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出版者(国文学研究資料館)の出版地変更: 立川 (2008年移転による)

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Leave the NDL website. 西先生論集 : 偶評Leave the NDL website. 新体詩研究Leave the NDL website. カルコ集Leave the NDL website. 開化一口ばなしLeave the NDL website. 国会開設之前後Leave the NDL website. 新体詩歌集Leave the NDL website. 現今英名百首Leave the NDL website. 鬼啾啾 : 虚無党実伝記Leave the NDL website. 明治青年文叢Leave the NDL website. 毒草Leave the NDL website. 冬楓月夕栄Leave the NDL website. 国民小説Leave the NDL website. 新体詞選 . 自由詞林Leave the NDL website. 由良の港千間長者Leave the NDL website. 西洋梅暦 : 欧洲小説Leave the NDL website. 笠松峠鬼人於松伝Leave the NDL website. 開化問答Leave the NDL website. 釈迦 : 劇詩Leave the NDL website. 郵便端書一寸用文Leave the NDL website. 一人娘Leave the NDL website. 恋娘昔八丈Leave the NDL website. 流離奇談 : 佳人才子Leave the NDL website. 己が罪の歌Leave the NDL website. 安愚楽鍋 : 牛店雑談Leave the NDL website. 滑稽笑談清仏船栗毛Leave the NDL website. 南無阿弥陀仏Leave the NDL website. 雲のちぎれLeave the NDL website. いちご姫Leave the NDL website. 開明小説四季の花籠Leave the NDL website. 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