
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden v.1 (1900) v. 1 (1900) v.2 (1903) v.1-2 1900-1903 v.4 (1908) v. 4 (1908) v.3(1908) v.3 (1909) v. 3 (1909) v.3-4 1908-1909 v.4(1909) v.3-4 1908-09 v.6 (1915) v.5 (1915) v.6 (1916) v. 6 (1916)

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Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden v.1 (1900)

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Scientific Publications Dept., New York Botanical Garden
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The Cercidothrix, hypoglottis, Piptoloboid, Trimeniaeus, and Orophaca AstragaliLeave the NDL website. Guide to the vascular plants of central French GuianaLeave the NDL website. Some dictyosporous genera and species of Pleosporales in North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Papers presented at the Celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of The New York Botanical Garden, September 6-9, 1915Leave the NDL website. Effects of the rays of radium on plantsLeave the NDL website. Contributions toward a Mycobiota of Indonesia : Hypocreales, Synnematous Hyphomycetes, Aphyllophorales, Phragmobasidiomycetes, and MyxomycetesLeave the NDL website. Cryptogamae exsiccatae : an annotated bibliography of published exsiccatae of algae, lichenes, hepaticae, and musci, I-IIILeave the NDL website. The Pyrenomycetes described by J.B. EllisLeave the NDL website. The Moss flora of MexicoLeave the NDL website. Studies of cretaceous coniferous remains from Kreischerville, New YorkLeave the NDL website. Sensitivae censitae : a description of the genus Mimosa Linnaeus (Mimosaceae) in the new worldLeave the NDL website. Silk tree, Guanacaste, Monkey's earring : a generic system for the synandrous Mimosaceae of the AmericasLeave the NDL website. The influence of light and darkness upon growth and developmentLeave the NDL website. Páramos : a checklist of plant diversity, geographical distribuion, and botanical literatureLeave the NDL website. Seeds of Central America and southern Mexico : the economic speciesLeave the NDL website. The Lecythidaceae of a central Amazonian moist forestLeave the NDL website. Guide to the Bryophytes of tropical AmericaLeave the NDL website. A revision of the genus Cinchona (Rubiaceae-Cinchoneae) . Systematics of Erisma (Vochysiaceae)Leave the NDL website. Fungicolous, lichenicolous, and myxomyceticolous species of Hypocreopsis, Nectriopsis, Nectria, Peristomialis, and TrichonectriaLeave the NDL website. Agaricus of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Reproductive biology and evolution of tropical woody angiosperms : a symposium from the XIVth International Botanical Congress, Berlin, 1987Leave the NDL website. Studies on Amanita (Amanitaceae) from Andean ColombiaLeave the NDL website. Fungi in forest ecosystems : systematics, diversity, and ecology : dedicated to Dr. Orson K. Miller, Jr.Leave the NDL website. Manual of the leafy hepaticae of Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Cryptogamae exsiccatae : an annotated bibliography of exsiccatae of algae, lichenes, hepaticae, and musci, VLeave the NDL website. Checklist of the vascular plants of Belize, with common names and usesLeave the NDL website. Taxonomy of Polygonum section Echinocaulon (Polygonaceae)Leave the NDL website. The Phacoid and Homaloboid AstragaliLeave the NDL website. A systematic treatment of fruit typesLeave the NDL website. Evolution, variation, and classification of palmsLeave the NDL website. The Biology, structure, and systematics of the cycadales : proceedings of the Symposium CYCAD 87, Beaulieu-sur-Mer, France, April 17-27, 1987Leave the NDL website. That glorious forest : exploring the plants and their indigenous uses in AmazoniaLeave the NDL website. Ferns of Puerto Rico and the Virgin IslandsLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • The Cercidothrix, hypoglottis, Piptoloboid, Trimeniaeus, and Orophaca Astragali

  • Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana

  • Some dictyosporous genera and species of Pleosporales in North America

  • Papers presented at the Celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of The New York Botanical Garden, September 6-9, 1915

  • Effects of the rays of radium on plants

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Material Type
v.1 (1900)
v. 1 (1900)
v.2 (1903)
v.1-2 1900-1903
v.4 (1908)
v. 4 (1908)
v.3 (1909)
v. 3 (1909)
v.3-4 1908-1909
v.3-4 1908-09
v.6 (1915)
v.5 (1915)
v.6 (1916)
v. 6 (1916)
Publication Date
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Related Material
The Cercidothrix, hypoglottis, Piptoloboid, Trimeniaeus, and Orophaca Astragali
Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana
Some dictyosporous genera and species of Pleosporales in North America
Papers presented at the Celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of The New York Botanical Garden, September 6-9, 1915
Effects of the rays of radium on plants
Contributions toward a Mycobiota of Indonesia : Hypocreales, Synnematous Hyphomycetes, Aphyllophorales, Phragmobasidiomycetes, and Myxomycetes
Cryptogamae exsiccatae : an annotated bibliography of published exsiccatae of algae, lichenes, hepaticae, and musci, I-III
The Pyrenomycetes described by J.B. Ellis
The Moss flora of Mexico
Studies of cretaceous coniferous remains from Kreischerville, New York
Sensitivae censitae : a description of the genus Mimosa Linnaeus (Mimosaceae) in the new world
Silk tree, Guanacaste, Monkey's earring : a generic system for the synandrous Mimosaceae of the Americas
The influence of light and darkness upon growth and development
Páramos : a checklist of plant diversity, geographical distribuion, and botanical literature
Seeds of Central America and southern Mexico : the economic species
The Lecythidaceae of a central Amazonian moist forest
Guide to the Bryophytes of tropical America
A revision of the genus Cinchona (Rubiaceae-Cinchoneae) . Systematics of Erisma (Vochysiaceae)
Fungicolous, lichenicolous, and myxomyceticolous species of Hypocreopsis, Nectriopsis, Nectria, Peristomialis, and Trichonectria
Agaricus of North America
Reproductive biology and evolution of tropical woody angiosperms : a symposium from the XIVth International Botanical Congress, Berlin, 1987
Studies on Amanita (Amanitaceae) from Andean Colombia
Fungi in forest ecosystems : systematics, diversity, and ecology : dedicated to Dr. Orson K. Miller, Jr.
Manual of the leafy hepaticae of Latin America
Cryptogamae exsiccatae : an annotated bibliography of exsiccatae of algae, lichenes, hepaticae, and musci, V
Checklist of the vascular plants of Belize, with common names and uses
Taxonomy of Polygonum section Echinocaulon (Polygonaceae)
The Phacoid and Homaloboid Astragali
A systematic treatment of fruit types
Evolution, variation, and classification of palms
The Biology, structure, and systematics of the cycadales : proceedings of the Symposium CYCAD 87, Beaulieu-sur-Mer, France, April 17-27, 1987
That glorious forest : exploring the plants and their indigenous uses in Amazonia
Ferns of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands