
Narrating native histories

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Narrating native histories

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Duke University Press
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Global indios : the indigenous struggle for justice in sixteenth-century SpainLeave the NDL website. Juan Gregorio Palechor : the story of my lifeLeave the NDL website. Skin for skin : death and life for Inuit and InnuLeave the NDL website. Decolonizing native histories : collaboration, knowledge, and language in the AmericasLeave the NDL website. Hawaiian blood : colonialism and the politics of sovereignty and indigeneityLeave the NDL website. Intimate indigeneities : race, sex, and history in the small spaces of Andean lifeLeave the NDL website. Abalone tales : collaborative explorations of sovereignty and identity in native CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. Hawaiian blood : colonialism and the politics of sovereignty and indigeneityLeave the NDL website. Now Peru is mine : the life and times of a campesino activistLeave the NDL website. Beyond the lettered city : indigenous literacies in the AndesLeave the NDL website. Recognition odysseys : indigeneity, race, and federal tribal recognition policy in three Louisiana Indian communitiesLeave the NDL website. New languages of the state : indigenous resurgence and the politics of knowledge in BoliviaLeave the NDL website. Earth politics : religion, decolonization, and Bolivia's indigenous intellectualsLeave the NDL website. A nation rising : Hawaiian movements for life, land, and sovereigntyLeave the NDL website. A nation rising : Hawaiian movements for life, land, and sovereigntyLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Global indios : the indigenous struggle for justice in sixteenth-century Spain

  • Juan Gregorio Palechor : the story of my life

  • Skin for skin : death and life for Inuit and Innu

  • Decolonizing native histories : collaboration, knowledge, and language in the Americas

  • Hawaiian blood : colonialism and the politics of sovereignty and indigeneity

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Related Material
Global indios : the indigenous struggle for justice in sixteenth-century Spain
Juan Gregorio Palechor : the story of my life
Skin for skin : death and life for Inuit and Innu
Decolonizing native histories : collaboration, knowledge, and language in the Americas
Hawaiian blood : colonialism and the politics of sovereignty and indigeneity
Intimate indigeneities : race, sex, and history in the small spaces of Andean life
Abalone tales : collaborative explorations of sovereignty and identity in native California
Hawaiian blood : colonialism and the politics of sovereignty and indigeneity
Now Peru is mine : the life and times of a campesino activist
Beyond the lettered city : indigenous literacies in the Andes
Recognition odysseys : indigeneity, race, and federal tribal recognition policy in three Louisiana Indian communities
New languages of the state : indigenous resurgence and the politics of knowledge in Bolivia
Earth politics : religion, decolonization, and Bolivia's indigenous intellectuals
A nation rising : Hawaiian movements for life, land, and sovereignty
A nation rising : Hawaiian movements for life, land, and sovereignty
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA88108082 : BA88108082