
Holdings of Libraries in Japan

This page shows libraries in Japan other than the National Diet Library that hold the material.

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  • CiNii Research

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Related Material
Garšana studies
Documents of Judean exiles and West Semites in Babylonia in the collection of David Sofer
Early dynastic and early Sargonic tablets from Adab in the Cornell University collections
Workers and construction work at Garšana
Cuneiform royal inscriptions and related texts in the Schøyen Collection
Cuneiform texts in the Carl A. Kroch Library, Cornell University
Babylonian literary texts in the Schøyen Collection
The domestication of Equidae in third-millennium BCE Mesopotamia
A late old Babylonian temple archive from Dūr-Abiešuḫ
Sumerian administrative and legal documents ca. 2900-2200 BC in the Schøyen Collection
Old Babylonian texts in the Schøyen Collection
Early Dynastic and Early Sargonic administrative texts : mainly from the Umma Region in the Cornell University cuneiform collections
The Cornell University archaic tablets
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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CiNii Books