
Middle English texts

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Middle English texts

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The historye of the patriarks : with parallel texts of the Historia scholastica and the Bible historialeLeave the NDL website. The ME prose translation of Roger d'Argenteuil's Bible en françois : ed. from Cleveland Public Library, MS W q 091.92--C 468Leave the NDL website. The Middle English version of William of Saliceto's Anatomia : a critical edition based on Cambridge, Trinity College MS R. 14.41 : with a parallel text of the medieval Latin Anatomia, edited from Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek MS 1177Leave the NDL website. A Middle English medical remedy book : edited from Glasgow University Library MS Hunter 185Leave the NDL website. The abridged english metrical brut : edited from London, British Library, MS Royal 12 c.xiiLeave the NDL website. The Middle English text of Caxton's Ovid, book I : edited from Cambridge, Magdalene College, Old Library, MS F.4.34 : with a parallel text of the Ovide moralisé en prose II edited from Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, MS fonds français 137Leave the NDL website. The myracles of oure LadyLeave the NDL website. Of Shrifte and Penance : the ME prose translation of Le manuel des péchés : ed. from St. John's College, Cambridge, MS G.30Leave the NDL website. The Middle English text of Caxton's Ovid, books II-III : edited from Cambridge, Magdalene College, Old Library, MS F.4.34 : with a parallel text of the Ovide moralisé en prose II edited from Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, MS fonds français 137Leave the NDL website. The earliest English translation of Vegetius' de re militari : ed. from Oxford MS Bodl. Douce 291Leave the NDL website. Richard Maidstone's penitential psalmsLeave the NDL website. Statuta antiqua : edited from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson MS B 520Leave the NDL website. The Middle English Mirror : sermons from Advent to SexagesimaLeave the NDL website. Chaucer's Boece : a critical edition based on Cambridge University Library, MS Ii.3.21,ff. 9r-180vLeave the NDL website. Three sermons for Nova Festa, together with the Hamus CaritatisLeave the NDL website. The middle English translation of the Rosarium theologie : a selectionLeave the NDL website. Þe Instytucyonys and specyal dedys of relygyows Carmelitys : edited from London, Lambeth Palace, MS 192Leave the NDL website. The Kalendre of the newe legende of EnglandeLeave the NDL website. The devils' parl[i]ament ; and, The harrowing of hell and destruction of JerusalemLeave the NDL website. The lyf of Oure Lady : the ME translation of Thomas of Hales' Vita sancte MarieLeave the NDL website. The quare of jelusy : ed. from MS Bodley Arch. Seld. B. 24Leave the NDL website. The middle English translation of Christine de Pisan's Livre du corps de policie : ed. from MS C.U.L.Kk.1.5.Leave the NDL website. The Middle English text of the Art of huntingLeave the NDL website. A Christian Mannes BileeveLeave the NDL website. The Middle English : Liber aureus and Gospel of NicodemusLeave the NDL website. Julian of Norwich's Revelations of divine love : the shorter version ed. from B.L. Add. MS 37790Leave the NDL website. John Lydgate's Lives of Ss Edmund & Fremund and the Extra miracles of St EdmundLeave the NDL website. The doctrinal of sapience : ed. from Caxton's printed edition, 1489Leave the NDL website. The "exhortacion" from Disce mori : edited from Oxford, Jesus College, MS 39Leave the NDL website. The Metrical life of Christ : ed. from MS BM Add. 39996Leave the NDL website. An East Midland revision of the South English legendary : a selection from MS C.U.L. Add. 3039Leave the NDL website. The Middle English prose Complaint of our lady and Gospel of NicodemusLeave the NDL website. The vision of TundaleLeave the NDL website. The South English Ministry and passion : ed. from St. John's College, Cambridge, MS B.6Leave the NDL website. John Trevisa's translation of the Polychronicon of Ranulph Higden, Book VI : an edition based on British Library MS Cotton Tiberius D. VIILeave the NDL website. The book of tribulation : ed. from MS Bodley 423Leave the NDL website. The two Middle English translations of The revelations of St Elizabeth of Hungary : ed. from Cambridge University Library MS Hh.i. 11 and Wynkyn de Worde's printed text of ?1493Leave the NDL website. The South English Nativity of Mary and Christ : ed. from MS BM Stowe 949Leave the NDL website. John Page's the Siege of Rouen : edited from London, British Library MS Egerton 1995Leave the NDL website. The Middle English wise book of philosophy and astronomy : a parallel-text edition : edited from London, British Library, MS Sloane 2453 with a parallel text from New York, Columbia University, MS Plimpton 260Leave the NDL website. A Myrour to lewde men and wymmen : a prose version of the Speculum vitae, ed. from B.L. MS Harley 45Leave the NDL website. Tracts : edited from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson MS B 520Leave the NDL website. Four Middle English sermons : edited from British Library MS Harley 2268Leave the NDL website. The King of Tars : ed. from the Auchinleck MS, Advocates 19.2.1Leave the NDL website. The Simonie : a parallel-text editionLeave the NDL website. Quattuor sermonesLeave the NDL website. Exornatorium curatorum : edited from Wynkyn de Worde's text in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Sp. 335.2Leave the NDL website. La estorie del evangelie : a parallel-text editionLeave the NDL website. Horn childe and maiden Rimnild : ed. from the Auchinleck MS, National Library of Scotland, Advocates' MS 19.2.1Leave the NDL website. Octovian imperator : ed. from MS BL Cotton Caligula A IILeave the NDL website. Pepysian meditations on the passion of Christ : edited from Cambridge, Magdalene College, MS Pepys 2125Leave the NDL website. Alexander and DindimusLeave the NDL website. The Middle English glossed prose psalter : edited from Cambridge, Magdalene College, MS Pepys 2498Leave the NDL website. The Advent and Nativity sermons from a fifteenth-century revision of John Mirk's Festial : ed. from B.L. MSS Harley 2247, Royal 18 B XXV, and Gloucester Cathedral Library 22Leave the NDL website. On famous women : the Middle English translation of Boccaccio's De mulieribus claris : edited from London, British Library, MS Additional 10304Leave the NDL website. Three lives from the gilte legende : ed. from MS B. L. Egerton 876Leave the NDL website. The three kings of cologne : edited from London, Lambeth Palace MS 491Leave the NDL website. An epistle of noble poetrye : a middle English translation of Christine de Pizan's L'epistre d'OthéaLeave the NDL website. The Middle English Kynge Appolyn of Thyre : with a parallel text of the Medieval French La cronicque et hystoire de Appollin, roy de ThirLeave the NDL website. The Fifteen Oes and other prayers : edited from the text published by William Caxton (1491)Leave the NDL website. The Middle English Mirror : sermons from Quinquagesima to PentecostLeave the NDL website. The Syon pardon treatise : edited from London, British Library, MS Harley 2321Leave the NDL website. To instruct and to entertain - medieval didactic dialogues : the Old English prose Solomon and Saturn, the Middle English Master of Oxford's catechism and their reconstructred Latin source; the Old English Adrian and Ritheus, and the Old Icelandic Dialogue between a pupil and his masterLeave the NDL website. A late-medieval history of the ancient and biblical worldLeave the NDL website. A late-medieval history of the ancient and biblical worldLeave the NDL website. A Middle English version of the Circa instansLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • The historye of the patriarks : with parallel texts of the Historia scholastica and the Bible historiale

  • The ME prose translation of Roger d'Argenteuil's Bible en françois : ed. from Cleveland Public Library, MS W q 091.92--C 468

  • The Middle English version of William of Saliceto's Anatomia : a critical edition based on Cambridge, Trinity College MS R. 14.41 : with a parallel text of the medieval Latin Anatomia, edited from Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek MS 1177

  • A Middle English medical remedy book : edited from Glasgow University Library MS Hunter 185

  • The abridged english metrical brut : edited from London, British Library, MS Royal 12 c.xii

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Related Material
The historye of the patriarks : with parallel texts of the Historia scholastica and the Bible historiale
The ME prose translation of Roger d'Argenteuil's Bible en françois : ed. from Cleveland Public Library, MS W q 091.92--C 468
The Middle English version of William of Saliceto's Anatomia : a critical edition based on Cambridge, Trinity College MS R. 14.41 : with a parallel text of the medieval Latin Anatomia, edited from Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek MS 1177
A Middle English medical remedy book : edited from Glasgow University Library MS Hunter 185
The abridged english metrical brut : edited from London, British Library, MS Royal 12 c.xii
The Middle English text of Caxton's Ovid, book I : edited from Cambridge, Magdalene College, Old Library, MS F.4.34 : with a parallel text of the Ovide moralisé en prose II edited from Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, MS fonds français 137
The myracles of oure Lady
Of Shrifte and Penance : the ME prose translation of Le manuel des péchés : ed. from St. John's College, Cambridge, MS G.30
The Middle English text of Caxton's Ovid, books II-III : edited from Cambridge, Magdalene College, Old Library, MS F.4.34 : with a parallel text of the Ovide moralisé en prose II edited from Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, MS fonds français 137
The earliest English translation of Vegetius' de re militari : ed. from Oxford MS Bodl. Douce 291
Richard Maidstone's penitential psalms
Statuta antiqua : edited from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson MS B 520
The Middle English Mirror : sermons from Advent to Sexagesima
Chaucer's Boece : a critical edition based on Cambridge University Library, MS Ii.3.21,ff. 9r-180v
Three sermons for Nova Festa, together with the Hamus Caritatis
The middle English translation of the Rosarium theologie : a selection
Þe Instytucyonys and specyal dedys of relygyows Carmelitys : edited from London, Lambeth Palace, MS 192
The Kalendre of the newe legende of Englande
The devils' parl[i]ament ; and, The harrowing of hell and destruction of Jerusalem
The lyf of Oure Lady : the ME translation of Thomas of Hales' Vita sancte Marie
The quare of jelusy : ed. from MS Bodley Arch. Seld. B. 24
The middle English translation of Christine de Pisan's Livre du corps de policie : ed. from MS C.U.L.Kk.1.5.
The Middle English text of the Art of hunting
A Christian Mannes Bileeve
The Middle English : Liber aureus and Gospel of Nicodemus
Julian of Norwich's Revelations of divine love : the shorter version ed. from B.L. Add. MS 37790
John Lydgate's Lives of Ss Edmund & Fremund and the Extra miracles of St Edmund
The doctrinal of sapience : ed. from Caxton's printed edition, 1489
The "exhortacion" from Disce mori : edited from Oxford, Jesus College, MS 39
The Metrical life of Christ : ed. from MS BM Add. 39996
An East Midland revision of the South English legendary : a selection from MS C.U.L. Add. 3039
The Middle English prose Complaint of our lady and Gospel of Nicodemus
The vision of Tundale
The South English Ministry and passion : ed. from St. John's College, Cambridge, MS B.6
John Trevisa's translation of the Polychronicon of Ranulph Higden, Book VI : an edition based on British Library MS Cotton Tiberius D. VII
The book of tribulation : ed. from MS Bodley 423
The two Middle English translations of The revelations of St Elizabeth of Hungary : ed. from Cambridge University Library MS Hh.i. 11 and Wynkyn de Worde's printed text of ?1493
The South English Nativity of Mary and Christ : ed. from MS BM Stowe 949
John Page's the Siege of Rouen : edited from London, British Library MS Egerton 1995
The Middle English wise book of philosophy and astronomy : a parallel-text edition : edited from London, British Library, MS Sloane 2453 with a parallel text from New York, Columbia University, MS Plimpton 260
A Myrour to lewde men and wymmen : a prose version of the Speculum vitae, ed. from B.L. MS Harley 45
Tracts : edited from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson MS B 520
Four Middle English sermons : edited from British Library MS Harley 2268
The King of Tars : ed. from the Auchinleck MS, Advocates 19.2.1
The Simonie : a parallel-text edition
Quattuor sermones
Exornatorium curatorum : edited from Wynkyn de Worde's text in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Sp. 335.2
La estorie del evangelie : a parallel-text edition
Horn childe and maiden Rimnild : ed. from the Auchinleck MS, National Library of Scotland, Advocates' MS 19.2.1
Octovian imperator : ed. from MS BL Cotton Caligula A II
Pepysian meditations on the passion of Christ : edited from Cambridge, Magdalene College, MS Pepys 2125
Alexander and Dindimus
The Middle English glossed prose psalter : edited from Cambridge, Magdalene College, MS Pepys 2498
The Advent and Nativity sermons from a fifteenth-century revision of John Mirk's Festial : ed. from B.L. MSS Harley 2247, Royal 18 B XXV, and Gloucester Cathedral Library 22
On famous women : the Middle English translation of Boccaccio's De mulieribus claris : edited from London, British Library, MS Additional 10304
Three lives from the gilte legende : ed. from MS B. L. Egerton 876
The three kings of cologne : edited from London, Lambeth Palace MS 491
An epistle of noble poetrye : a middle English translation of Christine de Pizan's L'epistre d'Othéa
The Middle English Kynge Appolyn of Thyre : with a parallel text of the Medieval French La cronicque et hystoire de Appollin, roy de Thir
The Fifteen Oes and other prayers : edited from the text published by William Caxton (1491)
The Middle English Mirror : sermons from Quinquagesima to Pentecost
The Syon pardon treatise : edited from London, British Library, MS Harley 2321
To instruct and to entertain - medieval didactic dialogues : the Old English prose Solomon and Saturn, the Middle English Master of Oxford's catechism and their reconstructred Latin source; the Old English Adrian and Ritheus, and the Old Icelandic Dialogue between a pupil and his master
A late-medieval history of the ancient and biblical world
A late-medieval history of the ancient and biblical world
A Middle English version of the Circa instans
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