benjamin R. FosterLeave the NDL website. The domestication of metals : the rise of complex metal industries in AnatoliaLeave the NDL website. Orality and literacy in the demotic talesLeave the NDL website. Bene Israel : studies in the archaeology of Israel and the Levant during the Bronze and Iron Ages in honour of Israel FinkelsteinLeave the NDL website. History of biblical Israel : major problems and minor issuesLeave the NDL website. Ersetzen und Entsühnen : das mittelhethitische Ersatzritual für den Großkönig Tutḫalija (CTH *448.4) und verwandte TexteLeave the NDL website. Ve-eileh divrei David : essays in Semitics, Hebrew Bible and history of biblical scholarshipLeave the NDL website. Geschenke und Steuern, Zölle und Tribute : antike Abgabenformen in Anspruch und WirklichkeitLeave the NDL website. The wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose IIILeave the NDL website. The construction of the Assyrian empire : a historical study of the inscriptions of Shalmanesar III (859-824 B.C.) relating to his campaigns to the WestLeave the NDL website. Rêves hittites : contribution à une histoire et une anthropologie du rêve en Anatolie ancienneLeave the NDL website. The fabric of cities : aspects of urbanism, urban topography and society in Mesopotamia, Greece, and RomeLeave the NDL website. Excavations at Tall Jawa, JordanLeave the NDL website. The god Dagan in Bronze Age SyriaLeave the NDL website. The debate between a man and his soul : a masterpiece of ancient Egyptian literatureLeave the NDL website. Wadi hammeh 27, an early Natufian settlement at Pella in JordanLeave the NDL website. Aramaean borders : defining Aramaean territories in the 10th-8th centuries B.C.E.Leave the NDL website. Judeans in Babylonia : a study of deportees in the sixth and fifth centuries BCELeave the NDL website. Aramaic graffiti from Hatra : a study based on the archive of the Missione Archeologica ItalianaLeave the NDL website. Three hundred years of death : the Egyptian funerary industry in the Ptolemaic periodLeave the NDL website. Linguistic and cultural interactions between Greece and Anatolia : in search of the golden fleeceLeave the NDL website. The Amorites : a political history of Mesopotamia in the early second millennium BCELeave the NDL website. Keeping watch in Babylon : the astronomical diaries in contextLeave the NDL website. The books behind the masks : sources of warfare leadership in Ancient EgyptLeave the NDL website. The Dromos and Temple AreaLeave the NDL website. From the delta to the cataract : studies dedicated to Mohamed el-BialyLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • The Royal Necropolis

  • Divrei Shalom : collected studies of Shalom M. Paul on the Bible and the ancient Near East, 1967-2005

  • Phrygian rock-cut shrines : structure, function, and cult practice

  • To your tents, O Israel! : the terminology, function, form, and symbolism of tents in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East

  • The revival of the Anu cult and the nocturnal fire ceremony at late Babylonian Uruk

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Material Type
edited by B. Halpern ... [et al.]
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Culture & history of the ancient Near East
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Note (General)
"CHAN"--Spine of v. 77
Related Material
The Royal Necropolis
Divrei Shalom : collected studies of Shalom M. Paul on the Bible and the ancient Near East, 1967-2005
Phrygian rock-cut shrines : structure, function, and cult practice
To your tents, O Israel! : the terminology, function, form, and symbolism of tents in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East
The revival of the Anu cult and the nocturnal fire ceremony at late Babylonian Uruk
The politics of trade : Egypt and lower Nubia in the 4th millennium BC
Concepts in middle kingdom funerary culture : proceedings of the lady wallis budge anniversary symposium held at christs college, cambridge, 22 January 2016
Luwian identities : culture, language and religion between Anatolia and the Aegean
Ancient sites in Galilee : a toponymic gazetteer
Selected writings on chariots and other early vehicles, riding and harness
In his own image and likeness : humanity, divinity, and monotheism
Audias fabulas veteres : anatolian studies in honor of Jana Součková-Siegelová
Tradition and transformation : Egypt under Roman rule : proceedings of the international conference, Hildesheim, Roemer- and Pelizaeus-Museum, 3-6 July 2008
Auditive räume des alten Ägypten : die umgestaltung einer hörkultur in der Amarnazeit
The exegetical terminology of Akkadian commentaries
The Medinet Habu Records of the Foreign Wars of Ramesses III
The lower stratum families in the Neo-Assyrian period
Aramaic and Hebrew inscriptions from Mt. Gerizim and Samaria between Antiochus III and Antiochus IV Epiphanes
Les manuscrits araméens du Wadi Daliyeh et la Samarie vers 450-332 av.J.-C.
The Shechem syncline
Ancient Near Eastern art in context : studies in honor of Irene J. Winter
Following the Man of Yamhad : settlement and territory at Old Babylonian Alalah
Writing science before the Greeks : a naturalistic analysis of the Babylonian astronomical treatise MUL.APIN
A journey to Palmyra : collected essays to remember Delbert R. Hillers
Historical and archaeological aspects of Egyptian funerary culture : religious ideas and ritual practice in Middle Kingdom elite cemeteries
Offerings to the discerning eye : an Egyptological medley in honor of Jack A. Josephson
In the shadow of Bezalel : Aramaic, biblical, and ancient Near Eastern studies in honor of Bezalel Porten
Sennacherib at the gates of Jerusalem : story, history and historiography
The tomb of the priests of Amun : burial assemblages in the Egyptian Museum of Florence
Egyptianization and elite emulation in Ramesside Palestine : governance and accomodation on the imperial periphery
On art in the ancient Near East
Abraham in Mamre : historische und exegetische Studien zur Region von Hebron und zu Genesis 11, 27 - 19, 38
Flight and freedom in the ancient Near East
The cypro-phoenician pottery of the iron age
Le pouvoir impérial dans les provinces syriennes : représentations et célébrations d'Auguste à Constantin (31 av. J.-C.-337 ap. J.-C.)
The double kingdom under Taharqo : studies in the history of Kush and Egypt, c. 690-664 BC
Hrozný and Hittite : the first hundred years : proceedings of the international conference held at Charles University, Prague, 11-14 November 2015
The social world of the Babylonian priest
The meaning of color in ancient Mesopotamia
Ostraca from the Temple of Millions of Years of Thutmose III
Sons and descendants : a social history of kin groups and family names in the early neo-Babylonian period, 747-626 BC
The Saqqara necropolis through the New Kingdom : biography of an ancient Egyptian cultural landscape
The religious aspects of war in the ancient Near East, Greece, and Rome
Semitic papyrology in context : a climate of creativity : papers from a New York University conference marking the retirement of Baruch A. Levine
From conquest to coexistence : ideology and antiquarian intent in the historiography of Israel's settlement in Canaan
The healing goddess Gula : towards an understanding of ancient Babylonian medicine
Puzzling out the past : studies in the Northwest Semitic languages and literatures in honor of Bruce Zuckerman
Das Ritual der Aštu (CTH 490) : Rekonstruktion und Tradition eines hurritisch-hethitischen Rituals aus Boğazköy/Ḫattuša
The forgotten scholar : Georg Zoëga (1755-1809) : at the dawn of Egyptology and Coptic studies
The great dedicatory inscription of Ramesses II : a Solar-Osirian Tractate at Abydos
The world's oldest literature : studies in Sumerian belles-lettres
Household archaeology in ancient Israel and beyond
Ancient Near Eastern seals from the Kist collection : three millennia of miniature reliefs
Security for debt in ancient Near Eastern law
Prophecy in the ancient Near East : a philological and sociological comparison
Causing his name to live : studies in Egyptian epigraphy and history in memory of William J. Murnane
Walls of the prince : Egyptian interactions with Southwest Asia in antiquity : essays in honour of John S. Holladay, Jr.
From single sign to pseudo-script : an ancient Egyptian system of workmen's identity marks
Pottery and economy in Old Kingdom Egypt
Aššur is king! Aššur is king! : religion in the exercise of power in the Neo-Assyrian Empire
Opening the tablet box : Near Eastern studies in honor of Benjamin R. Foster
The domestication of metals : the rise of complex metal industries in Anatolia
Orality and literacy in the demotic tales
Bene Israel : studies in the archaeology of Israel and the Levant during the Bronze and Iron Ages in honour of Israel Finkelstein
History of biblical Israel : major problems and minor issues
Ersetzen und Entsühnen : das mittelhethitische Ersatzritual für den Großkönig Tutḫalija (CTH *448.4) und verwandte Texte
Ve-eileh divrei David : essays in Semitics, Hebrew Bible and history of biblical scholarship
Geschenke und Steuern, Zölle und Tribute : antike Abgabenformen in Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
The wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III
The construction of the Assyrian empire : a historical study of the inscriptions of Shalmanesar III (859-824 B.C.) relating to his campaigns to the West
Rêves hittites : contribution à une histoire et une anthropologie du rêve en Anatolie ancienne
The fabric of cities : aspects of urbanism, urban topography and society in Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome
Excavations at Tall Jawa, Jordan
The god Dagan in Bronze Age Syria
The debate between a man and his soul : a masterpiece of ancient Egyptian literature
Wadi hammeh 27, an early Natufian settlement at Pella in Jordan
Aramaean borders : defining Aramaean territories in the 10th-8th centuries B.C.E.
Judeans in Babylonia : a study of deportees in the sixth and fifth centuries BCE
Aramaic graffiti from Hatra : a study based on the archive of the Missione Archeologica Italiana
Three hundred years of death : the Egyptian funerary industry in the Ptolemaic period
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The Amorites : a political history of Mesopotamia in the early second millennium BCE
Keeping watch in Babylon : the astronomical diaries in context
The books behind the masks : sources of warfare leadership in Ancient Egypt
The Dromos and Temple Area
From the delta to the cataract : studies dedicated to Mohamed el-Bialy