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Discussion paper series

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Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
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26-30 cm
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[Series] A: 30 cm[Series] B: 26 cm ; No. 1: 1988.1-

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Tests for multinormality with application to time seriesLeave the NDL website. 短期金融市場金利と金融調節 : 「日銀理論」再考Leave the NDL website. 生産境界再考Leave the NDL website. Growth, exploitation and class inequalitiesLeave the NDL website. On the Ricardian invariable measure of value in general convex economiesLeave the NDL website. On the choice of invoice currency by Japanese exporters : the PTM approachLeave the NDL website. Transplantation of the European factory system and adaptations in Japan : the experience of the Tomioka Model FilatureLeave the NDL website. Economic analysis of industrial policy : a conceptual framework through the Japanese experienceLeave the NDL website. 旧植民地における昭和14年臨時国勢調査再論 : 日本の統計調査制度と植民地統計との関係Leave the NDL website. Foreign exchange rate expectations: Micro survey dataLeave the NDL website. Competition, regulation and welfareLeave the NDL website. 開港から金本位制の確立へLeave the NDL website. Near rationality and sunspot equilibriaLeave the NDL website. マルクス派搾取理論再検証 : 70年代転化論争の帰結Leave the NDL website. A new Keynesian model with endogenous frictionsLeave the NDL website. 途上国農村における家計の消費安定化 : 研究展望とパキスタンへの応用Leave the NDL website. An interview with Miyohei Shinohara : non-conformism in Japanese economic thoughtLeave the NDL website. アメリカ金融政策の問題点Leave the NDL website. Demographic and economic factors on over time changes of income distributionLeave the NDL website. Individual rights revisitedLeave the NDL website. Cooperative and non-cooperative R&D in oligopoly: strategic substitutes and complementsLeave the NDL website. 石油ブームのロシア・マクロ経済への影響 : national accounting matrixの行列分解による分析Leave the NDL website. 労働条件は職務意識を決定する主要因か? : 武漢市機械工業における意識調査を通してLeave the NDL website. Nonnull and optimality robustness of some testsLeave the NDL website. 潜在成長率と産出係数Leave the NDL website. An equitable Nash solution to nonconvex bargaining problems/ Yongsheng Xu and Naoki YoshiharaLeave the NDL website. ウズベキスタンで考えたこと : 日本モデルからみたウズベキスタンLeave the NDL website. 開発途上諸国に対する科学研究協力の課題と方策 : 東南アジア三国面接調査の概要Leave the NDL website. The evolution of child adoption in the United States,1950-2010 : an economic analysis of historical trendsLeave the NDL website. Adjustment and development in Africa : toward an assesmentLeave the NDL website. Colonial investments of Japan empireLeave the NDL website. 非線形分散変動モデルによる日次・週次為替レート変動分析Leave the NDL website. Incentives, gaming, and the nonlinear pay scheme : evidence from personnel data in a large Japanese auto sales firmLeave the NDL website. 資本主義的世界システムの経済原理Leave the NDL website. Bayesian analysis of the convergence hypothesis in economic growth : a Markov mixture approachLeave the NDL website. SNA改訂をめぐる専門家会議の主要論点Leave the NDL website. 休日における夫の家事・育児動向の時系列的推移 : 「社会生活基本調査」政府統計匿名データの分析からLeave the NDL website. Partially-honest Nash implementation : characterization resultsLeave the NDL website. 一橋大学経済研究所主催「特定研究コンファレンス」報告 : テーマ:「21世紀の世界経済における日本型経済システムの役割と将来」 : 平成6年度文部省特定研究経費Leave the NDL website. The determinants of capital controls and their effects on trade balance dur ing the period of capital market liberalization in JapanLeave the NDL website. Sociology, economics and politics of Central Asian migrants in RussiaLeave the NDL website. Uniform bounds for approximations to the pdf's and cdf's of GLSP and GLSELeave the NDL website. ストック化と土地問題Leave the NDL website. 中国の自動車工業 : 産業組織と技術Leave the NDL website. Childcare availability, household structure, and maternal employmentLeave the NDL website. 国際通貨体制の動態とデフレーション : Kondratieff Swing についての新しい理論Leave the NDL website. 製品開発における問題解決行動は日中韓企業でどう異なるか? : 調査結果の分析と3か国への提言Leave the NDL website. Introduction handbook of social choice and welfare, edited by Kenneth Arrow, Amartya Sen and Kotaro Suzumura, Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-HollandLeave the NDL website. 戦前農村の所得分布 : 推計と分析Leave the NDL website. 日本におけるConsumption-Wealth Ratioの安定性Leave the NDL website. 取締役Turnoverと経営者インセンティブメカニズムLeave the NDL website. Feldstein-Horioka paradox revisitedLeave the NDL website. ロシア国立経済文書館資料を利用したソ連経済研究へのアプローチLeave the NDL website. Leverage, volatility and executive stock optionsLeave the NDL website. Can pareto libertarian paradox be resolved by voluntary exchange of libertarian rights?Leave the NDL website. Rationality and solutions to nonconvex bargaining problems : rationalizable, asymmetric and Nash solutionsLeave the NDL website. 大正・昭和戦前期の日本における農村男子の職業・学歴・体格・家族 : 福島県耶麻郡関柴村の『壮丁調査』を利用してLeave the NDL website. 戸数割資料による戦前期の所得分布の研究Leave the NDL website. U.S.-Japan macroeconomic policy coordinations : Agenda for the 1990s and beyondLeave the NDL website. International comparison in historical perspective : reconstructing the 1934-36, benchmark purchasing power parity for Japan, Korea and TaiwanLeave the NDL website. 産業別法人企業統計 : 1883年-1946年Leave the NDL website. Strategic export pricing in the presence of exchange rate riskLeave the NDL website. 南京国民政府の統計組織とその特徴Leave the NDL website. 朝鮮家計調査の集計 : 昭和3年 : 第1次作業結果Leave the NDL website. The Japanese experience in social protectionLeave the NDL website. Construction of improved estimators for the regression : coefficient matrix in GMANOVA modelLeave the NDL website. Friend or foe in East AsiaLeave the NDL website. Limit pricing through entry regulationLeave the NDL website. マルクス的経済理論における置塩 (1963) 以降の進展 : 搾取理論の場合Leave the NDL website. Enterprise reform in Russia : emerging modern corporations and the problem of corporate governanceLeave the NDL website. Baumol versus Engel : accounting for 100 years (1885‒1985) of structural transformation in JapanLeave the NDL website. Convergence rates of sums of a-mixing triangular arrays : with an application to non-parametric drift function estimation of continuous-time processesLeave the NDL website. Stock index autocorrelation and cross-autocorrelations of size-sorted portfolios in the Japanese marketLeave the NDL website. スカイライン図表から見る拡大EUの動向Leave the NDL website. The reserve army effect, the collective bargaining system, and nominal wage growthLeave the NDL website. India's international trade in servicesLeave the NDL website. Japan's civil registration systems before and after the Meiji RestorationLeave the NDL website. On initial conferment of individual rightsLeave the NDL website. Bad loans and their impacts on the Japanese economy : conceptual and practical issues, and policy optionsLeave the NDL website. Corporate investment and restructuringLeave the NDL website. Mechanical power and printing technology in pre-W.W.II JapanLeave the NDL website. Saving-investment balance and fiscal sustainability of Japan : a view from the JGB marketLeave the NDL website. Structural adjustment and the political economy of Japanese aid to AfricaLeave the NDL website. Homescanによる家計消費データの特徴Leave the NDL website. One million miles to go : taking the axiomatic road to defining exploitationLeave the NDL website. 移行経済における中央銀行の独立性とインフレーション抑制効果 : メタ分析Leave the NDL website. 新興国知識集約型産業の高度化と能力構築 : 聞き取り調査と質問紙調査によるインドIT企業の実証分析Leave the NDL website. Fiscal policy and regional business cycle fluctuations in JapanLeave the NDL website. The effect of participation in government consortia on the R&D procuctivity of firms : a case study of robot technology in JapanLeave the NDL website. 生産量決定における需要変数と供給変数の役割についてLeave the NDL website. Portfolio management of non-risk-preferring commercial banks under deposit uncertaintyLeave the NDL website. Employment, wages and relative income sharesLeave the NDL website. ロシアの1992年貿易実績Leave the NDL website. Rationality and solutions to nonconvex bargaining problems : rationalizability and Nash solutionsLeave the NDL website. 環境経済論の最近の展開Leave the NDL website. 通貨危機の発生と伝播 : 震源と波及の日次データ分析Leave the NDL website. On the concept of social barriers to entryLeave the NDL website. 世界経済への同調と長期波動Leave the NDL website. 明治末期の工場生産による生産物の特徴と経営主体 : 「工場通覧」個別工場データの再集計と「工場統計表」との結合方法の吟味Leave the NDL website. Specialization and diversification in agricultural transformation : the case of rural Punjab, c.1900-1995Leave the NDL website. Rationality and the Nash solution to non-convex bargaining problemsLeave the NDL website. Bail-out, moral hazard, and credibility : IMF and World Bank policies in crises of the 21st century typeLeave the NDL website. Миграция населения в постсоветской РоссииLeave the NDL website. クロスボーダー取引と消費課税 : 電子商取引への対応Leave the NDL website. Constitutional democracy and public judgementsLeave the NDL website. Equivariant estimation of a mean vector μ of N(μ,Σ) with μ'Σ[-1]μ=1 or Σ[-1/2]μ=c or Σ=σ[2]μ'μILeave the NDL website. Optimal monetary policy in an estimated local currency pricing modelLeave the NDL website. An analysis of regional business cycles using prefectural composite indexes in JapanLeave the NDL website. A study of Japanese manufaturing industry : growth, productivity, factor substitution and industrial structureLeave the NDL website. 近年の日本家計消費の動向 : 家計調査の結果を中心としてLeave the NDL website. 「ドル本位制」にかんする--考察 : 金廃貨の意味Leave the NDL website. Management transfer and job consciousness in Indo-Japanese joint venturesLeave the NDL website. Welfare economics and the welfare stateLeave the NDL website. Finding good managers : an econometric case study of a large Japanese auto dealershipLeave the NDL website. 銀行資金市場と銀行行動 : 調査結果の概要Leave the NDL website. Wage austerity or/and an educational push : the French dilemmaLeave the NDL website. 製品アーキテクチャと人材マネジメント : 企業アンケート調査に基づく日中韓比較Leave the NDL website. スウェーデンの産業構造と環境Leave the NDL website. Bilateral equivalence between trade in value added and value added content of tradeLeave the NDL website. Economic development and the distribution of the consumer durables ownership : Japan and Taiwan, 1954-1975Leave the NDL website. Human capital and elimination of rural poverty : a case study of the North-West Frontier Province, PakistanLeave the NDL website. 21世紀における労働搾取理論の新展開Leave the NDL website. インドにおける季節労働者の定着をめぐって : ある製糖工場の分析Leave the NDL website. A note on incentives and efficiency ; the case of public good economiesLeave the NDL website. 再論 : 70年代マルクス派搾取理論再検証Leave the NDL website. Unequal exchange, assets, and power : recent developments in exploitation theoryLeave the NDL website. 金融政策・銀行行動の変化とマクロ経済Leave the NDL website. 機振法と自動車部品Leave the NDL website. 旧植民地特別会計の財政分析Leave the NDL website. 為替レートの期待とその合理的期待への収れんLeave the NDL website. An alternative strategy for equitable growth in developing countries: an application to MexicoLeave the NDL website. A note on the simultaneous estimation of scale-parametersLeave the NDL website. Public pensions in Japan : problems and policy optionsLeave the NDL website. Foreign direct investment and service trade : the case of JapanLeave the NDL website. 故高松信清氏著明治以降経済統計推計ノートLeave the NDL website. 中国企業改革の帰結 : 機械工業における労働分配率の推計と分析Leave the NDL website. The European Community's power in the financing for development initiativesLeave the NDL website. Changing structure of urban employment and its effects on migration patterns in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century JapanLeave the NDL website. The theory of exploitation as the unequal exchange of labourLeave the NDL website. 「役立つ」経済分析とは : 『経済分析』31-59号掲載の労働と経済思想の論稿を読むLeave the NDL website. The adverse selection effects of net worth and the crash of land price : Welfare effects of demand and supply schocks under asymmetric informationLeave the NDL website. 日本の消費関数分析の展望Leave the NDL website. 機械産業主導の時代を考える : IO表による1935-73年期の一解釈Leave the NDL website. 金融危機下の現金保有と投資 : エージェンシー費用の観点からLeave the NDL website. Lawsuit as a signaling game under asymmetric information : a continuum types modelLeave the NDL website. 企業形態と組織行動 : ロシア株式会社制度の実証分析Leave the NDL website. The aggregate demand function and the aggregate supply functionLeave the NDL website. On the general impossibility of persistent unequal exchange free trade equilibria in the pre-industrial world economyLeave the NDL website. 金融資産価格変動分析の展望 : 価格変動モデルとオプション理論Leave the NDL website. Industrial policy in Japan : brief overview and evaluationLeave the NDL website. Coodination failures under incomplete information and global gamesLeave the NDL website. Marriage and economic development in the twentieth centuryLeave the NDL website. Cell production and workplace innovation in Japan : toward a new model for Japanese manufacturing?Leave the NDL website. 年金改革の政治経済学 : ハンガリー98年改革の挑戦と挫折Leave the NDL website. ランダム・ウォーク仮説と規模別ポートフォリオの相互自己相関Leave the NDL website. ハンガリーにおける賦課型年金制度改革Leave the NDL website. Bargaining theory over opportunity assignments and the egalitarian solutionLeave the NDL website. 中国と日本における物価指数の発展の比較Leave the NDL website. Corporate governance in transition economiesLeave the NDL website. 明治後期における株式市場の効率性の分析Leave the NDL website. Incumbent's incentive under network externalitiesLeave the NDL website. The Big Mac standard : a statistical illustrationLeave the NDL website. 白领阶层职务意识及其決定的主要原因Leave the NDL website. Equity, efficiency and incentives : Behavioral theory of distributive justive revisitedLeave the NDL website. Litigation selection as a signal under asymmetric information : a two-type model with alternating bargaining offersLeave the NDL website. Do bulls and bears move across borders : International transmission of stockreturns and volatility as the world turnsLeave the NDL website. The role of human capital accumulation for economic growth in East Asian countriesLeave the NDL website. The origins of the Japanese banking panic of 1927Leave the NDL website. 欧州移行経済における社会主義的遺制と人事労務管理 : 体系的レビューの試みLeave the NDL website. 世界金融危機下ロシアの企業所有構造と経営監督体制 : 工業企業のパネルデータ分析Leave the NDL website. Alternative approaches to libertarian rights in the theory of social choiceLeave the NDL website. 東アジアにおける製品開発と人材マネジメント : 日本・韓国・中国企業の比較分析Leave the NDL website. Equity and efficiency in the public goods economy : some counterexamplesLeave the NDL website. 日本は「格差社会」になったのか : 比較経済史にみる日本の所得格差Leave the NDL website. 2005年EU22国間国際産業連関表 : 作成と分析Leave the NDL website. 企業の業績・財務内容と賃金・雇用量に関する計量分析 : 経済産業省企業活動基本調査のミクロデータを用いてLeave the NDL website. Is the Japanese distribution system really inefficient?Leave the NDL website. Persistence and snap decision making : inefficient decisions by a reputation-concerned expertLeave the NDL website. Change in the wage-unemployment relation : The reserve army effect in the postwar Japanese economyLeave the NDL website. 60歳代前半時における男子サラリーマン族の経済的側面Leave the NDL website. Современное состояние экономики Дальнего Востока России и Северо-Восточная АзияLeave the NDL website. 日本の株式市場のパズルLeave the NDL website. Tax policy and consumer spending : evidence from Japanese fiscal experimentsLeave the NDL website. 資本ストックの異質性とMultiple qLeave the NDL website. Wages, productivity and labour costs in the CEECsLeave the NDL website. 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Were Keynes's views on the economic role of the state more radical and interventionist then U.S. Keynesians acknowledged?: evidence from the 1920sLeave the NDL website. 蚕品種の改良と普及伝播 : 1代交雑種の場合Leave the NDL website. Partially-honest Nash implementation with non-connected honesty standardsLeave the NDL website. Modernisation by consensus : the impact of the policy process on British economic policy 1945-64Leave the NDL website. Trade in velue added revisited : a comment on R. Johnson and G. Noguera, Accounting for intermediates : production sharing and trade in value addedLeave the NDL website. Objet du commerce de la France avec l'Angleterre en 1751Leave the NDL website. 結婚情報サービス業調査に関する報告書Leave the NDL website. Collaborative research and development : economc analysis in the light of Japanese experienceLeave the NDL website. Securing basic well-being for allLeave the NDL website. The Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson trade theory and the Cambridge capital controversies : on the validity of factor price equalisation theoremLeave the NDL website. 主観的業績評価の理論と現実 : 大手自動車販売会社の人事・製品取引データと社員意識調査結果との接合データによる検証Leave the NDL website. 年金需給世帯の経済的側面Leave the NDL website. Maximality, optimality and dualityLeave the NDL website. Does imperfect capital market dynamically stabilize households' asset holding?Leave the NDL website. 地域経済動向MTV分析Leave the NDL website. 非線形報酬制度のインセンティブ効果とエスニシティの影響 : 北米自動車販売会社の取引データに基づく実証分析Leave the NDL website. Does dynamic market competition with technological innovation leave no one behind?Leave the NDL website. International exploitation, capital export, and unequal exchangeLeave the NDL website. Public bonds as money substitutes at near-zero interest rates : disequilibrium analysis of the current and future Japanese economyLeave the NDL website. A simple example of Sraffian indeterminacy in Walrasian general equilibrium frameworkLeave the NDL website. 高度成長期日本鋳物業躍進の要因 : 技術導入から技術輸出へLeave the NDL website. Wage deceleration in the long-term crisis : developments in the U.S. economy, 1975-1985Leave the NDL website. 多様なる世界の蚕糸業 : 多化蚕から野蚕までLeave the NDL website. Intensification of lowland cropping systems and informal land ownership in West Africa : comparison of two large inland markets in Cote d'Ivoire and GhanaLeave the NDL website. Import substitution industrialization where does Sri Lanka stand in the Japanese experienceLeave the NDL website. 日治期台湾の統計調査制度史(稿) : 台湾総督府の統計調査事業、特に「報告例」についてLeave the NDL website. Trade and industrial organization : Japanese ammonium sulphate industry in the interwar periodLeave the NDL website. Migration of nurses in the EU, the UK, and Japan : regulatory bodies and push-pull factors in the international mobility of skilled practitionersLeave the NDL website. Accumulation of human capital, labor market hysteresis, and the business cycleLeave the NDL website. The internal control system of Russian corporationsLeave the NDL website. A concept of second order efficiency and its application to a missing data problemLeave the NDL website. 所得分布の長期変動Leave the NDL website. Accumulation of human capital and the business cycleLeave the NDL website. Monetary policy in postwar Japan : monetary control by the Bank of JapnLeave the NDL website. Cascading contingent protection and vertical market structureLeave the NDL website. A comparison of convergence speed of old and new iterative processes for an input-output systemLeave the NDL website. Competition, commitment and welfareLeave the NDL website. Globalisation and inequality : a dynamic general equilibrium model of unequal exchangeLeave the NDL website. エコノミストの労働市場Leave the NDL website. 現代中国における男女賃金格差 : メタ分析による接近Leave the NDL website. Workers' remittances to former Soviet statesLeave the NDL website. ミンサー型賃金関数による賃金の期待値と実現値の比較とその応用 : 『賃金センサス』と『就業構造基本調査』をもとにしてLeave the NDL website. Adoption of management practices in the public sector of BangladeshLeave the NDL website. 多部門モデルを考慮した金融政策の効果Leave the NDL website. Effects of subsidized childcare on mothers' labor supply under a rationing mechanismLeave the NDL website. On the elasticity and the concentration curveLeave the NDL website. Social confusion and corruption : investigating the causes and effects of a breakdown of ethicsLeave the NDL website. 特惠的貿易取り決めと数量制限及びサービス貿易Leave the NDL website. ハンガリーにおける外国直接投資Leave the NDL website. ヘクシャー=オリーン=サミュエルソン貿易理論と資本理論Leave the NDL website. Progress of Japanese National Accounts in an international perspective of the SNA reviewLeave the NDL website. A mechanism design for a solution to the tragedy of commonsLeave the NDL website. 海外進出の決定要因及び現地法人のパフォーマンスに関する実証分析 : 日本の食品関連企業の海外直接投資Leave the NDL website. 『アマルティア・セン--経済学と倫理学--』 : 厚生主義・権利・自由--正統派理論への批判--Leave the NDL website. The role of monetary policy in eliminating the non-convergent dynamic pathsLeave the NDL website. 「旧日本帝国」の経済構造 : 国民経済計算による分析Leave the NDL website. The role of the western classical music in Japanese society and cultureLeave the NDL website. Foreign direct investment, information spillover, and export decision : the concentric-circle model with application to Hungarian firm-level dataLeave the NDL website. Individual rights revisitedLeave the NDL website. 特集企画「資本主義経済システムと人類社会の存続可能性」Leave the NDL website. External relationship of Russian corporationsLeave the NDL website. A reconsideration of the concept of international prices for the international comparison of real GDPLeave the NDL website. The measurement of labour content : a general approachLeave the NDL website. 直接投資とマクロ経済Leave the NDL website. 経済再建と経済発展をどう進めるか : 基本的な考え方と主要な方法 = Как перестроить экономику и осуществить ее дальнейшее развитие : основное представление и конкреные средстваLeave the NDL website. Vertical intra-industry trade and the division of labor in East AsiaLeave the NDL website. Testing the random walk hypothesis of daily : weekly yen-dollar exchange rates in S.Taylor's modelLeave the NDL website. 日本の流通規制 : 大店法システムを中心としてLeave the NDL website. 外国資本と体制転換 : 市場経済化20年史のメタ分析Leave the NDL website. Double shrinkage estimators in the GMANOVA modelLeave the NDL website. ロシア連邦国家統計委員会『ロシアの国家統計1802-1996年』モスクワ, 1996 [翻訳]Leave the NDL website. インド繰綿産業の発展と女子労働力の雇用 : 戦前期農業工業の役割Leave the NDL website. 戦略的な品質選択と経済厚生Leave the NDL website. 製品開発におけるアイデア創出, コンセプト策定, および人材マネジメント : 日中韓比較Leave the NDL website. Strategic cost-reduction investment and economic welfareLeave the NDL website. 金本位制とゲームのルールLeave the NDL website. Oligopolistic competition and economic welfare:the effects of ownership structuresLeave the NDL website. A progressive report on Marxian economic theory : on the controversies in exploitation theory since Okishio (1963)Leave the NDL website. Emergence and development of industry clusters in Hungary : Searching for a 'critical mass' of business via cluster mappingLeave the NDL website. On the Ricardian invariable measure of value in general convex economies : applicability of the standard commodityLeave the NDL website. Income inequality in the economic development of Japan : an evaluation of the Kuznets hypothesisLeave the NDL website. Exploring Russian corporations : interim report on the Japan-Russia joint research project on corporate governance and integration processes in the Russian economy : with a Japanese editionLeave the NDL website. Forward premium puzzle について : 日米金利差は円高を予想していたかLeave the NDL website. Investigating collaborative R&D using patent data : the case study of robot technology in JapanLeave the NDL website. Corrigendum to "Class and exploitation in general convex cone economies" [Journal of economic behavior and organization, 75 (2010) 281–296]Leave the NDL website. An implementation of the HJM model with application to japanese interest futuresLeave the NDL website. Asymptotically efficient estimation of the change point for semiparametric GARCH modelsLeave the NDL website. 戦後米国の企業合併運動の特質 : M&Aブームのなかで金融機関が果たす役割の分析を中心にLeave the NDL website. A tentative comparison of the politics of production : income doubling in the UK and JapanLeave the NDL website. Extended social ordering functions for rationalizing fair game forms à la Rawls and SenLeave the NDL website. Innovation and incentives in Japan : focus on pre-MeijiLeave the NDL website. 長期国民経済計算からみた1940年代の日本経済Leave the NDL website. Feldstein-Horioka paradox revisitedLeave the NDL website. 体制移行・企業収奪・国家捕獲 : 旧ソ連諸国の実証分析Leave the NDL website. A satelite account approach applied to research and development : Japanese dataLeave the NDL website. ロシア企業の取締役会 : 法的枠組と実態Leave the NDL website. Bequest taxes and accumulation of household wealth : U.S.-Japan comparisonLeave the NDL website. On the Ricardian invariable measure of value : a general possibility of the standard commodityLeave the NDL website. The output and price structure of the Russian economyLeave the NDL website. Natural implementation with partially-honest agents in economic environments with free-disposalLeave the NDL website. 地方公共部門における組合員の組合参加Leave the NDL website. Vertical intra-industry trade and foreign direct investment in East AsiaLeave the NDL website. Incentives and gaming in a nonlinear compensation scheme : evidence from north American auto dealership transaction dataLeave the NDL website. 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Causes of corruption in Russia : a disaggregated analysisLeave the NDL website. アジアの所得分布の変貌Leave the NDL website. Exchange rate and economic recovery of Japan in the 1930sLeave the NDL website. アマルティア・センと社会的選択理論Leave the NDL website. 明治期における大阪府工業生産指数ならびに工産物価指数(1868〜1901年)の推計Leave the NDL website. 中古乗用車の貿易量に関する日欧比較 : 国際資源循環の観点からLeave the NDL website. 銀行業における競争・規制・経済厚生Leave the NDL website. Profits and exploitation : a reappraisalLeave the NDL website. After a decade's lapseLeave the NDL website. Industrial policy in a developing market economyLeave the NDL website. Alternative characterizations of the proportional solution for nonconvex bargaining problems with claimsLeave the NDL website. 製品開発プロセスにおける問題開発と解決行動 : エンジニア個人レベルでの日中韓比較Leave the NDL website. Statistical indicators defining poverty levels : Japanese examplesLeave the NDL website. Partially-honest Nash implementation : a full characterizationLeave the NDL website. 厚生経済学の情報的基礎 : 厚生主義的帰結主義・機会の内在的価値・手続き的衡平性Leave the NDL website. Relationship banking and SMEs : a theoretical analysisLeave the NDL website. 取締役会構成とその内生性 : ロシア株式会社の実証分析Leave the NDL website. 世代間資産移転と相続税Leave the NDL website. Source of finance for social security reform with redistributionLeave the NDL website. The role of structural transformation in regional convergence in Japan, 1874-2008Leave the NDL website. ロシアにおける外国直接投資の立地選択Leave the NDL website. Solidarity and the Nash bargaining solutionLeave the NDL website. Fundamental incompatibility among economic efficiency, interngenerational equity, and sustainabilityLeave the NDL website. 資本への固定資産税の経済効果 : 固定資産税の 「New view」 の検証Leave the NDL website. A generalization of the Carlson-Parkin method for the estimation of expected inflation rateLeave the NDL website. Natural implementation with partially honest agentsLeave the NDL website. 東アジアにおける垂直的産業内貿易と直接投資Leave the NDL website. Ancillary firm development in the Japanese automobile industry : selected case studiesLeave the NDL website. 中国の国民経済計算体系Leave the NDL website. Crowding-out effect of publicly provided childcare : why maternal employment did not increaseLeave the NDL website. On the invariance structure of the one-sided testing problem for a multivariate normal meanLeave the NDL website. 幕末期の貨幣量とその流出量Leave the NDL website. 開港・維新の衝撃 : 日本列島震憾すLeave the NDL website. Foreign direct investment and trade in Japan : an empirical analysis based on the establishment and enterprise census for 1996Leave the NDL website. On the Japanese contribution to the equalization of world incomeLeave the NDL website. Do better-educated couples share domestic work more equitably in Japan? : it depends on the day of the weekLeave the NDL website. 日本の対米投資の新段階Leave the NDL website. The "Catch-up" process, financial system, and Japan's rise as a capital exporterLeave the NDL website. Exploitation and productiveness : the generalised commodity exploitation theorem once againLeave the NDL website. 戦中、戦後の産業政策思想 : 商工省・通産省の一般会計予算に見るLeave the NDL website. Incentive monopoly regulation with entryLeave the NDL website. 日本銀行貸出とハイ・パワード・マネーLeave the NDL website. Welfare criteria for government subsidies on cost reduction investmentsLeave the NDL website. Fundamental theorem on the relationship between trade balances in value added and gross terms : amendmentLeave the NDL website. R&D Investment and overseas production : an empirical analysis of Japan's electric machinery indusrty based on corporate dataLeave the NDL website. Technology choice in the cotton spinning industry : the switch from mules to ring framesLeave the NDL website. Is bitcoin the only cryptocurrency in the town? : economics of cryptocurrency and Friedrich A. HayekLeave the NDL website. Municipal consolidaion and local government behavior : evidence from Japanese voting data on merger referendalLeave the NDL website. Migration and money : what determines remittances? evidence from GermanyLeave the NDL website. 故高松信清氏著明治以降経済統計推計ノートLeave the NDL website. 保育所整備は母親の就業率をなぜ押し上げなかったのかLeave the NDL website. 住宅購入の促進と公共的住宅の再評価 : イギリスにおける低所得者向け住宅供給の政治経済学Leave the NDL website. A theory of political competition over military policy and income redistributionLeave the NDL website. 負の公共財排出を伴う超長期的な世代間資源配分Leave the NDL website. Recoverability of choice functions and binary trlations : some duality resultsLeave the NDL website. A Japan-Korea comparative study savingsLeave the NDL website. Was there a target zone?Leave the NDL website. 日本統治下における台湾・朝鮮の総督府財政支出の比較Leave the NDL website. Perron-frobenius theorem on non-negative square matrices : an elementary proofLeave the NDL website. Nonconvex bargaining problemsLeave the NDL website. Choice of product architecture, product quality, and intra-firm coordinaion : theory and evidenceLeave the NDL website. Transitivity, factor reversal test and matrix consistency in the international comparisons of real productLeave the NDL website. Can we stabilize the price of a cryptocurrency? : understanding the design of Bitcoin and its potential to compete with Central Bank moneyLeave the NDL website. Transition strategies and economic performances in the former Soviet states : a comparative institutional viewLeave the NDL website. 日本の酒類のグローバル化 : 事例研究からみた到達点と問題点Leave the NDL website. Tests for independence of two multivariate regression models with different design matricesLeave the NDL website. 「旧日本帝国」の国内総生産と総支出の推計Leave the NDL website. On the theory of international trade under uncertainty in the presence of forward and securities marketsLeave the NDL website. Exploitation in economies with heterogeneous preferences, skills and assets : an axiomatic approachLeave the NDL website. Economic growth and regulation of financial markets : Japanese experience during postwar high growth periodLeave the NDL website. Manpower training in the Japanese industries : a note on Japan's experience in human resources development in line with industrial developmentLeave the NDL website. Recent development in environmental economics 2003Leave the NDL website. Redistributive effects of income tax rates and tax base 1984-2009 : evidence from Japanese tax reformsLeave the NDL website. 店長は重要か? : 大手自動車販売会社の人事・製品取引データによる計量的事例研究Leave the NDL website. 戦後台湾国民政府による業務統計システムの接収とその再建 (1945-1949)Leave the NDL website. The dynamics of eploitation and class in accumulation economicsLeave the NDL website. 台湾総督府の行政と現地社会 : 支庁および街庄の制度と実態Leave the NDL website. An economic analysis of university educationLeave the NDL website. Entry barriers and the structure of the Japanese ammonium sulphate industry in the interwar periodLeave the NDL website. Characterizations of bargaining solutions in production economies with unequal skillsLeave the NDL website. Temporal aggregation of financial time series in Taylor's modelLeave the NDL website. ハイ・パワード・マネーと金融政策Leave the NDL website. 明治末期総督府官僚の台湾統治構想と統計調査Leave the NDL website. ロシア企業統治研究の展望Leave the NDL website. Water wheels in the preindustrial economy of JapanLeave the NDL website. A consequence of the enterprise reform in China : estimation and analysis of the relative income share of labor in the machinery industryLeave the NDL website. Bringing home the money : what determines worker's remittances to transition countries?Leave the NDL website. Consequences, opportunities, and proceduresLeave the NDL website. The political economy of trade liberalization and integration: the case of U.S.- Mexico relationsLeave the NDL website. Nonunion employee representation in JapanLeave the NDL website. 移行経済下ロシアの貧困の経済的分析におけるRLMSの個票データの活用 : ミクロ計量分析に向けてLeave the NDL website. Foreign economic relations and regional growth in North East Asia : Russia's WTO accession and its effectsLeave the NDL website. パティ=クレイ型成長モデルの動学的特質 : シミュレーション分析Leave the NDL website. Exploitation of labour and exploitation of commodities : a "new interpretation"Leave the NDL website. 資本移動の自由化とマクロ経済 : 中期国際マクロ理論の統合Leave the NDL website. オーストラリアの貨幣量,1851年-1987年Leave the NDL website. Industrial policy and the developmental state : Britain 1945-1990Leave the NDL website. Миграция Населения в Постсоветской РоссииLeave the NDL website. The union wage premium, voice, and nonunion workers' attitudes : before and after Japan's lost decadeLeave the NDL website. 日本経済の成長会計分析 : 1885-1970年Leave the NDL website. ロシアへの外国直接投資と地域経済成長 : パネルデータによる実証分析Leave the NDL website. Exploitation, skills, and inequalityLeave the NDL website. Optimal executive compensation : some equivalence resultsLeave the NDL website. 小銀行の銀行行動と信用割当Leave the NDL website. The dynamics of exploitation and inequality in economies with heterogeneous agents/ Giorgos Galanis, Roberto Veneziani and Naoki YoshiharaLeave the NDL website. An invariance approach to estimation in a curved modelLeave the NDL website. Natural implementation with semi-responsible-sincere agents in pure exchange economiesLeave the NDL website. Structural change, capital deepening, and TFP growth in Japan : 1885-1970Leave the NDL website. Japan's unemployment in comparative perspectiveLeave the NDL website. 第三次産業革命下の欧州半導体産業Leave the NDL website. FDI and restructuring business organisations in Central Eastern Europe : lessons from sector and region focused projects in the transformation economiesLeave the NDL website. MTV model and its application to prediction of stock pricesLeave the NDL website. 米国家計における資産の保有と形成Leave the NDL website. 1902〜1945年における銀行業産業組織の変動と銀行政策Leave the NDL website. Shifting Fortunes : the political economy of financial liberalization in NigeriaLeave the NDL website. Axiomatic bargaining theory on opportunity assignmentsLeave the NDL website. Note on step-wise aggregation for material balancesLeave the NDL website. The measurement of labour content : a general approachLeave the NDL website. Triple implementation by sharing mechanisms in production economics with unequal labor skillLeave the NDL website. Endogenous relationship banking to alleviate excessive screening transaction bankingLeave the NDL website. わが国の政府開発援助(ODA)政策についてLeave the NDL website. Intrinsic uncertainty and extraneous uncertainty : sunspot equilibria and periodic cycles under fundamental shocksLeave the NDL website. 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An approach to upper bound problems for risks of the GLSE'sLeave the NDL website. LUB for the covariance matrix of a GLSE in regression with applications to an SUR model and a heteroscedastic modelLeave the NDL website. Investment complementarities, coordination failure, and the role and effects of public investment policyLeave the NDL website. 賃金構造基本統計調査に対するデータリンゲージの可能性についてLeave the NDL website. Income inequality in the economic development of Japan : An Evaiuation of the Kuznets hypothesisLeave the NDL website. On the measurement of welfare changes at the second-best optimaLeave the NDL website. Market power perception by firms and social welfareLeave the NDL website. The location of Japanese MNCs affiliates : agglomeration spillovers and firm heterogeneityLeave the NDL website. Heterogeneous expectations and tests of efficiency in the yen/dollar forward exchange rate marketLeave the NDL website. 平均市場スポット.レート関数の推定 : 統計モデル的アプローチLeave the NDL website. In search of risk premium : empirical evidence based on generalized consumption-β modelLeave the NDL website. Dark horses : contemporary challenges to democratic free enterpriseLeave the NDL website. Excess entry, entry regulation, and entrant's incentiveLeave the NDL website. Welfare effects of Japanese voluntary export constraint for automobiles 1981-1983Leave the NDL website. 相互接続を管轄する中立的な独立第三者機関の必要性Leave the NDL website. 大正期・新潟蒲原の農家貯蓄 : 町村是資料からの考察Leave the NDL website. Emerging power in global governance? : EU partnership with the UN system in development and humanitarian cooperationLeave the NDL website. A full characterization of Nash implementation with strategy space reductionLeave the NDL website. Natural implementation with partially honest agents in economic environmentsLeave the NDL website. Product architecture and human resource management : comparing Japanese, Chinese, and Korean firms based on a questionnaire surveyLeave the NDL website. Price discrimination and social network : evidence from North American auto dealership transaction dataLeave the NDL website. 1980年代以降の長期雇用慣行の動向Leave the NDL website. Symmetric cournot oligopoly and economic welfare : A synthesisLeave the NDL website. ポスト私有化期の所有構造と企業パフォーマンス : 移行経済研究のメタ分析Leave the NDL website. A maximal extension of the Gauss-Markov Theorem and its nonlinear versionLeave the NDL website. 1940-1955年における日本の国民経済計算の吟味Leave the NDL website. 独占禁止法と競争政策Leave the NDL website. インドの事例からLeave the NDL website. Entry in a cournot market : equilibrium versus optimalityLeave the NDL website. Taxation and welfare in an oligopoly with strategic commitmentLeave the NDL website. 二重労働市場のもとでの雇用調整についてLeave the NDL website. Endogenous exchange rate fluctuations under the flexible exchange rate re gimeLeave the NDL website. Commodity content in a general input-output model : a commentLeave the NDL website. Treading a fine line : (Im) possibilities for Nash implementation with partially-honest individualsLeave the NDL website. Gibbardian libertarian claims revisitedLeave the NDL website. Signaling rather than incentive mechanism for entry regulationLeave the NDL website. サーベイ調査における欠測値モデルの基礎 : 補助情報の利用法Leave the NDL website. The class of models for which the Durbin-Watson test is equally validLeave the NDL website. On initial conferment of individual rightsLeave the NDL website. The structural determinants of invoice currencies in Japan : the case of foreign trade with east asian countriesLeave the NDL website. Poverty, risk, and human capital in rural North-West Frontier Province, PakistanLeave the NDL website. 非線型モデルにおける合理的予想Leave the NDL website. The significance of standardization in the development of the machine-tool industry : the cases of Japan and ChinaLeave the NDL website. Analysis on Russian demographic trendsLeave the NDL website. Mirabeau, V. R. le marquis de, Essai sur le commerce en géneral, Avant-propos pour la Troisième partie de l'Essai sur la populationLeave the NDL website. Is foreign exchange intervention effecive? : the Japanese experiences in the 1990sLeave the NDL website. Intrafirm communication and wage determination in Japanese nonunion firmsLeave the NDL website. Axiomatic barganing theory on opportunity assignmentsLeave the NDL website. 「台湾統計協会雑誌」総目次解題Leave the NDL website. 『アマルティア・セン--経済学と倫理学--』 : プロローグLeave the NDL website. U.S.Political pressure ane economic liberalization in East AsiaLeave the NDL website. Welfare economics beyond welfarist-consequentialismLeave the NDL website. 前近代日本の水車と産業技術Leave the NDL website. 適用除外・政府規制・行政指導Leave the NDL website. タジキスタンのジェンダー状況 : タジク女性の声 : タジキスタンミクロサーベイよりLeave the NDL website. 戦後日本の国際収支Leave the NDL website. Characterizations of consequentialism and non-consequentialismLeave the NDL website. The problem of international values : Especially in Hungarian and Japanese understandingLeave the NDL website. 国際経済における不等価交換Leave the NDL website. 岡橋保教授のインフレーション論 : 「世界インフレーション論批判」を読むLeave the NDL website. Economic growth and financial allocation in postwar JapanLeave the NDL website. マルクスの恐慌観 : 資料編Leave the NDL website. An estimation of Russian industrial production : 1960-1990Leave the NDL website. 日本と韓国における養子制度の発展と児童福祉 : 歴史統計を用いた比較制度分析の試みLeave the NDL website. American factories, Japanese factoriesLeave the NDL website. 海外現地法人のパフォーマンスと親企業 : タイの日系食品企業の親企業データを使った分析Leave the NDL website. Recoverability of choice functions and binary relations : some dualityresultsLeave the NDL website. On the sustainability of collaborative R&D through private incentivesLeave the NDL website. Economic growth of Korea under the Japanese occupation : background of industrialization of Korea 1911-1940Leave the NDL website. 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Is the Bank of Japan a closet monetarist? : monetary targeting in Japan, 1978-1988Leave the NDL website. LBI tests for normality in the class of multivariate exponential power distributionsLeave the NDL website. Five kinds of macroeconomic activities : macroeconomic models and the analysis on Chinese economy (1991-1998)Leave the NDL website. 国民経済計算における非営利組織(NPO)の取り扱いとその課題 : SNAとJHCNPLeave the NDL website. 少子高齢化と家計のポートフォリオ選択Leave the NDL website. ロシア石油ガス産業分析用社会会計表の作成Leave the NDL website. Capital flows in AsiaLeave the NDL website. 国際通貨体制の動態とオーストラリア経済Leave the NDL website. Valuation of time-deposit saving (CD) with transfer optionLeave the NDL website. 分配的正義の経済哲学 : 厚生主義から非厚生主義へLeave the NDL website. 共稼ぎ世帯の諸属性とフルタイム.パートの要因分析Leave the NDL website. Nash implementation in production economies with unequal skills : a complete characterizationLeave the NDL website. R&D expenditure and the choice between private and public debt : do the Japanese main banks extract the firm's rents?Leave the NDL website. Voluntary trade restraints and economic welfareLeave the NDL website. Bank survival in European emerging marketsLeave the NDL website. EC諸国経済の長期停滞 : 構造変動の分析を中心にLeave the NDL website. 設備投資分析 : 理論・実証の蓄積と今後の課題Leave the NDL website. 世界の景気循環Leave the NDL website. The diffusion of new technologies in the Japanese sericulture industry : a study on the experience of hybrid silkwormsLeave the NDL website. 若年の就業状況に与える家計の資産所得の影響Leave the NDL website. From putting-out to the factory : a cotton-weaving district in late-Meiji JapanLeave the NDL website. Consequentialism and procedural evaluations in social welfare judgementsLeave the NDL website. 台湾における統計家の活動 : 統計講習会および台湾統計協会雑誌を中心にLeave the NDL website. Does technological uncertainty justify industrial subsidies?Leave the NDL website. Chinese market socialism : managerial autonomy, state ownership and economic justiceLeave the NDL website. The concentric-circle model of FDI spillover effects : estimation using Hungarian panel dataLeave the NDL website. Technical progress, capital accumulation, and distributionLeave the NDL website. Conditional political budget cycles : a reconsideration of the role of economic developmentLeave the NDL website. Marriage and housework : analyzing the effects of education using the 2011 and 2016 Japanese survey on time use and leisure activitiesLeave the NDL website. Socioeconomic status and housework : cultural differences in paticipation in routine housework in Japan, Canada, and the USLeave the NDL website. Efficiency invites divide and coercion in the age of increasing returns to sclaeLeave the NDL website. Marriage penalty : unconditional quantile regression of housework participation in JapanLeave the NDL website. Sraffan [i.e. Sraffian] indeterminacy in general equilibrium revisitedLeave the NDL website. Asymmetric majority pillage gamesLeave the NDL website. Decomposing preference for redistribution beyond the Trans-Atlantic perspectiveLeave the NDL website. 職域分離とスキルからみる労働市場のジェンダー格差 : 日本版O-NET・国勢調査マッチングデータから得られる示唆Leave the NDL website. Nonconvex bargaining problems : some recent developmentsLeave the NDL website. Physicians in imperial medicine : the emergence of a Filipino medical profession in late nineteenth century ManilaLeave the NDL website. Long-run mild deflation under fiscal unsustainability in JapanLeave the NDL website. Still separate in STEM? : trends in sex segregation by field study in Japan, 1975-2019Leave the NDL website. Human capital and economic growth in Japan : 1885-2015Leave the NDL website. 生活水準の概念と計測の再検討Leave the NDL website. Computational methods and classical-Marxian economicsLeave the NDL website. Labor-management communication about trainingLeave the NDL website. 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Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
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一橋大学経済研究所 ヒトツバシ ダイガク ケイザイ ケンキュウジョ
26-30 cm
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[Series] A: 30 cm
[Series] B: 26 cm ; No. 1: 1988.1-
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日本におけるConsumption-Wealth Ratioの安定性
Feldstein-Horioka paradox revisited
Leverage, volatility and executive stock options
Can pareto libertarian paradox be resolved by voluntary exchange of libertarian rights?
Rationality and solutions to nonconvex bargaining problems : rationalizable, asymmetric and Nash solutions
大正・昭和戦前期の日本における農村男子の職業・学歴・体格・家族 : 福島県耶麻郡関柴村の『壮丁調査』を利用して
U.S.-Japan macroeconomic policy coordinations : Agenda for the 1990s and beyond
International comparison in historical perspective : reconstructing the 1934-36, benchmark purchasing power parity for Japan, Korea and Taiwan
産業別法人企業統計 : 1883年-1946年
Strategic export pricing in the presence of exchange rate risk
朝鮮家計調査の集計 : 昭和3年 : 第1次作業結果
The Japanese experience in social protection
Construction of improved estimators for the regression : coefficient matrix in GMANOVA model
Friend or foe in East Asia
Limit pricing through entry regulation
マルクス的経済理論における置塩 (1963) 以降の進展 : 搾取理論の場合
Enterprise reform in Russia : emerging modern corporations and the problem of corporate governance
Baumol versus Engel : accounting for 100 years (1885‒1985) of structural transformation in Japan
Convergence rates of sums of a-mixing triangular arrays : with an application to non-parametric drift function estimation of continuous-time processes
Stock index autocorrelation and cross-autocorrelations of size-sorted portfolios in the Japanese market
The reserve army effect, the collective bargaining system, and nominal wage growth
India's international trade in services
Japan's civil registration systems before and after the Meiji Restoration
On initial conferment of individual rights
Bad loans and their impacts on the Japanese economy : conceptual and practical issues, and policy options
Corporate investment and restructuring
Mechanical power and printing technology in pre-W.W.II Japan
Saving-investment balance and fiscal sustainability of Japan : a view from the JGB market
Structural adjustment and the political economy of Japanese aid to Africa
One million miles to go : taking the axiomatic road to defining exploitation
移行経済における中央銀行の独立性とインフレーション抑制効果 : メタ分析
新興国知識集約型産業の高度化と能力構築 : 聞き取り調査と質問紙調査によるインドIT企業の実証分析
Fiscal policy and regional business cycle fluctuations in Japan
The effect of participation in government consortia on the R&D procuctivity of firms : a case study of robot technology in Japan
Portfolio management of non-risk-preferring commercial banks under deposit uncertainty
Employment, wages and relative income shares
Rationality and solutions to nonconvex bargaining problems : rationalizability and Nash solutions
通貨危機の発生と伝播 : 震源と波及の日次データ分析
On the concept of social barriers to entry
明治末期の工場生産による生産物の特徴と経営主体 : 「工場通覧」個別工場データの再集計と「工場統計表」との結合方法の吟味
Specialization and diversification in agricultural transformation : the case of rural Punjab, c.1900-1995
Rationality and the Nash solution to non-convex bargaining problems
Bail-out, moral hazard, and credibility : IMF and World Bank policies in crises of the 21st century type
Миграция населения в постсоветской России
クロスボーダー取引と消費課税 : 電子商取引への対応
Constitutional democracy and public judgements
Equivariant estimation of a mean vector μ of N(μ,Σ) with μ'Σ[-1]μ=1 or Σ[-1/2]μ=c or Σ=σ[2]μ'μI
Optimal monetary policy in an estimated local currency pricing model
An analysis of regional business cycles using prefectural composite indexes in Japan
A study of Japanese manufaturing industry : growth, productivity, factor substitution and industrial structure
近年の日本家計消費の動向 : 家計調査の結果を中心として
「ドル本位制」にかんする--考察 : 金廃貨の意味
Management transfer and job consciousness in Indo-Japanese joint ventures
Welfare economics and the welfare state
Finding good managers : an econometric case study of a large Japanese auto dealership
銀行資金市場と銀行行動 : 調査結果の概要
Wage austerity or/and an educational push : the French dilemma
製品アーキテクチャと人材マネジメント : 企業アンケート調査に基づく日中韓比較
Bilateral equivalence between trade in value added and value added content of trade
Economic development and the distribution of the consumer durables ownership : Japan and Taiwan, 1954-1975
Human capital and elimination of rural poverty : a case study of the North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan
インドにおける季節労働者の定着をめぐって : ある製糖工場の分析
A note on incentives and efficiency ; the case of public good economies
再論 : 70年代マルクス派搾取理論再検証
Unequal exchange, assets, and power : recent developments in exploitation theory
An alternative strategy for equitable growth in developing countries: an application to Mexico
A note on the simultaneous estimation of scale-parameters
Public pensions in Japan : problems and policy options
Foreign direct investment and service trade : the case of Japan
中国企業改革の帰結 : 機械工業における労働分配率の推計と分析
The European Community's power in the financing for development initiatives
Changing structure of urban employment and its effects on migration patterns in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Japan
The theory of exploitation as the unequal exchange of labour
「役立つ」経済分析とは : 『経済分析』31-59号掲載の労働と経済思想の論稿を読む
The adverse selection effects of net worth and the crash of land price : Welfare effects of demand and supply schocks under asymmetric information
機械産業主導の時代を考える : IO表による1935-73年期の一解釈
金融危機下の現金保有と投資 : エージェンシー費用の観点から
Lawsuit as a signaling game under asymmetric information : a continuum types model
企業形態と組織行動 : ロシア株式会社制度の実証分析
The aggregate demand function and the aggregate supply function
On the general impossibility of persistent unequal exchange free trade equilibria in the pre-industrial world economy
金融資産価格変動分析の展望 : 価格変動モデルとオプション理論
Industrial policy in Japan : brief overview and evaluation
Coodination failures under incomplete information and global games
Marriage and economic development in the twentieth century
Cell production and workplace innovation in Japan : toward a new model for Japanese manufacturing?
年金改革の政治経済学 : ハンガリー98年改革の挑戦と挫折
Bargaining theory over opportunity assignments and the egalitarian solution
Corporate governance in transition economies
Incumbent's incentive under network externalities
The Big Mac standard : a statistical illustration
Equity, efficiency and incentives : Behavioral theory of distributive justive revisited
Litigation selection as a signal under asymmetric information : a two-type model with alternating bargaining offers
Do bulls and bears move across borders : International transmission of stockreturns and volatility as the world turns
The role of human capital accumulation for economic growth in East Asian countries
The origins of the Japanese banking panic of 1927
欧州移行経済における社会主義的遺制と人事労務管理 : 体系的レビューの試み
世界金融危機下ロシアの企業所有構造と経営監督体制 : 工業企業のパネルデータ分析
Alternative approaches to libertarian rights in the theory of social choice
東アジアにおける製品開発と人材マネジメント : 日本・韓国・中国企業の比較分析
Equity and efficiency in the public goods economy : some counterexamples
日本は「格差社会」になったのか : 比較経済史にみる日本の所得格差
2005年EU22国間国際産業連関表 : 作成と分析
企業の業績・財務内容と賃金・雇用量に関する計量分析 : 経済産業省企業活動基本調査のミクロデータを用いて
Is the Japanese distribution system really inefficient?
Persistence and snap decision making : inefficient decisions by a reputation-concerned expert
Change in the wage-unemployment relation : The reserve army effect in the postwar Japanese economy
Современное состояние экономики Дальнего Востока России и Северо-Восточная Азия
Tax policy and consumer spending : evidence from Japanese fiscal experiments
資本ストックの異質性とMultiple q
Wages, productivity and labour costs in the CEECs
Kenneth arrow and the problem of social choice
対日直接投資 : 事業所・企業統計調査個票データにもとづく実証分析
Liberalisation and the differential conduct and performance of firms : a study of the Indian automobile sector
Japanese industrial policy for telecommuncations : anatomy of the 1985 institutional reform and its aftermath
Intellectual property clearinghouses : the effects of reduced transaction costs in licensing
ロシアにおける新規大卒者採用人事 : 経路依存と新たな展開
An empirical analysis of Japanese direct investment in Taiwan : a neoclassical approach
A class of fair distribution rules à la Rawls and Sen
Infant mortality in pre-transition Japan: levels and trends
Japan as newly industrializing country
Class and exploitation in general convex cone economies
On non-welfarist social ordering functions
Insurance market efficiency and crop choices in Pakistan
Review of income distribution studies in Japan, Taiwan and South Korea
A satellite account approach applied to research and development : Japanese data
International trade and investment under different rates of time reference
Paretian welfare judgements and Bergsonian social choice
京城工場調査第1次集計表 : 昭和10〜16年
Objectivist versus subjectivist approaches to the Marxian theory of exploitation
Crawing [i.e. Crawling] peg exchange rate system and the related economic problems in Hungary
Were Keynes's views on the economic role of the state more radical and interventionist then U.S. Keynesians acknowledged?: evidence from the 1920s
蚕品種の改良と普及伝播 : 1代交雑種の場合
Partially-honest Nash implementation with non-connected honesty standards
Modernisation by consensus : the impact of the policy process on British economic policy 1945-64
Trade in velue added revisited : a comment on R. Johnson and G. Noguera, Accounting for intermediates : production sharing and trade in value added
Objet du commerce de la France avec l'Angleterre en 1751
Collaborative research and development : economc analysis in the light of Japanese experience
Securing basic well-being for all
The Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson trade theory and the Cambridge capital controversies : on the validity of factor price equalisation theorem
主観的業績評価の理論と現実 : 大手自動車販売会社の人事・製品取引データと社員意識調査結果との接合データによる検証
Maximality, optimality and duality
Does imperfect capital market dynamically stabilize households' asset holding?
非線形報酬制度のインセンティブ効果とエスニシティの影響 : 北米自動車販売会社の取引データに基づく実証分析
Does dynamic market competition with technological innovation leave no one behind?
International exploitation, capital export, and unequal exchange
Public bonds as money substitutes at near-zero interest rates : disequilibrium analysis of the current and future Japanese economy
A simple example of Sraffian indeterminacy in Walrasian general equilibrium framework
高度成長期日本鋳物業躍進の要因 : 技術導入から技術輸出へ
Wage deceleration in the long-term crisis : developments in the U.S. economy, 1975-1985
多様なる世界の蚕糸業 : 多化蚕から野蚕まで
Intensification of lowland cropping systems and informal land ownership in West Africa : comparison of two large inland markets in Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana
Import substitution industrialization where does Sri Lanka stand in the Japanese experience
日治期台湾の統計調査制度史(稿) : 台湾総督府の統計調査事業、特に「報告例」について
Trade and industrial organization : Japanese ammonium sulphate industry in the interwar period
Migration of nurses in the EU, the UK, and Japan : regulatory bodies and push-pull factors in the international mobility of skilled practitioners
Accumulation of human capital, labor market hysteresis, and the business cycle
The internal control system of Russian corporations
A concept of second order efficiency and its application to a missing data problem
Accumulation of human capital and the business cycle
Monetary policy in postwar Japan : monetary control by the Bank of Japn
Cascading contingent protection and vertical market structure
A comparison of convergence speed of old and new iterative processes for an input-output system
Competition, commitment and welfare
Globalisation and inequality : a dynamic general equilibrium model of unequal exchange
現代中国における男女賃金格差 : メタ分析による接近
Workers' remittances to former Soviet states
ミンサー型賃金関数による賃金の期待値と実現値の比較とその応用 : 『賃金センサス』と『就業構造基本調査』をもとにして
Adoption of management practices in the public sector of Bangladesh
Effects of subsidized childcare on mothers' labor supply under a rationing mechanism
On the elasticity and the concentration curve
Social confusion and corruption : investigating the causes and effects of a breakdown of ethics
Progress of Japanese National Accounts in an international perspective of the SNA review
A mechanism design for a solution to the tragedy of commons
海外進出の決定要因及び現地法人のパフォーマンスに関する実証分析 : 日本の食品関連企業の海外直接投資
『アマルティア・セン--経済学と倫理学--』 : 厚生主義・権利・自由--正統派理論への批判--
The role of monetary policy in eliminating the non-convergent dynamic paths
「旧日本帝国」の経済構造 : 国民経済計算による分析
The role of the western classical music in Japanese society and culture
Foreign direct investment, information spillover, and export decision : the concentric-circle model with application to Hungarian firm-level data
Individual rights revisited
External relationship of Russian corporations
A reconsideration of the concept of international prices for the international comparison of real GDP
The measurement of labour content : a general approach
経済再建と経済発展をどう進めるか : 基本的な考え方と主要な方法 = Как перестроить экономику и осуществить ее дальнейшее развитие : основное представление и конкреные средства
Vertical intra-industry trade and the division of labor in East Asia
Testing the random walk hypothesis of daily : weekly yen-dollar exchange rates in S.Taylor's model
日本の流通規制 : 大店法システムを中心として
外国資本と体制転換 : 市場経済化20年史のメタ分析
Double shrinkage estimators in the GMANOVA model
ロシア連邦国家統計委員会『ロシアの国家統計1802-1996年』モスクワ, 1996 [翻訳]
インド繰綿産業の発展と女子労働力の雇用 : 戦前期農業工業の役割
製品開発におけるアイデア創出, コンセプト策定, および人材マネジメント : 日中韓比較
Strategic cost-reduction investment and economic welfare
Oligopolistic competition and economic welfare:the effects of ownership structures
A progressive report on Marxian economic theory : on the controversies in exploitation theory since Okishio (1963)
Emergence and development of industry clusters in Hungary : Searching for a 'critical mass' of business via cluster mapping
On the Ricardian invariable measure of value in general convex economies : applicability of the standard commodity
Income inequality in the economic development of Japan : an evaluation of the Kuznets hypothesis
Exploring Russian corporations : interim report on the Japan-Russia joint research project on corporate governance and integration processes in the Russian economy : with a Japanese edition
Forward premium puzzle について : 日米金利差は円高を予想していたか
Investigating collaborative R&D using patent data : the case study of robot technology in Japan
Corrigendum to "Class and exploitation in general convex cone economies" [Journal of economic behavior and organization, 75 (2010) 281–296]
An implementation of the HJM model with application to japanese interest futures
Asymptotically efficient estimation of the change point for semiparametric GARCH models
戦後米国の企業合併運動の特質 : M&Aブームのなかで金融機関が果たす役割の分析を中心に
A tentative comparison of the politics of production : income doubling in the UK and Japan
Extended social ordering functions for rationalizing fair game forms à la Rawls and Sen
Innovation and incentives in Japan : focus on pre-Meiji
Feldstein-Horioka paradox revisited
体制移行・企業収奪・国家捕獲 : 旧ソ連諸国の実証分析
A satelite account approach applied to research and development : Japanese data
ロシア企業の取締役会 : 法的枠組と実態
Bequest taxes and accumulation of household wealth : U.S.-Japan comparison
On the Ricardian invariable measure of value : a general possibility of the standard commodity
The output and price structure of the Russian economy
Natural implementation with partially-honest agents in economic environments with free-disposal
Vertical intra-industry trade and foreign direct investment in East Asia
Incentives and gaming in a nonlinear compensation scheme : evidence from north American auto dealership transaction data
On the general existence of pure strategy political competition equilibrium in multi-dimensional party-faction models
企業統治と組織淘汰 : 世界金融危機とロシア企業
Robustness of t-Test
Price dynamics in Japan (1981-2001) : a structural analysis of mechanisms in the goods and labor markets
「基本所得」政策の規範的経済理論 : 「福祉国家」政策の厚生経済学序説
Objet du commerce de la France avec le Levant et la coste de Barbarie dans la Méditerrannée en 1750 et 1751
ソ連・東欧諸国の産業連関表 : 沿革・諸特性・部門分類
東アジアにおける経済構造変化とカーボンリーケージ : 2005年アジア国際産業連関表によるCO2集約度の計算についての推計をふまえて
Collective mistakes : intuition aggregation for a trick question under strategic voting
Industrial policy of Japan : Whither now?
Moral hazard in an insurance market and the optimum quantity of money
Causes of corruption in Russia : a disaggregated analysis
Exchange rate and economic recovery of Japan in the 1930s
中古乗用車の貿易量に関する日欧比較 : 国際資源循環の観点から
Profits and exploitation : a reappraisal
After a decade's lapse
Industrial policy in a developing market economy
Alternative characterizations of the proportional solution for nonconvex bargaining problems with claims
製品開発プロセスにおける問題開発と解決行動 : エンジニア個人レベルでの日中韓比較
Statistical indicators defining poverty levels : Japanese examples
Partially-honest Nash implementation : a full characterization
厚生経済学の情報的基礎 : 厚生主義的帰結主義・機会の内在的価値・手続き的衡平性
Relationship banking and SMEs : a theoretical analysis
取締役会構成とその内生性 : ロシア株式会社の実証分析
Source of finance for social security reform with redistribution
The role of structural transformation in regional convergence in Japan, 1874-2008
Solidarity and the Nash bargaining solution
Fundamental incompatibility among economic efficiency, interngenerational equity, and sustainability
資本への固定資産税の経済効果 : 固定資産税の 「New view」 の検証
A generalization of the Carlson-Parkin method for the estimation of expected inflation rate
Natural implementation with partially honest agents
Ancillary firm development in the Japanese automobile industry : selected case studies
Crowding-out effect of publicly provided childcare : why maternal employment did not increase
On the invariance structure of the one-sided testing problem for a multivariate normal mean
開港・維新の衝撃 : 日本列島震憾す
Foreign direct investment and trade in Japan : an empirical analysis based on the establishment and enterprise census for 1996
On the Japanese contribution to the equalization of world income
Do better-educated couples share domestic work more equitably in Japan? : it depends on the day of the week
The "Catch-up" process, financial system, and Japan's rise as a capital exporter
Exploitation and productiveness : the generalised commodity exploitation theorem once again
戦中、戦後の産業政策思想 : 商工省・通産省の一般会計予算に見る
Incentive monopoly regulation with entry
Welfare criteria for government subsidies on cost reduction investments
Fundamental theorem on the relationship between trade balances in value added and gross terms : amendment
R&D Investment and overseas production : an empirical analysis of Japan's electric machinery indusrty based on corporate data
Technology choice in the cotton spinning industry : the switch from mules to ring frames
Is bitcoin the only cryptocurrency in the town? : economics of cryptocurrency and Friedrich A. Hayek
Municipal consolidaion and local government behavior : evidence from Japanese voting data on merger referendal
Migration and money : what determines remittances? evidence from Germany
住宅購入の促進と公共的住宅の再評価 : イギリスにおける低所得者向け住宅供給の政治経済学
A theory of political competition over military policy and income redistribution
Recoverability of choice functions and binary trlations : some duality results
A Japan-Korea comparative study savings
Was there a target zone?
Perron-frobenius theorem on non-negative square matrices : an elementary proof
Nonconvex bargaining problems
Choice of product architecture, product quality, and intra-firm coordinaion : theory and evidence
Transitivity, factor reversal test and matrix consistency in the international comparisons of real product
Can we stabilize the price of a cryptocurrency? : understanding the design of Bitcoin and its potential to compete with Central Bank money
Transition strategies and economic performances in the former Soviet states : a comparative institutional view
日本の酒類のグローバル化 : 事例研究からみた到達点と問題点
Tests for independence of two multivariate regression models with different design matrices
On the theory of international trade under uncertainty in the presence of forward and securities markets
Exploitation in economies with heterogeneous preferences, skills and assets : an axiomatic approach
Economic growth and regulation of financial markets : Japanese experience during postwar high growth period
Manpower training in the Japanese industries : a note on Japan's experience in human resources development in line with industrial development
Recent development in environmental economics 2003
Redistributive effects of income tax rates and tax base 1984-2009 : evidence from Japanese tax reforms
店長は重要か? : 大手自動車販売会社の人事・製品取引データによる計量的事例研究
戦後台湾国民政府による業務統計システムの接収とその再建 (1945-1949)
The dynamics of eploitation and class in accumulation economics
台湾総督府の行政と現地社会 : 支庁および街庄の制度と実態
An economic analysis of university education
Entry barriers and the structure of the Japanese ammonium sulphate industry in the interwar period
Characterizations of bargaining solutions in production economies with unequal skills
Temporal aggregation of financial time series in Taylor's model
Water wheels in the preindustrial economy of Japan
A consequence of the enterprise reform in China : estimation and analysis of the relative income share of labor in the machinery industry
Bringing home the money : what determines worker's remittances to transition countries?
Consequences, opportunities, and procedures
The political economy of trade liberalization and integration: the case of U.S.- Mexico relations
Nonunion employee representation in Japan
移行経済下ロシアの貧困の経済的分析におけるRLMSの個票データの活用 : ミクロ計量分析に向けて
Foreign economic relations and regional growth in North East Asia : Russia's WTO accession and its effects
パティ=クレイ型成長モデルの動学的特質 : シミュレーション分析
Exploitation of labour and exploitation of commodities : a "new interpretation"
資本移動の自由化とマクロ経済 : 中期国際マクロ理論の統合
Industrial policy and the developmental state : Britain 1945-1990
Миграция Населения в Постсоветской России
The union wage premium, voice, and nonunion workers' attitudes : before and after Japan's lost decade
日本経済の成長会計分析 : 1885-1970年
ロシアへの外国直接投資と地域経済成長 : パネルデータによる実証分析
Exploitation, skills, and inequality
Optimal executive compensation : some equivalence results
The dynamics of exploitation and inequality in economies with heterogeneous agents/ Giorgos Galanis, Roberto Veneziani and Naoki Yoshihara
An invariance approach to estimation in a curved model
Natural implementation with semi-responsible-sincere agents in pure exchange economies
Structural change, capital deepening, and TFP growth in Japan : 1885-1970
Japan's unemployment in comparative perspective
FDI and restructuring business organisations in Central Eastern Europe : lessons from sector and region focused projects in the transformation economies
MTV model and its application to prediction of stock prices
Shifting Fortunes : the political economy of financial liberalization in Nigeria
Axiomatic bargaining theory on opportunity assignments
Note on step-wise aggregation for material balances
The measurement of labour content : a general approach
Triple implementation by sharing mechanisms in production economics with unequal labor skill
Endogenous relationship banking to alleviate excessive screening transaction banking
Intrinsic uncertainty and extraneous uncertainty : sunspot equilibria and periodic cycles under fundamental shocks
Testing the interest rate parity hypothesis : the Japanese experience, 1979-81
On the existence and characterization of unequal exchange in the free trade equilibrium
Import substitution policy in Japan's economic development
A progress report on marxian economic theory : on the controversies in exploitation theory since okishio (1963)
The determinants of corruption in transition economies
主観的および客観的賃金格差と労働インセンティブ : 賃金格差に関する情報伝達機能の補完性とその重要性
The measurement of labour content : a general approach
Organizational innovation and knowledge use practice : cross-country comparison : Hungarian versus Slovak business service sector
The behavior of solutions to bargaining problems on the basis of solidarity
二重構造 : 日本的失業形態
Asymmetric effects of monetary policy : Japanese experience in the 1990s
日本のマネー・ストック : 1871年〜1940年
Asian exports : principal causes of deceleration
Economic reforms in Russia and Japan's experience in Post-war economic development
Partially honest nash implementation : a full characterization
Did Korekiyo Takahashi rescue Japan from the Great Depression?
Baffling inflation : cost-push inflation theories in the late 1950s United States
Partially-honest nash implementation : a full characterization
Existence of social ordering functions which embody procedural values and consequential values
An approach to upper bound problems for risks of the GLSE's
LUB for the covariance matrix of a GLSE in regression with applications to an SUR model and a heteroscedastic model
Investment complementarities, coordination failure, and the role and effects of public investment policy
Income inequality in the economic development of Japan : An Evaiuation of the Kuznets hypothesis
On the measurement of welfare changes at the second-best optima
Market power perception by firms and social welfare
The location of Japanese MNCs affiliates : agglomeration spillovers and firm heterogeneity
Heterogeneous expectations and tests of efficiency in the yen/dollar forward exchange rate market
平均市場スポット.レート関数の推定 : 統計モデル的アプローチ
In search of risk premium : empirical evidence based on generalized consumption-β model
Dark horses : contemporary challenges to democratic free enterprise
Excess entry, entry regulation, and entrant's incentive
Welfare effects of Japanese voluntary export constraint for automobiles 1981-1983
大正期・新潟蒲原の農家貯蓄 : 町村是資料からの考察
Emerging power in global governance? : EU partnership with the UN system in development and humanitarian cooperation
A full characterization of Nash implementation with strategy space reduction
Natural implementation with partially honest agents in economic environments
Product architecture and human resource management : comparing Japanese, Chinese, and Korean firms based on a questionnaire survey
Price discrimination and social network : evidence from North American auto dealership transaction data
Symmetric cournot oligopoly and economic welfare : A synthesis
ポスト私有化期の所有構造と企業パフォーマンス : 移行経済研究のメタ分析
A maximal extension of the Gauss-Markov Theorem and its nonlinear version
Entry in a cournot market : equilibrium versus optimality
Taxation and welfare in an oligopoly with strategic commitment
Endogenous exchange rate fluctuations under the flexible exchange rate re gime
Commodity content in a general input-output model : a comment
Treading a fine line : (Im) possibilities for Nash implementation with partially-honest individuals
Gibbardian libertarian claims revisited
Signaling rather than incentive mechanism for entry regulation
サーベイ調査における欠測値モデルの基礎 : 補助情報の利用法
The class of models for which the Durbin-Watson test is equally valid
On initial conferment of individual rights
The structural determinants of invoice currencies in Japan : the case of foreign trade with east asian countries
Poverty, risk, and human capital in rural North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan
The significance of standardization in the development of the machine-tool industry : the cases of Japan and China
Analysis on Russian demographic trends
Mirabeau, V. R. le marquis de, Essai sur le commerce en géneral, Avant-propos pour la Troisième partie de l'Essai sur la population
Is foreign exchange intervention effecive? : the Japanese experiences in the 1990s
Intrafirm communication and wage determination in Japanese nonunion firms
Axiomatic barganing theory on opportunity assignments
『アマルティア・セン--経済学と倫理学--』 : プロローグ
U.S.Political pressure ane economic liberalization in East Asia
Welfare economics beyond welfarist-consequentialism
タジキスタンのジェンダー状況 : タジク女性の声 : タジキスタンミクロサーベイより
Characterizations of consequentialism and non-consequentialism
The problem of international values : Especially in Hungarian and Japanese understanding
岡橋保教授のインフレーション論 : 「世界インフレーション論批判」を読む
Economic growth and financial allocation in postwar Japan
マルクスの恐慌観 : 資料編
An estimation of Russian industrial production : 1960-1990
日本と韓国における養子制度の発展と児童福祉 : 歴史統計を用いた比較制度分析の試み
American factories, Japanese factories
海外現地法人のパフォーマンスと親企業 : タイの日系食品企業の親企業データを使った分析
Recoverability of choice functions and binary relations : some dualityresults
On the sustainability of collaborative R&D through private incentives
Economic growth of Korea under the Japanese occupation : background of industrialization of Korea 1911-1940
Quantifying and accounting for quality differences in services in international price comparisons : a bilateral price comparison between United States and Japan
多様化するイギリス地方財政 : 公営住宅売却後の地方自治体資産
The yen and the international monetary system
Power revolution in the industrialization of Japan : 1885-1940
The utility standard and the patentability of intermediate technology
機振法と私 : 戦後産業政策史の一コマを語る
Minimax estimators in the normal MANOVA model
Output-inflation tradeoff at near-zero inflation rates
The effect of work-family balance policy on childbirth and women's work
Welfare criteria for industrial subsidies in an oligopolistic setting
Small and medium size enterprises and local productive systems : the Italian experience and Hungary
Asymmetric information and endogenous stock price volatility : an asset pricing model of sunspot equilibria
労働組合の経済効果と未組織労働者の組織化支持 : 「失われた10年」の前後比較
Risk sharing arrangements and the structure of risk and time preference : theory and evidence from village India
統計的マッチングにおける推定精度とキー変数選択の効果 : 法人企業統計調査ミクロデータを対象として
海外現地法人の持ち株比率とパフォーマンス : タイの日系食品企業の企業データを使った分析
第2次世界大戦下の日本の闇物価調査 : 関成一資料を中心として
New bond pricing models with applications to Japanese data
電気通信事業における競争と規制 : テレコム改革の現状と課題
ノーベル経済学賞2013年解題 : ファーマ、ハンセン、シラー教授の資産価格の実証分析への貢献
海外直接投資の技術伝播と輸出促進効果の検証 : アジアにおける食品企業を例にして
Individual rights and social evaluations : A conceptual framework
Is the Bank of Japan a closet monetarist? : monetary targeting in Japan, 1978-1988
LBI tests for normality in the class of multivariate exponential power distributions
Five kinds of macroeconomic activities : macroeconomic models and the analysis on Chinese economy (1991-1998)
国民経済計算における非営利組織(NPO)の取り扱いとその課題 : SNAとJHCNP
Capital flows in Asia
Valuation of time-deposit saving (CD) with transfer option
分配的正義の経済哲学 : 厚生主義から非厚生主義へ
Nash implementation in production economies with unequal skills : a complete characterization
R&D expenditure and the choice between private and public debt : do the Japanese main banks extract the firm's rents?
Voluntary trade restraints and economic welfare
Bank survival in European emerging markets
EC諸国経済の長期停滞 : 構造変動の分析を中心に
設備投資分析 : 理論・実証の蓄積と今後の課題
The diffusion of new technologies in the Japanese sericulture industry : a study on the experience of hybrid silkworms
From putting-out to the factory : a cotton-weaving district in late-Meiji Japan
Consequentialism and procedural evaluations in social welfare judgements
台湾における統計家の活動 : 統計講習会および台湾統計協会雑誌を中心に
Does technological uncertainty justify industrial subsidies?
Chinese market socialism : managerial autonomy, state ownership and economic justice
The concentric-circle model of FDI spillover effects : estimation using Hungarian panel data
Technical progress, capital accumulation, and distribution
Conditional political budget cycles : a reconsideration of the role of economic development
Marriage and housework : analyzing the effects of education using the 2011 and 2016 Japanese survey on time use and leisure activities
Socioeconomic status and housework : cultural differences in paticipation in routine housework in Japan, Canada, and the US
Efficiency invites divide and coercion in the age of increasing returns to sclae
Marriage penalty : unconditional quantile regression of housework participation in Japan
Sraffan [i.e. Sraffian] indeterminacy in general equilibrium revisited
Asymmetric majority pillage games
Decomposing preference for redistribution beyond the Trans-Atlantic perspective
職域分離とスキルからみる労働市場のジェンダー格差 : 日本版O-NET・国勢調査マッチングデータから得られる示唆
Nonconvex bargaining problems : some recent developments
Physicians in imperial medicine : the emergence of a Filipino medical profession in late nineteenth century Manila
Long-run mild deflation under fiscal unsustainability in Japan
Still separate in STEM? : trends in sex segregation by field study in Japan, 1975-2019
Human capital and economic growth in Japan : 1885-2015
Computational methods and classical-Marxian economics
Labor-management communication about training
The irreversible welfare cost of climate anomalies : evidence from Japan (1872-1917)
Central bank cryptocurrencies in a competitive equilibrium environment : can strong money demand survive in the digital age?
The relationship between household type and comsumption patterns in Japan : evidence from Japan's national survey of family income and expenditure