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Burt Franklin bibliography & reference series

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Burt Franklin bibliography & reference series

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Trade tokens issued in the seventeenth century in England, Wales, and Ireland, by corporations, merchants, tradesmen, etcLeave the NDL website. Die Sovet-Union, 1917-1932 : systematische, mit Kommentaren versehene Biblipgraphie der 1917-1932 in deutscher Sprache ausserhalb der Sovet-Union veröffentlichten 1900 wichtigsten Bücher und Aufsätze über den Bolschewismus und die Sovet-UnionLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie et iconographie de tous les ouvrages de Restif de la Bretonne : comprenant la description raisonnée des éditions originales, des réimpressions, des contrefaçons, des traductions, des imitations, etc., y compris le détail des estampes et la notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de l'auteurLeave the NDL website. Jack London : bibliography and biographical dataLeave the NDL website. Table des pièces de théatre décrites dans le catalogue de la bibliothèque de M. de SoleinneLeave the NDL website. The theatre of the gold rush decade in San FranciscoLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie des chansons de geste (complément des Épopées françaises)Leave the NDL website. Bibliography of the works of Rudyard KiplingLeave the NDL website. Lexique de la langue de J. de La FontaineLeave the NDL website. Bibliographical essays : a tribute to Wilberforce EamesLeave the NDL website. Confessions of William-Henry Ireland : containing the particulars of his fabrication of the Shakspeare manuscripts : together with anecdotes and opinions of many distinguished persons in the literary, political, and theatrical world /with an introduction by Richard Grant White and additional facsimilesLeave the NDL website. Lehrbuch der historischen Methode und der Geschichtsphilosophie : mit Nachweis der wichtigsten Quellen und Hilfsmittel zum Studium der GeschichteLeave the NDL website. English travellers of the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie der TroubadoursLeave the NDL website. Catalogue de livres composant la bibliothèque de feu M. le baron James de RothschildLeave the NDL website. A list of printed catalogs of manuscript booksLeave the NDL website. Anthony Trollope : a bibliographyLeave the NDL website. Bibliothèque dramatique de Monsieur de SoleinneLeave the NDL website. Bibliotheca madrigaliana : a bibliographical account of the musical and poetical works published in England during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, under the titles of madrigals, ballets, ayres, canzonets, etc. etc.Leave the NDL website. English printers' ornamentsLeave the NDL website. Notes for a bibliography of Edward FitzgeraldLeave the NDL website. A glossary of Tudor and Stuart words : especially from the dramatistsLeave the NDL website. Famous introductions to Shakespeare's plays by the notable editors of the eighteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. John Baskerville, type-founder and printer, 1706-1775Leave the NDL website. Bibliographic catalogue of privately printed booksLeave the NDL website. Les sources de l'histoire de France des origines aux guerres d'Italie (1494)Leave the NDL website. Manuel de diplomatique ; diplomes et chartes. -chronologie technique, éléments critiques, et parties constitutives de la teneur des chartes, les chancelleries. -les actes privésLeave the NDL website. Shelley : his life and workLeave the NDL website. Supplements to Moreau's Bibliographie des MazarinadesLeave the NDL website. Victorian lady novelists : George Eliot, Mrs. Gaskell, the Brontë sistersLeave the NDL website. Dokumente des Sozialismus : Hefte fur Geschichte, Urkunden und Bibliographie des SozialismusLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie critique des ouvrages français relatifs aux états-unis (1770-1800)Leave the NDL website. A classified list of printed original materials for English manorial and agrarian history during the Middle AgesLeave the NDL website. A chronicle history of the London stage, 1559-1642Leave the NDL website. La Comédie-Française de 1680 à 1900 : dictionnaire général des pièces et des auteursLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie des voyages dans l'Indochine française, du IX[e] au XIX[e] siècleLeave the NDL website. An introduction to Greek and Latin palaeographyLeave the NDL website. Elizabethan translations from the ItalianLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire historique des arts, métiers et professions : exercés dans Paris depuis le treizième siècleLeave the NDL website. The Arthurian material in the chronicles : especially those of Great Britain and FranceLeave the NDL website. Calendar of the correspondence of James MadisonLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of Sir William Schwenck Gilbert : with bibliographical adventures in the Gilbert & Sullivan operasLeave the NDL website. Recherches bibliographiques sur les œuvres imprimées de J.-J. Rousseau : suivies de l'inventaire des papiers de Rousseau conservés à la Bibliothèque de NeuchâtelLeave the NDL website. Northeastern Asia, a selected bibliography : contributions to the bibliography of the relations of China, Russia, and Japan, with special reference to Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia, and Eastern Siberia, in Oriental and European languagesLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie d'AristoteLeave the NDL website. Chronologies of the life and writings of William Cullen Bryant : with a bibliography of his works in prose and verse . To which is prefixed a memoir of the poetLeave the NDL website. Catalogue de l'histoire de l'AfriqueLeave the NDL website. Manual of collections of treaties and of collections relating to treaties = Manuel des recueils de traités et des recueils relatifs aux traitésLeave the NDL website. Histoire des livres populaires, ou, De la littérature de colportage depuis l'origine de l'imprimerie jusqu'à l'établissement de la Commission d'examen des livres du colportage, 30 novembre 1852Leave the NDL website. A union list of selected western books on China in American librariesLeave the NDL website. Anti-Methodist publications issued during the eighteenth century : a chronologically arranged and annotated bibliography ... A contribution to Methodist historyLeave the NDL website. Stephen Crane : a bibliographyLeave the NDL website. The development of freedom of the press in MassachusettsLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie Saint-Simonienne de 1802 au 31 décembre 1832Leave the NDL website. An account of the English dramatick poets : or, some observations and remarks, on the lives and writings, of all those that have publish'd either comedies, tragedies, tragi-comedies, pastorals, masques, interludes, farces, or opera's in the English tongueLeave the NDL website. The invention of printing : a bibliographyLeave the NDL website. The Wordsworth dictionary of persons and places : with the familiar quotations from his works (including full index) and a chronologically-arranged list of his best poemsLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie sommaire des chansonniers français du Moyen Age (manuscrits et éditions)Leave the NDL website. The Boston book market, 1679-1700Leave the NDL website. The classics in translation : an annotated guide to the best translations of the Greek and Latin classics into EnglishLeave the NDL website. Studies in English official historical documentsLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der byzantinischen Litteratur von Justinian bis zum Ende des Oströmischen Reiches (527-1453)Leave the NDL website. Bibliografia venezianaLeave the NDL website. A register of national bibliography : with a selection of the chief bibliographical books and articles printed in other countriesLeave the NDL website. Calendar of the correspondence of Thomas JeffersonLeave the NDL website. Documentary source book of American history, 1606-1926Leave the NDL website. Supplements to the third and final series of Bibliographical collections and notes on early English literature, 1474-1700Leave the NDL website. Lafcadio Hearn : a bibliography of his writingsLeave the NDL website. Wilkie Collins and Charles Reade : described with notesLeave the NDL website. A century of printing : the issues of the press in Pennsylvania, 1685-1784Leave the NDL website. Dictionnaire encyclopédique des marques & monogrammes, chiffres, lettres initiales, signes figuratifs, etc., etc. : contenant 12,156 marques ...Leave the NDL website. National censuses and vital statistics in Europe, 1918-1939 : an annotated bibliographyLeave the NDL website. A dictionary of the art of printingLeave the NDL website. Bibliography of the writings of John Addington SymondsLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of Henry David ThoreauLeave the NDL website. The Frankfort Book Fair : the Francofordiense Emporium of Henri EstienneLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of British municipal history : including gilds and parliamentary representationLeave the NDL website. Table des noms propres de toute nature compris dans les chansons de gesteLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of the history of agriculture in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Bibliografía crítica de las obras de Miguel de Cervantes SaavedraLeave the NDL website. A view of the English editions, translations, and illustrations of the ancient Greek and Latin authors : with remarksLeave the NDL website. Catalogue of the Museum & Library, the Brontë SocietyLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of Negro migrationLeave the NDL website. Inventaire de la collection Anisson sur l'histoire de l'imprimerie et la libraire principalement a Paris (Manuscripts français, 22061-22193)Leave the NDL website. Bibliographie des œuvre de La FontaineLeave the NDL website. The rise of the mediaeval church and its influence on the civilisation of Western Europe from the first to the thirteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. A manual for the collector and amateur of old English playsLeave the NDL website. Supplement to bibliography of the works of Rudyard Kipling (1927)Leave the NDL website. A list of books printed in Scotland before 1700 : including those printed furth of the realm for Scottish booksellers, with brief notes on the printers and stationersLeave the NDL website. Annales plantiniennes depuis la fondation de l'Imprimerie plantinienne à Anvers jusqu'a la mort de Chr. Plantin, 1555-1589Leave the NDL website. The translations of Beowulf : a critical bibliographyLeave the NDL website. Bibliothèque dramatique de Pont de VesleLeave the NDL website. Psychologie et sociologie : essai de bibliographie critiqueLeave the NDL website. Calendar of the Jefferson Davis postwar manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. The Marlowe concordanceLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire des abréviations latines et françaises usitees dans les inscriptions lapidaires et métalliques, les manuscrits et les chartes du Moyen AgeLeave the NDL website. Biblioteca marítima española : obra póstumaLeave the NDL website. A dictionary of musical information : containing also a vocabulary of musical terms, and a list of modern musical works published in the United States from 1640 to 1875Leave the NDL website. Bibliographical essaysLeave the NDL website. Essai de bibliographie charitableLeave the NDL website. Repertorium commentationum a societatibus litterariis editarumLeave the NDL website. American book clubs : their beginnings and history, and a bibliography of their publicationsLeave the NDL website. Second series of Bibliographical collections and notes on early English literature, 1474-1700Leave the NDL website. Victorian literature : sixty years of books and bookmenLeave the NDL website. The beginnings of systematic bibliographyLeave the NDL website. A descriptive bibliography of the writings of James Fenimore CooperLeave the NDL website. Contributions towards a bibliography of Gulliver's travels : to establish the number and order of issue of the Motte editions of 1726 and 1727, their relative accuracy and the source of the changes made in the Faulkner edition of 1735, with a list of editions in a private collectionLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire des amateurs français au XVIIe siècleLeave the NDL website. Italian book illustrations, chiefly of the fifteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. William Caxton (1424-1491)Leave the NDL website. Agricultural writers, from Sir Walter of Henley to Arthur Young, 1200-1800Leave the NDL website. Bibliografía mayaLeave the NDL website. Bibliotheca Britannica : or, A general index to British and foreign literatureLeave the NDL website. Bio-bibliographie de Victor Hugo, de 1802 á 1825Leave the NDL website. A complete word and phrase concordance to the poems and songs of Robert Burns : incorporating a glossary of Scotch words, with notes, index, and appendix of readingsLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie de la poésie symbolisteLeave the NDL website. Chaucer devant la critique en Angleterre et en France, depuis son temps jusqu'à nos joursLeave the NDL website. Essai de bibliographie critique des généralités de l'histoire de ParisLeave the NDL website. Franklin bibliography : a list of books written by, or relating to Benjamin FranklinLeave the NDL website. Hand made paper and its water marks : a bibliographyLeave the NDL website. The story of libraries and book-collectingLeave the NDL website. Bibliography of bibliographies on psychology, 1900-1927Leave the NDL website. A Complete glossary for Sir W. Scott's novels and romancesLeave the NDL website. Catalogue des livres imprimés sur vélin de la Bibliothéque du roiLeave the NDL website. Manuel bibliographique des sciences sociales et économiquesLeave the NDL website. Katalog der Carl Menger-Bibliothek in der Handels-Universität Tokio = 東京商科大學附屬圖書館 カール・メンガー文庫目録Leave the NDL website. German Kantian bibliographyLeave the NDL website. Bibliografia boccaccesca : ILeave the NDL website. A bibliography of the separate and collected works of Philip Freneau : together with an account of his newspapersLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of the works of Edward GibbonLeave the NDL website. Complete glossary to the poetry and prose of Robert Burns : with upwards of three thousand illustrations from English authorsLeave the NDL website. Early new england catechisms : a bibliographical account of some catechisms published before the year 1800, for use in new englandLeave the NDL website. Essai historique sur le mouvement symboliste en France de 1885 à 1900Leave the NDL website. A general history of printing : from the first invention of it in the city of Mentz to its propagation and progress thro' most of the kingdoms in Europe : particularly the introduction and success of it here in England : with the characters of the most celebrated printers, from the first inventors of this art to the years 1520 and 1550, also an account of their works : and of the considerable improvements which they made during that timeLeave the NDL website. The books of William Morris : described with some account of his doings in literature and in the allied craftsLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie des travaux de Gaston ParisLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of Robert Browning : from 1833 to 1881Leave the NDL website. Das Nibelungenlied und seine Literatur : eine Bibliographie und vier AbhandlungenLeave the NDL website. A concordance to FitzGerald's translation of the Rubáiyát of Omar KhayyámLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie de l'AnarchieLeave the NDL website. A catalogue of French economic documents from the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuriesLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie des écrits de André GideLeave the NDL website. Bibliotheca Mejicana : a catalogue of an extraordinary collection of books & manuscripts, almost wholly relating to the history and literature of North and South America, particularly MexicoLeave the NDL website. La Fayette : a bibliographyLeave the NDL website. A general index to Hazlitt's Handbook and his Bibliographical collections, 1867-1889Leave the NDL website. Manuel du bibliographe normand ou dictionnaire bibliographique et historiqueLeave the NDL website. A handbook to the works of Alfred Lord TennysonLeave the NDL website. The critical bibliography of Katherine MansfieldLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of the works of H.G. Wells 1893-1925 : with some notes and commentsLeave the NDL website. Chronological outlines of American literatureLeave the NDL website. Robert Browning: a bibliography, 1830-1950Leave the NDL website. The course of exchange : and on the present depreciated state of the currency ; The effects produced by the expenditure of government during the restriction of cash paymentsLeave the NDL website. Schiller-Lexikon : Erläuterndes Wörterbuch zu Schiller's DichterwerkenLeave the NDL website. Lexique de la langue des Essais de Montaigne et index des noms propresLeave the NDL website. Catalogue des ouvrages de ChateaubriandLeave the NDL website. Chronological outlines of English literatureLeave the NDL website. Le peintre-graveurLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire des institutions de la France : aux XVIIe et XVIIIe sièclesLeave the NDL website. Les études relatives à l'histoire économique de la France au moyen âgeLeave the NDL website. Lives of the founders of the British Museum : with notices of its chief augmentors and other benefactors, 1570-1870Leave the NDL website. The first printed translations into English of the great foreign classics : a supplement to text-books of English literatureLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire historique de la FranceLeave the NDL website. Kant-Lexikon : Nachschlagewerk zu Kants sämtlichen Schriften, Briefen und handschriftlichem NachlassLeave the NDL website. Tableau chronologique des œuvres de Ronsard ; suivi de, Poésies non recueillies et d'une table alphabétiqueLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of the writings of Washington Irving : a check list /compiled by Stanley T. Williams and Mary Allen EdgeLeave the NDL website. Bibliographical collections and notes on early English literature, made during the years, 1893-1903Leave the NDL website. Illuminated manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. A Dickens dictionaryLeave the NDL website. An essay on colophons : with specimens and translationsLeave the NDL website. Bret Harte : bibliography and biographical dataLeave the NDL website. George Sand : étude bibliographique sur ses oeuvresLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie des corporations ouvrières avant 1789Leave the NDL website. A bibliography of the works of Robinson JeffersLeave the NDL website. Bibliography of library economy : a classified index to the professional periodical literature in the English language relating to library economy, printing, methods of publishing, copyright, bibliography, etc., from 1876 to 1920Leave the NDL website. Records of the New York stage from 1750 to 1860Leave the NDL website. Les noms de lieu de la France : leur origine, leur signification, leurs transformationsLeave the NDL website. Paper and printing in ancient ChinaLeave the NDL website. Early English printing : a series of facsimiles of all the types used in England during the XVth century, with some of those used in the printing of English books abroadLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie sommaire des chansonniers provençaux (manuscrits et éditions)Leave the NDL website. Scottish economic literature to 1800 : a list of authorities prepared for the committeeLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of the writings of Theodore DreiserLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of librarianship : classified and annotated guide to the library literature of the world (excluding Slavonic and Oriental languages)Leave the NDL website. English book collectorsLeave the NDL website. The chief sources of English legal historyLeave the NDL website. Ireland in fiction : a guide to Irish novels, tales, romances, and folk-loreLeave the NDL website. The war with Mexico, 1846-1848 : a select bibliography on the causes, conduct, and the political aspect of the war, together with a select list of books and other printed material on the resources, economic conditions, politics, and government of the Republic of Mexico and the characteristics of the Mexican people, with annotations and an index. Published for, and dedicated to, the officers of the United States Army and NavyLeave the NDL website. Systematisches Verzeichnis der Abhandlungen, welche in der Schulschriften Sämtlicher an dem Programmtausche teilnehmenden Lehranstalten vom Jahre 1876-1885 erschienen sindLeave the NDL website. The chained library : a survey of four centuries in the evolution of the English libraryLeave the NDL website. Lexicon to the English poetical works of John MiltonLeave the NDL website. Le sonnet en Italie et en France au XVIe siècle : essai de bibliographie comparéeLeave the NDL website. Literary, political, scientific, religious & legal publishing, printing & bookselling in England, 1551-1700 : twelve studiesLeave the NDL website. Lexique de la langue de MolièreLeave the NDL website. History of the Government Printing Office (at Washington, D.C.) : with a brief record of the public printing for a century, 1789-1881Leave the NDL website. A bibliography of George BerkeleyLeave the NDL website. Index scolastico-cartésienLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of the first editions in book form of the writings of James Russell LowellLeave the NDL website. A bibliographical introduction to the study of John LockeLeave the NDL website. A concise bibliography of the works of Walt Whitman, with a supplement of fifty books about WhitmanLeave the NDL website. A concordance to the poetical works of William CowperLeave the NDL website. Comment travaillait Proust : bibliographie variantes, lettres de ProustLeave the NDL website. La philosophie et les philosophes : ouvrages générauxLeave the NDL website. Collections and notes, 1867-1876Leave the NDL website. The chief sources of English legal historyLeave the NDL website. English publishers in the graphic arts, 1599-1700 : a study of the printsellers & publishers of engravings, art & architectural mannuals, maps & copy-booksLeave the NDL website. Bibliography : practical, enumerative, historical: an introductory manualLeave the NDL website. List of the writings of William Hazlitt and Leigh HuntLeave the NDL website. Romances of roguery : an episode in the history of the novel, the picaresque novel in SpainLeave the NDL website. The history of printing in America : with a biography of printers in two volumesLeave the NDL website. An annotated bibliography of Sir Richard Francis Burton, K.C.M.G.Leave the NDL website. A bibliography of Austin DobsonLeave the NDL website. William CaxtonLeave the NDL website. The pictorial press : its origin and progressLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of the first editions in book form of the writings of Henry Wadsworth LongfellowLeave the NDL website. A short survey of the literature of Rabbinical and mediæval JudaismLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of the works of John GalsworthyLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of unemployment and the unemployedLeave the NDL website. English collectors of books & manuscripts, 1530-1930 : and their marks of ownershipLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of the works of Robert Louis StevensonLeave the NDL website. Third and final series of Bibliographical collections and notes on early English literature, 1474-1700Leave the NDL website. Moore's historical, biographical, and miscellaneous gatherings : in the form of disconnected notes relative to printers, printing, publishing, and editing of books, newspapers, magazines, and other literary productions, such as the early publications of New England, the United States, and the World, from the discovery of the art, or from 1420 to 1886 : with many brief notices of authors, publishers, editors, printers, and inventorsLeave the NDL website. A dictionary of the characters and scenes in the stories and poems of Rudyard Kipling, 1886-1911Leave the NDL website. Ministerial and judicial recordsLeave the NDL website. Dictionary of Madame de SévignéLeave the NDL website. La littérature géographique française de la RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. Romances of roguery : an episode in the history of the novel, the picaresque novel in SpainLeave the NDL website. Shakespearian punctuation : a letter addressed to the editor of The Times, October 26, 1911Leave the NDL website. Bibliographie des principales éditions originales d'écrivains français du XVe au XVIIIe siècleLeave the NDL website. Thomas De Quincey : a bibliography based upon the De Quincey collection in the Moss Side LibraryLeave the NDL website. Seven XVIIIth century bibliographiesLeave the NDL website. Bibliogfafiska anteckningar om August StrindbergLeave the NDL website. Geschichte der geographischen NamenkundeLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie de la poésie symbolisteLeave the NDL website. Bibliographical collections and notes, 1474-1700 : third and final series, second supplementLeave the NDL website. Bibliography of the cotton manufactureLeave the NDL website. Catalog of United States census publications 1790-1945Leave the NDL website. Frank Norris (Benjamin Franklin Norris) bibliography and biographical dataLeave the NDL website. A biographical chronicle of the English drama, 1559-1642Leave the NDL website. Sir James M. Barrie a bibliography : with full collations of the American unauthorized editionsLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie économique, juridique et sociale de l'Égypte moderne 1798-1916Leave the NDL website. American plays printed 1714-1830 : a bibliographical recordLeave the NDL website. My Leigh Hunt libraryLeave the NDL website. Shakspere and typography : being an attempt to show Shakspere's personal connection with, and technical knowledge of, the art of printingLeave the NDL website. The persons and places of the Brontë novelsLeave the NDL website. Index scolastico-cartésienLeave the NDL website. Milton tercentenary : The portraits, prints, and writings of John MiltonLeave the NDL website. Essai historique sur le mouvement symboliste en France de 1885 à 1900Leave the NDL website. The bibliography of Matthew ArnoldLeave the NDL website. Jane Austen : a bibliographyLeave the NDL website. A list of maps of America in the Library of Congress : preceeded by a list of works relating to cartographyLeave the NDL website. Catalogue of early Dublin-printed books, 1601 to 1700Leave the NDL website. Select documents illustrative of the history of the United States, 1776-1861Leave the NDL website. A bibliography of Shelley's letters : published and unpublishedLeave the NDL website. A dictionary of miniaturists, illuminators, calligraphers, and copyists, with references to their works, and notices of their patrons, from the establishment of Christianity to the eighteenth century : compiled from various sources, many hitherto ineditedLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie du temps de Napoléon ; comprenant l'histoire des États-UnisLeave the NDL website. Supplément au répertoire bibliographique se rapportant à la littérature géographique française de la RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie coréenne : tableau littéraire de la Coree, contenant la nomenclature des ouvrages publiés dans ce pays jusqu'en 1890 ainsi que la description et l'analyse détaillées des principaux d'entre ces ouvragesLeave the NDL website. Dix années de bibliographie classique : bibliographie critique et analytique de l'antiquité gréco-latine pour la période 1914-1924Leave the NDL website. Gutenberg to Plantin : an outline of the early history of printingLeave the NDL website. A literary and biographical history : or, Bibliographical dictionary of the English Catholics, from the breach with Rome, in 1534, to the present timeLeave the NDL website. English historical literature in the fifteenth century : With an appendix of chronicles and historical pieces hitherto for the most part unprintedLeave the NDL website. Diplomatic documentsLeave the NDL website. Universal catalogue of books on artLeave the NDL website. Dictionnaire de sociologie phalanstérienne : guide des œuvres complètes de Charles FourierLeave the NDL website. A bibliographical account of the principal works relating to English topographyLeave the NDL website. Early Boston booksellers, 1642-1711Leave the NDL website. A handbook of London bankers : with some account of their predecessors the early goldsmiths, together with lists of bankers, from the earliest one printed in 1677 to that of the London post-office directory of 1876Leave the NDL website. The literature of papermaking, 1390-1800Leave the NDL website. A bibliography of Nathaniel HawthorneLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie des voyages dans l'Indochine française, du IX[e] au XIX[e] siècleLeave the NDL website. Athenæ Oxonienses : an exact history of all the writers and bishops who have had their education in the University of Oxford to which are added the Fasti : or, Annals of the said universityLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of Thomas Carlyle's writings and anaLeave the NDL website. A lexical concordance to the poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley : an attempt to classify every word found therein according to its significationLeave the NDL website. Historic American Buildings Survey : catalog of the measured drawings and photographs of the survey in the Library of Congress, March 1, 1941Leave the NDL website. Libraries and founders of librariesLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of Sir Walter Ralegh Knt.Leave the NDL website. Dedications : an anthology of the forms used from the earliest days of book-making to the present timeLeave the NDL website. State trials of the United States : during the administrations of Washington and Adams : with references, historical and professional, and preliminary notes on the politics of the timesLeave the NDL website. Memoirs of libraries : including a handbook of library economyLeave the NDL website. Lectures on the manuscript materials of ancient Irish historyLeave the NDL website. Catalogue of fifteenth-century books : in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, and in Marsh's Library, Dublin, with a few from other collections (with illustrations)Leave the NDL website. Essai d'une bibliographie générale du théâtre : ou, Catalogue raisonné de la bibliothèque d'un amateur, complétant le catalogue SoleinneLeave the NDL website. A history of printing in the United States : the story of the introduction of the press and of its history and influence during the pioneer period in each State of the UnionLeave the NDL website. A reference index to twelve thousand Spanish American authors : a guide to the literature of Spanish AmericaLeave the NDL website. A guide to the best historical novels and talesLeave the NDL website. A biographical chronicle of the English drama, 1559-1642Leave the NDL website. A bibliography of financeLeave the NDL website. Fifteenth-century books : a guide to their identification : with a list of the Latin names of towns and an extensive bibliography of the subjectLeave the NDL website. The early Massachusetts press, 1638-1711Leave the NDL website. A bibliography of the works of Thomas Hardy, 1865-1915Leave the NDL website. The extraordinary voyage in French literatureLeave the NDL website. Lexicon Platonicum, sive, Vocum Platonicarum indexLeave the NDL website. Les manuscrits économiques de Francois quesnay et du marcuis de mirabeau : aux archives nationales (M. 778 à M. 785)Leave the NDL website. Les personnages des Rougon-Macquart : pour servir a la lecture et a l'étude de l'œuvre de Émile ZolaLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of the writings of Henry JamesLeave the NDL website. Bibliotheca sinica : dictionnaire bibliographique des ouvrages relatifs à l'Empire chinoisLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie historique des finances de la France au dix-huitième sciècleLeave the NDL website. The life and typography of William Caxton, England's first printer with evidence of his typographical connection with Colard Mansion, the printer at Bruges : completes from original sourcesLeave the NDL website. A catalogue of the library of the Hon. East-India CompanyLeave the NDL website. A biographical dictionary of old English musicLeave the NDL website. Bibliotheca Indosinica : dictionnaire bibliographique des ouvrages relatifs à la péninsule indochinoiseLeave the NDL website. The career of Samuel Butler, 1835-1902 : a bibliographyLeave the NDL website. Les éditions de Rabelais de 1532 à 1711 : catalogue raisonné, descriptif et figuré, illustré de cent soixante-six facsimilés (titres, variantes, pages de texte, portraits)Leave the NDL website. Biographical sketches and check lists of engravingsLeave the NDL website. Ambrose Gwinett Bierce : bibliography and biographical dataLeave the NDL website. American dictionary of printing and bookmaking : containing a history of these arts in Europe and America, with definitions of technical terms and illustratedLeave the NDL website. Hand-book to the popular, poetical, and dramatic literature of Great Britain : from the invention of printing to the RestorationLeave the NDL website. Documents relative to the manufactures in the United States : collected and transmitted to the House of Representatives, in compliance with a resolution of Jan. 19, 1832Leave the NDL website. Le mouvement poétique français de 1867 à 1900Leave the NDL website. Catalogue of a collection of fifteen hundred tracts by Martin Luther and his contemporaries : 1511-1598Leave the NDL website. The printed writings of Jonathan Edwards, 1703-1758 : a bibliographyLeave the NDL website. A classical dictionary of India, illustrative of the mythology, philosophy, literature, antiquities, arts, manners, customs, &c. of the HindusLeave the NDL website. State censuses : an annotated bibliography of censuses of population taken after the year 1790 by States and Territories of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The decline of the Medieval ChurchLeave the NDL website. Bibliographical description and cataloguingLeave the NDL website. Aristoteles-Lexikon : Erklärung der philosophischen termini technici des Aristoteles in alphabetischer ReihenfolgeLeave the NDL website. Bibliography of Captain James Cook, R.N., F.R.S., circumnavigator : comprising the collections in the Mitchell Lirary and General Reference Library, the Private Collections of William Dixson, Esq., and J.A. Ferguson, Esq. and Items of special interest in the National Library, Canberra, the Australasian Pioneers' Club, Sydney, and in the Collection of the Kurnell TrustLeave the NDL website. Fournier on typefounding : the text of the Manuel typographique (1764-1766)Leave the NDL website. A history of paper-manufacturing in the United States, 1690-1916Leave the NDL website. A bibliography of Sir Walter Scott : a classified and annotated list of books and articles relating to his life and works, 1797-1940Leave the NDL website. Contributions bibliographiques sur Anatole FranceLeave the NDL website. First and early American editions of the works of Charles DickensLeave the NDL website. The Cambridge Press, 1638-1692 : a history of the first printing press established in English America, together with a bibliographical list of the issues of the pressLeave the NDL website. A guide to historical fictionLeave the NDL website. Two select bibliographies of mediaeval historical studyLeave the NDL website. Essays in librarianship and bibliographyLeave the NDL website.

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Burt Franklin bibliography and reference series
Burt Franklin, bibliography and reference
Bibliography and reference series
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Trade tokens issued in the seventeenth century in England, Wales, and Ireland, by corporations, merchants, tradesmen, etc
Die Sovet-Union, 1917-1932 : systematische, mit Kommentaren versehene Biblipgraphie der 1917-1932 in deutscher Sprache ausserhalb der Sovet-Union veröffentlichten 1900 wichtigsten Bücher und Aufsätze über den Bolschewismus und die Sovet-Union
Bibliographie et iconographie de tous les ouvrages de Restif de la Bretonne : comprenant la description raisonnée des éditions originales, des réimpressions, des contrefaçons, des traductions, des imitations, etc., y compris le détail des estampes et la notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de l'auteur
Jack London : bibliography and biographical data
Table des pièces de théatre décrites dans le catalogue de la bibliothèque de M. de Soleinne
The theatre of the gold rush decade in San Francisco
Bibliographie des chansons de geste (complément des Épopées françaises)
Bibliography of the works of Rudyard Kipling
Lexique de la langue de J. de La Fontaine
Bibliographical essays : a tribute to Wilberforce Eames
Confessions of William-Henry Ireland : containing the particulars of his fabrication of the Shakspeare manuscripts : together with anecdotes and opinions of many distinguished persons in the literary, political, and theatrical world /with an introduction by Richard Grant White and additional facsimiles
Lehrbuch der historischen Methode und der Geschichtsphilosophie : mit Nachweis der wichtigsten Quellen und Hilfsmittel zum Studium der Geschichte
English travellers of the Renaissance
Bibliographie der Troubadours
Catalogue de livres composant la bibliothèque de feu M. le baron James de Rothschild
A list of printed catalogs of manuscript books
Anthony Trollope : a bibliography
Bibliothèque dramatique de Monsieur de Soleinne
Bibliotheca madrigaliana : a bibliographical account of the musical and poetical works published in England during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, under the titles of madrigals, ballets, ayres, canzonets, etc. etc.
English printers' ornaments
Notes for a bibliography of Edward Fitzgerald
A glossary of Tudor and Stuart words : especially from the dramatists
Famous introductions to Shakespeare's plays by the notable editors of the eighteenth century
John Baskerville, type-founder and printer, 1706-1775
Bibliographic catalogue of privately printed books
Les sources de l'histoire de France des origines aux guerres d'Italie (1494)
Manuel de diplomatique ; diplomes et chartes. -chronologie technique, éléments critiques, et parties constitutives de la teneur des chartes, les chancelleries. -les actes privés
Shelley : his life and work
Supplements to Moreau's Bibliographie des Mazarinades
Victorian lady novelists : George Eliot, Mrs. Gaskell, the Brontë sisters
Dokumente des Sozialismus : Hefte fur Geschichte, Urkunden und Bibliographie des Sozialismus
Bibliographie critique des ouvrages français relatifs aux états-unis (1770-1800)
A classified list of printed original materials for English manorial and agrarian history during the Middle Ages
A chronicle history of the London stage, 1559-1642
La Comédie-Française de 1680 à 1900 : dictionnaire général des pièces et des auteurs
Bibliographie des voyages dans l'Indochine française, du IX[e] au XIX[e] siècle
An introduction to Greek and Latin palaeography
Elizabethan translations from the Italian
Dictionnaire historique des arts, métiers et professions : exercés dans Paris depuis le treizième siècle
The Arthurian material in the chronicles : especially those of Great Britain and France
Calendar of the correspondence of James Madison
A bibliography of Sir William Schwenck Gilbert : with bibliographical adventures in the Gilbert & Sullivan operas
Recherches bibliographiques sur les œuvres imprimées de J.-J. Rousseau : suivies de l'inventaire des papiers de Rousseau conservés à la Bibliothèque de Neuchâtel
Northeastern Asia, a selected bibliography : contributions to the bibliography of the relations of China, Russia, and Japan, with special reference to Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia, and Eastern Siberia, in Oriental and European languages
Bibliographie d'Aristote
Chronologies of the life and writings of William Cullen Bryant : with a bibliography of his works in prose and verse . To which is prefixed a memoir of the poet
Catalogue de l'histoire de l'Afrique
Manual of collections of treaties and of collections relating to treaties = Manuel des recueils de traités et des recueils relatifs aux traités
Histoire des livres populaires, ou, De la littérature de colportage depuis l'origine de l'imprimerie jusqu'à l'établissement de la Commission d'examen des livres du colportage, 30 novembre 1852
A union list of selected western books on China in American libraries
Anti-Methodist publications issued during the eighteenth century : a chronologically arranged and annotated bibliography ... A contribution to Methodist history
Stephen Crane : a bibliography
The development of freedom of the press in Massachusetts
Bibliographie Saint-Simonienne de 1802 au 31 décembre 1832
An account of the English dramatick poets : or, some observations and remarks, on the lives and writings, of all those that have publish'd either comedies, tragedies, tragi-comedies, pastorals, masques, interludes, farces, or opera's in the English tongue
The invention of printing : a bibliography
The Wordsworth dictionary of persons and places : with the familiar quotations from his works (including full index) and a chronologically-arranged list of his best poems
Bibliographie sommaire des chansonniers français du Moyen Age (manuscrits et éditions)
The Boston book market, 1679-1700
The classics in translation : an annotated guide to the best translations of the Greek and Latin classics into English
Studies in English official historical documents
Geschichte der byzantinischen Litteratur von Justinian bis zum Ende des Oströmischen Reiches (527-1453)
Bibliografia veneziana
A register of national bibliography : with a selection of the chief bibliographical books and articles printed in other countries
Calendar of the correspondence of Thomas Jefferson
Documentary source book of American history, 1606-1926
Supplements to the third and final series of Bibliographical collections and notes on early English literature, 1474-1700
Lafcadio Hearn : a bibliography of his writings
Wilkie Collins and Charles Reade : described with notes
A century of printing : the issues of the press in Pennsylvania, 1685-1784
Dictionnaire encyclopédique des marques & monogrammes, chiffres, lettres initiales, signes figuratifs, etc., etc. : contenant 12,156 marques ...
National censuses and vital statistics in Europe, 1918-1939 : an annotated bibliography
A dictionary of the art of printing
Bibliography of the writings of John Addington Symonds
A bibliography of Henry David Thoreau
The Frankfort Book Fair : the Francofordiense Emporium of Henri Estienne
A bibliography of British municipal history : including gilds and parliamentary representation
Table des noms propres de toute nature compris dans les chansons de geste
A bibliography of the history of agriculture in the United States
Bibliografía crítica de las obras de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
A view of the English editions, translations, and illustrations of the ancient Greek and Latin authors : with remarks
Catalogue of the Museum & Library, the Brontë Society
A bibliography of Negro migration
Inventaire de la collection Anisson sur l'histoire de l'imprimerie et la libraire principalement a Paris (Manuscripts français, 22061-22193)
Bibliographie des œuvre de La Fontaine
The rise of the mediaeval church and its influence on the civilisation of Western Europe from the first to the thirteenth century
A manual for the collector and amateur of old English plays
Supplement to bibliography of the works of Rudyard Kipling (1927)
A list of books printed in Scotland before 1700 : including those printed furth of the realm for Scottish booksellers, with brief notes on the printers and stationers
Annales plantiniennes depuis la fondation de l'Imprimerie plantinienne à Anvers jusqu'a la mort de Chr. Plantin, 1555-1589
The translations of Beowulf : a critical bibliography
Bibliothèque dramatique de Pont de Vesle
Psychologie et sociologie : essai de bibliographie critique
Calendar of the Jefferson Davis postwar manuscripts
The Marlowe concordance
Dictionnaire des abréviations latines et françaises usitees dans les inscriptions lapidaires et métalliques, les manuscrits et les chartes du Moyen Age
Biblioteca marítima española : obra póstuma
A dictionary of musical information : containing also a vocabulary of musical terms, and a list of modern musical works published in the United States from 1640 to 1875
Bibliographical essays
Essai de bibliographie charitable
Repertorium commentationum a societatibus litterariis editarum
American book clubs : their beginnings and history, and a bibliography of their publications
Second series of Bibliographical collections and notes on early English literature, 1474-1700
Victorian literature : sixty years of books and bookmen
The beginnings of systematic bibliography
A descriptive bibliography of the writings of James Fenimore Cooper
Contributions towards a bibliography of Gulliver's travels : to establish the number and order of issue of the Motte editions of 1726 and 1727, their relative accuracy and the source of the changes made in the Faulkner edition of 1735, with a list of editions in a private collection
Dictionnaire des amateurs français au XVIIe siècle
Italian book illustrations, chiefly of the fifteenth century
William Caxton (1424-1491)
Agricultural writers, from Sir Walter of Henley to Arthur Young, 1200-1800
Bibliografía maya
Bibliotheca Britannica : or, A general index to British and foreign literature
Bio-bibliographie de Victor Hugo, de 1802 á 1825
A complete word and phrase concordance to the poems and songs of Robert Burns : incorporating a glossary of Scotch words, with notes, index, and appendix of readings
Bibliographie de la poésie symboliste
Chaucer devant la critique en Angleterre et en France, depuis son temps jusqu'à nos jours
Essai de bibliographie critique des généralités de l'histoire de Paris
Franklin bibliography : a list of books written by, or relating to Benjamin Franklin
Hand made paper and its water marks : a bibliography
The story of libraries and book-collecting
Bibliography of bibliographies on psychology, 1900-1927
A Complete glossary for Sir W. Scott's novels and romances
Catalogue des livres imprimés sur vélin de la Bibliothéque du roi
Manuel bibliographique des sciences sociales et économiques
Katalog der Carl Menger-Bibliothek in der Handels-Universität Tokio = 東京商科大學附屬圖書館 カール・メンガー文庫目録
German Kantian bibliography
Bibliografia boccaccesca : I
A bibliography of the separate and collected works of Philip Freneau : together with an account of his newspapers
A bibliography of the works of Edward Gibbon
Complete glossary to the poetry and prose of Robert Burns : with upwards of three thousand illustrations from English authors
Early new england catechisms : a bibliographical account of some catechisms published before the year 1800, for use in new england
Essai historique sur le mouvement symboliste en France de 1885 à 1900
A general history of printing : from the first invention of it in the city of Mentz to its propagation and progress thro' most of the kingdoms in Europe : particularly the introduction and success of it here in England : with the characters of the most celebrated printers, from the first inventors of this art to the years 1520 and 1550, also an account of their works : and of the considerable improvements which they made during that time
The books of William Morris : described with some account of his doings in literature and in the allied crafts
Bibliographie des travaux de Gaston Paris
A bibliography of Robert Browning : from 1833 to 1881
Das Nibelungenlied und seine Literatur : eine Bibliographie und vier Abhandlungen
A concordance to FitzGerald's translation of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám
Bibliographie de l'Anarchie
A catalogue of French economic documents from the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries
Bibliographie des écrits de André Gide
Bibliotheca Mejicana : a catalogue of an extraordinary collection of books & manuscripts, almost wholly relating to the history and literature of North and South America, particularly Mexico
La Fayette : a bibliography
A general index to Hazlitt's Handbook and his Bibliographical collections, 1867-1889
Manuel du bibliographe normand ou dictionnaire bibliographique et historique
A handbook to the works of Alfred Lord Tennyson
The critical bibliography of Katherine Mansfield
A bibliography of the works of H.G. Wells 1893-1925 : with some notes and comments
Chronological outlines of American literature
Robert Browning: a bibliography, 1830-1950
The course of exchange : and on the present depreciated state of the currency ; The effects produced by the expenditure of government during the restriction of cash payments
Schiller-Lexikon : Erläuterndes Wörterbuch zu Schiller's Dichterwerken
Lexique de la langue des Essais de Montaigne et index des noms propres
Catalogue des ouvrages de Chateaubriand
Chronological outlines of English literature
Le peintre-graveur
Dictionnaire des institutions de la France : aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles
Les études relatives à l'histoire économique de la France au moyen âge
Lives of the founders of the British Museum : with notices of its chief augmentors and other benefactors, 1570-1870
The first printed translations into English of the great foreign classics : a supplement to text-books of English literature
Dictionnaire historique de la France
Kant-Lexikon : Nachschlagewerk zu Kants sämtlichen Schriften, Briefen und handschriftlichem Nachlass
Tableau chronologique des œuvres de Ronsard ; suivi de, Poésies non recueillies et d'une table alphabétique
A bibliography of the writings of Washington Irving : a check list /compiled by Stanley T. Williams and Mary Allen Edge
Bibliographical collections and notes on early English literature, made during the years, 1893-1903
Illuminated manuscripts
A Dickens dictionary
An essay on colophons : with specimens and translations
Bret Harte : bibliography and biographical data
George Sand : étude bibliographique sur ses oeuvres
Bibliographie des corporations ouvrières avant 1789
A bibliography of the works of Robinson Jeffers
Bibliography of library economy : a classified index to the professional periodical literature in the English language relating to library economy, printing, methods of publishing, copyright, bibliography, etc., from 1876 to 1920
Records of the New York stage from 1750 to 1860
Les noms de lieu de la France : leur origine, leur signification, leurs transformations
Paper and printing in ancient China
Early English printing : a series of facsimiles of all the types used in England during the XVth century, with some of those used in the printing of English books abroad
Bibliographie sommaire des chansonniers provençaux (manuscrits et éditions)
Scottish economic literature to 1800 : a list of authorities prepared for the committee
A bibliography of the writings of Theodore Dreiser
A bibliography of librarianship : classified and annotated guide to the library literature of the world (excluding Slavonic and Oriental languages)
English book collectors
The chief sources of English legal history
Ireland in fiction : a guide to Irish novels, tales, romances, and folk-lore
The war with Mexico, 1846-1848 : a select bibliography on the causes, conduct, and the political aspect of the war, together with a select list of books and other printed material on the resources, economic conditions, politics, and government of the Republic of Mexico and the characteristics of the Mexican people, with annotations and an index. Published for, and dedicated to, the officers of the United States Army and Navy
Systematisches Verzeichnis der Abhandlungen, welche in der Schulschriften Sämtlicher an dem Programmtausche teilnehmenden Lehranstalten vom Jahre 1876-1885 erschienen sind
The chained library : a survey of four centuries in the evolution of the English library
Lexicon to the English poetical works of John Milton
Le sonnet en Italie et en France au XVIe siècle : essai de bibliographie comparée
Literary, political, scientific, religious & legal publishing, printing & bookselling in England, 1551-1700 : twelve studies
Lexique de la langue de Molière
History of the Government Printing Office (at Washington, D.C.) : with a brief record of the public printing for a century, 1789-1881
A bibliography of George Berkeley
Index scolastico-cartésien
A bibliography of the first editions in book form of the writings of James Russell Lowell
A bibliographical introduction to the study of John Locke
A concise bibliography of the works of Walt Whitman, with a supplement of fifty books about Whitman
A concordance to the poetical works of William Cowper
Comment travaillait Proust : bibliographie variantes, lettres de Proust
La philosophie et les philosophes : ouvrages généraux
Collections and notes, 1867-1876
The chief sources of English legal history
English publishers in the graphic arts, 1599-1700 : a study of the printsellers & publishers of engravings, art & architectural mannuals, maps & copy-books
Bibliography : practical, enumerative, historical: an introductory manual
List of the writings of William Hazlitt and Leigh Hunt
Romances of roguery : an episode in the history of the novel, the picaresque novel in Spain
The history of printing in America : with a biography of printers in two volumes
An annotated bibliography of Sir Richard Francis Burton, K.C.M.G.
A bibliography of Austin Dobson
William Caxton
The pictorial press : its origin and progress
A bibliography of the first editions in book form of the writings of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
A short survey of the literature of Rabbinical and mediæval Judaism
A bibliography of the works of John Galsworthy
A bibliography of unemployment and the unemployed
English collectors of books & manuscripts, 1530-1930 : and their marks of ownership
A bibliography of the works of Robert Louis Stevenson
Third and final series of Bibliographical collections and notes on early English literature, 1474-1700
Moore's historical, biographical, and miscellaneous gatherings : in the form of disconnected notes relative to printers, printing, publishing, and editing of books, newspapers, magazines, and other literary productions, such as the early publications of New England, the United States, and the World, from the discovery of the art, or from 1420 to 1886 : with many brief notices of authors, publishers, editors, printers, and inventors
A dictionary of the characters and scenes in the stories and poems of Rudyard Kipling, 1886-1911
Ministerial and judicial records
Dictionary of Madame de Sévigné
La littérature géographique française de la Renaissance
Romances of roguery : an episode in the history of the novel, the picaresque novel in Spain
Shakespearian punctuation : a letter addressed to the editor of The Times, October 26, 1911
Bibliographie des principales éditions originales d'écrivains français du XVe au XVIIIe siècle
Thomas De Quincey : a bibliography based upon the De Quincey collection in the Moss Side Library
Seven XVIIIth century bibliographies
Bibliogfafiska anteckningar om August Strindberg
Geschichte der geographischen Namenkunde
Bibliographie de la poésie symboliste
Bibliographical collections and notes, 1474-1700 : third and final series, second supplement
Bibliography of the cotton manufacture
Catalog of United States census publications 1790-1945
Frank Norris (Benjamin Franklin Norris) bibliography and biographical data
A biographical chronicle of the English drama, 1559-1642
Sir James M. Barrie a bibliography : with full collations of the American unauthorized editions
Bibliographie économique, juridique et sociale de l'Égypte moderne 1798-1916
American plays printed 1714-1830 : a bibliographical record
My Leigh Hunt library
Shakspere and typography : being an attempt to show Shakspere's personal connection with, and technical knowledge of, the art of printing
The persons and places of the Brontë novels
Index scolastico-cartésien
Milton tercentenary : The portraits, prints, and writings of John Milton
Essai historique sur le mouvement symboliste en France de 1885 à 1900
The bibliography of Matthew Arnold
Jane Austen : a bibliography
A list of maps of America in the Library of Congress : preceeded by a list of works relating to cartography
Catalogue of early Dublin-printed books, 1601 to 1700
Select documents illustrative of the history of the United States, 1776-1861
A bibliography of Shelley's letters : published and unpublished
A dictionary of miniaturists, illuminators, calligraphers, and copyists, with references to their works, and notices of their patrons, from the establishment of Christianity to the eighteenth century : compiled from various sources, many hitherto inedited
Bibliographie du temps de Napoléon ; comprenant l'histoire des États-Unis
Supplément au répertoire bibliographique se rapportant à la littérature géographique française de la Renaissance
Bibliographie coréenne : tableau littéraire de la Coree, contenant la nomenclature des ouvrages publiés dans ce pays jusqu'en 1890 ainsi que la description et l'analyse détaillées des principaux d'entre ces ouvrages
Dix années de bibliographie classique : bibliographie critique et analytique de l'antiquité gréco-latine pour la période 1914-1924
Gutenberg to Plantin : an outline of the early history of printing
A literary and biographical history : or, Bibliographical dictionary of the English Catholics, from the breach with Rome, in 1534, to the present time
English historical literature in the fifteenth century : With an appendix of chronicles and historical pieces hitherto for the most part unprinted
Diplomatic documents
Universal catalogue of books on art
Dictionnaire de sociologie phalanstérienne : guide des œuvres complètes de Charles Fourier
A bibliographical account of the principal works relating to English topography
Early Boston booksellers, 1642-1711
A handbook of London bankers : with some account of their predecessors the early goldsmiths, together with lists of bankers, from the earliest one printed in 1677 to that of the London post-office directory of 1876
The literature of papermaking, 1390-1800
A bibliography of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Bibliographie des voyages dans l'Indochine française, du IX[e] au XIX[e] siècle
Athenæ Oxonienses : an exact history of all the writers and bishops who have had their education in the University of Oxford to which are added the Fasti : or, Annals of the said university
A bibliography of Thomas Carlyle's writings and ana
A lexical concordance to the poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley : an attempt to classify every word found therein according to its signification
Historic American Buildings Survey : catalog of the measured drawings and photographs of the survey in the Library of Congress, March 1, 1941
Libraries and founders of libraries
A bibliography of Sir Walter Ralegh Knt.
Dedications : an anthology of the forms used from the earliest days of book-making to the present time
State trials of the United States : during the administrations of Washington and Adams : with references, historical and professional, and preliminary notes on the politics of the times
Memoirs of libraries : including a handbook of library economy
Lectures on the manuscript materials of ancient Irish history
Catalogue of fifteenth-century books : in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, and in Marsh's Library, Dublin, with a few from other collections (with illustrations)
Essai d'une bibliographie générale du théâtre : ou, Catalogue raisonné de la bibliothèque d'un amateur, complétant le catalogue Soleinne
A history of printing in the United States : the story of the introduction of the press and of its history and influence during the pioneer period in each State of the Union
A reference index to twelve thousand Spanish American authors : a guide to the literature of Spanish America
A guide to the best historical novels and tales
A biographical chronicle of the English drama, 1559-1642
A bibliography of finance
Fifteenth-century books : a guide to their identification : with a list of the Latin names of towns and an extensive bibliography of the subject
The early Massachusetts press, 1638-1711
A bibliography of the works of Thomas Hardy, 1865-1915
The extraordinary voyage in French literature
Lexicon Platonicum, sive, Vocum Platonicarum index
Les manuscrits économiques de Francois quesnay et du marcuis de mirabeau : aux archives nationales (M. 778 à M. 785)
Les personnages des Rougon-Macquart : pour servir a la lecture et a l'étude de l'œuvre de Émile Zola
A bibliography of the writings of Henry James
Bibliotheca sinica : dictionnaire bibliographique des ouvrages relatifs à l'Empire chinois
Bibliographie historique des finances de la France au dix-huitième sciècle
The life and typography of William Caxton, England's first printer with evidence of his typographical connection with Colard Mansion, the printer at Bruges : completes from original sources
A catalogue of the library of the Hon. East-India Company
A biographical dictionary of old English music
Bibliotheca Indosinica : dictionnaire bibliographique des ouvrages relatifs à la péninsule indochinoise
The career of Samuel Butler, 1835-1902 : a bibliography
Les éditions de Rabelais de 1532 à 1711 : catalogue raisonné, descriptif et figuré, illustré de cent soixante-six facsimilés (titres, variantes, pages de texte, portraits)
Biographical sketches and check lists of engravings
Ambrose Gwinett Bierce : bibliography and biographical data
American dictionary of printing and bookmaking : containing a history of these arts in Europe and America, with definitions of technical terms and illustrated
Hand-book to the popular, poetical, and dramatic literature of Great Britain : from the invention of printing to the Restoration
Documents relative to the manufactures in the United States : collected and transmitted to the House of Representatives, in compliance with a resolution of Jan. 19, 1832
Le mouvement poétique français de 1867 à 1900
Catalogue of a collection of fifteen hundred tracts by Martin Luther and his contemporaries : 1511-1598
The printed writings of Jonathan Edwards, 1703-1758 : a bibliography
A classical dictionary of India, illustrative of the mythology, philosophy, literature, antiquities, arts, manners, customs, &c. of the Hindus
State censuses : an annotated bibliography of censuses of population taken after the year 1790 by States and Territories of the United States
The decline of the Medieval Church
Bibliographical description and cataloguing
Aristoteles-Lexikon : Erklärung der philosophischen termini technici des Aristoteles in alphabetischer Reihenfolge
Bibliography of Captain James Cook, R.N., F.R.S., circumnavigator : comprising the collections in the Mitchell Lirary and General Reference Library, the Private Collections of William Dixson, Esq., and J.A. Ferguson, Esq. and Items of special interest in the National Library, Canberra, the Australasian Pioneers' Club, Sydney, and in the Collection of the Kurnell Trust
Fournier on typefounding : the text of the Manuel typographique (1764-1766)
A history of paper-manufacturing in the United States, 1690-1916
A bibliography of Sir Walter Scott : a classified and annotated list of books and articles relating to his life and works, 1797-1940
Contributions bibliographiques sur Anatole France
First and early American editions of the works of Charles Dickens
The Cambridge Press, 1638-1692 : a history of the first printing press established in English America, together with a bibliographical list of the issues of the press
A guide to historical fiction
Two select bibliographies of mediaeval historical study
Essays in librarianship and bibliography
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