
Acta Bibliothecae R. Universitatis Upsaliensis

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Acta Bibliothecae R. Universitatis Upsaliensis

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Publisher varies: Uppsala Universitet

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Nomina polonica et svetica = en polsk-sven paronymordlista : i original och avskriftLeave the NDL website. Hogenskild Bielke's Library : a catalogue of the famous 16th century private collectionLeave the NDL website. Torgny T. Segerstedts tryckta skrifter : förteckningLeave the NDL website. Litteratur om Uppsala universitetsbibliotek och dess samlingar : bibliografisk förteckningLeave the NDL website. University library problems : proceedings of a Symposium in Library Science on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the Uppsala University Library together with the programme and speeches at the jubilee celebrationLeave the NDL website. Lexicon slavonicumLeave the NDL website. Catalogue of the Persian manuscripts in Uppsala University LibraryLeave the NDL website. University library problems : proceedings of a symposium in library science on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the Uppsala University Library together with the programme and speeches at the jubilee celebrationLeave the NDL website. Polonica vetera Upsaliensia : catalogue des imprimés polonais ou concernant la Pologne des XVe, XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles conservés à la Bibliothèque de l'Université Royale d'UpsalaLeave the NDL website. Manuscripta mediaevalia Upsaliensia : übersicht über die C-Sammlung der Universitätsbibliothek UppsalaLeave the NDL website. The rise and fall of New Sweden : Governor Johan Risingh's journal 1654-1655 in its historical contextLeave the NDL website. Bibliografi över svensk musiklitteratur 1800-1945Leave the NDL website. Catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts in the Hellmut Ritter Microfilm Collection of the Uppsala University Library, including later accessionsLeave the NDL website. Bibliotheca Walleriana : the books illustrating the history of medicine and science collected by Dr. Erik Waller and bequeathed to the Library of the Royal University of Uppsala : a catalogueLeave the NDL website. Seventeen texts on literature and mysticism : in Persian and ArabicLeave the NDL website. Handritade kartor över Finland i Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek = Uppsalan Yliopiston Kirjaston piirretyt Suomen kartatLeave the NDL website. Serving the scholarly community : essays on tradition and change in research libraries : presented to Thomas Tottie on July 3rd, 1995Leave the NDL website. A history of non-printed science : a select catalogue of the Waller CollectionLeave the NDL website. Twenty philosophical-mystical texts : in Persian and ArabicLeave the NDL website. Johan Gabriel Sparwenfeld and the Lexicon Slavonicum : his contribution to 17th century Slavonic lexicographyLeave the NDL website. Katalog über die äthiopischen Handschriften in der Universitätsbibliothek Uppsala : sowie Anhänge über äthiopische Handschriften in anderen Bibliotheken und in Privatbesitz in SchwedenLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Nomina polonica et svetica = en polsk-sven paronymordlista : i original och avskrift

  • Hogenskild Bielke's Library : a catalogue of the famous 16th century private collection

  • Torgny T. Segerstedts tryckta skrifter : förteckning

  • Litteratur om Uppsala universitetsbibliotek och dess samlingar : bibliografisk förteckning

  • University library problems : proceedings of a Symposium in Library Science on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the Uppsala University Library together with the programme and speeches at the jubilee celebration

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Publisher varies: Uppsala Universitet
Related Material
Nomina polonica et svetica = en polsk-sven paronymordlista : i original och avskrift
Hogenskild Bielke's Library : a catalogue of the famous 16th century private collection
Torgny T. Segerstedts tryckta skrifter : förteckning
Litteratur om Uppsala universitetsbibliotek och dess samlingar : bibliografisk förteckning
University library problems : proceedings of a Symposium in Library Science on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the Uppsala University Library together with the programme and speeches at the jubilee celebration
Lexicon slavonicum
Catalogue of the Persian manuscripts in Uppsala University Library
University library problems : proceedings of a symposium in library science on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the Uppsala University Library together with the programme and speeches at the jubilee celebration
Polonica vetera Upsaliensia : catalogue des imprimés polonais ou concernant la Pologne des XVe, XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles conservés à la Bibliothèque de l'Université Royale d'Upsala
Manuscripta mediaevalia Upsaliensia : übersicht über die C-Sammlung der Universitätsbibliothek Uppsala
The rise and fall of New Sweden : Governor Johan Risingh's journal 1654-1655 in its historical context
Bibliografi över svensk musiklitteratur 1800-1945
Catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts in the Hellmut Ritter Microfilm Collection of the Uppsala University Library, including later accessions
Bibliotheca Walleriana : the books illustrating the history of medicine and science collected by Dr. Erik Waller and bequeathed to the Library of the Royal University of Uppsala : a catalogue
Seventeen texts on literature and mysticism : in Persian and Arabic
Handritade kartor över Finland i Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek = Uppsalan Yliopiston Kirjaston piirretyt Suomen kartat
Serving the scholarly community : essays on tradition and change in research libraries : presented to Thomas Tottie on July 3rd, 1995
A history of non-printed science : a select catalogue of the Waller Collection
Twenty philosophical-mystical texts : in Persian and Arabic
Johan Gabriel Sparwenfeld and the Lexicon Slavonicum : his contribution to 17th century Slavonic lexicography
Katalog über die äthiopischen Handschriften in der Universitätsbibliothek Uppsala : sowie Anhänge über äthiopische Handschriften in anderen Bibliotheken und in Privatbesitz in Schweden
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