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American century series

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The Senate establishmentLeave the NDL website. The influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1783Leave the NDL website. The other civil war : American women in the nineteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. John F. Kennedy and the New FrontierLeave the NDL website. Rudeness & civility : manners in nineteenth-century urban AmericaLeave the NDL website. The devil's dictionaryLeave the NDL website. The urban nation, 1920-1980Leave the NDL website. Martin Luther King, Jr. : a profileLeave the NDL website. The incorporation of America : culture and society in the gilded ageLeave the NDL website. American populism : a social history, 1877-1898Leave the NDL website. American Negro short storiesLeave the NDL website. The disinheritedLeave the NDL website. Hemingway and his critics : an international anthologyLeave the NDL website. Horace Greeley : nineteenth-century crusaderLeave the NDL website. American social thoughtLeave the NDL website. I wonder as I wander : an autobiographical journeyLeave the NDL website. JeffersonLeave the NDL website. Theodore Roosevelt and the progressive movementLeave the NDL website. The world of Lincoln SteffensLeave the NDL website. The autobiography of an ex-coloured manLeave the NDL website. American Negro poetryLeave the NDL website. American moderns, from rebellion to conformityLeave the NDL website. The Jeffersonian tradition in American democracyLeave the NDL website. Rebels and ancestors : the American novel, 1890-1915Leave the NDL website. I wonder as I wander : an autobiographical journeyLeave the NDL website. The shame of the citiesLeave the NDL website. The neon wildernessLeave the NDL website. Life on the MississippiLeave the NDL website. The Lincoln nobody knowsLeave the NDL website. Something in common, and other storiesLeave the NDL website. Stars fell on AlabamaLeave the NDL website. The woman withinLeave the NDL website. Henry David Thoreau : a profileLeave the NDL website. Barren groundLeave the NDL website. Half slave and half free : the roots of Civil WarLeave the NDL website. Indian talesLeave the NDL website. The reins of power : a constitutional history of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The world of the worker : labor in twentieth-century AmericaLeave the NDL website. A traveler from AltruriaLeave the NDL website. Jonathan Edwards, pastor : religion and society in eighteenth century NorthamptonLeave the NDL website. The radical novel in the United States, 1900-1954 : some interrelations of literature and societyLeave the NDL website. Anyplace but hereLeave the NDL website. The big sea : an autobiographyLeave the NDL website. The big sea : an autobiographyLeave the NDL website. Representative selectionsLeave the NDL website. Eisenhower as PresidentLeave the NDL website. The best of simpleLeave the NDL website. Fabric of freedom, 1763-1800Leave the NDL website. The sentimental years, 1836-1860Leave the NDL website. Thomas PaineLeave the NDL website. Walt Whitman : representative selections, with introduction, bibliography and notesLeave the NDL website. Amusing the million : Coney Island at the turn of the centuryLeave the NDL website. Writers in crisis : the American novel, 1925-1940Leave the NDL website. Martin Luther King, Jr. : a profileLeave the NDL website. From plantation to ghettoLeave the NDL website. The Chicanos : a history of Mexican AmericansLeave the NDL website. Frontier women : the trans-Mississippi West, 1840-1880Leave the NDL website. The free world colossus : a critique of American foreign policy in the Cold WarLeave the NDL website. Writers in transition : seven AmericansLeave the NDL website. American Negro poetryLeave the NDL website. The New Deal : the depression years, 1933-40Leave the NDL website. Stranger at the gates : a summer in MississippiLeave the NDL website. The search for order, 1877-1920Leave the NDL website. The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi : a series of sketchesLeave the NDL website. The happy critic, and other essaysLeave the NDL website. The sheltered lifeLeave the NDL website. Mark Twain and the Russians : an exchange of viewsLeave the NDL website. Standing at the crossroads : Southern life since 1900Leave the NDL website. 31 new American poetsLeave the NDL website. The hoosier school-master : a novelLeave the NDL website. Thoreau : people, principles, and politicsLeave the NDL website. Man against mythLeave the NDL website. The higher learning in America : a memorandum on the conduct of universities by business menLeave the NDL website. The autobiography of an ex-coloured manLeave the NDL website. Jonathan Edwards : a profileLeave the NDL website. Modernization : the transformation of American life, 1600-1865Leave the NDL website. Life on the MississippiLeave the NDL website. Half a man : the status of the Negro in New YorkLeave the NDL website. The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of NantucketLeave the NDL website. From plantation to ghettoLeave the NDL website. From plantation to ghettoLeave the NDL website. Holy warriors : the abolitionists and American slaveryLeave the NDL website. Many reasons why : the American involvement in VietnamLeave the NDL website. The minutemen and their worldLeave the NDL website. Mark Twain on the damned human raceLeave the NDL website. The last of the Provincials : the American novel, 1915-1925Leave the NDL website. The struggle for Black equality, 1954-1980Leave the NDL website. Jack London : short storiesLeave the NDL website. Ralph Waldo Emerson : a profileLeave the NDL website. The New Deal : the depression years, 1933-40Leave the NDL website. Artisans into workers : labor in nineteenth-century AmericaLeave the NDL website. Franklin D. Roosevelt : a profileLeave the NDL website. The stakes of power, 1845-1877Leave the NDL website. A shopkeeper's millennium : society and revivals in Rochester, New York, 1815-1837Leave the NDL website. Jonathan EdwardsLeave the NDL website. The Chicanos : a history of Mexican AmericansLeave the NDL website. From plantation to ghetto : an interpretive history of American NegroesLeave the NDL website. How the other half lives : studies among the tenements of New YorkLeave the NDL website. Alexander Hamilton : a profileLeave the NDL website. Criticism and fiction . The responsibilities of the novelistLeave the NDL website. Short storiesLeave the NDL website. Mark Twain : a profileLeave the NDL website. William Dean HowellsLeave the NDL website. American reformers, 1815-1860Leave the NDL website. A history of agriculture in the State of New YorkLeave the NDL website. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's courtLeave the NDL website. The new nation, 1800-1845Leave the NDL website. Benjamin FranklinLeave the NDL website. Black pow-wow : jazz poemsLeave the NDL website. Artisans into workers : labor in nineteenth-century AmericaLeave the NDL website. Fabric of freedom 1763-1800Leave the NDL website. Troubled journey : from Pearl Harbor to Ronald ReaganLeave the NDL website. The limits of languageLeave the NDL website. Henry James and the JacobitesLeave the NDL website. The stakes of power, 1845-1877Leave the NDL website. Readings on la raza : the twentieth centuryLeave the NDL website. Tambourines to glory : a nobelLeave the NDL website. Mark Van Doren: 100 poemsLeave the NDL website. Edgar Allan PoeLeave the NDL website. Short storiesLeave the NDL website. Spreading the American dream : American economic and cultural expansion, 1890-1945Leave the NDL website. The American RevolutionLeave the NDL website. Science in nineteenth-century America : a documentary historyLeave the NDL website. Liberty and power : the politics of Jacksonian AmericaLeave the NDL website. American writers in rebellion, from Mark Twain to DreiserLeave the NDL website. Wendell Phillips on civil rights and freedomLeave the NDL website. A time of harvest : American literature, 1910-1960Leave the NDL website. The divided left : American radicalism, 1900-1975Leave the NDL website. Pillars of the republic : common schools and American society, 1780-1860Leave the NDL website. The struggle for black equality 1954-1992Leave the NDL website. David Walker's appeal, in four articles : together with a preamble, to the coloured citizens of the world, but in particular, and very expressly, to those of the United States of AmericaLeave the NDL website. Doing justice : the choice of punishments : report of the Committee for the Study of IncarcerationLeave the NDL website. John C. Calhoun : a profileLeave the NDL website. The urban nation, 1920-1960Leave the NDL website. American slavery, 1619-1877Leave the NDL website. The golden age of homespunLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • The Senate establishment

  • The influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1783

  • The other civil war : American women in the nineteenth century

  • John F. Kennedy and the New Frontier

  • Rudeness & civility : manners in nineteenth-century urban America

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The American century series
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Related Material
The Senate establishment
The influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1783
The other civil war : American women in the nineteenth century
John F. Kennedy and the New Frontier
Rudeness & civility : manners in nineteenth-century urban America
The devil's dictionary
The urban nation, 1920-1980
Martin Luther King, Jr. : a profile
The incorporation of America : culture and society in the gilded age
American populism : a social history, 1877-1898
American Negro short stories
The disinherited
Hemingway and his critics : an international anthology
Horace Greeley : nineteenth-century crusader
American social thought
I wonder as I wander : an autobiographical journey
Theodore Roosevelt and the progressive movement
The world of Lincoln Steffens
The autobiography of an ex-coloured man
American Negro poetry
American moderns, from rebellion to conformity
The Jeffersonian tradition in American democracy
Rebels and ancestors : the American novel, 1890-1915
I wonder as I wander : an autobiographical journey
The shame of the cities
The neon wilderness
Life on the Mississippi
The Lincoln nobody knows
Something in common, and other stories
Stars fell on Alabama
The woman within
Henry David Thoreau : a profile
Barren ground
Half slave and half free : the roots of Civil War
Indian tales
The reins of power : a constitutional history of the United States
The world of the worker : labor in twentieth-century America
A traveler from Altruria
Jonathan Edwards, pastor : religion and society in eighteenth century Northampton
The radical novel in the United States, 1900-1954 : some interrelations of literature and society
Anyplace but here
The big sea : an autobiography
The big sea : an autobiography
Representative selections
Eisenhower as President
The best of simple
Fabric of freedom, 1763-1800
The sentimental years, 1836-1860
Thomas Paine
Walt Whitman : representative selections, with introduction, bibliography and notes
Amusing the million : Coney Island at the turn of the century
Writers in crisis : the American novel, 1925-1940
Martin Luther King, Jr. : a profile
From plantation to ghetto
The Chicanos : a history of Mexican Americans
Frontier women : the trans-Mississippi West, 1840-1880
The free world colossus : a critique of American foreign policy in the Cold War
Writers in transition : seven Americans
American Negro poetry
The New Deal : the depression years, 1933-40
Stranger at the gates : a summer in Mississippi
The search for order, 1877-1920
The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi : a series of sketches
The happy critic, and other essays
The sheltered life
Mark Twain and the Russians : an exchange of views
Standing at the crossroads : Southern life since 1900
31 new American poets
The hoosier school-master : a novel
Thoreau : people, principles, and politics
Man against myth
The higher learning in America : a memorandum on the conduct of universities by business men
The autobiography of an ex-coloured man
Jonathan Edwards : a profile
Modernization : the transformation of American life, 1600-1865
Life on the Mississippi
Half a man : the status of the Negro in New York
The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
From plantation to ghetto
From plantation to ghetto
Holy warriors : the abolitionists and American slavery
Many reasons why : the American involvement in Vietnam
The minutemen and their world
Mark Twain on the damned human race
The last of the Provincials : the American novel, 1915-1925
The struggle for Black equality, 1954-1980
Jack London : short stories
Ralph Waldo Emerson : a profile
The New Deal : the depression years, 1933-40
Artisans into workers : labor in nineteenth-century America
Franklin D. Roosevelt : a profile
The stakes of power, 1845-1877
A shopkeeper's millennium : society and revivals in Rochester, New York, 1815-1837
Jonathan Edwards
The Chicanos : a history of Mexican Americans
From plantation to ghetto : an interpretive history of American Negroes
How the other half lives : studies among the tenements of New York
Alexander Hamilton : a profile
Criticism and fiction . The responsibilities of the novelist
Short stories
Mark Twain : a profile
William Dean Howells
American reformers, 1815-1860
A history of agriculture in the State of New York
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court
The new nation, 1800-1845
Benjamin Franklin
Black pow-wow : jazz poems
Artisans into workers : labor in nineteenth-century America
Fabric of freedom 1763-1800
Troubled journey : from Pearl Harbor to Ronald Reagan
The limits of language
Henry James and the Jacobites
The stakes of power, 1845-1877
Readings on la raza : the twentieth century
Tambourines to glory : a nobel
Mark Van Doren: 100 poems
Edgar Allan Poe
Short stories
Spreading the American dream : American economic and cultural expansion, 1890-1945
The American Revolution
Science in nineteenth-century America : a documentary history
Liberty and power : the politics of Jacksonian America
American writers in rebellion, from Mark Twain to Dreiser
Wendell Phillips on civil rights and freedom
A time of harvest : American literature, 1910-1960
The divided left : American radicalism, 1900-1975
Pillars of the republic : common schools and American society, 1780-1860
The struggle for black equality 1954-1992
David Walker's appeal, in four articles : together with a preamble, to the coloured citizens of the world, but in particular, and very expressly, to those of the United States of America
Doing justice : the choice of punishments : report of the Committee for the Study of Incarceration
John C. Calhoun : a profile
The urban nation, 1920-1960
American slavery, 1619-1877
The golden age of homespun
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