
Harvard publications in music

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Harvard publications in music

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Department of Music, Harvard University : Distributed by Harvard University Press
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Table of Contents

  • La cetra : sonate a due, tre e quattro stromenti, libro quattro, opus 10, 1673

  • Music in time : phenomenology, perception, performance

  • Keyboard music from the Andreas Bach book and the Möller manuscript

  • Music for lute & bandora

  • Out of bounds : ethnography, history, music

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La cetra : sonate a due, tre e quattro stromenti, libro quattro, opus 10, 1673
Music in time : phenomenology, perception, performance
Keyboard music from the Andreas Bach book and the Möller manuscript
Music for lute & bandora
Out of bounds : ethnography, history, music
Music of my future : the Schoenberg quartets and trio
Marco Attilio Regolo
The faithful princess
The century of Bach and Mozart : perspectives on historiography, composition, theory, and performance
La caduta de' Decemviri
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Anguish of Hell and peace of soul = Angst der Hellen und Friede der Seelen : a collection of sixteen motets on Psalm 116 by Michael Praetorius, Heinrich Schütz, and others
The century of Bach and Mozart : perspectives on historiography, composition, theory, and performance
Music and the aesthetics of modernity : essays
Massimo Puppieno
The lute music of Francesco Canova da Milano
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA2095195X : BA2095195X