
Comparative Asian studies

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Comparative Asian studies

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  • CiNii Research

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A people of migrants : ethnicity, state, and religion in Karachi
Living in Deli : Its society as imaged in colonial fiction
State, village, and ritual in Bali : a historical perspective
On the production of knowledge : fieldwork in South Gujarat, 1971-1991
The Sulu zone : the world capitalist economy and the historical imagination
Time matters : global and local time in Asian societies
Communities and electorates : a comparative discussion of communalism in colonial India
Ideological innovation under monarchy : aspects of legitimation activity in contemporary Brunei
Martyrdom and political resistance : essays from Asia and Europe
Social science in Southeast Asia : from particularism to universalism
Jealousy and justice : the indigenous roots of colonial rule in northern Sulawesi
Asian capitalists in the European mirror
Comparative essays on Asia and the West
Unsettled frontiers and transnational linkages : new tasks for the historian of modern Asia
Colonial production in provincial Java : the sugar industry in Pekalongan-Tegal, 1800-1942
The centrality of Central Asia
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA21595205 : BA21595205