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蔚山中山洞古墳群Leave the NDL website. 蔚山西沙里278遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 機張南山烽燧臺 : 2次發掘調査Leave the NDL website. 蔚山雲化里古墳群Leave the NDL website. 蔚山山下洞180-3遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山盤淵里가막못遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 慶州牟梁里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山仁甫里285遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山茶雲洞구루미遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 機張山城Leave the NDL website. 蔚山校洞里456遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山泉谷洞가재골遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山龍里・禾亭里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山中山洞藥水遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 慶州光明洞山81-1遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山山下洞遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山弓根亭里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山聖安洞遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 浦項金壯里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山兵營城Leave the NDL website. 梁山周津洞 진등 遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山兵營城鎮海樓Leave the NDL website. 蔚山한지골遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山 茶雲洞 새각단遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山中山洞542遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山盤松里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山新泉洞519遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山常安洞遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山羅士里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山校洞里水南遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山屯基里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山禾山里温谷遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山太和洞遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山鳴村里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山川前里진현・압골遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山新亭洞遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山泗淵里늠네遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 釜山栢吉里・蓮龜里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山梅岩洞170遺蹟 . 蔚山梅岩洞259-1遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山香山里青龍遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山明山里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山望陽里・徳新里吾山遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山逹川遺蹟3次發掘調査Leave the NDL website. 蔚山平里425-9遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山中山洞139遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山泉谷洞굼마을遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 釜山佳洞貝塚Leave the NDL website. 蔚山中山洞547-1遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山徳下里못뒷골遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山芳基里286遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山渭陽里417-1遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山大垈里中垈遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山華亭洞遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山渭陽里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 機張鳴禮里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山藥泗洞393・蔣峴洞53遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山直洞里335-1遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 貞陵齋室Leave the NDL website. 蔚山屈火里長劍遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山青松寺址기와가마遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山新華里412-5遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山九秀里大岩遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山加川里山22-4遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山仙岩洞遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山盤松里山37-6遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山寶隱里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山上蓮岩遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山大安里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山外光里貴旨遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山立岩里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山高蓮里山76-3遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山藥泗洞861遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山徳峴里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山聖安洞5-1遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山鉢里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山中山洞798-2遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山上次里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 범서굴화오수중계펌프장건설부지내蔚山栢川遺蹟發掘調査報告書Leave the NDL website. 蔚山三亭里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山川上里平川遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山鶴城洞144-1遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山大垈里山13-4遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山通川里 못산遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山蔣峴洞41-5遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山校洞里73-2遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山朱田洞증마을古墳群Leave the NDL website. 蔚山夫谷洞112-1遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山梅谷洞遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山山前里쇠골遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山象川里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山孝門洞竹田谷遺蹟lll-2地區Leave the NDL website. 蔚山玉洞遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山直洞里1132-25遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山中山洞山96遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山仁甫里반답들遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山泉谷洞山138-2遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山孝門洞栗洞遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山山下洞山陰遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山校洞里192-37遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山常安洞545遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山校洞里104遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山茶雲洞436-5遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山立岩里48-10遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山新峴洞黄土田遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山山前里479-1遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山東川里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山逹川遺蹟 : 1次發掘調査Leave the NDL website. 蔚山梅谷洞新基遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山孝門洞竹田谷遺蹟・蔚山孝門洞遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 釜山回東洞・石坮洞遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山屈火里생기들遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山蓮岩洞山城遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山虎渓洞28-1遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 機張鳴禮里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山大安里505-45遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 梁山周津洞55-15遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山新泉洞583遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山盤松里山388-1遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 서울공예박물관 건립부지 내 유적 문화재 발굴조사 보고서 : 安洞別宮Leave the NDL website. 蔚山早日里65-3遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山象川里941-4遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山亭子洞山36-6遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 機張鳴禮里遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山 校洞里 遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 蔚山加川里古墳群Leave the NDL website. 蔚山華亭川内烽燧臺Leave the NDL website. 蔚山於音里205-2遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 機長校理161遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 漆谷錦山里515遺蹟Leave the NDL website. 石槨墓Leave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • 蔚山中山洞古墳群

  • 蔚山西沙里278遺蹟

  • 機張南山烽燧臺 : 2次發掘調査

  • 蔚山雲化里古墳群

  • 蔚山山下洞180-3遺蹟

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울산 문화재 연구원 학술 조사 보고
蔚山文化財研究院 學術調査報告
Research report of antiquities
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