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Avebury series in philosophy

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Avebury series in philosophy

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Lamb, David
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Series editor: David LambImprint varies: Ashgate (Aldershot, England ; Brookfield, Vt.)In 1996 Ashgate brought together thsese former imprints (Avebur...

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Burke's dramatic theory of politicsLeave the NDL website. Essays on metaphysics and the theory of knowledgeLeave the NDL website. The constants of nature : a realist accountLeave the NDL website. Wittgenstein on thought, language and philosophy : from theory to therapyLeave the NDL website. The right to know and the right not to knowLeave the NDL website. Work incentives and welfare provision : the 'pathological' theory of unemploymentLeave the NDL website. Time, self, and social being : temporality within a sociological contextLeave the NDL website. Philosophy and health careLeave the NDL website. Tribal epistemologies : essays in the philosophy of anthropologyLeave the NDL website. Bertrand Russell on modality and logical relevanceLeave the NDL website. What is it to be human? : new perspectives in philosophyLeave the NDL website. Wittgenstein : making sense of other mindsLeave the NDL website. André Malraux : politics and the temptation of mythLeave the NDL website. Coleridge and Mill : a study of influenceLeave the NDL website. Socialism and communication : reflections on language and left politicsLeave the NDL website. Zarathustra contra Zarathustra : the tragic buffoonLeave the NDL website. Values and societyLeave the NDL website. Intuition and reality : a study of the attributes of substance in the absolute idealism of SpinozaLeave the NDL website. Behind time : the incoherence of time and McTaggart's atemporal replacementLeave the NDL website. The philosophy of mathematics and natural laws : another Copernican revolutionLeave the NDL website. Wittgensteinian values : philosophy, religious belief and descriptivist methodologyLeave the NDL website. Western civilization and its problems : a dialogue between Weber, Elias and HabermasLeave the NDL website. Dirty hands : the problem of political moralityLeave the NDL website. Beyond the self : Wittgenstein, Heidegger, and the limits of languageLeave the NDL website. Ethical essaysLeave the NDL website. Easels of Utopia : art's fact returnedLeave the NDL website. The genealogy of knowledge : analytical essays in the history of philosophy and scienceLeave the NDL website. Genetic imaginations : ethical, legal and social issues in human genome researchLeave the NDL website. Justice, property and the environment : social and legal perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Marx's theory of the social formationLeave the NDL website. Science and British liberalism : Locke, Bentham, Mill and PopperLeave the NDL website. Toleration : philosophy and practiceLeave the NDL website. AIDS, philosophy and beyond : philosophical dilemmas of a modern pandemicLeave the NDL website. Gramsci and the theory of industrial democracyLeave the NDL website. Due respect : the morality of the welfare stateLeave the NDL website. The survival of the selfLeave the NDL website. Society, dichotomies and resolutions : an inquiry into social synthesisLeave the NDL website. Designing life? : genetics, procreation and ethicsLeave the NDL website. European philosophy and the human and social sciencesLeave the NDL website. Anselm's argument : the logic of divine existenceLeave the NDL website. Wittgenstein on mathematics, minds and mental machinesLeave the NDL website. Time and realityLeave the NDL website. Against the realisms of the ageLeave the NDL website. Natural law and political ideology in the philosophy of HegelLeave the NDL website. Evolution and the naked truth : a Darwinian approach to philosophyLeave the NDL website. Questions of beliefLeave the NDL website. Individual liberty and medical controlLeave the NDL website. How blind is the watchmaker? : Theism or atheism: should science decide?Leave the NDL website. Hospice care and culture : a comparison of the hospice movement in the West and JapanLeave the NDL website. The incomplete MarxLeave the NDL website. Hegel todayLeave the NDL website. Polis and politics : essays in Greek moral and political philosophyLeave the NDL website. The autonomy of politicsLeave the NDL website. Belief, morals, and education : collected essays on the philosophy of educationLeave the NDL website. Reasoning in ethics and law : the role of theory, principles and factsLeave the NDL website. Politics without parties : Moisei Ostrogorski and the debate on political parties on the eve of the twentieth centuryLeave the NDL website. Ethics, technology and medicineLeave the NDL website. Environmental philosophy : principles and prospectsLeave the NDL website. Values, conflict and the environmentLeave the NDL website. Constitutionalism, democracy, and sovereignty : American and European perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Leibniz on freedom and determinism in relation to Aquinas and MolinaLeave the NDL website. The convergence of machine and human nature : a critique of the computer metaphor of mind and artificial intelligenceLeave the NDL website. The depravity of wisdom : the Protestant Reformation and the disengagement of knowledge from virtue in modern philosophyLeave the NDL website. Rationality and relativity : the quest for objective knowledgeLeave the NDL website. From primeval chaos to infinite intelligence : on information as a dimension and on entropy as a field of forceLeave the NDL website. Marx's theory of history : the contemporary debateLeave the NDL website. The education of autonomous manLeave the NDL website. The problem of Gauguin's therapist : language, madness and therapyLeave the NDL website. Values, conflict and the environmentLeave the NDL website. The structure of valueLeave the NDL website. Strong wits and spider webs : a study in Hobbes's philosophy of languageLeave the NDL website. This great beast : progress and the modern stateLeave the NDL website. Human ontology and rationalityLeave the NDL website. The bet : truth in science, literature and everyday knowledgesLeave the NDL website. False belief and the Meno paradoxLeave the NDL website. The examined lifeLeave the NDL website. Liberalism and the new EuropeLeave the NDL website. Wisdom, intuition and ethicsLeave the NDL website. Voluntary versus coercive ordersLeave the NDL website. Studies in equalityLeave the NDL website. Punishment, excuses and moral developmentLeave the NDL website. The substance of consciousness : an argument for interactionismLeave the NDL website. The Experience of religious diversityLeave the NDL website. The possibility of relative truthLeave the NDL website. Narrative ethicsLeave the NDL website. Natural kindsLeave the NDL website. Schopenhauer's early fourfold root : translation and commentaryLeave the NDL website. Post-Marxist Marxism : questioning the answer : difference and realism after Lukács and AdornoLeave the NDL website. Experience and content : consequences of a continuum theoryLeave the NDL website. From Aristotle to Marx : aristotelianism in Marxist social ontologyLeave the NDL website. What is truth?Leave the NDL website. Communitarianism and citizenshipLeave the NDL website. The relationship between liberalism and conservatism : parasitic, competitive or symbiotic?Leave the NDL website. Aquinas, Platonism and the knowledge of GodLeave the NDL website. The metaphysics of religious belief : an essay on the miraculousLeave the NDL website. The ontology of Georg Lukács : studies in materialist dialecticsLeave the NDL website. Meta-imperialism : a study in political scienceLeave the NDL website. The methodology of G.E. MooreLeave the NDL website. The free, the unfree and the excluded : a treatise on the conditions of libertyLeave the NDL website. The Habermas-Gadamer debate and the nature of the social : back to BedrockLeave the NDL website. From Occam's razor to the roots of consciousness : 20 essays on philosophy, philosophy of science and philosophy of mindLeave the NDL website. Ageing, autonomy and resourcesLeave the NDL website. Exploring Nozick : beyond anarchy, state and UtopiaLeave the NDL website. Morality and international relations : concepts and issuesLeave the NDL website. Michael Dummett and the theory of meaningLeave the NDL website. On the notion of mental illness : problematizing the medical-model conception of certain abnormal behavior and mental afflictionsLeave the NDL website. Discovery, creativity, and problem-solvingLeave the NDL website. Worry : a maieutic analysisLeave the NDL website. The high tech fix : sustainable ecology or technocratic megaprojects for the 21st century?Leave the NDL website. Externalism in the philosophy of mindLeave the NDL website. Supervenience and materialismLeave the NDL website. Technology and rationalityLeave the NDL website. The right to silenceLeave the NDL website. Ethics and the professionsLeave the NDL website. Intensional logic : an essay in analytical metaphysicsLeave the NDL website. Democratic theory as public philosophy : the alternative to ideology and utopiaLeave the NDL website. International justiceLeave the NDL website. Contradiction of enlightenment : Hegel and the broken middleLeave the NDL website. Educational aims, educational means, educational success : contribution to a system of science of educationLeave the NDL website. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the sources of the selfLeave the NDL website. Strategy as rationality : re-directing strategic thought and actionLeave the NDL website. Politics and the ends of identityLeave the NDL website. Liberalism and social justice : international perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Kant's first critique and the transcendental deductionLeave the NDL website. Making sense of MacIntyreLeave the NDL website. The foundation of Hume's philosophyLeave the NDL website. Metaphysics and the disunity of scientific knowledgeLeave the NDL website. Interests in abortion : a new perspective on foetal potential and the abortion debateLeave the NDL website. Global anti-realismLeave the NDL website. Essays in the hermeneutics of scienceLeave the NDL website. Two French precursors of Marxism : Rousseau and FourierLeave the NDL website. Death, brain death and ethicsLeave the NDL website. Nations, cultures and marketsLeave the NDL website. The positivist science of lawLeave the NDL website. Rationality, relativism and incommensurabilityLeave the NDL website. The nature of morality : an introduction to the subjectivist perspectiveLeave the NDL website. A philosophy for democratic convergence : Marxism transcendedLeave the NDL website. Is the end nigh? : internationalism, global chaos and the destruction of the earthLeave the NDL website. Reinventing revolution : value and difference in new social movements and the leftLeave the NDL website. Philosophy, psychiatry and psychopathy : personal identity in mental disorderLeave the NDL website. The critique of thought : a re-examination of Hegel's Science of logicLeave the NDL website. Marx and contradictionLeave the NDL website. The birth of three sides : a theory of dimensionalityLeave the NDL website. The self and communicative theoryLeave the NDL website. Ethics and politics : theory and practiceLeave the NDL website. Different elements for a general science of cultureLeave the NDL website. Has history ended? : Fukuyama, Marx, modernityLeave the NDL website. The politics of subjectivity : between Foucault and Merleau-PontyLeave the NDL website. Keys to life : philosophy and new mechanisms of evolution and developmentLeave the NDL website. Ethics and justice in organisations : a normative-empirical dialogueLeave the NDL website. Intersubjectivity and contemporary social theory : the everyday as critiqueLeave the NDL website. Hegel and the logical structure of love : an essay on sexualities, family and the lawLeave the NDL website. The unreasonable silence of the world : universal reason and the wreck of the enlightenment projectLeave the NDL website. The family in the age of biotechnologyLeave the NDL website. Ethics and the marketLeave the NDL website. Truth in perspective : recent issues in logic, representation and ontologyLeave the NDL website. Derrida, Responsibility and PoliticsLeave the NDL website. Trying without willing : an essay in the philosophy of mindLeave the NDL website. Phenomenology, geometry and vision : Merleau-Ponty's critique of classical theories of visionLeave the NDL website. Notes on the logics of human lifeLeave the NDL website. Self-seeking and the pursuit of justiceLeave the NDL website. Selfconsciousness and selfreference : an interpretation of Wittgenstein's TractatusLeave the NDL website. Value and requirements : an enquiry concerning the origin of valueLeave the NDL website. A question of choice : bioethical reflections on a spiritual response to the technological imperativeLeave the NDL website. Philosophy and teacher education : a reinterpretation of Donald A. Schön's epistemology of reflective practiceLeave the NDL website. Power, impartiality and justiceLeave the NDL website. The roots of metaphor : a multidisciplinary study in aestheticsLeave the NDL website. Truth, value and justificationLeave the NDL website. Plato and Aristotle on constitutionalism : an exposition and reference sourceLeave the NDL website. Analytical and dialectical MarxismLeave the NDL website. Meaning, communication and understanding in the classroomLeave the NDL website. Human needs and the marketLeave the NDL website. Historical foundations of informal logicLeave the NDL website. Ethical issues in mental illnessLeave the NDL website. The university in a liberal stateLeave the NDL website. The self, supervenience and personal identityLeave the NDL website. Divine command moralityLeave the NDL website. The progress and rationality of philosophy as a cognitive enterprise : an essay on metaphilosophyLeave the NDL website. A matter of discourse : community and communication in contemporary philosophiesLeave the NDL website. Feyerabend's critique of foundationalismLeave the NDL website. Sartre's anthropology as a hermeneutics of praxisLeave the NDL website. Essays on ultimate questions : critical discussions of the limits of contemporary philosophical inquiryLeave the NDL website. Irrational action : a philosophical analysisLeave the NDL website. Nationalism and racism in the liberal orderLeave the NDL website. A study of epistemology in legal historyLeave the NDL website. Polemical papersLeave the NDL website. The impact of Darwinism : texts and commentary illustrating nineteenth century religious, scientific and literary attitudesLeave the NDL website. Society and orderLeave the NDL website. Holism, language and persons : an essay on the ontology of the social worldLeave the NDL website. Innovation and tradition in religion : towards an institutional theoryLeave the NDL website. The answers lie within us : towards a science of the human spiritLeave the NDL website. The Frankfurt school critique of capitalist culture : a critical theory for post-democratic society and its re-educationLeave the NDL website. The legal-rational state : a comparison of Hobbes, Bentham, and KelsenLeave the NDL website. Meaning without words : philosophy and non-verbal communicationLeave the NDL website. Concepts of person : an analysis of concepts of person, self and human beingLeave the NDL website. A neo-Aristotelian theory of social justiceLeave the NDL website. Mind, self and interiorityLeave the NDL website. De-privatizing moralityLeave the NDL website. The logical universe : the real universeLeave the NDL website. The political philosophy of Herbert Spencer : individualism and organicismLeave the NDL website. Politics and ideology : a philosophical approachLeave the NDL website. Liberalism, citizenship and autonomyLeave the NDL website. Moral luck in medical ethics and practical politicsLeave the NDL website. Objectivity and historical understandingLeave the NDL website. Theory and history : the political thought of E.P. ThompsonLeave the NDL website. The Philosophy of T.H. GreenLeave the NDL website. Democracy and educationLeave the NDL website. The moral limitations of capitalismLeave the NDL website. The walls of Plato's cave : the science and philosophy of (brain, consciousness, and perception)Leave the NDL website. Further studies in philosophical anthropologyLeave the NDL website. Philosophical problems in health careLeave the NDL website. New representationalisms : essays in the philosophy of perceptionLeave the NDL website. The reality of timeLeave the NDL website. Philosophies of history : a critical essayLeave the NDL website. The societal impact of technologyLeave the NDL website. The paradoxes of ZenoLeave the NDL website. Supervenience and realismLeave the NDL website. Darwinian fairytalesLeave the NDL website. The Webbs, Fabianism and feminism : Fabianism and the political economy of everyday lifeLeave the NDL website. Envy as a retarding force in scienceLeave the NDL website. Prolegomena to formal logicLeave the NDL website. The metaphysics of science and freedom : from Descartes to Kant to HegelLeave the NDL website. A philosophy of matter and mind : a new look at an old major topic in philosophyLeave the NDL website. Ancient greek philosophy : it's development and relevance to our timeLeave the NDL website. Evolution and the humanitiesLeave the NDL website. Echoes of utopia : studies in the legacy of MarxLeave the NDL website. Libertarians and liberalism : essays in honour of Gerard RadnitzkyLeave the NDL website. The creative paradigm : insight, synthesis and knowledge developmentLeave the NDL website. The growth of understanding : beyond individuals and communitiesLeave the NDL website. Right actions and good persons : controversies between eudaimonistic and deontic moral theoriesLeave the NDL website. Naive metaphysics : a theory of subjective and objective worldsLeave the NDL website. Understanding perception : the concept and its conditionsLeave the NDL website. The weak thought and its strengthLeave the NDL website. A study of epistemology in legal theoryLeave the NDL website.

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Note (General)
Series editor: David Lamb
Imprint varies: Ashgate (Aldershot, England ; Brookfield, Vt.)
In 1996 Ashgate brought together thsese former imprints (Avebury, Dartnouth and Variorum, associated with Ashgate Publishing).
Ashgate continues to publish ... under the Gower imprint.
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Naive metaphysics : a theory of subjective and objective worlds
Understanding perception : the concept and its conditions
The weak thought and its strength
A study of epistemology in legal theory
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