
Brown Judaic studies

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Judaism in the Middle Ages : philosophers. Hasidism, Messianism in modern times. The modern age : philosophyLeave the NDL website. Religion, literature, and society in ancient Israel, formative Christianity and JudaismLeave the NDL website. Approaches to modern JudaismLeave the NDL website. School, court, public administration : Judaism and its institutions in Talmudic BabyloniaLeave the NDL website. Problems of classification and compositionLeave the NDL website. Tractate KeritotLeave the NDL website. Oxen, women or citizens? : slaves in the system of the MishnahLeave the NDL website. Barukh Kurzweil and modern Hebrew literatureLeave the NDL website. The making of the mind of Judaism : the formative ageLeave the NDL website. Studies in liturgy, exegesis, and Talmudic narrativeLeave the NDL website. TemurahLeave the NDL website. The book of the pomegranate : Moses de Leon's Sefer ha-rimmonLeave the NDL website. The Studia Philonica annual : studies in Hellenistic JudaismLeave the NDL website. Ethical Monotheism, past and present : essays in honor of Wendell S. DietrichLeave the NDL website. Song of Songs rabbahLeave the NDL website. Judaism : the evidence of the MishnahLeave the NDL website. The Mishnah before 70Leave the NDL website. Sparda by the bitter sea : imperial interaction in western AnatoliaLeave the NDL website. Character and context : studies in the fiction of Abramovitsh, Brenner, and AgnonLeave the NDL website. On the scales of righteousness : neo-Babylonian trial law and the book of JobLeave the NDL website. Tractate MakkotLeave the NDL website. Tractate SukkahLeave the NDL website. Discerning parallelism : a study in northern French medieval Jewish biblical exegesisLeave the NDL website. Method and meaning in ancient JudaismLeave the NDL website. Tractate SotahLeave the NDL website. The scrolls and Christian origins : studies in the Jewish background of the New TestamentLeave the NDL website. Warrant for genocide : the myth of the Jewish world-conspiracy and the Protocols of the elders of ZionLeave the NDL website. Tractate ZebahimLeave the NDL website. Comparative midrash : the plan and program of Genesis rabbah and Leviticus rabbahLeave the NDL website. Genesis and Judaism : the perspective of Genesis rabbah : an analytical anthologyLeave the NDL website. Midrash in context : exegesis in formative JudaismLeave the NDL website. Tractate BesahLeave the NDL website. A history of the Mishnaic law of agriculture : Kilayim : translation and exegesisLeave the NDL website. The Tosefta : its structure and its sourcesLeave the NDL website. The legacy of Hermann CohenLeave the NDL website. HagigahLeave the NDL website. Tractate Baba qammaLeave the NDL website. The creation of the world according to GersonidesLeave the NDL website. Sifra : an analytical translationLeave the NDL website. Essays on Biblical method and translationLeave the NDL website. Esther rabbah I : an analytical translationLeave the NDL website. The religious world of contemporary Judaism : observations and convictionsLeave the NDL website. The echoes of many texts : reflections on Jewish and Christian traditions : essays in honor of Lou H. SilbermanLeave the NDL website. Scriptures of the oral Torah : sanctification and salvation in the sacred books of JudaismLeave the NDL website. The Jewish family in antiquityLeave the NDL website. Philo's Jewish identityLeave the NDL website. Revisioning the written records of a nascent religionLeave the NDL website. Goodenough on the beginnings of ChristianityLeave the NDL website. ErubinLeave the NDL website. The history of Sukkot in the Second Temple and Rabbinic periodsLeave the NDL website. Between the devil and the deep blue sea? : French Jewry and the problem of church and stateLeave the NDL website. Nahmanides on Genesis : the art of biblical portraitureLeave the NDL website. The setting of the Sermon on the mountLeave the NDL website. The systemic analysis of JudaismLeave the NDL website. Scholastic rabbinism : a literary study of the Fathers according to Rabbi NathanLeave the NDL website. Texts, contents, and contextsLeave the NDL website. Lamentations Rabbah : an analytical translationLeave the NDL website. Pharaoh's counsellors : Job, Jethro, and Balaam in rabbinic and patristic traditionLeave the NDL website. Persons and institutions in early rabbinic JudaismLeave the NDL website. "A wise and discerning mind" : essays in honor of Burke O. LongLeave the NDL website. Tractate MenahotLeave the NDL website. Mekhilta according to Rabbi Ishmael : an introduction to Judaism's first scriptural encyclopaediaLeave the NDL website. Fear not warrior : a study of ʹal tîrāʾ pericopes in the Hebrew ScripturesLeave the NDL website. Jewish literatures and cultures : context and intertextLeave the NDL website. Some Jewish women in antiquityLeave the NDL website. Paul, the Temple, and the presence of GodLeave the NDL website. Why no gospels in Talmudic Judaism?Leave the NDL website. Society, history, and the political and philosophical uses of JudaismLeave the NDL website. The death of the old and the birth of the new : the framework of the Book of Numbers and the PentateuchLeave the NDL website. The time, place, and purpose of the Deuteronomistic history : the evidence of "until this day"Leave the NDL website. Wrong ways and right ways in the study of formative Judaism : critical method and literature, history, and the history of religionLeave the NDL website. Sifra in perspective : the documentary comparison of the Midrashim of ancient JudaismLeave the NDL website. Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism in Talmudic BabyloniaLeave the NDL website. Amalek, Bahodesh, Neziqin, Kaspa and ShabbataLeave the NDL website. In the margins of the Yerushalmi : glosses on the English translationLeave the NDL website. The formation of the Jewish intellect : making connections and drawing conclusions in the traditional system of JudaismLeave the NDL website. From rebuke to consolation : exegesis and theology in the liturgical anthology of the Ninth of Av seasonLeave the NDL website. Early Rabbinic civil law and the social history of Roman Galilee : a study of Mishnah tractate Baba' meṣiʿa'Leave the NDL website. The commerce of the sacred : mediation of the divine among Jews in the Graeco-Roman DiasporaLeave the NDL website. A conceptual commentary on Midrash Leviticus rabbah : value concepts in Jewish thoughtLeave the NDL website. The school of Moses : studies in Philo and Hellenistic religion : in memory of Horst R. MoehringLeave the NDL website. Handbook of synagogue architectureLeave the NDL website. The Libes briv of Isaac WetzlarLeave the NDL website. Dispute for the sake of heaven : legal pluralism in the TalmudLeave the NDL website. Rashbam's commentary on Leviticus and Numbers : an annotated translationLeave the NDL website. Tasting the dish : rabbinic rhetorics of sexualityLeave the NDL website. Society and symbol in political crisisLeave the NDL website. The Fathers according to Rabbi Nathan : an analytical translation and explanationLeave the NDL website. Meilah and TamidLeave the NDL website. Kol nidre : studies in the development of rabbinic votive institutionsLeave the NDL website. Abraham Heschel's idea of revelationLeave the NDL website. Women leaders in the ancient synagogue : inscriptional evidence and background issuesLeave the NDL website. The book of the peopleLeave the NDL website. Medium and message in Judaism, First seriesLeave the NDL website. Josephus as an historical source in patristic literature through EusebiusLeave the NDL website. Pisha, Beshallah, Shirata, and VayassaLeave the NDL website. Israeli childhood stories of the sixties : Yizhar, Aloni, Shahar, Kahana-CarmonLeave the NDL website. Women's earliest records : from ancient Egypt and western Asia : proceedings of the Conference on Women in the Ancient Near East, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, November 5-7, 1987Leave the NDL website. Babylonian witchcraft literature : case studiesLeave the NDL website. Behind the Essenes : history and ideology in the Dead Sea scrollsLeave the NDL website. Water into wine and the beheading of John the Baptist : early Jewish-Christian interpretation of Esther 1 in John 2:1-11 and Mark 6:17-29Leave the NDL website. Studies in the ethnography and literature of JudaismLeave the NDL website. The role of the messenger and message in the ancient Near East : oral and written communication in the ancient Near East and in the Hebrew Scriptures : communicators and communiqués in contextLeave the NDL website. The commentary of Rabbi David Kimhi to Chronicles : a translation with introduction and supercommentaryLeave the NDL website. Torah, Pharisees, and rabbisLeave the NDL website. Lamentations rabbahLeave the NDL website. From Balaam to Jonah : anti-prophetic satire in the Hebrew BibleLeave the NDL website. Jewish learning and the new humanitiesLeave the NDL website. Prayers alleged to be Jewish : an examination of the Constitutiones ApostolorumLeave the NDL website. Animals and the law in antiquityLeave the NDL website. From description to conviction : essays on the history and theology of JudaismLeave the NDL website. Goyim : gentiles and Israelites in Mishnah-ToseftaLeave the NDL website. Ben Sira's view of women : a literary analysisLeave the NDL website. Reading and believing : ancient Judaism and contemporary gullibilityLeave the NDL website. From Philo to Origen : middle Platonism in transitionLeave the NDL website. The priestly gift in Mishnah : A Study of Tractate TerumotLeave the NDL website. Rereading Talmud : gender, law, and the poetics of sugyotLeave the NDL website. From tradition to imitation : the plan and program of Pesiqta rabbati and Pesiqta deRab KahanaLeave the NDL website. The social study of Judaism : essays and reflectionsLeave the NDL website. ShabbatLeave the NDL website. Tractate NiddahLeave the NDL website. Ruth rabbah : an analytical translationLeave the NDL website. When texts are canonizedLeave the NDL website. The Babylonian Esther midrash : a critical commentaryLeave the NDL website. Song of Songs rabbah : an analytical translationLeave the NDL website. Ben Sira's teaching on friendshipLeave the NDL website. Hermann Cohen : the challenge of a religion of reasonLeave the NDL website. Turning point : Zionism and reform JudaismLeave the NDL website. Tractate NedarimLeave the NDL website. The sanctity of the seventh year : a study of Mishnah Tractate ShebiitLeave the NDL website. Diasporas in antiquityLeave the NDL website. In search of Talmudic biography : the problem of the attributed sayingLeave the NDL website. Ancient Judaism : debates and disputesLeave the NDL website. Christian faith and the Bible of Judaism : the Judaic encounter with ScriptureLeave the NDL website. The ancestral philosophy : Hellenistic philosophy in Second Temple JudaismLeave the NDL website. Mysterious encounters at Mamre and JabbokLeave the NDL website. Sifre to Deuteronomy : an analytical translationLeave the NDL website. The Parthian periodLeave the NDL website. Rashbam's commentary on Deuteronomy : an annotated translationLeave the NDL website. Balaam and his interpreters : a hermeneutical history of the Balaam traditionsLeave the NDL website. Sifre to Deuteronomy, an introduction to the rhetorical, logical, and topical programLeave the NDL website. The synoptic problem in rabbinic literatureLeave the NDL website. Support for the poor in the Mishnaic law of agriculture, Tractate PeahLeave the NDL website. Biblical patterns in modern literatureLeave the NDL website. Maimonides on human perfectionLeave the NDL website. Tractate Abodah zarahLeave the NDL website. The three stages in the formation of JudaismLeave the NDL website. Goodenough on the history of religion and on JudaismLeave the NDL website. The martyr's conviction : a sociological analysisLeave the NDL website. Judaism in the American humanities : essays and reflectionsLeave the NDL website. Text, artifact, and image : revealing ancient Israelite religionLeave the NDL website. Tractate ShebuotLeave the NDL website. What is at stake in the Judaic quest for understanding. Judaic learning and the locus of education. Ancient Israel. Formative Christianity. Judaism in the formative age: religionLeave the NDL website. The Mishnaic law of blessings and prayers : Tractate BerakhotLeave the NDL website. Making the classics in Judaism : the three states of literary formationLeave the NDL website. The academic study of Judaism : essays and reflectionsLeave the NDL website. Tractate Baba batraLeave the NDL website. To Caesar what is Caesar's : tribute, taxes and imperial administration in early Roman Palestine (63 B.C.E.-70 C.E.)Leave the NDL website. Predicting the past in the ancient Near East : mantic historiography in ancient Mesopotamia, Judah, and the Mediterranean worldLeave the NDL website. The theology of Nahmanides systematically presentedLeave the NDL website. A history of the United Jewish Appeal, 1939-1982Leave the NDL website. A religion of pots and pans? : modes of philosophical and theological discourse in ancient Judaism : essays and a programLeave the NDL website. Tractate BekhorotLeave the NDL website. Torah : from scroll to symbol in formative JudaismLeave the NDL website. Tzedakah : can Jewish philanthropy buy Jewish survival?Leave the NDL website. Tractate HorayotLeave the NDL website. Sages, stories, authors, and editors in rabbinic BabyloniaLeave the NDL website. Rashbam's commentary on Exodus : an annotated translationLeave the NDL website. Claude Montefiore and ChristianityLeave the NDL website. From Christianity to gnosis and from gnosis to Christianity : an itinerary through the texts to and from the Tree of paradiseLeave the NDL website. Pesiqta deRab Kahana : an analytical translationLeave the NDL website. Text as Context in Early Rabbinic LiteratureLeave the NDL website. Jewish thought adrift : Max Wiener (1882-1950)Leave the NDL website. Torah and the Chronicler's history work : an inquiry into the Chronicler's references to laws, festivals, and cultic institutions in relationship to pentateuchal legislationLeave the NDL website. The human will in Judaism : the Mishnah's philosophy of intentionLeave the NDL website. The legal methodology of Hai GaonLeave the NDL website. The law of jealousy : anthropology of SotahLeave the NDL website. Translating the classics of Judaism : in theory and in practiceLeave the NDL website. YomaLeave the NDL website. The modern age : theology, literature, historyLeave the NDL website. History and literature : new readings of Jewish texts in honor of Arnold J. BandLeave the NDL website. The idea of atonement in the philosophy of Hermann CohenLeave the NDL website. Sectarian law in the Dead Sea scrolls : courts, testimony, and the penal codeLeave the NDL website. Esther rabbah ILeave the NDL website. Both literal and allegorical : studies in Philo of Alexandria's Questions and answers on Genesis and ExodusLeave the NDL website. Buber on God and the perfect manLeave the NDL website. Mishnah's theology of tithing : a study of tractate MaaserotLeave the NDL website. A Talmud in exile : the influence of Yerushalmi Avodah zarah on the formation of Bavli Avodah zarahLeave the NDL website. Tractate Moed qatanLeave the NDL website. Case citation in the Babylonian Talmud : the evidence of Tractate NeziqinLeave the NDL website. The integrity of Leviticus Rabbah : the problem of the autonomy of a rabbinic documentLeave the NDL website. Philonic exegesis in Gregory of Nyssa's De vita MoysisLeave the NDL website. The Biblical ḥerem : a window on Israel's religious experienceLeave the NDL website. Tractate BerakhotLeave the NDL website. Philo's perception of womenLeave the NDL website. Courageous universality : the work of Schmuel Hugo BergmanLeave the NDL website. Tractate YebamotLeave the NDL website. Profiles of a rabbi : synoptic opportunities in reading about JesusLeave the NDL website. PesahimLeave the NDL website. Tractate SanhedrinLeave the NDL website. The Elijah legends and Jehu's coupLeave the NDL website. QiddushinLeave the NDL website. Studies in Islamic and Judaic traditions : papers presented at the Institute for Islamic-Judaic Studies, Center for Judaic Studies, University of DenverLeave the NDL website. Philo, John and Paul : new perspectives on Judaism and early ChristianityLeave the NDL website. The mechanics of change : essays in the social history of German JewryLeave the NDL website. Tractate Rosh HashanahLeave the NDL website. The doctrine of the Divine Name : an introduction to classical Kabbalistic theologyLeave the NDL website. Early Christian texts on Jews and JudaismLeave the NDL website. The other Judaisms of late antiquityLeave the NDL website. The place of Judaism in Philo's thought : Israel, Jews, and proselytesLeave the NDL website. Out of the shtetl : making Jews modern in the Polish borderlandsLeave the NDL website. Etymology in early Jewish interpretation : the Hebrew names in PhiloLeave the NDL website. Judaism in the formative age : theology and literaure. Judaism in the Middle Ages : the encounter with Christianity, the encounter with Scripture, philosophy, and theologyLeave the NDL website. Tractate KetubotLeave the NDL website. The philosophical MishnahLeave the NDL website. Two treatises of Philo of Alexandria : a commentary on De gigantibus and Quod Deus sit immutabilisLeave the NDL website. Mishnah's Division of agriculture : a history and theology of Seder ZeraimLeave the NDL website. Debates on method, reports of resultsLeave the NDL website. The peripatetic saying : the problem of the thrice-told tale in Talmudic literatureLeave the NDL website. Sifré to Numbers : an American translation and explanationLeave the NDL website. Tractate ḤullinLeave the NDL website. Jewish presence in T.S. Eliot and Franz KafkaLeave the NDL website. Literature, religion and the social study of JudaismLeave the NDL website. Ruth rabbahLeave the NDL website. Ideas in fiction : the works of Hayim HazazLeave the NDL website. Semites, Iranians, Greeks, and Romans : studies in their interactionsLeave the NDL website. The Peri Pascha attributed to Melito of Sardis : setting, purpose, and sourcesLeave the NDL website. Ancient synagogues, the state of researchLeave the NDL website. Formative Judaism : religious, historical, and literary studiesLeave the NDL website. Tractate Bava mesiaLeave the NDL website. From literature to theology in formative Judaism : three preliminary studiesLeave the NDL website. Knowledge and illumination : a study of Suhrawardī's Ḥikmat al-ishrāqLeave the NDL website. From Mishnah to Scripture : the problem of the unattributed saying with special reference to the division of puritiesLeave the NDL website. Cohen and Troeltsch : ethical monotheistic religion and theory of cultureLeave the NDL website. The Bavli and its sources : the question of tradition in the case of tractate SukkahLeave the NDL website. Tangled up in text : tefillin and the ancient worldLeave the NDL website. Hesed ve-emet : studies in honor of Ernest S. FrerichsLeave the NDL website. GittinLeave the NDL website. Approaches to Judaism in medieval timesLeave the NDL website. Studies in Rabbinic narrativesLeave the NDL website. Studies in Judaism and its Greco-Roman contextLeave the NDL website. Going West : migrating personae and construction of the self in Rabbinic cultureLeave the NDL website. The birth of doubt : confronting uncertainty in early rabbinic literatureLeave the NDL website. Tangled roots : the emergence of Israeli cultureLeave the NDL website. Praying legallyLeave the NDL website. Legal writing, legal practice : the biblical bailment law and divine justiceLeave the NDL website.

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Publisher varies: Brown Judaic Studies
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Philo's perception of women
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Tractate Yebamot
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Tractate Sanhedrin
The Elijah legends and Jehu's coup
Studies in Islamic and Judaic traditions : papers presented at the Institute for Islamic-Judaic Studies, Center for Judaic Studies, University of Denver
Philo, John and Paul : new perspectives on Judaism and early Christianity
The mechanics of change : essays in the social history of German Jewry
Tractate Rosh Hashanah
The doctrine of the Divine Name : an introduction to classical Kabbalistic theology
Early Christian texts on Jews and Judaism
The other Judaisms of late antiquity
The place of Judaism in Philo's thought : Israel, Jews, and proselytes
Out of the shtetl : making Jews modern in the Polish borderlands
Etymology in early Jewish interpretation : the Hebrew names in Philo
Judaism in the formative age : theology and literaure. Judaism in the Middle Ages : the encounter with Christianity, the encounter with Scripture, philosophy, and theology
Tractate Ketubot
The philosophical Mishnah
Two treatises of Philo of Alexandria : a commentary on De gigantibus and Quod Deus sit immutabilis
Mishnah's Division of agriculture : a history and theology of Seder Zeraim
Debates on method, reports of results
The peripatetic saying : the problem of the thrice-told tale in Talmudic literature
Sifré to Numbers : an American translation and explanation
Tractate Ḥullin
Jewish presence in T.S. Eliot and Franz Kafka
Literature, religion and the social study of Judaism
Ruth rabbah
Ideas in fiction : the works of Hayim Hazaz
Semites, Iranians, Greeks, and Romans : studies in their interactions
The Peri Pascha attributed to Melito of Sardis : setting, purpose, and sources
Ancient synagogues, the state of research
Formative Judaism : religious, historical, and literary studies
Tractate Bava mesia
From literature to theology in formative Judaism : three preliminary studies
Knowledge and illumination : a study of Suhrawardī's Ḥikmat al-ishrāq
From Mishnah to Scripture : the problem of the unattributed saying with special reference to the division of purities
Cohen and Troeltsch : ethical monotheistic religion and theory of culture
The Bavli and its sources : the question of tradition in the case of tractate Sukkah
Tangled up in text : tefillin and the ancient world
Hesed ve-emet : studies in honor of Ernest S. Frerichs
Approaches to Judaism in medieval times
Studies in Rabbinic narratives
Studies in Judaism and its Greco-Roman context
Going West : migrating personae and construction of the self in Rabbinic culture
The birth of doubt : confronting uncertainty in early rabbinic literature
Tangled roots : the emergence of Israeli culture
Praying legally
Legal writing, legal practice : the biblical bailment law and divine justice
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