
Reading women writing

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Reading women writing

Material type
a series edited by Shari Benstock and Celeste Schenck
Cornell University Press
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The madwoman can't speak : or why insanity is not subversiveLeave the NDL website. Reading Gertrude Stein : body, text, gnosisLeave the NDL website. Dwelling in possibility : women poets and critics on poetryLeave the NDL website. Articulate silences : Hisaye Yamamoto, Maxine Hong Kingston, Joy KogawaLeave the NDL website. Penelope voyages : women and travel in the British literary traditionLeave the NDL website. Tainted souls and painted faces : the rhetoric of fallenness in Victorian cultureLeave the NDL website. From the margins of empire : Christina Stead, Doris Lessing, Nadine GordimerLeave the NDL website. Colette and the fantom subject of autobiographyLeave the NDL website. Woman and modernity : the (life)styles of Lou Andreas-SaloméLeave the NDL website. Autobiographics : a feminist theory of women's self-representationLeave the NDL website. Going public : women and publishing in early modern FranceLeave the NDL website. In the name of love : women, masochism, and the GothicLeave the NDL website. Autobiographical voices : race, gender, self-portraitureLeave the NDL website. From mastery to analysis : theories of gender in psychoanalytic feminismLeave the NDL website. Feminist theory, women's writingLeave the NDL website. Borderwork : feminist engagements with comparative literatureLeave the NDL website. Beyond consolation : death, sexuality, and the changing shapes of elegyLeave the NDL website. From mastery to analysis : theories of gender in psychoanalytic feminismLeave the NDL website. Penelope voyages : women and travel in the British literary traditionLeave the NDL website. Narrative transvestism : rhetoric and gender in the eighteenth-century English novelLeave the NDL website. Writing double : women's literary partnershipsLeave the NDL website. Cartesian women : versions and subversions of rational discourse in the old regimeLeave the NDL website. Women and romance : the consolations of gender in the English novelLeave the NDL website. Conceived by liberty : maternal figures and nineteeth-century American literatureLeave the NDL website. From the margins of empire : Christina Stead, Doris Lessing, Nadine GordimerLeave the NDL website. Kassandra and the censors : Greek poetry since 1967Leave the NDL website. Autobiographics : a feminist theory of women's self-representationLeave the NDL website. Imperialism at home : race and Victorian women's fictionLeave the NDL website. Outside the pale : cultural exclusion, gender difference, and the Victorian woman writerLeave the NDL website. Recasting autobiography : women's counterfictions in contemporary German literature and filmLeave the NDL website. Talking back : toward a Latin American feminist literary criticismLeave the NDL website. Nobody's angels : middle-class women and domestic ideology in Victorian cultureLeave the NDL website. Greatness engendered : George Eliot and Virginia WoolfLeave the NDL website. Dwelling in possibility : women poets and critics on poetryLeave the NDL website. Feminist conversations : Fuller, Emerson, and the play of readingLeave the NDL website. H.D.'s Freudian poetics : psychoanalysis in translationLeave the NDL website. Postcolonial representations : women, literature, identityLeave the NDL website. The unspeakable mother : forbidden discourse in Jean Rhys and H.D.Leave the NDL website. Tainted souls and painted faces : the rhetoric of fallenness in Victorian cultureLeave the NDL website. Women and romance : the consolations of gender in the English novelLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • The madwoman can't speak : or why insanity is not subversive

  • Reading Gertrude Stein : body, text, gnosis

  • Dwelling in possibility : women poets and critics on poetry

  • Articulate silences : Hisaye Yamamoto, Maxine Hong Kingston, Joy Kogawa

  • Penelope voyages : women and travel in the British literary tradition

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Material Type
a series edited by Shari Benstock and Celeste Schenck
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Related Material
The madwoman can't speak : or why insanity is not subversive
Reading Gertrude Stein : body, text, gnosis
Dwelling in possibility : women poets and critics on poetry
Articulate silences : Hisaye Yamamoto, Maxine Hong Kingston, Joy Kogawa
Penelope voyages : women and travel in the British literary tradition
Tainted souls and painted faces : the rhetoric of fallenness in Victorian culture
From the margins of empire : Christina Stead, Doris Lessing, Nadine Gordimer
Colette and the fantom subject of autobiography
Woman and modernity : the (life)styles of Lou Andreas-Salomé
Autobiographics : a feminist theory of women's self-representation
Going public : women and publishing in early modern France
In the name of love : women, masochism, and the Gothic
Autobiographical voices : race, gender, self-portraiture
From mastery to analysis : theories of gender in psychoanalytic feminism
Feminist theory, women's writing
Borderwork : feminist engagements with comparative literature
Beyond consolation : death, sexuality, and the changing shapes of elegy
From mastery to analysis : theories of gender in psychoanalytic feminism
Penelope voyages : women and travel in the British literary tradition
Narrative transvestism : rhetoric and gender in the eighteenth-century English novel
Writing double : women's literary partnerships
Cartesian women : versions and subversions of rational discourse in the old regime
Women and romance : the consolations of gender in the English novel
Conceived by liberty : maternal figures and nineteeth-century American literature
From the margins of empire : Christina Stead, Doris Lessing, Nadine Gordimer
Kassandra and the censors : Greek poetry since 1967
Autobiographics : a feminist theory of women's self-representation
Imperialism at home : race and Victorian women's fiction
Outside the pale : cultural exclusion, gender difference, and the Victorian woman writer
Recasting autobiography : women's counterfictions in contemporary German literature and film
Talking back : toward a Latin American feminist literary criticism
Nobody's angels : middle-class women and domestic ideology in Victorian culture
Greatness engendered : George Eliot and Virginia Woolf
Dwelling in possibility : women poets and critics on poetry
Feminist conversations : Fuller, Emerson, and the play of reading
H.D.'s Freudian poetics : psychoanalysis in translation
Postcolonial representations : women, literature, identity
The unspeakable mother : forbidden discourse in Jean Rhys and H.D.
Tainted souls and painted faces : the rhetoric of fallenness in Victorian culture
Women and romance : the consolations of gender in the English novel
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