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- Men and women in the Fourth Gospel : gender and Johannine characterizationInvention, arrangement, and style : rhetorical criticism of Jude and 2 PeterThe myth of the historical Jesus and the evolution of consciousnessThe diatribe and Paul's letter to the RomansThe hymns of Qumran : translation and commentaryThe meaning of ruaḥ at QumranStructure, role, and ideology in the Hebrew and Greek texts of Genesis 1:1-2:3Wisdom and cult : a critical analysis of the views of cult in the wisdom literatures of Israel and the ancient Near EastEloquence and the proclamation of the gospel in CorinthDivine man or magician? : Celsus and Origen on JesusThe widow traditions in Luke-Acts : a feminist-critical scrutinyThe mystery of the kingdom of GodHymnic affirmation of divine justice : the doxologies of Amos and related texts in the Old TestamentThe least of my brothers : Matthew 25: 31-46 : a history of interpretationThe print's first kiss : a rhetorical investigation of the implied reader in the Fourth GospelThe Old Testament Sabbath : a tradition-historical investigationJeremiah : a study in ancient Hebrew rhetoricLoaves and fishes : the function of the feeding stories in the Gospel of MarkOut of the midst of the fire : divine presence in DeuteronomyThe disposal of impurity : elimination rites in the Bible and in Hittite and Mesopotamian literatureLove relationships in the Johannine tradition : agapē/agapan in I John and the fourth gospelThe narrative function of the Holy Spirit as a character in Luke-ActsGod, Israel, and the gentiles : rhetoric and situation in Romans 9-11The Apocalypse of Adam : a literary and source analy[s]isSemitic interference in Marcan syntaxThe charismatic figure as miracle workerThe Ascents of James : history and theology of a Jewish-Christian communityPriest and Levite in MalachiInto the temple courts : the place of the synagogues in the Second Temple period[Mallon chrēsai] : first-century slavery and the interpretation of 1 Corinthians 7:21The formation of the Book of the twelve : a study in text and canonComparative philology and the text of Job : a study in methodologyIsrael and the Book of the Covenant : an anthropological approach to biblical lawMotive clauses in Hebrew law : Biblical forms and Near Eastern parallelsAn analysis of the lexicographic resources used by American biblical scholars todayA study of Job 4-5 in the light of contemporary literary theoryProperty rights in the eighth-century prophets : the conflict and its backgroundDesign for kingship : the deuteronomistic narrative technique in 1 Kings 3:4-15The prose sermons of the Book of Jeremiah : a redescription of the correspondences with Deuteronomistic literature in the light of recent text-critical researchTradition and composition in the parables of EnochMarkan public debate : literary technique, concentric structure, and theology in Mark 2:1-3:6Pauline autobiography : toward a new understandingThe rise of the Israelite monarchy : the growth and development of I Samuel 7-15Social justice and Deuteronomy : the case of Deuteronomy 15Early Jewish hermeneutic in PalestineHave the promises failed? : a literary analysis of 2 BaruchEgyptian proper names and loanwords in North-West SemiticThe genre of communal lament in the Bible and the ancient Near EastArtistry and faith in the Book of JudithResponse to the end of history : eschatology situation in Luke-ActsFirst-century slavery and the interpretation of 1 Corinthians 7:21Church and community conflicts : the relationships of the Thessalonian, Corinthian, and Philippian churches with their wider civic communitiesComposition and tradition in the book of Hosea : a redaction critical investigationThe role of human sacrifice in the ancient near eastTheios anēr in Hellenistic-Judaism : a critique of the use of this category in New Testament ChristologyThe city in ancient IsraelRediscovering the traditions of Israel : the development of the traditio-historical research of the Old Testament, with special consideration of Scandinavian contributionsRemember the former things : the recollection of previous texts in Second IsaiahMoses in the letter to the HebrewsMetaphor and composition in I PeterStudies in the form of Sirach 44-50Malachi, the divine messengerChronological displacement in biblical and related literaturesHapax legomena in biblical Hebrew : a study of the phenomenon and its treatment since antiquity with special reference to verbal formsHowling over Moab : irony and rhetoric in Isaiah 15-16Death in Qoheleth and Egyptian biographies of the late periodThe alpha-text of Esther : its character and relationship to the Masoretic textThe lion becomes man : the Gnostic leontomorphic creator and the Platonic traditionBy what law? : the meaning of nomos in the letters of PaulDivine impartiality : Paul and a theological axiomThe cry to God in the Old TestamentThe classification of the Greek manuscripts of the Johannine EpistlesPrayer, power, and the problem of suffering : Mark 11:22-25 in the context of Markan theologyWealth and beneficence in the Pastoral Epistles : a "bourgeois" form of early Christianity?The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit : the triadic phrase in Matthew 28:19bWealth and poverty in the Instruction of Amenemope and the Hebrew ProverbsActualization and interpretation in the Old TestamentThe songs of ascents (Psalms 120-134) : their place in Israelite history and religionThe authenticity of the Pauline Epistles in the light of stylostatistical analysisEvidence of conflation in Mark? : A study in the synoptic problemContext and meaning in Proverbs 25-27The household of God : the social world of the Pastoral EpistlesShame and honor in the book of EstherThe letter of Peter to Philip : text, translation, and commentaryRest as a theological metaphor in the Epistle to the Hebrews and the Gospel of truth : early Christian homiletics of restHas the Lord indeed spoken only through Moses? : a study of the Biblical portrait of MiriamTranslation technique in the Peshitta to Job : a model for evaluating a text with documentation from the Peshitta to JobThe kingship of Jesus : composition and theology in Mark 15Are you the Christ? : the trial narrative in the Gospel of MarkThe function of apocalyptic and wisdom traditions in Romans 9-11Cracks in an earthen vessel : an examination of the catalogues of hardships in the Corinthian correspondenceLeadership and discipleship : a study of Luke 22:24-30Proverbs 1-9 : a study of inner-biblical interpretationThe endangered promises : conflict in MarkThe literary function of possessions in Luke-ActsWhen kings speak : royal speech and royal prayer in ChroniclesJerusalem in the book of Ezekiel : the city as Yahweh's wifeThe faith of Jesus Christ : an investigation of the narrative substructure of Galatians 3:1-4:11Galatians, dialogical response to opponentsThe sayings of Jesus in the Pseudo-Clementine HomiliesAchaemenid imperial administration in Syria-Palestine and the missions of Ezra and NehemiahGardens in Babylon : narrative and faith in the Greek legends of DanielThe Sibylline oracles of Egyptian JudaismIdol meat in Corinth : the Pauline argument in 1 Corinthians 8 and 10Vision of transformation : the territorial rhetoric of Ezekiel 40-48Sing, O barren one : a study in comparative MidrashA study of the language of love in the song of songs and ancient Egyptian poetryThe economic and social origins of GnosticismThe death of Herod : the narrative and theological function of retribution in Luke-ActsActs 6:1-8:4 : the author's method of compositionYour eyes will be opened : a study of the Greek (Ethiopic) Apocalypse of PeterThe ark narrative, 1 Sam 4-6, 2 Sam 6 : a form-critical and traditio-historical studyIn dialogue with another gospel? : the influence of the Fourth Gospel on the Passion narrative of the Gospel of LukeHellenistic Greek grammar and Noam Chomsky : nominalizing transformationsKingship according to the Deuteronomistic historyFollowing in His steps : suffering, community, and christology in 1 PeterResponsibility for evil in the theodicy of IV Ezra : a study illustrating the significance of form and structure for the meaning of the bookDiscerning what counts : the function of the adiaphora topos in Paul's lettersNazism and the pastors : a study of the ideas of three Deutsche Christen groupsVersification and syntax in Jeremiah 2-25 : syntactical constraints in Hebrew colometryEzekiel 18 and the rhetoric of moral discourseStudies in ancient Yahwistic poetryThe Balaam traditions : their character and developmentScripture within scripture : the interrelationship of form and function in the explicit Old Testament citations in the Gospel of JohnLinguistic evidence in dating early Hebrew poetryThe Johannine school : an evaluation of the Johannine-school hypothesis based on an investigation of the nature of ancient schoolsThe confessions of Jeremiah : their interpretation and role in chapters 1-25The structure and meaning of Second BaruchThe Syriac version of the wisdom of Ben Sira compared to the Greek and Hebrew materialsThe meaning of brk "to bless" in the Old TestamentThe if-you form in Israelite lawDespising shame : honor discourse and community maintenance in the Epistle to the HebrewsThe Spirit in Galatia : Paul's interpretation of pneuma as divine powerThe reign and rejection of King Saul : a case for literary and theological coherenceThe coherence of the book of Micah : a literary analysisThe Jewish heroes of Christian history : Hebrews 11 in literary contextMicah and Isaiah : a form and tradition historical comparisonThe Goddess Anat in Ugaritic mythThe impurity systems of Qumran and the rabbis : biblical foundationsNot like the Gentiles : marriage rules in the letters of PaulRestoring the diaspora : discursive structure and purpose in the Epistle of JamesTradition history and the Psalms of AsaphHonor, shame, and the rhetoric of 1 PeterThe Matthean redaction of a primitive apostolic commissioning : an exegesis of Matthew 28:16-20Sin in ValentinianismIsaiah, Ahaz, and the Syro-Ephraimitic crisisA reassessment of biblical ElohimJohannine Christianity in conflict : authority, rank, and succession in the first farewell discourseThe editing of the Hebrew PsalterBiblical hapax legomena in the light of Akkadian and UgariticMessiah and temple : the trial of Jesus in the Gospel of MarkDeath as departure : the Johannine descent-ascent schemaJohannine polemic : the role of tradition and theologyOrthodox and heretical perfectionism in the Johannine community as evident in the first epistle of JohnA comparative Semitic lexicon of the Phoenician and Punic languagesThe book of Esther : motifs, themes, and structureThe utilization of 1 and 2 Chronicles in the reconstruction of Israelite history in the nineteenth centuryThe pneumatikos-psychikos terminology in 1 Corinthians : a study in the theology of the Corinthian opponents of Paul and its relation to gnosticismWe have heard with our ears, O God : sources of the communal laments in the PsalmsRoman Catholic exegesis since Divino afflante spiritu : hermeneutical implicationsBiblical interpretation in the Gnostic Gospel of Truth from Nag HammadiLogos and sophia : the rhetorical situation of 1 Corinthians
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