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Essays in international finance

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Essays in international finance

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International Finance Section, Dept. of Economics, Princeton University
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Reflections on the international monetary reformLeave the NDL website. A more perfect union? : the logic of economic integrationLeave the NDL website. The choice of a pivot for paritiesLeave the NDL website. The welfare effects of controls over capital exports from the United StatesLeave the NDL website. No single currency regime is right for all countries or at all timesLeave the NDL website. The International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentLeave the NDL website. Monetary theory and controlled flexibility in the foreign exchangesLeave the NDL website. The end of the I.T.O.Leave the NDL website. Dollar shortage and oil surplus in 1945-1950Leave the NDL website. Gold and the international monetary system : an orderly reformLeave the NDL website. A memorandum submitted to the Canadian Royal Commission on Banking and FinanceLeave the NDL website. German reparations and Brazilian debt : a comparative studyLeave the NDL website. Capital flows and exchange-rate flexibility in the post-Bretton Woods eraLeave the NDL website. The transition to EMU in the Maastricht TreatyLeave the NDL website. America's foreign trade policy and the GATTLeave the NDL website. Alternative guiding principles for the use of monetary policyLeave the NDL website. Gold : barbarous relic or useful instrument?Leave the NDL website. A proposal for the establishment of an International Deposit Insurance CorporationLeave the NDL website. Supervising international banks : origins and implications of the Basle AccordLeave the NDL website. The transition to European monetary unionLeave the NDL website. The role and the rule of gold: an argumentLeave the NDL website. Changing the United States commitment to goldLeave the NDL website. The Bürgenstock communiqúe : a critical examination of the case for limited flexibility of exchange ratesLeave the NDL website. Economic assistance to low-income countries : should the link be resurrected?Leave the NDL website. The role of the Paris Club in managing debt problemsLeave the NDL website. Monetary and fiscal unification in nineteenth-century Germany : what can Kohl learn from Bismarck?Leave the NDL website. Toward limited exchange-rate flexibilityLeave the NDL website. Should the IMF pursue capital-account convertibility?Leave the NDL website. Sterling speculation and European convertibility, 1955-1958Leave the NDL website. Fundamentals of international monetary policyLeave the NDL website. The D-Mark in the conflict between internal and external equilibrium, 1948-75Leave the NDL website. Some European currency and exchange experiences, 1943-1946Leave the NDL website. International financial markets as sources of crises or discipline : the too much, too late hypothesisLeave the NDL website. Recent trends in international monetary policiesLeave the NDL website. The Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union, 1921-1939 : lessons from an early experimentLeave the NDL website. A dollar-reserve system as a transitional solutionLeave the NDL website. Floating exchange rates and the need for surveillanceLeave the NDL website. International money and the future of the SDRLeave the NDL website. Exchange rates in theory and in realityLeave the NDL website. The world monetary system : a minimal reform programLeave the NDL website. The Marshall Plan and European economic policyLeave the NDL website. The nature and efficiency of the foreign exchange marketLeave the NDL website. The end of the I.T.O.Leave the NDL website. An agenda for monetary reformLeave the NDL website. Exchange policies for less developed countries in a world of floating ratesLeave the NDL website. The Real plan and the exchange rateLeave the NDL website. The nature and efficiency of the foreign exchange marketLeave the NDL website. Unexpected real consequences of floating exchange ratesLeave the NDL website. Private and official international money : the case for the dollarLeave the NDL website. Exchange-rate policy : experience with Canada's floating rateLeave the NDL website. The international commercial systemLeave the NDL website. Postwar international lendingLeave the NDL website. The evolution of Latin American exchange-rate policies since World War IILeave the NDL website. From Halifax to Lyons : what has been done about crisis management?Leave the NDL website. The monetary approach to exchange rates : what now remains?Leave the NDL website. Reserves, reserve currencies, and vehicle currencies : an argumentLeave the NDL website. Problems of the international monetary systemLeave the NDL website. Dollar shortage and oil surplus in 1945-1950Leave the NDL website. The management of an open economy with "100% plus" wage indexationLeave the NDL website. EMU, ready or not?Leave the NDL website. Money, balance-of-payments theory, and the international monetary problemLeave the NDL website. International monetary mechanisms : the Keynes and white proposalsLeave the NDL website. Monetary policy in an open economy: its objectives, instruments, limitatations, and dilemmasLeave the NDL website. The many disappointments of flexible exchange ratesLeave the NDL website. The Bank for International Settlements, 1930-1955Leave the NDL website. Transition strategies and nominal anchors on the road to greater exchange-rate flexibilityLeave the NDL website. A survey of financial liberalizationLeave the NDL website. The Presentation of the U.S. balance of payments : a symposiumLeave the NDL website. Two approaches to the exchange-rate problem : the United Kingdom and CanadaLeave the NDL website. Problems of the sterling area with special reference to AustraliaLeave the NDL website. Managing the managed floatLeave the NDL website. Trade policy in crisisLeave the NDL website. Exchange-rate rigidity, investment distortions, and the failure of Bretton WoodsLeave the NDL website. Foreign investmentLeave the NDL website. European monetary unification for balanced growth : a new approachLeave the NDL website. The Euro-dollar market: some unresolved issuesLeave the NDL website. The lender-of-last-resort function in an international contextLeave the NDL website. The changing nature of IMF conditionalityLeave the NDL website. Foreign investmentLeave the NDL website. Exchange rates, payments adjustment, and OPEC : why oil deficits persistLeave the NDL website. National preferences and the scope for international monetary reformLeave the NDL website. Parallel currency markets in developing countries : theory, evidence, and policy implicationsLeave the NDL website. The evolution of Latin American exchange-rate policies since World War IILeave the NDL website. Conditionality as bargaining process : structural-adjustment lending, 1980-86Leave the NDL website. Sustaining the international economic system : issues for U.S. policyLeave the NDL website. Artificial currency units : the formation of functional currency areasLeave the NDL website. The SDR system and the issue of resource transfersLeave the NDL website. The crawling pegLeave the NDL website. The Maastricht way to EMULeave the NDL website. Postwar international lendingLeave the NDL website. The Bretton Woods debates : a memoirLeave the NDL website. An SDR standard: impetus, elements, and impedimentsLeave the NDL website. The anatomy of official exchange-rate intervention systemsLeave the NDL website. The case for the par-value system, 1972Leave the NDL website. What do we need to know about the international monetary system?Leave the NDL website. Requirements of an international reserve systemLeave the NDL website. The reform of the international payments systemLeave the NDL website. From recipient to donor : Japan's official aid flows, 1945 to 1990 and beyondLeave the NDL website. The dollar problem: a reappraisalLeave the NDL website. The evolution of the International Monetary FundLeave the NDL website. The League of Nations and the foreshadowing of the International Monetary FundLeave the NDL website. Are the oil-payments deficits manageable?Leave the NDL website. The dollar and the policy-performance-confidence mixLeave the NDL website. The dollar and the policy mix : 1971Leave the NDL website. Myths and reality in the development of international monetary affairsLeave the NDL website. The end of the I.T.O.Leave the NDL website. International monetary mechanisms; the Keynes and White proposalsLeave the NDL website. Bilateralism and the future of international tradeLeave the NDL website. The G-7's joint-and-several blunderLeave the NDL website. Current issues in commodity policyLeave the NDL website. Gold: barbarous relic or useful instrument?Leave the NDL website. The book value of monetary goldLeave the NDL website. On the international use of currencies : the case of the Deutsche markLeave the NDL website. Less developed countries and the post-1971 international financial systemLeave the NDL website. How to divest in Latin America, and whyLeave the NDL website. Learning from adversity : policy responses to two oil shocksLeave the NDL website. Gold: a forward strategyLeave the NDL website. The Financial Support Fund of the OECD : a failed initiativeLeave the NDL website. How to manage a repressed economyLeave the NDL website. Balance-of-payments deficits and the international market for liquidityLeave the NDL website. Towards new monetary relationshipsLeave the NDL website. The foreign-exchange gap of the developing countriesLeave the NDL website. On the meaning and future of the European monetary systemLeave the NDL website. The cause and cure of "dollar shortage"Leave the NDL website. Exchange-rate policy, monetary policy, and real exchange-rate variabilityLeave the NDL website. The oil-transfer problem and international economic stabilityLeave the NDL website. Agricultural price policy and international tradeLeave the NDL website. Some theoretical problems relating to the Euro-dollar marketLeave the NDL website. Parallel currency markets in developing countries : theory, evidence, and policy implicationsLeave the NDL website. The colonial sterling balancesLeave the NDL website. The euro and the dollarLeave the NDL website. Problems of monetary controlLeave the NDL website. Six possible meanings of overvaluation : the 1981-85 dollarLeave the NDL website. Monetary integrationLeave the NDL website. Loan-loss provisions and Third-World debtLeave the NDL website. Accounting for losses on sovereign debt : implications for new lendingLeave the NDL website. The IMF and Africa in the 1980sLeave the NDL website. World afloat : national policies ruling the wavesLeave the NDL website. Disaster myopia in international bankingLeave the NDL website. The problem of international liquidity and the multiple-currency standardLeave the NDL website. Monetary approaches to the balance of payments and exchange ratesLeave the NDL website. A liberal international economic order : the international monetary system and economic developmentLeave the NDL website. The IMF : the second coming?Leave the NDL website. Japanese financial policies and the U.S. trade deficitLeave the NDL website. The link between special drawing rights and development financeLeave the NDL website. A new tripartite monetary agreement or a limping dollar standard?Leave the NDL website. The International Monetary Fund and flexibility of exchange ratesLeave the NDL website. Reflections on the international monetary systemLeave the NDL website. The order of liberalization of the external sector in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Behind the veil of international moneyLeave the NDL website. International aspects of wartime monetary experienceLeave the NDL website. Currency proliferation : the monetary legacy of the Soviet UnionLeave the NDL website. Payments arrangements for less developed countries : the role of foreign assistanceLeave the NDL website. On being grandmotherly : the evolution of IMF conditionalityLeave the NDL website. The Eurocurrency marketLeave the NDL website. The IMF and its criticsLeave the NDL website. The pound sterlingLeave the NDL website. High inflation and the nominal anchors of an open economyLeave the NDL website. From Rambouillet to Versailles : a symposiumLeave the NDL website. International aspects of wartime monetary experienceLeave the NDL website. Public foreign capital for private enterprise in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Conditions of international monetary equilibriumLeave the NDL website. The balance of payments and the foreign investment position of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Leaning against the wind : a standard for managed floatingLeave the NDL website. Developing-country debt : a middle wayLeave the NDL website. International trade and investment : two perspectivesLeave the NDL website. The balance of payments and the foreign investment position of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Government and international tradeLeave the NDL website. New approaches to the Latin American debt crisisLeave the NDL website. New proposals for the international finance of developmentLeave the NDL website. The changing pattern of international investment in selected sterling countriesLeave the NDL website. The dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian empire : lessons for currency reformLeave the NDL website. The emerging pattern of international paymentsLeave the NDL website. Reflections on JamaicaLeave the NDL website. Toward assessing the need for international reservesLeave the NDL website. The International Monetary Fund: its present role and future prospectsLeave the NDL website. The Euro-dollar market: an interpretationLeave the NDL website. The IMF : the record and the prospectLeave the NDL website. The international monetary fund : its present role and future prospectsLeave the NDL website. The effects of government deficits : a comparative analysis of crowding outLeave the NDL website. Recent trends in international monetary policiesLeave the NDL website. International financial markets and capital movements : a symposium in honor of Arthur I. BloomfieldLeave the NDL website. Monetary policy in an open economy: its objectives, instruments, limitatations, and dilemmasLeave the NDL website. The process of industrial development and alternative development strategiesLeave the NDL website. Agricultural price policy and international tradeLeave the NDL website. The theory and practice of financial stabilityLeave the NDL website. Optimum adjustment processes and currency areasLeave the NDL website. An alternative approach to financial crisesLeave the NDL website. The cause and cure of "dollar shortage"Leave the NDL website. The price of goldLeave the NDL website. Rules for a floating-rate regimeLeave the NDL website. An increasing role for the ECU : a character in search of a scriptLeave the NDL website. Streamlining the financial structure of the international monetary fundLeave the NDL website. United States gold policy: the case for changeLeave the NDL website. Gold and the dollar crisis : yesterday and tomorrowLeave the NDL website. Domestic origins of the monetary approach to the balance of paymentsLeave the NDL website. The case for European monetary integrationLeave the NDL website. The British balance-of-payments problemLeave the NDL website. Economic and financial crises and transformations in sixteenth-century EuropeLeave the NDL website. Foreign aid : a critique and a proposalLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals of international monetary policyLeave the NDL website. Reserves, reserve currencies, and vehicle currencies : an argumentLeave the NDL website. The International Monetary Fund : reform without reconstruction?Leave the NDL website. Toward European convertibilityLeave the NDL website. The gold-dollar system : conditions of equilibrium and the price of goldLeave the NDL website. Financing needs of developing countries : proposals for international actionLeave the NDL website. International cost-sharing arrangementsLeave the NDL website. Some insufficiencies in the theories of international economic relationsLeave the NDL website. Exchange-rate experiences and policies of small countries : some European examples of the 1970sLeave the NDL website. International financial intermediation : deficits benign and malignantLeave the NDL website. Exchange-rate systems, interest rates, and capital flowsLeave the NDL website. Making EMU happen : problems and proposals : a symposiumLeave the NDL website. "Enemy of none but a common friend of all"? : an international perspective on the lender-of-last-resort functionLeave the NDL website. Agricultural price policy and international tradeLeave the NDL website. Alternative guiding principles for the use of monetary policyLeave the NDL website. Managing the world economy : will we ever learn?Leave the NDL website. Jamaica and the par-value systemLeave the NDL website. Disciplined discretion : monetary targeting in Germany and SwitzerlandLeave the NDL website. The politics of international money and world languageLeave the NDL website. The inefficacy of trade policyLeave the NDL website. Inflation, exchange rates, and stabilizationLeave the NDL website. Balance-of-payments deficits and the international market for liquidityLeave the NDL website. The "triangular trade" and the Atlantic economy of the eighteenth century : a simple general-equilibrium modelLeave the NDL website. The case for floating exchange rates reconsideredLeave the NDL website. The European monetary system : an outsider's viewLeave the NDL website. International financial intermediation : a long and tropical viewLeave the NDL website. Gold in world monetary affairs todayLeave the NDL website. International monetary cooperation : essays in honor of Henry C. WallichLeave the NDL website. Bilateralism and the future of international tradeLeave the NDL website. Currency devaluation in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. The Marshall Plan and European economic policyLeave the NDL website. IMF conditionality : ineffectual, inefficient, mistargetedLeave the NDL website. Growth and catch-up in Central and Eastern Europe : macroeconomic effects on western countriesLeave the NDL website. Guidelines for balance-of-payments adjustment under the par-value systemLeave the NDL website. Europe after 1992 : three essaysLeave the NDL website. External debt and debt-bearing capacity of developing countriesLeave the NDL website. The international status of the dollarLeave the NDL website. Reserve-currency preferences of central banksLeave the NDL website. The reform of sterlingLeave the NDL website.

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