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琉球大学大学院 理工学研究科
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鋼橋プレートガーダーの腐食劣化機構と残存せん断強度性能評価に関する研究 = Corrosion Deterioration Mechanism and Remained Shear Strength Evaluation of Steel Plate GirdersLeave the NDL website. Rapid root abscission phenomenon in the watter fern Azolla pinnataLeave the NDL website. Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Tsunami Acting Force and Tsunami MitigationLeave the NDL website. A Study on data integation based on its structure and charactersLeave the NDL website. A study on wind turbine generators : Performance improvements of VAWT with a guide-box tunnel and HAWT with thin aerofoil bladesLeave the NDL website. Occurrence of Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the aquatic environment of Okinawa Island, JapanLeave the NDL website. Design of information management system for livestock industry and animal quarantineLeave the NDL website. 合成極厚無筋壁工法を応用した既存RC造耐震補強法に関する研究Leave the NDL website. Historical biogeography and temporal changes in body size of amphibians in the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan, inferred from their Late Pleistocene and more recent fossils and subfossilsLeave the NDL website. Combined Effect of Seawall and Coastal Dune against TsunamiLeave the NDL website. Studies on high stress tolerance of larvae of the coral Pocillopora damicornisLeave the NDL website. Effect of environmental enrichment on the behaviour of cephalopodsLeave the NDL website. Correlated electronic states in Co-based intermetallic compoundsLeave the NDL website. 亜熱帯,沖縄地域における河川水の化学的研究Leave the NDL website. Control Methods for Smoothing Output Power of WECS and Fault-Ride Through ConsiderationLeave the NDL website. 集団意思決定問題におけるクラスタリング手法に関する研究 = A study on clustering procedure in group decision-making problemLeave the NDL website. Morphological and cytological variation of Pilea brevicornuta Hayata in the Ryukyu Islands and TaiwanLeave the NDL website. Phylogenetic studies of cryptic octocoral diversity from coral reefs of the Ryukyu ArchipelagosLeave the NDL website. 生物学関連データを用いた遺伝子因果関係ネットワークの推定とその性能比較に関する研究Leave the NDL website. An innovative seismic retrofit technique of cast-in-site thick hybrid infill wall into RC frame : experimental investigation and analytical approachLeave the NDL website. Green fluorescent protein of the coral Galaxea fascicularis: its function and role in color polymorphismLeave the NDL website. Studies on the Symbolic Domain of Music: Algorithmes and Applications /by Alexander AdliLeave the NDL website. 太陽エネルギーを利用したスマートハウスおよびスマートビルのエネルギー削減効果と最適運用方法に関する研究 = A Study on Energy Reduction and Optimal Operation for the Smart House and Building with a Solar SystemLeave the NDL website. A study on chemical biology of nitrite formation in green vegetablesLeave the NDL website. Influence of the exotic toad, Bufo marinus (Amphibia: Anura), on the native animals of the Ryukyu Archipelago, JapanLeave the NDL website. Studies on gamete recognition in the coral AcroporaLeave the NDL website. 風力発電システムの開発研究および翼理論の進展Leave the NDL website. Diversity and phylogeny of the sponge-parazoanthid association.Leave the NDL website. ベントナイトペーストにおける乾燥亀裂パターンの実験および解析的研究 = Experimental and Analytical Study on the Desiccation Crack Patterns on Bentonite PasteLeave the NDL website. Effects of internal irradiation in the pale grass blue butterfly Zizeeria maha and comparative morphological analysis of the grass blue butterflies Zizeeria and Zizina (Lepidoptera:Lycaenidae)Leave the NDL website. Studies on age, growth, reproduction and recruitment of two silver biddies, Gerres oyana and G.shima on Okinawa island, JapanLeave the NDL website. Taxonomy and molecular phylogeny of some isolates of the genus Pyramimonas from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan (Pyramimonadales, Chlorophyta)Leave the NDL website. 土手及び植生を用いた津波低減効果に関する研究 = Studies on tsunami mitigation effects of a dune and dune-vegetation systemsLeave the NDL website. Numerical investigation of photonic crystal fiber containing elliptical pore and Ge-doped core for optical transmission systemsLeave the NDL website. 沖縄島嶼の水環境における化学物質の挙動と生態系への影響Leave the NDL website. Foraging ecology of the Orii's flying-fox Pteropus dasymallus inopinatussLeave the NDL website. Maturation process in the Picasso Triggerfish (Balistidae: Rhinecanthus aculeatus) from Okinawa IslandLeave the NDL website. レーザーアニールによる接合形成と高性能パワーSi MOS FETsに関する研究Leave the NDL website. Geo-environmental hazards associated with multi-slice longwall mining of the Gondwana Barapukuria coal basin, NW Bangladesh : constraints from numerical simulationLeave the NDL website. f 電子系の電子状態とフェルミ面に関する論理的研究Leave the NDL website. Taxonomy, morphology and molecular phylogeny of several marine benthic dinoflagellates from the coastal areas of Okinawa Prefecture, Japan.Leave the NDL website. Voltage Control and Optimization of Three Phase Unbalanced Distribution SystemsLeave the NDL website. フェルミ面近傍の電子状態と物性の輸送現象による解明Leave the NDL website. A Study on the Application of Controllable Loads in Smart-grid Transmission Systems Considering High Levels of Distributed Generation PenetrationLeave the NDL website. Taxonomical studies and the geographical variation of the host hermit crab in peltogastrids (Crustacea, Cirripedia, Rhizocephala )Leave the NDL website. 海洋博公園に生息するヤシガニ北限個体群の生態学的研究と普及活動Leave the NDL website. 独立成分分析法を用いた画像解析と画像認識に関する研究Leave the NDL website. A comparative study of the species of Echinometra, E. mathaei, E. oblonga, and undescribed species of this genus, inhabiting in the Indo-Pacific, and consideration of scientific names of these speciesLeave the NDL website. Modeling and numerical analysis of photonic crystal fibersLeave the NDL website. A Study on GNH Econometrics : handling missing data; designing, analyzing and modeling GNH data; constructing GNH index and developing GNH systemLeave the NDL website. Population genetics and taxonomic study of laticaudine and hydrophiine sea snakes in the islands of East AsiaLeave the NDL website. The biology of the common reef zoanthid species-Palythoa tuberculosaLeave the NDL website. Competition between corals and algae, and its effect on coral population sustainabilityLeave the NDL website. 一般化有限要素の破壊力学パラメータ算出法Leave the NDL website. 琉球列島におけるドロクイ属2種の資源生態および初期生活史に関する研究Leave the NDL website. Piecemeal housing in Dhaka city : nature, scale and development outlookLeave the NDL website. Studies on stress tolerance, zooxanthella genotypic composition, and flexibility of symbiosis in corals and a spongeLeave the NDL website. 不確実性を含む演繹推論法に関する研究Leave the NDL website. Impacts of coral reef bleaching events and recovery of coral communities in the Gulf of ThailandLeave the NDL website. A Study on Scheduling in Uncertain Environment and its Applications to Farm Work PlanLeave the NDL website. ラドン散逸現象と散逸ラドンの環境挙動に関する研究 = Studies on Radon Emanation Phenomenon and Environmental Behavior of Emanated Radon/ 城間吉貴[著]Leave the NDL website. Metabolic responses and activities of antioxidant enzymes by the hermatypic coral against increased hydrogen peroxide in seawaterLeave the NDL website. Physiological studies on internal and external regulation of melatonin production in fish pineal glandLeave the NDL website. 亜熱帯森林生態系に流入する大気降下物に関する研究Leave the NDL website. Life history strategies in sessile colonial coralsLeave the NDL website. Research on implementation of an array antenna for high-speed mobile ISDB-T receptionLeave the NDL website. A study on a frequency control method for Isolated power Systems using coordinated control of wind energy conversion Systems with a battery energy storage systemLeave the NDL website. Environmental chemistry on heavy metal pollution in urbanized areas ( Tokyo, Osaka, and Bangkok ) associated with anthropogenic effectsLeave the NDL website. Search of Anti-infective metabolites from Okinawan marine organismsLeave the NDL website. Studies on New Intelligent Digital Watermarking Digital Authentication and Self-recoveryLeave the NDL website. Physiological Studies on the Sex Differentiation in the Protogynous Hermaphrodite Malabar grouper, Epinephelus malabaricus : Diversity and Plasticity of Gonadal Sex Differentiation in FishesLeave the NDL website. 進行波型超音波モータの速度・位置制御に関する研究 = A Study on Speed and Position Control of Travelling Wave Ultrasonic MotorLeave the NDL website. 海洋資源探索のための水中・洋上無線通信における基礎的研究 = A Study of Marine and Underwater Radio Communication for Search of Marine ResourcesLeave the NDL website. Colony-specific responses of scleractinian corals to ocean acidification and temperature stressLeave the NDL website. Spatiotemporal variation of water quality and an investigation into the cause of deterioration of water quality in high-latitude coral reefs in the Ryukyu ArchipelagoLeave the NDL website. Studies on temperature sensetivities among the Indo-Pacific sea urchins, genus Echinometra: gamete longevity, early development, duration of larval life and dispersal potentialLeave the NDL website. 超音速ダクト流れと多孔壁を有するロッドおよび噴流との干渉に関する研究Leave the NDL website. A Joint research of multivariable robust control and adaptive Wireless Tele-Communication SystemLeave the NDL website. Comparative sequence analysis of mariner-like elements among various insects and spiders : inference of the horizontal transfer and dynamics of these transposonsLeave the NDL website. Numerical modeling of continental extension to collision : examples from Red Sea, Gulf of Suez and AnatoliaLeave the NDL website. Environmental response of symbiotic microalgae associated with marine invertebratesLeave the NDL website. 着底時の形態と日齢から推定したハゼ亜目仔魚の分散戦略Leave the NDL website. Historical Effects on genetic and morphological divergences among populations of Serpent species in the Ryukyu archipelago = 琉球列島のヘビ類の遺伝的・形態的分化に作用した歴史的効果の検討Leave the NDL website. Computational Methods for Intelligent Motion Control of a Biologically Inspired Modular RobotLeave the NDL website. 亜熱帯沖縄における屋内外の温熱環境と都市熱環境の諸特性に関する研究Leave the NDL website. Morphology and immunohistochemistry of brain of oval squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana )Leave the NDL website. Telomere lengths of two colonial corals at different developmental stagesLeave the NDL website. ヤマトシジミZizeeria maha(鱗翅目, シジミチョウ科)の多様性と放射能汚染の影響 = Biodiversity and Effects of Radioactive Pollution on the Pale Grass Blue Butterfly, Zizeeria maha(Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae)Leave the NDL website. Chemical study on bioactive terpenoids from Okinawan marine organismsLeave the NDL website. Role of symbiotic algae in coral bleaching mechanisms : survivorship and DNA damage of coral cell aggregates and planula larvae under temperature and light stressLeave the NDL website. 沖縄の都市地域における広域計画課題と計画システムの構築に関する研究Leave the NDL website. Seismic evaluation of soft-first-story RC buildings retrofitted by thick hybrid wall techniqueLeave the NDL website. 金属粉末を固体金属間に充填したジュール熱による接合手法に関する研究Leave the NDL website. Studies on genetic population structure and phylogenetic analysis of pronghorn spiny lobster in the Indo-PacificLeave the NDL website. Potential role of live rock in bioremediationLeave the NDL website. 沖縄の多元文化と景観・地域形成に関する研究Leave the NDL website. Participation of nitric oxide (NO) in heat stress response of plantsLeave the NDL website. Studies on fatigue behavior related to local deformation and stress concentration : a dissertationLeave the NDL website. Design and control of the wind energy conversion system for the modern smart gridLeave the NDL website. Morphological and experimental studies on sex differentiation and sex change in the protandrous anemonefish Amphiprion clarkiiLeave the NDL website. Output Power Leveling and Active Frequency Control of Wind Turbine Generator Systems in Isolated IslandsLeave the NDL website. 既設鋼製橋脚隅角部の疲労亀裂発生原因と対策法に関する研究Leave the NDL website. Mammal-depending pollination system of Muchuna Macrocarpa (Fabaceae) = ウジルカンダ(マメ科)における哺乳類依存送粉システムLeave the NDL website. Study on ozone and nitrogen oxides in gaseous phase in dar es Salaam, Tanzania and photochemial formation of oxidants in sea waters in Okinawa, JapanLeave the NDL website. Phylogenetic study of orders Zoantharia and Actiniaria (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Hexacorallia)Leave the NDL website. Population genetic study of broadcast-spawning corals in southwestern JapanLeave the NDL website. Studies on degradation and ingestion of xylan by the termite Coptotermes formosamnus ShirakiLeave the NDL website. Live confocal imaging techniques for visualizing biomineralization processes in reef building marine calcifiersLeave the NDL website. The impacts of elevated temperature and ocean acidification on spawning and early life stages of coralsLeave the NDL website. 海水、エアロゾル、Fe(III)-ジカルボン酸水溶液中で光化学的に生成するFe(II)に関する研究Leave the NDL website. Dynamic modeling of neotectonics and contemporary stress field in the India-Eurasia collision zoneLeave the NDL website. 外帯筋状に配置した高強度緊張材による能動および受動的横拘束効果を考慮したコンクリートの応力-ひずみ関係Leave the NDL website. The self-thinning process and its concomitant changes in the growth parameters and productivity of crowded mangrove Kandelia obovata standsLeave the NDL website. 沖縄産ナガウニ属4種の摂餌生態及び栄養に関する比較研究Leave the NDL website. The conservation ecology of the endangered Iriomote cat (Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis) using field sign surveyand molecular scatologyLeave the NDL website. 「希土類-コバルト」ラーベス相化合物における異常伝導現象の研究Leave the NDL website. Search for biologically active compounds to fill the demand for new drugsLeave the NDL website. ヤマトシジミ(鱗翅目シジミチョウ科)の北限個体群において発生した色模様修飾型の出現要因の解明 = Causal factors for the outbreak of color-pattern modified individuals in the northern range-margin populations of the pale grass blue butterfly Zizeeria maha (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)Leave the NDL website. Ecological and phylogenetic studies on genus Waminoa and related acoel flatworms (family Convolutidae) and their symbiotic SymbiodiniaceaeLeave the NDL website. 中国の中心市街地における歴史的町並みの再生と計画システムに関する研究Leave the NDL website. Functional trait approach for the maintenance of multiple ecosystem functions under silvicultural practices: evaluating management impacts based on macro-scale and local-scale analysesLeave the NDL website. Modeling and optimization of properties of photonic crystal fibers for optical coherence tomography systemsLeave the NDL website. Phylogenetic and taxonomic studies of the medaka (Beloniformes,Adrianichthyidae) endemic to Sulawesi, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Molecular physiological studies on butterfly wing color pattern formationLeave the NDL website. Studies on population genetic structure and exotic invasion of Meretrix spp. in East AsiaLeave the NDL website. 囲碁における枝刈り手法およびポテンシャルフィルタを用いた棋風生成の研究Leave the NDL website. 北太平洋におけるクロカジキの資源生態学的研究Leave the NDL website. Studies on monoaminergic system in relation to environmental perception in the brain of coral reef fishLeave the NDL website. Molecular mechanisms of photoregulation on the reproductive activity in the sapphire devil, Chrysiptera cyaneaLeave the NDL website. High-quality single crystal growth and unique electronic states in Eu-based intermetallic compoundsLeave the NDL website. Voltage Control and Power Management of DC Smart Grid Based on Wind Turbine and Photovoltaic GenerationLeave the NDL website. Evolutionary Biology Studies on Latitudinal Variation in Sexual Selection Pressures in the MedakaLeave the NDL website. 一般化グラミアンを利用したシステムの低次元化に関する研究Leave the NDL website. Effect of light environment on reef-building coralsLeave the NDL website. Modeling-Based Design of Intelligent Control Paradigms for Modern Wind Generating SystemsLeave the NDL website. Physiological response of Symbiodinium phylotypes to temperature and light stressLeave the NDL website. Study on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Characteristics of Rectangular Finned Surface in DuctLeave the NDL website. The role of mesophotic corals to shallow reef recovery : studies on sexual reproduction and physiology of Seriatopora hystrixLeave the NDL website. 液相中における活性酸素の生成と消失に関与する有機化合物に関する研究Leave the NDL website.

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リュウキュウ ダイガク ダイガクイン リコウガク ケンキュウカ ハクシ ロンブン
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Ecological and phylogenetic studies on genus Waminoa and related acoel flatworms (family Convolutidae) and their symbiotic Symbiodiniaceae
Functional trait approach for the maintenance of multiple ecosystem functions under silvicultural practices: evaluating management impacts based on macro-scale and local-scale analyses
Modeling and optimization of properties of photonic crystal fibers for optical coherence tomography systems
Phylogenetic and taxonomic studies of the medaka (Beloniformes,Adrianichthyidae) endemic to Sulawesi, Indonesia
Molecular physiological studies on butterfly wing color pattern formation
Studies on population genetic structure and exotic invasion of Meretrix spp. in East Asia
Studies on monoaminergic system in relation to environmental perception in the brain of coral reef fish
Molecular mechanisms of photoregulation on the reproductive activity in the sapphire devil, Chrysiptera cyanea
High-quality single crystal growth and unique electronic states in Eu-based intermetallic compounds
Voltage Control and Power Management of DC Smart Grid Based on Wind Turbine and Photovoltaic Generation
Evolutionary Biology Studies on Latitudinal Variation in Sexual Selection Pressures in the Medaka
Effect of light environment on reef-building corals
Modeling-Based Design of Intelligent Control Paradigms for Modern Wind Generating Systems
Physiological response of Symbiodinium phylotypes to temperature and light stress
Study on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Characteristics of Rectangular Finned Surface in Duct
The role of mesophotic corals to shallow reef recovery : studies on sexual reproduction and physiology of Seriatopora hystrix
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research