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Geophysics and astronomy in space explorationLeave the NDL website. Project Gemini: technology and operations : a chronologyLeave the NDL website. Electric propulsion for spacecraftLeave the NDL website. The human factor : biomedicine in the manned space program to 1980Leave the NDL website. This new ocean : a history of Project MercuryLeave the NDL website. Mars as viewed by Mariner 9 : a pictorial presentation by the Mariner 9 television team and the planetology program principal investigatorsLeave the NDL website. Measurement of thermal radiation properties of solids ; [proceedings of the] Symposium held at Dayton, Ohio, Sept. 5-7, 1962Leave the NDL website. National Geodetic Satellite Program : a reportLeave the NDL website. Astronautics and aeronautics : chronology on science, technology, and policyLeave the NDL website. Project management in NASA : the system and the menLeave the NDL website. Celestial mechanics and space flight analysisLeave the NDL website. Theories of equilibrium figures of a rotating homogeneous fluid massLeave the NDL website. The Apollo spacecraft : a chronologyLeave the NDL website. Mission to jupiter : a history of the Galileo projectLeave the NDL website. The space shuttle at workLeave the NDL website. Control, guidance and navigation of spacecraftLeave the NDL website. Atlas of Mercury : prepared for the Office of Space Sciences, National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationLeave the NDL website. NASA space flight program and project management handbookLeave the NDL website. Chemical rocket propulsionLeave the NDL website. Voyager 1 and 2 atlas of six Saturnian satellitesLeave the NDL website. Vortex-lattice utilization : a workshop held at Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, on May 17-18, 1976Leave the NDL website. Thermodynamic properties to 6000° K for 210 substances involving the first 18 elementsLeave the NDL website. The space shuttle decision : NASA's search for a reusable space vehicleLeave the NDL website. Uses of ceramics in microelectronics : a surveyLeave the NDL website. Hydrogen technological survey - thermophysical propertiesLeave the NDL website. Skylab EREP investigations summaryLeave the NDL website. Handbook of the physical properties of the planet MarsLeave the NDL website. Flights of discovery : 50 years at the NASA Dryden Flight Research CenterLeave the NDL website. Apollo expeditions to the moonLeave the NDL website. Vibration of shellsLeave the NDL website. Space medicine in Project MercuryLeave the NDL website. NASA thesaurusLeave the NDL website. supersonic cruise technologyLeave the NDL website. A Spacefaring people : perspectives on early spaceflightLeave the NDL website. Mission to earth : Landsat views the worldLeave the NDL website. Societal impact of spaceflightLeave the NDL website. Cepheid modeling : the proceedings of a conference and workshop held at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, July 29, 1974Leave the NDL website. Mathematical computer programs : a compilationLeave the NDL website. The moon as viewed by lunar orbiterLeave the NDL website. Space Power Systems Advanced Technology Conference : Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio August 23-24, 1966Leave the NDL website. Exploring the cosmosLeave the NDL website. Life beyond earth & the mind of man : a symposium held at Boston University on November 20, 1972Leave the NDL website. Aerodynamics of space vehiclesLeave the NDL website. Biomedical results of ApolloLeave the NDL website. NASA scientific and technical publications : a catalog of special publications, reference publications, conference publications, and technical papersLeave the NDL website. Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, 1978-1987 : satellite passive-microwave observations and analysisLeave the NDL website. The Development of cryogenic storage systems for space flightLeave the NDL website. World maps of constant B, L, and flux contoursLeave the NDL website. Significant achievements in satellite meteorology, 1958-1964Leave the NDL website. Short-term frequency stability : proceedingsLeave the NDL website. Low temperature measurementLeave the NDL website. The voyage of Mariner 10 : mission to Venus and MercuryLeave the NDL website. Skylab explores the EarthLeave the NDL website. Atlas of surveyor 5 television dataLeave the NDL website. Science in flux : Nasa's nuclear program at Plum Brook Station, 1955-2005Leave the NDL website. Spaceflight revolution : NASA Langley Research Center from Sputnik to ApolloLeave the NDL website. Analysis of Apollo 8 : photography and visual observationsLeave the NDL website. Accessing spaceLeave the NDL website. Flow measurement instrumentationLeave the NDL website. Small transport aircraft technologyLeave the NDL website. Significant achievements in satellite geodesy, 1958-1964Leave the NDL website. Mariner-Venus, 1962 : final project reportLeave the NDL website. O stars and Wolf-Rayet starsLeave the NDL website. Apollo over the moon : a view from orbitLeave the NDL website. Comet Kohoutek : a workshop held at Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, June 13-14, 1974Leave the NDL website. Lunar Orbiter photographic atlas of the MoonLeave the NDL website. NASA thesaurusLeave the NDL website. Symposium on Computer Simulation of Plasma and Many-Body ProblemsLeave the NDL website. The Martian landscapeLeave the NDL website. Lubrication, corrosion and wear : a continuing bibliographyLeave the NDL website. The quiet sunLeave the NDL website. NASA historical data bookLeave the NDL website. Thermal radiation of solids : [proceedings of the] Symposium held at San Francisco, Calif., Mar. 4, 5, 6, 1964Leave the NDL website. Proceedings of the second NASA-Industry conference, Washington, D. C. February 11-12, 1963Leave the NDL website. Voyages to SaturnLeave the NDL website. Life beyond earth & the mind of man : a symposium held at Boston University on November 20, 1972Leave the NDL website. The Observatory generation of satellites : session II of a Special Astronautics Symposium held at the Franklin Institute, Philadephia, December 27, 1962, during the 129th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of ScienceLeave the NDL website. Arctic sea ice, 1973-1976 : satellite passive-microwave observationsLeave the NDL website. Cataclysmic variables and related objectsLeave the NDL website. Dynamic stability of rotor-bearing systemsLeave the NDL website. The Mariner 6 and 7 pictures of MarsLeave the NDL website. Apollo 17 : preliminary science reportLeave the NDL website. Space and earth scienceLeave the NDL website. Sapping features of the Colorado Plateau : a comparative planetary geology field guideLeave the NDL website. Results of the project mercury ballistic and orbital chimpanzee flightsLeave the NDL website. Lunar and planetary sciences in space explorationLeave the NDL website. Physical studies of minor planetsLeave the NDL website. The Search for extraterrestrial intelligence, SETILeave the NDL website. Space shuttle avionics systemLeave the NDL website. NASA and general aviationLeave the NDL website. Physics of nonthermal radio sourcesLeave the NDL website. Mars wars : the rise and fall of the space exploration initiativeLeave the NDL website. Skylab's astronomy and space sciencesLeave the NDL website. The birth of NASA : the diary of T. Keith GlennanLeave the NDL website. The new Mars : the discoveries of Mariner 9 : prepared for the NASA Office of Space ScienceLeave the NDL website. Interstellar grains : proceedings of a conference held August 24-26, 1965, at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New YorkLeave the NDL website. B stars with and without emission linesLeave the NDL website. Air-pollution-monitoring instrumentation : a surveyLeave the NDL website. Handbook of the physical properties of the planet JupiterLeave the NDL website. Bioastronautics data bookLeave the NDL website. Space settlements : a design studyLeave the NDL website. Foundations of space biology and medicine : joint USA/USSR publicationLeave the NDL website. NASA thesaurus alphabetical update : subject terms for indexing scientific and technical informationLeave the NDL website. Average evoked potentials : methods, results, and evaluationsLeave the NDL website. Skylab, our first space stationLeave the NDL website. Project mercury : a chronologyLeave the NDL website. Geomorphology from space : a global overview of regional landformsLeave the NDL website. Physics of nonthermal radio sourcesLeave the NDL website. Mercury project summary, including results of the fourth U.S. manned orbital flight, May 15 and 16, 1963Leave the NDL website. The star splitters : the High Energy Astronomy ObservatoriesLeave the NDL website. Gamma ray astrophysics : new insights into the UniverseLeave the NDL website. Pavement grooving and traction studies : a conference held at Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, November 18-19, 1968Leave the NDL website. Evolution of the solar systemLeave the NDL website. The face of Venus : the Magellan radar-mapping missionLeave the NDL website. Apollo 12 : preliminary science reportLeave the NDL website. Far travelers : the exploring machinesLeave the NDL website. Orders of magnitude : a history of the NACA and NASA, 1915-1990Leave the NDL website. Viking orbiter views of MarsLeave the NDL website. Space physiology and medicineLeave the NDL website. NASA thesaurusLeave the NDL website. Beyond the atmosphere : early years of space scienceLeave the NDL website. Into the thermosphere : the atmosphere explorersLeave the NDL website. The Geology of the terrestrial planetsLeave the NDL website. The study of comets : the proceedings of IAU Colloquium no. 25, held at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, October 28-November 1, 1974Leave the NDL website. Skylab, classroom in spaceLeave the NDL website. Atlas of galaxies useful for measuring the cosmological distance scaleLeave the NDL website. The Sun as a starLeave the NDL website. The NASTRAN theoretical manualLeave the NDL website. Solar wind : the proceedings of a conference sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and held March 21-26, 1971, at the Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. External relationshipsLeave the NDL website. List of selected references on NASA programsLeave the NDL website. Advanced turboprop projectLeave the NDL website. Remote sensing of earth resources : a literature survey with indexes, 1970-1973 supplementLeave the NDL website. Challenge to Apollo : the Soviet Union and the space race, 1945-1974Leave the NDL website. Partition functions and equations of state in plasmasLeave the NDL website. Voyage to JupiterLeave the NDL website. Guide to lunar orbiter photographsLeave the NDL website. Handbook of the physical properties of the planet VenusLeave the NDL website. Teleoperators and human augmentation : an AEC-NASA technology surveyLeave the NDL website. Possible relationships between solar activity and meteorological phenomena : a symposium held at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, November 7-8, 1973Leave the NDL website. Quest for performance : the evolution of modern aircraftLeave the NDL website. An emission-line survey of the Milky WayLeave the NDL website. Structures for space operationsLeave the NDL website. Significant achievements in space scienceLeave the NDL website. Apollo 11 : preliminary science reportLeave the NDL website. Ranger IX photographs of the moon, cameras "A," "B," and "P"Leave the NDL website. FGK stars and T Tauri starsLeave the NDL website. Using spaceLeave the NDL website. "Read you loud and clear!" : the story of NASA's spaceflight tracking and data networkLeave the NDL website. Results of the second U.S. manned orbital space flight, May 24, 1962Leave the NDL website. Evolutionary and physical properties of meteoroids : the proceedings of the International Astronomical Union's colloquium # 13, held at the State University of New York, Albany, N.Y., on June 14-17, 1971Leave the NDL website. Managing NASA in the Apollo eraLeave the NDL website. Meteor orbits and dust : the proceedings of a symposiumLeave the NDL website. Fuel economy in aviationLeave the NDL website. Pioneer odyssey : encounter with a giantLeave the NDL website. Ranger VII Photographs of the MoonLeave the NDL website. Gamma-ray astrophysics : a symposium held at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, April 30 to May 2, 1973Leave the NDL website. Pioneer : first to Jupiter, Saturn, and beyondLeave the NDL website. Nuclear rocket propulsionLeave the NDL website. X-ray binaries : the proceedings of a symposium held at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, October 20-22, 1975, and associated with a coordinated campaign (I.A.U. Commissions 42 and 44) to observe X-ray binariesLeave the NDL website. Power for spacecraftLeave the NDL website. Wings in orbit : scientific and engineering legacies of the space shuttle, 1971-2010Leave the NDL website. Dictionary of technical terms for aerospace useLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Nasa-University conference on the science and technology of space exploration : Chicago, Illinois, November 1-3, 1962Leave the NDL website. Earth photographs from Gemini VI through XIILeave the NDL website. Atlas of Comet Halley 1910 IILeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the second National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space, Seattle, Washington, May 8-10, 1962Leave the NDL website. This island EarthLeave the NDL website. Pioneer odysseyLeave the NDL website. Time-variable phenomena in the Jovian system : proceedings of the Workshop on Time-Variable Phenomena in the Jovian System, Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, 15-27 August 1987Leave the NDL website. Planetary geology in the 1980sLeave the NDL website. Remote sensing of earth resources : a literature survey with indexes, 1970-1973 supplementLeave the NDL website. Atlas of cometary forms : structures near the nucleusLeave the NDL website. Radiation transfer with absorbing emitting and scattering mediaLeave the NDL website. Plasma physics and magnetohydrodynamics in space explorationLeave the NDL website. Two-micron sky survey : a preliminary catalogLeave the NDL website. Outlook for spaceLeave the NDL website. Vibration of platesLeave the NDL website. Atlas and gazetteer of the near side of the moonLeave the NDL website. Stellar atmospheric structural patternsLeave the NDL website. Satellite-derived global oceanic rainfall atlas (1973 and 1974)Leave the NDL website. Interdisciplinary approach to the lubrication of concentrated contacts : proceedings of a NASA-sponsored symposium held July 15-17, 1969, in Troy, New YorkLeave the NDL website. Remote sensing of earth resources : a literature survey with indexesLeave the NDL website. Critical issues in the history of spaceflightLeave the NDL website. A new sun : the solar results from SkylabLeave the NDL website. Scientific satellitesLeave the NDL website. Lunar impact : a history of Project RangerLeave the NDL website. The study of comets : the proceedings of IAU Colloquium no. 25, held at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, October 28-November 1, 1974Leave the NDL website. The Zodiacal light and the interplanetary mediumLeave the NDL website. Data acquisition from spacecraftLeave the NDL website. Antarctic sea ice, 1973-1976 : satellite passive-microwave observationsLeave the NDL website. The book of MarsLeave the NDL website. Sun, weather, and climateLeave the NDL website. Wind tunnels of NASALeave the NDL website. NASA/University Conference on Aeronautics : a conference held at University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, October 23-24, 1974Leave the NDL website. Exobiology in earth orbit : the results of science workshops held at NASA Ames Research CenterLeave the NDL website. Optical telescope technologyLeave the NDL website. Apollo 16 : preliminary science reportLeave the NDL website. Introduction to experimental techniques of high-energy astrophysicsLeave the NDL website. The Soviet-American Conference on Cosmochemistry of the Moon and Planets : a conference held in Moscow, U.S.S.R., June 4-8, 1974Leave the NDL website. Systems engineering handbookLeave the NDL website. Monitoring earth resources from aircraft and spacecraftLeave the NDL website. Stellar chromospheres : the proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Colloquium held at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, February 21-24, 1972Leave the NDL website. NASA thesaurus : subject terms for indexing scientific and technical informationLeave the NDL website. Laboratory techniques in space environment researchLeave the NDL website. Fuel cells : a review of government sponsored research, 1950 -1964Leave the NDL website. The problem of space travel : the rocket motorLeave the NDL website. Biomedical results from SkylabLeave the NDL website. High-velocity metalworking : a surveyLeave the NDL website. Compressed gas handbookLeave the NDL website. The management of research institutions : a look at government laboratoriesLeave the NDL website. Human spaceflight : projects Mercury, Gemini, and ApolloLeave the NDL website. Hydrogen line blanketed model stellar atmospheresLeave the NDL website. Gas dynamics in space explorationLeave the NDL website. A long-range program in space astronomy : position paper of the Astronomy Missions Board, July 1969Leave the NDL website. Contamination control principlesLeave the NDL website. Space scientists and engineers : selected biographical and bibliographical listing, 1957-1961Leave the NDL website. Handbook of infrared radiation from combustion gasesLeave the NDL website. The prevention of electrical breakdown in spacecraftLeave the NDL website. Aerodynamic design of axial-flow compressorsLeave the NDL website. Records of achievement : NASA special publicationsLeave the NDL website. Results of the third U.S. manned orbital space flight, October 3, 1962Leave the NDL website. Weather satellite picture receiving stations: inexpensive construction of automatic picture transmission ground equipment : a reportLeave the NDL website. To see the unseen : a history of planetary radar astronomyLeave the NDL website. Planetary geosciences--1988Leave the NDL website. Atlas of Mars : the 1:5,000,000 map seriesLeave the NDL website. Astronomical use of television-type image sensorsLeave the NDL website. NASA's first 50 years : historical perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Status and future of lunar geoscienceLeave the NDL website. Powered-lift aircraft technologyLeave the NDL website. Surface topography of the Greenland ice sheet from satellite radar altimetryLeave the NDL website. Materials for Space operationsLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the conference on space-age planning : a part of the third national conference on the peaceful uses of space, Chicago, May 1-9, 1963Leave the NDL website. AAS-NASA Symposium on the physics of Solar Flares : proceedings of a symposium held at the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, October 28-30, 1963Leave the NDL website. The Search for extraterrestrial intelligenceLeave the NDL website. NASA 1965 Summer Conference on Lunar Exploration and Science : Falmouth, Mass., July 19 - 31, 1965Leave the NDL website. X-ray and gamma ray astronomy detectorsLeave the NDL website. Organizing for explorationLeave the NDL website. Earth photographs from Gemini III, IV and VLeave the NDL website. Gemini Midprogram Conference, including experiment resultsLeave the NDL website. Exploring space with a cameraLeave the NDL website. Images of Mars : the Viking extended missionLeave the NDL website. Lunar photographs from Apollos 8, 10, and 11Leave the NDL website. The A-stars : problems and perspectivesLeave the NDL website. The Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM) anthologyLeave the NDL website. Pioneer VenusLeave the NDL website. BioastronauticsLeave the NDL website. Ranger VII Photographs of the MoonLeave the NDL website. The study of comets : the proceedings of IAU Colloquium no. 25, held at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, October 28-November 1, 1974Leave the NDL website. Ranger VII Photographs of the MoonLeave the NDL website. Ranger VII Photographs of the MoonLeave the NDL website. Thermodynamic and transport properties for the hydrogen-oxygen systemLeave the NDL website. Observations from the Nimbus I meteorological satellite : six papers presented by Goddard Space Flight Center personnel at the western annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Seattle, Washington., December 29, 1964Leave the NDL website.

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NASA special publications
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Target Audience
Related Material
Geophysics and astronomy in space exploration
Project Gemini: technology and operations : a chronology
Electric propulsion for spacecraft
The human factor : biomedicine in the manned space program to 1980
This new ocean : a history of Project Mercury
Mars as viewed by Mariner 9 : a pictorial presentation by the Mariner 9 television team and the planetology program principal investigators
Measurement of thermal radiation properties of solids ; [proceedings of the] Symposium held at Dayton, Ohio, Sept. 5-7, 1962
National Geodetic Satellite Program : a report
Astronautics and aeronautics : chronology on science, technology, and policy
Project management in NASA : the system and the men
Celestial mechanics and space flight analysis
Theories of equilibrium figures of a rotating homogeneous fluid mass
The Apollo spacecraft : a chronology
Mission to jupiter : a history of the Galileo project
The space shuttle at work
Control, guidance and navigation of spacecraft
Atlas of Mercury : prepared for the Office of Space Sciences, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA space flight program and project management handbook
Chemical rocket propulsion
Voyager 1 and 2 atlas of six Saturnian satellites
Vortex-lattice utilization : a workshop held at Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, on May 17-18, 1976
Thermodynamic properties to 6000° K for 210 substances involving the first 18 elements
The space shuttle decision : NASA's search for a reusable space vehicle
Uses of ceramics in microelectronics : a survey
Hydrogen technological survey - thermophysical properties
Skylab EREP investigations summary
Handbook of the physical properties of the planet Mars
Flights of discovery : 50 years at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
Apollo expeditions to the moon
Vibration of shells
Space medicine in Project Mercury
NASA thesaurus
supersonic cruise technology
A Spacefaring people : perspectives on early spaceflight
Mission to earth : Landsat views the world
Societal impact of spaceflight
Cepheid modeling : the proceedings of a conference and workshop held at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, July 29, 1974
Mathematical computer programs : a compilation
The moon as viewed by lunar orbiter
Space Power Systems Advanced Technology Conference : Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio August 23-24, 1966
Exploring the cosmos
Life beyond earth & the mind of man : a symposium held at Boston University on November 20, 1972
Aerodynamics of space vehicles
Biomedical results of Apollo
NASA scientific and technical publications : a catalog of special publications, reference publications, conference publications, and technical papers
Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, 1978-1987 : satellite passive-microwave observations and analysis
The Development of cryogenic storage systems for space flight
World maps of constant B, L, and flux contours
Significant achievements in satellite meteorology, 1958-1964
Short-term frequency stability : proceedings
Low temperature measurement
The voyage of Mariner 10 : mission to Venus and Mercury
Skylab explores the Earth
Atlas of surveyor 5 television data
Science in flux : Nasa's nuclear program at Plum Brook Station, 1955-2005
Spaceflight revolution : NASA Langley Research Center from Sputnik to Apollo
Analysis of Apollo 8 : photography and visual observations
Accessing space
Flow measurement instrumentation
Small transport aircraft technology
Significant achievements in satellite geodesy, 1958-1964
Mariner-Venus, 1962 : final project report
O stars and Wolf-Rayet stars
Apollo over the moon : a view from orbit
Comet Kohoutek : a workshop held at Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, June 13-14, 1974
Lunar Orbiter photographic atlas of the Moon
NASA thesaurus
Symposium on Computer Simulation of Plasma and Many-Body Problems
The Martian landscape
Lubrication, corrosion and wear : a continuing bibliography
The quiet sun
NASA historical data book
Thermal radiation of solids : [proceedings of the] Symposium held at San Francisco, Calif., Mar. 4, 5, 6, 1964
Proceedings of the second NASA-Industry conference, Washington, D. C. February 11-12, 1963
Voyages to Saturn
Life beyond earth & the mind of man : a symposium held at Boston University on November 20, 1972
The Observatory generation of satellites : session II of a Special Astronautics Symposium held at the Franklin Institute, Philadephia, December 27, 1962, during the 129th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
Arctic sea ice, 1973-1976 : satellite passive-microwave observations
Cataclysmic variables and related objects
Dynamic stability of rotor-bearing systems
The Mariner 6 and 7 pictures of Mars
Apollo 17 : preliminary science report
Space and earth science
Sapping features of the Colorado Plateau : a comparative planetary geology field guide
Results of the project mercury ballistic and orbital chimpanzee flights
Lunar and planetary sciences in space exploration
Physical studies of minor planets
The Search for extraterrestrial intelligence, SETI
Space shuttle avionics system
NASA and general aviation
Physics of nonthermal radio sources
Mars wars : the rise and fall of the space exploration initiative
Skylab's astronomy and space sciences
The birth of NASA : the diary of T. Keith Glennan
The new Mars : the discoveries of Mariner 9 : prepared for the NASA Office of Space Science
Interstellar grains : proceedings of a conference held August 24-26, 1965, at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York
B stars with and without emission lines
Air-pollution-monitoring instrumentation : a survey
Handbook of the physical properties of the planet Jupiter
Bioastronautics data book
Space settlements : a design study
Foundations of space biology and medicine : joint USA/USSR publication
NASA thesaurus alphabetical update : subject terms for indexing scientific and technical information
Average evoked potentials : methods, results, and evaluations
Skylab, our first space station
Project mercury : a chronology
Geomorphology from space : a global overview of regional landforms
Physics of nonthermal radio sources
Mercury project summary, including results of the fourth U.S. manned orbital flight, May 15 and 16, 1963
The star splitters : the High Energy Astronomy Observatories
Gamma ray astrophysics : new insights into the Universe
Pavement grooving and traction studies : a conference held at Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, November 18-19, 1968
Evolution of the solar system
The face of Venus : the Magellan radar-mapping mission
Apollo 12 : preliminary science report
Far travelers : the exploring machines
Orders of magnitude : a history of the NACA and NASA, 1915-1990
Viking orbiter views of Mars
Space physiology and medicine
NASA thesaurus
Beyond the atmosphere : early years of space science
Into the thermosphere : the atmosphere explorers
The Geology of the terrestrial planets
The study of comets : the proceedings of IAU Colloquium no. 25, held at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, October 28-November 1, 1974
Skylab, classroom in space
Atlas of galaxies useful for measuring the cosmological distance scale
The Sun as a star
The NASTRAN theoretical manual
Solar wind : the proceedings of a conference sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and held March 21-26, 1971, at the Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California
External relationships
List of selected references on NASA programs
Advanced turboprop project
Remote sensing of earth resources : a literature survey with indexes, 1970-1973 supplement
Challenge to Apollo : the Soviet Union and the space race, 1945-1974
Partition functions and equations of state in plasmas
Voyage to Jupiter
Guide to lunar orbiter photographs
Handbook of the physical properties of the planet Venus
Teleoperators and human augmentation : an AEC-NASA technology survey
Possible relationships between solar activity and meteorological phenomena : a symposium held at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, November 7-8, 1973
Quest for performance : the evolution of modern aircraft
An emission-line survey of the Milky Way
Structures for space operations
Significant achievements in space science
Apollo 11 : preliminary science report
Ranger IX photographs of the moon, cameras "A," "B," and "P"
FGK stars and T Tauri stars
Using space
"Read you loud and clear!" : the story of NASA's spaceflight tracking and data network
Results of the second U.S. manned orbital space flight, May 24, 1962
Evolutionary and physical properties of meteoroids : the proceedings of the International Astronomical Union's colloquium # 13, held at the State University of New York, Albany, N.Y., on June 14-17, 1971
Managing NASA in the Apollo era
Meteor orbits and dust : the proceedings of a symposium
Fuel economy in aviation
Pioneer odyssey : encounter with a giant
Ranger VII Photographs of the Moon
Gamma-ray astrophysics : a symposium held at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, April 30 to May 2, 1973
Pioneer : first to Jupiter, Saturn, and beyond
Nuclear rocket propulsion
X-ray binaries : the proceedings of a symposium held at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, October 20-22, 1975, and associated with a coordinated campaign (I.A.U. Commissions 42 and 44) to observe X-ray binaries
Power for spacecraft
Wings in orbit : scientific and engineering legacies of the space shuttle, 1971-2010
Dictionary of technical terms for aerospace use
Proceedings of the Nasa-University conference on the science and technology of space exploration : Chicago, Illinois, November 1-3, 1962
Earth photographs from Gemini VI through XII
Atlas of Comet Halley 1910 II
Proceedings of the second National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space, Seattle, Washington, May 8-10, 1962
This island Earth
Pioneer odyssey
Time-variable phenomena in the Jovian system : proceedings of the Workshop on Time-Variable Phenomena in the Jovian System, Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, 15-27 August 1987
Planetary geology in the 1980s
Remote sensing of earth resources : a literature survey with indexes, 1970-1973 supplement
Atlas of cometary forms : structures near the nucleus
Radiation transfer with absorbing emitting and scattering media
Plasma physics and magnetohydrodynamics in space exploration
Two-micron sky survey : a preliminary catalog
Outlook for space
Vibration of plates
Atlas and gazetteer of the near side of the moon
Stellar atmospheric structural patterns
Satellite-derived global oceanic rainfall atlas (1973 and 1974)
Interdisciplinary approach to the lubrication of concentrated contacts : proceedings of a NASA-sponsored symposium held July 15-17, 1969, in Troy, New York
Remote sensing of earth resources : a literature survey with indexes
Critical issues in the history of spaceflight
A new sun : the solar results from Skylab
Scientific satellites
Lunar impact : a history of Project Ranger
The study of comets : the proceedings of IAU Colloquium no. 25, held at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, October 28-November 1, 1974
The Zodiacal light and the interplanetary medium
Data acquisition from spacecraft
Antarctic sea ice, 1973-1976 : satellite passive-microwave observations
The book of Mars
Sun, weather, and climate
Wind tunnels of NASA
NASA/University Conference on Aeronautics : a conference held at University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, October 23-24, 1974
Exobiology in earth orbit : the results of science workshops held at NASA Ames Research Center
Optical telescope technology
Apollo 16 : preliminary science report
Introduction to experimental techniques of high-energy astrophysics
The Soviet-American Conference on Cosmochemistry of the Moon and Planets : a conference held in Moscow, U.S.S.R., June 4-8, 1974
Systems engineering handbook
Monitoring earth resources from aircraft and spacecraft
Stellar chromospheres : the proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Colloquium held at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, February 21-24, 1972
NASA thesaurus : subject terms for indexing scientific and technical information
Laboratory techniques in space environment research
Fuel cells : a review of government sponsored research, 1950 -1964
The problem of space travel : the rocket motor
Biomedical results from Skylab
High-velocity metalworking : a survey
Compressed gas handbook
The management of research institutions : a look at government laboratories
Human spaceflight : projects Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo
Hydrogen line blanketed model stellar atmospheres
Gas dynamics in space exploration
A long-range program in space astronomy : position paper of the Astronomy Missions Board, July 1969
Contamination control principles
Space scientists and engineers : selected biographical and bibliographical listing, 1957-1961
Handbook of infrared radiation from combustion gases
The prevention of electrical breakdown in spacecraft
Aerodynamic design of axial-flow compressors
Records of achievement : NASA special publications
Results of the third U.S. manned orbital space flight, October 3, 1962
Weather satellite picture receiving stations: inexpensive construction of automatic picture transmission ground equipment : a report
To see the unseen : a history of planetary radar astronomy
Planetary geosciences--1988
Atlas of Mars : the 1:5,000,000 map series
Astronomical use of television-type image sensors
NASA's first 50 years : historical perspectives
Status and future of lunar geoscience
Powered-lift aircraft technology
Surface topography of the Greenland ice sheet from satellite radar altimetry
Materials for Space operations
Proceedings of the conference on space-age planning : a part of the third national conference on the peaceful uses of space, Chicago, May 1-9, 1963
AAS-NASA Symposium on the physics of Solar Flares : proceedings of a symposium held at the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, October 28-30, 1963
The Search for extraterrestrial intelligence
NASA 1965 Summer Conference on Lunar Exploration and Science : Falmouth, Mass., July 19 - 31, 1965
X-ray and gamma ray astronomy detectors
Organizing for exploration
Earth photographs from Gemini III, IV and V
Gemini Midprogram Conference, including experiment results
Exploring space with a camera
Images of Mars : the Viking extended mission
Lunar photographs from Apollos 8, 10, and 11
The A-stars : problems and perspectives
The Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM) anthology
Pioneer Venus
Ranger VII Photographs of the Moon
The study of comets : the proceedings of IAU Colloquium no. 25, held at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, October 28-November 1, 1974
Ranger VII Photographs of the Moon
Ranger VII Photographs of the Moon
Thermodynamic and transport properties for the hydrogen-oxygen system
Observations from the Nimbus I meteorological satellite : six papers presented by Goddard Space Flight Center personnel at the western annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Seattle, Washington., December 29, 1964
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