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Safety and health in construction : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Substitution for the provisions of the convention (no. 41), concerning employment of women during the night (revised 1934) and of the convention (no. 6), concerning the night work of young persons employed in industry (1919) contained in the schedule to the convention (no. 83), concerning the application of international labour standards ...Leave the NDL website. Hours of work : ninth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Workers' housing : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Contribution of the I.L.O. to the raising of incomes and living conditions in rural communities, with particular reference to countries in process of developmentLeave the NDL website. Draft programme and budget ... and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. Migrant workers : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Control and prevention of occupational cancer : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. General revision of the Wages, Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Convention (revised), 1949 (no. 93)Leave the NDL website. Industrial relationsLeave the NDL website. Industrialisation and labourLeave the NDL website. Equality at work : the continuing challenge : global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at WorkLeave the NDL website. Holidays with pay for seafarersLeave the NDL website. Decent work : some strategic challenges aheadLeave the NDL website. Partial revision of four conventions adopted by the 28th (maritime) session of the conference, Seattle, 1946Leave the NDL website. Equal opportunities and equal treatment for men and women in employment : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Benefits in the case of industrial accidents and occupational diseasesLeave the NDL website. Questions concerning fishermen : (a) accomodation on board fishing vessels : (b) vocational training of fishermen : (c) fishermen's certificates of compentency : Sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Supplementary report on prevention of major industrial accidents : item I on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Labour inspection in agricultureLeave the NDL website. Consultation at the industrial and national levels : summary of reports on recommendations no. 113 (article 19 of the Constitution)Leave the NDL website. Promotional framework for occupational safety and health : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Protection of wages : standards and safeguards relating to the payment of labour remunerationLeave the NDL website. Substitution, in the provisions of the Constitution of the organisation relating to membership of the governing body, of the figures "forty", "twenty", "sixteen" and "ten" for the figures "thirty-two", "sixteen", "twelve" and "eight"Leave the NDL website. Minimum wage fixing machinery in agriculture : eighth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Report on the development of facilities for the utilisation of workers' leisure : item 1 on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The employment relationship : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Holidays with pay in agriculture : Fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The role of the I.L.O. in the promotion of economic expansion and social progress in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Summary of reports on ratified conventions : Article 22 and 35 of the Constitution : third item on the agenda, information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendationsLeave the NDL website. Crew accommodation on board shipLeave the NDL website. Migrant workers : summary of reports on conventions nos. 97 and 143 and recommendations nos. 86 and 151 (article 19 of the Constitution)Leave the NDL website. Report on the adaptation to agricultural labour of the Washington Decisions concerning measures for the prevention of or providing against unemployment : item III (A) of the agendaLeave the NDL website. Employment and conditions of work and life of nursing personnel : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Co-operation between employers and workers at the level of the undertaking : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Programme and Structure of the I.L.O. with guidelines for the discussion in 1964Leave the NDL website. The promotion of self-employment : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Report on simplification of the inspection of emigrants on board shipLeave the NDL website. Labour inspectionLeave the NDL website. Recommendations to the United Nations for present and post-war social policyLeave the NDL website. Social repercussions of new methods of cargo handling (docks) : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Programme and budget proposals for 1986-87Leave the NDL website. Withdrawal of sixteen Recommendations : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Promotion of collective bargaining : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Reflections on the future of multilateral co-operation : the ILO perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Seafarers' engagement (foreign vessels) recommendation, 1958 (No. 107) . Social conditions and safety (seafarers) recommendation, 1958 (No. 108)Leave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of workLeave the NDL website. Minimum standards of social policy in dependent territories (supplementary provisions)Leave the NDL website. Summary of information concerning the submission to the competent authorities of the conventions and recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 32nd session (Geneva, 1949) (Article 19 of the Constitution) : 3rd item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Report of the Director-General : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Prohibition of the sale, hire and use of inadequately guarded machineryLeave the NDL website. Report on equality of treatment for national and foreign workers as regards workmen's compensation for accidents : item II on the agnedaLeave the NDL website. The ILO and the United Nations: twenty-five years of a partnership of service : supplement to the report of the Director-General to the International Labour Conference, 54th session, 1970Leave the NDL website. Wages, hours, manningLeave the NDL website. Recognition of seafarers' organisations : eighth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Promotional framework for occupational safety and health : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Report of the Director-General : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Employment policies in a global context : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Vocational guidanceLeave the NDL website. Decent work and the informal economyLeave the NDL website. The minimum wage-fixing machinery in agriculture : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The I.L.O. and Human rights : report of the Director-General (part 1) to the International Labour Conference, fifty-second session, 1968Leave the NDL website. Giving globalization a human faceLeave the NDL website. The world employment programme : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases and ILO list of occupational diseasesLeave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work : report of the tripartite preparatory conference : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Equality in employment and occupationLeave the NDL website. Lists of ratifications by convention and by coutry, (as at 31 December 1995) : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of coneventions and recommendationsLeave the NDL website. Promotional framework for occupational safety and health : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Industrial relations : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Maintenance of the rights in course of acquisition and the acquired rights of migrant workers under invalidity, old-age and widows' and orphans' insuranceLeave the NDL website. Director-general's programme and budget proposals for 1990-91Leave the NDL website. Freedom of association and procedures for determining conditions of employment in the public service : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Vocational trainingLeave the NDL website. Improved security of seafarers' identificationLeave the NDL website. Partial revision of the convention concerning the protection against accidents of workers employed in loading or unloading ships : item IV on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Draft programme and budget 2008-09 and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. Protection against hazards arising from benzene : Sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. General survey of the reports on the Labour inspection convention, no. 81 and recommendation, no. 81, the Labour inspection, mining and transport recommendation, no. 82 and the Labour inspection, agriculture convention, no. 129 and recommendation, no. 133 : report of the committee of Esperts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations, articles 19, 22 and 35 of the ConstitutionLeave the NDL website. Safety provisions for workers in the building industry with reference to scaffolding and hoisting machinery : item VIII on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Work in the fishing sector : fourth item on the agenda = Le travail dans le secteur de la pěche : quatrième question à l'ordre du jourLeave the NDL website. Labour administration : role, functions and organisation : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Report of the Director-General on developments in the maritime sectorLeave the NDL website. Unemployment insurance and various forms of relief for the unemployed : second item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. General review of the reports of the Working Party on the Programme and Structure of the I.L.O. : submitted to the Conference by the Governing BodyLeave the NDL website. Social security for seafarersLeave the NDL website. Safety in the use of chemicals at work : Fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The regulation of hours of work on board ship : item I on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Protection against unjustified dismissalLeave the NDL website. Lists of ratifications by convention and by country, (as of 31 December 2001) : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of coneventions and recommendationsLeave the NDL website. La sécurité sociale pour la justice sociale et une mondialisation équitable : discussion récurrente sur la protection sociale (sécurité sociale) en vertu de la Déclaration de l'OIT sur la justice sociale pour une mondialisation équitable, 2011 : sixième question à l'ordre du jourLeave the NDL website. Report on the weekly rest-day in industrial and commercial employment : item VII of the agendaLeave the NDL website. Crew accommodation : second item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Employment service organisationLeave the NDL website. Examination of grievances and communications within the undertakingLeave the NDL website. Financial and budgetary questionsLeave the NDL website. General survey of the reports on the Equal Remuneration Convention (no. 100) and Recommendation (no. 90), 1951 : third item on the agenda, information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendations : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (articles 19, 22, and 35 of the constitution)Leave the NDL website. The relationship of the I.L.O. to other international bodiesLeave the NDL website. ILO standards-related activities in the area of occupational safety and health : an in-depth study for discussion with a view to the elaboration of a plan of action for such activities : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Proposal for an additional assessment in 1973, and other financial and administrative questions : Second item on the agenda: Programme and budget proposals and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. Privileges and immunities of the International Labour OrganisationLeave the NDL website. General reportLeave the NDL website. Hours of work in coal mines : item II on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Freedom of Association and collective bargaining : general surveyLeave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work in the textile industry : Item II on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Tripartite consultation at the national level on economic and social policy : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Hours of work of salaried employees : item II on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Adjustment and human resources development : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Inclusion in the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation of a provision empowering the Conference to suspend from participation in the International Labour Conference any member which has been found by the United Nations to be flagrantly and persistently pursuing by its legislation a declared policy of racial discrimination such as "apartheid." : Twelfth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Weekly rest in commerce and offices : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. A global alliance against forced labour : global report under the follow-up to the ILO declaration on fundamental principles and rights at workLeave the NDL website. Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (Articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution)Leave the NDL website. Safety and health in agricultureLeave the NDL website. Human resources development and training : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Report of the working party on structure : eighth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Promotion of cooperativesLeave the NDL website. Rural employment promotion : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Seafarers' welfare at sea and in port : Seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Strengthening the ILO's capacity to assist its member's efforts to reach its objectives in the context of globalization : continuation of the discussion on strengthening the ILO's capacity and possible consideration of an authoritative document, possibly in the form of a Declaration or any other suitable instrument, together with any appropriate follow-up, and the form they may take : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Protection of wagesLeave the NDL website. Lists of ratifications by convention and by country, (as of 31 December 2002) : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendationsLeave the NDL website. Human resources development: vocational guidance and vocational training : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. General survey of the reports on the Equal Remuneration Convention (no. 100) and Recommendation (no. 90), 1951 : third item on the agenda, information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendations : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (articles 19, 22, and 35 of the constitution)Leave the NDL website. The Director-General's programme and budget proposals for 2004-05 : ninth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Equality in employment and occupation : general survey of the reports on the discrimination (employment and occupation) convention (no.111) and recommendation (no.111), 1958 : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (Articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution)Leave the NDL website. Fourth report of the Working Party of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the programme and structure of the I.L.OLeave the NDL website. Unemployment among young persons : third item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. MemorandumLeave the NDL website. Contract labour : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Employment promotion and social security : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. General survey of the reports on the minimum wage-fixing machinery convention (no. 26) and recommendation (no. 30), 1928; the minimum wage fixing machinery (agriculture) convention (no. 99) and recommendation (no. 89), 1951; and the minimum wage fixing convention (no. 131) and recommendation (no. 135), 1970 : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (Articles 19, 22 and 35 of the constitution)Leave the NDL website. Draft programme and budget 1986-87 and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. Forced labourLeave the NDL website. Partial revision of the minimum age (industry) convention, 1919 (no. 5) : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Principes et droits fondamentaux au travail : traduire l'engagement en action : discussion récurrente en vertu de la Déclaration de l'OIT sur la justice sociale pour une mondialisation équitable et du suivi de la Déclaration de l'OIT relative aux principes et droits fondamentaux au travail : sixièm question à l'ordre du jourLeave the NDL website. Report on the reform of constitution of the governing body of the International Labour Office : first item on the agenda : International Labour Conference, Third session, Geneva, October, 1921Leave the NDL website. Maintenance of migrant workers' rights in social security (revision of convention no. 48) : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Report of the Director-General : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Revision of the placing of seamen convention, 1920 (No. 9) : third item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Occupational health services : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The role of the ILO in technical cooperationLeave the NDL website. The organisation of labour inspection in industrial and commercial undertakings : 4th item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Work in the fishing sector : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Time for equality at work : global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at workLeave the NDL website. Revision of the convention concerning statistics of wages and hours of work, 1938 (No. 63) : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Work in the fishing sector : fifth item on the agenda = Le travail dans le secteur de la pěche : cinquième question à l'ordre du jourLeave the NDL website. Workers' housingLeave the NDL website. Equality at work : tackling the challenges : global report under the follow-up to the ILO declaration on fundamental principles and rights at workLeave the NDL website. Vocational guidance : Fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Welfare facilities for workers : eighth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The regulation of hours of work on board ship : first item on the agenda : second discussionLeave the NDL website. Equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Equal opportunities and equal treatment for men and women workers, workers with family responsibilities : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Prevention of industrial disasters : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Maintenance of rights in course of acquisition and acquired rights under invalidity, old-age and widows' and orphans' insurance on behalf of workers who transfer their residence from one country to another : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Night work : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Safety and health and the working environment : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Improvement of conditions of life and work of tenants, share-croppers and similar categories of agricultural workersLeave the NDL website. Promoting employmentLeave the NDL website. Co-operation between public authorities and employers' and workers' organisations : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Labour clauses in public contracts : integrating the social dimension into procurement policies and practicesLeave the NDL website. The cost of coercion : global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at WorkLeave the NDL website. Reducing the decent work deficit : a global challengeLeave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Summary of reports on ratified conventions (Article 22 and 35 of the Constitution) : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendationsLeave the NDL website. Labour administration : role, functions, and organisation : International Labour Conference, 64th session, 1978 : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Draft programme and budget 1982-83 and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. Summary of reports on ratified conventions (Article 22 of the Constitution)Leave the NDL website. Organisation of occupational health services in places of employmentLeave the NDL website. Co-operation between employers and workers at the level of the undertaking : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The maintenance of high levels of employment during the period of industrial rehabilitation and reconversionLeave the NDL website. Substitution, in the provisions of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation relating to membership of the Governing Body, of the figures "forty-eight" and "twenty-four" for the figures "forty" and "twenty", and of figure "twelve" for the figure "ten" except in paragraph 2 of article 7 which shall provide for ten members of chief industrial importance and fourteen elected membersLeave the NDL website. Labour administration and labour inspection : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Freedom of association in practice : lessons learned : global report under the follow-up to the ILO declaration on fundamental principles and rights at workLeave the NDL website. Draft programme and budget 1996-97 and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. The role of the ILO in technical cooperation : promoting decent work through field and country programmes : International Labour Conference, 95th Session, 2006Leave the NDL website. Information concerning the programme and budget for 2000-01 and other financial and administrative questions : second item on the agenda : programme and budget proposals and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. Information and proposal concerning the programme and budget for 1980-81 and other financial and administrative questionsLeave the NDL website. Replies of the governments : ninth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Safety and health in mines : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Forced labourLeave the NDL website. Summary of reports on unratified conventions and on recommendations (Article 19 of the Constitution) : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendationsLeave the NDL website. Vocational rehabilitation and employment of disabled personsLeave the NDL website. Labour clauses in public contractsLeave the NDL website. Draft programme and budget 2004-05 and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. Hours of work in coal mines : item III on the agenda : enquiry into the lignite industry in Europe : survey of the replies of the governmentsLeave the NDL website. Structure of the ILOLeave the NDL website. Withdrawal of twenty recommendationsLeave the NDL website. Programme and Structure of the I.L.O.Leave the NDL website. Health, welfare and housing of workers : Summary of reports on selected recommendations (Article 19 of the Constitution)Leave the NDL website. Report on the disinfection of wool infected with anthrax spores : Item V of the agenda : International Labour Conference, Third session, Geneva, October 1921Leave the NDL website. Termination of employment : dismissal and lay-offLeave the NDL website. Information concerning the programme and budget for 1984-85 and other financial and administrative questionsLeave the NDL website. Maximum permissible weight to be carried by one workerLeave the NDL website. Information concerning the programme and budget for 2002-03 and other financial and administrative questions : second item on the agenda : programme and budget proposals and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. Safety and health in mines : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Continuous employment for seafarersLeave the NDL website. Protection of the health of workers in places of employment : eighth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Report of the Director-GeneralLeave the NDL website. The ILO, standard setting and globalization : report of the director-generalLeave the NDL website. Report on A. Age of employment as trimmers and stokers ; B. Compulsory medical examination of all children employed on board ship : item VIII(A) and (B) of the agendaLeave the NDL website. Information concerning the programme and budget for 1992-93 and other financial and administrative questionsLeave the NDL website. Employment and conditions of work and life of nursing personnel : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Consultation and co-operation between public authorities and employers' and workers' organisations at the industrial and national levelsLeave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work in coal mines : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Conditions of work in the fishing sector : a comprehensive standard (a Convention supplemented by a Recommendation) on work in the fishing sector : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Revision of the fee-charging employment agencies convention (revised), 1949 (No. 96) : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Draft agreement between the United Nations and the International Labour OrganisationLeave the NDL website. Substitution for article 35 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation of the proposals referred to the Conference by the Governing Body at its 157th sessionLeave the NDL website. Flag transfer in relation to social conditions and safetyLeave the NDL website. The protection of young seafarers : third item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Freedom of association and industrial relations : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Minimum wage fixing machinery and related problems, with special reference to developing countries : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Vocational training in agriculture : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Protection of children and young workers, first discussionLeave the NDL website. Youth : pathways to decent work : promoting youth employment, tackling the challengeLeave the NDL website. Night work : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Safety and health and the working environment : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Decent work for domestic workersLeave the NDL website. Human resources development: vocational guidance and vocational training : Eighth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Contents of ships' medicine chests and medical advice by radio to ships at seaLeave the NDL website. Reciprocal or international recognition of seafarers' national identity cardsLeave the NDL website. Labour and social implications of automation and other technological developments : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Safety in the use of asbestos : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Revision of the Plantations Convention (No. 110) and recommendations (No. 110), 1958 : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Director-general's introduction to the international labour conference : consolidating progress and moving ahesdLeave the NDL website. Workmen's compensation for occupational diseases : partial revision of the convention concerning workmen's compensation for occupational diseasesLeave the NDL website. Termination of employment at the initiative of the employer : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Contract labourLeave the NDL website. Forced labour : summary of reports on conventions Nos. 29 and 105 (article 19 of the constitution)Leave the NDL website. The employment relationship : fifth item on the agenda = La relation de travail : cinquième question à l'ordre du jourLeave the NDL website. Freedom of association and collective bargainningLeave the NDL website. Labour administrationLeave the NDL website. The scope of the employment relationship : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Revision of the fee-charging employment agencies convension, 1933Leave the NDL website. Report on the adaptation to agricultural labour of the Washington Decisions concerning the regulation of hours of work : item II of the agendaLeave the NDL website. Proposed conventionsLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the preparatory conference and proposed text : ninth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Protection of workers against radiationsLeave the NDL website. Hours of work on board ship and manning : item I (A and B) on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Eradication of forced labourLeave the NDL website. The protection of workers against ionising radiationsLeave the NDL website. Paid educational leave : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Partial revision of the hours of work (coal mines) convention, 1931 : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Engagement of seafarers through regularly established employment officesLeave the NDL website. Equal remuneration : summary of reports on unratified conventions and on recommendations (article 19 of the Constitution)Leave the NDL website. Penal sanctions for breaches of contract of employment : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Director's reportLeave the NDL website. Accelerating action against child labour : global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at WorkLeave the NDL website. Migrant workers (underdeveloped countries) : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Revision of the protection against accidents (dockers) convention (revised), 1932 (no. 32)Leave the NDL website. Maintenance of migrant workers' rights in social security (revision of convention no. 48) : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Action taken on the resolutions adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 40th to 46th sessionsLeave the NDL website. Organisation and working of national labour departmentsLeave the NDL website. Draft programme and budget for 2010-11 and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. The application of modern agricultural technology : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Social security : issues, challenges and prospectsLeave the NDL website. Objectives and advanced standards of social security : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Hours of work in coal mines : item III on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Industrial relations : forth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Social insuranceLeave the NDL website. LeaveLeave the NDL website. Hours of work : from fixed to flexible?Leave the NDL website. Report on the first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Hygiene in commerce and officesLeave the NDL website. Withdrawal of the hours of work (coal mines) convention, 1931 ; The hours of work (coal mines) convention (revised), 1935 ; The reduction of hours of work (public works) convention, 1936 ; The reduction of hours of work (textiles) convention, 1937 ; And the migration for employment convention, 1939Leave the NDL website. Evaluation of the International Programme for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Promotional framework for occupational safety and health : fourth item on the agenda = Cadre promotionnel pour la sécurité et la santé au travail : quatriéme question á l'ordre du jourLeave the NDL website. Minimum age : summary of reports on convention no. 138 and recommendation no. 146 : article 19 of the constitutionLeave the NDL website. Information document on ratifications and standards-related activities (as to 31 December 2008)Leave the NDL website. Freedom of association and protection of the right to organise : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Supplement to the blue report on invalidity, old-age and widows' and orphans' insurance : second item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Work in the fishing sector : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. General survey of the reports relating to the termination of employment recommendation, 1963 (no. 119) : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (articles 19, 22 and 35 of the constitution)Leave the NDL website. Proposed supplementary budget for 1976-77 and other financial and administrative questions : second item on the agenda : programme and budget proposals and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. Objectives and minimum standards of social security : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The regulation of certain special systems of recruiting workers : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Weekly rest in commerce and officesLeave the NDL website. Prevention of major industrial accidents : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Maternity protection at work : revision of the Maternity Protection Convention (revised), 1952(No. 103), and Recommendation, 1952(No. 95)Leave the NDL website. General survey of the reports relating to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (no. 29), and the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (no. 105)Leave the NDL website. Hours of work and rest periods in road transport : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Draft programme and budget 2006-07 and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. Jurisdiction over the suspension of officers' certificates of competencyLeave the NDL website. Recovery and employmentLeave the NDL website. Substitution, in the provisions of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation relating to membership of the Governing Body, of the figures "fifty-six", "twenty-eight", "eighteen" and "fourteen" for the figures "forty-eight" "twenty-four", "fourteen" and "twelve" : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Continuity of employment of seafarers : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Amendment of the list of occupational diseases appended to the employment injury benefits convention, 1964 (no. 121) : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The youth employment crisis : time for action : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments : fourth item on the agenda = Conditions de travail dans les hôtels, restaurants et établissements similaires : quatrième question à l'ordre du jourLeave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work in the textile industryLeave the NDL website. Partial revision of the convention concerning employment of women during the nightLeave the NDL website. Employment of women on underground work in mines of all kinds : second item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Methods of providing rest and alternation of shifts in automatic sheet-glass works : third item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Proposals concerning the financing of the programme and budget for 1974-75 and other financial and administrative questions : second item on the agenda, programme and budget proposals and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. Invalidity, old-age and widows' and orphans' insurance : second item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Holidays with pay in agricultureLeave the NDL website. Suite à donner à la Conférence mondiale de l'emploi : besoins essentiels : septième question à l'ordre du jourLeave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work in the chemical industry : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Freedom of association and procedures for determining conditions of employment in the public service : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Information concerning the programme and budget for 1986-87 and other financial and administrative questionsLeave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work in iron and steel works : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Report on a weekly suspension of work for 24 hours in glass-manufacturing processes where tank furnaces are used : item III on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Vocational training of adults, including disabled persons : ninth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Termination of employment at the initiative of the employer : eighth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Report on night work in bakeries : item IV on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Summary of session information concerning the submission to the competent authorities of the conventions and recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 32nd session (Geneva, 1949) (Article 19 of the Constitution)Leave the NDL website. Information and proposals concerning the financing of the programme and budget for 1978-79 and other financial and administrative questions : second item on the agenda : programme and budget proposals and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. Revision of the repatriation of seamen convention, 1926 (no. 23), and of the repatriation (ship masters and apprentices) reconmendation, 1926 (no. 27) : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Supplementary report on a weekly suspension of work for 24 hours in glass-manufacturing processes where tank furnaces are used : item III on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Safety and health in constructionLeave the NDL website. The role of co-operatives in the economic and social development of developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Employment promotion and social security : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Revision of the maternity protection convention 1919 (no. 3) : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Report on the second item on the agenda : communication to the International Labour Office of Statistical and other information regarding emigration and immigration and the repatriation and transit of emigrantsLeave the NDL website. Revision of the wages, hours of work and manning (sea) convention (revised), 1958 (No. 109), and recommendation, 1958 (No. 109) : second item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Discrimination in respect of employment and occupation : Summary of reports on unratified conventions and on recommendations (article 19 of the constitution)Leave the NDL website. Report on the adaptation to agricultural labour of the Washington Decisions concerning the protection of women and children : item III (B) of the agendaLeave the NDL website. General Survey concerning social security instruments in light of the 2008 Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendations : report of the committee of experts on the application of conventions and recommendations (articles 19, 22 and 35 of the constitution)Leave the NDL website. Holidays with pay in agriculture : eighth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Problems of non-manual workers : including technicians, supervisory staff, etcLeave the NDL website. Labour relations : present problems and future prospectsLeave the NDL website. Protection of wagesLeave the NDL website. Information concerning the programme and budget for 1990-91 and other financial and administrative questionsLeave the NDL website. Employment policyLeave the NDL website. Information concerning the programme and budget for 1998-99 and other financial and administrative questions : second item on the agenda : programme and budget proposals and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. Revision of conventions nos. 24 and 25 concerning sickness insurance : Sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Learning and training for work in the knowledge society : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Programme and budget proposals for 1984-85Leave the NDL website. Maternity protectionLeave the NDL website. Holidays with pay for seamen : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Employment policy : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Gender equality at the heart of decent workLeave the NDL website. Non-manual workers : problems and prospectsLeave the NDL website. Commentary on the replies of the governments and amended version of the texts proposed as a basis for discussionLeave the NDL website. Employment problems and policiesLeave the NDL website. Youth : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Dock work : social repercussions of new methods of cargo handlingLeave the NDL website. Report of the working party on structure : ninth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. General survey of the reports on the Paid Educational Leave Convention (no. 140) and Recommendation (no. 148), 1974, and the Human Resources Development Convention (no. 142), and Recommendation (no. 150), 1975Leave the NDL website. Older people : work and retirementLeave the NDL website. The end of child labour : within reach : global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work : International Labour Conference, 95th Session 2006Leave the NDL website. Control and prevention of occupational hazards caused by carcinogenic substances and agents : Fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Hours of work : eighth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Lists of ratifications by convention and by country, (as of 31 December 2000) : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of coneventions and recommendationsLeave the NDL website. Equality of opportunity and treatment for women workers : eighth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Termination of employment at the initiative of the employer : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Information and proposal concerning the programme and budget for 1982-83 and other financial and administrative questionsLeave the NDL website. Report on special measures for the protection of agricultural workers : item IV of the agenda : International Labour Conference, Third Session, Geneva, October 1921Leave the NDL website. Home work : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Seafarers' welfare at sea and inportLeave the NDL website. Vocational training of seafarers : Sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Revision of the form and arrangement of the standing orders of the conferenceLeave the NDL website. Partial revision of the convention (no. 4), concerning employment of women during the night (1919) and of the convention (no. 41), concerning employment of women during the night (revised 1934)Leave the NDL website. The employment of young persons in underground work in mines of all kindsLeave the NDL website. The minimum requirement of professional capacity in the case of captains, navigating and engineer officers in charge of watches on board merchant ships : fourth item on the agenda : second discussionLeave the NDL website. Supplementary report on night work in bakeries : item III on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Protection of workers' claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. General conditions to stimulate job creation in small and medium-sized enterprises : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Draft programme and budget 2000-01 and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. Women workers in a changing worldLeave the NDL website. The employment relationship : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. General survey on the reports relating to the discrimination (employment and occupation) convention and recommendation, 1958Leave the NDL website. Employment policies for social justice and a fair globalization : recurrent item report on employment, 2010 : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Health protection and medical care for seafarers : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Partial revision of the Indigenous and Tribal Populations Convention, 1957(No.107) : sixth item on the agendLeave the NDL website. Information concerning the programme and budget for 2004-05 and other financial and administrative questionsLeave the NDL website. Night work of women in industryLeave the NDL website. Lists of Ratifications by Convension and by countryLeave the NDL website. Fundamental principles and rights at work : from commitment to action : recurrent discussion under the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization and the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Safety provisions for workers in the building industry with reference to scaffolding and hoisting machinery : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Holidays with pay for seafarers : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Summary of reports (Articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution)Leave the NDL website. General survey of the reports relating to the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention (no. 102), 1952, the Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors' Benefits Convetion (no. 128) and Recommendation (no. 131), 1967, in so far as they apply to old-age benefitsLeave the NDL website. Vocational rehabilitation of the disabled : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Social security protection for seafarers including those serving in ships flying flags other than those of their own country : third item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Draft programme and budget 1984-85 and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. General survey of the reports relating to the Consultation (Industrial and National Levels) Recommendation, 1960 (no. 113)Leave the NDL website. General survey on the application of the Conventions on freedom of association, the right to organise and collective bargaining and the Conventions and Recommendation concerning Rural Workers' Organisations : report of the Committee of Experts on the application of Conventions and RecommendationsLeave the NDL website. Safety and health in mines : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Employment policy, with particular reference to the employment problems of developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Information concerning the programme and budget for 1994-95 and other financial and administrative questionsLeave the NDL website. Draft budget programme and budget proposals 1967 and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. The promotion of sustainable enterprises : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Hygiene in shops and officesLeave the NDL website. Fair wages clauses in public contractsLeave the NDL website. Promotional framework for occupational safety and health : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Policies and practices for the improvement of working conditions and working environment in EuropeLeave the NDL website. HIV/AIDS and the world of work : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Proposed declaration concerning the policy of "apartheid" of the Republic of South AfricaLeave the NDL website. Strengthening the ILO's capacity to assist its members' efforts to research its objectives in the context of globalization : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Child labourLeave the NDL website. Report of the Director-General : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Information concerning the programme and budget for 1996-97 and other financial and administrative questions : second item on the agenda : programme and budget proposals and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. Partial revision of the merchant shipping (minimum standards) convention, 1976 (No. 147) : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Promotion of rural employment for poverty reduction : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Conditions of work of fishermenLeave the NDL website. General survey of the reports on the Guarding of Machinery Convention (no. 119) and Recommendation (no. 118), 1963, and on the Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration) Convention (no. 148) and Recommendation (no. 156), 1977Leave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work in coal mines : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Proposed Convention concerning the Partial Revision of the Conventions Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at Its First Thirty-Two Sessions for the Purpose of Standardising the Provisions regarding the Preparation of Reports by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the Working of ConventionsLeave the NDL website. Entry, training and promotion of seafarersLeave the NDL website. Employment of women on underground work in mines of all kinds : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Forced labour : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Safety and health in agricultureLeave the NDL website. Termination of employment : summary of reports on recommendation no. 119 (article 19 of the constitution)Leave the NDL website. Revision of the convention concerning statistics of wages and hours of work, 1938 (No. 63) : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Recommendation no. 109, paragraph 2 : revision of the 1958 wage figures of £25 or US $70 to their present equivalent, having regard solely to the fall in value of money since 1958 : third item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Draft programme and budget 2002-03 and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. The protection of young workers employed underground in coal mines : ninth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Proposed international labour obligations in respect of non-self-governing territoriesLeave the NDL website. Current problems and trendsLeave the NDL website. Review of the follow-up to the 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. General survey of the reports relating to convention no. 144 and recommendation no. 152 : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations, articles 19, 22, and 35 of the ConstitutionLeave the NDL website. Hours of work on board ship and manningLeave the NDL website. Inclusion in the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation of a provision empowering the Conference to expel or suspend from membership any member which has been expelled or suspended from membership of the United Nations : Eleventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations, articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution : general report and observations concerning particular countriesLeave the NDL website. Special youth employment and training schemes for development purposesLeave the NDL website. Protection and integration of indigenous and other tribal and semi-tribal populations in independent countries : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Supplement to blue report on hours of work in coal mines : item II on the agendaLeave the NDL website. General conditions to stimulate job creation in small and medium-sized enterprises : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Minimum wage fixing machinery and related problems, with special reference to developing countries : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Lists of ratifications by convention and by country (as at 31 December 1991) : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of coneventions and recommendationsLeave the NDL website. Youth and workLeave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work with special reference to (a)Public works undertaken or subsidised by governments; (b)Iron and steel; (c)Building and contracting; (d)Glass bottle manufacture; (e)Coal mines : item on VI the agendaLeave the NDL website. Skills for improved productivity, employment growth and developmentLeave the NDL website. Organizing for social justice : Global Report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at WorkLeave the NDL website. Lists of ratifications by convention and by coutry, (as at 31 December 1999) : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of coneventions and recommendationsLeave the NDL website. General survey of the reports relating to two recommendation concerning social conditions of seafarers (nos. 107 and 108) : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (articles 19, 22 and 35 of the constitution)Leave the NDL website. List of ratifications of conventions : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendationsLeave the NDL website. Partial revision of the convention (no. 6), concerning the night work of young persons employed in industry (1919)Leave the NDL website. Protection of workers' claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Proposed consolidated maritime labour conventionLeave the NDL website. Working environment : atmospheric pollution, noise and vibration : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Application of the principles of the right to organise and to bargain collectively : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Recogntion of seafarers' organisationsLeave the NDL website. Accident prevention on board ship at sea and in port : Fifth item on the AgendaLeave the NDL website. Minimum wage fixing machinery in agriculture : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Protection and facilities afforded to workers' representatives in the undertakingLeave the NDL website. Fifth report of the Working Party of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the programme and structure of the I.L.OLeave the NDL website. The minimum wage-fixing machinery in agriculture : eighth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Holidays with pay weekly restLeave the NDL website. Industrial relations : application of the principles of the right to organise and to bargain collectively, collective agreements, conciliation and arbitration, and co-operation between public authorities and employers' and workers' organisations : eighth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Report on the adaptation to agricultural labour of the Washington Decisions concerning measures for the prevention of or providing against unemployment : item III (A) of the agendaLeave the NDL website. Holidays with pay : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The I.L.O. in changing world : report of the director-general to the 42nd session of the International Labour Conference, 1958 : twelfth report of the International Labour Organisation to the United NationsLeave the NDL website. General survey of the reports relating to the reduction of hours of work recommendation (no. 116), the weekly rest (industry) convention (no. 14), the weekly rest (commerce and offices) convention (no. 106) and recommendation (no. 103), and the holidays with pay convention (revised) (no. 132)Leave the NDL website. Living and working conditions of indigenous populations in independent countries : Eighth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Tripartite consultationLeave the NDL website. Reports on the application of conventions (Article 22 of the Constitution)Leave the NDL website. Protection of children and young workersLeave the NDL website. Adoption of an instrument to consolidate maritime labour standardsLeave the NDL website. ILO standards on occupational safety and health : promoting a safe and healthy working environmentLeave the NDL website. Promoting employment : policies, skills, enterprisesLeave the NDL website. The role of the ILO in technical co-operation : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Equality of treatment of nationals and non-nationals in social securityLeave the NDL website. Food and catering on board shipLeave the NDL website. Partial revision of the Indigenous and Tribal Populations Convention, 1957(No.107) : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Child labour : targeting the intolerable : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Holidays with pay : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Addendum to Grey-Blue report on reduction of hours of work : report of the tripartite preparatory conference : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Migrant workersLeave the NDL website. Part-time work : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Towards a fair deal for migrant workers in the global economy : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Occupational health services : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Training for employment : social inclusion, productivity and youth employment : human resources training and development : vocational guidance and vocational trainingLeave the NDL website. Maintenance of rights in social security : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Part-time work : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The role of private employment agencies in the functioning of labour markets : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Enquiry into the lignite industry in Europe : survey of the replies of the governmentsLeave the NDL website. General survey of the reports on the Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention (no. 147) and the Merchant Shipping (Improvement of Standards) Recommendation (no. 155), 1976Leave the NDL website. Extension of the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (no. 81), to activities in the non-commercial services sectorLeave the NDL website. Proposed supplementary budget for 1970-71 and other financial and administrative questions : second item on the agenda : programme and budget proposals and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. Substandard vessels, particularly those registered under flags of convenience : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Summary of information concerning the submission to the competent authorities of the conventions and recommendations adopted by the 31st session of the International Labour Conference (San Francisco, 1948) (Article 19 of the Constitution)Leave the NDL website. Report on prevention of major industrial accidents : item I on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Holidays with pay : second item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Work in the fishing sector : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Promotion of cooperativesLeave the NDL website. Establishment of tripartite machinery to improve the implementation of ILO standards : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Work in the fishing sector : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Draft programme and budget 1998-99 and other financial questionsLeave the NDL website. Minimum age for admission to employment : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (Articles 19 and 22 of the Constitution)Leave the NDL website. Vocational rehabilitation of the disabledLeave the NDL website. Revision of the labour inspection (seamen) recommendation, 1926 (No. 28) : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Summary of annual reports under article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour OrganisationLeave the NDL website. Collaboration between public authorities and employers' and workers' organisations at the industrial and national levelsLeave the NDL website. Information concerning the programme and budget for 2006-07 and other financial and administrative questionsLeave the NDL website. Labour problems in agriculture : general report : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. General survey on the reports relating to the employment policy convention and recommendation, 1964 : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (Articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution)Leave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work in the building and civil engineering industry : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Workers with family responsibilitiesLeave the NDL website. Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (Articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution)Leave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work on public works : underteken or subsidised by governments : third item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Promotion of collective bargaining : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Organisations of rural workers and their role in economic and social development : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Labour inspectionLeave the NDL website. Establishment of tripartite machinery to promote the implementation of international labour standards : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Summary of information relating to the submission to the competent authorities of conventions and recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference : Article 19 of the ConstitutionLeave the NDL website. Revision of conventions nos. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 concerning old-age, invalidity and survivors' pensionsLeave the NDL website. Migration for employmentLeave the NDL website. HIV/AIDS and the world of work : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Conditions of work in the fishing sector : the constituents' views : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Revision of the social policy (non-metropolitan territories) convention, 1947, by the elimination of the provisions which limit its application to non-metropolitan territoriesLeave the NDL website. Problems arising from technical developments and modernisation on board ship in connection with : (a) recruitment measures designed to match the sea-going employment likely to be available; (b) training and retraining for employment at sea; (c) the effects on the level of employment of seafarers, including measures to alleviate any resulting redundancy : Fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Agrarian reform, with particular reference to employment and social aspectsLeave the NDL website. Working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. ILO programme implementation 2000-01 : report of the Director-GeneralLeave the NDL website. Programme and budget proposals for 1988-89 : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Social aspects of industrialisation : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. General survey on the Application of Conventions on Freedom of Association and on the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (articles 19, 22, and 35 of the constitution)Leave the NDL website. Safety in the use of asbestos : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. General Survey concerning employment instrumentsLeave the NDL website. Information concerning the programme and budget for 1988-89 and other financial and administrative questionsLeave the NDL website. Reports of the conference delegation on constitutional questionsLeave the NDL website. Employment policy : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Holidays with pay : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The minimum age of admission to work underground in coal minesLeave the NDL website. Maternity protection at work : revision of the Maternity Protection Convention (revised), 1952(No. 103), and Recommendation, 1952(No. 95)Leave the NDL website. Partial revision of the minimum age (non-industrial employment) convention, 1932 (no. 33) : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Commentary on the replies of the governments and amended version of the texts proposed as a basis for discussionLeave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work : seventh item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Safety in the use of chemicals at work : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The age of admission of children to employment in non-industrial occupations : third item on the agenda : second discussionLeave the NDL website. Recovery and growth with decent work : report of the Director-GeneralLeave the NDL website. Lists of ratifications by convention and by country (as at 31 December 1997) : third item on the agenda, information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendationsLeave the NDL website. Reports on the application of conventions : article 22 of the ConstitutionLeave the NDL website. Recognition seafarers' organisationsLeave the NDL website. Report of the Director-General : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Rapport du Directeur GénéralLeave the NDL website. Food and CateringLeave the NDL website. Report of the Director-General : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Report of the director-general : First item on the agenda : International Labour Conference 32nd session, Geneva, 1949Leave the NDL website.

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Material Type
International Labour Conference
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International Labour Conference
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Related Material
Safety and health in construction : fourth item on the agenda
Substitution for the provisions of the convention (no. 41), concerning employment of women during the night (revised 1934) and of the convention (no. 6), concerning the night work of young persons employed in industry (1919) contained in the schedule to the convention (no. 83), concerning the application of international labour standards ...
Hours of work : ninth item on the agenda
Workers' housing : fifth item on the agenda
Contribution of the I.L.O. to the raising of incomes and living conditions in rural communities, with particular reference to countries in process of development
Draft programme and budget ... and other financial questions
Migrant workers : fifth item on the agenda
Control and prevention of occupational cancer : seventh item on the agenda
General revision of the Wages, Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Convention (revised), 1949 (no. 93)
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Partial revision of four conventions adopted by the 28th (maritime) session of the conference, Seattle, 1946
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Supplementary report on prevention of major industrial accidents : item I on the agenda
Labour inspection in agriculture
Consultation at the industrial and national levels : summary of reports on recommendations no. 113 (article 19 of the Constitution)
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Holidays with pay in agriculture : Fourth item on the agenda
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Crew accommodation on board ship
Migrant workers : summary of reports on conventions nos. 97 and 143 and recommendations nos. 86 and 151 (article 19 of the Constitution)
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The promotion of self-employment : seventh item on the agenda
Report on simplification of the inspection of emigrants on board ship
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Recommendations to the United Nations for present and post-war social policy
Social repercussions of new methods of cargo handling (docks) : fifth item on the agenda
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Reduction of hours of work
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Report on equality of treatment for national and foreign workers as regards workmen's compensation for accidents : item II on the agneda
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Wages, hours, manning
Recognition of seafarers' organisations : eighth item on the agenda
Promotional framework for occupational safety and health : fourth item on the agenda
Report of the Director-General : first item on the agenda
Employment policies in a global context : fifth item on the agenda
Vocational guidance
Decent work and the informal economy
The minimum wage-fixing machinery in agriculture : seventh item on the agenda
The I.L.O. and Human rights : report of the Director-General (part 1) to the International Labour Conference, fifty-second session, 1968
Giving globalization a human face
The world employment programme : fourth item on the agenda
Recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases and ILO list of occupational diseases
Reduction of hours of work : report of the tripartite preparatory conference : fifth item on the agenda
Equality in employment and occupation
Lists of ratifications by convention and by coutry, (as at 31 December 1995) : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of coneventions and recommendations
Promotional framework for occupational safety and health : fourth item on the agenda
Industrial relations : fifth item on the agenda
Maintenance of the rights in course of acquisition and the acquired rights of migrant workers under invalidity, old-age and widows' and orphans' insurance
Director-general's programme and budget proposals for 1990-91
Freedom of association and procedures for determining conditions of employment in the public service : seventh item on the agenda
Vocational training
Improved security of seafarers' identification
Partial revision of the convention concerning the protection against accidents of workers employed in loading or unloading ships : item IV on the agenda
Draft programme and budget 2008-09 and other financial questions
Protection against hazards arising from benzene : Sixth item on the agenda
General survey of the reports on the Labour inspection convention, no. 81 and recommendation, no. 81, the Labour inspection, mining and transport recommendation, no. 82 and the Labour inspection, agriculture convention, no. 129 and recommendation, no. 133 : report of the committee of Esperts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations, articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution
Safety provisions for workers in the building industry with reference to scaffolding and hoisting machinery : item VIII on the agenda
Work in the fishing sector : fourth item on the agenda = Le travail dans le secteur de la pěche : quatrième question à l'ordre du jour
Labour administration : role, functions and organisation : fifth item on the agenda
Report of the Director-General on developments in the maritime sector
Unemployment insurance and various forms of relief for the unemployed : second item on the agenda
General review of the reports of the Working Party on the Programme and Structure of the I.L.O. : submitted to the Conference by the Governing Body
Social security for seafarers
Safety in the use of chemicals at work : Fifth item on the agenda
The regulation of hours of work on board ship : item I on the agenda
Protection against unjustified dismissal
Lists of ratifications by convention and by country, (as of 31 December 2001) : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of coneventions and recommendations
La sécurité sociale pour la justice sociale et une mondialisation équitable : discussion récurrente sur la protection sociale (sécurité sociale) en vertu de la Déclaration de l'OIT sur la justice sociale pour une mondialisation équitable, 2011 : sixième question à l'ordre du jour
Report on the weekly rest-day in industrial and commercial employment : item VII of the agenda
Crew accommodation : second item on the agenda
Employment service organisation
Examination of grievances and communications within the undertaking
Financial and budgetary questions
General survey of the reports on the Equal Remuneration Convention (no. 100) and Recommendation (no. 90), 1951 : third item on the agenda, information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendations : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (articles 19, 22, and 35 of the constitution)
The relationship of the I.L.O. to other international bodies
ILO standards-related activities in the area of occupational safety and health : an in-depth study for discussion with a view to the elaboration of a plan of action for such activities : sixth item on the agenda
Proposal for an additional assessment in 1973, and other financial and administrative questions : Second item on the agenda: Programme and budget proposals and other financial questions
Privileges and immunities of the International Labour Organisation
General report
Hours of work in coal mines : item II on the agenda
Freedom of Association and collective bargaining : general survey
Reduction of hours of work in the textile industry : Item II on the agenda
Tripartite consultation at the national level on economic and social policy : sixth item on the agenda
Hours of work of salaried employees : item II on the agenda
Adjustment and human resources development : sixth item on the agenda
Inclusion in the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation of a provision empowering the Conference to suspend from participation in the International Labour Conference any member which has been found by the United Nations to be flagrantly and persistently pursuing by its legislation a declared policy of racial discrimination such as "apartheid." : Twelfth item on the agenda
Weekly rest in commerce and offices : seventh item on the agenda
A global alliance against forced labour : global report under the follow-up to the ILO declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work
Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (Articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution)
Safety and health in agriculture
Human resources development and training : fourth item on the agenda
Report of the working party on structure : eighth item on the agenda
Promotion of cooperatives
Rural employment promotion : seventh item on the agenda
Seafarers' welfare at sea and in port : Seventh item on the agenda
Strengthening the ILO's capacity to assist its member's efforts to reach its objectives in the context of globalization : continuation of the discussion on strengthening the ILO's capacity and possible consideration of an authoritative document, possibly in the form of a Declaration or any other suitable instrument, together with any appropriate follow-up, and the form they may take : sixth item on the agenda
Protection of wages
Lists of ratifications by convention and by country, (as of 31 December 2002) : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendations
Human resources development: vocational guidance and vocational training : sixth item on the agenda
General survey of the reports on the Equal Remuneration Convention (no. 100) and Recommendation (no. 90), 1951 : third item on the agenda, information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendations : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (articles 19, 22, and 35 of the constitution)
The Director-General's programme and budget proposals for 2004-05 : ninth item on the agenda
Equality in employment and occupation : general survey of the reports on the discrimination (employment and occupation) convention (no.111) and recommendation (no.111), 1958 : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (Articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution)
Fourth report of the Working Party of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the programme and structure of the I.L.O
Unemployment among young persons : third item on the agenda
Contract labour : sixth item on the agenda
Employment promotion and social security : fifth item on the agenda
General survey of the reports on the minimum wage-fixing machinery convention (no. 26) and recommendation (no. 30), 1928; the minimum wage fixing machinery (agriculture) convention (no. 99) and recommendation (no. 89), 1951; and the minimum wage fixing convention (no. 131) and recommendation (no. 135), 1970 : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (Articles 19, 22 and 35 of the constitution)
Draft programme and budget 1986-87 and other financial questions
Forced labour
Partial revision of the minimum age (industry) convention, 1919 (no. 5) : sixth item on the agenda
Principes et droits fondamentaux au travail : traduire l'engagement en action : discussion récurrente en vertu de la Déclaration de l'OIT sur la justice sociale pour une mondialisation équitable et du suivi de la Déclaration de l'OIT relative aux principes et droits fondamentaux au travail : sixièm question à l'ordre du jour
Report on the reform of constitution of the governing body of the International Labour Office : first item on the agenda : International Labour Conference, Third session, Geneva, October, 1921
Maintenance of migrant workers' rights in social security (revision of convention no. 48) : fourth item on the agenda
Report of the Director-General : first item on the agenda
Revision of the placing of seamen convention, 1920 (No. 9) : third item on the agenda
Occupational health services : fourth item on the agenda
The role of the ILO in technical cooperation
The organisation of labour inspection in industrial and commercial undertakings : 4th item on the agenda
Work in the fishing sector : fourth item on the agenda
Time for equality at work : global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work
Revision of the convention concerning statistics of wages and hours of work, 1938 (No. 63) : fifth item on the agenda
Work in the fishing sector : fifth item on the agenda = Le travail dans le secteur de la pěche : cinquième question à l'ordre du jour
Workers' housing
Equality at work : tackling the challenges : global report under the follow-up to the ILO declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work
Vocational guidance : Fifth item on the agenda
Welfare facilities for workers : eighth item on the agenda
The regulation of hours of work on board ship : first item on the agenda : second discussion
Equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value : seventh item on the agenda
Equal opportunities and equal treatment for men and women workers, workers with family responsibilities : fifth item on the agenda
Prevention of industrial disasters : fifth item on the agenda
Maintenance of rights in course of acquisition and acquired rights under invalidity, old-age and widows' and orphans' insurance on behalf of workers who transfer their residence from one country to another : first item on the agenda
Night work : fifth item on the agenda
Safety and health and the working environment : seventh item on the agenda
Improvement of conditions of life and work of tenants, share-croppers and similar categories of agricultural workers
Promoting employment
Co-operation between public authorities and employers' and workers' organisations : sixth item on the agenda
Labour clauses in public contracts : integrating the social dimension into procurement policies and practices
The cost of coercion : global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
Reducing the decent work deficit : a global challenge
Reduction of hours of work : fourth item on the agenda
Summary of reports on ratified conventions (Article 22 and 35 of the Constitution) : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendations
Labour administration : role, functions, and organisation : International Labour Conference, 64th session, 1978 : fourth item on the agenda
Draft programme and budget 1982-83 and other financial questions
Summary of reports on ratified conventions (Article 22 of the Constitution)
Organisation of occupational health services in places of employment
Co-operation between employers and workers at the level of the undertaking : sixth item on the agenda
The maintenance of high levels of employment during the period of industrial rehabilitation and reconversion
Substitution, in the provisions of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation relating to membership of the Governing Body, of the figures "forty-eight" and "twenty-four" for the figures "forty" and "twenty", and of figure "twelve" for the figure "ten" except in paragraph 2 of article 7 which shall provide for ten members of chief industrial importance and fourteen elected members
Labour administration and labour inspection : fifth item on the agenda
Freedom of association in practice : lessons learned : global report under the follow-up to the ILO declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work
Draft programme and budget 1996-97 and other financial questions
The role of the ILO in technical cooperation : promoting decent work through field and country programmes : International Labour Conference, 95th Session, 2006
Information concerning the programme and budget for 2000-01 and other financial and administrative questions : second item on the agenda : programme and budget proposals and other financial questions
Information and proposal concerning the programme and budget for 1980-81 and other financial and administrative questions
Replies of the governments : ninth item on the agenda
Safety and health in mines : fourth item on the agenda
Forced labour
Summary of reports on unratified conventions and on recommendations (Article 19 of the Constitution) : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendations
Vocational rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons
Labour clauses in public contracts
Draft programme and budget 2004-05 and other financial questions
Hours of work in coal mines : item III on the agenda : enquiry into the lignite industry in Europe : survey of the replies of the governments
Structure of the ILO
Withdrawal of twenty recommendations
Programme and Structure of the I.L.O.
Health, welfare and housing of workers : Summary of reports on selected recommendations (Article 19 of the Constitution)
Report on the disinfection of wool infected with anthrax spores : Item V of the agenda : International Labour Conference, Third session, Geneva, October 1921
Termination of employment : dismissal and lay-off
Information concerning the programme and budget for 1984-85 and other financial and administrative questions
Maximum permissible weight to be carried by one worker
Information concerning the programme and budget for 2002-03 and other financial and administrative questions : second item on the agenda : programme and budget proposals and other financial questions
Safety and health in mines : fourth item on the agenda
Continuous employment for seafarers
Protection of the health of workers in places of employment : eighth item on the agenda
Report of the Director-General
The ILO, standard setting and globalization : report of the director-general
Report on A. Age of employment as trimmers and stokers ; B. Compulsory medical examination of all children employed on board ship : item VIII(A) and (B) of the agenda
Information concerning the programme and budget for 1992-93 and other financial and administrative questions
Employment and conditions of work and life of nursing personnel : seventh item on the agenda
Consultation and co-operation between public authorities and employers' and workers' organisations at the industrial and national levels
Reduction of hours of work in coal mines : sixth item on the agenda
Conditions of work in the fishing sector : a comprehensive standard (a Convention supplemented by a Recommendation) on work in the fishing sector : fifth item on the agenda
Revision of the fee-charging employment agencies convention (revised), 1949 (No. 96) : fourth item on the agenda
Draft agreement between the United Nations and the International Labour Organisation
Substitution for article 35 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation of the proposals referred to the Conference by the Governing Body at its 157th session
Flag transfer in relation to social conditions and safety
The protection of young seafarers : third item on the agenda
Freedom of association and industrial relations : seventh item on the agenda
Minimum wage fixing machinery and related problems, with special reference to developing countries : fifth item on the agenda
Vocational training in agriculture : seventh item on the agenda
Protection of children and young workers, first discussion
Youth : pathways to decent work : promoting youth employment, tackling the challenge
Night work : fourth item on the agenda
Safety and health and the working environment : sixth item on the agenda
Decent work for domestic workers
Human resources development: vocational guidance and vocational training : Eighth item on the agenda
Contents of ships' medicine chests and medical advice by radio to ships at sea
Reciprocal or international recognition of seafarers' national identity cards
Labour and social implications of automation and other technological developments : sixth item on the agenda
Safety in the use of asbestos : sixth item on the agenda
Revision of the Plantations Convention (No. 110) and recommendations (No. 110), 1958 : seventh item on the agenda
Director-general's introduction to the international labour conference : consolidating progress and moving ahesd
Workmen's compensation for occupational diseases : partial revision of the convention concerning workmen's compensation for occupational diseases
Termination of employment at the initiative of the employer : fifth item on the agenda
Contract labour
Forced labour : summary of reports on conventions Nos. 29 and 105 (article 19 of the constitution)
The employment relationship : fifth item on the agenda = La relation de travail : cinquième question à l'ordre du jour
Freedom of association and collective bargainning
Labour administration
The scope of the employment relationship : fifth item on the agenda
Revision of the fee-charging employment agencies convension, 1933
Report on the adaptation to agricultural labour of the Washington Decisions concerning the regulation of hours of work : item II of the agenda
Proposed conventions
Proceedings of the preparatory conference and proposed text : ninth item on the agenda
Protection of workers against radiations
Hours of work on board ship and manning : item I (A and B) on the agenda
Eradication of forced labour
The protection of workers against ionising radiations
Paid educational leave : sixth item on the agenda
Working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments : fourth item on the agenda
Partial revision of the hours of work (coal mines) convention, 1931 : seventh item on the agenda
Engagement of seafarers through regularly established employment offices
Equal remuneration : summary of reports on unratified conventions and on recommendations (article 19 of the Constitution)
Penal sanctions for breaches of contract of employment : sixth item on the agenda
Director's report
Accelerating action against child labour : global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
Migrant workers (underdeveloped countries) : fifth item on the agenda
Revision of the protection against accidents (dockers) convention (revised), 1932 (no. 32)
Maintenance of migrant workers' rights in social security (revision of convention no. 48) : seventh item on the agenda
Action taken on the resolutions adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 40th to 46th sessions
Organisation and working of national labour departments
Draft programme and budget for 2010-11 and other financial questions
The application of modern agricultural technology : sixth item on the agenda
Social security : issues, challenges and prospects
Objectives and advanced standards of social security : fifth item on the agenda
Hours of work in coal mines : item III on the agenda
Industrial relations : forth item on the agenda
Social insurance
Hours of work : from fixed to flexible?
Report on the first item on the agenda
Hygiene in commerce and offices
Withdrawal of the hours of work (coal mines) convention, 1931 ; The hours of work (coal mines) convention (revised), 1935 ; The reduction of hours of work (public works) convention, 1936 ; The reduction of hours of work (textiles) convention, 1937 ; And the migration for employment convention, 1939
Evaluation of the International Programme for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment : seventh item on the agenda
Promotional framework for occupational safety and health : fourth item on the agenda = Cadre promotionnel pour la sécurité et la santé au travail : quatriéme question á l'ordre du jour
Minimum age : summary of reports on convention no. 138 and recommendation no. 146 : article 19 of the constitution
Information document on ratifications and standards-related activities (as to 31 December 2008)
Freedom of association and protection of the right to organise : seventh item on the agenda
Supplement to the blue report on invalidity, old-age and widows' and orphans' insurance : second item on the agenda
Work in the fishing sector : fourth item on the agenda
General survey of the reports relating to the termination of employment recommendation, 1963 (no. 119) : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (articles 19, 22 and 35 of the constitution)
Proposed supplementary budget for 1976-77 and other financial and administrative questions : second item on the agenda : programme and budget proposals and other financial questions
Objectives and minimum standards of social security : fourth item on the agenda
The regulation of certain special systems of recruiting workers : first item on the agenda
Weekly rest in commerce and offices
Prevention of major industrial accidents : fourth item on the agenda
Maternity protection at work : revision of the Maternity Protection Convention (revised), 1952(No. 103), and Recommendation, 1952(No. 95)
General survey of the reports relating to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (no. 29), and the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (no. 105)
Hours of work and rest periods in road transport : seventh item on the agenda
Draft programme and budget 2006-07 and other financial questions
Jurisdiction over the suspension of officers' certificates of competency
Recovery and employment
Substitution, in the provisions of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation relating to membership of the Governing Body, of the figures "fifty-six", "twenty-eight", "eighteen" and "fourteen" for the figures "forty-eight" "twenty-four", "fourteen" and "twelve" : seventh item on the agenda
Continuity of employment of seafarers : fourth item on the agenda
Amendment of the list of occupational diseases appended to the employment injury benefits convention, 1964 (no. 121) : seventh item on the agenda
The youth employment crisis : time for action : fifth item on the agenda
Working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments : fourth item on the agenda = Conditions de travail dans les hôtels, restaurants et établissements similaires : quatrième question à l'ordre du jour
Reduction of hours of work in the textile industry
Partial revision of the convention concerning employment of women during the night
Employment of women on underground work in mines of all kinds : second item on the agenda
Methods of providing rest and alternation of shifts in automatic sheet-glass works : third item on the agenda
Reduction of hours of work : seventh item on the agenda
Proposals concerning the financing of the programme and budget for 1974-75 and other financial and administrative questions : second item on the agenda, programme and budget proposals and other financial questions
Invalidity, old-age and widows' and orphans' insurance : second item on the agenda
Holidays with pay in agriculture
Suite à donner à la Conférence mondiale de l'emploi : besoins essentiels : septième question à l'ordre du jour
Reduction of hours of work in the chemical industry : fifth item on the agenda
Freedom of association and procedures for determining conditions of employment in the public service : fifth item on the agenda
Information concerning the programme and budget for 1986-87 and other financial and administrative questions
Reduction of hours of work in iron and steel works : fifth item on the agenda
Report on a weekly suspension of work for 24 hours in glass-manufacturing processes where tank furnaces are used : item III on the agenda
Vocational training of adults, including disabled persons : ninth item on the agenda
Termination of employment at the initiative of the employer : eighth item on the agenda
Report on night work in bakeries : item IV on the agenda
Summary of session information concerning the submission to the competent authorities of the conventions and recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 32nd session (Geneva, 1949) (Article 19 of the Constitution)
Information and proposals concerning the financing of the programme and budget for 1978-79 and other financial and administrative questions : second item on the agenda : programme and budget proposals and other financial questions
Revision of the repatriation of seamen convention, 1926 (no. 23), and of the repatriation (ship masters and apprentices) reconmendation, 1926 (no. 27) : fifth item on the agenda
Supplementary report on a weekly suspension of work for 24 hours in glass-manufacturing processes where tank furnaces are used : item III on the agenda
Safety and health in construction
The role of co-operatives in the economic and social development of developing countries
Employment promotion and social security : fourth item on the agenda
Revision of the maternity protection convention 1919 (no. 3) : seventh item on the agenda
Report on the second item on the agenda : communication to the International Labour Office of Statistical and other information regarding emigration and immigration and the repatriation and transit of emigrants
Revision of the wages, hours of work and manning (sea) convention (revised), 1958 (No. 109), and recommendation, 1958 (No. 109) : second item on the agenda
Discrimination in respect of employment and occupation : Summary of reports on unratified conventions and on recommendations (article 19 of the constitution)
Report on the adaptation to agricultural labour of the Washington Decisions concerning the protection of women and children : item III (B) of the agenda
General Survey concerning social security instruments in light of the 2008 Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendations : report of the committee of experts on the application of conventions and recommendations (articles 19, 22 and 35 of the constitution)
Holidays with pay in agriculture : eighth item on the agenda
Problems of non-manual workers : including technicians, supervisory staff, etc
Labour relations : present problems and future prospects
Protection of wages
Information concerning the programme and budget for 1990-91 and other financial and administrative questions
Employment policy
Information concerning the programme and budget for 1998-99 and other financial and administrative questions : second item on the agenda : programme and budget proposals and other financial questions
Revision of conventions nos. 24 and 25 concerning sickness insurance : Sixth item on the agenda
Learning and training for work in the knowledge society : fourth item on the agenda
Programme and budget proposals for 1984-85
Maternity protection
Holidays with pay for seamen : fifth item on the agenda
Employment policy : fourth item on the agenda
Gender equality at the heart of decent work
Non-manual workers : problems and prospects
Commentary on the replies of the governments and amended version of the texts proposed as a basis for discussion
Employment problems and policies
Youth : fifth item on the agenda
Dock work : social repercussions of new methods of cargo handling
Report of the working party on structure : ninth item on the agenda
General survey of the reports on the Paid Educational Leave Convention (no. 140) and Recommendation (no. 148), 1974, and the Human Resources Development Convention (no. 142), and Recommendation (no. 150), 1975
Older people : work and retirement
The end of child labour : within reach : global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work : International Labour Conference, 95th Session 2006
Control and prevention of occupational hazards caused by carcinogenic substances and agents : Fifth item on the agenda
Hours of work : eighth item on the agenda
Lists of ratifications by convention and by country, (as of 31 December 2000) : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of coneventions and recommendations
Equality of opportunity and treatment for women workers : eighth item on the agenda
Termination of employment at the initiative of the employer : fifth item on the agenda
Information and proposal concerning the programme and budget for 1982-83 and other financial and administrative questions
Report on special measures for the protection of agricultural workers : item IV of the agenda : International Labour Conference, Third Session, Geneva, October 1921
Home work : fourth item on the agenda
Seafarers' welfare at sea and inport
Vocational training of seafarers : Sixth item on the agenda
Revision of the form and arrangement of the standing orders of the conference
Partial revision of the convention (no. 4), concerning employment of women during the night (1919) and of the convention (no. 41), concerning employment of women during the night (revised 1934)
The employment of young persons in underground work in mines of all kinds
The minimum requirement of professional capacity in the case of captains, navigating and engineer officers in charge of watches on board merchant ships : fourth item on the agenda : second discussion
Supplementary report on night work in bakeries : item III on the agenda
Protection of workers' claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer : fourth item on the agenda
General conditions to stimulate job creation in small and medium-sized enterprises : fifth item on the agenda
Draft programme and budget 2000-01 and other financial questions
Women workers in a changing world
The employment relationship : fifth item on the agenda
General survey on the reports relating to the discrimination (employment and occupation) convention and recommendation, 1958
Employment policies for social justice and a fair globalization : recurrent item report on employment, 2010 : sixth item on the agenda
Health protection and medical care for seafarers : fourth item on the agenda
Partial revision of the Indigenous and Tribal Populations Convention, 1957(No.107) : sixth item on the agend
Information concerning the programme and budget for 2004-05 and other financial and administrative questions
Night work of women in industry
Lists of Ratifications by Convension and by country
Fundamental principles and rights at work : from commitment to action : recurrent discussion under the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization and the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work : sixth item on the agenda
Safety provisions for workers in the building industry with reference to scaffolding and hoisting machinery : first item on the agenda
Holidays with pay for seafarers : sixth item on the agenda
Summary of reports (Articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution)
General survey of the reports relating to the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention (no. 102), 1952, the Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors' Benefits Convetion (no. 128) and Recommendation (no. 131), 1967, in so far as they apply to old-age benefits
Vocational rehabilitation of the disabled : fourth item on the agenda
Social security protection for seafarers including those serving in ships flying flags other than those of their own country : third item on the agenda
Draft programme and budget 1984-85 and other financial questions
General survey of the reports relating to the Consultation (Industrial and National Levels) Recommendation, 1960 (no. 113)
General survey on the application of the Conventions on freedom of association, the right to organise and collective bargaining and the Conventions and Recommendation concerning Rural Workers' Organisations : report of the Committee of Experts on the application of Conventions and Recommendations
Safety and health in mines : fifth item on the agenda
Employment policy, with particular reference to the employment problems of developing countries
Information concerning the programme and budget for 1994-95 and other financial and administrative questions
Draft budget programme and budget proposals 1967 and other financial questions
The promotion of sustainable enterprises : sixth item on the agenda
Hygiene in shops and offices
Fair wages clauses in public contracts
Promotional framework for occupational safety and health : fourth item on the agenda
The promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises : sixth item on the agenda
Policies and practices for the improvement of working conditions and working environment in Europe
HIV/AIDS and the world of work : fifth item on the agenda
Proposed declaration concerning the policy of "apartheid" of the Republic of South Africa
Strengthening the ILO's capacity to assist its members' efforts to research its objectives in the context of globalization : fifth item on the agenda
Child labour
Report of the Director-General : first item on the agenda
Information concerning the programme and budget for 1996-97 and other financial and administrative questions : second item on the agenda : programme and budget proposals and other financial questions
Partial revision of the merchant shipping (minimum standards) convention, 1976 (No. 147) : fourth item on the agenda
Promotion of rural employment for poverty reduction : fourth item on the agenda
Conditions of work of fishermen
General survey of the reports on the Guarding of Machinery Convention (no. 119) and Recommendation (no. 118), 1963, and on the Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration) Convention (no. 148) and Recommendation (no. 156), 1977
Reduction of hours of work in coal mines : sixth item on the agenda
Proposed Convention concerning the Partial Revision of the Conventions Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at Its First Thirty-Two Sessions for the Purpose of Standardising the Provisions regarding the Preparation of Reports by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the Working of Conventions
Entry, training and promotion of seafarers
Employment of women on underground work in mines of all kinds : sixth item on the agenda
Forced labour : sixth item on the agenda
Safety and health in agriculture
Termination of employment : summary of reports on recommendation no. 119 (article 19 of the constitution)
Revision of the convention concerning statistics of wages and hours of work, 1938 (No. 63) : sixth item on the agenda
Recommendation no. 109, paragraph 2 : revision of the 1958 wage figures of £25 or US $70 to their present equivalent, having regard solely to the fall in value of money since 1958 : third item on the agenda
Draft programme and budget 2002-03 and other financial questions
The protection of young workers employed underground in coal mines : ninth item on the agenda
Proposed international labour obligations in respect of non-self-governing territories
Current problems and trends
Review of the follow-up to the 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work : seventh item on the agenda
General survey of the reports relating to convention no. 144 and recommendation no. 152 : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations, articles 19, 22, and 35 of the Constitution
Hours of work on board ship and manning
Inclusion in the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation of a provision empowering the Conference to expel or suspend from membership any member which has been expelled or suspended from membership of the United Nations : Eleventh item on the agenda
Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations, articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution : general report and observations concerning particular countries
Special youth employment and training schemes for development purposes
Protection and integration of indigenous and other tribal and semi-tribal populations in independent countries : sixth item on the agenda
Supplement to blue report on hours of work in coal mines : item II on the agenda
General conditions to stimulate job creation in small and medium-sized enterprises : fourth item on the agenda
Minimum wage fixing machinery and related problems, with special reference to developing countries : seventh item on the agenda
Lists of ratifications by convention and by country (as at 31 December 1991) : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of coneventions and recommendations
Youth and work
Reduction of hours of work with special reference to (a)Public works undertaken or subsidised by governments; (b)Iron and steel; (c)Building and contracting; (d)Glass bottle manufacture; (e)Coal mines : item on VI the agenda
Skills for improved productivity, employment growth and development
Organizing for social justice : Global Report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
Lists of ratifications by convention and by coutry, (as at 31 December 1999) : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of coneventions and recommendations
General survey of the reports relating to two recommendation concerning social conditions of seafarers (nos. 107 and 108) : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (articles 19, 22 and 35 of the constitution)
List of ratifications of conventions : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendations
Partial revision of the convention (no. 6), concerning the night work of young persons employed in industry (1919)
Protection of workers' claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer : fifth item on the agenda
Proposed consolidated maritime labour convention
Working environment : atmospheric pollution, noise and vibration : fourth item on the agenda
Application of the principles of the right to organise and to bargain collectively : fourth item on the agenda
Recogntion of seafarers' organisations
Accident prevention on board ship at sea and in port : Fifth item on the Agenda
Minimum wage fixing machinery in agriculture : seventh item on the agenda
Protection and facilities afforded to workers' representatives in the undertaking
Fifth report of the Working Party of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the programme and structure of the I.L.O
The minimum wage-fixing machinery in agriculture : eighth item on the agenda
Holidays with pay weekly rest
Industrial relations : application of the principles of the right to organise and to bargain collectively, collective agreements, conciliation and arbitration, and co-operation between public authorities and employers' and workers' organisations : eighth item on the agenda
Report on the adaptation to agricultural labour of the Washington Decisions concerning measures for the prevention of or providing against unemployment : item III (A) of the agenda
Holidays with pay : seventh item on the agenda
The I.L.O. in changing world : report of the director-general to the 42nd session of the International Labour Conference, 1958 : twelfth report of the International Labour Organisation to the United Nations
General survey of the reports relating to the reduction of hours of work recommendation (no. 116), the weekly rest (industry) convention (no. 14), the weekly rest (commerce and offices) convention (no. 106) and recommendation (no. 103), and the holidays with pay convention (revised) (no. 132)
Living and working conditions of indigenous populations in independent countries : Eighth item on the agenda
Tripartite consultation
Reports on the application of conventions (Article 22 of the Constitution)
Protection of children and young workers
Adoption of an instrument to consolidate maritime labour standards
ILO standards on occupational safety and health : promoting a safe and healthy working environment
Promoting employment : policies, skills, enterprises
The role of the ILO in technical co-operation : sixth item on the agenda
Equality of treatment of nationals and non-nationals in social security
Food and catering on board ship
Partial revision of the Indigenous and Tribal Populations Convention, 1957(No.107) : fourth item on the agenda
Child labour : targeting the intolerable : sixth item on the agenda
Holidays with pay : sixth item on the agenda
Addendum to Grey-Blue report on reduction of hours of work : report of the tripartite preparatory conference : fifth item on the agenda
Migrant workers
Part-time work : fifth item on the agenda
Towards a fair deal for migrant workers in the global economy : sixth item on the agenda
Occupational health services : fifth item on the agenda
Training for employment : social inclusion, productivity and youth employment : human resources training and development : vocational guidance and vocational training
Maintenance of rights in social security : fifth item on the agenda
Part-time work : fourth item on the agenda
The role of private employment agencies in the functioning of labour markets : sixth item on the agenda
Enquiry into the lignite industry in Europe : survey of the replies of the governments
General survey of the reports on the Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention (no. 147) and the Merchant Shipping (Improvement of Standards) Recommendation (no. 155), 1976
Extension of the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (no. 81), to activities in the non-commercial services sector
Proposed supplementary budget for 1970-71 and other financial and administrative questions : second item on the agenda : programme and budget proposals and other financial questions
Substandard vessels, particularly those registered under flags of convenience : fifth item on the agenda
Summary of information concerning the submission to the competent authorities of the conventions and recommendations adopted by the 31st session of the International Labour Conference (San Francisco, 1948) (Article 19 of the Constitution)
Report on prevention of major industrial accidents : item I on the agenda
Holidays with pay : second item on the agenda
Work in the fishing sector : fifth item on the agenda
Promotion of cooperatives
Establishment of tripartite machinery to improve the implementation of ILO standards : seventh item on the agenda
Work in the fishing sector : fifth item on the agenda
Draft programme and budget 1998-99 and other financial questions
Minimum age for admission to employment : fourth item on the agenda
Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (Articles 19 and 22 of the Constitution)
Vocational rehabilitation of the disabled
Revision of the labour inspection (seamen) recommendation, 1926 (No. 28) : first item on the agenda
Summary of annual reports under article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation
Collaboration between public authorities and employers' and workers' organisations at the industrial and national levels
Information concerning the programme and budget for 2006-07 and other financial and administrative questions
Labour problems in agriculture : general report : sixth item on the agenda
General survey on the reports relating to the employment policy convention and recommendation, 1964 : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (Articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution)
Reduction of hours of work in the building and civil engineering industry : fourth item on the agenda
Workers with family responsibilities
Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (Articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution)
Reduction of hours of work on public works : underteken or subsidised by governments : third item on the agenda
Promotion of collective bargaining : fourth item on the agenda
Organisations of rural workers and their role in economic and social development : fourth item on the agenda
Labour inspection
Establishment of tripartite machinery to promote the implementation of international labour standards : fourth item on the agenda
Summary of information relating to the submission to the competent authorities of conventions and recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference : Article 19 of the Constitution
Revision of conventions nos. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 concerning old-age, invalidity and survivors' pensions
Migration for employment
HIV/AIDS and the world of work : fourth item on the agenda
Conditions of work in the fishing sector : the constituents' views : fifth item on the agenda
Revision of the social policy (non-metropolitan territories) convention, 1947, by the elimination of the provisions which limit its application to non-metropolitan territories
Problems arising from technical developments and modernisation on board ship in connection with : (a) recruitment measures designed to match the sea-going employment likely to be available; (b) training and retraining for employment at sea; (c) the effects on the level of employment of seafarers, including measures to alleviate any resulting redundancy : Fourth item on the agenda
Agrarian reform, with particular reference to employment and social aspects
Working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments : sixth item on the agenda
ILO programme implementation 2000-01 : report of the Director-General
Programme and budget proposals for 1988-89 : fifth item on the agenda
Social aspects of industrialisation : seventh item on the agenda
Equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value : fifth item on the agenda
General survey on the Application of Conventions on Freedom of Association and on the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (articles 19, 22, and 35 of the constitution)
Safety in the use of asbestos : fourth item on the agenda
General Survey concerning employment instruments
Information concerning the programme and budget for 1988-89 and other financial and administrative questions
Reports of the conference delegation on constitutional questions
Employment policy : sixth item on the agenda
Holidays with pay : fifth item on the agenda
The minimum age of admission to work underground in coal mines
Maternity protection at work : revision of the Maternity Protection Convention (revised), 1952(No. 103), and Recommendation, 1952(No. 95)
Partial revision of the minimum age (non-industrial employment) convention, 1932 (no. 33) : seventh item on the agenda
Commentary on the replies of the governments and amended version of the texts proposed as a basis for discussion
Reduction of hours of work : seventh item on the agenda
Safety in the use of chemicals at work : sixth item on the agenda
The age of admission of children to employment in non-industrial occupations : third item on the agenda : second discussion
Recovery and growth with decent work : report of the Director-General
Lists of ratifications by convention and by country (as at 31 December 1997) : third item on the agenda, information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendations
Reports on the application of conventions : article 22 of the Constitution
Recognition seafarers' organisations
Report of the Director-General : first item on the agenda
Rapport du Directeur Général
Food and Catering
Report of the Director-General : first item on the agenda
Report of the director-general : First item on the agenda : International Labour Conference 32nd session, Geneva, 1949
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