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Publisher varies, report no. Mic 61-1375: 工学図書研究社, コウケン資料センター

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Sound insulation of wall, floor and door constructionsLeave the NDL website. The role of phase in adaptive image codingLeave the NDL website. The influence of failed rock on the mechanical behavior of underground excavationsLeave the NDL website. The effects of temperature on a fine-paticled consolidating soilLeave the NDL website. Some factors affecting the notch toughness of steel weld metalLeave the NDL website. Microwave diagnostics of inhomogeneous plasmasLeave the NDL website. Optimiaztion analysis for biological filter-designLeave the NDL website. An analysis of the structure and wear of grinding wheels by autoregressive-moving average modelsLeave the NDL website. Reverse osmosis of treated and untreated secondary sewage effluentLeave the NDL website. Behavior of granular materials under triaxial compression with pulsating deviator stressLeave the NDL website. Involute and non-involute conjugate spur gears : their load capacities based on maximum surface pressure, sliding velocity, and condition of lubricationLeave the NDL website. A study of the behavior of soil and rock subjected tohigh stress levelsLeave the NDL website. Spectral measurements and growth rates of wind-generated water wavesLeave the NDL website. Theory of water waves generated by a time-dependent boundary displacementLeave the NDL website. Theoretical and experimental investigation of parasitic loop counterpoise antennasLeave the NDL website. Investigation into shape and flatness in thin strip rollingLeave the NDL website. Analysis of stress distribution under embankments on soft foundationsLeave the NDL website. Development of a mathematical model for the simulation of flat-land watershed hydraulicsLeave the NDL website. Attenuation of wind-generated deep water waves by vertical jet breakwatersLeave the NDL website. Analysis and model studies of underground openings in jointed rock : research on rock bolt reinforcementLeave the NDL website. Numerical simulation of watershed hydrologyLeave the NDL website. Atomic-powered submarine design : from foreign press materialsLeave the NDL website. Introduction and results of initial phasesLeave the NDL website. Physical, legal and economic aspects of assessment of costs among drainage districts : legal phaseLeave the NDL website. Phenomenological theory of quasi-parallel turbulent shear flows : interim technical reportLeave the NDL website. A procedure for rapidly determining transpiration rates and epidermal permeabilities of fruitsLeave the NDL website. Active arching of sand during static loadingLeave the NDL website. Stochastic analysis of offshore tower structuresLeave the NDL website. Electromagnetic wave propagation in inhomogeneous magneto-plasmasLeave the NDL website. Multidimensional analysis of stress and strain in soilsLeave the NDL website. Mathematical research in target detection and identificationLeave the NDL website. Application of the matrix displacement method to the linear elastic analysis of shells of revolutionLeave the NDL website. Workability theory of materials in plastic deformation processesLeave the NDL website. A multivariate statistical model for estimating the numbers, sizes, and interfluvial distances of streams within a relatively homogeneous drainage areaLeave the NDL website. Elastic-plastic analysis and design of unbraced multi-story steel framesLeave the NDL website. Some aspects of flow-induced vibrations of hydraulic control gatesLeave the NDL website. Evaluation of factors affecting stream self-purificationLeave the NDL website. A Study of the interaction of cushioning meterials and structural elementsLeave the NDL website. A study of delayed cracking in HY-80 steel weldmentsLeave the NDL website. Investigation of a high-pressure foam wasterwater treatment processLeave the NDL website. A report on the application of the visioplasticity method to soft-soil mobility problemsLeave the NDL website. Normal incidence measurement of acoustic bottom constantsLeave the NDL website. Shock wave propagation in a dissipating lattice modelLeave the NDL website. An investigation of metal-cutting dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Collection and distribution systems : technical reviews of six baseline definitionsLeave the NDL website. The effect of compression ratio on the ability to burn lean fuelair mixtures in a spark-ignition engineLeave the NDL website. The mechanism of flame spreading over the surface of igniting condensed phase materialsLeave the NDL website. Crack propagation in low-cycle fatigue of mild steelLeave the NDL website. Extended surfaces in boiling liquidsLeave the NDL website. Chemical reinforcement of soils in airfield and road constructionLeave the NDL website. The Effect of a permeable sand bed on sediment motionLeave the NDL website. Some effects of thickness on the longitudinal characteristics of sharp-edged delta wings at low speedsLeave the NDL website. Compound mechanisms and distribution of plastic moments for total collapse of rigid multi-story framesLeave the NDL website. Studies of response to earthquake ground motionLeave the NDL website. Turbulent flow in wavy pipes/ by Sheng-Tien HsuLeave the NDL website. A Dispersion model for heated effluent from an ocean outfallLeave the NDL website. Investigation of mechanical sealsLeave the NDL website. Genetic information transfer in senescing apples during storageLeave the NDL website. Instaantaneeous unit hydrograph response by harmonic analysisLeave the NDL website. Ultrafiltratve dewatering of spent powdered carbonLeave the NDL website. Analysis and design of axisymmetric reinforcement around a circular hole in a thin flat plate by the finite element methodLeave the NDL website. Stabilization of silty soils in AlaskaLeave the NDL website. Land-use effects on flood peaksLeave the NDL website. Onshore-offshore sand transport on Del Monte Beach, CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. Effects of slope roughness on wave run-up on composite slopesLeave the NDL website. Optimality criteria in structural designLeave the NDL website. Investigation of the mechanism of surface ignition in internal combustion enginesLeave the NDL website. Approximate solutions for impulsively loaded elastic-plastic beamsLeave the NDL website. A study of shear in reinforced concrete beams subjected to a true uniform load and axial tensionLeave the NDL website. A Completion report on systems simulation for management of a total water resourceLeave the NDL website. Theory and implementation of fast fourier and hadamard transforms : interim technical report volume ILeave the NDL website. Flexure of a beam supported on an elastic foundationLeave the NDL website. An investigation of the early stages of sinteringLeave the NDL website. The quasi-permanent regime of rivers and the prediction of floodsLeave the NDL website. Corrosion by molten mixtures of sodium carbonate and vanadium pentoxideLeave the NDL website. The theory of wave refraction in shoaling water, including the effects of caustics and the spherical earthLeave the NDL website. Design of microstrip components by computerLeave the NDL website. Handbook of hardness dataLeave the NDL website. The technology of heat treatment of motor vehicle partsLeave the NDL website. Subsonic wind tunnel wall correctionsLeave the NDL website. A refraction study and program for periodic waves approaching a shoreline, and extending beyond the breaking pointLeave the NDL website. Effects of channel characteristics on time parameters for small watershed runoff hydrographsLeave the NDL website. The development of distribution procedure for the analysis of continuous rectangular platesLeave the NDL website. Stresses and displacements in noncircular rings under arbitrary circumferential loadLeave the NDL website. Plane strain consolidation by finite elementsLeave the NDL website. Analysis and synthesis of plate and shell type structuresLeave the NDL website. Electroslag meltingLeave the NDL website. Watershed thermal climates and water loss predictionLeave the NDL website. The noises of two-spur-gear transmissionsLeave the NDL website. Heat transfer and combustion-chamber deposits in a spak ignition engineLeave the NDL website. Dynamics of swash and implication to beach responseLeave the NDL website. Elastic and partially plastic instability of multi-story framesLeave the NDL website. Heat and mass transfer in onionsLeave the NDL website. A definition of organic soils : an engineering identificationLeave the NDL website. An effective stiffness theory for elastic wave propagation in filamentary composite materialsLeave the NDL website. Longshore sediment transport rates : a compilation of dataLeave the NDL website. Principles of radio navigationLeave the NDL website. Seismic response of soil deposits underlain by sloping rock boundariesLeave the NDL website. Use of epoxy or polyester resin concrete in tensile zone of composite concrete beamsLeave the NDL website. A systematic study of fatigue mechanisms in ironLeave the NDL website. Bed load function due to wave actionLeave the NDL website. Analysis of contact problems by means of an optimization techniqueLeave the NDL website. Simplification of integrated stormwater planning for modern multiple land use in urban and suburban developmentsLeave the NDL website. Stabilization of silty soils with portland cement and sodium sulfateLeave the NDL website. Influence of local geology on earthquake ground motionLeave the NDL website. Investigation of the behavior of vibration isolatorLeave the NDL website. Optimization of water resources systems by the gradient projection and the conjugate gradient methodsLeave the NDL website. Gas laser discharge noise and its effect on the laser outputLeave the NDL website. Stochastic analysis of hydrologic systemsLeave the NDL website. Viscous effects in inception and development of cavitation on axi-symmetric bodiesLeave the NDL website. Non-linear response of reinforced concrete spherical domes to air blast loadingLeave the NDL website. Soil surface characteristics and rainfall-runoff-moisture relationships on coastal plain soilsLeave the NDL website. Temperature and turbulance effects on the parameter delta in the stochastic model for bod and do in streamsLeave the NDL website. Hydraulic resistance in aluvial channelsLeave the NDL website. Technique of measuring initial deformation around an opening : analysis of two raise-bore testsLeave the NDL website. Synthesis of tooth profiles and gears for increased load capacity based upon Hertz surface pressure considering contact ratio and bending strengthLeave the NDL website. Response and energy-dissipation of reinforced concrete frames subjected to strong base motionsLeave the NDL website. A thermomechanical theory of composite materialsLeave the NDL website. A Non-dimensional approach to the flow of water in flumes and canalsLeave the NDL website. Stress and deflection analysis of mechanically fastened jointsLeave the NDL website. Runoff from forest and agricultural watersheds : surface waterLeave the NDL website. International Conference on Lubrication, ProceedingsLeave the NDL website. Elastic-plastic earthquake response of soil-building systemsLeave the NDL website. Flame stabilization in the boundary layer on a porous flat plateLeave the NDL website. Advancement of spur gear design technology : final reportLeave the NDL website. Maximum strength analysis of postbukled rectangular platesLeave the NDL website. Effects of monomolecular films on evaporative heat and mass transfer of waterLeave the NDL website. Review of failure mechanisms in highly loaded rolling and sliding contactsLeave the NDL website. Interaction of convection and radiation in axisymmetric and two dimensional stagnation point flowLeave the NDL website. Dynamic Analysis and Simulation of Hydraulic Control SystemsLeave the NDL website. Handbook of machanical properties of steels and alloys during plastic deformationLeave the NDL website. Vibration and wave propagation in cylindrical shellsLeave the NDL website. Integration of NASA-sponsored studies on aluminum weldingLeave the NDL website. Measured radiation patterns of full-scale high-gain HF array antennaLeave the NDL website. On the steady-state flow of sea iceLeave the NDL website. A study of the large-signal transient behavior of the P-N junction diodeLeave the NDL website. A three-dimensional theory of hot strip rollingLeave the NDL website. A high speed photographic study of cavitation bubble collapseLeave the NDL website. Probabilistic study of the behavior of structures during earthquakesLeave the NDL website. Steady state stress wave propagation in fiber-reinforced elastic materialsLeave the NDL website. Hydrologic model study of a frested and a cutover slopeLeave the NDL website. Locating and tracing seepage water in unstable slopes : research reportLeave the NDL website. Transient wave propagation in elastic composite materialsLeave the NDL website. Wind wavesLeave the NDL website. Electromagnetic wave propagation along a sinusoidally stratified dielectric slabLeave the NDL website. Diffusion welding in a vacuumLeave the NDL website. Imagery Compression/Transmission TechniquesLeave the NDL website. Final report : The Hydraulic filter level offset method for the feedback control of canal checksLeave the NDL website. Analysis of curved trusses in spaceLeave the NDL website. On the theory of linear servomechanismsLeave the NDL website. Designing of sea-going vesselsLeave the NDL website. Heat transfer during pneumatic transport of spray-dried food productsLeave the NDL website. Wave shoalingLeave the NDL website. Study of embankment settlement and stabilityLeave the NDL website. Choking of strut-ventilated foil cavitiesLeave the NDL website. Development of a strength design method for asphaltic concrete mixtures using a loading time-temperature superposition procedureLeave the NDL website. Development and application of a high speed camera for metallographic and crack propagation studiesLeave the NDL website. Estimation of first round and selected subsequent income effects of water resources invesmentLeave the NDL website. Wind loads on buildings and structuresLeave the NDL website. Stochastic processes applied to problems of viscoelasticityLeave the NDL website. Analysis of cohesive and frictional resistance of soil as related to the geometrical configuration of the particlesLeave the NDL website. Some reports on the state-of-the art in automation of modern merchant shippingLeave the NDL website. Strength and behavior of spirally prestressed concrete cylinders under eccentric loadingLeave the NDL website. A nonlinear numerical-hydrodynamic model of a mechanical water wave generatorLeave the NDL website. Air-to-undersea communication -- electromagnetic fields in the two media, caused by vertical and horizontal electronic dipoles in airLeave the NDL website. Hydraulic engineering structures in the light of tests with models = Budowle hydrotechniczne w świetle doświadczeń na modelachLeave the NDL website. On the breaking of waves arriving at an angle to the shoreLeave the NDL website. A definition of organic soils : an engineering identificationLeave the NDL website. Automobile exhaust emission modal analysis modelLeave the NDL website. A study of laboratory stress-deformation characteristics of soils under static loadingLeave the NDL website. Rock rippability study : final report, october 1969Leave the NDL website. Solutions of some plane thermal and crack problems for strain-hardening materialsLeave the NDL website. Laminar boundary layer separation in oscillating flowLeave the NDL website. The clay water system and the shearing resistance of claysLeave the NDL website. Development of standards for the measurement of vibratory motionLeave the NDL website. Principles of the theory automated air navigationLeave the NDL website. Oil and gas recovery and reservoir performance in relation to permeability variationLeave the NDL website. Analysis of continuous box girder bridgesLeave the NDL website. Aircraft VHF antenna for satellite communication testsLeave the NDL website. Fabrication of aluminum-graphite compositesLeave the NDL website. Development of carbon-aluminum composite materialsLeave the NDL website. Response of inelastic systems to ground shockLeave the NDL website. Numerical analyses of the mechanics of plastic deformation problemsLeave the NDL website. Effects of solidification variables on the structure of aluminum base ingotsLeave the NDL website. Displacement of laterally loaded structures in nonlinearly responsive soilLeave the NDL website. Optimum parameter selection for passive vibration isolation systems subject to random inputsLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals of gear lubrication for Department of the Navy, Bureau of AeronauticsLeave the NDL website. Response and failure of structures under stationary random excitationLeave the NDL website. Vibrations of space framed structuresLeave the NDL website. The nature of bond splitting in reinforced concreteLeave the NDL website. Experimental and analytical investigation of a mass-spring-damper system subjected to forced repetitive impactLeave the NDL website. Transformations of breaking wave characteristics over a submarine barLeave the NDL website. A numerical solution for the elastica problem of the slender rod initially curved and twistedLeave the NDL website. Supersonic turbulent flow reattachment downstream off a tho-dimensional backstepLeave the NDL website. Brittle behavior and crack propagation in asphaltic mixturesLeave the NDL website. A method for predictiong thermal response in sandwich panelsLeave the NDL website. Probability applications in soils engineeringLeave the NDL website. Lime and lime-fly ash soil stabilizationLeave the NDL website. Numerical solution of the two-dimentional stream and estuary problemLeave the NDL website. Estimation of dynamic characteristics of deep ocean tower structuresLeave the NDL website. Kalman filter with complementary constraint and integrated navigation systems applicationsLeave the NDL website. A theory of iterative machine arrays with some applicationsLeave the NDL website. An analysis of underwater acoustic backscatteringLeave the NDL website. Response of bilinear hardening systems to earthquake-like excitationLeave the NDL website. The analytical and experimental study of a simple girder slab bridge : Progress report : Study of effect of new vehicle weight law on structuresLeave the NDL website. An Activity analysis of nonstructural floodplain management alternativesLeave the NDL website. Thermal aspects of grindingLeave the NDL website. A flexibility method for large deflections of shellsLeave the NDL website. Electroosmotic pumpinbg for dewatering sewage sludgeLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear seismic response of earth structuresLeave the NDL website. On the dynamic characteristics of beams, plates and shellsLeave the NDL website. Granular carbon treatment of raw sewageLeave the NDL website. Research on II-VI compound semiconductorsLeave the NDL website. An investigation of the ultimate strength of reinforced concrete flat slab floorsLeave the NDL website. Some applications of a digital computer to hydraulic engineering problemsLeave the NDL website. Riveted and bolted structural jointsLeave the NDL website. Deformation processing of stainless steelLeave the NDL website. Propagation of Plane Waves in Anisotropic Micropolar Elastic Media with Applications to Composite MaterialsLeave the NDL website. A study of shearing resistance in asphaltic concreteLeave the NDL website. First quarterly progress report, 1 July 1960-30 Septmber 1960Leave the NDL website. Water waves generated by horizontal motion of a vertical wallLeave the NDL website. Turbulence measurements with inclined hot-wiresLeave the NDL website. A computer program to estimate the combined effect of refraction and diffraction of water wavesLeave the NDL website. Underwater sound scatter study final reportLeave the NDL website. Investigation of the distribution of tensile and bending stresses in notched flat barsLeave the NDL website. An investigation of thermal-mechanical fragmentation of rock : annual technical report, June 1972Leave the NDL website. Response of simple inelastic systems to ground motionsLeave the NDL website. Approximate theories for solutions of thick beam and plate problemsLeave the NDL website. The pressure dependence of laminar burning velocityLeave the NDL website. Steady-state heat and moisture transfer in an unsaturated soilLeave the NDL website. Using rate equations and numerical techniques to predict metallurgical structures formed during arc weldingLeave the NDL website. Theoretical and experimental study of wave enhancement and runup on uniformly sloping impermeable beachesLeave the NDL website. Feasibility study large-scale earthquake simulator facilityLeave the NDL website. A study of the effect of the viscosity of asphalt on the rheological properties of bituminous mixturesLeave the NDL website. Bending strength of asphaltic concreteLeave the NDL website. Spectral development of wind-generated water waves in a laboratory facilityLeave the NDL website. Sound insulation of wall and floor constructionsLeave the NDL website. Propagation of pressure waves in two-phase mediaLeave the NDL website. Sequential decision procedures with prespecified error probabilities and their applicationsLeave the NDL website. Characterization of avalanche transit-time diodesLeave the NDL website. Protective metallic and oxide coatings, metal corrosion and electrochemistryLeave the NDL website. Behavior of portal-frame knee connections under static and dynamic loadingLeave the NDL website. Optimizing conjunctive use of groundwater and surface waterLeave the NDL website. Stability of slopes with seepageLeave the NDL website. Investigation of the grinding processLeave the NDL website. Large deflections of elastic beams and plates using the finite element methodLeave the NDL website. Tactical jungle communications study : interim reportLeave the NDL website. Control of nitrogen oxide emissions from diesel engines : A theoretical analysisLeave the NDL website. The simulation of lightning discharges to buried communication cable as an aid to cable designLeave the NDL website. Statistical prediction of wave-induced responses in deep-ocean tower structuresLeave the NDL website. A nonlinear problem in surface water wavesLeave the NDL website. Product strengthening by plastic deformationLeave the NDL website. Application of pore pressure measurements to shear strength of cohesive soilsLeave the NDL website. Interaction diagrams for dynamic loading in suspension bridge designLeave the NDL website. Transportation technology distribution system for a high density urban area ; a baseline definitionLeave the NDL website. Stabilization of alluvial channels : surface waterLeave the NDL website. Scattering and radiation of water wavesLeave the NDL website. Effects of areal and time distribution of rainfall on small watershed runoff hydrographsLeave the NDL website. Integrated silicon device technologyLeave the NDL website. Plastic design in high strength steelLeave the NDL website. Inelastic stability of rectangular steel framesLeave the NDL website. Dynamic mechanical properties of materials for noise and vibration controlLeave the NDL website. Bibliography of experimental rock deformationLeave the NDL website. Theoretical and experimental studies of the heating front in a deep bed hydroscopic productLeave the NDL website. Similitude of dynamically loaded buried structuresLeave the NDL website. The strength of braced multi-story steel framesLeave the NDL website. The use of nomography in the solution of beam-column problemsLeave the NDL website. A modal solution of the microstrip transmission lineLeave the NDL website. Application of techniques of statistical communication theory in underwater acousticsLeave the NDL website. Two-dimentional analysis of stress and strain in soils report 2 development of plastic zone beneath a footingLeave the NDL website. Structure of drawn polymersLeave the NDL website. A photographic investigation of bubble nucleation characteristicsLeave the NDL website. Integration of NASA-sponsored studies on aluminum weldingLeave the NDL website. Research study on cold drawing phenomena in high polymersLeave the NDL website. Solidification and thermo-mechanical processing of aluminum ingotsLeave the NDL website.

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ベイコク セイフ ケンキュウ ブンケン シリーズ
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Publisher varies, report no. Mic 61-1375: 工学図書研究社, コウケン資料センター
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Microwave diagnostics of inhomogeneous plasmas
Optimiaztion analysis for biological filter-design
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Soil surface characteristics and rainfall-runoff-moisture relationships on coastal plain soils
Temperature and turbulance effects on the parameter delta in the stochastic model for bod and do in streams
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Locating and tracing seepage water in unstable slopes : research report
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Final report : The Hydraulic filter level offset method for the feedback control of canal checks
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On the theory of linear servomechanisms
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Heat transfer during pneumatic transport of spray-dried food products
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Development of a strength design method for asphaltic concrete mixtures using a loading time-temperature superposition procedure
Development and application of a high speed camera for metallographic and crack propagation studies
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Some reports on the state-of-the art in automation of modern merchant shipping
Strength and behavior of spirally prestressed concrete cylinders under eccentric loading
A nonlinear numerical-hydrodynamic model of a mechanical water wave generator
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On the breaking of waves arriving at an angle to the shore
A definition of organic soils : an engineering identification
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Experimental and analytical investigation of a mass-spring-damper system subjected to forced repetitive impact
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A numerical solution for the elastica problem of the slender rod initially curved and twisted
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Brittle behavior and crack propagation in asphaltic mixtures
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A theory of iterative machine arrays with some applications
An analysis of underwater acoustic backscattering
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An Activity analysis of nonstructural floodplain management alternatives
Thermal aspects of grinding
A flexibility method for large deflections of shells
Electroosmotic pumpinbg for dewatering sewage sludge
Nonlinear seismic response of earth structures
On the dynamic characteristics of beams, plates and shells
Granular carbon treatment of raw sewage
Research on II-VI compound semiconductors
An investigation of the ultimate strength of reinforced concrete flat slab floors
Some applications of a digital computer to hydraulic engineering problems
Riveted and bolted structural joints
Deformation processing of stainless steel
Propagation of Plane Waves in Anisotropic Micropolar Elastic Media with Applications to Composite Materials
A study of shearing resistance in asphaltic concrete
First quarterly progress report, 1 July 1960-30 Septmber 1960
Water waves generated by horizontal motion of a vertical wall
Turbulence measurements with inclined hot-wires
A computer program to estimate the combined effect of refraction and diffraction of water waves
Underwater sound scatter study final report
Investigation of the distribution of tensile and bending stresses in notched flat bars
An investigation of thermal-mechanical fragmentation of rock : annual technical report, June 1972
Response of simple inelastic systems to ground motions
Approximate theories for solutions of thick beam and plate problems
The pressure dependence of laminar burning velocity
Steady-state heat and moisture transfer in an unsaturated soil
Using rate equations and numerical techniques to predict metallurgical structures formed during arc welding
Theoretical and experimental study of wave enhancement and runup on uniformly sloping impermeable beaches
Feasibility study large-scale earthquake simulator facility
A study of the effect of the viscosity of asphalt on the rheological properties of bituminous mixtures
Bending strength of asphaltic concrete
Spectral development of wind-generated water waves in a laboratory facility
Sound insulation of wall and floor constructions
Propagation of pressure waves in two-phase media
Sequential decision procedures with prespecified error probabilities and their applications
Characterization of avalanche transit-time diodes
Protective metallic and oxide coatings, metal corrosion and electrochemistry
Behavior of portal-frame knee connections under static and dynamic loading
Optimizing conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water
Stability of slopes with seepage
Investigation of the grinding process
Large deflections of elastic beams and plates using the finite element method
Tactical jungle communications study : interim report
Control of nitrogen oxide emissions from diesel engines : A theoretical analysis
The simulation of lightning discharges to buried communication cable as an aid to cable design
Statistical prediction of wave-induced responses in deep-ocean tower structures
A nonlinear problem in surface water waves
Product strengthening by plastic deformation
Application of pore pressure measurements to shear strength of cohesive soils
Interaction diagrams for dynamic loading in suspension bridge design
Transportation technology distribution system for a high density urban area ; a baseline definition
Stabilization of alluvial channels : surface water
Scattering and radiation of water waves
Effects of areal and time distribution of rainfall on small watershed runoff hydrographs
Integrated silicon device technology
Plastic design in high strength steel
Inelastic stability of rectangular steel frames
Dynamic mechanical properties of materials for noise and vibration control
Bibliography of experimental rock deformation
Theoretical and experimental studies of the heating front in a deep bed hydroscopic product
Similitude of dynamically loaded buried structures
The strength of braced multi-story steel frames
The use of nomography in the solution of beam-column problems
A modal solution of the microstrip transmission line
Application of techniques of statistical communication theory in underwater acoustics
Two-dimentional analysis of stress and strain in soils report 2 development of plastic zone beneath a footing
Structure of drawn polymers
A photographic investigation of bubble nucleation characteristics
Integration of NASA-sponsored studies on aluminum welding
Research study on cold drawing phenomena in high polymers
Solidification and thermo-mechanical processing of aluminum ingots
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research