
Table of Contents

  • Food, masculinities, and home : interdisciplinary perspectives

  • Living with strangers : bedsits and boarding houses in modern English life, literature and film

  • Homely atmospheres and lighting technologies in Denmark : living with light

  • Sexuality and gender at home : experience, politics, transgression

  • Food, masculinities, and home : interdisciplinary perspectives

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series editors, Victor Buchli and Rosie Cox
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Published also by Routledge
Related Material
Food, masculinities, and home : interdisciplinary perspectives
Living with strangers : bedsits and boarding houses in modern English life, literature and film
Homely atmospheres and lighting technologies in Denmark : living with light
Sexuality and gender at home : experience, politics, transgression
Food, masculinities, and home : interdisciplinary perspectives
Living with strangers : bedsits and boarding houses in modern English life, literature and film
Making homes : ethnography and design
Globalising housework : domestic labour in middle-class London homes, 1850-1914
Thinking home : interdisciplinary dialogues
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Thinking home : interdisciplinary dialogues