
Development of a new analytical method using pyrolysis and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatograph mass spectroscopy (Py-GCxGC/MS) for the characterization of Japanese paper, washi : bilateral joint research = 和紙の特性づけのためのPy-GCxGC/MSによる新規分析法の開発 : 二国間交流事業協同研究

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Development of a new analytical method using pyrolysis and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatograph mass spectroscopy (Py-GCxGC/MS) for the characterization of Japanese paper, washi : bilateral joint research = 和紙の特性づけのためのPy-GCxGC/MSによる新規分析法の開発 : 二国間交流事業協同研究

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Tokyo University of the Arts & Le centre de recherche sur la conservation
Consevation Science Laboratory, Tokyo University of the Arts
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30 cm.
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At head of title: Japan Society for th Promotion of Science (JSPS) 日本学術振興会, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) フランス国立科学研究センター"2017-20...

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Material Type
Title Transcription
Development of a new analytical method using pyrolysis and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatograph mass spectroscopy (Py-GCxGC/MS) for the characterization of Japanese paper, washi : bilateral joint research = ワシ ノ トクセイズケ ノ タメ ノ Py-GCxGC/MS ニ ヨル シンキ ブンセキホウ ノ カイハツ : ニコクカン コウリュウ ジギョウ キョウドウ ケンキュウ
Tokyo University of the Arts & Le centre de recherche sur la conservation
Publication Date
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
30 cm.
Alternative Title
JSPS/CNRS bilateral joint research
Py-GCxGC/MS for the characterization of Japanese paper, washi