
Orientalia rheno-traiectina

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Orientalia rheno-traiectina

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Gonda, J. (Jan)ほか
E.J. Brill
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"Ediderunt J. Gonda et H.W. Obbink"--Vol. 13

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Dattilam : a compendium of ancient Indian music : introduction, translation and commentaryLeave the NDL website. The Indra hymns of the ṚgvedaLeave the NDL website. Prajāpati's rise to higher rankLeave the NDL website. Jaiminīya Brāhmaṇa I, 1-65 : translation and commentary, with a study agnihotra and prāṇāgnihotraLeave the NDL website. BhaṭṭikāvyamLeave the NDL website. The Mādhavanidāna and its chief commentary, chapters 1-10Leave the NDL website. The Vedic morning litany : (Prātaranuvāka)Leave the NDL website. Prayer and blessing : ancient Indian ritual terminologyLeave the NDL website. The Kubjikāmatatantra : Kulālikāmnāya versionLeave the NDL website. Sanskrit drama : its origin and declineLeave the NDL website. Mantra interpretation in the Śatapatha-BrāhmaṇaLeave the NDL website. La place de la particule négative na dans la phrase en vieil IndienLeave the NDL website. The paccekabuddha : a Buddhist ascetic : a study of the concept of the paccekabuddha in Pāli canonical and commentarial literatureLeave the NDL website. Worship of the goddess according to the KālikāpurāṇaLeave the NDL website. Epigraphical hybrid Sanskrit : its rise, spread, characteristics and relationship to Buddhist hybrid SanskritLeave the NDL website. Lakṣmī Tantra : a Pāñcarātra textLeave the NDL website. Rudrakavi's great poem of the dynasty of Rāṣṭrauḍha : cantos 1-13 and 18-20Leave the NDL website. The nominal sentence in Sanskrit and Middle Indo-AryanLeave the NDL website. The Ṣaṭsāhasra saṃhitā : chapters 1-5Leave the NDL website. Histoire des FrancsLeave the NDL website. The Jyotiṣṭoma ritual : Jaiminīya Brāhmaṇa I, 66-364Leave the NDL website. Sraoša in the Zoroastrian traditionLeave the NDL website. The daily evening and morning offering (Agnihotra) according to the BrāhmaṇasLeave the NDL website. Sureśvara's Taittirīyopaniṣad- BhāṣyavārtikamLeave the NDL website. Budhasvāmin's Br̥hatkathāślokasaṃgraha : a literary study of an ancient Indian narrativeLeave the NDL website. Sureśvara's Taittirīyopaniṣad- BhāṣyavārtikamLeave the NDL website. A linguistic study of Bundeli : a dialect of MadhyadēśaLeave the NDL website. The functions and significance of gold in the VedaLeave the NDL website. The Scythian period : an approach to the history, art, epigraphy and palaeography of North India from the 1st century B.C. to the 3rd century A.DLeave the NDL website. Remarks on the Sanskrit passiveLeave the NDL website. Vālmīki's SanskritLeave the NDL website. The Vedic god MitraLeave the NDL website. Ritual songs and folksongs of the Hindus of SurinamLeave the NDL website. Rice and barley offerings in the VedaLeave the NDL website. The Rāgas of SomanāthaLeave the NDL website. Remarks on similes in Sanskrit literatureLeave the NDL website. The linguistic position of south-western New GuineaLeave the NDL website. The medium in the ṚgvedaLeave the NDL website.

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Note (General)
"Ediderunt J. Gonda et H.W. Obbink"--Vol. 13
Related Material
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The Indra hymns of the Ṛgveda
Prajāpati's rise to higher rank
Jaiminīya Brāhmaṇa I, 1-65 : translation and commentary, with a study agnihotra and prāṇāgnihotra
The Mādhavanidāna and its chief commentary, chapters 1-10
The Vedic morning litany : (Prātaranuvāka)
Prayer and blessing : ancient Indian ritual terminology
The Kubjikāmatatantra : Kulālikāmnāya version
Sanskrit drama : its origin and decline
Mantra interpretation in the Śatapatha-Brāhmaṇa
La place de la particule négative na dans la phrase en vieil Indien
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Worship of the goddess according to the Kālikāpurāṇa
Epigraphical hybrid Sanskrit : its rise, spread, characteristics and relationship to Buddhist hybrid Sanskrit
Lakṣmī Tantra : a Pāñcarātra text
Rudrakavi's great poem of the dynasty of Rāṣṭrauḍha : cantos 1-13 and 18-20
The nominal sentence in Sanskrit and Middle Indo-Aryan
The Ṣaṭsāhasra saṃhitā : chapters 1-5
Histoire des Francs
The Jyotiṣṭoma ritual : Jaiminīya Brāhmaṇa I, 66-364
Sraoša in the Zoroastrian tradition
The daily evening and morning offering (Agnihotra) according to the Brāhmaṇas
Sureśvara's Taittirīyopaniṣad- Bhāṣyavārtikam
Budhasvāmin's Br̥hatkathāślokasaṃgraha : a literary study of an ancient Indian narrative
Sureśvara's Taittirīyopaniṣad- Bhāṣyavārtikam
A linguistic study of Bundeli : a dialect of Madhyadēśa
The functions and significance of gold in the Veda
The Scythian period : an approach to the history, art, epigraphy and palaeography of North India from the 1st century B.C. to the 3rd century A.D
Remarks on the Sanskrit passive
Vālmīki's Sanskrit
The Vedic god Mitra
Ritual songs and folksongs of the Hindus of Surinam
Rice and barley offerings in the Veda
The Rāgas of Somanātha
Remarks on similes in Sanskrit literature
The linguistic position of south-western New Guinea
The medium in the Ṛgveda
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