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Umwelt und Qualität des Lebens : Literaturstudie über die ökonomischen Konsequenzen der Schäden und Belästigungen die durch die Luftverschmutzung durch Schwefeldioxid sowohl bei Materialien und der Vegetation als auch bei Mensch und Tier hervorgerufen werdenLeave the NDL website. Computer sofware for the interpretation of measurementsLeave the NDL website. On the diffusion process of irradiation-induced point defects in the stress field of a moving dislocationLeave the NDL website. An intercomparison study of thermoluminescent dosimeters for environmental measurementsLeave the NDL website. Feed evaluation and protein requirement systems for ruminants : a seminar in the Community programme for the coordination of agricultural research held in Brussels, 25 to 27 June 1986Leave the NDL website. Agriculture : welfare aspects of housing systems for veal calves and fattening bullsLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the EULIMA workshop on the potentical value of light ion beam therapy held in : Centre Antoine-Lacassagne Nice-France November 3-5, 1988Leave the NDL website. Late effects after therapeutic whole-body irradiation : Eulep Symposium 27 and 28 August 1981, MunichLeave the NDL website. Non-ionizing radiation dosimetryLeave the NDL website. Evaluation of the fusion technology and safety programme of the joint research centre (1980-85)Leave the NDL website. First technical meeting on the nuclear transmutation of actinides : meeting sponsored by the OECD Nuclear Agency and organized by the Commission of the European Communities = Première réunion technique sur la transmutation nucléaire des actinides : réunion tenue sous l'égide de l'agence de l'énergie nucléaire de l'OCDE et organisée par la Commission des Communautés européennesLeave the NDL website. Participating in the European research programmes : guide for applicants under the fifth framework programme for European research and technological developoment (1999-2002)Leave the NDL website. An assessment of long-term solutions in the context of copyright and electronic delivery services and multimedia productsLeave the NDL website. Neutron activation analysis of biological samples : a systematic study on the loss of elements during preconcentration steps before irradiationLeave the NDL website. Medium term energy demand studies and model improvementsLeave the NDL website. Marine science and technology programme : experiences in project data managementLeave the NDL website. Verification of the numerical accuracy of the computer programsLeave the NDL website. ISOCORR : an informatic system to store analytical data measured in irradiated fuel samples and to make isotopic correlationsLeave the NDL website. Sustainable land use systems and human living conditions in the Amazon region : proceedings of a meeting of European scientists, held in Bonn, Germany, 1 and 2 November 1991Leave the NDL website. The Community's research and development programme on radioactive waste management and storage : shared cost actionLeave the NDL website. Retardation of radionuclide transport by fracture flow in granite and argillaceous rocksLeave the NDL website. Gear standardsLeave the NDL website. New developments and future perspectives in research on rumen functionLeave the NDL website. Adjuvants, interferon and non-specific immunity : a seminar in the CEC Programme of Coordination of Research on Animal Pathology, held in Venice, 27 and 28 April 1983 ; edited by F.M. Cancellotti and D. Galassi ; sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General for Agriculture Coordination of Agricultural ResearchLeave the NDL website. Data evaluation for operator-inspector differences for a specific NDA instrumentLeave the NDL website. Cavitation and fracture in creep resisting steelsLeave the NDL website. Non-nuclear energy JOULE : 20 examples of projectsLeave the NDL website. Radiation protection quantities for external exposure : proceedings of the European Seminar held at Braunschweig, October 13-15, 1980Leave the NDL website. Multilingual dictionary of fishing gearLeave the NDL website. Protein evaluation in cereals and legumes : a seminar in the CEC programme of coordination of agricultural reseach on plant productivity, held in Thessaloniki, 23-24 October 1985Leave the NDL website. Reporting intellectual capital to augment research, development and innovation in SMEs : report to the Commission on the High Level Expert Group on RICARDIS : encourage corporate measuring and reporting on research and other forms of intellectual capitalLeave the NDL website. Agriculture : welfare aspects of pig rearingLeave the NDL website. Radiation protection : progress report programmeLeave the NDL website. Biomechanical models for soft tissue simulationLeave the NDL website. Bone and bone seeking radionuclides : physiology, dosimetry and effects : EULEP Symposium, Rotterdam, The Netherlands August 29 1980Leave the NDL website. Données thermochimiques pour la sidérurgie : production de l'acierLeave the NDL website. Course on climate change impact on agriculture and forestry : proceeding of the European school of climatology and natural hazards course held in Volterra, Italy, 16-23 March 1996Leave the NDL website. Joint Research Centre : annual reportLeave the NDL website. Turbulent combustion and diagnostics project, 1986-89 : final reportLeave the NDL website. EC study : lessons learnt from emergencies after accidents in Ireland involving dangerous substancesLeave the NDL website. Health effects of internally deposited radionuclides : emphasis on radium and thorium : proceedings of an international seminar held in Heidelberg, Germany, 18-21 April, 1994Leave the NDL website. Measurements and interpretation of dynamic loads on steel bridges : properties and service performanceLeave the NDL website. The measurement of the vertical component of hydraulic conductivity in single-cased and uncased boreholesLeave the NDL website. Nuclear fission safety programme : radiation protection research action : final reportLeave the NDL website. Proceedings : second technical meeting on the nuclear transmutation of actinides, Ispra, Italy April 21-24, 1980 = Compte rendu : deuxieme reunion technique sur la transmutation nucleaire des actinides, Ispra, Italie 21-24 Avril, 1980Leave the NDL website. The certification of the fatty acid profile of two edible oil and fat materialsLeave the NDL website. Praxis der Behandlung radioaktiver Abfälle, ausserhalb des nuklearen Brennstoffkreislaufs in der Bundesrepublik DeutschlandLeave the NDL website. The transfer of radionuclides through foodchains following accidental releases to atmosphereLeave the NDL website. Criticality safety hazards arising from the transport of fissile materialsLeave the NDL website. A description of an ultra high vacuum device for permeation measurementsLeave the NDL website. Protocol for X-ray dosimetry : EULEPLeave the NDL website. BANPES : a conversational computer programme for point and interval estimation of time-dependent failure rate by a Bayesian nonparametric methodLeave the NDL website. Earthquake hazard assessment : procceedings of the European school of climatology and natural hazards course, held in Athens from 9 to 16 May 1988Leave the NDL website. Radiation protection optimization : achievements and opportunities : proceedings of the Fourth European Scientific Seminar held in Luxembourg, 20 to 22 April 1993Leave the NDL website. Local scale atomospheric deffusion at a coastal site in the presence of breeze effect, phase 3 : data elaboration and model developmentLeave the NDL website. Atomospheric diffusion experiments on a local scale at a coastal siteLeave the NDL website. Review : Radiation protection programme 1960-89 : synopsis of results 1985-89Leave the NDL website. The 1991 CEC trial on quality criteria for diagnostic radiographic images : detailed results and findingsLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the course the mitigation of volcanic hazards, Vilcano, Italy, 12 to 18 June 1994Leave the NDL website. Optimisation and symmetry in experimental radiation physicsLeave the NDL website. A computer program for simulation of migrationLeave the NDL website. Mutual learning on approaches to improve the excellence of research in universities : March 2009 : final reportLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Joint Meeting on Pulsed Neutrons and their utilization (EURATOM - Japan Atomic Energy Society)Leave the NDL website. Evaluation and mental health care : Third European Seminar on Health Policy, Luxembourg, 25 to 28 March 1980Leave the NDL website. Physique technologie et applications des interactions ondes-plasma : physique du plasma et fusion thermonucleaire contrôléeLeave the NDL website. Use and development of low and medium flux research reactors : proceedings of the International Symposium on the Use and Development of Low and Medium Flux Research Reactors, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.Leave the NDL website. Control of nitrogen oxide emissions from European carsLeave the NDL website. Health effects of carbon monoxide environmental pollution : proceedingsLeave the NDL website. Occlusion and storage of krypton in solidsLeave the NDL website. Review study on uncertainty methods for thermal-hydraulic computer dodesLeave the NDL website. Multinary systems and reliability models from coherence to some kind of non-coherenceLeave the NDL website. A European neutron dosimetry intercomparison project (ENDIP) : results and evaluationLeave the NDL website. Données thermochimiques et cinetiques relatives a ertains materiaux siderurgiques : production de l'acierLeave the NDL website. An integral experiment relating to calibration and interpretation of plutonium solid waste measurements at dounreay nuclear power development establishmentLeave the NDL website. The radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident : proceedings of the first international conference Minsk, Belarus 18 to 22 March 1996Leave the NDL website. European venture capital pilot scheme : final reportLeave the NDL website. Destructive analysis of high α,β,γ and high α, low β,γ waste streamsLeave the NDL website. HFR irradiation testing of light water reactor (LWR) fuelLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the first European Symposium on physico-chemical behaviour of atmospheric pollutants : Ispra, 16 to 18 October, 1979Leave the NDL website. Neutron carcinogenesisLeave the NDL website. Industrial specialization in twelve European countries before and after 1973Leave the NDL website. The certification of the contents (mass fractions) of calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and nitrogen in a single cell protein (CRM no. 273)Leave the NDL website. 5th International Workshop on Stellarators : IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Plasma Confinement and Heating in Stellarators, September 24-28, 1984Leave the NDL website. Calculation of radioactive decay chains produced by neutron irradiationLeave the NDL website. Immunity to herpesvirus infections of domestic animals : a seminar in the CEC research programme on animal pathology, held in Brussels, Belgium, 4 and 5 December 1984Leave the NDL website. Photon dosimetry : Fourth Information Seminar on the Radiation Protection Dosimeter Intercomparison Programme, Bilthoven, 25-27 October 1982Leave the NDL website. Translator's workbench : tools and terminology for translation and text processingLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the seminar on methods and codes for assessing the off-site consequences of nuclear accidents, Athens, 7 to 11 May 1990Leave the NDL website. Nuclear science and technology : general conceptual design study for a high level radioactive waste repository in a granite formationLeave the NDL website. Second European Conference on Weigh-in-Motion of Road Vehicles : organised by the Management Committee of the COST 323 Action : Lisbon, 14th-16th September, 1998Leave the NDL website. ETEX symposium on long-range atmospheric transport, model verification and emergency response 13-16 May 1997, Vienna(Austria) : proceedingsLeave the NDL website. Beta dosimetry : fifth information seminar on the radiation protection dosimeter intercomparison programme, Bologna, 25-27 May 1987Leave the NDL website. Feeding value of by-products and their use by beef cattle : a seminar in the CEC programme of cordination and research on beef production held at the National Institute for Animal Nutrition, Melle-Gontrode, Belgium, from 27 to 29 September 1983Leave the NDL website. Lung modelling for inhalation of radioactive materials : proceedings of a meeting jointly organized by the Commission of the European Communities and National Radiological Protection Board Oxford, 26-28 March 1984Leave the NDL website. An investigation of current practices with contractual arrangements anc copyright clearing servicesLeave the NDL website. Energy and protein feeding standards applied to the rearing and finishing of beef cattle : proceedings of a seminar in the EEC Programme of Research on Beef Production, held in Theix, France, 13-16 November 1979Leave the NDL website. Medical wireless telemetry : proceedings of a workshop in Lyons, 29 and 30 October 1981Leave the NDL website. Out-of-pile ballooning and bursting tests on Zircaloy cladding rods with direct and indirect heatingLeave the NDL website. Proceedings : Third Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry in Biology and Medicine : Neuherberg/Munchen, 23-27 May, 1977Leave the NDL website. Eurobarometer : energy : issues, options and technologies science and societyLeave the NDL website. Radiation protection optimization ‘as low as reasonably achievable',... : proceedings of the second European scientific seminar held in Luxembourg 8 and 9 November 1983Leave the NDL website. Nuclear fusion : energy for centuries to come ...Leave the NDL website. LanguaL 2000 : the LanguaL thesaurusLeave the NDL website. A finite-element formulation of a variational procedure of wind-field adjustment over complex terrainLeave the NDL website. Radiation protection problems relating to transuranium elements = Problems de radioprotection poses par les elements transuraniens = Strahlenschutzprobleme beim umgang mit transuranelementenLeave the NDL website. Lagrangian current measurements and large-scale long-term dispersion rates : (sofar float experiment)Leave the NDL website. Problems of variance reduction in the simulation of random variablesLeave the NDL website. Crossbreeding experiments and strategy of beef utilization to increase beef productionLeave the NDL website. DYLAM-1 : a software package for event sequence and consequence spectrum methodologyLeave the NDL website. Treatment and biological dosimetry of exposed persons : post-Chernobyl actionLeave the NDL website. Post-proceedings of the second European Conference on Weigh-in-Motion of Road Vehicles : organised by the Management Committee of the COST 323 Action : Lisbon, 14th-16th September, 1998Leave the NDL website. Perspectives and cost of partitioning and transmutation of long-lived radionuclidesLeave the NDL website. Outline of a numerical method for solving transient equations for multidimensional two-phase flow through a porous mediumLeave the NDL website. Proceedings : First Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry in Biology and Medicine : Neuherberg/Munchen, May 15-19, 1972Leave the NDL website. Calibration of the active well coincidence counter for cylindrical, high-enrichment uranium-aluminium fuel assembliesLeave the NDL website. Cost 74 final report : utilization of UHF/VHF radar wind profiler networks for improving weather forecasting in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Deuterium lamps as transfer standards for spectral radiance measurementsLeave the NDL website. Proceedings : International Symposium Radioecology Applied to the Protection of Man and His Environment, Rome, 7-10 September 1971Leave the NDL website. ENDIX : a computer program to simulate energy dispersive x-ray and synchroton powder diffraction diagramsLeave the NDL website. Indicators of the scientific base of European patentsLeave the NDL website. Radiation protection programme : revision 1988-89 : post-chernobyl actions : exective summariesLeave the NDL website. Underlying data for derived emergency reference levels : Post-Chernobyl actionLeave the NDL website. The improvement and evaluation of a laser interferometer for the absolute measurement of ultrasonic displacements in the frequency range up to 15 MHzLeave the NDL website. Criteria and methods for assessment of carcass and meat characteristics in beef production experimentsLeave the NDL website. Health and safety protection in industry : participation and information of employers and workersLeave the NDL website. Five years of Descartes prize winners : Excellence in scientific collaborative research : Excellence in science communicationLeave the NDL website. Europe and scientific and technological cooperation on waterLeave the NDL website. Introduced species in European coastal waters : report on an international workshop organised jointly by the environment programme of DGXII of the European Commission and the Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée (CIESM)Leave the NDL website. Proceedings : Second Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry in Biology and Medicine : Neuherberg/Munchen, September30-October 4, 1974Leave the NDL website. Experiences and careers of science and engineering fellows supported by the European Community : surveys of the EC Training Fellowship Scheme (1968-1988) and of the International Scientific Cooperation (ISC) Scheme (1985-1989)Leave the NDL website. Geometrical standard (3-D-frame)Leave the NDL website. EC study : lessons learnt from emergencies after accidents in the Netherlands involving dangerous substancesLeave the NDL website. Economic, technological, and locational trends in European servicesLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Conference on Industrial Technologies : Toulouse 27-30 October 1997 : 7th Conference on Industrial Technologies and 3rd Aero DaysLeave the NDL website. Slow viruses in sheep, goats and cattle : in particular maedi visna, jaagsiekte, and in caprines, arthritis, encephalitis and pneumonitisLeave the NDL website. Image processing for absolute strain measurement by laser interferometryLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of seminar on comparative assessment of the environmental impact of radionuclides released during three major nuclear accidents : Kyshtym, Windscale, Chernobyl, Luxembourg, 1-5 October 1990Leave the NDL website. European seminar on the risks from tritium exposure : proceedings of a meeting jointly organized by the Commission of the European Communities and the Belgian Nuclear Centre (CEN/SCK), Mol, Belgium, 22-24 November 1982Leave the NDL website. Wind tunnel simulation of atomospheric dispersion in stable conditions at a real siteLeave the NDL website. LanguaL 2000 : introduction to the LanguaL thesaurusLeave the NDL website. Coupling of transport and geochemical modelsLeave the NDL website. EC study : lessons learnt from emergencies after accidents in Denmark involving dangerous substancesLeave the NDL website. Evaluation of the concerted actions of the community's first medical research programme 1978-1981Leave the NDL website. Measurements in the 300-metre deep dry-drilled borehole and feasibility study on the dry-drilling of a 600-metre deep borehole in the Asse II salt-mineLeave the NDL website. Dosimetry methods for fuels, cladding and structural materials : proceedings of the Third ASTM-Euratom Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, Ispra (Varese), Italy, 1 to 5 October 1979Leave the NDL website. The serological diagnosis of enzootic bovine leukosisLeave the NDL website. HFR irradiation testing of fusion materialsLeave the NDL website. The JET project : scientific and technical developments 1976Leave the NDL website. Third Information Seminar on the Radiation Protection Dosimeter Intercomparison Programme : deta intercomparison, Grenoble 6 to 8 October 1980Leave the NDL website. Pressure sensitivity calibration of 1-inch microphones by the reciprocity techniqueLeave the NDL website. Evaluation of storage and disposal costs for conditioned radioactive waste in several European countriesLeave the NDL website. Objectives, standards and criteria for radioactive waste disposal in the European Community : report of a working group on "joint elaboration of radioactive waste-management policies"Leave the NDL website. EC-Hungary joint workshop on cancer research Budapest 22-24 April 1991Leave the NDL website. Performance evaluation and design of multiservice networksLeave the NDL website. Report on the results of the third intercomparison study of thermoluminescent dosimeters for environmental measurementsLeave the NDL website. FP6 horizontal activities involving SMEs : final summary : a statistical perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Environmental education in the age group 9-14 years in the European Communities : an account of trands within the Member States, and within international organizations based in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Physical model of the dispersion of a radioactive contaminant in the atomosphere above a heat islandLeave the NDL website. The application of recent software technology to the access to patent information systemsLeave the NDL website. Survey of fusion reactor technology : difinition of problemsLeave the NDL website. Comparison of different LMFBR primary containment codes applied to a benchmark problemLeave the NDL website. Energy in architecture : the European passive solar handbookLeave the NDL website. Effects of prenatal irradiation with special emphasis on late effects : EULEP Symposium, 29 July 1982, Bordeaux (France)Leave the NDL website. Atmospheric diffusion of puffs : simulation in a wind tunnelLeave the NDL website. Proceedings : Fifth Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry : Munich/Neuherberg, 17-21 September 1984Leave the NDL website. Mismatch between machine representations and human concepts : dangers and remediesLeave the NDL website. Phase diagrams for binary and ternary alloys of Fe, Cr and Ni with C and with SiLeave the NDL website. Factual material data banks : CEC Workshop, JRC Petten, 14-16 November 1984Leave the NDL website. The bioavailability of the transuranic elements 237Pu and 241Am for the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis L., and their behaviour in selected natural surface watersLeave the NDL website.

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Umwelt und Qualität des Lebens : Literaturstudie über die ökonomischen Konsequenzen der Schäden und Belästigungen die durch die Luftverschmutzung durch Schwefeldioxid sowohl bei Materialien und der Vegetation als auch bei Mensch und Tier hervorgerufen werden
Computer sofware for the interpretation of measurements
On the diffusion process of irradiation-induced point defects in the stress field of a moving dislocation
An intercomparison study of thermoluminescent dosimeters for environmental measurements
Feed evaluation and protein requirement systems for ruminants : a seminar in the Community programme for the coordination of agricultural research held in Brussels, 25 to 27 June 1986
Agriculture : welfare aspects of housing systems for veal calves and fattening bulls
Proceedings of the EULIMA workshop on the potentical value of light ion beam therapy held in : Centre Antoine-Lacassagne Nice-France November 3-5, 1988
Late effects after therapeutic whole-body irradiation : Eulep Symposium 27 and 28 August 1981, Munich
Non-ionizing radiation dosimetry
Evaluation of the fusion technology and safety programme of the joint research centre (1980-85)
First technical meeting on the nuclear transmutation of actinides : meeting sponsored by the OECD Nuclear Agency and organized by the Commission of the European Communities = Première réunion technique sur la transmutation nucléaire des actinides : réunion tenue sous l'égide de l'agence de l'énergie nucléaire de l'OCDE et organisée par la Commission des Communautés européennes
Participating in the European research programmes : guide for applicants under the fifth framework programme for European research and technological developoment (1999-2002)
An assessment of long-term solutions in the context of copyright and electronic delivery services and multimedia products
Neutron activation analysis of biological samples : a systematic study on the loss of elements during preconcentration steps before irradiation
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Marine science and technology programme : experiences in project data management
Verification of the numerical accuracy of the computer programs
ISOCORR : an informatic system to store analytical data measured in irradiated fuel samples and to make isotopic correlations
Sustainable land use systems and human living conditions in the Amazon region : proceedings of a meeting of European scientists, held in Bonn, Germany, 1 and 2 November 1991
The Community's research and development programme on radioactive waste management and storage : shared cost action
Retardation of radionuclide transport by fracture flow in granite and argillaceous rocks
Gear standards
New developments and future perspectives in research on rumen function
Adjuvants, interferon and non-specific immunity : a seminar in the CEC Programme of Coordination of Research on Animal Pathology, held in Venice, 27 and 28 April 1983 ; edited by F.M. Cancellotti and D. Galassi ; sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General for Agriculture Coordination of Agricultural Research
Data evaluation for operator-inspector differences for a specific NDA instrument
Cavitation and fracture in creep resisting steels
Non-nuclear energy JOULE : 20 examples of projects
Radiation protection quantities for external exposure : proceedings of the European Seminar held at Braunschweig, October 13-15, 1980
Multilingual dictionary of fishing gear
Protein evaluation in cereals and legumes : a seminar in the CEC programme of coordination of agricultural reseach on plant productivity, held in Thessaloniki, 23-24 October 1985
Reporting intellectual capital to augment research, development and innovation in SMEs : report to the Commission on the High Level Expert Group on RICARDIS : encourage corporate measuring and reporting on research and other forms of intellectual capital
Agriculture : welfare aspects of pig rearing
Radiation protection : progress report programme
Biomechanical models for soft tissue simulation
Bone and bone seeking radionuclides : physiology, dosimetry and effects : EULEP Symposium, Rotterdam, The Netherlands August 29 1980
Données thermochimiques pour la sidérurgie : production de l'acier
Course on climate change impact on agriculture and forestry : proceeding of the European school of climatology and natural hazards course held in Volterra, Italy, 16-23 March 1996
Joint Research Centre : annual report
Turbulent combustion and diagnostics project, 1986-89 : final report
EC study : lessons learnt from emergencies after accidents in Ireland involving dangerous substances
Health effects of internally deposited radionuclides : emphasis on radium and thorium : proceedings of an international seminar held in Heidelberg, Germany, 18-21 April, 1994
Measurements and interpretation of dynamic loads on steel bridges : properties and service performance
The measurement of the vertical component of hydraulic conductivity in single-cased and uncased boreholes
Nuclear fission safety programme : radiation protection research action : final report
Proceedings : second technical meeting on the nuclear transmutation of actinides, Ispra, Italy April 21-24, 1980 = Compte rendu : deuxieme reunion technique sur la transmutation nucleaire des actinides, Ispra, Italie 21-24 Avril, 1980
The certification of the fatty acid profile of two edible oil and fat materials
Praxis der Behandlung radioaktiver Abfälle, ausserhalb des nuklearen Brennstoffkreislaufs in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
The transfer of radionuclides through foodchains following accidental releases to atmosphere
Criticality safety hazards arising from the transport of fissile materials
A description of an ultra high vacuum device for permeation measurements
Protocol for X-ray dosimetry : EULEP
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Earthquake hazard assessment : procceedings of the European school of climatology and natural hazards course, held in Athens from 9 to 16 May 1988
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Review : Radiation protection programme 1960-89 : synopsis of results 1985-89
The 1991 CEC trial on quality criteria for diagnostic radiographic images : detailed results and findings
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Mutual learning on approaches to improve the excellence of research in universities : March 2009 : final report
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Evaluation and mental health care : Third European Seminar on Health Policy, Luxembourg, 25 to 28 March 1980
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A European neutron dosimetry intercomparison project (ENDIP) : results and evaluation
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Immunity to herpesvirus infections of domestic animals : a seminar in the CEC research programme on animal pathology, held in Brussels, Belgium, 4 and 5 December 1984
Photon dosimetry : Fourth Information Seminar on the Radiation Protection Dosimeter Intercomparison Programme, Bilthoven, 25-27 October 1982
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Proceedings of the seminar on methods and codes for assessing the off-site consequences of nuclear accidents, Athens, 7 to 11 May 1990
Nuclear science and technology : general conceptual design study for a high level radioactive waste repository in a granite formation
Second European Conference on Weigh-in-Motion of Road Vehicles : organised by the Management Committee of the COST 323 Action : Lisbon, 14th-16th September, 1998
ETEX symposium on long-range atmospheric transport, model verification and emergency response 13-16 May 1997, Vienna(Austria) : proceedings
Beta dosimetry : fifth information seminar on the radiation protection dosimeter intercomparison programme, Bologna, 25-27 May 1987
Feeding value of by-products and their use by beef cattle : a seminar in the CEC programme of cordination and research on beef production held at the National Institute for Animal Nutrition, Melle-Gontrode, Belgium, from 27 to 29 September 1983
Lung modelling for inhalation of radioactive materials : proceedings of a meeting jointly organized by the Commission of the European Communities and National Radiological Protection Board Oxford, 26-28 March 1984
An investigation of current practices with contractual arrangements anc copyright clearing services
Energy and protein feeding standards applied to the rearing and finishing of beef cattle : proceedings of a seminar in the EEC Programme of Research on Beef Production, held in Theix, France, 13-16 November 1979
Medical wireless telemetry : proceedings of a workshop in Lyons, 29 and 30 October 1981
Out-of-pile ballooning and bursting tests on Zircaloy cladding rods with direct and indirect heating
Proceedings : Third Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry in Biology and Medicine : Neuherberg/Munchen, 23-27 May, 1977
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Nuclear fusion : energy for centuries to come ...
LanguaL 2000 : the LanguaL thesaurus
A finite-element formulation of a variational procedure of wind-field adjustment over complex terrain
Radiation protection problems relating to transuranium elements = Problems de radioprotection poses par les elements transuraniens = Strahlenschutzprobleme beim umgang mit transuranelementen
Lagrangian current measurements and large-scale long-term dispersion rates : (sofar float experiment)
Problems of variance reduction in the simulation of random variables
Crossbreeding experiments and strategy of beef utilization to increase beef production
DYLAM-1 : a software package for event sequence and consequence spectrum methodology
Treatment and biological dosimetry of exposed persons : post-Chernobyl action
Post-proceedings of the second European Conference on Weigh-in-Motion of Road Vehicles : organised by the Management Committee of the COST 323 Action : Lisbon, 14th-16th September, 1998
Perspectives and cost of partitioning and transmutation of long-lived radionuclides
Outline of a numerical method for solving transient equations for multidimensional two-phase flow through a porous medium
Proceedings : First Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry in Biology and Medicine : Neuherberg/Munchen, May 15-19, 1972
Calibration of the active well coincidence counter for cylindrical, high-enrichment uranium-aluminium fuel assemblies
Cost 74 final report : utilization of UHF/VHF radar wind profiler networks for improving weather forecasting in Europe
Deuterium lamps as transfer standards for spectral radiance measurements
Proceedings : International Symposium Radioecology Applied to the Protection of Man and His Environment, Rome, 7-10 September 1971
ENDIX : a computer program to simulate energy dispersive x-ray and synchroton powder diffraction diagrams
Indicators of the scientific base of European patents
Radiation protection programme : revision 1988-89 : post-chernobyl actions : exective summaries
Underlying data for derived emergency reference levels : Post-Chernobyl action
The improvement and evaluation of a laser interferometer for the absolute measurement of ultrasonic displacements in the frequency range up to 15 MHz
Criteria and methods for assessment of carcass and meat characteristics in beef production experiments
Health and safety protection in industry : participation and information of employers and workers
Five years of Descartes prize winners : Excellence in scientific collaborative research : Excellence in science communication
Europe and scientific and technological cooperation on water
Introduced species in European coastal waters : report on an international workshop organised jointly by the environment programme of DGXII of the European Commission and the Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée (CIESM)
Proceedings : Second Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry in Biology and Medicine : Neuherberg/Munchen, September30-October 4, 1974
Experiences and careers of science and engineering fellows supported by the European Community : surveys of the EC Training Fellowship Scheme (1968-1988) and of the International Scientific Cooperation (ISC) Scheme (1985-1989)
Geometrical standard (3-D-frame)
EC study : lessons learnt from emergencies after accidents in the Netherlands involving dangerous substances
Economic, technological, and locational trends in European services
Proceedings of the Conference on Industrial Technologies : Toulouse 27-30 October 1997 : 7th Conference on Industrial Technologies and 3rd Aero Days
Slow viruses in sheep, goats and cattle : in particular maedi visna, jaagsiekte, and in caprines, arthritis, encephalitis and pneumonitis
Image processing for absolute strain measurement by laser interferometry
Proceedings of seminar on comparative assessment of the environmental impact of radionuclides released during three major nuclear accidents : Kyshtym, Windscale, Chernobyl, Luxembourg, 1-5 October 1990
European seminar on the risks from tritium exposure : proceedings of a meeting jointly organized by the Commission of the European Communities and the Belgian Nuclear Centre (CEN/SCK), Mol, Belgium, 22-24 November 1982
Wind tunnel simulation of atomospheric dispersion in stable conditions at a real site
LanguaL 2000 : introduction to the LanguaL thesaurus
Coupling of transport and geochemical models
EC study : lessons learnt from emergencies after accidents in Denmark involving dangerous substances
Evaluation of the concerted actions of the community's first medical research programme 1978-1981
Measurements in the 300-metre deep dry-drilled borehole and feasibility study on the dry-drilling of a 600-metre deep borehole in the Asse II salt-mine
Dosimetry methods for fuels, cladding and structural materials : proceedings of the Third ASTM-Euratom Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, Ispra (Varese), Italy, 1 to 5 October 1979
The serological diagnosis of enzootic bovine leukosis
HFR irradiation testing of fusion materials
The JET project : scientific and technical developments 1976
Third Information Seminar on the Radiation Protection Dosimeter Intercomparison Programme : deta intercomparison, Grenoble 6 to 8 October 1980
Pressure sensitivity calibration of 1-inch microphones by the reciprocity technique
Evaluation of storage and disposal costs for conditioned radioactive waste in several European countries
Objectives, standards and criteria for radioactive waste disposal in the European Community : report of a working group on "joint elaboration of radioactive waste-management policies"
EC-Hungary joint workshop on cancer research Budapest 22-24 April 1991
Performance evaluation and design of multiservice networks
Report on the results of the third intercomparison study of thermoluminescent dosimeters for environmental measurements
FP6 horizontal activities involving SMEs : final summary : a statistical perspective
Environmental education in the age group 9-14 years in the European Communities : an account of trands within the Member States, and within international organizations based in Europe
Physical model of the dispersion of a radioactive contaminant in the atomosphere above a heat island
The application of recent software technology to the access to patent information systems
Survey of fusion reactor technology : difinition of problems
Comparison of different LMFBR primary containment codes applied to a benchmark problem
Energy in architecture : the European passive solar handbook
Effects of prenatal irradiation with special emphasis on late effects : EULEP Symposium, 29 July 1982, Bordeaux (France)
Atmospheric diffusion of puffs : simulation in a wind tunnel
Proceedings : Fifth Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry : Munich/Neuherberg, 17-21 September 1984
Mismatch between machine representations and human concepts : dangers and remedies
Phase diagrams for binary and ternary alloys of Fe, Cr and Ni with C and with Si
Factual material data banks : CEC Workshop, JRC Petten, 14-16 November 1984
The bioavailability of the transuranic elements 237Pu and 241Am for the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis L., and their behaviour in selected natural surface waters
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