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海底地形図 = Bathymetric chart

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海底地形図 = Bathymetric chart

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山田湾 = Yamada WanLeave the NDL website. 沖ノ鳥島 = Oki-No-Tori ShimaLeave the NDL website. 高知 = KōtiLeave the NDL website. 糸魚川西部 = Western Part of ItoigawaLeave the NDL website. 留萌 = RumoiLeave the NDL website. 九十九里浜 = Kuzyukuri HamaLeave the NDL website. 足摺岬 = Asizuri MisakiLeave the NDL website. 黄尾嶼 = Kōbi SyoLeave the NDL website. 釧路沖 = Offing of KusiroLeave the NDL website. 紋別 = MonbetuLeave the NDL website. 大正島 = Taisho ToLeave the NDL website. 秋田西方 = The West of AkitaLeave the NDL website. 南大東島及北大東島 = Minami-Daitō Sima and Kita-Daitō SimaLeave the NDL website. 薩摩硫黄島 = Satuma-Iō SimaLeave the NDL website. 北硫黄島 = Kita-Iō SimaLeave the NDL website. 第1鹿島海山 = Daiiti-Kasima SeamountLeave the NDL website. 湧別 = YūbetuLeave the NDL website. 蒲生田岬 = Kamoda MisakiLeave the NDL website. 美々津 = MimituLeave the NDL website. 大社 = TaisyaLeave the NDL website. 大東海嶺西部 = Western Part of Daitō RidgeLeave the NDL website. 八戸沖 = Offing of HatinoheLeave the NDL website. 赤尾嶼 = Sekibi SyoLeave the NDL website. 犬吠埼 = Inubō SakiLeave the NDL website. 塩屋埼沖 = Offing of Sioya SakiLeave the NDL website. 金武湾 = Kin WanLeave the NDL website. 柏崎 = KasiwazakiLeave the NDL website. 枝幸 = EsasiLeave the NDL website. 東北日本 = North-East NipponLeave the NDL website. 播磨灘南部 = Southern part of Harima NadaLeave the NDL website. 恵山岬 = Esan MisakiLeave the NDL website. 三宅島南西方 = The Southwest of Miyake SimaLeave the NDL website. 宗谷岬西部 = Western part of Sōya MisakiLeave the NDL website. 尖閣諸島 = Senkaku SyotōLeave the NDL website. 室戸岬沖 = Offing of Muroto SakiLeave the NDL website. 弾埼 = Haziki SakiLeave the NDL website. 白島 = SirasimaLeave the NDL website. 対馬東岸北部 = Northern Part of Tusima-East CoastLeave the NDL website. 西津軽海盆 = Nisi-Tugaru BasinLeave the NDL website. 佐渡島南方 = The South of Sado SimaLeave the NDL website. 酒田 = SakataLeave the NDL website. 佐渡海峡付近 = Vicinity to Sado KaikyoLeave the NDL website. 聟島 = Muko SimaLeave the NDL website. 天売島 = Teuri TōLeave the NDL website. 久米鳥島 = Kume Tori SimaLeave the NDL website. 尻屋埼 = Siriya SakiLeave the NDL website. 襟裳岬沖 = Offing of Erimo MisakiLeave the NDL website. 見島 = MisimaLeave the NDL website. 南西諸島 = Nansei SyotōLeave the NDL website. 厚岸 = AkkesiLeave the NDL website. 南硫黄島 = Minami-Iō SimaLeave the NDL website. 横当島 = Yokoate SimaLeave the NDL website. 潮岬 = Sio-no-misakiLeave the NDL website. 駿河湾南方 = The South of Suruga WanLeave the NDL website. 志布志湾 = Sibusi WanLeave the NDL website. 能登半島北方 = The North of Noto HantōLeave the NDL website. 南西諸島南東方 = The Southeast of Nansei SyotōLeave the NDL website. 飛鳥西方 = The West of Tobi SimaLeave the NDL website. 沖縄南部 = Southern part of OkinawaLeave the NDL website. 石狩湾 = Isikari WanLeave the NDL website. 天草灘 = Amakusa NadaLeave the NDL website. 鹿部 = ShikabeLeave the NDL website. 釜石湾 = Kamaisi WanLeave the NDL website. 慶良間列島 = Kerama RettōLeave the NDL website. 直江津北方 = The North of NaoetuLeave the NDL website. 大王埼 = Daiō SakiLeave the NDL website. 奄美群島東部 = Eastern Part of Amami GuntōLeave the NDL website. 燧灘西部 = Western part of Hiuti NadaLeave the NDL website. 久六島 = Kyūroku SimaLeave the NDL website. 母島 = Haha SimaLeave the NDL website. 相模湾北西部 = Northwestern part of Sagami WanLeave the NDL website. 八丈島南方 = The South of Hatizyō SimaLeave the NDL website. 沖ノ鳥島南方 = South of Oki-no-Tori ShimaLeave the NDL website. 落石岬沖 = Offing of Otiisi MisakiLeave the NDL website. 東京湾北部 = Northern part of Tōkyō WanLeave the NDL website. 名瀬 = NazeLeave the NDL website. 南西諸島南方 = South of Nansei ShotoLeave the NDL website. 佐多岬 = Sata MisakiLeave the NDL website. 宝島 : Takara shimaLeave the NDL website. 積丹半島付近 = Vicinity of Syakotan HantōLeave the NDL website. 声問埼 = Koetoi SakiLeave the NDL website. 油津 = AburatuLeave the NDL website. 壱岐南部 = Southern part of IkiLeave the NDL website. 日向海盆 = Hyūga BasinLeave the NDL website. 宮崎 = MiyazakiLeave the NDL website. 浜頓別 = Hama-TonbetuLeave the NDL website. 銭洲海嶺 = Zenisu RidgeLeave the NDL website. 賀田湾 = Kata WanLeave the NDL website. 珠洲岬 = Suzu MisakiLeave the NDL website. 日ノ御埼 = Hi-No-MisakiLeave the NDL website. ゲンタツ瀬 = Gentatu SeLeave the NDL website. 串木野 : KushikinoLeave the NDL website. 房総・伊豆沖 = Offing of Bōsō-IzuLeave the NDL website. 友ケ島水道 = Tomogasima SuidōLeave the NDL website. 屋久島 = Yaku SimaLeave the NDL website. 寿都 = SuttuLeave the NDL website. 大船渡湾 = Ōhunato WanLeave the NDL website. 宮古島東方 = The East of Miyako SimaLeave the NDL website. 松前大島 = Matumae-Ō SimaLeave the NDL website. 知床岬 = Siretoko MisakiLeave the NDL website. 須美寿島 = Sumisu SimaLeave the NDL website. 日高舟状海盆 = Hidaka TroughLeave the NDL website. 渥美湾 = Atumi WanLeave the NDL website. 与那国島 = Yonaguni SimaLeave the NDL website. 鴨川湾 = Kamogawa WanLeave the NDL website. 牛深 = UshibukaLeave the NDL website. 留萌沖 = Offing of RumoiLeave the NDL website. 与那国島及西表島 = Yonakuni Sima and Iriomote SimaLeave the NDL website. 粟島 = Awa SimaLeave the NDL website. 宮古島 = Miyako SimaLeave the NDL website. 駿河湾 = Suruga WanLeave the NDL website. 釜石沖 = Offing of KamaisiLeave the NDL website. 沖永良部島 = Oki-No-Erabu SimaLeave the NDL website. 久米島 = Kume SimaLeave the NDL website. 経ヶ岬沖 = Offing of Kyō-ga-MisakiLeave the NDL website. 辺戸岬 = Hedo MisakiLeave the NDL website. 浜松 = HamamatuLeave the NDL website. 笠利埼 = Kasari SakiLeave the NDL website. 沖大東島 = Oki-Daito ShimaLeave the NDL website. 東海・紀伊沖 = Offing of Tōkai-KiiLeave the NDL website. 吐噶喇群島東部 = Eastern Part of Tokara GuntōLeave the NDL website. 東京湾北部 = Northern Part of Tōkyō WanLeave the NDL website. 青海島 = Ōmi SimaLeave the NDL website. 太東埼南東方 = The Southeast of Taitō SakiLeave the NDL website. 隠岐北部 = Northern part of OkiLeave the NDL website. 鳥島西方 = The West of Tori SimaLeave the NDL website. 潮岬南方 = The south of Sio-no-misakiLeave the NDL website. 相模湾 = Sagami WanLeave the NDL website. 日向灘 = Hyūga NadaLeave the NDL website. 釜石沖第2 = Offing of Kamaisi Sheet 2Leave the NDL website. 舳倉島 = Hegura SimaLeave the NDL website. 嫁島 = Yome SimaLeave the NDL website. 飛島西方 = The West of Tobi SimaLeave the NDL website. 男鹿半島北西方 = The Northwest of Oga HantōLeave the NDL website. 南鳥島 = Minami-Tori ShimaLeave the NDL website. 余部埼 = Amarube SakiLeave the NDL website. 燧灘東部 = Eastern part of Hiuti NadaLeave the NDL website. 鹿児島湾南部 = Southern Part of Kagosima WanLeave the NDL website. 野島埼 = Nozima SakiLeave the NDL website. 多良間島 = Tarama SimaLeave the NDL website. 五島列島 = Gotō RettōLeave the NDL website. 神威岬 = Kamui MisakiLeave the NDL website. 硫黄鳥島 = Iō-Tori SimaLeave the NDL website. 男鹿半島 = Oga HantoLeave the NDL website. 鳥取 = TottoriLeave the NDL website. 枝幸沖 = Offing of EsasiLeave the NDL website. 斜里 = SyariLeave the NDL website. 屋久島北西部 = Northwestern part of Yaku SimaLeave the NDL website. 七尾湾 = Nanao WanLeave the NDL website. 本荘 = HonzyōLeave the NDL website. 備讃瀬戸西部 = Western part of Bisan SetoLeave the NDL website. 塩屋埼沖第2 = Offing of Sioya Saki Sheet 2Leave the NDL website. 豊後水道南方 = The South of Bungo SuidōLeave the NDL website. 屋久島付近 = Vicinity of YakusimaLeave the NDL website. 伊江島 = Ie SimaLeave the NDL website. 富磯 = TomiisoLeave the NDL website. 種子島北部 = Northern part of Tane-ga-SimaLeave the NDL website. 経ヶ岬北方 = The North of Kyō-ga-MisakiLeave the NDL website. 孀婦岩 = Sōhu GanLeave the NDL website. 金華山沖第2 = Offing of Kinkasan Sheet 2Leave the NDL website. 能登半島東方 = The East of Noto HantōLeave the NDL website. 松前小島 = Matumae-Ko SimaLeave the NDL website. 奥尻島 = Okusiri TōLeave the NDL website. 安芸灘北部 = Northern part of Aki NadaLeave the NDL website. 奥尻海盆 = Okusiri BasinLeave the NDL website. 利尻水道 = Risiri SuidōLeave the NDL website. 野島埼南東方 = The southeast of Nozima SakiLeave the NDL website. 最上堆付近 = Approaches to Mogami TaiLeave the NDL website. 佐渡海峡南部 = Southern part of Sado KaikyōLeave the NDL website. 房総半島東方 = The east of Bōsō HantōLeave the NDL website. 須佐 = SusaLeave the NDL website. 石狩湾西方 = The West of Ishikari WanLeave the NDL website. 奥尻島付近 = Approaches to Okusiri TōLeave the NDL website. 日本近海海底地形図 = Bathymetric chart of the adjacent seas of NipponLeave the NDL website. 宮古島北方 = The North of Miyako SimaLeave the NDL website. 鳥取沖 = Offing of TottoriLeave the NDL website. 浦賀水道 = Uraga SuidōLeave the NDL website. 中部日本 = Central NipponLeave the NDL website. 小笠原群島東方 = The East of Ogasawara GuntōLeave the NDL website. 徳之島 = Toku-no-SimaLeave the NDL website. 西表島北部 = Northern part of Iriomote SimaLeave the NDL website. 三宅島 = Miyake SimaLeave the NDL website. 佐渡海峡北部 = Northern part of Sado KaikyōLeave the NDL website. 奄美群島西部 = Western Part of Amami GuntōLeave the NDL website. 鹿島 = KasimaLeave the NDL website. 熊野灘 = Kumano NadaLeave the NDL website. 波照間島 = Hateruma SimaLeave the NDL website. 八丈島北東方第2 = The Northeast of Hatizyō Sima Sheet 2Leave the NDL website. 隠岐海峡 = Oki KaikyōLeave the NDL website. 猿払 = SaruhutuLeave the NDL website. 吐噶喇群島西部 = Western Part of Tokara GuntōLeave the NDL website. 日本近海海底地形図(浮彫式)Leave the NDL website. 備後灘 = Bingo NadaLeave the NDL website. 紀伊水道東部 = Eastern Part of Kii SuidōLeave the NDL website. 紋別沖 = Offing of MonbetuLeave the NDL website. 駿河湾南東部 = Southeastern part of Suruga WanLeave the NDL website. 深浦 = HukauraLeave the NDL website. 白神岬 = Sirakami MisakiLeave the NDL website. 四国沖 = Offing of ShikokuLeave the NDL website. 白瀬 = SiroseLeave the NDL website. 能代 = NosiroLeave the NDL website. 象潟 = KisakataLeave the NDL website. 壱岐水道 = Iki SuidōLeave the NDL website. 播磨灘北部 = Northern part of Harima NadaLeave the NDL website. 犬吠埼南東方 = The southeast of Inubō SakiLeave the NDL website. 宮古島 = Miyako SimaLeave the NDL website. 日御碕 = Hi-No-MisakiLeave the NDL website. 御前埼西方 = The West of Omae SakiLeave the NDL website. 野間岬沖 = Offing of Noma MisakiLeave the NDL website. 中通島西部 = Western Part of Nakadōri SimaLeave the NDL website. 襟裳岬沖 = Offing of Erimo MisakiLeave the NDL website. 奥尻島北方 = The North of Okusiri TōLeave the NDL website. 野島埼南東方 = The southeast of Nozima SakiLeave the NDL website. 熊野灘 = Kumano NadaLeave the NDL website. 沖ノ山 = Oki-No-YamaLeave the NDL website. 釜石沖第3 = Offing of Kamaisi Sheet 3Leave the NDL website. 対馬付近 = Vicinity of TusimaLeave the NDL website. 南西諸島南東方 = Southeast of Nansei ShotoLeave the NDL website. 沖縄北部 = Northern part of OkinawaLeave the NDL website. 与論島 = Yoron SimaLeave the NDL website. 延岡 = NobeokaLeave the NDL website. 金華山沖 = Offing of KinkasanLeave the NDL website. 石垣島 = Isigaki SimaLeave the NDL website. 能登半島東方 = The East of Noto HantōLeave the NDL website. 釧路 = KushiroLeave the NDL website. 遠州灘南方 = The south of Ensyū NadaLeave the NDL website. 鳥島東方 = The East of Tori SimaLeave the NDL website. 石垣島南部 = Southern part of Isigaki SimaLeave the NDL website. ベヨネース列岩 = Beyonēsu RetuganLeave the NDL website. 金華山南方 = The South of KinkasanLeave the NDL website. 小樽 = OtaruLeave the NDL website. 八丈島南西方 = The Southwest of Hatizyō SimaLeave the NDL website. 周参見 = SusamiLeave the NDL website. 駿河湾南西部 = Southwestern part of Suruga WanLeave the NDL website. 土佐湾 = Tosa WanLeave the NDL website. 八戸 = HatinoheLeave the NDL website. 武蔵堆 = Musasi TaiLeave the NDL website. 野寒布岬 = Nosyappu MisakiLeave the NDL website. 室蘭沖 = Offing of MuroranLeave the NDL website. 崎戸 = SakitoLeave the NDL website. 豊後水道南方 = The South of Bungo SuidōLeave the NDL website. 興津埼 = Okitu SakiLeave the NDL website. 太東埼 = Taitō SakiLeave the NDL website. 佐渡島北西方 = The Northwest of Sado SimaLeave the NDL website. 糸魚川東部 = Eastern Part of ItoigawaLeave the NDL website. 鬼鹿 = OnisikaLeave the NDL website. 西表島 = Iriomote SimaLeave the NDL website. 真野湾 =Mano WanLeave the NDL website. 宗谷 = SōyaLeave the NDL website. 魚釣島 = Uoturi SimaLeave the NDL website. 南鳥島北方 = North of Minami-Tori ShimaLeave the NDL website. 粟島及付近 = Awa Sima and ApproachesLeave the NDL website. 明神埼 = Myōzin SakiLeave the NDL website. 浦賀水道 = Uraga SuidōLeave the NDL website. 野島埼 = Nojima SakiLeave the NDL website. 長島湾 = Nagasima WanLeave the NDL website. 室戸岬 = Muroto SakiLeave the NDL website. 沖ノ島 : Oki-No-SimaLeave the NDL website. 鳥島 = Tori SimaLeave the NDL website. 江津 = GōtuLeave the NDL website. 野間岬 = Noma MisakiLeave the NDL website. 上総湊付近 = Vicinity of Kazusa-MinatoLeave the NDL website. 屋久島 = Yaku SimaLeave the NDL website. 相模湾 = Sagami WanLeave the NDL website. 花咲 = HanasakiLeave the NDL website. 備讃瀬戸東部 = Eastern part of Bisan SetoLeave the NDL website. 土佐湾沖 = Offing of Tosa WanLeave the NDL website. 硫黄島 = Iō SimaLeave the NDL website. 富津埼 = Huttu SakiLeave the NDL website. 苫小牧東部 = Eastern Part of TomakomaiLeave the NDL website. 沖永良部島 = Oki-no-Erabu ShimaLeave the NDL website. 塩屋埼沖第3 = Offing of Sioya Saki Sheet 3Leave the NDL website. 鳥島 = Tori SimaLeave the NDL website. 岩船西方 = The West of IwahuneLeave the NDL website. 宇治群島 = Uzi GuntōLeave the NDL website. 日本近海海底地形図 = Bathymetric chart of the adjacent seas of NipponLeave the NDL website. 枕崎 = MakurazakiLeave the NDL website. 見島沖 = Offing of Mi SimaLeave the NDL website. 種子島付近 = Vicinity of Tane-ga-SimaLeave the NDL website. 南西諸島 = Nansei ShotoLeave the NDL website. 西之島 = Nisi-No-ShimaLeave the NDL website. 肥前鳥島 = Hizen Tori SimaLeave the NDL website. 鼠ヶ関 = NezugasekiLeave the NDL website. むつ小川原 = MutsuogawaraLeave the NDL website. 駿河湾北部 = Northern part of Suruga WanLeave the NDL website. 種子島東方 = The East of Tsne-ga-SimaLeave the NDL website. 安芸灘南部 = Southern part of Aki NadaLeave the NDL website. 相模灘及付近 = Sagami Nada and VicinityLeave the NDL website. 赤碕 = AkasakiLeave the NDL website. 新潟 = NiigataLeave the NDL website. 天売島 = Teuri TōLeave the NDL website. 播磨灘北西部 = Northwestern part of Harima NadaLeave the NDL website. 礼文島 = Rebun TōLeave the NDL website. 硫黄鳥島 = Iō-Tori SimaLeave the NDL website. 釧路沖 = Offing of KusiroLeave the NDL website. 隠岐南部 : Southern part of OkiLeave the NDL website. 土佐湾南方 = The south of Tosa WanLeave the NDL website. 広島湾北部 = Northern part of Hirosima WanLeave the NDL website. 三番瀬 = Sanban SeLeave the NDL website. 南鳥島南方 = South of Minami-Tori ShimaLeave the NDL website. 伊豆大島 = Izu Ō SimaLeave the NDL website. 島後堆 = Dōgo TaiLeave the NDL website. 周防灘北西部 = Northwestern part of Suō NadaLeave the NDL website. 石垣島北部 = Northern part of Isigaki SimaLeave the NDL website. 直江津 = NaoetuLeave the NDL website. 沖ノ山 = Oki-No-YamaLeave the NDL website. 草垣群島 = Kusagaki GuntōLeave the NDL website. 宿毛湾 = Sukumo WanLeave the NDL website. 伊予灘北東部 = Northeastern part of Iyo NadaLeave the NDL website. 那珂湊 = NakaminatoLeave the NDL website. 浜田 = HamadaLeave the NDL website. 大阪湾東部 = Eastern Part of Ōsaka WanLeave the NDL website. 網走 = AbasiriLeave the NDL website. 糸魚川 = ItoigawaLeave the NDL website. 東海・紀伊沖 = Offing of Tōkai-KiiLeave the NDL website. 日御碕沖 = Offing of Hi-No-MisakiLeave the NDL website. 広島湾南部 = Southern part of Hirosima WanLeave the NDL website. 南西諸島東方 = The East of Nansei SyotōLeave the NDL website. 室蘭 = MuroranLeave the NDL website. 久慈湾 = Kuzi WanLeave the NDL website. 宗谷岬東部 = Eastern part of Sōya MisakiLeave the NDL website. 種子島南部 = Southern part of Tane-ga-SimaLeave the NDL website. 秋田 = AkitaLeave the NDL website. 久米島 = Kume simaLeave the NDL website. 足摺岬南方 = The south of Asizuri MisakiLeave the NDL website. 福江島 = Hukue SimaLeave the NDL website. 紀伊水道南方 = The South of Kii SuidōLeave the NDL website. 男女群島 = Danzyo GuntōLeave the NDL website. 鹿島灘 = Kasima NadaLeave the NDL website. 青ケ島 = Ao-Ga-ShimaLeave the NDL website. 北見大和堆 = Kitami-Yamato TaiLeave the NDL website. 佐渡島北方 = The North of Sado SimaLeave the NDL website. 甲浦 = KannouraLeave the NDL website. 若狭湾東部 = Eastern part of Wakasa WanLeave the NDL website. 能登半島西方 = The west of Noto HantōLeave the NDL website. 橘湾 = Tatibana WanLeave the NDL website. 角島 = Tuno SimaLeave the NDL website. 粟国島 = Aguni simaLeave the NDL website. 雄冬岬 = Ohuyu MisakiLeave the NDL website. 父島 = Titi SimaLeave the NDL website. 須美寿島西方 = The West of Sumisu SimaLeave the NDL website. 相模灘及付近 = Sagami Nada and VicinityLeave the NDL website. 牡鹿半島 = Osika HantōLeave the NDL website. 鹿児島湾北部 : Northern Part of Kagosima WanLeave the NDL website. 紀伊水道南方 = The South of Kii SuidōLeave the NDL website. 明石海峡 = Akasi KaikyōLeave the NDL website. 津居山 = TuiyamaLeave the NDL website. 佐伯湾付近 = Vicinity of Saiki WanLeave the NDL website. 響灘 = Hibiki NadaLeave the NDL website. 宗谷岬西方 = The West of Sōya MisakiLeave the NDL website. 茂津多岬 = Motta MisakiLeave the NDL website. 中御神島 = Naka-No-Ugan SimaLeave the NDL website. 中城湾 = Nakagusuku WanLeave the NDL website. 佐渡小木 = Sado-OgiLeave the NDL website. 赤尾嶼 = Sekibi SyoLeave the NDL website. 西之島 = Nisi-No-SimaLeave the NDL website. 八丈島北東方 = The Northeast of Hatizyō SimaLeave the NDL website. 遠州灘 = Ensyū NadaLeave the NDL website. 美保関 = MihonosekiLeave the NDL website. 八木 = YagiLeave the NDL website. 見島北方 = The North of Mi SimaLeave the NDL website. 岩船 = IwahuneLeave the NDL website. 阿久根 = AkuneLeave the NDL website. 島原湾 = Simabara WanLeave the NDL website. 須美寿島 = Sumisu SimaLeave the NDL website. 南西諸島 : Nansei shotoLeave the NDL website. 下北半島沖 = Offing of Simokita HantōLeave the NDL website. 若狭湾西部 = Western part of Wakasa WanLeave the NDL website. 鹿島灘東方 = The East of Kasima NadaLeave the NDL website. 八丈島 = Hatizyō SimaLeave the NDL website. 北海道 = HokkaidōLeave the NDL website. 遠別 = EnbetuLeave the NDL website. 霧多布 = KiritappuLeave the NDL website. 日本南方海域 = The Southern Seas of Nippon : 水路部120周年記念図Leave the NDL website. 五島堆群 = Gotō BanksLeave the NDL website. 新宮 = SingūLeave the NDL website. 志津川湾 = Sizugawa WanLeave the NDL website. 男女群島 = Danzyo GuntōLeave the NDL website. 竜飛埼Leave the NDL website. 西南日本 = South-West NipponLeave the NDL website. 駿河湾 = Suruga WanLeave the NDL website. 雄武 = ŌmuLeave the NDL website. 利尻島 = Risiri TōLeave the NDL website. 日本近海海底地形図 = Bathymetric chart of the adjacent seas of NipponLeave the NDL website. 沖ノ鳥島 = Oki-No-Tori ShimaLeave the NDL website. 日本近海海底地形図 = Bathymetric chart of the adjacent seas of NipponLeave the NDL website.

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山田湾 = Yamada Wan
沖ノ鳥島 = Oki-No-Tori Shima
高知 = Kōti
糸魚川西部 = Western Part of Itoigawa
留萌 = Rumoi
九十九里浜 = Kuzyukuri Hama
足摺岬 = Asizuri Misaki
黄尾嶼 = Kōbi Syo
釧路沖 = Offing of Kusiro
紋別 = Monbetu
大正島 = Taisho To
秋田西方 = The West of Akita
南大東島及北大東島 = Minami-Daitō Sima and Kita-Daitō Sima
薩摩硫黄島 = Satuma-Iō Sima
北硫黄島 = Kita-Iō Sima
第1鹿島海山 = Daiiti-Kasima Seamount
湧別 = Yūbetu
蒲生田岬 = Kamoda Misaki
美々津 = Mimitu
大社 = Taisya
大東海嶺西部 = Western Part of Daitō Ridge
八戸沖 = Offing of Hatinohe
赤尾嶼 = Sekibi Syo
犬吠埼 = Inubō Saki
塩屋埼沖 = Offing of Sioya Saki
金武湾 = Kin Wan
柏崎 = Kasiwazaki
枝幸 = Esasi
東北日本 = North-East Nippon
播磨灘南部 = Southern part of Harima Nada
恵山岬 = Esan Misaki
三宅島南西方 = The Southwest of Miyake Sima
宗谷岬西部 = Western part of Sōya Misaki
尖閣諸島 = Senkaku Syotō
室戸岬沖 = Offing of Muroto Saki
弾埼 = Haziki Saki
白島 = Sirasima
対馬東岸北部 = Northern Part of Tusima-East Coast
西津軽海盆 = Nisi-Tugaru Basin
佐渡島南方 = The South of Sado Sima
酒田 = Sakata
佐渡海峡付近 = Vicinity to Sado Kaikyo
聟島 = Muko Sima
天売島 = Teuri Tō
久米鳥島 = Kume Tori Sima
尻屋埼 = Siriya Saki
襟裳岬沖 = Offing of Erimo Misaki
見島 = Misima
南西諸島 = Nansei Syotō
厚岸 = Akkesi
南硫黄島 = Minami-Iō Sima
横当島 = Yokoate Sima
潮岬 = Sio-no-misaki
駿河湾南方 = The South of Suruga Wan
志布志湾 = Sibusi Wan
能登半島北方 = The North of Noto Hantō
南西諸島南東方 = The Southeast of Nansei Syotō
飛鳥西方 = The West of Tobi Sima
沖縄南部 = Southern part of Okinawa
石狩湾 = Isikari Wan
天草灘 = Amakusa Nada
鹿部 = Shikabe
釜石湾 = Kamaisi Wan
慶良間列島 = Kerama Rettō
直江津北方 = The North of Naoetu
大王埼 = Daiō Saki
奄美群島東部 = Eastern Part of Amami Guntō
燧灘西部 = Western part of Hiuti Nada
久六島 = Kyūroku Sima
母島 = Haha Sima
相模湾北西部 = Northwestern part of Sagami Wan
八丈島南方 = The South of Hatizyō Sima
沖ノ鳥島南方 = South of Oki-no-Tori Shima
落石岬沖 = Offing of Otiisi Misaki
東京湾北部 = Northern part of Tōkyō Wan
名瀬 = Naze
南西諸島南方 = South of Nansei Shoto
佐多岬 = Sata Misaki
宝島 : Takara shima
積丹半島付近 = Vicinity of Syakotan Hantō
声問埼 = Koetoi Saki
油津 = Aburatu
壱岐南部 = Southern part of Iki
日向海盆 = Hyūga Basin
宮崎 = Miyazaki
浜頓別 = Hama-Tonbetu
銭洲海嶺 = Zenisu Ridge
賀田湾 = Kata Wan
珠洲岬 = Suzu Misaki
日ノ御埼 = Hi-No-Misaki
ゲンタツ瀬 = Gentatu Se
串木野 : Kushikino
房総・伊豆沖 = Offing of Bōsō-Izu
友ケ島水道 = Tomogasima Suidō
屋久島 = Yaku Sima
寿都 = Suttu
大船渡湾 = Ōhunato Wan
宮古島東方 = The East of Miyako Sima
松前大島 = Matumae-Ō Sima
知床岬 = Siretoko Misaki
須美寿島 = Sumisu Sima
日高舟状海盆 = Hidaka Trough
渥美湾 = Atumi Wan
与那国島 = Yonaguni Sima
鴨川湾 = Kamogawa Wan
牛深 = Ushibuka
留萌沖 = Offing of Rumoi
与那国島及西表島 = Yonakuni Sima and Iriomote Sima
粟島 = Awa Sima
宮古島 = Miyako Sima
駿河湾 = Suruga Wan
釜石沖 = Offing of Kamaisi
沖永良部島 = Oki-No-Erabu Sima
久米島 = Kume Sima
経ヶ岬沖 = Offing of Kyō-ga-Misaki
辺戸岬 = Hedo Misaki
浜松 = Hamamatu
笠利埼 = Kasari Saki
沖大東島 = Oki-Daito Shima
東海・紀伊沖 = Offing of Tōkai-Kii
吐噶喇群島東部 = Eastern Part of Tokara Guntō
東京湾北部 = Northern Part of Tōkyō Wan
青海島 = Ōmi Sima
太東埼南東方 = The Southeast of Taitō Saki
隠岐北部 = Northern part of Oki
鳥島西方 = The West of Tori Sima
潮岬南方 = The south of Sio-no-misaki
相模湾 = Sagami Wan
日向灘 = Hyūga Nada
釜石沖第2 = Offing of Kamaisi Sheet 2
舳倉島 = Hegura Sima
嫁島 = Yome Sima
飛島西方 = The West of Tobi Sima
男鹿半島北西方 = The Northwest of Oga Hantō
南鳥島 = Minami-Tori Shima
余部埼 = Amarube Saki
燧灘東部 = Eastern part of Hiuti Nada
鹿児島湾南部 = Southern Part of Kagosima Wan
野島埼 = Nozima Saki
多良間島 = Tarama Sima
五島列島 = Gotō Rettō
神威岬 = Kamui Misaki
硫黄鳥島 = Iō-Tori Sima
男鹿半島 = Oga Hanto
鳥取 = Tottori
枝幸沖 = Offing of Esasi
斜里 = Syari
屋久島北西部 = Northwestern part of Yaku Sima
七尾湾 = Nanao Wan
本荘 = Honzyō
備讃瀬戸西部 = Western part of Bisan Seto
塩屋埼沖第2 = Offing of Sioya Saki Sheet 2
豊後水道南方 = The South of Bungo Suidō
屋久島付近 = Vicinity of Yakusima
伊江島 = Ie Sima
富磯 = Tomiiso
種子島北部 = Northern part of Tane-ga-Sima
経ヶ岬北方 = The North of Kyō-ga-Misaki
孀婦岩 = Sōhu Gan
金華山沖第2 = Offing of Kinkasan Sheet 2
能登半島東方 = The East of Noto Hantō
松前小島 = Matumae-Ko Sima
奥尻島 = Okusiri Tō
安芸灘北部 = Northern part of Aki Nada
奥尻海盆 = Okusiri Basin
利尻水道 = Risiri Suidō
野島埼南東方 = The southeast of Nozima Saki
最上堆付近 = Approaches to Mogami Tai
佐渡海峡南部 = Southern part of Sado Kaikyō
房総半島東方 = The east of Bōsō Hantō
須佐 = Susa
石狩湾西方 = The West of Ishikari Wan
奥尻島付近 = Approaches to Okusiri Tō
日本近海海底地形図 = Bathymetric chart of the adjacent seas of Nippon
宮古島北方 = The North of Miyako Sima
鳥取沖 = Offing of Tottori
浦賀水道 = Uraga Suidō
中部日本 = Central Nippon
小笠原群島東方 = The East of Ogasawara Guntō
徳之島 = Toku-no-Sima
西表島北部 = Northern part of Iriomote Sima
三宅島 = Miyake Sima
佐渡海峡北部 = Northern part of Sado Kaikyō
奄美群島西部 = Western Part of Amami Guntō
鹿島 = Kasima
熊野灘 = Kumano Nada
波照間島 = Hateruma Sima
八丈島北東方第2 = The Northeast of Hatizyō Sima Sheet 2
隠岐海峡 = Oki Kaikyō
猿払 = Saruhutu
吐噶喇群島西部 = Western Part of Tokara Guntō
備後灘 = Bingo Nada
紀伊水道東部 = Eastern Part of Kii Suidō
紋別沖 = Offing of Monbetu
駿河湾南東部 = Southeastern part of Suruga Wan
深浦 = Hukaura
白神岬 = Sirakami Misaki
四国沖 = Offing of Shikoku
白瀬 = Sirose
能代 = Nosiro
象潟 = Kisakata
壱岐水道 = Iki Suidō
播磨灘北部 = Northern part of Harima Nada
犬吠埼南東方 = The southeast of Inubō Saki
宮古島 = Miyako Sima
日御碕 = Hi-No-Misaki
御前埼西方 = The West of Omae Saki
野間岬沖 = Offing of Noma Misaki
中通島西部 = Western Part of Nakadōri Sima
襟裳岬沖 = Offing of Erimo Misaki
奥尻島北方 = The North of Okusiri Tō
野島埼南東方 = The southeast of Nozima Saki
熊野灘 = Kumano Nada
沖ノ山 = Oki-No-Yama
釜石沖第3 = Offing of Kamaisi Sheet 3
対馬付近 = Vicinity of Tusima
南西諸島南東方 = Southeast of Nansei Shoto
沖縄北部 = Northern part of Okinawa
与論島 = Yoron Sima
延岡 = Nobeoka
金華山沖 = Offing of Kinkasan
石垣島 = Isigaki Sima
能登半島東方 = The East of Noto Hantō
釧路 = Kushiro
遠州灘南方 = The south of Ensyū Nada
鳥島東方 = The East of Tori Sima
石垣島南部 = Southern part of Isigaki Sima
ベヨネース列岩 = Beyonēsu Retugan
金華山南方 = The South of Kinkasan
小樽 = Otaru
八丈島南西方 = The Southwest of Hatizyō Sima
周参見 = Susami
駿河湾南西部 = Southwestern part of Suruga Wan
土佐湾 = Tosa Wan
八戸 = Hatinohe
武蔵堆 = Musasi Tai
野寒布岬 = Nosyappu Misaki
室蘭沖 = Offing of Muroran
崎戸 = Sakito
豊後水道南方 = The South of Bungo Suidō
興津埼 = Okitu Saki
太東埼 = Taitō Saki
佐渡島北西方 = The Northwest of Sado Sima
糸魚川東部 = Eastern Part of Itoigawa
鬼鹿 = Onisika
西表島 = Iriomote Sima
真野湾 =Mano Wan
宗谷 = Sōya
魚釣島 = Uoturi Sima
南鳥島北方 = North of Minami-Tori Shima
粟島及付近 = Awa Sima and Approaches
明神埼 = Myōzin Saki
浦賀水道 = Uraga Suidō
野島埼 = Nojima Saki
長島湾 = Nagasima Wan
室戸岬 = Muroto Saki
沖ノ島 : Oki-No-Sima
鳥島 = Tori Sima
江津 = Gōtu
野間岬 = Noma Misaki
上総湊付近 = Vicinity of Kazusa-Minato
屋久島 = Yaku Sima
相模湾 = Sagami Wan
花咲 = Hanasaki
備讃瀬戸東部 = Eastern part of Bisan Seto
土佐湾沖 = Offing of Tosa Wan
硫黄島 = Iō Sima
富津埼 = Huttu Saki
苫小牧東部 = Eastern Part of Tomakomai
沖永良部島 = Oki-no-Erabu Shima
塩屋埼沖第3 = Offing of Sioya Saki Sheet 3
鳥島 = Tori Sima
岩船西方 = The West of Iwahune
宇治群島 = Uzi Guntō
日本近海海底地形図 = Bathymetric chart of the adjacent seas of Nippon
枕崎 = Makurazaki
見島沖 = Offing of Mi Sima
種子島付近 = Vicinity of Tane-ga-Sima
南西諸島 = Nansei Shoto
西之島 = Nisi-No-Shima
肥前鳥島 = Hizen Tori Sima
鼠ヶ関 = Nezugaseki
むつ小川原 = Mutsuogawara
駿河湾北部 = Northern part of Suruga Wan
種子島東方 = The East of Tsne-ga-Sima
安芸灘南部 = Southern part of Aki Nada
相模灘及付近 = Sagami Nada and Vicinity
赤碕 = Akasaki
新潟 = Niigata
天売島 = Teuri Tō
播磨灘北西部 = Northwestern part of Harima Nada
礼文島 = Rebun Tō
硫黄鳥島 = Iō-Tori Sima
釧路沖 = Offing of Kusiro
隠岐南部 : Southern part of Oki
土佐湾南方 = The south of Tosa Wan
広島湾北部 = Northern part of Hirosima Wan
三番瀬 = Sanban Se
南鳥島南方 = South of Minami-Tori Shima
伊豆大島 = Izu Ō Sima
島後堆 = Dōgo Tai
周防灘北西部 = Northwestern part of Suō Nada
石垣島北部 = Northern part of Isigaki Sima
直江津 = Naoetu
沖ノ山 = Oki-No-Yama
草垣群島 = Kusagaki Guntō
宿毛湾 = Sukumo Wan
伊予灘北東部 = Northeastern part of Iyo Nada
那珂湊 = Nakaminato
浜田 = Hamada
大阪湾東部 = Eastern Part of Ōsaka Wan
網走 = Abasiri
糸魚川 = Itoigawa
東海・紀伊沖 = Offing of Tōkai-Kii
日御碕沖 = Offing of Hi-No-Misaki
広島湾南部 = Southern part of Hirosima Wan
南西諸島東方 = The East of Nansei Syotō
室蘭 = Muroran
久慈湾 = Kuzi Wan
宗谷岬東部 = Eastern part of Sōya Misaki
種子島南部 = Southern part of Tane-ga-Sima
秋田 = Akita
久米島 = Kume sima
足摺岬南方 = The south of Asizuri Misaki
福江島 = Hukue Sima
紀伊水道南方 = The South of Kii Suidō
男女群島 = Danzyo Guntō
鹿島灘 = Kasima Nada
青ケ島 = Ao-Ga-Shima
北見大和堆 = Kitami-Yamato Tai
佐渡島北方 = The North of Sado Sima
甲浦 = Kannoura
若狭湾東部 = Eastern part of Wakasa Wan
能登半島西方 = The west of Noto Hantō
橘湾 = Tatibana Wan
角島 = Tuno Sima
粟国島 = Aguni sima
雄冬岬 = Ohuyu Misaki
父島 = Titi Sima
須美寿島西方 = The West of Sumisu Sima
相模灘及付近 = Sagami Nada and Vicinity
牡鹿半島 = Osika Hantō
鹿児島湾北部 : Northern Part of Kagosima Wan
紀伊水道南方 = The South of Kii Suidō
明石海峡 = Akasi Kaikyō
津居山 = Tuiyama
佐伯湾付近 = Vicinity of Saiki Wan
響灘 = Hibiki Nada
宗谷岬西方 = The West of Sōya Misaki
茂津多岬 = Motta Misaki
中御神島 = Naka-No-Ugan Sima
中城湾 = Nakagusuku Wan
佐渡小木 = Sado-Ogi
赤尾嶼 = Sekibi Syo
西之島 = Nisi-No-Sima
八丈島北東方 = The Northeast of Hatizyō Sima
遠州灘 = Ensyū Nada
美保関 = Mihonoseki
八木 = Yagi
見島北方 = The North of Mi Sima
岩船 = Iwahune
阿久根 = Akune
島原湾 = Simabara Wan
須美寿島 = Sumisu Sima
南西諸島 : Nansei shoto
下北半島沖 = Offing of Simokita Hantō
若狭湾西部 = Western part of Wakasa Wan
鹿島灘東方 = The East of Kasima Nada
八丈島 = Hatizyō Sima
北海道 = Hokkaidō
遠別 = Enbetu
霧多布 = Kiritappu
日本南方海域 = The Southern Seas of Nippon : 水路部120周年記念図
五島堆群 = Gotō Banks
新宮 = Singū
志津川湾 = Sizugawa Wan
男女群島 = Danzyo Guntō
西南日本 = South-West Nippon
駿河湾 = Suruga Wan
雄武 = Ōmu
利尻島 = Risiri Tō
日本近海海底地形図 = Bathymetric chart of the adjacent seas of Nippon
沖ノ鳥島 = Oki-No-Tori Shima
日本近海海底地形図 = Bathymetric chart of the adjacent seas of Nippon
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