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- 図書
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- 地球環境研究センター チキュウ カンキョウ ケンキュウ センター
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- 30 cm
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- CGER reportCenter for Global Environmental Research report
- Place of Publication (Country Code)
- ja
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- 一般
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- Data analysis and graphic display system for atmospheric research using PC炭素循環および温室効果ガス観測ワークショップ講演要旨集中国における土地利用変化のメカニズムとその影響に関する研究 : LU/GECプロジェクト報告書産業連関表による環境負荷原単位データブック(3EID) : LCAのインベントリデータとして = Embodied energy and emission intensity data for Japan using input-output tables(3EID) : Inventory data for LCA陸域生態系の炭素吸収源機能評価 : 京都議定書の第2約束期間以降における検討にむけてVorties, waves and turbulence in a roating stratified fluidModeling of daily runoff in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River basin and its application to evaluating the flood control effect of the Three Gorges ProjectInternational Workshop for Advanced Flux Network and Flux Evaluation, 27-29 September 2000, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japanアジア・太平洋地域の土地利用・被覆変化の長期予測 : LU/GECプロジェクト報告国際研究計画・機関情報IGAC/APARE/PEACAMPOT航空機・地上観測データ集 = Data of IGAC/APARE/PEACAMPOT survey苫小牧フラックスリサーチサイトにおける森林生態系環境の総合的観測 : モニタリングデータブックGlobal environmental researches on biological and ecological aspectsProceedings of the 4th Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Inventories in 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Environmental Studies, TsukubaCGER's supercomputer activity reportA new meteorological research institute coupled GCM (MRI-CGCM2) : transient response to greenhouse gas and aerosol scenariosCarbon sink archives : an integrated system for storing, retrieving and analyzing 2-dimensional data related to the problem of terrestrial carbon sinkProceedings of the First Workshop of Japan-UK Joint Research Project "Developing Visions for a Low-Carbon Society through Sustainable Development" : June 13th to 16th, 2006, Tokyo, Japanグローバルカーボンプロジェクト : 科学的枠組みと研究実施計画CGER's supercomputer monograph reportCarbon dioxide and vegetation : advanced international approaches for absorption of CO[2] and responses to CO[2]: the 13th Global Environment TsukubaProceedings of the 2nd International Symposium CO2 in the Oceans : the 12 th Global Environment Tsukuba, 18-22 January 1999, Tsukuba Center of Institutes絵とデータで読む太陽紫外線 : 太陽と賢く仲良く付き合う法Atmospheric motion and air quality in East Asia陸域生態系における二酸化炭素等のフラックス観測の実際Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Inventories in Asia(WGIA8) : capacity building for measurability, reportability and verifiability 13-16 July 2010, Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic京都議定書における吸収源:ボン合意とその政策的含意Proceedings of Land Use for Global Environmental Conservation (LU/GEC) - Global Environment Tsukuba '94- : October 6-7, 1994, Tsukuba, JapanGlobal greenhouse gas emissions reduction potentials and mitigation costs in 2020 : methodology and resultsDevelopment of process-based NICE model and simulation of ecosystem dynamics in the catchment of East Asia日本国温室効果ガスインベントリ報告書Study on the processes and impact of land-use change in China : final report of the LU/GEC second phase(1998-2000)Monitoring report on global environmentTransient Climate Change Simulations in the 21st Century with the CCSR/NIES CGCM under a New Set of IPCC ScenariosSimulations of the stratospheric circulation and ozone during the recent past (1980-2004) with the MRI chemistry-climate modelProceedings of the 7th Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Inventories in Asia : capacity building for measurability, reportability and verifiability under the Kobe initiative, 7-10 July 2009, Seoul, Republic of Korea長期生態系モニタリングの現状と課題 : 温暖化影響と生態系応答熱帯域陸上生態系の植生基礎データベースGlobal warming, carbon limitation and economic developmentNational greenhouse gas Inventory report of Japan有害紫外線モニタリングネットワーク活動報告Indonesian Forest Fire and its Environmental Impacts : The 15th Global Environment Tsukuba日本における伐採木材のマテリアルフロー・炭素フローデータブック
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