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RoutledgeCurzon contemporary Japan series

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RoutledgeCurzon contemporary Japan series

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Publisher varies: Routledge

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Religion and psychotherapy in modern JapanLeave the NDL website. Rethinking Japanese studies : Eurocentrism and the Asia-Pacific regionLeave the NDL website. Fukushima and the arts : negotiating nuclear disasterLeave the NDL website. Religion and psychotherapy in modern JapanLeave the NDL website. Examining Japan's lost decadesLeave the NDL website. Japanese aid and the construction of global development : inescapable solutionsLeave the NDL website. Small firms and innovation policy in JapanLeave the NDL website. Japan-bashing : anti-Japanism since the 1980sLeave the NDL website. Marriage in contemporary JapanLeave the NDL website. Cities, autonomy, and decentralization in JapanLeave the NDL website. The changing Japanese familyLeave the NDL website. Japan's foreign aid to Africa : Angola and Mozambique within the TICAD processLeave the NDL website. The quest for Japan's new constitution : an analysis of visions and constitutional reform proposals, 1980-2009Leave the NDL website. Japanese love hotels : a cultural historyLeave the NDL website. Intercultural communication in Japan : theorizing homogenizing discourseLeave the NDL website. Legacies of the Asia-Pacific War : the Yakeato generationLeave the NDL website. Fukushima and the arts : negotiating nuclear disasterLeave the NDL website. The ethics of Japan's global environmental policy : the conflict between principles and practiceLeave the NDL website. Sound, space and sociality in modern JapanLeave the NDL website. Nationalism, political realism and democracy in Japan : the thought of Masao MaruyamaLeave the NDL website. Japanese femininitiesLeave the NDL website. Japan's colonial moment in Southeast Asia, 1942-1945 : the occupiers' experienceLeave the NDL website. The end of cool Japan : ethical, legal, and cultural challenges to Japanese popular cultureLeave the NDL website. Internationalising Japan : discourse and practiceLeave the NDL website. Political reform in Japan : leadership looming largeLeave the NDL website. Japan in the age of globalizationLeave the NDL website. The end of cool Japan : ethical, legal, and cultural challenges to Japanese popular cultureLeave the NDL website. Local politics and national policy : multi-level conflicts in Japan and beyondLeave the NDL website. Heritage conservation in Japan's cultural diplomacy : heritage, national identity and national interestLeave the NDL website. Japan's contested war memories : the 'memory rifts' in historical consciousness of World War IILeave the NDL website. Japan's quest for stability in Southeast Asia : navigating the turning points in postwar AsiaLeave the NDL website. Japan, Russia and their territorial dispute : the northern delusionLeave the NDL website. A new Japan for the twenty-first century : an inside overview of current fundamental changes and problemsLeave the NDL website. Sound, space and sociality in modern JapanLeave the NDL website. Japanese media at the beginning of the 21st century : consuming the pastLeave the NDL website. Japanese apologies for World War II : a rhetorical studyLeave the NDL website. Small firms and innovation policy in JapanLeave the NDL website. Visions of precarity in Japanese popular culture and literatureLeave the NDL website. Civil society and the Internet in JapanLeave the NDL website. Language life in Japan : transformations and prospectsLeave the NDL website. Decision-making reform in Japan : the DPJ's failed attempt at a politician-led governmentLeave the NDL website. Perversion and modern Japan : psychoanalysis, literature, cultureLeave the NDL website. Japanese apologies for World War II : a rhetorical studyLeave the NDL website. Japan and the high treason incidentLeave the NDL website. Perversion and modern Japan : psychoanalysis, literature, cultureLeave the NDL website. Japanese women in science and engineering : history and policy changeLeave the NDL website. Internationalising Japan : discourse and practiceLeave the NDL website. Japan's border issues : pitfalls and prospectsLeave the NDL website. Social networks and Japanese democracy : the beneficial impact of interpersonal communication in East AsiaLeave the NDL website. Japanese aid and the construction of global development : inescapable solutionsLeave the NDL website. Trauma, dissociation and re-enactment in Japanese literature and filmLeave the NDL website. Postwar history education in Japan and the Germanys : guilty lessonsLeave the NDL website. Intercultural communication in Japan : theorizing homogenizing discourseLeave the NDL website. Being young in super-aging Japan : formative events and cultural reactionsLeave the NDL website. The ethics of aesthetics in Japanese cinema and literature : polygraphic desireLeave the NDL website. Japan-bashing : anti-Japanism since the 1980sLeave the NDL website. Nationalism, political realism and democracy in Japan : the thought of Masao MaruyamaLeave the NDL website. A Japanese company in crisis : ideology, strategy and narrativeLeave the NDL website. Gender and the koseki in contemporary Japan : surname, power, and privilegeLeave the NDL website. New frontiers in Japanese studiesLeave the NDL website. Cultural and social division in contemporary Japan : rethinking discourses of inclusion and exclusionLeave the NDL website. Social change in Japan, 1989-2019 : social status, social consciousness, attitudes and valuesLeave the NDL website. Rethinking Japanese studies : Eurocentrism and the Asia-Pacific regionLeave the NDL website. Being young in super-aging Japan : formative events and cultural reactionsLeave the NDL website. Japan's nationalist right in the Internet age : online media and grassroots conservative activismLeave the NDL website. Japan's foreign aid : old continuities and new directionsLeave the NDL website. Locating Heisei in Japanese fiction and film : the historical imagination of the lost decadesLeave the NDL website. Japanese war orphans : abandoned twice by the stateLeave the NDL website. Animism in contemporary Japan : voices for the anthropocene from post-Fukushima JapanLeave the NDL website. Avant-garde art and nondominant thought in postwar Japan : image, matter, separationLeave the NDL website. Social change in Japan, 1989-2019 : social status, social consciousness, attitudes and valuesLeave the NDL website. Japanese propriety, past and present : disciplined liberalismLeave the NDL website. Political economy of the Tokyo Olympics : unrestrained capital and development without sustainable principlesLeave the NDL website. The Coronavirus Pandemic in Japanese literature and popular cultureLeave the NDL website. Challenging nuclear pacifism in Japan : Hiroshima's anti-nuclear social movementsLeave the NDL website. Japanese public diplomacy in European countries : the Japan Foundation in Bulgaria and FranceLeave the NDL website. Lay Zen in contemporary Japan : tradition, interpretation, and inventionLeave the NDL website. Translation and the borders of contemporary Japanese literature : inciting differenceLeave the NDL website. The Japanese restaurant : tasting the new exotic in AustraliaLeave the NDL website. Immigration and quality of life in ageing societies : how attractive for migrants are Japan and Germany?Leave the NDL website. Japanese media and the intelligentsia after Fukushima : disaster cultureLeave the NDL website. Women and political inequality in Japan : gender-imbalanced democracyLeave the NDL website. Diplomacy in Japan-EU relations : from the Cold War to the post-bipolar eraLeave the NDL website. Japanese femininitiesLeave the NDL website. Japan's contested war memories : the 'memory rifts' in historical consciousness of World War IILeave the NDL website. EU-Japan relations, 1970-2012 : from confrontation to global partnershipLeave the NDL website. Marriage in contemporary JapanLeave the NDL website. Manga and the representation of Japanese historyLeave the NDL website. Social networks and Japanese democracy : the beneficial impact of interpersonal communication in East AsiaLeave the NDL website. Japanese women in science and engineering : history and policy changeLeave the NDL website. Shinkansen : from bullet train to symbol of modern JapanLeave the NDL website. Homosexuality and manliness in postwar JapanLeave the NDL website. Zainichi Korean identity and ethnicityLeave the NDL website. Political reform in Japan : leadership looming largeLeave the NDL website. War memory, nationalism, and education in postwar Japan, 1945-2007 : the Japanese history textbook controversy and Ienaga Saburo's court challengesLeave the NDL website. Translation in modern JapanLeave the NDL website. Political sociology of Japanese pacifismLeave the NDL website. A Japanese joint venture in the Pacific : foreign bodies in tinned tunaLeave the NDL website. Career women in contemporary Japan : pursuing identities, fashioning livesLeave the NDL website. Gender and the koseki in contemporary Japan : surname, power, and privilegeLeave the NDL website. Heritage conservation in Japan's cultural diplomacy : heritage, national identity and national interestLeave the NDL website. The changing Japanese familyLeave the NDL website. Career women in contemporary Japan : pursuing identities, fashioning livesLeave the NDL website. Mental health care in JapanLeave the NDL website. Japan's foreign aid : old continuities and new directionsLeave the NDL website. Zainichi Korean women in Japan : voicesLeave the NDL website. Japan's border issues : pitfalls and prospectsLeave the NDL website. Population decline and ageing in Japan : the social consequencesLeave the NDL website. Animism in contemporary Japan : voices for the Anthropocene from post-Fukushima JapanLeave the NDL website. Japan's local newspapers : chihōshi and revitalization journalismLeave the NDL website. The Japanese Communist Party : permanent opposition, but moral compassLeave the NDL website. Japan in the age of globalizationLeave the NDL website. The quest for Japan's new constitution : an analysis of visions and constitutional reform proposals, 1980-2009Leave the NDL website. Mental health care in JapanLeave the NDL website. The rise of Japanese NGOs : activism from aboveLeave the NDL website. Legacies of the Asia-Pacific War : the yakeato generationLeave the NDL website. Linguistic stereotyping and minority groups in JapanLeave the NDL website. Regional administration in Japan : departure from uniformityLeave the NDL website. Language life in Japan : transformations and prospectsLeave the NDL website. Superhuman Japan : knowledge, nation and culture in US-Japan relationsLeave the NDL website. Manga and the representation of Japanese historyLeave the NDL website. Negotiating censorship in modern JapanLeave the NDL website. Japanese-Russian relations, 1907-2007Leave the NDL website. Examining Japan's lost decadesLeave the NDL website. Negotiating censorship in modern JapanLeave the NDL website. Adoption in Japan : comparing policies for children in needLeave the NDL website. A life adrift : Soeda Azembō, popular song and modern mass culture in JapanLeave the NDL website. A new Japan for the twenty-first century : an inside overview of current fundamental changes and problemsLeave the NDL website. Institutional and technological change in Japan's economy : past and presentLeave the NDL website. Challenges of human resource management in JapanLeave the NDL website. The novels of Ōe KenzaburōLeave the NDL website. The rise of Japanese NGOs : activism from aboveLeave the NDL website. Institutional and technological change in Japan's economy : past and presentLeave the NDL website. Postwar history education in Japan and the Germanys : guilty lessonsLeave the NDL website. Dealing with disaster in Japan : responses to the flight JL123 crashLeave the NDL website. Linguistic stereotyping and minority groups in JapanLeave the NDL website. Party politics in Japan : political chaos and stalemate in the twenty-first centuryLeave the NDL website. Homosexuality and manliness in postwar JapanLeave the NDL website. Japanese-Russian relations, 1907-2007Leave the NDL website. Japanese culture through videogamesLeave the NDL website. Japan's local newspapers : chihōshi and revitalization journalismLeave the NDL website. The novels of Ōe KenzaburōLeave the NDL website. Adoption in Japan : comparing policies for children in needLeave the NDL website. Civil society and the Internet in JapanLeave the NDL website. A Japanese joint venture in the Pacific : foreign bodies in tinned tunaLeave the NDL website. Social inequality in post-growth Japan : transformation during economic and demographic stagnationLeave the NDL website. Masculinity and body weight in Japan : grappling with metabolic syndromeLeave the NDL website. Women and political inequality in Japan : gender-imbalanced democracyLeave the NDL website. Wildlife, landscape use and society : regional case studies in JapanLeave the NDL website. Avant-garde art and nondominant thought in postwar Japan : image, matter, separationLeave the NDL website. Japanese culture through videogamesLeave the NDL website. Japan's quest for stability in Southeast Asia : navigating the turning points in postwar AsiaLeave the NDL website. New frontiers in Japanese studiesLeave the NDL website. Japan's triple disaster : pursuing justice after the great East Japan earthquake, tsunami, and Fukushima nuclear accidentLeave the NDL website. The presidentialization of Japanese politicsLeave the NDL website. Somaesthetics and the philosophy of culture : projects in JapanLeave the NDL website. Japan's colonial moment in southeast Asia 1942-1945 : the occupiers' experienceLeave the NDL website. Locating Heisei in Japanese fiction and film : the historical imagination of the lost decadesLeave the NDL website. Visions of precarity in Japanese popular culture and literatureLeave the NDL website. Japanese media and the intelligentsia after Fukushima : disaster cultureLeave the NDL website. Sexual abuse and education in Japan : in the (inter)national shadowsLeave the NDL website. Financial euphoria, consumer culture, and literature of 1980s Japan : dreams of the bubble economyLeave the NDL website. Japanese war orphans : abandoned twice by the stateLeave the NDL website. Japanese digital cultural promotion : online experience of KyotoLeave the NDL website. Japanese digital cultural promotion : online experience of KyotoLeave the NDL website. The crisis in pro baseball and Japan's lost decade : the curious resilience of Heisei JapanLeave the NDL website. Japan's nationalist right in the Internet age : online media and grassroots conservative activismLeave the NDL website. Wildlife, landscape use and society : regional case studies in JapanLeave the NDL website. Dark heritage in contemporary Japan : relics of an underground empireLeave the NDL website. Social trauma, narrative memory, and recovery in Japanese literature and filmLeave the NDL website. Diplomacy in Japan-EU relations : from the Cold War to the post-bipolar eraLeave the NDL website. Decision-making reform in Japan : the DPJ's failed attempt at a politician-led governmentLeave the NDL website. Political sociology of Japanese pacifismLeave the NDL website. Japan's foreign aid to Africa : Angola and Mozambique within the TICAD processLeave the NDL website. Japan and the High Treason IncidentLeave the NDL website. Japanese media at the beginning of the 21st century : consuming the pastLeave the NDL website. Somaesthetics and the philosophy of culture : projects in JapanLeave the NDL website. Cultural and social division in contemporary Japan : rethinking discourses of inclusion and exclusionLeave the NDL website. The ethics of Japan's global environmental policy : the conflict between principles and practiceLeave the NDL website. Zainichi Koreans and mental health : psychiatric problem in Japanese Korean minorities, their social background and life storyLeave the NDL website. Japanese public diplomacy in European countries : the Japan Foundation in Bulgaria and FranceLeave the NDL website. Border-crossing Japanese literature : reading multiplicityLeave the NDL website. Civil society and international students in Japan : the making of social capitalLeave the NDL website. The origin of Japan's protectionist agricultural policy : agricultural administration in modern JapanLeave the NDL website. Civil defense in Japan : issues and challengesLeave the NDL website. Critical review of the Abe administration : politics of conservatism and realismLeave the NDL website. Mobile Japanese migrants to the Pacific West and East : self-searching, work, and identificationLeave the NDL website. Japanese whaling and the people behind it : a look from withinLeave the NDL website. Space and play in Japanese videogame arcadesLeave the NDL website. Party politics in Japan : political chaos and stalemate in the twenty-first centuryLeave the NDL website. Zainichi Korean women in Japan : voicesLeave the NDL website.

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Routledge contemporary Japan series
Contemporary Japan series
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Publisher varies: Routledge
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Japan-bashing : anti-Japanism since the 1980s
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The quest for Japan's new constitution : an analysis of visions and constitutional reform proposals, 1980-2009
Japanese love hotels : a cultural history
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Legacies of the Asia-Pacific War : the Yakeato generation
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Japan's colonial moment in Southeast Asia, 1942-1945 : the occupiers' experience
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Japan's quest for stability in Southeast Asia : navigating the turning points in postwar Asia
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A new Japan for the twenty-first century : an inside overview of current fundamental changes and problems
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Japanese media at the beginning of the 21st century : consuming the past
Japanese apologies for World War II : a rhetorical study
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Decision-making reform in Japan : the DPJ's failed attempt at a politician-led government
Perversion and modern Japan : psychoanalysis, literature, culture
Japanese apologies for World War II : a rhetorical study
Japan and the high treason incident
Perversion and modern Japan : psychoanalysis, literature, culture
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Social change in Japan, 1989-2019 : social status, social consciousness, attitudes and values
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Challenging nuclear pacifism in Japan : Hiroshima's anti-nuclear social movements
Japanese public diplomacy in European countries : the Japan Foundation in Bulgaria and France
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Japanese media and the intelligentsia after Fukushima : disaster culture
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Japan's contested war memories : the 'memory rifts' in historical consciousness of World War II
EU-Japan relations, 1970-2012 : from confrontation to global partnership
Marriage in contemporary Japan
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Social networks and Japanese democracy : the beneficial impact of interpersonal communication in East Asia
Japanese women in science and engineering : history and policy change
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Homosexuality and manliness in postwar Japan
Zainichi Korean identity and ethnicity
Political reform in Japan : leadership looming large
War memory, nationalism, and education in postwar Japan, 1945-2007 : the Japanese history textbook controversy and Ienaga Saburo's court challenges
Translation in modern Japan
Political sociology of Japanese pacifism
A Japanese joint venture in the Pacific : foreign bodies in tinned tuna
Career women in contemporary Japan : pursuing identities, fashioning lives
Gender and the koseki in contemporary Japan : surname, power, and privilege
Heritage conservation in Japan's cultural diplomacy : heritage, national identity and national interest
The changing Japanese family
Career women in contemporary Japan : pursuing identities, fashioning lives
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Japan's foreign aid : old continuities and new directions
Zainichi Korean women in Japan : voices
Japan's border issues : pitfalls and prospects
Population decline and ageing in Japan : the social consequences
Animism in contemporary Japan : voices for the Anthropocene from post-Fukushima Japan
Japan's local newspapers : chihōshi and revitalization journalism
The Japanese Communist Party : permanent opposition, but moral compass
Japan in the age of globalization
The quest for Japan's new constitution : an analysis of visions and constitutional reform proposals, 1980-2009
Mental health care in Japan
The rise of Japanese NGOs : activism from above
Legacies of the Asia-Pacific War : the yakeato generation
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Regional administration in Japan : departure from uniformity
Language life in Japan : transformations and prospects
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Manga and the representation of Japanese history
Negotiating censorship in modern Japan
Japanese-Russian relations, 1907-2007
Examining Japan's lost decades
Negotiating censorship in modern Japan
Adoption in Japan : comparing policies for children in need
A life adrift : Soeda Azembō, popular song and modern mass culture in Japan
A new Japan for the twenty-first century : an inside overview of current fundamental changes and problems
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Institutional and technological change in Japan's economy : past and present
Postwar history education in Japan and the Germanys : guilty lessons
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Linguistic stereotyping and minority groups in Japan
Party politics in Japan : political chaos and stalemate in the twenty-first century
Homosexuality and manliness in postwar Japan
Japanese-Russian relations, 1907-2007
Japanese culture through videogames
Japan's local newspapers : chihōshi and revitalization journalism
The novels of Ōe Kenzaburō
Adoption in Japan : comparing policies for children in need
Civil society and the Internet in Japan
A Japanese joint venture in the Pacific : foreign bodies in tinned tuna
Social inequality in post-growth Japan : transformation during economic and demographic stagnation
Masculinity and body weight in Japan : grappling with metabolic syndrome
Women and political inequality in Japan : gender-imbalanced democracy
Wildlife, landscape use and society : regional case studies in Japan
Avant-garde art and nondominant thought in postwar Japan : image, matter, separation
Japanese culture through videogames
Japan's quest for stability in Southeast Asia : navigating the turning points in postwar Asia
New frontiers in Japanese studies
Japan's triple disaster : pursuing justice after the great East Japan earthquake, tsunami, and Fukushima nuclear accident
The presidentialization of Japanese politics
Somaesthetics and the philosophy of culture : projects in Japan
Japan's colonial moment in southeast Asia 1942-1945 : the occupiers' experience
Locating Heisei in Japanese fiction and film : the historical imagination of the lost decades
Visions of precarity in Japanese popular culture and literature
Japanese media and the intelligentsia after Fukushima : disaster culture
Sexual abuse and education in Japan : in the (inter)national shadows
Financial euphoria, consumer culture, and literature of 1980s Japan : dreams of the bubble economy
Japanese war orphans : abandoned twice by the state
Japanese digital cultural promotion : online experience of Kyoto
Japanese digital cultural promotion : online experience of Kyoto
The crisis in pro baseball and Japan's lost decade : the curious resilience of Heisei Japan
Japan's nationalist right in the Internet age : online media and grassroots conservative activism
Wildlife, landscape use and society : regional case studies in Japan
Dark heritage in contemporary Japan : relics of an underground empire
Social trauma, narrative memory, and recovery in Japanese literature and film
Diplomacy in Japan-EU relations : from the Cold War to the post-bipolar era
Decision-making reform in Japan : the DPJ's failed attempt at a politician-led government
Political sociology of Japanese pacifism
Japan's foreign aid to Africa : Angola and Mozambique within the TICAD process
Japan and the High Treason Incident
Japanese media at the beginning of the 21st century : consuming the past
Somaesthetics and the philosophy of culture : projects in Japan
Cultural and social division in contemporary Japan : rethinking discourses of inclusion and exclusion
The ethics of Japan's global environmental policy : the conflict between principles and practice
Zainichi Koreans and mental health : psychiatric problem in Japanese Korean minorities, their social background and life story
Japanese public diplomacy in European countries : the Japan Foundation in Bulgaria and France
Border-crossing Japanese literature : reading multiplicity
Civil society and international students in Japan : the making of social capital
The origin of Japan's protectionist agricultural policy : agricultural administration in modern Japan
Civil defense in Japan : issues and challenges
Critical review of the Abe administration : politics of conservatism and realism
Mobile Japanese migrants to the Pacific West and East : self-searching, work, and identification
Japanese whaling and the people behind it : a look from within
Space and play in Japanese videogame arcades
Party politics in Japan : political chaos and stalemate in the twenty-first century
Zainichi Korean women in Japan : voices
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