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[祥光]自伝記Leave the NDL website. 徳川将軍と奈良Leave the NDL website. 東大寺史料Leave the NDL website. 明治五年奈良県Leave the NDL website. 平城宮址視察記Leave the NDL website. 龍駕奉拝記 紀元二千六百年大和行幸Leave the NDL website. 紙の歴史Leave the NDL website. 吉野行 官幣大社丹生川上神社蟻通中社参拝記Leave the NDL website. 東大寺縁起章並供養章Leave the NDL website. 天災地妖Leave the NDL website. 中支視察記Leave the NDL website. 八重桜 長岡遷都 遷都後ノ奈良Leave the NDL website. 平城古今史Leave the NDL website. 歌聖[柿本]人麻呂Leave the NDL website. 皇后陛下大和行啓Leave the NDL website. 宝永再興大仏殿Leave the NDL website. 正倉院紀事Leave the NDL website. 不退寺Leave the NDL website. 奈良町北方二十五町家職御改帳Leave the NDL website. 維新後之奈良Leave the NDL website. 興福寺境内並ニ諸商工業者人名及絵図Leave the NDL website. 奈良名所八重佐久良Leave the NDL website. 奈良奉行所時代雑事章Leave the NDL website. 垣内摘草Leave the NDL website. 宮室構造御改制 高円山尾上宮Leave the NDL website. 東大寺大鐘 東大寺の鐘Leave the NDL website. 江戸時代之奈良 元禄年間Leave the NDL website. 元興寺大塔焼亡記録並相撲番付Leave the NDL website. 南支那巡遊記Leave the NDL website. 元要記Leave the NDL website. 安政時代茶事Leave the NDL website. 三渓遊記Leave the NDL website. 平城古今史徳川将軍と奈良Leave the NDL website. 倭国陵図考Leave the NDL website. 中右記 百錬抄 春日神社 東大寺 興福寺 関係文献Leave the NDL website. 若草山 山焼きの起源Leave the NDL website. 佐保殿Leave the NDL website. 桂離宮拝観記Leave the NDL website. 聴書集Leave the NDL website. 大演習行幸記 明治四十一年Leave the NDL website. 奈良 市街等級 一大区一小区 郡役所 勧業 土木 町村の変更 奈良の商品Leave the NDL website. 赤膚山遊記Leave the NDL website. 大和絵Leave the NDL website. 百錬抄Leave the NDL website. 春日山水谷闘諍記Leave the NDL website. 朝和村 衾道訪記Leave the NDL website. 明治維新史Leave the NDL website. 興福寺公人中御祭礼并薪下行覚 南都楽人Leave the NDL website. 東大寺南大門Leave the NDL website. 明石柿本神社考Leave the NDL website. 春日御造営御用材運搬ニ付今在家御橋竹木搦絵図Leave the NDL website. 元興寺Leave the NDL website. 奈良県と長官 裁判所 郡役所 警察署Leave the NDL website. 髪生山躑躅観花記Leave the NDL website. 大乗院庭園Leave the NDL website. 那良佐羅志Leave the NDL website. 南都興福寺再興大伽藍勧化疏Leave the NDL website. 勤皇家柿本朝臣人麻呂櫟本考Leave the NDL website. 春日神社古記録 先規録Leave the NDL website. 奈良市政役所時代Leave the NDL website. 唐招提寺千歳伝記Leave the NDL website. [祥光]履歴書Leave the NDL website. 奈良県医局Leave the NDL website. 奈良史料Leave the NDL website. 維新前後之奈良Leave the NDL website. 奈良雑稿 奈良Leave the NDL website. 奈良人物志Leave the NDL website. 興福寺衆徒Leave the NDL website. 森川杜園事跡考Leave the NDL website. 大神神社参拝記Leave the NDL website. 般若寺Leave the NDL website. 皇紀二千六百年史Leave the NDL website. 明治初年の奈良Leave the NDL website. 南都役大工北組人別帳Leave the NDL website. 奈良佐良志 人Leave the NDL website. 大和国郡之数並高辻村数Leave the NDL website. 関東奥羽廻遊記 昭和九年六月Leave the NDL website. 東大寺正倉院御開封記録Leave the NDL website. 東大寺諸院章 付録神社別当次第Leave the NDL website. 一乗院宮御葬送御行列Leave the NDL website. 春日神鹿Leave the NDL website. 奈良奉行所Leave the NDL website. 芝居物御赦免覚帳 奈良奉行資料Leave the NDL website. 百錬抄史料 東大寺 興福寺 春日社 元興寺 大安寺 その他資料Leave the NDL website. 大和行啓記 明治二十二年Leave the NDL website. 奈良雑稿 雑事章Leave the NDL website. 七大寺順礼記之内 元興寺 大安寺 西大寺 薬師寺 法隆寺 中宮寺 興福院Leave the NDL website. 明治五年之日本Leave the NDL website. 高畠社家禰宜屋敷之図解Leave the NDL website. 青丹黄土 瓦 団扇Leave the NDL website. 奈良左良志布Leave the NDL website. 奈良雑稿 奈良Leave the NDL website. 勘申陰陽寮並被官等職掌官位昇進次第陰陽道家賀茂安倍両氏之事Leave the NDL website. 正気書院Leave the NDL website. 中将姫御一代記Leave the NDL website. 史蹟浄瑠璃寺探勝 木津川遊舟記Leave the NDL website. 一乗院宮相承次第Leave the NDL website. 青丹吉Leave the NDL website. 東大寺大鐘 南大門Leave the NDL website. 奈良の旧家Leave the NDL website. 瑞景寺Leave the NDL website. 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Leave the NDL website. 東海道筋道中記Leave the NDL website. 奈良名産 沿革草稿Leave the NDL website. 気原寺Leave the NDL website. 奈良市中戸長時代Leave the NDL website. 町代和田藤右衛門諸事控 享保年間Leave the NDL website. 南都の能楽Leave the NDL website. 勤皇家柿本朝臣人麻呂柿本考Leave the NDL website. 柿本大夫人麻呂生地考Leave the NDL website. 東大寺狛犬模造記 行幸ニ付御用記Leave the NDL website. 柿本朝臣人麿事蹟調 昭和十六年Leave the NDL website. 房総巡遊日記Leave the NDL website. 奈良左良志布 蚊帳 襖地Leave the NDL website. 大仏殿大修繕募録簿 明治十六年Leave the NDL website. 唐招提寺Leave the NDL website. 人物Leave the NDL website. 奈良史料Leave the NDL website. 御一新Leave the NDL website. 徳川時代御仕置 寛保律Leave the NDL website. 当尾柿Leave the NDL website. 奈良雑稿 役場Leave the NDL website. 絵と歌Leave the NDL website. 奈良町史Leave the NDL website. 極密書 水戸九代藩主斉昭の大陰謀Leave the NDL website. 正倉院宝庫Leave the NDL website. 奈良朝Leave the NDL website. 若草山 三笠山Leave the NDL website. 東国北海道巡遊記Leave the NDL website. 柿本朝臣人麿事蹟調Leave the NDL website. 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