Alternative Titleཁམས་གསུམ་ཆོས་ཀྱི་རྒྱལ་པོ་ཙོང་ཁ་པ་ཆེན་པོའི་གསུང་འབུམ
The collected works of (gsuṅ ʾbum) Rje Rin-po-che
Tsoṅ-kha-pa : collected works
The collected works (gsuṅ 'bum) of Rje Tsoṅ-kha-pa Blo-bzaṅ-grags-pa
Khams gsum chos kyi rgyal po tsong kha pa chen po'i gsung 'bum
Note (General)Text in Tibetan; pref. in English
"Reproduced from an example of the old Bkra-śis-lhun-po redaction from the library of Klu ʾkhyil Monastery of Ladhakh by Ngawang Gelek Demo."
V. 1. contains biographical materials, beginning with Mkhas-grub-rje's "Haven of Faith", including various esoteric biographies, the record of his studies, and a number of short works by Tsong Khapa himself -- v. 2. contains a number of works on ethics, starting with the commentaryton the "Shila" chapter of the "Bodhisattvabhumi", including some important works on the "Vinaya" --v. 3. collects most of the shorter works, eulogies, poems, essays, letters and prayers -- v. 4.- 5. contain the masterful synthesis of the stages of practice of the Vajrayana, the "Great Stages of the Path of Secret Mantra" --v. 6.-7. contain the super-commentary on Candrakirti's "Clear Lamp", the definitive commentary on Nagarjuna's "Five Stages", the manual on the perfection stage of the "Guhya Samaja Tantra" -- v. 8.-10. contain a number of commentaries and expositions of the major works and practices in the "Guhya Samaja" literature and cult
V. 11. contains the famous independent exposition of the perfection stage of the "Guhya Samaja" practice, the "Extremely Brilliant Lamp of the Five Stages" -- v. 12. contains shorter manuals of practice of the "Guhya Samaja", derived from the oral traditions, as well as the important commentary on the "Six Yogas of Naropa" -- v. 15.-18. contain espositions of the Gandapa system of "Samvara", the "Naro Dakini", the "Vajrabhairava" or "Yamantaka" Tantras, the "Kalacakra", "Acala" and "Hevajra" Tantras, as well as numerous short "sadhanas" of other Tantric deities -- v. 19.-20. contain the master-work teaching the complete path to enlightenment, the "Great Stages of the Path of Enlightenment" -- v. 21. contains the medium "Stages of the Path of Enlightenment", as well as the ultimate philosophical treatise, the famous "Differentiation of the Interpretable and the Definitive" -- v. 22. contains a number of short works on Madhyamika, "Prajnaparamita", and "Pramanika" philosophy
V. 23. contains the super-commentary on Nagarjuna's "Wisdom, the Basic Middle Way Stanzas", known as "Ocean of Philosophy" -- v. 24. contains the super-commentary on Candrakirti's "Introduction to the Middle Way", called the "Lucid Thought" -- v. 25.-27. contain the super-commentary on Maitreya's "Ornament of Realization", the "Golden Rasary of Eloquent Elucidation", v. 27. also containing a number of shorter philosophical works on Vijnanavada and Madhyamika thought
Related MaterialGedan sungrab minyam gyunphel series
Periodical TitleGedan sungrab minyam gyunphel series
Data Provider (Database)国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NCID : BA14878221