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Applied mechanics and materials

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Applied mechanics and materials

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雑誌扱いNCID: AA12159124

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Advances in applied mechanics and materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICOME 2013), September 19-21, 2013, Mataram, Lombok, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. International conference machinery, electronics and control simulation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference Machinery, Electronics and Control Simulation (ICMECS 2014), September 27-28, 2014, Weihai, Shandong Province, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced research in area of materials, aerospace, robotics and modern manufacturing systems : ICMERA 2016 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 6th edition of the International Conference on Aerospace, Robotics, Manufacturing Systems, Mechanical Engineering, Biomechatornics [sic] and Neurorehabilitation (IACSIT/IACT/UASTRO ICMERA 2016), November 4-6, 2016, Bucharest, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering design : selected, peer reviewed papers from the first International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Design 2016 (ICMED 2016), April 25-26, 2016, Chennai, IndiaLeave the NDL website. Information engineeing for mechanics and materials science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Information Engineeing for Mechanics and Materials (ICIMM)2011, August 13-14, 2011, Shanghai, China/ edited by Linli Xu, Wenya Tian and Elwin MaoLeave the NDL website. Advanced mechanical engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Advanced Mechanical Engineering (AME 2013), Wuhan, China, 2-3 February 2013Leave the NDL website. Green power, materials and manufacturing technology and applications III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3[rd] International Conference on Green Power, Materials and Manufacturing Technology and Applications (GPMMTA 2013), December 27-30, 2013, Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Sustainable energy : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering (ICSEEE 2013), 28-29 December, 2013, Shenzhen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2016 : selected, peer reviewed papers from 2016 3rd International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, April 11-12, 2016, Istanbul, TurkeyLeave the NDL website. Information engineering for mechanics and materials research : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Information Engineering for Mechanics and Materials (ICIMM 2013), July 5-7, 2013, Hangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechatronics and robotics : selected, peer reviewed papers from joint International Conferences : ICAMaT 2014-7th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies : ROBOTICS 2014-VIth International Conference on Robotics : POLCOM 2014-International Conference of Technology for Polymeric and Composites Products : October 23-24, 2014, Bucharest, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Environmental protection and sustainable development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering (ICSEEE 2013), 28-29 December, 2013, Shenzhen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Machine, industry and manufacturing based on applied-information technology IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industry and Manufacturing Engineering (MEIME 2014), October 25-26, 2014, Beijing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Materials, mechanics and information engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Chemical, Mechanical and Materials Engineering (CMME 2014), October 24-25, 2014, Riga, LatviaLeave the NDL website. 17th hydrodynamic electromechanical control engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 17th Conference of Hydrodynamic and Electromechanical Control Engineering July 27-29, 2014, Lhasa City, TibetLeave the NDL website. Machine tool technology, mechatronics and information engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Machine Tool Technology and Mechatronics Engineering (ICMTTME 2014), June 22-23, 2014, Guilin, Guangxi, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechatronics, robotics and control : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Advances in mechatronics : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Mechanical design and power engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Mechanical Design and Power Engineering (ICMDPE 2013), November 29-30, 2013, Beijing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. URU International Conference on Science and Technology 2018 : Uttaradit Rajabhat University International Conference on Science and Technology 2018 (URUICST2018) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the URU International Conference on Science and Technology 2018 (URUICST 2018), August 2-3, 2018, Uttaradit, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Modern tendencies in engineering sciences : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Forum on Materials Processing Technology (IFMPT 2014), January 18-19, 2014, Guangzhou, China and the 2014 International Conference on Sensors, Instrument and Information Technology (ICSIIT 2014), 18-19 January, 2014, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Applied decisions in area of mechanical engineering and industrial manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Control, and Electronic Information (ICMCEI 2014), June 27-29, 2014, TaiwanLeave the NDL website. Damage mechanics: theory, computation and practice : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Damage Mechanics (ICDM2), July 8-11, 2015, Troyes, FranceLeave the NDL website. Research in mechanical engineering and material science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical, Material Engineering (MME 2013), November 23-24, 2013, Shiyan, Hubei, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in design technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ADME 2012), August 16-18, 2012, Taiyuan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Recent trends in power engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 9th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO 2015), March 18-19, 2015, Melaka, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical and material engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 3rd International Forum on Mechanical and Material Engineering (IFMME 2015), April 18-19, 2015, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical components and control engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd Asian Pacific Conference on Mechanical Components and Control Engineering (ICMCCE 2014), September 20-21, 2014, Tianjin, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in science and engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2010 Wase Global Congress on Science Engineering, Yantai, China, November 27-28, 2010Leave the NDL website. Sensors, measurement and intelligent materials II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Sensors, Measurement and Intelligent Materials (ICSMIM 2013), November 16-17, 2013, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Manufacturing and engineering developments : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Innovation Manufacturing and Engineering Management (IMEM2012), December 14-16, 2012, Chongqing, ChainaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering, automation and control systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Automation and Control Systems 2014 (MEACS 2014), October 16-18, 2014, Tomsk, RussiaLeave the NDL website. Machine design and manufacturing engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMDME 2013), May 1-2, 2013, Jeju Island, South KoreaLeave the NDL website. Structural, environmental, costal and offshore engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Civil, Offshore and Environmental Engineering (ICCOEE 2014), June 3-5, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical and electronics engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 3rd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE 2011), Septmber 23-25, 2011, Hefei, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in precision instrumentation and measurement : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3th International Conference on Precision Instrumentation and Measurement 2011 (CPIM2011), July 18-21, 2011, Xiangtan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Modern development in materials, machinery and automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Microtechnology and MEMS (ICMM 2013) : Beijing, China 22-23 May 2013Leave the NDL website. Advanced design and manufacturing technology III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3[rd] International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ADME 2013), July 13-14, 2013, Anshan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Applied mechanics and mechanical engineering IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 4[th] International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMME 2013), October 11-12, 2013, SingaporeLeave the NDL website. Mechanical materials and manufacturing engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMMME 2012), Darian, China, 5-6 October 2012Leave the NDL website. Civil, architectural, structural and constructional engineering II : 3rd ICCASCE 2017 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering (ICCASCE 2017), July 14-16, 2017, Seoul, South KoreaLeave the NDL website. Innovative manufacturing engineering 2015 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 19th Innovative Manufacturing Engineering 2015 (IManE 2015), May 21-22, 2015, Iaşi, RomâniaLeave the NDL website. Logistics development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the scientific cooperating teams within the carpathian regionLeave the NDL website. Innovations in material science, applied mechanics, control and information technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Materials Science, Machinery and Energy Engineering (MSMEE 2014), November 7-8, 2014, Hong KongLeave the NDL website. Frontiers of manufacturing science and measuring technology III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing Science and Measuring Technology (ICFMM 2013), July 30-31, 2013, LiJiang, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced engineering technology II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICAET 2015), December 11-13, 2015, Incheon, South KoreaLeave the NDL website. Vibration, structural engineering and measurement II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Vibration, Structural Engineering and Measurement (ICVSEM2012), October 19-21 2012, Shanghai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical, information and industrial engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Information and Industrial Engineering, November 21-22, 2014, Weihai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Novel trends in production devices and systems : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. New trends in mechanics and transportLeave the NDL website. Mechatronics and Industrial Inforomatics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechatronics and Industrial Informatics (ICMII 2013), March 13-14, 2013, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in civil structures : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2013), May 24-26, 2013, Jinan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Applied research and engineering solutions in industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Electrical Information and Mecharonics (ICEIM 2012), Jiaozuo, China, 23-25 December 2012Leave the NDL website. Applied mechanics and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2010 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMME 2010), September 8-9, 2010, Changsha, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced materials, mechanics and structural engineering : 3rd AMMSE 2016 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials, Mechanics and Structural Engineering (3rd AMMSE 2016), September 09-11, 2016, Jeju Island, South KoreaLeave the NDL website. Mechatronics and applied mechanics III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics (ICMAM 2013), December 27-28, 2013, Paris, FranceLeave the NDL website. Advances in civil and structural engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2013), December 14-15, 2013, Kunming, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced building materials and sustainable architecture : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2012), May 25-27, 2012, Yantai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in civil engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2012), October 27-28, 2012, Guilin, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in experimental mechanics VI : selected peer reviewed papers from 6th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 9th-11th September 2008, National Physical Laboratory, London, UKLeave the NDL website. Mechanical science and engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Science and Engineering (ICMSE2012), Hong Kong, China, 1-3 March 2013Leave the NDL website. Medical materials and engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 SREE Workshop on Medical Materials and Engineering (WMME 2011), October 29-30, 2011, Macau, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Civil engineering, architecture and sustainable infrastructure II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2[nd] International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Sustainable Infrastructure (ICCEASI 2013), July 13-15, 2013, Zhengzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Uncertainty in mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st International Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering (ICUME 2011), November 14-15, 2011, Darmstadt, GermanyLeave the NDL website. Architecture and building materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2011), October 14-16, 2011, Jinan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Recent trends in materials and mechanical engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering (ICRTMME 2013) : Singapore 21-23 September 2013Leave the NDL website. Trends in automotive research : selected, peer reviewd papers from the Regional Conference on Automotive Research (ReCAR 2011), December 14-15, 2011, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Innovative solutions in materials science and engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Material Engineering (ICMME 2014), November 22-23, 2014, Shiyan, Hubei, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechatronics, applied mechanics and energy engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechatronics, Applied Mechanics and Energy Engineering (MAMEE 2013) : Singapore 27-29 July 2013Leave the NDL website. Propulsion systems, mechatronics and communication : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2 day Symposium on Mechatronics Systems, Mechanics and Materials 2015, October 7-8, 2015, Wƚadysƚawowo, PolandLeave the NDL website. Mechanical materials and manufacturing engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3[rd] International Conference on Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMMME 2013), October 1-2, 2013, Shanghai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. The 2nd International Conference Material Engineering and Application : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Material Engineering and Application (2nd ICMEA 2017), August 18-20, 2017, Shanghai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Progress in structures : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2012), May 25-27, 2012, Yantai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Uncertainty in mechanical engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering (ICUME 2018), November 15-16, 2018, Darmstadt, GermanyLeave the NDL website. Innovative engineering and technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the UNIMAS STEM Engineering Conference 2015, October 7-9, 2015, Kuching, Sarawak, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Computer-aided design, manufacturing, modeling and simulation IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing, Modeling and Simulation (CDMMS 2014), September 13-15, 2014, Chongqing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Innovation for sustainable development : 8th RMUTP ICON SCi-2017 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 8th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development: challenges towards the digital society 2017 (8th RMUTP ICON SCi-2017), June 22-23, 2017, Bangkok, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Progress in environmental protection and processing of resource : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering (ICSEEE 2012), December 29-30, 2012, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Innovations in structural engineering and construction : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 'International Conference on Innovations in Structural Engineering and Construction' (icISEC), July 29-30, 2016, Kottayam, IndiaLeave the NDL website. 4[th] Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4[th] International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (ICME 2013), December 17-18, 2013, Bangi-Putrajaya, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical and power research : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Powering the Nation (ICETPN '14), February 14, 2014, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, IndiaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering and materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials (ICMEM 2012), January 15-16, 2012, Melbourne, AustraliaLeave the NDL website. Vehicle, mechanical and electrical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Vehicle, Mechanical and electrical Engineering (ICVMEE 2014), November 29-30, 2014, Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced development in industry and applied mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanics Engineering (ICAME 2014), July 28-29, Hong Kong, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering, industrial materials and industrial electronics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Materials and Industrial Electronics (MII 2013) : Hong Kong, China 1-2 September 2013Leave the NDL website. Materials and manufacturing engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (IMME 2015), January 16-17, 2015, Phuket Island, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Civil, architectural, structural and constructional engineering : 2nd ICCASCE 2016 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering, July 15-17, 2016, Busan, South KoreaLeave the NDL website. Technology and innovation for sustainable development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 6th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development, July 15-16, 2015, Bangkok, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Industrial design and mechanics power II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Industrial Design and Mechanics Power (ICIDMP 2013), August 24-25, 2013, Nanjing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Machinery electronics and control engineering IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 4th International Conference on Machinery Electronics and Control Engineering (ICMECE 2014), November 8-9, 2014, Qingdao, Shandong, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechatronic systems and automation systems : selected, peer reviewed papers of the 2011 International Conference on Mechatronic Systems and Automation Systems (MSAS 2011) will be held on July 23-24, 2011 in Xi'an, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Innovation in civil engineering, architecture and sustainable infrastructure : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Sustainable Infrastructure (ICCEASI2012), September 22-24, 2012, Zhengzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Power and energy systems III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3rd International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES 2013), November 23-24, 2013, Bangkok, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Mechanical and electronics engineering VI : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 6th International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE 2014), August 16-17, 2014, Beijing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Electronics, mechatronics and automation III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Electronics, Mechatronics and Automation (ICEMA 2014), August 22-23, 2014, Dubai, UAELeave the NDL website. Experimental mechanics and materials : selected, peer reviewed papers of the International Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2010 (ICEM10), 29 November - 1 December 2010,Legend Hotel Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Materials and diverse technologies in industry and manufacture : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering (CMAME 2013) : Hong Kong, China 26-27 July 2013Leave the NDL website. Materials and computational mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing (ICAMMM 2011), November 18-20, 2011, Shenzhen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Product design and manufacture : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing (ICAMMM 2011), November 18-20, 2011, Shenzhen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Buildings and environment - energy performance, smart materials and buildings : 11th International Conference enviBUILD 2016 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference Buildings and Environment enviBUILD 2016, September 22-23, 2016, Brno, Czech RepublicLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Material Engineering and Environment Science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Material Engineering and Environment Science (MEES 2014), September 13-14, 2014, Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced research on applied mechanics, mechatronics and intelligent system : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Mechatronics and Intelligent System (AMMIS 2013) : Changsha, China 19-21 April 2013Leave the NDL website. Innovative technologies and economics in engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the V International Scientific Practical Conference "Innovative Technologies and Economics in Engineering", May 22-23, 2014, Yurga, RussiaLeave the NDL website. Materials technologies, automation systems and information technologies in industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Mechatronic Systems and Materials Application (ICMSMA 2013) : Guangzhou, China 26-27 June 2013Leave the NDL website. Advanced concepts in mechanical engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from a collection of papers from the 6th International Conference on Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Engineering (ACME 2014), June 12-13, 2014, Iasi, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Research, production and use of steel ropes, conveyors and hoisting machines : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Conference on Research, Production and Use of Steel Ropes, Conveyors and Hoisting Machines (VVaPOL 2014), September 23-26, 2014, Podbanske, High Tatras, SlovakiaLeave the NDL website. Chemical, mechanical and materials engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Chemical, Mechanical and Materials Engineering (CMME 2013), Melbourne, Australia, 20-21 January 2013Leave the NDL website. Design, construction and safety of underground structures : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Safety Design and Construction of Underground Structures (SDeCUS 2016), April 11-12, 2016, Prague, Czech RepublicLeave the NDL website. Advanced engineering research : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON 2015), March 18-20, 2015, Phuket, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Materials science, mechanical structures and engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Structures and Smart Materials (2nd ICMSSM 2014), August 16-17, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Innovative materials and technology for sustainable development of society : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development: the road towards a green future, July 17-18, 2014, Bangkok, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering, industrial electronics and informatization : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Electronics and Informatization (MEIEI 2012), Qinhuangdao, Hebei, China, 28-30 December 2012Leave the NDL website. Mechatronics and control engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 Asian Pacific Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (APCMCE 2013) : Hong Kong 26-27 March 2013Leave the NDL website. Advances in civil structures IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Civil, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2014), May 24-25, 2014, Haikou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Vehicle, mechatronics and information technologies II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Vehicle & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (VMEIT 2014), February 19-20, 2014, Beijing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Applied science, materials science and information technologies in industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Advances in Materials Science and Information Technologies in Industry (AMSITI 2014), January 11-12, 2014, Xi'an, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Applied science and precision engineering innovation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Applied Science and Precision Engineering Conference 2013, October 18-22, 2013, Nan Tou, TaiwanLeave the NDL website. Advanced materials and process technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ADME 2012), August 16-18, 2012, Taiyuan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Modern design technologies and experiment for advanced manufacture and industry : selected, paper from the 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation held in Kenting, Pingtung, Taiwan, R.O.C., October 31-November 4, 2014Leave the NDL website. Advanced materials engineering and technology III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Material Engineering & Technology (ICAMET 2014), December 4-5, 2014, Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamLeave the NDL website. Progress in industrial and civil engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering (ICCAHE 2012), August 10-12, 2012, Zhangjiajie, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Materials, mechanical engineering and manufacture : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Second International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing (ICAMMM 2012), November 17-18, 2012, Changsha, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Energy, environment and sustainable development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 Asian Pacific Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (APEESD 2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-13 November 2012Leave the NDL website. Advances in mechanical and energy engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from XXII Internationales Symposium Research - Education - Technology, 4th International Conference Low Temperature and Waste Heat Use, September 24-25, 2015, Bremen, GermanyLeave the NDL website. Mechanical structures and smart materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical Structures and Smart Materials (ICMSSM 2013), November 16-17, 2013, Xiamen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced materials & sports equipment design : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Advanced Materials & Sports Equipment Design (AMSED 2013), September 21-23, 2013, SingaporeLeave the NDL website. Green factory bavaria colloquium 2014 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st Green Factory Colloquium, September 30-October 1, 2014, Nuremberg, GermanyLeave the NDL website. Advanced decisions in engineering practice : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 Global Conference on Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology (DDMTC 2014), November 27-29, 2014, Hanzhong, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Instrumentation and measurement systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Seminar on Instrumentation, Measurement and Metrology, August 27-28, 2014, Yogyakarta, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Advanced research in aerospace engineering, robotics, manufacturing systems, mechanical engineering and biomedicine : selected, peer reviewed papers from the ICMERA 2015-International Conference on Smart Systems in the Fields of Aerospace, Robotics, Manufacturing Systems, Mechanical Engineering, October 29-31, 2015, Bucharest, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Advances in material engineering and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Material Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, August 20-21, 2011 Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. New approaches in the manufacturing processesLeave the NDL website. Advances in mechanical, materials and manufacturing engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2014 (ICME 2014), October 29-30, 2014, Bandung, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Engineering tribology and materials II : 3rd International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology (ICETAT 2017) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology 2017 (ICETAT2017), October 6-7, 2017, Tainan, TaiwanLeave the NDL website. Frontiers of mechanical engineering and materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering (MEME 2012), July 27-29, 2012, Hong KongLeave the NDL website. Physical modeling for virtual manufacturing systems and processes : International Research Training Group (IRTG) 2057 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st Conference on Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing Systems and Processes, June 8-9, 2017, Speyer, GermanyLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering and green manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Green Manufacturing (MEGM) 2010, November 19-22, 2010, in Xiangtan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced engineering and materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials (ICMEM 2013), Sanya, China, 27-28 January 2013Leave the NDL website. Recent tendency in aerospace, robotics, manufacturing systems, energy and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the IACSIT/IACT/UASTRO International Conference on Aerospace, Robotics, Manufacturing Systems, Mechanical Engineering, Biomechatornics [sic] and Neurorehabilitation (OPTIROB 2016), June 29-July 2, 2016, Jupiter, Constanta, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Materials science, civil engineering and architecture science, mechanical engineering and manufacturing technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Architecture Science (ICAEMAS 2014), January 4-5, 2014, Xi'an, Shaanxi, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Engineering design and analysis : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Automation Science (ICMEAS 2015), October 24-25, 2015, Hong KongLeave the NDL website. First International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation in Applied Mechanics and Materials (ICETI 2011) : Kenting, Taiwan 11-15 November 2011Leave the NDL website. Mechanical and electrical technology IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Mechanical and Eletrical Technology (ICMET 2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24-26 July 2012Leave the NDL website. Mechatronics and computational mechanics II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Computational Mechanics (ICMCM 2013), December 30-31, 2013, Frankfurt, GermanyLeave the NDL website. Engineering decisions for manufacturing systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Symposium on Manufacturing Systems Engineering (ISMSE 2013) : Singapore 27-29 July 2013Leave the NDL website. Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, (MME 2014), September 13-14, 2014, Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Ocean science and coastal engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management (ISOCEEN 2015), December 10th, 2015, Surabaya, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Materials, industrial and manufacturing engineering research advances 1.2 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st International Materials, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Conference (MIMEC 2013), December 4-6, 2013, Johor Bahru, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Robotics in theory and practice : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 11th International Conference Industrial, Service and Humanoid Robotics ROBTEP 2012, November 14th - 16th 2012, Strbske Pleso, High Tatras, SlovakiaLeave the NDL website. AEROTECH IV : recent advances in aerospace technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the AEROTECH IV, November 21-22, 2012, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Recent trends in materials, mechanical engineering, automation and information engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 [i.e. 2015] 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering, (ICRTMME 2015), January 15-16, 2015, Auckland, New ZealandLeave the NDL website. Modern civil engineering in trend of the sustainable infrastructure development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the eco-AWAM International Conference on Civil Engineering 2015 (eco-AICCE'15), September 9-11, 2015, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Information technology applications in industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and Management Innovation (ICITMI2012), November 10-11, 2012, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Frontier in information engineering for mechanics and materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Information Engineering for Mechanics and Materials (ICIMM 2012), May 19-22, 2012, Hangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Industrial instrumentation and control systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation (ICMIA 2012), September 15-16, 2012, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. URU International Conference on Science and Technology 2016 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Uttaradit Rajabhat University International Conference on Science and Technology 2016 (URU ICST 2016), August 1-2, 2016, Uttaradit, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Innovation in testing and evaluation of structural integrity : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2016 International Symposium on Structural Integrity (ISSI2016), May 26-30, 2016, Tianjin, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Computers and information processing technologies I : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Computers and Information Processing Technologies (ICCIPT 2014), April 23-24, 2014, Shanghai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Automation and robotics in production engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Science and Technology "Automation and Robotics in Production Engineering", July 08-10, 2015, Lublin, PolandLeave the NDL website. Applied mechanics and civil engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 SREE Workshop on Applied Mechanics and Civil Engineering (AMCE 2011), December 17-18, 2011, Macau, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Engineering decisions for industrial development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Energy Science and Applied Technology (ESAT 2014), December 20-21, 2014, Daqing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Design and manufacture in mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Symposium on Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics, (ISMAM 2013) : Nanjing, China 15-16 May 2013Leave the NDL website. Marine systems and technologies : the annual International Seminar on Marine Technology (SENTA 2016) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Seminar on Marine Technology 2016 (SENTA 2016), December 15-16, 2016, Surabaya, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Mechatronics engineering, computing and information technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Computing Technology (ICMECT 2014), April 9-10, 2014, Shanghai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Engineering and technology research : selected peer reviewed papers related to mechanic and materials from the 4th International Malaysia-Ireland Joint Symposium on Engineering, Science and Business (IMiEJS 2014), June 25-26, 2014, Penang, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Problems of mechanics in pump and compressor engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the XIV International Scientific and Engineering Conference on Hermetic Sealing, Vibration Reliability and Ecological Safety of Pump and Compressor Machinery (HERVICON+PUMPS 2014), September 9-12, 2014, Sumy, UkraineLeave the NDL website. History of mechanical technology and mechanical design : selected papers from proceeding of the 8th China-Japan International Conference on History of Mechanical Technology and Mechanical Design, (CJICHMTMD) Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2010, Jiaozuo, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical automation and materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Automation and Materials Engineering (ICMAME 2013) : Wuhan, China 9-11 August 2013Leave the NDL website. Advanced materials, mechanics and industrial engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 4th International Conference on Mechanics, Simulation and Control (ICMSC 2014), June 21-22, 2014, Moscow, RussiaLeave the NDL website. Advanced Research on Materials, Applied Mechanics and Design Science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Materials, Applied Mechanics and Design Science (IMAMD 2013), April 13-14, 2013, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Spacecraft structures, materials and mechanical testing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing (ICSSMMT 2012), Xiamen, China, 27-28 December 2012Leave the NDL website. Engineering technology : properties and technologies : 3rd International Conference on Material Science and Engineering Technology (3rd ICMSET 2019) : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Advances in mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMME-2015), April 2-3, 2015, Kanchipuram, IndiaLeave the NDL website. Components, packaging and manufacturing technology II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3rd International Conference on Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (ICCPMT 2013), December 31, 2013-January 2, 2014, Brisbane AustraliaLeave the NDL website. Advances in thermofluids : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Meeting on Advances of Thermofluids (5th IMAT), November 12-13, 2012, Bintan Island, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Applied mechanics and mechatronics : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Recent technologies in design, management and manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering 2014 (iDECON 2014), September 22-23, 2014, Malacca, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical and electrical technology V : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 5th International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET 2013) : Chengdu, China 20-21 July 2013Leave the NDL website. Applied methods of the analysis of static and dynamic loads of structures and machines : special topic volume with selected papers from the 52nd International Scientific Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis (EAN 2014), June 2-5, 2014, Mariánské Lázně, Czech RepublicLeave the NDL website. Advanced engineering technology III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICAET 2016), December 16-18, 2016, Incheon, South KoreaLeave the NDL website. Advanced materials, structures and mechanical engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials, Structures and Mechanical Engineering, May 20-22, 2016, Incheon, South KoreaLeave the NDL website. Achievements in engineering sciences : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Process (ICMEP 2014), April 10-11, 2014, Seoul, KoreaLeave the NDL website. Advanced manufacturing and information engineering, intelligent instrumentation and industry development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Precision Mechanical Instruments and Measurement Technology (ICPMIMT 2014), May 30-31, 2014, Chongqing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Development of industrial manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering (ICSEEE 2013), 28-29 December, 2013, Shenzhen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Engineering providing of industrial development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd Asian Pacific Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (APCMCE 2014), August 8-9, 2014, Hong KongLeave the NDL website. Mechatronics and applied mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics (ICMAM2011) December 27-28, 2011, Hong KongLeave the NDL website. Mechanics, simulation and control III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanics, Simulation and Control (ICMSC 2013) : Kanyakumari, India 22-23 June 2013Leave the NDL website. Recent research on mechanical engineering, mechatronics and automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechanics and Mechatronics (ICMM 2014), May 9-11, 2014, Xi'an, Shanxi, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering, manufacturing and automation technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation (ICMDMA 2014), December 27-28, 2014, Huanggang, Hubei, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced research on mechanical engineeing, industry and manufacturing engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Mechanical Engineeing, Industry and Manufacturing Engineering (MEIME2011), July 23-24, 2011, Beijing, China/ edited by Helen Zhang and David JinLeave the NDL website. Advances in hydrology and hydraulic engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering (ICCAHE 2012), August 10-12, 2012, Zhangjiajie, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Measurement technology and its application III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation (ICMIA 2014), April 23-24, 2014, Shanghai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechatronics and computational mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechatronics and Computational Mechanics (ICMCM 2012), 20-21 December 2012, Dubai, UAELeave the NDL website. Advances in heat transfer, flow engineering and energy installations : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 7th International Meeting on Advances in Thermofluids (IMAT 2014), November 26-27, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Industrial design and mechanical power : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Industrial Design and Mechanical Power (ICIDMP2012), July 10-11, 2012, Huangshan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Sustainable cities development and environment protection IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architechture [i.e. Architecture] and Building Materials (CEABM 2014), May 24-25, 2014, Haikou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Research on mechanical engineering, civil engineering and material engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Material Engineering (MECEM 2013), October 27-28, 2013, Hefei, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in mechatronics and control engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2013), August 28-29, 2013, Dalian, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Materials science and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering (ICMSME 2013), October 27-28, 2013, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Intelligent structure and vibration control : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Intelligent Structure and Vibration Control (ISVC) 2011, January 14-16, 2011, Chongqing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Novel trends in production devices and systems II : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Architecture, building materials and engineering management : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2013), May 24-26, 2013, Jinan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Structures and building materials V : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 5th International Conference on Structures and Building Materials (ICSBM 2015), April 16-17, 2015, Shenzhen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Green power, materials and manufacturing technology and applications : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Green Power, Materials and Manufacturing Technology and Applications (GPMMTA2011), July 15-18, 2011, Chongqing, China/ edited by Aimin Yang, Jingguo Qu and Xilong QuLeave the NDL website. Applied materials and Technologies for modern manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Third International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing (ICAMMM 2013), August 24-25, 2013, Dalian, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in energy materials and environment engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Energy Materials and Environment Engineering (ICEMEE 2014), October 25-26, 2014, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Modern technologies in manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 12th International Conference on Modern Technologies in manufacturing (MTeM) October 14-16, 2015, Cluj-Napoca, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Recent advances in materials, mechanical and civil engineering : ICRAMMCE 2017 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Recent Advances in Material, Mechanical and Civil Engineering - 2017 (ICRAMMCE-2017), June 1-2, 2017, Hyderabad, IndiaLeave the NDL website. Advances in structures analysisLeave the NDL website. Information technology for manufacturing systems II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems (ITMS 2011), Shanghai, China, May 7-8, 2011Leave the NDL website. Hydraulic engineering and sustainable city development III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Civil Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering (ICCAHE 2014), July 30-31, 2014, Hangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Applied mechanics, materials and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Mechanical Engineering (AMME2013), August 24-25, Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Noise, vibration and comfort : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Noise, Vibration and Comfort (NVC 2012), November 26-28, 2012, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Advanved transportation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2011), 14-16 October, 2011, Jinan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Sustainable development of urban and rural areas : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2013), December 14-15, 2013, Kunming, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechatronics and applied mechanics II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics (ICMAM2012), December 6-7, 2012, Hongkong, December 8-9, 2012, TaipeiLeave the NDL website. Innovative development of industrial manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechanics, Mechatronics and Materials Research (ICM3R 2014), October 4-6, 2014, Nanjing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. LOGI 2015-16th International Scientific Conference : selected, peer reviewed papers related to Development of Manufacturing, Transport and Information Technologies in Industrial Logistics from the LOGI 2015, October 29, 2015, České Budějovice, Czech RepublicLeave the NDL website. Mechanical and aerospace engineering IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 4th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE) : Moscow, Russia 20-21 July 2013Leave the NDL website. Sustainable development of urban inflastructure : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2012), October 27-28, 2012, Guilin, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Manufacturing engineering and process II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the ICMEP 2013 International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Process, Vancouver, Canada, 13-14 April 2013Leave the NDL website. Advances in manufacturing technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ADME 2012), August 16-18, 2012, Taiyuan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Machine design and manufacturing engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering (3rd ICMDME 2014), May 24-25, 2014, Jeju Island, South KoreaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering and instrumentation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation (ICMEI 2013), December 31, 2013-January 2, 2014, Brisbane, AustraliaLeave the NDL website. Applied mechanics, materials, industry and manufacturing engineering : selected peer reviewed papers from the 2012 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industry and Manufacturing Engineering (MEIME2012), June 23-24, 2012, Hefei, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Current solutions in mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference of Mechanical Engineering (ICOME 2015), October 8-9, 2015, Craiova, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Research on energy material, chemical engineering and mining engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Energy Material, Chemical Engineering and Mining Engineering (EMCEM 2014), January 12-13, 2014, Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. World future alternatives : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Energy: World Future Alternatives, November 30-December 2, 2015, Phitsanulok, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Applied research in materials and mechanics engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Future Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering (MEME 2014), June 21-22, 2014, London, UKLeave the NDL website. Advanced manufacturing technology and materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Materials Engineering (AMTME 2014), October 25-26, 2014, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Engineering solutions for industrial production : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Automation (AMMA 2015), April 19-20, 2015, Hong KongLeave the NDL website. Measurement technology and engineering researches in industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation (ICMIA 2013), April 23-24, 2013, Guilin, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in materials science and engineering technology : the Waikato Young Research Engineers Symposium (WYRES 2017) : selected, peer-reviewed papers presented at the 1st Waikato Young Research Engineers Symposium (WYRES), November 16-17, 2017, Hamilton, New ZealandLeave the NDL website. Advanced mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2010 International Conference on Advanced Mechanical Engineering (AME 2010), held on September 4-5, 2010 in Luoyang, ChinaLeave the NDL website. International integrated engineering summit 2014 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st International Integrated Engineering Summit (IIES 2014), December 1-4, 2014, Batu Pahat, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Engineering solutions and technologies in manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Innovative Manufacturing Engineering Conference 2014 (IManE 2014), May 29-30, Chisinau, Republic of MoldovaLeave the NDL website. Electrical information and mechatronics and applications : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Electrical Information and Mechatronics (ICEIM2011), December 23-25, 2011, Jiaozuo, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Computational science and engineering : 3rd International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (ICCSE 2018) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Third International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (ICCSE2018), August 29-30, 2018, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Advances in civil engineering and transportation IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2014), December 24-25, 2014, Xiamen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Renewable energy and environmental technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environmental Technology (REET 2013), September 21-22, 2013, Jilin, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Automotive engineering and mobility research : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Automotive Engineering and Mobility Research (ReCAR 2013), December 16-18, 2013, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Vibration, structural engineering and measurement I : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Vibration, Structural Engineering and Measurement (ICVSEM2011), October 21-23, 2011, Shanghai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in power transmission science and technology : selected, peer reviewed papers of the International Conference on Power Transmission (ICPT 2011), October 25-29, 2011,Xi'an, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Linear drives for industry applications IX : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 9th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications (LDIA 2013) : Hangzhou, China 7-10 July 2013Leave the NDL website. Advanced printing and packaging materials and technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd China Academic Conference on Printing and Packaging, October 24-25, 2014, Beijing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Fluid dynamic and mechanical & electrical control engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 16th International Conference on Fluid Dynamic and Mechanical & Electrical Control Engineering (FDMECE2012), November 10-11, 2012, Chongquing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering and green manufacturing II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Green Manufacturing (MEGM 2012), March 16-18, 2012, Chongqing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced research in design, manufacturing and materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Symposium on Engineering and Technology (ISET-2014), January 9-10, 2014, Pune, IndiaLeave the NDL website. Manufacturing technology, electronics, computer and information technology applications : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Manufacturing Technology and Electronics Applications (ICMTEA 2014), November 8-9, 2014, Taiyuan, Shanxi, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Technologies of mechanical engineering industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanics Engineering (ICAME 2013) : Jakarta, Indonesia 13-14 July 2013Leave the NDL website. Structural engineering, vibration and aerospace engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Structural Engineering, Vibration and Aerospace Engineering (SEVAE 2014), November 15-16, 2014, Shenzhen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Energy research and power engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Energy Research and Power Engineering (ERPE 2013), Zhengzhou, Henan, China 24-25 May 2013Leave the NDL website. Advances in experimental mechanics V : selected, peer reviewed papers from 5th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics 4th-6th September 2007Leave the NDL website. Applied mechanics and manufacturing technology : selected, peer reviewed papers of the 2011 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Manufacturing Technology (AMMT 2011), August 4-7, 2011, Bali, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Advanced development in automation, materials and manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechatronics, Materials and Manufacturing (ICMMM 2014), August 2-4, 2014, Chengdu, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering and aeronautical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 International Conference on Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, December 12-14, 2015, SingaporeLeave the NDL website. Advances in intelligent structure and vibration control : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Intelligent Structure and Vibration Control (ISVC 2012), March 16-18, 2012, Chongqing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Manufacturing science and technology VI : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology (ICMST 2015), June 1-2, 2015, Bandar Seri Begawan, BruneiLeave the NDL website. Advances in mechatronics, robotics and automation II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation (ICMRA 2014), March 8-9, 2014, Zhuhai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Dynamics and control of technical systems II : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Applied mechanics, materials and manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials, and Manufacturing (AMMM 2013) : Hong Kong, China 17-18 August 2013Leave the NDL website. Advances in mechatronics and control engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2014), August 27-28, 2014, Zhuhai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Operation and diagnostics of machines and production systems operational statesLeave the NDL website. Precision instrumentation and measurement : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Precision Instrumentation and Measurement 2010 (CPIM2010) and its satellite event, the International Symposium on Mass Measurement Device (MMD2010), held in our beautiful and historical city of KiryuLeave the NDL website. Advanced research in aerospace, robotics, manufacturing systems, mechanical engineering and bioengineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the OPTIROB 2015-International Conference on Cyber Systems in the Fields of Aerospace, Robotics, Manufacturing Systems, Mechanical Engineering, June 27-30, 2015, Jupiter, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Instruments, measurement, electronics and information engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Precision Mechanical Instruments and Measurement Technology (ICPMIMT 2013) : Shenyang, Liaoning, China 25-26 May 2013Leave the NDL website. Information technology applications in industry II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Information Technology and Management Innovation (ICITMI2013), July 23-24, 2013, Zhuhai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Materials engineering for advanced technologies (ICMEAT 2013) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3rd International Conference on Materials Engineering for Advanced Technologies (ICMEAT 2013), December 31, 2013-January 2, 2014, Brisbane, AustraliaLeave the NDL website. 2013 international conference on process equipment, mechatronics engineering and material science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Process Equipment, Mechatronics Engineering and Material Science (PEME2013), June 15-16, 2013, Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Information technology for manufacturing systems V : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 5th International Conference on Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems (ITMS 2014), September 16-17, 2014, SingaporeLeave the NDL website. Industrial instrumentation and control systems II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation (ICMIA 2013), April 23-24, 2013, Guilin, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Technology and engineering reviews and research advances I : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Science & Humanity (IGCESH 2014), August 19-21, 2014, Skudai, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Frontiers of mechanical engineering and materials engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering (MEME 2014), November 21-23, 2014, Xiamen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering and materials science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Mechanics and Materials Engineering (ICIMME 2014), December 27-28, 2014, Shenzhen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Applied methods of the analysis of static and dynamic loads of structures and machines II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 53rd International Conference on Experimental Stress Analyses [sic] 2015 (EAN 2015), June 1-4, 2015, C̆eský Krumlov, Czech RepublicLeave the NDL website. Civil, architectural, structural and constructional engineering III : selected peer-reviewed papers from 4th Annual International Conference on Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering (ICCASCE 2019) : 4th Annual International Conference on Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering (ICCASCE 2019), November 15-17, 2019, Jeju Island, South KoreaLeave the NDL website. Materials and processing technologies : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Machines and technological equipment : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Advanced technologies in designing and progressive development of manufacturing systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from joint International Conferences : ICAMaT 2014-7th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies : ROBOTICS 2014-VIth International Conference on Robotics : POLCOM 2014-International Conference of Technology for Polymeric and Composites Products : October 23-24, 2014, Bucharest, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical and aerospace engineering VI : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 6th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE 2015), July 16-17, 2015, Roma, ItalyLeave the NDL website. Applied mechatronics and android robotics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Applied Mechatronics and Android Robotics (ICAMAR 2013), July 13-14, Taipei, TaiwanLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering, materials and energy III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3[rd] International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy (ICMEME 2013), November 9-10, 2013, Changsha, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Acoustics & vibration of mechanical structures : selected, peer reviewed papers from the XII-th International Symposium Acoustics & Vibration of Mechanical Structures (AVMS 2013), May 23-24, 2013, Timişoara, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Advances in transportation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2013), December 14-15, 2013, Kunming, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in computers, electronics and mechatronics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Forum on Computers, Electronics and Mechatronics (IFCEM 2014), August 27-28, 2014, Zhuhai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Operation and diagnostics of machines and production systems operational states II : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Intelligent materials, applied mechanics and design science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Intelligent Materials, Applied Mechanics and Design Science, (IMAMD2011), December 24-25, Beijing ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical, industrial and manufacturing technologies 2012 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Technologies (MIMT 2012), Shenzhen, China 24-25 March 2012Leave the NDL website. Advanced research on applied mechanics and manufacturing system : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Manufacturing System (AMMS2012), November 24-25, 2012, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Sustainable cities development and environment : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering (ICCAHE 2012), August 10-12, 2012, Zhangjiajie, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Design, testing and characteristics of mechatronic devices : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Environmental technology and resource utilization II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environmental Technology (REET 2014), August 19-20, 2014, Dalian, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Applied mechanics and industrial technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Manufacturing Technology (AMMT 2012), August 14-15, Jakarta, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Uncertainty in mechanical engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering (ICUME 2015), November 19-20, 2015, Darmstadt, GermanyLeave the NDL website. Advanced engineering solutions : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Structure and Vibration Control (ISVC 2014), July 25-28, 2014, Chongqing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced mechanical engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Advanced Mechanical Engineering (AME 2012), Juli [sic] 7-8, 2012, Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Engineering solutions in industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechatronics and Android Robotics (ICAMAR 2014), August 16-17, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Materials and technologies for flexible and printed electronics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics (ICFPE 2014), October 21-23, 2014, Beijing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. E-engineering & digital enterprise technologyLeave the NDL website. Applied mechanics and mechatronics II : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Mechanisms, mechanical transmissions and robotics : selected, peer reviewed papers from a collection of papers from MTM & Robotics 2012 - The Joint International Conference of the XI International Conference on Mechanisms and Mechanical Transmissions (MTM) and the International Conference on Robotics (Robotics 2012), June 6-8, 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, FranceLeave the NDL website. Advances in mechatronics and machinery : 20th ICMT 2016 : selected peer reviewed papers from the 20th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT2016), October 28-31, 2016, Dalian, P.R. ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in engineering design and optimization : selected, peer-reviewed papers from the lnternational Conference on Engineering Design and Optimization (ICEDO 2010), 28-30 October 2010, Ningbo, P.R. ChinaLeave the NDL website. Materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering (ICMEN 2014), May 17-18, 2014, Nanjing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Applied mechanics and mechanical engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 3rd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMME 2012), Macau, 14-15 November 2012Leave the NDL website. Energy engineering and environmental engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering (ICEEEE 2013), January 18-19, 2013, Hangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advance in mechatronics technology : selected peer reviewed papers of the 6th China-Japan International Conference on Mechatronics (CJCM'2010), Sept. 10-12 2010, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Aerospace and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 Conference on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (AME 2014), April 13-14, 2014, Bangkok, TailandLeave the NDL website. Advanced materials design and mechanics II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Advanced Materials Design and Mechanics (ICAMDM 2013), May 17-18, 2013, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Advanced architectural design and construction : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Advanced manufacturing technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 8th International Conference of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, ICAMaT 2015, October 29-30, 2015, Bucharest, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Industrial engineering and applied research : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Industrial Design and Mechanics Power (3rd ICIDMP 2014), June 21-22, 2014, Beijing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Theory and practice of industrial and production engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the XII International Science and Engineering Conference, May 27-29, 2015, Kazimierz Dolny, PolandLeave the NDL website. Electrical power engineering and sustainable development of industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering and Applications 2014 (ICEPEA 2014), November 14-16, 2014, Langkawi, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Advances in printing and packaging technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd China Academic Conference on Printing and Packaging (CACPP 2012), October 19-20, 2012, Beijing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced design and manufacturing technology IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ADME 2014), July 26-27, 2014, Hangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in experimental mechanics VIII : selected, peer-reviewed papers of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics: Integrating Simulation and Experimentation for Validation, (BSSM 2011) Sept.7-9 2011, Edinburgh, ScotlandLeave the NDL website. Engineering and manufacturing technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 5th International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies (MIMT 2014), March 10-11, 2014, Penang, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Alternative energy sources, materials and technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on "Sustainable Energy Resources, Materials and Technologies" (ISERMAT 2015), January 8-9, 2015, Chennai, IndiaLeave the NDL website. Computer-aided design, manufacturing, modeling and simulation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing, Modeling and Simulation (CDMMS 2011), September 13-16, 2011, Hangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Measurement technology and its application : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation (ICMIA 2012), September 15-16, 2012, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Composite materials and structures in aerospace engineering : selected plenary lectures and key-note contributions of the two events FULLCOMP--Meeting FULLy integrated analysis, design, manufacturing and health-monitoring of COMPosite structures and 23rd Congress of AIDAA, Associazione Italiana di Aeronatica ed Astronautica November 17-21, 2015, Torino, ItalyLeave the NDL website. Carbon dioxide: problems and decisions : 3[rd] edition of the Brazilian Congress on CO[2] : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3[rd] Brazilian Congress on CO[2], April 28-29, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilLeave the NDL website. Emerging systems for materials, mechanics and manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Mechanics and Manufacturing Systems (ICMMS 2011), November 13-14, 2011, Ningbo, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in engineering design and optimization II : selected, peer-reviewed papers from the lnternational Conference on Engineering Design and Optimization (ICEDO 2011), August 19-21, 2011, Ningbo, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Frontiers of manufacturing and design science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2010 International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science (ICFMD2010), Chongqing, China, December 11-12, 2010Leave the NDL website. Innovative solutions in the field of engineering sciences : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Automation (AMMA 2014), May 20-21, 2014, Macao, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Trends in statics and dynamics of constructions II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 13th International Conference on New Trends in Statics and Dynamics of Buildings, October 15-16, 2015, Bratislava, SlovakiaLeave the NDL website. Experimental and applied mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (EAM 2014), January 20-21, 2014, Miami, USALeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering, materials science and civil engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Civil Engineering (ICMEMSCE 2012), August 18-20, 2012, Harbin, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Engineering for environment protection : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 21st International Conference "Engineering for Environment Protection - TOP", June 23-25, 2015, Senec, SlovakiaLeave the NDL website. Applied mechanics and civil engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Second SREE Workshop on Applied Mechanics and Civil Engineering (AMCE 2012), September 15-16, 2012, Hong KongLeave the NDL website. Materials engineering and automatic control III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Materials Engineering and Automatic Control (ICMEAC 2014), May 17-18, 2014, Tianjin, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Urgent problems of up-to-date mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference "Urgent Problems of Up-to-Date Mechanical Engineering", UTI TPU, December 11-12, 2014, Yurga, RussiaLeave the NDL website. Development of technologies in automotive engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st Polish-Russian Symposium on Science and Education, May 14-15, 2015, Gdańsk, PolandLeave the NDL website. Advanced technology for manufacturing systems and industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 3rd International Conference on Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems (ITMS 2012), Qingdao, China, 8-9 September 2012Leave the NDL website. Mechanical and materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the World Virtual Conference on Advanced Research in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, March 18-22, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Vehicle & mechanical engineering and information technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Vehicle & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (VMEIT 2012) : Shenyang, Liaoning, China, 7-9 September 2012Leave the NDL website. Engineering and technological solutions for sustainable development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Green Transport, Renewable Energy and Environment (ICGTREE 2014), August 23-24, 2014, Tianjin, ChinaLeave the NDL website. New trends in mechanical engineering and materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechatronics and Materials Engineering (ICMME 2012), July 13-14, 2012, Hangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in bionic engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4[th] International Conference of Bionic Engineering (ICBE'13), August 13-16, 2013, Nanjing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Dynamics and control of technical systems : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Process and advanced materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials (ICPEAM 2014), June 3-5, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Digital manufacturing & automation III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3nd [sic] International Conference on Digital Manufacturing & Automation (ICDMA 2012), August 1-2, 2012, Guangxi, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Engineering Mechanics 2015 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Engineering Mechanics 2015, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech RepublicLeave the NDL website. Mechatronics, robotics and automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation (ICMRA 2013), June 13-14, 2013, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Progress in production engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 WGP Congress, September 7-8, 2015, Hamburg, GermanyLeave the NDL website. Experimental mechanics and effects of intensive loading : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 SEM Fall Conference and International Symposium on Intensive Loading and Its Effects, October 19-22, 2014, Beijing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Sensors, mechatronics and automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Sensors, Mechatronics and Automation (ICSMA 2013), December 24-25, 2013, Shenzhen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Packaging science and technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Packaging Technology and Science (ICPTS 2012), October 25-28, 2012, Ningbo, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Engineering decisions and scientific research in aerospace, robotics, biomechanics, mechanical engineering and manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Smart Systems in all Fields of the Life-Aerospace, Robotics, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Systems, Biomechatronics, Neurorehabilitation and Human Motricities (ICMERA 2013), October 24-27, 2013, Bucharest, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Advanced materials and engineering structural technology : 2nd ICAMEST : selected, peer reviewed papers from the the [sic] 2nd International Conference on Advanced Material and Engineering Structural Technology (ICAMEST 2016), November 18-20, 2016, Jeju Island, South-KoreaLeave the NDL website. Advances in civil engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2011), 14-16 October 2011, Jinan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Energy systems, materials and designing in mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference for Young Scientists "Electrical Engineering. Electrotechnology. Energy", June 9-12, 2015, Novosibirsk, RussiaLeave the NDL website. Evolution of green energy and vehicle technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the National Conference on Evolution of Green Energy and Vehicle Technology, March 2-3, 2015, Sriperumbudur, IndiaLeave the NDL website. Materials and technologies in modern mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 8th RCMME (Regional Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) in conjunction with the ICMME 2015 (International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering), November 5-6, 2015, Yogyakarta, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Selected proceedings of the ninth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology : selected proceedings of the ninth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology, October 29-30, 2014, Beijing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Computer-aided design, manufacturing, modeling and simulation II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing, Modeling and Simulation (CDMMS 2012), Chongqing, China, 21-23 September 2012Leave the NDL website. Recent decisions in technologies for sustainable development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Technology Development (ICSTD 2014), October 30-31, 2014, Bali, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Advances in mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from First International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME)2011, April 3-4, 2011, Phuket, ThailandLeave the NDL website. IT systems and decisions in business and industry practice : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference XXII Mountain School of Association of Information Society, June 22-24, 2015, Czestochowa, PolandLeave the NDL website. Energy efficiency in strategy of sustainable production IV : 5th Green Factory Bavaria Colloquium : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th Green Factory Bavaria Colloquium 2018, July 17-18, 2018, Nuremberg, GermanyLeave the NDL website. Innovation materials and manufacturing technologies, economic aspects in enterprises : selected, peer reviewed papers from the IV International Scientific Practical Conference with Elements of School for Junior Scientists "Innovative Technologies and Economics in Engineering", May 23-25, 2013, Yurga, RussiaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical, Electronic and Engineering Technologies (ICMEET 2014) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechanical, Electronic and Engineering Technology (ICMEET 2014), May 9-11, 2014, Taipei, TaiwanLeave the NDL website. Actual problems and decisions in machine building : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems in Machine Building", March 25th, 2015, Novosibirsk, Russian FederationLeave the NDL website. Review of modern engineering solutions for the industry 2012 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechatronic Systems and Automation Systems (MSAS 2012) : Wuhan, China 21 July 2012Leave the NDL website. Sensors, measurement, intelligent materials and technologies III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Sensors, Measurement and Intelligent Materials (ICSMIM 2014), November 25-26, 2014, Zhuhai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Innovative technologies in development of construction industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Scientific Conference Week of Science in SPbSPU-Civil Engineering (SPbWOSCE 2014), December 3-4, 2014, Saint-Petersburg, RussiaLeave the NDL website. Structural engineering, vibration and aerospace engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Structural Engineering, Vibration and Aerospace Engineering (SEVAE 2013), November 23-24, 2013, Zhuhai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Research in engineering and management of advanced manufacturing systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems (MMS 2014), October 1-3, 2014, High Tatras, SlovakiaLeave the NDL website. Advanced concepts in mechanical engineering I : selected, peer reviewed papers from a collection of papers from the 6th International Conference on Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Engineering (ACME 2014), June 12-13, 2014, Iasi, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Advances in energy science and technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering (ICSEEE 2012), December 29-30, 2012, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical, materials and manufacturing engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMMME 2011), June 20-22, 2011, Nanchang, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Achievements and solutions in mechanical engineering : 4th International Conference of Mechanical Engineering (4th ICOME 2017) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference of Mechanical Engineering (ICOME 2017), October 11-12, 2017, Craiova, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical science and engineering IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4[th] International Conference on Mechanical Science and Technology (ICMSE 2014), January 2-4, 2014, Sanya, Hainan Island, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Sensors, measurement and intelligent materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Sensors, Measurement and Intelligent Materials (ICSMIM 2012), December 26-27, 2012, Guilin, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical & manufacturing engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering 2012, November 20-21, 2012, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Materials and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the the [sic] International Workshop on Materials and Mechanical Engineering (WMME 2013), November 20-22, 2013, Xianning, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced engineering and technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICAET 2014), December 19-21, 2014, Incheon, South KoreaLeave the NDL website. Applied scientific research and engineering developments for industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE 2013) : Tianjin, China 17-18 August 2013Leave the NDL website. Architecture, building materials and engineering management IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2014), May 24-25, 2014, Haikou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Modern methods of experimental and computational investigations in area of construction : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 6th International Conference on Mano [i.e. Nano] and Macro Mechanics 2015 (NMM 2015), September 17, 2015, Prague, Czech RepublicLeave the NDL website. Micro manufacturing techniques and applications : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Forum on Micro Manufacturing (IFMM2012), December 17-18, 2012, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced manufacturing research and intelligent applications : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing Research (ICCIAMR 2014), May 2-3, 2014, Chennai, IndiaLeave the NDL website. Innovative technology and sustainable engineering : 7th RMUTP/ICONSCI : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 7th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development: challenges towards the green innovative society, June 23-24, 2016, Bangkok, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Chemical, mechanical and materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Chemical, Mechanical and Materials Engineering (CMME2011), July 8-10 2011, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Computational mechanics, materials and engineering appliactions : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Workshop on Computational Mechanics, Materials and Engineering Appliactions (CMMES 2011), July 23-24, 2011, Kunming, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Measuring technology and mechatronics automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Third International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA), held in Shanghai, China, Jan 6-7, 2011Leave the NDL website. Measuring technology and mechatronics automation IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA 2012), January 6-7, 2012, Sanya, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances on materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Materials Engineering (ICMEN 2013), May 17-19, 2013, Nanjing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Applied energy and environment technologies and materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Forum on Applied Energy and Environment (IFAEE 2014), November 28-29, 2014, Shenzhen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced research on mechanical engineering, industry and manufacturing engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industry and Manufacturing Engineering (MEIME 2013), June 22-23, Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Technological innovation for sustainable development : 9th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development (9th RMUTP ICON SCi-2018) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 9th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development: challenges towards the digital society 2018 (9th RMUTP ICON SCi-2018), June 21-22, 2018, Bangkok, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Trends and applications in mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical Engineering (ICADME 2015), March 30-31, 2015, Penang, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Engineering : ICMME 2015 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMME 2015), 25-27 December, 2015, Dhaka, BangladeshLeave the NDL website. Advanced materials, structures and mechanical engineering IV : 4th ICAMSME 2017 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials, Structures and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMSME 2017), May 19-21, 2017, Incheon, South-KoreaLeave the NDL website. Materials, machines and development of technologies for industrial production : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Advanced Nano-Technology and Biomedical Material (ANTBM 2014), June 29-30, 2014, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Progress in mechatronics and information technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology (ICMIT 2013), October 19-20, 2013, Guilin, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Dynamics of machines and mechanisms, industrial research : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress (IMEC 2014), June 13-15, 2014, Tamil Nadu, IndiaLeave the NDL website. Applied engineering, materials and mechanics : 2nd ICAEMM : selected, peer reviewed papers from the second International Conference on Applied Engineering, Materials and Mechanics (ICAEMM 2017), April 14-16, 2017, Tianjin, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical and electrical technology VII : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 7th International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET 2015), July 1-2, 2015, Bali, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Advanced manufacturing technology and systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Systems (AMTS 2012), April 17, 2012, Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Sustainable energy and development, advanced materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE-SEAM 2013), October 30-31, 2013, Melaka, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Material science, civil engineering and architecture science, mechanical engineering and manufacturing technology II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Architecture Science (ICAEMAS 2014), July 26-27, 2014, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advancements in automation and control technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Advancements in Automation and Control (ICAAC 2014), April 11-12, 2014, Ramanathapuram, Tamilnadu, IndiaLeave the NDL website. Innovative manufacturing engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Innovative Manufacturing Engineering, (IManE), May 23-24, 2013, Iași, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Dynamic of civil engineering and transport structures and wind engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 6th International Scientific Conference on Dynamic of Civil Engineering and Transport Structures and Wind Engineering (DYN-WIND 2014), May 25-29, 2014, Donovaly, Slovak RepublicLeave the NDL website. Advanced materials and engineering applications : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 SREE Conference on Advanced Materials and Engineering Applications (AMEA 2012), May 5-6, 2012, Hong KongLeave the NDL website. Automotive and transportation engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Congress Science and Management of Automotive and Transportation Engineering - SMAT 2014, October 23-25, 2014, Craiova, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Advances of computational mechanics in Australia : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics (ACCM2015), November 30-December 1, 2015, Brisbane, AustraliaLeave the NDL website. AEROTECH V: progressive aerospace research : selected, peer reviewed papers from the AEROTECH V Conference, October 29-30, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Structural integrity solutions : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Symposium on Structural Integrity (ISSI 2014), August 20-24, 2014, Lanzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Applied mechanics and mechanical engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMME 2011), October 8-9, 2011, Sanya, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Multi-scales behaviour of materialsLeave the NDL website. Advances in civil and industrial engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2013), May 24-26, 2013, Jinan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Computer-aided design, manufacturing, modeling and simulation III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3[rd] International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing, Modeling and Simulation (CDMMS 2013), September 21-23, 2013, Chongqing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Green manufacturing, mechanical and automation engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Green Manufacturing 2013 (MEGM 2013), Chongqing, China 22-24 March 2013Leave the NDL website. Design, manufacturing and mechatronics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Design, Manufacturing and Mechatronics (ICDMM 2014), March 21-23, 2014, Changsha, Hunan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Design and development of sustainable manufacturing systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Electronic and Green Materials International Conference (EGM 2015), the Engineering Technology International Conference (ET 2015), the Green Design and Manufacture International Conference (GDM 2015), July 31-August 1, 2015, Surabaya, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering, industrial electronics and information technology applications in industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Electronics and Informatization (MEIEI 2013) : Chongqing, China 14-15 September 2013Leave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering, materials and information technology II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Material Engineering (MECEM 2014), September 27-28, 2014, Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced materials and process III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3[rd] International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ADME2013), July 13-14, 2013, Anshan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Machinery electronics and control engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3[rd] International Conference on Machinery Electronics and Control Engineering (ICMECE 2013), November 29-30, 2013, Jinan, Shandong, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the 8-th International Symposium on Impact Engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 8th International Symposium on Impact Engineering (ISIE 2013), September 2-6, 2013, Osaka, JapanLeave the NDL website. Electromechanical and systems engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Congress of Electromechanical and Systems Engineering, 10th-14th Novenber 2008, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico CityLeave the NDL website. Mechanical and aerospace engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 3rd International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE 2012), Paris, France, 7-8 July 2012Leave the NDL website. Frontiers of green building, materials and civil engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering (GBMCE 2011), August 22-23, 2011, Shangri-La, China/ edited by Dongye Sun, Wen-Pei Sung and Ran ChenLeave the NDL website. Mechanics and control engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Mechanics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2014), October 26-28, 2014, Asheville, North Carolina, USALeave the NDL website. International Conference on Futuristic Innovations in Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing Management : ICFIMEMM-2016 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Futuristic Innovations in Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering and Manufacturing Management (ICFIMEMM-2016), March 30-31, 2016, Karur, IndiaLeave the NDL website. Frontiers of green building, materials and civil engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Second [i.e. 3rd] International Conference on Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering (GBMCE 2013), August 21-23, 2013, TaiwanLeave the NDL website. Electronics, automation and engineering of power systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Forum on Electrical Engineering and Automation & the 2014 International Conference on Lighting Technology and Electronic Engineering (ICLTEE 2014), November 29-30, 2014, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced technologies on measure and diagnosis, manufacturing systems and environment engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Structure and Vibration Control (ISVC) 2013, Chongqing, China, 22-24 March 2013Leave the NDL website. 12th Envibuild--buildings and environment--from research to application : proceedings of the 12th International EnviBUILD Conference (7th & 8th September 2017) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 12th international enviBUILD conference, September 7-8, 2017, Vienna, AustriaLeave the NDL website. Information, communication and engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2012), December 15-20, 2012, Fuzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Progress in energy and thermal sciences : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Energy and Thermal Sciences (ICETS 2014), October 1, 2014, Skudai, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Advances in civil and industrial engineering IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the the [sic] 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2014), May 24-25, 2014, Haikou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Numbers, intelligence, manufacturing technology and machinery automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Academic Conference on Numbers, Intelligence, Manufacturing Technology and Machinery Automation (MAMT 2011), December 24-25, 2011, Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Intelligent materials and mechatronics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Intelligent Materials and Mechatronics (IMM 2013), November 1-2, 2013, Hong KongLeave the NDL website. International Conference on Material Science and Engineering II : 2nd ICMSE 2017 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Material Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2017), June 16-18, 2017, Jeju Island, South KoreaLeave the NDL website. Quantum, nano, micro technologies and applied researches : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Symposium on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies (ISQNM 2013), December 1-2, 2013, SingaporeLeave the NDL website. Progress in industrial and civil engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering (ICCAHE 2013), July 27-28, 2013, Zhuhai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical and aerospace engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE 2011), July 29-31, 2011, Bangkok, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Technological advancements in materials and manufacturing for industrial environment : TAMMIE'16 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference Technological Advancements in Materials and Manufacturing for Industrial Environment (TAMMIE'16), March 4-5, 2016, Coimbatore, IndiaLeave the NDL website. Industrial engineering, computation and information technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology (ICMIT 2014), October 18-19, 2014, Chongqing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Sensors and materials: advanced researches : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Sensors and Materials Manufacturing Science (ICSMMS 2014), April 11-12, 2014, Hangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Research on food packaging technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 China Academic Conference on Food Packaging : November 23-25, 2013, Tianjin, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Sustainable environment and transportation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2012), May 25-27, 2012, Yantai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced materials and processes IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ADME 2014), July 26-27, 2014, Hangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Renewable energy and power technology II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environmental Technology (REET 2014), August 19-20, 2014, Dalian, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Means and methods for measurement and monitoring : supplement book to Advanced Micro-Device Engineering VIII : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 8th International Conference on Advanced Micro Device Engineering (AMDE 2016), December 9, 2016, Kiryu, JapanLeave the NDL website. Materials science, applied mechanics and advanced engineering research : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials, and Manufacturing (AMMM 2014), December 8-9, 2014, Bangkok, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Process equipment, mechatronics engineering and material science II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Process Equipment, Mechatronics Engineering and Material Science (PEME 2014), June 28-29, 2014, Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Frontiers of mechanical engineering and materials engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 the 2[nd] International Conference on Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering (MEME 2013), October 12-13, 2013, HongKongLeave the NDL website. Measurement technology and intelligent instruments XII : ISMTII 2015 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 12th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments, September 22-25, 2015, Taipei, TaiwanLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering and applied mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 13th Indonesia Conference of Mechanical Engineering, October 15-16, 2014, Depok, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Information technology for manufacturing systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2010 International Conference on Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems (ITMS 2010), August, 2009Leave the NDL website. Applied information and digital image technologies, control and power engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability (ICEETS'14), April 7-9, 2014, Tamil Nadu, IndiaLeave the NDL website. Research on material engineering and manufacturing engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Material Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEME 2013), November 24-25, 2013, Hunan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Frontiers of manufacturing science and measuring technology IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 4th International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing Science and Measuring Technology (ICFMM 2014), June 19-20, 2014, Guilin, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering, intelligent system and applied mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics (MEAM 2013), December 21-22, 2013, Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in materials and manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICAMME-2014), December 19-20, 2014, Chennai, IndiaLeave the NDL website. Advanced research on mechanics, manufacturing engineering and applied technology II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Manufacturing System (AMMS 2014), April 26-27, 2014, Zhengzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Applied mechanics, materials and manufacturing IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing (ICA3M 2014, ICAMMM2014), August 23-24, 2014, Shenzhen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Engineering research and designing for industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechatronics and Materials Engineering (ICMME 2013), May 25-27, 2013, Qiqihar, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Energy efficiency in strategy of sustainable productionLeave the NDL website. Advances in civil and infrastructure engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the ACE 2015-Advances in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, June 12-13, 2015, Vietri sul Mare, ItalyLeave the NDL website. Information technology applications in industry III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Management Innovation (ICITMI 2014), July 19-20, 2014, Shenzhen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Materials and engineering technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Materials and Engineering Technology (MET 2014), October 24-26, 2014, Chicago, USALeave the NDL website. Advances in functional manufacturing technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Functional Manufacturing Technologies (ICFMT 2010), Aug. 6-9 2010, Harbin, Heilongjiang, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Electrical engineering, energy, mechanical engineering - EEM 2014 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the First International Scientific Conference on Electrical Engineering, Energy, Mechanical Engineering, (EEM 2014), December 2-6, 2014, Novosibirsk, Russian FederationLeave the NDL website. International Conference on Machining, Materials and Mechanical Technologies -- supplement book : supplement book to key engineering materials volume 825 : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Optimization of the mechanical engineering, manufacturing systems, robotics and aerospace : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 7-th International Conference on Optimization of the Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Systems, Robotics and Aerospace (OPTIROB 2012), June 21-23, 2012, Mamaia, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Advances in mechanical and manufacturing engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (ICAM2E 2013), November 25-28, 2013, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Engineering solutions for manufacturing processes V : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 5th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing (ICAMMP 2014), December 20-21, 2014, Fuzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Energy saving and environmentally friendly technologies - concepts of sustainable building : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Industrial and service robotics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 13th International Conference on Industrial, Service and Humanoid Robotics (ROBTEP 2014), May 15-17, 2014, High Tatras, SlovakiaLeave the NDL website. Mechatronics engineering and modern information technologies in industrial engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering (MEMTIE 2014), October 25-26, 2014, Changsha, Hunan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Applied mechanics and materials II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Materials (ICAMM 2013), November 23-24, 2013, Zhuhai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Materials science, mechanical engineering and applied research : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Machinery, Materials Science and Energy Engineering (ICMMSEE 2014), September 20-21, 2014, Changsha, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Green power, materials and manufacturing technology and applications II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Green Power, Materials and Manufacturing Technology and Applications (GPMMTA2012), July 17-19, 2012, Kunming, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Vehicle, mechatronics and information technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Vehicle & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (VMEIT 2013) : Zhengzhou, Henan, China 17-18 August 2013Leave the NDL website. Applied mechanics and mechatronics automation 2012 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Applied Mechanics, Mechatronics Automation Symposium (IAMMAS 2012) : Shenyang, Liaoning, China 7-9 September 2012Leave the NDL website. Applied sciences and engineering 2012 : modern topics in manufacturing and designing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Mechanical Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2012), Beijing, China, 20-22 July 2012Leave the NDL website. Advances in green science, engineering and built environment : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Science, Engineering and Built Environments (ICSEBS 2014), November 24-27, 2014, Bali, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Advances in computational modeling and simulation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2[nd] International Conference on Advances in Computational Modeling and Simulation (ACMS 2013), July 17-19, 2013, Kunming, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advance materials development and applied mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials Design and Mechanics (ICAMDM2014), May 23-24, 2014, SingaporeLeave the NDL website. Performance, protection and strengthening of structures under extreme loading : selected, peer reviewed papers of the Thied International Workshop on Performance, Protection and Strengthening of Structures under Extreme Loading, PROTECT2011, 30 August - 1 September 2011, Lugano, SwitzerlandLeave the NDL website. Mechatronics and industrial inforomatics II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Industrial Informatics (ICMII 2014), May 30-31, 2014, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Achievements of mechanical science and current technological innovations for sustainable development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICOME) 2015, September 3-5, 2015, Bali, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Research and development in mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 14th International Conference on Research and Development in Mechanical Industry, RaDMI-2014, September 18-21, 2014, Topola, SerbiaLeave the NDL website. Safety and durability of buildings and structures : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Building Safety and Secure 2015, August 10-12, 2015, Prague, Czech RepublicLeave the NDL website. New trends mechatronics and materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Mechatronics and Materials Engineering (ICMME 2011), December 10-12, Qiqihar, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Acoustics & vibration of mechanical structures II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the XIII International Symposium Acoustics & Vibration of Mechanical Structures (AVMS 2015), May 28-29, 2015, Timişoara, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Computer and information technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Forum on Computer and Information Technology (IFCIT 2013), December 24-25, 2013, Shenzhen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. China Functional Materials Technology and Industry Forum : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 China Functional Materials Technology and Industry Forum (CFMTIF 2012), November 9-12, 2012, Kunming, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Designing and researching of machines and technologies for modern manufacture : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Design and Power Engineering (ICMDPE 2014), October 19, 2014, Jeju Island, KoreaLeave the NDL website. Advances in measurements and information technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Sensors Instrument and Information Technology (ICSIIT 2014), February 8-9, 2014, Guilin, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in manufacturing and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2013 (ICAME 2013) : Malacca, Malaysia 28-29 August 2013Leave the NDL website. Trends in statics and dynamics of constructions : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 12th International Conference "New Trends in Statics and Dynamics of Buildings", October 16-17, 2014, Bratislava, SlovakiaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical automation and materials engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Automation and Materials Engineering (ICMAME 2014), June 28-29, 2014, Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Infrastructure technology : 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2017), 1st Infrastructure Technology Symposium : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st Infrastructure Technology Symposium as part of the 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2017), July 11-12, 2017, Yogyakarta, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. III Central european conference on logistics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd Central European Conference on Logistics (CECOL 2012), November 28-30, 2012, Trnava, Slovak RepublicLeave the NDL website. Progress in industrial and civil engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering (ICCAHE 2014), July 30-31, 2014, Hangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanics and mechatronics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanics and Mechatronics (ICMM2013) : Guilin, Guangxi, China 4-6 October 2013Leave the NDL website. Mechanical, electronic and information technology engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 International Conference on Mechanical, Electronic and Information Technology Engineering (ICMITE 2015), March 21-22, 2015, Chongqing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Applied mechanics and materials III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Materials (ICAMM 2014), November 15-16, 2014, Shenzhen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Solar updraft tower power technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Solar Updraft Tower Power Technology, October 26-28, 2012, Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in computational mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics (ACCM 2013), October 3-4, 2013, Sydney, AustraliaLeave the NDL website. Advances in structural engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2011), October 14-16, 2011, Jinan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in engineering design and optimization III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Third International Conference on Engineering Design and Optimization (ICEDO 2012), May 25-27, 2012, Shaoxing, P.R. ChinaLeave the NDL website. e-Engineering & digital enterprise technology VII : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 7th International Conference on e-Engineering & Digital Enterprise Technology, August, 2009Leave the NDL website. Computational methods in applied sciences : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (CMAS 2014), December 17-18, 2014, Kraków, PolandLeave the NDL website. Progress in civil engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2012), May 25-27, 2012, Yantai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Material, machines and methods for sustainable development : International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS 2018) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS 2018), 18-19 May 2018, Danang, VietnamLeave the NDL website. Automatic control and mechatronic engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Automatic Control and Mechatronic Engineering (ICACME 2014), June 13-14, 2014, Xiamen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanics, mechatronics, intelligent system and information technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Mechatronics and Intelligent System (AMMIS 2014), April 18-20, 2014, Changsha, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Frontiers of manufacturing and design science IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science (ICFMD 2013), September 10-12, 2013, Hong Kong, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Experimental stress analysis 51 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 51[st] Annual of the International Scientific Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis (EAN 2013), June 11-13, 2013, Litomerice, Czech RepublicLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering and intelligent systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems (ICMEIS 2012), August 25-26, 2012, Beijing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced research in materials and engineering applications : selected, peer reviewed papers from the World Virtual Conference on Advanced Research in Materials and Engineering Applications, September 22-26, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Frontiers of green building, materials and civil engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 Second International Conference on Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering (GBMCE 2012), August 22-23, 2012, SanYa, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Applied solutions of engineering science : International Conference of Applied Physics and Engineering 2014 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference of Applied Physics and Engineering (ICAPE 2014), September 17-18, 2014, Park Royal Penang Resort, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Biomechanics neurorehabilitation, mechanical engineering, manufacturing systems, robotics and aerospace : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Biomechanics, Neurorehabilitation, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Systems, Robotics and Aerospace, Bucharest, Romania, 26-28 October 2012Leave the NDL website. Frontiers of manufacturing and design science III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science (ICFMD 2012), December 11-13, 2012, Hong KongLeave the NDL website. Advances in Computing, control and industrial engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering (CCIE 2012), October 27-28, 2012, Wuhan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Current development of mechanical engineering and energy : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Symposium on Vehicle, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering (ISVMEE 2013), December 21-22, 2013, Taiwan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced research in civil engineering, materials, machinery and applied technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Material Engineering (CEME 2014), December 27-28, 2014, Changsha, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Materials engineering and mechanical automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Materials Engineering and Mechanical Automation (MEMA 2013), October 1-2, 2013, Shanghai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Energy engineering and environment engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environment Engineering (ICEEEE 2014), January 10-11, 2014, Hong Kong, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in mechatronics and control engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2012), 29-30 November 2012, Guangzhou, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Robotics and automated production lines : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st MHI Colloquium, February 24-25, 2016, Hamburg, GermanyLeave the NDL website. Functional manufacturing and mechanical dynamics II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Functional Manufacturing and Mechanical Dynamics, January 22-25, 2012, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering, materials and energy II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy, October 26-27, 2012, Dalian, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Modeling and optimization of the aerospace, robotics, mechatronics, machines-tools, mechanical engineering and human motricity fields : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 9th International Conference on Modeling and Optimization of the Aerospace, Robotics, Mechatronics, Machines-Tools, Mechanical Engineering and Human Motricity Fields, (OPTIROB 2014), June 26-29, 2014, Mangalia, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering, industrial materials and industrial technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Materials and Industrial Electronics (MII 2015), March 14-15, 2015, London, UKLeave the NDL website. Engineered technologies in materials science, geotechnics, environment and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Engineering Materials, Geotechnical Engineering and Environmental Engineering (EMGEEE 2012), Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China, 26-28 October 2012Leave the NDL website. 2013 International Conference on Machinery, Materials Science and Energy Engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Machinery, Materials Science and Energy Engineering (ICMMSEE 2013), May 18-19, 2013, Jingzhou, Hubei, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Sustainable development and environment II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering (ICCAHE 2013), July 27-28, 2013, Zhuhai, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering, materials science and civil engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2[nd] International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Civil Engineering (ICMEMSCE 2013), October 25-26, 2013, Beijing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Sensors, mechatronics and automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Sensors, Mechatronics and Automation (ICSMA 2014), December 28-29, 2014, Shenzhen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Sustainable cities development and environment protection : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2013), May 24-26, 2013, Jinan, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advanced research in material science and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Mechanics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2013), September 1-2, 2013, Beijing, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Automatic control and mechatronic engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2[nd] International Conference on Automatic Control and Mechatronic Engineering (ICACME2013), June 21-22, 2013, Bangkok, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Construction materials and computer engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Computer Engineering (ICSCMCE 2013), Singapore 1-2 June 2013Leave the NDL website. Applied mechanics and materials I : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Materials (ICAMM 2012), November 24-25, 2012, Sanya, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Emerging trends in advanced science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICETSET-2014), April 18-19, 2014, Chennai, IndiaLeave the NDL website. OPTIROB 2013 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the OPTIROB2013 International Conference on biomechanics, neurorehabilitation, mechanical engineering, manufacturing systems, robotics and aerospace: optimization of the engineering systems, Mamaia, Constanta Romania, 20-23 June 2013Leave the NDL website. Innovation for applied science and technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Second International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2012, November 2-6, 2012, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R. O. C.Leave the NDL website. WASE Global Conference on Science Engineering 2011 (GCSE 2011) : advances in science and engineering II : Taiyuan & Xian, China 10-11 December 2011Leave the NDL website. Quantum, nano, micro and information technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2010 International Symposium on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies (ISQNM 2010), October 27-28, 2010, Chengdu, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Information technology for manufacturing systems IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 4th International Conference on Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems (ITMS 2013) : Auckland, New Zealand 28-29 August 2013Leave the NDL website. Frontiers of manufacturing and design science II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Second International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science (ICFMD 2011), December 11-13, TaiwanLeave the NDL website. Mechatronics and mechanical engineering I : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering (ICMME 2014), September 6-8, 2014, Chengdu, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Advances in kinematics, mechanics of rigid bodies, and materials sciences : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Kinematics, Mechanics of Rigid Bodies, and Materials (KINEMATICS 2013), November 2-3, 2013, Jakarta, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Advanced research on materials, chemistry and informatization IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 4th International Conference on Material Engineering, Chemistry, Bioinformatics (MECB 2014), November 29-30, 2014, Hefei, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering and materials science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science (ICMEMS 2011), September 24-25, 2011, Cheju Island, KoreaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical and electrical technology VI : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 6th International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET 2014), July 17-18, 2014, Bangkok, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Applied mechanics, mechatronics automation & system simulation 2012 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Applied Mechanics, Mechatronics Automation & System Simulation Meeting (AMMASS2012) : Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China 24-26 June 2012Leave the NDL website. History of mechanical technology and mechanical design 2012 : selected peer reviewd papers from the 9th International Conference on History of Mechanical Technology and Mechanical Design (ICHMTMD2012), March 23-25, 2012, TaiwanLeave the NDL website. Resilience and reliability of civil engineering infrastructures : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering 2015, November 19-21, 2015, Solo (Surakarta), IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Recent trends in materials and mechanical engineering materials, mechatronics and automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering (ICRTMME 2011) January 27-28, 2011, Shenzhen, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Direct digital manufacturing and polymers : 2nd International Conference on Direct Digital Manufacturing and Polymers (2nd CDDMAP) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Direct Digital Manufacturing and Polymers (2nd CDDMAP), May 15-18, 2017, Marinha Grande, PortugalLeave the NDL website. Materials engineering and automatic control II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering and Automatic Control (ICMEAC2013), Shandong, China, 18-19 May 2013Leave the NDL website. Advances in experimental mechanics VII : selected, peer reviewed papers from 7th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 7th-9th September 2010, School of Engineering, University of Liverpool, UKLeave the NDL website. Machinery electronics and control engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 2nd International Conference on Machinery Electronics and Control Engineering (ICMECE 2012), Jinan, Shandong, China, 29-30 December 2012Leave the NDL website. Recent engineering decisions in industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering (ICMSME 2014), May 31-June 1, 2014, Taipei, TaiwanLeave the NDL website. Engineering trends: materials science, mechanics and kinematics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Kinematics, Mechanics of Rigid Bodies, and Materials 2014 (KINEMATICS 2014), November 29-30, 2014, Bandung, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering, materials science and civil engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Civil Engineering (ICMEMSCE 2014), October 25-26, 2014, Phuket, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Monitoring, controlling and architecture of cyber physical systems : their applications in aerospace, robotics, manufacturing systems, mechanical engineering, biomechatronics, neurorehabilitation and human motility : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Aerospace, Robotics, Manufacturing Systems, Mechanical Engineering, Neurorehabilitation and Human Motility (ICMERA 2014), October 24-27, 2014, Bucharest, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Materials science and processing, environmental engineering and information technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Application of Materials Science and Environmental Materials (AMSEM 2014), July 4-6, 2014, Yichang, Hubei, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Green trends in mechanical engineering : International Conference on Green Trends in Mechanical Engineering Sciences (ICGTMES) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Green Trends in Mechanical Engineering Sciences (ICGTMES), October 3-5, 2018, Karnataka, IndiaLeave the NDL website. Properties and processing technologies : selected, peer-reviewed papers from the International Conference on Advances in Material Science and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMSME-2020), February 7-9, 2020, N.B.K.R.I.S.T, Vidyanagar, IndiaLeave the NDL website. Materials and mechanical engineering research : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Machines and equipment : materials research, technologies and design : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Research and design in applied mechanics and materials : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Applied mechanics and engineering : selected peer-reviewed full text papers from the 9th annual International Conference on Material Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2021)Leave the NDL website. Renewable energy technologies : research methods and applications : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Materials and production technologies in machinery : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Materials technologies and machines of modern manufacturing : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Technologies and processes in applied mechanics and materials research : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Mechines and equipment : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Achievements in mechanical engineering and green building materials : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Tribology research, machining tools and mechatronics : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Achievements and solutions in mechanical engineering II : 5th International Conference of Mechanical Engineering (5th ICOME 2019) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Conference of Mechanical Engineering (ICOME 2019), October 24-25, 2019, Craiova, RomaniaLeave the NDL website. Mechanical engineering and science : selected, peer-reviewed papers from 2nd Mechanical Engineering and Science Postgraduate International Conference (MESPIC) : selected, peer-reviewed papers from the Mechanical Engineering and Science Postgraduate International Conference (MESPIC), December 4-5, 2018, Nilai, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Industrial waste management : selected peer-reviewed papers from 2nd Annual Symposium on Solid Waste Refinery (2nd ANSWER) : 2nd Annual Symposium on Solid Waste Refinery (2nd ANSWER), November 13-14, 2019, Yogyakarta, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Engineering tribology and materials IV : selected peer-reviewed full text papers from 5th International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology (ICETAT 2019) : selected, peer-reviewed papers from the 5th International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology 2019 (ICETAT 2019), October 25-26, 2019, Tainan, TaiwanLeave the NDL website. Auxiliary materials and technologies in dentistry : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Achievements and solutions in materials science and engineering data processing : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Modern production and applied engineering research : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Engineering materials and engineering design : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Engineering systems, equipment and robotics : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers onlyLeave the NDL website. Technology and innovation for sustainable development : turning digital disruptions into opportunities : selected peer-reviewed papers from the 10th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development : turning digital disruptions into opportunities 2019 (10th RMUTP ICON SCi-2019) : selected, peer-reviewed papers from the 10th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development: challenges towards the digital society (10th RMUTP ICON SCi-2019), June 4-5, 2019, Bangkok, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Mechatronics and industrial machines : selected peer-reviewed papers from Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing (NCMME 2019) : selected, peer-reviewed papers from the National Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing (NCMME 2019), October 18-20, 2019, Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamLeave the NDL website.

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雑誌扱いNCID: AA12159124
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Advances in mechatronics : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only
Mechanical design and power engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Mechanical Design and Power Engineering (ICMDPE 2013), November 29-30, 2013, Beijing, China
URU International Conference on Science and Technology 2018 : Uttaradit Rajabhat University International Conference on Science and Technology 2018 (URUICST2018) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the URU International Conference on Science and Technology 2018 (URUICST 2018), August 2-3, 2018, Uttaradit, Thailand
Modern tendencies in engineering sciences : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Forum on Materials Processing Technology (IFMPT 2014), January 18-19, 2014, Guangzhou, China and the 2014 International Conference on Sensors, Instrument and Information Technology (ICSIIT 2014), 18-19 January, 2014, Guangzhou, China
Applied decisions in area of mechanical engineering and industrial manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Control, and Electronic Information (ICMCEI 2014), June 27-29, 2014, Taiwan
Damage mechanics: theory, computation and practice : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Damage Mechanics (ICDM2), July 8-11, 2015, Troyes, France
Research in mechanical engineering and material science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical, Material Engineering (MME 2013), November 23-24, 2013, Shiyan, Hubei, China
Advances in design technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ADME 2012), August 16-18, 2012, Taiyuan, China
Recent trends in power engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 9th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO 2015), March 18-19, 2015, Melaka, Malaysia
Mechanical and material engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 3rd International Forum on Mechanical and Material Engineering (IFMME 2015), April 18-19, 2015, Guangzhou, China
Mechanical components and control engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd Asian Pacific Conference on Mechanical Components and Control Engineering (ICMCCE 2014), September 20-21, 2014, Tianjin, China
Advances in science and engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2010 Wase Global Congress on Science Engineering, Yantai, China, November 27-28, 2010
Sensors, measurement and intelligent materials II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Sensors, Measurement and Intelligent Materials (ICSMIM 2013), November 16-17, 2013, Guangzhou, China
Manufacturing and engineering developments : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Innovation Manufacturing and Engineering Management (IMEM2012), December 14-16, 2012, Chongqing, Chaina
Mechanical engineering, automation and control systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Automation and Control Systems 2014 (MEACS 2014), October 16-18, 2014, Tomsk, Russia
Machine design and manufacturing engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMDME 2013), May 1-2, 2013, Jeju Island, South Korea
Structural, environmental, costal and offshore engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Civil, Offshore and Environmental Engineering (ICCOEE 2014), June 3-5, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Mechanical and electronics engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 3rd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE 2011), Septmber 23-25, 2011, Hefei, China
Advances in precision instrumentation and measurement : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3th International Conference on Precision Instrumentation and Measurement 2011 (CPIM2011), July 18-21, 2011, Xiangtan, China
Modern development in materials, machinery and automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Microtechnology and MEMS (ICMM 2013) : Beijing, China 22-23 May 2013
Advanced design and manufacturing technology III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3[rd] International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ADME 2013), July 13-14, 2013, Anshan, China
Applied mechanics and mechanical engineering IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 4[th] International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMME 2013), October 11-12, 2013, Singapore
Mechanical materials and manufacturing engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMMME 2012), Darian, China, 5-6 October 2012
Civil, architectural, structural and constructional engineering II : 3rd ICCASCE 2017 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering (ICCASCE 2017), July 14-16, 2017, Seoul, South Korea
Innovative manufacturing engineering 2015 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 19th Innovative Manufacturing Engineering 2015 (IManE 2015), May 21-22, 2015, Iaşi, România
Logistics development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the scientific cooperating teams within the carpathian region
Innovations in material science, applied mechanics, control and information technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Materials Science, Machinery and Energy Engineering (MSMEE 2014), November 7-8, 2014, Hong Kong
Frontiers of manufacturing science and measuring technology III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing Science and Measuring Technology (ICFMM 2013), July 30-31, 2013, LiJiang, China
Advanced engineering technology II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICAET 2015), December 11-13, 2015, Incheon, South Korea
Vibration, structural engineering and measurement II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Vibration, Structural Engineering and Measurement (ICVSEM2012), October 19-21 2012, Shanghai, China
Mechanical, information and industrial engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Information and Industrial Engineering, November 21-22, 2014, Weihai, China
Novel trends in production devices and systems : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only
New trends in mechanics and transport
Mechatronics and Industrial Inforomatics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechatronics and Industrial Informatics (ICMII 2013), March 13-14, 2013, Guangzhou, China
Advances in civil structures : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2013), May 24-26, 2013, Jinan, China
Applied research and engineering solutions in industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Electrical Information and Mecharonics (ICEIM 2012), Jiaozuo, China, 23-25 December 2012
Applied mechanics and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2010 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMME 2010), September 8-9, 2010, Changsha, China
Advanced materials, mechanics and structural engineering : 3rd AMMSE 2016 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials, Mechanics and Structural Engineering (3rd AMMSE 2016), September 09-11, 2016, Jeju Island, South Korea
Mechatronics and applied mechanics III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics (ICMAM 2013), December 27-28, 2013, Paris, France
Advances in civil and structural engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2013), December 14-15, 2013, Kunming, China
Advanced building materials and sustainable architecture : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2012), May 25-27, 2012, Yantai, China
Advances in civil engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2012), October 27-28, 2012, Guilin, China
Advances in experimental mechanics VI : selected peer reviewed papers from 6th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 9th-11th September 2008, National Physical Laboratory, London, UK
Mechanical science and engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Science and Engineering (ICMSE2012), Hong Kong, China, 1-3 March 2013
Medical materials and engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 SREE Workshop on Medical Materials and Engineering (WMME 2011), October 29-30, 2011, Macau, China
Civil engineering, architecture and sustainable infrastructure II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2[nd] International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Sustainable Infrastructure (ICCEASI 2013), July 13-15, 2013, Zhengzhou, China
Uncertainty in mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st International Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering (ICUME 2011), November 14-15, 2011, Darmstadt, Germany
Architecture and building materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2011), October 14-16, 2011, Jinan, China
Recent trends in materials and mechanical engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering (ICRTMME 2013) : Singapore 21-23 September 2013
Trends in automotive research : selected, peer reviewd papers from the Regional Conference on Automotive Research (ReCAR 2011), December 14-15, 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Innovative solutions in materials science and engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Material Engineering (ICMME 2014), November 22-23, 2014, Shiyan, Hubei, China
Mechatronics, applied mechanics and energy engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechatronics, Applied Mechanics and Energy Engineering (MAMEE 2013) : Singapore 27-29 July 2013
Propulsion systems, mechatronics and communication : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2 day Symposium on Mechatronics Systems, Mechanics and Materials 2015, October 7-8, 2015, Wƚadysƚawowo, Poland
Mechanical materials and manufacturing engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3[rd] International Conference on Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMMME 2013), October 1-2, 2013, Shanghai, China
The 2nd International Conference Material Engineering and Application : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Material Engineering and Application (2nd ICMEA 2017), August 18-20, 2017, Shanghai, China
Progress in structures : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2012), May 25-27, 2012, Yantai, China
Uncertainty in mechanical engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering (ICUME 2018), November 15-16, 2018, Darmstadt, Germany
Innovative engineering and technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the UNIMAS STEM Engineering Conference 2015, October 7-9, 2015, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Computer-aided design, manufacturing, modeling and simulation IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing, Modeling and Simulation (CDMMS 2014), September 13-15, 2014, Chongqing, China
Innovation for sustainable development : 8th RMUTP ICON SCi-2017 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 8th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development: challenges towards the digital society 2017 (8th RMUTP ICON SCi-2017), June 22-23, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
Progress in environmental protection and processing of resource : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering (ICSEEE 2012), December 29-30, 2012, Guangzhou, China
Innovations in structural engineering and construction : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 'International Conference on Innovations in Structural Engineering and Construction' (icISEC), July 29-30, 2016, Kottayam, India
4[th] Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4[th] International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (ICME 2013), December 17-18, 2013, Bangi-Putrajaya, Malaysia
Mechanical and power research : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Powering the Nation (ICETPN '14), February 14, 2014, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Mechanical engineering and materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials (ICMEM 2012), January 15-16, 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Vehicle, mechanical and electrical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Vehicle, Mechanical and electrical Engineering (ICVMEE 2014), November 29-30, 2014, Wuhan, China
Advanced development in industry and applied mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanics Engineering (ICAME 2014), July 28-29, Hong Kong, China
Mechanical engineering, industrial materials and industrial electronics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Materials and Industrial Electronics (MII 2013) : Hong Kong, China 1-2 September 2013
Materials and manufacturing engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (IMME 2015), January 16-17, 2015, Phuket Island, Thailand
Civil, architectural, structural and constructional engineering : 2nd ICCASCE 2016 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering, July 15-17, 2016, Busan, South Korea
Technology and innovation for sustainable development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 6th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development, July 15-16, 2015, Bangkok, Thailand
Industrial design and mechanics power II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Industrial Design and Mechanics Power (ICIDMP 2013), August 24-25, 2013, Nanjing, China
Machinery electronics and control engineering IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 4th International Conference on Machinery Electronics and Control Engineering (ICMECE 2014), November 8-9, 2014, Qingdao, Shandong, China
Mechatronic systems and automation systems : selected, peer reviewed papers of the 2011 International Conference on Mechatronic Systems and Automation Systems (MSAS 2011) will be held on July 23-24, 2011 in Xi'an, China
Innovation in civil engineering, architecture and sustainable infrastructure : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Sustainable Infrastructure (ICCEASI2012), September 22-24, 2012, Zhengzhou, China
Power and energy systems III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3rd International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES 2013), November 23-24, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand
Mechanical and electronics engineering VI : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 6th International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE 2014), August 16-17, 2014, Beijing, China
Electronics, mechatronics and automation III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Electronics, Mechatronics and Automation (ICEMA 2014), August 22-23, 2014, Dubai, UAE
Experimental mechanics and materials : selected, peer reviewed papers of the International Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2010 (ICEM10), 29 November - 1 December 2010,Legend Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Materials and diverse technologies in industry and manufacture : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering (CMAME 2013) : Hong Kong, China 26-27 July 2013
Materials and computational mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing (ICAMMM 2011), November 18-20, 2011, Shenzhen, China
Product design and manufacture : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing (ICAMMM 2011), November 18-20, 2011, Shenzhen, China
Buildings and environment - energy performance, smart materials and buildings : 11th International Conference enviBUILD 2016 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference Buildings and Environment enviBUILD 2016, September 22-23, 2016, Brno, Czech Republic
Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Material Engineering and Environment Science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Material Engineering and Environment Science (MEES 2014), September 13-14, 2014, Wuhan, China
Advanced research on applied mechanics, mechatronics and intelligent system : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Mechatronics and Intelligent System (AMMIS 2013) : Changsha, China 19-21 April 2013
Innovative technologies and economics in engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the V International Scientific Practical Conference "Innovative Technologies and Economics in Engineering", May 22-23, 2014, Yurga, Russia
Materials technologies, automation systems and information technologies in industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Mechatronic Systems and Materials Application (ICMSMA 2013) : Guangzhou, China 26-27 June 2013
Advanced concepts in mechanical engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from a collection of papers from the 6th International Conference on Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Engineering (ACME 2014), June 12-13, 2014, Iasi, Romania
Research, production and use of steel ropes, conveyors and hoisting machines : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Conference on Research, Production and Use of Steel Ropes, Conveyors and Hoisting Machines (VVaPOL 2014), September 23-26, 2014, Podbanske, High Tatras, Slovakia
Chemical, mechanical and materials engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Chemical, Mechanical and Materials Engineering (CMME 2013), Melbourne, Australia, 20-21 January 2013
Design, construction and safety of underground structures : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Safety Design and Construction of Underground Structures (SDeCUS 2016), April 11-12, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic
Advanced engineering research : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON 2015), March 18-20, 2015, Phuket, Thailand
Materials science, mechanical structures and engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Structures and Smart Materials (2nd ICMSSM 2014), August 16-17, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Innovative materials and technology for sustainable development of society : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development: the road towards a green future, July 17-18, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand
Mechanical engineering, industrial electronics and informatization : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Electronics and Informatization (MEIEI 2012), Qinhuangdao, Hebei, China, 28-30 December 2012
Mechatronics and control engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 Asian Pacific Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (APCMCE 2013) : Hong Kong 26-27 March 2013
Advances in civil structures IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Civil, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2014), May 24-25, 2014, Haikou, China
Vehicle, mechatronics and information technologies II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Vehicle & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (VMEIT 2014), February 19-20, 2014, Beijing, China
Applied science, materials science and information technologies in industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Advances in Materials Science and Information Technologies in Industry (AMSITI 2014), January 11-12, 2014, Xi'an, China
Applied science and precision engineering innovation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Applied Science and Precision Engineering Conference 2013, October 18-22, 2013, Nan Tou, Taiwan
Advanced materials and process technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ADME 2012), August 16-18, 2012, Taiyuan, China
Modern design technologies and experiment for advanced manufacture and industry : selected, paper from the 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation held in Kenting, Pingtung, Taiwan, R.O.C., October 31-November 4, 2014
Advanced materials engineering and technology III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Material Engineering & Technology (ICAMET 2014), December 4-5, 2014, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Progress in industrial and civil engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering (ICCAHE 2012), August 10-12, 2012, Zhangjiajie, China
Materials, mechanical engineering and manufacture : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Second International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing (ICAMMM 2012), November 17-18, 2012, Changsha, China
Energy, environment and sustainable development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 Asian Pacific Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (APEESD 2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-13 November 2012
Advances in mechanical and energy engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from XXII Internationales Symposium Research - Education - Technology, 4th International Conference Low Temperature and Waste Heat Use, September 24-25, 2015, Bremen, Germany
Mechanical structures and smart materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical Structures and Smart Materials (ICMSSM 2013), November 16-17, 2013, Xiamen, China
Advanced materials & sports equipment design : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Advanced Materials & Sports Equipment Design (AMSED 2013), September 21-23, 2013, Singapore
Green factory bavaria colloquium 2014 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st Green Factory Colloquium, September 30-October 1, 2014, Nuremberg, Germany
Advanced decisions in engineering practice : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 Global Conference on Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology (DDMTC 2014), November 27-29, 2014, Hanzhong, China
Instrumentation and measurement systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Seminar on Instrumentation, Measurement and Metrology, August 27-28, 2014, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Advanced research in aerospace engineering, robotics, manufacturing systems, mechanical engineering and biomedicine : selected, peer reviewed papers from the ICMERA 2015-International Conference on Smart Systems in the Fields of Aerospace, Robotics, Manufacturing Systems, Mechanical Engineering, October 29-31, 2015, Bucharest, Romania
Advances in material engineering and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Material Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, August 20-21, 2011 Wuhan, China
New approaches in the manufacturing processes
Advances in mechanical, materials and manufacturing engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2014 (ICME 2014), October 29-30, 2014, Bandung, Indonesia
Engineering tribology and materials II : 3rd International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology (ICETAT 2017) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology 2017 (ICETAT2017), October 6-7, 2017, Tainan, Taiwan
Frontiers of mechanical engineering and materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering (MEME 2012), July 27-29, 2012, Hong Kong
Physical modeling for virtual manufacturing systems and processes : International Research Training Group (IRTG) 2057 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st Conference on Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing Systems and Processes, June 8-9, 2017, Speyer, Germany
Mechanical engineering and green manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Green Manufacturing (MEGM) 2010, November 19-22, 2010, in Xiangtan, China
Advanced engineering and materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials (ICMEM 2013), Sanya, China, 27-28 January 2013
Recent tendency in aerospace, robotics, manufacturing systems, energy and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the IACSIT/IACT/UASTRO International Conference on Aerospace, Robotics, Manufacturing Systems, Mechanical Engineering, Biomechatornics [sic] and Neurorehabilitation (OPTIROB 2016), June 29-July 2, 2016, Jupiter, Constanta, Romania
Materials science, civil engineering and architecture science, mechanical engineering and manufacturing technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Architecture Science (ICAEMAS 2014), January 4-5, 2014, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China
Engineering design and analysis : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Automation Science (ICMEAS 2015), October 24-25, 2015, Hong Kong
First International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation in Applied Mechanics and Materials (ICETI 2011) : Kenting, Taiwan 11-15 November 2011
Mechanical and electrical technology IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Mechanical and Eletrical Technology (ICMET 2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24-26 July 2012
Mechatronics and computational mechanics II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Computational Mechanics (ICMCM 2013), December 30-31, 2013, Frankfurt, Germany
Engineering decisions for manufacturing systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Symposium on Manufacturing Systems Engineering (ISMSE 2013) : Singapore 27-29 July 2013
Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, (MME 2014), September 13-14, 2014, Wuhan, China
Ocean science and coastal engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management (ISOCEEN 2015), December 10th, 2015, Surabaya, Indonesia
Materials, industrial and manufacturing engineering research advances 1.2 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st International Materials, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Conference (MIMEC 2013), December 4-6, 2013, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Robotics in theory and practice : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 11th International Conference Industrial, Service and Humanoid Robotics ROBTEP 2012, November 14th - 16th 2012, Strbske Pleso, High Tatras, Slovakia
AEROTECH IV : recent advances in aerospace technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the AEROTECH IV, November 21-22, 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Recent trends in materials, mechanical engineering, automation and information engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 [i.e. 2015] 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering, (ICRTMME 2015), January 15-16, 2015, Auckland, New Zealand
Modern civil engineering in trend of the sustainable infrastructure development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the eco-AWAM International Conference on Civil Engineering 2015 (eco-AICCE'15), September 9-11, 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Information technology applications in industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and Management Innovation (ICITMI2012), November 10-11, 2012, Guangzhou, China
Frontier in information engineering for mechanics and materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Information Engineering for Mechanics and Materials (ICIMM 2012), May 19-22, 2012, Hangzhou, China
Industrial instrumentation and control systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation (ICMIA 2012), September 15-16, 2012, Guangzhou, China
URU International Conference on Science and Technology 2016 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Uttaradit Rajabhat University International Conference on Science and Technology 2016 (URU ICST 2016), August 1-2, 2016, Uttaradit, Thailand
Innovation in testing and evaluation of structural integrity : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2016 International Symposium on Structural Integrity (ISSI2016), May 26-30, 2016, Tianjin, China
Computers and information processing technologies I : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Computers and Information Processing Technologies (ICCIPT 2014), April 23-24, 2014, Shanghai, China
Automation and robotics in production engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Science and Technology "Automation and Robotics in Production Engineering", July 08-10, 2015, Lublin, Poland
Applied mechanics and civil engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 SREE Workshop on Applied Mechanics and Civil Engineering (AMCE 2011), December 17-18, 2011, Macau, China
Engineering decisions for industrial development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Energy Science and Applied Technology (ESAT 2014), December 20-21, 2014, Daqing, China
Design and manufacture in mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Symposium on Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics, (ISMAM 2013) : Nanjing, China 15-16 May 2013
Marine systems and technologies : the annual International Seminar on Marine Technology (SENTA 2016) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Seminar on Marine Technology 2016 (SENTA 2016), December 15-16, 2016, Surabaya, Indonesia
Mechatronics engineering, computing and information technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Computing Technology (ICMECT 2014), April 9-10, 2014, Shanghai, China
Engineering and technology research : selected peer reviewed papers related to mechanic and materials from the 4th International Malaysia-Ireland Joint Symposium on Engineering, Science and Business (IMiEJS 2014), June 25-26, 2014, Penang, Malaysia
Problems of mechanics in pump and compressor engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the XIV International Scientific and Engineering Conference on Hermetic Sealing, Vibration Reliability and Ecological Safety of Pump and Compressor Machinery (HERVICON+PUMPS 2014), September 9-12, 2014, Sumy, Ukraine
History of mechanical technology and mechanical design : selected papers from proceeding of the 8th China-Japan International Conference on History of Mechanical Technology and Mechanical Design, (CJICHMTMD) Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2010, Jiaozuo, China
Mechanical automation and materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Automation and Materials Engineering (ICMAME 2013) : Wuhan, China 9-11 August 2013
Advanced materials, mechanics and industrial engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 4th International Conference on Mechanics, Simulation and Control (ICMSC 2014), June 21-22, 2014, Moscow, Russia
Advanced Research on Materials, Applied Mechanics and Design Science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Materials, Applied Mechanics and Design Science (IMAMD 2013), April 13-14, 2013, Guangzhou, China
Spacecraft structures, materials and mechanical testing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing (ICSSMMT 2012), Xiamen, China, 27-28 December 2012
Engineering technology : properties and technologies : 3rd International Conference on Material Science and Engineering Technology (3rd ICMSET 2019) : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only
Advances in mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMME-2015), April 2-3, 2015, Kanchipuram, India
Components, packaging and manufacturing technology II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3rd International Conference on Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (ICCPMT 2013), December 31, 2013-January 2, 2014, Brisbane Australia
Advances in thermofluids : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Meeting on Advances of Thermofluids (5th IMAT), November 12-13, 2012, Bintan Island, Indonesia
Applied mechanics and mechatronics : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only
Recent technologies in design, management and manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering 2014 (iDECON 2014), September 22-23, 2014, Malacca, Malaysia
Mechanical and electrical technology V : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 5th International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET 2013) : Chengdu, China 20-21 July 2013
Applied methods of the analysis of static and dynamic loads of structures and machines : special topic volume with selected papers from the 52nd International Scientific Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis (EAN 2014), June 2-5, 2014, Mariánské Lázně, Czech Republic
Advanced engineering technology III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICAET 2016), December 16-18, 2016, Incheon, South Korea
Advanced materials, structures and mechanical engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials, Structures and Mechanical Engineering, May 20-22, 2016, Incheon, South Korea
Achievements in engineering sciences : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Process (ICMEP 2014), April 10-11, 2014, Seoul, Korea
Advanced manufacturing and information engineering, intelligent instrumentation and industry development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Precision Mechanical Instruments and Measurement Technology (ICPMIMT 2014), May 30-31, 2014, Chongqing, China
Development of industrial manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering (ICSEEE 2013), 28-29 December, 2013, Shenzhen, China
Engineering providing of industrial development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd Asian Pacific Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (APCMCE 2014), August 8-9, 2014, Hong Kong
Mechatronics and applied mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics (ICMAM2011) December 27-28, 2011, Hong Kong
Mechanics, simulation and control III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanics, Simulation and Control (ICMSC 2013) : Kanyakumari, India 22-23 June 2013
Recent research on mechanical engineering, mechatronics and automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechanics and Mechatronics (ICMM 2014), May 9-11, 2014, Xi'an, Shanxi, China
Mechanical engineering, manufacturing and automation technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation (ICMDMA 2014), December 27-28, 2014, Huanggang, Hubei, China
Advanced research on mechanical engineeing, industry and manufacturing engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Mechanical Engineeing, Industry and Manufacturing Engineering (MEIME2011), July 23-24, 2011, Beijing, China/ edited by Helen Zhang and David Jin
Advances in hydrology and hydraulic engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering (ICCAHE 2012), August 10-12, 2012, Zhangjiajie, China
Measurement technology and its application III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation (ICMIA 2014), April 23-24, 2014, Shanghai, China
Mechatronics and computational mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechatronics and Computational Mechanics (ICMCM 2012), 20-21 December 2012, Dubai, UAE
Advances in heat transfer, flow engineering and energy installations : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 7th International Meeting on Advances in Thermofluids (IMAT 2014), November 26-27, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Industrial design and mechanical power : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Industrial Design and Mechanical Power (ICIDMP2012), July 10-11, 2012, Huangshan, China
Sustainable cities development and environment protection IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architechture [i.e. Architecture] and Building Materials (CEABM 2014), May 24-25, 2014, Haikou, China
Research on mechanical engineering, civil engineering and material engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Material Engineering (MECEM 2013), October 27-28, 2013, Hefei, China
Advances in mechatronics and control engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2013), August 28-29, 2013, Dalian, China
Materials science and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering (ICMSME 2013), October 27-28, 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Intelligent structure and vibration control : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Intelligent Structure and Vibration Control (ISVC) 2011, January 14-16, 2011, Chongqing, China
Novel trends in production devices and systems II : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only
Architecture, building materials and engineering management : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2013), May 24-26, 2013, Jinan, China
Structures and building materials V : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 5th International Conference on Structures and Building Materials (ICSBM 2015), April 16-17, 2015, Shenzhen, China
Green power, materials and manufacturing technology and applications : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Green Power, Materials and Manufacturing Technology and Applications (GPMMTA2011), July 15-18, 2011, Chongqing, China/ edited by Aimin Yang, Jingguo Qu and Xilong Qu
Applied materials and Technologies for modern manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Third International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing (ICAMMM 2013), August 24-25, 2013, Dalian, China
Advances in energy materials and environment engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Energy Materials and Environment Engineering (ICEMEE 2014), October 25-26, 2014, Guangzhou, China
Modern technologies in manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 12th International Conference on Modern Technologies in manufacturing (MTeM) October 14-16, 2015, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Recent advances in materials, mechanical and civil engineering : ICRAMMCE 2017 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Recent Advances in Material, Mechanical and Civil Engineering - 2017 (ICRAMMCE-2017), June 1-2, 2017, Hyderabad, India
Advances in structures analysis
Information technology for manufacturing systems II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems (ITMS 2011), Shanghai, China, May 7-8, 2011
Hydraulic engineering and sustainable city development III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Civil Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering (ICCAHE 2014), July 30-31, 2014, Hangzhou, China
Applied mechanics, materials and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Mechanical Engineering (AMME2013), August 24-25, Wuhan, China
Noise, vibration and comfort : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Noise, Vibration and Comfort (NVC 2012), November 26-28, 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Advanved transportation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2011), 14-16 October, 2011, Jinan, China
Sustainable development of urban and rural areas : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2013), December 14-15, 2013, Kunming, China
Mechatronics and applied mechanics II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics (ICMAM2012), December 6-7, 2012, Hongkong, December 8-9, 2012, Taipei
Innovative development of industrial manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechanics, Mechatronics and Materials Research (ICM3R 2014), October 4-6, 2014, Nanjing, China
LOGI 2015-16th International Scientific Conference : selected, peer reviewed papers related to Development of Manufacturing, Transport and Information Technologies in Industrial Logistics from the LOGI 2015, October 29, 2015, České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Mechanical and aerospace engineering IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 4th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE) : Moscow, Russia 20-21 July 2013
Sustainable development of urban inflastructure : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2012), October 27-28, 2012, Guilin, China
Manufacturing engineering and process II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the ICMEP 2013 International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Process, Vancouver, Canada, 13-14 April 2013
Advances in manufacturing technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ADME 2012), August 16-18, 2012, Taiyuan, China
Machine design and manufacturing engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering (3rd ICMDME 2014), May 24-25, 2014, Jeju Island, South Korea
Mechanical engineering and instrumentation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation (ICMEI 2013), December 31, 2013-January 2, 2014, Brisbane, Australia
Applied mechanics, materials, industry and manufacturing engineering : selected peer reviewed papers from the 2012 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industry and Manufacturing Engineering (MEIME2012), June 23-24, 2012, Hefei, China
Current solutions in mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference of Mechanical Engineering (ICOME 2015), October 8-9, 2015, Craiova, Romania
Research on energy material, chemical engineering and mining engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Energy Material, Chemical Engineering and Mining Engineering (EMCEM 2014), January 12-13, 2014, Wuhan, China
World future alternatives : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Energy: World Future Alternatives, November 30-December 2, 2015, Phitsanulok, Thailand
Applied research in materials and mechanics engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Future Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering (MEME 2014), June 21-22, 2014, London, UK
Advanced manufacturing technology and materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Materials Engineering (AMTME 2014), October 25-26, 2014, Guangzhou, China
Engineering solutions for industrial production : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Automation (AMMA 2015), April 19-20, 2015, Hong Kong
Measurement technology and engineering researches in industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation (ICMIA 2013), April 23-24, 2013, Guilin, China
Advances in materials science and engineering technology : the Waikato Young Research Engineers Symposium (WYRES 2017) : selected, peer-reviewed papers presented at the 1st Waikato Young Research Engineers Symposium (WYRES), November 16-17, 2017, Hamilton, New Zealand
Advanced mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2010 International Conference on Advanced Mechanical Engineering (AME 2010), held on September 4-5, 2010 in Luoyang, China
International integrated engineering summit 2014 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st International Integrated Engineering Summit (IIES 2014), December 1-4, 2014, Batu Pahat, Malaysia
Engineering solutions and technologies in manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Innovative Manufacturing Engineering Conference 2014 (IManE 2014), May 29-30, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Electrical information and mechatronics and applications : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Electrical Information and Mechatronics (ICEIM2011), December 23-25, 2011, Jiaozuo, China
Computational science and engineering : 3rd International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (ICCSE 2018) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Third International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (ICCSE2018), August 29-30, 2018, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Advances in civil engineering and transportation IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2014), December 24-25, 2014, Xiamen, China
Renewable energy and environmental technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environmental Technology (REET 2013), September 21-22, 2013, Jilin, China
Automotive engineering and mobility research : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Automotive Engineering and Mobility Research (ReCAR 2013), December 16-18, 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Vibration, structural engineering and measurement I : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Vibration, Structural Engineering and Measurement (ICVSEM2011), October 21-23, 2011, Shanghai, China
Advances in power transmission science and technology : selected, peer reviewed papers of the International Conference on Power Transmission (ICPT 2011), October 25-29, 2011,Xi'an, China
Linear drives for industry applications IX : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 9th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications (LDIA 2013) : Hangzhou, China 7-10 July 2013
Advanced printing and packaging materials and technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd China Academic Conference on Printing and Packaging, October 24-25, 2014, Beijing, China
Fluid dynamic and mechanical & electrical control engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 16th International Conference on Fluid Dynamic and Mechanical & Electrical Control Engineering (FDMECE2012), November 10-11, 2012, Chongquing, China
Mechanical engineering and green manufacturing II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Green Manufacturing (MEGM 2012), March 16-18, 2012, Chongqing, China
Advanced research in design, manufacturing and materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Symposium on Engineering and Technology (ISET-2014), January 9-10, 2014, Pune, India
Manufacturing technology, electronics, computer and information technology applications : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Manufacturing Technology and Electronics Applications (ICMTEA 2014), November 8-9, 2014, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China
Technologies of mechanical engineering industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanics Engineering (ICAME 2013) : Jakarta, Indonesia 13-14 July 2013
Structural engineering, vibration and aerospace engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Structural Engineering, Vibration and Aerospace Engineering (SEVAE 2014), November 15-16, 2014, Shenzhen, China
Energy research and power engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Energy Research and Power Engineering (ERPE 2013), Zhengzhou, Henan, China 24-25 May 2013
Advances in experimental mechanics V : selected, peer reviewed papers from 5th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics 4th-6th September 2007
Applied mechanics and manufacturing technology : selected, peer reviewed papers of the 2011 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Manufacturing Technology (AMMT 2011), August 4-7, 2011, Bali, Indonesia
Advanced development in automation, materials and manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechatronics, Materials and Manufacturing (ICMMM 2014), August 2-4, 2014, Chengdu, China
Mechanical engineering and aeronautical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 International Conference on Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, December 12-14, 2015, Singapore
Advances in intelligent structure and vibration control : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Intelligent Structure and Vibration Control (ISVC 2012), March 16-18, 2012, Chongqing, China
Manufacturing science and technology VI : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology (ICMST 2015), June 1-2, 2015, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei
Advances in mechatronics, robotics and automation II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation (ICMRA 2014), March 8-9, 2014, Zhuhai, China
Dynamics and control of technical systems II : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only
Applied mechanics, materials and manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials, and Manufacturing (AMMM 2013) : Hong Kong, China 17-18 August 2013
Advances in mechatronics and control engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2014), August 27-28, 2014, Zhuhai, China
Operation and diagnostics of machines and production systems operational states
Precision instrumentation and measurement : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Precision Instrumentation and Measurement 2010 (CPIM2010) and its satellite event, the International Symposium on Mass Measurement Device (MMD2010), held in our beautiful and historical city of Kiryu
Advanced research in aerospace, robotics, manufacturing systems, mechanical engineering and bioengineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the OPTIROB 2015-International Conference on Cyber Systems in the Fields of Aerospace, Robotics, Manufacturing Systems, Mechanical Engineering, June 27-30, 2015, Jupiter, Romania
Instruments, measurement, electronics and information engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Precision Mechanical Instruments and Measurement Technology (ICPMIMT 2013) : Shenyang, Liaoning, China 25-26 May 2013
Information technology applications in industry II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Information Technology and Management Innovation (ICITMI2013), July 23-24, 2013, Zhuhai, China
Materials engineering for advanced technologies (ICMEAT 2013) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3rd International Conference on Materials Engineering for Advanced Technologies (ICMEAT 2013), December 31, 2013-January 2, 2014, Brisbane, Australia
2013 international conference on process equipment, mechatronics engineering and material science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Process Equipment, Mechatronics Engineering and Material Science (PEME2013), June 15-16, 2013, Wuhan, China
Information technology for manufacturing systems V : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 5th International Conference on Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems (ITMS 2014), September 16-17, 2014, Singapore
Industrial instrumentation and control systems II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation (ICMIA 2013), April 23-24, 2013, Guilin, China
Technology and engineering reviews and research advances I : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Science & Humanity (IGCESH 2014), August 19-21, 2014, Skudai, Malaysia
Frontiers of mechanical engineering and materials engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering (MEME 2014), November 21-23, 2014, Xiamen, China
Mechanical engineering and materials science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Mechanics and Materials Engineering (ICIMME 2014), December 27-28, 2014, Shenzhen, China
Applied methods of the analysis of static and dynamic loads of structures and machines II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 53rd International Conference on Experimental Stress Analyses [sic] 2015 (EAN 2015), June 1-4, 2015, C̆eský Krumlov, Czech Republic
Civil, architectural, structural and constructional engineering III : selected peer-reviewed papers from 4th Annual International Conference on Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering (ICCASCE 2019) : 4th Annual International Conference on Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering (ICCASCE 2019), November 15-17, 2019, Jeju Island, South Korea
Materials and processing technologies : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
Machines and technological equipment : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
Advanced technologies in designing and progressive development of manufacturing systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from joint International Conferences : ICAMaT 2014-7th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies : ROBOTICS 2014-VIth International Conference on Robotics : POLCOM 2014-International Conference of Technology for Polymeric and Composites Products : October 23-24, 2014, Bucharest, Romania
Mechanical and aerospace engineering VI : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 6th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE 2015), July 16-17, 2015, Roma, Italy
Applied mechatronics and android robotics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Applied Mechatronics and Android Robotics (ICAMAR 2013), July 13-14, Taipei, Taiwan
Mechanical engineering, materials and energy III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3[rd] International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy (ICMEME 2013), November 9-10, 2013, Changsha, China
Acoustics & vibration of mechanical structures : selected, peer reviewed papers from the XII-th International Symposium Acoustics & Vibration of Mechanical Structures (AVMS 2013), May 23-24, 2013, Timişoara, Romania
Advances in transportation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2013), December 14-15, 2013, Kunming, China
Advances in computers, electronics and mechatronics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Forum on Computers, Electronics and Mechatronics (IFCEM 2014), August 27-28, 2014, Zhuhai, China
Operation and diagnostics of machines and production systems operational states II : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only
Intelligent materials, applied mechanics and design science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Intelligent Materials, Applied Mechanics and Design Science, (IMAMD2011), December 24-25, Beijing China
Mechanical, industrial and manufacturing technologies 2012 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Technologies (MIMT 2012), Shenzhen, China 24-25 March 2012
Advanced research on applied mechanics and manufacturing system : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Manufacturing System (AMMS2012), November 24-25, 2012, Guangzhou, China
Sustainable cities development and environment : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering (ICCAHE 2012), August 10-12, 2012, Zhangjiajie, China
Design, testing and characteristics of mechatronic devices : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only
Environmental technology and resource utilization II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environmental Technology (REET 2014), August 19-20, 2014, Dalian, China
Applied mechanics and industrial technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Manufacturing Technology (AMMT 2012), August 14-15, Jakarta, Indonesia
Uncertainty in mechanical engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering (ICUME 2015), November 19-20, 2015, Darmstadt, Germany
Advanced engineering solutions : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Structure and Vibration Control (ISVC 2014), July 25-28, 2014, Chongqing, China
Advanced mechanical engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Advanced Mechanical Engineering (AME 2012), Juli [sic] 7-8, 2012, Wuhan, China
Engineering solutions in industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechatronics and Android Robotics (ICAMAR 2014), August 16-17, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Materials and technologies for flexible and printed electronics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics (ICFPE 2014), October 21-23, 2014, Beijing, China
E-engineering & digital enterprise technology
Applied mechanics and mechatronics II : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only
Mechanisms, mechanical transmissions and robotics : selected, peer reviewed papers from a collection of papers from MTM & Robotics 2012 - The Joint International Conference of the XI International Conference on Mechanisms and Mechanical Transmissions (MTM) and the International Conference on Robotics (Robotics 2012), June 6-8, 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Advances in mechatronics and machinery : 20th ICMT 2016 : selected peer reviewed papers from the 20th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT2016), October 28-31, 2016, Dalian, P.R. China
Advances in engineering design and optimization : selected, peer-reviewed papers from the lnternational Conference on Engineering Design and Optimization (ICEDO 2010), 28-30 October 2010, Ningbo, P.R. China
Materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering (ICMEN 2014), May 17-18, 2014, Nanjing, China
Applied mechanics and mechanical engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 3rd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMME 2012), Macau, 14-15 November 2012
Energy engineering and environmental engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering (ICEEEE 2013), January 18-19, 2013, Hangzhou, China
Advance in mechatronics technology : selected peer reviewed papers of the 6th China-Japan International Conference on Mechatronics (CJCM'2010), Sept. 10-12 2010, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China
Aerospace and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 Conference on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (AME 2014), April 13-14, 2014, Bangkok, Tailand
Advanced materials design and mechanics II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Advanced Materials Design and Mechanics (ICAMDM 2013), May 17-18, 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Advanced architectural design and construction : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only
Advanced manufacturing technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 8th International Conference of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, ICAMaT 2015, October 29-30, 2015, Bucharest, Romania
Industrial engineering and applied research : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Industrial Design and Mechanics Power (3rd ICIDMP 2014), June 21-22, 2014, Beijing, China
Theory and practice of industrial and production engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the XII International Science and Engineering Conference, May 27-29, 2015, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland
Electrical power engineering and sustainable development of industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering and Applications 2014 (ICEPEA 2014), November 14-16, 2014, Langkawi, Malaysia
Advances in printing and packaging technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd China Academic Conference on Printing and Packaging (CACPP 2012), October 19-20, 2012, Beijing, China
Advanced design and manufacturing technology IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ADME 2014), July 26-27, 2014, Hangzhou, China
Advances in experimental mechanics VIII : selected, peer-reviewed papers of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics: Integrating Simulation and Experimentation for Validation, (BSSM 2011) Sept.7-9 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland
Engineering and manufacturing technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 5th International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies (MIMT 2014), March 10-11, 2014, Penang, Malaysia
Alternative energy sources, materials and technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on "Sustainable Energy Resources, Materials and Technologies" (ISERMAT 2015), January 8-9, 2015, Chennai, India
Computer-aided design, manufacturing, modeling and simulation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing, Modeling and Simulation (CDMMS 2011), September 13-16, 2011, Hangzhou, China
Measurement technology and its application : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation (ICMIA 2012), September 15-16, 2012, Guangzhou, China
Composite materials and structures in aerospace engineering : selected plenary lectures and key-note contributions of the two events FULLCOMP--Meeting FULLy integrated analysis, design, manufacturing and health-monitoring of COMPosite structures and 23rd Congress of AIDAA, Associazione Italiana di Aeronatica ed Astronautica November 17-21, 2015, Torino, Italy
Carbon dioxide: problems and decisions : 3[rd] edition of the Brazilian Congress on CO[2] : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3[rd] Brazilian Congress on CO[2], April 28-29, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Emerging systems for materials, mechanics and manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Mechanics and Manufacturing Systems (ICMMS 2011), November 13-14, 2011, Ningbo, China
Advances in engineering design and optimization II : selected, peer-reviewed papers from the lnternational Conference on Engineering Design and Optimization (ICEDO 2011), August 19-21, 2011, Ningbo, China
Frontiers of manufacturing and design science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2010 International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science (ICFMD2010), Chongqing, China, December 11-12, 2010
Innovative solutions in the field of engineering sciences : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Automation (AMMA 2014), May 20-21, 2014, Macao, China
Trends in statics and dynamics of constructions II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 13th International Conference on New Trends in Statics and Dynamics of Buildings, October 15-16, 2015, Bratislava, Slovakia
Experimental and applied mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (EAM 2014), January 20-21, 2014, Miami, USA
Mechanical engineering, materials science and civil engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Civil Engineering (ICMEMSCE 2012), August 18-20, 2012, Harbin, China
Engineering for environment protection : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 21st International Conference "Engineering for Environment Protection - TOP", June 23-25, 2015, Senec, Slovakia
Applied mechanics and civil engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Second SREE Workshop on Applied Mechanics and Civil Engineering (AMCE 2012), September 15-16, 2012, Hong Kong
Materials engineering and automatic control III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Materials Engineering and Automatic Control (ICMEAC 2014), May 17-18, 2014, Tianjin, China
Urgent problems of up-to-date mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference "Urgent Problems of Up-to-Date Mechanical Engineering", UTI TPU, December 11-12, 2014, Yurga, Russia
Development of technologies in automotive engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st Polish-Russian Symposium on Science and Education, May 14-15, 2015, Gdańsk, Poland
Advanced technology for manufacturing systems and industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 3rd International Conference on Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems (ITMS 2012), Qingdao, China, 8-9 September 2012
Mechanical and materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the World Virtual Conference on Advanced Research in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, March 18-22, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Vehicle & mechanical engineering and information technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Vehicle & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (VMEIT 2012) : Shenyang, Liaoning, China, 7-9 September 2012
Engineering and technological solutions for sustainable development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Green Transport, Renewable Energy and Environment (ICGTREE 2014), August 23-24, 2014, Tianjin, China
New trends in mechanical engineering and materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechatronics and Materials Engineering (ICMME 2012), July 13-14, 2012, Hangzhou, China
Advances in bionic engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4[th] International Conference of Bionic Engineering (ICBE'13), August 13-16, 2013, Nanjing, China
Dynamics and control of technical systems : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only
Process and advanced materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials (ICPEAM 2014), June 3-5, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Digital manufacturing & automation III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3nd [sic] International Conference on Digital Manufacturing & Automation (ICDMA 2012), August 1-2, 2012, Guangxi, China
Engineering Mechanics 2015 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Engineering Mechanics 2015, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic
Mechatronics, robotics and automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation (ICMRA 2013), June 13-14, 2013, Guangzhou, China
Progress in production engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 WGP Congress, September 7-8, 2015, Hamburg, Germany
Experimental mechanics and effects of intensive loading : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 SEM Fall Conference and International Symposium on Intensive Loading and Its Effects, October 19-22, 2014, Beijing, China
Sensors, mechatronics and automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Sensors, Mechatronics and Automation (ICSMA 2013), December 24-25, 2013, Shenzhen, China
Packaging science and technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Packaging Technology and Science (ICPTS 2012), October 25-28, 2012, Ningbo, China
Engineering decisions and scientific research in aerospace, robotics, biomechanics, mechanical engineering and manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Smart Systems in all Fields of the Life-Aerospace, Robotics, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Systems, Biomechatronics, Neurorehabilitation and Human Motricities (ICMERA 2013), October 24-27, 2013, Bucharest, Romania
Advanced materials and engineering structural technology : 2nd ICAMEST : selected, peer reviewed papers from the the [sic] 2nd International Conference on Advanced Material and Engineering Structural Technology (ICAMEST 2016), November 18-20, 2016, Jeju Island, South-Korea
Advances in civil engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2011), 14-16 October 2011, Jinan, China
Energy systems, materials and designing in mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference for Young Scientists "Electrical Engineering. Electrotechnology. Energy", June 9-12, 2015, Novosibirsk, Russia
Evolution of green energy and vehicle technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the National Conference on Evolution of Green Energy and Vehicle Technology, March 2-3, 2015, Sriperumbudur, India
Materials and technologies in modern mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 8th RCMME (Regional Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) in conjunction with the ICMME 2015 (International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering), November 5-6, 2015, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Selected proceedings of the ninth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology : selected proceedings of the ninth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology, October 29-30, 2014, Beijing, China
Computer-aided design, manufacturing, modeling and simulation II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing, Modeling and Simulation (CDMMS 2012), Chongqing, China, 21-23 September 2012
Recent decisions in technologies for sustainable development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Technology Development (ICSTD 2014), October 30-31, 2014, Bali, Indonesia
Advances in mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from First International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME)2011, April 3-4, 2011, Phuket, Thailand
IT systems and decisions in business and industry practice : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference XXII Mountain School of Association of Information Society, June 22-24, 2015, Czestochowa, Poland
Energy efficiency in strategy of sustainable production IV : 5th Green Factory Bavaria Colloquium : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th Green Factory Bavaria Colloquium 2018, July 17-18, 2018, Nuremberg, Germany
Innovation materials and manufacturing technologies, economic aspects in enterprises : selected, peer reviewed papers from the IV International Scientific Practical Conference with Elements of School for Junior Scientists "Innovative Technologies and Economics in Engineering", May 23-25, 2013, Yurga, Russia
Mechanical, Electronic and Engineering Technologies (ICMEET 2014) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechanical, Electronic and Engineering Technology (ICMEET 2014), May 9-11, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan
Actual problems and decisions in machine building : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems in Machine Building", March 25th, 2015, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Review of modern engineering solutions for the industry 2012 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechatronic Systems and Automation Systems (MSAS 2012) : Wuhan, China 21 July 2012
Sensors, measurement, intelligent materials and technologies III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Sensors, Measurement and Intelligent Materials (ICSMIM 2014), November 25-26, 2014, Zhuhai, China
Innovative technologies in development of construction industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Scientific Conference Week of Science in SPbSPU-Civil Engineering (SPbWOSCE 2014), December 3-4, 2014, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Structural engineering, vibration and aerospace engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Structural Engineering, Vibration and Aerospace Engineering (SEVAE 2013), November 23-24, 2013, Zhuhai, China
Research in engineering and management of advanced manufacturing systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems (MMS 2014), October 1-3, 2014, High Tatras, Slovakia
Advanced concepts in mechanical engineering I : selected, peer reviewed papers from a collection of papers from the 6th International Conference on Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Engineering (ACME 2014), June 12-13, 2014, Iasi, Romania
Advances in energy science and technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering (ICSEEE 2012), December 29-30, 2012, Guangzhou, China
Mechanical, materials and manufacturing engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMMME 2011), June 20-22, 2011, Nanchang, China
Achievements and solutions in mechanical engineering : 4th International Conference of Mechanical Engineering (4th ICOME 2017) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference of Mechanical Engineering (ICOME 2017), October 11-12, 2017, Craiova, Romania
Mechanical science and engineering IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4[th] International Conference on Mechanical Science and Technology (ICMSE 2014), January 2-4, 2014, Sanya, Hainan Island, China
Sensors, measurement and intelligent materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Sensors, Measurement and Intelligent Materials (ICSMIM 2012), December 26-27, 2012, Guilin, China
Mechanical & manufacturing engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering 2012, November 20-21, 2012, Malaysia
Materials and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the the [sic] International Workshop on Materials and Mechanical Engineering (WMME 2013), November 20-22, 2013, Xianning, China
Advanced engineering and technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICAET 2014), December 19-21, 2014, Incheon, South Korea
Applied scientific research and engineering developments for industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE 2013) : Tianjin, China 17-18 August 2013
Architecture, building materials and engineering management IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2014), May 24-25, 2014, Haikou, China
Modern methods of experimental and computational investigations in area of construction : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 6th International Conference on Mano [i.e. Nano] and Macro Mechanics 2015 (NMM 2015), September 17, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
Micro manufacturing techniques and applications : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Forum on Micro Manufacturing (IFMM2012), December 17-18, 2012, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Advanced manufacturing research and intelligent applications : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing Research (ICCIAMR 2014), May 2-3, 2014, Chennai, India
Innovative technology and sustainable engineering : 7th RMUTP/ICONSCI : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 7th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development: challenges towards the green innovative society, June 23-24, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand
Chemical, mechanical and materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Chemical, Mechanical and Materials Engineering (CMME2011), July 8-10 2011, Guangzhou, China
Computational mechanics, materials and engineering appliactions : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Workshop on Computational Mechanics, Materials and Engineering Appliactions (CMMES 2011), July 23-24, 2011, Kunming, China
Measuring technology and mechatronics automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Third International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA), held in Shanghai, China, Jan 6-7, 2011
Measuring technology and mechatronics automation IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA 2012), January 6-7, 2012, Sanya, China
Advances on materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Materials Engineering (ICMEN 2013), May 17-19, 2013, Nanjing, China
Applied energy and environment technologies and materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Forum on Applied Energy and Environment (IFAEE 2014), November 28-29, 2014, Shenzhen, China
Advanced research on mechanical engineering, industry and manufacturing engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industry and Manufacturing Engineering (MEIME 2013), June 22-23, Wuhan, China
Technological innovation for sustainable development : 9th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development (9th RMUTP ICON SCi-2018) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 9th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development: challenges towards the digital society 2018 (9th RMUTP ICON SCi-2018), June 21-22, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand
Trends and applications in mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical Engineering (ICADME 2015), March 30-31, 2015, Penang, Malaysia
International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Engineering : ICMME 2015 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMME 2015), 25-27 December, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Advanced materials, structures and mechanical engineering IV : 4th ICAMSME 2017 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Advanced Materials, Structures and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMSME 2017), May 19-21, 2017, Incheon, South-Korea
Materials, machines and development of technologies for industrial production : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Advanced Nano-Technology and Biomedical Material (ANTBM 2014), June 29-30, 2014, Guangzhou, China
Progress in mechatronics and information technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology (ICMIT 2013), October 19-20, 2013, Guilin, China
Dynamics of machines and mechanisms, industrial research : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress (IMEC 2014), June 13-15, 2014, Tamil Nadu, India
Applied engineering, materials and mechanics : 2nd ICAEMM : selected, peer reviewed papers from the second International Conference on Applied Engineering, Materials and Mechanics (ICAEMM 2017), April 14-16, 2017, Tianjin, China
Mechanical and electrical technology VII : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 7th International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET 2015), July 1-2, 2015, Bali, Indonesia
Advanced manufacturing technology and systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Systems (AMTS 2012), April 17, 2012, Wuhan, China
Sustainable energy and development, advanced materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE-SEAM 2013), October 30-31, 2013, Melaka, Malaysia
Material science, civil engineering and architecture science, mechanical engineering and manufacturing technology II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Architecture Science (ICAEMAS 2014), July 26-27, 2014, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia, China
Advancements in automation and control technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Advancements in Automation and Control (ICAAC 2014), April 11-12, 2014, Ramanathapuram, Tamilnadu, India
Innovative manufacturing engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Innovative Manufacturing Engineering, (IManE), May 23-24, 2013, Iași, Romania
Dynamic of civil engineering and transport structures and wind engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 6th International Scientific Conference on Dynamic of Civil Engineering and Transport Structures and Wind Engineering (DYN-WIND 2014), May 25-29, 2014, Donovaly, Slovak Republic
Advanced materials and engineering applications : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 SREE Conference on Advanced Materials and Engineering Applications (AMEA 2012), May 5-6, 2012, Hong Kong
Automotive and transportation engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Congress Science and Management of Automotive and Transportation Engineering - SMAT 2014, October 23-25, 2014, Craiova, Romania
Advances of computational mechanics in Australia : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics (ACCM2015), November 30-December 1, 2015, Brisbane, Australia
AEROTECH V: progressive aerospace research : selected, peer reviewed papers from the AEROTECH V Conference, October 29-30, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Structural integrity solutions : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Symposium on Structural Integrity (ISSI 2014), August 20-24, 2014, Lanzhou, China
Applied mechanics and mechanical engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMME 2011), October 8-9, 2011, Sanya, China
Multi-scales behaviour of materials
Advances in civil and industrial engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2013), May 24-26, 2013, Jinan, China
Computer-aided design, manufacturing, modeling and simulation III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3[rd] International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing, Modeling and Simulation (CDMMS 2013), September 21-23, 2013, Chongqing, China
Green manufacturing, mechanical and automation engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Green Manufacturing 2013 (MEGM 2013), Chongqing, China 22-24 March 2013
Design, manufacturing and mechatronics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Design, Manufacturing and Mechatronics (ICDMM 2014), March 21-23, 2014, Changsha, Hunan, China
Design and development of sustainable manufacturing systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Electronic and Green Materials International Conference (EGM 2015), the Engineering Technology International Conference (ET 2015), the Green Design and Manufacture International Conference (GDM 2015), July 31-August 1, 2015, Surabaya, Indonesia
Mechanical engineering, industrial electronics and information technology applications in industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Electronics and Informatization (MEIEI 2013) : Chongqing, China 14-15 September 2013
Mechanical engineering, materials and information technology II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Material Engineering (MECEM 2014), September 27-28, 2014, Wuhan, China
Advanced materials and process III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3[rd] International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ADME2013), July 13-14, 2013, Anshan, China
Machinery electronics and control engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3[rd] International Conference on Machinery Electronics and Control Engineering (ICMECE 2013), November 29-30, 2013, Jinan, Shandong, China
Proceedings of the 8-th International Symposium on Impact Engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 8th International Symposium on Impact Engineering (ISIE 2013), September 2-6, 2013, Osaka, Japan
Electromechanical and systems engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Congress of Electromechanical and Systems Engineering, 10th-14th Novenber 2008, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City
Mechanical and aerospace engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 3rd International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE 2012), Paris, France, 7-8 July 2012
Frontiers of green building, materials and civil engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering (GBMCE 2011), August 22-23, 2011, Shangri-La, China/ edited by Dongye Sun, Wen-Pei Sung and Ran Chen
Mechanics and control engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Mechanics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2014), October 26-28, 2014, Asheville, North Carolina, USA
International Conference on Futuristic Innovations in Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing Management : ICFIMEMM-2016 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Futuristic Innovations in Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering and Manufacturing Management (ICFIMEMM-2016), March 30-31, 2016, Karur, India
Frontiers of green building, materials and civil engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Second [i.e. 3rd] International Conference on Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering (GBMCE 2013), August 21-23, 2013, Taiwan
Electronics, automation and engineering of power systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Forum on Electrical Engineering and Automation & the 2014 International Conference on Lighting Technology and Electronic Engineering (ICLTEE 2014), November 29-30, 2014, Guangzhou, China
Advanced technologies on measure and diagnosis, manufacturing systems and environment engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Structure and Vibration Control (ISVC) 2013, Chongqing, China, 22-24 March 2013
12th Envibuild--buildings and environment--from research to application : proceedings of the 12th International EnviBUILD Conference (7th & 8th September 2017) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 12th international enviBUILD conference, September 7-8, 2017, Vienna, Austria
Information, communication and engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2012), December 15-20, 2012, Fuzhou, China
Progress in energy and thermal sciences : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Energy and Thermal Sciences (ICETS 2014), October 1, 2014, Skudai, Malaysia
Advances in civil and industrial engineering IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the the [sic] 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2014), May 24-25, 2014, Haikou, China
Numbers, intelligence, manufacturing technology and machinery automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Academic Conference on Numbers, Intelligence, Manufacturing Technology and Machinery Automation (MAMT 2011), December 24-25, 2011, Wuhan, China
Intelligent materials and mechatronics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Intelligent Materials and Mechatronics (IMM 2013), November 1-2, 2013, Hong Kong
International Conference on Material Science and Engineering II : 2nd ICMSE 2017 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Material Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2017), June 16-18, 2017, Jeju Island, South Korea
Quantum, nano, micro technologies and applied researches : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Symposium on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies (ISQNM 2013), December 1-2, 2013, Singapore
Progress in industrial and civil engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering (ICCAHE 2013), July 27-28, 2013, Zhuhai, China
Mechanical and aerospace engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE 2011), July 29-31, 2011, Bangkok, Thailand
Technological advancements in materials and manufacturing for industrial environment : TAMMIE'16 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference Technological Advancements in Materials and Manufacturing for Industrial Environment (TAMMIE'16), March 4-5, 2016, Coimbatore, India
Industrial engineering, computation and information technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology (ICMIT 2014), October 18-19, 2014, Chongqing, China
Sensors and materials: advanced researches : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Sensors and Materials Manufacturing Science (ICSMMS 2014), April 11-12, 2014, Hangzhou, China
Research on food packaging technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 China Academic Conference on Food Packaging : November 23-25, 2013, Tianjin, China
Sustainable environment and transportation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2012), May 25-27, 2012, Yantai, China
Advanced materials and processes IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ADME 2014), July 26-27, 2014, Hangzhou, China
Renewable energy and power technology II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environmental Technology (REET 2014), August 19-20, 2014, Dalian, China
Means and methods for measurement and monitoring : supplement book to Advanced Micro-Device Engineering VIII : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 8th International Conference on Advanced Micro Device Engineering (AMDE 2016), December 9, 2016, Kiryu, Japan
Materials science, applied mechanics and advanced engineering research : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials, and Manufacturing (AMMM 2014), December 8-9, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand
Process equipment, mechatronics engineering and material science II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Process Equipment, Mechatronics Engineering and Material Science (PEME 2014), June 28-29, 2014, Wuhan, China
Frontiers of mechanical engineering and materials engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 the 2[nd] International Conference on Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering (MEME 2013), October 12-13, 2013, HongKong
Measurement technology and intelligent instruments XII : ISMTII 2015 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 12th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments, September 22-25, 2015, Taipei, Taiwan
Mechanical engineering and applied mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 13th Indonesia Conference of Mechanical Engineering, October 15-16, 2014, Depok, Indonesia
Information technology for manufacturing systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2010 International Conference on Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems (ITMS 2010), August, 2009
Applied information and digital image technologies, control and power engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability (ICEETS'14), April 7-9, 2014, Tamil Nadu, India
Research on material engineering and manufacturing engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Material Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEME 2013), November 24-25, 2013, Hunan, China
Frontiers of manufacturing science and measuring technology IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 4th International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing Science and Measuring Technology (ICFMM 2014), June 19-20, 2014, Guilin, China
Mechanical engineering, intelligent system and applied mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics (MEAM 2013), December 21-22, 2013, Wuhan, China
Advances in materials and manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICAMME-2014), December 19-20, 2014, Chennai, India
Advanced research on mechanics, manufacturing engineering and applied technology II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Manufacturing System (AMMS 2014), April 26-27, 2014, Zhengzhou, China
Applied mechanics, materials and manufacturing IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing (ICA3M 2014, ICAMMM2014), August 23-24, 2014, Shenzhen, China
Engineering research and designing for industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechatronics and Materials Engineering (ICMME 2013), May 25-27, 2013, Qiqihar, China
Energy efficiency in strategy of sustainable production
Advances in civil and infrastructure engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the ACE 2015-Advances in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, June 12-13, 2015, Vietri sul Mare, Italy
Information technology applications in industry III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Management Innovation (ICITMI 2014), July 19-20, 2014, Shenzhen, China
Materials and engineering technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Materials and Engineering Technology (MET 2014), October 24-26, 2014, Chicago, USA
Advances in functional manufacturing technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Functional Manufacturing Technologies (ICFMT 2010), Aug. 6-9 2010, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China
Electrical engineering, energy, mechanical engineering - EEM 2014 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the First International Scientific Conference on Electrical Engineering, Energy, Mechanical Engineering, (EEM 2014), December 2-6, 2014, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
International Conference on Machining, Materials and Mechanical Technologies -- supplement book : supplement book to key engineering materials volume 825 : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only
Optimization of the mechanical engineering, manufacturing systems, robotics and aerospace : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 7-th International Conference on Optimization of the Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Systems, Robotics and Aerospace (OPTIROB 2012), June 21-23, 2012, Mamaia, Romania
Advances in mechanical and manufacturing engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (ICAM2E 2013), November 25-28, 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Engineering solutions for manufacturing processes V : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 5th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing (ICAMMP 2014), December 20-21, 2014, Fuzhou, China
Energy saving and environmentally friendly technologies - concepts of sustainable building : special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only
Industrial and service robotics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 13th International Conference on Industrial, Service and Humanoid Robotics (ROBTEP 2014), May 15-17, 2014, High Tatras, Slovakia
Mechatronics engineering and modern information technologies in industrial engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering (MEMTIE 2014), October 25-26, 2014, Changsha, Hunan, China
Applied mechanics and materials II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Materials (ICAMM 2013), November 23-24, 2013, Zhuhai, China
Materials science, mechanical engineering and applied research : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Machinery, Materials Science and Energy Engineering (ICMMSEE 2014), September 20-21, 2014, Changsha, China
Green power, materials and manufacturing technology and applications II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Green Power, Materials and Manufacturing Technology and Applications (GPMMTA2012), July 17-19, 2012, Kunming, China
Vehicle, mechatronics and information technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Vehicle & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (VMEIT 2013) : Zhengzhou, Henan, China 17-18 August 2013
Applied mechanics and mechatronics automation 2012 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Applied Mechanics, Mechatronics Automation Symposium (IAMMAS 2012) : Shenyang, Liaoning, China 7-9 September 2012
Applied sciences and engineering 2012 : modern topics in manufacturing and designing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Mechanical Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2012), Beijing, China, 20-22 July 2012
Advances in green science, engineering and built environment : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Science, Engineering and Built Environments (ICSEBS 2014), November 24-27, 2014, Bali, Indonesia
Advances in computational modeling and simulation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2[nd] International Conference on Advances in Computational Modeling and Simulation (ACMS 2013), July 17-19, 2013, Kunming, China
Advance materials development and applied mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials Design and Mechanics (ICAMDM2014), May 23-24, 2014, Singapore
Performance, protection and strengthening of structures under extreme loading : selected, peer reviewed papers of the Thied International Workshop on Performance, Protection and Strengthening of Structures under Extreme Loading, PROTECT2011, 30 August - 1 September 2011, Lugano, Switzerland
Mechatronics and industrial inforomatics II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Industrial Informatics (ICMII 2014), May 30-31, 2014, Guangzhou, China
Achievements of mechanical science and current technological innovations for sustainable development : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICOME) 2015, September 3-5, 2015, Bali, Indonesia
Research and development in mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 14th International Conference on Research and Development in Mechanical Industry, RaDMI-2014, September 18-21, 2014, Topola, Serbia
Safety and durability of buildings and structures : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Building Safety and Secure 2015, August 10-12, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
New trends mechatronics and materials engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Mechatronics and Materials Engineering (ICMME 2011), December 10-12, Qiqihar, China
Acoustics & vibration of mechanical structures II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the XIII International Symposium Acoustics & Vibration of Mechanical Structures (AVMS 2015), May 28-29, 2015, Timişoara, Romania
Computer and information technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Forum on Computer and Information Technology (IFCIT 2013), December 24-25, 2013, Shenzhen, China
China Functional Materials Technology and Industry Forum : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 China Functional Materials Technology and Industry Forum (CFMTIF 2012), November 9-12, 2012, Kunming, China
Designing and researching of machines and technologies for modern manufacture : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Design and Power Engineering (ICMDPE 2014), October 19, 2014, Jeju Island, Korea
Advances in measurements and information technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Sensors Instrument and Information Technology (ICSIIT 2014), February 8-9, 2014, Guilin, China
Advances in manufacturing and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2013 (ICAME 2013) : Malacca, Malaysia 28-29 August 2013
Trends in statics and dynamics of constructions : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 12th International Conference "New Trends in Statics and Dynamics of Buildings", October 16-17, 2014, Bratislava, Slovakia
Mechanical automation and materials engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Automation and Materials Engineering (ICMAME 2014), June 28-29, 2014, Wuhan, China
Infrastructure technology : 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2017), 1st Infrastructure Technology Symposium : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st Infrastructure Technology Symposium as part of the 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2017), July 11-12, 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
III Central european conference on logistics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd Central European Conference on Logistics (CECOL 2012), November 28-30, 2012, Trnava, Slovak Republic
Progress in industrial and civil engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering (ICCAHE 2014), July 30-31, 2014, Hangzhou, China
Mechanics and mechatronics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechanics and Mechatronics (ICMM2013) : Guilin, Guangxi, China 4-6 October 2013
Mechanical, electronic and information technology engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 International Conference on Mechanical, Electronic and Information Technology Engineering (ICMITE 2015), March 21-22, 2015, Chongqing, China
Applied mechanics and materials III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Materials (ICAMM 2014), November 15-16, 2014, Shenzhen, China
Solar updraft tower power technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Solar Updraft Tower Power Technology, October 26-28, 2012, Wuhan, China
Advances in computational mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics (ACCM 2013), October 3-4, 2013, Sydney, Australia
Advances in structural engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2011), October 14-16, 2011, Jinan, China
Advances in engineering design and optimization III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Third International Conference on Engineering Design and Optimization (ICEDO 2012), May 25-27, 2012, Shaoxing, P.R. China
e-Engineering & digital enterprise technology VII : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 7th International Conference on e-Engineering & Digital Enterprise Technology, August, 2009
Computational methods in applied sciences : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (CMAS 2014), December 17-18, 2014, Kraków, Poland
Progress in civil engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2012), May 25-27, 2012, Yantai, China
Material, machines and methods for sustainable development : International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS 2018) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS 2018), 18-19 May 2018, Danang, Vietnam
Automatic control and mechatronic engineering III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Automatic Control and Mechatronic Engineering (ICACME 2014), June 13-14, 2014, Xiamen, China
Mechanics, mechatronics, intelligent system and information technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Mechatronics and Intelligent System (AMMIS 2014), April 18-20, 2014, Changsha, China
Frontiers of manufacturing and design science IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science (ICFMD 2013), September 10-12, 2013, Hong Kong, China
Experimental stress analysis 51 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 51[st] Annual of the International Scientific Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis (EAN 2013), June 11-13, 2013, Litomerice, Czech Republic
Mechanical engineering and intelligent systems : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems (ICMEIS 2012), August 25-26, 2012, Beijing, China
Advanced research in materials and engineering applications : selected, peer reviewed papers from the World Virtual Conference on Advanced Research in Materials and Engineering Applications, September 22-26, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Frontiers of green building, materials and civil engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 Second International Conference on Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering (GBMCE 2012), August 22-23, 2012, SanYa, China
Applied solutions of engineering science : International Conference of Applied Physics and Engineering 2014 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference of Applied Physics and Engineering (ICAPE 2014), September 17-18, 2014, Park Royal Penang Resort, Malaysia
Biomechanics neurorehabilitation, mechanical engineering, manufacturing systems, robotics and aerospace : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Biomechanics, Neurorehabilitation, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Systems, Robotics and Aerospace, Bucharest, Romania, 26-28 October 2012
Frontiers of manufacturing and design science III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science (ICFMD 2012), December 11-13, 2012, Hong Kong
Advances in Computing, control and industrial engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering (CCIE 2012), October 27-28, 2012, Wuhan, China
Current development of mechanical engineering and energy : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Symposium on Vehicle, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering (ISVMEE 2013), December 21-22, 2013, Taiwan, China
Advanced research in civil engineering, materials, machinery and applied technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Material Engineering (CEME 2014), December 27-28, 2014, Changsha, China
Materials engineering and mechanical automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Materials Engineering and Mechanical Automation (MEMA 2013), October 1-2, 2013, Shanghai, China
Energy engineering and environment engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environment Engineering (ICEEEE 2014), January 10-11, 2014, Hong Kong, China
Advances in mechatronics and control engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2012), 29-30 November 2012, Guangzhou, China
Robotics and automated production lines : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 1st MHI Colloquium, February 24-25, 2016, Hamburg, Germany
Functional manufacturing and mechanical dynamics II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Functional Manufacturing and Mechanical Dynamics, January 22-25, 2012, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Mechanical engineering, materials and energy II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy, October 26-27, 2012, Dalian, China
Modeling and optimization of the aerospace, robotics, mechatronics, machines-tools, mechanical engineering and human motricity fields : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 9th International Conference on Modeling and Optimization of the Aerospace, Robotics, Mechatronics, Machines-Tools, Mechanical Engineering and Human Motricity Fields, (OPTIROB 2014), June 26-29, 2014, Mangalia, Romania
Mechanical engineering, industrial materials and industrial technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2015 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Materials and Industrial Electronics (MII 2015), March 14-15, 2015, London, UK
Engineered technologies in materials science, geotechnics, environment and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Engineering Materials, Geotechnical Engineering and Environmental Engineering (EMGEEE 2012), Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China, 26-28 October 2012
2013 International Conference on Machinery, Materials Science and Energy Engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Machinery, Materials Science and Energy Engineering (ICMMSEE 2013), May 18-19, 2013, Jingzhou, Hubei, China
Sustainable development and environment II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering (ICCAHE 2013), July 27-28, 2013, Zhuhai, China
Mechanical engineering, materials science and civil engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2[nd] International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Civil Engineering (ICMEMSCE 2013), October 25-26, 2013, Beijing, China
Sensors, mechatronics and automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Sensors, Mechatronics and Automation (ICSMA 2014), December 28-29, 2014, Shenzhen, China
Sustainable cities development and environment protection : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2013), May 24-26, 2013, Jinan, China
Advanced research in material science and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2[nd] International Conference on Mechanics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2013), September 1-2, 2013, Beijing, China
Automatic control and mechatronic engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2[nd] International Conference on Automatic Control and Mechatronic Engineering (ICACME2013), June 21-22, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand
Construction materials and computer engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Computer Engineering (ICSCMCE 2013), Singapore 1-2 June 2013
Applied mechanics and materials I : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Materials (ICAMM 2012), November 24-25, 2012, Sanya, China
Emerging trends in advanced science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICETSET-2014), April 18-19, 2014, Chennai, India
OPTIROB 2013 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the OPTIROB2013 International Conference on biomechanics, neurorehabilitation, mechanical engineering, manufacturing systems, robotics and aerospace: optimization of the engineering systems, Mamaia, Constanta Romania, 20-23 June 2013
Innovation for applied science and technology : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Second International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2012, November 2-6, 2012, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R. O. C.
WASE Global Conference on Science Engineering 2011 (GCSE 2011) : advances in science and engineering II : Taiyuan & Xian, China 10-11 December 2011
Quantum, nano, micro and information technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2010 International Symposium on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies (ISQNM 2010), October 27-28, 2010, Chengdu, China
Information technology for manufacturing systems IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 4th International Conference on Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems (ITMS 2013) : Auckland, New Zealand 28-29 August 2013
Frontiers of manufacturing and design science II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the Second International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science (ICFMD 2011), December 11-13, Taiwan
Mechatronics and mechanical engineering I : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering (ICMME 2014), September 6-8, 2014, Chengdu, China
Advances in kinematics, mechanics of rigid bodies, and materials sciences : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Conference on Kinematics, Mechanics of Rigid Bodies, and Materials (KINEMATICS 2013), November 2-3, 2013, Jakarta, Indonesia
Advanced research on materials, chemistry and informatization IV : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 4th International Conference on Material Engineering, Chemistry, Bioinformatics (MECB 2014), November 29-30, 2014, Hefei, China
Mechanical engineering and materials science : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2011 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science (ICMEMS 2011), September 24-25, 2011, Cheju Island, Korea
Mechanical and electrical technology VI : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 6th International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET 2014), July 17-18, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand
Applied mechanics, mechatronics automation & system simulation 2012 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 International Applied Mechanics, Mechatronics Automation & System Simulation Meeting (AMMASS2012) : Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China 24-26 June 2012
History of mechanical technology and mechanical design 2012 : selected peer reviewd papers from the 9th International Conference on History of Mechanical Technology and Mechanical Design (ICHMTMD2012), March 23-25, 2012, Taiwan
Resilience and reliability of civil engineering infrastructures : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering 2015, November 19-21, 2015, Solo (Surakarta), Indonesia
Recent trends in materials and mechanical engineering materials, mechatronics and automation : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering (ICRTMME 2011) January 27-28, 2011, Shenzhen, China
Direct digital manufacturing and polymers : 2nd International Conference on Direct Digital Manufacturing and Polymers (2nd CDDMAP) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Direct Digital Manufacturing and Polymers (2nd CDDMAP), May 15-18, 2017, Marinha Grande, Portugal
Materials engineering and automatic control II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering and Automatic Control (ICMEAC2013), Shandong, China, 18-19 May 2013
Advances in experimental mechanics VII : selected, peer reviewed papers from 7th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 7th-9th September 2010, School of Engineering, University of Liverpool, UK
Machinery electronics and control engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 2nd International Conference on Machinery Electronics and Control Engineering (ICMECE 2012), Jinan, Shandong, China, 29-30 December 2012
Recent engineering decisions in industry : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering (ICMSME 2014), May 31-June 1, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan
Engineering trends: materials science, mechanics and kinematics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Kinematics, Mechanics of Rigid Bodies, and Materials 2014 (KINEMATICS 2014), November 29-30, 2014, Bandung, Indonesia
Mechanical engineering, materials science and civil engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Civil Engineering (ICMEMSCE 2014), October 25-26, 2014, Phuket, Thailand
Monitoring, controlling and architecture of cyber physical systems : their applications in aerospace, robotics, manufacturing systems, mechanical engineering, biomechatronics, neurorehabilitation and human motility : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Aerospace, Robotics, Manufacturing Systems, Mechanical Engineering, Neurorehabilitation and Human Motility (ICMERA 2014), October 24-27, 2014, Bucharest, Romania
Materials science and processing, environmental engineering and information technologies : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Application of Materials Science and Environmental Materials (AMSEM 2014), July 4-6, 2014, Yichang, Hubei, China
Green trends in mechanical engineering : International Conference on Green Trends in Mechanical Engineering Sciences (ICGTMES) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Green Trends in Mechanical Engineering Sciences (ICGTMES), October 3-5, 2018, Karnataka, India
Properties and processing technologies : selected, peer-reviewed papers from the International Conference on Advances in Material Science and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMSME-2020), February 7-9, 2020, N.B.K.R.I.S.T, Vidyanagar, India
Materials and mechanical engineering research : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
Machines and equipment : materials research, technologies and design : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
Research and design in applied mechanics and materials : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
Applied mechanics and engineering : selected peer-reviewed full text papers from the 9th annual International Conference on Material Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2021)
Renewable energy technologies : research methods and applications : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
Materials and production technologies in machinery : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
Materials technologies and machines of modern manufacturing : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
Technologies and processes in applied mechanics and materials research : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
Mechines and equipment : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
Achievements in mechanical engineering and green building materials : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
Tribology research, machining tools and mechatronics : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
Achievements and solutions in mechanical engineering II : 5th International Conference of Mechanical Engineering (5th ICOME 2019) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Conference of Mechanical Engineering (ICOME 2019), October 24-25, 2019, Craiova, Romania
Mechanical engineering and science : selected, peer-reviewed papers from 2nd Mechanical Engineering and Science Postgraduate International Conference (MESPIC) : selected, peer-reviewed papers from the Mechanical Engineering and Science Postgraduate International Conference (MESPIC), December 4-5, 2018, Nilai, Malaysia
Industrial waste management : selected peer-reviewed papers from 2nd Annual Symposium on Solid Waste Refinery (2nd ANSWER) : 2nd Annual Symposium on Solid Waste Refinery (2nd ANSWER), November 13-14, 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Engineering tribology and materials IV : selected peer-reviewed full text papers from 5th International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology (ICETAT 2019) : selected, peer-reviewed papers from the 5th International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology 2019 (ICETAT 2019), October 25-26, 2019, Tainan, Taiwan
Auxiliary materials and technologies in dentistry : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
Achievements and solutions in materials science and engineering data processing : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
Modern production and applied engineering research : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
Engineering materials and engineering design : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
Engineering systems, equipment and robotics : special topic volume with invited peer-reviewed papers only
Technology and innovation for sustainable development : turning digital disruptions into opportunities : selected peer-reviewed papers from the 10th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development : turning digital disruptions into opportunities 2019 (10th RMUTP ICON SCi-2019) : selected, peer-reviewed papers from the 10th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development: challenges towards the digital society (10th RMUTP ICON SCi-2019), June 4-5, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand
Mechatronics and industrial machines : selected peer-reviewed papers from Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing (NCMME 2019) : selected, peer-reviewed papers from the National Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing (NCMME 2019), October 18-20, 2019, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research