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American lecture series

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Charles C. Thomas
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Electrophoresis in physiology : with a special chapter on immunoelectrophoresis by M.D. PoulikLeave the NDL website. Hormones and hypertensionLeave the NDL website. Naturalism and subjectivismLeave the NDL website. Referring the psychiatric patient : a guide for the physicianLeave the NDL website. Treatment of toxic goiter with radioactive iodineLeave the NDL website. Crotalaria spectabilis: the pulmonary hypertension plantLeave the NDL website. Cor pulmonale in emphysema : mechanisms and pathologyLeave the NDL website. Cardiac roentgenology : plain films and angiocardiographic findingsLeave the NDL website. The diagnosis of salmonella typesLeave the NDL website. Newer concepts of inflammationLeave the NDL website. Elements of pediatric anesthesiaLeave the NDL website. The evolution and chemistry of aggressionLeave the NDL website. Chemistry and prevention of dental cariesLeave the NDL website. Periodontal prosthesisLeave the NDL website. Rubella : first annual symposium of the Eastern Pennsylvania Branch, American Society for MicrobiologyLeave the NDL website. Hyperbaric oxygen and its clinical value : with special emphasis on biochemical and cardiovascular aspectsLeave the NDL website. Chemotherapy of urogenital tumorsLeave the NDL website. Cystic fibrosis of the pancreas in infants and childrenLeave the NDL website. The common bile duct : operative cholangiography, biliary endoscopy, and choledocholithotomyLeave the NDL website. Optokinetic nystagmus, its use in topical neuro-ophthalmologic diagnosisLeave the NDL website. Gambling : should it be legalized?Leave the NDL website. Severe disabilities: social and rehabilitation approachesLeave the NDL website. Physiology of obstetric anesthesiaLeave the NDL website. Treatment of respiratory emergencies including bulbar poliomyelitisLeave the NDL website. The differentiation of escherichia and klebsiella typesLeave the NDL website. The thalamus and midbrain of man : a physiological atlas using electrical stimulationLeave the NDL website. Bone marrow transplantation and leucocyte transfusionsLeave the NDL website. Law, language and communicationLeave the NDL website. The botany and chemistry of hallucinogensLeave the NDL website. The fixed eruption : a possible hazard of modern drug therapyLeave the NDL website. Prognosis in functional psychoses : clinical, social and genetic aspectsLeave the NDL website. Psychoanalysis and the lawLeave the NDL website. Drug dependence and rehabilitation approachesLeave the NDL website. Multiple sclerosis: prognosis and treatment : a nosometric approachLeave the NDL website. Embryonic sex hormones and sexual differentiationLeave the NDL website. New directions in stuttering : theory and practiceLeave the NDL website. Psychological evaluation of the cerebral palsied person : intellectual, personality, and vocational applicationsLeave the NDL website. Poison detection in human organsLeave the NDL website. Speech and language problems : an overviewLeave the NDL website. Stress and diseaseLeave the NDL website. Atopic cataractLeave the NDL website. Cataracts : chemistry, mechanisms and therapyLeave the NDL website. Solitary metastasesLeave the NDL website. Diseases of porphyrin metabolismLeave the NDL website. Dermatophytes in human skin, hair, and nailsLeave the NDL website. Radiography of infants and children : a problem-oriented manual of radiographic and fluoroscopic proceduresLeave the NDL website. Analgesia and anesthesia in obstetricsLeave the NDL website. Pathological physiology for the anesthesiologistLeave the NDL website. Handbook of emergency toxicology : a guide for the identification, diagnosis and treatment of poisoningLeave the NDL website. Lipoprotein chemistry in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. A primer of cerebral palsyLeave the NDL website. Trends in epidemiology : application to health service research and trainingLeave the NDL website. Immunoglobulinopathies : immunoglobulins, immune deficiency syndromes, multiple myeloma, and related disordersLeave the NDL website. Renal cortical necrosis and the kidney of concealed accidental haemorrhageLeave the NDL website. The neurosurgical treatment of traumatic paraplegiaLeave the NDL website. The diabetic neuropathiesLeave the NDL website. Spectrochemical analysis of clinical materialLeave the NDL website. Surgery of tumors of the skinLeave the NDL website. Tranquilizing and antidepressive drugsLeave the NDL website. Applied psychology in law enforcement and correctionsLeave the NDL website. Scleroderma (progressive systemic sclerosis)Leave the NDL website. Selective arterial catheterization : diagnostic, therapeutic, and investigativeLeave the NDL website. Cerebral ischemia : a symposium presented before the Gerontological Society at the 15th annual meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, with the financial support of the Ford FoundationLeave the NDL website. Poisoning : toxicology, symptoms, treatmentsLeave the NDL website. Fetal electrocardiography : the electrical activity of the fetal heartLeave the NDL website. The pathogenic anaerobic bacteriaLeave the NDL website. The physics of radiologyLeave the NDL website. Hyperbaric oxygenationLeave the NDL website. The human apocrine sweat gland in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. Vocational rehabilitation: profession and processLeave the NDL website. Kinin hormones, with special reference to bradykinin and related kininsLeave the NDL website. The pathogenic anaerobic bacteriaLeave the NDL website. Radiography of infants and childrenLeave the NDL website. The Cutaneous manifestations of systemic diseasesLeave the NDL website. The chemistry of heredityLeave the NDL website. Chemical carcinogenesis and cancersLeave the NDL website. Techniques and approaches in marital and family counselingLeave the NDL website. The adaptive chinLeave the NDL website. Prothrombin deficiencyLeave the NDL website. Surgery in the hemophiliacLeave the NDL website. Nerve endings in normal and pathologic skin : contributions to the anatomy of sensationLeave the NDL website. Technology and perceptionLeave the NDL website. The size and growth of tissue cellsLeave the NDL website. Prevention of Rh-hemolytic diseaseLeave the NDL website. The chemistry of blood coagulationLeave the NDL website. Dietary proteins in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. The biochemical diagnosis of heart diseaseLeave the NDL website. Direct observation and measurement of behaviorLeave the NDL website. Chemistry of thrombolysis : human fibrinolytic enzymesLeave the NDL website. Differential diagnosis of leukoplakia, leukokeratosis and cancer in the mouthLeave the NDL website. Edema of the lungLeave the NDL website. Rehabilitation in extremity fracturesLeave the NDL website. Amnesia-analgesia techniques in dentistryLeave the NDL website. The pathophysiology of spinal cord traumaLeave the NDL website. Rehabilitation of the urban disadvantagedLeave the NDL website. The chemistry of thyroid diseasesLeave the NDL website. Human hair growth in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. Evaluation of tissue and prosthetic vascular graftsLeave the NDL website. On the human subject : studies in the phenomenology of ethics and politicsLeave the NDL website. A critical examination of the belief in a life after deathLeave the NDL website. Histoplasmosis : proceedings of the second national conferenceLeave the NDL website. The botany and chemistry of hallucinogensLeave the NDL website. Career guidance for young women : considerations in planning professional careersLeave the NDL website. Questions and answers on stutteringLeave the NDL website. Cerebral apoplexy : types, causes and pathogenesisLeave the NDL website. Serodiagnosis of mycotic diseasesLeave the NDL website. Psychomotor epilepsy : a polydimensional studyLeave the NDL website. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's philosophy of evolutionLeave the NDL website. Atlas of fixed partial prosthesisLeave the NDL website. Carcinoids of the gastrointestinal tractLeave the NDL website. Modification of behavior of the mentally retarded : applied principlesLeave the NDL website. The big welfare mess : public assistance and rehabilitation approachesLeave the NDL website. Vascular insufficiency : mechanism and managementLeave the NDL website. Man in stressful environments : thermal and work physiologyLeave the NDL website. The structure of Indian thoughtLeave the NDL website. Degenerative changes in the sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular joints in various decadesLeave the NDL website. Methods in clinical bacteriology : a manual of tests and proceduresLeave the NDL website. Anthropology and ethicsLeave the NDL website. Quantitative cellular haematologyLeave the NDL website. The infinite worlds of Giordano BrunoLeave the NDL website. Philosophy, science, and the sociology of knowledgeLeave the NDL website. Upper and lower extremity prosthesesLeave the NDL website. MyelinationLeave the NDL website. Electrical impedance plethysmography : the electrical resistive measure of the blood pulse volume, peripheral and central blood flowLeave the NDL website. A Preventive point of viewLeave the NDL website. Correction of a correctional psychologist in treatment of the criminal offenderLeave the NDL website. Relations of development and agingLeave the NDL website. Hemoglobin and its abnormalitiesLeave the NDL website. The chemical basis of carcinogenic activityLeave the NDL website. Evaluation of criminal responsibility in multiple personality and the related dissociative disorders : a psychoanalytic considerationLeave the NDL website. Causal factors in cancer of the lungLeave the NDL website. Pemphigus and pemphigoidLeave the NDL website. Art therapy in a children's community : a study of the function of art therapy in the treatment program of Wiltwyck School for BoysLeave the NDL website. Recent progress in oxytocin researchLeave the NDL website. Conversation : The development and expression of personalityLeave the NDL website. The moral theory of behavior : a new answer to the enigma of mental illnessLeave the NDL website. Polarity, dialectic, and organicityLeave the NDL website. Manual for the comprehensive community mental health clinicLeave the NDL website. Peritoneal dialysis in clinical medicineLeave the NDL website. Neuroglia : morphology and functionLeave the NDL website. Pineal chemistry in cellular and physiological mechanismsLeave the NDL website. Control of the peripheral circulation in manLeave the NDL website. The hand test : a new projective test with special reference to the prediction of overt aggressive behaviorLeave the NDL website. The neuroanatomic basis of surgery of the autonomic nervous systemLeave the NDL website. A primer of congestive heart failureLeave the NDL website. Biochemistry of skin in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. Chemistry and prevention of congenital anomaliesLeave the NDL website. Science and man : the philosophy of scientific humanismLeave the NDL website. Understanding science through evolution : a humanist approachLeave the NDL website. Modern techniques of vocal rehabilitationLeave the NDL website. Man's posture : electromyographic studiesLeave the NDL website. Schizophrenia : conditional reflex studiesLeave the NDL website. A study of the deaths associated with anesthesia and surgery : based on a study of 599,548 anesthesias in 10 institutions, 1948-1952 inclusiveLeave the NDL website. Alcoholism : mechanism and managementLeave the NDL website. On the experimental morphology of the adrenal cortexLeave the NDL website. The cerebral circulation in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. The biochemical and immunological basis of bronchial asthmaLeave the NDL website. Community dentistry: contributions to new directionsLeave the NDL website. Electrosurgery in dentistry : theory and application in clinical practiceLeave the NDL website. The use of adhesives in dentistryLeave the NDL website. Cerebral angiography in the management of head traumaLeave the NDL website. The gifted : developing total talentLeave the NDL website. Oral surgeryLeave the NDL website. Visceral innervation and its relation to personalityLeave the NDL website. Metabolic and nutritional eye diseasesLeave the NDL website. Humanism and Marx's thoughtLeave the NDL website. Group therapy for mothers of disturbed childrenLeave the NDL website. Lung cancerLeave the NDL website. Surgical infections : Prophylaxis - treatment - antibiotic therapyLeave the NDL website. Mechanical properties of boneLeave the NDL website. Bile pigments in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. RadiodermatitisLeave the NDL website. Urological aspects of spinal cord injuriesLeave the NDL website. Acne vulgarisLeave the NDL website. The pathogenic anaerobic bacteriaLeave the NDL website. Leukemia cutisLeave the NDL website. Septic shock : experimental and clinical studiesLeave the NDL website. Denial of illness : symbolic and physiological aspectsLeave the NDL website. Anesthesia in ophthalmologyLeave the NDL website. Culture psychiatry and human values : the methods and values of a social psychiatryLeave the NDL website. Audiology : the science of hearing : a developing professional specialtyLeave the NDL website. Biokinetics and biodynamics of human differentiation : principles and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Society and the youthful offenderLeave the NDL website. The surgical treatment of portal hypertension bleeding esophageal varices and ascitesLeave the NDL website. Clinical microbiology : how to start and when to stopLeave the NDL website. Involuntary treatment of the mentally ill : the problem of autonomyLeave the NDL website. An historical account of pharmacology to the 20th centuryLeave the NDL website. Early identification of emotionally handicapped children in schoolLeave the NDL website. Radium recipes for cutaneous cancer (the Manchester method)Leave the NDL website. Narcotics and narcotic addictionLeave the NDL website. The biology of dreamingLeave the NDL website. Use and interpretation of the brain scanLeave the NDL website. Autoimmunity : clinical and experimentalLeave the NDL website. Lipids in blood clottingLeave the NDL website. Current techniques for antibiotic susceptibility testingLeave the NDL website. Interpretive enzymologyLeave the NDL website. The Grassi block substitution test for measuring organic brain pathologyLeave the NDL website. Value theory and the behavioral sciencesLeave the NDL website. Anaerobic bacteria : role in disease : [proceedings]Leave the NDL website. Trachoma : prevention and treatmentLeave the NDL website. Mucous and salivary gland tumoursLeave the NDL website. Cardiopulmonary function tests in clinical medicineLeave the NDL website. A comparative study of skin diseases of dog and manLeave the NDL website. Metabolic effects of anesthesiaLeave the NDL website. Facial deformities and plastic surgery, a psychosocial studyLeave the NDL website. Chromosome diagnostics in clinical medicineLeave the NDL website. Kaposi's sarcoma : multiple idiopathic hemorrhagic sarcomaLeave the NDL website. Biophysics of the earLeave the NDL website. Organization and administration of drug abuse treatment programs : national and internationalLeave the NDL website. Handbook of emergency toxicology : a guide for the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of poisoningLeave the NDL website. Administrative techniques of rehabilitation facility operationsLeave the NDL website. The chemistry of thinkingLeave the NDL website. The ultrastructure of collagen : its relation to the healing of wounds and to the management of hypertrophic scarLeave the NDL website. AmebiasisLeave the NDL website. Contact dermatitisLeave the NDL website. HypophysectomyLeave the NDL website. Francis Bacon and socialized scienceLeave the NDL website. The spino-cerebellar degenerationsLeave the NDL website. Experimental diabetes mellitusLeave the NDL website. Speech therapy in cerebral palsyLeave the NDL website. The medical treatment of peptic ulcerLeave the NDL website. Acute renal failureLeave the NDL website. Causality in natural scienceLeave the NDL website. Infrared photography in medicineLeave the NDL website. What is sportsmedicine?Leave the NDL website. Hospital planning for the anesthesiologistLeave the NDL website. Cerebral dural sinuses and their tributariesLeave the NDL website. Practical electroencephalography for the anesthesiologistLeave the NDL website. Some medical aspects of mathematical biologyLeave the NDL website. The nervous system in arterial hypertension : [proceedings]Leave the NDL website. The relation of angioid streaks to systemic diseaseLeave the NDL website. The early diagnosis and treatment of acoustic nerve tumorsLeave the NDL website. Anticancer agentsLeave the NDL website. Neck dissectionsLeave the NDL website. The application of comparative morphology in the identification of intestinal parasitesLeave the NDL website. Clinical recognition and treatment of diabetic vascular diseaseLeave the NDL website. Emotions and reasonLeave the NDL website. Clinical applications of diagnostic and therapeutic nerve blocksLeave the NDL website. Large scale rorschach techniques : a manual for the group rorschach and multiple choice testsLeave the NDL website. Biochemistry of hereditary myopathies /by Jean-Claude Dreyfus and Georges SchapiraLeave the NDL website. Poison detection in human organsLeave the NDL website. Personality projection in the drawing of the human figure : a method of personality investigationLeave the NDL website. Aging life processesLeave the NDL website. Molecular aspects of sickle cell hemoglobin : clinical applicationsLeave the NDL website. Stress and strain bones : their relation to fractures and osteogenesisLeave the NDL website. The mechanism of labourLeave the NDL website. Origins of psychopharmacology from CPZ to LSDLeave the NDL website. Interference microscopy for the biologistLeave the NDL website. Problems of runaway youthLeave the NDL website. Periodontal surgery : biologic basis and techniqueLeave the NDL website. The therapy of skin tuberculosisLeave the NDL website. Handbook of emergency toxicology : a guide for the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of poisoningLeave the NDL website. Special education programs within the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The physics of radiation therapyLeave the NDL website. The biochemistry of gastric acid secretionLeave the NDL website. The individual's relation to reality in our culture : an experimental approach by means of the Horn-Hellersberg testLeave the NDL website. Psychosomatic approach to gynecology and obstetricsLeave the NDL website. The structure of moralityLeave the NDL website. Man in the coldLeave the NDL website. Genitourinary problems in womenLeave the NDL website. Self-incrimination : what can an accused person be compelled to do?Leave the NDL website. Human pituitary growth hormoneLeave the NDL website. Problems of adolescents : social and psychological approachesLeave the NDL website. Renal tubular dysfunctionLeave the NDL website. Rape in prisonLeave the NDL website. The chemical origin of lifeLeave the NDL website. Endocrine tissue transplantationLeave the NDL website. Laboratory aids in endocrine diagnosisLeave the NDL website. The chemistry of deathLeave the NDL website. Psychocutaneous medicineLeave the NDL website. Systems of therapy in cerebral palsyLeave the NDL website. Serological diagnostixLeave the NDL website. Speech rehabilitation of the laryngectomizedLeave the NDL website. Narcotics and narcotic antagonists : chemistry, pharmacology, and applications in anesthesiology and obstetricsLeave the NDL website. Physicians' handbook of nutritional scienceLeave the NDL website. Prothrombin in enzymology, thrombosis, and hemophiliaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical artificial ventilation : a manual for students and practitionersLeave the NDL website. Electrical anesthesiaLeave the NDL website. Thromboembolic diseaseLeave the NDL website. The human brain in sagittal sectionLeave the NDL website. psychotherapeutic drugsLeave the NDL website. The biological basis of personalityLeave the NDL website. The chemical basis of medical climatologyLeave the NDL website. Narcotics and narcotic addictionLeave the NDL website. The present status of the surgical treatment of hyperthyroidismLeave the NDL website. Laboratory identification of pathogenic fungi simplifiedLeave the NDL website. The origins of Marxian thoughtLeave the NDL website. The phenomenological approach to psychiatry : an introduction to recent phenomenological psychopathologyLeave the NDL website. The unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. Side effects of anti-obesity drugsLeave the NDL website. Botulism : the organism, its toxins, the diseaseLeave the NDL website. Obesity ...Leave the NDL website. Becoming a psychotherapistLeave the NDL website. The biochemistry of the cells of blood and bone marrowLeave the NDL website. Depth-electrographic stimulation of the human brain and behavior : from fourteen years of studies and treatment of Parkinson's disease and mental disorders with implanted electrodesLeave the NDL website. X-ray microscopy in clinical and experimental medicineLeave the NDL website. The blood-brain barrier with special regard to the use of radioactive isotopesLeave the NDL website. Diagnostic computersLeave the NDL website. Kybernetics of mind and brainLeave the NDL website. ExcitationLeave the NDL website. Cancer epidemiology and prevention : current conceptsLeave the NDL website. The pharmacology and clinical use of diureticsLeave the NDL website. MammographyLeave the NDL website. Pharmacological basis of penicillin therapyLeave the NDL website. The diagnosis and treatment of the infertile femaleLeave the NDL website. Electrolyte changes in surgeryLeave the NDL website. Law and the common manLeave the NDL website. Chemsitry and therapy of peptic ulcerLeave the NDL website. Liver regeneration in manLeave the NDL website. Vision : biophysics and biochemistry of the retinal photoreceptorsLeave the NDL website. Principles of bone remodeling : an account of post-natal growth and remodeling processes in long bones and the mandibleLeave the NDL website. Antifertility compounds in the male and female : development, actions and applications of chemicals affecting the reproductive processes of animals, insects and manLeave the NDL website. Multiple sclerosis : a disease acquired in childhoodLeave the NDL website. Chemistry of digestive diseasesLeave the NDL website. The hematocrit in clinical practiceLeave the NDL website. The monoclonal gammopathies : multiple myeloma and related plasma-cell disordersLeave the NDL website. Body ego technique : an educational and therapeutic approach to body image and self identityLeave the NDL website. Poison detection in human organsLeave the NDL website. Laboratory identification of pathogenic fungi simplifiedLeave the NDL website. A system of ophthalmic illustrationLeave the NDL website. Cardiopulmonary hemodynamics in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. Medical sociology and cultural anthropology of sport and physical educationLeave the NDL website. Recent advances in the biology of schizophreniaLeave the NDL website. Alcoholism : group psychotherapy and rehabilitationLeave the NDL website. Androgens, virilization and the hirsute femaleLeave the NDL website. The genetics of dermal ridgesLeave the NDL website. Curvatures of the spineLeave the NDL website. Malaria : basic principles briefly statedLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals for maxillofacial prostheticsLeave the NDL website. The cervical syndromeLeave the NDL website. Contemporary field work practices in rehabilitationLeave the NDL website. Current concepts of diabetes mellitus ; with special reference to ocular changesLeave the NDL website. Bronchial carcinomaLeave the NDL website. Sudden death in infancyLeave the NDL website. Bacteremia : laboratory and clinical aspectsLeave the NDL website. Lung transplantationLeave the NDL website. Electronic instrumentation for the behavioral sciencesLeave the NDL website. Thermal sensations and thermoreceptors in manLeave the NDL website. A formulary for external therapy of the skinLeave the NDL website. Considerations in rehabilitation facility developmentLeave the NDL website. Clinical chemistry of the adrenal medullaLeave the NDL website. How to make people listen to youLeave the NDL website. Laboratory identification of pathogenic fungi simplifiedLeave the NDL website. The chemistry of connective tissueLeave the NDL website. The child, his parents and the physicianLeave the NDL website. The chronic leukemias : chemistry, pathophysiology, and treatmentLeave the NDL website. HyperparathyroidismLeave the NDL website. The effect of air ionization, electric fields, atmospherics, and other electric phenomena on man and animalLeave the NDL website. Philosophical perspectives on punishmentLeave the NDL website. Muscular contractionLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals of criminal behavior and correctional systemsLeave the NDL website. Pulmonary function in clinical medicineLeave the NDL website. The aqueous veinsLeave the NDL website. The practical management of diabetesLeave the NDL website. The neglected older American : social and rehabilitation servicesLeave the NDL website. Blood volumeLeave the NDL website. The use of pedicle flaps of skin in plastic surgery of the head and neckLeave the NDL website. Psychosomatic obstetrics, gynecology and endocrinologyLeave the NDL website. Biochemical diseases (chemical pediatrics)Leave the NDL website. Counseling strategies with special populationsLeave the NDL website. Reaching delinquents through readingLeave the NDL website. Angiocardiographic interpretation in congential heart diseaseLeave the NDL website. Projective methodsLeave the NDL website. OperationismLeave the NDL website. Clinical analgeticsLeave the NDL website. Postural back painLeave the NDL website. Introduction to rehabilitation researchLeave the NDL website. Histopathologic effects of local anesthetic drugs and related substancesLeave the NDL website. Modern concepts of leprosyLeave the NDL website. Electroencephalography in anesthesiologyLeave the NDL website. MedulloblastomaLeave the NDL website. The chemistry of brain metabolism in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. Motor function in the lower extremity : analyses by electronic instrumentationLeave the NDL website. The physiological effects of exercise programs on adultsLeave the NDL website. The human fetal and neonatal circulation : function and structureLeave the NDL website. Privacy, freedom, and responsibilityLeave the NDL website. Polycythemia: theory and managementLeave the NDL website. Induction of ovulationLeave the NDL website. Functional behavior of the microcirculationLeave the NDL website. Periodontics in general practiceLeave the NDL website. Post-partum hypopituitarismLeave the NDL website. Biochemical mechanisms in inflammationLeave the NDL website. Artistic productivity and mental health : prepared under the auspices of the postgraduate center for mental healthLeave the NDL website. Electrophoresis in physiologyLeave the NDL website. The parent of the handicapped child : the study of child-rearing practicesLeave the NDL website. This is your world : a book for the orientation of professional workers to the emotional problems of the chronically ill patient; tuberculosis and the individualLeave the NDL website. Physiological problems in space explorationLeave the NDL website. Man in stressful environments : diving, hyper- and hypobaric physiologyLeave the NDL website. Shock : pharmacological principles in treatmentLeave the NDL website. A psychotherapy of schizophrenia : direct analysisLeave the NDL website. The nutrition of the embryoLeave the NDL website. Tropical therapeutics : its pharmacologic aspectsLeave the NDL website. Cancer chemotherapyLeave the NDL website. Body temperature : its changes with environment, disease and therapyLeave the NDL website. Surgical measures in hypertensionLeave the NDL website. Applied medical bibliography : For studentsLeave the NDL website. Forensic dentistryLeave the NDL website. The biological and clinical basis of radiosensitivityLeave the NDL website. Evaluation and education of children with brain damageLeave the NDL website. Exfoliative cytologyLeave the NDL website. Neurological complications of lymphomas and leukemiasLeave the NDL website. Vaginal hysterectomy : indications, technique and complicationsLeave the NDL website. Oral contraception : mechanism and managementLeave the NDL website. Early identification of emotionally handicapped children in schoolLeave the NDL website. A periodontal point of view : a practical expression of current problems, integrating basic science with clinical dataLeave the NDL website. Educational and psychosocial aspects of deafnessLeave the NDL website. Poisoning : toxicology, symptoms, treatmentsLeave the NDL website. The chemistry of the gonadotrophinsLeave the NDL website. Reflex testing methods for evaluating C.N.S. developmentLeave the NDL website. The zymogram in clinical medicineLeave the NDL website. Physical performance, fitness, and dietLeave the NDL website. Lower urinary tract fistulae in the femaleLeave the NDL website. A new pattern for mental health services in a children's courtLeave the NDL website. Essay on the cerebral cortexLeave the NDL website. Clinical roentgenology of collagen diseasesLeave the NDL website. Some papers on the cerebral cortexLeave the NDL website. A history of syphilisLeave the NDL website. Oral hygiene in oral healthLeave the NDL website. Laboratory aids in diagnosis of cancerLeave the NDL website. Reflex epilepsy, behavioral therapy, and conditional reflexesLeave the NDL website. Development and disorders of speech in childhoodLeave the NDL website. Death in the operating roomLeave the NDL website. Anesthesia for surgery of the heartLeave the NDL website. The cutaneous manifestations of the benign inflammatory reticulosesLeave the NDL website. Pulmonary ventilation and its physiological regulationLeave the NDL website. Anesthesia and the lawLeave the NDL website. Biological mechanisms of agingLeave the NDL website. Psychoanalysis and ethicsLeave the NDL website. Alcohol abuse and rehabilitation approachesLeave the NDL website. Physical medicine and rehabilitation approaches in spinal cord injuryLeave the NDL website. Pregnancy and diabetes mellitusLeave the NDL website. The philosophy of India and its impact on American thoughtLeave the NDL website. Congenital anomalies of the hand and their surgical treatmantLeave the NDL website. Regulation of depressed metabolism and thermogenesisLeave the NDL website. Delirium : acute brain failure in manLeave the NDL website. Pediatric head injuriesLeave the NDL website. The biochemistry of functional and experimental psychosesLeave the NDL website. Anesthesia for surgery of the heartLeave the NDL website. The language of educationLeave the NDL website. Chemistry of pancreatic diseasesLeave the NDL website. Cybernetic medicineLeave the NDL website. Ethical constraints and imperatives in medical researchLeave the NDL website. The cervical syndromeLeave the NDL website. Nutrition and hormonesLeave the NDL website. The renal uptake of radioactive mercury ([197]HgCl[2]) : method for testing the functional value of each kidney technique-results-and clinical application in urology and nephrologyLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals of juvenile criminal behavior and drug abuseLeave the NDL website. The pathogenesis of poliomyelitisLeave the NDL website. Surgical physiology of the adrenal cortexLeave the NDL website. The physician's own library : its development, care and useLeave the NDL website. Cellular pharmacology : the effects of drugs on living vertebrate cells in vitroLeave the NDL website. Research on multiple sclerosisLeave the NDL website. Molecular basis of odorLeave the NDL website. Problems of disadvantaged and deprived youthLeave the NDL website. The malpractice of psychiatrists : malpractice in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and psychiatryLeave the NDL website. Lesions of the cervical intervertebral discLeave the NDL website. Human cell culture in diagnosis of diseaseLeave the NDL website. The spleenLeave the NDL website. Factors controlling erythropoiesisLeave the NDL website. Poisoning : toxicology, symptoms, treatmentsLeave the NDL website. Avocational activities for the handicapped : a handbook for avocational counselingLeave the NDL website. Crime and the environmentLeave the NDL website. Cerebral palsy; the preschool years : diagnosis, treatment, and planningLeave the NDL website. Psychopathology and the problems of stuttering : with special consideration of clinical and historical aspectsLeave the NDL website. The problems of crime in the USSRLeave the NDL website. Nutrition, exercise, and body compositionLeave the NDL website. The surgical treatment of scoliosisLeave the NDL website. Computer applications in medicineLeave the NDL website. Mechanical artificial ventilation : a manual for students and practitionersLeave the NDL website. Chemistry of heart failureLeave the NDL website. Juvenile-type diabetes and its complications : theoretical and practical considerationsLeave the NDL website. Reflex testing methods for evaluating C.N.S. developmentLeave the NDL website. Sentence completion : a projective method for the study of personalityLeave the NDL website. Vocational evaluation for rehabilitation servicesLeave the NDL website. Newborn intensive care : chemical aspectsLeave the NDL website. Cutaneous manifestations of the reticuloendothelial granulomasLeave the NDL website. Social and rehabilitation services for the blindLeave the NDL website. Schizophrenia : chemistry, metabolism and treatmentLeave the NDL website. Primary tuberculosis in childhoodLeave the NDL website. Dentistry in cerebral palsy and related handicapping conditionsLeave the NDL website. Sinoatrial heart blockLeave the NDL website. Poisoning : chemistry, symptoms, treatmentsLeave the NDL website. Some relations between vision and auditionLeave the NDL website. The Rorschach index of repressive styleLeave the NDL website. Anesthesia in ophthalmologyLeave the NDL website. Chemistry of enzymes in cancerLeave the NDL website. Hormones and body waterLeave the NDL website. Selenium : a potential environmental poison and a necessary food constituentLeave the NDL website. Water and salt depletionLeave the NDL website. Mechanisms of hypertension with a consideration of atherosclerosisLeave the NDL website. Strangulation obstructionLeave the NDL website. Fungus diseases of the lungLeave the NDL website. UltrafiltrationLeave the NDL website. The use of written communications in psychotherapyLeave the NDL website. The autistic childLeave the NDL website. A functional approach to training in clinical psychology : via study of a mental hospitalLeave the NDL website. Principles and practice of periodontics : with an atlas of treatmentLeave the NDL website. Diabetic glomerulosclerosis : the specific renal disease of diabetes mellitusLeave the NDL website. Manual of anesthesiology for residents and medical studentsLeave the NDL website. The immunochemistry of cancerLeave the NDL website. Tropical nutritional disorders of infants and childrenLeave the NDL website. Blood cell aggregation in thrombotic processesLeave the NDL website. Mental retardation and physical disabilityLeave the NDL website. Philosophical issues in adult educationLeave the NDL website. The chemistry of the injured cellLeave the NDL website. MammographyLeave the NDL website. The mechanisms of healing in human wounds : a correlation of the clinical and tissue factors involved in the healing of human surgical wounds, borns, ulcers, and donor sitesLeave the NDL website. Pharmacotherapy of tension and anxietyLeave the NDL website. The metabolic response to surgeryLeave the NDL website. The practice of clinical psychologyLeave the NDL website. The ecology and etiology of human diseaseLeave the NDL website. The management of epilepsyLeave the NDL website. Essays on mental incapacity and criminal conductLeave the NDL website. Audiological evaluation of the pediatric patientLeave the NDL website. A new approach to figure drawing : based upon an interrelated series of drawingsLeave the NDL website. Angiostrongylosis in the Pacific and Southeast AsiaLeave the NDL website. Clinical and immunologic aspects of fungous diseasesLeave the NDL website. Existentialism and psychiatry : four lecturesLeave the NDL website. Physiology of hemostasis and thrombosisLeave the NDL website. An application of psychoanalysis to educationLeave the NDL website. Glaucoma : chemistry, mechanisms and therapyLeave the NDL website. Physiological bases of psychiatryLeave the NDL website. Automation in clinical chemistryLeave the NDL website. Human perspirationLeave the NDL website. Nephron failure: conservation, substitution, replacementLeave the NDL website. Aspiration pneumonitisLeave the NDL website. Venom diseasesLeave the NDL website. Oral care of the aging and dying patientLeave the NDL website. Cosmetic chemistry for dermatologistsLeave the NDL website. Avian botulism : an international perspectiveLeave the NDL website. The role of humoral agents in nervous activityLeave the NDL website. Mechanical artificial ventilation : a manual for students and practitionersLeave the NDL website. “Controlled Hypotension" in Anesthesia and SurgeryLeave the NDL website. Hallucinogenic drugsLeave the NDL website. Creative variations in the projective techniquesLeave the NDL website. Behavioral changes in patients following strokesLeave the NDL website. Analgesia and anesthesia in obstetricsLeave the NDL website. Chemistry of chelation in cancerLeave the NDL website. The prediction of overt behavior through the use of projective techniquesLeave the NDL website. The clinical use of corticotropin, cortisone and hydrocortisone in eye diseaseLeave the NDL website. Psychiatric emergencies : diagnosis and managementLeave the NDL website. Rehabilitation of the drug abuser with delinquent behavior : case studies and rehabilitation approaches in drug abuse and delinquencyLeave the NDL website. Toward self-understanding : group techniques in self-confrontationLeave the NDL website. Evaluation and education of children with brain damageLeave the NDL website. Methodology of the behavioral sciences : problems and controversiesLeave the NDL website. Clinical radioisotope scanningLeave the NDL website. Principles, problems, and practices of anesthesia for thoracic surgeryLeave the NDL website. Metabolic derangements in gastrointestinal surgeryLeave the NDL website. Medical and psychological aspects of disabilityLeave the NDL website. Allergy in childhoodLeave the NDL website. Cutaneous manifestations of the malignant lymphomasLeave the NDL website. Speech rehabilitation of the laryngectomizedLeave the NDL website. Delayed hypersensitivity in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. Phobias : their nature and controlLeave the NDL website. Spasticity : the stretch-reflex and extrapyramidal systemsLeave the NDL website. Neurochemistry of epilepsy : seizure mechanisms and their managementLeave the NDL website. Molecular psychobiology : a chemical approach to learning and other behaviorLeave the NDL website. Hepatocerebral degenerationLeave the NDL website. The chemical senses in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. Schizophrenia : a psychopharmacological approachLeave the NDL website. Races : a study of the problems of race formation in manLeave the NDL website. Handbook of emergency toxicology : a guide for the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of poisoningLeave the NDL website. Clinical hypersensitivity disordersLeave the NDL website. Your deaf child : a guide parentsLeave the NDL website. Cerebral hemodynamics in man and monkey : some considerations in cerebrovascular disease, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and intracranial pressureLeave the NDL website. Anatomy for the anesthesiologist : a stereoscopic atlasLeave the NDL website. Freud and educationLeave the NDL website. Rehabilitation techniques in severe disability : case studiesLeave the NDL website. Artificial cellsLeave the NDL website. Acute head injuryLeave the NDL website. Illustrative cranial neuroradiologyLeave the NDL website. Psychotherapy, confidentiality, and privileged communicationLeave the NDL website. Classis in Arterial HypertensionLeave the NDL website. Handbook of emergency toxicology : a guide for the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of poisoningLeave the NDL website. The chemistry of lipids in health and disease : a review of our present knowledge of lipids; their chemical structure; their breakdown and synthesis in living organisms; their place in human nutrition; and their abnormalities of metabolism in diseaseLeave the NDL website. Soundmaking : the acoustic communication of emotionLeave the NDL website. Radiation therapy in the management of cancers of the oral cavity and oropharynxLeave the NDL website. Chemistry and therapy of collagen diseasesLeave the NDL website. Career guidance for Black adolescents : a guide to selected professional occupationsLeave the NDL website. The human ear canalLeave the NDL website. Color blindness : an evolutionary approachLeave the NDL website. Respiratory intensive careLeave the NDL website. Chemical osteosynthesis in orthopaedic surgeryLeave the NDL website. Variables in personality theory and personality testing : an interpretationLeave the NDL website. Evolution of the speech apparatusLeave the NDL website. Basic drawing for biology studentsLeave the NDL website. Principles of empirical realism : philosophical essaysLeave the NDL website. Splenoportography : diagnostic phlebography of the portal venous systemLeave the NDL website. Restorative medicine in geriatricsLeave the NDL website. The psychology of sex offendersLeave the NDL website. Carbon monoxide, the silent killerLeave the NDL website. Chemical ultrastructure in living tissuesLeave the NDL website. Emotional hazards in animals and manLeave the NDL website. Chemistry of the sex hormones by Peter M.F.BishopLeave the NDL website. Hearing loss, hearing aids, and your child : a guide for parentsLeave the NDL website. The Grassi block substitution test for measuring organic brain pathologyLeave the NDL website. Growth disorders in children and adolescentsLeave the NDL website. Current philosophical issues : essays in honor of Curt John DucasseLeave the NDL website. The management of infertilityLeave the NDL website. Functional psychoses : diagnostic and prognostic modelsLeave the NDL website. Constituent elements of crimeLeave the NDL website. Cardiac painLeave the NDL website. Shock; chemistry, physiology, and therapyLeave the NDL website. Radioactive metal mobilization in medicineLeave the NDL website. Physical aspects of betatron therapyLeave the NDL website. Basic principles of clinical electrocardiographyLeave the NDL website. The recovery room : a symposiumLeave the NDL website. The nutritional basis of reproductionLeave the NDL website. CranioplastyLeave the NDL website. Adjustment to workLeave the NDL website. Enzymes in serum : their use in diagnosisLeave the NDL website. Elastolysis and ageingLeave the NDL website. The chemical basis of clinical psychiatryLeave the NDL website. The nature of melanomaLeave the NDL website. Chemistry of cancer toxin, toxohormoneLeave the NDL website. Neurosurgery : an historical sketchLeave the NDL website. Organ regeneration in animals : recovery of organ regeneration ability in animalsLeave the NDL website. A workbook in the Rorschach technique, emphasizing the Beck and Klopfer systemsLeave the NDL website. Carcinoma of the colonLeave the NDL website. Asthma and hay feverLeave the NDL website. The Temporomandibular jointLeave the NDL website. Keratins: their composition, structure, and biosynthesisLeave the NDL website. Food pharmacologyLeave the NDL website. Metascientific queriesLeave the NDL website. Instrumentation with semiconductors for medical researchersLeave the NDL website. Heart and sportLeave the NDL website. Circulating cancer cellsLeave the NDL website. Functional anatomy of the extremities : some electronic and kinematic methods of studyLeave the NDL website. Lens materials in the prevention of eye injuriesLeave the NDL website. Environment and human efficiencyLeave the NDL website. The effect of hormones upon the testis and accessory sex organsLeave the NDL website. Practical medical mycologyLeave the NDL website. Significance of the body fluids in clinical medicineLeave the NDL website. Tumors of the skinLeave the NDL website. Colposcopy : a scientific and practical approach to the cervix and vagina in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. The Q-sort method in personality assessment and psychiatric researchLeave the NDL website. Muscle relaxants in anesthesiologyLeave the NDL website. Cell kinetics and cancer therapyLeave the NDL website. The antigenicity of manLeave the NDL website. Cancer in pregnancyLeave the NDL website. Physiological bases of gynecology and obstetricsLeave the NDL website. Introduction to the regulation of blood pressure and heart rateLeave the NDL website. Menière's disease : mechanism and managementLeave the NDL website. The physiological basis of athletic recordsLeave the NDL website. The chemistry of traumaLeave the NDL website. Emotional factors in cardiovascular diseaseLeave the NDL website. Problems in photosynthesisLeave the NDL website. The cervical syndromeLeave the NDL website. Poison detection in human organsLeave the NDL website. The chemical pathology of rheumatoid arthritisLeave the NDL website. Sympathomimetic drugsLeave the NDL website. Histamine : its role in anaphylaxis and allergyLeave the NDL website. Communication training in childhood brain damageLeave the NDL website. Prenatal environmentLeave the NDL website. A "Bill of rights" for childrenLeave the NDL website. Speaking and writing in medicine : the art of communicationLeave the NDL website. Psychodiagnostic testing : an empirical approach, based on a follow-up of 2000 casesLeave the NDL website. The metabolism of cardiac glycosides : a review of the absorption, metabolism and excretion of clinically important cardiac glycosidesLeave the NDL website. Dizziness : an evaluation und classificationLeave the NDL website. Anticoagulant prophylaxis and treatment : the new emphasis in managementLeave the NDL website. Shame and guilt : a psychoanalytic and a cultural studyLeave the NDL website. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the trachea and bronchiLeave the NDL website. Preventive myocardiology : fundamentals and targetsLeave the NDL website. Physical medicine and rehabilitation for the agedLeave the NDL website. Pregnancy : chemistry and managementLeave the NDL website. Cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. Experimental approaches to psychiatric diagnosis : psychometric, conditioning, and psychopharmacological studiesLeave the NDL website. Radiation injury in man : its chemical and biological basis, pathogenesis and therapyLeave the NDL website. Make mad the guilty : the insanity defense in the District of ColumbiaLeave the NDL website. Special problems in rehabilitationLeave the NDL website. Endocrines and aging : a symposium presented before the Gerontological Society seventeenth annual meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, with financial support of the Ford FoundationLeave the NDL website. Mechanizing microbiologyLeave the NDL website. A biochemical basis of multiple sclerosisLeave the NDL website. Opiate addiction : psychological and neurophysiological aspects in relation to clinical problemsLeave the NDL website. Physiology of exerciseLeave the NDL website. Attitudes toward the handicapped : a comparison between Europe and the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Electrohysterography : the electrical activity of the human uterus in pregnancy and laborLeave the NDL website. MammographyLeave the NDL website. Behavior, aging, and the nervous system : biological determinants of speed of behavior and its changes with ageLeave the NDL website. Operative dentistry for the general practitioner : some useful applications of pins and other materialsLeave the NDL website. Lectures on experimental gerontologyLeave the NDL website. Chemical protection against ionizing radiationLeave the NDL website. The physics of radiologyLeave the NDL website. Psychological time in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. Workshops for the handicapped in the United States : an historical and developmental perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Chemical mechanisms of drug actionLeave the NDL website. The trail of the invisible light : from X-Strahlen to radio(bio)logyLeave the NDL website. Clinical electroretinographyLeave the NDL website. Resuscitation of the newbornLeave the NDL website. Counseling and rehabilitating the diabeticLeave the NDL website. Drive structure and criminality : criminobiologic investigationsLeave the NDL website. Language development : the key to learningLeave the NDL website. Principles, problems, and practices of anesthesia for thoracic surgeryLeave the NDL website. Leprosy : diagnosis and managementLeave the NDL website. Group counseling and therapy techniques in special settingsLeave the NDL website. Reflections on segregation, desegregation, power and moralsLeave the NDL website. Geriatric anesthesiaLeave the NDL website. Cellular changes with ageLeave the NDL website. Forensic psychiatry : a practical guide for lawyers and psychiatristsLeave the NDL website. Phenomenology, role, and reason : essays on the coherence and deformation of social realityLeave the NDL website. Experimental atherosclerosisLeave the NDL website. The projective use of the Bender GestaltLeave the NDL website. 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A critical examination of the belief in a life after deathLeave the NDL website. Chronobiology in allergy and immunologyLeave the NDL website. Fungus diseases of the lungsLeave the NDL website. Syphilitic optic atrophyLeave the NDL website. The physics of radiologyLeave the NDL website. Elements of pediatric anesthesiaLeave the NDL website. FaintingLeave the NDL website. Resistance to traumaLeave the NDL website. Chemistry and therapy of electrolyte disordersLeave the NDL website. Clinical management of renal failureLeave the NDL website. The aesthetic field : a phenomenology of aesthetic experienceLeave the NDL website. Significance of the body fluids in clinical medicineLeave the NDL website. Pavlovian psychiatry : a new synthesisLeave the NDL website. The physiological basis of diuretic therapyLeave the NDL website. Critical issues in American psychiatry and the lawLeave the NDL website. Autoimmune diseases : pathogenesis, chemistry and therapyLeave the NDL website. Coma : biochemistry, physiology and therapeutic principlesLeave the NDL website. Electron microscopy of skin and mucous membrane : with a chapter on Technics of electron microscopyLeave the NDL website. Colposcopy : a scientific and practical approach to the cervix in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. Fatigue : mechanism and managementLeave the NDL website. The epilepsies : electro-clinical correlationsLeave the NDL website. Hepatic failureLeave the NDL website. Radionuclide applications in neurology and neurosurgeryLeave the NDL website. Rare manifestations of metabolic bone disease, their practical importanceLeave the NDL website. The physiological basis for oxygen therapyLeave the NDL website. Tolerance, autoimmunity, and agingLeave the NDL website. Adolescent suicideLeave the NDL website. Human foetal and neonatal circulationLeave the NDL website. Culture and communication : the problem of penetrating national and cultural boundariesLeave the NDL website. Psychological and vocational rehabilitation of the youthful delinquentLeave the NDL website. Aristotle's syllogisticLeave the NDL website. Narcotics and narcotic addictionLeave the NDL website. Hemoglobin, plasma protein, and cell protein : their production and interchangeLeave the NDL website. Appendage tumors of the skinLeave the NDL website. Recent advances in diagnostic psychological testing : a critical summaryLeave the NDL website. Hypothermic anesthesiaLeave the NDL website. Early identification of emotionally handicapped children in schoolLeave the NDL website. The psychotherapist-patient privilege : a critical examinationLeave the NDL website. Organization and administration of service programs for the older AmericanLeave the NDL website. The chemistry of immunity in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. Studies of pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophyLeave the NDL website. Behavior modification in rehabilitation settings : applied principlesLeave the NDL website. International research in sport and physical educationLeave the NDL website. Therapeutic needs of the family : problems, descriptions and therapeutic approachesLeave the NDL website. Services of the rehabilitation facilityLeave the NDL website. The hot life of man and beastLeave the NDL website. A compendium of research and theory on stutteringLeave the NDL website. Philosophical perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Posttraumatic epilepsyLeave the NDL website. The past is not pastLeave the NDL website. Penicillin allergy : clinical and immunological aspectsLeave the NDL website. Glucagon : chemistry and function in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. Disturbances in heme and synthesisLeave the NDL website. The biochemistry of bladder cancerLeave the NDL website. The treatment of acute craniocerebral injuries due to missilesLeave the NDL website. Objective approaches to treatment in psychiatryLeave the NDL website. The Wechsler-Bellevue Scales : a guide for counselorsLeave the NDL website. Surgical treatment of unequal extremitiesLeave the NDL website. The clinical use of radioactive isotopesLeave the NDL website. Chemistry of drug metabolismLeave the NDL website. Spasticity : mechanism, measurement, managementLeave the NDL website. Volunteerism : an emerging professionLeave the NDL website. Blood volume and extracellular fluid volumeLeave the NDL website. Intraspinal tumors of childhoodLeave the NDL website. Endocrine function testsLeave the NDL website. Heavy metals and the brainLeave the NDL website. Living clocks in the animal worldLeave the NDL website. Rheoencephalography : a method for the continuous registration of cerebrovascular changesLeave the NDL website. Cardiac pacemakersLeave the NDL website. The physics of radiologyLeave the NDL website. Biochemistry of blood in health and diseaseLeave the NDL website. The external secretion of the pancreasLeave the NDL website. Clinical applications of recreational therapyLeave the NDL website. The circulatory response to muscular exercise in manLeave the NDL website. The cervical syndromeLeave the NDL website. The chemistry and therapy of industrial pulmonary diseasesLeave the NDL website. House officer training : a casual perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Noradrenaline : chemistry, physiology, pharmacology and clinical aspectsLeave the NDL website. Introduction to thermodynamics of irreversible processesLeave the NDL website. Radiation therapy of early prostatic cancerLeave the NDL website. Man in the heat, high altitude, and societyLeave the NDL website. Handwriting : a personality projectionLeave the NDL website. World eradication of infectious diseasesLeave the NDL website. The therapy of poetryLeave the NDL website. PainLeave the NDL website. Diseases of the external earLeave the NDL website. Spinal anesthesiaLeave the NDL website. Realism, materialism, and the mind : the philosophy of Roy Wood SellarsLeave the NDL website. Clinical uses of intravenous procaineLeave the NDL website. Types of drug abusers and their abusesLeave the NDL website. Perthes and parents : the care of your child with Legg-Calvé-Perthes diseaseLeave the NDL website. Pulmonary embolism : mechanism and managementLeave the NDL website. Drug abuse in industryLeave the NDL website. Vesico-vaginal fistulas and related mattersLeave the NDL website. Epidemiological psychiatryLeave the NDL website. Thyroid function and its possible role in vascular degenerationLeave the NDL website. Physiological and therapeutic effects of corticotropin (ACTH) and cortisoneLeave the NDL website. Radiation therapy in the management of cancer of the uterine cervixLeave the NDL website. Occipitoposterior positionsLeave the NDL website. The management of the patient with severe bronchial asthmaLeave the NDL website. Saddle block anesthesiaLeave the NDL website. 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American lectures series
American lecture series in ..., (publication no.)
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Related Material
Electrophoresis in physiology : with a special chapter on immunoelectrophoresis by M.D. Poulik
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Referring the psychiatric patient : a guide for the physician
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Crotalaria spectabilis: the pulmonary hypertension plant
Cor pulmonale in emphysema : mechanisms and pathology
Cardiac roentgenology : plain films and angiocardiographic findings
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Elements of pediatric anesthesia
The evolution and chemistry of aggression
Chemistry and prevention of dental caries
Periodontal prosthesis
Rubella : first annual symposium of the Eastern Pennsylvania Branch, American Society for Microbiology
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Physiology of obstetric anesthesia
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Speech and language problems : an overview
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Cataracts : chemistry, mechanisms and therapy
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Dermatophytes in human skin, hair, and nails
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Analgesia and anesthesia in obstetrics
Pathological physiology for the anesthesiologist
Handbook of emergency toxicology : a guide for the identification, diagnosis and treatment of poisoning
Lipoprotein chemistry in health and disease
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Trends in epidemiology : application to health service research and training
Immunoglobulinopathies : immunoglobulins, immune deficiency syndromes, multiple myeloma, and related disorders
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The neurosurgical treatment of traumatic paraplegia
The diabetic neuropathies
Spectrochemical analysis of clinical material
Surgery of tumors of the skin
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Cerebral ischemia : a symposium presented before the Gerontological Society at the 15th annual meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, with the financial support of the Ford Foundation
Poisoning : toxicology, symptoms, treatments
Fetal electrocardiography : the electrical activity of the fetal heart
The pathogenic anaerobic bacteria
The physics of radiology
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The Cutaneous manifestations of systemic diseases
The chemistry of heredity
Chemical carcinogenesis and cancers
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The adaptive chin
Prothrombin deficiency
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Nerve endings in normal and pathologic skin : contributions to the anatomy of sensation
Technology and perception
The size and growth of tissue cells
Prevention of Rh-hemolytic disease
The chemistry of blood coagulation
Dietary proteins in health and disease
The biochemical diagnosis of heart disease
Direct observation and measurement of behavior
Chemistry of thrombolysis : human fibrinolytic enzymes
Differential diagnosis of leukoplakia, leukokeratosis and cancer in the mouth
Edema of the lung
Rehabilitation in extremity fractures
Amnesia-analgesia techniques in dentistry
The pathophysiology of spinal cord trauma
Rehabilitation of the urban disadvantaged
The chemistry of thyroid diseases
Human hair growth in health and disease
Evaluation of tissue and prosthetic vascular grafts
On the human subject : studies in the phenomenology of ethics and politics
A critical examination of the belief in a life after death
Histoplasmosis : proceedings of the second national conference
The botany and chemistry of hallucinogens
Career guidance for young women : considerations in planning professional careers
Questions and answers on stuttering
Cerebral apoplexy : types, causes and pathogenesis
Serodiagnosis of mycotic diseases
Psychomotor epilepsy : a polydimensional study
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's philosophy of evolution
Atlas of fixed partial prosthesis
Carcinoids of the gastrointestinal tract
Modification of behavior of the mentally retarded : applied principles
The big welfare mess : public assistance and rehabilitation approaches
Vascular insufficiency : mechanism and management
Man in stressful environments : thermal and work physiology
The structure of Indian thought
Degenerative changes in the sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular joints in various decades
Methods in clinical bacteriology : a manual of tests and procedures
Anthropology and ethics
Quantitative cellular haematology
The infinite worlds of Giordano Bruno
Philosophy, science, and the sociology of knowledge
Upper and lower extremity prostheses
Electrical impedance plethysmography : the electrical resistive measure of the blood pulse volume, peripheral and central blood flow
A Preventive point of view
Correction of a correctional psychologist in treatment of the criminal offender
Relations of development and aging
Hemoglobin and its abnormalities
The chemical basis of carcinogenic activity
Evaluation of criminal responsibility in multiple personality and the related dissociative disorders : a psychoanalytic consideration
Causal factors in cancer of the lung
Pemphigus and pemphigoid
Art therapy in a children's community : a study of the function of art therapy in the treatment program of Wiltwyck School for Boys
Recent progress in oxytocin research
Conversation : The development and expression of personality
The moral theory of behavior : a new answer to the enigma of mental illness
Polarity, dialectic, and organicity
Manual for the comprehensive community mental health clinic
Peritoneal dialysis in clinical medicine
Neuroglia : morphology and function
Pineal chemistry in cellular and physiological mechanisms
Control of the peripheral circulation in man
The hand test : a new projective test with special reference to the prediction of overt aggressive behavior
The neuroanatomic basis of surgery of the autonomic nervous system
A primer of congestive heart failure
Biochemistry of skin in health and disease
Chemistry and prevention of congenital anomalies
Science and man : the philosophy of scientific humanism
Understanding science through evolution : a humanist approach
Modern techniques of vocal rehabilitation
Man's posture : electromyographic studies
Schizophrenia : conditional reflex studies
A study of the deaths associated with anesthesia and surgery : based on a study of 599,548 anesthesias in 10 institutions, 1948-1952 inclusive
Alcoholism : mechanism and management
On the experimental morphology of the adrenal cortex
The cerebral circulation in health and disease
The biochemical and immunological basis of bronchial asthma
Community dentistry: contributions to new directions
Electrosurgery in dentistry : theory and application in clinical practice
The use of adhesives in dentistry
Cerebral angiography in the management of head trauma
The gifted : developing total talent
Oral surgery
Visceral innervation and its relation to personality
Metabolic and nutritional eye diseases
Humanism and Marx's thought
Group therapy for mothers of disturbed children
Lung cancer
Surgical infections : Prophylaxis - treatment - antibiotic therapy
Mechanical properties of bone
Bile pigments in health and disease
Urological aspects of spinal cord injuries
Acne vulgaris
The pathogenic anaerobic bacteria
Leukemia cutis
Septic shock : experimental and clinical studies
Denial of illness : symbolic and physiological aspects
Anesthesia in ophthalmology
Culture psychiatry and human values : the methods and values of a social psychiatry
Audiology : the science of hearing : a developing professional specialty
Biokinetics and biodynamics of human differentiation : principles and applications
Society and the youthful offender
The surgical treatment of portal hypertension bleeding esophageal varices and ascites
Clinical microbiology : how to start and when to stop
Involuntary treatment of the mentally ill : the problem of autonomy
An historical account of pharmacology to the 20th century
Early identification of emotionally handicapped children in school
Radium recipes for cutaneous cancer (the Manchester method)
Narcotics and narcotic addiction
The biology of dreaming
Use and interpretation of the brain scan
Autoimmunity : clinical and experimental
Lipids in blood clotting
Current techniques for antibiotic susceptibility testing
Interpretive enzymology
The Grassi block substitution test for measuring organic brain pathology
Value theory and the behavioral sciences
Anaerobic bacteria : role in disease : [proceedings]
Trachoma : prevention and treatment
Mucous and salivary gland tumours
Cardiopulmonary function tests in clinical medicine
A comparative study of skin diseases of dog and man
Metabolic effects of anesthesia
Facial deformities and plastic surgery, a psychosocial study
Chromosome diagnostics in clinical medicine
Kaposi's sarcoma : multiple idiopathic hemorrhagic sarcoma
Biophysics of the ear
Organization and administration of drug abuse treatment programs : national and international
Handbook of emergency toxicology : a guide for the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of poisoning
Administrative techniques of rehabilitation facility operations
The chemistry of thinking
The ultrastructure of collagen : its relation to the healing of wounds and to the management of hypertrophic scar
Contact dermatitis
Francis Bacon and socialized science
The spino-cerebellar degenerations
Experimental diabetes mellitus
Speech therapy in cerebral palsy
The medical treatment of peptic ulcer
Acute renal failure
Causality in natural science
Infrared photography in medicine
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Hospital planning for the anesthesiologist
Cerebral dural sinuses and their tributaries
Practical electroencephalography for the anesthesiologist
Some medical aspects of mathematical biology
The nervous system in arterial hypertension : [proceedings]
The relation of angioid streaks to systemic disease
The early diagnosis and treatment of acoustic nerve tumors
Anticancer agents
Neck dissections
The application of comparative morphology in the identification of intestinal parasites
Clinical recognition and treatment of diabetic vascular disease
Emotions and reason
Clinical applications of diagnostic and therapeutic nerve blocks
Large scale rorschach techniques : a manual for the group rorschach and multiple choice tests
Biochemistry of hereditary myopathies /by Jean-Claude Dreyfus and Georges Schapira
Poison detection in human organs
Personality projection in the drawing of the human figure : a method of personality investigation
Aging life processes
Molecular aspects of sickle cell hemoglobin : clinical applications
Stress and strain bones : their relation to fractures and osteogenesis
The mechanism of labour
Origins of psychopharmacology from CPZ to LSD
Interference microscopy for the biologist
Problems of runaway youth
Periodontal surgery : biologic basis and technique
The therapy of skin tuberculosis
Handbook of emergency toxicology : a guide for the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of poisoning
Special education programs within the United States
The physics of radiation therapy
The biochemistry of gastric acid secretion
The individual's relation to reality in our culture : an experimental approach by means of the Horn-Hellersberg test
Psychosomatic approach to gynecology and obstetrics
The structure of morality
Man in the cold
Genitourinary problems in women
Self-incrimination : what can an accused person be compelled to do?
Human pituitary growth hormone
Problems of adolescents : social and psychological approaches
Renal tubular dysfunction
Rape in prison
The chemical origin of life
Endocrine tissue transplantation
Laboratory aids in endocrine diagnosis
The chemistry of death
Psychocutaneous medicine
Systems of therapy in cerebral palsy
Serological diagnostix
Speech rehabilitation of the laryngectomized
Narcotics and narcotic antagonists : chemistry, pharmacology, and applications in anesthesiology and obstetrics
Physicians' handbook of nutritional science
Prothrombin in enzymology, thrombosis, and hemophilia
Mechanical artificial ventilation : a manual for students and practitioners
Electrical anesthesia
Thromboembolic disease
The human brain in sagittal section
psychotherapeutic drugs
The biological basis of personality
The chemical basis of medical climatology
Narcotics and narcotic addiction
The present status of the surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism
Laboratory identification of pathogenic fungi simplified
The origins of Marxian thought
The phenomenological approach to psychiatry : an introduction to recent phenomenological psychopathology
The unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in health and disease
Side effects of anti-obesity drugs
Botulism : the organism, its toxins, the disease
Obesity ...
Becoming a psychotherapist
The biochemistry of the cells of blood and bone marrow
Depth-electrographic stimulation of the human brain and behavior : from fourteen years of studies and treatment of Parkinson's disease and mental disorders with implanted electrodes
X-ray microscopy in clinical and experimental medicine
The blood-brain barrier with special regard to the use of radioactive isotopes
Diagnostic computers
Kybernetics of mind and brain
Cancer epidemiology and prevention : current concepts
The pharmacology and clinical use of diuretics
Pharmacological basis of penicillin therapy
The diagnosis and treatment of the infertile female
Electrolyte changes in surgery
Law and the common man
Chemsitry and therapy of peptic ulcer
Liver regeneration in man
Vision : biophysics and biochemistry of the retinal photoreceptors
Principles of bone remodeling : an account of post-natal growth and remodeling processes in long bones and the mandible
Antifertility compounds in the male and female : development, actions and applications of chemicals affecting the reproductive processes of animals, insects and man
Multiple sclerosis : a disease acquired in childhood
Chemistry of digestive diseases
The hematocrit in clinical practice
The monoclonal gammopathies : multiple myeloma and related plasma-cell disorders
Body ego technique : an educational and therapeutic approach to body image and self identity
Poison detection in human organs
Laboratory identification of pathogenic fungi simplified
A system of ophthalmic illustration
Cardiopulmonary hemodynamics in health and disease
Medical sociology and cultural anthropology of sport and physical education
Recent advances in the biology of schizophrenia
Alcoholism : group psychotherapy and rehabilitation
Androgens, virilization and the hirsute female
The genetics of dermal ridges
Curvatures of the spine
Malaria : basic principles briefly stated
Fundamentals for maxillofacial prosthetics
The cervical syndrome
Contemporary field work practices in rehabilitation
Current concepts of diabetes mellitus ; with special reference to ocular changes
Bronchial carcinoma
Sudden death in infancy
Bacteremia : laboratory and clinical aspects
Lung transplantation
Electronic instrumentation for the behavioral sciences
Thermal sensations and thermoreceptors in man
A formulary for external therapy of the skin
Considerations in rehabilitation facility development
Clinical chemistry of the adrenal medulla
How to make people listen to you
Laboratory identification of pathogenic fungi simplified
The chemistry of connective tissue
The child, his parents and the physician
The chronic leukemias : chemistry, pathophysiology, and treatment
The effect of air ionization, electric fields, atmospherics, and other electric phenomena on man and animal
Philosophical perspectives on punishment
Muscular contraction
Fundamentals of criminal behavior and correctional systems
Pulmonary function in clinical medicine
The aqueous veins
The practical management of diabetes
The neglected older American : social and rehabilitation services
Blood volume
The use of pedicle flaps of skin in plastic surgery of the head and neck
Psychosomatic obstetrics, gynecology and endocrinology
Biochemical diseases (chemical pediatrics)
Counseling strategies with special populations
Reaching delinquents through reading
Angiocardiographic interpretation in congential heart disease
Projective methods
Clinical analgetics
Postural back pain
Introduction to rehabilitation research
Histopathologic effects of local anesthetic drugs and related substances
Modern concepts of leprosy
Electroencephalography in anesthesiology
The chemistry of brain metabolism in health and disease
Motor function in the lower extremity : analyses by electronic instrumentation
The physiological effects of exercise programs on adults
The human fetal and neonatal circulation : function and structure
Privacy, freedom, and responsibility
Polycythemia: theory and management
Induction of ovulation
Functional behavior of the microcirculation
Periodontics in general practice
Post-partum hypopituitarism
Biochemical mechanisms in inflammation
Artistic productivity and mental health : prepared under the auspices of the postgraduate center for mental health
Electrophoresis in physiology
The parent of the handicapped child : the study of child-rearing practices
This is your world : a book for the orientation of professional workers to the emotional problems of the chronically ill patient; tuberculosis and the individual
Physiological problems in space exploration
Man in stressful environments : diving, hyper- and hypobaric physiology
Shock : pharmacological principles in treatment
A psychotherapy of schizophrenia : direct analysis
The nutrition of the embryo
Tropical therapeutics : its pharmacologic aspects
Cancer chemotherapy
Body temperature : its changes with environment, disease and therapy
Surgical measures in hypertension
Applied medical bibliography : For students
Forensic dentistry
The biological and clinical basis of radiosensitivity
Evaluation and education of children with brain damage
Exfoliative cytology
Neurological complications of lymphomas and leukemias
Vaginal hysterectomy : indications, technique and complications
Oral contraception : mechanism and management
Early identification of emotionally handicapped children in school
A periodontal point of view : a practical expression of current problems, integrating basic science with clinical data
Educational and psychosocial aspects of deafness
Poisoning : toxicology, symptoms, treatments
The chemistry of the gonadotrophins
Reflex testing methods for evaluating C.N.S. development
The zymogram in clinical medicine
Physical performance, fitness, and diet
Lower urinary tract fistulae in the female
A new pattern for mental health services in a children's court
Essay on the cerebral cortex
Clinical roentgenology of collagen diseases
Some papers on the cerebral cortex
A history of syphilis
Oral hygiene in oral health
Laboratory aids in diagnosis of cancer
Reflex epilepsy, behavioral therapy, and conditional reflexes
Development and disorders of speech in childhood
Death in the operating room
Anesthesia for surgery of the heart
The cutaneous manifestations of the benign inflammatory reticuloses
Pulmonary ventilation and its physiological regulation
Anesthesia and the law
Biological mechanisms of aging
Psychoanalysis and ethics
Alcohol abuse and rehabilitation approaches
Physical medicine and rehabilitation approaches in spinal cord injury
Pregnancy and diabetes mellitus
The philosophy of India and its impact on American thought
Congenital anomalies of the hand and their surgical treatmant
Regulation of depressed metabolism and thermogenesis
Delirium : acute brain failure in man
Pediatric head injuries
The biochemistry of functional and experimental psychoses
Anesthesia for surgery of the heart
The language of education
Chemistry of pancreatic diseases
Cybernetic medicine
Ethical constraints and imperatives in medical research
The cervical syndrome
Nutrition and hormones
The renal uptake of radioactive mercury ([197]HgCl[2]) : method for testing the functional value of each kidney technique-results-and clinical application in urology and nephrology
Fundamentals of juvenile criminal behavior and drug abuse
The pathogenesis of poliomyelitis
Surgical physiology of the adrenal cortex
The physician's own library : its development, care and use
Cellular pharmacology : the effects of drugs on living vertebrate cells in vitro
Research on multiple sclerosis
Molecular basis of odor
Problems of disadvantaged and deprived youth
The malpractice of psychiatrists : malpractice in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and psychiatry
Lesions of the cervical intervertebral disc
Human cell culture in diagnosis of disease
The spleen
Factors controlling erythropoiesis
Poisoning : toxicology, symptoms, treatments
Avocational activities for the handicapped : a handbook for avocational counseling
Crime and the environment
Cerebral palsy; the preschool years : diagnosis, treatment, and planning
Psychopathology and the problems of stuttering : with special consideration of clinical and historical aspects
The problems of crime in the USSR
Nutrition, exercise, and body composition
The surgical treatment of scoliosis
Computer applications in medicine
Mechanical artificial ventilation : a manual for students and practitioners
Chemistry of heart failure
Juvenile-type diabetes and its complications : theoretical and practical considerations
Reflex testing methods for evaluating C.N.S. development
Sentence completion : a projective method for the study of personality
Vocational evaluation for rehabilitation services
Newborn intensive care : chemical aspects
Cutaneous manifestations of the reticuloendothelial granulomas
Social and rehabilitation services for the blind
Schizophrenia : chemistry, metabolism and treatment
Primary tuberculosis in childhood
Dentistry in cerebral palsy and related handicapping conditions
Sinoatrial heart block
Poisoning : chemistry, symptoms, treatments
Some relations between vision and audition
The Rorschach index of repressive style
Anesthesia in ophthalmology
Chemistry of enzymes in cancer
Hormones and body water
Selenium : a potential environmental poison and a necessary food constituent
Water and salt depletion
Mechanisms of hypertension with a consideration of atherosclerosis
Strangulation obstruction
Fungus diseases of the lung
The use of written communications in psychotherapy
The autistic child
A functional approach to training in clinical psychology : via study of a mental hospital
Principles and practice of periodontics : with an atlas of treatment
Diabetic glomerulosclerosis : the specific renal disease of diabetes mellitus
Manual of anesthesiology for residents and medical students
The immunochemistry of cancer
Tropical nutritional disorders of infants and children
Blood cell aggregation in thrombotic processes
Mental retardation and physical disability
Philosophical issues in adult education
The chemistry of the injured cell
The mechanisms of healing in human wounds : a correlation of the clinical and tissue factors involved in the healing of human surgical wounds, borns, ulcers, and donor sites
Pharmacotherapy of tension and anxiety
The metabolic response to surgery
The practice of clinical psychology
The ecology and etiology of human disease
The management of epilepsy
Essays on mental incapacity and criminal conduct
Audiological evaluation of the pediatric patient
A new approach to figure drawing : based upon an interrelated series of drawings
Angiostrongylosis in the Pacific and Southeast Asia
Clinical and immunologic aspects of fungous diseases
Existentialism and psychiatry : four lectures
Physiology of hemostasis and thrombosis
An application of psychoanalysis to education
Glaucoma : chemistry, mechanisms and therapy
Physiological bases of psychiatry
Automation in clinical chemistry
Human perspiration
Nephron failure: conservation, substitution, replacement
Aspiration pneumonitis
Venom diseases
Oral care of the aging and dying patient
Cosmetic chemistry for dermatologists
Avian botulism : an international perspective
The role of humoral agents in nervous activity
Mechanical artificial ventilation : a manual for students and practitioners
“Controlled Hypotension" in Anesthesia and Surgery
Hallucinogenic drugs
Creative variations in the projective techniques
Behavioral changes in patients following strokes
Analgesia and anesthesia in obstetrics
Chemistry of chelation in cancer
The prediction of overt behavior through the use of projective techniques
The clinical use of corticotropin, cortisone and hydrocortisone in eye disease
Psychiatric emergencies : diagnosis and management
Rehabilitation of the drug abuser with delinquent behavior : case studies and rehabilitation approaches in drug abuse and delinquency
Toward self-understanding : group techniques in self-confrontation
Evaluation and education of children with brain damage
Methodology of the behavioral sciences : problems and controversies
Clinical radioisotope scanning
Principles, problems, and practices of anesthesia for thoracic surgery
Metabolic derangements in gastrointestinal surgery
Medical and psychological aspects of disability
Allergy in childhood
Cutaneous manifestations of the malignant lymphomas
Speech rehabilitation of the laryngectomized
Delayed hypersensitivity in health and disease
Phobias : their nature and control
Spasticity : the stretch-reflex and extrapyramidal systems
Neurochemistry of epilepsy : seizure mechanisms and their management
Molecular psychobiology : a chemical approach to learning and other behavior
Hepatocerebral degeneration
The chemical senses in health and disease
Schizophrenia : a psychopharmacological approach
Races : a study of the problems of race formation in man
Handbook of emergency toxicology : a guide for the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of poisoning
Clinical hypersensitivity disorders
Your deaf child : a guide parents
Cerebral hemodynamics in man and monkey : some considerations in cerebrovascular disease, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and intracranial pressure
Anatomy for the anesthesiologist : a stereoscopic atlas
Freud and education
Rehabilitation techniques in severe disability : case studies
Artificial cells
Acute head injury
Illustrative cranial neuroradiology
Psychotherapy, confidentiality, and privileged communication
Classis in Arterial Hypertension
Handbook of emergency toxicology : a guide for the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of poisoning
The chemistry of lipids in health and disease : a review of our present knowledge of lipids; their chemical structure; their breakdown and synthesis in living organisms; their place in human nutrition; and their abnormalities of metabolism in disease
Soundmaking : the acoustic communication of emotion
Radiation therapy in the management of cancers of the oral cavity and oropharynx
Chemistry and therapy of collagen diseases
Career guidance for Black adolescents : a guide to selected professional occupations
The human ear canal
Color blindness : an evolutionary approach
Respiratory intensive care
Chemical osteosynthesis in orthopaedic surgery
Variables in personality theory and personality testing : an interpretation
Evolution of the speech apparatus
Basic drawing for biology students
Principles of empirical realism : philosophical essays
Splenoportography : diagnostic phlebography of the portal venous system
Restorative medicine in geriatrics
The psychology of sex offenders
Carbon monoxide, the silent killer
Chemical ultrastructure in living tissues
Emotional hazards in animals and man
Chemistry of the sex hormones by Peter M.F.Bishop
Hearing loss, hearing aids, and your child : a guide for parents
The Grassi block substitution test for measuring organic brain pathology
Growth disorders in children and adolescents
Current philosophical issues : essays in honor of Curt John Ducasse
The management of infertility
Functional psychoses : diagnostic and prognostic models
Constituent elements of crime
Cardiac pain
Shock; chemistry, physiology, and therapy
Radioactive metal mobilization in medicine
Physical aspects of betatron therapy
Basic principles of clinical electrocardiography
The recovery room : a symposium
The nutritional basis of reproduction
Adjustment to work
Enzymes in serum : their use in diagnosis
Elastolysis and ageing
The chemical basis of clinical psychiatry
The nature of melanoma
Chemistry of cancer toxin, toxohormone
Neurosurgery : an historical sketch
Organ regeneration in animals : recovery of organ regeneration ability in animals
A workbook in the Rorschach technique, emphasizing the Beck and Klopfer systems
Carcinoma of the colon
Asthma and hay fever
The Temporomandibular joint
Keratins: their composition, structure, and biosynthesis
Food pharmacology
Metascientific queries
Instrumentation with semiconductors for medical researchers
Heart and sport
Circulating cancer cells
Functional anatomy of the extremities : some electronic and kinematic methods of study
Lens materials in the prevention of eye injuries
Environment and human efficiency
The effect of hormones upon the testis and accessory sex organs
Practical medical mycology
Significance of the body fluids in clinical medicine
Tumors of the skin
Colposcopy : a scientific and practical approach to the cervix and vagina in health and disease
The Q-sort method in personality assessment and psychiatric research
Muscle relaxants in anesthesiology
Cell kinetics and cancer therapy
The antigenicity of man
Cancer in pregnancy
Physiological bases of gynecology and obstetrics
Introduction to the regulation of blood pressure and heart rate
Menière's disease : mechanism and management
The physiological basis of athletic records
The chemistry of trauma
Emotional factors in cardiovascular disease
Problems in photosynthesis
The cervical syndrome
Poison detection in human organs
The chemical pathology of rheumatoid arthritis
Sympathomimetic drugs
Histamine : its role in anaphylaxis and allergy
Communication training in childhood brain damage
Prenatal environment
A "Bill of rights" for children
Speaking and writing in medicine : the art of communication
Psychodiagnostic testing : an empirical approach, based on a follow-up of 2000 cases
The metabolism of cardiac glycosides : a review of the absorption, metabolism and excretion of clinically important cardiac glycosides
Dizziness : an evaluation und classification
Anticoagulant prophylaxis and treatment : the new emphasis in management
Shame and guilt : a psychoanalytic and a cultural study
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the trachea and bronchi
Preventive myocardiology : fundamentals and targets
Physical medicine and rehabilitation for the aged
Pregnancy : chemistry and management
Cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in health and disease
Experimental approaches to psychiatric diagnosis : psychometric, conditioning, and psychopharmacological studies
Radiation injury in man : its chemical and biological basis, pathogenesis and therapy
Make mad the guilty : the insanity defense in the District of Columbia
Special problems in rehabilitation
Endocrines and aging : a symposium presented before the Gerontological Society seventeenth annual meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, with financial support of the Ford Foundation
Mechanizing microbiology
A biochemical basis of multiple sclerosis
Opiate addiction : psychological and neurophysiological aspects in relation to clinical problems
Physiology of exercise
Attitudes toward the handicapped : a comparison between Europe and the United States
Electrohysterography : the electrical activity of the human uterus in pregnancy and labor
Behavior, aging, and the nervous system : biological determinants of speed of behavior and its changes with age
Operative dentistry for the general practitioner : some useful applications of pins and other materials
Lectures on experimental gerontology
Chemical protection against ionizing radiation
The physics of radiology
Psychological time in health and disease
Workshops for the handicapped in the United States : an historical and developmental perspective
Chemical mechanisms of drug action
The trail of the invisible light : from X-Strahlen to radio(bio)logy
Clinical electroretinography
Resuscitation of the newborn
Counseling and rehabilitating the diabetic
Drive structure and criminality : criminobiologic investigations
Language development : the key to learning
Principles, problems, and practices of anesthesia for thoracic surgery
Leprosy : diagnosis and management
Group counseling and therapy techniques in special settings
Reflections on segregation, desegregation, power and morals
Geriatric anesthesia
Cellular changes with age
Forensic psychiatry : a practical guide for lawyers and psychiatrists
Phenomenology, role, and reason : essays on the coherence and deformation of social reality
Experimental atherosclerosis
The projective use of the Bender Gestalt
Mathematical principles in biology and their applications
Migraine; clinical feature, mechanisms, and management
Success or failure begins in the early school years
The treatment of hypertension
Drug resistance in antimicrobial therapy
Osteomalacia, renal osteodystrophy, and osteoporosis
Rehabilitation facility approaches in severe disabilities
Introduction to correctional rehabilitation
Special procedures in Roentgen diagnosis
Ego structure in paranoid schizophrenia : a new method of evaluating projective material
Oral diagnosis and treatment planning
High-altitude diseases : mechanism and management
The palms and soles in medicine
A critical examination of the belief in a life after death
Chronobiology in allergy and immunology
Fungus diseases of the lungs
Syphilitic optic atrophy
The physics of radiology
Elements of pediatric anesthesia
Resistance to trauma
Chemistry and therapy of electrolyte disorders
Clinical management of renal failure
The aesthetic field : a phenomenology of aesthetic experience
Significance of the body fluids in clinical medicine
Pavlovian psychiatry : a new synthesis
The physiological basis of diuretic therapy
Critical issues in American psychiatry and the law
Autoimmune diseases : pathogenesis, chemistry and therapy
Coma : biochemistry, physiology and therapeutic principles
Electron microscopy of skin and mucous membrane : with a chapter on Technics of electron microscopy
Colposcopy : a scientific and practical approach to the cervix in health and disease
Fatigue : mechanism and management
The epilepsies : electro-clinical correlations
Hepatic failure
Radionuclide applications in neurology and neurosurgery
Rare manifestations of metabolic bone disease, their practical importance
The physiological basis for oxygen therapy
Tolerance, autoimmunity, and aging
Adolescent suicide
Human foetal and neonatal circulation
Culture and communication : the problem of penetrating national and cultural boundaries
Psychological and vocational rehabilitation of the youthful delinquent
Aristotle's syllogistic
Narcotics and narcotic addiction
Hemoglobin, plasma protein, and cell protein : their production and interchange
Appendage tumors of the skin
Recent advances in diagnostic psychological testing : a critical summary
Hypothermic anesthesia
Early identification of emotionally handicapped children in school
The psychotherapist-patient privilege : a critical examination
Organization and administration of service programs for the older American
The chemistry of immunity in health and disease
Studies of pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy
Behavior modification in rehabilitation settings : applied principles
International research in sport and physical education
Therapeutic needs of the family : problems, descriptions and therapeutic approaches
Services of the rehabilitation facility
The hot life of man and beast
A compendium of research and theory on stuttering
Philosophical perspectives
Posttraumatic epilepsy
The past is not past
Penicillin allergy : clinical and immunological aspects
Glucagon : chemistry and function in health and disease
Disturbances in heme and synthesis
The biochemistry of bladder cancer
The treatment of acute craniocerebral injuries due to missiles
Objective approaches to treatment in psychiatry
The Wechsler-Bellevue Scales : a guide for counselors
Surgical treatment of unequal extremities
The clinical use of radioactive isotopes
Chemistry of drug metabolism
Spasticity : mechanism, measurement, management
Volunteerism : an emerging profession
Blood volume and extracellular fluid volume
Intraspinal tumors of childhood
Endocrine function tests
Heavy metals and the brain
Living clocks in the animal world
Rheoencephalography : a method for the continuous registration of cerebrovascular changes
Cardiac pacemakers
The physics of radiology
Biochemistry of blood in health and disease
The external secretion of the pancreas
Clinical applications of recreational therapy
The circulatory response to muscular exercise in man
The cervical syndrome
The chemistry and therapy of industrial pulmonary diseases
House officer training : a casual perspective
Noradrenaline : chemistry, physiology, pharmacology and clinical aspects
Introduction to thermodynamics of irreversible processes
Radiation therapy of early prostatic cancer
Man in the heat, high altitude, and society
Handwriting : a personality projection
World eradication of infectious diseases
The therapy of poetry
Diseases of the external ear
Spinal anesthesia
Realism, materialism, and the mind : the philosophy of Roy Wood Sellars
Clinical uses of intravenous procaine
Types of drug abusers and their abuses
Perthes and parents : the care of your child with Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease
Pulmonary embolism : mechanism and management
Drug abuse in industry
Vesico-vaginal fistulas and related matters
Epidemiological psychiatry
Thyroid function and its possible role in vascular degeneration
Physiological and therapeutic effects of corticotropin (ACTH) and cortisone
Radiation therapy in the management of cancer of the uterine cervix
Occipitoposterior positions
The management of the patient with severe bronchial asthma
Saddle block anesthesia
Acute inflammations of arteries
Coronary heart disease, a personal, clinical study
The use of chemical tests for alcohol in traffic law enforcement
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