
The Classics of international law

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The Classics of international law

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edited by James Brown Scott
William S. Hein
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Elements of international lawLeave the NDL website. Tractatus de bello, de represaliis et de duelloLeave the NDL website. Hispanicae advocationis libri dvoLeave the NDL website. De jure naturae et gentium libri octoLeave the NDL website. Quaestionum juris publici libri duoLeave the NDL website. De dominio maris dissertatioLeave the NDL website. Dissertations on the law of nature and of nationsLeave the NDL website. Synopsis of the law of nationsLeave the NDL website. An exposition of fecial law and procedure, or of law between nations, and questions concerning the same : wherein are set forth matters regarding peace and war between different princes or peoples, derived from the most eminent historical juristsLeave the NDL website. Le droit des gens, ou, Principes de la loi naturelle : appliqués à la conduite et aux affaires des nations et des souverainsLeave the NDL website. De re militari et bello tractatusLeave the NDL website. A treatise on military matters and warfare : in eleven partsLeave the NDL website. De indis et de ivre belli relectionesLeave the NDL website. Iuris et iudicii fecialis, sive, iuris inter gentes, et quaestionum de eodem explicatio : qua quae ad pacem & bellum inter diversos principes, aut populos spectant, ex praecipuis historico-jure-peritis, exhibenturLeave the NDL website. Joh. Wolfgangi Textoris Synopsis juris gentiumLeave the NDL website. Balthazaris Ayalae De jure et officiis bellicis et disciplina militari libri IIILeave the NDL website. Three books on the law of war, and on the duties connected with war, and on military disciplineLeave the NDL website. The law of nations, or, The principles of natural law : applied to the conduct and to the affairs of nations and of sovereignsLeave the NDL website. De foro legatorvm liber singvlaris : a monograph on the jurisdiction over ambassadors in both civil and criminal casesLeave the NDL website. Elementorum jurisprudentiae universalis libri duoLeave the NDL website. De jure praedae commentarius = Commentary on the law of prize and bootyLeave the NDL website. Jus gentium methodo scientifica pertractatumLeave the NDL website. De jure belli ac pacis libri tresLeave the NDL website. Hugonis Grotii De jure belli ac pacis libri tres, in quibus jus naturae & gentium, item juris publici præcipua explicanturLeave the NDL website. Selections from three worksLeave the NDL website. De officio hominis et civis juxta legem naturalem libri duoLeave the NDL website. Samuelis Rachelii De jure naturae et gentium dissertationesLeave the NDL website. De legationibvs libri tresLeave the NDL website. De jure belli libri tresLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Elements of international law

  • Tractatus de bello, de represaliis et de duello

  • Hispanicae advocationis libri dvo

  • De jure naturae et gentium libri octo

  • Quaestionum juris publici libri duo

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edited by James Brown Scott
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Related Material
Elements of international law
Tractatus de bello, de represaliis et de duello
Hispanicae advocationis libri dvo
De jure naturae et gentium libri octo
Quaestionum juris publici libri duo
De dominio maris dissertatio
Dissertations on the law of nature and of nations
Synopsis of the law of nations
An exposition of fecial law and procedure, or of law between nations, and questions concerning the same : wherein are set forth matters regarding peace and war between different princes or peoples, derived from the most eminent historical jurists
Le droit des gens, ou, Principes de la loi naturelle : appliqués à la conduite et aux affaires des nations et des souverains
De re militari et bello tractatus
A treatise on military matters and warfare : in eleven parts
De indis et de ivre belli relectiones
Iuris et iudicii fecialis, sive, iuris inter gentes, et quaestionum de eodem explicatio : qua quae ad pacem & bellum inter diversos principes, aut populos spectant, ex praecipuis historico-jure-peritis, exhibentur
Joh. Wolfgangi Textoris Synopsis juris gentium
Balthazaris Ayalae De jure et officiis bellicis et disciplina militari libri III
Three books on the law of war, and on the duties connected with war, and on military discipline
The law of nations, or, The principles of natural law : applied to the conduct and to the affairs of nations and of sovereigns
De foro legatorvm liber singvlaris : a monograph on the jurisdiction over ambassadors in both civil and criminal cases
Elementorum jurisprudentiae universalis libri duo
De jure praedae commentarius = Commentary on the law of prize and booty
Jus gentium methodo scientifica pertractatum
De jure belli ac pacis libri tres
Hugonis Grotii De jure belli ac pacis libri tres, in quibus jus naturae & gentium, item juris publici præcipua explicantur
Selections from three works
De officio hominis et civis juxta legem naturalem libri duo
Samuelis Rachelii De jure naturae et gentium dissertationes
De legationibvs libri tres
De jure belli libri tres
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