
Contemporary French and Francophone cultures

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Contemporary French and Francophone cultures

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Liverpool University Press
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Table of Contents

  • Poetics of the poster : the rhetoric of image-text

  • The noir Atlantic : Chester Himes and the birth of the francophone African crime novel

  • French cycling : a social and cultural history

  • Masters of the ninth art : bandes dessinées and Franco-Belgian identity

  • Travellers' visions : French literary encounters with Japan, 1881-2004

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Related Material
Poetics of the poster : the rhetoric of image-text
The noir Atlantic : Chester Himes and the birth of the francophone African crime novel
French cycling : a social and cultural history
Masters of the ninth art : bandes dessinées and Franco-Belgian identity
Travellers' visions : French literary encounters with Japan, 1881-2004
Roland Barthes : the Proust variations
Absent the archive : cultural traces of a massacre in Paris, 17 October 1961
Assia Djebar : out of Algeria
Patrick Chamoiseau : recovering memory
Postcolonial eyes : intercontinental travel in Francophone African literature
Spatial ecologies : urban sites, state and world-space in French cultural theory
Caribbean critique : Antillean critical theory from Toussaint to Glissant
Abdelkébir Khatibi : postcolonialism, transnationalism and culture in the Maghreb and beyond
The literatures of the French Pacific : reconfiguring hybridity
Migration and refuge : an eco-archive of Haitian literature, 1982-2017
Exile and post-1946 Haitian literature : Alexis, Depestre, Ollivier, Laferrière, Danticat
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