
Mack the Knife : songs of Kurt Weill : original 1929-1956 recordings

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Mack the Knife : songs of Kurt Weill : original 1929-1956 recordings

Material type
Weill, Kurtほか
Naxos Nostalgia
Publication date
Material Format
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Capacity, size, etc.
12 cm.
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Notes on use

Note (General):

Collection of historical recordings of songs by Kurt WeillFor 1-2 vocals and 1-2 orchestras (1st-3rd, 7th-8th, 14th, 16th and 19th-20th works); for vo...

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Recording Media

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Publication Date
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
12 cm.
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Note (General)
Collection of historical recordings of songs by Kurt Weill
For 1-2 vocals and 1-2 orchestras (1st-3rd, 7th-8th, 14th, 16th and 19th-20th works); for vocal, chorus and orchestra (4th, 9th-10th and 17th); for vocal and piano (5th-6th and 11th-13th); for violin and piano (15th); for vocal, piano and rhythm section (18th)
Sung in English (4th, 7th-14th and 16th-20th works) and German (1st-3rd and 5th-6th)
Bertolt Brecht (1st and 3rd works), Lotte Lenya (2nd, 4th-6th, 11th-12th and 19th), Walter Huston (7th), Gertrude Lawrence (8th and 10th), Danny Kaye (9th), Kurt Weill (13th), Mary Martin (14th), Kenny Baker (14th), Johnny Mercer (16th), Buddy Clark (17th), Greta Keller (18th), vocals ; The Three Admirals (4th) ; Louis Armstrong and his all-stars (20th) ; chorus (9th-10th and 17th) ; Jascha Heifetz, violin (15th) ; Kurt Weill (5th-6th and 11th-13th), Emanuel Bay (15th), Cy Walter (18th), pianos ; rhythm section (18th) ; Theo Mackeben's Jazz Orchestra (1st-3rd) ; Benny Goodman and his orchestra (16th) ; Mitchell Ayres' Orchestra (17th) ; orchestras (4th, 7th-10th, 14th and 19th) ; Victor Young (7th), Maurice Abravanel (7th, 9th and 14th), Leonard Joy (8th and 10th), Samuel Matlowsky (19th), conductors
Compact disc; analog recording
Naxos Nostalgia: 8.120831